[GAME] DragonBall: Advance Adventure [THIS IS] FAQ / Boss Guide (Strategy) [VERSION] 1.1 [AUTHOR] Justin Schroeder [jayatcg] (classicgamer@gmail.com) [LAST UPDATED] 5/18/07 # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # Table of Contents Info: A:I - Introduction B:I - Frequently Asked B:I:1 -> Question One B:I:2 -> Question Two B:I:3 -> Question Three C:I - Special Thanks D:I- Legal Levels: L:1 - Goku's House L:2 - Oolong's Village L:3 - Wilderness L:4 - Pilaf's Castle L:5 - Island of Training S:1 - Tournament (Special) L:6 - Muscle Tower L:7 - Underwater Cave L:8 - Korin's Land L:9 - Red Ribbon Army Base # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # For quickly finding what you're after, if it appears in the menu use CTRL+F with its ID, and you will be taken right to it. =============================== [A:I] Introduction. ================================ This boss guide is for DragonBall Advance Adventure, I've written it partially as something to do, and partially because there weren't any singular boss guides listed and only two full guides. So, Advance Adventure's page could use some spicing up, as well as a direct guide as an alternative of trying to find what you need for a specific boss you're having problems with. Granted the bosses aren't majorly difficult, but some of the ends ones are just so that maybe a distinct strategy is in order. Here I am hoping to provide an effect strategy for every boss in the game to help those who may be having trouble in doing it themselves. If you're wondering why I incorperate two different language into this guide, go ahead and check out section B:I:1 of the Frequently Asked Questions area to find out. Boss Level - Level Name - Boss =============================== [BOSS LEVEL L:1 - Goku's House] Sanzoku Guma. ============================================== The first boss, Sanzoku Guma, is a very large and powerful enemy, however his size is also his greatest enemy, as he is in turn not very fast. In order to successfully defeat the bear, you must pay attention to how he attacks. Sanzoku has two major strikes, which in turn are easily recognized. The first is a simple slash, which is rather quick, with the only noticable indication of its use being when he stands still; this is a good time to take a few shots and then back off. The second attack is a charged chop, which deals out a fair bit of damage; this attack has a small handful of seconds preperation time prior to its execution, and the safest way to work with it is to hang back until he's ready to strike, then follow through by leaping behind him and attacking in quick succession. The easiest of the bosses, he can be handled in just a few minutes with a small learning curve to get the timing down. =============================== [BOSS LEVEL L:2 - Oolong's Village] Oolong. ============================================ In this level you're going to have to fight an air battle with the shapeshifter known as Oolong, using the Kintoun* that you acquired from the generous [read: perverted] Kame Sennin* for saving his friend Umigame from Sanzoku Guma*, earlier on. In order to defeat the flying porker, you're going to have to take caution-- since he can transform, and does so at will --you will be forced to keep an on these transformations, which isn't too difficult, but that isn't to say it will be a cake walk. His first form is that which he begins the battle with, the bat, and its attack is a nice and irritating bite, which can be evaded by jumping. Next up is the rocket ship form, which is a little more devious; he follows you from in front, and tries to exhaust a beam of fire, which resembles a nice strong ki beam, which will burn you and put you out of commission for a moment to pad the flames off your pants. This can be dealt with by jumping: first move down to the bottom of the screen and then jump up to the stop, he isn't as fast as you are so you can certainly ruin his aim that way, allowing you to get in an open shot at him. And now, his third and final transformation, the rocket with a drill for a face is exactly the same as the rocket itself, with jumping up and going down the screen, a good defense is a good offense as they say. As far as attacking him goes, the best move suited for the job is the spinning Nyoibo* attack performed by holding up on the d-pad and then tapping B. It's incredibly close range, but it will end the battle quickly, and allows you time to regroup since it's a relatively short attack, does decent damage, and allows you to back off quickly enough to keep from getting clobbered by any attack he might be attempting to strike upon you with. Oolong, like Sanzoku is easy, a little more difficult than the first since he's so tiny, but simple all the same. You should have little trouble against him. =============================== [BOSS LEVEL L:3 - Wilderness] Yamucha. ======================================= Yamucha* is a fairly tricky fighter, who has a much wider array of attacks than the previous bosses. Quick and resourceful, you need to focus on his movements carefully to know what he's going to do next in an attempt to evade it. He has two physical attacks, and a rocket launcher-- not to mention his little friend Puer* drops bombs on you from above. Yamucha's first attack is a fairly standard punch, which he will attempt to use when you attack him from the front. Which means the best course of action is to attack him from behind. The second is the Roga Fufu Ken*, a powerful charged attack which is conviently coupled with a dash for maximum range; if it connects a series of semi-powerful punches occur to inflict overall high damage. This technique is unavoidable if you're on the ground, or find yourself a bit too close to Yamucha, which means the best course of action is to start to jump and jump often. Once Yamucha performs this technique he has to rest a moment, which gives ample opportunity for you to come in and attack ferociously. And finally, the last attack, which is the rocket launcher is the easiest to work with. Yamucha kneels down to shoot, and you can easily take advantage of it. Simply waiting till he fires and jumping up and over him will allow you clear access to him while he idles before standing up-- allowing you to freely attack him --however, don't attack from the front, as he uses the previously mentioned punch in order to stop your attack in its tracks. To summarize: Jump and jump often, while keeping an eye on Yamucha's actions. When he performs his Roga Fufu Ken, you should attack him as much as possible while he's recovering; but make certain to not be in his way when he strikes. While the learning curve on Yamucha is a bit more unforgiving, taking these steps during a battle, it is possible to defeat him rather easily, so much so in fact-- it can be done without getting hit even once for the more skilled players. =============================== [BOSS LEVEL L:4 - Pilaf's Castle] Pilaf and Sho. ================================================= This battles a little more tricky, as you're fighting two at once with two seperate health bars to boot. These mechs each have their own attacks, and are quite strong. The taller mech can jump and land on you with massive damage, as well as shoot flames out of its tail. The smaller can retract its arms and bounce around, smacking into you back and forth, and even grab you and smack you left and right. In order to strategically deal with the taller, is to evade the jumping move, and attack after it has expelled its fire. Once it shoots the flames, you get a momentary free shot at the machine, until it jumps again. However, you can't just focus on one in this fight or you will be defeated, rather you must also bend your attention to the smaller, which can grab you or smash into you. In much the same way, just keep jumping to evade both, and while it's slow the more efficient and safe thing to do is attack each in turn whichever stops momentarily first and gives you a clear shot. The most effective techniques to use in this fight are just your fists, but the smaller one (which stays on the ground for most of the fight) can be easily dealt with if you use a few well timed Nyoibo spins (Up+B), though it isn't very effective. As well, the use of your Ki attack from time to time can help to turn the odds in your favor, as it is quite easy here to get overwhelmed by attacks from these two, even if you put to practice the presented strategy. The learning curve here is rather steep, considering you have two mechs to worry about which are quite strong. =============================== [BOSS LEVEL L:5 - Island of Training] Kuririn. =============================================== Kuririn* is a tough cookie because he's fast. Not very powerful, but fast all the same. He mostly attacks with two moves, one is a dashing kick, and the other a punch/kick volly into the air ending with a smash into the ground. The attacks are relatively easy to dodge even without much strategy, but doing any damage to Kuririn is more difficult. Just like in the battle modes, he has a defense to him that needs to be broken before you get to widdle at his health bar, and this can prove relatively difficult unless you're crafty. The secret to breaking his defense is all in the wrist, which is all in the wrist. Holding up and hitting "B" will force your Nyoibo* to spin at a great speed, and knock the wind out of Kuririn, which leads to him doing his dash-kicking. Once he finishes his little show there, he will be winded and pause, giving you ample opportunity to lay into him with a devastating assault. This alone isn't all that effective, though, as you should adhere to a good defensive attack pattern by jumping, holding down on the d-pad, and then hitting B to land a very nice kick on your opponent; not very effective either, but it's a great way to hit back and keep your distance. Also, during this fight whenever your Ki meter charges up, unleash either the L or R button on him (L suggested, as it will do a very nice Nyoibo combo attack, which is very helpful.) Certainly nowhere as difficult as the last match, but not quite as simple as the first few either. =============================== [SPECIAL S:1 - World Tournament Arena, 21st] Giran, Namu, Jackie Chun. ======================================================================= This is the 21st Tenka'ichi Budokai*, which means that there are going to be a slew of opponents to deal with consecutively, each with their own skills. 1 - Giran. He's a large winged creature who is reasonably powerful, but also rather slow, with really only one heavily utilized attack, which is a short-range dashing punching/tail combination that knocks the wind out of you. Not very effective, but it opens you up to more of them same if you get caught up in it. Jumping here isn't any better than not, really, it's all for the most part the same; and with very little defense, he's easily overtaken if you just lay into him. 2 - Namu*. This mysterious traveler isn't very powerful either, but what he lacks in strength he makes up in speed. He's quick to the attack, lightly dashing toward you and laying in punch/kick combos. Not only that, but he has a strong defense that has him relatively safe from your advances. The best offense is a good defense here, but if you get the surprise from behind he'll go down like a sack of potatoes. 3 - Jackie Chun. In the final round of the 21st, you go up against Chun; who is a very, very skilled fighter. He has roughly only one actual technique, and uses mostly basic martial arts for the majority of the fight-- similarly to the others, punch/kick combinations and, like Namu, great speed. Jumping is effective, but not by much. Use it only to steer clear of an attack, otherwise stay grounded but not too close. There really aren't any openings on Chun, since he's so agile, but the best times to attack are after evading one of his, or after he comes back down from jumping. As far as his other, not so much used technique, Bankokubikurisho*, it's really not too much to worry about if you don't jump near it; as it arcs, making it difficult to get ahold of you unless you do something foolish. =============================== [BOSS LEVEL L:6 - Muscle Tower] Metallic Gunsou, Souchou Murasaki, Buyon. ========================================================================== Metallic Gunsou, this big guy in Muscle Tower is pretty simple, but that doesn't mean he's weak. A robot from the ground up, and quite large he may be slow but he's powerful, with two attacks; a rocket from the mouth, and a smashing floor punch, each will in-turn cause you a great deal of pain. The best way to handle him is to stay back when he's getting ready to smash the ground, and then dash in for some quick hits, and dash back out again if he charges up another serving of cold linoleum. If he goes for the gullet-rocket, best case is to bounce backward since it's a you-seeking missile, and then right back and behind him for an opportunity to strike. Next up is Souchou Murasaki, who is the resident purple Ninja of the organization. He's not very strong, but he's fast and has a bit more to offer than the previous fighters up till now. As said, he's very quick, and can disappear for a brief instance and then show himself above you to either present a downward sword strike, or throw kunai at you from above. Each instance will come to close with a brief respit before a continued assault; the best way to handle these is to jump or dash out of the way of them, and follow back to deliever a few hard hits before he poofs again. He also has other skills, which includes pretending to be an innocuous rock, and making what appears to be clones of himself to assault young Son Goku. After the first part of the match comes to a close, he makes these 'duplicates'* of himself to continue in the same style of fight in another attempt to bring Son' down. More of the same as before, but you'll also have to spread the love over a few more Murasaki. Now, finally Buyon*, an amorphous pink blob who is a bit more tricky than the previous two. His only attack is a strange electrical energy wave, that can come in either singular bursts or a long stream. The long burst is really quite difficult to avoid, but it can be done if you time a wall jump just right. The smaller ones, in much the same way can be avoided as well, or if it's too close there's the option of running beneath them into clear area. This is the most difficult part of the battle, as he likes to shoot quite frequently and without hesistation, and the only way to hurt him is by breaking the exposed brick (later replaced by ice) that is just to the left of you; breaking these away (which is rather quick if you use the Up+B combination on them) will freeze Buyon for a finite amount of time, and allowing you to use either a Ki blast, or your L technique to put a hurting on him. But because of the small time period allotted between freezing it's back to square one until his health is depleated. =============================== [BOSS LEVEL L:7 - Underwater Cave] Kaizoku Robo, Blue Shogun. ============================================================== The Kaizoku Robo* is one mean customer, with more attacks than any boss you've yet seen. His most favored is his machine gun hand, and slashing his sword around. These are fun ones, the sword can be dodged by jumping over his head, and while his gun can as well, it's much more interesting to Up+B and send his bullets flying right back at him, causing him some nice damage as a result. His third attack is trying to pounce you from above, but it's the easiest to evade, jumping into the air and floating past him will do the job nicely. His last attack, easily the most evil and sneaky is his shocking tail, which if you get into some hand-to-hand with him he'll gladly introduce to you; the best strategy to end the fight (not so quick, but the job gets done all the same) with all limbs intact is to dodge his attacks, send his bullets back at him, and maybe raffle off an occassional shoulder-button attack, if its a little slow, and you're feeling a little hasty. And then there's the Blue Shogun*, the high-ranking Red Ribbon Army official who lives up to his name, with an even wider array of skills than even the Kaizoku Robo. He has the ability to paralyze you (only lasts until he hits you once), and the telepathic ability to bring rocks, and even a massive round ball onto the playing field. And then there's his normal attacks, which consists of kicking and punching you into submission, and even a drop kick issued from in the air. In order to successfully avoid being the target of a sound thrasing you shouldn't depend on him to repeat each move exactly, but expect a surprise, as his techniques do differ subtly making it not nearly as predictable. Finally, his last attack which is more of a ditch effort one for him is a rifle, which fires a series of shots at one time, this ones not all that powerful but if you get caught by it, it will be lights out and leave you open to his other, stronger attacks. As I will explain. - Paralyze: This one takes a moment to set up for him, but even then you can't do any real damage to him, instead, take this timeand jump into the air and head for the far opposite side of the screen, this will allow you not to fall under its affect and sustain any more damage than you have to. Also, do not attack him before or after this, it just opens you up to his attacks which is bad for you. - Telekinesis: This technique is a little more tricky and has a hint of randomness to it. Sometimes when he brings the rocks down it will have a gap between them, and is usually a safe place to stand or jump, until he drops them. As his life goes down, however, he will use your false security against you by sending them flying straight for you; it is wise to break as many rocks as you possibly can during this time, incase the latter occurs. For this attack, like the previous, do not go right at him-- it will only open you up --as said for his previous technique, which could cost you the match. - Punches / Kicks: Going at him directly with no pretenses will surely open you up to a flurry of punches or kicks, as he is especially fast it is wise to pick your openings. - Drop Kick: This attack is not without its faults, but it shouldn't be taken lightly. If you try to meet him in air, you will have almost no defense against it, and be sent crashing down to the ground; it is suggested that you run in the opposite direction just far enough for him to miss, and then follow back to him and lay into him with either Up+B, L, Ki, or just hand-to-hand. This is the best, and only safe opportunity to come in and properly strike. - Rifle: This is a fun attack, and he's a fool for using it. It serves little purpose for him, and aside being weak. It can also be shot right back at him; which also presents a good time to strike. If you can Up+B quick enough to deflect, and then dash to him you will have a perfect opening to strike, but strike quickly and hit back for safety. Following this, you should beat him relatively easily; well... atleast as easily as he will allow, considering he likes to toy around quite a bit. =============================== [BOSS LEVEL L:8 - Korin's Land] Tao Paipai. ============================================ Fight #1: Tao's a nasty guy, younger brother of Shen, the Crane Hermit-- he's fast, powerful, and a mean fellow. This is a replication of the fight from the series, so there's almost no leg room here. I've determined (having done so myself not a moment ago) that it is very possible to defeat Tao, but win or lose means nothing-- since the fight pans out the same way. It's really unnecessary to fight him, so just sit it out champ. Fight #2: So, the first time was a schlub-match, he was way out of your league and you couldn't touch him and lost because of it. Well, this time you've trained with Karin* and are primed for the fight; as far as strategy goes, there really isn't-- just jump around a lot. Tao doesn't really have too much to offer, punch/kick combos, the Dodonpa, that's the extent of it. Worst of all, he leaves himself wide open almost all the time, every move being a flashy jumper. Take advantage of it and pummel him. There really is no way to describe how easy this fight is. Maybe it was designed that way, maybe I am ust really familiar with it; but all I know is I was juggling his sorry keister at every turn. =============================== [BOSS LEVEL L:9 - Red Ribbon Army Base] Black Hosa. ==================================================== Black Hosa's a strong, reasonably quick, and irritating fighter. Using a mechanized suit, he has a nice sized array of attacks that he is full willing to use against you. The first being a standard chop, and then moving into heavy artillery with guided missiles, a machine gun hand, aimed shots, and a rocket launched out of his back that will effectively end the match where it stood for you. I'll lay out a workable strategy. - Basic actions: This is a battle that needs to be fought from afar, so you're going to want to use Ki blasts and use them often, if you want to make good here. You can, in certain cases attack close in (as I explain with "Chopping") but doing so at any other time aside the one mentioned is unwise and could cost you both the match and several lives. - Chopping: This goes for the whole fight, but especially for the chops because if they connect you will be knocked down for a period of time and leave yourself open to Black when you stand back up. Hang back, he will often try to follow but just jump over him when he does this, as you don't want to get caught up by him; but where this presents possible danger it also presents a nice opening if it is to your want to exploit it. Directly after he chops you he wil idle for a bit before making another attack, this is as good an opening as one might get in this fight, and to make ample use of it the best attack would be Up+B, to spin your Nyoibo, and inflict a nice and short stream of damage to him. - Guided Missiles: This is probably the easiest to avoid attack in the whole of the battle, you can either Up+B to destroy each of them before they hurt you, or you can dash in the direction of their origin and they will go and hit the ground where you once stood. Lastly you could just smash them at the source (and a very suggestable tactic to fair well in the fight) by charging up a full Ki blast (do this through out the course of the battle anyway, if used appropriately it will favor you) and shoot it off at his head-- this kills any missiles launched at the source, serving to protect you, and gives some nice damage as well. - Machine gun: These are nice if not a bit irritating, as if you're standing in the right spot you can send them back at him with Up+B and deal out nominal damage. But since he does it so often it's suggested to just run towards him to get out of his line of fire and if you wish to deal out a few Up+B's while he's busy shooting. However, if you want to just cut him right off, put one of your charged ki blasts to work and shoot right for his hand, which will destroy his bullets and deal him a nice bit of damage. - Aimed Shots: With this Black jumps up into the air and flies around in the background for a moment, comes to a stop, and then aims some crosshairs at you, if you're hit by these it's knock-down central, and you're wide open again. Best tatic is to jump opposite of the side of the screen you're on to dodge them as he does not follow you very quickly; but watch out if you jump back too quickly you will be caught by the explosion of one of his rounds and will be knocked down. There is no way to hit him in this scenario. - Rocket: This is a nasty one, even if it doesn't hit you there's almost no way to avoid and it breaks up the already small ground there to work with; best case is to hit it with a Ki beam before it hits the ground to destroy it and save both you and your playing field. Unlike the others where you just had to watch their movements and act accordingly in a simplified jump-jump pattern, this battle is far and away more complex, and you will need to put to work each individual layed out strategy here to be successful in defeating him as like with Pilaf and Sho, it is far, far too easy to be overwhelmed by him and lose the match in a matter of moments. =============================== [B:I] Frequently Asked Questions. ================================== [B:I:1] Question: "I have an alternate strategy for , could I submit it to your guide?" Answer: I don't see why not. Just write it up and send me an email at classicgamer@gmail.com, and I'll put it in as an alternate strategy with credit. ______________________ [B:I:3] Question: "Why is listed as 'Special Level'?" Answer: Because the World Tournament Area, atleast to me, isn't exactly a level per-se. You just go through a series of fights till it ends, same with the Urunai Baba stuff, which will appear in this guide later on. =============================== [C:I] Special Thanks / Credits. ================================ I'd like to thank CJayC for hosting this guide. =============================== [D:I] Legal. ================================ Copyright 2006-2007 Justin Schroeder. This guide is to be only used by GameFaqs and Classic-Gamer and may not be placed, or otherwise distributed publicly anywhere but the above without express permission from the author. Reproduction rights for this work extend no further than personal, private use. Use of this guide in a public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of this copyright. GameFaqs - http://www.gamefaqs.com/ Classic-Gamer - http://www.classic-gamer.com/