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Introduction 2. Battling Basics 3. Buttons 4. Maneuvering 5. Attacking 6. Characters 7. Items 8. Statuses 9. 1P Battle A. Impmon B. Toy Town C. Cathdedral Ruins D. Etemon's Desert E. Frozen Wonderland F. Digimon Emperor's Lair G. Puppetmon's Jungle H. Shinto Temple I. Final Battle J. The End? 10. Options 11. Game Data 12. Miscellaneous A. Reader Feedback B. Contact Information C. Legal Issues D. Version History I========================I I * INTRODUCTION * I I========================I Digimon: Battle Spirit is a great game and a must-have for all fans. However, there seems to be very little or no coverage of it on the gaming sites I've visited. I decided then to create my own guide on this game, which you are now reading. :) I wrote this guide playing the American release of the "Digimon: Battle Spirit" game for Gameboy Advance. Not every detail was available to me, as to any player in my position. For instance, I don't know the *official* names of the fields, attacks, and other things of that nature. However, that has very little to do gameplay, so it shouldn't matter much. I===========================I I * BATTLING BASICS * I I===========================I If you've played realtime battling games like Street Fighter or Tekken before, this game should look very familiar. There are, however, many differences. For the default battling style, the goal is not to knock-out the opponent by means of whittling down its hit points, but to collect more "D-Spirit" than it. D-Spirit (which I will shorten to DSp) are the colored orbs given off whenver a Digimon is hit with an attack. The blue orbs are your opponent's, and they're the ones that will raise your D-Spirit count. Your count does not increase if you collect your own reb orbs, but it's a good habit to do so. If you collect them, that means your opponent can't. When the match times out, whoever collected more of its opponent's DSp wins. Occasionally, a small, floating white Digimon called Calumon wil appear on the field. Whoever touches it first Digivolves to their more powerful Mega form. In the Mega form, a Digimon has a different set of attacks and will not produce any DSp when hit. A Mega also cannot be electricuted, burned, slowed, or confused. You have an energy bar shown on the top of the battle screen. This determines how long you can stay in your Mega form and how long you can block. In the event of a draw, when both combatants have collected the same amount of DSp, there will be a short tie-breaker battle. The clock is set to 1:30 and all the normal rules apply. I===================I I * BUTTONS * I I===================I Since this is a fighting game, there will inevitably be moves you can do using a sequence or combination of your GBA buttons. For easier understanding of these sequences and combinations, I will use certain symbols and letters to represent the buttons on your console. It should be easy to figure out what they mean, but here's a key anyways. /\ Control Pad Up > Control Pad Right \/ Control Pad Down < Control Pad Left A Button A B Button B L Button L R Button R St Start Button Se Select Button I=======================I I * MANEUVERING * I I=======================I = Format = Description. Availability. Instruction. = Walking = Move around normally. Available to all. Press < or >. = Running = More speed, but harder to stop and turn. Available to all. Press < or > twice and hold on the second press. = Blocking = Prevents most attacks. Available to all. Press \/ and hold. = Loitering = Plays an animation of the Digimon doing something random. Available to all. Animations vary. Press L or R. = Jumping = Lets you get airborne. Available to all. Press A (hold for higher jumps). = Dropping = Jump down from a platform to a lower one. Available to all. Hold \/ and press A. Does not work when you're on the ground. = Gliding = Falls slower for more horizontally movement while airborne. Available to Terriermon, MegaGargomon, Lopmon. Hold A while falling. = Clinging = Walk on vertical surfaces. Available to Wormmon. While airborne, press either < or > to make your Digimon press against a wall. It will cling to that surface for a while. You can then press /\ or \/ to move your Digimon up and down. Only certain fields have side edges that act as walls for you to cling to. These fields are Cathedral Ruins, Digimon Emperor's Lair, and Nuclear Wasteland. I=====================I I * ATTACKING * I I=====================I The power, range, direction, and duration of attacks may vary by Digimon. = Normal Attack = Press B. = Air Normal Attack = While airborne, press B. = Special Attack = Hold /\ and press B. = Air Special Attack = While airborne, hold /\ and press B. = Running Attack = While running, press B. = Throwing Attack = Press up against your enemy using < or >, then press B. = Item Attack = Hold \/ and press B to pick up. Press B again to throw. = Secondary Special Attack = Hold \/ and press B. As far as I know, only Kerpymon has one. I======================I I * CHARACTERS * I I======================I There are 7 Digimon you can play as originally, and 5 that you need to unlock. Rookie Form | Mega Form | Partner -------------|-----------------|--------- Guilmon | Gallantmon | Takato Terriermon | MegaGargomon | Henry Renamon | Sakuyamon | Rika Veemon | Imperialdramon* | Davis Wormmon | Imperialdramon* | Ken Agumon" | WarGreymon | Tai Sukamon | Etemon | none -------------|-----------------|--------- Agumon" | BlackWarGreymon | none Lopmon | Kerpymon | Willis Gabumon | Omnimon^ | Matt Agumon" | Omnimon^ | Tai Impmon | none | none = Notes = * Veemon Digivolves to Imperialdramon's Paladin mode, with a white and gold color scheme. Wormmon Digivolves to Imperialdramon's Fighter mode, with a black and green color scheme. " There are three Agumon found in this game. The two colored yellow are Tai's and have the attribute "vaccine." One of them is the one you're given originally, the other is a secret character that comes with Gabumon (seeing as how Omnimon is their shared DNA Digivolution). The third Agumon is colored black and has the attribute "virus." It is not a DigiDestined Digimon and was not featured in the anime. I will be referring to these Agumon as Agumon1 (normal), Agumon2 (Omnimon), and Agumon3 (viral). ^ Gabumon's Omnimon and Agumon2's Omnimon are identical in look and technique. I=================I I * ITEMS * I I=================I When you defeat a field enemy (1-3 hits, depending), it will disappear and leave an item. These can be used in attacking your actual match foe. Some of these can be very useful. = Baseball = Effects: damages -- 1 DSp Notes: this is thrown in a straight path, making it easier to aim than the bowling ball. = Bowling Ball = Effects: damages -- 2 DSp Notes: unlike the baseball, the bowling ball's trajectory is arched. = Clock = Effects: inflicts "Stop" status Notes: thrown in a horizontal straight line. This is the most useful item for initiating combos. = Clock = Effects: inflicts "Confused" status Notes: thrown in a horizontal straight line. Can be devestating to human players. = Lightning Ball = Effects: damages -- 2 DSp inflicts "electricution" status Notes: thrown in a horizontal straight line. Make sure you have ample distance. = Flame Ball = Effects: damages -- 2 DSp inflicts "burned" status Notes: thrown in a horizontal straight line. Best cumulative effects for attacking with an item, IMO. I====================I I * STATUSES * I I====================I In battle, you can do more to your enemy than just damage them. These inflictions can give you the opportunity you need to win it. = Slow = Desc: attacking and/or moving take(s) more time to execute. Sources: the sand in Etemon's Desert, going the other way on a conveyor belt, Milleniummon's special attack = Stop = Desc: completely frozen in time. Cannot do anything. Sources: the Clock item = Stop = Desc: directional buttons are reversed. The transition is worse to deal with than the actual effect. Sources: the Gear item = Electricution = Desc: cannot jump, movement is barely there. If the other combatant touches an electricuted Digimon, it too will be inflicted Sources: lightning, the Lightning Ball item, some special attacks of Megas = Burned = Desc: player has no control of where a Digimon moves, but can still control jumping Sources: Impmon's various attacks, the Flame Ball item = Recovering = Desc: state after being hit with a powerful attack. The digimon is flashing and immune to all forms of attack. Sources: any running attack, any attack from a Mega, etc. I=====================I I * 1P BATTLE * I I=====================I This is the mode that pits you against 8 different computer-controlled enemies on 8 different playing fields. You'll need to finish this mode several times in order to unlock secret characters, and to work your way up the high score table. The format for each of the fields below is name, enemies, map, key, quirks, background & art, then tips. I've sacrficed a lot of my free time making those field maps below. However, no one's perfect, so the field maps might not have been made with *completely* accurate proportions. The first 3 battles of 1P Battle mode are set in Toy Town, Cathedral Ruins, and Etemon's Desert, repectively, and the Final Battle is always set in Nuclear Wasteland. The four battles in-between, however, are in a random sequence of the following fields: Frozen Wasteland, Digimon Emperor's Lair, Puppetmon's Jungle, and Shinto Temple. Also, during one of those battles, the computer's version of Impmon will force the default foe off of the field and take its place as your opponent. Impmon will always show up sooner or later, but which field and battle it shows up in is random each time you go into the 1P Battle mode. ------------ + Impmon + ------------ Impmon is no run-of-the-mill Digimon. Since it has no DigiDestined partner, it can't Digivolve, and since it can't Digivolve, the designers compensated by making its rookie form significantly stronger. Its special attack, a fireball, has a trajectory that is hard to predict. The fireball bounces around and is apparently affected by gravity (downward force). Avoid that thing as best you can. Try to get to high ground, and when you get the chance, drop down with an air attack. On lower difficulty settings, Impmon will frequently use its loitering animation (where it puffs up and blows up), which can actually harm you. Keep your distance and attack from afar. The most annoying part about Impmon, however, is that it draws DSp towards it. I find that chasing after the DSp is quite futile. Just jump to intercept them when they arch back to it. Oh yes, I should mention that if this Impmon intrusion battle ends in a draw, the default foe will return for the tie-breaker battle. :) -------------- + Toy Town + -------------- Default Foe: Terriermon Field Enemy: Betamon ______________________________________________________________ | __________________________________________________________ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | _____ | | | | ----- ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |___|___|___|___|___| | | | |____ | | | |====| ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ | | | |____| | | | | | | | | | | ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ |___|___|___|___|___| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |___|___|___|___|___| ___ ___ _| | | |____ | | | | | | | _ | ___ ___ ___ ___ |___|___|_| | | ||_| | | | | | | | | | |____|____________|___|___|___|___|________________________| | |______________________________________________________________| ____ |====| Trampoline |____| = Quirks = There is a device to the left which I've dubbed the "trampoline". It lets you jump really high if you press A the instant you land on it. = Background & Art = This field is just as colorful and whimsical as the Toy Town in the anime series. The thick platforms are actually a series of toddler blocks, and the thin platform is a wooden swing. Messing around on the trampoline can be amusing. If you weren't engaged in mortal combat, this field would actually be pretty fun. In the background, there are balloons and giant plush teddy bears, which have a remarkable resemblance to WaruMonzaemon. = Tips = Why did they put the best Digimon in the worst level? Well, anyways, the computer-controlled Terriermon shouldn't be too hard to defeat. It has the ability to glide, but you can use still use air special attacks. I suggest using the trampoline; it's not that helpful for battling on this field, but it IS fun to mess with... --------------------- + Cathedral Ruins + --------------------- Default Foe: Agumon Field Enemy: Gotsumon _______________________________________________________ | ___________________________________________________ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | _______________ | | | | --------------- | | | | | | | | _____________________________ | | | | ----------------------------- | | | | | | | | | | | |_______ ___________ _______| | | |------- ----------- -------| | | | | | | | | | | |___________________________________________________| | |_______________________________________________________| = Quirks = None, but the Gotsumon pop up on the field as boulders that roll from platform to platform. = Background & Art = The lower levels are in front of a series of arches and columns. You can see that it is nearing dusk outside. Inside, flaming torches give the ruins a shadow-filled orange hue. In the top corners of the field, there are holes in the brickwork that show a large, circular stained-glass window. = Tips = This is a very simple field layout, so I'm guessing the designers wanted you to just duke it out with Agumon. If you need to avoid attacks, continually jump up or drop down from the four center levels (including the ground, of course). This is one of three fields where Wormmon can cling to the edges, so use that to your advantage. --------------------- + Etemon's Desert + --------------------- Default Foe: Veemon Field Enemy: Numemon __________________________________________________________________ | ______________________________________________________________ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | __________ | | | | ______ ---------- ______ | | | | ------ ------ | | | | | | | | _____________ | | | | ------------- | | | |____ ____| | | | | | | | | |,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,__________,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,| | |__________________________________________________________________| ___ Solid Ground ,,, Sand = Quirks = The sand makes you move slower, so avoid as best you can. There are hot-air balloons on the top of the field that can get in your way. = Background & Art = The two combatants are on the remnants of a colosseum, perhaps the one in which SkullGreymon made its debut. In the back, you can see comically large cacti, and even farther back is what looks to be a cruise ship. Fluffy white clouds are scattered throughout the blue sky. = Tips = For this field, I personally like to just station myself at those blocks at the end and shoot off a special attack or air special attack at Veemon whenever it comes near. You are in danger of being cornered, however, so be careful. Try to avoid the sand as much as possible. ----------------------- + Frozen Wonderland + ----------------------- Default Foe: Sukamon Field Enemy: Penguinmon _________________________________________________________ | _____________________________________________________ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ____ | | | | ---- | | | | | | | | ____ ____ | | | | ---- ---- | | | | _____ ____ | | | | ----- ---- | | | | | | | | | | | | ____ ______ ____ | | | | ---- ------ ---- | | | | | | | | | | | |_____________________________________________________| | |_________________________________________________________| = Quirks = Everything is made of ice. As you may guess, this makes things very slippery. Moving around is especially difficult since the platforms are very short. Luckily, you only slip if you run, so take it nice and slow. Besides, you'll be jumping around most of the time. = Background & Art = The platforms are actually just the flattened tops of towering columns of crystal blue ice. In the back, it's a night scene illuminated by draping cords of lighted balls and skyscrapers. The cords of light suggest some sort of holiday or festival, held in or near a large metropolis. Oddly enough, there are traffic signals in the corners of the field. = Tips = Take advantage of the short, randomly-spaced platforms. Do a lot of jumping around to avoid attacks. Of course, take the time to launch some attacks of your own... ---------------------------- + Digimon Emperor's Lair + ---------------------------- Default Foe: Wormmon Field Enemy: Bakemon _______________________________________________________ | ___________________________________________________ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |_______ _______| | | | | |_______| _______________ |_______| | | | | | |===============| | | | | | | --------------- | | | | | | | | | | | | _i"""i_ | | | | | | ------- | | | | | | _____ _____ | | | | | | |_____| ___________ |_____| | | | | | | | | | | | | |_| | | |_| | | | _________________|___________|_________________ | | | | |===============================================| | | |_| ----------------------------------------------- |_| _____ |=====| Conveyor Belt ----- _i"""i_ Big Red Button ------- = Quirks = The conveyor belts are the main feature of this field. They may prove useful at times and problematic at others. One thing is that they can slow your movement, but they should speed you up if you go in the same direction. The real problem is that they can carry away DSp and dump them in the gutters in the corners. The Big Red Button, or so I like to call it, can change the direction of the belts. It does so when it pops up, however, which takes a moment after a Digimon lands on it. You can stall the pop up by standing on it, if you want to get rid of some red DSp. = Background & Art = Most everything here is a gloomy shade of gray. In the background, partially hidden by shadow, are tubes, wires, and other miscellaneous pieces of machinery. Each normal platform has a strip of yellow and black diagonal stripes, which indicates a warning of danger. One praticularly distinguishing feature is the big greenish column towards the top of the field, with sliding French doors on it (similar to those on elevators). = Tips = Control of the Big Red Button should be crucial here. Try not to lose any of those blue DSp to the gutters. Wormmon can cling to the walls of this field, so be ready to do some air attacking. The two top corner platforms are hard to reach, and thus a great hidding spot. ------------------------ + Puppetmon's Jungle + ------------------------ Default Foe: Guilmon Field Enemy: Mushroomon ____________________________________________________________ | ________________________________________________________ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | =================== | | | | ================ | | | | | | | | | | | | ======== | | | | =========== | | | | __ __ | | | | |==| |==| | | | | ====== __ | | | |_________ |==| ___________| | | | | | | | | |_________|__________________________________|___________| | |____________________________________________________________| __ |==| Mushroom Cap (Trampoline) = Quirks = There are tall mushrooms around this field with caps that act like the trampoline as described in Toy Town (Battle 1). These will give a huge boost in your jumping ability. Once in a while, the volcano in the background will flare up and rain down fireballs at you. = Background & Art = There is much greenery about this place. Vines work their way around the wooden platforms, among large trees and above a floor tinted green from the grass growing in it. The background is a meld of organic silhouttes, relfecting the seeming endlessness of the jungle. Farther back is another silhouette -- the ominous one of a smoking volcano. = Tips = The mushrooms are great for avoiding attacks. If you can, use an item that takes away movement control from your foe just before the volcano blows. To protect yourself during the eruption, stick mostly to the ground under the platforms. ------------------- + Shinto Temple + ------------------- Default Foe: Renamon Field Enemy: DemiDevimon ________________________________________________________________ | ____________________________________________________________ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ______________________ | | | | ---------------------- | | | | | | | | | | | | _____________ _____________ | | | | ------------- ------------- | | | | ____________ | | | | ------------ | | | | ______ ______ | | | | | | | | | | | | |______| |______| | | | | | | | | | | | |____________________________________________________________| | |________________________________________________________________| = Quirks = On occasion, the sky will turn black and a lightning bolt will crash down. Obviously, this can hurt a Digimon, but some bolts also break the thin platforms (the shingles, not the statues), leaving you with less things to jump on. = Background & Art = This battle is set in front of a Shinto temple, with its chracteristic archway, eastern-style architecture, and guard statues. I believe the thin platforms to be the parts of the rooftops that stick out, since they look a lot like shingles. The guard statues are of carnivorous quadrapeds, most likely either dogs or wild cats. They blend well into the background, and I actually didn't know I could jump on them the first time I battled on this field. = Tips = Stay off the roofs. It's the best way to avoid the devestating effects of being hit by lightning. If you feel lucky enough, do the exact opposite. Being on the roof might draw your opponent on the roof, too. Then use an item that takes away movement control from your foe, so it can't avoid the lightning as easily. ------------------ + Final Battle + ------------------ Default Foe: Milleniummon Field Enemy: none ______________________________________________ | __________________________________________ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |____ ____| | | |---- ----| | | | <\/> | | | | '' | | | | _____ _____ | | | | ----- ----- | | | | | | | | XX | | | |____________________XX____________________| | |______________________________________________| XX Your Start Position XX <\/> Milleniummon's Head '' = Quirks = THERE'S A HUGE MUTANT KILLING MACHINE FLOATING ABOVE YOUR HEAD! Yes, Milleniummon is pretty much the only think that stands out in this field. I guess the designers figured it was hard enough battling this thing without other things distracting you or getting in your way. = Background & Art = The sky is blood red, fading into the blackness of night. All of the platforms, walls, and floor seem to be metal infused with futuristic lights and devices. Under the floor, a marquee is scrolling to the left, with the simple message "WARNING!". In the back, there is a broken-down metal wire fence, with a large open gate in the center. = Tips = Well, this is it, folks. Everything you worked towards comes down to this one battle. Unlike the ones you've had before, both combatants have a set number of hits before it croaks. You only have eight DSp, and when all of them are taken by Milleniummon, you lose. It is therefore imperative that you recover every DSp that you give off. Milleniummon can only be damaged by being hit in the head. It takes an INSANE number of hits before it's knocked out, but you can tell if you're close by its color. It first turns blue, then orange. Try to work fast: you're only given 4 minutes. Since the thing this flying around, you'll need to do a lot of aerial attacking and maneuvering. It swings back and forth from one side to another, so I suggest you stay on the side of your choice (on a platform, of course), then jump out and attack when Milleniummon comes near. My experiences have shown that it tends to linger more on the right side. Its many attacks can be devestating, but not impossible to prevent, evade, or survive. One common thing Milleniummon does is to form a ball of energy, drift directly above you, and shoot it down. If it hits, you are electricuted and lose two DSp (25% of your health). If you see it start this attack, run and take cover under a platform. The drawback is that the two lower platforms will disappear if hit by this attack. When Milleniummon stops in the center of the field, it will open its mouth and shoot a big ball of dark energy directly at your current position. Since the attack moves in a straight line, stay in one place until the ball is launched. When it approaches, jump or drop out of the way. If it hits you anyway, your movement and attacking will be slowed. Once you're in this slowed state, Milleniummon will execute its last and best attack. It retreats to the background, where you can't attack it, and rains down a series of fireballs at you, much like the volcano but a lot more damaging. Your main strategy here would be not to be killed. Avoid as many attacks as possible, and recover any DSp you lose. Keep your eyes open for Calumon, who will help you greatly in this level. --------------- + The End ? + --------------- If you defeated Milleniummon, you will be brought to a screen with a green-on- black motif and a pattern of 1s and 0s in the back (Exit Mr Hat?). There's an olympic placing stand in the front, with two random Digimon in the 3rd and 2nd places. Your Digimon will then drop to the 1st place stand and do its victory animation (the other two will do their respective jump animations). Then Calumon flies in to circle around above. At the end, Impmon comes out and shoots a fireball at you (or an item). You're then shown the credits, which aren't that bad to sit through. Some of the Digimon's holding and loiterng animations are shown. To skip, just press Start. After that, a screen with "Congratulations" comes up, with a shower of confetti in front of it. If you got a high score, a letter will flash in the upper left corner. Use the control pad to select a letter, and press A to move onto the next letter. Once you've entered your 3-digit alias to grace the high score table, a secret character will drop in (if you've earned one, that is). Then it fades to a black screen with a password on it. What the password is for is still a mystery to me, but I've heard it might have to do with the other Digimon video games. I===================I I * OPTIONS * I I===================I This is another menu item you're presented after the game's title screen. It lets you change certain settings found in the game. = Time = -- 90 -- 120 -- 180 -- The amount of seconds on the clock from Battle Start to Battle Finish. Aim short if you plan to blitz-and-stall and long if you're just playing around or if you're writing a guide for this game... *cough* = Level = -- easy -- normal -- hard -- How difficult you want the 1P Battles to be. Set it on "easy" for getting the secret characters more easily, "hard" if you want more of a challenge. = Sound Test = -01-02-03-04-05-06-07-08-09-10-11-12-13-14-15-16-17-18-19-20-21-22-23- This lets you listen to the various tunes found in the game. = Erase Data = -- no -- yes -- This option lets you clear all saved data, restoring the game to as it was when you first took it out of the box. Since I have never selected "yes", I'm assuming it takes away your high scores and secret characters. = Return = -- Closes the options menu and brings you back to the title screen. I=====================I I * GAME DATA * I I=====================I To access your game data, press B after you enter the game menu. Note that this can also reset the game cartridge. The other two instances will take you to the high score table and the Versus Record. I=========================I I * MISCELLANEOUS * I I=========================I All the other things required to be included in this guide which doesn't pertain to the game itself. --------------------- + Reader Feedback + --------------------- It has been brought to my attention of whether Terriermon's field is based on Toy Town or Primary Village. This has been an issue I've pondered over in my first drafting of this guide, and (in my honest opinion) it seems as if the field is a combination of both. Primary Village has a bouncy ground and towers of giant toy blocks, features which are reflected in the field. However, if it were truly modelled after Primary Village, wouldn't the main theme be cradles and DigiEggs? On the other hand, this field resembles much like Toy Town, too. Both areas have balloons and giant teddy bears. The only thing lacking is more toys. So you see, it could go either way. I was averse to making up some lame half- half name (Toy Village, Primary Town, etc.), so I went with popular belief. The other GameFAQs guide on this game, at the time, went with Toy Town, so I did, too. ------------------------- + Contact Information + ------------------------- If you feel the need to tell me I should correct or add something to this guide, by all means go ahead. My email is aniki3564 (at) hotmail (dot) com . Please include your online alias and/or name if you expect to be given credit; if you don't give some identification, I'll simply list your email. Also, try to make the message's subject revelant to this guide, as so I don't confuse the message for something else (eg. spam). ------------------ + Legal Issues + ------------------ The rights to Digimon and Digimon-related trademarks belong to Toei, Bandai, Saban, and others. I am in no way affiliated with any of the aformentioned, and no copyright infringement was intended in writing this guide. This document is the intellectual property of myself, Huy Nguyen, known online as "Imaku". It is protected under US law and international treaties. No part of it may be reproduced or distributed for any other purpose than private, personal use, unless granted expressed permission from me. The only corporate sites this game guide should appear on is "GameFAQs", at http://www.gamefaqs.com, and "NeoSeeker", http://www.neoseeker.com. It should not appear on any fan-ran websites other than those listed below. - DigiTernity (http://free.hostultra.com/~dternity) - - - - - - - - If you wish to use it on your fansite, there are certain conditions that must be met. 1) a. You ask me beforehand, and I approve of you doing so, OR b. I submit this guide to your website, and we've discussed terms. 2) You do not alter the document in any way, and keep it in the .txt format. 3) You give the credit of making this guide to me and none other. I===========================I I * VERSION HISTORY * I I===========================I This just goes over major changes. Minor corrections (URL change, spelling errors, etc.) do not constitute for a version up. 01.30 -- Proof-reading. Overall guide was re-structured. Gear item added. Feedback section added. [September 25, 2004] 01.25 -- added to the 1P battles description (about draws), added the very short but needed "Game Data" section, modified the intro (and Legal Issues and Contact Info sub-sections). [August 5, 2004] 01.20 -- added the "Items" and "Statuses" sections, updated the "The End?" and "1P Battle" sections, modified the intro (and Legal Issues sub- section). [July 9, 2004] 01.00 -- First draft, has all fields, a basic characters chart, and some stuff on game functions. Complete for the most part, but can be improved on. [July 5, 2004]