Digimon Battle Spirit for Game Boy Advance Lopmon Character FAQ Author: SSBMPichu Version: 1.0 Date:2003-01-19 1. Introduction 2. Character History 3. List of Attacks 4. Strategies Against Other Characters 5. Other (Copyright, Closing Comment, Credits) 1. Introduction Hello there! Nice to see you reading my FAQ ^_^! So, are you reading this because you want to master Lopmon so he can totally annihilate your buddies and show them who's the best mon of them all? Not to worry, because I'm here. Now don't worry, mastering Lopmon is not a very long process at all. Soon enough, you'll be able to know when to use each of Lopmon and his evolution Cherubimon's attacks properly, and best of all, defeat others with style. Let's begin, shall we? 2. Character History This isn't exactly relevant to gameplay, it's really just a little background on Lopmon and his Digidestined, Willis. Willis (or Wallace, for those who love the Japanese version to death) first appeared in Digimon: The Movie (or again to purists, the third Digimon movie and the first movie for Digimon Adventure 02, Digimon Hurricane Touchdown Supreme Evolution...or something like that.) He lives in New York, but he used to live in a place called Summer Memory as a child. He has two partner Digimon: Terriermon and Lopmon (however, Lopmon never appeared in the movie...only in the credits). However, Lopmon (Willis calls him Kokomon) was seperated from him, and soon turned into a virus Digimon called Wendigomon. I will not spoil the movie, you'll just have to rent or download it for yourself. However it is surprising that Willis and Lopmon even appear in this game, as it would be Shuichon (Suzie) and Lopmon, but I suppose when this game came out in Japan Shuichon was not yet a Tamer. Thus, Willis and Lopmon are now in the game to prove themselves worthy. And yes, they are worthy. Oh yes, and in order to unlock Lopmon you must beat the game with three characters, but not the ones you used to get BlackAgumon. 3. List of Attacks Here, I shall list all of Lopmon's attacks and how to use them effectively. Note that this was tested against Terriermon in 1 Player mode, because there is no Training Mode (Out of all the options they missed...A TRAINING MODE!) Anyway...let us begin. Loppy Slap (B): Only use this when people are running towards you. Smack the hell out of them, and then run before they can start some cheap combo. This can take off to four D-Spirit, but it's sometimes hard to do as people may block in the middle of it. It's not a very effective combo, but it works if you want a cheap hit and run. Blazing Ice (Up + B): This attack may look really cool (much cooler looking than Terriermon's in my opinion) but whereas Terriermon can at least get up to 3 D-Spirit, Lopmon can only get one. I'd really recommend only using this while you're airborne so you can hit the jumping enemy with an ice cube, and then float down to claim your prize. Tiny Twister (Rush + B): This attack just owns. It's extremely awesome. This is great as a trapper. Use this move to trap someone in the corner. Start off with a Loppy Slap, and then just use your Twister and spin into them like mad! With success, up to 8 D-Spirit will be yours with this awesome attack! On it's own however, Lopmon's Tiny Twister will get you 4 D-Spirit, but unlike Loppy Slap, it's a lot easier to get those four D-Spirit. Aerial Tiny Twister (Jump + B): Oh god. This aerial attack is really GREAT! You can easily knock someone jumping out of the way and collect their D-Spirit on the ground. Unlike Terriermon's Terrier Tornado, Lopmon stays in one place and swings his ears around in a circle. It covers great distance. Trust me if you want to take your combat to the air, there is no power greater than Aerial Tiny Twister. Aerial Blazing Ice (Jump + Up + B): This attack is best to use as a small finisher to Aerial Tiny Twister. As you're falling from Aerial Tiny Twister, just press Up + B to shoot an ice cube at your falling opponent. Then collect your one D-Spirit. Hey, I find this attack to be a bit more useful than the one on the ground. Why are the projectiles so weak in this game? Taunt: Jump rope to your heart's content! When to use this? I'd say after grabbing Calumon from your opponent, beating them up to a bloody pulp as Cherubimon and then turn back and innocently skip rope while they recover from your complete ownage. Cherubimon (Virus) This is Lopmon's evolved form from the movie. He is very powerful and can win battles very easily. Sad thing is, he's a bit on the slow side, and he sucks at recovering from falling. But that's okay, he's still a good Digimon. Flick (B): Cherubimon flicks an opponent with his finger taking off 4 D-Spirit. This is good when combined when you're running, I'd say. Otherwise if you have an opponent trapped, then you can use it and collect your 4 D-Spirit that way. Whichever way you like. Heaven's Judgement (Up + B): Cherubimon makes a ball of energy, which he then uses to suck the opposing Rookie in, eat them and spit them out! This is from the movie. It really rocks here, getting you your 4 D-Spirit easily. However, you have to be on the same level as the Digimon you're approaching. This will be hard if there's a ledge that only fits one Digimon and you can't get to them. Oh well. There is a nice bonus to this attack however... Heaven's Judgement (Down + B): After mercilessly kicking the crap out of the little Rookie, simply suck up all their far away D-Spirit with your Judgement. Yes, this is a very lovely magnet, and it is very useful and very important when using Cherubimon. Running Flick (Run + B): Yes. Chase your opponent down while trying to flick them to death. This is as good as normal Flick, but this time you'd have to use your little collecting judgement, as I think the D-Spirit would go pretty far away. Smack Down (Jump + Down + B): Mainly, just use this when a Digimon's jumping below you. I don't really use this attack too much, and like the others it gives you 4 D-Spirit, but there are other attacks to work with. 4. Strategies Okay so now that you know all the attacks of Lopmon and Cherubimon, it's time to put all the lessons of yours to the test. Analyze the strengths of each attack and their usefulness, and power will belong to you. If you feel that you've got a good strategy cooked up, you may leave this FAQ now. May the battles be yours! ......But for those who still feel they need guidance, please continue reading the strategies I've cooked up against the specific Digimon. Now keep in mind there are spoilers revealing the other secret characters so watch out. But before that, here are some general tips in battle. * Do not be afraid to block attacks. If you think that the Digimon you're battling has a nasty combo coming, duck. * Do not be afraid to run. Sometimes running is the best way to plan a new strategy and come back again. * Items are your friend. Use them. They will cause you to gain good hits on a Digimon, especially the black gear and the clock. * Know the level's layout so you know where to trap someone. Also know that level's field Digimon and use them to your advantage. Okay, now for the character advice: Agumon/WarGreymon/BlackAgumon/BlackWarGreymon/ExtraAgumon: Oh boy...three Agumons...what the hell were they thinking?! I know Agumon's popular and all but...well anyway, the main thing to watch out for here is the Cross Night combo. The Cross Night combo is just plain evil and can take up to 6 D-Spirit away from you. Be on the defensive when facing Agumons. BlackAgumon also has a nice huge chomp attack, so watch out for that too. Now against the WarGreymons...well there's not much you can do but run right? Just remember the level's layout. Lopmon is a quick runner, so he should be able to escape quickly. Guilmon: Like Agumon, be careful of Guilmon's Rock Breaker. It can happen very suddenly so always be ready to defend. Oh and watch out if he's above you, his Wild Slashes can be pretty darn good. And whatever you do, don't make him use his secondary Taunt Concentration. When he uses it, he powers himself up by one D-Spirit, and since Guilmon is a fast Digimon, he can collect them quickly. Terriermon: Attack of the clone! However, the differences between Lopmon and Terriermon were pretty much outlined in the list of attacks. So basically, as long as you know Lopmon, you know Terriermon. Remember that, and remember that pink > green! Renamon: Watch out for this bad girl. It's kind of good that's she slower than her TV show counterpart, but even then she can still be a force to be reckoned with. Blazing Ice can finally have some use here to keep her away from you, I mean who wants two kicks in the face!? Watch out for her main projectile attack Diamond Storm, and you should be fine. Tiny Twister can come into play here too. Veemon: Evil, evil Digimon. He is way up there on being one of the best Digimon in the game. A good thing is though, he has no projectiles. The bad thing is, he's an excellent physical fighter. Use Blazing Ice + Tiny Twister a lot, it's really all you can do. Patience is the key here. Remember, slow and steady wins the race. Wormmon: I don't think you'll have to worry as much about physical fighting here, as he is a poor physical fighter...except watch out for his Digimon Kaizer/Emperor taunt, it's a bit on the strong side. Other than that, don't underestimate your enemy, and go in and fight! Sukamon: Like Wormmon, a poor physical fighter but this guy can be extremely annoying in the Outside of Odaiba level since the ice perfectly compliments his slide tackle. Sukamon is one of the easiest Digimon to battle, and I doubt many people will be using him and if they do, it's for Etemon. Gabumon: An offensive Digimon to look out for. His Machine Gun Jab and Drill Horn can be murder in the hands of a Gabumon master. So you know what to do for offensive types: projectiles. Gabumon's Drill Horn could be the most powerful Rookie attack in the game, getting up to 7 D- Spirit! Impmon: You're going to hate this guy when you face him. He's pretty slow at least. However, he can totally ruin your Cherubimon strategy by hitting Calumon away. Make sure you can find Calumon first, as Cherubimon may be your key to defeating this annoying imp. Otherwise, use items and projectiles and watch out for Night of Fire, it'll drive you nuts. Oh, and the throwing. GAH! 5.Other Copyright This character FAQ is copyright 2003 by me, SSBM Pichu. You may not use it on any site without my written permission. If you wish to use this FAQ on your site, please e-mail me at with_broken_wings_@hotmail.com. If you find this FAQ on any other site and it holds a lot of similarities to mine, please report it. Closing Comments and Credits Sigh...well, we did it. This is the end of your journey to become the ultimate Lopmon master. I hoped you learned something. Who knows? Maybe you didn't need this FAQ for such an easy Game Boy Advance fighting game, or maybe you did. Either way I hope you enjoyed it and I hope you can whip some serious butt out there. Oh yes...and thanks to the following: -Bandai of America (for porting this game) -Dimps (for making this game) -GameFAQs (for allowing me to put this up) -Anubimon, PH33Rneemon, Suzaku and Murgatroyd for help on Willis/Wallace and Lopmon's character history -Shadow Eremento for editing Well this is it. I hope you all enjoyed it, so get out there and get your D-Spirit you will rightfully earn!