Wrecking Crew Prizebomb and 1-Up FAQ Ronald BG. version 1.01 October 29, 2006 1 Table of contents ---------------------- 1 Table of contents 2 Preface 3 FAQ information 3.1 Technical details 3.2 Revision history 4 Prizebomb 4.1 How does prizebomb work? 4.2 Example (phase 4) 5 1-up 5.1 How does 1-up work? 6 Maps of prizebombs and 1-ups 6.1 Conventions 6.2 The maps 7 Miscellaneous notes 8 Acknowledgements and copyright 2 Preface ------------ This in-depth FAQ is intended to cover two [puzzling, in my opinion] things in Wrecking Crew: prizebombs and 1-ups. It is hoped that this FAQ will bring readers better understanding on the workings of prizebombs and 1-ups. Because this is an in-depth FAQ, it is expected that readers have sufficient basic knowledge on the operation of the game. 3 FAQ information -------------------- 3.1 Technical details ---------------------- FAQ version : 1.01 FAQ size : 96,509 bytes 3.2 Revision history --------------------- Version 1.01 (October 28, 2006) - Section 6.1: Updated conventions used to describe the maps. - Section 6.2: Added the location of remaining prizebombs and letters in incomplete phases (marked by "yes, partial" or "likely not" in the previous version of this FAQ). The maps now should contain the location of all the prizebombs and letters in the game. - Miscellaneous minor revisions Version 1.0 (October 21, 2006) - Initial release 4 Prizebomb -------------- In Wrecking Crew, a prizebomb is a special bomb, hidden in most phases that, when detonated third, will cause a special prize to appear (hence prizebomb). 4.1 How does prizebomb work? ----------------------------- When a prizebomb is detonated third (i.e., after we have detonated two other bombs since the [re]start of the phase), a prize will appear (in place of the detonated prizebomb). To determine which prize will appear, we must first calculate x using the following equation: x = (s + p - 1) modulo 8, where: x is the number to be matched with the prize (0 <= x < 8) s is the number of hammer swings since the [re]start of phase (s >= 0) p is the phase number (1 <= p <= 100) After calculating x, the prize is determined by matching x with the prize using the following table: ================================= | x | prize | points | ================================= | 0 | golden hammer | 3,200 | | 1 | Santa Claus doll | 1,600 | | 2 | yellow doll | 800 | | 3 | white doll | 3,200 | | 4 | Santa Claus doll | 1,600 | | 5 | yellow doll | 800 | | 6 | white doll | 3,200 | | 7 | yellow doll | 800 | ================================= Finally, because we have to detonate three bombs in order to get the prize, we can safely say that, if there are fewer than three bombs in a phase, there will be no prizebomb in that phase, since no bomb can be detonated third. 4.2 Example (phase 4) ---------------------- Map of phase 4: ___________ ______________/ Phase 4 \_______________ <=> o^|2||"| <=> --- --------- --- <=> 'T''T''T' <=> --- ------------------------------ --- <=> o^|3||A||3| o^|3||3||3| o^|-| <=> --- ------------------------------ --- <=> |-| <=> --- --- --- <=> |-| o^|M||2||2||I||2| !^ <=> --- ------------------------ --- <=> |-| <=> --- --- --- <=> |O||R| o^|"||"||"||-| <=> --- --------------------- --- <=> |-| <=> ------------------------------------------ In phase 4, the prizebomb (!^) is the right bomb on the 4th floor. For this example, suppose we wanted a golden hammer as the prize. Because we wanted a golden hammer in phase 4, we assign 0 (golden hammer) to x (prize number), and 4 (phase 4) to p (phase number). After assigning the numbers, we solve the equation to get the number of hammer swings (s) required before we detonate the prizebomb third. x = (s + p - 1) modulo 8 0 = (s + 4 - 1) modulo 8 0 = (s + 3) modulo 8 s = 5, 13, 21, ... According to the above, we are given possibilities to detonate the prizebomb third, either after Mario's fifth, thirteenth, twenty first, etc. hammer swing. In this example, we decide to detonate the bomb after Mario's fifth hammer swing (s = 5), so we do the following (for example): ========================================================================= | Action | s | b | ========================================================================= | Starting phase 4. | 0 | 0 | ------------------------------------------------------------------------- | *Hit* the bomb (o^) on the 2nd floor, causing ... | 1 | 0 | | the bomb to be *detonated*, and walls (|"|) around the bomb | 1 | 1 | | to be destroyed. | | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------- | *Swing* the hammer three times, taking care not to detonate | | | | any bomb. (after the 1st *swing*) | 2 | 1 | | (after the 2nd *swing*) | 3 | 1 | | (after the 3rd *swing*) | 4 | 1 | ------------------------------------------------------------------------- | *Hit* the left bomb on the 4th floor, causing ... | 5 | 1 | | the left bomb to be *detonated*, white bricks (|2|) around | 5 | 2 | | the bomb to be destroyed, and ... | | | | the prizebomb (!^) to be *detonated*. | 5 | 3 | ========================================================================= NOTE: In the table above, the "b" column represents the number of bombs detonated since the [re]start of the phase. Because we detonated the prizebomb third, a prize should appear in place of the detonated prizebomb. Which prize will appear is calculated using the equation, then matched with the prize using the table: x = (s + p - 1) modulo 8 x = (5 + 4 - 1) modulo 8 x = 8 modulo 8 x = 0 Because x = 0, the prize would be a golden hammer. 5 1-up --------- In Wrecking Crew, in certain phases, we can obtain 1-up by destroying certain walls and bricks in certain order, so that the letters M, A, R, I, and O (or L, U, the "first" I, G, and the "second" I, if playing as Luigi [note1]) will appear in place of destroyed walls and bricks (we will obtain 1-up after the last letter appeared). 5.1 How does 1-up work? ------------------------ In certain phases, there hidden letters M, A, R, I, and O (or L, U, the "first" I, G, and the "second" I, if playing as Luigi [note1]) behind certain walls and bricks (but not behind white ladders, pillars, and bombs). If we reveal the letters (by destroying the walls and bricks with letters) in the correct order (M, A, R, I, then O), we will get a 1-up bonus, that is: * If we reveal the correct letter (e.g., if we destroyed the door (or brick) with letter A, after destroying the door (or brick) with letter M), the letter will appear in place of the destroyed door (or brick) and a sound will play. * However, if we reveal the incorrect letter (e.g., if we destroyed the door (or brick) with either letter R, I, or O, after destroying the door (or brick) with letter M), the letter won't appear in place of the destroyed door (or brick), no sound will play, and no further letters will appear until we restart the phase. * After correctly revealing the last letter (O), a different sound will play, and we will get a 1-up bonus. To be more elaborate: * If we reveal M, A, R, I, and O (in that order), all letters will appear and we will get the 1-up bonus * If we reveal O after revealing M, A, and R (in that order), only M, A, and R will appear and we won't get the 1-up bonus * If we reveal either I or O after revealing M and A (in that order), only M and A will appear and we won't get the 1-up bonus * If we reveal either R, I, or O after revealing M, only M will appear and we won't get the 1-up bonus * If we reveal either A, R, I, or O before revealing any letter, no letter will appear and we won't get the 1-up bonus Finally, because we have to destroy five walls and bricks to get all the five letters, we can safely say that, in order for a phase to have letters hidden behind certain walls and bricks, the stage must have at least five walls and bricks combined. 6 Maps of prizebombs and 1-ups --------------------------------- 6.1 Conventions ---------------- Before going on to the maps, I would first explain some conventions and legends which will be used throughout section 6.2. Conventions used in explaining the existence of prizebombs and 1-ups: ====================================================================== * "yes" means that there is a prizebomb (or 1-up) in the phase that could be obtained, at least in no-enemy situation, without having to "hack" the game to "teleport" Mario to the location of the prizebomb (or 1-up) in the phase. Basically, this means that the prizebomb (or 1-up) is legally reachable (and obtainable). * "no" means that there is no prizebomb (or 1-up) in the phase. * "yes, with hacking" means that there is a prizebomb (or 1-up) in the phase that could only be obtained by "hacking" the game to "teleport" Mario to the location of the prizebomb (or 1-up), and possibly only in no-enemy situation. Basically, this means that the prizebomb (or 1-up) is legally unreachable (and unobtainable), and usually indicative of phase design error or bug in the game (see [note2] for details on the bug). Map legends: ============= <=> : wrap-arounds --- : floors |-| : ladders |"| : white walls |M|, |A|, |R|, |I|, |O| : walls/bricks with letters |2| : white bricks |3| : gray bricks |=| : white ladders o^ : bombs !^ : prizebombs [@] : doors 'T' : pillars [#] : drums 6.2 The maps ------------- Phase 1 ======== Prizebomb : no 1-up : yes ___________ ______________/ Phase 1 \_______________ <=> <=> --- --- <=> <=> --- --- <=> <=> --- --- <=>|"||"| |"||"||"|<=> --------- --------------- <=> |=| |O||I||"||-| |=| <=> --- --- --------------- --- --- <=> |=||R||M| o^ |-| |-| |=| <=> --- ------------ --- --- --- --- <=> |-| |-| |-||A||=| <=> --- --- --- --------- --- <=> |-| [@]|-| |-| <=> ------------------------------------------ Phase 2 ======== Prizebomb : no 1-up : no ___________ ______________/ Phase 2 \_______________ <=> <=> --- --------- --- <=> |"| |-| |=|<=> --- --- --- ------ <=> |"| |-||=| |=|<=> --- --- --------------- <=> |-||=| o^|=|<=> --- --------------- <=> |2| [#][#] |-| <=> --- --- ------ --- --- <=> |-| <=> --- --- --- <=> |3| |-| <=> --- --- --- --- <=> [@] |-| [@] <=> ------------------------------------------ Phase 3 ======== Prizebomb : no 1-up : yes, with hacking ___________ ______________/ Phase 3 \_______________ <=>[@]|"||"||R| |"||"||A|[@]<=> --------------- --------------- <=> |-|[#] |-| [#] <=> --- --------- --------- --- <=> |"|[@]|"| <=> --- --------- --- <=>[@]|O||"||"| |M||"||"|[@]<=> --------------- --------------- <=> <=> --- --- <=> |"|[@]|"| <=> --- --------- --- <=>[@]|"||"||"| |I||"||"|[@]<=> --------------- --------------- <=> <=> ------------------------------------------ Phase 4 ======== Prizebomb : yes 1-up : yes ___________ ______________/ Phase 4 \_______________ <=> o^|2||"| <=> --- --------- --- <=> 'T''T''T' <=> --- ------------------------------ --- <=> o^|3||A||3| o^|3||3||3| o^|-| <=> --- ------------------------------ --- <=> |-| <=> --- --- --- <=> |-| o^|M||2||2||I||2| !^ <=> --- ------------------------ --- <=> |-| <=> --- --- --- <=> |O||R| o^|"||"||"||-| <=> --- --------------------- --- <=> |-| <=> ------------------------------------------ Phase 5 ======== Prizebomb : no 1-up : no ___________ ______________/ Phase 5 \_______________ <=> <=> --- --- <=> [#]<=> --- ------ <=> [#]<=> --- --- --- --- --- --- ------ <=> |=| |=| |=| |=| |=| [#]<=> --- --- --- --- --- --- ------ <=> |=| |=| |=| |=| |=| [#]<=> --- --- --- --- --- --- ------ <=> |=| |=| |=| |=| |=| [#]<=> --- --- --- --- --- --- ------ <=> |=| |=| |=| |=| |=| [#]<=> --- --- --- --- --- --- ------ <=> |=| |=| |=| |=| |=| [#]<=> ------------------------------------------ Phase 6 ======== Prizebomb : yes 1-up : yes ___________ ______________/ Phase 6 \_______________ <=>|"||"||"||"||"||=| o^|=||"||I||A||O|<=> ------------------------------------------ <=>|-| |=| |=| |-|<=> ------ --------- ------ <=>|-| |=| |=| |-|<=> ------ --------- ------ <=>|-||"||"||"||"||=||"||=||"||"||"||-|<=> ------------------------------------------ <=>|-| !^ |=|[#]|=| o^|-|<=> --------- --------- --------- <=>|-||R||"||M||"||=|'T'|=||"||"||"||-|<=> ------------------------------------------ <=>|-| |=| |=| |-|<=> ------ --- --- ------ <=>|-| o^ |=| |=| o^|-|<=> ------------------------------------------ Phase 7 ======== Prizebomb : no 1-up : no ___________ ______________/ Phase 7 \_______________ <=> [#]|"||"|[#] <=> --- ------------------ --- <=> |=||=| <=> --- ------ --- <=> |=||=| <=> --- ------ --- <=> |=||=| <=> --- ------ --- <=> |=||=| <=> --- ------ --- <=> |=||=| <=> --- ------ --- <=> |=||=| <=> --- ------ --- <=> o^|=||=| o^ <=> ------------------------------------------ Phase 8 ======== Prizebomb : no 1-up : no ___________ ______________/ Phase 8 \_______________ <=> <=> ------------------ ------------------ <=>|=| |=|<=> ------------------ ------------------ <=> |=| |=| <=> ------------------ ------------------ <=> |=| |=| <=> ------------------ ------------------ <=> |=| |=| <=> ------------------ ------------------ <=> |=| |=| <=> ------------------ ------------------ <=> |=| |=| <=> ------------------ ------------------ <=>|=| |=|<=> ------------------------------------------ Phase 9 ======== Prizebomb : yes 1-up : yes ___________ ______________/ Phase 9 \_______________ <=> [#] [#] <=> --- --- --- --- <=> 'T' 'T' <=> --- ------------------------ --- <=> |=| |=| <=> --- --- --- --- <=> |"||=| o^|"||"||"||A| o^|=||R| <=> --- ------------------------------ --- <=> |=| |=| <=> --- --- --- --- <=>|"||=||"||"||"| o^ o^|"||"||"||=||"|<=> ------------------------------------------ <=>|=| |=|<=> ------ ------ <=>|=||"||M||I| o^ !^|"||"||O||=|<=> ------------------------------------------ Phase 10 ========= Prizebomb : yes 1-up : yes ___________ ______________/ Phase 10 \_______________ <=> o^|"||"||"||"||M| o^ |R| <=> --- --------------------- --- --- <=> |=| |-| [#]<=> --- --- ------ ------ <=> |=|[#]|"||"||"| [#] |"| !^'T'<=> --- --------------------- ------------ <=> |=| 'T''T''T' o^ |-| <=> --- --- ------------ --------- --- <=> |=| |=| |=| <=> --- --- ------------ --- <=> |=| |=| |A| <=> --- --- --- ------ --- <=> |=| o^ |O||=| |I| o^|=| <=> --- ------ ------ --------- ------ <=>|-| |-| |-|[#]|=| [#]<=> ------------------------------------------ Phase 11 ========= Prizebomb : no 1-up : yes, with hacking ___________ ______________/ Phase 11 \_______________ <=>|"||O||I| |"||"||"|<=> --------------- --------------- <=> |"||"| |"||"| <=> --- ------ ------ --- <=> |=||"| |"||=| <=> --- ------ ------ --- <=> |=||"||"||"||R||A||"||"||"||=| <=> --- ------------------------------ --- <=> |"||"| |"||"| <=> --- ------ ------ --- <=> |"||=| |=||"| <=> --- ------ ------ --- <=> |"||=| |=||"| <=> --- ------ ------ --- <=>|"||=||M||"| |"||"||=||"|<=> ------------------------------------------ Phase 12 ========= Prizebomb : no 1-up : yes, with hacking ___________ ______________/ Phase 12 \_______________ <=> |"|[#][#][#][#]|"| <=> --- ------------------ --- <=>|3|[#][#]'T' o^'T''T' o^'T'[#][#]|3|<=> ------------------------------------------ <=>|"|[#]|"||-||"| |R||-||"|[#]|-|<=> ------------------------------------------ <=>|-|[#]|-||"||"||"||"||"||"||-|[#]|"|<=> ------------------------------------------ <=>|A|[#]|-||M||I||"| |"||"||-|[#]|-|<=> ------------------------------------------ <=>|-|[#]|"||"||"||"||"||"||"||"|[#] <=> ------------------------------------------ <=>|-||=|[#] [#]|-|[#]'T''T'<=> ------------ ------------------ <=>|-|'T''T'[#]|O||"||"||"||-||"|[#][#]<=> ------------------------------------------ Phase 13 ========= Prizebomb : yes 1-up : yes ___________ ______________/ Phase 13 \_______________ <=>|3| |3|<=> ------ ------ ------ <=>'T'|"||"||A||"||"||"||"||"||O||M|'T'<=> ------------------------------------------ <=>|=| [#][#] |=|<=> ------ ------ ------ <=>|=||"||"||"| o^'T''T' o^|"||"||R||=|<=> ------------------------------------------ <=>|=| |=|<=> ------ ------ <=>|=||I||"||"||"| !^ o^|"||"||"||"||=|<=> ------------------------------------------ <=>|=| |=|<=> ------ ------ <=>|=| |=|<=> ------------------------------------------ Phase 14 ========= Prizebomb : no 1-up : no ___________ ______________/ Phase 14 \_______________ <=> |=||=||=||=||=||=| <=> --- --------------------------- --- <=> |=||=||-||-||-||-||-||-||=||=| <=> ------------------------------------------ <=>|=||=||-||=||=||=||=||=||=||-||=||=|<=> ------------------------------------------ <=>|=||-||=||-||-||-||-||-||-||=||-||=|<=> ------------------------------------------ <=> |=||-||=||=||=||=||=||=||-||=| <=> ------------------------------------------ <=> |=||-||-||-||-||-||-||=| <=> --- ------------------------ --- <=> |=||=||=||=||=||=| <=> --- ------------------ --- <=> <=> ------------------------------------------ Phase 15 ========= Prizebomb : yes 1-up : yes ___________ ______________/ Phase 15 \_______________ <=> <=> --- --------------------- <=> |R| |-|<=> --- --- ------ <=> |I|'T' o^ |-|<=> --- --- --------- --- ------ <=> |"|'T'|"|'T' !^ |-|<=> --- --------------- ------ <=> |"|'T'|"|'T'|A|'T' o^ |-|<=> --- --------------------- ------ <=> |"|'T'|M|'T'|"|'T'|"|'T' o^ |-|<=> --- --------------------------- ------ <=>|"|'T'|"|'T'|"|'T'|"|'T'|O|'T' o^|-|<=> ------------------------------------------ <=> |-|<=> ------------------------------------------ Phase 16 ========= Prizebomb : yes 1-up : yes ___________ ______________/ Phase 16 \_______________ <=> <=> --------- --------- <=>|M||-| |-||A|<=> ------------ ------------ <=>|"||"||-| |-||"||I|<=> --------------- --------------- <=> |"||"||-| |-||"||"| <=> --- ------------ ------------ --- <=> |"||"||-| o^ o^|-||"||O| <=> --- ------------------------ --- <=> |R||"||-||-||"||"| <=> ------------------------------------------ <=>|-| o^ !^|-|<=> --------- --------- <=> o^|-| |-| o^<=> ------------------------------------------ Phase 17 ========= Prizebomb : no 1-up : yes, with hacking ___________ ______________/ Phase 17 \_______________ <=> [#] |A||"||"||I| [#]|"|<=> --------- ------------ --------- <=>|-|[#] 'T''T''T''T' [#] <=> --------- --------------- --------- <=> [#] |-| [#]|-|<=> --------- --- --------- <=>|-|[#] |"||"||R||M||"||-| [#] <=> --------- ------------------ --------- <=> [#] |-| [#]|-|<=> --------- --- --------- <=>|-| |"||"||"||"||-||"||"||O| <=> ------ --------------------------------- <=> |-| |-|[#]<=> --------- --- --------- <=> [#] 'T'[#]|-| <=> ------------------------------------------ Phase 18 ========= Prizebomb : no 1-up : yes ___________ ______________/ Phase 18 \_______________ <=> |R||O| <=> --- ------ --- <=> |=||=| <=> --- ------ --- <=> o^|I||A||M||"||=||=||"||"||"||"| o^<=> ------------------------------------------ <=> |=||=| <=> --- ------------ --- <=> |=||=| |=||=| <=> --- ------ ------ --- <=> |=||=| |=||=| <=> --- ------ ------ ------ --- <=> |=||=| [#][#] |=||=| <=> --- ------ ------------ ------ --- <=>|=||=| [#] [#] |=||=|<=> ------------------------------------------ Phase 19 ========= Prizebomb : no 1-up : yes ___________ ______________/ Phase 19 \_______________ <=> |A||3||3||3| |3||I||3||3||3| <=> --- ------------------------------ --- <=> |-||3||O||3||3||3||3||3||3||-| <=> --- ------------------------------ --- <=> |-||-||3||3||M||3||3||3||-||-| <=> --- ------------------------------ --- <=> |-||-||-| |3||3| |-||-||-| <=> --- ------------------------------ --- <=> |-||-||-||3||3||R||3||-||-||-| <=> --- ------------------------------ --- <=> |-||-||-||3||3||3||3||-||-||-| <=> --- ------------------------------ --- <=> |-||-||3||3||3| |3||3||-||-| <=> ------------------------------------------ <=>[#] [#]<=> ------------------------------------------ Phase 20 ========= Prizebomb : no 1-up : yes ___________ ______________/ Phase 20 \_______________ <=> |R||"||I||A| <=> --- ------------ --- <=> |"||-| |"||-| <=> --- ------ ------ --- <=> |"||-| |"||-| <=> --- ------ ------ --- <=> |M||-| |"||-| <=> --- ------ ------ --- <=> |"||-| |"||-| <=> --- ------ ------ --- <=> |"||-| |"||-| <=> --- ------ ------ --- <=>|"||-| |O||-| <=> --------- ------ --------- <=>|-| |-| <=> ------------------------------------------ Phase 21 ========= Prizebomb : yes 1-up : no ___________ ______________/ Phase 21 \_______________ <=> o^ o^ [#] |=||=||=|[#]<=> --- --------- --------------------- <=> |-| [#]|=||=||=||=|[#]<=> --- ------ --------------------- <=> [#]|=||=||=||=|[#]<=> ------ --------------------- <=>|-| o^[#]|=||=||=||=| <=> ------ ------------------ --- <=>|-| [#]|=||=||=||=|[#]<=> ------ --------------------- <=>|-| [@] <=> ------ --------- <=> |-| <=> --- --- --- <=>[#] [#] !^ |-|[#]<=> ------------------------------------------ Phase 22 ========= Prizebomb : yes 1-up : no ___________ ______________/ Phase 22 \_______________ <=> <=> --- ------------------------------------ <=> |=| |=| |=| |=|<=> ------ --- --- --- ------ <=>|=| !^<=> ------ ------ <=> o^ |=| |=| |=| |=|<=> ------ --- --- --- ------ <=>|=| o^<=> ------ ------ <=> o^ |=| |=| |=|<=> ------ --- --- ------ <=>|=| o^<=> ------ ------ <=> o^ o^ o^ o^ |=|<=> ------------------------------------------ Phase 23 ========= Prizebomb : no 1-up : yes ___________ ______________/ Phase 23 \_______________ <=> |3||3| <=> ------------------------------------------ <=> |-||-| <=> --- ------ --- <=> |-||-| <=> ------ ------------ ------ <=> |I||-||-||2| <=> --- ------------ --- <=> |"||"||-||-||"||"| <=> --- ------------------ --- <=> |2||2||2||-||-||2||2||O| <=> --- ------------------------ --- <=> |R||"||"||"||-||-||"||"||"||"| <=> --- ------------------------------ --- <=>|2||2||A||M| o^|-||-| o^|2||2||2||2|<=> ------------------------------------------ Phase 24 ========= Prizebomb : no 1-up : yes ___________ ______________/ Phase 24 \_______________ <=>|=| |=| |=| |=| |=| |=| <=> ------------------------------------------ <=>|=||"||"||"||"||"||O||R||M||A||"||"|<=> ------------------------------------------ <=>|=| |=| |=| |=| |=| |=| <=> ------ --- --- --- --- --- --- <=>|=||"||"||"||"||"||"||"||"||"||"||"|<=> ------------------------------------------ <=>|=| |=| |=| |=| |=| |=| <=> ------ --- --- --- --- --- --- <=>|=||"||"||"||"||"||"||I||"||"||"||"|<=> ------------------------------------------ <=>|=| |=| |=| |=| |=| |=| <=> ------ --- --- --- --- --- --- <=>|=||"||"||"||"||"||"||"||"||"||"||"|<=> ------------------------------------------ Phase 25 ========= Prizebomb : no 1-up : no ___________ ______________/ Phase 25 \_______________ <=> |=||=| |=||=| <=> ------------------ ------------------ <=>|=| |=|<=> ------ ------ <=>|=| |=||=||=||=||=||=||=||=| |=|<=> ------ ------------------------ ------ <=>|=| |=| |=| |=|<=> ------ --- --- --- ------ <=>|=| |=| |=| |=|<=> ------ --- --- ------ <=>|=| |=||=||=||=||=||=||=||=| |=|<=> ------ ------------------------ ------ <=>|=| |=|<=> ------ ------ <=>|=||=||=||=||=||=||=||=||=||=||=||=|<=> ------------------------------------------ Phase 26 ========= Prizebomb : no 1-up : yes ___________ ______________/ Phase 26 \_______________ <=> |"||"||"||"||"||"| <=> --- ------------------------ --- <=> |-||"||"||"||"||"||"||"| |-| <=> ------------------------------ --- --- <=> |-| |"||"||"||"||"||O||R||-| <=> --- --- ------------------------------ <=> |-||"||M||"||"||"||"||"| |-| <=> ------------------------------ --- --- <=> |-| |"||"||"||"||"||A||"||-| <=> --- --- ------------------------------ <=> |-||"||"||"||"||"||"||"| |-| <=> ------------------------------ --- --- <=> |-| |"||"||"||"||I||"||"||-| <=> --- --- ------------------------------ <=> |-||"||"||"||"||"||"||"| |-| <=> ------------------------------------------ Phase 27 ========= Prizebomb : no 1-up : no ___________ ______________/ Phase 27 \_______________ <=> |=||=||=||=||=||=||=||=||=||=| <=> ------------------------------------------ <=>|=|[#][#][#][#][#][#]|=||=||=||=||=|<=> ------------------------------------------ <=>|=|[#][#][#][#][#][#][@][@][@]|=||=|<=> ------------------------------------------ <=>|=|[#][#][#][#][#][#]|"||"|[@]|=||=|<=> ------------------------------------------ <=>|=|[#][#][#][#][#][#][@][@][@]|=||=|<=> ------------------------------------------ <=>|=|[#][#][#][#][#][#]|=||=||=||=||=|<=> ------------------------------------------ <=>|=||=|[#][#][#][#] |=||=||=||=||=|<=> --------------------- ------------------ <=>|=||=||=||=||=||=| |=||=||=||=||=|<=> ------------------------------------------ Phase 28 ========= Prizebomb : no 1-up : yes ___________ ______________/ Phase 28 \_______________ <=> |"||"||"||"||"|<=> --- ------------------ <=> |"||"||"||"||"||=|<=> --- --------------------- <=> |I||"||"||"||"||"||=|<=> --- ------------------------ <=> |"||"||"||"||"||"||"||=|<=> --- --------------------------- <=> |"||"||"||"||"||"||"||O||=|<=> --- ------------------------------ <=> |M||"||"||"||"||"||"||"||"||=|<=> --- --------------------------------- <=> |"||"||"||R||A||"||"||"||"||"||=|<=> --- ------------------------------------ <=> |=|<=> ------------------------------------------ Phase 29 ========= Prizebomb : no 1-up : yes ___________ ______________/ Phase 29 \_______________ <=>|"||"||"||"||"| |O||"||"||"||"|<=> ------------------ ------------------ <=>|=| [#] |"||"| [#] |=|<=> ------ ------ ------ --------------- <=>|=| |"| |"| |=|<=> ------ --- --- ------ <=>|=| |A| |"||"| |"| |=|<=> ------ --- ------ --- ------ <=>|=| |"| |"| |"| |"| |=|<=> ------ --- --- --- --- ------ <=>|=| |"| |"||M| |"| |=|<=> ------ --- ------ --- ------ <=>|=| |"| |R| |"| |I| |=|<=> ------ --- --- --- --- ------ <=>|=| |=|<=> ------------------------------------------ Phase 30 ========= Prizebomb : no 1-up : yes ___________ ______________/ Phase 30 \_______________ <=>|"||"||"||"||"||"||"||"||O||"||"||"|<=> ------------------------------------------ <=>|-| |-||-| |-|<=> ------ ------ ------ <=>|-| [#]|"||"||"|[#] |-|<=> --------- --------------- --------- <=>|-| |-||-| |-|<=> ------ ------ ------ <=>|-| [#]|I||"||"|[#] |-|<=> --------- --------------- --------- <=>|-| |-||-| |-|<=> ------ ------ ------ <=>|-|[#]|"||M||R|[#][#]|"||"||A|[#]|-|<=> ------------------------------------------ <=>|-|'T' |-| 'T''T' |-| 'T'|-|<=> ------------------------------------------ Phase 31 ========= Prizebomb : yes 1-up : yes, with hacking ___________ ______________/ Phase 31 \_______________ <=>[#] [#] [#] [#]<=> ------ --- --- ------ <=>[#] [#]|"||I||"||"||"||"|[#] [#]<=> ------------------------------------------ <=> o^'T''T''T''T''T''T''T''T''T''T' o^<=> ------------------------------------------ <=>|"||-||"||O||-||"||"||-||"||"||-||"|<=> ------------------------------------------ <=>|-||M||"|[#]|"|[#][#][#][#][#][#]|-|<=> ------------------------------------------ <=>|R|[#]|-||"|'T''T''T''T''T''T''T' !^<=> ------------------------------------------ <=>|-|[#]|A|[#][#][#][#][#][#]|"||"||"|<=> ------------------------------------------ <=>|-||"|'T''T''T''T''T''T''T' o^ <=> ------------------------------------------ Phase 32 ========= Prizebomb : no 1-up : yes ___________ ______________/ Phase 32 \_______________ <=> |I||R||M|[#]<=> --- --- --------------- <=> |=|[#] <=> --- ------ --- <=> |=|[#] <=> --- ------ --- <=> |=|[#] <=> --- ------ --- <=>[#]|A||"||"||O| |=|[#] <=> ------------------ --------- --- <=> [#]|=| |=|[#] <=> --- --------- --------- --- <=> [#]|=| |=|[#] <=> --- ------------------ --- <=> [#]|=||=|[#] <=> ------------------------------------------ Phase 33 ========= Prizebomb : no 1-up : yes ___________ ______________/ Phase 33 \_______________ <=>|O||M||"||"||"||"||"||"||"|[#] <=> --------------------------------- --- <=>|-| 'T' o^ <=> ------ ------------ <=> |2||2||R||2||2||2||2||2||2|'T'|-|<=> --- ------------------------------------ <=> |-| |"||I||A||"|<=> --------- ------ --------------- <=>|-| <=> ------------------------------------------ <=> [#]|-|<=> ------ --------- <=>|-||3||"||"||"||"||"||"||"|[#] <=> --------------------------------- ------ <=>|-| |"|[#]|"| |-|<=> ------------------------------------------ Phase 34 ========= Prizebomb : yes 1-up : yes ___________ ______________/ Phase 34 \_______________ <=> [#][#][#][#]|"||"|[#][#][#][#] <=> --- ------------------------------ --- <=> o^'T''T''T''T''T''T''T''T''T''T' o^<=> ------------------------------------------ <=> o^|2||O| o^|3||M||3| o^|3||3| o^|-|<=> ------------------------------------------ <=>|-| o^|3||3| o^|3||3||3| o^|2||2| o^<=> ------------------------------------------ <=> o^|2||2| o^|3||R||3| o^|3||3| o^|-|<=> ------------------------------------------ <=>|-| o^|3||I| o^|3||3||3| o^|2||2| o^<=> ------------------------------------------ <=> o^|2||A| !^|3||3||3| o^|3||3| o^|-|<=> ------------------------------------------ <=>|-|[#] o^[@] <=> ------------------------------------------ Phase 35 ========= Prizebomb : no 1-up : no ___________ ______________/ Phase 35 \_______________ <=> |"| |"| <=> --- --- --- --- --- <=>|-| |-| |"| |-| <=> ------ --- --- ------ --- --- <=>|-| |-| |-| |-| <=> --------- --- --- --- --- <=>|-| |"| |-| |-| |-| <=> ------ --- --- --- --- --- <=>|-| |-| |-| |-| |-| <=> ------ --- --- --- --------- <=>|-| |-| |-| |-| |-| <=> ------ --- --- --- --- --- <=>|-| |-| |-| |"| |-| |-| <=> ------ --- --- --- --- --- --- <=>|-| |-| |-| |-| |-| |-| <=> ------------------------------------------ Phase 36 ========= Prizebomb : yes 1-up : yes ___________ ______________/ Phase 36 \_______________ <=> |=||=| <=> --- ------------ --- <=>|=||=||=||=||=||=||=||=||=||=||=||=|<=> ------------------------------------------ <=>|=||=| |=||=| |=||=|<=> --------- ------ --------- <=>|=||=| |=||=| |=||=|<=> ------------------------------------------ <=>|=||=||=||=||=||=||=||=||=||=||=||=|<=> ------------------------------------------ <=> |=||=| <=> --- ------ --- <=> |=||=| <=> --- ------ --- <=> o^ o^|A||I||"||"||M||O||"||R| !^ o^<=> ------------------------------------------ Phase 37 ========= Prizebomb : no 1-up : yes ___________ ______________/ Phase 37 \_______________ <=>|M||R||"||A||"||I||"||"||"||"||"||"|<=> ------------------------------------------ <=> |=|[#] <=> --- ------ ------ <=> |-|'T' <=> --- ------ --- --- <=> |-|[#]|O||2||2||2||2||2|[#] <=> --- --------------------------- --- <=> |-|'T' <=> --- ------ --- --- <=> |=|[#] <=> --- ------ --- <=> |=|'T' <=> ------------ --- <=> o^|=| <=> ------------------------------------------ Phase 38 ========= Prizebomb : no 1-up : no ___________ ______________/ Phase 38 \_______________ <=> |=||=||=| |=||=||=||=||=||=|<=> --- --------- --------------------- <=> |=||=| |=||=| |=||=||=||=||=|<=> --- ------ ------ ------------------ <=>|=||=| |=| |=||=| |=||=||=||=|<=> --------- --- ------ --------------- <=>|=| |=||=||=| |=||=| |=||=||=|<=> ------ --------- ------ ------------ <=> |=||=||=||=||=| |=||=| |=||=|<=> --- --------------- ------ --------- <=>|=||=||=||=||=||=||=| |=||=| |=|<=> ------------------------ ------ ------ <=>|=||=||=||=||=||=||=||=| |=||=| <=> --------------------------- ------ --- <=> |=| <=> ------------------------------------------ Phase 39 ========= Prizebomb : yes 1-up : yes ___________ ______________/ Phase 39 \_______________ <=>|"||"||"||"||"||O||"||"||"||"||"| o^<=> ------------------------------------------ <=> o^|"||"||"||"| |"||"||=||"| o^'T'<=> ------------------------------------------ <=>'T' o^|"||"||=||"||"||"||"| |"| o^<=> ------------------------------------------ <=> o^|"||"||"||"||"||"||"||=||"| o^'T'<=> ------------------------------------------ <=>'T' o^|"||"||=||"||"||"||"||"||"| !^<=> ------------------------------------------ <=> o^|"||"||"||"| |=||"||"||"| o^'T'<=> ------------------------------------------ <=>'T' o^|"||=||"||"||"| |"||"||"| o^<=> ------------------------------------------ <=>|=| o^|"||"||I||R||A||"||M||"| o^'T'<=> ------------------------------------------ Phase 40 ========= Prizebomb : no 1-up : yes ___________ ______________/ Phase 40 \_______________ <=>|-||I||M||"| |"||A||R||-|<=> --------------- --------------- <=>|-| |3| |3| |-|<=> ------------------ ------------------ <=>|-| |3| |3| |-|<=> ------------------ ------------------ <=>|-| |3| |3| |-|<=> ------------------ ------------------ <=>|-| |3| |3| |-|<=> ------------------ ------------------ <=>|-| |O| |3| |-|<=> ------------------ ------------------ <=>|-| [#] |"||"| [#] |-|<=> ------ ------------------ ------ <=>|-| |-|<=> ------------------------------------------ Phase 41 ========= Prizebomb : no 1-up : no ___________ ______________/ Phase 41 \_______________ <=>[#]|=||=||=||=||=| [#] o^|=||=||=|<=> ------------------------------------------ <=>[#]|=||=||=||=|[#]|-|[#]|=||=||=||=|<=> ------------------------------------------ <=>[#]|=||=||=||=|[#]|-|[#]|=||=||=||=|<=> ------------------------------------------ <=>[#]|=||=||=||=|[#]|-|[#]|=||=||=||=|<=> ------------------------------------------ <=>[#]|=||=||=||=|[#]|-|[#]|=||=||=||=|<=> ------------------------------------------ <=>[#] |=|[#]|-|[#]|=||=||=||=|<=> ------------------------------------------ <=> [#] |=|[#]|-|[#]|=||=||=||=|<=> --- --- --------------------------- <=> [#]'T'|-||=||=||-|[#]|=||=||=||=|<=> ------------------------------------------ Phase 42 ========= Prizebomb : yes, with hacking 1-up : yes, with hacking ___________ ______________/ Phase 42 \_______________ <=> o^|M||A||"||I||R||"||O||"||"||"| !^<=> ------------------------------------------ <=>'T''T''T''T''T''T''T''T''T''T''T''T'<=> ------------------------------------------ <=>|-||-||-||-||-| |-| |-|<=> ------------------------------------------ <=> |-| |-||-| |-|<=> ------------------------------------------ <=> |-| o^ |-| |-| |-|<=> ------------------------------------------ <=> |-| |-| |-||-|<=> ------------------------------------------ <=> |-| |-| |-|<=> ------------------------------------------ <=>|=||=||=||=||=||=||=||=||=||=||=||=|<=> ------------------------------------------ Phase 43 ========= Prizebomb : yes 1-up : yes ___________ ______________/ Phase 43 \_______________ <=>|=||=||=||=||=||=||=||=||=||=||=||=|<=> ------------------------------------------ <=>|=| [@] o^|2||2||2||2||2||2||2| o^<=> ------------------------------------------ <=>|=||=||=||=||=||=||=||=||=||=||=||=|<=> ------------------------------------------ <=> !^|2||2||2||2||2||M||O| o^[@] |=|<=> ------------------------------------------ <=>|=||=||=||=||=||=||=||=||=||=||=||=|<=> ------------------------------------------ <=>|=| [@] o^|2||I||R||A||2||2||2| o^<=> ------------------------------------------ <=>|=||=||=||=||=||=||=||=||=||=||=||=|<=> ------------------------------------------ <=> |=|<=> ------------------------------------------ Phase 44 ========= Prizebomb : yes 1-up : yes ___________ ______________/ Phase 44 \_______________ <=>[#]|A||3||3||3||3||M||3||3||3| o^[#]<=> ------------------------------------------ <=>[#]|-|[#]|3||3||3||3||3| !^[#]|-|[#]<=> ------------------------------------------ <=>[#]|-|[#]|-|[#][#][#][#]|-|[#]|-|[#]<=> ------------------------------------------ <=>[#]|-|[#]|-|[#]|3||3|[#]|-|[#]|-|[#]<=> ------------------------------------------ <=>[#]|-|[#]|-|[#]'T''T'[#]|-|[#]|-|[#]<=> ------------------------------------------ <=>[#]|-|[#]|-|[#]|-||3||R||-|[#]|-|[#]<=> ------------------------------------------ <=>[#]|-|[#]|-| o^|3||O||I||3||3||-|[#]<=> ------------------------------------------ <=>[#]|-| [#]<=> ------------------------------------------ Phase 45 ========= Prizebomb : no 1-up : yes ___________ ______________/ Phase 45 \_______________ <=>[#][#][#][#] [#][#][#][#][#]<=> --------------------- ------------------ <=>'T''T''T'|R||=|[#] 'T'|"||"||"| <=> ------------------------------------ --- <=>[#][#]|=||=|[#]'T'[#] [#] <=> ------------------------ --------- <=>'T''T'|=||A|'T'[#]'T' 'T'[#]'T' <=> ------------------------ --------------- <=>|I||=|'T'|=|[#]'T' 'T'[#]'T'[#]'T'<=> --------------------- ------------------ <=>'T''T'[#]|=|[#][#]'T'|=|'T'[#]'T'[#]<=> ------------------------------------------ <=>|-|[#] |=|'T''T' 'T'[#]'T'[#]'T'<=> --------- --------- ------------------ <=>'T''T' |=| [#]|M||"||"||O||"||"|<=> ------------------------------------------ Phase 46 ========= Prizebomb : no 1-up : no ___________ ______________/ Phase 46 \_______________ <=>[#]|=| |=|[#]|=| EL[#]|=| |=|<=> ------------------------------------------ <=>[#]|=||=||=|[#]|=||=||=|[#]|=||=||=|<=> ------------------------------------------ <=>[#]|=|[#]|=|[#]|=|[#]|=|[#]|=|[#]|=|<=> ------------------------------------------ <=>[#]|=|[#]|=|[#]|=|[#]|=|[#]|=|[#]|=|<=> ------------------------------------------ <=>[#]|=|[#]|=|[#]|=|[#]|=|[#]|=|[#]|=|<=> ------------------------------------------ <=>[#]|-|[#]|-|[#]|-|[#]|-|[#]|-|[#]|-|<=> ------------------------------------------ <=>[#]|=|[#]|=|[#]|=|[#]|=|[#]|=|[#]|=|<=> ------------------------------------------ <=> |=| |=||=||=| |=||=||=| |=|<=> ------------------------------------------ Phase 47 ========= Prizebomb : yes 1-up : yes, with hacking ___________ ______________/ Phase 47 \_______________ <=> o^|A||3||3||3||3||R||3| o^ <=> --- ------------------------------------ <=> o^'T''T''T''T''T''T''T''T''T'|2| o^<=> ------------------------------------------ <=>|=|[#] o^|2||2||2||O||M||2| o^ <=> ------------------------------------------ <=>|=| o^'T''T''T''T''T''T''T''T'|I| o^<=> ------------------------------------------ <=>|=| !^|=||=||=||=||=||=||=| |=|<=> ------------------------------------------ <=> o^'T''T''T''T''T''T''T''T'|2| o^|=|<=> ------------------------------------------ <=> o^ o^ o^ o^ o^ o^ o^ o^ o^ o^ o^|=|<=> ------------------------------------------ <=>'T''T''T''T''T''T''T''T''T''T''T'|=|<=> ------------------------------------------ Phase 48 ========= Prizebomb : no 1-up : yes ___________ ______________/ Phase 48 \_______________ <=> |"| |R||"||"| |-| [#]|2||2|<=> ------------------------------------------ <=>|=| |-|[#] |-|'T'|2| |3| <=> ------------------------------------------ <=> |O||A| |-|[#][@] |"| <=> ------------------------------------------ <=> |=|[#] |"| |"| o^|"||=||"| <=> ------------------------------------------ <=>|"||"| |-||=||2| [#] <=> ------------------------------------------ <=> |=| [#] |"| |2|'T'|2||"|<=> ------------------------------------------ <=> |"||"||-|'T' |=| [#]|I| <=> ------------------------------------------ <=>[#] |M| |2| |-||2|<=> ------------------------------------------ Phase 49 ========= Prizebomb : no 1-up : yes ___________ ______________/ Phase 49 \_______________ <=>|=||2||3||2||3||2||3||2||3||2||3||=|<=> ------------------------------------------ <=>|=| |=||"||=||"||=||"||=| |=||=|<=> ------------------------------------------ <=>|=||=||"||=||"||=| |=||"||=||"||=|<=> ------------------------------------------ <=>|=||"||=||"||=||"||=||"||=||"||=||=|<=> ------------------------------------------ <=>|=||=||I||=||R||=| |=||A||=||"||=|<=> ------------------------------------------ <=>|=||"||=||"||=||"||=||M||=||"||=||=|<=> ------------------------------------------ <=>|=||=||O||=||"||=| o^|=||"||=||"||=|<=> ------------------------------------------ <=>|=||"||=||"||=||"| |"||=||"||=||=|<=> ------------------------------------------ Phase 50 ========= Prizebomb : yes, with hacking 1-up : yes ___________ ______________/ Phase 50 \_______________ <=>|-| [#][#][#][#][#][#] [#] <=> ------ ------------------ --- --- <=>|-|[#]'T''T''T''T''T''T'|-|[#] !^[#]<=> ------------------------------------------ <=>|2||O||2||2|[#]|I||3||-| [#] <=> --------------------------- --- --- <=>[#]|R||A||-|[#]|M||3||-|[#]|-|'T' <=> ------------------------------------------ <=> o^[#][#]|-|[#][#] |-|[#]'T' [#]<=> ------------------------------------------ <=>|-| |-|[#]|=| [#]|=||=||=|[#]<=> --------- ------------------------------ <=>|-|[#] |-|[#]|=||=||=||=||=||=|[#]<=> --------- ------------------------------ <=>'T''T' |-| [#]|=||=||=||=| o^[#]<=> ------------------------------------------ Phase 51 ========= Prizebomb : yes 1-up : yes ___________ ______________/ Phase 51 \_______________ <=>|"||"||"|[#][#][#][#][#][#]|"||"||"|<=> ------------------------------------------ <=> |-| o^'T'|"| o^ !^|"|'T' o^|-| <=> --- ------------------------------ --- <=> |-||-| <=> ------------ ------ ------------ <=> [#]|-||-|[#] <=> --- ------------ --- <=> 'T'|-||-|'T' <=> ------------------------------------------ <=> |-||-| <=> --- ------ --- <=>|I||"||"||O||M||-||-||R||A||"||"||"|<=> ------------------------------------------ <=> |-||-| <=> ------------------------------------------ Phase 52 ========= Prizebomb : no 1-up : yes ___________ ______________/ Phase 52 \_______________ <=>|"||"||"| |"||A||"|<=> ------------ ------------ ------------ <=>|-| |-| |-| |-|<=> --------------- ------ --------------- <=> |"| |-||-||"||I||-||-| |"| <=> --------- ------------------ --------- <=>|-| |-||M||"||-| |-|<=> ------ ------------------------ ------ <=>|-||-||"| |O||-||-|<=> ------------ ------------ ------------ <=> |-| |-| |-| |-| <=> ------------------ ------------------ <=>|R||"| |-| |-||-| |-| |"||"|<=> ------------------------------------------ <=> |-||-| <=> ------------------------------------------ Phase 53 ========= Prizebomb : no 1-up : no ___________ ______________/ Phase 53 \_______________ <=>[#][#][#][#][#]|"||"|[#][#][#][#][#]<=> ------------------------------------------ <=>'T''T''T''T''T''T''T''T''T''T''T''T'<=> ------------------------------------------ <=>|=|[#][#][#][#]|"||"|[#][#][#][#]|=|<=> ------------------------------------------ <=>|-|'T''T''T''T''T''T''T''T''T''T'|-|<=> ------------------------------------------ <=>|-| |=||=| |-|<=> ------ ------ ------ <=> |=||=| <=> --- --- ------ --- --- <=> |=||=| <=> --- ------ --- <=> o^|=||=| o^ <=> ------------------------------------------ Phase 54 ========= Prizebomb : no 1-up : yes ___________ ______________/ Phase 54 \_______________ <=>[#] |A||3| [#] |3| [#]<=> ------------------ --- ------------ <=>'T'|-| |-| |"|'T' [#]|-| <=> --------- --------------------------- <=> |-| [#] |-| |=| |-|[#]<=> --------- --- ------------------------ <=> |-|[#][#] [#]|=| [#]|-|'T'<=> --- --------- --------------------- <=>[#]|-|'T' |=|[#]|3||-||-|'T'|-|[#]<=> ------------ --------------------------- <=>'T'|-|[#] |=|'T'[#] [#]|-| <=> ------------ --------- --------------- <=> |-||O| |I| [#] |-|[#]<=> --- --------------------- ------------ <=> |-|[#][#]|M| |-| |R| |-| <=> ------------------------------------------ Phase 55 ========= Prizebomb : yes 1-up : yes ___________ ______________/ Phase 55 \_______________ <=> [#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#]|-|[#]<=> --- ------------------------------------ <=> o^'T''T''T''T''T''T''T' o^|-|[#]<=> ------------------------------------------ <=>|-|[#] [#] o^|-| o^|-|[#]<=> --------- --- ------------------------ <=>[#] |-| |-| o^|-| o^<=> ------ --- ------------------ <=>[#] [#]'T'[@][#]|-| o^|-| o^|-| !^<=> ------ --------------------------------- <=>|3||=|[#]|M||O||R||A| |I| <=> ------------------------ --------- <=>|=||=|'T'|=||=||=||=||=|[#] [#]<=> ------------------------------ ------ <=> o^ |-| <=> ------------------------------------------ Phase 56 ========= Prizebomb : no 1-up : yes ___________ ______________/ Phase 56 \_______________ <=>[@]|=||"||=||A||=||"||=||"||=||"||=|<=> ------------------------------------------ <=>|-| |-| |-| |-| |-| |-| <=> ------------------------------------------ <=>|2||=||2||=||2||=||2||=||2||=||2||=|<=> ------------------------------------------ <=>|-| |-| |-| |-| |-| |-| <=> ------------------------------------------ <=>|2||=||2||=||2||=||M||=||2||=||O||=|<=> ------------------------------------------ <=>|-| |-| |-| |-| |-| |-| <=> ------------------------------------------ <=>|"||=||"||=||I||=||R||=||"||=||"||=|<=> ------------------------------------------ <=>|-| |-| |-| |-| |-| |-|[@]<=> ------------------------------------------ Phase 57 ========= Prizebomb : no 1-up : no ___________ ______________/ Phase 57 \_______________ <=>[#] [#]<=> ------------------------------------------ <=>'T'|=| |=| |=| |=|'T'<=> --------- ------------------ --------- <=>[#]|=| |=| |=| |=|[#]<=> ------------ ------------ ------------ <=>'T' |=| |=||=| |=| 'T'<=> ------------ ------------ ------------ <=>[#]|=| |=|[#]<=> --------------- ------ --------------- <=>'T' |=| |=| 'T'<=> --------------- ------ --------------- <=> |=| |=| <=> ------------------ ------------------ <=> |=| |=| <=> ------------------------------------------ Phase 58 ========= Prizebomb : no 1-up : yes ___________ ______________/ Phase 58 \_______________ <=>[#]|"||"||"||"||"||"||"||I||"||"|[#]<=> ------------------------------------------ <=> |=|[#]|"||M||O||R||A||"|[#]|=| <=> --- ------------------------------ --- <=> |=| |=|[#]|"||"|[#]|=| |=| <=> --- --- ------------------ --- --- <=> |=| |=| |=||=| |=| |=| <=> --- --- --- ------ --- --- --- <=> |=| |=| |=||=| |=| |=| <=> --- --- --- ------ --- --- --- <=> |=| |=| |=||=| |=| |=| <=> --- --- --- ------ --- --- --- <=> |=| |=| |=||=| |=| |=| <=> --- --- --- ------ --- --- --- <=> |=| |=| |=||=| |=| |=| <=> ------------------------------------------ Phase 59 ========= Prizebomb : no 1-up : yes ___________ ______________/ Phase 59 \_______________ <=> |3||"||3||A||3| <=> --------- ------------------ --------- <=> |-|[@] |-| |-||3| <=> --- --------- --- ------ ------ <=> |-| |-| [#]|-||3||"|<=> --- ------------------------------------ <=> |-|[@] |-| [@]|=|<=> ------------ --- --- --------- <=>|-||"| |-|[@][#]|"||3||M||3||=|<=> --------- --------------------------- <=> |3||"|[@]|-| [@] |3||O||=|<=> --- ------------------ ------------ <=>|I| |3||3||-| |3| |R|[@][#]|=|<=> ------ --------- --- --------------- <=>[#][@]|=||=||=||=||=||=||=||=||=||=|<=> ------------------------------------------ Phase 60 ========= Prizebomb : yes 1-up : yes ___________ ______________/ Phase 60 \_______________ <=>|=| o^|=||3||3||3||3||3||3||=| !^|=|<=> ------------------------------------------ <=>|=|[#]|=||O||M||2||2||2||2||=|[#]|=|<=> ------------------------------------------ <=>|=|'T'[@]|=| o^ o^|=|[@]'T'|=|<=> ------------------------------------------ <=>|=||"| |=||"||"||"||"||=| |"||=|<=> ------------------------------------------ <=>|=||3||3||3||=||3||3||=||3||3||3||=|<=> ------------------------------------------ <=>|=||"||"||"||=||"||"||=||"||"||"||=|<=> ------------------------------------------ <=>|=|[@][#]|"| o^|=||=| o^|"|[#][@]|=|<=> ------------------------------------------ <=>|=| |"||I||A||=||=||"||R||"| |=|<=> ------------------------------------------ Phase 61 ========= Prizebomb : no 1-up : yes ___________ ______________/ Phase 61 \_______________ <=> <=> --- ------------------------------ --- <=>|O||=| |=||"|<=> --------- ------------------ --------- <=> |=||"||=| |=||"||=| <=> --- --------- ------ --------- --- <=> |=| |=||"||=||=||"||=| |=| <=> --- --- ------------------ --- --- <=> |=||"||=| |=||=| |=||I||=| <=> --- --------- ------ --------- --- <=>|R||=| |=| |=||=| |=| |=||M|<=> --------- --- ------ --- --------- <=> |=||A||=| |=||=| |=||"||=| <=> --- --------- ------ --------- --- <=> |=| |=||"||=||=||"||=| |=| <=> ------------------------------------------ Phase 62 ========= Prizebomb : yes 1-up : yes ___________ ______________/ Phase 62 \_______________ <=> |=| |=|<=> ------------------------------------------ <=> [#]|=| |=|<=> ------ --------------------------------- <=>[#] |"| [#]|=|<=> ------ --------------------------------- <=>[#]|=||2||"||"||"||"| o^ |=|[#]|=|<=> ------------------------------------------ <=>[#]|=| [#]|=|<=> ------------------------------------------ <=> 'T' [@][@] |=|<=> ------------------------------------------ <=> o^|3||R||3||I||M||3||O||3||A| o^|=|<=> ------------------------------------------ <=>[#] !^'T''T''T''T'[#]'T'[#]'T' o^|=|<=> ------------------------------------------ Phase 63 ========= Prizebomb : yes 1-up : yes, with hacking ___________ ______________/ Phase 63 \_______________ <=> o^|2||2||2| o^ o^|2||A||I| o^ <=> ------------------------------------ --- <=> o^'T''T''T''T''T''T''T''T''T''T' o^<=> ------------------------------------------ <=>|-| o^|M||"| o^ |-|<=> ------ ------------------ ------ <=>|-||R||O||=|'T' o^ o^'T'|=||"||"||-|<=> ------------------------------------------ <=>|-| o^'T''T' o^ |-|<=> ------------------------------------------ <=>|-| o^ !^ |-|<=> ------------------------------------------ <=>|-| o^'T''T' o^ |-|<=> ------------------------------------------ <=>|-| |-|<=> ------------------------------------------ Phase 64 ========= Prizebomb : no 1-up : yes ___________ ______________/ Phase 64 \_______________ <=> |I||"||"||"||"||"||"||"||R||"| <=> ------------------------------------------ <=> |-| |"||O||"||"||"||"| |-| <=> --- --- ------------------ --------- <=> |-| |-| |"||"| |-| |-| <=> --- --- --- ------ --- --------- <=> |-| |-| |-||-| |-| |-| <=> --- --- --- ------ --- --------- <=> |-| |-| |-||-| |-| |-| <=> --- --- --- ------ --- --------- <=> |-| |-| |-||-| |-| |-| <=> --- --- --- ------ --- --------- <=> |-| |-| |-||-| |-| |-| <=> --- --- --- ------ --- --- --- <=> o^|=||"||=||A||=||=||M||=||"||=| o^<=> ------------------------------------------ Phase 65 ========= Prizebomb : no 1-up : no ___________ ______________/ Phase 65 \_______________ <=>|=| |=| |=| |=| |=| |=|<=> ------ --- --- --- --- ------ <=>|=||=||=||=||=||=||=||=||=||=||=||=|<=> ------------------------------------------ <=> |=| |=| |=||=| |=| |=| <=> --- --- --- ------ --- --- --- <=>|=||=||=||=||=||=||=||=||=||=||=||=|<=> ------------------------------------------ <=>|=| |=| |=| |=| |=| |=|<=> ------ --- --- --- --- ------ <=>|=||=||=||=||=||=||=||=||=||=||=||=|<=> ------------------------------------------ <=> |=| |=| |=||=| |=| |=| <=> --- --- --- ------ --- --- --- <=> |=| |=| |=||=| |=| |=| <=> ------------------------------------------ Phase 66 ========= Prizebomb : yes 1-up : yes ___________ ______________/ Phase 66 \_______________ <=>|2||2||2||2||2||2||2||2| [#]<=> --------------------------------- ------ <=>|-| [#]|3|[#]<=> ------------------------------------------ <=>|=| o^|2||2||2||2||O||2||2||2||2| o^<=> ------------------------------------------ <=> o^|2||2||M||2||R||2||2||2||2| o^|=|<=> ------------------------------------------ <=>|=| o^|2||2||2||2||2||2||2||2||2| o^<=> ------------------------------------------ <=> o^|2||2||2||2||2||2||2||2||2| o^|=|<=> ------------------------------------------ <=>|=| o^|2||2||2||2||2||2||2||2||A| !^<=> ------------------------------------------ <=> o^|2||2||2||2||2||I||2||2||2| o^|=|<=> ------------------------------------------ Phase 67 ========= Prizebomb : yes 1-up : yes ___________ ______________/ Phase 67 \_______________ <=> [#]|A| o^|2||2||2||O| o^[#] <=> --- --------------------------------- <=> [#]'T'|-|'T''T'|=|[#]|-|'T''T'[#]<=> --- ------------------------------------ <=> [#] |=| |-| <=> --- --- --- --- --- <=>[#] |=|[#] |-| |-|<=> ------ ------------------------ ------ <=>[#] [#] |=| [#]|-||-|<=> ------ --- --- ------------ <=>[#] [#]|M| !^|I||=|[#] |-| <=> ------ ------------------ ------ --- <=>'T'|R|'T'[#] [#]|=|[#] |-|[#] <=> --------------- --------- ------ --- <=> 'T' |=|'T' |-|'T'[#]<=> ------------------------------------------ Phase 68 ========= Prizebomb : no 1-up : yes ___________ ______________/ Phase 68 \_______________ <=>|R||"||"|[#]|"||I||"||"|[#]|A||O||M|<=> ------------------------------------------ <=>|-| |-|[#]|-| |-|[#]|-| |-|<=> ------------------------------------------ <=>|-| |-|[#]|-| |-|[#]|-| |-|<=> ------ --------- --------- ------ <=>|-| |-|[#]|-| |-|[#]|-| |-|<=> ------ --------- --------- ------ <=>|-| |-|[#]|-| |-|[#]|-| |-|<=> ------ --------- --------- ------ <=>|-| |-|[#]|-| |-|[#]|-| |-|<=> ------ --------- --------- ------ <=>|-| |=||"||=| |=||"||=| |-|<=> ------ --------- --------- ------ <=>|-| |-|<=> ------------------------------------------ Phase 69 ========= Prizebomb : yes 1-up : yes ___________ ______________/ Phase 69 \_______________ <=> !^ |"||R||-| <=> ------ --------------------------- <=>[#] [#] o^ [#] o^|-|'T' <=> --------------------------------- --- <=>|-| [#][#]|-| [#]|-| <=> ------ --------- ------------------ <=>|-|[#][#][#][#]|=|[#] o^[#][#][#]|=|<=> ------------------------------------------ <=> o^'T''T''T''T'|=|'T''T''T''T''T'|=|<=> ------------------------------------------ <=>|-| |"||O||=||I||M||A| <=> ------------------------------------------ <=> o^ |=| [#] <=> --------- --- --------------- <=> [#]|=|[#] |"| [#] <=> ------------------------------------------ Phase 70 ========= Prizebomb : no 1-up : yes ___________ ______________/ Phase 70 \_______________ <=>|"||A|[#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#]|"||"|<=> ------------------------------------------ <=>|O||=|'T''T''T''T''T''T''T''T'|=||"|<=> ------------------------------------------ <=>[#]|=||"|[#] |"||"| [#]|"||=|[#]<=> ------------------------------------------ <=> |=||M| |"||=||"||"| |=| <=> --- ------ ------------ --- --- <=>[#]|=||"|[#]|=|[#][#][#][#] |=|[#]<=> ------------------------------ --------- <=> |=||"| |=| |=| |-||=| <=> --- ------ --- --- ------ --- <=>[#]|=||"|[#]|=|[#][#]|=|[#]'T'|=|[#]<=> ------------------------------------------ <=>'T' |=||I||=|'T''T'|=||R| [#]'T'<=> ------------------------------------------ Phase 71 ========= Prizebomb : no 1-up : yes, with hacking ___________ ______________/ Phase 71 \_______________ <=> <=> ------------------------ --------------- <=> <=> --- --- <=> <=> --- --- <=>|2||2||=||O||2||2||=||I||M||A||=||2|<=> ------------------------------------------ <=>|-||=|[#] <=> ------------ --- <=>[#]|-|'T'[#] o^|3||3||3||3||3| o^ <=> ------------------------------------ --- <=> |3| |R| <=> --- --- --- --- <=>|3||3||3||=||3||3||3||3||=||3||3||3|<=> ------------------------------------------ Phase 72 ========= Prizebomb : no 1-up : yes ___________ ______________/ Phase 72 \_______________ <=> |"| |R||"| |I| <=> --- --- ------ --- --- <=> |A|'T'|M||"||=||=||"||"|'T'|"| <=> ------------------------------------------ <=>|=|[#] |"||=|[#][#]|=||"| [#]|=|<=> --------- ------------------ --------- <=> 'T' |=|'T''T''T''T'|=| 'T' <=> ------------------------------------------ <=> [#]|=||=|[#] <=> ------------------------------------------ <=> |=||=| <=> --- ------------ --- <=> |"||"||=||=||"||"| <=> --- ------------------------ --- <=> [#]|=||O||"| |"||"||=|[#] <=> ------------------------------------------ Phase 73 ========= Prizebomb : no 1-up : yes ___________ ______________/ Phase 73 \_______________ <=> o^|"||"||"| |I||"||"||"||"| o^ <=> ------------------------------------------ <=>[#][#][#]|=|[#]|-|[#][#]|"||"||=|[#]<=> ------------------------------------------ <=>[#]|"||"||=|[#]|-||"|[#]|=|[#][#][#]<=> ------------------------------------------ <=>[#]|=|[#]|M||"||O||-|[#]|=||"|[#] <=> ------------------------------------------ <=>|"||=|[#]|-||"||"||"|[#][#][#]'T''T'<=> ------------------------------------------ <=>[#]|=|[#]|-||"||"||-|[#]|"||"||A||=|<=> ------------------------------------------ <=>[#]|=|[#]|-|[#][#][#][#]|=||"||"| <=> ------------------------------------------ <=>|"||=|[#]|-||"||"||"||"||"||"||R||"|<=> ------------------------------------------ Phase 74 ========= Prizebomb : no 1-up : yes ___________ ______________/ Phase 74 \_______________ <=> |"| |"| |"| |"| <=> ------------ ------ ------ --------- <=>|-| |"| |=| |=| |A|<=> ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ <=>|"| |"| |"| |"| |-|<=> --------- ------ ------ ------------ <=>|-||"| |"| |"| |"| <=> ------------ ------ ------ --------- <=>|-| |R| |"| |"| |"|<=> ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ <=>|"| |"| |"| |O| |-|<=> --------- ------ ------ ------------ <=>|-||"| |M| |"| |"| <=> ------------ ------ ------ --------- <=>|-| |"| |"| |I| |"|<=> ------------------------------------------ Phase 75 ========= Prizebomb : yes 1-up : yes ___________ ______________/ Phase 75 \_______________ <=> [@] !^|2||M||2||A| <=> --- ------------------------------------ <=> o^ [@]|-||2||"||2||"|<=> --------- --------------------------- <=>|2||"||2| o^ 'T' [@]|-||"|<=> ------------------ ------------------ <=>[@]|-||2||"||2||"| o^ 'T' <=> --------------------------- --------- <=> 'T' [@]|-||"||"||2||"| o^ <=> --- ------------------------------ --- <=>[@]|-||2||"||2||O| o^ <=> --------------------------- --------- <=>|R||"||I||"| o^ [@]|-|<=> ------------------ ------------------ <=> |-| 'T'<=> ------------------------------------------ Phase 76 ========= Prizebomb : no 1-up : yes ___________ ______________/ Phase 76 \_______________ <=>|=| |3| |3| |3| |3| |I|<=> --------- --- --- --- --- ------ <=>|=| |=| |=| |=| |=| <=> ------------------------------------------ <=>|=||2| |3| |3| |2| |=|<=> --------- --- --- ------------ <=>|=| |=| |=| <=> ------------------------------------------ <=>[#][#][#] o^[#]|-|[#] o^[#]|-|[#]|=|<=> ------------------------------------------ <=>|=||2| |3| |3| |M| |3| |=|<=> --------- --- --- --- --- ------ <=>|=| |O||=| |=| |=| |=| |2|<=> ------------------------------------------ <=>|=||2||2||2||2||R||A||2||2||2||2||2|<=> ------------------------------------------ Phase 77 ========= Prizebomb : no 1-up : no ___________ ______________/ Phase 77 \_______________ <=>[#] |=| <=> ------------------------------------------ <=> [#] |=|<=> ------------------------------------------ <=>|=| [#] <=> ------------------------------------------ <=> |=| [#] <=> ------------------------------------------ <=> |=| [#] <=> ------------------------------------------ <=> |=| [#] <=> ------------------------------------------ <=> |=| [#] <=> ------------------------------------------ <=> |=| [#] <=> ------------------------------------------ Phase 78 ========= Prizebomb : no 1-up : no ___________ ______________/ Phase 78 \_______________ <=> [@] o^ o^[@] <=> ------------------------------------------ <=>|=||=||=||=||=||=||=||=||=||=||=||=|<=> ------------------------------------------ <=>|-||-||-||-||-||-||-||-||-||-||-||-|<=> ------------------------------------------ <=>|=||=||=||=||=||=| |=||=||=||=||=|<=> ------------------------------------------ <=>|-||-||-||-||-||-||-||-||-||-||-||-|<=> ------------------------------------------ <=>|=||=||=||=||=||=||=||=||=||=||=||=|<=> ------------------------------------------ <=>|-||-||-||-||-||-||-||-||-||-||-||-|<=> ------------------------------------------ <=>|=||=||=||=||=||=||=||=||=||=||=||=|<=> ------------------------------------------ Phase 79 ========= Prizebomb : yes 1-up : yes ___________ ______________/ Phase 79 \_______________ <=>|=||3||3||3| o^ o^|3||3||A||-|<=> ------------------------------------------ <=>|=| o^|2||2||2| |2||2||2| o^|-|<=> ------------------------------------------ <=>|=||"||"||I| o^ o^|"||"||"||-|<=> ------------------------------------------ <=>|=| o^|M||2||2| |2||2||2| o^|-|<=> ------------------------------------------ <=>|=|'T'[@]'T''T'[#][#]'T''T'[@]'T'|-|<=> ------------------------------------------ <=>|=| o^|2||O||R|'T''T'|2||2||2| !^|-|<=> ------------------------------------------ <=>|=|[@] o^'T''T'[#][#]'T''T' o^[@]|-|<=> ------------------------------------------ <=>|=| o^ o^ o^[@]'T''T'[@] o^ o^ o^|-|<=> ------------------------------------------ Phase 80 ========= Prizebomb : yes 1-up : yes, with hacking ___________ ______________/ Phase 80 \_______________ <=> o^|=||3||"| <=> ------ --------------------------------- <=>|=||=| |3||=||3| o^|=| o^|3| o^ <=> ------------------------------------------ <=> o^|3||=||M||=||I||A||=||3| o^|=|<=> --- ------------------------------------ <=> [#] <=> --------- --- <=>|=|[#] o^|3||3||3||3||3||3||O| o^[#]<=> ------------------------------------------ <=>|=|[#] <=> --------- --- <=>|=|[#] o^|3||3||R||3||3||3||3| !^[#]<=> ------------------------------------------ <=>|=| o^|3||3||3||3||3||3||3||3||3| o^<=> ------------------------------------------ Phase 81 ========= Prizebomb : yes 1-up : yes, with hacking ___________ ______________/ Phase 81 \_______________ <=> [@] [#] <=> ------------------ ------ ------------ <=> |-|[#]|"||I| [#] [#] <=> ------------------------ --------------- <=> |-|[@]'T' [#] [#] o^ <=> --------------------- ------------------ <=> |-||"| [#] [#]|"| [#]<=> ------------------ --------------------- <=>|O||-| !^|A| [#] 'T'|R| <=> --------------- ------ --------------- <=> |-|[#] [#]|M|[@] [#]<=> ------------ --------------------------- <=> |-||-| [#] |"||"| [#]<=> ------------ --------------------------- <=> |-| [#]|"|'T''T'[@] o^|=||"|<=> ------------------------------------------ Phase 82 ========= Prizebomb : yes 1-up : yes ___________ ______________/ Phase 82 \_______________ <=> [#] o^|2||R|[@]|O||A||2| o^[#] <=> --- ------------------------------ --- <=> [#][#] |=| [#] <=> --------- --------------------- ------ <=>|=| [#] o^|"| |=|[#] !^ <=> ------ --------------------- ------ <=>|=| [#] |=||"|'T' [#]<=> ------------------------------------------ <=>|"||I| [#]|-| [#]|=|[#] |-|[#]<=> ------------------ --------- --------- <=>|=||M| |-| [#][#] o^|"||-|[#]<=> --------- --- --------------------- <=>|=| |-| 'T' <=> --------------------- --------- <=> |-| |-|<=> ------------------------------------------ Phase 83 ========= Prizebomb : yes 1-up : yes ___________ ______________/ Phase 83 \_______________ <=>|A||M||O| |=| o^|"||R||I| o^<=> ------------ --- ------------------ <=>|=| |-| [#]'T' |=| |"||"|<=> ------ ------------ --- --------- <=> [#] [@] |-| [#]'T' <=> --------------------------------- ------ <=> 'T'[@]|"||"||"||"| o^ |=| |=|<=> --------------------------- --- ------ <=>|=||"||"||"| o^ o^|=| |=|[#]'T'<=> ------------------------ ------------ <=>|=||"| |-| 'T'[#] [@]|-|<=> --------- --- --------------------- <=>|=| 'T'[#] |-| !^|"|[@][#]<=> ------ ------------ --------------- <=>'T'[#][@]|-|[#] [@]|=| <=> ------------------------------------------ Phase 84 ========= Prizebomb : yes 1-up : no ___________ ______________/ Phase 84 \_______________ <=>|=||=||=| o^ o^ o^ o^|=||=||=|<=> ------------------------------------------ <=>|=||=| o^|=||=||=||=||=||=| o^|=||=|<=> ------------------------------------------ <=>|=||=| o^|=||=||=||=||=||=||=||=||=|<=> ------------------------------------------ <=>|=||=||=| o^ !^|=||=||=|<=> ------------------------------------------ <=>|=||=||=||=||=||=||=||=||=| o^|=||=|<=> ------------------------------------------ <=>|=||=| o^|=||=||=||=||=||=| o^|=||=|<=> ------------------------------------------ <=>|=||=||=| o^ o^ o^ o^|=||=||=|<=> ------------------------------------------ <=>|=||=||=||=||=||=||=||=||=||=||=||=|<=> ------------------------------------------ Phase 85 ========= Prizebomb : yes 1-up : no ___________ ______________/ Phase 85 \_______________ <=> o^[#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#] <=> --- ------------------------------------ <=>[#]'T'|=||=||=||=||=||=||=||=||=|[#]<=> ------------------------------------------ <=>[#][#][#][#][#][#] o^ o^|=|[#]<=> ------------------------------------------ <=>[#]|=||=||=||=||=||=||=||=|'T'|=|[#]<=> ------------------------------------------ <=>[#]|-| o^ [#] o^[#][#][#][#][#]<=> ------------------------------------------ <=>[#]|-|'T'|=||=||=||=||=||=||=||=|[#]<=> ------------------------------------------ <=>[#][#][#][#][#][#] o^ !^|-|[#]<=> ------------------------------------------ <=>[#] |=||=||=||=||=||=||=|'T'|-|[#]<=> ------------------------------------------ Phase 86 ========= Prizebomb : yes 1-up : yes ___________ ______________/ Phase 86 \_______________ <=> [#] o^ o^ o^ o^[#] <=> ------ ------------------------ ------ <=> [#]|=||3||3||3||3||=|[#] <=> ------ ------------------------ ------ <=> [#]|=||"||O||M||"||=|[#] <=> ------ ------------------------ ------ <=> [#]|=||2||2||2||A||=|[#] <=> ------ ------------------------ ------ <=> o^ [#]|=||3||3||I||R||=|[#] !^<=> ------ ------------------------ ------ <=>|-| [#]|=||"||"||"||"||=|[#] |-|<=> ------ ------------------------ ------ <=>|-| [#]|=||2||2||2||2||=|[#] |-|<=> ------------------------------------------ <=>|-|[@] |=|[@] [@]|=| [@]|-|<=> ------------------------------------------ Phase 87 ========= Prizebomb : no 1-up : yes, with hacking ___________ ______________/ Phase 87 \_______________ <=> <=> ------------------------------------------ <=>|-||"||"| |"||"||-|<=> ------------------------------------------ <=>|-| |-|<=> ------------------ --------------------- <=>|-| [#]|R|[#] |-|<=> ------------------------------------------ <=>|-| |-|<=> ------------------------------------------ <=>|-||"||"| |I||"||-|<=> ------------------------------------------ <=>|-| |-|<=> ------------------------------------------ <=>|"||"||"||"||M||"||"||"||O||"||A||"|<=> ------------------------------------------ Phase 88 ========= Prizebomb : no 1-up : yes ___________ ______________/ Phase 88 \_______________ <=>[#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#]<=> ------------------------------------------ <=> 'T' |"||-|<=> ------------------------------------------ <=>[#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#]|-|<=> ------------------------------------------ <=>|-||R||M|'T'|2||"| o^'T'|A| o^'T'|-|<=> ------------------------------------------ <=>|-|[#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#]<=> ------------------------------------------ <=>|-| |"||2| 'T' |-|<=> ------------------------------------------ <=>[#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#]|-|<=> ------------------------------------------ <=>[#]|3||3||3||3||3||3||3||O||I|'T'|-|<=> ------------------------------------------ Phase 89 ========= Prizebomb : no 1-up : no ___________ ______________/ Phase 89 \_______________ <=>[#] |-||-||-|[#]|"||-||3||-| <=> ------ ------------------------------ <=>|-| [#][#]|-||3|'T'|=|[#]|-|[#]|-|<=> ------------------------------------------ <=>[#]|-||=||-|[#] |-||-||=|[#] <=> ------------------ --------------------- <=> [#]|-||-| [#][#]|-| |-||=|<=> ------------------------------------------ <=>|=||=||-|[#][#][#]|-||-||=|[#]|-|[#]<=> ------------------------------------------ <=>[#]|-|[#][#]|3|[#]|-|[#]|-| |=| <=> ------------------------------------------ <=>'T'|-||-| |-|[#]|=||-||=|[#]|-|[#]<=> ------------------------------------------ <=>[#]|-||=|[#]|-|[#] |-||-|[#]|-||-|<=> ------------------------------------------ Phase 90 ========= Prizebomb : yes 1-up : no ___________ ______________/ Phase 90 \_______________ <=> !^ <=> ------------ ------------ ------------ <=> o^[#] [#] |"||-| [#] [#]|=|<=> --------------- ------ --------------- <=>|=|[#]|=|'T'[#]|-||-|[#]'T'|=|[#] o^<=> ------------------------------------------ <=> o^[#]|=||=|[#]|-||-|[#]|=||=|[#]|=|<=> ------------------------------------------ <=>|=|[#]|=||=|[#]|-| [#]|=||=|[#] <=> ------------------------------------ --- <=>|=|[#]|"||=|[#]|-||-|[#]|=||"|[#] <=> ------------------------------------------ <=> |=||=||=||-| 'T'[#]|=||=||=||-|<=> --- ------------------------------------ <=>[#]|=||=||=||-|[#]|=| |=||=||=|[#]<=> ------------------------------------------ Phase 91 ========= Prizebomb : yes 1-up : yes ___________ ______________/ Phase 91 \_______________ <=>[#]|2||=||"||R||"||"||"| [#]|-||-|<=> ------------------------------------------ <=>[#]|=| o^ o^ o^ o^ o^ o^ !^ o^[#]|-|<=> ------------------------------------------ <=>[#]|=|[#] 'T' [@][@][@]|-|<=> ------------------------------------------ <=>[#]|=| o^|"||"| 'T' o^|-|<=> ------------------------------------------ <=>[#]'T''T''T''T' o^|=||=||=||=||=||-|<=> ------------------------------------------ <=>[#]|I||3||3||3||3||3||3||O||M||3||-|<=> ------------------------------------------ <=> |3||3||A||3| [#][#][#] |-|<=> ------------------------------------------ <=> 'T''T''T' |-|<=> ------------------------------------------ Phase 92 ========= Prizebomb : no 1-up : yes ___________ ______________/ Phase 92 \_______________ <=> <=> --------------- --- <=> |O||A| [#]|=|<=> --- --- --------------------- <=>|-||2||"||"||"||"||-|[#] |"||=|<=> ------------------------------------------ <=>|-||"||R| [#] |"|[#] [#][#]|=|<=> ------------ --- ------ ------------ <=>[#]|"|[#]|M|[#]|-||-||2||=||I| |=|<=> --------------------------------- ------ <=> |=| |=| |-| [#] <=> --------- --------- --- ------ <=> |=| |=| |2| |2| [#] <=> --------- --- --- --- ------ --- <=> |=| |=| |-| |-| <=> ------------------------------------------ Phase 93 ========= Prizebomb : no 1-up : no ___________ ______________/ Phase 93 \_______________ <=>|=||=||=||=|[#] |=||=||=||=||=||=|<=> ------------------------------------------ <=>[#][#][#]|=|[#][#][#]|=|[#][#][#][#]<=> ------------------------------------------ <=>[#]|=|[#]|=|[#]|=|[#]|=|[#]|=||=|[#]<=> ------------------------------------------ <=>|=||=|[#]|=| |=|[#]|=| |=|[#]|=|<=> ------------------------------------------ <=>[#][#][#]|=|[#]|=|[#]|=|[#]|=||=||=|<=> ------------------------------------------ <=>|=||=||=||=|[#]|=|[#]|=|[#][#][#]|=|<=> ------------------------------------------ <=>[#]|=|[#][#][#]|=|[#]|=|[#]|=|[#][#]<=> ------------------------------------------ <=>|=||=| [#]|=||=| |=||=||=| |=|<=> ------------------------------------------ Phase 94 ========= Prizebomb : yes 1-up : yes ___________ ______________/ Phase 94 \_______________ <=> o^|3||2||3| o^ <=> ------------ ------------------ --- <=>|-| [#]|"||M||"||"||"||O|[#] o^ <=> ------ --------------------------- --- <=>|-| [#]'T''T''T''T''T''T''T' <=> --------- ------------------------------ <=>|"|[#] o^'T'|I||3||3||R| !^[#] |-|<=> --------------------------------- ------ <=>'T''T'|"||"||"||"||A||"||"||"| o^|-|<=> ------------------------------------------ <=> |-| [#][#][#][#]|-|<=> --- ------------ ------------------ <=> |-|[#] |"||"|[#][#]'T'<=> --- ------------------------------------ <=> |-| 'T''T''T' <=> ------------------------------------------ Phase 95 ========= Prizebomb : no 1-up : yes, with hacking ___________ ______________/ Phase 95 \_______________ <=>[#] [#]<=> --------------------------------- ------ <=>[#] |"| |"||"| |"| [#]<=> ------ --------------------------------- <=>[#] |"| |"||"| |"| [#]<=> --------------------------------- ------ <=>[#] |R| |M||"| |"| [#]<=> ------ --------------------------------- <=>[#] |2| |3||3| |O||I| [#]<=> --------------------------------- ------ <=>[#] |A| |"||=| |"| [#]<=> ------ --------------------------------- <=>[#] |"| [#]<=> ------------------------------------------ <=>[#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#]<=> ------------------------------------------ Phase 96 ========= Prizebomb : yes 1-up : yes ___________ ______________/ Phase 96 \_______________ <=> o^[#][#][#][#][#][#][#] |"|<=> ------------------------------------------ <=>|-| o^'T'|"|'T'|"|'T'|R||-|[#] <=> ------------------------------------------ <=>[#]|=|'T'|"||"| !^|2||M||2| o^'T' <=> ------------------------------------------ <=>'T'[@][#] o^|=|[#][#]|O||A||"|[#]|=|<=> ------------------------------------------ <=>|-| 'T'|"||2|[#]|=||=| [#]'T''T'<=> ------------------------------------------ <=>'T''T' |-|[#]|2||=||"|[#]|-| |=|<=> --------- ------------------------------ <=>|-|[#]|"||"||I|[#]|=| o^'T''T' [@]<=> ------------------------------------------ <=>'T''T'|"| o^ [#]|"||"| |-|<=> ------------------------------------------ Phase 97 ========= Prizebomb : yes 1-up : yes ___________ ______________/ Phase 97 \_______________ <=> o^|"| o^|=| o^ o^|=| o^|"| !^ <=> ------------------------------------------ <=>|2| o^|"||=||=||=||=||=||=||"| o^|O|<=> ------------------------------------------ <=> o^|=||I||=||=||=||=||=||=||R||=| o^<=> ------------------------------------------ <=> o^|=|[#]|=||=||=||=||=||=|[#]|=| o^<=> ------------------------------------------ <=>|-| o^'T'|=||=||=||=||=||=|'T' o^|-|<=> ------------------------------------------ <=> o^|-|[#]|=||=|[#]|-| o^ <=> ------------------------------------------ <=>|-| o^ |=| |=| o^|-|<=> --------- --- --- --------- <=>|-|'T' o^'T'[#]|A||M|[#]'T' o^'T'|-|<=> ------------------------------------------ Phase 98 ========= Prizebomb : yes 1-up : yes ___________ ______________/ Phase 98 \_______________ <=> |3||3| [#]<=> ------------------------------------------ <=> [#]<=> --- ------ <=>|-|[#]|"||"||"||"||"||"||I| o^ [#]<=> ------------------------------------------ <=>|-| o^ [#]<=> ------ --- ------ <=>|-|[#]|R||A||"||"||"||"|'T' [#]<=> ------------------------------------------ <=>|-| [#]<=> ------ ------ <=>|-|[#]|2||O||M||2||2||2| !^ [#]<=> ------------------------------------------ <=>|-| <=> ------------------------------------------ Phase 99 ========= Prizebomb : yes 1-up : yes, with hacking ___________ ______________/ Phase 99 \_______________ <=> !^ o^ o^ o^<=> --------- ------ --------- <=>|"||"||"||M||"||I||"||"||"||"||O||"|<=> ------------------------------------------ <=>|=||=||=||=||=||=||=||=||=||=||=||=|<=> ------------------------------------------ <=>[#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#]<=> ------------------------------------------ <=> <=> --- --- <=>[#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#]<=> ------------------------------------------ <=> <=> --- --- <=>[#] o^|3||2||A||R| o^[#] o^|2||2| o^<=> ------------------------------------------ Phase 100 ========== Prizebomb : yes 1-up : yes ___________ ______________/ Phase 100 \_______________ <=> o^|"|[#]|"|<=> ------------------------------------------ <=>|=||=||=||=||=||=||=| o^|"|[#]|"||"|<=> ------------------------------------------ <=>|=||=||=||=||=||=| o^|"|[#]|I||M||A|<=> ------------------------------------------ <=>|=||=||=||=||=| o^|O|[#]|"||"||"||"|<=> ------------------------------------------ <=>|=||=||=||=| !^|"|[#]|"||"||"||"||"|<=> ------------------------------------------ <=>|=||=||=| o^|"|[#]|"||"||"||"||"||"|<=> ------------------------------------------ <=>|=||=| o^|"|[#]|"||"||"||"||"||"||"|<=> ------------------------------------------ <=>|=| o^|"|[#]|"||"||"||"||R||"||"||"|<=> ------------------------------------------ 7 Miscellaneous notes ------------------------ [note1] In order to obtain the 1-up while playing as Luigi, we must reveal the letters in the following (exact) order: L, U, the "first" I (i.e., the letter R if playing as Mario), G, and the "second" I (i.e., the letter O if playing as Mario). Swapping the "first" and "second" I (i.e., revealing the "second" I before revealing the "first" I) won't work, because we won't be able to reveal the letter G after (incorrectly) revealing the "second" I. [note2] There is a bug in the game that prevented the player from getting some of the letters (or obtaining the prize by detonating the prizebomb third) in certain phases. This bug causes walls/bricks to lose their letter (or prizebomb to lose their prize), if their locations were changed (e.g., if they fell down due to destroyed supporting pillars). [note3] In the Design Mode, when using UP+B combination (to load the design of the phase selected on title screen), the prizebomb and letters would also be loaded to the design (but it will be removed if we violate the following rule [note4]). [note4] In the Design Mode, when using UP+B combination, it is possible to add, move, or remove enemies, Spike, and Mario without [re]moving the prizebomb and the letters from the design. 8 Acknowledgements and copyright ----------------------------------- The phase maps in section 6.2 were derived from phase maps drawn by CrazyLaz (in CrazyLaz's Wrecking Crew FAQ, version 5.01), and further adapted to this FAQ by removing unrelated symbols and markings (players, enemies, and walkthrough-related symbols and markings), changing symbols to (hopefully) improve readability, and adding letters and prizebomb locations. This FAQ is copyright © 2006 by Ronald BG. All rights reserved.