______ __ ___ .-'| ___________ | \ ______ __ __ __ ______ / \| | | | | / | \| \ __ .-' '-. | \ | | \/ \ | | | | ____ / |__ \ |/ \/ __ \ | \| | \ | | | | | | / / / | |\ | |) / \ / \ .---. |_ |) ) | | | | | | / __/ / | | ) | .' | |/ ___/ _|_ \ | | / | |_| ¯||/ | | /| | |/ | \ | | |__( / \ ) | | / | | | | __| / | | / \ |\ \ / | | \ _ |_____| | / / / | | /| |\ \ | \__/ '---' | | |) \_/ \_| |_____| / /___/ | |___/ |__| \.-|_/¯\_|\_____/ |___|\__| |_____/ / | /____________| __ ___ ___ __ ___ ____ / / / / / / \ / ___ __ / / / | / / / / /__ / __ /__/ / \/ / / /__ / __ / / |_/ / / /___ /__ /___/ / / /__ / /__/ / /___/ /___/ | \ /___/ Table of Contents _______________________________________________________ / _____________________________________________________ \ /_| | |_\ | 01. Legal Disclaimer | [LEGAL] |o | 02. Introduction | [INTRO] |o |- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -|- - - - - -| | 03. Basics | [BASIC] |o | 3.1 Controls | [CONTR] |o | 3.2 Techniques | [TECHN] |o | 3.3 Game Screen | [SCREE] |o | 3.4 Items | [ITEMS] |o | 3.5 Stat Chart | [STATS] |o |- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -|- - - - - -| | 04. Walkthrough | [WALKT] |/ |- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -|- - - - - -| | 05. Enemies | [ENEMY] |o | 06. Bosses | [BOSSS] |/ |- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -|- - - - - -| | 07. Credits | [CREDS] |o \¯|__________________________________________|__________|¯/ \_______________________________________________________/ And for the people who may not know about the search funtion: If you press the Control + F keys on your computer, you'll get a search dialog. Put in one of the keys you see on the right, and you'll be brought directly to that section. For example, if you wanted to go to the controls section, you would type "[CONTR]" and press enter. _.-""""-._ _.-""""-._ .' `. .' `. / /\ \ / /\ \ | ___/ \___ | | ___/ \___ | | '-. .-' |=========================================| '-. .-' | | / \ | 01. Legal Disclaimer [LEGAL] | / \ | \ /_.--._\ /===========================================\ /_.--._\ / `._ _.' `._ _.' `-....-` `-....-` This file is intended for personal use. It may be reproduced, but only for personal use (i.e. printing it for a friend.) However, it may not be published on any website, magazine, or other production -- whether commercial or free -- without permission, which may be obtained by e-mailing me at GermanDragon[at]gmail[dot]com. As of now, the only sites that have this permission are as follows: [ ] www.GameFAQs.com [ ] www.IGN.com [ ] www.NeoSeeker.com [ ] www.TheGenie.Net [ ] www.EvermoreForums.com [ ] www.GamerHelp.com [ ] www.SuperCheats.com [ ] www.CheatPlanet.com [ ] www.CheatHappens.com [ ] www.1Up.com Copyright (c)2006 Chris Quigley _.-""""-._ _.-""""-._ .' `. .' `. / /\ \ / /\ \ | ___/ \___ | | ___/ \___ | | '-. .-' |=========================================| '-. .-' | | / \ | 02. Introduction [INTRO] | / \ | \ /_.--._\ /===========================================\ /_.--._\ / `._ _.' `._ _.' `-....-` `-....-` DragonBall Z: The Legacy of Goku was the first of a trilogy of DragonBall Z action RPGs released for the Gameboy Advance. And while I do give it credit -- all the credit in the world -- for spawning Legacy of Goku II and Buu's Fury, which were both games I enjoyed... I simply do not like this one. Back when it came out, it was a good idea. And though it was terrible, it did pique some interest for being the first DragonBall Z game, outside of the fighting genre for many fans who have not played any of the Japanese titles. In my quest to FAQ all three of the Gameboy Advance DragonBall Z RPGs, I will be taking up the challenge of writing for this one. It is the second step out of three, since my Buu's Fury FAQ has already been accepted. Expect the Legacy of Goku II not long after (or several years after, depending on how motivated I am!) And now, on to the guide. _.-""""-._ _.-""""-._ .' `. .' `. / /\ \ / /\ \ | ___/ \___ | | ___/ \___ | | '-. .-' |=========================================| '-. .-' | | / \ | 03. Basics [BASIC] | / \ | \ /_.--._\ /===========================================\ /_.--._\ / `._ _.' `._ _.' `-....-` `-....-` ____ ____ .' __ '.----.---------------------------------------------------.----.' __ '. | |__| | | Controls [CONTR] | | |__| | '.____.'----'---------------------------------------------------'----'.____.' .---- Switch Energy Attack .---- Fly ___/____ ____/___ .' L :----------------------: R '. |.----'''' .----------------. ''''----.| | | ____________ | | | _ | | | | | | _| |_ | | | | .-. | | |_ _|---+-+-- Move | | .-. ( A )--+------ Melee Attack | |_| | | | | ( B ) '-' | | | |____________| | '-'--------+------ Energy Attack | .- o | | | '-. | o '--------------' .-' '|__ |___________________________.-' | | | '----- Display Amount of Wings You Have '--------- Pause Menu [A] This is your basic punch. Goku will alternate between lefts and rights, but they act exactly the same: They are extremely short range attacks that don't do much damage. [B] This is your energy attack button. Depending on what technique you have selected, you'll either shoot a KI Blast, a Kamehameha, or a Solar Flare. More information on each of these is listed below the controls list. [L] This will change your currently selected technique, shown in the HUD in the upperleft hand corner of the screen. This will be the technique that you can use by pressing the B button. [R] This will cause Goku to take flight -- providing of course that you have at least one wing in your inventory. While in the air, you can move with the D-pad. Once you run out of wings, you will land automatically. [SLCT] This will cause a box to appear in the upper-left corner of the screen which shows how many wings you have left. It can be useful, but I think it was put in just so they'd have an action for each button. [STRT] This opens up the pause menu. From the pause menu, you can save, as well as look at your items, quests, and attacks. You can also change some options, such as text speed and volume. For whatever reason, you can also view the game's credits from the menu. You'll also see your level, HP, KI, and how much EXP you need to reach the next level. How much time you've been playing is also shown. [DPAD] This is the simplest of buttons to use. If you press up, your character will move to the North. Down, will move them to the south, and the left and right buttons will move them east and west respectively. There is no running, or moving diagonally, which really kind of sucks. ____ ____ .' __ '.----.---------------------------------------------------.----.' __ '. | |__| | | Techniques [TECHN] | | |__| | '.____.'----'---------------------------------------------------'----'.____.' Technique 1: Ki Blast --------------------- This is a basic energy ball which can be shot forward. The longer you hold the B button before you release the attack, the more damage that it will do when it hits an enemy. The amount of energy put into it also affects how far it will travel; a quick tap of the button will be about as effective as an ordinary melee attack. Technique 2: Solar Flare ------------------------ This is a flash of energy, that looks like it has almost no range -- and it doesn't do any damage. However, it serves it's purpose, and actually has the largest range of all. When you use it, all of the enemies in the area will be stunned, and unable to move, allowing you to hit them. The longer you charge the attack before you release the button, the longer the enemies will remain unable to move. Technique 3: Kamehameha ----------------------- This is Goku's trademark move. A quick press of the button will emit a very thin beam of energy, that doesn't do much damage. Like the Ki Blast, you can charge it by holding B before releasing it. The more you charge it, the stronger it will be, and the thicker the energy blast will be. You'll also get the sound effect of Goku shouting "Kamehameha" if you charge it enough. While stronger than a Ki Blast, it's range is not nearly as good. ____ ____ .' __ '.----.---------------------------------------------------.----.' __ '. | |__| | | Game Screen [SCREE] | | |__| | '.____.'----'---------------------------------------------------'----'.____.' This, is a description of the the game's HUD that you'll be looking at, as you fight enemies, and explore the locations of the game. Below, is an ASCII diagram of the HUD, labeled with numbers. Below that, the numbers are written, with a description of the use they have in the game. This is a relatively simple interface, but you never know when there might be some confusion over how things work. Gameplay Screen ======================================= _______________________________________ | _________________ | | |__1__________| 3 | | | |__2__________|___| | | 4 | | | | | | | |_______________________________________| [1] This is the KI bar, or the energy bar. Whenever you use energy attacks, like the Kamehameha, or the Ki Blast, energy is used. The more you charge an attack, the more energy you use. When there's none left, you can no longer perform these techniques. It will refill slowly while you are not using these energy attacks. [2] This is your health bar. It decreases when you are hit, as you can probably guess. When it reaches zero, you'll die, and get a game over. [3] This is your currently selected energy technique. The possible icons are a small tear drop shape, representing a Ki Blast, an arrow shape, representing a Kamehameha, and a circle, representing Solar Flare. You can cycle through these by pressing the L button. [4] When you are flying (or while you have the select button held down) a box will appear here, showing how many wings you have, and how many wings you can hold. The amount you can hold will increase as you level up during the course of the game. Menu Screen ======================================= _______________________________________ | .-----------------------------------. | | | Level: 00 [1] | | | | Experience: 0000 [2] | | | | To Next Level: 0000 [3] | | | '-----------------------------------' | | .----------------------. .----------. | | | o Quests [7] | | HP: [4] | | | | Inventory | | 0000 | | | | Attacks | | KI: [5] | | | | Save | | 0000 | | | | Options | | Time:[6] | | | | Credits | | 00:00:00 | | | | Exit | | | | | '----------------------' '----------' | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ [1] This is your level. It is between 01, and 25 depending on your level. [2] This is the amount of EXP you have in total. It incrases with every enemy you kill. [3] This is the ammount of EXP you need to reach the next level. There doesn't seem to be any pattern the game uses to calculate that. [4] This is the ammount of HP you have; it increases as you level up. [5] This is the ammount of KI you have; it increases as you level up. [6] This is the ammount of time you've been playing, in hour, minute, second format. [7] This is the menu, where you can view the quests you've completed, the items you're holding, your KI attack list, save your game, change the game's options, view the credits, or exit back to the gameplay screen. ____ ____ .' __ '.----.---------------------------------------------------.----.' __ '. | |__| | | Items [ITEMS] | | |__| | '.____.'----'---------------------------------------------------'----'.____.' There are many items in this game, but very few of them are of direct use by you. What I mean, is that many are items that you'll pick up soley to give to a character, or make use of in some way, in the story. Those items are not listed below. Listed below, are the items that you can actually use either from the menu, or items that will automatically take effect when you first pick them up. --------------|---------------------------------------------- Item Name | Effect --------------|---------------------------------------------- Herb | Restores one quarter of your health. Senzu Bean | Restores all of your health. Wing (Green) | Restores 5 wings. (automatically used) Wing (Yellow) | Restores 10 wings. (automatically used) Wing (Red) | Restores 20 wings. (automatically used) ____ ____ .' __ '.----.---------------------------------------------------.----.' __ '. | |__| | | Stat Chart [STATS] | | |__| | '.____.'----'---------------------------------------------------'----'.____.' As you level up in the game, your stats change. The following, is a chart containg the stats you'll have at all of the levels, as well as the amount of EXP you'll need to reach a level, and to move onto the next level. Some of these values are quite weird, but they are indeed correct. Strange, I know. Here is the chart: .=======.============.===============.========.========.==============. | Level | Total EXP | To Next Level | HP | KI | Flight Wings | |=======|============|===============|========|========|==============| | 1 | 0 | 350 | 105 | 100 | 6 | | 2 | 350 | 150 | 200 | 150 | 7 | | 3 | 500 | 400 | 325 | 200 | 8 | | 4 | 900 | 700 | 435 | 300 | 9 | | 5 | 1600 | 1600 | 600 | 350 | 10 | | 6 | 3200 | 3300 | 900 | 1000 | 11 | | 7 | 6500 | 6300 | 1100 | 1000 | 12 | | 8 | 12800 | 12800 | 1300 | 1000 | 13 | | 9 | 25600 | 4800 | 1500 | 2000 | 14 | | 10 | 30400 | 3600 | 1700 | 5000 | 15 | | 11 | 44000 | 46000 | 2000 | 6000 | 18 | | 12 | 100000 | 40200 | 3000 | 7000 | 21 | | 13 | 140200 | 40600 | 4000 | 8000 | 25 | | 14 | 180800 | 46880 | 5000 | 9000 | 30 | | 15 | 257680 | 97680 | 6000 | 10000 | 33 | | 16 | 355360 | 55360 | 7000 | 18000 | 35 | | 17 | 410720 | 89280 | 8000 | 25000 | 40 | | 18 | 500000 | 130000 | 9000 | 45000 | 45 | | 19 | 630000 | 170000 | 10000 | 60000 | 50 | | 20 | 800000 | 100000 | 20000 | 65000 | 55 | | 21 | 900000 | 100000 | 40000 | 75000 | 60 | | 22 | 1000000 | 1200000 | 50000 | 95000 | 70 | | 23 | 2200000 | 900000 | 80000 | 110000 | 80 | | 24 | 3100000 | 500000 | 100000 | 120000 | 90 | | 25 | 3600000 | ------ | 150000 | 150000 | 99 | '======='============'==============='========'========'==============' _.-""""-._ _.-""""-._ .' `. .' `. / /\ \ / /\ \ | ___/ \___ | | ___/ \___ | | '-. .-' |=========================================| '-. .-' | | / \ | 04. Walkthrough [WALKT] | / \ | \ /_.--._\ /===========================================\ /_.--._\ / `._ _.' `._ _.' `-....-` `-....-` .----.----.-------------------------------------------------------.----.----. | | | Master Roshi's Island (My Level: 1) | | | '----'----'-------------------------------------------------------'----'----' The game starts on Master Roshi's Island. Goku has taken his six year old son there, to meet with some of his old friends, like Krillin and Bulma. Talk to Master Roshi once the game starts, and he'll mention that he lost some of his magazines. Help the old pervert out by looking for them. The first one is just to the right of where Gohan is standing, near where you begin. Walk around the house, and you'll find the second one sitting next to a rock there. Walk into the house through the front door, and you'll find the third magazine on the floor inside. Once you have all three, head back outside and speak to Master Roshi three times; Each time, you'll give him one of the magazines, and he'll reward you with a Senzu bean. After you give him the third one, you'll get some herbs as well as 250 EXP, which will bring you to level 2. --> Quest Complete: Roshi's Magazines As soon as he's done talking, Bulma will shriek, and a strange man, who fans will recognize as Radditz, will land on the island. He'll make a speech about how Goku is a Saiyan, and he is his brother. In an effort to get Goku to kill people, Radditz grabs Gohan, and vanishes. Piccolo will appear next. Piccolo offers to help Goku defeat Radditz, then he vanishes as well. Goku will then call for the flying Nimbus cloud. When it arrives, step onto it, and Goku will fly to his home in the forest. .----.----.-------------------------------------------------------.----.----. | | | The Forest (My Level: 2) | | | '----'----'-------------------------------------------------------'----'----' First of all, there are a couple of different paths through the forest, but being at such a low level, it'll be good to take the more scenic rout, so that you can actually level up a few times. So, from the house that you start at, head off of the dirt path to the right. Goku will mention a snake problem but fear not, for they can not damage you. You, however, can punch them or shoot Ki Blasts at them for 5 EXP each. You can keep heading to the right until you find a small lake, with some crabs on the shore. Granting 70 EXP for each kill, these should be your targets; be careful though, as they will attack you back. Kill the first crab you see on your right, then begin walking around the water body to the south. Head along the shore, killing the crabs until you reach a flight of stairs. There's a few snakes on top of it, but you can just skip them, and head past it on the right side if you're not in the mood. Continue to head north until you fight another stairway. These ones will be worth climbing -- at the top, you'll find two stone blocks blocking a wolf. Use a Ki Blast to destroy the blocks, then kill the wolf. They are much harder to kill then the crabs, considering their amazing speed, but they give the same amount of EXP. That's pretty screwed up, but 70 EXP is still very valuable: so do it. After killing the wolf, head back down the stairs and proceed to the left, passing some large rock formations and trees. Keep going until you find some bushes with a wolf behind them. Take him down for another EXP, then head south-west until you reach a dirt road again. The entrance to the next neck of the woods is near the top of the screen, but don't go for it yet. Instead, follow the dirt path to the south, keeping your eyes peeled for a small shrub with flowers in it, on the right of the path. When you find that, pick it up with the A button, to get a healing item, a herb. After that, you can head to the next part of the forest; there are a few more crabs around, but you will be fine even if you don't go hunting for them. When you do enter the second part of the forest, head north until you reach a flight of stone stairs. Before doing anything, walk under the trees to the right of them, to find a rock that you can pick up. Then, turn around and walk up the stairs to the left them, and you'll find a dinosaur -- but not a dangerous one. Talk to her, and she'll tell you that someone stole her eggs. After she finishes, head back down the steps, and head to the left again. There's a break in the trees just left of the stairs. Walk south through this patch without trees, and you'll find a small gray stone. Pick it up with the A button, then head back to the stairs again. Keep going left, and you'll find another set of stairs. Head south of it, and you'll find another wolf to kill. Head further south from there, and you'll find another wolf. The thing is, there's a large dinosaur skeleton on the ground, and you can shoot energy blasts at the wolf from one side of the skull, and have the wolf be on the other. You won't even get hit. If you go near the water, Goku will mention that he senses a strong power level on the other side. Don't cross it just yet though; instead head back to the second flight of stairs, and ascend them.' You'll find another set of stairs there. For now, though, head to the left, past them. You'll have to fight three wolves to make it through, but you should be leveling up, and it should be becoming easier. Soon you'll come across yet another set of stairs. When you do, climb up them, and prepare to fight another wolf. Then, keep going left until you come across a couple of shrubs. Take them both down with Ki Blasts, then head past where they were. After that, head to the right, and you'll see Chiaotzu and Tien. Kill the wolf in front of them, then talk to each of them; both will give 500 EXP, granting 1,000 in total! Continue heading to the left, killing the wolves, until you reach a path that extends northward. Follow along that, to reach another stone that you can pick up. After picking it up, walk further to the right, to find a waterfall. If you have any wings on you, fly over it. If not, head to the south to find some, then return to it to fly over it. There's a wing orb to restock your supply of wings just on the other side of the falls. Restock then head up the steps in front of you. There, you'll find a Pterodactly; this one is an enemy. Load Ki Blasts, and hit it, then when it comes near you, fly over it's head, and repeat the tactic. Use the orb at the bottom of the stairs to stay fully loaded. Once you finally defeat it -- and pick up the 300 EXP bounty it holds -- head to the left, at the top of the mountain, and you'll find a Pterodactly egg. Backtrack through the forest and talk to the mother Pterodactly you saw, for a 350 EXP reward. --> Quest Complete: Found Dino Egg Once you've returned the egg, head back to the left, to the path that led up to where Tien and Chiaotzu were. From there, keep heading to the left, then go south, to reach an area with a dirt road leading up to a tent. Just north of the tent, are three shadows in the water. If you have all three stones, you can place them there by pressing the A button; this will allow the old man who's trapped on an island there to reach the mainland again. As a reward, he gives you a herb, 350 EXP, and a valuable increase in your speed. --> Quest Complete: Saved Old Man After you've saved the man, turn around and head to where you fought the two wolves near the dinosaur skeleton, earlier. This time, fly over the river on the left, and keeping moving forward. Soon, you'll reach a Triceratops, standing near a wing orb. You can use the same method that you used on the Pterodactly to take it down if you want, but it will take a while. Then again, you'll also get a whopping 600 EXP for it. After taking it out, or avoiding it completely, head to the next screen on the left. This will lead to a small village. .----.----.-------------------------------------------------------.----.----. | | | Forest Village (My Level: 6) | | | '----'----'-------------------------------------------------------'----'----' After entering the village, follow the dirt path to the south, and you'll reach a house. There's a pot outside the house, that you can destroy, to find a herb. Pick it up, then go inside the house. When you come out, the herb will be back. These restore a fourth of your health each, so collect six of them (the max amount that you can hold.) Afterwards, keep going to the left, and you'll see a small boy next to the pond. Talk to him, and he'll tell you that his brother through his toy boat and threw it, and that he can't get it back. When he finishes talking, fly to the island in the middle of the water, and pick up the boat. Then, grab the wing orb that's there, and fly back to the boy again. You'll get 200 EXP for helping him. --> Quest Complete: Recovered Toy Boat After helping the boy with his boat problem, head to the north-west, past the first set of stairs you reach, to a second set blocked off by some shrubs. Keep going to the left from there, until you reach a third set of stairs. Climb those stairs, and follow along the path up another flight, and you'll find Yamcha and Puar. Talk to each of them for 500 EXP each (totalling another thousand.) Continue to follow the path to the right, afterwards. Keep moving onward, until you reach a small pond surrounded by wolves; at which time you will have to do some killing. After the place is cleared, look over to the left of the lake, and you'll see a small girl. Talk to her, and she'll ask you to bring her home. She'll then follow you. Don't bring her home just yet though. Instead, blast the rocks just south of where she was, to reach another path. Then, blast your way through shrubs to reach what at first look, seems like a dead end with a Pterodactly on it. Lure it back to where you found the girl, and take it down; The wing orb that is behind where the girl was standing should make that easy. Once the dactly is dead, head back to where you found it, and fly over the wall to the north of the "dead end." There, you'll find a group of flowers. Pick all five of them, and then fly back over to the cliff you came from, and proceed to make your way back to the house next to the pot containing herbs. Go inside and talk to the father, to give him his daughter back. This nets you 500 EXP. You can then go outside, and talk to the boy standing behind the house to give him one of your flowers, for another 400 EXP. --> Quest Complete: Saved Lost Girl --> Quest Complete: Flowers for Sue After turning in the flower and the girl, head back to the pond that was near where you found the girl -- the one surrounded by wolves. Again, clear the area of enemies, then head to the right, as far as you can. There, you'll find a kitty trapped behind some brown stones. Blast the stones away with a few Ki Blasts, and talk to the cat. It will follow you, much like Sue did. Walk down the stairs to the south of you, and take down another wolf. From there, head as far to the right as you can go, to reach a gap between two cliffs. Fly over it, and defeat another wolf. Then, head north into a house that you'll find there. Talk to the old guy inside once, to return his cat to him. --> Quest Complete: Flowers for Sue Talk to him again afterwards, and he'll say that the forest is at peace, and grant you access to the back door of his house. Walk towards the door however, and he'll stop you. Before you leave, he teaches you the Solar Flare technique -- an attack that will stun your enemies. When you're ready to confront Raditz, walk through the back door of his house. This will bring you to the Landing Site of Raditz's ship. You may want to consider leveling up a bit though. If not, no problem. He's not too tough if you know what to do, anyway. .----.----.-------------------------------------------------------.----.----. | | | Landing Site (My Level: 7) | | | '----'----'-------------------------------------------------------'----'----' .--------------.------------. | Boss: Raditz | EXP: 4,000 | |--------------+------------+----------------------------------. | Head north, and you'll find Piccolo. You can talk to him, but| | he won't do anything. When you want to begin the fight, keep | | going north until you find Raditz, and talk to him. After a | | bit of dialogue, he'll begin the assault. He's strong, and | | he's about as fast as you, so you don't want to take him head| | on. However, there are lots of rocks and wing orbs to the | | right of where you find him, to make the fight easier. Lure | | him to one of the rocks, then use a wing orb to fly around | | the rock, so you and Raditz are on opposite sides. Then, load| | a Solar Flare completely, and stun him with it. You can then | | go and punch him six or seven times, before retreating to the| | back of the rock, and repeating it. Raditz has both punches | | and Ki Blasts, but neither are dangerous if you stay behind | | a rock while he's not stunned; he's not smart enough to walk | | around it. If worse comes to worst, and he does hit you, you | | can always make your way to the right side of the area, where| | you'll find some herbs growing. Raditz can take a whole lot | | of punches before he goes down, but he's not too difficult if| | you take your time, and use the rocks as covers, effectively.| '--------------------------------------------------------------' --> Quest Complete: Defeated Raditz After the fight ends, Goku will grab Raditz from the back, while Piccolo fires a Special Beam Cannon, killing both Raditz and Goku. After a few words between Piccolo and Gohan, Goku will finally move on to the Other World. When you gain control again, you'll find yourself inside King Yemma's office, at the start of Snake Way. .----.----.-------------------------------------------------------.----.----. | | | Snake Way (My Level: 7) | | | '----'----'-------------------------------------------------------'----'----' Talk to Kami, who you'll find inside King Yemma's office. When he's done talking, head through the door on your right, to reach the path of Snake Way. It's a long twisting path, that you'll have to walk along. Be careful not to touch the edges, because they're very sharp, and in touching them, you'll cause some of your health to drop. Keep going until you run into a woman walking around on the path, the Snake Queen. You can talk to her, if you are looking for a fight; because once she finishes talking, she'll attack you. You don't *have* to fight her, but you'd be missing out on 3,500 EXP, as well as a new addition to your list of quests. .---------------------------.------------. | Optional Boss: Snake Queen| EXP: 3,500 | |---------------------------+------------+---------------------. | Unlike in the fight with Raditz, there's no rocks that you | | can use for cover, and no wing orbs around either. Not only | | that, the Snake queen can walk right across the gaps in the | | path. That being said, she is much slower than Raditz, and | | has no where near the amount of health. Try using Solar Flare| | punching her a few times, then heading down the path. As she | | begins walking toward you, charge it again, and stun her. | | After punching her a few times, turn around and walk down the| | path in the other direction. She won't last long. | '--------------------------------------------------------------' --> Quest Complete: Defeated Snake Queen After you defeat the Snake Queen -- or choose to ignore her completely -- keep heading down the path. Soon, Goku will say that he's losing his balance, and he'll fall off of Snake Way, into HFIL, the home for infinite losers (or just simply Hell.) .----.----.-------------------------------------------------------.----.----. | | | HFIL (My Level: 8) | | | '----'----'-------------------------------------------------------'----'----' First of all, when you land, you'll see a herb on your right. If you're not already holding six, pick it. Then head to the south, where you'll find your first spirit. It will mainly walk around randomly; you usually don't have to worry about being attacked by spirits. Go out of your way to kill any that you see though -- they're 1,000 EXP each! Head south past where you found the first spirit, then head as far left as you can go. Then head north again, and use your flight to reach the top of the cliff in front of you. There, you'll find another spirit you can kill. After doing so, head to the right, and you'll find a third spirit. This one isn't an enemy though. Talk to it, and it will begin following you. Pick up the wing orb near the spirit, then turn around and fly back to the ground, near where you saw the previous enemy spirit. Head south, passing between the cliffs, to find another evil spirit to destroy. After that, pull a 180, and head north, and then to the right. Keep going right until you reach a path that you have not been on yet, squeezing between two cliffs. Keep heading to the south from there, until you reach a large health and fitness building. Talk to the blue demon standning in front of it, to drop off the soul you're leading around. This gnabs you 500 EXP. After doing it, head back to where you first entered into HFIL. From there, head to the right until you reach some large blue trees. Kill the spirit that you find wandering around them, then head a bit further to the right. You'll find a red demon standing under a tree there. Just forget about him for now. Walk back to the blue trees, and head south, killing the spirit that you come across. Continue walking around the lake, until you reach the tree that the red man was standing under. There, fly onto the cliff on your left. At the top of the cliff, make your way along the ledge, towards the right, killing the spirit along the way. In the upper-right corner of the area, you'll find another evil soul, and another harmless one. Kill the evil one, then talk to the good one. Before leaving though, head to the south, and you'll find another spirit you can kill. After you've done that, head back and talk to the blue demon for another 500 EXP. Once you've turned in the second soul, head around to the left side of the fitness building, and fly onto the cliff there. At the top, you'll find two evil spirits that you can beat on for a couple thousand experience points. Once they're out of the way, follow the cliff to the south, and continue on the path until you reach a blue demon. Ignore him for now, and head north. Soon you'll run into another spirit that you can kill. After that, keep going north, and you'll find another kind spirit. Take him back to the blue demon in front of the fitness building, and turn him in. This will net you another 500 EXP, and will finish off the quest. --> Quest Complete: Gathered Spirits After collecting all of the lost spirits, make your way back to the blue demon that you saw on your way to the third spirit. You can then head down the path to the right to kill a spirit, if you like. To proceed ahead though, take the path leading south-east. There, you can once again opt to kill some spirits, by following the path further to the right. Again though, the path onward lies elsewhere. When you're ready, ascend the steps that lead up to the tree in front of you. Just under the tree, you'll find a fruit. Pick it up, and the red demon will appear, having been tricked by Goku. He'll then open up HFIL's exit for Goku, allowing him to get back to Snake Way. --> Quest Complete: Ate Yemma's Fruit. .----.----.-------------------------------------------------------.----.----. | | | Snake Way (My Level: 10) | | | '----'----'-------------------------------------------------------'----'----' You'll be on Snake Way, yes, but you'll be back at the beginning of it! Thankfully, there is now a surplus of wing orbs every few paces along the way. This means, that you can fly over gaps in the path, skipping right along without worries. Whenever you get low on wings, stop and grab an orb. Don't even follow the path -- just head north, landing on whatever patches of ground that you can. When you reach the tail of the snake, fly off to the left to reach King Kai's planet. .----.----.-------------------------------------------------------.----.----. | | | King Kai's Planet (My Level: 10) | | | '----'----'-------------------------------------------------------'----'----' King Kai's planet is a large area, full of trees, and with lots of wing orbs lying around. Make your way to the center of the area, though, and you'll find a car, a house and King Kai. Greggory a flying bug, and Bubbles the Monkey are also there. Talk to King Kai, and he'll tell you to try and catch Bubbles, who will begin running away. That isn't hard, considering all of the wing orbs in the area. Just fly after Bubbles, until he's trapped in a corner, then just sock him. Next, you'll be given a hammer, and told to hit Greggory. Greggory is a bit faster, but it works in the same way -- It may even be easier, considering that the hammer attack extends further than one of your punches. You'll be rewarded with 1,500 EXP, a speed increase, and the Kamehameha technique. After that, you'll be wished back to life, and be brought to Kami's lookout. --> Quest Complete: Caught Bubbles --> Quest Complete: Konked Greggory .----.----.-------------------------------------------------------.----.----. | | | Kami's Lookout (My Level: 10) | | | '----'----'-------------------------------------------------------'----'----' There's not much to do here. Walk forward and talk to Kami and Mr. Popo. After that, look around a bit on your left, to find Korin. Talk to him, and you'll be given a free Senzu bean. After you're done talking, make your way as far left as you can go, and head off of the side of the screen. Goku will fly back down to the earth, landing in a snowy forest. .----.----.-------------------------------------------------------.----.----. | | | Snowy Forest (My Level: 10) | | | '----'----'-------------------------------------------------------'----'----' Head directly to the left after landing, and follow along the cliffside wall, until you see a little boy trapped on a ledge. Kill the wolf at the foot of this ledge, then fly up to it (if you need more wings, walk to the left of the ledge, and blow up the brown stone that's there, to find a wing orb.) Talk to the boy, and he'll ask you to take him home. When he finishes talking, fly back down to the ground, and begin walking to the south, across the frozen lake. There's a Triceratops in the middle of the lake that you can kill with Solar Flare and attack combinations, for some EXP. With him out of the way, you can continue walking across the lake, and reach the other side. Kill the wolves that you see running around there, then walk off of the screen to the south, to reach the city. .----.----.-------------------------------------------------------.----.----. | | | The City (My Level: 10) | | | '----'----'-------------------------------------------------------'----'----' Upon entering the city, walk south, down the main city street. Keep going until you reach a small crowd of people. If you talk to the man in the street, he'll mention that a bank robbery's going on. You'll find the robbers just to your left, in front of the banks -- the cops aren't doing a damn thing to stop them. They don't want to fight, so they'll spread out in different directios. Chase them down, one at a time (as they'll never leave the city) and defeat them. Solar Flare-Kamehameha combos work well, as do Solar Flare and punch combos. Once you defeat one, do a little scouting to find the others. You'll get 1,000 EXP for beating each of them, but there's more. When you defeat all three, you'll get a 1,500 EXP bonus! --> Quest Complete: Stopped Robbers After stopping all of the robbers, walk around to the back side of the bank, and shoot apart some shrubs that are there. You'll unveil a wing orb, as well as a capsule. Pick up the capsule -- you'll want it later. Next, walk across the street to the right, form the bank. You'll find an array of houses there. Enter the lower-left house, and talk to the woman inside. She turns out to be the boy's mother. You're reward for turning the boy over is another capsule. --> Quest Complete: Saved Lost Boy After you have these two capsules, head back to where you entered the city, and turn left. Enter the first house you come across, and talk to the man that's inside. He'll take one of your capsules and give you 1,500 EXP for it. When he's done, talk to him a second time, and he'll take your second capsule. This time, he'll give you a senzu bean for it. After that, you can leave his house. Walk all the way to the right, down the street, and you'll find a jar that you can destroy; it contains a Senzu bean Stock up on three of them, then head down the main street of the city, and walk off of the south side of the screen. This will bring you to a military area. --> Quest Complete: Found Capsules .----.----.-------------------------------------------------------.----.----. | | | Military Area (My Level: 11) | | | '----'----'-------------------------------------------------------'----'----' Walk along the street in the first area, until King Kai tells Goku to hurry up. Just ignore him, and head into the lower-right corner of the area, where there's a nurse. Talk to her, and she'll restore your health and Ki. Once you're in top form again, head back onto the street, and follow it to reach another part of the military area: the battlefield that Nappa and Vegeta are currently on! Krillin and Gohan are in the area, but they won't help you. When you're ready to begin the fight with Nappa, go and talk to him. Once you have him out of the way, Vegeta is up next. .-------------.-------------. | Boss: Nappa | EXP: 20,000 | |-------------+-------------+----------------------------------. | Like Raditz, Nappa is just as fast as you are, and much, much| | stronger; a couple of hits, and you're gone. That being said | | he's every bit as dumb as Raditz was too. After talking to | | him, lure him around the pillars left of where he was, to the| | rock that's over there. Go behind the pillar just to the left| | of this rock, and walk to the back of it, and you should be | | able to get him stuck behind it. After that, it's charging | | Solar Flare, going to punch him, then getting back behind a | | rock. There are herbs growing near rocks all around the area,| | but don't go for them unless you absolutely have to -- or | | Nappa will be able to chase you again. Nappa has Ki blasts, | | but if you stay behind the rock, he won't be able to hit you.| | You may want to use flight in this battle, to retreat from | | Nappa quickly; there are wing orbs all around you, so that | | should be pretty easy to do. Nappa has loads of HP, but if | | you use cover while fighting, and you're careful, you'll win.| '--------------------------------------------------------------' --> Quest Complete: Defeated Nappa .--------------.-------------. | Boss: Vegeta | EXP: 30,000 | |--------------+-------------+---------------------------------. | Vegeta is slower, and weaker than Nappa, at first. However, | | he isn't as dumb. He won't easily be trapped behind rocks, | | because he doesn't stand still often -- he moves around in | | odd patterns, even if he isn't going after you. Because of | | this, you should just fight him in the open area, in the | | center of the battlefield. Stand away from him, and use Solar| | Flare, then go in and punch him ten or so tries before flying| | to one of the sides of the area, to restock on wing orbs. | | If he runs towards you, jsut use a Solar Flare quickly, and | | retreat. After you damage him enough, his strength and speed | | will both signifigantly increase. Obviously this makes the | | fight much harder, but the same pattern of attacked that | | worked on him during his first phase, will work during his | | second as well. Also, remember that there are lots of herbs | | growing in the area. Since you're in the open anyway, grab | | any that you're close to, if you take damage. The Prince is | | not an easy foe, but he's possible to beat with some effort. | '--------------------------------------------------------------' After the fight, a cutscene will be shown of how Vegeta transforms into an Oozaru, how he defeats Goku, and how Gohan ultimately defeats them. By the time you are able to take control of Goku again, the story will have progressed to a point, where Goku is on planet Namek. --> Quest Complete: Defeated Vegeta .----.----.-------------------------------------------------------.----.----. | | | Namekian Village (My Level: 11) | | | '----'----'-------------------------------------------------------'----'----' Start by heading to the north, and talking to the first Namekian you run into. He'll tell you to bring him any saplings you find, because he needs to plant trees. When he finishes talking, head to the left. There, you'll find one of Frieza's henchman standing around. He's pretty tough, so use caution when approaching. Use Solar Flare, punch him a few times, then retreat. He's dangerous, but he's worth an amazing 10,000 EXP per kill! After you kill the henchman, head up the ramp to the left of where he was, and then head to the right of the broken down house that's there. Fly to the ledge above the broken down house, and head north until you find a small tree -- be ready to fight a henchman near it, if you have to. Pick up the tree, as it is the first sapling, then fly back down to the broken house and head east. Follow the path until you reach another Namekian. That particular Namekian has nothing to give you. Look to the north-east of his house to find another Henchman. Kill him for more EXP, then head to the south-east, and you'll find a third henchman. After taking him out, head south until you reach the edge of the cliff. There, you'll find a Namekian Pterodactly. He's only worth 2,000 EXP, but if you can take down one of Frieza's henchman, you'll have no problem with a dactyl. So, kill it. You can then head up the hill on the right side of the area, blasting through the brown stone you come across. After that, it's just slowly battling your way to the top of the area. There are a few henchman, a Pterodactyl, and even a Namekian Triceratops, worth 4,000 EXP, along the way. At the top, you will find a large rock, and to the left of it, the second sapling. After that, head back to where the first Namekian you found was. From there, make your way to the lower-east corner of the area. You'll find another one of Frieza's henchmen there, standing next to the third and final sapling. Take out the henchman, then pick up the sapling and bring it back to the Namekian. Around the house he is standing in front of, on the ground, you'll find three small holes. Move close to each hole, and press the A button to place a sapling in each one. The man will thank you for saving the trees, and you'll be awarded with 7,000 EXP. --> Quest Complete: Saved Saplings Once you've saved all of the trees, make your way back up to the upper- right corner of the area, where you found the second sapling. There, make your way to the left side of the area, walking along the thin cliff ledge. You'll have to take out another Pterodactyl along the way, and there are a few dinosaurs and body guards on the other side as well, if you care to fight them. When ready to continue, exit the screen via the exit that goes to the north. .----.----.-------------------------------------------------------.----.----. | | | Namekian Ruins (My Level: 14) | | | '----'----'-------------------------------------------------------'----'----' Head forward after entering the ruins, and you'll reach the entrance to an old temple. Don't go in just yet though. Instead, head left and kill the first henchman that you find, followed by the second, further to the left. You then have a choice. You can either walk to the bottom-left corner of the screen to find a hill, then head up it and fight your way through hordes of henchmen to reach the top of the screen. This will take time, but it gives lots of valuable EXP. The other method, is to just fly to the top of the screen, past all the cliffs, from the left side of the temple. The first method is preffered, because you're bound to level up once or twice. At the very top ridge of the area, you'll find a red orb in a patch of dirt; even if you are fighting your way up the ridges, when you see that, fly to it. Pick it up, as it's one of the two orbs in the ruins that you'll need later. After picking up the red orb, walk to the right, and you'll find a Pterodactyl and a Triceratops. By your current level, it might be becoming easier for you to just fire chargedd Kamehamahes at a distance, or after doing a half-powered Solar Flare, then it is to punch. Use your best judgement, and defeat them, then head further to the right where you'll find another henchman. If you're careful, one Kamehameha wave should take him down to. Again, go with whatever method you feel comfortable with. Walk along the ridge to the south from there, until King Kai tells you that he's been training Piccolo and the rest of the Z-Fighters. Then, fly up to the clifftop above you. There's a wing on the right side of the ridge you are on if you need it. There, you'll find a Pterodactyl and a henchman. Kill them both, one at a time, and you'll find a blue orb in the patch of sand the Pterodactyl was guarding. Pick it up, then make your way back down to the entrance of the temple that you found when you first entered the ruins, and walk inside. .----.----.-------------------------------------------------------.----.----. | | | Namekian Temple (My Level: 16) | | | '----'----'-------------------------------------------------------'----'----' Walk forward after entering the temple, head north until you reach a statue with a white square in front of it. The square is a warp pad. Step onto it to be brought to a different room. In the room you appear in, walk to your right and kill the henchman you find. He's next to another warp pad, but don't go on it. Instead, keep heading right, passing another green warp. You will then bump into another henchman that you can kill. From there, head to the north until you reach the statue of a hand. Walk to the right, directly into the wall where the finger points. You'll pass through a hidden passage, leading to a third orb: a green one. Pick it up, and you'll have all three of the orbs you need. Before you worry about what to do with them though, try heading north of where the hand statue was, until you reach a wall. You can then head right, through the wall again, to find some herbs if you need them. Next, make your way to the left side of the area, and kill another henchman you find there. When he's gone, step onto the red warp pad near where he was. This will bring you to another room with a henchman and a yellow warp pad. Kill that guy, and step onto the warp pad, and you'll be brought back to the entrance room of the temple. Head north to the white pad there, but don't step on it. Instead, pick up the wing orb on your left, then walk through the wall to the left -- yes, there's another secret passage there. In the room you arrive in, head to the left, until you reach another hand statue, then step onto the yellow pad near it to be brought to a new room. In this room you'll see another statue of a hand pointing to a wall. If you follow where it points, you'll find a few herbs and a senzu bean. Once you've picked up the senzu bean -- or decided that you don't need it -- fight your way past a few henchman to the lower-right corner of the room, where there is a yellow warp pad. Step on it to reach the next hallway. Head south until you reach a fork in the path. Then, head all the way to the left side of the room, ignoring all other corridors, until you reach a white warp pad. In that room, head north, until you reach a second white warp pad. Step on it to reach the final room of the god forsaken temple. There, you'll find a large statue of Guru, with some switches around it. Step onto each switch, one at a time, and press the A button to place the artifacts where they belong. This will net you 30,000 EXP. --> Quest Complete: Namekian Artifacts After the artifacts are in place, step onto the white warp pad to the left of the statue. Then, in the next room you appear in, simply keep heading north until you are out of the temple; Don't step on any warp pads; you are finally out of the most hellish place in the game, and you don't want to have to waste time getting through it more than once. .----.----.-------------------------------------------------------.----.----. | | | Namekian Islands (My Level: 20) | | | '----'----'-------------------------------------------------------'----'----' Walk north-west, and talk to Captain Ginyu, who is pacing around the area. He will tell you that he'd rather not break a sweat, and that the Ginyu Force will take care of you. You'll have to defeat the rest of the team first, in order to be able to fight him. The first one on your list will be Recoome. You can find him from heading north of where Captain Ginyu is, sticking on the right side of the hill with an orange wing orb on it. You'll find Recoome standing on the thin patch of land connecting two of the islands. Talk to him, and he'll fight you. .-------------------.--------------. | Boss: Ginyu Force | EXP: 270,000 | |-------------------+--------------+--------------------------------. | Recomme is the first member you'll be fighting, and he's pretty | | damn weak. Just walk away from him, and use a half-charged Solar | | Flare. Then, follow it up with a half-charged Kamehameha. Repeat | | this one more time, and he should go down; He has very little HP. | | Next up is Burter. You'll find him standing on a hill just past | | where Recoome is standing. He might try and toss a Ki blast or two| | but he's not much stronger than Recoome -- a few Kamehamehas will | | take him down. After taking out Burter, head right of the hill he | | was standing on to find the third member of the team, Jeice. The | | same tactics will work on Jeice. He's not one bit stronger than | | Burter was. After you finish off Jeice, Captain Ginyu will finally| | agree to fight you. Wait for your KI bar to fill, then head back | | to where he was. He won't wait for you to talk to him before he | | attacks. So immediately get ready to Solar Flare. He's a fair bit | | stronger and faster than the rest of the team, but the same skills| | that worked on them will work on him, and he will go down. As soon| | as you defeat Captain Ginyu, you'll be brought to the area of | | Namek, where Frieza and his troops have settled. | '-------------------------------------------------------------------' --> Quest Complete: Defeated Recoome --> Quest Complete: Defeated Burter --> Quest Complete: Defeated Jeice --> Quest Complete: Defeated Captain Ginyu .----.----.-------------------------------------------------------.----.----. | | | Space Ship Area (My Level: 22) | | | '----'----'-------------------------------------------------------'----'----' Perhaps I should have given this area the name "Islands" instead... Oh well, that's not important. From where you start, you'll see a henchman. Kill him, then walk along the path to the right of the building near you. You'll reach a yellow wing orb. Pick it up, then begin flying across the area, landing on islands if you have to, to pick up wing orbs. There are some henchman and Pterodactyls in the area that you can fight if you want, but it's not necessary. Once on the right side of the area, fly to the island that is vertically in the middle of the screen. There, you can walk off of the screen to the right. The area is absolutely loaded to the brim with henchman, so you'll have to be cautious. You can either carefully take them out, one at a time, or just fly past them. Either way, to move on, make your way to the right side of the area, where Frieza's ship is located. Then, fly to the hole on the roof of it to get inside. You then have a choice; Go through the steel door, and fly through the window to train more, or walk to the right side of the hallway, into another room, and step into the rejuvination chamber. When you're ready to take on Frieza, step into the chamber. Be warned though, you can't come back afterwards. Once you're healed, you'll find yourself on the final battleground. .----.----.-------------------------------------------------------.----.----. | | | The Final Battleground (My Level: 22) | | | '----'----'-------------------------------------------------------'----'----' .--------------.----------------. | Boss: Frieza | EXP: 1,600,000 | |--------------+----------------+------------------------------. | Head to the north-east area of the map to find Frieza. Talk | | to him, and the fight will begin. The fight is rather basic | | at first. Solar Flare him, and use Kamehamehas, then fly | | away; there are even wing orbs and herbs around the area if | | you need them. In his first form, Frieza has three or four | | times the amount of health that Captain Ginyu had, but you | | still shouldn't have too much trouble with him. Once you've | | weakened him to a point where he has to transform, however, | | he'll become even stronger and faster. The same methods that | | worked on the first form will still work though; And this | | pattern will repeat, once you weaken him some more, and he | | transforms into a third form, that is even stronger, faster, | | and cooler looking than his second form. When he gets to his | | fourth and final form, however, it'll be on. In a flash, the | | area becomes a wasteland filled with lightning strikes, and | | lava everywhere. Then, in a cutscene, Frieza kills Krillin, | | causing Goku to turn into a Super Saiyan. Note that if you | | save at this point, and you die, you'll continue at Frieza's | | final form. Other than being much stronger and faster -- the | | same being true about Frieza -- the fight will work in much | | the same way as his previous forms though. So put him down | | one more time, to finish him off for good. | '--------------------------------------------------------------' And that, my friends, is the end of the game. Congratulations. _.-""""-._ _.-""""-._ .' `. .' `. / /\ \ / /\ \ | ___/ \___ | | ___/ \___ | | '-. .-' |=========================================| '-. .-' | | / \ | 05. Enemies [WALKT] | / \ | \ /_.--._\ /===========================================\ /_.--._\ / `._ _.' `._ _.' `-....-` `-....-` Critters and Rodents -------------------- Location: The Forest, Forest Village, Landing Site, Snow Forest, The City EXP: 5 This category consists of several types of "enemies" found in the game, mainly, in the woods outside of Goku's home: Snakes, and squirells. The squirrells don't appear to be able to hurt you at all -- even if you walk over them back and forth. The snakes will occassionally bite, but they never do much damage; most of the time they'll just ignore you completely though. Crabs ----- Location: The Forest EXP: 70 EXP Also common in the woods outside of Goku's house, are crabs. These things are gigantic, and unlike the smaller creatures, they'll try to hurt you by pinching you with their claws. They aren't particularly fast or powerful, but they'll take you down if you aren't careful. Wolves ------ Location: The Forest, Forest Village, Snowy Forest EXP: 70 EXP These guys are much faster than you; you won't be able to outrun them unless you fly, or less them at a corner. They're also very freaking aggressive, and once they set their sights on you, they'll take you down. Early on in the game they're pretty dangerous, but they're also a good source of EXP. Pterodactly ----------- Location: The Forest, Forest Village EXP: 300 For so early in the game, these enemies are really freaking tough. They fly, and are somewhat fast and powerful. The best method to fight them, is to charge and use a Ki Blast, then wait for it to get near you and fly past it. The first one you fight -- and the only one you neqaGFcesarilly *have* to fight is right near a wing orb. You have have to lure others to a more comfortable area to fight in, though. Like one near a wing orb. Triceratops ----------- Location: The Forest, Snowy Forest EXP: 600 This guy is even tougher than the Pterodactly. He's slower, but he's stronger. Thankfully, you can avoid him if you choose to do so. That EXP will be hard to pass up though. There is a wing orb near where you fight him, if you want to take him out though. It may take a while, but flying over it, charging a Ki Blast, then flying back over it is a safe method that will work. Spirit ------ Location: HFIL EXP: 1,000 Spirits that were weak in the normal world, appear as clouds in the Other World; those are the kinds you'll see here. They must have done something wrong to be placed in HFIL, but despite that, these guys make no attempt to attack you, but if you attack them, they will strike at you. They do give alot of EXP though; So launch a genocide on the spirits. Bank Robbers ------ Location: The City EXP: 1,000 These guys don't want to fight you -- yes, they'll punch you if you try and stop them, but they really just want to escape. They spread out right off the bat, and in different directions. If you want to defeat one of them then you'll have to chase him down first. Frieza's Henchmen ------------------ Location: Namekian Village, Namekian Ruins, Namekian Islands, Space Ship Area EXP: 10,000 These Frieza's lower ranking warriors, after the Ginyu Force; although to be working for Frieza at all, they'd have to be pretty tough. That's reflected in the ammount of EXP they give you for beating them. They have a lot of HP, though, and can fire energy blasts. You'll have to be careful when trying to defeat these guys, especially if they are near other enemies at the same time. Namekian Pterodactyl -------------------- Location: Namekian Village, Namekian Ruins, Namekian Islands, Space Ship Area EXP: 2,000 Although they are technically stronger than their Earthly counterparts, the Namekian Pterodactyls will be much easier due to how strong you will be by the time you face them. Using Solar Flare, you should be able to take down any of them using only one or two charges of your Ki bar, as you punch them. Namekian Triceratops -------------------- Location: Namekian Village, Namekian Ruins, Namekian Islands EXP: 4,000 Back on earth, Triceratops were very dangerous. On Namek, they are simply HP sponges. Yes, it will take you a long time to defeat them due to the large amount of health they have, but if you are patient it still shouldn't be too difficult though. However, because of the large ammount of HP, it almost isn't worth killing them. It's easier to kill Henchman, for nearly three times in the EXP in less than half the time. _.-""""-._ _.-""""-._ .' `. .' `. / /\ \ / /\ \ | ___/ \___ | | ___/ \___ | | '-. .-' |=========================================| '-. .-' | | / \ | 06.Bosses [BOSSS] | / \ | \ /_.--._\ /===========================================\ /_.--._\ / `._ _.' `._ _.' `-....-` `-....-` .--------------.------------. | Boss: Raditz | EXP: 4,000 | |--------------+------------+----------------------------------. | Head north, and you'll find Piccolo. You can talk to him, but| | he won't do anything. When you want to begin the fight, keep | | going north until you find Raditz, and talk to him. After a | | bit of dialogue, he'll begin the assault. He's strong, and | | he's about as fast as you, so you don't want to take him head| | on. However, there are lots of rocks and wing orbs to the | | right of where you find him, to make the fight easier. Lure | | him to one of the rocks, then use a wing orb to fly around | | the rock, so you and Raditz are on opposite sides. Then, load| | a Solar Flare completely, and stun him with it. You can then | | go and punch him six or seven times, before retreating to the| | back of the rock, and repeating it. Raditz has both punches | | and Ki Blasts, but neither are dangerous if you stay behind | | a rock while he's not stunned; he's not smart enough to walk | | around it. If worse comes to worst, and he does hit you, you | | can always make your way to the right side of the area, where| | you'll find some herbs growing. Raditz can take a whole lot | | of punches before he goes down, but he's not too difficult if| | you take your time, and use the rocks as covers, effectively.| '--------------------------------------------------------------' .---------------------------.------------. | Optional Boss: Snake Queen| EXP: 3,500 | |---------------------------+------------+---------------------. | Unlike in the fight with Raditz, there's no rocks that you | | can use for cover, and no wing orbs around either. Not only | | that, the Snake queen can walk right across the gaps in the | | path. That being said, she is much slower than Raditz, and | | has no where near the amount of health. Try using Solar Flare| | punching her a few times, then heading down the path. As she | | begins walking toward you, charge it again, and stun her. | | After punching her a few times, turn around and walk down the| | path in the other direction. She won't last long. | '--------------------------------------------------------------' .-------------.-------------. | Boss: Nappa | EXP: 20,000 | |-------------+-------------+----------------------------------. | Like Raditz, Nappa is just as fast as you are, and much, much| | stronger; a couple of hits, and you're gone. That being said | | he's every bit as dumb as Raditz was too. After talking to | | him, lure him around the pillars left of where he was, to the| | rock that's over there. Go behind the pillar just to the left| | of this rock, and walk to the back of it, and you should be | | able to get him stuck behind it. After that, it's charging | | Solar Flare, going to punch him, then getting back behind a | | rock. There are herbs growing near rocks all around the area,| | but don't go for them unless you absolutely have to -- or | | Nappa will be able to chase you again. Nappa has Ki blasts, | | but if you stay behind the rock, he won't be able to hit you.| | You may want to use flight in this battle, to retreat from | | Nappa quickly; there are wing orbs all around you, so that | | should be pretty easy to do. Nappa has loads of HP, but if | | you use cover while fighting, and you're careful, you'll win.| '--------------------------------------------------------------' .--------------.-------------. | Boss: Vegeta | EXP: 40,000 | |--------------+-------------+---------------------------------. | Vegeta is slower, and weaker than Nappa, at first. However, | | he isn't as dumb. He won't easily be trapped behind rocks, | | because he doesn't stand still often -- he moves around in | | odd patterns, even if he isn't going after you. Because of | | this, you should just fight him in the open area, in the | | center of the battlefield. Stand away from him, and use Solar| | Flare, then go in and punch him ten or so tries before flying| | to one of the sides of the area, to restock on wing orbs. | | If he runs towards you, jsut use a Solar Flare quickly, and | | retreat. After you damage him enough, his strength and speed | | will both signifigantly increase. Obviously this makes the | | fight much harder, but the same pattern of attacked that | | worked on him during his first phase, will work during his | | second as well. Also, remember that there are lots of herbs | | growing in the area. Since you're in the open anyway, grab | | any that you're close to, if you take damage. The Prince is | | not an easy foe, but he's possible to beat with some effort. | '--------------------------------------------------------------' .-------------------.--------------. | Boss: Ginyu Force | EXP: 270,000 | |-------------------+--------------+--------------------------------. | Recomme is the first member you'll be fighting, and he's pretty | | damn weak. Just walk away from him, and use a half-charged Solar | | Flare. Then, follow it up with a half-charged Kamehameha. Repeat | | this one more time, and he should go down; He has very little HP. | | Next up is Burter. You'll find him standing on a hill just past | | where Recoome is standing. He might try and toss a Ki blast or two| | but he's not much stronger than Recoome -- a few Kamehamehas will | | take him down. After taking out Burter, head right of the hill he | | was standing on to find the third member of the team, Jeice. The | | same tactics will work on Jeice. He's not one bit stronger than | | Burter was. After you finish off Jeice, Captain Ginyu will finally| | agree to fight you. Wait for your KI bar to fill, then head back | | to where he was. He won't wait for you to talk to him before he | | attacks. So immediately get ready to Solar Flare. He's a fair bit | | stronger and faster than the rest of the team, but the same skills| | that worked on them will work on him, and he will go down. As soon| | as you defeat Captain Ginyu, you'll be brought to the area of | | Namek, where Frieza and his troops have settled. | '-------------------------------------------------------------------' .--------------.----------------. | Boss: Frieza | EXP: 1,600,000 | |--------------+----------------+------------------------------. | Head to the north-east area of the map to find Frieza. Talk | | to him, and the fight will begin. The fight is rather basic | | at first. Solar Flare him, and use Kamehamehas, then fly | | away; there are even wing orbs and herbs around the area if | | you need them. In his first form, Frieza has three or four | | times the amount of health that Captain Ginyu had, but you | | still shouldn't have too much trouble with him. Once you've | | weakened him to a point where he has to transform, however, | | he'll become even stronger and faster. The same methods that | | worked on the first form will still work though; And this | | pattern will repeat, once you weaken him some more, and he | | transforms into a third form, that is even stronger, faster, | | and cooler looking than his second form. When he gets to his | | fourth and final form, however, it'll be on. In a flash, the | | area becomes a wasteland filled with lightning strikes, and | | lava everywhere. Then, in a cutscene, Frieza kills Krillin, | | causing Goku to turn into a Super Saiyan. Note that if you | | save at this point, and you die, you'll continue at Frieza's | | final form. Other than being much stronger and faster -- the | | same being true about Frieza -- the fight will work in much | | the same way as his previous forms though. So put him down | | one more time, to finish him off for good. | '--------------------------------------------------------------' _.-""""-._ _.-""""-._ .' `. .' `. / /\ \ / /\ \ | ___/ \___ | | ___/ \___ | | '-. .-' |=========================================| '-. .-' | | / \ | 07. Credits [CREDS] | / \ | \ /_.--._\ /===========================================\ /_.--._\ / `._ _.' `._ _.' `-....-` `-....-` SayainPrince: - This is me. I wrote the guide. Vegita - Data for the experience chart. Kain Stryder: - The EXP data for Frieza.