Dragon Ball GT: Transformation Publisher: Atari Release Date: August 8, 2005 For Gameboy Advance Version 1.10 Author: djpdogg (lifein2k1@hotmail.com) Copyright 2005 thedogg_productions Index: Version History Disclaimer Controls Characters Walkthrough Game notes Planet Imecka Planet Monmaasu Planet Gelbo Planet Luud Planet M2 Planet Rudeeze Deserted Starship Planet Tigere Planet Polaris Planet Cretaceous Planet Earth Tuffle Planet Single Player Mode Endurance Mode Boss Endurance Mode Robot Swarm Items Guide Enemy Guide Boss Guide Cutscenes Secrets Game Credits My Credits Ok...true story: I had completely forgotten that I had written this. As I was going through my e-mail a couple of days ago, I found a section for emails about this. I read through them and said: "Oh crap". I realized that I should put all the stuff that people had emailed into this. So, without further adu... Version History: August 23, 2005 1.00 Original release date for this Walkthrough. June 22, 2006 I found the emails, decided to add the stuff. June 25, 2006 1.10 Began/Finished fixing the document. Not much added. Disclaimer: This walkthrough is copyright to me. If you find problems with spelling, I didn't give you credit, or if you think some of my strategies are stupid AND would like to offer your opinion, then e-mail me (e-mail address at the top). This guide is meant to help those who need it with strategies that have worked for me. I will try to be as detailed as possible, but if further help is requested, then do not hesitate to e-mail. I will respond as quickly as possible. (Note: if I get e-mailed spam or if you e-mail me insulting letters that have nothing to do with this game, then you will be blocked. I don't have the patience nor the time to read e-mails from people who are not being helpful). Back to the copyright, if you don't know the drill, (1) you may only use this privately. (2) Unless your have my permission (e-mail to get), you may not copy this and paste it on a different web site. (3)You may tell your friends about this guide. (4)You may not copy this, put your name on it, and sell it/mass produce it with your name on it. (5)You may read and use these strategies. And of course (6), I give credit to those who deserve it, and I can't stress this enough, IF I FAIL TO GIVE YOU CREDIT, E-MAIL ME SO I CAN. I would do the same if someone failed to give me credit. Failure to obey rules 2 and 4 are in violation of the copyright, and are prohibited. Other than that, all names, places, and basically all things Dragon Ball are copyrighted to their respective owners. All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders. (Thanks GameFaqs for the help with that) Now that that is finished, let's get on to the game. Controls: D-Pad - Move Character A - Jump B - Fight L (Held) - Power up R - Blast D-Pad + B (When close to opponent) - Picks up opponent Select + A - Switch characters Start - Pauses the game. You can exit the game or check your stats Start (During cutscenes) - Ends the cutscene and advances right to the next thing Advanced Controls: Double Tap any direction on D-Pad - burst of speed in that direction B (During burst of speed) - Sweep R (Held) - Power up a blast, release to fire a strong blast Tap any direction once and hit B - perform a quick attack in that direction (Difficult to do) B (While holding opponent) - Throw opponent which can knock over other opponents R (While holding opponent) - Slams opponent into ground then releases A (Held) - "Fly" B (While "Flying") - Fights in the air, more damage to tall opponents D-Pad Down + B (While "Flying") - Performs a downward attack R (While "Flying") - Blast A+B (Together) - Character does a spin attack, useful if you are surrounded R+B (With full Energy) - Character performs Super Energy Attack Characters: Help wanted add: All characters have a combo by pressing B and D-Pad a certain direction at a certain time. If you figure out what they are (excluding Uub, Trunks, Goku) then e-mail it to me and I will give you the credit for the find. Goku: The main character of the Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, and Dragon Ball GT series. A kind hearted warrior who was sent to earth as a baby, by his race, the Saiyans, to destroy it. He forgot his mission when he hit his head, and from that day forward, he became a good person. He eventually found out what he was, but continued to fight for earth. His spin attack is him spinning around. His slam is him jumping and landing on top of his opponent. Super Energy Attack is his Kamehameha. His combo is B, B, up + B, down + B. (Thank you Maonkeyman) Super Saiyan Goku: Same spin and slam. Energy Attack is Kamehameha x 5. (Mewtwo830) Super Saiyan 4 Goku: His spin is him doing a spinning uppercut. His slam is him holding his opponent out in front of him and punching him. His Energy Attack is his Sprit Bomb. Trunks: Son of Vegeta and Bulma. His first appearance in the series was when he came back from the future to change the past. He succeeded, but because of that, the Trunks that became will always be weaker than that Trunks. But that doesn't mean that this Trunks is a push over. At a young age he became a Super Saiyan, and teamed up with Goten, Goku's second son, to form a very powerful team. His spin attack is him spinning with his sword out. His slam is him slamming the opponent twice to the ground. His Energy Attack is him doing stuff with his arms, then blasting. His combo is B, forward + B, forward + B, forward + B, up + B, up + B. Pan: Granddaughter of Goku. At first, she is unhappy about her grandfather being smaller than her. Later, she begins to admire him and wants to be just like him even at her young age. She teams up with Giru, a robot they meet in their travels. Her spin attack is Giru spinning around her. Her slam is her throwing her opponent down and jumping on top of him. Her Energy Attack is a Kamehameha. A little trick I found is that when Giru spins, she still moves, can even fly; but while Giru is spinning, he will stay near the ground. So have her fly while he is spinning to destroy as many bad guys as possible. Uub: When Goku defeated Majin Buu, he wished that Majin Buu would be reborn with the same power, but good. King Yama (The guy who dishes out heaven and hell in the Dragon Ball universe) heard this wish and granted it. Notice that Uub is Buu backwards. Uub has been training with Goku to release his powers before this game begins. Uub's spin is him spinning his legs around. His slam his him kicking and punching his opponent. His Energy Attack is a Kamehameha. Uub's combo is B, forward + B, forward + B, up + B, forward + B. Piccolo: Former enemy of Goku's. He and Goku fought each other many times, but when Goku sacrificed himself selflessly, Piccolo began to respect him. After that, Piccolo has helped Goku whenever he has needed it, even sacrificing himself for Goku's first son, Gohan. Piccolo's spin is him spinning with his arms out. His grab is difficult to tell because he uses his mind to pick up his opponent, but you can tell because his arm is out. His slam is him throwing his opponent to the ground a couple of times. His Energy Attack is his Special Beam Cannon. Vegeta: The Prince of all Saiyans. (Just ask him, he'll tell you.) Vegeta came to Earth to kill Goku, he calls him Kakarot, and destroy the Earth. Vegeta was defeated, but he always wanted a rematch against Goku. He began to respect Goku when Goku reached Super Saiyan, but Vegeta, not to be outdone, attained that level as well. He eventually became evil again when he was taken control of. He got his rematch against Goku, but it was interrupted by Majin Buu. Vegeta still wasn't satisfied, but became a good guy again anyway. Well, at least for now. Note that Vegeta's dash is him moving with Super Speed. Super Saiyan Vegeta's spin is him creating energy around him to knock his opponents back. His slam is him holding his opponent, then blasting them. His Energy Attack is his Final Flash Bebi Vegeta: Same as Vegeta's, except his spin is more visible. His Energy Attack is his Death Bomb. Walkthrough: Game Notes Game Note: If you've ever played "Alien vs. Predator" for Super Nintendo or the arcade version of "X-men", then realize that this game is very similar. If not, then basically, you control your character from a side view. You can move your character up, down, left, and right. You cannot progress any further until you defeat all the enemies. When you defeat all the enemies, you just move to the right until the screen stops moving and basically acts as an impenetrable wall until you defeat all the enemies. You will notice that some missions (level 2 for instance) you will be on a moving platform, you all you can do is defeat enemies. Game Note (Cont.): The system for "leveling up" are the little balls you find when ever you defeat an enemy. After collecting enough, you will see something like "Pow+". To check the process on the current character you are using, hit Start and select "View Stats". I'll go through each of them in the "Items Guide" Section of this walkthrough. Game Note (Cont): In game, if you look at the top right of your screen, you will see a point counter. To gain lots of points, hit at least three consecutive hits, but you will probably want to hit more than that. Also, you are being timed. At the end of the missions, you will be given extra points for time, not losing any characters, etc. Points are added up and then you are given Zenie. When you collect enough Zenie, then you can buy things in the "Secret" section of the main menu. Game Note (Cont): The saving system of this game is extremely basic: once you complete a mission, the game automatically saves. Very easy. Game Note (Cont): If you see a box, or something that isn't background or foreground, then you can probably destroy it, and it will hold an item. Game Note (Cont): If one of your character's HP gets low, switch them out. There health will recover, but if they are KOed, then they stay that way either until the mission ends or you find a Senzu Bean. Game Note (Cont): Sometimes guys come out to fight you after another has been killed, or sometimes once all have been killed, a new wave comes. Game Note (Cont): You will start the next mission with the guy with whom you won the previous mission with. Game Note (Cont): You can always go back and replay a mission and try to get a better score and time. Game Note (Cont): If you fail to realize that you can move forward, then a mini Dragon Radar will appear with an arrow pointing to the right. In the main menu screen, go to Story Mode. If this is your first time playing, set difficulty for easy, then select "Start New Game". Watch/Read Cutscene 1. Once its over, choose the planet Imecka. When you land, cutscene 2 will take place. Once that is over, the game begins. If you haven't read the "Controls" section yet, at least take a minute to look them over. Planet Imecka You will hear a voice say: "Ready...Go!" and this voice will be there to begin every mission. You drop in and then you take control. You start out with Goku and some Privates. Kill them and their buddies as they come out. Notice that another guy only comes out when one of his friends dies. Sometimes this is the case, other times, once you kill all the guys, another set will come out at once. If you don't realize that you can move forward, a mini-Dragon Radar appears pointing to the right, telling you its time to move on. Move on. You will find a Big Robot 1 and some Privates. Big Robot 1s can take more than Privates, so take them down quickly. Remember that if one of your character's HP gets low, switch them out. In the next area, you will fight two Rocket Launchers and some Sergeants. Dispose of the Launchers first, then the Sergeants. On the next screen, there are two Launchers and some Privates. Once they are killed move to the next screen for your first boss fight, after a short conversation, which go under cutscenes, so it is cutscene 3. Once its over, you will fight Gale and Sheila. They are very easy. Use normal attacks, blasts, and pick one up and throw it at the other for fun, but don't be too careless, you want to keep all your characters alive. Be wary of Gale using energy blasts and Sheila sweeping you. Once they are dead, move on. The next area has a Rocket Launcher and a Big Robot 1. Kill the Launcher then the Big Robot. The next area has a Big Robot 1 and Sergeants. Take out the Sergeants first. More come, but they are easy. In the next area, you will fight more Big Robot 1s, but you will find an invincibility ball as well. You may want to save it because there is another boss fight next, and you can carry it along. When you defeat them, move to the right side of the screen and you will move into a new room. There is a conversation here, so it is cutscene 4. Once it is over, time for another boss fight. Ledgic is definitely tougher than Gale and Sheila, but nothing to worry about. Watch out for his constant energy blasts and you should be all right. Just blast him back and hit him and you'll win. Once he is dead, cutscene 5 occurs. Then, after a little movie, cutscene 6 occurs. After all is said and done, you will see how you did, and how many points/Zenie you get. Planet Monmaasu Move your ship to Planet Monmaasu and lets go. This is a platform mission and guys will constantly rain from above. (Well, not constantly,but you know/will see what I mean. There are three types of bad guys here: Bug 1, Bug 2, and Giant Spider. See the "Enemy Section" for details about these guys. After a while of fighting, you will fight the first boss of this mission: the Snapping Turtle. Difficult fight. Watch out for the guys that come to his aid. Eventually he will get angry, and when he does, he will try to eat you. Fly to avoid this attack, and pummel him with normal attacks. Once he is dead, you will move onto a new area. Fight through these areas filled with Bug 1s and 2s and Giant Spiders. Once you get to then end, a conversation (cutscene 7) will take place, then you will have to fight the second boss fight: the Giant's Tooth. Basic fight. Blast the tooth until the Giant shuts his mouth. When he does this, you will have to fight Bugs 1 and 2 and Giant Spiders. He will eventually reopen his mouth, so repeat until the tooth pops out. Another conversation (cutscene 8) will take place. And after that, another conversation (cutscene 9) will happen. Once that is done, you'll see how you did. Then move the ship to Planet Gelbo. Planet Gelbo When you land, cutscene 10 will take place. When you are inside the volcano, a conversation (cutscene 11) will occur, and then you begin your mission. It is similar to Planet Monmaasu in that you will be on a moving platform, but the enemies here are defiantly tougher. You will be fighting the Robot 1 and 2, Volcano Men 1, 2 and 3, Fire Balls, and Big Robot 2. After a long trip, your raft will exit stage right (with you still on it) and a conversation will happen (cutscene 12) with Zoonama, then you will fight him. He is pretty hard. Blasts will take to long, but if you get to close, he will hit you with his fist or, if you are on the ground, his tail. He may through a boulder at you, so make sure you dodge it. If he makes an earthquake, get in the air and stay there until it stops. Blast him and fight him to win. When he is defeated, cutscene 13 will happen, which is follow by cutscene 14, and then cutscene 15. When it's over, you will see your score. Planet Luud Now move your ship to planet Luud. Time for cutscene 16. This is back to the basic "destroy all bad guys then move on to the next area" level. You will face mini-Robots, Zealots 1 and 2, Fire Heads. Move through and kill everything. You will come to a point where you will have four Fire Heads attacking, then retreating. Just kill one and stand where it would have shot. Eventually you will meet the first boss of this level: Cardinal. A short conversation will take place (cutscene 17), then you fight Cardinal. Its not even worth mentioning how to beat him. Once that fight is over, another conversation will happen (cutscene 18), then you must fight Mutchy Mutchy, who is about infinitely stronger than his original form (who am I kidding, I could have beaten his original form with my eyes close, ears covered, both arms tied behind my back, my legs tied up in a potato sack, and I had just been spun around ten times). He summons books and throws them at you, but after you bring his life down a bit, he will summon four books to spin around him. The best strategy is to use Pan and Giru's spin attack to take out most of the books, then have them attack and kill Mutchy. Move on and you will fight the first of the Zealot 2s. You may not see them at first, but that is because they are flying. Keep fighting until your character walks off the screen. You will end up in another area, where a conversation (cutscene 19) will take place. Once it is over, you will fight Lord Luud. This guy is quite hard. He grows arms, so target one of his fists to destroy it. Watch out for his mouth, it shoots blasts, but only straight down. Once you've destroyed one of the arms, stand near his mouth and wait for it to open, then target it until you it flashes. If the arm you destroyed grows back, retarget it, then go back to the mouth. He will try to crush you with his fists, so dodge the attacks. Fight the arms and mouth, but if you feeling like blasting, don't take too much time charging up; he might close his mouth. Eventually you will kill him, and cutscene 20 will occur. With that over, the ship will leave the planet, and cutscene 21 will begin. After that, check your score. Then either move your ship to Planet M2 or to Rudeeze and push A (but you already knew that, didn't you.) If you go to Rudeeze, scroll down to Rudeeze, but if you want to do M2, continue reading. You will note that the cutscenes will be ordered as if you went to M2 first. Planet M2 When you land, guess what, another cutscene (cutscene 22) will take place. Don't you just love these cutscenes? Since this is a robot planet, you'll be fighting, yep you guessed it, robots. After you finish off the first couple of robots, a conversation (cutscene 23) will happen (Don't you just love these, too?). Basically, you will be fighting almost all the robots you've faced so far: mini-Robots, Robots 1, 2 and the new 3 and 4, Big Robots 2 and the new 3. But you must also pay attention to the ground. You will notice Drills will appear where you stand. These are indestructible, so just dodge because they do a lot of damage. Eventually you will meet your next boss, and find out the truth during the conversation (cutscene 24). With that, you must fight the Sigma force. These guys are not as hard a Luud, but still no pushover. If you are at a long distance, he will send his arms to hit you. If you are out of fighting range, he will turn into a drill and lung at you from the air. And if you are close, he may do either of the first two, or simple fight you. Also, Robot 1s come out to fight you, so take these out first, then focus on him. If you want, get him to one side of the screen, move to the other side, then blast him. He should be out of range for his arm attack, so you'll be safe. This is slow, however, so get close and fight him for a faster win. Notice also that even though Giru left the group, he is still with Pan. Continue until the area is finished. Then you will go and meet Rilldo, and yes, there is yet another conversation (cutscene 25), and then you will have to fight him. This is definitely the toughest boss fight yet. If you're too close, he will unleash a combo of punches, or his drill arm becomes huge and he jumps and drills you, but you need to watch out for his little liquid teleportation act. He can also make himself into a giant arm while he is liquid, so be careful of that, too. Do your best to stay away from him, but beware that you don't loose sight of him. If he becomes liquid, blast straight ahead until you are hitting something, then move, because he will probably take arm form and punish you. Fighting is hard, but it deals more damage. If you need to knock him down quickly, lets say you need to change characters, then blast him. Just watch out for his huge arm and huge drill and you should be fine. Then another conversation (cutscene 26). And then, cutscene 27. And then you can check your score. Now move your ship to Rudeeze. If you are having difficulty, try pushing up and right at the same time. Planet Rudeeze Well, as soon as you land, you will face new creatures. There are Sand Demons 1 and 2, Sand Worms. Not too difficult, but next comes the fun part: You now have to do some aerial stuff. You are in the air, and have to fight Sand Demon 2s, mini-Robots, and Robot 4s. This can be tricky because it is easier to be hit in this mode. Once you pass this, you will face boss of this level: Giant Crab (in normal mode). This guys is about normal difficulty. Blast his face until he attacks you with his tail, then attack his tail, but make sure it doesn't hit you. Only attack his tail when it is in the ground an not moving. Also, this guy regenerates health, so stay on him. If you fight him up close, he will counter with his two claws, but blast him too much, and he will shield himself with his claws. Just keep hammering away until he dies. With that done, check your score and lets move on. Now you have a choice of Deserted Starship or Tigere. I'm gonna start with Deserted Starship. Deserted Starship Well, obviously there is a cutscene (cutscene 28), so once its done, lets begin. You will be in flying mode to start, and this ship has defenses. It has Fighting Bombs, Defense Ships, Robot 1s, 4s, and mini-Robots. Once you get past the flying part, you will be on an elevator. You must fight Robot 1s and mini-Robots. Then there will be a part when you will be attacked by Robot 4s. Don't bother fighting them. The best strategy is to fly around, and when you land, immediately fly again until that part ends. Next you will fight Robot 5s. Also watch out for falling Fighting Bombs. Once that part is done, you will fight the boss: Super Robot. He is not hard at all. All you really need to do is fly and fight his head. He may call down Fighting Bombs or fire a missile at you, but just keep fighting him and he will die. After the fight, a conversation will take place (cutscene 29). You'll see a movie of the Starship crashing into the star, then see your score. With that done, move on the Planet Tigere Planet Tigere You start off and you'll fight some mini-Robots, but you'll see the new creatures: Giant Bird 1, and soon after that, Giant Bird 2. Also Robot 5s are here. Move until you meet the first boss: Cerberus. He is not too hard. Basically, the purple one calls the grays ones when it howls, so take out the grays ones first, then the purple one. Move on, and you will fight some Robot 1s and some Gray Wolves. After you finish this little area, you will meet the boss: Evil Bunny. This guy is about a medium difficulty. This guy can be tough if your timing is off. All you need to do is fly over him when he charges, then blast him. If you are too early with your jump, you will float down and get hit. If you are too late with your jump, then you will not make it over him. If you are too close, he will swing or try to bite you, so be careful. Just blast him until he dies. Then check our your score. Well, again you have the choice, Polaris or Cretaceous. Planet Polaris Welcome to the ice planet. You will meet the Volcano Men's cousin: Ice Man, and later, Ice Crabs. Also, you will find the Icicles which shoot up at you. Keep moving to find the Snow Bugs. Not too difficult, isn't it. Once you finish, you will move to the next area, which has a boss, the Yeti. He is mildly difficult. Either blast him or fight him, but if you fight him, expect to take some damage. He will punch you up close, or throw a giant snow ball at you. After enough damage, he will go back into his lair while you have to take out some Ice Crabs. Just keep hitting him and he will die. Check out your score. Planet Cretaceous As the name implies, welcome to dinosaur land. Lizard Man 1 that you meet will give you a taste for what this planet is about. Destroy them, then move on to meet the Living Skull, which is just a little lizard attacking you from underneath a skull. You'll soon meet Lizard Man 2, who are carrying weapons. But then you'll meet Lizard Man 3, who are carrying bows. Soon enough, you will be back in flying mode, and Lizard Men 1 are not the fun, especially when they get you up against a wall. Keep fighting until a conversation happens (wow, such a long time without one) (cutscene 30). Boss fight: Dragon's Stomach. This can be difficult. The pulsating thing at the top is your target, but watch out for Lizard Men 1, 2, and 3. Also be wary of the acid that rises and falls. When it is up, fight off the Lizard Men, but when it is down, attack the ball. When the fight is over, cutscene 31 will happen. Check your score. Planet Earth Before you land, cutscene 32 will take place. After you land, cutscene 33 will occur. Now that that is over, you will begin. But after the first couple of Humans, a conversation (cutscene 34) with happen. You will fight Humans, cars, Robot 1, and mini-Robots. After a long walk, you will meet Bebi Vegeta (Round 1), the next boss, but the fight happens after a conversation (cutscene 35). Bebi Vegeta is very difficult. If you are too close, he will use his energy to blast you away. He will also create a Black Energy Ball to hit you, so dodge. Also note his Super Speed. Move after he uses it or else he will appear next to you and hit you. Blast him and fight him to knock him down. But be careful, you only have Goku, so don't take any unnecessary hits. After the fight, a very long cutscene 36 happens. Then you can check your score. Now move your ship to Tuffle Planet. Tuffle Planet When you land, cutscene 37 occurs. Well, it's cool to see Goku with a tail again. You will face Humans, Robots 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, Big Robot 2 and 3. There are a lot of recovery items along the way, but don't be careless. After the first area, you will move on to another. There, after a long walk, you will face Bebi Vegeta (Round 2), after a conversation (cutscene 38) of course. Then, you fight him. Basically the same: very difficult. If you are too close, he will use his energy to blast you away. He will also create a Black Energy Ball to hit you, so dodge. Also note his Super Speed. Move after he uses it or else he will appear next to you and hit you. Blast him and fight him to knock him down. But be careful, you only have Goku, so don't take any unnecessary hits. When it is over, a cool extra fight happens, then another conversation (cutscene 39). Then cutscene 40. Then back to the conversation (cutscene 41). Hehe. Take out any frustrations you may have out on the buildings. Or, just walk to the right until another conversation (cutscene 42) occurs. Then, Round 3, which is same as above, but actually a little easier. If your life gets low, destroy a boulder and regain some life. After the fight, yet another conversation happens (cutscene 43). Once that is done, you must face Super Saiyan 4 Giant Monkey Bebi Vegeta. This fight is easier than he looks. Basically, stay on the upper left side of the screen. Watch out for his right arm and his mouth blast. Move down the left side until you are parallel with his face, then blast away. When you run out of energy, move to the top left corner and power up; he can't hit you while you are up there. He can also block your blasts, so wait until he puts his arms down then continue until he is dead. Then cutscene 44 happens. Wait until after the credits are over to get the Single Player Mode. Single Player Mode: The same as Story mode, except without the story. Choose your team and gather Zenie to buy things in the Secrets menu. Use Uub's combo on Imecka for major points. Endurance Mode: Choose a character and fight against all the enemies of Dragon Ball GT Transformation. Keep your health up, and kill everything quickly. Boss Endurance Mode: Can be difficult. Since most of the early bosses can be easily killed, use the weaknesses that I have pointed out to defeat them, but for bosses like Rilldo and Bebi Vegeta, be careful of your health. Robot Swarm: One name: Pan. One attack: her spin. A little trick I found is that when Giru spins, she still moves, can even fly; but while Giru is spinning, he will stay near the ground. So have her fly while she is spinning to destroy as many bad guys as possible. Items: Compared to other games, this game has relatively few items. Other than the small balls, everything else is found in boulders, jars, etc. Small Green Ball: many of these add up to a Power Bonus Big Green Ball: automatic Power Bonus Small Yellow Ball: many of these add up to a Strength Bonus Big Yellow Ball: automatic Strength Bonus Small Red Ball: many of these add up to a HP Bonus Big Red Ball: automatic HP Bonus Sandwich: full health recovery Turkey: full health recovery Watermelon: full health recovery Hamburger: some health recovered Pizza Slice: some health recovered Apple: some health recovered Candy Bar: some health recovered Soda: some health recovered Senzu Bean: full health and energy recovered. If an ally is KOed, then some of their life is recovered. Enemy Section: Privates: Found on Imecka. They let their fists do the talking. Extremely easy. Just fight these guys for easy combos. Sergeants: Found on Imecka. These guys carry energy guns. They are a little stronger than Privates, but are really nothing to worry about. Big Robot 1: Found on Imecka. These guys can be a nuisance, so use energy attacks and stay away from their spinning blade attack. Big Robot 2: Found on Gelbo, M2, Tuffle Planet. Definitely stronger than Big Robot 1. He carries a shield and a mace, and he in not afraid to use the mace. When he holds up the shield, he can't receive damage. Wait until his shield is down and he is not preparing to swing the mace, then hit him hard. If you see him with his shield up, get away cause he is about to swing that mace. This guys is gray with red on him. Big Robot 3: Found on M2, Tuffle Planet. Shoots blasts from a gun into the air, which will go to where you are standing. Just stand close to him and you won't be hurt. These guys are purple. Rocket Launcher: Found on Imecka. These are extremely easy, just don't stand in the path of their rockets, get up behind them, and destroy them. Bug 1: Found on Monmaasu. These are similar to the Privates because they are really easy. Easy pickings. Bug 2: Found on Monmaasu. These look like Bug 1s, except they have a blue strip below their heads. They can also fly and shoot seeds at you. Other than that, they are really easy. Giant Spiders: Found on Monmaasu. These guys are big and can spit a web at you. You can easily just fight them, or if you want, blast them. Robot 1: Found on Gelbo, Luud, M2, Deserted Starship, Tigere, Earth, Tuffle Planet. Nothing to worry about unless they are in a group, then just spin attack to get them away. These guys are purple and very easy. Robot 2: Found on Gelbo, M2, Earth, Tuffle Planet. Destroy these guys first because they may decide to use their laser against you, which hurts. Other than that, these guys are gray and easy. Robot 3: Found on M2, Tuffle Planet. Similar to the other two, except it fires Missiles at you. Still pretty easy. These guys are red. Robot 4: Found on M2, Rudeeze, Deserted Starship, Tuffle Planet. Same as the other Robots, except they fly, so you will have to as well. If you stay on the ground, they will fly at you, so take them out in the air. These guys are gray. Robot 5: Found in the Deserted Starship, Tigere, Tuffle Planet. These guys do spin attacks. Wait till they are done, then destroy them. Watch out if they go back to spinning while you are close. These guys are sage. Volcano Man 1: Found on Gelbo. Tall and strong, but you can easily take them down with basic attacks. These guys are green. Volcano Man 2: Found on Gelbo. Strong than Volcano Man 1, and carries a weapon. Take these guys down fast or else they can knock your life down quickly with that weapon. It has better range than you, so use blasts and attack these guys from above. They are purple. Volcano Man 3: Found on Gelbo. Not to be trifled with. These punch hard when you are close and spit fire at you when you are far away. These guys are orange. Fire Ball: Found on Gelbo. They can be easy if you destroy them quickly. If you don't, they will engulf themselves in flame which makes them impervious to all attacks, even blasts, but still hurts you if you get too close. They are floating rocks with flames coming out of them. mini-Robot: Found on Luud, Rudeeze, Deserted Starship, Tigere, Earth. These guys come in groups and are extremely easy. Hit them a couple of times for them to die. Zealot 1: Found on Luud. Like Big Robot 2, these guys can block attacks. Once you are done attacking, they will counter with that big sword they have. Wait until he counters, then pummel him. Also try to pick him up and slam him. Wears a purple robe. Zealot 2: Found on Luud. They fly, so you'll have to fly and knock them out of the air. These guys lung from the air to hit you, but they are actually easier to defeat than Zealot 1s. These guys wear blue robes. Fire Heads: Found on Luud. Just hit a couple of times destroy. These guys shoot fire balls at you, but you can dodge those easily. Drills: Found on M2. These can't be destroyed so just dodge them or else they will destroy you, and they can do it quickly. These are blue. Sand Demon 1: Found on Rudeeze. Not much to say. Easy to kill. These guys are red. Sand Demon 2: Found on Rudeeze. These guys can fly. These guys are also red. Sand Worm: Found on Rudeeze. These guys and dig under the ground and pop up where they want and attack, so take them out. These guys are red. Fighting Bombs: Found in the Deserted Starship. They look just like amebas, but they explode after a time. Indestructible. Defense Ships: Found in the Deserted Starship. They look like flying saucers, but the laser that it shoots is something, especially when it shoots 3 times in a row. Giant Bird 1: Found on Tigere. Swoops down and attacks you. Fly up and take them down. These are light brown. Giant Bird 2: Found on Tigere. Flies high and drops eggs on you. Fly up and bring them down. These are brown. Gray Wolf: Found on Tigere. You meet these in the fight with Cerberus. Just attack and destroy. As the name implies, these are gray. Ice Man: Found on Polaris. Cousin of Volcano Man 1. Treat the same way to kill. These guys are light blue. Ice Crabs: Found on Polaris. Watch out because they shoot little pieces of ice at you. These guys have a red body under their icy shell. Icicle: Found on Polaris. Just watch out when they shoot up from the ground, otherwise, fight and destroy. White Wolf: Found on Polaris. Fight and destroy. As the name implies, these guys are white. Snow Bug: Found on Polaris. Cousin of Bug 2. Fight the same way, but these guys are a little faster than their cousins. These guys are light blue. Lizard Man 1: Found on Cretaceous. The most basic of the 3. These guys are green. Lizard Man 2: Found on Cretaceous. These guys carry spears, but are still simple. These guys are dark green Lizard Man 3: Found on Cretaceous. Watch out for their bows, but they are still easy. These guys are red. Living Skull: Found on Cretaceous. You won't be able to tell if these are empty skulls or not until they attack, but once you break the skull, the lizard underneath it runs scared. Humans: Found on Earth, Tuffle Planet. Most just fight. One type does a flying elbow, while another does a flying kick. Cars: Found and Earth. You can hear them coming, so just blast to destroy them or fly over them. Boss Section: Gale and Sheila: They are very easy. Use normal attacks, blasts, and pick one up and throw it at the other for fun, but don't be too careless, you want to keep all your characters alive. Be wary of Gale using energy blasts and Sheila sweeping you. Ledgic: Definitely tougher than Gale and Sheila, but nothing to worry about. Watch out for his constant energy blasts and you should be all right. Just blast him back and hit him and you'll win. Snapping Turtle: Difficult fight. Watch out for the guys that come to his aid. Eventually he will get angry, and when he does, he will try to eat you. Fly to avoid this attack, and pummel him with normal attacks. Giant's Tooth: Basic fight. Blast the tooth until the Giant shuts his mouth. When he does this, you will have to fight Bugs 1 and 2 and Giant Spiders. He will eventually reopen his mouth, so repeat until the tooth pops out. Zoonama: Pretty hard. Blasts will take to long, but if you get to close, he will hit you with his fist or, if you are on the ground, his tail. He may throw a boulder at you, so make sure you dodge it. If he makes an earthquake, get in the air and stay there until it stops. Blast him and fight him to win. Cardinal: Not even worth mentioning how to beat him. Mutchy Mutchy: About infinitely stronger than his original form (who am I kidding, I could have beaten his original form with my eyes close, ears covered, both arms tied behind my back, my legs tied up in a potato sack, and I had just been spun around ten times). He summons books and throws them at you, but after you bring his life down a bit, he will summon four books to spin around him. The best strategy is to use Pan and Giru's spin attack to take out most of the books, then have them attack and kill Mutchy. Lord Luud: Quite hard. He grows arms, so target one of his fists to destroy it. Watch out for his mouth, it shoots blasts, but only straight down. Once you've destroyed one of the arms, stand near his mouth and wait for it to open, then target it until you it flashes. If the arm you destroyed grows back, retarget it, then go back to the mouth. He will try to crush you with his fists, so dodge the attacks. Fight the arms and mouth, but if you feeling like blasting, don't take too much time charging up; he might close his mouth. Sigma Force: Not as hard a Luud, but still no pushover. If you are at a long distance, he will send his arms to hit you. If you are out of fighting range, he will turn into a drill and lung at you from the air. And if you are close, he may do either of the first two, or simple fight you. Also, Robot 1s come out to fight you, so take these out first, then focus on him. If you want, get him to one side of the screen, move to the other side, then blast him. He should be out of range for his arm attack, so you'll be safe. This is slow, however, so get close and fight him for a faster win. General Rilldo: Definitely the toughest boss fight yet. If you're too close, he will unleash a combo of punches, or his drill arm becomes huge and he jumps and drills you, but you need to watch out for his little liquid teleportation act. He can also make himself into a giant arm while his is liquid, so be careful of that, too. Do your best to stay away from him, but beware that you don't loose sight of him. If he becomes liquid, blast straight ahead until you are hitting something, then move, because he will probably take arm form and punish you. Fighting is hard, but it deals more damage. If you need to knock him down quickly, lets say you need to change characters, then blast him. Just watch out for his huge arm and huge drill and you should be fine. Giant Crab: Normal difficulty. Blast his face until he attacks you with his tail, then attack his tail, but make sure it doesn't hit you. Only attack his tail when it is in the ground and not moving. Also, this guy regenerates health, so stay on him. If you fight him up close, he will counter with his two claws, but blast him too much, and he will shield himself with his claws. Just keep hammering away until he dies. Super Robot: Not hard at all. All you really need to do is fly and fight his head. He may call down Fighting Bombs or fire a missile at you, but just keep fighting him and he will die. He also tries to step on you. Cerberus: Not too hard. Basically, the purple one calls the grays ones and regenerates health when it howls, so take out the grays ones first, then the purple one. Evil Bunny: Medium difficulty. This guy can be tough if your timing is off. All you need to do is fly over him when he charges, then blast him. If you are too early with your jump, you will float down and get hit. If you are too late with your jump, then you will not make it over him. If you are too close, he will swing or try to bite you, so be careful. Just blast him until he dies. Yeti: Mildly difficult. Either blast him or fight him, but if you fight him, expect to take some damage. He will punch you up close, or throw a giant snow ball at you. After enough damage, he will go back into his lair while you have to take out some Ice Crabs. Just keep hitting him and he will die. Dragon's Stomach: Can be difficult. The pulsating thing at the top is your target, but watch out for Lizard Men 1, 2, and 3. Also be wary of the acid that rises and falls. When it is up, fight off the Lizard Men, but when it is down, attack the ball. Bebi Vegeta (Round 1): Very difficult. If you are too close, he will use his energy to blast you away. He will also create a Black Energy Ball to hit you, so dodge. Also note his Super Speed. Move after he uses it or else he will appear next to you and hit you. Blast him and fight him to knock him down. But be careful, you only have Goku, so don't take any unnecessary hits. Bebi Vegeta (Round 2): See above because it is about the same. Bebi Vegeta (Round 3): Same as above, but actually a little easier. If your life gets low, destroy a boulder and regain some life. Super Saiyan 4 Giant Monkey Bebi Vegeta: Easier than he looks. Basically, stay on the upper left side of the screen. Watch out for his right arm and his mouth blast. Move down the left side until you are parallel with his face, Super Energy Attack. Move to the top left back up to the top left corner and power up; he can't hit you while you are up there. He can also block your blast, so wait until he puts his arms down then continue until he is dead. Cutscenes: 1) On Kami's Lookout, Goku and Uub are having an intense training battle! Uub: Hey, Goku! Don't let your guard down! Goku: Wow, Uub, I can't believe how (much) stronger you've gotten! Meanwhile, else where on the Lookout... Pilaf: Finally, the Black Star Dragon Balls are mine! All of humanity will know the name Emperor Pilaf! Now...rise Shenron! The mighty dragon, Shenron, rises from the Dragon Balls! Goku, finished with (his) training, catches Pilaf. Goku: Hey, what's going on here? Do I know you? Oh, hey! It's Pilaf! Pilaf: Goku? You were that little brat who always ruined my chances for greatness! But now instead of being a little twerp, you're all grown up! I wish you were a kid again, so I could really teach you a lesson or two! Shenron: So be it! Your wish is granted! Goku: I'm a kid again? Pilaf: What just happened? Wait! Give me another wish! Please! Goku: Does this mean I have to go back to school? Pilaf: Ahhh!!! I'm ruined! Goku speaks with Dende about the Black Star Dragon Balls. Dende: These Dragon Balls were created when Piccolo and Kami were still one being! Goku: No biggie. I can find any Dragon Ball! Dende: I don't think you understand, Goku! If a wish is made from these Dragon Balls, they scatter all over the Galaxy! If the Dragon Balls aren't returned within one year, the entire Earth will explode! And so, Goku goes to Capsule Corporation to talk with Bulma. Bulma: You should take this new space ship I just build! Goku: Great! We should leave as soon as possible! Pan: Grandpa, why can't I come with you? Goku: You're too young! Pan: It's just not fair! I want to go! Goku and Trunks board the ship. Trunks: Isn't it kind of cramped in here? Goku: What? The ship is moving! Pan: We have ignition! Blast-off! Trunks: Pan, what are you doing here? Land this ship right now! Pan: It's too late! We're already in space! Trunks: Something hit us! One of our stabilizer rockets fell off! If we don't land, we're toast! 2) Goku: Hey, look! There's a city over there! Trunks: Maybe they sell space ship parts. Pan: Hey, we should check the Dragon Radar! There might be a Dragon Ball on this planet. Trunks: It's worth a try. Giru: Giru! Giru! Giru! Trunks: That robot ate our radar! Our whole mission is history! Giru: Giru! Giru! Pan: Now someone is taking our space ship! Can this get any worse? We have to go after them! You're coming with us Giru! 3) Pan: Where did you take our space ship? Gale: We confiscated it! Sheila: You can't have it back until you pay the space ship tax! Trunks: Space ship tax? Gale: That's right! 20 BILLION Gametz! Goku: What's a "Gametz"? 4) Don Kee: I have so much money I don't even know how to spend it! Haha! I have an idea! How about I raise the taxes higher? Goku: Here's an idea! How about you give us our space ship back! Don Kee: Hey! You're not supposed to be here! Gale! Sheila! Help me! Trunks: I hate to say it, but Gale and Sheila won't be making it to this little party. Don Kee: That's okay. I don't need them. I have Ledgic. Destroy them all! Ledgic: What have I told you about giving me orders? I do this for my own reasons. 5) Imeckan: Thank you for stopping Don Kee! How can we ever repay you? Trunks: Well, there are some space ship parts that we need? 6) Pan: Giru! Give back the Dragon Radar! Giru: Giru can't! Dragon Radar integrated into system. Pan: You mean it's part of you now? Then maybe you can tell us where the Dragon Balls are! Giru: Dragon Ball detected! Dragon Ball detected! Set course for Planet Monmaasu! Giru! Giru! 7) Pan: So where is the Dragon Ball, Giru? Giru: Danger! Danger! Dragon Ball detected inside giant's mouth! Goku: I see it! The Dragon Ball is stuck in the giant's tooth! Trunks: But how do we get it out? 8) Goku: Wow! That was a pretty bad cavity you had! It should feel better now though! 9) Trunks: Where to next Giru? Giru: Dragon Ball detected! Dragon Ball detected! Set course for Planet Gelbo! Giru! Giru! 10) Pan: What a peaceful little village. Trunks: Maybe it's a little too peaceful. Goku: I wonder if they have any food! I'm starving! Pan: Grandpa! You just ate! It's like your stomach is a bottomless pit! Villager: You should not have come here! Goku: But we're here looking for the Dragon Balls. Do you know where I can find one? Villager: Yes, I do, but we can't worry about your problems right now! We have no idea when Zoonama might return! Goku: Zoonama? Villager: He's a horrible monster that creates earthquakes! Goku: What if we stopped this monster? Then would you help us? Villager: You've got to be crazy! But if you can do it, sure, we'll help! Zoonama lives inside the volcano! 11) Giru: Danger! Danger! Goku: What is it, Giru? Giru: Robots detected! Robots detected! Goku: Robots? Ow! 12) Zoonama: I am the might Zoonama! Bow before me! Goku: We don't bow before monsters that terrorize defenseless villagers! Zoonama: Very well! If you do not bow before me, I will shake my whiskers, causing a terrible earthquake! And that precious village will be destroyed! Trunks: So it's your whiskers that give you your power? Zoonama: Yes! Trunks: Interesting. 13) Zoonama: You cut off my whisker!!!! No matter! I still have one left! I'm going to cause the biggest earthquake ever! Do you feel my power? I'm bringing down the house!!! Pan: Uhhh? You're not doing anything. Zoonama: You're right. I'm sorry I caused so much trouble. I only have the power to predict earthquakes, not cause them. 14) Villager: Thank you! I didn't think you had a chance against Zoonama. How can we every repay you? Wait? This wouldn't happen to be one of those Dragon Balls you were asking about? Trunks: Yes! That's what we've been looking for! Villager: You can have it then! Suddenly, a mysterious stranger takes the Dragon Ball using telekinesis! Goku: They're after our Dragon Ball! After them! 15) Goku: Go faster! We have to catch up with them! Trunks: I'm going as fast as I can Goku! 16) Pan: Looks like a shrine or something Giru: Danger! Danger! Goku: There is something kind of eerie about this place. But even if it is dangerous, that's where they took the Dragon Ball. 17) Cardinal: So you are the ones searching for the Dragon Balls! I know you have one of them. So hand it over! Pan: Who do you think you are that you can order us around like that? Cardinal: I am the famous Cardinal Mutchy Mutchy! I serve the great Deity of Destruction, Lord Luud! And Lord Luud demands Dragon Balls! So hand them over! Trunks: You'll be the one handing over the Dragon Ball you stole from us! 18) Goku: Is it just me...Or was that a bit too easy? Trunks: Yeah...This is usually the part where we meet the second, more powerful form! Mutchy: I must admit, you have skill. However, you only destroyed a part of me. Now you face my second, more powerful form! Trunks: Do I know how to call them or what? 19) Dolltaki: You may have defeated Mutchy, but this calls for drastic measures! I have no choice, but to resurrect Lord Luud! Now the followers of the Glorious Luud will become part of him forever! Pan: So the Luud statue was some kind of robot? Trunks: This guy is giving off way too much energy for a machine! But it's almost as if he is behaving like a child. Goku: He has amazing power, but he doesn't know how to use it to his advantage. 20) Luud Follower: Thank you for freeing us from Luud. Dolltaki and the Cardinal promised us salvation. We know realize we were tricked! Trunks: I have a feeling that there is more here than meets the eye. Luud Follower: I may have some information that may help you. I once witness Dolltaki speaking to someone on a video screen. His name was Dr. Myuu, and he was giving Dolltaki orders. Dr. Myuu: Foolish Saiyans. You may have defeated my Luud robot, but it's not over yet. Prepare to say "auf wiedersehen!" 21) Pan: So, where to next? Trunks: Well, we're detecting a Dragon Ball not far from here, on a planet called Rudeeze. Giru: Giru...Giru...Giru... Pan: Giru, what's wrong? Giru: Giru's home is near here. Giru miss home. Giru's home, Planet M2! Pan: I think we should stop there to visit. Trunks: We don't have time! We need to get the Dragon Balls before Myuu does! Goku: C'mon Trunks! We could only stay there for a day. It won't be a big deal. Trunks: Well'I suppose we do need supplies. And a little break wouldn't hurt. 22) Giru: Giru home! Pan: This place sure is empty...I wonder where everyone is. Goku: I hope they have a restaurant here. 23) Goku: Those robots attacked us! Pan: Giru what's going on here? Do you know those robots? Giru: Giru doesn't know those robots. 24) Nezi: Twenty-O-Six! You've done a great thing. You've delivered the three Saiyans to us. For this you will probably receive the Medal of Honor from General Rilldo. Giru: Thank you, sir. Pan: Giru! What's going on here? You're working for Dr. Myuu, aren't you? You traitor! Giru: I will now deliver the Dragon Balls to General Rilldo. Nezi: You have the Dragon Balls as well? Most impressive! Now...To capture the three Saiyans for Dr. Myuu! Goku: Who are you? Nezi: We are the Sigma force! You'll be lucky to survive this encounter! 25) Rilldo: I must say I am impressed. A mere child defeating the Sigma Force! Let me introduce myself. I am General Rilldo, and I rule this planet. Pan: So you're the one who stole our Dragon Balls! Rilldo: Yes. Dr. Myuu will be very pleased. They are integral in his plan to conquer the galaxy. Goku: The galaxy? Why? Rilldo: Why not? It's progress. Evolution. The inferior beings of this planet were replaced with Robot Mutants. Progress demands that this process continue throughout the entire galaxy! There's nothing you can do to stop it! 26) Pan: Did we beat him? Trunks: Looks like it. Goku: Wouldn't be so sure? Rilldo: Don't you understand? You can't beat me! As long as this planet is covered in metal I will always have a body! You have lost, "Super" Saiyans! 27) Frozen and turned into metal by Rilldo's devious powers, Goku, Trunks, and Pan were delivered to the evil Dr. Myuu. Dr. Myuu: The Legendary Super Saiyans! Soon you will become Robot Mutants, like me! Giru: Giru! Giru! Giru frees Pan and Goku from their metal prisons, but one of the Myuubots prevents him from saving Trunks. Dr. Myuu: What have you done? One of the clumsy Myuubots drops the frozen Metal Trunks onto the ground, causing him to shatter. Dr. Myuu: No! You insolent fool! You weren't supposed to harm him! Pan: Trunks is gone!!! How could you? Trunks: Don't worry, I'm okay! Pan: Trunks! But...How? Trunks: It's pretty simple. The metal version of me was a fake! Giru made it. Goku: So you planned this all along? Trunks: That's right. It was the only way to get us into Myuu's lab. Goku: But why? Trunks: Because Myuu is creating something unimaginably horrible through this door. This is Bebi, an infant Robot Mutant that Dr. Myuu has been building. When this thing has achieved full power, it could destroy us all. Dr. Myuu: How did a bunch of rotten Saiyans figure out my secret? Trunks: Easy. Giru told me about Bebi. Even among robots rumors spread like wildfire. After that we planned to distract you long enough to turn off the life support computer. Dr. Myuu: Oh my Bebi! My beautiful Bebi! What have they done to you? My life's work! Ruined! But suddenly Bebi stirred back to life! Dr. Myuu: I knew you couldn't be defeated so easily! Trunks: No!!! Trunks fires his most powerful blast at Bebi's tank. Goku: Where is Myuu? Trunks: It doesn't matter. Bebi is gone. We've succeeded! Pan: Now we just have to find the rest of the Dragon Balls. 28) Pan: That ship look's like there's no one even on it! Giru: No life form readings detected. Pan: That's strange! Where did everyone go? 29) Giru: Danger! Ship unstable! Danger! Trunks: He's right guys! This ships about to crash into the sun! Pan: Let's get out of here! 30) Goku: Where's the Dragon Ball? Giru: Danger! Danger! Dragon Ball detected! Pan: Danger? Why danger? Giru: Dragon Ball detected inside dinosaur's stomach! 31) Pan: There that should do it! All better! 32) Pan: This is great! We can finally go home! Goku: First, let's stop by Kami's Lookout before going home. We need to drop off the Dragon Balls. 33) Goku: Dende! How is it going? Dende: Hello, Goku. You have the Dragon Balls? Goku: Yep! Dende: Why don't we put them in a safe place so we can keep them out of harm's way? Goku: Sounds good to me. The safer the better! Pan: Wait a second! If we give them the Dragon Balls we can't wish you back to your normal size! Dende: But if you attempt to use them again, they'll be sent back all over space. Pan: But I don't want to have my Grandpa to be smaller than I am! Dende: Then you'll have to find all the Dragon Balls again! Pan: Oh. Never mind then. Grandma's not going to be very happy about this. Goku: Don't worry. I?ll talk to Chi-Chi about it when I get home. Let's go! 34) Goku: What happened here while we were gone? Trunks: It's as if they were possessed by something. Pan: I have a bad feeling about this... 35) Bebi Vegeta: So the Saiyans have decided to show their faces again. Goku: You get out of here Pan! Pan: But... Goku: No buts about it! Leave now! Let's get him, Trunks! Trunks: No. Goku: Huh? Trunks: Why don't you give in, Goku. Become one of us. It's not so bad. Let go of all the tension and worry. Give in! Goku: What? You're one of them too? When did this happen? Trunks: When we were on our way here, one of Bebi's soldiers implanted an egg. Goku: You can fight it Trunks! Bebi Vegeta: Give it up, Goku. You are just an individual. We are a team. Stop being so selfish and join us! Trunks: Listen to my dad. He speaks the truth. Goku: Your dad would NEVER call me Goku. I'll never be one of you. Bebi Vegeta: Very well then. You've sealed your fate! 36) Bebi Vegeta: At last! All the pure blooded Saiyans have been defeated! Now it's our turn! Now the Tuffles will be the NEW Warrior Race! And with these Dragon Balls, I can create a new Tuffle Planet! Shenron: Your wish is granted. And so Goku is gone, but is he the last hope? The mighty Uub, Goku's student, fights Bebi Vegeta. It's an intense battle, but even he can't defeat Bebi Vegeta. Majin Buu, once a mortal enemy of Goku knows what he has to do. Majin Buu decides that the only way to win this would be to fuse together again. And so Buu gives up his individuality to once again become part of Uub. A new being is born, a being called Majuub. However, even Majuub's power can't defeat the evil Tuffle! But is Goku gone for good? Goku: Hey! What am I doing here? Kibitokai: While you were fighting, we were watching you. When he blasted you, we knew you wouldn't make it. So I transported you here at the last second. Goku: Thanks! I'll be going back now. Elder Kai: Back? Are you crazy? You're in no shape to fight like this! We need to train you! Goku: Train me? Oh. Okay, but we don't have much time. The Elder Kai, using his strange methods begins to train Goku. But Goku becomes restless. Goku: I don't have time for this! People are getting hurt! Elder Kai: Well, there might be another way, but it is going to be painful! Goku: How painful? Elder Kai: I mean painful. Seriously. You have no idea. Goku: Let's do it! (Side note: This picture looks totally wrong.) It's unorthodox, but the Elder Kai's plan involves pulling out Goku's tail. All Saiyans are born with tails. However, Goku had his tail removed as a child. This was because when a full moon is out, Saiyans transform into giant monkeys! However, when their tail is cut off, they no longer transform. The Elder Kai believes that, with his tail restored, Goku's power would increase greatly! And so, Kibitokai transports Goku, with his new tail, to the Tuffle Planet to face Bebi again. 37) Goku: So this is the Tuffle Planet. Kibitokai: I am going to go back to Earth. I have a plan. I need the Sacred Water from Kami's Lookout. It has the power to purify and remove all toxins. I'm hoping it will work on the Tuffle parasites. Goku: Good luck! I'm going to go find Bebi Vegeta! 38) Bebi Vegeta: So Goku, you're still alive! I'm surprised! Goku: That's right. And I'm going to keep coming back until you're gone for good! Bebi Vegeta: You're quite the trooper. Please feel free to continue wasting your time. Goku: Not this time Bebi! I've made a slight alteration since you last saw me! Bebi Vegeta: A tail? That just makes you more of a monkey! 39) Bebi Vegeta: What a pathetic effort from the mightiest Saiyan of them all! Goku: I don't understand it. The Old Kai said this would help. But it's not helping at all. 40) Goku: The Earth looks so beautiful from here. Not being able to protect her hurts me. 41) Goku: Hey...What's happening to me? Bebi Vegeta: Impossible! He's turned into one of those filthy animals that devastated my people! But how? There needs to be a full moon for this transformation! Wait...It can't be! He's using the Earth in place of a full moon! Giant Monkey Goku: ROOOOAAAAAAARRRRR!!!!!!! 42) Bebi Vegeta: This is ridiculous. He's destroying everything. He's completely out of control! There must be something I can do to stop him. Pan: Grandpa? Do you remember me? I'm your granddaughter Pan! Don't you remember all the good times we've had together? All the adventures? Don't you remember your family? You have to control yourself! Giant Monkey Goku: ROOOAAAAAARRRR!!!!!!! Pan: Grandpa? Is that you? Are you still on the good side? SS4 Goku: Yes. Did I cause all this damage? Pan: You mean you don't remember what happened? You turned into a giant gorilla! And you were smashing everything! You were out of control! SS4 Goku: I am going to take care of Bebi now. I want you to clear out of here! Pan: Right, grandpa! You go teach him a lesson! Bebi: So what...Was that gorilla too much for you to control? SS4 Goku: Yeah, right! This is just another costume change for the "weakling" Saiyan! Why don't you fight me and see how much I've changed? 43) Bebi Vegeta: What's the matter Goku? Is it too much for you? SS4 Goku: Hahahaha! Bebi Vegeta: Huh? Stop laughing! SS4 Goku: Sorry. I'm just surprised at how strong I've become! Your punches tickled like tiny feathers. Bebi: Vegeta: How dare you say that! SS4 Goku: This is going to be too easy! Bulma: Lord Bebi! I think I have a solution to your problem! Prepare for a little boost from my Blutz Wave Amplifier! 44) Goku: It's over. Pan: But Grandpa, he's getting away! Goku: Don't worry about that. And so Bebi is defeated. But the danger isn't over. Goku: What's wrong, Dende? Dende: While Bebi was controlling us, I handed over the Black Star Dragon Balls to him. And they were never returned to the temple! That means we have exactly two weeks before the Earth explodes! With no way to stop the destruction of Earth, Goku forms a plan to evacuate the planet. With the help of Hercule the remaining people of Earth are transported to the Planet Tuffle. Piccolo realizes that as long as he lives, the Black Star Dragon Balls will still exist. So they can never be used again, he decides to sacrifice himself. Using the Namek Dragon Balls the Earth is wished back! The End? In the darkest regions of the Afterlife, a sinister meeting is taking place... Dr. Myuu: Dr. Gero, I presume? I have heard you are a man of science! Dr. Gero: Indeed. And I am assuming that you are the infamous Dr. Myuu? Dr. Myuu: You know, if we combine our forces, we will be unstoppable! Secrets: Basically, this is where you spend all the Zenie you've earned. Item Price Description Goku Free See "Character Descriptions" Pan Free See "Character Descriptions" Trunks Free See "Character Descriptions" Uub Free See "Character Descriptions" Super Saiyan Goku 2000 See "Character Descriptions" Piccolo 2000 See "Character Descriptions" Super Saiyan Vegeta 2000 See "Character Descriptions" Super Saiyan 4 Goku 4000 See "Character Descriptions" Bebi Vegeta 6000 See "Character Descriptions" Endurance 2000 How long can you survive? Boss Endurance 4000 How long can you survive Against Dragon Ball GT's toughest enemies? Robot Swarm 3000 Evil Robots are on the loose! Multiplayer Endurance 2000 How long can you and your friends survive? Multiplayer Boss Endurance 4000 How long can you and your Friends survive Dragon Ball GT's toughest enemies? Hard Difficulty 1000 Are you ready for a greater challenge? Saiyan Difficulty 8000 Only for the toughest Warriors! Game Speed 1000 Change the speed of your game! Explosive Punches 6000 Destroy your opponents with one hit! Portrait Gallery 2000 View all of your favorite characters! Sound Effects Test 1000 Listen to all the Sound Effects! Music Test 1000 Listen to all the Music! Sprite Gallery 5000 View all the Sprites in the Game! Credits: Webfoot Technologies, Inc. Cliff Davies: Game Programming Tools Programming Neil Holmes: AI Programming Network Programming Jeffery Lim: Additional Programming Martin Fuller: Additional Programming Jim Grant: Lead Game Scripting, Design, Art Andrew Myres: Lead Character Production, Design, Art Gerry Swanson: Lead Level Design, Dialog, Design, Art Mandi Paugh: Character Art Alisa Kober: Portrait Art Brian Babendererde: Level Art Yannis Brown: Music, Sound Effects Shadows In Darkness, Inc. Devon Brown: Team Leader Andy Angrand: Character Animation Rafael Toledo: Character Animation Luis Lopez: Character Animation Vincent M. Donatelli: Character Animation Eric Santana: Character Animation Steven Cooper: Character Animation Dana Dominiak: Producer, President Pascal Ponchol: Director of Software Engineering David Chin: Tester Scott Grant: Tester Andrew Osborn: Tester Ryan Porter: Tester Evan Lang: Tester Debra Osborn: Project Director, Scourge of Moldavia Atari Mark Flitman: Senior Producer Matt Colins: Director of Marketing Hudson Piehl: Executive Producer Steve Martin: Director of Creative Services Elizabeth Mackney: Director of Editorial & Documentation Services Kelly Wolnik: Graphic Designer Kurt Carlson: Documentation Specialist Randi Kravitz: Documentation Specialist Paul Collin: Copywriter Michael O'Shea: QA Supervisor Ken Ford: I.T. Manager/Western Region Michael Vetsch: Manager of Technical Support Ezequiel "Chuck" Nunez: Manager of Publishing Support Feisal Maroof: Lead Tester Howell Selburn: Assistant Lead Tester Max Maydanik: Assistant Lead Tester Anom Chavez: Tester Phil Dickerson: Tester Phoenix Flowers: Tester Mike Greenler: Tester Alissa Ivanovich: Tester Kimo Pamintuan: Tester Juan Rodriguez: Tester Dave Strang: Manager, Engineering Services and Compatibility Lab Ken Edwards: Engineering Services Specialist Dan Burkehead: Engineering Services Technician Eugene Lai: Engineering Services Technician Joy Schneer: Director, Strategic Relations Cecelia Hernandez: Sr. Manager, Strategic Relations Arthur Long: Strategic Relations Specialist FUNimation Productions, Ltd. Gen Fukunaga: President Daniel Cocanougher: Executive Vice-President Cindy Brennan Fukunaga: Vice-President, Marketing Bob Brennan: Licensing Account Manager Jeremy Carlile: Script Writer Special Thanks: SHUEISHA Inc. Toei Animation Akira Toriyama: Original Author Dana and Michelle Flitman: Special Thanks from your Dad Callum and Cayla Davies: Special Thanks from your Dad, too Clare Davies: Thanks for all your patience and support Roz Henderson: Thanks for always being there My Credits: Thanks to all my friends who encouraged me to do this. Thanks to my Bro who gave me his GBA. Thanks to those who emailed and contributed Maonkeyman Mewtwo830 Thanks to the power outages for erasing hours of my work that needed to be redone. Thanks to K_T for showing me how to do the Super Energy Attack. Thanks to GameFAQs for taking this Walkthrough (this is my first). And most importantly, THANK YOU FOR READING THIS.