=============================================================================== EARTHWORM JIM Walkthrough System: GBA Created by: simonbelmont V. 0.5 =============================================================================== Contents: Version History General - Intro - Story - Characters - Controls - Options Screen - Game Screen - Items Walkthrough - New Junk City - What the Heck? - Down the Tubes - Section 1 - Section 2 - Snot a Problem - Level 5 - Andy Asteroids - For Pete's Sake - Intestinal Distress - Buttville Codes - Level Select - Individual Level Codes Other - Hints/Tips - Enemies - Bosses - Legal Info =============================================================================== VERSION HISTORY =============================================================================== Version 0.10 - June 9th: Added table of contents, intro, and story. Version 0.30 - June 12th: Added characters, controls, options screen, game screen, items and level one. Version 0.40 - June 13th: Added code and boss section. Level 2 should be done in a couple days Version 0.50 - June 14th: Added the second level, more bosses, and the new section: "enemies" will be added next update. Version 0.55 - June 15th: Added the enemy section. Version 0.6 - June 18th: Added section one of down the tubes level -----GENERAL----- =============================================================================== INTRO =============================================================================== This is a walkthrough for the Game boy Advance version of Earthworm Jim. Previously, this game was introduced on Sega Genesis and SNES, but was converted to the GBA. This game, in my opinion, is one of the best games for GBA. Now, its is impossible to compare it to other games such as Golden Sun, because the gameplay is totally different. I must say, however, that I got just as much enjoyment out of this than I did playing Golden Sun, or Castlevania: Circle of the Moon. The gameplay in Earthworm Jim is rather simple: you advance through numerous levels while trying to fend off multiple enemies in your path. At the end of the level, there is one main boss, sometimes with a sub-boss leading up to him/her. The game is technically a side-scroller, but it allows the player to move up and down in most situations, which improves the level quality. You are able to shoot your plasma gun, jump, propel yourself towards the ground using your head, and whip enemies, again with your head (more on this described in the controls section). The game proves a great challenge, even at the practice difficulty challenge, but it is nothing too strenuous. The graphics in Earthworm Jim are quite impressive, comparing to its direct counterpart, Earthworm Jim on Sega Genesis, and SNES. They are not skimpy; every tire can be deciphered in the tire yard, and when Pete the dog lies down covering his head, you actually see him covering his head on the ground. One great graphical advantage to this game are the larger character sizes. No enemy is too small to see, and when there is a platform, most often than not you are able to determine that it is a platform. (NOTE: THE STORY AND CHARACTER PORTION OF THIS FAQ WERE TAKEN FROM THE MANUAL, ALL CREDIT IS DIRECTED TOWARDS THE MAKERS OF THIS GAME) =============================================================================== STORY =============================================================================== (Taken directly from manual, pg. 2-3 "The Worm has Turned") It's a day like any other. A crow is chasing a worm, a worm named Jim. Today the worm escapes to safety and the crow eats dirt. Meanwhile in outer space... Psy-Crow is chasing a small renegade ship. The ship's pilot has stolen an ultra high tech indestructible super space cyber suit. Psy-Crow overtakes the renegade ship, and they face off head to head. Psy-Crow pulls his gun. The renegade pulls an even bigger gun. Wrought with envy, Psy-Crow pulls out a huge monster gun. The renegade, realizing he has been outmatched, pleads for mercy. But Psy-Crow, under direct orders from the evil Queen Pulsating, Bloated, Festering, Sweaty, Puss-filled, Malformed, Slug for a Butt, blasts the renegade and his entire ship to smithereens. The suit falls gently to the planet below. The strange planet is our planet. PLANET EARTH. Back on earth, our slimy hero is wondering if it's safe, and if he has eluded the cow. Jim looks left, then right. It seems he has given the crow the slip. Jim returns to his normal daily life, cruising about avoiding crows and doing other general worm like things. Jim is suddenly struck by a very large ultra high tech indestructible space cyber suit. Through his sheer luck, Jim rests safely in the neck ring of the suit. Suddenly the ultra high tech space particles of the suit begin interacting with Jim's wormy flesh. A radical light speed evolution takes place. Jim soon realizes he is in control of the suit, and we witness the birth of Earthworm Jim! Jim checks the suit and notices a red thingie attached to his side, which just happens to be a plasma blaster. He pulls it out of the holster and starts playing with the buttons. Meanwhile, off in the distance, the crow is still looking for his lunch. Jim finds the trigger and lets loose with a plasma blast. BLAMO! The crow is torched. Taking a moment to gather his thoughts, Jim leans up against a tree. Due to the suits incredible power, Jim forces the tree over, right on top of the now barely conscious crow. His lifetime nemesis is never to be seen again. Our hero thinks he's got it pretty easy now, but...he hears something in the distance. Psy-Crow, the intergalactic bounty hunter is standing over a burn in the grass, which the suit had left behind. Peering over the toppled tree, Jim sees Psy-Crow talking to the Queen, informing her that the suit is very near. The Queen knows that the suit will make her even more beautiful than her imprisoned sister, "Princess What's-Her-Name." Jim decides he needs to meet this princess and dashes of to find her before Psy-Crow can find him and the suit. =============================================================================== CHARACTERS =============================================================================== /////////////////// // Earthworm Jim \\ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Just an ordinary Earthworm caught in a suit he doesn't understand. Faced with the daunting task of keeping the super powered suit out of the evil clutches of his vicious enemies, you'll have to use every weapon and power you can just to keep Jim alive! And he has got weapons, whips, plasma blasters, hamsters (umm...) and other high-tech stuff! Jim is the character you control throughout the whole game. You can use his blaster or head to whip enemies. Jim must travel through 9 levels to meet the Princess, facing bosses along the way: //////////////////// // Chuck and Fifi \\ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Fifi is no lovable poodle. Try a psychotic, four-legged chainsaw with a rusty chain and you'll know what we mean. Fifi wants to keep strangers away from his master's junk yard. Chuck will throw up anything he can to keep you from surviving. You'll need to keep you wits in order to dethrone him. Chuck is the boss of level one. ////////////////// // Evil the Cat \\ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Born with no heart, the ruler of Heck lives to torture others. Filling Heck with corporate lawyers and dreaded elevator music, Evil has seen to it that Jim doesn't stand a snowball's chance. Evil's snowmen are a good example of how twisted this cat really is!!! If you thought Heck was bad before, you ain't seen nothin' yet. Evil is the boss of the second level. ////////////// // Psy-Crow \\ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Jim was hunted by crows all his life, but never one with a gun!! Psy-Crow is determined to get that suit back for the Queen at any cost. Because of his persistence and twisted crow mind, you'll never know when he's gonna turn up!!! If he gets his worm hook into you and pulls you out of the suit, Jim is as good as bass bait. Keep your eyes open and stay on guard! Psy-Crow is your adversary in the level Andy Asteroids. ///////////////// // Major Mucus \\ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ From the distant phlegm planet, Major Mucus will stop at nothing to get Jim's suit. Bouncing wildly from a tiny thread of goo, the Major is bound to be trouble. Watch out, if he gets a hold of Jim, the snot will really hit the fan! ///////////////// // Peter Puppy \\ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Peter may first look like a cute, cuddly, puppy, but when he transforms into his alter ego there's nowhere to hide. This isn't going to be just another walk in the park with Peter! Jim's super suit helped him survive the trip through the black hole to Peter's world, but his powers might not be strong enough to help him back. ///////////////////////////////// // Professor Monkey for a Head \\ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ You'd be pretty mad too if you had a monkey sharing your head, or is the Professor sharing the monkey's head? Whatever you do, don't call him "Monkey Professor-for-a-head" or he'll get really steamed! This guy is totally bananas and he's willing to destroy Jim to prove it. ////////////// // Bob & #4 \\ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Bob is a goldfish with plans...plans to steal Jim's powerful suit so he can rule the universe. He cant harm Earthworm Jim directly, but that's what the drone cat #4 is for. This brute packs a mean punch! Whatever Bob wants #4 gets - and Bob wants that suit. ////////////////////////////// // Princess-What's-Her-Name \\ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Twin sister of the Queen, she got the good end of the genetic pool. A truly bodacious babe of the highest magnitude! When asked about her favorite activities, she sweetly replied "Save the space whales, I'm a Libra. Will you buy me a space ship?" /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // The Evil Queen Pulsating, Bloated, Festering, Sweaty, Puss-filled, \\ // Malformed,Slug for a Butt \\ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Adjectives escape us as we try to encapsulate the utter putridity of her being. Let's put it this way, she's big, she's bad, and she's in the mood for some Earthworm burgers!! She has a face not even a mother could love (and a body to match.) She's Jim's ultimate nightmare! How can she be defeated? Is it possible? You know she has a twin sister, don't you? =============================================================================== CONTROLS =============================================================================== A: - Shoot - Hold down A to shoot rapid fire, but be careful because it may take a second to be able to do any other movement, as Jim needs to put his gun away. - You can shoot in 8 directions: Up, Down, Right, Left, and all the diagonals. - Tip: When on a zip-line that doesn't move, shot in the opposite direction you want to move, and the backfire from the gun will propel you. - Conserve bullets, you will most likely need them for the boss. About 50-75 bullets will do the power of one whip, so to kill regular enemies, just whip. - Under 200 bullets, your gun will recharge automatically. - An accelerator for you rocket in Andy Asteroids. B: - Jump - Hold down B to make your head into a propeller, gently floating to the ground. - When jumping, try to make yourself touch the edge of a platform, and if you keep pressing right (or whichever way you are jumping) Jim will hold onto the ledge and climb up it. R/L: - Whip - Jim can whip Up, diagonal Up, straight, or diagonal Down. - When in the air, Jim can only whip diagonal Up. - In all the levels, look for objects that glitter. In mid-jump, whip onto these and you will swing on them with Jim's head, leading you to probable secret areas. - Killing enemies with your head is more efficient than using up all your bullets. - When on the Hamster in "Down the Tubes", these buttons make the Hamster bite. - Also activates the bungee shove. - Activates Asteroid Shield. =============================================================================== THE OPTIONS SCREEN =============================================================================== There's nothing much to this screen; you pick the difficulty setting you want (practice, normal, difficult) and you view the controls. For some reason, despite the manual's description, there is no way to change the controls. =============================================================================== THE GAME SCREEN =============================================================================== The game screen is rather simple. In the top left, you have a worm with eyes lying down (Jim) with an "x3" , 3 being the number of lives you have left. Of course, this number changes. Beside that, just to the left of the top center of the screen, you have an atom and an percent next to it. This represents your health. Different enemies take off different amounts of health, and it also depends on the difficulty setting. In the bottom left is your blaster with a number beside it. This is the number of shots you have left. These deplete easily, so try to keep it above 750 for a boss. One way to do this is to just whip to kill enemies. Jim, of course, is the worm in the super cyber suit in the middle of the screen who you control. =============================================================================== ITEMS =============================================================================== ////////////////// // Plasma Power \\ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Looks like the symbol next to the amount of rounds you have left with your gun. Each time you pick one of these up, you get an additional 250 rounds. ///////////////// // Mega Plasma \\ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Looks like the regular plasma power but on steroids. These things are giant, and the shot you produce is even bigger. Each time you pick one of these up, you get one mega shot so use it wisely. This is where it comes in handy to know how to use your whip effectively. //////////////// // Suit Power \\ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Looks like the atom next to your energy. Collecting these adds to your percent energy total. ////////////////////// // Super Suit Power \\ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Looks like a red ball. Collect it to receive full energy. There are usually one per level. ///////////////////// // Asteroid Shield \\ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ In the level Andy Asteroids, collect these balls with electricity going through them to get a protective shield. Press R to use them. //////////////////////// // Atomic Accelerator \\ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Looks like a ball with red electricity going through it. Collect it for a speed burst. (Andy Asteroids) ////////////// // Fuel Pod \\ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Blue spheres in Andy Asteroids. Collect over 50 for another continue. //////////////// // Extra Life \\ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Looks like Jim with a mean face. Gives you an extra life (no...really?) -----WALKTHROUGH----- =============================================================================== LEVEL WALKTHROUGH =============================================================================== (NOTE: SENTENCES WILL BE MARKED WITH *'S, DENOTING THAT THERE IS A SECRET. PROCEED DOWN TO THE SECRETS OF THAT LEVEL TO FIND OUT WHAT IT IS) ///////////////////////// /// NEW JUNK CITY \\\ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Description from Manual: Menacing crows, giant mutant garbage cans, the junk yard's owner Chuck and his dog Fifi want to welcome you to the junk yard in their own special way - by trying to kill you. Bounce from tire to tire, or slide across zip-lines to grab extra power ups. Watch out, compared to Fifi's bark, those bites are even worse. METHOD 1: After experimenting with the controls, and getting used to A being fire and B being jump, head right, jumping over the small ledge. An incoming raven will appear once you move left, so get ready to whip it. Jump on the chain and go as quickly as possible to the other side to avoid Fifi, and if the dog comes close, just press up on the chain to pull yourself out of danger. You will then encounter a hanging refrigerator and a cow (?). Whip the fridge and the cow will go flying, allowing you to proceed. Get the 4 suit power ups on the tire, and whip the oncoming raven. Bounce up the tires until you are able to reach the platform at the left. (It's not hidden, its visible). Jump on the zip line. Before you fall off, jump on the next one ***1, and then immediately jump left again. You will reach a chain. Hang on it. Move left until another platform, from where you will jump repeatedly up the zip-lines to another platform at the left. Whip Fifi and proceed left to the end of the screen. You will fall down, and then go right until you fall again. Jump on the toilet to warp. From here, grab the bullets and extra life and jump up to the main platform. WARNING! Will appear. METHOD 2: After experimenting with the controls, and getting used to A being fire and B being jump, head right, jumping over the small ledge. An incoming raven will appear once you move left, so get ready to whip it. Jump on the chain and go as quickly as possible to the other side to avoid Fifi, and if the dog comes close, just press up on the chain to pull yourself out of danger. You will then encounter a hanging refrigerator and a cow (?). Whip the fridge and the cow will go flying, allowing you to proceed. Get the 4 suit power ups on the tire, and whip the oncoming raven. Instead of going on the platform at the left, like in method 1, proceed right, and then onto the platform at the top. You should be where there is a sign with a cow on it. Whip the raven and the Fifi, then go left to get some items. Go back right, passed the sign and climb the red wall until you reach the chain. Go left on the chain to get the mega shots, and then go back to where the climbing wall was, where you will then go down. After hitting the first set of tires, go up, but right of where you came from. Here, you will get more mega shots. Proceed down and then right to the conveyor belt. One the conveyor belt, multiple objects will fall down at you, hindering your speed, along with taking off energy. Once you get to the top, go right onto the second platform. From here, jump left onto the chain to get some more bullets. Go back right, whip the raven, and then get the continue. Proceed right ***2, and then go down. Go across the chain and then up the platforms. Go right, then fall down. Watch out for the raven. ***3. Keep on the path to get the boss. WARNING! Will appear. _______________________ | | | Boss: Garbage Can Man | |_______________________| Difficulty: Moderate At first, the Garbage Can Man will stand at the right of the screen stomping on the ground. He will drop things systematically. In between the dropping objects, shoot him. Make sure you don't shoot too long, or else you will not have enough time to move out of the way from the dropping objects. After about 800 rounds, he will go into tank mode, going from right to left of the screen. When he approaches, jump over him and he will reach for you. During this time, try to shoot him as much as possible. When he reaches the right again, he will fire 3 anvils at you. Jump over each of them, while staying at the left of the screen. He will be defeated after 500 successful bullet rounds. Tip: Each time he hits you, you will receive 10% suit damage. Total, it takes about 1300 successful rounds to kill him, so go in prepared. Get the continue and suit refresh at the right, and proceed on to the next boss. _____________ | | | Boss: Chuck | |_____________| Difficulty: Easy At first, chuck will stand motionless at the right of the screen. A magnet will pass by periodically dropping objects. The objects you are looking for are boxes. Shoot the boxes onto the spring at the far right of the screen, from where they will bounce up and hit chuck. If you successfully hit Chuck, he will burp out green frogs at you. Stay at the left and jump over them. Once he is finished, about 6 frogs later, repeat the process. After three successful hits, he will start to move around. Do the same thing, except time yourself to that the boxes hit Chuck when he is at the right of the screen. 3 more hits and he will be dead. Tip: It takes 4 shot bursts to get the box onto the spring. Another way to dodge the frogs is to stay ducking directly underneath Chuck. Whip Chuck to make him do a farting noise with his armpit. SECRETS: ***1- Go on the zip line, except do not jump off. You will be rewarded with some mega shots and energy. ***2- Instead of going down, proceed up and right to get some mega shots and regular shots. ***3- Swing on the moose, and you will be led to a secret area. Swing on the shining object, and then go up on the platform. Drop down right, get the shots, kill the Fifi, and go on the chain. Swing again to get more items. The proceed right and up, getting a free life on the way, and then jump up to join the regular path again. ///////////////////////// /// WHAT THE HECK? \\\ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Description from Manual: Welcome to Planet Heck. As Evil the Cat dances, you wander through the devilishly tricky maze. Step quickly... it can get a little too hot for Jim even in his indestructible suit. For an uplifting experience, take a jog on a gem, but don't let Jim get a hot foot! There'll be a hot time in the old town tonight for sure! METHOD OF COMPLETION: To begin with, the music is quite freaky. It is from a classical composition, I'm almost certain, but I forget the name. Soon, however, it will change to cheesy elevator music. Never the less, go left at the beginning to pick up the shot upgrade (250). Before you fall down the small ledge, hardly a ledge at all, whip the incoming black ghost. It will be more efficient to whip it, however, shooting it may be easier, as they come at you quickly. Continue right until a larger fall. Tip: You can climb up the black walls, just in case you fall down by accident. Continue left and whip the two incoming black ghosts. Drop down the black wall and go right. Basically, the level is like a snake: ---> __________________ _ _ _ ____________________ - - -_______________________ Watch out for the fire bursts that come up from below you. Go all the way right and pick up the mega blast, and four energy atoms. Backtrack left, and jump up to the invisible ledge above. Tip: You cannot see the ledge, so jump up from the mini ledge just left of where you received the mega blast and energy atoms. From here on, these will be called invisible ledges, or platforms. If you go along the chain, fire will chase you, so it would be better to just jump across. After the chain, go down and left to get a mega blast and four energy atoms. Head back right, avoiding the fire. Climb up the cliff, go right, and fall back down again. From here, things get redundant: go left and down, then right and down etc. Finally, go down and get the energy. Watch out for the two oncoming black shadows. Tip: Watch out for the pit below, you cannot fall down that one. It would be a pain to start from the beginning of the level when the continue is right above you. Jump on the platforms to reach the continue. From here, go on the chain left to the green ball. Balance yourself on it and soon enough it will start to move upwards. Jump left on the second platform you reach; if you jump on the first, you will end up in a previous part of the level. Go right to get the energy, and whip or shoot the two black ghosts. Climb across the chain and whip the crank to open the door. In the next room will be a new enemy that you cannot just shoot: the lawyer. Tip: To kill the enemy, whip him so his briefcase flies up, and then shoot him. It will be useless to just shoot him, as he blocks it with his briefcase. Whip the crank to open the second door, and then proceed up to a green balance ball. You will be teleported to a boss. _______________ | | | Boss: Snowman | |_______________| Difficulty: Moderate At first, you will not see any boss. The snowman will all of a sudden formulate under you. Jump out of the way and he will grow until he is full size. From there, he will spit out fireballs (you would think he would melt, wouldn't you?) so jump out of the way. To beat him, stand so that you are covering Evil the Cat way in the background, and when the snowman starts to form under you, jump left. This way, he will spit towards the right, the side with the most room, but you will be at the left, free to hit him. Whip him, and he should make a thumping sound and dissolve into the ground again. Tip: 4 seconds after he disappears, he will come back again. Use this information to time your jumps. After 9 or 10 whips, the snowman should be dead. Warp on the green balance ball, and you should appear near a continue. Get the continue, and proceed left to get the 100% suit power. Evil the Cat will appear below you and drop a bomb. From here, you should run as fast as possible left, then up, right, and platform jump up again. Soon the bomb will explode and spikes will fall from the sky. Once you are up the platforms, get the energy atoms and whip the two black ghosts. Keep jumping on the platforms until you reach a chain. Here, go across it, getting the power ups, but drop down on the spiked ball. When you land, jump up and get any powers you missed on the chain. Go right and fall down. Jump on the green balls: there will be no need to balance on them, they will go automatically. At their peak, jump left to receive another life. Go back up and right, then proceed down the black wall. 2 ghosts will approach you. Whip them, then jump left on the invisible platform and continue up and right until you reach another balance ball. You will warp to Evil the Cat. ____________________ | | | Boss: Evil the Cat | |____________________| Difficulty: First Form: Easy Second Form: Moderate-Difficult At first, you will be without your suit: just regular old Jim as a worm. Evil will shoot fireballs, creating a wave beside you. Jump over the wave 10 times and you will go to Evil's second form. Jump into your suit. His second form is much harder. What you have to do is look carefully, make sure your GBA is well lit, and you will see a shadow come towards you. Shoot it, since whipping is too slow, and you will see Evil's ghost rise up with a number on it. This is how many more lives Evil has. After you hit him, two waves of fire will come. Jump easily over each. The difficulty of this match solely relies on the speed you need to catch Evil as he comes down towards you. After 9 lives (he's a cat) you will win. //////////////////////// /// DOWN THE TUBES \\\ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Description From Manual: Bob the goldfish knows that EWJ's super suit could make him ruler of the world. Maybe even the universe!!! Controlling the drone cat minions in his underwater lair, Bob will use his servants to find you wherever you hide, high or low. Don't let the size of Bob's kitten guards fool you - they're just as powerful as the cats! Hamsters galore! SECTION 1 METHOD OF COMPLETETION: The level starts off with Jim falling down a tube, hence the name. These tubes are divided into parts, and they will referred to as tube sections, or cells. Proceed right passed one cell, where you will then be approached by a drone cat. Tip: It is impossible to kill the drone cat, so you have to find a way around it. Follow behind it until it passes a rope above. Jump onto the rope, and wait until it passes by again. Hold up to it cannot reach you. Once it goes left, passed you, drop down and continue through the tubes. If you get caught by the drone cats, the will grab you and punch you out of their cell. Of course, this leaves you vulnerable to the other cats in the cells it sends you to. Use the above technique to pass the two drone cats, and you will pick up 250 rounds doing so. Tip: Be careful, drone cats are not only confined to their cell. They may even go up to 1/4 of the way into the next cell. Continue right into the next area, which is open. Whip the things that look like snot. There should be two of them. Go right, and you should enter another section that contains 3 drone cats. Once you pass that, again using the technique above, another open area awaits you. Kill the 3 snot looking things as you climb up to the invisible ledge above right. The ledge contains some useful energy atoms and bullet rounds, just incase the drone cats posed a problem. Whip the shining object and you should receive some bullet rounds before you are taken into the tube above. Once you are in the tube above, go left into yet another open area with some more things that look like snot. ***1 Whip the snot things, and then whip the lever to "open". A hamster should come out. ***2 Tip: If you decide to go left instead of up before you go up into the tube that leads to the hamster, you will reach a dead end, as the lever will still be at "closed". Tip: When riding the hamster, hold R to make him bite continuously. Hop on the Hamster, and ride it left, eating the kittens along the way. Once the hamster reaches another open area, it will fling you off and return back to its hiding spot. In the middle of the area, jump up and you will be taken into a sea orb. Tip: To move the orb, press down A. To change directions, use left and right to move the position of the propellers. In the orb, first go left if you need some energy. Otherwise, go diagonal up- right, following the sea walls. Once you reach the end (where the wall is blocked at the right), go down and land the sea orb into the landing pod. You will automatically be brought into the area bellow. Tip: If you hit the orb too many times against the walls, it will shatter and you will lose a life. Go right to get the continue. Then, go right and jump in to the top tube, followed by whipping the two snots and jumping into another tube above you. Again, if you instead proceed right instead of jumping up into the last tube, you will reach a dead end. Left is another open area, with two snots awaiting you. Kill them, and then whip the lever. Continue right, passing the drone cats (2) and fall down the tube. Go right into another open area with energy. If you jump up, you will enter another sea orb. Go right, and then down to fuel up. Tip: To fuel up, line up the left side of your orb, where it looks like a stick is sticking out, and make it connect with the fuel stations on the wall. You should get 35 seconds worth of air. Continue down and left. Get the mega burst if you move right a bit, and then go onto the next fueling station. ***3 Follow the laid out path. When see the side of a tube, go down into the landing station. In the next area, you will have to get caught by the kitten to proceed. He will throw you right. Jump up into the tube. ***4 Once you get to the top, section one will be completed. Yay! No boss!!! SECRETS: ***1- Whip swing on the shiny object to receive a 100% suit power up. ***2- Go into the hamsters hiding spot to get 2 mega bursts. ***3- Go to the area right of the fueling station. Here will be another station, but if you go down you will get energy and shot bursts. ***4- While you're going up the tube, hold right to get a free life. =============================================================================== CODES =============================================================================== Warp to : What the Heck? - Pause the game and press select, R, B, Down, L, and B Down the Tubes - Pause the game and press Up, L, Down, A, R, A. Snot a Problem - Pause the game and press R, Up, select, L, R, and Left. Level 5 - Pause the game and press R, L, A, B, B, A, L, R For Pete's Sake- Pause the game and press R, L, R, L, A, R Buttville - Pause the game and press L, A, Up, R, A, R, A, and select. To skip the level you're on, press: R, B, A, L, L, A, R -----OTHER----- =============================================================================== HINTS/TIPS =============================================================================== - Try not to stay in the same place, especially when facing black ghosts: it is easier for enemies to get you that way. - Limit you shots. You need all you can get for most bosses. - Whipping is more efficient than shooting, but sometimes it can't be avoided. - Don't be afraid to jump into undiscovered territory, there will usually be something preventing you from falling. - When hanging on a rope, press up to pull yourself up and avoid getting hurt. MORE TO COME LATER! =============================================================================== ENEMIES =============================================================================== RAVEN Found: New Junk City Kill: One whip/ 50 shots Description: - Sweeps down towards you, doesn't mind if it just smashes into you. - Looks like a black crow. FIFI Found: New Junk City Kill: One whip/ 50 shots Description: - A rabid dog that is constantly moving. - Usually appears below you, so pull your self up on a chain to prevent getting bitten. BLACK GHOST Found: What the Heck? Kill: One whip/ 50 shots Description: - You can only see its outline, and the eyes. - Like the raven, it swoops down towards you, doesn't mind smashing into you. - Tries to bite you. Whip them at a distance, or if they are close, shoot them. LAWYER Found: What the Heck? Kill: Two whips/ One whip + 50 shots Description: - Looks like a lawyer. Walks quickly towards you. - Blocks all shots with his briefcase, so whip him so he throws it into the air. From there, proceed like normal. DRONE CAT Found: Down the Tubes Kill: N/A Description: - Looks like a cat with giant muscles. - You cannot kill them, so jump on the ropes above them, and then drop down once they passed you. KITTENS Found: Down the Tubes Kill: N/A Description: - Looks like a small, orange cat. - Just like drone cats, they cannot be killed. - However, you can kill them with the hamster. MORE TO COME! =============================================================================== BOSSES =============================================================================== _______________________ | | | Boss: Garbage Can Man | |_______________________| Difficulty: Moderate At first, the Garbage Can Man will stand at the right of the screen stomping on the ground. He will drop things systematically. In between the dropping objects, shoot him. Make sure you don't shoot too long, or else you will not have enough time to move out of the way from the dropping objects. After about 800 rounds, he will go into tank mode, going from right to left of the screen. When he approaches, jump over him and he will reach for you. During this time, try to shoot him as much as possible. When he reaches the right again, he will fire 3 anvils at you. Jump over each of them, while staying at the left of the screen. He will be defeated after 500 successful bullet rounds. Tip: Each time he hits you, you will receive 10% suit damage. Total, it takes about 1300 successful rounds to kill him, so go in prepared. _____________ | | | Boss: Chuck | |_____________| Difficulty: Easy At first, chuck will stand motionless at the right of the screen. A magnet will pass by periodically dropping objects. The objects you are looking for are boxes. Shoot the boxes onto the spring at the far right of the screen, from where they will bounce up and hit chuck. If you successfully hit Chuck, he will burp out green frogs at you. Stay at the left and jump over them. Once he is finished, about 6 frogs later, repeat the process. After three successful hits, he will start to move around. Do the same thing, except time yourself to that the boxes hit Chuck when he is at the right of the screen. 3 more hits and he will be dead. Tip: It takes 4 shot bursts to get the box onto the spring. Another way to dodge the frogs is to stay ducking directly underneath Chuck. Whip Chuck to make him do a farting noise with his armpit. _______________ | | | Boss: Snowman | |_______________| Difficulty: Moderate At first, you will not see any boss. The snowman will all of a sudden formulate under you. Jump out of the way and he will grow until he is full size. From there, he will spit out fireballs (you would think he would melt, wouldn't you?) so jump out of the way. To beat him, stand so that you are covering Evil the Cat way in the background, and when the snowman starts to form under you, jump left. This way, he will spit towards the right, the side with the most room, but you will be at the left, free to hit him. Whip him, and he should make a thumping sound and dissolve into the ground again. Tip: 4 seconds after he disappears, he will come back again. Use this information to time your jumps. After 9 or 10 whips, the snowman should be dead. ____________________ | | | Boss: Evil the Cat | |____________________| Difficulty: First Form: Easy Second Form: Moderate-Difficult At first, you will be without your suit: just regular old Jim as a worm. Evil will shoot fireballs, creating a wave beside you. Jump over the wave 10 times and you will go to Evil's second form. Jump into your suit. His second form is much harder. What you have to do is look carefully, make sure your GBA is well lit, and you will see a shadow come towards you. Shoot it, since whipping is too slow, and you will see Evil's ghost rise up with a number on it. This is how many more lives Evil has. After you hit him, two waves of fire will come. Jump easily over each. The difficulty of this match solely relies on the speed you need to catch Evil as he comes down towards you. After 9 lives (he's a cat) you will win. MORE BOSSES COMING SOON! =============================================================================== LEGAL =============================================================================== This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. Earthworm Jim Walkthrough GBA Copyright 2003 Simon Belmont