DemiKids: Light Version THE FUSION GUIDE Version 0.77 (February 10, 2013) by Benjamin Sperandio bsperan {aT} mail {d0T} com === CONTENTS === 1. INTRO 1.1 VERSION HISTORY 1.2 AUTHOR'S NOTE ON TERMINOLOGY 1.3 NOSTALGIA 2. TWO-ENTITY FUSION 2.1 TWO-ENTITY FUSION TABLE 2.2 TWO-ENTITY FUSION FORMULA 2.3 TWO-ENTITY FAILED FUSION 3. THREE-ENTITY FUSION (brief intro) 4. CALCULATING THE LEVEL 4.1 SPECIAL CASE: FAILED FUSION 5. FUSION TIPS 5.1 FUSION ORDER IS IRRELEVANT 5.2 ALIGNMENT & FUSION RESULTS 5.3 ALIGNMENT CONFLICTS 5.4 RECRUITING VS. FUSION 5.5 TAKING ADVANTAGE OF FAILED FUSION 6. HIDDEN ENTITIES 7. ENTITY TYPE LISTS a) ALT TYPES b) BEAST TYPES c) BIRD TYPES d) DRAGON TYPES e) EVIL TYPES f) FIEND TYPES g) GOOD TYPES h) HOLY TYPES i) GHOST TYPES k) ZOMBIE TYPES l) BOSS TYPES m) MYTH TYPES 8. MY FUSION NOTES 8.1 ENTITIES WITH CURE 8.2 SOME USEFUL SPELLS & SKILLS 8.3 SOME FUSION FORMULAS 9. LEGAL NOTE 10. CREDITS === 1. INTRO === Despite the U.S. editions being released more than 6 years ago, there are still not many guides, tips, or hints for either DemiKids version. When I started this guide there were only two walkthroughs for the Light Version, three walkthroughs for Dark, a Demonary, and a couple Relic Fusion guides for each. But good cheats and secrets are hard to come by for either version and certain types of info is simply unavailable. For instance, there was no fusion guide available for either. Many gamers are now leaving the GameBoy and its games behind and switching to the Nintendo DS, so it seemed unlikely to me that new guides would be written for this. As I am playing through DemiKids, I needed to write my own fusion notes and charts anyway and I figured I might as well share it with others. NOTE ABOUT RELIC FUSION: I will not cover this fusion type. Someone already created a good relic fusion guide for Light Version. If you have any additional info, constructive criticism, or suggestions you can contact me {at}: bsperan {aT} mail {d0T} com. But this is my first game FAQ, so please keep it brief and be considerate. = 1.1 VERSION HISTORY = -> 0.77 - 2/10/13 - Just a minor update to the credits. -> 0.76 - 3/25/10 - I lost interest in DemiKids about two years ago. But I had planned on picking it up again someday to finish the game and this guide. (Life happens.) Sadly, the PC I with my most recent notes and game saves suffered a hard drive crash. (That makes three Maxtor drives that have failed.) I might be able to recover some data from it, but for now I'm releasing what I've got. Also, I finally realized that 3-entity fusion is only possible by doing fusion with a friend (i.e., GBA Game Link cable), so I probably won't finish it. -> 0.6 - 2/18/08 - First version is complete. I plan on updating it after more research into fusion. While there is a "Rank Increase FAQ" for DemiKids: Dark Version, I still do not understand how "pure blood" fusion applies to Light Version. Also, I've yet to formulate 3-entity fusion. [Note: Unreleased FAQ] = 1.2 AUTHOR'S NOTE ON TERMINOLOGY = Although the Japanese term for "demon" can refer to any type of supernatural being, I despise using the English word. In my opinion, this was a very poor choice for translation as this means something quite different in English. So, although doing this will upset some DemiKids and Megaten fans, I will be using the term "entity" here instead. (I mean, does it really make sense to refer to everything, from fairies to angels to deities as "demons"?) = 1.3 NOSTALGIA = Those who are familiar with Shin Megami Tensei I and II may notice that, in DemiKids, fusion requires much more entities to get good results. I've examined the fusion level formulas for both DemiKids and the Shin Megami Tensei series and I can see why. You do not get nearly as much level increase in DemiKids and this might make it seem like fusion isn't worth the effort. It often seems much easier just to wait and recruit some new enemies in the next area. That said, fusion in DemiKids does have some distinct advantages. Most notably, the ability of fusion results to inherit spells and powers is quite useful. Further, players are allowed to collect and hold many dozens of entities at a time - including more than one of the same type. That's a lot easier than using fusion when you're limited to holding just 6 or so at a time! The ability to hold more allows more variety and strategy, too. Finally, it's a whole lot easier and faster to recruit entities in DemiKids. === 2. TWO-ENTITY FUSION === This is probably what a lot of DemiKids fans have been looking for. There were charts and lists like these in the Shin Megami Tensei FAQs and they made fusion a lot easier! In DemiKids about every 2-entity combination is possible, except for fusions involving two of the same type, or any Zombie Types or Boss Types. Still, both Boss and Zombie types CAN be fused with your Guide. (Go figure...) ALT Types: It seems that the only method of obtaining Alt types might be as the result of a 'failed' fusion. Neither a normal 2-entity fusion nor relic fusion is capable of creating an Alt type. And the Demonary Quiz does not give one as a reward, either. Myth Type: I do not list this in my charts. That's because every entity can be combined with Myth type, but the result is always Myth type. It doesn't matter much anyway, because your Guide is the only Myth type in the game. = 2.1 TWO-ENTITY FUSION TABLE = For 2-entity fusion, the Type can be determined by this table: Type| Go Ev Ho Dr Bi Bs Og Gh Fn Al Zm Bo ----------------------------------------- Go | -X Ho Gh Ho Bs Og Dr Dr Bs Fn -X -X Ev | Ho -X Dr Bi Ho Gh Bs Fn Dr Og -X -X Ho | Gh Dr -X Go Fn Go Go Og Bs Dr -X -X Dr | Ho Bi Go -X Go Bi Ev Bs Bi Go -X -X Bi | Bs Ho Fn Go -X Fn Gh Ho Dr Ev -X -X Bs | Og Gh Go Bi Fn -X Gh Og Ev Bi -X -X Og | Dr Bs Go Ev Gh Gh -X Ev Bi Bs -X -X Gh | Dr Fn Og Bs Ho Og Ev -X Ho Ho -X -X Fn | Bs Dr Bs Bi Dr Ev Bi Ho -X Go -X -X Al | Fn Og Dr Go Ev Bi Bs Ho Go -X -X -X Zm | -X -X -X -X -X -X -X -X -X -X -X -X Bo | -X -X -X -X -X -X -X -X -X -X -X -X ----------------------------------------- Type| Go Ev Ho Dr Bi Bs Og Gh Fn Al Zm Bo Type Abbreviations: Go: Good Ev: Evil Ho: Holy Dr: Dragon Bi: Bird Bs: Beast Og: Ogre Gh: Ghost Fn: Fiend Al: Alt Zm: Zombie Bo: Boss -X: NO FUSION = 2.2 TWO-ENTITY FUSION FORMULA = - BEAST FORMULA - Alt + Ogre = Beast Bird + Good = Beast Dragon + Ghost = Beast Evil + Ogre = Beast Fiend + Good = Beast Fiend + Holy = Beast Good + Bird = Beast Good + Fiend = Beast Holy + Fiend = Beast Ghost + Dragon = Beast Ogre + Alt = Beast Ogre + Evil = Beast - BIRD FORMULA - Alt + Beast = Bird Beast + Alt = Bird Beast + Dragon = Bird Dragon + Beast = Bird Dragon + Evil = Bird Dragon + Fiend = Bird Evil + Dragon = Bird Fiend + Dragon = Bird Fiend + Ogre = Bird Ogre + Fiend = Bird - DRAGON FORMULA - Alt + Holy = Dragon Bird + Fiend = Dragon Evil + Fiend = Dragon Evil + Holy = Dragon Fiend + Bird = Dragon Fiend + Evil = Dragon Good + Ghost = Dragon Good + Ogre = Dragon Holy + Alt = Dragon Holy + Evil = Dragon Ghost + Good = Dragon Ogre + Good = Dragon - EVIL FORMULA - Alt + Bird = Evil Beast + Fiend = Evil Bird + Alt = Evil Dragon + Ogre = Evil Fiend + Beast = Evil Ghost + Ogre = Evil Ogre + Dragon = Evil Ogre + Ghost = Evil - FIEND FORMULA - Alt + Good = Fiend Beast + Bird = Fiend Bird + Beast = Fiend Bird + Holy = Fiend Evil + Ghost = Fiend Good + Alt = Fiend Holy + Bird = Fiend Ghost + Evil = Fiend - GOOD FORMULA - Alt + Dragon = Good Alt + Fiend = Good Beast + Holy = Good Bird + Dragon = Good Dragon + Alt = Good Dragon + Bird = Good Dragon + Holy = Good Fiend + Alt = Good Holy + Beast = Good Holy + Dragon = Good Holy + Ogre = Good Ogre + Holy = Good - HOLY FORMULA - Alt + Ghost = Holy Bird + Evil = Holy Bird + Ghost = Holy Dragon + Good = Holy Evil + Bird = Holy Evil + Good = Holy Fiend + Ghost = Holy Good + Dragon = Holy Good + Evil = Holy Ghost + Alt = Holy Ghost + Bird = Holy Ghost + Fiend = Holy - GHOST FORMULA - Beast + Evil = Ghost Beast + Ogre = Ghost Bird + Ogre = Ghost Evil + Beast = Ghost Good + Holy = Ghost Holy + Good = Ghost Ogre + Beast = Ghost Ogre + Bird = Ghost - OGRE FORMULA - Alt + Evil = Ogre Beast + Ghost = Ogre Beast + Good = Ogre Evil + Alt = Ogre Good + Beast = Ogre Holy + Ghost = Ogre Ghost + Beast = Ogre Ghost + Holy = Ogre = 2.3 TWO-ENTITY FAILED FUSION = The fusion instructions mention this about the in-game fusion lab chart: "Green indicates that success is predicted." "Aqua indicates that failure is possible." "O and x indicate if Fusion is possible or not." "[Circle with dots] indicates a chance of Fusion failure." This means some combinations are guaranteed to succeed, while others are not. If a fusion fails, a different entity than what was predicted will result. The result of failure always belongs to the Alt Type and it is not random. It is fixed and entirely predictable. (In order to calculate exactly what a failed result will be, see section 4.1 Special Case: Failed Fusion.) The following Type fusion combinations have a chance of failure: Beast + Evil Beast + Good Bird + Evil Dragon + Good Evil + Bird Evil + Fiend Evil + Good Evil + Ghost Evil + Holy Evil + Ogre Fiend + Evil Good + Beast Good + Dragon Good + Evil Good + Ghost Good + Holy Good + Ogre Ghost + Evil Ghost + Good Holy + Evil Holy + Good Ogre + Evil Ogre + Good === 3. THREE-ENTITY FUSION === Only possible by fusing one of your entities with friends' entities (via the Game Link). But figuring out those formula is beyond my patience and interest. === 4. CALCULATING THE LEVEL === To determine the actual entity that will result from fusion, first consult section 2.1 or section 2.2 to calculate Type. Then calculate the "Target Level" with one of the following formulas. PLEASE NOTE THAT ALL 4 OF THESE FORMULAS WORK THE SAME! I'm only providing 4 different versions because some may find one method faster to calculate or remember than the others. - 1'ST TARGET LEVEL FORMULA - INT ( ( Lv. of 1'st entity + Lv. of 2'nd entity ) / 2 + 2 ) INT stands for integer, which means you need to drop any remainder or decimal fraction. Alternatively, you could use this: - 2'ND TARGET LEVEL FORMULA - ROUND ( ( Lv. of 1'st entity + Lv. of 2'nd entity + 3 ) / 2 ) The ROUND means to round the decimal up to the next integer, of course. Whether you use the 1'st or the 2'nd formula, the actual result of fusion will be the lowest level entity within the projected Type whose level is EQUAL to OR HIGHER than the Target Level. This is where Section 7 (see below) comes in real handy! But do remember to consider entities marked with '#' as the most likely candidates, as these are the ones I've confirmed as fusion results. But, Section 7 is a work-in-progress and I haven't been able to test all the combinations yet. Some people might find it easier to use this 3'rd method instead: - 3'RD TARGET LEVEL FORMULA - INT ( ( Lv. of 1'st entity + Lv. of 2'nd entity ) / 2 + 1 ) Alternatively, you could use this formula: - 4'TH TARGET LEVEL FORMULA - INT ( ( Lv. of 1'st entity + Lv. of 2'nd entity + 2 ) / 2) Using either the 3'rd or 4'th formula, the actual result of fusion will be the lowest level entity within the projected Type whose level is HIGHER (not equal) than the Target Level. IMPORTANT NOTE: All of these formula should work, but only if you take into consideration how only some of the entities listed in Section 7 can result from fusion. So, for example, if you use the 1'st Formula and you want to fuse a Chefros (level 4) with a Gnome (level 1), you will get a Beast Type with the following Target Level: INT ( ( 4 + 1 ) / 2 + 2 ) = INT ( 2.5 + 2) = 4 If you look in Section 7 (ENTITY TYPE LISTS) you will see that there is no level 4 Beast Type. There are five different level 5 Beast Types. However, none of these level 5 Beasts are marked with an '#', meaning that I have not been able to confirm whether these can result from 2-entity fusion (probably not). The next highest Beast Type that I have confirmed is the Centaur, at level 6. So a level 6 Centaur will be the result. = 4.1 SPECIAL CASE: FAILED FUSION = Unfortunately, my Target Level formulas do not work with Failed Fusion. These are calculated a bit differently: 1. First, take a note of the level of the INTENDED result of fusion. We'll call this the "Intended Level." 2. Subtract 1 from this number. 3. Within the Alt Type family, find the species marked with '#' that is CLOSEST to this number (Intended Level - 1). NOTE: In cases where (Intended Level - 1) is exactly between the level of two different '#' species, the preference is given to the one with the lower level. So, for example: You combine a Centaur (Lv. 6) with a Laksmi (Lv. 12) and the usual (Intended) result is a Thumurai (Lv. 12). So you subtract 1 from the Intended Level (Lv. 12) and get 11. If you look in section 7 you will see that the Mokele is level 9 and marked with '#' and the Agathion is level 13 and marked with '#'. In this case, 11 is in the middle and so the preference goes to the lower one: Mokele (Lv. 9). === 5. FUSION TIPS === Here are some important fusion tips: = 5.1 FUSION ORDER IS IRRELEVANT = The order in which entities are fused does not affect the result. For example, a fusion of a Tsunami and a Windfrag will always result in a Krane, regardless of which is the 1st entity and which is the 2nd. (Fusion order may or may not be relevant with Item or Relic Fusion as I'm unfamiliar with those methods.) = 5.2 ALIGNMENT & FUSION RESULTS = E - Earth N - wiNd W - Water T - Thunder I - Ice F - Fire L - Light D - Dark The alignment resulting from fusion is specific to each species of entity. That is, the alignment is the same as if the player had recruited the entity. Most of the abbreviations are simple and I only found it difficult to remember that N stands for wiNd. = 5.3 ALIGNMENT CONFLICTS = Alignment plays a key role in both the strengths and weaknesses to certain attacks and whether or not certain spells can be inherited. Some alignment conflicts are obvious, but some are not. This is what I found: * Light is the opposite of Dark; weak against Dark and strong against Light * Dark is the opposite of Light; weak against Light and strong against Dark * Ice is weak against Fire and strong against Water and ESPECIALLY Ice * Fire is weak against Ice and strong against Thunder and ESPECIALLY Fire * Water is weak against Thunder and strong against Earth and ESPECIALLY Water * wiNd is weak against Earth and strong against Thunder and ESPECIALLY wiNd * Earth is weak against wiNd and strong against Water and ESPECIALLY Earth * Thunder is weak against Water and strong against wiNd and ESPECIALLY Thunder [BTW: If you are certain I'm mistaken, then do email me a correction.] Note that there are no less than SIX alignments that have stronger than normal resistance to either Water or Thunder! (That's three for each!) Anotherwords, every alignment except Light and Dark have stronger than normal resistance to either Water or Thunder. In contrast, there are only four alignments which have stronger than normal resistance to either wiNd or Earth. (That's two for each.) Further, it seems the only alignment strong against Ice, Fire, Light or Dark is itself. However, Light and Dark are ONLY strong against itself, while the rest seem to have a slight resistance to another alignment in addition to it's own. Obviously, this means it is extremely likely that one or more of your opponents will have at least some resistance to Water and/or Thunder. Personally, I would avoid inheriting such attack spells. Further, I believe this means that, in theory, having entities of the alignments Ice and Fire might be most effective in combat against computer opponents. I believe if you can get your entities to inherit attacks of Light, Dark, Ice and Fire you're pretty well set. However, when in battle against another player (via the Game Link), all bets are off. = 5.4 RECRUITING VS. FUSION = There seems to be four main differences between an entity you recruit and the same entity obtained through fusion. (This game really reminds me of Pokémon.): 1. There is something called "Rank" that can be increased for some entities through a special type of fusion. Rank indicates how close an entity is to evolving into a UNIQUE, higher level entity of its Type. This is like when you use fusion to combine an entity with your Guide. Basically, its Rank will increase a bit. When this Rank is increased enough, your Guide will evolve into the next stage (i.e., your Rox will evolve into Arch Rox). In the Dark version rank can only be increased FOR CERTAIN ENTITIES and this is done by combining two or more of the same entity together. Supposedly, this is the only way to obtain certain species of entities. However, I have been unable to do this yet in Light (aside from the Guide) and I'm not sure how it can be done. Research is needed... 2. By combining via fusion, the resulting entity can inherit up to 3 spells from the 'parents'. However, some spells can not be inherited under certain conditions, such as spells that would conflict with the result's alignment. For example, a Windmare could never inherit the spell "Heal All" because Windmares have a Dark alignment and "Heal All" is a Light-based spell. And, obviously, if the resulting entity naturally has a particular spell, then this particular spell is already given and will not be listed as a choice to be inherited. 3. It seems that when you use fusion, in addition to the usual spells and skills, the result will gain a new spell or skill that it would not have if it were merely recruited. This spell or skill may be something that neither parent had, so this is not merely inheritance. Take a look at Yami Shuryou's Demonary and you will see a lot more spells and skills listed than those you will find on the entities you recruit. Recruits will ONLY have the first three! So far, I've only been able to 'unlock' the fourth spell or skill listed for any entity through fusion. I've even tried several 'stages' of combining different entities, but so far it does not seem to make a difference. Perhaps it takes a special type of fusion or even extensive training with trainers to unlock the rest? I don't know. Do keep this in mind when looking through Yami's Demonary to choose the parents for fusion. Only the first three spells and skills listed are guaranteed, but the fourth is unlockable by any type of fusion. So, for example, don't try to fuse a Makara with something in the hopes of inheriting its Defboost spell (the 5'th spell/skill listed). It's not going happen... unless you know a lot more about fusion than I do. You COULD have something inherit the Makara's Heal All spell, but only if you created the Makara through fusion in the first place. 4. On some occasions, the fusion result will ask the player whether or not to inherit a Special Power from one of the parents. This can allow an entity to have a Special Power that it would not normally have. This could be rather useful, especially since many entities do not normally have a Special Power. However, while some Special Powers are a major advantage, others are mediocre or even nearly worthless. Keep in mind that an entity can only have ONE of these. So if you choose 'Yes' and the result inherits this power, it will replace whatever Special Power (if any) that it would have normally. Sadly, you are not told what power is being replaced, only what power is available to be inherited. (You may want to look this up in Yami Shuryou's Demonary beforehand.) I do not yet understand the conditions required for Special Power inheritance. It could be random for all I know. Anyway, this inheritance stuff can be a major boon, so do take advantage of it. But remember that only 3 spells can be inherited (provided they don't conflict with alignment) beyond what the resulting entity normally starts with. And an entity can only have 1 special power, period. A clever player might plan well in advance what spells and special power he would want for a particular entity and then plan a series of fusions in order to get the desired result. = 5.5 TAKING ADVANTAGE OF FAILED FUSION = Remember that Failed Fusion always results in an Alt Type and it is the ONLY way to get an Alt Type. Players can take advantage of this by trying to "force" a Failed Result. By this I mean save the game immediately beforehand and then try a fusion combination from section 2.3 - or marked with [Circle with dots] - where failure is possible. Then, if fusion succeeds (which it usually does), you can load the game and try again. By my estimate, I would say such fusion only fails somewhere between 1 in 10 and 1 in 20 times. Sometimes it fails on the first attempt and sometimes it won't fail after dozens of attempts. On occasion I've made over 30 attempts before it finally failed. Personally, I find Alt Types come in handy to create certain entities. However, I often wonder if it's worth the effort. (Probably only if you are trying to inherit certain spells or powers, or if you can use a load state.) === 6. HIDDEN ENTITIES === Sometimes when you are wandering around the maps and press 'A' in certain locations you will come across a unique hidden entity that can not be found or obtained anywhere else. This entity will ask for a password and then give a hint ("See Nintendo Power issue 175"). You only have one chance to answer correctly or else it will vanish forever... It's extremely difficult to find info about these hidden entities. If they bother to tell you anything about them, some sources might tell you this much: Password ...... Effect -------- ...... ------ Atlus ......... Get Chot Light ......... Get Ikonda Dark ......... Get Lucifroz Megami ........ Get Pandora Tensei ........ Get Starhair However, these are just the passwords - not where to find them. All most sources will say is "First find such-and-such and then enter 'password'." And these do not show up on your Guide's radar. You have to search the location where they are hiding. Just go to the location specified and press 'A'. It seems that the passwords for the Light Version are the same as the Dark Version. And most of the locations are the same, too: * Chot is West of the Time Tower. Go left, jump up to a floating island with a chest with Revive Orb, jump up again, and find Chot in the right corner. * Ikonda is in Frostville in a Bookshelf. * Lucifroz is in the Ice Temple by the throne, behind where King Icy was. * Starhair is on one of the last levels of Deep Hole, in the back of a large empty room. * Pandora is in Limbo Prison, inside the cell with two beds. Search the beds. === 7. ENTITY TYPE LISTS === I compiled these lists in order to make fusion easier to figure. I found it really helps to be able to tell at a glance which entities of a given Type are of a lower or higher rank. It helps with planning ahead and figuring exactly which entities you will need for a particular fusion, and what to aim for. Among other things, it can help to figure what entity you should get if you increase the Rank of an entity through fusion. There were something like these lists in the Shin Megami Tensei FAQs and I found them indispensable. Unfortunately, for many Types there are bunches of entities with the same level. Sometimes there are as many as 4 entities of the same level for a given type. It will take some research to figure out which ones are obtainable through fusion and which are not. ! - indicates a unique hidden entity; can NOT result from fusion * - indicates the different forms of your Guide, also unique # - indicates that I've confirmed it CAN result from fusion = 7. a) ALT TYPES = Roog .... L (Lv. 56) Zypher .. L (Lv. 56) Odin .... T (Lv. 54) Loki .... I (Lv. 53) Helldog . F (Lv. 53) Nesha ... E (Lv. 52) Karon ... F (Lv. 47) Scylla .. F (Lv. 44) Lachesis D (Lv. 44) Atropos . F (Lv. 43) Clotho .. L (Lv. 42) Nemesis . I (Lv. 41) Thor .... T (Lv. 39) Warbolt . T (Lv. 38) Boldar .. I (Lv. 38) Kai ..... E (Lv. 37) Brahmana T (Lv. 36) Teskarot D (Lv. 35) Erdin ... N (Lv. 33) Morton .. T (Lv. 30) Amphius . W (Lv. 26) Nezhog .. E (Lv. 23) # Valkyrie T (Lv. 22) Kobold .. I (Lv. 20) # Fairy ... N (Lv. 16) # Agathion T (Lv. 13) # Kesra ... N (Lv. 10) Wyregg .. W (Lv. 10) Mokele .. T (Lv. 9) # Korbacle I (Lv. 7) # Mecci ... T (Lv. 5) # Paramese W (Lv. 2) = 7. b) BEAST TYPES = Brute ... E (Lv. 52) Neuphinx L (Lv. 50) King Gef N (Lv. 45) King Nex F (Lv. 45) King Kem T (Lv. 45) Ocelot .. I (Lv. 44) Tior .... E (Lv. 43) Kyra .... L (Lv. 40) Gembu ... W (Lv. 40) Byako ... T (Lv. 40) Barone .. L (Lv. 37) Helphinx L (Lv. 35) Anubis .. D (Lv. 33) Slepnir . I (Lv. 33) Dephinx . L (Lv. 30) Neo Gef . N (Lv. 30) Neo Nex . F (Lv. 30) Neo Kem . T (Lv. 30) Fenrir .. I (Lv. 29) Nemea ... F (Lv. 28) Leogard . L (Lv. 28) Humba ... E (Lv. 28) Sphinx .. L (Lv. 26) Airavata L (Lv. 25) Boltrift T (Lv. 25) Warseal . I (Lv. 23) # Orthros . F (Lv. 21) # (9, 10, ?) Windmare D (Lv. 17) # Meta Gef N (Lv. 17) Meta Nex F (Lv. 17) Meta Kem T (Lv. 17) Firemare L (Lv. 13) # (5, 6) Catclaw . L (Lv. 13) Unicorn . L (Lv. 11) # (5) Ludra ... N (Lv. 10) Shoklam . T (Lv. 9) # !Chot! .. E (Lv. 8) Centaur . E (Lv. 6) # Mermount W (Lv. 5) Phoenix . F (Lv. 5) [Bird ?] Gef ..... N (Lv. 5) Nex ..... F (Lv. 5) Kem ..... T (Lv. 5) Lava Rat F (Lv. 3) = 7. c) BIRD TYPES = Pazu .... N (Lv. 54) Boltbird T (Lv. 46) Neonix .. F (Lv. 45) Morrigan N (Lv. 45) Siren ... W (Lv. 43) Garuda .. L (Lv. 42) War Crow N (Lv. 40) Suzak ... F (Lv. 38) Argos ... N (Lv. 35) Kresnik . L (Lv. 36) Bloodbat D (Lv. 33) Helnix .. F (Lv. 30) Harpy ... N (Lv. 30) Ra ...... L (Lv. 26) Talon ... E (Lv. 22) # Frezberg N (Lv. 20) # Horus ... E (Lv. 18) # (8, ?) Redwing . F (Lv. 17) (8, ?) Denix ... F (Lv. 17) Apsaras . N (Lv. 15) # (7) Gargoyle I (Lv. 13) # War Lion N (Lv. 11) # Krane ... F (Lv. 7) # (3, 4) Hooty ... L (Lv. 4) # (1, 2, ?) = 7. d) DRAGON TYPES = Jormung . I (Lv. 53) Armasnak W (Lv. 49) Firetung F (Lv. 48) Lamia ... I (Lv. 46) Urboros . E (Lv. 45) Kaleidos W (Lv. 44) Batos ... N (Lv. 43) Quetza .. N (Lv. 41) Rahab ... W (Lv. 41) Seryu ... I (Lv. 39) Solarius N (Lv. 38) Lindwurm T (Lv. 35) Tiamat .. W (Lv. 32) Octorex . E (Lv. 31) Hydron .. W (Lv. 29) Necrodon D (Lv. 27) Bushido . E (Lv. 26) Trinos .. T (Lv. 26) Roksaur . E (Lv. 25) Orochi .. T (Lv. 24) Neptina . W (Lv. 23) # Kokatris F (Lv. 20) # (9, 10, ?) Hydra ... I (Lv. 19) Bearlord E (Lv. 17) # (8, ?) Basilisk E (Lv. 14) # (6) Sizzard . F (Lv. 11) # Makara .. W (Lv. 8) # (3, 4) Tsunami . W (Lv. 4) # (1, 2, ?) = 7. e) EVIL TYPES = Azel .... D (Lv. 58) Krak .... W (Lv. 56) Boltar .. T (Lv. 47) Scatha .. D (Lv. 45) Astar ... D (Lv. 43) Rhanda .. D (Lv. 42) Mammon .. D (Lv. 38) Wartak .. N (Lv. 37) Evil Eye D (Lv. 36) Nue ..... T (Lv. 35) Doombors D (Lv. 34) Pyrosia . F (Lv. 32) Shadomas D (Lv. 31) Belial .. D (Lv. 28) Isis .... D (Lv. 24) # Paimon .. I (Lv. 21) # Abaddon . W (Lv. 18) # Vrtra ... F (Lv. 17) # Kali .... I (Lv. 16) # (8) Temptina D (Lv. 14) Arachnia E (Lv. 12) # (5) Tik Tok . D (Lv. 11) Dark Imp D (Lv. 8) # Two-Tail D (Lv. 5) Chefros . D (Lv. 4) # (1, 2, ?) = 7. f) FIEND TYPES = Dagon ... W (Lv. 56) Goblin .. T (Lv. 47) Tork .... T (Lv. 44) Konton .. T (Lv. 43) Mad Hat . E (Lv. 43) Karfu ... T (Lv. 42) Tamlin .. N (Lv. 39) Berzerk . D (Lv. 38) Jimna ... T (Lv. 36) Bludkap . F (Lv. 34) Mandrake W (Lv. 34) King Icy I (Lv. 33) Vorgia .. W (Lv. 30) Icy Trio I (Lv. 28) Lusarka . W (Lv. 26) Dwelgar . E (Lv. 26) Mermaid . W (Lv. 26) Icy Ace . I (Lv. 23) # Ice Maid I (Lv. 21) # (?, ?, ?, ?, ?) Icymelon I (Lv. 19) (6R) Icylemon I (Lv. 18) # Skyfish . T (Lv. 18) Icyberry I (Lv. 17) (6R) Skare ... N (Lv. 16) J. Frost I (Lv. 15) # Leprak .. E (Lv. 13) Punkin .. F (Lv. 12) # (6) Midion .. T (Lv. 10) # Razor ... N (Lv. 9) # Ice Baby I (Lv. 8) # (3, 4) Garum ... F (Lv. 5) Windfrag N (Lv. 3) (0, 1) Mini Icy I (Lv. 1) = 7. g) GOOD TYPES = Vishnu .. L (Lv. 50) Ares .... F (Lv. 48) Marduk .. L (Lv. 48) Amon .... D (Lv. 46) Hades ... D (Lv. 46) Ishtar .. T (Lv. 43) Bounty .. F (Lv. 42) Whiskers L (Lv. 39) Lord Pey W (Lv. 35) Lord Sha E (Lv. 31) Poseidon W (Lv. 29) Lord Nan F (Lv. 28) Lord Ton N (Lv. 24) Scout ... L (Lv. 24) Agni .... F (Lv. 24) # Osiris .. E (Lv. 21) Dredogs . L (Lv. 20) Pegasus . L (Lv. 20) # (9, 10, ?) Indra ... T (Lv. 17) Shogun .. E (Lv. 16) # (8) Speedy .. N (Lv. 13) Laksmi .. W (Lv. 12) # (5, 10, ?, ?) Windlord N (Lv. 10) (5) Windhook N (Lv. 9) Seth .... W (Lv. 8) # Thundar . T (Lv. 5) (3, 4) Aminoz .. W (Lv. 4) = 7. h) HOLY TYPES = Michael . L (Lv. 58) Scorpio . I (Lv. 52) Guardian L (Lv. 48) Seraphim L (Lv. 47) Uriel ... F (Lv. 46) Raphael . N (Lv. 46) Vomana .. L (Lv. 45) Aries ... T (Lv. 44) Cherubim L (Lv. 42) Asmodeus F (Lv. 42) Puritus . L (Lv. 41) Pathlite L (Lv. 39) Gemini .. N (Lv. 38) Ironhoof L (Lv. 33) Cancer .. W (Lv. 33) Haurvata L (Lv. 30) Amurtert L (Lv. 28) Dominion L (Lv. 27) Muslexx . L (Lv. 26) Virtue .. L (Lv. 24) Virgo ... F (Lv. 24) # (?, ?, ?, ?) Leo ..... T (Lv. 22) Power ... L (Lv. 20) Libra ... E (Lv. 20) # (9, 10, ?, ?, ?) Prince .. L (Lv. 19) # (8, ?) Irontaur E (Lv. 16) (8) Sea Ram . N (Lv. 15) # (6, 7, 8) Aquarios I (Lv. 13) # (5, 6) Angel ... L (Lv. 12) Nikare .. L (Lv. 8) # (3, 4) Mariner . W (Lv. 5) (3, 4) Cupid ... L (Lv. 4) = 7. i) GHOST TYPES = Surt .... D (Lv. 58) Ankuu ... D (Lv. 50) Namtar .. T (Lv. 48) Kyuki ... F (Lv. 46) Dullahan F (Lv. 46) Nitemare I (Lv. 42) Flarlok . F (Lv. 39) Airlok .. N (Lv. 39) Aqualok . W (Lv. 38) Earthlok E (Lv. 38) Akerr ... F (Lv. 38) Raykon .. I (Lv. 38) Artemis . D (Lv. 34) Seaboz .. W (Lv. 32) Mokoy ... E (Lv. 32) Succubus T (Lv. 30) Hanuman . L (Lv. 27) Lich .... D (Lv. 27) Baku .... W (Lv. 24) # (?, ?, ?, ?) Banshee . W (Lv. 22) Inkubus . T (Lv. 22) !Pandora! D (Lv. 22) Phantom . I (Lv. 20) (9, 10, ?, ?, ?, ?) Demipyre F (Lv. 18) # (8, ?) Coperia . I (Lv. 18) Slumber . N (Lv. 17) # (8, ?) !Ikonda! I (Lv. 16) Pilox ... E (Lv. 13) Vampire . T (Lv. 13) # (6) Caitsith N (Lv. 10) Elphine . E (Lv. 9) # Undine .. W (Lv. 5) # Shepp ... T (Lv. 2) = 7. j) OGRE TYPES = Mekra ... F (Lv. 54) Cyclops . E (Lv. 52) Hekaton . E (Lv. 44) Shudozi . E (Lv. 42) Ogre .... F (Lv. 41) Mummy ... E (Lv. 40) Witch ... N (Lv. 38) Groid ... T (Lv. 37) Goku .... W (Lv. 36) Bulmax .. F (Lv. 36) Dwarf ... E (Lv. 35) Gogra ... T (Lv. 34) Saggath . W (Lv. 33) Harkai .. T (Lv. 31) Silgra .. N (Lv. 30) Dydra ... E (Lv. 29) Minotaur E (Lv. 27) Bifrius . F (Lv. 23) # Skeltos . E (Lv. 20) Bibisana N (Lv. 19) # Sylph ... N (Lv. 16) # (7, 8) Golem ... E (Lv. 15) (7, ?) Iceraith I (Lv. 13) Talos ... T (Lv. 13) Thumurai W (Lv. 12) # Arakneus E (Lv. 10) # (5) Yeti .... I (Lv. 6) # (3) Windling N (Lv. 4) Pixie ... N (Lv. 3) (0) Gnome ... E (Lv. 1) (0) = 7. k) ZOMBIE TYPES = Surtzom . D (Lv. 50) Azelzom . D (Lv. 50) Krakzom . W (Lv. 48) Dagonzom W (Lv. 48) Mekrazom F (Lv. 45) Pazuzom . N (Lv. 45) Neshazom E (Lv. 41) Brutzom . D (Lv. 41) Amonzom . D (Lv. 38) Lamiazom I (Lv. 38) Batozom . N (Lv. 32) Astarzom D (Lv. 32) Byakozom T (Lv. 31) Gembuzom W (Lv. 31) Suzakzom F (Lv. 29) Seryuzom I (Lv. 29) Nuezom .. T (Lv. 26) Argozom . N (Lv. 26) Nemeazom L (Lv. 20) Humbazom E (Lv. 20) = 7. l) BOSS TYPES = Lucifer . D (Lv. 62) !Lucifroz L (Lv. 60) Norn .... L (Lv. 60) Shiva ... D (Lv. 55) Zebul ... D (Lv. 55) Dredalus D (Lv. 54) Verdani . L (Lv. 53) Phegor .. D (Lv. 53) Skuld ... F (Lv. 52) Gilgamis T (Lv. 52) Urd ..... W (Lv. 51) Verrito . D (Lv. 51) !Starhair L (Lv. 50) Empra ... L (Lv. 46) Empio ... D (Lv. 46) Ozemos .. T (Lv. 45) Grimlee . N (Lv. 45) Kibra ... N (Lv. 38) Bifronz . E (Lv. 38) Nergul .. D (Lv. 36) Oberon .. E (Lv. 34) Forlo ... D (Lv. 32) Crosel .. I (Lv. 26) Kanos ... F (Lv. 25) Andromus F (Lv. 22) Glasyabo N (Lv. 16) Harborim F (Lv. 16) Grevir .. D (Lv. 14) Tupon ... N (Lv. 8) Kyme .... W (Lv. 8) = 7. m) MYTH TYPES = *War Rox D (Lv. 45) *Wing Rox D (Lv. 30) *Arch Rox D (Lv. 17) *Rox .... D (Lv. 5) === 8. MY FUSION NOTES === This section has lists and descriptions of some of the spells and skills that I found noteworthy. And following those is a list of the fusion formulas that I've discovered (along with where to find the parent entities to make them). = 8.1 ENTITIES WITH CURE = Cure can be very useful in long battles, like boss fights. And I've found that it's very difficult to be a serious competitor on Battlenet without this spell. Prince Ho L Lv. 19 Slyph Og N Lv. 16 Thumurai Og W Lv. 12 Unicorn Bs L Lv. 11 Elphine Gh E Lv. 9 Shoklam Bs T Lv. 9 Razor Fn N Lv. 9 Nikare Ho L Lv. 8 Makara Dr W Lv. 8 Ice Baby Fn I Lv. 8 Korbacle Al I Lv. 7 Thundar Go T Lv. 5 Pixie Og N Lv. 3 Gnome Og E Lv. 1 = 8.2 SOME USEFUL SPELLS & SKILLS = I found it useful to make notes on some of the more useful and common spells and skills. Many spells and skills are either pathetic or nothing special. Especially in the short battles which are typical, I find the regular attack mode is far more effective and efficient than most spells and skills. And so I usually only use healing or Cure and then only on rare occasions. (Boss and Battlenet battles are a different story, however!) Anyway, the spells and skills below I have attempted to sort by how useful they seemed, from most to least. I tried not to mention attack spells unless they inflict a useful status ailment. That's because the rest of the attack spells are mostly similar and the damage depends on the alignment of the target. It really helps in fusion to plan which entities to choose as the parents, so as to inherit the desired spells (and Special Power). Sometimes it takes fusing several different sets of parents in order to do this. For example, you might want to fuse a Krane and Nikare to get a Razor which could inherit the Defboost and/or Cure spells. Then fuse a Makara and Ice Baby to get a War Lion to inherit the spells Mystic Bind, Cure, and/or Heal All. Finally, you could combine this Razor with the Warlion to get a Basilisk that could inherit any three of those spells (such as Defboost, Mystic Bind, and Cure) - as long as there is no alignment conflict. That's probably not a good example, but you get the idea. IMPORTANT: Those skills and spells which give a chance of inflicting a status ailment are MUCH more likely to inflict this ailment if used against enemies weak against the alignment of the attack. And, obviously, attack spells inflict more damage on those of opposite alignment. So, for example, Hex Comadeus (Dark) will do MAJOR damage to Light-based enemies and a very slight chance of faint. But if used against anything else it does only moderate to minor damage and has almost zero chance of faint. Remember, spells can be inherited, but not skills. I only mention a few skills. A clever player might aim for an entity that has a rather useful skill (such as Magic Drain, for example) and then go through several fusions to get it. * - Indicates a skill (not a spell) and so using it drains HP instead of MP. Healmor All (LIGHT/Major HP Rcvry/Pty) [Very good.] Heal All (LIGHT/Minor HP Rcvry/Pty) [It's workable. Invaluable until Healmor All is available.] Cure (LIGHT/Cure/1 Ally) [Lots of status ailments are encountered. But ailments do go away after every battle. But very useful in Boss fights & BATTLENET!] Defboost (LIGHT/Def Up/Pty) [VERY USEFUL FOR BOSS AND OTHER LONG BATTLES!] Revive (LIGHT/Revive/1 Ally) [Not very often that I have an ally fall. But can be useful in some situations.] Powerboost (LIGHT/Atk Up/Pty) [Might be useful for Boss or Battlenet battles.] Silence (DARK/Mute/1 Foe) [Stops spell casting on 1 enemy. Has a good chance of success, but does NOT stop SKILLS!] *Magic Drain* (DARK/IDmg+MP Drain/1 Foe) [MAJOR damage to 1 foe & gives the user some MP! Gives a significant owie to user, though.] Mystic Bind (DARK/Prlyz/1 Foe) [Will paralyze 1 foe and is likely to succeed. Lasts for several (a few, at least) turns.] *Sacrifice* (FIRE/MajorDmg+MajorHurt!/Foes) [Blows itself up in order to do MAJOR fire damage! Still has 1 HP left... Use with caution!] *Paralyze* (DARK/mDmg+Prlyz/1 Foe) [Major dark damage & paralyzes 1 foe. Will usually do damage, but not likely to paralyze.] *Holy Mute* (LIGHT/sDmg+Mute/2 Foes) [Useful in long battles against spell users. But using gives a rather big owie & it doesn't stop skills.] Distract (DARK/Tempt/1 Foe) [Similar to Pandemonium. It temporarily turns an enemy into an ally... IF IT WORKS. Not a good chance of success, but not too bad, either.] Double Hit (DARK/Hit x2/1 Foe) [Double whammy. It does 2 regular hits.] Hex Bind (DARK/Hit+Prlyz/1 Foe) [Does 1 regular hit & some chance of paralysis. Enough said.] Powerdrain (DARK/Atk Down/Foes) [Maybe useful in long battles. BUT, there's a good chance it will fail. May hit 1 enemy, though...] Hex Comadeus (DARK/mDmg+Faint/2 Foes) [Major dark damage to two foes & a chance of faint! But chance of fainting is TINY!] Lucidity (LIGHT/Acc Up/Pty) [SMALL increase in accuracy. Useful in long fights? Makes it slightly less likely for party to miss foes.] Spellboost (LIGHT/MGC Up/Pty) [Seems to only give about 15% increase in damage to spells, if that.] Powercharge (LIGHT/Special Boost) [Not sure. Increases Special Power effects?] *Temptation* (DARK/Recruit Up/1 Foe) [Might be useful for some players. Makes it easier to recruit one higher level enemy. But each use hurts...] Repel (LIGHT/Encount Down/Pty) [Very useful! But only one ally needs this and then I just switch it out before a boss fight. Lasts a good amount of time.] Hex Coma (DARK/sDmg+Faint/1 Foe) [Small damage & VERY small chance of faint.] Speedboost (LIGHT/Spd Up/Pty) [Small increase in speed. Perhaps useful in long fights? Allies are a bit more likely to go before enemies turn.] Pandemonium (DARK/Confuse/1 Foe) [Similar to Distract, it MIGHT confuse the enemy into attacking another enemy. However, the chance of failure is rather high, it only lasts a few turns, and the victim might still attack your team even while confused. Not really worth it.] Intox (DARK/Happy/1 Foe) [Doesn't appear to do much of anything. It might make it less likely for foes to hit your team or maybe they do slightly less damage, but if it does either it's rather hard to tell. Duration is random, from 1 turn to 5 turns or more.] *Reflect* (DARK/Rflct Power Damage) [Will reflect SKILLS, but NOT hits or spells. And it HURTS & lasts only 1 turn. Unless against a boss that does a LOT of damage, this does not seem worth it... at all.] NOTE ABOUT POISON: In DemiKids the Poison ailment only does a tiny, tiny amount of damage. So little, in fact, that casting Cure to remove it may or may not be worth it, even in long fights. The poison will be gone after the fight is over, anyway. So skills and spells that do poison are not really anything special. It's not very advantageous for players to use, either. = 8.3 SOME FUSION FORMULAS = Location Key: 0 -> Rem School 1 -> Tower Area 2 -> Fanda Plains 3 -> Foggy Marsh 4 -> Lair Area 5 -> Duvegs Trail 6 -> Hydra Mine 7 -> Inferno Pit 8 -> Limbo Prison 9 -> Rem City: Playground 10 -> Rem Blvd. 11 -> Rem Park Abbreviations: F -> From fusion of lower level entities. (1F = fusion possible from Lvl. 1) S -> Special, as in not possible to create from fusion. R -> Rare and very hard to find! U -> UNIQUE! One of a kind! EXAMPLE: Thundar + Windfrag = Centaur Bs E Lv. 6 (3~4U+1) The "3~4" part of "(3~4U+1)" means that it's possible to recruit the first parent (Thundar) from either the Foggy March (3) or the Lair Area (4). The "U" indicates that this parent (Thundar) is unique and can NOT be created from fusion. Te "+1" refers to the second parent (Windfrag), which can be recruited from the Tower Area (1). Icylemon + Sea Ram = Orthros Bs F Lv. 21 (1F + 6) ============== Slyph + Sea Ram = Pegasus Go L Lv. 20 (7 + 6) ============= Icylemon + Laksmi = Frezburg Bi N Lv. 20 (1F + 5) =============== Pegasus + Icylemon = Kokatris Dr F Lv. 20 (1F + 1F) =============== Icylemon + Vampire = Prince Ho L Lv. 18 (1F + 6) ============== Icylemon + Basilisk = Horus Bi E Lv. 18 (1F + 6) ============== Garygoyle + Sea Ram = Icylemon Fn I Lv. 18 (1F + 6) =============== Apsaras + Aquarios = Icylemon Fn I Lv. 18 (1F + 6) =============== Apsaras + Sea Ram = Icylemon Fn I Lv. 18 (1F + 6) =============== Basilisk + Vampire = Windmare Bs D Lv. 17 (6 + 6) =============== Sylph + Agathion = Windmare Bs D Lv. 17 (7 + 1F) =============== Shogun + J. Frost = Windmare Bs D Lv. 17 (1F + 1F) ================ Icylemon + Aquarios = Windmare Bs D Lv. 17 (1F + 6) =============== Slumber + Laksmi = Bear Lord Dr E Lv. 17 ================ Icylemon + Gargoyle = Bear Lord Dr E Lv. 17 ================ Aquarios + Laksmi = Slumber Gh N Lv. 17 ================= Slyph + Gargoyle = Slumber Gh N Lv. 17 (7+ 1F) ================= Slyph + Basilisk = Vrtra Ev F Lv. 17 (7 + 6) ============== Firemare + Laksmi = Slyph Og N Lv. 16 (6 + 5) ============== Firemare + Vampire = Slyph Og N Lv. 16 (6 + 6) ============== Basilisk + Aquarios = Shogun Go E Lv. 16 (6+6) ================= Aquarios + Firemare = Shogun Go E Lv. 16 (6+6) ================= Aquarios + Basilisk = Shogun Go E Lv. 16 (6+6) ================= Sea Ram + Firemare = Shogun Go E Lv. 16 (6+6) ================= Sea Ram + Basilisk = Shogun Go E Lv. 16 (6+6) ================= Aquarios + Shoklam = Shogun Go E Lv. 16 (6+1F) ================= Gargoyle + Basilisk = Shogun Go E Lv. 16 (1F+6) ================= Sylph + Aquarios = Shogun Go E Lv. 16 (1f+6) ================= Agathion + Razor = Shogun Go E Lv. 16 (1F+1F) Arakneus + Vampire = Kali Ev I Lv. 16 ----------------- Basilisk + Punkin = Apsaras Bi N Lv. 15 (6+6) ================= Firemare + Basilisk = Apsaras Bi N Lv. 15 (6+6) ================= Punkin + Thumerai = Apsaras Bi N Lv. 15 (6+1F) ================= Agathion + Vampire = Sea Ram Ho N Lv. 15 War Lion + Vampire = Sea Ram Ho N Lv. 15 Aquarios + Gargoyle = J. Frost Fn I Lv. 15 (6+1F) ================ Aquarios + War Lion = J. Frost Fn I Lv. 15 (6+1F) ================ Laksmi + Agathion = J. Frost Fn I Lv. 15 War Lion + Razor = Basilisk Dr E Lv. 14 Thumerai + Laksmi = Basilisk Dr E Lv. 14 ================ Nikare + Agathion = Basilisk Dr E Lv. 14 ---------------- Seth + Makara = Aquarios Ho I Lv. 13 ================ Dark Imp + Krane = Aquarios Ho I Lv. 13 ================ Elphine + Ice Baby = Aquarios Ho I Lv. 13 (1F+3~4) ================ War Lion + Dark Imp = Aquarios Ho I Lv. 13 Razor + Vampire = Aquarios Ho I Lv. 13 Windlord + Punkin = Firemare Bs L Lv. 13 (5+6) =============== Razor + Aquarios = Firemare Bs L Lv. 13 ================ Arakneus + Agathion = Firemare Bs L Lv. 13 ---------------- Mokele + Thumurai = Firemare Bs L Lv. 13 (1F+1F) ============= Thumurai + Ice Baby = Gargoyle Bi I Lv. 13 ================ Punkin + Arakneus = Gargoyle Bi I Lv. 13 ================ Thumurai + Midion = Gargoyle Bi I Lv. 13 ================ Chot + Agathion = Gargoyle Bi I Lv. 13 Nikare + Seth = Vampire Gh T Lv. 13 Laksmi + Nikare = Vampire Gh T Lv. 13 Chot + Dark Imp = Vampire Gh T Lv. 13 Aquarios + Seth = Vampire Gh T Lv. 13 Makara + Nikare = Laksmi Go W Lv. 12 (3~4+3~4) ================ Nikare + Centaur = Laksmi Go W Lv. 12 (3~4+1F) War Lion + Tsunami = Laksmi Go W Lv. 12 (1F+1~2) Arakneus + Nikare = Laksmi Go W Lv. 12 (5+3~4) ================= Agathion + Tsunami = Laksmi Go W Lv. 12 (1F+1~2) ----------------- Laksmi + Shoklam = Thumurai Og W Lv. 12 ================= Elphine + Shoklam = Thumurai Og W Lv. 12 ================= Laksmi + Centaur = Thumurai Og W Lv. 12 ================= Agathion + Dark Imp = Thumurai Og W Lv. 12 Chot + Laksmi = Thumurai Og W Lv. 12 Chot + Vampire = Thumurai Og W Lv. 12 War Lion + Nikare = Punkin Fn F Lv. 12 ================= Vampire + Dark Imp = Punkin Fn F Lv. 12 Agathion + Seth = Punkin Fn F Lv. 12 Laksmi + Korbacle = Punkin Fn F Lv. 12 Chot + War Lion = Punkin Fn F Lv. 12 Razor + Centaur = Arachnia Ev E Lv. 12 ================= Krane + Korbacle = Arachnia Ev E Lv. 12 Thumurai + Elphine = Arachnia Ev E Lv. 12 ================= Chot + Razor = Arachnia Ev E Lv. 12 Dark Imp + Nikare = Sizzard Dr F Lv. 11 ================= Thundar + Elphine = Sizzard Dr F Lv. 11 (2) ================ Razor + Dark Imp = Sizzard Dr F Lv. 11 War Lion + Windfrag = Sizzard Dr F Lv. 11 Laksmi + Yeti = Sizzard Dr F Lv. 11 (1-2) ================= Makara + Ice Baby = War Lion Bi N Lv. 11 (3~4+3~4) ============== Centaur + Makara = War Lion Bi N Lv. 11 ================= Razor + Pixie = War Lion Bi N Lv. 11 Razor + Tsunami = War Lion Bi N Lv. 11 ================= Shoklam + Makara = War Lion Bi N Lv. 11 (1F+3~4) ================= Shoklam + Korbacle = War Lion Bi N Lv. 11 ================= Arakneus + Ice Baby = War Lion Bi N Lv. 11 ================= Razor + Arakneus = War Lion Bi N Lv. 11 ================= Agathion + Centaur = War Lion Bi N Lv. 11 Chot + Korbacle = War Lion Bi N Lv. 11 Nikare + Ice Baby = Unicorn Bs L Lv. 11 (3~4+3~4) ============== Elphine + Makara = Unicorn Bs L Lv. 11 (1F+3~4) Laksmi + Krane = Unicorn Bs L Lv. 11 (5+3~4) ================ Arakneus + Dark Imp = Unicorn Bs L Lv. 11 ================ Thumurai + Korbacle = Unicorn Bs L Lv. 11 ================ Shoklam + Krane = Midion Fn T Lv. 10 ================ Elphine + Dark Imp = Midion Fn T Lv. 10 ================ Elphine + Mariner = Arakneus Og E Lv. 10 (1F+3~4) ================ Centaur + Undine = Arakneus Og E Lv. 10 Centaur + Seth = Arakneus Og E Lv. 10 Nikare + Elphine = Arakneus Og E Lv. 10 (3~4+1F) Elphine + Centaur = Arakneus Og E Lv. 10 Nikare + Undine = Arakneus Og E Lv. 10 Shocklam + Set = Arakneus Og E Lv. 10 =============== Aminoz + Centaur = Arakneus Og E Lv. 10 Chot + Seth = Arakneus Og E Lv. 10 Chot + Aminoz = Arakneus Og E Lv. 10 Nikare + Krane = Razor Fn N Lv. 9 (3~4+3~4) Seth + Korbacle = Razor Fn N Lv. 9 =============== Chot + Krane = Razor Fn N Lv. 9 Mariner + Thundar = Elphine Gh E Lv. 9 (3~4+3~4U) ============= Thundar + Nikare = Elphine Gh E Lv. 9 (3~4U+3~4) ============= Centaur + Pixie = Elphine Gh E Lv. 9 Centaur + Chefros = Elphine Gh E Lv. 9 Krane + Pixie = Elphine Gh E Lv. 9 Yeti + Krane = Elphine Gh E Lv. 9 (2) ============== Windling + Chot = Elphine Gh E Lv. 9 War Lion + Pixie = Elphine Gh E Lv. 9 Aminoz + Nikare = Elphine Gh E Lv. 9 Thundar + Ice Baby = Shoklam Bs T Lv. 9 (3~4U+3~4) ============= Mariner + Ice Baby = Shoklam Bs T Lv. 9 (3~4+3~4) ============= Seth + Hooty = Shoklam Bs T Lv. 9 Nikare + Windfrag = Shoklam Bs T Lv. 9 -------------- Aminoz + Krane = Shoklam Bs T Lv. 9 Nikare + Hooty = Ice Baby Fn I Lv. 8 ============== Undine + Chefros = Ice Baby Fn I Lv. 8 ============== Elphine + Chefros = Ice Baby Fn I Lv. 8 Krane + Centaur = Ice Baby Fn I Lv. 8 ============== Hooty + Chefros = Nikare Ho L Lv. 8 Thundar + Makara = Nikare Ho L Lv. 8 (3~4U+3~4) =========== Seth + Tsunami = Nikare Ho L Lv. 8 ============== Elphine + Windfrag = Nikare Ho L Lv. 8 Seth + Chefros = Nikare Ho L Lv. 8 Krane + Undine = Nikare Ho L Lv. 8 Aminoz + Tsunami = Nikare Ho L Lv. 8 Aminoz + Chefros = Nikare Ho L Lv. 8 Aminoz + Makara = Nikare Ho L Lv. 8 Windfrag + Hooty = Makara Dr W Lv. 8 Windfrag + Chefros = Makara Dr W Lv. 8 Nikare + Chefros = Makara Dr W Lv. 8 Seth + Pixie = Makara Dr W Lv. 8 Ice Baby + Hooty = Makara Dr W Lv. 8 =============== Mecci + Nikare = Makara Dr W Lv. 8 =============== Aminoz + Pixie = Makara Dr W Lv. 8 Aminoz + Undine = Makara Dr W Lv. 8 Aminoz + Elphine = Makara Dr W Lv. 8 Aminoz + Windling = Makara Dr W Lv. 8 Tsunami + Hooty = Seth Go W Lv. 8 Nikare + Pixie = Seth Go W Lv. 8 Nikare + Tsunami = Seth Go W Lv. 8 ---------------- Mariner + Makara = Seth Go W Lv. 8 (3~4+3~4) =============== Mecci + Tsunami = Seth Go W Lv. 8 ================ Tsunami + Pixie = Dark Imp Ev D Lv. 8 Undine + Gnome = Dark Imp Ev D Lv. 8 ================ Windfrag + Pixie = Krane Bi F Lv. 7 Tsunami + Windfrag = Krane Bi F Lv. 7 Tsunami + Chefros = Krane Bi F Lv. 7 Lava Rat + Tsunami = Krane Bi F Lv. 7 -------------- Mecci + Chefros = Yeti Og I Lv. 6 ============== Aminoz + Lava Rat = Yeti Og I Lv. 6 Chefros + Gnome = Centaur Bs E Lv. 6 Chefros + Pixie = Centaur Bs E Lv. 6 Thundar + Windfrag = Centaur Bs E Lv. 6 (3~4U+1) ============ Tsunami + Undine = Centaur Bs E Lv. 6 Mecci + Gnome = Centaur Bs E Lv. 6 ============== Aminoz + Windfrag = Centaur Bs E Lv. 6 Aminoz + Hooty = Centaur Bs E Lv. 6 Hooty + Gnome = Undine Gh W Lv. 5 Hooty + Pixie = Undine Gh W Lv. 5 Centaur + Gnome = Undine Gh W Lv. 5 ============== Lava Rat + Gnome = Undine Gh W Lv. 5 Lava Rat + Windling = Undine Gh W Lv. 5 Tsunami + Gnome = Chefros Ev D Lv. 4 Windfrag + Gnome = Hooty Bi L Lv. 4 Aminoz + Gnome = Tsunami Dr W Lv. 4 FAILED RESULTS (ALT TYPE): Shogun + J. Frost = Fairy Al N Lv. 16 Slumber + Laksmi = Fairy Al N Lv. 16 Nikare + Seth = Agathion Al T Lv. 13 Krane + Dark Imp = Agathion Al T Lv. 13 Laksmi + Chefros = Agathion Al T Lv. 13 Laksmi + Arakneus = Agathion Al T Lv. 13 Laksmi + Basilisk = Agathion Al T Lv. 13 Laksmi + Thumerai = Agathion Al T Lv. 13 Centaur + Chefros = Mokele Al T Lv. 9 Seth + Hooty = Mokele Al T Lv. 9 Nikare + Dark Imp = Mokele Al T Lv. 9 Shoklam + Chefros = Mokele Al T Lv. 9 Elphine + Dark Imp = Mokele Al T Lv. 9 Elphine + Seth = Mokele Al T Lv. 9 Arakneus + Dark Imp = Mokele Al T Lv. 9 Laksmi + Centaur = Mokele Al T Lv. 9 Vampire + Dark Imp = Mokele Al T Lv. 9 Windfrag + Chefros = Korbacle Al I Lv. 7 Hooty + Chefros = Korbacle Al I Lv. 7 Seth + Tsunami = Korbacle Al I Lv. 7 Undine + Chefros = Korbacle Al I Lv. 7 Chefros + Gnome = Mecci Al T Lv. 5 === 9. LEGAL NOTE === This work is Copyright 2010 by Benjamin Sperandio. This work may not be placed on amy web site or otherwise distributed publicly unless the content is reproduced unaltered and in it's entirety. Contacting me in advance to inform me of such distribution is preferred, but not required. If you want to use any of the info or charts from this guide in your own, you can, but you must give credit. This is my first FAQ and I will see how this goes before I submit more game guides. All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders.. Yada, yada, yada... === 10. CREDITS === My appreciation and credit goes to Yami Shuryou for writing his "Demonary FAQ" for DemiKids: Light Version. It made completing my section 7, Entity Type Lists a whole lot easier! I recommend players look at his FAQ for all sorts of detailed info on each entity. And, of course, thanks to Atlus for creating excellent RPGs and to for hosting this guide.