"""~"""~"""~"""~"""~"""~"""~"""~"""~"""~"""~"""~"""~"""~"""~"""~"""~"""~"""~""" ESPN International Winter Sports 2002 FAQ GBA 2002 Version: 1.0 released on the 15th of January 2007 Author: odino http://www.gamefaqs.com/features/recognition/47976.html This guide is EXCLUSIVELY available at GameFAQs. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- TABLE OF CONTENTS =============================================================================== 01.) Introduction | G0100 | 02.) Overview & Controls | G0200 | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 03.) Events | G0300 | Ski Jumping K=90 | G0310 | Ski Jumping K=120 | G0320 | Alpine Skiing Downhill | G0330 | Freestyle Skiing Moguls | G0340 | Short Track 500 | G0350 | Figure Skating | G0360 | Snowboarding G Slalom | G0370 | Snowboarding Halfpipe | G0380 | Biathlon | G0390 | Luge | G03A0 | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ZZ.) Credits & Thanks | GZZ00 | -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- =============================================================================== 01.) INTRODUCTION G0100 =============================================================================== Welcome to 'ESPN International Winter Sports 2002' for the GameBoy Advance, a Winter Olympics game released by Konami in 2002. Suggestions, comments or errors - email me about it. Enjoy! =============================================================================== 02.) OVERVIEW & CONTROLS G0200 =============================================================================== Basics: ``````` The game features ten events with different controls and style for each one. Check the Events sections for more detail. Winning a gold, silver and even bronze medal is recorded and displayed at several occasions, as well as the current world record. Modes: `````` Trial Mode: Here you can choose which event to play. After you finish once you may replay it, return to the Event Select or return to the Mode Select. Championship Mode: In the Championship you compete in all ten events which keeps a record of your overall score. It works like an Olympic Decathlon but made up for the Winter Olympics. Excite Mode: Connect your GBA with others and select an Event as well as the amount of medals will be given out. Option: Check the highest Rankings or clear the data to start a-fresh. =============================================================================== 03.) EVENTS G0300 =============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ski Jumping K=90 G0310 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- There are several parts to this game. First look at the wind meter in the top left corner. When the arrow points to the exact left, press and hold the L and R buttons. If you did it well you get the usual "Good". Now watch the jumper go down the slope until the end. The first dot on the white line at the bottom is where you jump off. Before you do, a jump gauge will come up. When the white bar reaches the very end of the bar, let go of the L and R buttons. If you do it too lately, the jumper sort of just plummets down within a few meters. So if you are not good at timing the release just let go earlier rather than too late. As you are in the air, tap the up and down buttons to keep the angle at 0 at all times. Slight taps will keep the jumper straight and fly really far. At the end of a jump you get a score. First score is for your distances. Some examples: 115.0m 110.0pts 113.0m 106.0pts 111.3m 102.6pts You also get judges points for your jump. These depend on your wind selection, the jump gauge as well as flying angle. If you did it well (i.e. "Good" on both) then you get up to 60 points added to the total score. You also get two attempts for a final score. Two good jumps should give you well over 300 points to score a gold medal and even beat the World Record. Scoring: ```````` . . 336.0 over 1560pts 334.0 over 1540pts 332.0 over 1520pts . . . 234.0 over 540pts 232.0 over 520pts 230.0 over 500pts ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ski Jumping K=120 G0320 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is very similar to the K-90 event, with some extra features. First look at the wind meter in the top left corner. When the arrow points to the exact left, press and hold the L and R buttons. If you did it well you get the usual "Good". Now watch the jumper go down the slope until the end. The first dot on the white line at the bottom is where you jump off. Before you do, a jump gauge will come up. When the white bar reaches the very end of the bar, let go of the L and R buttons. If you do it too lately, the jumper sort of just plummets down within a few meters. So if you are not good at timing the release just let go earlier rather than too late. As you are in the air, tap the up and down buttons to keep the angle at 0 at all times. Slight taps will keep the jumper straight and fly really far. Before you land, a landing gauge will pop up at the bottom. As with the take- off, try and get this as far to the end as possible for a perfect landing. If you miss this completely, the jumper will fall and cost a lot a judges points. You must get the landing into at least the light blue area or you also fall down. At the end of a jump you get a score. First score is for your distances. Some examples: 145.7m 106.2pts 132.8m 83.0pts You also get judges points for your jump. These depend on your wind selection, the jump gauge as well as flying angle. If you did it well (i.e. "Good" on both) then you get up to 60 points added to the total score. You also get two attempts for a final score. Two good jumps should give you well over 300 points to score a gold medal and even beat the World Record. Scoring: ```````` . 304.0 over 1340pts 302.0 over 1320pts 300.0 over 1300pts . . . 224.0 over 540pts 222.0 over 520pts 220.0 over 500pts ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Alpine Skiing Downhill G0330 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Turn left and right through the gates. Press and hold A to crouch which makes the guy faster but also more prone to missing gates. Missing one gate alone calls for disqualification. So if there are many bends you better step off the crouch button. The camera adds an effect that makes it seem like you are really going downhill. If you get past this then this isn't much different than an old racer game. Hitting the gates may not be a direct disqualification, however, it will cost a lot of speed and time. The same goes for hitting the sides of the track. For a great result, you should always be crouching when possible, get through corners well and never hit anything. Scoring: ```````` . . 0.44.90 under 1220 pts 0.45.00 under 1200 pts 0.45.10 under 1180 pts . . . 0.50.60 under 540 pts 0.50.40 under 520 pts 0.51.00 under 500 pts ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Freestyle Skiing Moguls G0340 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Turn with the L and R button. Make tricks with the d-pad as well as A and B buttons. As the event starts, the bar will bounce back from one side to the other. Hit the L or B button when it hits there and if you get it right it will flash yellow and go faster. This in turn fills the power bar up very quickly, increase your speed and improve your air time. There are three different scores from the judges. Turn points is the way you managed to bounce the bars from left to right. Air points is your trick, which depends on how fast you do the trick and how much power you had during it. The final time score is made up of the overall time it took you to finish the event. Good scores should be as close to 30 points. Scoring: ```````` . . 28.4 over 1320 pts 28.2 over 1300 pts 28.0 over 1300 pts . . . 20.4 over 540 pts 20.2 over 520 pts 20.0 over 500 pts ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Short Track 500 G0350 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is the most basic event - three rounds of button bashing. Simply keep hitting the 'A' button to be at top speed for the duration of the event. The faster your time, the better your score. Naturally you want to come home in first place at the same time, which a fast time will raise your chances of happening. You may do two fault starts but on the third one you are disqualified. Scoring: ```````` 0.24.30 under 1440pts 0.24.40 under 1420pts 0.24.50 under 1400pts . . . 0.31.20 under 540pts 0.31.40 under 520pts 0.31.60 under 500pts ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Figure Skating G0360 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you have ever played any of Konami's Beatmania then you will know what this event is about. Commands will move down at the left side and you require to hit the button when they are in their box. The miss counter on the right is like a threshold, in that once it is full the rest of the command on-screen will vanish as penalty. There are three music pieces to choose from, ranging from Easy to Hard. The highest difficulty levels have a higher maximum point range. Even a single miss is a big loss in points from the judges. You also cannot simply mash all buttons and hope they come along correctly, as the game keeps track of your failed attempts behind the scenes. It is quite hard to beat the gold medal for this event. Try to get a huge 'Perfect' Combo along with not missing any beats, then you might get a 10.00. Scoring: ```````` 10.00 over 1500pts 9.98 over 1480pts 9.96 over 1460pts . . . 9.04 over 540pts 9.02 over 520pts 9.00 over 500pts ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Snowboarding G Slalom G0370 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Turn with the right and left directions. Use the d-pad and the A button to edge. Edging slows down the boarder a lot, so only use it in tight bends and then only tap is if possible.. Usually you should try and steer around the gates with the directions only. Get as close to the gates as possible, but do not hit them or you slow down a lot. The same goes for running into the green fence. The world record is under 50 seconds. Do not pay attention to the first time comparison, as it is sheer impossible to beat it. Over the length of the course the time will be closer if you race well. When you set your own record then this will be more precise. Scoring: ```````` . . 0.52.80 under 780pts 0.53.00 under 760pts 0.53.20 under 740pts . . . 0.55.20 under 540pts 0.55.40 under 520pts 0.55.60 under 500pts ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Snowboarding Halfpipe G0380 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Select the trick with the A button, then perform the trick. Stop the cursor on the edge of the gauge to do better than your rivals. When you start the rider will automatically go up and down the halfpipe. On the second turn you see a small gauge. Select the one you wish to do with the A button. The small red bar is the highest point value trick. You will know if you hit it when the trick gives you a small video clip of the trick rather than just the animated jump from the main view. After you select the trick, input the command with the directional pad. If you miss the gauge or do not enter the trick correctly, the attempt fails. If you get all red tricks you will get 50 points. Scoring: ```````` 50.0 over 1500pts 49.8 over 1480pts 49.6 over 1460pts . . . 40.4 over 540pts 40.2 over 520pts 40.0 over 500pts ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Biathlon G0390 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Biathlon, as the name suggests, has two parts. One is skating and one is shooting. For skating, press and hold the A button and a directional key. Then release again. At the start you need to skate by holding down a direction button. When the bar reaches the red line, release it. Now immediately follow up with the other foot by using the A button. Continue doing so until you reach the next section. Filling up the power bar will greatly increase your speed through this part, often several seconds. When you get to the shooting range, use the A button to shoot. You have five bullets for each go, and there are three target booths. There is also a 10 second limit on each. To get the quickest result, get the 1st and 4th target, then the 5th and 2nd on the way back. Finally, get the middle one. This will finish up the booth within 5 seconds. Remember that your rifle is not machine gun and needs to reload after a shot, whether you hit or missed. There is a 1 minute penalty for each target you missed. It's quite easy to beat the high score, but may take a few attempts. Scoring: ```````` . . 1.09.20 under 780pts 1.09.40 under 760pts 1.09.60 under 740pts . . . 1.11.60 under 540pts 1.11.80 under 520pts 1.12.00 under 500pts ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Luge G03A0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bash the A button to accelerate, then turn with the left and right buttons. The aim is to always keep acceleration at max and turn with the bends. You should attempt not the hit the sides in those bends, as well as in the straight line or you lose speed which takes some time to get back. Fortunately all bends come with an arrow as warning. If you turn into a bend too harshly you may tip over and be disqualified. If you keep top speed and never touch any walls you might even beat a time below 50 seconds. Scoring: ```````` 0.54.00 under 1700pts 0.51.10 under 16800ts 0.51.20 under 1600pts . . . 1.02.20 under 540pts 1.02.40 under 520pts 1.02.60 under 500pts =============================================================================== ZZ.) CREDITS & THANKS GZZ00 =============================================================================== GameFAQs for hosting this file. Konami for this game. ¯¯¯¯¯¯ All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders. This guide may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. ,,, (o o) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=oOOo-(_)-oOOo-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=