Demikids Light Version GBA FAQ/Walkthrough November 11th 2003 Version 0.6 (Final) By: Family GuyX (If you have contributions you wish to make, or report errors etc. Send to the above with Demikids Light FAQ as the subject.) -------------------\ Version History | -------------------/ 31st October 2003 0.3 Added Hermit to Hydraville. 8th November 2003 0.4 Added up to Hueyville 9th November 2003 0.5 Added up to the end and the defeat of the Imperial forces, long live the rebels. Going to add recruiting guide. 11th November 2003 0.6 (Final) Added Recruiting guide and completed game from start to finish using my guide, it looks ok, but I did indicate left instead of right at some parts. I have not included Annwn, think of it as a personal challenge from me. This was my first guide and they do take along time to complete. If you have any thing you want to add to the guide or mistakes to report just e-mail me. ----------------------\ Table of Contents: | ----------------------/ 1) Intro 2) Basics/Controls 3) Fusing 4) Battles 5) Items 6) Walkthrough A: Video Arcade, October 200X Rem City B: Rem Elementary school C: Valhalla Time Tower D: Fanda Plains E: Hermit F: Foggy Marsh G: Lair Area H: Rebels Lair I: Duvegas Trial J: Hydraville K: Hydra Mine L: Inferno Pit M: Rem N: Hueyville O: Windgate/Galin Plains P: Centre Town Q: Dark Palace R: Frostville S: Ice Temple T: Dem?s Past U: Lord Lights Temple V: Valhalla W: Avalon/Rainy Woods X: Tynanog 7) Codes/Resources 8) A Rough Guide to Demons 9) Recruiting Tips 10) Credits 11) Copyright 12) Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) ---------\ 1) Intro | ---------/ Light and Dark mark the passage of time, one fades into another forming an eternal cycle, a circle of life. (Within the Time Tower) Shin: Get Going Amy, if you stay here, they may find you. Amy: You're probably right. Shin: At this rate, we'll never stop Imperius. Amy: Without the Powers of both Light and Dark, Valhalla is doomed. Shin: Yeah. Right now, we're fighting a losing battle. Amy: I'd better go... (Within Space and Time) Dark to Light and back again, such is Life Norn: I am Norn. The keeper of fate... Destiny's Guide... Your Destiny calls you But before you decide what path you take... You will require a name. (Stick with Jin or Akira or you could call yourself Imperius) Norn: Jin an interesting name, I suppose you're ready. Beyond this door your destiny awaits... Dark and light... together shape eternity. Within are many paths, one of which is yours... ----------------------\ 2) Basics/Controls | ----------------------/ Start: Accesses your Vinecom Unit Select: Accesses your map, if you have purchased it. A: Use this command to talk to people or examine objects B: Press this to talk to you partner or get need advice on what to do next, check once in a while as he will explain his different abilities. R: Use this to ride your partner, after pressing R move to yes and press A. This is also used in conjunction with L when scrolling in you Vinecom. L: Used in conjunction with L when scrolling in you Vinecom. -----------\ 3) Fusing | -----------/ If I tried to do this section it would simply be repeating (irrimn), so if you want to fuse look at this guide, it is very good and concise. -----------\ 4) Battles | -----------/ Battle Net and Battles \ -----------------------/ Battle Attack General attack that can inflict alot of damage, as your partner/demon gets a higher level these will inflict more damage than most of the skills/magic that are learned, however this won't happen unless you have spent alot of time levelling up your demon, Magic/Skill These are special attacks, which are learned by you partner or monster, especially useful when facing up to three enemies at once since some can target all enemies at once. Defend Defend yourself against an attack. Item Attack, Support and recover items can be access here. It is very important that you remember to heal your partner because if he loses your entire part also loses and gets transported back to the nearest inn. Summon If you partner/demon is low on HP then you can also summon a higher-level demon or any conscious demons already summoned from the Vinecom Centre. Auto This is a very useful tool during the game, especially in demon-infested areas, select auto from the options and then battle. This will save time but I find it better not to use auto since it makes the game slightly easier. Recruit Tell a demon under your control to attempt recruiting an enemy demon in battle, does not work on BattleNet. Combo These are only available to King Class Demons and can only be used on the BattleNet. Run If you want to run away from battle either because you are low on HP or tired of battling select this but it won't always work. Status Check the HP/MP of yourself and demons, check their powers, Exp etc. -----------\ 5) Items | -----------/ Once you get an item, you can access its description, so there is really no need for a detailed section and an Energy Pill could only have one purpose, the same as a Big Wing is probably a power move. -------------------\ 6) Walkthrough | -------------------/ A: Video Arcade, October 200X Rem City \ ---------------------------------------/ As Jin you begin the game in the video Arcade, this is your first chance to learn how to battle. Section 4 summarises basic Battle Net and general attacking controls. After you have beaten you Battle Net Opponent? Jin: Well that wasn?t too bad... Lena: Jin! Not BattleNet again... Jin: Hey, Lena! What can I say? On BattleNet my demons are unbeatable! Anyway what's up? Lena: I found something very strange at school... Something that may interest our little group! Jin: What'd you find? Lena: I'll fill you in when everybody's together. Jin: O.K. sounds good to me, if that?s the case, lets head for school. B: Rem Elementary school \ -------------------------/ Jin: C'mon, Lena! Hurry up! Akira's probably still in class, Lets check and see. This is your first chance to explore your surroundings, working from the far left of the screen, the first door leads you to two adults the first who tells you to stay away from the mall and second who informs you that there are demon labs in the Mall, although this won't help until later on. (If look in the far right locker Jin will find a Demontonic) Your next stop is the second door from the left where if you look is the left-hand cabinet you will find Ointment and a Revive Orb. Also while still in Rem Elementary school the nurse will heal your party at any time free of charge. On the opposite side of the corridor ignore the first door for now and the second. The second door contains nothing so head to the final door on the very right of the screen. In the library there is also nothing of value for now but inspect the book on the table and you will read words on demons that don't make sense for now, Also is you speak to Akira's sister she'll say she has not seen you in a long time. Now its time to go back to the door we ignored; Teacher: That's all for Today. Remember your homework! Teacher: If it isn't Jin! I'm surprised you still know how to get here... Lena: I think he likes you Jin: Yeah, Sure. C'mon... Let's find Akira (Akira Come out of Classroom) Akira: Jin! Lena! What's up? Jin: Hi Akira! We need to talk. Lena says she's found something strange. Lena: That's right. I found... a book about demons in the school library! Jin: You're kidding!? A book about demons!?" Lena: I knew it! The minute I mention anything about demons... Jin's eyes light up! I was in the library... looking for a book. That's when I stumbled upon it. You won't believe what's in it! It's got a real spell for summoning a demon! Jin: The Library... "You're telling me this book's in the library!? Geez, Akira! A book about demons! Let's check it out! (Amy also appears, coming out of the classroom) Amy: Did I just hear you talking about summoning demons? Jin: Whoa! Who's this? Akira: Her name's Amy. She's new in the school Amy: Did I hear you right? You want to summon demons? Lena: Well, why not? Have you ever seen one? If I had a chance I'd take it in a second! That's what our little group is all about... Challenging the unknown! If you're interested, you're welcome to join us!" Amy: ... ... ... ..., ... ... ... ..., sounds like fun... Count me in!" Lena: Great! Jin, Akira... See you in the library. Don't be late! Otherwise I might just summon a demon myself. C'mon, Amy! Let's go! Akira: You go ahead Jin... I'll catch up later. At this point is you try to go upstairs or outside Rem Elementary you will be told the floor is being mopped or that they are going to the Mall later. It is now time to go back to the library, that?s the room to the far right Lena: What?s Weird, I know it was on that shelf back there. Jin would you take a look. Now examine using the A button the far right alcove on the last shelf right on the upper wall and... Lena: That?s strange, it was on that shelf just a while ago. Lena: Akira... I... Jin: Akira the Demon book is gone! C'mon Lets find it! Akira: Really? O.K. Let's look around and Jin, make sure you look everywhere. If you search the shelf now you will find a voodoo Doll and Love Charm, to continue talk to Akira who is near the strange book you found earlier. Akira: This isn?t the book but Jin there's something interesting written here. Akira: It's not around here. Jin, we should look around more. Jin: Darn it! It's gotta be around here somewhere! Akira: Hey! Maybe its... ... ... ... ... Akira finds the demon book. Akira: Jin, I found it! Jin: Way to go, Akira let me have a look? (Jin grabs the book) Jin: "Nex, a wolf-like demon that protects the underworld" Lena: Jin is glued to hat book... He gets that way when it comes to demons. Amy: ... ... ... ... Jin: Wow, is this for real. Akira, look here! This shows you how to summon a demon! Akira: No Kidding!? Jin... Wanna give it a try? Lena: This is so cool! Exciting, too! Amy: Are you thinking about summoning demons? ... ... ... ... You need special powers for that. ... ... ... ... If you have those powers that would mean... Jin: Powers? What powers!? Let?s just try it anyway. Amy: ... ... ... ... There's danger in summoning demons... A summoned demon might attack you." Akira: A demon attack? If that happens, we'll just have to fight. Jin, we're ready. Let's try the spell! (The two boys chant the words to summon a demon) Akira/Jin: KEYAGA KA LIKAHI REF ACHIMI MIYA... We call you to appear before us... NOW!" Lena: What the...!? Something just flashed! Amy: Be careful everyone! Something?s coming! (Gargoyle appears) Gargoyle: Gargoyle is my name. Who dares to summon me from my home? Could it be you... you pitiful... HUMANS! I come all this way from Valhalla to find myself summoned by kids!? Jin: Wow! A real demon! Lena: No kidding! This is unbelievable. Akira: Watch out! Jin! I think Amy might've been right! Amy: Gargoyle from Valhalla!? That's a demon of the Imperium! Why is it here!? Gargoyle: "Well if it isn't Amy! Fleeing Valhalla and hiding here! I wondered where you'd disappeared to... but here you are. You saved me a lot of trouble by summoning me." And now, you?re mine! Jin: That demon! It?s after Amy! Lena Stop! Stay back!!! Lena: Listen up, big 'n ugly! You've got yourself a serious attitude problem! If you think you can simply drop in and attack us, think again!" Gargoyle: "You annoying brat! If you're seeking to anger me... you've succeeded! Come here, you're mine!" (Gargoyle shakes Lena around and pulls her next to him) Lena: Hey! What's your problem!? Let me go! I said, let me go! Gargoyle: Amy! If you want this brat to live... You'll return with me to Valhalla! Amy: Lena! Akira: Jin... We've got to help Lena! Jin: Darn! What are we supposed to do!? Amy: Akira! Jin! Take these! Use them against the demon! Hurry! (Amy hands Akira and Jin Demilocs/Vinecom) Amy: Akira! Use the Demiloc! Save Lena! Use them against the demon hurry! One of the features of Demikids is the fact that whatever choice you make, you never get to make a choice regarding the plot and story like development, so just use the Demiloc. (Rand was summoned, your new partner the remainder of the game) Rand: Are you the one who summoned me? A DemiKid, eh? Part demon and part human... I'm Gale. I'm your ally and Guide. Well, Gargoyle... Now you've got a DemiKid AND me to face! Can you handle us both!? That?s quite a package, think you can handle us both. Gargoyle: What? A DemiKid!? Just my luck... But then again, I've always liked a challenge! (Now Fight Gargoyle using the auto or manual method and beat him) Gargoyle: Demikids! You're too late... This world has no future. With an active time rift, your world is doomed to fade away! (Gargoyle disappears) Amy: Akira and Jin... Your DemiKid powers... have awakened. Lena: Amy, I have a feeling you know something... Amy: Akira and Jin both have Demi-Powers. When they summoned that gargoyle thing... I gave them my Demiloc. Using the Demiloc, they summoned their allies, triggering their latent DemiKid powers. Lena: You knew this was going to happen!? You knew this and gave them a... a Demiloc!? Akira: Chill out, Lena. It was the only was to take that demon out. Using the Demiloc was our choice anyway. Jin: Yeah, Lena... If I had to do it again, I would." Amy: ... ... ... The Gargoyle mentioned something... a rift... A time rift!! If that's a fact... Oh my... No!!! (Amy runs out) Lena: Where's she going? Didn't that thing say something about there being no future? We better follow her! (Lena also runs out after Amy) Akira: "Let's go, Jin! Something's wrong... We may be needed!" (Akira runs out) Now Rand will explain some basic instructions and invite his friends to join you Aminoz, Lava Rat and Winding. I would recommend Winding as my personal favourite since he's quite powerful... Akira: What is this...? Light... Shadow... All twisted together... Lena: I think it looks kind of pretty... Amy: No! Don't! Don't touch it!! Akira: What is it Amy?" Amy: That's a time rift... Basically, it's a hole... a scar that appears where time has ceased to flow." Akira: That Time rift, It can destroy a world? Amy a rift is a point where time is static, if left unchecked, the future fades to nothing... No future, no tomorrow! Jin: No Tomorrow...? You're talking about the end of the world. Amy: I'm not sure, this is actually the first rift I?ve ever seen. Lena: Jin? We're got to do something! Amy: Alright... Touch the rift. We may find out what we're dealing with. (The Four Kids reach out and touch the vortex... Light and shadow spill from the vortex... enveloping them...) Now after everybody runs off to the rooftop the part I call levelling up starts, It is my recommendation that you spend a couple of minutes wandering around and battling, once you get the Valhalla the demons will be alot stronger and therefore you need to fuse your demons with losing control of them so take your time and level up to about 7 possibly 10 if you have the time to spare. Now head up the stairs, ignore the second floor and meet up with Lena; Lena: I saw Amy go in here. What do you think. Should we follow her inside Jin? (Choice 'Sure, Let?s go', but then you don't have much choice in the matter. Lena: Ready? Let's go in. (Inside the Roof Building) Amy: Shin, we have a problem! A time rift has appeared. Shin: What!? It can't be! This world is doomed if we don't get rid of it! Not even the powers of Light and Dark can... Amy: I know, we?re in real trouble. Amy: Jin and Lena... you came. Jin: Amy, how can we get rid of the time rifts? Amy: I heard something about time rifts in Valhalla. Maybe if we go there, we can find out what has to be done. Shin: Jin, my name is Shin. Amy and I ate both from Valhalla. Your world is doomed because of the rifts. Valhalla not a safe place to be at the moment. There?s a war going on between the rebels and the Imperium forces. Amy: Jin... If you want to save your world from the time rifts, then join us. Pass through the time portal to Valhalla. We'll be waiting for you there. Lena: Well Jin? Jin: We've got no choice! To save our world we have to go to Valhalla! We can't just sit around and do nothing. Lena; I guess your right... Jin: They said Valhalla was not safe. Lena, I think you should stay behind... Lena: Are you nuts!? You?d never survive without me! You just try and stop me! Jin: Hey Lena Wait up... Enter the Valhalla Time portal and that?s Rem Elementary for the time being... ... ... ... -------- Demonary -------- The only demons you are likely to across are Gnome and Pixy, recruit about two of each so you can fuse them altogether later and get a stronger demon. ---------- Objectives ---------- Level:___________7-10 Money:___________800-1000 Rand:____________N/A Key Items:_______Demiloc/Vinecom C: Valhalla Time Tower \ -----------------------/ When you first enter Valhalla you will see three demons immediately, to the top/right the blue demon will heal you for free, middle/top is the Demonary master, if you want to take a quiz talk to him otherwise you have not seen many demons yet to receive anything, unless you have got fifty already in which case you probably using codes. Finally top/left a demon that will heal unconscious demons you have from battles. If you look in the two chests down the stairs you will find a Revive Orb and Energy Pill, take these and leave the room for a another dialogue session. Amy: ... Jin? You were out Cold.. We're now inside Valhalla's Time Tower. Shin: Amy and I are members of the rebellion here. We're heading for our hideout. You should come with us. Lena: Jin, We'll go with Amy. You can join us later Amy: Our hideout is located west of the Time tower. On the way, there's a town called hermit. You can rest there. Lena: Jin we have to find a way to stop the time rifts and save our world. First proceed to the stairwell to the left, up, right and up again to get to the roof (note the blue demon), ignore the stairwells leading down and take the first stairs left and go upwards to the time doors. Mark this place because you will be coming back here alot. Go back to the demon you tells you to go downstairs to exit the time Tower. -------- Demonary -------- N/A ---------- Objectives ---------- Level:___________12 Money:___________0 Rand:____________5 Key Items:_______N/A D: Fanda Plains \ ----------------/ From the time Tower continue down until the path forks to the right, continue until the path follows up again and when to see a large while patch that merges into the left. Go in this direction, right is a dead-end. Continue left and go up when the path turns and continue to Hermit. This is another time when to can level up and also requisite alot of money very easily. -------- Demonary -------- During this route you will find Hooty, Tsunami, chefros, and Windfrag (Recruit x3). All are weak demons but if you catch one or of the same you can fuse them together, my choice for fusion is Windfrag, get about three and you will get a good battle demon. ---------- Objectives ---------- Level:___________13 Money:___________2000 Rand:____________5 Key Items:_______N/A E) Hermit \ ----------/ As you enter Hermit you find the first monster you come across tell you, that Hermit is not very safe at the moment due to the Imperium forces in the area rounding up the rebels. The first building that you will come across will contain a Inn and a demon who will treat any of your unconscious demons for a price. There is also a cupboard but this is not accessible yet. A little further ahead for will find Kyme who will tell you to stick around so he can find a nice and cosy cell in Limbo for you, which isn?t very nice. If you try to take any of the new paths then Imperium Guards will stop you. In the next building to the left there is also a Cash machine/bank in the shop building if you care to deposit funds here; I would recommend investment 600 Macca after every training session for expensive items when there are no demons around to battle for Macca. You can also buy your items (prices are listed at the end of this section Now you have to find somebody call ?Judy? in the building to the right the small blue goblin will tell you he does not know any Judy, honestly what is the world coming too. Continue up the second set of step and to the right there will be the star symbolised building that will fuse the demons you have been collecting up to now. Now go back to the little Blue goblin and examine the plant pot in the top/right hand side of the screen and ?hey presto?, you will find Judy Judy: Caught me! Oh! You?re Jin? Jin: That?s right and you are? Judy: I?m Judy, a member of the rebellion? Amy said that you?re here on a quest, that you need to rid your world of the time rifts. Jin: You Know Amy? ? ? ? ? Tell me, how can I get to the rebels lair? Judy: Go West. It?s just past the Foggy Marsh. But Imperium patrols have set up roadblocks. It doesn?t look like you can go there just yet. Now talk to the Goblin followed by Amy again. Primus: You?re Judy? Come with us we have a few questions to ask you! Judy: What? No! I didn?t do anything! Primus: We?ll see about that! Come on. Judy: No way, take you filthy hand off me! Now exit the building, but before you do heal your demons if needed with any energy pills you have acquired. (A Scream! Judy!?) Judy: Let me go!!! Go towards the Shop building and talk/examine one of the filthy Imperium guards? Kyme: What the?!? I don?t recognise you. Whaddya want!? Now you can choice, sorry no you can?t choice, to help Judy escape form the Imperium forces. Kyme: You got some nerve boy! I?ll show you hat it means to anger Kyme the Mighty. Now battle and defeat the enemy Boss, make sure you have at least two energy pills on you in case you have to heal. Judy: Thanks, Jin. You saved my skin. I owe you one Demikid. Jin: Forget it. I heard Lena was heading for the lair with Amy. Judy: Yeah. Lena hopes to find someone at the lair who will know about time rifts. Judy: Sorry, I can?t stick around and chat. Imperium soldiers may come back at any time Now take the path to the right and you are in Foggy March? -------- Demonary -------- Kyme (Can not recruit) ---------- Objectives ---------- Level:___________13 Money:___________0 Rand:____________5 Key Items:_______Valhalla map/Amy ------\ Shop > ------/ Energy Pill 30 Mana Juice 30 Angel Wing 80 Sonar 1400 (1 only) Valhalla Map 100 (1 only) F: Foggy Marsh \ -----------------/ Follow the path and battle the demons that you come across, it is a straight forward path so just follow it, but look out for the chest on the left-hand side with M1000 inside. If you haven?t yet level Rand up by fusing demons to him back at Hermit? -------- Demonary -------- There are a number of demons including Krane, thunder, Yeti, Ice Baby, Makara and Marina but most importantly Nikare catch 1 or 2 of this rare appearing angel (sorry demon) and using the fusion demon you can create some strong allies. ---------- Objectives ---------- Level:___________13 Money:___________3400 Rand:____________13 Key Items:_______M1000 G: Lair Area \ -------------/ When you first enter the lair area just talk to the two demons who will tell you have enter the home of the free, on the right on the waterfall go up to find a chest with luck gum (You have to be riding your partner), to enter the lair just pass under the waterfall and head up. -------- Demonary -------- N/A ---------- Objectives ---------- Level:___________13 Money:___________0 Rand:____________13 Key Items:_______N/A H: Rebels Lair \ ---------------/ When you first enter the Lair locate the two chests for an Energy Pill and Mana Juice, next there are two rooms on the top/left-hand of the screen, the first leading to a inn and the second from the left is a demon fuser. Now head to the right-hand side of the room and proceed to meet Judy and Lena again. Lena: I found out what to do against a time rift! You need to use a Time chain. All you have to do is throw it into the rift. Amy: But you have to hurry! If left unchecked the time rift will expand. If they get too big, even the time chains won?t help! We must find some before its too late! Jin: Time chains? Where should we go to find them? Amy: The legends speak of chains in Valhalla. In your world, there are supposedly some in Dem, the kingdom of demons. Jin: The kingdom of Dem? It really exists? Lena: Jin? I was thinking of doing to Dem. Shin?s planning to go there as well. Jin: You Go to Dem? Are you sure Lena? Lena: Not Really? but I am willing to try. If there?re Time Chains in Dem. I?ll find them! Jin: OK. I?ll stay in Valhalla and look for the other chains. Now enter the doorway at of the back of the backroom for a little competition after Lena comes in and tells Shin she is going to Dem talk to the battlers for a completion, you don?t have to but the prize it worth it, after you beat the combatants you will receive the Kingloc. Now Drail will return, Drail: You?re Jin? Amy told me about you. I?m Drail? leader of the rebels. Together we fight to free Valhalla from Imperious. Jin: I?m trying to save my world from destruction. That?s why I came to Valhalla. Amy been a great help to Lena and I. She the one who found a way to rid of the time rifts. Drail: Time Chains, eh? Here is Valhalla. Well you saved Judy. So I?m sure we can find a way to help each other. Y?know, I heard there?s a demon in Hydraville who mentioned Time Chains? We?re off to check the rumour. Join us in Hydraville. I?ll tell you what we learn when you arrive. OK, boys! Let?s move! Amy: Hydraville?s a mining town north of Hermit. Jin? Stay out of trouble? Before you leave the room open the three chests to get a Revive Orb, Angel Wing and Dredfand and examine the pots for a Fist Relic. In the next room examine the pot for a Big Wing. Head back to Hermit and the Devegas trial, if can?t remember press select for you map access. -------- Demonary -------- N/A ---------- Objectives ---------- Level:___________13 Money:___________0 Rand:____________13 Key Items:_______Kingloc I: Duvegas Trial/Jude Plains \ -------------------------------/ On entering Devegas trial take the left-hand side until you reach some stairs and head up and down, you will find a chest with Angel Wing Inside. Continue on up two more sets of stairs and fork right until you come to a chest with an Energy Cube, head back to stairs and proceed to the right-hand side and on to the Jude Plains. In the Jude Plains head left-hand side ignoring the first steps and then head down, left to left a chest with a Voodoo Doll and proceed up until reach Hydraville. -------- Demonary -------- Along Devegas trial you will find Archnia, Unicorn, Arakneus, Windlord, Aquarios, Laksmi and Firemare. Firemare is the most powerful demon you can recruit at this point, once you enter the Jude plains the only demon I encountered was Laksmi, who was really easy to beat. Use this opportunity to level up Jin and Rand, the Windlord demon has a very powerful cyclone attack recruit a couple and fuse them into your current squad and inherit any attacks or moves (teleport, heal) that are useful. ---------- Objectives ---------- Level:____________16 Money:___________1300 Rand:____________16 Key Items:_______N/A J: Hydraville \ --------------/ Welcome to Hydraville, the first port of call is the first shops you will see is the star symbol shop, here you will find a Power fuse(who will infuse your demon of choice with a move item such as Big Wing). After you have fused and levelled up you partner and allies, now proceed to the right-side side stairs in to the shop (a price list can be seen at the end of this section. On the right will be a BattleNet centre, some demons learn moves by fighting so use this opportunity to battle any demons who have been neglected, they may have useful abilities. In-between this building and the last are steps leading up, which lead to an Inn. Once you have entered the Inn on the far upper Left-Hand side , there will be stairs going down, mark this location and lead head back to the BattleNet building and go left, up and right. There should now be two doors insight, take the left-hand side door; and meet Drail and Judy who will be happy you have arrived and that they are waiting for Shin to arrive. Now head next door and speak to Naomi Naomi: Oh, so you?re Jin? Judy said you?re from a different world. You know, I wonder.. Who?s stronger?, you or Valhalla?s Demikids? (Shin enters the Tavern) Naomi: Well, look who?s here. Shin, we were just talking about you. Shin: Nothing bad, I hope. Have you seen Drail? Naomi: Why, is something wrong? Drail?s in his room. I heard you went to Dem. How was it? Well, I spoke with Lord Lucifer. But, things aren?t looking too good. Lena: Jin, I ran into Akira while I was in Dem. Jin: You talked to Akira? How is he? Is everything alright? Lena: Akira found Time Chains in Dem. He?s started wiping out the time rifts. Jin: Really? I wonder how they?re working? Lena: Apparently, there aren?t enough for all the time rifts. Akira?s over here searching for more Time Chains. Jin: So Akira?s here in Valhalla, too. Lena: We better find some time chains too? We should have better luck working with Amy?s crew. I think we should work with Drail. Shin: Come on, Jin? Let?s go talk to Drail, our fearless leader (Now Shin exits, follow to the room where we met Drail) Drail: OK. Lena, you can come with us. Lena Thanks? All that?s left to do is find the key to Limbo. I need Jin to find it. (Now you gain control again, talk to Drail) I have a favour to ask. Go to the mines and find a demon named Bul. I asked him to hide the Limbo Key for Me. Shin: We?ll go on ahead and wait for you. You bring us the Limbo Key, OK? Whatever you do, don?t come without the limbo key! Otherwise, we?ll never get in? Alright men! Move out! Amy: Be careful, Lena. Lena: See you soon, Jin After you regain Control, remember the mineshaft, enter her to find Bul ------\ Shop 1 > ------/ Energy Pill 30 Ointment 30 Demontonic 40 Mana Juice 30 Revive Orb 800 ------\ Shop 2 > ------/ Beast Relic 1000 Blood Relic 1000 Lion Relic 1000 CD1 600 Loc Boost 1400 -------- Demonary -------- N/A ---------- Objectives ---------- Level:___________16 Money:___________0 Rand:____________16 Key Items:_______Limbo Key K: Hydra Mine \ ------------/ There are three routes in the Hydra Mine one you reach the main junction, too the right-hand side you will find two chests with a Revive orb and Resist Gum, also if you examine the pots you will find a hex relic, Blast Box and Revive Gum. In the middle room you will find a chest, which will supply a Mana Shake. In the final room on the left-hand side you will find Bul who will tell you to meet someone in a place indicated earlier. Bul: What!? Drail sent you? No Kidding? That means he?s ready to get our people from the cells of Limbo! You want the Limbo Key? Now follow Bul?s instruction and go and find that certain somebody? ? ? (You also receive a Hex Relic), and get the Limbo key. Now watch for yet another dialogue sequence (I?AM NOT TYPING ANYMORE DIOLOGUE) and receive your next destination. -------- Demonary -------- Firemare, Aquarios, Punkin and Basilisk who in my opinion is one of the best demons when levelled up in the entire game. All are pretty easy to beat although you might get up to five attacking in one battle here, so make sure your demons are levelled up according or close to guidelines. ---------- Objectives ---------- Level:___________16 Money:___________1400 Rand:____________16 Key Items:_______Limbo Key L: Inferno Pit Eh? \ -----------------/ Before you get to the inferno pit, its training time gain, generally I prefer fighting to teleporting but if you want teleport to hermit and go up. Otherwise and your smart enough to level up you demon in preparation for the inferno pit, keep on heading to the left-hand side, you may have to turn down once or twice but keep going until you reach the entrance inside the Devegas Trail. Head Left, there is only one path until you reach the pit you will have to face some medium intensity demons and a dialogue meeting with Judy but if you have levelled up as indicated you will be fine. Along the path you will find a chests with a Snow Comb, Troll Seed and Revive Gum, you will have to ride Rand to access the last two chests. Just before you come to the gates of the Inferno pit you will also find a chest with a manna Sundae, Demontonic and male Talk Now as you approach the gates of Limbo you will find that you just happen to wakeup in Limbo? When you wake-up there will be two demons that will heal your demons and allow you to rest awhile and if you search the pots a smoke bomb will be availed to you. At this point Rand will do something, watch and see? ? ? Exit the cell using the limbo key and head up the stairs, one you get to the landing, proceed up the middle stairs for another dialogue sequence where you will discover your next course of action. After look in the chests to receive a Snow Comb and Revive Orb. Exit down the stairs and go through the now unguarded far left-side entrance and unlock the cells, look in the chests to get an Energy Cube and Revive Orb. In this cell is also a prisoner with a secret, I wonder what it is? ? ? Exit the Inferno Pit now and follow the path Rand stopped you from taking earlier when Lena was kidnapped by the Imperium. -------- Demonary -------- Golem, Apsaras, Sea Ram, Ironsaur and Windmare. These will be easy to beat apart from the final group you will knock you out and beat you. In the pit you will find Bearlord, Shogen, Sylph, Slumber, Redwing, Prince, and Kali get one or two of each for fusing later on in the game, Kali is my choice since he has both a strong ATT and DEF. ---------- Objectives ---------- Level:___________16 Money:___________4800 Rand:____________16 Key Items:_______N/A M: Rem \ -----/ Head back or Teleport to Hydraville and enter Inn, if you talk to Naomi you will find out there is a spy among the rebels and everybody is concerned. Now head to the room next to the Inn and you will see Amy standing by the window. Talk to her to hear of Lena and your next objective, ?make it so? ? ?? Teleport back to the Time Tower and head up the stairs to the very top and enter the doors. Here you will find a transport that takes you to times Edge; to the right/hand side there will be a chest that contains a map for the area in question. Head to the only open door on the right side of the right/hand platform and enter Rem elementary rooftop. Head outside, on the ways you face the old demons, not worth fighting at all. Head into Rem central destroying the time rift as you go and head to the left/hand, lower corner of the map for the entrance to the part area for an ear-opening glimpse into the game progression that will shake you to the core? Before you head back to (?), make sure to checkout the shops underground, buy maps etc and fuse your demons. -------- Demonary -------- In Rem you will find Kokatris, Pegasus, Laksmi, Phantom, Glasyabo (Not Catchable), Orthros, these are weak compared to Valhalla and Dem Demons. ---------- Objectives ---------- Level:___________18 Money:___________8300 Rand:____________18 Key Items:_______ Knowledge ------\ Shop 1 > ------/ ATK Chip 1400 (One Only) ** Buy This ** Magic Chip 1400 (One Only) Beast Talk 600 (One Only) CD 2 600 (One Only) Rem City Map 100 (One Only) ------\ Shop 2 > ------/ Ointment 60 Mana Juice 30 Demonitonic 40 Revive Orb 800 ** Buy two ** Repel Charm 70 ** Buy two ** N: Hueyville \ -----------/ To head to Dem you have to head back to the roof of the elementary school and in to the roof building where a new gate will be awaiting your prominent arrival. Rand will tell you that the gate teleports you to Dem, thank Scotty and engage? ? ? Head down the path until you near the entrance to Hueyville, then before you enter examine the rocks on the left for Rage Sand. Once you enter Huey there are the normal shops (plus a bank terminal in the main shop) for fusing and homes with demons complaining about the time rifts. Exit downwards and the path will eventually turn left. ------\ Shop 1 > ------/ Stun Claw 800 Dino Relic 1000 CD 3 600 (One Only) DemWind Map100 (One Only) ------\ Shop 2 > ------/ Ointment 60 Mana Shake 50 Revive Orb 800 Repel Charm 70 Angel Wing 80 ** Buy two-three ** -------- Demonary -------- N/A ---------- Objectives ---------- Level:___________18 Money:___________0 Rand:____________18 Key Items:_______ Knowledge O: Windgate/Galin Plains \ -----------------------/ After you enter the Windgate head down until the path eventually goes left, when you reach the intersection continue left ignoring the two other paths. Along this path you will find chests and gain Guard Gum and Attack Gum, from here continue down, right, down, and continue left until you reach a bride, where there will be a time rift for you to destroy. Continue on the one-way path until you reach Centre Town. -------- Demonary -------- Coming? ---------- Objectives ---------- Level:___________19 Money:___________9000 Rand:____________19 Key Items:_______ N/A P: Centre Town \ -------------/ When you first enter Centre Town there will be a fusing shop, use it then proceed up to find an inn and revive any unconscious demons. Head back to the lower bridge and cross it, here you will find a BattleNet building, and you cannot go down yet. Now Cross the second lower bridge and you will come across a Casino and the main shop. Now its time to head up the stairs to the left and follow it to the main entrance to the Dark Palace ? ? ? ------\ Shop 1 > ------/ Poison Claw 800 Demon Wing 1500 Mist Oil 3000 CD 4 600 (One Only) DemCenterMap 100 (One Only) ------\ Shop 2 > ------/ Energy Cube 90 ** Buy two-three ** Holy Orb 1400 Mana Sundae 80 Revive Gem 1200 Smoke Bomb 40 -------- Demonary -------- Here you will find no demons in centre town? ---------- Objectives ---------- Level:___________19 Money:___________N/A Rand:____________19 Key Items:_______ N/A Q: Dark Palace \ -------------/ To get to the Dark Palace you need to head up and on to the Heldun Flats, keep on heading to the left until the path straightens up again, along the way open the chest to receive a Slim Relic. Once in the Dark Palace, go up the stairs to the left and head on up and enter the doorway and teleport, you will be confronted by a sequence including the treacherous coward Forlo. After you have gleamed information about someone?s demise, head behind the throne and follow the path to the Orgel Room, once you reach the gates to the Orgel there will be a chest containing DRGN Talk. Once you enter the Orgel Room you will be treated to a history lesion and also be given your orders, this done? Now its time to head back to Hueyville, either teleport or travel, once in Hueyville head back to the Rem gateway on the rooftop and use the Time Tower Warp next to your arrival point. Once you have entered take the second door from the right and enter Dem?s future. Once in Dem?s future exit the room and head to the centre chamber you will find a chest with some decent demons worth recruiting in the middle right/top corner. On the left you will find a Dem Future Map and to the right a Hex Relic. Enter where you previously entered the Orgel path and you will find yourself in the Lucifer Tomb area, look in the corners and up the stairs to the right for Luck Gum, Bank Boost and a Argos Soul, This will in some cases double you bank current amount. I did tell you to save?? Head back to the centre chamber and enter into the Heldun Flats for chests containing a Wing Relic, Resist Gum and Bomb Claw, also there are demons worth recruiting? ? ? not teleport back to the gate Room using the pad in the centre chamber and head to Dem?s Past. After you have enter the Time Tower Room enter the door on the right, which will take you to the Rooftop in Rem, then use the other warp in the rooftop to transport to Dem?s past/present. Head all the way back to the Orgel room now? and you will be sent to the point before Lucifer was defeated. Now you will have to defeat Shin so level up your demons if you have not already and get ready for the hardest fight so far in the game. After you have defeated Shin, Lucifer will tell you, that I order for the power of light to be wielded you need to fetch a letter?. -------- Demonary -------- Here you will find no demons in centre town but along the route to the Dark Palace you will find Lord Ton, Virgo, and Airavata. After you have entered the future the demons are worth capturing, notable demons are Lich, Minotaur and Dwelgar in Dem?s future. ---------- Objectives ---------- Level:___________19 Money:___________24,000 Rand:____________19 Key Items:_______ N/A R: Frostville \ ------------/ Exit Centre town to the very left where you were previously stopped and follow the path through the Luna Prairie and Icy Wastes. Vorvia, Mokoy, Silgra and Harpy are demons you will face along the path to Frostville, they are pretty weak so don?t bother trying to recruit them. In Frostville you will find the normal shops plus if you talk to the inhabitants you will find the location of the traitor Drail and misled Shin. ------\ Shop 1 > ------/ Ointment 60 Mana Juice 30 Revive Orb 800 CD 5 600 One Only) DemIce Map 100 (One Only) -------- Demonary -------- Here you will find Vorvia, Mokoy, Silgra and Harpy, all are low levels so do not bother recruiting. ---------- Objectives ---------- Level:___________21 Money:___________18000 Rand:____________21 Key Items:_______ IceDem Map S: Ice Temple \ ------------/ To reach the Ice Temple you will have to go through the Polar Wastes, there are two main paths here so head left and take the stairs, then continue up until you reach the Ice Temple. Once you enter the Ice Temple head up, there is only one path until you reach the throne of King Icy, if you talk to him he will tell you that the other two humans have continued to the back, so let?s go there. Head around the throne and find the stairs situated at the back of the room, Go down the stairs and follow the path until you reach another set of stairs and proceed downwards, ignore the stairs on the right for now and head to the left and take the intersection that lead upwards. Here you will find chests containing Energy Cube, Magic Gum and some worthwhile demons. Proceed down the stairs and proceed; 1. Slide down to the bottom 2. Slide all the way to the right (Chest: Resist Gum) 3. Slide UP and lean right against the pillar and slide down to the bottom pillars 4. Step to the square on your left and slide up to the double square 5. Angle yourself in the bottom left corner and slide out to the left and up Now enter the door to the time room and head up, along this corridor from the left are small alcoves the first, upon clearing the time rift will allow you to obtain a Dredfang and Power Burger. Now head up the last corridor and talk to Drail for the next set of plot developments. After this, tale the warp in the room back to the Time Room in Valhalla. ---------- Objectives ---------- Level:___________24 Money:___________0 Rand:____________24 Key Items:_______ N/A T: Dem's Past \ ------------/ Enter the Last door now to enter the past of Dem, in the lower corners are chests containing Alarm, Dempast Map and an Ice Ring. Now head up and witness more plot developments. After the dialogue episode is over get the Time Key and return to the warp room. Once you take the warp and use the Rem gate on the right, tale the Dem gate in Rem and take the path to Lucifer?s throne room. Lucifer will reward you by telling you that Lord Light left something for you in his temple, so let?s go get it. ---------- Objectives ---------- Level:___________24 Money:___________0 Rand:____________24 Key Items:_______ N/A U: Lord Lights Temple \ --------------------/ Exit Centre Town by the middle path at the bottom of the screen and follow the sandy path that will eventually lead to a conveyer belt route that eventually lead to Nobleville, although this town is only a point to buy maps and fuse your demons. Exit Downwards again and follow the single Dune Desert path to get to yet another town, which holds no particular purpose, however this is a superb chance to level up and recruit new demons for interesting fusings. Enter the Light path another one-way passage that perfect? for training and levelling up your Jin, he?s going to need it. Once you reach Lord Light?s Temple you will find that there are numerous chests including DRGN Talk, Halo, Attack Gum and a Holy Orb. Here in the upper room, just head straight up you will find yourself in the Dem Past Room where you got the Time Key but this time the other chest is open. If you trained up as indicated on the paths leading too Lord Lights Temple then you will be ready to face Bifronz, who happens to be a very tough demon to beat so make sure your demons are all healed up. Rand will make his final transformation and reveal some interesting facts; I ended up with Doom Cat, who I must say who looks pretty cool. It is now time to head back to the present Dem, where Lucifer will avail you with the next steps of you quest to save the two worlds, Dem and Rem. ---------- Objectives ---------- Level:___________30 Money:___________34,000 Rand:____________30 Key Items:_______? V: Valhalla \ ----------/ In order to find where Light and Dark first met, or where Akira is you have to first attend a meeting at the Time Tower. You can either teleport back to Hueyville and use the warp to the rooftop/Tome Tower or use the trails; I would suggest using the trails. After you have caught up with all the recent news its time to head to Hydraville, so exit the Tower and Teleport or walk the long road to doom. After you have arrived at Hydraville make your way to the Devegas Trail make your way to the stairs to the left until you reach the Jude plains. Once on the Jude plains you will find that will find that it is possible to go left until you reach the beginning of the path into Avalon, but for now head up until you enter Mount Falos. Eventually you will reach Elysium, the town is based on stepped levels, with the regular shops all being found here, stock up on items if needed and fuse your demons. Once you reach the Caste at the top their will be a demon in the top/right who can bring out the hidden abilities of your demons. After this is done enter the Castle and head up until you reach a transporter, use it, you can thank Scotty later Follow the path up again and watch a cut-scene as Akira and Jin as reunited (Lord Light/Dark also pass word but this is unnoticed by Jin and Akira). W: Avalon/Rainy Woods \ --------------------/ After heading back to Avalon via the left-hand path you told to ignore, now you have the chance to fuse and level up again. After you have done this it is time to enter the Rainy Woods, the path basically keeps going to the left so follow this and when you enter the next area and continue in a left/up direction on the path until you reach Tynanog. ------\ Shop 1 > ------/ Dark Dust 2800 Holy Stamp 3200 Strange Box 2600 Luck Chip 1400 (One Only) ------\ Shop 2 > ------/ Energy Cube 90 *** Buy alot *** Holy Orb 1400 Mana Sundae 80 *** Buy alot *** Revive Gem 1200 Angel Wing 80 ---------- Objectives ---------- Level:___________34 Money:___________24,000 Rand:____________34 Key Items:_______ N/A X: Tynanog \ ---------/ At last the end, well close to it, once you enter the castle try to head straight up and follow the corridor until you eventually end-up at the top of a set of stairs that that proceed two doorways. Her you will face Ozemos, who is one tough demon, who from batting, seems to be slightly weaker to ice or fire attacks. After you have beaten him head to your right and then up to the confrontation with Imperious, there are two Jin will take light and Akira will take Dark. After you have beaten Imperious, I would recommend saving before hand just in case you need to level up more to beat him. Is it the end, well no, but close you now (after a short dialogue sequence), have to use the teleporter to take you to face the ultimate form of Light Imperious while Akira does the same. He will have 5 forms so make sure you have 3 king-class demons to use in case you primary allies fail. Always save before battle because you can go back to town and use the trails to recruit demons and level up to be more stringer. After Jin and Akira beat Imperious you can either restart the game (Option three) or (Option 2/3) get Lena and Amy restored back to the current point. My rating for the ending of this game is six out of ten, poor and lacking imagination, there is not an option where anybody dies, even the bad guy is indicated as returning, and somebody always dies in a RPG. ---------- Objectives ---------- Level:___________34+ Money:___________Lots of Macca Rand:____________34+ Key Items:_______N/A ------------------------\ 7) Codes/Resources | ------------------------/ Depending on your device, use:,, or ----------------------------\ 8) A Rough Guide to Demons | ----------------------------/ Each world religion or tradition seems to have its own idea of what is considered evil. In some cases, these ideas are similiar if not identical, whereas in other cases, these ideas are almost as complete opposites. When you begin to look within religions, you find many, many interpretations of what evil is and how it came to be in the world. Religions that have an omnipotent God, such as Judaism and Christianity, have some of the most elaborate constructions for the existence of evil, while religions such as Hinduism tend to have gods and goddesses with both positive and negative aspects. Therefore, my definition of the term "demon" on this page will be something that has been considered a malevolent spiritual being , power, or principle in one of the belief systems of a world religion. I realize that some of the "demons" on my page can also be considered gods or mythological beings, but I've chosen those I found to demonstrate the trickster archetype or have been presented as possessing "evil" traits in a predominent belief system. Demikids Demons 1) Succubi are the female version of incubi, although the word is actually masculine in medieval Latin because demons were supposedly sexless. The feminine form is succuba. It was supposed that incubi outnumbered succubi by 9 to 1. 2) The Bulgarian words for vampire derive from the original Slavic opyri/opir i, and appear in modern forms as vipir, vepir, vapir, or vampir. Bulgarians believed that spirits of the dead embarked on a journey immediately after death that visited every place they had visited during their life on earth. Their journey lasted for 40 days and then the spirit went on to its next life. However, if the dead were not properly buried, they may find that their passage to the next world was blocked, and might return to this world as a vampire. Certain people were predisposed to becoming vampires. These included people who died a violent death, those excommunicated from the church, and drunkards, thieves, murderers, and witches. 3) Balam is the Fifty-first Spirit listed in the Goetia, who governs 40 Legions. He appears with a serpent's tail, flaming eyes, & three heads: a bull, a man, & a ram. He rides a bear & carries a goshawk. Balam knows of past/present/future events & can make man invisible or become witty. 4) Lucifer/Devine(Angel?) Children "How art thou fallen from heaven O day-star, son of the morning! (Helel ben Shahar) How art thou cast down to the ground, That didst cast lots over the nations! And thou saidst in thy heart: 'I will ascend into heaven, Above the stars of God (El) Will I exalt my throne; And I will sit upon the mount of meeting, In the uttermost parts of the north; I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the Most High (Elyon).' Yet thou shalt be brought dow to the nether-world, To the uttermost parts of the pit." - Isaiah 14:12-15 In Christian tradition, this passage is proof for the fall of Lucifer. However, it may be that this passage is an allusion to a Canaantie or Phoenician myth about Helel, who is the son of the god Shahar. Helel sought the throne of the chief god and was cast down into the abyss because of this. El, Elyon, and Shahar are members of the Canaanite pantheon, while the "mount of meeting" is the abode of the gods, which corresponds to Mount Olympus in Greek mythology. There is a Ugaritic poem about two divine children, Shachar (dawn) and Shalim (dusk), who were born as the result of the intercourse of the god El with mortal women. There are, however, no Canaanite sources that tell about Helel ben Shahar or a revolt against Elyon -------------------\ 9) Recruiting Tips | -------------------/ This game is based on a japanese series, which was constructed with angel and demon children. Therefore based on the knowlegge that a demon! is (either an angel or a demon), your approach should be as follows, simply if the demon is hard looking use the 'threaten' option, and if the demon is cute, 'consult it', however if it is cute but aggressive disagree with its question. If you demon, is not a demon but an Angel e.g. Michael, threatening will get you nowhere, unless your recruiter is leveled up to the hilt. Either 'consult' or if asked a question agree or answer truthfully. ------------\ 10) Credits | ------------/ Thakyou to ( for information on the origin of demons. -----------------\ 11) Copyrights | -----------------/ This walkthrough guide/FAQ is copyrighted (c) Family GuyX 2003. It may only be posted on the following site, ( and (NeoSeeker). I will consider other sites if emailed for permission. -------------------------------------\ 12) Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) | -------------------------------------/ Q: Why isn't my partner levelling up? A: Your partner will not gain experience from battles, although they might awaken/inherit skills. The only way to level up your partner is too ruse power items and demons to him, using different types of demons is fusing can also varying effects. My advice is to use different types around the same level if you level your partner of other demons past your own level you can't use them in battle. Q: How do I share EXP? A: You can't share EXP, however you have merge a demon with another, not necessary you partner in order to get stronger demons although using the same type is advised since fusing different demons can result in different lower level fusions. Q: How do I fuse Relics? A: If you go to Centre Town or any major town for that matter go to the shop with the star symbol and then you will find a fuser who will complete this task for you. There will also be another fuser (demons) and in shops like it in major towns. Q: Why aren't my codes working? A: You may need a master Code or you have the wrong format, check you instructions for more details Q: How can I control my partner?s evolution? A: At certain points in the game you partner will evolve and the choice you make will also dictate how he evolves e.g. a weaker or stronger updated version. Normally I choose the 'are you o.k. option'.