Dragon Ball Advanced Adventure: "Demon King Piccolo", One-on-One Character FAQ Version 1.2 NightmareTC Table of Contents 1.0 – Intro 2.0 – Character Info 3.0 – Basic Information 4.0 – Fighting 4.1 – General Fighting 4.2 – Combos 4.3 – Advanced Combos 4.4 – Advanced Tactics 5.0 – End ----------- 1.0 Intro 1.0 ----------- Hey, I'm Nightmare, and I decided to write this FAQ for the strongest character in One-on-One mode for Dragon Ball Advanced Adventure. I've only had this game since Christmas '07, let I've beaten it without much difficulty, Although, one aspect of this game stood out to me: the One-on-One mode. Now, I've seen fighting games for the GBA, and not too many of them compete with DBZ: Supersonic Warriors. This game had a fighting mode so very, very simple to play; but, if you look past this, you can see a moderately complex system involved in this mode. For this reason, I love O-o-O mode in this game. ----------- 2.0 Character Information 2.0 ----------- !!This section contains massive spoilers from Dragon Ball, as well as a few from Dragon Ball Z!! This is dedicated to King Piccolo, so many events may be excluded, such as Goku getting the sacred water. Demon King Piccolo: the most violent and deadly of all the villains in Dragon Ball. Known as "Piccolo Daimao", this is the polar opposite of the original God of the Earth, Kami. As Kami is found to actually be an alien Namekian from another planet in Dragon Ball Z, a giant cataclysm forced the unnamed Namekian from his world to Earth, effectively erasing his prior memory in the crash of his spaceship. The Namekian got the idea somewhere along the line to oversee the activity of Earth and built a lookout high above the clouds with a Genie by the name of Mr. Popo. Knowing that he couldn't be a god with evil thoughts, he split his purity from his evil, and formed who we now know as Kami and Piccolo. Kami immediately noticed the problems the alleged "king of demons", Piccolo was causing, but gave away his power when he split, so Kami was unable to do anything. But, one brave human(the same one who teaches Goku about Ki, and trained Master Roshi) developed a technique which sealed Piccolo in a mystical jar for all eternity. Piccolo appears in the next-to-last Saga in Dragon Ball, because Emperor Pilaf's plan to rule the Earth involved releasing a great evil that's name vanished into myth as the centuries passed. Pilaf broke the jar containing Piccolo, who had now aged and was unable to rule in his current condition. Piccolo has the ability to spawn creatures by spitting out mystical eggs. It is unknown if only he can do this or any Namekian. He made a few offspring by the names of Piano, Tambourine, and Cymbal, and assigns them all different jobs for world conquest. Tambourine is sent to eliminate all of the contenders in previous and current World Martial Arts Tournaments so conquest would go without opposition, and pick up any Dragon Balls he happened to find. Cymbal was ordered to search out the Dragon Balls, and Piano stayed as an aid to Piccolo. As Tambourine kills Krillin in his first major swipe, Goku follows and looses to him as well. After being found by Yarjirobe, the next few events end with the deaths of both Tambourine and Cymbal. Piccolo decides to step in, and brutally defeats Goku to take more Dragon Balls. As Piccolo kills Master Roshi before getting a chance to seal Piccolo a second time into a jar, he collects all of the Dragon Balls. Piccolo wishes for his youth, and has his power increase exponentially, even killing Shenron so no one else could make wishes, sealing his position as Earth's ruler! Goku gets the Sacred Water from Korin after being defeated, kills the newly spawned Drum in one kick, and challenges Piccolo to a showdown right in front of Chow Castle. A long fight ensues, where Piccolo's advantage slowly decreases. When he uses his full power and shortens his life, the fight is reduces to Piccolo toying with Goku, who never gives up after several near fatal attacks, and gives Piccolo a run for his money. When Tien steps in to help, only to be reduced to a human shield stopping Goku from attacking, Goku is crippled in all of his limbs except his right arm because of Piccolo throwing Boulders at him. By launching himself at Piccolo with a one-handed Kamehameha Wave, a full powered punch blasts Goku right through Piccolos torso, killing him. With his final breaths, Piccolo spits out one last egg, a reincarnation of himself who takes a huge part in the upcoming Dragon Ball Z. Piccolo is evil incarnated. He is not just evil, such as making holidays where one city is destroyed, but he is also all around nasty, such as making rude comments in battle and betraying the one who released him. He seems to have some care for his offspring, but only as a father would. Initially angry and depressed that Tambourine and Cymbal were killed, he is quick to laugh when he sees Goku was the one who did it. He doesn't care much when Drum is killed, but he does become angry when he accidentally crushes Piano. Other than his offspring related(ha, pun) feelings, he has no other care for the living, and won't hesitate to murder any number of humans. This is obviously Goku's greatest challenger in Dragon Ball yet! ----------- 3.0 Basic Information 3.0 ----------- King Piccolo is unlocked by beating him in Story Mode of the game. He has five health bars to your two, but if you know some basic combat skills so as to not let him get in any attacks, he should be no harder than most One-on-One characters in Story Mode. Piccolo is the strongest character, and has many of the fighter's best attributes, even though he isn't the last character to unlock. Like all characters, his unique fighting style along with his individual size allows in different combos that the other fighters either have trouble with or can't do. This FAQ is written to expose as many of these as possible. ----------- 4.0 Fighting 4.0 ----------- 4.1 General Fighting 4.1 Controls: Control Pad- Right (hold)- Move Right (push twice)- Leap Left (hold)- Move/Block Left (push twice)- Leap All Directions- Move (While Flying) A-Jump AA-Fly B- Attack B+^(up)- Perfect Barrier R- Charge/Fire Special R+L- Super Special The game is played by three bars: The Health Bar, the Guard Bar, and the Ki Bar. The Health Bar is located in the top-right on the screen, directly touching your character's portrait. This bar diminishes when you are attacked, and causes you to loose if it becomes empty. The colors follow as this: White (story mode only) V Blue V Green V Orange V Red V Knock Out (KO) In Free-Battle mode, you can choose your health level from anywhere between Red and Blue, and in Survival Mode, you have Green health. When fighting, your opponent's Health Bar functions the same as yours, and knocking your opponent's Health Bar to zero ends the Match in your favor. The Guard Bar is the small, green bar below the Health Bar. As long as there is the tiniest amount of green in the bar, your Health Bar can't be touched. For each attack against you or your opponent or you, the Guard Bar drops an amount depending on what character you are using and the power of his attacks. When the Guard Bar is inactive, all attacks go directly to the Health Bar, and a character can be knocked to the ground or into the air, depending on the attack. The Guard Bar slowly increases, but that really doesn't help much against the Computer. When you're knocked to the ground, the Guard Bar instantly raises to full. The Ki Bar is located at the bottom of the screen, and represented by a red, Japanese Kanji next to a four-notched Yellow Bar. When you press and hold the R button, you can charge the bar and make it raise with an orange flashing color. Each time the orange raises to a higher notch, releasing the R button will launch an energy attack of varying intensity. Obviously, the lowest notch produces the weakest attack, and a fully charged bar will fire off the strongest. When you fire a Ki attack, one notch of energy will decrease. To illustrate this, a fully charged shot will lower the bar to three notches. All attacks, physical or Ki, will raise the Ki Bar by a small margin. Also, if the Ki Bar is filled half a notch, you cannot attack with Ki until it is filled up to the first notch. King Piccolo falls under these attributes: -Tall Piccolo is the tallest character, so his attacks hit high and is more susceptible to attacks by smaller characters like Goku and Krillin. -Fly Piccolo is able to free fly by pressing the A-button, and pressing the control pad gives 8-directional movement while in the air. -Power Piccolo's attacks come out at a slowing pace, and none of his attacks give two hits, but they tend to do much more damage and break the guard bar more easily. 4.2 Combos 4.2 King Piccolo has generally the same style of play as every character in this game, just with different looking attacks. For the sake of organizing, I will be breaking down the combos by the actually names of the moves. BASIC MOVES Pressing B in various ways preforms these moves. All of these are identical as far as I can tell, but it seems like the Kick does more damage to the Guard Bar. When attacking the Guard Bar before the opponent is open, these moves are: Chop This is a basic Karate Chop; done by pressing the B button by it's self. Punch Same as Chop, done by pressing the B button and Right on the D-Pad. Kick This is a basic Kick, done following up after Punch while holding B+Right. Floor Sweep A Kick to the feet of the enemy, done by pressing the B button and Down on the D-Pad. This move tends to ignore a Perfect Barrier, and does a lot of damage to the Guard Bar. Elbow An Elbow Jab done but pressing the B button while in a forward leap. Save for the Kick, these moves can be generally done at any time. When the Guard Bar of your opponent breaks, you can do certain moves in system to link more hits to your opponent and rack up more damage. Now I will list the moves that are either preformed in a combo, or have special attributes when used in a combo. Gut Jab This is a direct, and rather quick Punch fired off at the opponent. This move is preformed after a Punch in the B button combo, without any D- Pad input. This move sends the opponent flying to slam against the wall behind him when used in Combo Mode. High Kick This is a sharp Kick that is done right after the Kick in the combo done with the B button while holding Right on the D-Pad. This move knocks the opponent high up when used in Combo Mode. Floor Sweep Identical to the Floor Sweep mentioned above, but when used in Combo Mode, his move sends the opponent to their feet, ending the combo. This can be done at any time inside another combo, at the beginning or end, but the Combo will end. .::.Free Fly Mode.::. When you are flying in the Air, the following moves are available to use: Kick An aerial Kick, done by pressing the B button. Knee An upward Knee jab, done by pressing the B button and Up on the D- Pad. Knuckle Smash This one is big. Like, really important. Done by pressing the B button and Down on the D-Pad. Using this will do major damage to the Guard Bar, or send an air born opponent right into the ground. BASIC COMBOS When the Guard Bar is broken, the opponent is unable to guard, and all attacks convert damage directly to the opponent's Health Bar. This will be referred to as "Combo Mode". Quick Find: :Basic Combo: :Floorer: .::.Aero Mode.::. :Air Smash: :Flight Cutter: :Gust Cutter: :Dash Combo: Key: A- A button B- B button R- R button ^ or V- Up and Down on the D-Pad >- Left or Right on the D-Pad: conditionally, this will be the direction your opponent is to you. If you're on the right side, then > will mean Right on the D-Pad, but if you are on the left, then > will mean Left on the D-Pad :Basic Combo: B|B|B Chop-Punch-Gut Jab This Combo produces a special attribute when used to an opponent that has his Guard Bar broken. When the Gut Jab makes contact, the opponent will automatically be thrown against the wall behind him, which will take him down and end Combo Mode. :Floorer: …|B+V Anything-Floor Sweep This Combo ends in a sweep kick the knocks a character to the ground. This Combo can end at any time, from right after a Chop to after a Kick, making it extremely variable, but rather slow. Using it will end Combo Mode. .::.Aero Mode.::. B+>|B|B Punch-Kick-High Kick When you use this, your opponent flies high into the air. If you haven't noticed, this is the most used of all Combos. When you are in Aero Mode, your opponent cannot block whatsoever, and your moves are identical to when you are flying: Kick, Knee, and Knuckle Smash. Aero Mode ends when the opponent is smashed into the ground, or simply falls back to the ground before a Knuckle Smash is preformed. The combos in Aero Mode are as follows: !!Note: While in Aero Mode or Free Fly Mode, pressing the B button by itself, or with any direction but Down on the D-Pad, can do Kick and Knee in any combination. You can press B+V to send them right to the ground, or you can press BB+^B+^BBB, or anything you want basically. Now, this doesn't mean it will necessarily work. Chances are, the combo above won't get the smash in, because when in Aero Mode, you can fall to the ground on your own after a few seconds, even if you haven't used Knuckle Smash yet. My advice would to find a number of hits that you feel comfortable with before using Knuckle Smash, or else your opponent will land on his feet, back in stance and ready to get back at you. I will only be listing the basic Air Combos. :Air Smash: B|B|B Kick-Knee-Knuckle Smash The Basic Combo in Aero Mode, and smashes the opponent back to the ground quickly. Done exactly the same as the Basic Combo on the ground. :Flight Cutter: B+>|B+>|B+>|B+> Kick-Kick-Knee-Knuckle Smash This is a really good Aerial Combo to use, because using Right or Left will keep you close to your opponent and in range to smash. :Gust Cutter: B+^| B+^| B+^| B+^ Knee-Kick-Knee-Knuckle Smash This is a tad more damaging that the Flight Cutter, but is risky to do against a smaller character if your timing isn't perfect. Remember that Piccolo is still a tall character, so stick with this combo if you're fighting a tall character like Roshi or Tao. Piccolo's Knuckle Smash has a decent range, and as long as the lower part of your opponent is visible (even if you're falling to the ground), then this combo will smash your opponent thoroughly. :Dash Combo: >|>|B|B+>|B+>|B+> Elbow-Punch-Kick-High Kick This Combo is an automatic Guard breaker if it successfully hits all four times, and is pretty fast with decent range. This is one of the best Combos to use before the Guard Bar is broken. 4.3 Advanced Combos 4.3 Quick Find :Lightning Combo: :Head Rattle: :Guard Reaver: :Demon King Rush: :Lightning Combo: B|B|B+>|B+>|B+> Chop-Punch-Punch-Kick-High Kick A good way to keep on the offensive, and can score you six-plus hits before blasting your foe into the air. Easy accessibility makes this Combo almost assure win. :Head Rattle: (In Free Fly Mode)B|B|B+V|V(To the ground)|B+V… Kick-Knee-Knuckle Smash-Drop-Floor Sweep… Now, this is the first of three very difficult Combos that I've only recently discovered. These are near-impossible against COM players, and difficult on Human players, but the few extra damage(and a huge boast after successfully doing it) can give you an edge. While in Free Fly Mode (or just in the air, but this will be tricky to do), you have to break through the opponent's Guard Bar, if they're still on the ground, and you use the Knuckle Smash, you'll notice something: you just did a moderately damaging attack, and your opponent is still on their feet! Not only are they flinched and open, but their Guard Bar hasn't had a chance to recover fully! Drop down as fast as you can, and use a Floor Sweep to break right through their weakened Guard and resume the pummeling. :Guard Reaver: (In Free Fly Mode)B|B|B+V|B+V|B+V… This one is a level higher than Head Rattle, but no less difficult. Instead of dropping to the ground as in the previous Combo, you use the B button and Down on the D-Pad once again for a Kick, and again for a Knuckle Smash! I haven't tried much with this one, but it could be possible to fit in a third Knuckle Smash, but two is what I've been able to accomplish. You can pretty much go where you want from here, try to finish the same as Head Rattle, or whatever you want to do. :Demon King Rush: >|>|B|B+>|B+>|B+>|A|B|B|B+V|B+V|V(To the ground)|B+V|B|B|B+>|B+>|B+>… Dash Combo-Guard Reaver-Head Rattle-Lightning Combo-Flight/Gust Cutter This one is a monster. I'll tell you right now, the chances of you doing this right are slim. But it's fully possible, I've done it once before. It's a combination of everything you learned up to this point. This can be swapped and what-not until you feel comfortable. I'd recommend removing the Guard Reaver section to make it easier, as it's only a little bit more damage. 4.4 Advanced Tactics 4.4 These are some of the most important actions in the game(One-on-One of course), and make battles SO much more easy. These aren't even hard, either! Study these, and study them well. Perfect Barrier B+^ Guard This gives your character a Blue Aurora for a second that nullifies all damage to the Guard Bar or Health Bar. Any character can use the Perfect Barrier, and chances are that you won't win if you don't, really. Learn when to use it at the best time by studying your opponent's style. Explosive Demon Wave R Charge Ki-Ki Attack Charge up with the R button to slow down for a short amount of time in order to launch a very powerful attack that automatically pierces the Guard Bar. Naturally, this is effected by the amount of the Ki Bar that you charge up. For more info, see 4.1 General Fighting 4.1 Destructive Wave Rush R|B+>|B|B|R Charge Ki-Punch-Kick-High Kick-Ki Attack This is a good way to take a large chunk out of your opponent's life without risk of being attacked. Simply hold down the R button (be very conscious of your decrease in speed), knock the opponent into Aero Mode however you wish to, then release R in the air to rack up a huge hit Combo. At full power, this can get fifteen-plus hits. Very effective, and doesn't require standing open to attack while charging. This Ki Combo takes full advantage of the fact that you can attack normally while charging. You can even start charging in the middle of an attack! Full Power Explosive Demon Wave R+L Massive Ki Attack This is the Ace-in-the-Hole attack reserved for only Piccolo. Piccolo is one of four characters that has a Massive Ki Attack, among Goku, Jackie Chan, and Tien. This can only be used while standing on the ground, needs no charging, but requires you Ki Bar to be charged 100% full. Pressing the R button and the L button simultaneously will fire off a large blast that will do tremendous damage that is very hard to dodge. The best strategy with this move is to try to get you opponent onto the ground, then fire it as soon as they get up. If executed onto an opponent against the wall for the full duration of the attack, you will score an insane twenty- nine hit Combo. ----------- 5.0 End 5.0 ----------- Written for GameFAQs, by NightmareTC. Started 1-27-08, Version 1.0 ended 1-30-08 Special Thanks to -Akira Toryama, for making the best manga and anime in history. -Nintendo, for providing quality gaming systems for as long as I can remember. -My Parents, for always being there for me. Enjoy my first FAQ :)