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Also, this guide contains -SPOILERS- for other Final Fantasy games. ------------- Contact Info: ------------- GameFAQs Username: Graverobber 13 Email: TheGraveRobberX (at) hotmail (dot) com AIM: Graverobber XIII YIM: GraverobberXIII MSN: TheGraveRobberX@hotmail.com ICQ#: 327397622 Website: http://www.wednesdayxiii.tk Please contact me if my guide has any errors, or if you'd like to contribute. This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. That means you stay away from this guide, CheatCodeCentral, you pack of thieves. Do NOT email me to flame me if you think this guide is useless or dumb. I'm typically a nice guy, but I LOVE being a jerk for absolutely no reason. You'd really pay if you do give me one. You should see some of my angry rants I post at my friend's message boards or my own. So don't make yourself a target; don't send me spam mail or hate mail over this guide. Guides like this are scattered all over GameFAQs. Don't single me out just because you're currently playing this game and I'm an open target. ------------------ Table of Contents: ------------------ I. About the Author II. About Dawn of Souls III. About this Guide IV. Updates V. Auto-Name References A. Warrior-Knight Names B. Thief-Ninja Names C. Monk-Master Names D. White Mage-White Wizard Names E. Black Mage-Black Wizard Names F. Red Mage-Red Wizard Names VI. Credits/Thanks VII. Coming Soon --------------------- I. About the Author: --------------------- Hello. I'm Graverobber XIII. You'd see me around GameFAQs under the username "Graverobber 13", but I prefer to be referred to as Graverobber XIII because that's the stage name I wanted to use for my stage name if I got my glam-rock band off the ground. I sucked at writing lyrics, so I quit. To be known as Graverobber XIII makes me feel better about my failure. Thumbs up. I've been playing Final Fantasy games ever since 1999. I'm mostly a fighting game fan, but I do play RPGs and First-Person Shooters. My first Final Fantasy game was Final Fantasy VII. I never found copies of FFI or the American versions of FFII or FFIII, so I learned how the FF engine works from playing VII. Contrary to popular opinion, I think Final Fantasy V is the best FF game in the series. I think the storyline was great. Sure, it borrowed most of the plot from the first Final Fantasy and the Japanese Final Fantasy III, but the at least the characters have names and enemies have importance. In FFIII, all you see are monsters that just fight for no reason at all, just because they can. In FFV, monsters have a reason; Gilgamesh is a badass, Siren likes terrorizing innocent people for kicks, and X-Death wants to destroy Galuf and the rest of the Warriors of Dawn. Well, I shouldn't knock FFIII so bad. It was translated poorly by some jerk who thinks the main heroes of FFIII sound great acting like 4 year olds when they should be mature, well-trained-yet-new-to-combat warriors in the making. Anyway, I have a fair Final Fantasy game collection: Final Fantasy I & II: Dawn of Souls (GBA) Final Fantasy IV - Hard Type (PSX version, Chronicals) Final Fantasy V (PSX version, Anthology) Final Fantasy VI (PSX version, Anthology) Final Fantasy VII (PSX) Final Fantasy VIII (PSX) Final Fantasy IX (PSX) Final Fantasy Tactics (PSX) Final Fantasy Tactics Advance (GBA) So I have a good understanding of what goes on in some of those games. I've only beaten FFI on DoS, and FFVIII. The rest I've never finished. I tend to start RPGs and never finish them. I usually encounter a new game while I'm playing an RPG and put the RPG on hold while I play the new game, and when I go back to the RPG, I forget what I have to do next, or I forget most of the story, so I just start all over, so that's why I needed help writing this FAQ. I never saw many of the characters in the games yet. I'll get around to beating my games soon. Anyway, on with the Guide. ------------------------- II. About Dawn of Souls: ------------------------- Final Fantasy I & II: Dawn of Souls is much like a combination of the WonderSwan versions of Final Fantasy I and Final Fantasy II and the Playstation Final Fantasy Origins. Dawn of Souls looks exactly like the WonderSwan and Playstation games, but there's an important difference: The Soul of Chaos and The Soul of Rebirth. The Soul of Chaos is four brand new dungeons in Final Fantasy I, which you can explore to collect new weapons and armor that never appeared in any other version of Final Fantasy I. Each dungeon also contains four boss monsters, each one guarding an important weapon or piece of armor, and these 16 monsters are monsters straight from Final Fantasy III-VI, including the King of Badassness, Gilgamesh. The Soul of Rebirth is an extension of Final Fantasy II. After beating the main game, save your game data to a new slot to select Soul of Rebirth from Final Fantasy II's menu. In this extension, you play as the four characters from the main game that died while fighting for the rebellion against the Emperor. I won't spoil who they are, for those who've never played FFII yet. They enter Soul of Rebirth at the same point they died in the main quest. I strongly recommend this GBA version of the Final Fantasy I & II bundle, just for these new features. ----------------------- III. About this Guide: ----------------------- This guide is mainly an informative source. You see, Final Fantasy I, in this bundle, includes the feature to allow the CPU to select your part member's names in case you can't think up your own, since FFI's characters don't have default names. Did you know that each of the 6 starting Job Classes have 10 unique names to choose from, and that all 10 are characters from Final Fantasy I-VI? I thought that was kinda neat. I decided to write this guide so that people new to Final Fantasy can know which characters these names came from and a little bit about those characters. ------------- IV. Updates: ------------- If I made any updates since the previous version of this guide, they will of corrections, they will be made posted below: - I rewrote some of the discriptions below, and I also added more bits of info about others. ------------------------- V. Auto-Name References: ------------------------- Listed below are the 10 generated names for all 6 starting job classes, as well as the games they came from. Keep in mind, I did 50% of this myself. If I made any errors, it may not be my fault, so don't flame me via email or IM. ------------------------- A. Warrior-Knight Names: ------------------------- NOTE: Names appear on the left, and the origin of the name appears on the right. Argus I was wrong. I thought Argus was another way of saying Algus, a supporter of the Marquis in Final Fantasy Tactics. I was way off. Âgasu is the Japanese name for the castle in Final Fantasy 3 in which you receive the Time Gear. In the fan- translation of the Famicom game, it was changed to Argass, which sounds obscene, which is why I hate fan-translations of games in which the translator makes things accurate with the Japanese version. Square-Enix will most likely change the name to Argus in the DS version of FF3 coming soon. Thanks to enigmaopoeia for clearing this up. I seem to be way off with these FF3 references... at least I have a good excuse. Also, a guy named Andy emailed me and told me that in Final Fantasy 11, there's a enemy named Argus. He told me this about Argus: Andy: "FYI, this is also the name of a particularly ferocious notorious monster in the FF MMORPG, ffxi. Argus only shows up in the game once every 24 to 48 hours, and competition to claim him is stiff. If you manage to defeat him (he's tough!) there is a chance he will drop an item worth as much as 10,000,000 gil called the peacock charm." I told Andy I was glad there were psychos out there willing to pay 100 bucks to buy FF11, then pay more every month to keep playing it. Heh heh. Haiiro Hakai from GameFAQs has brought to my attention the following: Haiiro Hakai: "Argus is a monster with a hundred eyes. He was thus a very effective watchdog, as only a few of the eyes would sleep at a time; there were always several eyes still awake. Argus was Hera’s servant; Her last task for him was to guard a white heifer from Hera’s husband, Zeus. Hera knew that the heifer was in reality Io, one of Zeus’ many girlfriends. To free Io, Zeus had Argus slain by Hermes. Hermes succeeded in putting all of Argus’ eyes asleep with boring stories, being disguised as a shepherd. To reward good service, Hera had the hundred eyes of Argus preserved forever, in the tail of a peacock." His/her source is: http://www.arguslounge.com/myth.html Arus Prince in Final Fantasy 3; also known as Alus. I don't know much about him, sorry. Banon Leader of the Returners resistance group in Final Fantasy 6. In the game, Terra, Locke, and the rest of the group had to protect Banon on two occasions, or risk being captured by the Empire. In a previous version of this guide, I said Banon was Co-Leader of the Returners. That was because I thought Arvis was also a leader in the Returners, and Co-Leader would be the proper term for 2 people who are both leaders and have the same status. But I found out that Arvis is a Returners sympathizer, so I fixed it. Stupid mistake on my part. I suddenly remembered that he called himself a Returners sympathizer. I've got to lay off the A1 steak sauce... Baron A Castle-town in Final Fantasy 4. This is the home of the Dark Knight Cecil, White Mage Rosa, and Dragoon Kain, as well as the Airship Engineer Cid. Because of it's possession of the mighty Airships, Baron is the most technologically advanced kingdom in Final Fantasy 4, as well as the strongest military power. Desh Reckless Adventurer with amnesia in Final Fantasy 3; boyfriend of Sarina. I don't know much about him. Doma Cyan's home in Final Fantasy 6. Its citizens were killed when Kefka poisoned its water source, causing the slow, plainful to pretty much everyone but Cyan himself. In a rage, Cyan stormed the Empire's desert military outpost, where he met Sabin and Shadow, and thus officially entering as a key player in the storyline. In a later scene, Cyan has a strange dream when he returns to Doma castle. Giott King of the Underworld Dwarven Castle in Final Fantasy 4. Giott sends Cecil and Co. to steal back the dark crystals from the Tower of Babil. Leo General working under Emperor Gestahl in Final Fantasy 6. Unlike Kefka, Leo is a compassionate human being fighting for the good of the world. Unfortunately, Leo died in a brawl against Kefka. Sasuun A Kingdom in Final Fantasy 3. Due to the fact there's no official translation to this game, yet, I can't explain why Sasuun is important. In the fan-translation of FF3, Sasuun is spelled "Sasoon". Maybe Square-Enix decided to spell it differently, and Sasoon will be made into Sasuun for Final Fantasy 3 on the DS. Zeza General in Final Fantasy 5; his fleet is trying to take X-Death's castle by force. Zeza is one of the 4 Warriors of Dawn, along with Kelga, Galuf, and Dorgan. Zeza's fleet is attacked before it reaches the castle by X-Death's own armada, lead by Gilgamesh. In a plot to destroy one of the barrier-generating towers arround X-Death's castle, Zeza failed to escape from Barrier Tower when it went up in a ball of flames. ---------------------- B. Thief-Ninja Names: ---------------------- Baku Leader of the Tantalus gang of thieves in Final Fantasy 9. He kicked Zidane out of Tantalus because Zidane lost track of his mission in the group. Later on, Baku allows Zidane back into the group. Biggs Commonly used name in Final Fantasy; used to be "Vicks" before Final Fantasy 7, the first Final Fantasy game to replace Vicks with Biggs. Biggs... Wedge... do I sense a Star Wars tribute? Blank Zidane's fellow thief in Final Fantasy 9; gets petrified with the Evil Forest. Dr. Tot created a Supersoft potion from items gathered by Zidane, and Marcus left the party to revive his friend. Daryl Setzer's friend in Final Fantasy 6; rumored to be Gogo in the same game, however, the rumor has yet to be confirmed. Daryl died when her airship, the Falcon, crashed soon after she and Setzer raced using their two airships. Setzer restored her airship and had it buried in Daryl's tomb. When Setzer's ship gets destroyed when Kefka defaced the planet, Setzer rejoins the party and leads his team to Daryl's tomb to retrieve the truly last airship in the world. Gerad A false identity Edgar takes on in Final Fantasy 6. As Gerad, Edgar joined a gang of thieves and had them lead the way to his castle, which was stuck underground. Celes and Sabin follow Gerad underground and into the basement of Figaro Castle, where Gerad finally revealed himself to his two friends that he was Edgar all along. Kelga One of the 4 Warriors of Dawn in Final Fantasy 5. When Bartz and Kelga lock eyes for the first time, they have a spar. Bartz manages to block one of Kelga's strongest attacks, with this, and Galuf's telling Kelga that Bartz is the son of Dorgan, he long time friend and fellow Warrior of Dawn. Kelga is very sick, so other than open the northern gate of Kelb, Kelga can't do a thing to help the party. Upon the the death of Galuf, Kelga dies too, as he can no longer aid his friend. Puck Prince from Cleyra in Final Fantasy 9. In the beginning, Puck offered Vivi a place to see "I Want to Be Your Canary" in exchange for a lifetime of servitude. That never happened. It's revealed that he's the prince of Cleyra when the party arrives to battle an vicious Antlion. Sarisa Faris's real name. She uses the name Faris to hide her being a princess in Final Fantasy 5; originally Salsa in the PSX version of FF5. Unlike in the dull-as-hell fan- translation, the American Anthology version of FF5 says Faris hid her identity from the pirates because the pirates don't respect women on their ship. She was raised on the ship as a boy and developed the cliche pirate accent. The fan-translation made Faris talk normal, so that nothing disinguished Faris as a pirate other than her hanging out with people who wore eye-patches. The fan-translation needs a nice hard blasting in the face with a rail cannon, a la Resident Evil 3. Way to make things NOT make sense. Translating games for America so that it's accurate with the original Japanese version is NOT always a good idea... Tuss Lone Wolf's true identity in Final Fantasy 5. Lonewolf is a pickpocket, making an appearance in both Final Fantasy 5 and Final Fantasy 6. In Final Fantasy 5, you have the choice of breaking Lone Wolf out of his cell. However, if you do, Lone Wolf will steal the contents of the treasure chests in one of the caves later in the game. In FInal Fantasy 6, Lonewolf appears in the basement prison of Figaro Castle. It's not shown how Lone Wolf gets set free, but you see Lone Wolf steal a Gold Hairpin from a sealed chest and holds Mog hostage on the cliff on top of Narche mines. You have the option to recruit Mog early by saving him, or take the Gold Hairpin and not get Mog until the World of Ruin. You get Gold Hairpins later in the game anyway, so I recommend saving Mog; he's quite powerful when you get him, as you've seen from the beginning of the game. Wedge Commonly used name in Final Fantasy, along with Biggs and Cid. ---------------------- C. Monk-Master Names: ---------------------- Arvis A Returners sympathizer living in the mining town of Narshe in Final Fantasy 6. Arvis has a secret base in Narshe. After Terra met Tritoch in the nearby mine, Arvis found her and removed her Slave Crown, helping Terra regain her senses. Cinna Zidane's fellow thief in Final Fantasy 9; gets picked on because of his looks. "I wash up every day you know." Dorgan Bartz's father in Final Fantasy 5. One of the 4 Warriors of Dawn. One day, when Bartz was a small child, Dorgan left Rikks to travel the world. He never returned. Bartz too became a traveler, hoping to see the world Dorgan may not have successfully seen himself. Duncan Sabin's sensei in Final Fantasy 6. Believed to be dead, Duncan makes an appearance when the world is destroyed and teaches Sabin his strongest Blitz attack, Bum Rush. Though He's alive, Duncan may not be for long, as he seems to be very ill. Gorn King Gorn in Final Fantasy 3; he is the father of Arus. Maduin Terra's Esper father in Final Fantasy 6. Maduin found a woman at the gate to the human world and took her in. Her name was Madonna. The village seemed to love Madonna. However, the Emipre tracked the woman after Madonna's and Maduin's daughter Terra was born. The gate to the human world was sealed, but not before Madonna and Terra are sucked into the portal and are sent back to Earth. Later in the game, Maduin becomes Magicite, and allows Terra and her allies to summon him in battle. Marcus Zidane's fellow thief in Final Fantasy 9. He shows respect to Garnet and Steiner, unlike other members of Tantalus. Marcus saves Blank from the Evil Forest using Supersoft. Owain Cyan's son in Final Fantasy 6; dies when Kefka poisons Doma's water. Owzer A majorly obese art collector in Final Fantasy 6. Relm paints him a picture of the Starlet Esper, however, the painting is possessed and attacks Relm's friends. The demon's name is Chadernook. Walz A castle-town in Final Fantasy 5. The nearby Tower of Walz sinks into the ocean, where the Mime job class can be won from Gogo the Mime, who also makes an appearance as an optional party member in Final Fantasy 6. ---------------------------------- D. White Mage-White Wizard Names: ---------------------------------- Elia The Maiden of Water in Final Fantasy 3. Jenica Reina's nursemaid in Final Fantasy 5; she took care of Reina and her sister, Salsa/Sarisa. Kuku One of the many moogles that assist Locke in protecting Terra in Final Fantasy 6. Luca Giott's daughter in Final Fantasy 4; also the second largest city in Final Fantasy 10. Luca's dolls, three Cals and three Brinas that can magically combine into one giant Calbrina to attack Cecil and his teammates. Mikoto The Genome that was supposed to replace Zidane and Kuja in Final Fantasy 9. Noah A legendary "archmage" in Final Fantasy 3; gave 3 of his pupils a gift before dying. Ruby Member of Tantalus in Final Fantasy 9, but she really wants to act. You will recognize her from her "Southern" accent. Ruby opens a theater in Alexandria, however, it doesn't do so well. Also, this name could reference Ruby WEAPON, one of the 5 mechanical monsters sealed underground and released once Sephiroth retrieved the Black Materia to summon Meteor. Sara The NES name for Princess Sarah in Final Fantasy 1. She is the daughter of the King of Corneria (Cornelia in the recent versions of Final Fantasy 1). A rouge knight, Garland, kidnapped Sara, and the four Warriors of Light must rescue her. In Final Fantasy 3, Sara is the princess of Sasuun. According to enigmaopoeia from the GameFAQs forum, Sara, as Sarah, is Princess Garnet's real first name. I never saw this, as I haven't done the mini-quest in which that is revealed, but I've heard a lot of people support this, as they probably did the quest, so I'll just take their word for it. Another note, in the Japanese version of FF3, Sara was spelled in Latin as Sara, and Sara is not the same as Sarah. In the American FF1, they are the same. Well, similar at least. I'm not sure I grasp that idea, which shows how much I remember from Latin class, so I'll just take their word for it again. Sarina A princess in Final Fantasy 3. She's also Desh's love. I've been told she wasn't a princess, just a girl who fell ill. I haven't played FF3 and I don't plan to until an official English translation comes States side, so I can't confirm this. Sherko A little doctor who's has become ill from Toza in Final Fantasy 3. ---------------------------------- E. Black Mage-Black Wizard Names: ---------------------------------- Delila An old woman in Final Fantasy 3; she lives in the sewers. She possesses a pair of Floating Shoes. I've originally mistaken this for "Delita", a character from Final Fantasy Tactics. The second "L" looked kinda like a "T." Gilles An old man from the town of Amur in Final Fantasy 3; possesses the key that lets you enter the sewers. Gungho Strago's friend searching for Hidon in Final Fantasy 6. Homac One of the elders of Ur, the starting town in Final Fantasy 3. Kokkol Master Kokkol is a smith in Final Fantasy 4, living in a house in the Underworld. He requires Adamant to create Excalibur. Koko A female Chocobo in Final Fantasy 5; she and Boko have baby Chicobos (term from Final Fantasy 8 referring to baby Chocobos). Nina The adoptive mother of the 4 heroes in Final Fantasy 3. Stella Bartz's mother and Dorgan's wife in Final Fantasy 5. Stella became sick a few years after Dorgan left Rikks, and she died. Topapa One of the Elder citizens of Ur and the guardian of the 4 heroes in Final Fantasy 3. Zok Reina's sage friend from Tule in Final Fantasy 5. Zok possesses the key to open up the nearby canal. While the party spends the night in Tule, Zok gives Bartz the key so he and Reina can save the crystal in Walz. ------------------------------ F. Red Mage-Red Wizard Names: ------------------------------ Duane Katrin's boyfriend/husband from Final Fantasy 6. Duane loves Katrin, but when Katrin becomes pregnant, Duane chickens out and hides away from Katrin. After Phunbaba is killed, Duane comes to his senses and decides to accept his responsibility. Elayne Cyan's wife in Final Fantasy 6; dies when Kefka poisons Doma's water. After Cyan, Sabin, and Shadow get off the Phantom Train, Cyan sees his wife and son boarding the Ghost train to go to the afterlife. Cyan is tortured. Gill A talking sage-like turtle in Final Fantasy 5. Gill knows the true story behind X-Death, and how to best defeat the evil Black Mage; find the 12 Legendary Weapons using the 4 Lithographs hidden arround the world. KluYa FuSoYa's brother, and the father of Golbez and Cecil in Final Fantasy 4. Kory An astronomer observing the moon in Final Fantasy 4, in the town of Agart. Funny though, I don't remember the astronomer actually having a name, seeing how he's a minor character... Lalibo A dwarf in Final Fantasy 5; wishes to dig a tunnel around the world. Lola A woman in Final Fantasy 6, who lost her true love; Cyan sees Lola and feels bad for her's loss, so to make Lola feel better, Cyan forges the deceased soldier's name and sends Lola letters via carrier pigeon. Cyan mails Lola his final letter, where he explains who he really is and why he deceived her. Mid The grandson of Final Fantasy 5's Cid in that game. Cid and Mid use parts from the Fire Ship to construct and add onto an airship docked within a hidden underground airship dock near Crescent Island. Throughout the game, the two mechanics will add onto the airship to allow it to fly higher and reach the Ruins of Ronka and combine the airship with a submarine to create an Airship/Ship/Submarine combo which you can change at will. Tot Princess Garnet's former tutor in Final Fantasy 9. Tot has taught Garnet about plays and theater, and more importantly, about her ability to summon her Edilons. Tot now lives in Treno. The party is allowed to use his Gargant tunnel to reach Lindblum when they cannot use an airship. Yura The gatekeeper of the Esper village in Final Fantasy 6. -------------------- VI. Thanks/Credits: -------------------- The following GameFAQs members deserve thanks for aiding me while making this guide. Please note, I only credit the people who gave me the info first, expanded more on a certain character (gave more info to help explain their use) and I don't credit to people who posted info on characters I already knew about. Thank you to the following for helping with some names: LightAura: - Yura - Lola - Nina - Owain - Gerad - Gungho - Elayne - Koko jvtruman and King Dragoon XXIII: - KluYa Bren92787: - Kelga thriceborn phoenix" - Luca - Mikoto Nihilanth: - Sasuun - Noah - Elia - Sarina - Nina - Homac Sky Render: - Desh - Arus - Argus - Sarisa enigmaopoeia: - Tuss - Gorn - Kuku - Topapa - Gilles - Kory - Corrections: way too many to count. I owe this girl most of all. And sorry for mistakenly calling you a guy. I didn't know you were a girl and I just assumed. Fironel20: - Correction: Sarisa (I accidentally said her real name was Faris and Sarisa/Salsa was her real name, and Fironel20 called me on it). Action: - Corrections: Vicks (spelling error), Daryl (showing me that I forgot to finish my description, and correcting the word "the". Heh heh), Ruby (sugggesting I reference Ruby WEAPON from Final Fantasy 7). Kaitar: - Corrections: a bunch of minor mistakes. Mostly my having apostrophes where they don't belong. Andy: - Argus, and his role as an enemy in Final Fantasy 11. Haiiro Hakai: - Argus, and the Greek mythology behind the name, and for showing me this site: http://www.arguslounge.com/myth.html. Nintendo: - For releasing this game. Squaresoft: - For creating the Final Fantasy series, and for deciding to reproduce this onto the Gameboy Advance. Enix - You were the company who first created turn-based video game RPGs in America. Thank you for your great efforts in the past, and thank you for Dragon Warrior, namely I & II for the GBC. Please try to get Square to remake Terranigma on the GBA or DS. Don't hold out on your American fans. We need to see this game reach our side of the Pacific. The rest of the character names in the guide who were never credited by the previously mentioned people, I already knew about. Thank you all for your assistance with the ones I didn't know. There were a lot. --------------------------------- VII. Coming Soon in Version 4.0: --------------------------------- - Nothing at the moment Final Fantasy, Final Fantasy I-X, Final Fantasy Tactics, Final Fantasy Tactics Advance, and Final Fantasy I & II: Dawn of Souls, as games, are ©1986-2005 Square-Enix. I do not claim ownership of any of these games, except for owning legal copies of these games bought from stores, nor do I own any of the characters, neither names nor designs. This is the end of the Guide. Please hit your Back button to go back.