FINAL FANTASY: DAWN OF SOULS: Bestiary FAQ ------------------------------------------ Written by Kurasu Soratobu ( Present version: 2.6 INDEX ------- Copyright info Introduction Why the mini-FAQ? A) FINAL FANTASY I A1................ Overview A2................ Note/Terms A3................ Location Definitions A4................ Monsters By Location A5................ The Monsters B) FINAL FANTASY II B1................ Overview B2................ Note/Terms B3................ Location Definitions B4................ Monsters By Location B5................ The Monsters Update Info Requests Thanks To... COPYRIGHT INFO -------------- Final Fantasy Dawn Of Souls Bestiary FAQ, copyright 2007-2015 Kurasu Soratobu. This file may not be published in part, or without this Copyright, without explicit permission from the author. Final Fantasy and monster names are all Copyright of Square Enix. If someone wants to post this list to their site, please get in touch with me at and ask. I am more than happy to let people post this elsewhere, so long as I can get the full credit for it, and can be aware of where it's going for my own personal knowledge. Make certain the words 'Bestiary', 'Final Fantasy', 'FAQ', or something like that appear in the title so I recognize it as other-than-junk. All junk gets immediately deleted. Any corrections, additions, suggestions, and whatever can be sent to If you are wanting to speak with me directly, then depending on which IM service you use I am AIM: KurasuSoratobu, MSN:, Yahoo: kurasu, and @KurasuSoratobu on Twitter. I can't promise I'll be uber-chatty, though I'm always willing to answer questions! INTRODUCTION -------------- In the beginning, there was Final Fantasy. And Square saw it was good. Next came Final Fantasy II, which never made it to American shores. And Square saw it was good. The series has come a long way since those beginning days, and is now heading for its thirteenth incarnation, along with a number of spin-offs from earlier games. This game, Dawn Of Souls, is a remake of the original Final Fantasy and Final Fantasy II. However, there are aspects of them that are completely redone, making them different enough to be well worth the playing. One of these is the game's 'Bestiary'. WHY THE MINI-FAQ? ------------------ I've always loved 'collecting' games. Since the first days of Pokemon, I've adored the chance to be able to gather critters and keep their names in a list. It's a challenge to fill one's list with everything possible. However, the critters can be awfully hard to find a lot of the time. Sometimes, you just want to know where to hunt for such-and-such monster to be able to add it to your list. Add that to the fact that some creatures are extremely rare, even where they're supposed to be found, and it becomes obvious that having a list of the monsters can be very handy. And since all the lists on GameFAQs up until now have been translated from the Japanese version, I figured it was time someone went through the American one in case of changes from one to the other. *WARNING WARNING WARNING* Because this FAQ lists all the monsters and where to find them, there may be some monsters, dungeons, locations, et cetera in the list that could be considered spoilers. If you are bothered by spoilers, then tread carefully. These are kept to a minimum, but there is always the possibility that a spoiler may appear, particularly with some of the main bosses. *WARNING WARNING WARNING* +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ + A) FINAL FANTASY I + +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ A1) OVERVIEW ------------ NUMBER: NAME (The number the monster appears in the book and its name) HP: The number of HP the monster has Attack: The level of attack the monster has and any special afflictions Accuracy: How accurate the monster's attacks are Defense: The monster's defensive ability Agility: How agile the monster is in attacking; higher means more attacks Intelligence: How intelligent the monster is; used with spells/abilities Evasion: How easily the monster evades attacks Magic Defense: The monster's Magical Defense Gil: How much gold the monster drops EXP: The total XP the monster gives; this is divided between the surviving party members Treasure: What item the monster might drop Weakness: Attacks the monster is weak to Resistance: Attacks the monster is resistant to Where fought: Where the monster can be found in the world. Note: these do not include how hard it is to find them there; they will show, but they may be rare Note: Special notes about the monster such as 'family', special attacks, notes about location, et cetera A2) NOTE/TERMS -------------- Attacks: This is a list of special attacks (not actual spells) the monster has. These cannot be blocked with 'Silence'. Status ailments that are delivered by a special attack are listed here, though status ailments that are delivered in a basic physical attack are mentioned after 'attack' on the monster sheet. (Boss): This is a boss monster in this location; in other words, a unique battle that can't be repeated once the monster has been killed. First/Second Form: The monster must be fought multiple times in a row, taking a different 'form' each time. (Guardian): The monster has been placed in a certain specific location (usually in front of a chest or a door) that does not change. The monster can be encountered multiple times if the area is stepped back into. These monsters can be considerably more powerful than the average creatures in an area, and these 'guardian points' are often the only place they can be fought in a particular area, or occasionally at all. Impossible to flee: A monster who cannot be fled from normally, no matter your evasion, level difference, or whatever. They must be killed before you can escape (or complete the battle). Bosses can automatically not be fled from. (Special): A monster whose location in an area relies on a special circumstance/general area/item/et cetera. The circumstances will be explained in 'Note'. Spells: This is a list of any spells the monster may have. They work exactly the same way as the player's own spells. These can be blocked by the 'Silence' spell. Type: The monster's invisible 'type'. These are important in the use of specific weapons (Werebuster and Coral Sword as examples) and occasionally specific spells (Dia). Not all monsters have a 'type' A3) LOCATION DEFINITIONS ------------------------ Across Cornelia Bridge: The land mass directly across from Cornelia bridge. This includes the land around Matoya's cave and the land surrounding Pravoka. Around Chaos Shrine: The area immediately surrounding the Chaos Shrine and the land slightly to the south of it. Around Cornelia Town: The area immediately surrounding and slightly to the north of Cornelia. Around Crescent Lake: The forested area surrounding Crescent Lake. Around Elfhame: The lands surrounding the city and castle of Elfhame. Around Lufenia: The forest around Lufenia (the wing of the hawk). This does *not* include the forest area around and north of the northern lake; these monsters can be found in 'Great Desert'. Around Melmond: The areas around the city of Melmond and up to the Giant's Cave. Also includes the Devil's Tail and the island of the Sage's Cave. Around Onrac: The areas around the city of Onrac, including the desert to the west. Chaos Shrine: The shrine 200 Years in the past, where the main enemy of the game is. Citadel Of Trials: The palace Northwest of the Dragon Chain islands. Danger Point: Directly to the east of Pravoka Town and due north at the secondary port, there is a finger of land. Walking back and forth at the very 'tip' of this finger leads to attacks from very powerful creatures. Though it has no technical name, I just call this spot 'Danger Point'. Dragon Chain: The chain of islands to the northwest of the world map in which you find Tiamat. This includes the area around the Citadel Of Trials. Earth Cave: The Cavern of Earth, on the 'Devil's tail' peninsula near Melmond. Where the Earth Crystal is. Earthgift Shrine: The cave almost directly to the north of Cornelia. This is open only after Lich has been killed. Flying Fortress: The fortress area above the Mirage Tower. Where the Air Crystal is found. Giant's Cave: The cave due west of Melmond, where the giant will not let you through without feeding it a star ruby. Great Desert: This is the enormous desert containing Mirage Tower, just to the west of Lufenia. This includes the land around Gaia and the forest nearest to where you must land your ship to walk to Lufenia (just around the lake). Hellfire Chasm: The cave within the swampy island of the Dragon Chain. This is open only after Marilith has been killed. Ice Cave: The cave where you get the Levistone. Levels are defined as a and b: 'a' is the levels you reach on first coming through the door. 'b' are the levels reached after dropping through the hole near the stone. Lifespring Grotto: The whirlpool near the channel near Onrac. This is only open after Kraken has been defeated. Marsh Cave: The small hole in the ground southwest of Elfhame. Mirage Tower: The tower in the center of the Great Desert. Ocean: The general seas around the world. Obviously attainable only by ship. Pravoka City: The actual city of Pravoka. There is only one monster that shows up here, and it is a miniboss. Rivers: The shallow waters which must be traversed with the canoe. Ruined Shrine: The ruined shrine northwest of Cornelia, where Garland is. Named 'Chaos Shrine' in the game, but named differently here to differentiate it from the final dungeon 'Chaos Shrine'. Sunken Shrine: The ocean shrine, just through Onrac. This is where Kraken can be found. Volcano: The volcano in the center of the river, near Crescent Lake. It's known as Mount Gulg, and is where the Fire Crystal is. Waterfall: This is the cave behind the waterfall near Onrac, called 'Waterfall Cavern' in the game. Western Keep: Astos' Castle. Whisperwind Cove: The cove just northeast of the Ice Cave. Only open after Tiamat's death. A4) MONSTERS BY LOCATION ------------------------ Across Cornelia Bridge: Crazy Horse, Gigas Worm, Goblin, Goblin Guard, Lizard, Ogre, Scorpion, Tarantula, Warg Wolf, Werewolf, Wolf Around Chaos Shrine: Gigas Worm, Goblin, Goblin Guard, Skeleton, Wolf Around Cornelia Town: Crazy Horse, Goblin, Goblin Guard, Wolf Around Crescent Lake: Anaconda, Ankheg, Hill Gigas, Minotaur, Scorpion, Troll Around Elfhame: Cobra, Ghast, Gigas Worm, Goblin Guard, Ogre, Ogre Chief, Tarantula, Warg Wolf, Werewolf, Wolf Around Lufenia: Allosaurus, Hill Gigas, Minotaur Zombie, Troll, Winter Wolf Around Melmond: Cobra, Ghast, Ghoul, Gigas Worm, Hyenadon, Lesser Tiger, Ogre, Shadow, Warg Wolf, Wolf Around Onrac: Desert Baretta, Hellhound, Ice Gigas, Lesser Tiger, Ogre Mage, Remorazz, Sabertooth, Troll, Winter Wolf, Wyrm, Wyvern Chaos Shrine: Air Elemental, Basilisk, Black Knight, Chaos, Chimera, Clay Golem, Dark Fighter, Dark Wizard, Death Eye, Death Knight, Dragon Zombie, Earth Elemental, Earth Medusa, Fire Gigas, Fire Lizard, Ghost, Green Dragon, Ice Gigas, Kraken, Lava Worm, Lich, Marilith, Mindflayer, Nightmare, Purple Worm, Rhyos, Sahagin Priest, Sea Scorpion, Sea Snake, Sea Troll, Stone Golem, Tiamat, Vampire, Vampire Lord, Water Naga, White Dragon, White Shark, Winter Wolf Citadel Of Trials: Clay Golem, Dragon Zombie, Horned Devil, Medusa, Minotaur Zombie, Nightmare, Rakshasa Danger Point: Allosaurus, Hill Gigas, Minotaur Zombie, Troll, Winter Wolf Dragon Chain: Baretta, Basilisk, Desert Baretta, Hill Gigas, Hydra, Lesser Tiger, Lizard, Ochu, Sabertooth, Sand Worm, Sphinx, Weretiger, Wyrm, Wyvern Earth Cave: Anaconda, Black Widow, Cobra, Cockatrice, Earth Elemental, Gargoyle, Ghast, Goblin Guard, Hill Gigas, Hyenadon, Lich, Lizard, Minotaur, Mummy, Ochre Jelly, Ogre, Ogre Chief, Ogre Mage, Piscodemon, Sphinx, Tarantula, Troll, Vampire, Warg Wolf, Werewolf, Wight, Wraith Earthgift Shrine: Abyss Worm, Ahriman, Black Goblin, Catoblepas, Cerberus, Desertpede, Echidna, Gloom Widow, Skuldier, Two-headed Dragon, Wild Nakk Flying Fortress: Air Elemental, Black Flan, Black Knight, Clay Golem, Dark Fighter, Death Knight, Death Machine, Earth Medusa, Evil Eye, Fire Hydra, Manticore, Mindflayer, Neochu, Nightmare, Rakshasa, Soldier, Spirit Naga, Stone Golem, Tiamat, Vampire Lord Giant's Cave: Ogre, Ogre Chief, Warg Wolf Great Desert: Allosaurus, Baretta, Desert Baretta, Sand Worm, Tyrannosaur, Wyvern Hellfire Chasm: Barbariccia, Black Goblin, Blue Troll, Cagnazzo, Catoblepas, Dark Elemental, Death Elemental, Devil Hound, Elm Gigas, Gloom Widow, Hundlegs, Poison Naga, Python, Rubicante, Sahagin Queen, Scarmiglione, Scarmiglione, Silver Dragon, Wild Nakk, Yellow Ogre Ice Cave: Bloodbones, Cockatrice, Dark Wizard, Evil Eye, Ghast, Ice Gigas, Mindflayer, Mummy, Piscodemon, Remorazz, Specter, White Dragon, Wight, Winter Wolf, Wraith Lifespring Grotto: Atomos, Black Dragon, Black Goblin, Blue Dragon, Blue Troll, Dark Eye, Death Elemental, Desertpede, Dragon Zombie, Gilgamesh, Gloom Widow, Green Dragon, Holy Dragon, Killer Shark, Omega, Python, Red Dragon, Revenant, Sahagin Queen, Shinryu, Silver Dragon, Skuldier, White Dragon, Wild Nakk, Yellow Dragon, Yellow Ogre Marsh Cave: Anaconda, Black Widow, Bloodbones, Crawler, Ghoul, Gray Ooze, Gargoyle, Green Slime, Piscodemon, Scorpion, Shadow, Skeleton, Tarantula, Werewolf, Zombie Mirage Tower: Black Knight, Blue Dragon, Chimera, Cockatrice, Guardian, Hellhound, King Mummy, Medusa, Mummy, Nightmare, Pyrolisk, Sabertooth, Vampire, Weretiger, Wyrm, Wyvern Ocean: Buccaneer, Bigeyes, Sahagin, Sahagin Chief, Shark Pravoka City: Pirate Rivers: Crocodile, Hydra, Neochu, Ochu, Pirahna, Red Pirahna, White Croc Ruined Shrine: Black Widow, Gargoyle, Garland, Ghoul, Skeleton, Warg Wolf, Wolf, Zombie Sunken Shrine: Cockatrice, Deepeyes, Ghost, King Mummy, Kraken, Pyrolisk, Sahagin Chief, Sahagin Priest, Sea Scorpion, Sea Snake, Sea Troll, Shark, Water Elemental, Water Naga, White Shark Volcano: Ankheg, Fire Elemental, Fire Gigas, Fire Hydra, Fire Lizard, Hellhound, Hill Gigas, Horned Devil, Hyenadon, Lava Worm, Lizard, Marilith, Minotaur, Ogre Chief, Ogre Mage, Pyrolisk, Red Dragon, Scorpion, Sphinx Waterfall: Clay Golem, Cockatrice, Green Dragon, King Mummy, Mummy, Nightmare, Pyrolisk Western Keep: Astos, Mummy, Wraith Whisperwind Cove: Astos, Black Dragon, Black Goblin, Blood Tiger, Bloody Eye, Bonesnatch, Catoblepas, Dark Elemental, Dark Wolf, Death Elemental, Death Gaze, Death Manticore, Desertpede, Devil Hound, Devil Wizard, Duel Knight, Earth Plant, Earth Troll, Elm Gigas, Flare Gigas, Flood Gigas, Gloom Widow, Knocker, Mad Ogre, Mage Chimera, Mythril Golem, Orthros, Phantom Train, Pharaoh, Poison Eagle, Prototype, Python, Reaper, Red Flan, Revenant, Rock Gargoyle, Sekhret, Skuldier, Squidraken, Typhon, Undergrounder, Unicorn, Vampire, Wild Nakk, Yamatano Orochi, Yellow Dragon, Yellow Ogre A5) MONSTERS ------------ #001: Goblin HP: 8 Attack: 4 Accuracy: 2 Defense: 4 Agility: 3 Intelligence: 1 Evasion: 6 Magic Defense: 16 Gil: 6 EXP: 6 Treasure: Nothing Weakness: None Resistance: None Where fought: Around Cornelia Town, Around Chaos Shrine, Across Cornelia Bridge Note: Type: Giant #002: Goblin Guard HP: 16 Attack: 8 Accuracy: 4 Defense: 6 Agility: 5 Intelligence: 3 Evasion: 9 Magic Defense: 23 Gil: 18 EXP: 18 Treasure: Potion Weakness: None Resistance: None Where fought: Around Cornelia Town, Around Chaos Shrine, Across Cornelia Bridge, Around Elfhame, Earth Cave B4 Note: Giant #003: Wolf HP: 20 Attack: 8 Accuracy: 5 Defense: 0 Agility: 18 Intelligence: 1 Evasion: 36 Magic Defense: 28 Gil: 6 EXP: 24 Treasure: Nothing Weakness: None Resistance: None Where fought: Around Cornelia Town, Around Chaos Shrine, Ruined Shrine, Across Cornelia Bridge, Around Elfhame, Around Melmond #004: Crazy Horse HP: 64 Attack: 10 Accuracy: 16 Defense: 2 Agility: 11 Intelligence: 4 Evasion: 22 Magic Defense: 40 Gil: 15 EXP: 63 Treasure: Potion Weakness: None Resistance: None Where fought: Around Cornelia Town, Across Cornelia Bridge #005: Skeleton HP: 10 Attack: 10 Accuracy: 2 Defense: 0 Agility: 6 Intelligence: 0 Evasion: 12 Magic Defense: 17 Gil: 3 EXP: 9 Treasure: Echo Grass Weakness: Fire, Dia Resistance: Ice, Stone, Paralysis, Poison, Darkness, Sleep, Silence, Mind, Confusion, Death Where fought: Around Chaos Shrine, Ruined Shrine, Marsh Cave B2 Note: Type: Undead #006: Black Widow HP: 28 Attack: 10 Accuracy: 7 Defense: 0 Agility: 15 Intelligence: 10 Evasion: 30 Magic Defense: 28 Gil: 8 EXP: 30 Treasure: Nothing Weakness: None Resistance: None Where fought: Ruined Shrine, Marsh Cave B2-B3, Earth Cave B1 #007: Gigas Worm HP: 56 Attack: 17 Accuracy: 14 Defense: 8 Agility: 12 Intelligence: 9 Evasion: 24 Magic Defense: 40 Gil: 15 EXP: 63 Treasure: Nothing Weakness: Fire Resistance: None Where fought: Around Chaos Shrine, Across Cornelia Bridge, Around Elfhame, Around Melmond #008: Warg Wolf HP: 72 Attack: 14 Accuracy: 18 Defense: 0 Agility: 27 Intelligence: 3 Evasion: 54 Magic Defense: 46 Gil: 22 EXP: 93 Treasure: Antidote Weakness: None Resistance: None Where fought: Ruined Shrine, Across Cornelia Bridge, Around Elfhame, Around Melmond, Giant's Cave, Earth Cave B2-B3 #009: Werewolf HP: 68 Attack: 14 (Poison) Accuracy: 17 Defense: 6 Agility: 21 Intelligence: 8 Evasion: 42 Magic Defense: 45 Gil: 67 EXP: 135 Treasure: Nothing Weakness: None Resistance: None Where fought: Across Cornelia Bridge, Around Elfhame, Marsh Cave B3, Earth Cave B2-B4 Note: Regenerates HP Type: Were #010: Zombie HP: 20 Attack: 10 Accuracy: 5 Defense: 0 Agility: 3 Intelligence: 0 Evasion: 6 Magic Defense: 25 Gil: 12 EXP: 24 Treasure: Staff Weakness: Fire, Dia Resistance: Quake, Ice, Stone, Paralysis, Poison, Darkness, Sleep, Mind, Confusion, Silence, Death Where fought: Ruined Shrine, Marsh Cave B1-B2 Note: Type: Undead #011: Ghoul HP: 48 Attack: 8 (Paralysis) Accuracy: 12 Defense: 6 Agility: 6 Intelligence: 1 Evasion: 12 Magic Defense: 36 Gil: 50 EXP: 93 Treasure: Nothing Weakness: Fire, Dia Resistance: Ice, Stone, Paralysis, Poison, Darkness, Sleep, Silence, Mind, Confusion, Death Where fought: Ruined Shrine, Marsh Cave B1-B2, Around Melmond Note: Type: Undead #012: Garland HP: 212 Attack: 15 Accuracy: 27 Defense: 8 Agility: 6 Intelligence: 12 Evasion: 12 Magic Defense: 64 Gil: 250 EXP: 130 Treasure: Longsword Weakness: None Resistance: None Where fought: Ruined Shrine (Boss) #013: Cobra HP: 56 Attack: 6 (Poison) Accuracy: 14 Defense: 6 Agility: 15 Intelligence: 6 Evasion: 30 Magic Defense: 46 Gil: 50 EXP: 123 Treasure: Nothing Weakness: None Resistance: None Where fought: Around Elfhame, Around Melmond, Earth Cave B1-B2 Note: Type: Dragon #014: Ogre HP: 100 Attack: 18 Accuracy: 25 Defense: 10 Agility: 9 Intelligence: 4 Evasion: 18 Magic Defense: 65 Gil: 195 EXP: 195 Treasure: Nothing Weakness: None Resistance: None Where fought: Across Cornelia Bridge, Around Elfhame, Around Melmond, Giant's Cave, Earth Cave B1-B2 Note: Type: Giant #015: Ogre Chief HP: 132 Attack: 23 Accuracy: 33 Defense: 14 Agility: 15 Intelligence: 6 Evasion: 30 Magic Defense: 17 Gil: 300 EXP: 282 Treasure: Nothing Weakness: None Resistance: None Where fought: Around Elfhame, Giant's Cave, Earth Cave B1-B2, Volcano B1-B5 Note: May be guarding space directly in front of far right-hand chest on Earth Cave B4 Type: Giant #016: Lizard HP: 92 Attack: 18 Accuracy: 23 Defense: 12 Agility: 12 Intelligence: 3 Evasion: 24 Magic Defense: 55 Gil: 50 EXP: 153 Treasure: Nothing Weakness: None Resistance: None Where fought: Across Cornelia Bridge, Earth Cave B1 (Special) B4, Volcano B2-B3, Dragon Chain Note: Special: The 'Hall Of Giants' in the Earth Cave consists of the hallway due west of the staircase and south; here each step will bring you in combat with a Hill Gigas and often lizards Type: Giant #017: Pirate HP: 24 Attack: 10 Accuracy: 2 Defense: 0 Agility: 6 Intelligence: 3 Evasion: 12 Magic Defense: 35 Gil: 40 EXP: 40 Treasure: Leather Shield Weakness: None Resistance: None Where fought: Pravoka City (Boss) Note: Always x9 of them #018: Sahagin HP: 44 Attack: 10 Accuracy: 7 Defense: 4 Agility: 36 Intelligence: 4 Evasion: 72 Magic Defense: 28 Gil: 30 EXP: 30 Treasure: Potion Weakness: Lightning Resistance: Quake, Fire Where fought: Ocean Note: Type: Aquatic #019: Sahagin Chief HP: 64 Attack: 15 Accuracy: 16 Defense: 8 Agility: 39 Intelligence: 7 Evasion: 78 Magic Defense: 46 Gil: 105 EXP: 105 Treasure: Nothing Weakness: Lightning Resistance: Quake, Fire Where fought: Ocean, Sunken Shrine F2-F4 Note: Type: Aquatic #020: Buccaneer HP: 50 Attack: 14 Accuracy: 13 Defense: 6 Agility: 12 Intelligence: 6 Evasion: 24 Magic Defense: 37 Gil: 120 EXP: 60 Treasure: Saber Weakness: None Resistance: Quake Where fought: Ocean #021: Shark HP: 120 Attack: 22 Accuracy: 30 Defense: 0 Agility: 36 Intelligence: 8 Evasion: 72 Magic Defense: 70 Gil: 66 EXP: 267 Treasure: Nothing Weakness: Lightning Resistance: Quake, Fire Where fought: Ocean, Sunken Shrine B1-B2 Note: Type: Aquatic #022: Bigeyes HP: 10 Attack: 4 Accuracy: 2 Defense: 0 Agility: 42 Intelligence: 6 Evasion: 84 Magic Defense: 14 Gil: 10 EXP: 42 Treasure: Nothing Weakness: Lightning Resistance: Quake, Fire Where fought: Ocean Note: Attack: Gaze (Paralysis on one) Type: Aquatic #023: Tarantula HP: 64 Attack: 5 (Poison) Accuracy: 16 Defense: 12 Agility: 12 Intelligence: 3 Evasion: 24 Magic Defense: 46 Gil: 50 EXP: 141 Treasure: Nothing Weakness: None Resistance: None Where fought: Across Cornelia Bridge, Around Elfhame, Marsh Cave B2-B3, Earth Cave B1-B3 #024: Ghast HP: 56 Attack: 8 (Paralysis) Accuracy: 14 Defense: 10 Agility: 23 Intelligence: 2 Evasion: 46 Magic Defense: 40 Gil: 117 EXP: 117 Treasure: Nothing Weakness: Fire, Dia Resistance: Ice, Stone, Paralysis, Poison, Darkness, Sleep, Silence, Mind, Confusion, Death Where fought: Around Elfhame, Earth Cave B4, Ice Cave B1b, Around Melmond Note: May be guarding the small room in Ice Cave B1b just below Levistone Type: Undead #025: Scorpion HP: 84 Attack: 22 (Poison) Accuracy: 21 Defense: 10 Agility: 27 Intelligence: 6 Evasion: 54 Magic Defense: 55 Gil: 70 EXP: 225 Treasure: Spider's Silk Weakness: None Resistance: None Where fought: Across Cornelia Bridge, Marsh Cave B2, Around Crescent Lake, Volcano B1 #026: Shadow HP: 50 Attack: 10 (Darkness) Accuracy: 13 Defense: 0 Agility: 18 Intelligence: 12 Evasion: 36 Magic Defense: 37 Gil: 45 EXP: 90 Treasure: Nothing Weakness: Fire, Dia Resistance: Quake, Ice, Stone, Paralysis, Poison, Darkness, Sleep, Silence, Confusion, Mind, Death Where fought: Marsh Cave B1, Around Melmond Note: Type: Undead #027: Green Slime HP: 24 Attack: 1 (Poison) Accuracy: 1 Defense: 255 Agility: 0 Intelligence: 3 Evasion: 0 Magic Defense: 36 Gil: 20 EXP: 84 Treasure: Hi-Potion Weakness: Fire, Ice Resistance: Quake, Lightning, Stone, Paralysis, Poison, Darkness, Sleep, Silence, Confusion, Mind, Death Where fought: Marsh Cave B1-B3 #028: Crawler HP: 84 Attack: 1 (Paralysis) Accuracy: 21 Defense: 8 Agility: 21 Intelligence: 5 Evasion: 42 Magic Defense: 51 Gil: 200 EXP: 186 Treasure: Nothing Weakness: None Resistance: None Where fought: Marsh Cave B1-B2 #029: Gray Ooze HP: 76 Attack: 30 Accuracy: 19 Defense: 7 Agility: 2 Intelligence: 0 Evasion: 4 Magic Defense: 55 Gil: 70 EXP: 255 Treasure: Nothing Weakness: Lightning Resistance: Quake, Fire, Ice, Stone, Paralysis, Poison, Darkness, Sleep, Silence, Confusion, Mind, Death Where fought: Marsh Cave B1-B3 #030: Gargoyle HP: 80 Attack: 12 Accuracy: 20 Defense: 8 Agility: 23 Intelligence: 11 Evasion: 45 Magic Defense: 53 Gil: 80 EXP: 132 Treasure: Nothing Weakness: None Resistance: Quake Where fought: Ruined Shrine (Guardian), Marsh Cave B2-B3, Earth Cave B2 Note: Guarding upper and lower right-hand chests in Ruined Shrine #031: Bloodbones HP: 144 Attack: 26 Accuracy: 36 Defense: 12 Agility: 21 Intelligence: 6 Evasion: 42 Magic Defense: 76 Gil: 378 EXP: 378 Treasure: Nothing Weakness: Fire, Dia Resistance: Ice, Stone, Paralysis, Poison, Darkness, Sleep, Silence, Mind, Confusion, Death Where fought: Marsh Cave B2-B3, Ice Cave B1a-B3b Note: Type: Undead #032: Piscodemon HP: 84 Attack: 30 Accuracy: 21 Defense: 16 Agility: 33 Intelligence: 18 Evasion: 66 Magic Defense: 98 Gil: 300 EXP: 276 Treasure: Nothing Weakness: None Resistance: Fire, Ice, Stone, Paralysis, Poison, Darkness, Sleep, Silence, Confusion, Mind Where fought: Marsh Cave (Guardian), Earth Cave B3-B4, Ice Cave B1a Note: Guarding Crown in Marsh Cave B3 Guarding space just within lowest left-hand door in Marsh Cave B3 Guarding left-hand side of chest second from the lower left in Marsh Cave B3 Guarding front of chest in lower right-hand corner of Marsh Cave B3 Impossible to flee #033: Astos HP: 420 Attack: 30 Accuracy: 42 Defense: 18 Agility: 39 Intelligence: 24 Evasion: 78 Magic Defense: 170 Gil: 2000 EXP: 2250 Treasure: Mythril Sword Weakness: None Resistance: None Where fought: Western Keep (Boss), Whisperwind Cove (Special) Note: Spell: Death One of the 'flames' within the Whisperwind Cove 'haunted level' #034: Mummy HP: 80 Attack: 30 (Sleep) Accuracy: 20 Defense: 20 Agility: 12 Intelligence: 16 Evasion: 24 Magic Defense: 60 Gil: 300 EXP: 300 Treasure: Nothing Weakness: Fire, Dia Resistance: Ice, Stone, Paralysis, Poison, Darkness, Sleep, Silence, Mind, Confusion, Death Where fought: Western Keep (Guardian), Earth Cave B3/B5, Ice Cave B1a, Waterfall, Mirage Tower 2F Note: Guards front of left and right chests in Western Keep May guard space just within door at the very end of Waterfall Type: Undead #035: Wraith HP: 86 Attack: 22 (Paralysis) Accuracy: 22 Defense: 4 Agility: 45 Intelligence: 18 Evasion: 90 Magic Defense: 52 Gil: 231 EXP: 231 Treasure: Crosier Weakness: Fire, Dia Resistance: Quake, Ice, Stone, Paralysis, Poison, Darkness, Sleep, Silence, Confusion, Mind, Death Where fought: Western Keep (Guardian), Earth Cave B3-B4, Ice Cave B1b Note: Guards the center of the three chests in the Western Keep Small room in Ice Cave B1b contains a number of these automatically Type: Undead #036: Anaconda HP: 80 Attack: 22 Accuracy: 20 Defense: 10 Agility: 18 Intelligence: 11 Evasion: 36 Magic Defense: 56 Gil: 50 EXP: 165 Treasure: Nothing Weakness: None Resistance: None Where fought: Marsh Cave B3 (Guardian), Earth Cave B1, Around Crescent Lake Note: Guarding the chest in the lower left-hand corner of Marsh Cave B3 Guarding front of chest second from lower left-hand corner of Marsh Cave B3 Type: Dragon #037: Hyenadon HP: 120 Attack: 22 Accuracy: 30 Defense: 4 Agility: 24 Intelligence: 8 Evasion: 48 Magic Defense: 76 Gil: 72 EXP: 288 Treasure: Power Plus Weakness: None Resistance: None Where fought: Near Melmond, Earth Cave B4 (Guardian), Volcano B1-B3 Note: May be guarding space directly in front of far right-hand chest and chest second from right on Earth Cave B4 #038: Lesser Tiger HP: 132 Attack: 22 Accuracy: 33 Defense: 8 Agility: 24 Intelligence: 13 Evasion: 48 Magic Defense: 85 Gil: 108 EXP: 438 Treasure: X-Potion Weakness: None Resistance: None Where fought: Around Melmond, Dragon Chain, Around Onrac #039: Minotaur HP: 164 Attack: 22 Accuracy: 41 Defense: 4 Agility: 24 Intelligence: 8 Evasion: 48 Magic Defense: 95 Gil: 489 EXP: 489 Treasure: Knife Weakness: None Resistance: None Where fought: Earth Cave B1-B5, Around Crescent Lake, Volcano B1-B5 #040: Hill Gigas HP: 240 Attack: 38 Accuracy: 60 Defense: 12 Agility: 24 Intelligence: 5 Evasion: 48 Magic Defense: 120 Gil: 879 EXP: 879 Treasure: Tent Weakness: None Resistance: None Where fought: Danger Point, Earth Cave B1 (Special) B2-B5, Around Crescent Lake, Volcano B2-B3, Around Lufenia, Dragon Chain Note: Special: The 'Hall Of Giants' in the Earth Cave B1 consists of the hallway due west of the staircase and south; here each step will bring you in combat with a Hill Gigas and often lizards Type: Giant #041: Earth Elemental HP: 288 Attack: 66 Accuracy: 72 Defense: 20 Agility: 9 Intelligence: 18 Evasion: 18 Magic Defense: 130 Gil: 768 EXP: 1536 Treasure: Remedy Weakness: Fire Resistance: Quake, Lightning, Ice, Stone, Paralysis, Poison, Darkness, Sleep, Silence, Confusion, Mind, Death Where fought: Earth Cave B1-B3 (Guardian), Chaos Shrine B1 Note: Guarding right-hand side of chest on Earth Cave B1, east of entrance Guarding space kitty-corner of two chests (right side) on Earth Cave B1, southeast of entrance Guarding directly in front of potion chest on Earth Cave B1, due south of entrance Guarding space directly in front of north center chest on Earth Cave B3 Guarding multiple spaces in bat-filled room on Earth Cave B3 Guarding space directly in front of chest to center-west on Earth Cave B3 #042: Troll HP: 184 Attack: 24 Accuracy: 46 Defense: 12 Agility: 24 Intelligence: 6 Evasion: 48 Magic Defense: 100 Gil: 621 EXP: 621 Treasure: Nothing Weakness: Fire Resistance: None Where fought: Danger Point, Earth Cave B2-B5, Crescent Lake, Around Onrac, Around Lufenia Note: Regenerates HP #043: Wight HP: 52 Attack: 20 Accuracy: 13 Defense: 12 Agility: 21 Intelligence: 3 Evasion: 42 Magic Defense: 45 Gil: 150 EXP: 150 Treasure: Nothing Weakness: Fire, Dia Resistance: Ice, Stone, Paralysis, Poison, Darkness, Sleep, Silence, Mind, Confusion, Death Where fought: Earth Cave B4, Ice Cave B1-B2 Note: Small room in Ice Cave B1b contains a number of these automatically Type: Undead #044: Ochre Jelly HP: 76 Attack: 32 Accuracy: 19 Defense: 6 Agility: 3 Intelligence: 3 Evasion: 6 Magic Defense: 55 Gil: 70 EXP: 252 Treasure: Nothing Weakness: Fire, Ice Resistance: Quake, Lightning, Stone, Paralysis, Poison, Darkness, Sleep, Silence, Confusion, Mind, Death Where fought: Earth Cave B3/B5 #045: Cockatrice HP: 50 Attack: 1 Accuracy: 10 Defense: 4 Agility: 36 Intelligence: 8 Evasion: 72 Magic Defense: 47 Gil: 200 EXP: 186 Treasure: Gold Needle Weakness: None Resistance: Quake Where fought: Earth Cave B3-B4, Ice Cave B1a, Waterfall (Guardian), Sunken Shrine (Guardian), Mirage Tower 2F Note: Attacks: Touch (Stone on one) May guard space just within door at the very end of Waterfall May guard space kitty-corner to pair of chests southwest of entrance to Sunken Shrine 2F #046: Vampire HP: 280 Attack: 76 Accuracy: 39 Defense: 26 Agility: 36 Intelligence: 26 Evasion: 72 Magic Defense: 75 Gil: 2000 EXP: 1200 Treasure: Nothing Weakness: Fire, Dia Resistance: Quake, Ice, Stone, Paralysis, Poison, Darkness, Sleep, Silence, Confusion, Mind, Death Where fought: Earth Cave (Boss), Mirage Tower 1F-2F, Whisperwind Cove (Special), Chaos Temple B4 Note: Regenerates HP Attack: Gaze (Paralysis on one) One of the 'flames' within the Whisperwind Cove 'haunted level' Type: Undead #047: Ogre Mage HP: 144 Attack: 23 Accuracy: 36 Defense: 10 Agility: 27 Intelligence: 12 Evasion: 54 Magic Defense: 80 Gil: 723 EXP: 723 Treasure: Eye Drops Weakness: None Resistance: Quake Where fought: Earth Cave B4, Volcano B1-B5, Around Onrac Note: Regenerates HP Spells: Blink Guarding space directly in front of far right-hand chest on Earth Cave B4 Type: Giant, Spellcasting #048: Sphinx HP: 228 Attack: 23 Accuracy: 57 Defense: 12 Agility: 60 Intelligence: 32 Evasion: 120 Magic Defense: 115 Gil: 1160 EXP: 1160 Treasure: Nothing Weakness: None Resistance: Quake Where fought: Earth Cave B4 (Guardian), Volcano B1, Dragon Chain Note: Guarding space directly between two chests on far left of treasure room on Earth Cave B4 #049: Lich HP: 1200 Attack: 40 Accuracy: 49 Defense: 40 Agility: 12 Intelligence: 30 Evasion: 24 Magic Defense: 120 Gil: 3000 EXP: 2200 Treasure: Dry Ether Weakness: Fire, Dia Resistance: Ice, Stone, Paralysis, Poison, Darkness, Sleep, Silence, Mind, Confusion, Death Where fought: Earth Cave B5 (Boss) Note: Type: Undead, Spellcasting #050: Ankheg HP: 222 Attack: 39 (Poison) Accuracy: 56 Defense: 20 Agility: 24 Intelligence: 10 Evasion: 48 Magic Defense: 116 Gil: 300 EXP: 1194 Treasure: Nothing Weakness: None Resistance: None Where fought: Around Crescent Lake, Volcano B2 #051: Piranha HP: 92 Attack: 22 Accuracy: 23 Defense: 0 Agility: 36 Intelligence: 10 Evasion: 72 Magic Defense: 68 Gil: 20 EXP: 240 Treasure: Nothing Weakness: Lightning Resistance: Quake, Fire Where fought: Rivers #052: Red Piranha HP: 172 Attack: 37 Accuracy: 43 Defense: 20 Agility: 36 Intelligence: 13 Evasion: 72 Magic Defense: 83 Gil: 46 EXP: 546 Treasure: Nothing Weakness: None Resistance: None Where fought: Rivers #053: Crocodile HP: 184 Attack: 42 Accuracy: 46 Defense: 16 Agility: 24 Intelligence: 9 Evasion: 48 Magic Defense: 103 Gil: 900 EXP: 816 Treasure: Cottage Weakness: Lightning Resistance: Quake, Fire Where fought: Rivers Note: Type: Dragon #054: White Croc HP: 288 Attack: 56 Accuracy: 72 Defense: 20 Agility: 24 Intelligence: 16 Evasion: 48 Magic Defense: 143 Gil: 2000 EXP: 1890 Treasure: Hi-Potion Weakness: Lightning Resistance: Quake, Fire Where fought: Rivers Note: Type: Dragon #055: Ochu HP: 208 Attack: 20 Accuracy: 52 Defense: 24 Agility: 12 Intelligence: 18 Evasion: 24 Magic Defense: 116 Gil: 102 EXP: 1224 Treasure: Nothing Weakness: Lightning Resistance: Quake, Fire Where fought: Rivers, Dragon Chain #056: Neochu HP: 344 Attack: 35 Accuracy: 86 Defense: 32 Agility: 12 Intelligence: 20 Evasion: 24 Magic Defense: 170 Gil: 500 EXP: 3189 Treasure: Nothing Weakness: None Resistance: None Where fought: Rivers, Flying Fortress F5 #057: Hydra HP: 212 Attack: 30 Accuracy: 53 Defense: 14 Agility: 18 Intelligence: 14 Evasion: 36 Magic Defense: 116 Gil: 150 EXP: 915 Treasure: Nothing Weakness: None Resistance: None Where fought: Rivers, Dragon Chain Note: Type: Dragon #058: Horned Devil HP: 94 Attack: 10 Accuracy: 24 Defense: 32 Agility: 36 Intelligence: 17 Evasion: 72 Magic Defense: 127 Gil: 387 EXP: 387 Treasure: Nothing Weakness: None Resistance: Quake, Fire, Ice Where fought: Volcano B1-B2, Citadel Of Trials B3 Note: Spells: Fire #059: Pyrolisk HP: 44 Attack: 20 Accuracy: 11 Defense: 4 Agility: 36 Intelligence: 15 Evasion: 72 Magic Defense: 45 Gil: 500 EXP: 423 Treasure: Gold Needle Weakness: Ice Resistance: Quake, Fire Where fought: Volcano B2, Waterfall (Guardian), Sunken Shrine (Guardian), Mirage Tower 2F Note: Attack: Gaze (Death on one) May guard space just inside door at end of Waterfall May guard space kitty-corner to pair of chests southwest of entrance to Sunken Shrine 2F #060: Fire Elemental HP: 276 Attack: 50 Accuracy: 69 Defense: 20 Agility: 21 Intelligence: 20 Evasion: 42 Magic Defense: 130 Gil: 800 EXP: 1620 Treasure: Nothing Weakness: Ice Resistance: Quake, Fire, Stone, Paralysis, Poison, Darkness, Sleep, Silence, Confusion, Mind, Death Where fought: Volcano B2 (Guardian), Chaos Shrine B2 Note: Guards space directly in front of Mythril Helm chest in Volcano B2 Guards space directly to left of 1520g chest just to the right of the second door in Volcano B2 Guards space directly above the Great Sword chest in Volcano B2 Guards space directly below right-hand chest of the two gil-filled chests in Volcano B2 Guards right-hand side of 'entrance' to chest room in Volcano B2 #061: Fire Hydra HP: 182 Attack: 20 Accuracy: 46 Defense: 14 Agility: 18 Intelligence: 16 Evasion: 36 Magic Defense: 103 Gil: 400 EXP: 1215 Treasure: Red Fang Weakness: Ice Resistance: Fire Where fought: Volcano B2-B3, Flying Fortress 3F-5F Note: Attack: Blaze (Small fire damage on all) Type: Dragon #062: Lava Worm HP: 280 Attack: 50 Accuracy: 70 Defense: 31 Agility: 2 Intelligence: 12 Evasion: 4 Magic Defense: 143 Gil: 400 EXP: 1671 Treasure: Nothing Weakness: Ice Resistance: Quake, Fire Where fought: Volcano B2 (Guardian)/B4-B5, Chaos Shrine B2 Note: Guarding the center of cluster of chests in the chest room on Volcano B2 Guarding the left-hand side of first chest in Volcano B4b Guarding due center in room with two chests (??? Gil and 10 Gil) in Volcano B4b #063: Hellhound HP: 192 Attack: 30 Accuracy: 48 Defense: 8 Agility: 24 Intelligence: 13 Evasion: 48 Magic Defense: 103 Gil: 600 EXP: 1182 Treasure: Nothing Weakness: Ice Resistance: Fire Where fought: Volcano B3-B5, Around Onrac, Mirage Tower 2F Note: Attacks: Blaze (Low fire damage to all) #064: Fire Lizard HP: 296 Attack: 31 Accuracy: 74 Defense: 18 Agility: 18 Intelligence: 8 Evasion: 36 Magic Defense: 143 Gil: 1200 EXP: 2472 Treasure: Nothing Weakness: Ice Resistance: Fire Where fought: Volcano B4 (Guardian)/B5, Chaos Shrine B2 Note: Guards space directly south of second chest on Volcano B4b Guards right-hand side of paired chests (staff and Gil) on Volcano B4b Guards entrance of path to chest on Volcano B5 Attack: Blaze (Small fire damage on all) Type: Dragon #065: Fire Gigas HP: 300 Attack: 73 Accuracy: 83 Defense: 20 Agility: 24 Intelligence: 12 Evasion: 48 Magic Defense: 135 Gil: 1506 EXP: 1506 Treasure: Nothing Weakness: Ice Resistance: Fire Where fought: Volcano B4, Chaos Shrine B2 Note: Type: Giant #066: Red Dragon HP: 248 Attack: 75 Accuracy: 62 Defense: 30 Agility: 48 Intelligence: 20 Evasion: 96 Magic Defense: 200 Gil: 4000 EXP: 2904 Treasure: Nothing Weakness: Ice, Stone, Poison Resistance: Quake, Fire Where fought: Volcano B5 (Guardian), Lifespring Grotto (Special) Note: Guards Flame Armor chest in Volcano B5 In Lifespring Grotto, can be found on Dark Bahamut level, as one of the 'wandering dragons'. Type: Dragon #067: Marilith HP: 1440 Attack: 40 Accuracy: 63 Defense: 50 Agility: 24 Intelligence: 32 Evasion: 48 Magic Defense: 183 Gil: 3000 EXP: 2475 Treasure: Golden Apple Weakness: Paralysis, Darkness, Sleep, Silence, Confusion, Mind Resistance: Fire, Lightning, Stone, Poison Where fought: Volcano B5 (Boss) Note: Type: Spellcaster #068: White Dragon HP: 200 Attack: 53 Accuracy: 50 Defense: 8 Agility: 60 Intelligence: 25 Evasion: 120 Magic Defense: 196 Gil: 2000 EXP: 1701 Treasure: Nothing Weakness: Fire, Lightning Resistance: Quake, Ice, Stone, Poison Where fought: Ice Cave B1/B3, Lifespring Grotto (Special), Chaos Shrine 1F Note: Attack: Icestorm (High ice damage on all) Guards chest on the upper left of Ice Cave B3 (after the holes) In Lifespring Grotto, can be found on Dark Bahamut level, as one of the 'wandering dragons'. Type: Dragon #069: Winter Wolf HP: 92 Attack: 25 Accuracy: 23 Defense: 0 Agility: 27 Intelligence: 12 Evasion: 54 Magic Defense: 55 Gil: 200 EXP: 402 Treasure: Ice Shield Weakness: Fire Resistance: Ice Where fought: Danger Point, Ice Cave B3, Around Onrac, Around Lufenia, Chaos Shrine 2F Note: Attack: Icestorm (Medium ice damage on all) #070: Mindflayer HP: 112 Attack: 1 (Death) Accuracy: 28 Defense: 12 Agility: 24 Intelligence: 26 Evasion: 48 Magic Defense: 187 Gil: 999 EXP: 822 Treasure: Phoenix Down Weakness: None Resistance: None Where fought: Ice Cave B3, Flying Fortress 5F, Chaos Temple B4 Note: Attack: Mind Blast (Paralysis on all) #071: Ice Gigas HP: 336 Attack: 60 Accuracy: 78 Defense: 16 Agility: 24 Intelligence: 10 Evasion: 48 Magic Defense: 150 Gil: 1752 EXP: 1752 Treasure: Nothing Weakness: Fire Resistance: Ice Where fought: Ice Cave B3, Around Onrac, Chaos Temple 2F Note: Type: Giant #072: Specter HP: 114 Attack: 40 (Paralysis) Accuracy: 29 Defense: 12 Agility: 54 Intelligence: 25 Evasion: 108 Magic Defense: 67 Gil: 432 EXP: 432 Treasure: Nothing Weakness: Fire, Dia Resistance: Quake, Ice, Stone, Paralysis, Poison, Darkness, Sleep, Silence, Confusion, Mind, Death Where fought: Ice Cave B1-B2 Note: Small room in Ice Cave B3 contains a number of these automatically Type: Undead #073: Remorazz HP: 320 Attack: 73 Accuracy: 80 Defense: 24 Agility: 24 Intelligence: 15 Evasion: 48 Magic Defense: 185 Gil: 1000 EXP: 2244 Treasure: Nothing Weakness: None Resistance: Fire, Ice Where fought: Ice Cave B3-B1a, Around Onrac #074: Dark Wizard HP: 105 Attack: 26 Accuracy: 27 Defense: 40 Agility: 39 Intelligence: 24 Evasion: 78 Magic Defense: 170 Gil: 1095 EXP: 1095 Treasure: Red Curtain Weakness: None Resistance: None Where fought: Ice Cave B2, Chaos Temple 3F Note: Spells: Firaga, Scourge Guarding right-hand chest in Ice Cave B2b Type: Spellcasting #075: Evil Eye HP: 162 Attack: 30 Accuracy: 42 Defense: 30 Agility: 6 Intelligence: 20 Evasion: 12 Magic Defense: 92 Gil: 3225 EXP: 3225 Treasure: Nothing Weakness: None Resistance: Quake Where fought: Ice Cave B3 (guardian), Flying Fortress 1F-2F Note: Guarding directly in front of the Levistone Type: Spellcasting #076: Desert Baretta HP: 352 Attack: 98 Accuracy: 88 Defense: 48 Agility: 24 Intelligence: 12 Evasion: 48 Magic Defense: 156 Gil: 1 EXP: 2610 Treasure: Nothing Weakness: None Resistance: None Where fought: Around Onrac, Great Desert, Dragon Chain #077: Sabertooth HP: 200 Attack: 24 Accuracy: 50 Defense: 8 Agility: 21 Intelligence: 18 Evasion: 42 Magic Defense: 106 Gil: 500 EXP: 843 Treasure: Nothing Weakness: None Resistance: None Where fought: Dragon Chain, Around Onrac, Mirage Tower 1F/3F #078: Wyvern HP: 212 Attack: 30 Accuracy: 53 Defense: 12 Agility: 48 Intelligence: 16 Evasion: 96 Magic Defense: 115 Gil: 50 EXP: 1173 Treasure: Nothing Weakness: None Resistance: Quake Where fought: Around Onrac, Great Desert, Mirage Tower 3F, Dragon Chain, Danger Point, Around Lufenia Type: Dragon #079: Wyrm HP: 260 Attack: 40 Accuracy: 65 Defense: 22 Agility: 30 Intelligence: 24 Evasion: 60 Magic Defense: 131 Gil: 502 EXP: 1218 Treasure: Nothing Weakness: None Resistance: Quake Where fought: Around Onrac, Mirage Tower 3F, Dragon Chain Note: Type: Dragon #080: Manticore HP: 164 Attack: 22 Accuracy: 41 Defense: 8 Agility: 36 Intelligence: 8 Evasion: 72 Magic Defense: 95 Gil: 650 EXP: 1317 Treasure: Tent Weakness: None Resistance: Quake Where fought: Flying Fortress 1F Note: Attack: Poison Darts (Poison attack on everyone) #081: Baretta HP: 256 Attack: 60 Accuracy: 64 Defense: 38 Agility: 28 Intelligence: 16 Evasion: 56 Magic Defense: 130 Gil: 300 EXP: 1428 Treasure: Nothing Weakness: None Resistance: None Where fought: Great Desert, Dragon Chain #082: Basilisk HP: 196 Attack: 30 Accuracy: 54 Defense: 20 Agility: 12 Intelligence: 12 Evasion: 24 Magic Defense: 91 Gil: 658 EXP: 1977 Treasure: Gold Needle Weakness: None Resistance: None Where fought: Dragon Chain, Chaos Temple B2 Note: Attacks: Gaze (Stone on one) Type: Dragon #083: Allosaurus HP: 480 Attack: 65 Accuracy: 133 Defense: 10 Agility: 30 Intelligence: 10 Evasion: 60 Magic Defense: 200 Gil: 502 EXP: 3387 Treasure: Strength Tonic Weakness: None Resistance: None Where fought: Danger Point, Around Lufenia, Great Desert Note: Type: Dragon #084: Weretiger HP: 160 Attack: 30 (Poison) Accuracy: 40 Defense: 16 Agility: 24 Intelligence: 8 Evasion: 48 Magic Defense: 93 Gil: 780 EXP: 780 Treasure: Sleeping Bag Weakness: None Resistance: None Where fought: Dragon Chain, Mirage Tower 1F Note: Regenerates HP Type: Were #085: Sand Worm HP: 200 Attack: 46 Accuracy: 50 Defense: 14 Agility: 31 Intelligence: 18 Evasion: 62 Magic Defense: 103 Gil: 900 EXP: 2683 Treasure: Nothing Weakness: None Resistance: Quake Where fought: Dragon Chain, Great Desert Note: Spells: Quake #086: Minotaur Zombie HP: 224 Attack: 40 Accuracy: 56 Defense: 14 Agility: 18 Intelligence: 1 Evasion: 36 Magic Defense: 116 Gil: 1050 EXP: 1050 Treasure: Great Axe Weakness: Fire, Dia Resistance: Ice, Stone, Paralysis, Poison, Darkness, Sleep, Silence, Mind, Confusion, Death Where fought: Danger Point, Citadel Of Trials B2, Around Lufenia Note: Impossible to flee Type: Undead #087: King Mummy HP: 188 Attack: 43 Accuracy: 47 Defense: 24 Agility: 12 Intelligence: 24 Evasion: 24 Magic Defense: 95 Gil: 1000 EXP: 984 Treasure: Nothing Weakness: Fire, Dia Resistance: Ice, Stone, Paralysis, Poison, Darkness, Sleep, Silence, Mind, Confusion, Death Where fought: Waterfall, Sunken Shrine (guardian), Mirage Tower 2F Note: May guard directly within door at the end of Waterfall May guard space kitty-corner to pair of chests southwest of entrance to Sunken Shrine 2F Type: Undead #088: Medusa HP: 68 Attack: 20 Accuracy: 17 Defense: 10 Agility: 18 Intelligence: 16 Evasion: 36 Magic Defense: 55 Gil: 699 EXP: 699 Treasure: Nothing Weakness: None Resistance: None Where fought: Citadel Of Trials B2, Mirage Tower 1F/3F Note: Attack: Gaze (Stone on one) #089: Rakshasa HP: 110 Attack: 20 Accuracy: 28 Defense: 30 Agility: 30 Intelligence: 15 Evasion: 60 Magic Defense: 62 Gil: 800 EXP: 603 Treasure: Nothing Weakness: None Resistance: Quake, Fire, Lightning, Ice, Stone, Paralysis, Poison, Sleep, Darkness, Silence, Confusion, Mind, Death Where fought: Citadel Of Trials B2, Flying Fortress 3F Note: Spells: Fire, Slow Type: Spellcaster #090: Clay Golem HP: 176 Attack: 64 Accuracy: 44 Defense: 7 Agility: 14 Intelligence: 16 Evasion: 28 Magic Defense: 93 Gil: 800 EXP: 1257 Treasure: Potion Weakness: None Resistance: Fire, Lightning, Ice, Stone, Paralysis, Poison, Darkness, Mind, Sleep, Silence, Confusion, Death Where fought: Citadel Of Trials B2 (Guardian), Waterfall, Flying Fortress 5F, Chaos Shrine B1 Note: Guards front of chest at the upper right-hand corner of Citadel B2 Type: Spellcaster #091: Nightmare HP: 200 Attack: 30 Accuracy: 50 Defense: 24 Agility: 66 Intelligence: 20 Evasion: 132 Magic Defense: 100 Gil: 700 EXP: 1272 Treasure: Nothing Weakness: Ice Resistance: Quake, Fire, Stone, Paralysis, Poison, Darkness, Sleep, Silence, Confusion, Mind, Death Where fought: Citadel Of Trials B3 (Guardian), Waterfall, Mirage Tower 1F, Flying Fortress 1F, Chaos Shrine B4 Note: Attack: Snort (Darkness on one) Guarding space immediately inside door on Citadel Of Trials B3 #092: Dragon Zombie HP: 268 Attack: 56 Accuracy: 67 Defense: 30 Agility: 12 Intelligence: 26 Evasion: 24 Magic Defense: 135 Gil: 999 EXP: 2331 Treasure: Megalixer Weakness: Fire, Dia Resistance: Quake, Ice, Stone, Paralysis, Poison, Darkness, Sleep, Silence, Confusion, Mind, Death Where fought: Citadel Of Trials, Lifespring Grotto (Special), Chaos Shrine 1F-2F/B4 Note: Guardian of exit throne in Citadel Of Trials 3F In Lifespring Grotto, can be found on Dark Bahamut level, as one of the 'wandering dragons'. Type: Dragon, Undead #093: Sahagin Priest HP: 204 Attack: 47 Accuracy: 51 Defense: 20 Agility: 48 Intelligence: 15 Evasion: 96 Magic Defense: 101 Gil: 882 EXP: 882 Treasure: Nothing Weakness: Lightning Resistance: Quake, Fire Where fought: Sunken Shrine 2F-4F, Chaos Shrine B3 Note: May guard center of cluster of chests just north of stairs on Sunken Shrine 2F May guard left side of chest containing Light Axe west of stairs on Sunken Shrine 2F Type: Aquatic #094: White Shark HP: 344 Attack: 50 Accuracy: 86 Defense: 8 Agility: 36 Intelligence: 16 Evasion: 72 Magic Defense: 170 Gil: 600 EXP: 2361 Treasure: Wyrmkiller Weakness: Lightning Resistance: Quake, Fire Where fought: Sunken Shrine 1F-4F, Chaos Shrine B3 Note: May guard center of cluster of chests just north of stairs on Sunken Shrine 2F May guard left side of chest containing Light Axe west of stairs on Sunken Shrine 2F Type: Aquatic #095: Deepeyes HP: 304 Attack: 30 Accuracy: 76 Defense: 16 Agility: 12 Intelligence: 0 Evasion: 24 Magic Defense: 156 Gil: 3591 EXP: 3591 Treasure: Nothing Weakness: Lightning Resistance: Quake, Fire Where fought: Sunken Shrine 1F Note: Type: Aquatic #096: Sea Snake HP: 224 Attack: 35 Accuracy: 56 Defense: 12 Agility: 24 Intelligence: 21 Evasion: 48 Magic Defense: 116 Gil: 600 EXP: 957 Treasure: Nothing Weakness: Lightning Resistance: Quake, Fire Where fought: Sunken Shrine 1F-4F, Chaos Shrine B3 Note: May guard front of chest containing Light Axe west of stairs on Sunken Shrine 2F Type: Dragon, Aquatic #097: Sea Scorpion HP: 148 Attack: 35 (Poison) Accuracy: 37 Defense: 18 Agility: 30 Intelligence: 11 Evasion: 60 Magic Defense: 85 Gil: 300 EXP: 639 Treasure: Nothing Weakness: Lightning Resistance: Quake, Fire Where fought: Sunken Shrine 4F-2F, Chaos Shrine B3 Note: May guard front of chest containing Light Axe west of stairs on Sunken Shrine 2F Type: Aquatic #098: Sea Troll HP: 216 Attack: 40 Accuracy: 54 Defense: 20 Agility: 24 Intelligence: 10 Evasion: 48 Magic Defense: 110 Gil: 852 EXP: 852 Treasure: Nothing Weakness: Lightning Resistance: Quake Where fought: Sunken Shrine 3F-1F, Chaos Shrine B3 Note: Regenerates HP May guard front of chest containing Light Axe west of stairs on Sunken Shrine 2F Type: Aquatic #099: Ghost HP: 180 Attack: 93 Accuracy: 45 Defense: 30 Agility: 18 Intelligence: 30 Evasion: 36 Magic Defense: 85 Gil: 990 EXP: 990 Treasure: Nothing Weakness: Fire, Dia Resistance: Quake, Ice, Stone, Paralysis, Poison, Darkness, Sleep, Silence, Confusion, Mind, Death Where fought: Sunken Shrine 4F-2F Note: Type: Undead #100: Water Elemental HP: 300 Attack: 69 Accuracy: 68 Defense: 20 Agility: 39 Intelligence: 32 Evasion: 72 Magic Defense: 130 Gil: 800 EXP: 1962 Treasure: Nothing Weakness: Ice Resistance: Quake, Fire, Stone, Paralysis, Poison, Darkness, Sleep, Silence, Confusion, Mind, Death Where fought: Sunken Shrine 1F-4F, Chaos Shrine B3 Note: Guards right side of left chest (contains 7690 Gil) south of stairs on Sunken Shrine 2F Guards space kitty-corner south to chests containing Giant's Glove and Gil on Sunken Shrine 2F #101: Water Naga HP: 356 Attack: 9 Accuracy: 71 Defense: 8 Agility: 36 Intelligence: 25 Evasion: 72 Magic Defense: 116 Gil: 2355 EXP: 2355 Treasure: Nothing Weakness: Lightning Resistance: Quake, Fire Where fought: Sunken Shrine 3F, Chaos Shrine B3 Note: Magic: Thundara Type: Aquatic, Spellcasting #102: Kraken HP: 1800 Attack: 50 Accuracy: 90 Defense: 60 Agility: 42 Intelligence: 32 Evasion: 84 Magic Defense: 160 Gil: 5000 EXP: 4245 Treasure: Kikuichimonji Weakness: Lightning Resistance: Quake, Fire Where fought: Sunken Shrine 1F (Boss) Note: Type: Aquatic #103: Tyrannosaur HP: 600 Attack: 115 Accuracy: 144 Defense: 10 Agility: 30 Intelligence: 24 Evasion: 60 Magic Defense: 200 Gil: 600 EXP: 7200 Treasure: Giant's Tonic Weakness: None Resistance: None Where fought: Great Desert Note: Type: Dragon #104: Black Knight HP: 260 Attack: 44 Accuracy: 65 Defense: 38 Agility: 18 Intelligence: 20 Evasion: 36 Magic Defense: 135 Gil: 1800 EXP: 1263 Treasure: Deathbringer Weakness: None Resistance: None Where fought: Mirage Tower 1F-2F, Flying Fortress 1F, Chaos Shrine 3F #105: Chimera HP: 300 Attack: 30 Accuracy: 60 Defense: 20 Agility: 36 Intelligence: 24 Evasion: 72 Magic Defense: 130 Gil: 2500 EXP: 2064 Treasure: Nothing Weakness: Ice Resistance: Quake, Fire Where fought: Mirage Tower 1F, Chaos Shrine 1F Note: Blaze (Medium fire damage on all) Type: Dragon #106: Guardian HP: 200 Attack: 25 Accuracy: 50 Defense: 40 Agility: 36 Intelligence: 24 Evasion: 72 Magic Defense: 110 Gil: 400 EXP: 1224 Treasure: Nothing Weakness: Lightning Resistance: Stone, Paralysis, Poison, Darkness, Sleep, Silence, Confusion, Mind, Death Where fought: Mirage Tower 1F-3F #107: Blue Dragon HP: 454 Attack: 92 Accuracy: 86 Defense: 20 Agility: 48 Intelligence: 28 Evasion: 96 Magic Defense: 200 Gil: 2000 EXP: 3274 Treasure: Nothing Weakness: None Resistance: Quake, Lightning Where fought: Lifespring Grotto (Special), Mirage Tower (Guardian) Note: Attack: Thunderbolt (Moderate lightning damage to all) In Lifespring Grotto, can be found on Dark Bahamut level, as one of the 'wandering dragons'. Guards just inside the door on level 3F of the Mirage Tower Type: Dragon #108: Green Dragon HP: 352 Attack: 72 Accuracy: 68 Defense: 16 Agility: 48 Intelligence: 24 Evasion: 96 Magic Defense: 200 Gil: 5000 EXP: 4068 Treasure: Nothing Weakness: Ice Resistance: Quake Where fought: Waterfall, Lifespring Grotto (Special), Chaos Shrine 3F Note: Attacks: Poison Gas (High damage air attack) In Lifespring Grotto, can be found on Dark Bahamut level, as one of the 'wandering dragons'. Type: Dragon #109: Stone Golem HP: 200 Attack: 70 Accuracy: 50 Defense: 16 Agility: 12 Intelligence: 21 Evasion: 24 Magic Defense: 110 Gil: 1000 EXP: 2385 Treasure: Nothing Weakness: None Resistance: Quake, Fire, Lightning, Ice, Stone, Paralysis, Poison, Darkness, Sleep, Silence, Confusion, Mind, Death Where fought: Flying Fortress 2F-3F, Chaos Shrine B1/B4 Note: Spell: Slow Type: Spellcasting #110: Air Elemental HP: 358 Attack: 53 Accuracy: 62 Defense: 4 Agility: 72 Intelligence: 40 Evasion: 144 Magic Defense: 130 Gil: 807 EXP: 1614 Treasure: Ether Weakness: None Resistance: Quake, Stone, Paralysis, Poison, Darkness, Sleep, Silence, Mind, Confusion, Death Where fought: Flying Fortress 1F-4F, Chaos Shrine B4 #111: Spirit Naga HP: 420 Attack: 7 Accuracy: 88 Defense: 16 Agility: 24 Intelligence: 32 Evasion: 48 Magic Defense: 143 Gil: 4000 EXP: 3489 Treasure: Nothing Weakness: None Resistance: None Where fought: Flying Fortress 1F-2F Note: Type: Spellcaster #112: Death Knight HP: 190 Attack: 55 Accuracy: 48 Defense: 32 Agility: 21 Intelligence: 28 Evasion: 42 Magic Defense: 173 Gil: 3000 EXP: 2700 Treasure: Nothing Weakness: None Resistance: Stone, Paralysis, Poison, Darkness, Sleep, Silence, Confusion, Mind, Death Where fought: Flying Fortress 1F, Chaos Shrine B4 Note: Spell: Dispel Type: Spellcaster #113: Earth Medusa HP: 96 Attack: 11 Accuracy: 24 Defense: 12 Agility: 36 Intelligence: 24 Evasion: 72 Magic Defense: 70 Gil: 1218 EXP: 1218 Treasure: Nothing Weakness: Fire Resistance: Quake, Ice Where fought: Flying Fortress 1F, Chaos Shrine B1 Note: Gaze (Stone on one) #114: Black Flan HP: 156 Attack: 49 Accuracy: 39 Defense: 255 Agility: 12 Intelligence: 6 Evasion: 24 Magic Defense: 85 Gil: 900 EXP: 1101 Treasure: Nothing Weakness: Fire Resistance: Quake, Lightning, Ice, Stone, Paralysis, Poison, Darkness, Mind, Sleep, Silence, Confusion, Death Where fought: Flying Fortress 5F #115: Soldier HP: 400 Attack: 102 Accuracy: 90 Defense: 48 Agility: 48 Intelligence: 28 Evasion: 96 Magic Defense: 160 Gil: 2000 EXP: 4000 Treasure: Phoenix Down Weakness: Lightning Resistance: Quake, Fire, Ice, Stone, Paralysis, Poison, Darkness, Sleep, Silence, Confusion, Mind, Death Where fought: Flying Fortress 3F #116: Vampire Lord HP: 300 Attack: 90 Accuracy: 42 Defense: 28 Agility: 36 Intelligence: 34 Evasion: 72 Magic Defense: 84 Gil: 3000 EXP: 2385 Treasure: Hermes Shoes Weakness: Fire, Dia Resistance: Quake, Ice, Stone, Paralysis, Poison, Darkness, Sleep, Silence, Confusion, Mind, Death Where fought: Flying Fortress 3F, Chaos Shrine 3F/B4 Note: Regenerates HP Attack: Gaze (Paralysis on all) Spell: NulBlaze Type: Undead, Spellcasting #117: Dark Fighter HP: 200 Attack: 40 Accuracy: 45 Defense: 38 Agility: 45 Intelligence: 34 Evasion: 90 Magic Defense: 186 Gil: 3420 EXP: 3420 Treasure: Nothing Weakness: None Resistance: None Where fought: Flying Fortress 3F-5F, Chaos Temple 3F Note: Type: Spellcasting #118: Death Machine HP: 2000 Attack: 128 Accuracy: 200 Defense: 80 Agility: 48 Intelligence: 50 Evasion: 96 Magic Defense: 200 Gil: 32000 EXP: 32000 Treasure: Genji Armor Weakness: None Resistance: Quake, Fire, Lightning, Ice, Stone, Paralysis, Poison, Sleep, Darkness, Silence, Confusion, Mind, Death Where fought: Flying Fortress 5F (Special) Note: Death Machine is found walking along the bridge at Flying Fortress 5F. It is extremely rare; there is only a 1/64 chance of finding it #119: Tiamat HP: 2400 Attack: 53 Accuracy: 80 Defense: 80 Agility: 36 Intelligence: 45 Evasion: 72 Magic Defense: 200 Gil: 6000 EXP: 5496 Treasure: Nothing Weakness: Stone, Poison Resistance: Quake, Fire, Lightning, Ice Where fought: Flying Fortress 5F (Boss) Note: Type: Dragon #120: Rhyos HP: 350 Attack: 40 Accuracy: 70 Defense: 18 Agility: 30 Intelligence: 30 Evasion: 60 Magic Defense: 143 Gil: 5000 EXP: 4584 Treasure: Power Staff Weakness: Ice Resistance: Quake, Fire Where fought: Chaos Shrine 2F Note: Attack: Blaze (Medium fire damage on all) Type: Dragon #121: Death Eye HP: 360 Attack: 120 Accuracy: 150 Defense: 60 Agility: 12 Intelligence: 35 Evasion: 24 Magic Defense: 160 Gil: 1 EXP: 1 Treasure: Elixir Weakness: Fire, Dia Resistance: Quake, Ice, Stone, Paralysis, Poison, Darkness, Sleep, Silence, Confusion, Mind, Death Where fought: Chaos Temple 3F (Guardian) Note: Just inside door on Chaos Temple 3F Regenerates HP Type: Undead #122: Purple Worm HP: 448 Attack: 65 Accuracy: 112 Defense: 10 Agility: 18 Intelligence: 24 Evasion: 36 Magic Defense: 200 Gil: 1000 EXP: 4344 Treasure: Emergency Exit Weakness: None Resistance: Quake Where fought: Chaos Shrine 1F/B4 #123: Iron Golem HP: 304 Attack: 93 Accuracy: 76 Defense: 100 Agility: 12 Intelligence: 26 Evasion: 24 Magic Defense: 143 Gil: 3000 EXP: 6717 Treasure: Nil Weakness: None Resistance: Quake, Fire, Ice, Stone, Paralysis, Poison, Darkness, Sleep, Silence, Confusion, Mind, Death Where fought: Chaos Shrine B4 Note: *Very* rare Attack: Deadly gas (Poison? on all) #124: Lich HP: 2800 Attack: 50 Accuracy: 64 Defense: 80 Agility: 24 Intelligence: 34 Evasion: 48 Magic Defense: 140 Gil: 1 EXP: 2000 Treasure: Nothing Weakness: Dia Resistance: Ice, Stone, Paralysis, Poison, Darkness, Sleep, Silence, Mind, Confusion, Death Where fought: Chaos Shrine B1 (Guardian) Note: Guards the stairs down to B2 in Chaos Shrine B1 Spells: Flare Type: Undead, Spellcaster #125: Marilith HP: 3200 Attack: 60 Accuracy: 63 Defense: 80 Agility: 30 Intelligence: 41 Evasion: 60 Magic Defense: 183 Gil: 1 EXP: 2000 Treasure: Nothing Weakness: None Resistance: Fire, Lightning, Ice, Stone, Poison Where fought: Chaos Shrine B2 (Guardian) Note: Guards the stairs down to B3 in Chaos Shrine B2 Type: Spellcaster #126: Kraken HP: 3600 Attack: 60 Accuracy: 114 Defense: 80 Agility: 49 Intelligence: 41 Evasion: 98 Magic Defense: 200 Gil: 1 EXP: 2000 Treasure: Eye Drops Weakness: None Resistance: Quake, Fire Where fought: Chaos Shrine B3 (Guardian) Note: Guards the stairs down to B4 in Chaos Shrine B3 Type: Aquatic #127: Tiamat HP: 5500 Attack: 75 Accuracy: 80 Defense: 90 Agility: 45 Intelligence: 38 Evasion: 90 Magic Defense: 200 Gil: 1 EXP: 2000 Treasure: Rune Staff Weakness: None Resistance: Quake, Fire, Lightning, Ice Where fought: Chaos Temple B4 (Guardian) Note: Guarding hallway from right side of room to left side on Chaos Temple B4 Attack: Thunderbolt (Heavy thunder damage on all) Spells: Scourge, Blizzara Type: Dragon, Spellcaster #128: Chaos HP: 20000 Attack: 170 Accuracy: 200 Defense: 100 Agility: 50 Intelligence: 40 Evasion: 100 Magic Defense: 200 Gil: 0 EXP: 0 Treasure: Nothing Weakness: None Resistance: Quake, Fire, Lightning, Ice, Time, Stone, Paralysis, Poison, Darkness, Sleep, Silence, Confusion, Mind, Death Where fought: Chaos Temple B5 (Boss) Note: Attacks: Blaze (Extreme fire damage on all), Tsunami (Extreme water damage on all), Cyclone (Extreme wind damage on all) #129: Echidna HP: 4800 Attack: 50 Accuracy: 50 Defense: 50 Agility: 30 Intelligence: 30 Evasion: 1 Magic Defense: 70 Gil: 0 EXP: 0 Treasure: X-Potion Weakness: None Resistance: Quake, Fire, Lightning, Ice, Time, Stone, Paralysis, Poison, Darkness, Sleep, Silence, Confusion, Mind, Death Where fought: Earthgift Shrine B5 (Boss) Note: Spells: Quake, Death #130: Cerberus HP: 4000 Attack: 40 Accuracy: 60 Defense: 50 Agility: 50 Intelligence: 40 Evasion: 50 Magic Defense: 60 Gil: 0 EXP: 0 Treasure: Kotetsu Weakness: None Resistance: Quake, Fire, Lightning, Ice, Time, Stone, Paralysis, Poison, Darkness, Sleep, Silence, Confusion, Mind, Death Where fought: Earthgift Shrine B5 (Boss) Note: Attack: Thunderbolt (Powerful thunder attack on all) #131: Ahriman HP: 5000 Attack: 60 Accuracy: 65 Defense: 50 Agility: 30 Intelligence: 50 Evasion: 25 Magic Defense: 100 Gil: 0 EXP: 0 Treasure: Dry Ether Weakness: None Resistance: Quake, Fire, Lightning, Ice, Time, Stone, Paralysis, Poison, Darkness, Sleep, Silence, Confusion, Mind, Death Where fought: Earthgift Shrine B5 (Boss) Note: Spells: Quake Attack: Blaze (Large fire damage to all) #132: Two-Headed Dragon HP: 4500 Attack: 60 Accuracy: 50 Defense: 50 Agility: 30 Intelligence: 10 Evasion: 30 Magic Defense: 50 Gil: 0 EXP: 0 Treasure: Bard's Tunic Weakness: None Resistance: Quake, Fire, Lightning, Ice, Time, Stone, Paralysis, Poison, Darkness, Sleep, Silence, Confusion, Mind, Death Where fought: Earthgift Shrine B5 (Boss) Note: Type: Dragon #133: Scarmiglione HP: 4000 Attack: 19 Accuracy: 50 Defense: 10 Agility: 10 Intelligence: 160 Evasion: 10 Magic Defense: 140 Gil: 0 EXP: 0 Treasure: Nothing Weakness: None Resistance: Quake, Time, Stone, Poison, Death Where fought: Hellfire Chasm B5 (Boss) Note: First form of boss Spells: Thunder Type: Spellcaster #134: Scarmiglione HP: 7046 Attack: 46 Accuracy: 40 Defense: 20 Agility: 10 Intelligence: 100 Evasion: 10 Magic Defense: 140 Gil: 0 EXP: 0 Treasure: Lunar Curtain Weakness: Fire, Dia Resistance: Quake, Ice, Time, Stone, Poison, Death Where fought: Hellfire Chasm B5 (Boss) Note: Second form of boss Attack: Poison gas (High damage wind attack) Type: Undead #135: Cagnazzo HP: 7968 Attack: 44 Accuracy: 80 Defense: 20 Agility: 20 Intelligence: 55 Evasion: 5 Magic Defense: 180 Gil: 0 EXP: 0 Treasure: Light Curtain Weakness: Lightning Resistance: Quake, Ice, Time, Stone, Poison, Death Where fought: Hellfire Chasm B5 (Boss) Note: Spells: Haste, Curaga Type: Aquatic #136: Barbariccia HP: 12954 Attack: 88 Accuracy: 100 Defense: 10 Agility: 60 Intelligence: 60 Evasion: 60 Magic Defense: 190 Gil: 0 EXP: 0 Treasure: Braveheart Weakness: None Resistance: Quake, Lightning, Time, Stone, Poison, Death Where fought: Hellfire Chasm B10 (boss) Note: Attacks: Ray (???), Cyclone (High wind damage on one) #137: Rubicante HP: 15000 Attack: 88 Accuracy: 150 Defense: 40 Agility: 50 Intelligence: 65 Evasion: 30 Magic Defense: 220 Gil: 0 EXP: 0 Treasure: Kikuichimonji Weakness: None Resistance: Quake, Fire, Ice, Time, Stone, Poison, Death Where fought: Hellfire Chasm B10 (Boss) Note: Spells: Firaga, Fira Attacks: Scorch (Large fire damage on one) Type: Spellcaster #138: Gilgamesh HP: 8888 Attack: 70 Accuracy: 110 Defense: 50 Agility: 20 Intelligence: 20 Evasion: 10 Magic Defense: 220 Gil: 0 EXP: 0 Treasure: Genji Gloves Weakness: None Resistance: Quake, Time, Stone, Poison, Death Where fought: Lifespring Grotto B5 (Boss) Note: Spells: Protect, Nulall Attack: Excalipur (Extremely minor damage on one), Wind Slash (strong wind attack on all) #139: Omega HP: 35000 Attack: 115 Accuracy: 200 Defense: 190 Agility: 76 Intelligence: 40 Evasion: 95 Magic Defense: 220 Gil: 0 EXP: 0 Treasure: Murasame Weakness: Lightning Resistance: Quake, Fire, Ice, Time, Stone, Paralysis, Poison, Darkness, Sleep, Silence, Confusion, Mind, Death Where fought: Lifespring Grotto B20 (Boss) Note: Attacks: Earthquake (Death to all), Wave Cannon (Very heavy damage on all) #140: Shinryu HP: 35000 Attack: 220 Accuracy: 200 Defense: 60 Agility: 87 Intelligence: 70 Evasion: 20 Magic Defense: 220 Gil: 0 EXP: 0 Treasure: Ragnarok Weakness: None Resistance: Quake, Time, Stone, Poison, Death Where fought: Lifespring Grotto B20 (Boss) Note: Attacks: Ice Storm (Large ice attack on all), Thunderbolt (Large lightning attack on all), Tidal Wave (Large water attack on all) Spell: Flare Type: Dragon #141: Atomos HP: 13000 Attack: 50 Accuracy: 80 Defense: 70 Agility: 10 Intelligence: 130 Evasion: 10 Magic Defense: 200 Gil: 0 EXP: 0 Treasure: Judgment Staff Weakness: None Resistance: Quake, Time, Stone, Poison, Death Where fought: Lifespring Grotto B10 (Boss) Note: Attack: Wormhole (Death on one), Comet (Heavy damage on one) Spell: Firaga #142: Typhon HP: 10000 Attack: 70 Accuracy: 70 Defense: 100 Agility: 10 Intelligence: 40 Evasion: 0 Magic Defense: 190 Gil: 0 EXP: 0 Treasure: Genji Helm Weakness: Ice Resistance: Quake, Fire, Time, Stone, Poison, Death Where fought: Whisperwind Cove 10F (Boss) Note: Attack: Snort (Death on one) #143: Orthros HP: 17000 Attack: 60 Accuracy: 80 Defense: 40 Agility: 30 Intelligence: 20 Evasion: 0 Magic Defense: 180 Gil: 0 EXP: 0 Treasure: Rune Staff Weakness: Fire, Lightning Resistance: Quake, Ice, Time, Stone, Poison, Death Where fought: Whisperwind Cove 20F (Boss) Note: Attack: Ink (Darkness on all) Type: Aquatic #144: Phantom Train HP: 9999 Attack: 200 Accuracy: 50 Defense: 80 Agility: 30 Intelligence: 40 Evasion: 0 Magic Defense: 180 Gil: 0 EXP: 0 Treasure: Megalixer Weakness: Fire, Dia Resistance: Quake, Time, Stone, Poison, Death Where fought: Whisperwind Cove 30F (Boss) Note: Attack: Acid Rain (Large water damage on all) Type: Undead #145: Death Gaze HP: 30000 Attack: 90 Accuracy: 200 Defense: 150 Agility: 95 Intelligence: 50 Evasion: 30 Magic Defense: 220 Gil: 0 EXP: 0 Treasure: Lightbringer Weakness: Fire, Dia Resistance: Quake, Ice, Time, Stone, Poison, Death Where fought: Whisperwind Cove 40F (Boss) Note: Spells: Dispel, Death, Kill Type: Undead #146: Devil Wizard HP: 700 Attack: 50 Accuracy: 50 Defense: 50 Agility: 20 Intelligence: 80 Evasion: 95 Magic Defense: 170 Gil: 3800 EXP: 3800 Treasure: Nothing Weakness: None Resistance: None Where fought: Whisperwind Cove Note: Type: Spellcaster #147: Abyss Worm HP: 2500 Attack: 95 Accuracy: 120 Defense: 30 Agility: 10 Intelligence: 10 Evasion: 40 Magic Defense: 200 Gil: 1500 EXP: 4000 Treasure: Megalixer Weakness: None Resistance: Quake Where fought: Earthgift Shrine Note: Only shows up on the 'Desert' level of Earthgift Shrine, Rare #148: Elm Gigas HP: 250 Attack: 40 Accuracy: 62 Defense: 15 Agility: 35 Intelligence: 10 Evasion: 50 Magic Defense: 120 Gil: 850 EXP: 850 Treasure: Nothing Weakness: None Resistance: None Where fought: Hellfire Chasm, Whisperwind Cove Note: In Hellfire Chasm, only shows up on the level which resembles the 'overland' map Type: Giant #149: Flare Gigas HP: 1050 Attack: 80 Accuracy: 80 Defense: 30 Agility: 40 Intelligence: 12 Evasion: 50 Magic Defense: 150 Gil: 2000 EXP: 2000 Treasure: Red Curtain Weakness: None Resistance: None Where fought: Whisperwind Cove Note: Only shows up on Whisperwind Cove's Lava Rooms, and only when they appear at 30F+ Type: Giant #150: Unicorn HP: 150 Attack: 20 Accuracy: 35 Defense: 8 Agility: 50 Intelligence: 50 Evasion: 33 Magic Defense: 80 Gil: 300 EXP: 500 Treasure: Ether Weakness: Ice Resistance: Quake, Fire, Paralysis, Darkness, Sleep, Silence, Confusion, Mind, Death Where fought: Whisperwind Cove #151: Yellow Ogre HP: 150 Attack: 25 Accuracy: 30 Defense: 15 Agility: 10 Intelligence: 5 Evasion: 23 Magic Defense: 60 Gil: 250 EXP: 300 Treasure: Nothing Weakness: None Resistance: None Where fought: Hellfire Chasm, Lifespring Grotto, Whisperwind Cove Note: Type: Giant #152: Mad Ogre HP: 1000 Attack: 75 Accuracy: 40 Defense: 40 Agility: 20 Intelligence: 3 Evasion: 60 Magic Defense: 50 Gil: 1000 EXP: 1000 Treasure: Strength Tonic Weakness: None Resistance: None Where fought: Whisperwind Cove Note: Type: Giant #153: Mage Chimera HP: 600 Attack: 55 Accuracy: 75 Defense: 30 Agility: 70 Intelligence: 40 Evasion: 70 Magic Defense: 150 Gil: 4500 EXP: 5000 Treasure: Hermes Shoes Weakness: Ice Resistance: Quake, Fire Where fought: Whisperwind Cove Note: Attacks: Blaze (Medium fire attack on all) Type: Dragon #154: Yellow Dragon HP: 500 Attack: 50 Accuracy: 68 Defense: 16 Agility: 32 Intelligence: 30 Evasion: 96 Magic Defense: 200 Gil: 3000 EXP: 2400 Treasure: Lunar Curtain Weakness: None Resistance: Quake Where fought: Lifespring Grotto (Special), Whisperwind Cove Note: In Lifespring Grotto, can be found on Dark Bahamut level, as one of the 'wandering dragons' Type: Dragon #155: Holy Dragon HP: 1374 Attack: 100 Accuracy: 88 Defense: 50 Agility: 62 Intelligence: 45 Evasion: 96 Magic Defense: 200 Gil: 5055 EXP: 5505 Treasure: Dry Ether Weakness: None Resistance: Quake Where fought: Lifespring Grotto (Special) Note: In Lifespring Grotto, can be found on Dark Bahamut level, as one of the 'wandering dragons' Spell: Holy Type: Dragon #156: Mythril Golem HP: 848 Attack: 84 Accuracy: 85 Defense: 160 Agility: 13 Intelligence: 15 Evasion: 20 Magic Defense: 170 Gil: 6000 EXP: 6000 Treasure: Dark Claymore Weakness: None Resistance: Quake, Fire, Lightning, Ice, Paralysis, Darkness, Sleep, Mind, Silence, Confusion, Death Where fought: Whisperwind Cove Note: Only found in Whisperwind Cove's Floating Castle level, and only when it appears as F30+ Type: Spellcaster #157: Killer Shark HP: 1200 Attack: 60 Accuracy: 90 Defense: 20 Agility: 60 Intelligence: 30 Evasion: 72 Magic Defense: 120 Gil: 700 EXP: 2500 Treasure: Nothing Weakness: Lightning Resistance: Quake, Ice, Paralysis, Darkness, Sleep, Silence, Confusion, Mind, Death Where fought: Lifespring Grotto Note: Type: Aquatic #158: Death Manticore HP: 243 Attack: 22 Accuracy: 40 Defense: 12 Agility: 90 Intelligence: 40 Evasion: 82 Magic Defense: 90 Gil: 1200 EXP: 800 Treasure: Nothing Weakness: None Resistance: None Where fought: Whisperwind Cove Note: Attack: Blaze (moderate fire damage on all) #159: Blood Tiger HP: 213 Attack: 22 Accuracy: 40 Defense: 16 Agility: 60 Intelligence: 20 Evasion: 45 Magic Defense: 90 Gil: 100 EXP: 300 Treasure: Nothing Weakness: None Resistance: None Where fought: Whisperwind Cove Note: Only appears in Whisperwind Cove's Caves, and only at F10+ #160: Dark Eye HP: 450 Attack: 45 Accuracy: 76 Defense: 20 Agility: 30 Intelligence: 5 Evasion: 72 Magic Defense: 156 Gil: 2000 EXP: 555 Treasure: Nothing Weakness: Lightning Resistance: Quake, Fire Where fought: Lifespring Grotto #161: Bloody Eye HP: 720 Attack: 100 Accuracy: 130 Defense: 80 Agility: 30 Intelligence: 75 Evasion: 25 Magic Defense: 160 Gil: 2 EXP: 2000 Treasure: Remedy Weakness: None Resistance: Quake Where fought: Whisperwind Cove Note: Type: Spellcaster #162: Flood Gigas HP: 400 Attack: 45 Accuracy: 45 Defense: 10 Agility: 5 Intelligence: 5 Evasion: 50 Magic Defense: 50 Gil: 1500 EXP: 300 Treasure: Nothing Weakness: None Resistance: None Where fought: Whisperwind Cove Note: Type: Giant #163: Poison Eagle HP: 200 Attack: 30 Accuracy: 60 Defense: 5 Agility: 77 Intelligence: 36 Evasion: 100 Magic Defense: 52 Gil: 555 EXP: 500 Treasure: Cockatrice Claw Weakness: None Resistance: None Where fought: Whisperwind Cove #164: Black Goblin HP: 50 Attack: 10 Accuracy: 5 Defense: 4 Agility: 10 Intelligence: 1 Evasion: 10 Magic Defense: 16 Gil: 300 EXP: 200 Treasure: Potion Weakness: None Resistance: None Where fought: Earthgift Shrine, Hellfire Chasm, Lifespring Grotto, Whisperwind Cove Note: Type: Giant #165: Knocker HP: 450 Attack: 40 Accuracy: 30 Defense: 40 Agility: 40 Intelligence: 5 Evasion: 40 Magic Defense: 23 Gil: 500 EXP: 500 Treasure: Hi-Potion Weakness: None Resistance: None Where fought: Whisperwind Cove Note: Type: Giant #166: Desertpede HP: 120 Attack: 35 (Poison) Accuracy: 35 Defense: 15 Agility: 40 Intelligence: 8 Evasion: 60 Magic Defense: 85 Gil: 100 EXP: 250 Treasure: Antidote Weakness: None Resistance: None Where fought: Earthgift Shrine, Lifespring Grotto, Whisperwind Cove #167: Gloom Widow HP: 71 Attack: 8 (poison) Accuracy: 18 Defense: 20 Agility: 44 Intelligence: 12 Evasion: 24 Magic Defense: 40 Gil: 520 EXP: 140 Treasure: Antidote Weakness: None Resistance: None Where fought: Earthgift Shrine, Hellfire Chasm, Lifespring Grotto, Whisperwind Cove Note: In Hellfire Chasm, only appears in the 'Overland' area #168: Duel Knight HP: 520 Attack: 60 Accuracy: 58 Defense: 50 Agility: 49 Intelligence: 41 Evasion: 55 Magic Defense: 140 Gil: 4300 EXP: 1200 Treasure: Enhancer Weakness: None Resistance: Paralysis, Darkness, Sleep, Silence, Confusion, Mind, Death Where fought: Whisperwind Cove #169: Squidraken HP: 480 Attack: 40 Accuracy: 44 Defense: 32 Agility: 55 Intelligence: 78 Evasion: 77 Magic Defense: 160 Gil: 888 EXP: 888 Treasure: Sage's Staff Weakness: None Resistance: Fire, Ice, Paralysis, Darkness, Sleep, Silence, Confusion, Mind Where fought: Whisperwind Cove Note: Attack: Mind Blast (Paralysis on all) Impossible to flee Type: Aquatic #170: Pharaoh HP: 1220 Attack: 75 Accuracy: 67 Defense: 44 Agility: 45 Intelligence: 18 Evasion: 24 Magic Defense: 92 Gil: 1542 EXP: 1542 Treasure: Asura Weakness: Fire, Dia Resistance: Ice, Paralysis, Darkness, Sleep, Silence, Confusion, Mind, Death Where fought: Whisperwind Cove Note: Type: Undead #171: Bonesnatch HP: 500 Attack: 45 Accuracy: 60 Defense: 12 Agility: 50 Intelligence: 15 Evasion: 42 Magic Defense: 81 Gil: 800 EXP: 500 Treasure: Nothing Weakness: Fire, Dia Resistance: Ice, Paralysis, Darkness, Sleep, Silence, Confusion, Mind, Death Where fought: Whisperwind Cove Note: Type: Undead #172: Silver Dragon HP: 200 Attack: 53 Accuracy: 50 Defense: 10 Agility: 40 Intelligence: 15 Evasion: 86 Magic Defense: 180 Gil: 2000 EXP: 1800 Treasure: Nothing Weakness: None Resistance: Quake, Fire, Lightning, Ice, Paralysis, Darkness, Sleep, Mind, Silence, Confusion, Death Where fought: Hellfire Chasm, Lifespring Grotto Note: In Lifespring Grotto, can be found on Dark Bahamut level, as one of the 'wandering dragons' Type: Dragon #173: Black Dragon HP: 1600 Attack: 95 Accuracy: 62 Defense: 30 Agility: 40 Intelligence: 30 Evasion: 120 Magic Defense: 200 Gil: 4000 EXP: 3000 Treasure: Lunar Curtain Weakness: None Resistance: Quake, Fire, Lightning, Ice, Paralysis, Darkness, Sleep, Silence, Confusion, Mind, Death Where fought: Lifespring Grotto (Special), Whisperwind Cove Note: In Lifespring Grotto, can be found on Dark Bahamut level, as one of the 'wandering dragons' In Whisperwind Cove, can only be found in the Ice Cave, and only at F40+ Spell: Kill Type: Dragon #174: Blue Troll HP: 132 Attack: 20 Accuracy: 46 Defense: 10 Agility: 36 Intelligence: 14 Evasion: 48 Magic Defense: 85 Gil: 300 EXP: 340 Treasure: Nothing Weakness: Fire Resistance: None Where fought: Hellfire Chasm, Lifespring Grotto Note: In Hellfire Chasm, only found in the water squares of the 'Overland' level #175: Earth Troll HP: 566 Attack: 50 Accuracy: 56 Defense: 45 Agility: 25 Intelligence: 14 Evasion: 48 Magic Defense: 100 Gil: 542 EXP: 1200 Treasure: Nothing Weakness: Fire Resistance: None Where fought: Whisperwind Cove Note: Regenerates HP #176: Poison Naga HP: 232 Attack: 6 Accuracy: 68 Defense: 8 Agility: 65 Intelligence: 65 Evasion: 45 Magic Defense: 120 Gil: 960 EXP: 960 Treasure: Nothing Weakness: None Resistance: None Where fought: Hellfire Chasm Note: Only found in the water squares of Hellfire Chasm's 'overland' Type: Aquatic, Spellcaster #177: Earth Plant HP: 675 Attack: 35 Accuracy: 86 Defense: 60 Agility: 19 Intelligence: 20 Evasion: 24 Magic Defense: 170 Gil: 300 EXP: 4440 Treasure: Turbo Ether Weakness: None Resistance: None Where fought: Whisperwind Cove #178: Yamatano Orochi HP: 1068 Attack: 50 Accuracy: 60 Defense: 42 Agility: 45 Intelligence: 47 Evasion: 36 Magic Defense: 180 Gil: 800 EXP: 4050 Treasure: Braveheart Weakness: None Resistance: Quake, Fire, Lightning, Ice, Paralysis, Darkness, Sleep, Mind, Silence, Confusion, Death Where fought: Whisperwind Cove Note: Only found on Whisperwind Cove's 'Floating Castle' or lava level, and only on F30+ Type: Dragon #179: Dark Elemental HP: 200 Attack: 66 Accuracy: 72 Defense: 20 Agility: 33 Intelligence: 74 Evasion: 25 Magic Defense: 120 Gil: 780 EXP: 1500 Treasure: Nothing Weakness: None Resistance: Quake, Fire, Paralysis, Darkness, Sleep, Silence, Confusion, Mind, Death Where fought: Hellfire Chasm, Whisperwind Cove Note: Attack: Flash (darkness to all) #180: Devil Hound HP: 150 Attack: 22 Accuracy: 40 Defense: 8 Agility: 60 Intelligence: 30 Evasion: 45 Magic Defense: 76 Gil: 150 EXP: 300 Treasure: Nothing Weakness: None Resistance: None Where fought: Hellfire Chasm, Whisperwind Cove Note: In Hellfire Chasm, only found on the 'Temple' level In Whisperwind Cove, only found in the lava rooms #181: Sekhret HP: 1400 Attack: 110 Accuracy: 70 Defense: 25 Agility: 30 Intelligence: 5 Evasion: 60 Magic Defense: 116 Gil: 1300 EXP: 1300 Treasure: War Hammer Weakness: None Resistance: None Where fought: Whisperwind Cove #182: Catoblepas HP: 200 Attack: 30 Accuracy: 60 Defense: 20 Agility: 30 Intelligence: 20 Evasion: 45 Magic Defense: 100 Gil: 800 EXP: 1500 Treasure: Remedy Weakness: None Resistance: Quake, Fire, Lightning, Ice, Paralysis, Darkness, Sleep, Mind, Silence, Confusion, Death Where fought: Earthgift Shrine, Hellfire Chasm, Whisperwind Cove Note: Attack: Gaze (stone) Type: Dragon #183: Hundlegs HP: 235 Attack: 40 Accuracy: 60 Defense: 20 Agility: 40 Intelligence: 10 Evasion: 45 Magic Defense: 120 Gil: 200 EXP: 1000 Treasure: Nothing Weakness: None Resistance: Quake Where fought: Hellfire Chasm, Whisperwind Cove Note: In Whisperwind Cove, only found in Lava Rooms. #184: Undergrounder HP: 690 Attack: 75 Accuracy: 85 Defense: 50 Agility: 40 Intelligence: 35 Evasion: 45 Magic Defense: 190 Gil: 1300 EXP: 2500 Treasure: Gaia Gear Weakness: None Resistance: Quake, Lightning, Paralysis, Darkness, Sleep, Silence, Mind, Confusion, Death Where fought: Whisperwind Cove Note: In Whisperwind Cove, only found in the ice cave levels, and only at F30+ Note: Spells: Quake #185: Death Elemental HP: 160 Attack: 35 Accuracy: 66 Defense: 4 Agility: 84 Intelligence: 30 Evasion: 120 Magic Defense: 120 Gil: 800 EXP: 753 Treasure: Zephyr Cape Weakness: None Resistance: Quake, Fire, Paralysis, Darkness, Sleep, Silence, Confusion, Mind, Death Where fought: Hellfire Chasm, Lifespring Grotto, Whisperwind Cove Note: In Hellfire Chasm, only found in the water squares of the 'Overland' Impossible to flee #186: Wild Nakk HP: 80 Attack: 15 Accuracy: 20 Defense: 20 Agility: 80 Intelligence: 40 Evasion: 40 Magic Defense: 30 Gil: 60 EXP: 240 Treasure: White Fang Weakness: None Resistance: None Where fought: Earthgift Shrine, Hellfire Chasm, Lifespring Grotto, Whisperwind Cove #187: Dark Wolf HP: 360 Attack: 30 Accuracy: 60 Defense: 25 Agility: 100 Intelligence: 45 Evasion: 70 Magic Defense: 50 Gil: 75 EXP: 300 Treasure: White Fang Weakness: None Resistance: None Where fought: Whisperwind Cove #188: Rock Gargoyle HP: 337 Attack: 30 Accuracy: 60 Defense: 72 Agility: 67 Intelligence: 12 Evasion: 72 Magic Defense: 130 Gil: 50 EXP: 120 Treasure: Nothing Weakness: None Resistance: Quake Where fought: Whisperwind Cove #189: Sahagin Queen HP: 100 Attack: 30 Accuracy: 30 Defense: 15 Agility: 50 Intelligence: 50 Evasion: 80 Magic Defense: 80 Gil: 500 EXP: 500 Treasure: Blue Curtain Weakness: Lightning Resistance: Quake, Fire Where fought: Hellfire Chasm, Lifespring Grotto Note: In Hellfire Chasm, only found in the water squares of 'Overland' Impossible to flee Type: Aquatic #190: Reaper HP: 350 Attack: 90 Accuracy: 50 Defense: 20 Agility: 40 Intelligence: 55 Evasion: 60 Magic Defense: 200 Gil: 1000 EXP: 1000 Treasure: Deathbringer Weakness: Fire, Dia Resistance: Quake, Ice, Paralysis, Darkness, Sleep, Silence, Confusion, Mind, Death Where fought: Whisperwind Cove Note: Spells: Dispel Type: Undead #191: Python HP: 85 Attack: 22 Accuracy: 24 Defense: 15 Agility: 15 Intelligence: 10 Evasion: 40 Magic Defense: 50 Gil: 150 EXP: 200 Treasure: Antidote Weakness: None Resistance: None Where fought: Hellfire Chasm, Lifespring Grotto, Whisperwind Cove Note: Type: Dragon #192: Skuldier HP: 120 Attack: 25 Accuracy: 35 Defense: 6 Agility: 10 Intelligence: 10 Evasion: 35 Magic Defense: 42 Gil: 80 EXP: 133 Treasure: Nothing Weakness: Fire, Dia Resistance: Ice, Paralysis, Darkness, Sleep, Silence, Confusion, Mind, Death Where fought: Earthgift Shrine, Lifespring Grotto, Whisperwind Cove Note: Type: Undead #193: Red Flan HP: 390 Attack: 50 Accuracy: 39 Defense: 255 Agility: 60 Intelligence: 50 Evasion: 20 Magic Defense: 80 Gil: 500 EXP: 1110 Treasure: Nothing Weakness: Fire, Ice Resistance: Quake, Lightning, Paralysis, Darkness, Sleep, Silence, Mind, Confusion, Death Where fought: Whisperwind Cove #194: Prototype HP: 1500 Attack: 85 Accuracy: 70 Defense: 45 Agility: 60 Intelligence: 60 Evasion: 80 Magic Defense: 150 Gil: 1000 EXP: 2000 Treasure: Rune Axe Weakness: Lightning Resistance: Quake, Fire, Ice, Paralysis, Darkness, Sleep, Silence, Mind, Confusion, Death Where fought: Whisperwind Cove Note: In Whisperwind Cove, found only on the 'Flying Castle' level, and only at F25+ Note: Spell: Thundaga #195: Revenant HP: 68 Attack: 20 Accuracy: 13 Defense: 15 Agility: 30 Intelligence: 3 Evasion: 42 Magic Defense: 45 Gil: 250 EXP: 250 Treasure: Nothing Weakness: Fire, Dia Resistance: Quake, Ice, Paralysis, Darkness, Sleep, Silence, Confusion, Mind, Death Where fought: Lifespring Grotto, Whisperwind Cove Note: Type: Undead +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ + B) Final Fantasy II + +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ B1) OVERVIEW ------------ NUMBER: NAME (The number the monster appears in the book and its name) Rank: The 'rank' of the monster. The higher the monster's 'rank', the more points toward leveling your weapons and characters' stats HP: The number of Hit Points the monster has; the amount of damage it can take before dying MP: The number of Magic Points the monster has toward casting spells and Osmose'ing or Rasp'ing away Attack: The level of attack the monster has and any special afflictions Accuracy: How accurate the monster's attacks are Defense: The monster's defensive ability Evasion: How easily the monster evades attacks Magic Defense: The monster's Magical Defense Gil: How much gold the monster drops Treasure: What items the monster might drop Weakness: Attacks the monster is weak to Resistance: Attacks the monster is resistant to Absorb: Attacks the monster gains HP from Where fought: Where the monster can be found in the world. Note: these do not include how hard it is to find them there; they will show, but they may be rare Note: Special notes about the monster such as 'family', special attacks, notes about location, et cetera B2) NOTE/TERMS -------------- (After Ultima): After the Ultima Tome has been gathered, the world explodes with more powerful enemies. Those monsters are noted with (After Ultima) after the location they can be found in. Unless otherwise noted, these monsters _replace_ the creatures that had originally been there, rather than joining them. Most of the dungeons keep the same monsters. Attacks: This is a list of special attacks and spells the monster uses. Many of these can be blocked by silence, though generally not the weapon ones. Status ailments that are delivered by a special attack are listed here, though status ailments that are delivered in a basic physical attack are mentioned after 'attack' on the monster sheet. (Boss): This is a boss monster in this location; in other words, a unique battle that can't be repeated once the monster has been killed. Danger Room: In many dungeons, there are large, open rooms. Within these rooms, almost every step results in a battle with a monster. These can be a good place to find rare and hard-to-find monsters, and occasionally the only place to find certain monsters. If you are having difficulty finding specific creatures, look for these rooms and use them to your best advantage. Long Distance: Refers to an attack that an enemy can use even if they are more than two rows deep (where normally they can't be reached by normal weapons, but they can't reach by normal weapons either). All spells are long distance. (MIAB): 'Monster-In-A-Box'. Certain treasure chests hold specific monsters that will attack when the chest is opened. These can only be fought once. SOR: Soul Of Rebirth. This is a special dungeon only accessed after the game has been completed. (Special): A monster whose location in an area relies on a special circumstance/general area/item/et cetera. The circumstances will be explained in 'Note'. Undead: This monster is harmed by Cure and other healing spells/items, as well as Garlic. Using abilities that sap HP (such as Blood Sword or Drain) will give those HP to the enemy instead. B3) LOCATIONS ------------- Altair: Within the actual city; there is only one monster which appears here. Around Altair: Around the city in the beginning of the game. Also includes the area surrounding Gatrea and the great lake (though only near the edge of the lake; the other are listed as 'Dreadnought Area'). Around Kashuan: Around Kashuan Keep. Around Mysidia: Around the city of Mysidia. This includes much of the island, including the area around the cave but _excluding_ the land bridge that links Mysidia's island and the city of Altair. Around Paloom: Around the city of Paloom, across the lake. Around Poft: Around the city of Poft. Includes the area to and around Bafsk. Around Salamand: The area near the city of Salamand and to the west from there. Bafsk Cave: The sewer entrance in Bafsk. Castle Fynn: The actual Fynn castle, after the rebels raid it. Cave Of Mysidia: The cave to the East of Mysidia, in the mountains. Chamber Of The Seal: In SOR, the 'opposite world' version of the Chamber Of The Seal from Mysidia Tower. Holds the Ultima book and Ultima Weapon. Coliseum: The actual Coliseum where the princess is being held. Monsters on B2 (except for MIAB) are only found in Danger Rooms. Cyclone: The Cyclone 'dungeon' near Fynn. Deist Cavern: The cavern north of Deist castle. Deist Island: The island that Deist is on. The enemies here remain the same even after Ultima Tome. Dreadnought: Inside the Dreadnought itself. Dreadnought Area: The lands surrounding the Dreadnought's landing place northwest of Fynn. This includes the lands near Fynn but away from the lake. Fynn: Within the city of Fynn at the beginning of the game. This lasts until the city has been freed. Great Desert: The enormous desert south of Kashuan Keep, around the Coliseum and Palamecia. This also includes the forest and plains to the southwest of Kashuan. Jade Passage: The lake passage into hell near Mysidia. Kashuan Keep: In Kashuan Keep proper. Leila's Ship: On the bridge of Leila's Ship when obtaining it in Paloom; there is only one creature which appears here. Leviathan: Inside the Leviathan. Mysidia Land Bridge: The lands due west of Altair, across the river. Also includes the land bridge between Altair and Mysidia. WARNING. It is very easy to accidentally walk into this area when walking around Mysidia. Look at your map. If you are north of the river near Mysidia or west of the pair of rivers near Altair, you are in this dangerous area. IT CAN KILL YOU. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED. This is a public service announcement by the people who have died accidentally more times than any human ever should. Mysidian Tower: The tower in the ocean north of Mysidia. Ocean: Once you've obtained the ship, on the ocean. Palamecia: Castle Palamecia. The place surrounded by mountains. Pandaemonium: The castle of hell; at the end of the Jade Passage. Semitt Falls: The cave at the waterfall where Mythril is mined. Snow Plains: The snowfield that you need the snowcraft to cross, northwest of Salamand. After Ultima, the old creatures still exist, though have been joined by the new ones. Snow Cavern: The cave in the Snow Plains. Southern Point: The point of land due South from Altair. There are extremely dangerous enemies around this point of land; much higher-level than enemies in the area at this point in the game. These are the same sort of monsters as are around Mysidia, but due to their unusual position, I prefer to list them in a separate section. Tropical Island: Small island cave all by itself on a tiny island on the map. The 1F area includes the outside of the Island. Unknown Cave: In the SOR: The first dungeon you enter. Resembled the Jade Passage. Unknown Palace: In the SOR: The great Palace dungeon which resembles Pandemonium, only backwards. B4) MONSTERS BY LOCATION ------------------------ Altair: Lamia Queen Around Altair: Goblin, Hornet, Leg Eater (After Ultima): Big Horn, Captain, Hill Gigas, Sergeant, Sorcerer, Werepanther Around Kashuan: Balloon, Dead Head, Hornet, Leg Eater, Queen Bee, Soldier, Vampire Thorn, Zombie (After Ultima): Death Flower, Imperial Shadow, Malboro Terra, Sand Worm, Scissorjaws Around Mysidia: Behemoth, Black Flan, Bomb, Brain, Cockatrice, Ghast, Killer Mantis, Mine, Red Mousse, Revenant, Specter, Vampire Girl, Wraith (After Ultima): Ghost, Great Malboro, Hecteyes, Mantis King, Mega Parasite, Pit Fiend, Salamander Around Paloom: Goblin, Goblin Guard, Hornet, Leg Eater, Soldier, Sprinter, Vampire Thorn Around Poft: Goblin, Goblin Guard, Hornet, Leg Eater, Queen Bee, Sasquatch, Soldier, Sprinter, Vampire Thorn, Werepanther (After Ultima): Big Horn, Bomb, Captain, Hill Gigas, Sorcerer Around Salamand: Goblin, Goblin Guard, Hornet, Queen Bee, Sasquatch, Soldier, Vampire Thorn (After Ultima): Sergeant, Sorcerer Bafsk Cave: Balloon, Goblin Guard, Hornet, Leg Eater, Queen Bee, Soldier, Vampire Thorn, Zombie Castle Fynn: Adamantoise, Brain, Captain, Changer, Chimera, Death Flower, Dual Deads, Dual Heads, Ghast, Gottos, Green Soul, Killer Mantis, Magician, Ogre Chief, Ogre Mage, Parasite, Revenant, Rhyos, Sergeant, Sorcerer, Specter, Stalagmite, Stunner, Wizard, Wraith Cave Of Mysidia: Black Flan, Bomb, Brain, Changer, Cockatrice, Death Flower, Flying Ray, Ghast, Ghost, Gigantoad, Malboro, Parasite, Red Mousse, Red Soul, Revenant, Rhyos, Specter, Wild Horn, Wraith, Yellow Jelly, Yellow Soul Chamber Of The Seal: Ultima Weapon Coliseum: Behemoth, Captain, Chimera, Death Flower, Dual Deads, Magician, Parasite, Revenant, Sergeant, Sorcerer, Specter, Stalagmite, Wizard Cyclone: Big Horn, Bomb, Captain, Cockatrice, Devil's Bloom, Emperor, Eyemoeba, General, Gottos, Green Dragon, Hill Gigas, Lamia, Malboro Terra, Royal Guard, Vampire Girl, Vampire Lady, Wizard, Wood Golem Deist Cavern: Adamantoise, Chimera, Dual Heads, Ghast, Ghoul, Gigantoad, Green Soul, Hill Gigas, Land Turtle, Ogre, Ogre Chief, Ogre Mage, Revenant, Shadow, Stalactite, Wraith, Yellow Soul Deist Island: Ghast, Ghoul, Hill Gigas, Land Turtle, Ogre, Ogre Mage, Shadow, Stalactite, Wraith Dreadnought: Balloon, Captain, Ghast, Ghoul, Helldiver, Hill Gigas, Magician, Sergeant, Shadow, Soldier, Stunner, Werepanther, Wererat, Wraith Dreadnought Area: Dual Heads, Land Turtle, Magician, Mine, Ogre, Ogre Mage, Phorusracos, Soldier, Wererat (After Ultima): Big Horn, Bomb, Captain, Hill Gigas, Sorcerer, Werepanther Fynn: Captain, Goblin, Hornet, Leg Eater Great Desert: Antlion, Chimera, Gigantoad, Land Ray, Poison Toad, Wild Horn (After Ultima): Death Flower, Imperial Shadow, Malboro Terra, Sand Worm, Scissorjaws Jade Passage: Abyss Worm, Blue Dragon, Chimera Sphinx, Great Malboro, Green Dragon, Hecteyes, Ice Lizard, Killer Mantis, King Behemoth, Mega Parasite, Pit Fiend, Red Dragon, Salamander, Scissorjaws, Vampire Lady, White Dragon Kashuan Keep: Adamantoise, Balloon, Dead Head, Ghast, Ghoul, Goblin Prince, Hornet, Land Turtle, Leg Eater, Mine, Ogre, Ogre Mage, Queen Bee, Red Soul, Shadow, Soldier, Vampire Thorn, Wererat, Wraith, Zombie Leila's Ship: Pirate Leviathan: Bolt Fish, Manta Ray, Red Soul, Roundworm, Sea Dragon Mysidia Land Bridge: Big Horn, Black Flan, Bomb, Flying Ray, Ghost, Hill Gigas, Imp, Killer Mantis, Mine, Phorusracos, Red Mousse, Red Soul, Werewolf (After Ultima): Hecteyes, Pit Fiend, Salamander Mysidian Tower: Basilisk, Big Horn, Black Flan, Bomb, Chimera, Death Flower, Devil's Bloom, Fire Gigas, Flying Ray, Ghast, Ghost, Gottos, Hill Gigas, Ice Gigas, Ice Lizard, Imp, Killer Mantis, Malboro Terra, Red Mousse, Red Soul, Revenant, Specter, Thunder Gigas, Vampire Girl, Werewolf, White Dragon, Wraith Ocean: Buccaneer, Helldiver, Killer Fish, Sea Snake (After Ultima): Bolt Fish, Manta Ray, Sea Dragon Palamecia: Black Knight, Captain, Cockatrice, Coeurl, Death Flower, Devil's Bloom, Eyemoeba, Flying Ray, General, Gottos, Imperial Shadow, Killer Mantis, Lamia, Lamia Queen, Skull, Stone Golem, Vampire Girl, Wood Golem Pandaemonium: Astaroth, Beast Demon, Beelzebub, Blue Dragon, Bomb, Coeurl, Death Rider, Devil's Bloom, Devil Wolf, Emperor, Fire Gigas, Great Malboro, Ice Gigas, Ice Lizard, King Behemoth, Lamia, Lamia Queen, Mantis Devil, Mythril Golem, Red Dragon, Roundworm, Thunder Gigas, Tiamat, Zombie Borghen Semitt Falls: Balloon, Goblin, Goblin Guard, Green Slime, Land Turtle, Sasquatch, Sergeant, Soldier, Sprinter, Zombie Snow Plains: Icicle, Snowman (After Ultima): Big Horn, Icicle, Sergeant, Snowman, Sorcerer Snow Cavern: Adamantoise, Balloon, Borghen, Dead Head, Dual Heads, Ghoul, Goblin, Goblin Guard, Grenade, Icicle, Shadow, Snowman, Zombie Southern Point: Behemoth, Black Flan, Bomb, Brain, Cockatrice, Ghast, Killer Mantis, Mine, Red Mousse, Revenant, Specter, Wraith Tropical Island: Big Horn, Dual Deads, Dual Heads, Ghast, Ghoul, Poison Toad, Red Mousse, Shadow, Stunner, Wererat, Wild Horn, Wraith, Yellow Jelly Unknown Cave: Beast Devil, Bigfoot, Black Knight, Death Horn, Death Knight, Flan Princess, Giga Parasite, Gigas Worm, Gil Snapper, Glasya Labolas, Miss Vamp, Pyrolisk, Roundworm, Sea Serpent, Sergeant, Soul Eater, Zombie Borghen Unknown Palace: Beelzebub Soul, Black Dragon, Bloodbones, Cait Sith, Catoblepas, Chaos Rider, Chimera Brain, Dark Behemoth, Dark Magician, Dark Soul, Emperor, Gold Golem, L'il Murderer, Lamia Matriarch, Lucifer, Malboro Menace, Mini Satana, Mother Brain, Orukat, Purobolos, Steel Giant, Twin Heads, Warg Wolf, Yamatano Orochi B5) MONSTERS ------------ #001: Leg Eater Rank: 1 HP: 6 MP: 0 Attack: 4 Accuracy: 1-60 Defense: 0 Evasion: 0-0 Magic Defense: 1-50 Gil: 4-37 Treasure: Nothing Weakness: None Resistance: Body, Mind Absorbs: None Where fought: Around Altair, Fynn, Around Paloom, Around Poft, Bafsk Cave, B1-1F, Around Kashuan, Kashuan Keep 1F #002: Vampire Thorn Rank: 1 HP: 20 MP: 0 Attack: 4 (Venom) Accuracy: 1-60 Defense: 0 Evasion: 0-0 Magic Defense: 1-50 Gil: 4-18 Treasure: Antidote, Eye Drops, Potion Weakness: None Resistance: Body, Mind Absorbs: None Where fought: Around Paloom, Around Poft, Around Salamand, Bafsk Cave B1-1F, Around Kashuan, Kashuan Keep 1F #003: Hornet Rank: 1 HP: 6 MP: 0 Attack: 4 (Venom) Accuracy: 1-50 Defense: 0 Evasion: 1-10 Magic Defense: 1-15 Gil: 4-37 Treasure: Nothing Weakness: None Resistance: None Absorbs: None Where fought: Around Altair, Fynn, Around Paloom, Around Poft, Around Salamand, Bafsk Cave B1-1F, Around Kashuan, Kashuan Keep 1F #004: Queen Bee Rank: 1 HP: 30 MP: 0 Attack: 9 (Poison) Accuracy: 1-50 Defense: 4 Evasion: 1-10 Magic Defense: 1-50 Gil: 4-9 Treasure: Potion, Antidote Weakness: None Resistance: None Absorbs: None Where fought: Around Poft, Around Salamand, Bafsk Cave 1F, Around Kashuan, Kashuan Keep 1F #005: Snowman Rank: 2 HP: 45 MP: 0 Attack: 9 Accuracy: 1-60 Defense: 4 Evasion: 1-20 Magic Defense: 2-40 Gil: 18-150 Treasure: Nothing Weakness: Fire Resistance: None Absorbs: Ice Where fought: Snow Plains, Snow Cavern B2-B6 #006: Sasquatch Rank: 1 HP: 20 MP: 0 Attack: 4 Accuracy: 1-50 Defense: 0 Evasion: 1-10 Magic Defense: 1-50 Gil: 9-75 Treasure: Nothing Weakness: None Resistance: None Absorbs: None Where fought: Around Poft, Around Salamand, Semitt Falls B1-B5 #007: Icicle Rank: 2 HP: 60 MP: 0 Attack: 17 Accuracy: 1-60 Defense: 17 Evasion: 0-0 Magic Defense: 2-40 Gil: 18-150 Treasure: Nothing Weakness: Fire Resistance: Mind Absorbs: Ice Where fought: Snow Plains, Snow Cavern B1-B6 #008: Stalactite Rank: 4 HP: 240 MP: 0 Attack: 35 Accuracy: 2-70 Defense: 35 Evasion: 1-30 Magic Defense: 3-40 Gil: 150-600 Treasure: Nothing Weakness: Poison Resistance: Mind Absorbs: None Where fought: Deist Island, Deist Cavern B1/B5 #009: Stalagmite Rank: 4 HP: 240 MP: 0 Attack: 40 Accuracy: 3-70 Defense: 40 Evasion: 1-30 Magic Defense: 3-40 Gil: 600-1200 Treasure: Nothing Weakness: None Resistance: Mind Absorbs: None Where fought: Coliseum B2 (MIAB), Castle Fynn B5-4F Note: MIAB: Chest at lower right-hand corner of Coliseum B2; contains antidote Only found in 'danger rooms' in Castle Fynn B1-B3 #010: Sprinter Rank: 1 HP: 30 MP: 0 Attack: 9 Accuracy: 1-50 Defense: 0 Evasion: 1-40 Magic Defense: 1-50 Gil: 4-37 Treasure: Nothing Weakness: None Resistance: None Absorbs: None Where fought: Around Paloom, Around Poft, Semitt Falls B1-B5 #011: Phorusracos Rank: 3 HP: 140 MP: 0 Attack: 35 Accuracy: 2-65 Defense: 25 Evasion: 1-30 Magic Defense: 2-50 Gil: 37-300 Treasure: Nothing Weakness: None Resistance: None Absorbs: None Where fought: Dreadnought Area, Mysidia Land Bridge #012: Adamantoise Rank: 5 HP: 675 MP: 0 Attack: 45 Accuracy: 2-75 Defense: 60 Evasion: 0-0 Magic Defense: 1-50 Gil: 300-750 Treasure: Diamond Shield Weakness: Ice Resistance: Lightning, Poison Absorbs: None Where fought: Snow Cavern B6 (Boss), Kashuan Keep 1F-5F, Deist Cavern B5, Castle Fynn B4 Note: Only found in 'danger room' of Kashuan Keep 1F MIAB: Far southeast chest of Deist Cavern B5; contains Knight Armor #013: Land Turtle Rank: 3 HP: 140 MP: 0 Attack: 35 Accuracy: 2-65 Defense: 35 Evasion: 0-0 Magic Defense: 2-50 Gil: 37-300 Treasure: Mythril Shield Weakness: Ice Resistance: Lightning, Poison Absorbs: None Where fought: Semitt Falls B5 (MIAB), Kashuan Keep 1F-5F, Dreadnought Area, Deist Island, Deist Cavern B1 Note: Treasure Chest upper-right Semitt Falls B5; Contains Teleport Tome Found only in 'danger room' in 1F of Kashuan Keep #014: Ogre Rank: 2 HP: 100 MP: 0 Attack: 25 Accuracy: 1-65 Defense: 17 Evasion: 1-20 Magic Defense: 2-50 Gil: 75-300 Treasure: Mythril Mace, Mythril Helm Weakness: None Resistance: None Absorbs: None Where fought: Kashuan Keep 1F-5F, Dreadnought Area, Deist Island, Deist Cavern B1 Note: Found only in 'danger room' in 1F of Kashuan Keep #015: Ogre Mage Rank: 3 HP: 140 MP: 30 Attack: 25 Accuracy: 2-65 Defense: 17 Evasion: 1-40 Magic Defense: 3-40 Gil: 75-75 Treasure: Blind Tome, Sleep Tome, Blizzard Tome, Blink Tome, Hellfire, Warp Tome Weakness: None Resistance: None Absorbs: None Where fought: Kashuan Keep 1F/3F-5F, Dreadnought Area, Deist Island, Deist Cavern B1/B3-B5, Castle Fynn B4 Note: Found only in 'danger room' on level 1F Kashuan Keep Attack: Blind IV (Darkness on all), Blizzard V (Ice attack on all), Sleep IV (Sleep on all), Blink III (Raise evasion on one) #016: Ogre Chief Rank: 4 HP: 300 MP: 0 Attack: 40 Accuracy: 3-70 Defense: 35 Evasion: 1-40 Magic Defense: 3-40 Gil: 450-750 Treasure: Wing Sword, Ice Shield Weakness: None Resistance: None Absorbs: None Where fought: Deist Cavern B3-B5, Castle Fynn B4 #017: Dual Heads Rank: 2 HP: 80 MP: 0 Attack: 25 Accuracy: 2-50 Defense: 17 Evasion: 1-20 Magic Defense: 2-50 Gil: 18-300 Treasure: Mace, Battle Axe Weakness: Body Resistance: Mind Absorbs: None Where fought: Snow Cavern B3-B6, Dreadnought Area, Deist Cavern B5, Castle Fynn 1F-4F, Tropical Island B1-B3 #018: Dual Deads Rank: 5 HP: 300 MP: 0 Attack: 40 Accuracy: 5-65 Defense: 25 Evasion: 1-50 Magic Defense: 3-50 Gil: 300-750 Treasure: Nothing Weakness: Fire Resistance: Ice, Body, Mind Absorbs: Death Where fought: Coliseum (MIAB) Castle Fynn 1F-4F, Tropical Island B1-B5 Note: Undead MIAB: Chest at lower right-hand corner of Coliseum B2; contains antidote #019: Wererat Rank: 2 HP: 60 MP: 0 Attack: 17 (Poison) Accuracy: 1-60 Defense: 4 Evasion: 2-20 Magic Defense: 2-40 Gil: 37-300 Treasure: Nothing Weakness: None Resistance: Body, Death Absorbs: None Where fought: Kashuan Keep 1F-5F, Dreadnought Area, Dreadnought 1F-3F, Tropical Island B1-B2 Note: Only found in 'danger room' on level 1F of Kashuan Keep MIAB: Lower left-hand chest, Kashuan Keep 3F; contains Golden Shield #020: Stunner Rank: 3 HP: 100 MP: 0 Attack: 17 (Paralysis) Accuracy: 2-65 Defense: 17 Evasion: 1-30 Magic Defense: 2-50 Gil: 75-450 Treasure: Nothing Weakness: None Resistance: None Absorbs: None Where fought: Dreadnought 1F-5F, Castle Fynn 2F (MIAB)/B1, Tropical Island B1-B2 Note: MIAB: In Castle Fynn 2F, chest on left side; contains Potion #021: Dead Head Rank: 2 HP: 45 MP: 0 Attack: 17 Accuracy: 1-60 Defense: 9 Evasion: 1-20 Magic Defense: 2-40 Gil: 9-75 Treasure: Nothing Weakness: Fire Resistance: Ice, Body, Mind Absorbs: Death Where fought: Ice Cavern B1-B3, Around Kashuan, Kashuan Keep 1F Note: Undead #022: Skull Rank: 6 HP: 640 MP: 300 Attack: 50 Accuracy: 6-75 Defense: 40 Evasion: 1-65 Magic Defense: 4-40 Gil: 1500-3000 Treasure: Nothing Weakness: Fire Resistance: Ice, Body, Mind Absorbs: Death Where fought: Palamecia 1F-7F Note: Undead Attacks: Blizzard XII (Ice attack on all), Toad X (Toad on one) #023: Zombie Rank: 1 HP: 30 MP: 0 Attack: 17 Accuracy: 1-60 Defense: 0 Evasion: 0-0 Magic Defense: 1-50 Gil: 9-75 Treasure: Nothing Weakness: Fire Resistance: Ice, Body, Mind Absorbs: Death Where fought: Semitt Falls B2-B5, Bafsk Cave B1-1F, Snow Cavern B1-B3, Around Kashuan, Kashuan Keep 1F Note: Undead In Semitt Falls, located only in 'danger rooms' #024: Ghoul Rank: 2 HP: 60 MP: 0 Attack: 17 (Paralysis) Accuracy: 1-60 Defense: 4 Evasion: 1-20 Magic Defense: 2-40 Gil: 37-300 Treasure: Nothing Weakness: Fire Resistance: Ice, Body, Mind Absorbs: Death Where fought: Snow Cavern B1-B6, Kashuan Keep 2F, Dreadnought 1F-3F, Deist Island, Deist Cavern B1-B2, Tropical Island B3 (MIAB) Note: Undead MIAB: Found in chest on lower-left side of Snow Cavern B5; contains Ancient Sword MIAB: In Tropical Island B3, room off by itself; contains Phoenix Down #025: Ghast Rank: 3 HP: 100 MP: 30 Attack: 25 (Paralysis) Accuracy: 25 Defense: 2-60 Evasion: 1-30 Magic Defense: 2-50 Gil: 75-450 Treasure: Nothing Weakness: Fire Resistance: Ice, Body, Mind Absorbs: Death Where fought: Southern Point, Kashuan Keep 1F/4F, Dreadnought 1F-5F, Deist Island, Deist Cavern B1-B2, Castle Fynn 2F (MIAB)/B1/B4 (MIAB) Tropical Island B3 (MIAB), Around Mysidia, Cave Of Mysidia B1-B2, Mysidian Tower 2F/5F/8F-9F Note: Undead Only found in 'danger room' in Kashuan Keep 1F Attack: Blind IV (Darkness on all) MIAB: In Castle Fynn 2F, chest on left side; contains Potion MIAB: In Castle Fynn B4, chest at far north; contains Power Staff MIAB: In Tropical Island B3, room off by itself; contains Phoenix Down #026: Revenant Rank: 4 HP: 240 MP: 0 Attack: 40 (Drain) Accuracy: 3-70 Defense: 25 Evasion: 1-40 Magic Defense: 3-40 Gil: 450-900 Treasure: Nothing Weakness: Fire Resistance: Ice, Body, Mind Absorbs: Death Where fought: Deist Cavern B2-B5, Coliseum B2, Southern Point, Castle Fynn B1-4F/B4 (MIAB), Around Mysidia, Cave Of Mysidia B1-B3 Mysidian Tower 2F-9F Note: Undead MIAB: In Castle Fynn 2F, chest on left side; contains Potion MIAB: In Castle Fynn B4, chest at far north; contains Power Staff #027: Shadow Rank: 2 HP: 45 MP: 0 Attack: 17 (Darkness) Accuracy: 1-60 Defense: 9 Evasion: 1-20 Magic Defense: 2-40 Gil: 18-140 Treasure: Nothing Weakness: Fire Resistance: Lightning, Body, Death, Mind, Matter Absorbs: Death Where fought: Snow Cavern B1-B5, Kashuan Keep 2F-4F, Dreadnought 1F-2F, Deist Island, Deist Cavern B1-B2, Tropical Island B3 (MIAB) Note: Undead MIAB: Found in chest on lower-left side of Snow Cavern B5; contains Ancient Sword MIAB: In Tropical Island B3, room off by itself; contains Phoenix Down #028: Wraith Rank: 2 HP: 60 MP: 0 Attack: 9 (Drain) Accuracy: 1-65 Defense: 9 Evasion: 2-20 Magic Defense: 2-50 Gil: 37-300 Treasure: Nothing Weakness: Fire Resistance: Ice, Body, Poison, Death, Mind, Matter Absorbs: Death Where fought: Kashuan Keep 1F-5F, Dreadnought 1F/4F-5F, Deist Island, Deist Cavern B1-B2, Southern Point, Castle Fynn 2F (MIAB)/B1/B4 (MIAB), Tropical Island B3 (MIAB), Around Mysidia, Cave Of Mysidia B1-B2, Mysidian Tower 3F/6F-8F Note: Undead Only found in 'danger room' on 1F Kashuan Keep MIAB: In Castle Fynn 2F, chest on left side; contains Potion MIAB: In Castle Fynn B4, chest at far north; contains Power Staff MIAB: In Tropical Island B3, room off by itself; contains Phoenix Down #029: Specter Rank: 4 HP: 300 MP: 100 Attack: 25 (Drain) Accuracy: 3-75 Defense: 25 Evasion: 1-40 Magic Defense: 3-50 Gil: 600-1200 Treasure: Nothing Weakness: Fire Resistance: Ice, Body, Poison, Death, Mind, Matter Absorbs: Death Where fought: Coliseum B1-B2, Southern Point, Fynn Castle 1F-3F/B4 (MIAB), Around Mysidia, Cave Of Mysidia B1-B3, Mysidian Tower 2F-9F Note: Attacks: Break VI (Petrification on all), Sleep VI (Sleep on all), Blizzard VIII (Ice damage on all) MIAB: In Castle Fynn B4, chest at far north; contains Power Staff #030: Ghost Rank: 5 HP: 540 MP: 140 Attack: 35 Accuracy: 5-75 Defense: 35 Evasion: 1-60 Magic Defense: 3-50 Gil: 750-1500 Treasure: Nothing Weakness: Fire Resistance: Ice, Body, Poison, Death, Mind, Matter Absorbs: Death Where fought: Mysidia Land Bridge, Cave Of Mysidia B4-B5, Mysidian Tower 1F, Around Mysidia (After Ultima) Note: Undead MIAB: First chest on Cave of Mysidia B5; contains Drain Tome Attacks: Mini VII (Mini on all), Scourge XVI (Poison damage on one), Stun XVI (Paralyze on one) #031: Antlion Rank: 5 HP: 370 MP: 0 Attack: 50 (Paralysis) Accuracy: 3-75 Defense: 40 Evasion: 1-50 Magic Defense: 3-50 Gil: 300-750 Treasure: Nothing Weakness: Ice, Poison Resistance: Lightning, Fire Absorbs: None Where fought: Great Desert #032: Scissorjaws Rank: 6 HP: 870 MP: 0 Attack: 70 Accuracy: 6-80 Defense: 60 Evasion: 1-70 Magic Defense: 4-40 Gil: 1500-3000 Treasure: Nothing Weakness: None Resistance: None Absorbs: None Where fought: Great Desert (After Ultima) Around Kashuan (After Ultima), Jade Passage B1 #033: Gottos Rank: 6 HP: 2000 MP: 80 Attack: 70 Accuracy: 6-90 Defense: 60 Evasion: 1-65 Magic Defense: 5-40 Gil: 1200-3000 Treasure: Bacchus's Wine, Ripper, Haste Tome Weakness: None Resistance: None Absorbs: None Where fought: Castle Fynn 4F (Boss), Mysidian Tower 8F (MIAB), Cyclone 4F-7F, Palamecia 1F-4F/7F Note: MIAB: Mysidian Tower 8F; Contains Flare Tome Attacks: Imbibe VI (Raises attack; lowers defense for self), Haste VI (adds attacks for all) #034: Beast Demon Rank: 7 HP: 1000 MP: 140 Attack: 70 Accuracy: 6-80 Defense: 60 Evasion: 1-75 Magic Defense: 6-60 Gil: 3000-3000 Treasure: Nothing Weakness: None Resistance: Lightning, Fire, Ice Absorbs: None Where fought: Pandaemonium 2F-7F Note: Attack: Stop VIII (Paralysis on all), Fog VI (Amnesia on all) #035: Chimera Rank: 5 HP: 700 MP: 80 Attack: 60 Accuracy: 4-75 Defense: 50 Evasion: 1-50 Magic Defense: 3-50 Gil: 450-900 Treasure: Nothing Weakness: None Resistance: None Absorbs: None Where fought: Great Desert, Deist Cavern (Boss), Coliseum B2, Castle Fynn 1F-3F, Mysidian Tower 2F-8F Note: Attacks: Blaze VII (Fire damage on all) #036: Rhyos Rank: 5 HP: 750 MP: 140 Attack: 60 Accuracy: 5-80 Defense: 50 Evasion: 1-60 Magic Defense: 4-40 Gil: 750-1500 Treasure: Nothing Weakness: None Resistance: None Absorbs: None Where fought: Castle Fynn B5 (MIAB), Cave Of Mysidia B1-B5 Note: MIAB: In chest in middle of Castle Fynn B5; contains Orichalcum #037: Chimera Sphinx Rank: 6 HP: 1140 MP: 370 Attack: 85 Accuracy: 6-90 Defense: 70 Evasion: 1-70 Magic Defense: 5-40 Gil: 3000-3000 Treasure: Nothing Weakness: None Resistance: None Absorbs: None Where fought: Jade Passage B1-B5 Attacks: Bad Breath I (Petrification on party) #038: Death Flower Rank: 5 HP: 540 MP: 0 Attack: 40 Accuracy: 4-80 Defense: 40 Evasion: 0-0 Magic Defense: 3-50 Gil: 300-750 Treasure: Antidote, Sleepgrass, Eye Drops, Potion Weakness: Ice, Fire Resistance: Body, Mind Absorbs: None Where fought: Coliseum B1-B2, Castle Fynn F2-F4, Cave of Mysidia B1/B5, Mysidian Tower 2F/4F-8F, Great Desert (After Ultima), Around Kashuan (After Ultima), Palamecia 4F-6F/8F Note: Only found in 'Danger Room' of Cave Of Mysidia all but B5 #039: Devil's Bloom Rank: 6 HP: 1140 MP: 0 Attack: 70 (Confusion, Venom) Accuracy: 6-85 Defense: 70 Evasion: 1-65 Magic Defense: 5-70 Gil: 900-2250 Treasure: Nothing Weakness: Fire Resistance: Ice, Body, Mind Absorbs: Death Where fought: Mysidian Tower 2F-9F, Cyclone 2F-7F, Palamecia 1F-7F, Pandaemonium 3F/6F-7F Note: MIAB: Mysidian Tower 8F; contains Flare Tome #040: Killer Fish Rank: 3 HP: 100 MP: 0 Attack: 25 Accuracy: 2-65 Defense: 17 Evasion: 1-30 Magic Defense: 2-50 Gil: 37-300 Treasure: Nothing Weakness: Lightning Resistance: Fire, Poison Absorbs: None Where fought: Ocean #041: Bolt Fish Rank: 5 HP: 540 MP: 80 Attack: 60 Accuracy: 4-80 Defense: 50 Evasion: 1-50 Magic Defense: 4-40 Gil: 600-1200 Treasure: Nothing Weakness: None Resistance: Fire, Poison Absorbs: Lightning Where fought: Leviathan 1F/3F, Ocean (After Ultima) Attacks: Bolt VIII (Lightning on all) #042: Helldiver Rank: 3 HP: 140 MP: 0 Attack: 35 Accuracy: 2-65 Defense: 17 Evasion: 1-50 Magic Defense: 2-50 Gil: 75-450 Treasure: Nothing Weakness: None Resistance: None Absorbs: None Where fought: Dreadnought 1F/5F, Ocean Note: Only found in far right 'danger room' of Dreadnought 1F #043: Cockatrice Rank: 5 HP: 370 MP: 0 Attack: 35 (Petrification) Accuracy: 4-70 Defense: 40 Evasion: 1-50 Magic Defense: 3-50 Gil: 600-1200 Treasure: Nothing Weakness: None Resistance: None Absorbs: None Where fought: Southern Point, Around Mysidia, Cave Of Mysidia B1-B2, Cyclone 2F-4F, Palamecia 3F-8F #044: Pirate Rank: 1 HP: 90 MP: 0 Attack: 17 Accuracy: 1-60 Defense: 15 Evasion: 1-30 Magic Defense: 2-40 Gil: 150-600 Treasure: Nothing Weakness: None Resistance: None Absorbs: None Where fought: Leila's Ship (Boss) Note: The battle to actually obtain the ship in Paloom; there are always x8 #045: Buccaneer Rank: 2 HP: 80 MP: 0 Attack: 25 Accuracy: 2-65 Defense: 17 Evasion: 1-40 Magic Defense: 2-50 Gil: 300-750 Treasure: Nothing Weakness: None Resistance: None Absorbs: None Where fought: Ocean #046: Borghen Rank: 4 HP: 240 MP: 20 Attack: 25 Accuracy: 1-75 Defense: 17 Evasion: 1-40 Magic Defense: 3-50 Gil: 600-600 Treasure: Hi-Potion, Mythril Knife Weakness: None Resistance: None Absorbs: None Where fought: Snow Cavern B1 (Boss) Note: Attack: Restore III (Restores a good amount of HP) #047: Zombie Borghen Rank: 7 HP: 2500 MP: 370 Attack: 120 Accuracy: 6-95 Defense: 120 Evasion: 1-60 Magic Defense: 10-100 Gil: 3000-3000 Treasure: Nothing Weakness: Fire Resistance: Ice, Body, Mind Absorbs: Death Where fought: Pandaemonium 5F (MIAB) Note: Undead MIAB: Found in chest on far left of Pandaemonium 4F; contains Genji Gloves #048: Big Horn Rank: 4 HP: 1140 MP: 0 Attack: 50 Accuracy: 4-85 Defense: 50 Evasion: 1-60 Magic Defense: 6-30 Gil: 750-1500 Treasure: Nothing Weakness: None Resistance: None Absorbs: None Where fought: Mysidia Land Bridge, Tropical Island B5 (Boss), Mysidian Tower 1F-2F, Around Altair (After Ultima), Snow Plains (After Ultima), Dreadnought Area (After Ultima), Around Poft (After Ultima), Cyclone 1F Note: In Tropical Island B5, guards the Black Mask #049: Wild Horn Rank: 5 HP: 300 MP: 0 Attack: 40 Accuracy: 3-85 Defense: 35 Evasion: 1-30 Magic Defense: 3-50 Gil: 150-600 Treasure: Nothing Weakness: None Resistance: None Absorbs: None Where fought: Great Desert, Tropical Island B4-B5, Cave Of Mysidia B1 Note: MIAB: In Tropical Island B5, lowest left-hand chest; contains Gaia Drum In Cave Of Mysidia B1, only found in 'danger Room' #050: Poison Toad Rank: 4 HP: 300 MP: 0 Attack: 35 Accuracy: 3-70 Defense: 35 Evasion: 1-30 Magic Defense: 3-50 Gil: 75-150 Treasure: Antidote, Potion, Death Idol, Maiden's Kiss Weakness: Ice Resistance: None Absorbs: None Where fought: Great Desert, Tropical Island B1-B5 Note: MIAB: In Tropical Island B5, lowest left-hand chest; contains Gaia Drum #051: Gigantoad Rank: 5 HP: 450 MP: 0 Attack: 40 (Poison) Accuracy: 4-75 Defense: 40 Evasion: 1-50 Magic Defense: 3-50 Gil: 300-750 Treasure: Nothing Weakness: Ice Resistance: None Absorbs: None Where fought: Great Desert, Deist Cavern B5, Cave Of Mysidia B3-B5 #052: Sea Snake Rank: 4 HP: 300 MP: 0 Attack: 40 (Poison) Accuracy: 3-75 Defense: 40 Evasion: 1-40 Magic Defense: 3-50 Gil: 75-450 Treasure: Nothing Weakness: Lightning Resistance: Fire, Poison Absorbs: None Where fought: Ocean #053: Sea Dragon Rank: 5 HP: 870 MP: 80 Attack: 70 Accuracy: 5-80 Defense: 60 Evasion: 1-60 Magic Defense: 4-40 Gil: 600-1200 Treasure: Conch Shell, Betrayal Fang, Orichalcum Weakness: Lightning Resistance: Fire, Poison Absorbs: None Where fought: Leviathan 1F/3F, Ocean (After Ultima) Attack: Tsunami VIII (Water damage on all) #054: Land Ray Rank: 5 HP: 450 MP: 0 Attack: 40 (Paralysis) Accuracy: 4-75 Defense: 40 Evasion: 1-50 Magic Defense: 3-50 Gil: 450-900 Treasure: Nothing Weakness: None Resistance: None Absorbs: None Where fought: Great Desert #055: Manta Ray Rank: 5 HP: 870 MP: 0 Attack: 70 Accuracy: 5-80 Defense: 60 Evasion: 1-60 Magic Defense: 4-40 Gil: 600-1200 Treasure: Nothing Weakness: Lightning Resistance: Fire, Poison Absorbs: None Where fought: Leviathan 1F/F3, Ocean (After Ultima) #056: Flying Ray Rank: 5 HP: 750 MP: 0 Attack: 60 Accuracy: 6-80 Defense: 50 Evasion: 1-65 Magic Defense: 4-40 Gil: 600-1200 Treasure: Nothing Weakness: None Resistance: None Absorbs: None Where fought: Mysidia Land Bridge, Cave Of Mysidia B1-B5, Mysidian Tower 1F-2F, Palamecia 3F-8F #057: Changer Rank: 3 HP: 140 MP: 80 Attack: 35 Accuracy: 2-70 Defense: 25 Evasion: 1-50 Magic Defense: 3-40 Gil: 150-600 Treasure: Nothing Weakness: Mind Resistance: Body, Death Absorbs: None Where fought: Castle Fynn B2, Cave Of Mysidia B1-B5 Note: Attack: Swap IV (Switches HP/MP with one party member) #058: Brain Rank: 5 HP: 240 MP: 100 Attack: 40 Accuracy: 4-75 Defense: 35 Evasion: 1-60 Magic Defense: 3-50 Gil: 450-900 Treasure: Nothing Weakness: Mind Resistance: Body, Death Absorbs: None Where fought: Southern Point, Castle Fynn F3-F4/B2, Around Mysidia, Cave Of Mysidia B1-B5 Note: Attack: Swap IV (Switches HP/MP with one party member), Fog IV (Amnesia on all) #059: Parasite Rank: 4 HP: 300 MP: 0 Attack: 35 (MP Drain) Accuracy: 3-70 Defense: 40 Evasion: 1-40 Magic Defense: 3-50 Gil: 450-900 Treasure: Nothing Weakness: Ice Resistance: Mind Absorbs: None Where fought: Coliseum B2, Castle Fynn F3-F4/B2, Cave Of Mysidia B1-B5 #060: Mega Parasite Rank: 6 HP: 750 MP: 300 Attack: 40 (Amnesia) Accuracy: 6-75 Defense: 50 Evasion: 1-65 Magic Defense: 4-40 Gil: 2250-3000 Treasure: Nothing Weakness: Ice Resistance: Mind Absorbs: None Where fought: Around Mysidia (After Ultima), Jade Passage B1-B4 Note: Attack: Osmose X (Drain MP), Drain XVI (Drain HP) #061: Werewolf Rank: 5 HP: 540 MP: 0 Attack: 50 (Poison) Accuracy: 4-80 Defense: 50 Evasion: 1-50 Magic Defense: 4-40 Gil: 750-1500 Treasure: Nothing Weakness: None Resistance: Body, Death Absorbs: None Where fought: Mysidia Land Bridge, Mysidian Tower 1F-4F #062: Devil Wolf Rank: 7 HP: 820 MP: 300 Attack: 70 Accuracy: 8-80 Defense: 50 Evasion: 1-75 Magic Defense: 6-60 Gil: 3000-3000 Treasure: Nothing Weakness: None Resistance: None Absorbs: None Where fought: Pandaemonium 3F-9F Note: Attacks: Curse VIII (Curse on all), Confuse XVI (Confusion on all), Fire XI (Fire attack on all), Warp IX (Removes one from combat) #063: Imp Rank: 5 HP: 300 MP: 100 Attack: 35 Accuracy: 4-70 Defense: 35 Evasion: 1-50 Magic Defense: 3-100 Gil: 750-1000 Treasure: Nothing Weakness: None Resistance: Lightning, Ice, Fire Absorbs: None Where fought: Mysidia Land Bridge, Mysidian Tower 1F-9F Note: Attacks: Confusion XVI (Confusion on all), Blink VIII (Raises evasion for one) #064: Pit Fiend Rank: 6 HP: 750 MP: 300 Attack: 60 (Darkness) Accuracy: 8-80 Defense: 50 Evasion: 1-65 Magic Defense: 6-60 Gil: 2250-3000 Treasure: Nothing Weakness: None Resistance: Ice Absorbs: Fire Where fought: Mysidia Land Bridge (After Ultima), Around Mysidia (After Ultima), Jade Passage B1-B3/B5-B6 Note: Attack: Fire XVI (Fire attack on one), Stun XVI (Paralysis on one) #065: Malboro Rank: 5 HP: 750 MP: 0 Attack: 50 Accuracy: 5-80 Defense: 50 Evasion: 1-60 Magic Defense: 4-40 Gil: 450-900 Treasure: Hi-Potion, Ether Weakness: Lightning Resistance: Fire, Poison Absorbs: None Where fought: Cave Of Mysidia B1-B5 #066: Malboro Terra Rank: 6 HP: 1000 MP: 0 Attack: 60 (Paralysis, Venom) Accuracy: 7-80 Defense: 60 Evasion: 1-65 Magic Defense: 6-30 Gil: 750-1500 Treasure: Hi-Potion, Ether, Elixir Weakness: None Resistance: Lightning, Poison Absorbs: None Where fought: Mysidian Tower 2F/6F-9F, Great Desert (After Ultima), Around Kashuan (After Ultima), Cyclone 4F-5F #067: Great Malboro Rank: 6 HP: 1290 MP: 0 Attack: 85 (Paralyze, Venom, Silence, Sleep, Confuse, Mini) Accuracy: 8-85 Defense: 85 Evasion: 1-70 Magic Defense: 5-70 Gil: 2250-3000 Treasure: Nothing Weakness: None Resistance: None Absorbs: None Where fought: Around Mysidia (After Ultima), Jade Passage B1-B6, Pandaemonium 1F-9F #068: Basilisk Rank: 6 HP: 750 MP: 140 Attack: 70 Accuracy: 6-80 Defense: 50 Evasion: 1-65 Magic Defense: 6-30 Gil: 740-1500 Treasure: Nothing Weakness: None Resistance: None Absorbs: None Where fought: Mysidian Tower 2F-9F Attacks: Gaze V (Stone on one) #069: Salamander Rank: 6 HP: 1290 MP: 300 Attack: 100 Accuracy: 8-90 Defense: 85 Evasion: 1-70 Magic Defense: 5-70 Gil: 2250-3000 Treasure: Nothing Weakness: Ice Resistance: None Absorbs: Fire Where fought: Around Mysidia (After Ultima), Mysidia Land Bridge (After Ultima), Jade Passage B1-B3 Note: Attack: Blaze XVI (Heavy fire damage on all) #070: Ice Lizard Rank: 6 HP: 1000 MP: 190 Attack: 85 Accuracy: 7-85 Defense: 70 Evasion: 1-65 Magic Defense: 6-30 Gil: 900-2250 Treasure: Nothing Weakness: Fire Resistance: None Absorbs: Ice Where fought: Mysidian Tower 8F, Jade Passage B1-B6. Pandaemonium 1F-9F Note: Attacks: Icestorm XVI (Ice damage on all) #071: Eyemoeba Rank: 6 HP: 1140 MP: 0 Attack: 100 Accuracy: 6-75 Defense: 60 Evasion: 0-0 Magic Defense: 6-30 Gil: 1200-3000 Treasure: Nothing Weakness: None Resistance: Body, Death, Mind, Matter Absorbs: Poison Where fought: Cyclone 4F-6F, Palamecia 7F/1F-2F #072: Hecteyes Rank: 6 HP: 1140 MP: 300 Attack: 85 Accuracy: 7-90 Defense: 70 Evasion: 1-70 Magic Defense: 5-70 Gil: 2250-3000 Treasure: Nothing Weakness: None Resistance: Lightning, Ice, Fire, Body, Poison, Death, Mind, Matter Absorbs: Poison Where fought: Around Mysidia (After Ultima), Mysidia Land Bridge (After Ultima), Jade Passage B1-B2 Note: Attack: Stun XVI (Paralysis on one), Confuse XVI (Confusion on one), Slow XVI (Slow on one), Drain XVI (Drain HP from one), Warp IX (Removes one from combat) #073: Roundworm Rank: 7 HP: 2500 MP: 0 Attack: 120 Accuracy: 6-95 Defense: 100 Evasion: 1-10 Magic Defense: 4-50 Gil: 2250-3000 Treasure: Nothing Weakness: None Resistance: None Absorbs: None Where fought: Leviathan 3F (Boss), Pandaemonium 5F (Special)/9F Note: Special: In Pandaemonium 5F, they are found in the hidden room with the Masamune #074: Sand Worm Rank: 6 HP: 1290 MP: 190 Attack: 100 Accuracy: 7-85 Defense: 40 Evasion: 1-70 Magic Defense: 6-30 Gil: 1200-3000 Treasure: Nothing Weakness: None Resistance: None Absorbs: None Where fought: Great Desert (After Ultima), Around Kashuan (After Ultima) Note: Attack: Earthquake X (Earth attack on all) #075: Abyss Worm Rank: 6 HP: 1290 MP: 370 Attack: 150 Accuracy: 8-90 Defense: 85 Evasion: 1-70 Magic Defense: 5-70 Gil: 1500-3000 Treasure: Nothing Weakness: None Resistance: Body, Mind Absorbs: Fire, Death Where fought: Jade Passage B1-B5 Note: Attacks: Cyclone XIII (Wind attack on all) #076: Green Slime Rank: 2 HP: 10 MP: 6 Attack: 4 (Venom) Accuracy: 1-50 Defense: 210 Evasion: 0-0 Magic Defense: 1-50 Gil: 4-37 Treasure: Nothing Weakness: Ice, Fire Resistance: Body, Death, Mind, Matter Absorbs: Poison Where fought: Semitt Falls B2-B5 #077: Yellow Jelly Rank: 2 HP: 45 MP: 6 Attack: 17 Accuracy: 1-60 Defense: 210 Evasion: 0-0 Magic Defense: 2-40 Gil: 4-37 Treasure: Nothing Weakness: Ice, Fire Resistance: Lightning, Body, Mind, Death, Matter Absorbs: Poison Where fought: Tropical Island B1-B4, Cave Of Mysidia B1-B4 #078: Red Mousse Rank: 3 HP: 100 MP: 0 Attack: 25 (Poison) Accuracy: 2-65 Defense: 210 Evasion: 0-0 Magic Defense: 2-50 Gil: 75-450 Treasure: Nothing Weakness: Lightning Resistance: Ice, Body, Poison, Death, Mind, Matter Absorbs: Poison Where fought: Southern Point, Around Mysidia, Mysidian Land Bridge, Tropical Island B1-B4, Cave Of Mysidia B1-B4, Mysidian Tower 1F-2F/6F-7F #079: Black Flan Rank: 5 HP: 371 MP: 80 Attack: 40 (Poison) Accuracy: 4-80 Defense: 210 Evasion: 0-0 Magic Defense: 3-50 Gil: 450-900 Treasure: Nothing Weakness: Fire Resistance: Lightning, Ice, Body, Poison, Death, Mind, Matter Absorbs: Poison Where fought: Southern Point, Around Mysidia, Mysidian Land Bridge, Cave Of Mysidia B1-B2, Mysidian Tower 1F-2F/4F/6F-7F #080: Red Soul Rank: 5 HP: 540 MP: 30 Attack: 35 Accuracy: 1-80 Defense: 40 Evasion: 1-60 Magic Defense: 4-40 Gil: 18-150 Treasure: Nothing Weakness: None Resistance: None Absorbs: Lightning, Ice, Fire, Body, Poison, Death, Mind, Matter Where fought: Kashuan Keep 4F (Boss), Cave Of Mysidia B1-B5, Leviathan 3F (MIAB), Mysidian Tower 1F-2F/4F/6F, Mysidia Land Bridge Note: Attack: Thunder VIII (Lightning damage on all), Fire VIII (Flame attack on all), Scourge VIII (Poison attack on all), Ice VIII (Ice attack on all) MIAB: In Leviathan F3, far south chest; contains Diamond Shield #081: Green Soul Rank: 4 HP: 6 MP: 60 Attack: 25 Accuracy: 1-70 Defense: 17 Evasion: 1-40 Magic Defense: 3-40 Gil: 150-600 Treasure: Nothing Weakness: None Resistance: None Absorbs: Lightning, Ice, Fire, Body, Poison, Death, Mind, Matter Where fought: Deist Cavern B2 (MIAB), Castle Fynn B1/B4 Note: Attack: Cure VI (Restores HP on all) Will cast Cure VI on party, rather than themselves MIAB: Lower left-hand chest in Deist Cavern B2; contains Mage Staff #082: Yellow Soul Rank: 4 HP: 20 MP: 80 Attack: 35 Accuracy: 1-70 Defense: 25 Evasion: 1-40 Magic Defense: 3-40 Gil: 150-600 Treasure: Nothing Weakness: None Resistance: None Absorbs: Lightning, Ice, Fire, Body, Poison, Death, Mind, Matter Where fought: Deist Cavern B1-B4, Cave Of Mysidia B1-B5 Note: Attack: Fire V (Fire attack on all) #083: Vampire Girl Rank: 5 HP: 540 MP: 100 Attack: 40 (Drain) Accuracy: 5-80 Defense: 50 Evasion: 1-60 Magic Defense: 4-40 Gil: 750-1500 Treasure: Nothing Weakness: Fire Resistance: Lightning, Ice, Body, Poison, Death, Mind, Matter Absorbs: Death Where fought: Around Mysidia, Mysidian Tower 1F-6F/9F, Cyclone 1F-2F, Palamecia 1F-2F/5F-7F Note: Undead Attack: Charm VI (Confusion on all) #084: Vampire Lady Rank: 6 HP: 1140 MP: 140 Attack: 85 (Drain) Accuracy: 6-85 Defense: 85 Evasion: 1-70 Magic Defense: 6-30 Gil: 2250-15000 Treasure: Maiden's Kiss, Blizzard Tome, Hourglass Weakness: Fire Resistance: Lightning, Ice, Body, Poison, Death, Mind, Matter Absorbs: Death Where fought: Cyclone 1F-2F, Jade Passage B1-B6 Note: Undead Attacks: Charm IX (Confusion on one), Blizzard XII (Ice attack on all) #085: Emperor Rank: 6 HP: 3000 MP: 190 Attack: 70 Accuracy: 6-80 Defense: 75 Evasion: 1-65 Magic Defense: 6-40 Gil: 15000-15000 Treasure: Elixir, Eye Drops, Phoenix Down, Cottage, Diamond Armor, Defender Weakness: None Resistance: None Absorbs: None Where fought: Cyclone 8F (Boss) Note: Thunder X (Lightning damage on all) #086: Imperial Shadow Rank: 7 HP: 3000 MP: 240 Attack: 120 Accuracy: 8-100 Defense: 120 Evasion: 1-80 Magic Defense: 8-30 Gil: 0-0 Treasure: Nothing Weakness: None Resistance: Ice, Body, Poison, Death, Mind, Matter Absorbs: Death Where fought: Great Desert (After Ultima), Around Altair (After Ultima), Palamecia 3F (MIAB) Note: Undead Attacks: Curse VIII (Curse on all) MIAB: Far lower left chest Palamecia 3F; contains Thunder Spear #087: Killer Mantis Rank: 5 HP: 750 MP: 0 Attack: 60 Accuracy: 5-75 Defense: 50 Evasion: 1-60 Magic Defense: 4-40 Gil: 600-1200 Treasure: Nothing Weakness: Ice Resistance: None Absorbs: None Where fought: Southern Point, Castle Fynn B3, Around Mysidia, Mysidia Land Bridge, Mysidian Tower 1F-2F/4F-5F, Palamecia 1F/7F, Jade Passage B1-B6 #088: Mantis King Rank: 6 HP: 1140 MP: 0 Attack: 85 Accuracy: 7-80 Defense: 70 Evasion: 1-70 Magic Defense: 5-40 Gil: 3000-15000 Treasure: Phoenix Down, Ether, Mallet, Mythril Mirror, Cat Claws Weakness: Ice Resistance: None Absorbs: None Where fought: Around Mysidia (After Ultima) #089: Mantis Devil Rank: 7 HP: 1290 MP: 370 Attack: 85 Accuracy: 8-85 Defense: 85 Evasion: 1-75 Magic Defense: 5-70 Gil: 3000-3000 Treasure: Nothing Weakness: None Resistance: Ice Absorbs: Fire Where fought: Pandaemonium 1F Note: Attacks: Fire XVI (Fire attack on one) #090: Royal Guard Rank: 6 HP: 870 MP: 0 Attack: 60 Accuracy: 6-75 Defense: 60 Evasion: 1-65 Magic Defense: 6-30 Gil: 1200-1500 Treasure: Poison Axe, Unicorn Horn, Stun Tome, Warp Tome Weakness: None Resistance: None Absorbs: None Where fought: Cyclone 1F-7F Note: Act as a boss in the Cyclone 7F #091: Black Knight Rank: 6 HP: 1140 MP: 0 Attack: 85 Accuracy: 7-80 Defense: 85 Evasion: 1-70 Magic Defense: 5-40 Gil: 2250-3000 Treasure: Diamond Shield, Yoichi's Bow, Hi-Potion, Sun Blade Weakness: None Resistance: None Absorbs: None Where fought: Palamecia 1F-8F #092: Death Rider Rank: 6 HP: 1290 MP: 0 Attack: 120 (Drain) Accuracy: 8-85 Defense: 120 Evasion: 1-70 Magic Defense: 5-70 Gil: 15000-15000 Treasure: Hi-Potion, Ether, Thunder Spear, Elixir, Ribbon Weakness: Fire Resistance: Ice, Body, Mind Absorbs: Death Where fought: Pandaemonium 1F-2F/5F #093: Wood Golem Rank: 7 HP: 1620 MP: 0 Attack: 100 Accuracy: 6-95 Defense: 120 Evasion: 1-50 Magic Defense: 14-100 Gil: 900-2250 Treasure: Nothing Weakness: Fire Resistance: Ice, Body, Poison, Death, Mind, Matter Absorbs: None Where fought: Cyclone 1F-7F, Palamecia 1F/7F #094: Stone Golem Rank: 7 HP: 1800 MP: 240 Attack: 120 Accuracy: 7-95 Defense: 150 Evasion: 1-50 Magic Defense: 14-100 Gil: 900-2250 Treasure: Nothing Weakness: Poison Resistance: Lightning, Ice, Fire, Body, Death, Mind, Matter Absorbs: None Where fought: Palamecia 1F-8F Note: Attack: Stop VIII (Paralysis on all) #095: Mythril Golem Rank: 7 HP: 2000 MP: 0 Attack: 150 Accuracy: 8-95 Defense: 180 Evasion: 1-50 Magic Defense: 14-100 Gil: 1500-3000 Treasure: Nothing Weakness: Lightning Resistance: Ice, Fire, Body, Poison, Death, Mind, Matter Absorbs: None Where fought: Pandaemonium 1F-5F #096: Goblin Rank: 1 HP: 6 MP: 0 Attack: 4 Accuracy: 1-50 Defense: 0 Evasion: 0-0 Magic Defense: 1-50 Gil: 9-75 Treasure: Nothing Weakness: None Resistance: None Absorbs: None Where fought: Around Altair, Fynn City, Around Paloom, Around Poft, Around Salamand, Semitt Falls B1-B5, Snow Cavern B1-B4 #097: Goblin Guard Rank: 1 HP: 10 MP: 6 Attack: 4 Accuracy: 1-50 Defense: 0 Evasion: 1-10 Magic Defense: 1-50 Gil: 9-75 Treasure: Nothing Weakness: None Resistance: None Absorbs: None Where fought: Around Paloom, Around Poft, Around Salamand, Semitt Falls B1-B5, Bafsk Cave B1, Snow Cavern B1-B4 Note: Attack: Bow I (Long-range attack) #098: Goblin Prince Rank: 1 HP: 30 MP: 10 Attack: 9 Accuracy: 1-60 Defense: 4 Evasion: 1-10 Magic Defense: 2-40 Gil: 18-75 Treasure: Potion, Longbow, Bronze Shield, Longsword Weakness: None Resistance: None Absorbs: None Where fought: Kashuan Keep 1F #099: Balloon Rank: 1 HP: 20 MP: 10 Attack: 9 Accuracy: 1-50 Defense: 0 Evasion: 0-0 Magic Defense: 1-50 Gil: 4-37 Treasure: Nothing Weakness: Lightning, Fire Resistance: Body, Mind Absorbs: None Where fought: Semitt Falls B1-B5, Bafsk Cave B1-1F, Snow Cavern B1, Around Kashuan, Kashuan Keep 1F, Dreadnought 1F-3F #100: Grenade Rank: 2 HP: 60 MP: 10 Attack: 25 Accuracy: 1-65 Defense: 17 Evasion: 0-0 Magic Defense: 2-50 Gil: 9-75 Treasure: Nothing Weakness: Lightning, Fire Resistance: Body, Mind Absorbs: None Where fought: Snow Cavern B1-B6 Note: MIAB: Chest up stairs from B3 to B2 in Snow Cavern; contains Mythril mace Attack: Self-destruct III (Kills bomb, but deals damage to individual) #101: Mine Rank: 3 HP: 190 MP: 30 Attack: 35 Accuracy: 2-70 Defense: 25 Evasion: 0-0 Magic Defense: 3-40 Gil: 37-300 Treasure: Nothing Weakness: Lightning, Fire Resistance: Body, Mind Absorbs: None Where fought: Kashuan Keep 5F (MIAB), Dreadnought 1F-5F, Southern Point, Around Mysidia, Mysidia Land Bridge Note: MIAB: Center room of Kashuan Keep 5F; contains golden armor Attack: Self-destruct V (Kills bomb, but deals damage to individual) #102: Bomb Rank: 5 HP: 640 MP: 140 Attack: 60 Accuracy: 5-80 Defense: 50 Evasion: 0-0 Magic Defense: 4-40 Gil: 450-900 Treasure: Nothing Weakness: Lightning, Fire Resistance: Body, Mind Absorbs: None Where fought: Southern Point, Around Mysidia, Mysidia Land Bridge, Cave of Mysidia B3 (MIAB), Mysidian Tower 1F/3F-6F, Dreadnought Area (After Ultima), Around Poft (After Ultima), Cyclone 1F-3F, Pandaemonium 6F-10F Attack: Self Destruct VII (Kills bomb, but deals damage to individual) MIAB: Chest on Cave B3 near southern door; contains Ogrekiller #103: Soldier Rank: 1 HP: 45 MP: 10 Attack: 17 Accuracy: 1-60 Defense: 9 Evasion: 1-10 Magic Defense: 2-50 Gil: 9-75 Treasure: Potion, Antidote, Garlic Weakness: None Resistance: None Absorbs: None Where fought: Around Paloom, Around Poft, Around Salamand, Semitt Falls B1-B5, Bafsk Cave B1-1F, Around Kashuan, Kashuan Keep 1F, Dreadnought Area, Dreadnought 1F/3F-5F Note: Attack: Bow I (Long-distance attack) MIAB: In the chest on Dreadnought B2, in the cell; contains Sleep Blade MIAB: Possibly in third of four chests on Dreadnought 4F; contains Ice Shield #104: Sergeant Rank: 3 HP: 420 MP: 10 Attack: 35 Accuracy: 2-70 Defense: 25 Evasion: 1-30 Magic Defense: 3-50 Gil: 150-300 Treasure: Mythril Helm, Mythril Axe, Mythril Armor, Mythril Bow Weakness: None Resistance: None Absorbs: None Where fought: Semitt Falls B5 (boss), Dreadnought 1F, Coliseum B1-B2, Castle Fynn 1F, Around Altair (After Ultima), Around Poft (After Ultima), Dreadnought Area (After Ultima) Snow Field (After Ultima), Around Salamand (After Ultima) SOR: Unknown Cave B1 (Boss) Attack: Bow III (Long-distance attack) MIAB: In the chest on Dreadnought B2, in the cell; contains Sleep Blade MIAB: Left-hand chest on F2 of Castle Fynn; contains Aura Tome Very first fight in SOR #105: Captain Rank: 5 HP: 750 MP: 30 Attack: 60 Accuracy: 6-80 Defense: 50 Evasion: 1-60 Magic Defense: 4-50 Gil: 300-450 Treasure: Flame Bow, Golden Armor, Curse Tome, Toad Tome Weakness: None Resistance: None Absorbs: None Where fought: Fynn (special), Dreadnought 1F/4F/5F (special), Coliseum B1-B2, Castle Fynn 1F, Around Altair (After Ultima), Dreadnought Area (After Ultima), Around Poft (After Ultima), Cyclone 1F-7F, Palamecia 4F Note: In Fynn and Dreadnought 1F, talk to the soldiers walking around to fight Captains Attack: Bow III (Long distance attack) #106: General Rank: 7 HP: 1800 MP: 0 Attack: 120 Accuracy: 10-95 Defense: 100 Evasion: 1-75 Magic Defense: 4-60 Gil: 2250-3000 Treasure: Spider's Silk, Diamond Gloves, Diamond Helm, Dragon Armor, Rune Axe Weakness: None Resistance: None Absorbs: None Where fought: Cyclone 5F (MIAB), Palamecia 2F-8F Note: MIAB: Far southern chest in Cyclone 5F; contains Diamond Armor #107: Magician Rank: 3 HP: 80 MP: 30 Attack: 17 Accuracy: 1-65 Defense: 9 Evasion: 1-40 Magic Defense: 3-60 Gil: 75-75 Treasure: Berserk Tome, Scourge Tome, Thunder Tome, Fire Tome, Stun Tome, Mage's Staff Weakness: None Resistance: None Absorbs: None Where fought: Dreadnought Area, Dreadnought 1F/3F-5F, Coliseum B1-B2, Castle Fynn 1F Note: Attack: Blind IV (Darkness on all), Thunder V (Lightning attack on all), Scourge V (Poison damage on all), Berserk III (Raises attack for all), Fire V (Fire damage on all), Blizzard V (Ice attack on all) MIAB: Possibly in third of four chests on Dreadnought 4F; contains Ice Shield MIAB: In the chest on Dreadnought B2, in the cell; contains Sleep Blade #108: Sorcerer Rank: 4 HP: 140 MP: 60 Attack: 25 Accuracy: 1-70 Defense: 17 Evasion: 1-50 Magic Defense: 3-60 Gil: 600-600 Treasure: Aura Tome, Death Tome, Haste Tome, Toad Tome, Drain Tome, Gold Cuirass Weakness: None Resistance: None Absorbs: None Where fought: Coliseum B1-B2, Castle Fynn 1F, Around Altair (After Ultima), Dreadnought Area (After Ultima), Around Poft (After Ultima), Snow Field (After Ultima), Around Salamand (After Ultima) Note: Attack: Drain VIII (Drains HP from all), Confuse VI (Confusion on all), Blizzard VIII (Ice attack on all), Death VI (Death on all), Haste VI (Adds extra attacks for all), Fire VIII (Fire damage on all), Stun VI (Paralysis on all), Curse VI (Curse on all) MIAB: Left-hand chest on F2 of Castle Fynn; contains Aura Tome #109: Wizard Rank: 6 HP: 540 MP: 190 Attack: 40 Accuracy: 1-75 Defense: 35 Evasion: 1-70 Magic Defense: 4-60 Gil: 1500-2250 Treasure: Diamond Cuirass, Warp Tome, Drain Tome, Flare Tome, Osmose Tome Weakness: None Resistance: None Absorbs: None Where fought: Coliseum B1-B2, Castle Fynn 1F, Cyclone 4F-7F Note: Attack: Drain VII (Drains HP from all), Osmose VIII (Drains MP from all), Flare X (Fusion damage on all), Toad VII (Toad on all), Fire XI (Fire damage on all), Warp VII (Death on all), Break VI (Stone on one), Stop VII (Paralysis on all) #110: Werepanther Rank: 3 HP: 190 MP: 0 Attack: 35 Accuracy: 2-70 Defense: 25 Evasion: 1-30 Magic Defense: 3-40 Gil: 75-450 Treasure: Nothing Weakness: None Resistance: Body, Death Absorbs: None Where fought: Dreadnought 1F/3F-5F, Around Altair (After Ultima), Around Poft (After Ultima), Dreadnought Area (After Ultima) #111: Coeurl Rank: 6 HP: 1000 MP: 300 Attack: 40 Accuracy: 7-75 Defense: 60 Evasion: 1-70 Magic Defense: 5-40 Gil: 1500-3000 Treasure: Nothing Weakness: None Resistance: None Absorbs: None Where fought: Palamecia 4F/6F (MIAB), Pandaemonium 1F-7F Note: MIAB: Center chest in Palamecia 6F; contains Sun Blade Attacks: Blaster I (Paralysis on all) #112: Lamia Rank: 6 HP: 1000 MP: 60 Attack: 70 Accuracy: 6-85 Defense: 70 Evasion: 1-65 Magic Defense: 6-30 Gil: 1200-3000 Treasure: Nothing Weakness: None Resistance: None Absorbs: None Where fought: Cyclone 1F-7F, Palamecia 1F-6F/8F, Pandaemonium 1F-3F Note: Attacks: Charm VI (Confusion on all) #113: Lamia Queen Rank: 7 HP: 1290 MP: 370 Attack: 50 (Sleep) Accuracy: 8-95 Defense: 50 Evasion: 2-75 Magic Defense: 7-40 Gil: 15000-15000 Treasure: Diamond Cuirass, Protect Ring, Gold Hairpin, Sage's Wisdom, Ribbon Weakness: None Resistance: None Absorbs: None Where fought: Altair (Boss), Palamecia 6F (MIAB), Pandaemonium 1F-8F Note: Appears in Altair city after the 'Wyvern' scene MIAB: Center chest of Palamecia 6F; contains Sun Blade Attacks: Blink XVI (Raises evasion on one), Charm IX (Confusion on one) #114: Hill Gigas Rank: 5 HP: 750 MP: 0 Attack: 100 Accuracy: 3-80 Defense: 60 Evasion: 1-30 Magic Defense: 4-40 Gil: 300-600 Treasure: Giant's Helm, Giant's Gloves Weakness: None Resistance: None Absorbs: None Where fought: Dreadnought 4F (MIAB), Deist Island, Deist Cavern B1-B3, Mysidia Land Bridge, Mysidian Tower 1F/3F-6F, Around Altair (After Ultima), Around Poft (After Ultima), Dreadnought Area (After Ultima), Cyclone 1F-3F Note: MIAB: Third of four chests on Dreadnought 4F; contains Ice Shield #115: Fire Gigas Rank: 7 HP: 1800 MP: 240 Attack: 100 Accuracy: 6-95 Defense: 100 Evasion: 1-40 Magic Defense: 4-50 Gil: 900-1500 Treasure: Flame Sword, Flame Armor, Confuse Tome Weakness: Ice Resistance: None Absorbs: Fire Where fought: Mysidian Tower 3F (Boss), Pandaemonium 5F (Special)/6F-9F Note: Attack: Boulders IX (Earth attack on one) Special: In Pandaemonium 5F, they are found in the hidden room with the Masamune (as 'random encounters' as opposed to MIAB) #116: Ice Gigas Rank: 7 HP: 2000 MP: 140 Attack: 120 Accuracy: 7-95 Defense: 120 Evasion: 1-50 Magic Defense: 4-50 Gil: 900-1500 Treasure: Ice Brand, Antarctic Wind, Stop Tome Weakness: Fire Resistance: None Absorbs: Ice Where fought: Mysidian Tower 5F (Boss), Pandaemonium 6F-10F Note: Attacks: Blizzard XVI (Large ice damage on all), Boulder IX (Earth attack on one) #117: Thunder Gigas Rank: 7 HP: 2500 MP: 370 Attack: 150 Accuracy: 8-95 Defense: 150 Evasion: 1-60 Magic Defense: 4-50 Gil: 1200-1500 Treasure: Wizard's Robe, Black Robe, Confuse Tome, Flare Tome Weakness: Poison Resistance: None Absorbs: Lightning Where fought: Mysidian Tower 7F (Boss), Pandaemonium 7F-10F Note: Attacks: Boulders IX (Earth Attack on one ), Thunder XII (lightning attack on one) #118: Behemoth Rank: 6 HP: 2000 MP: 0 Attack: 90 Accuracy: 3-95 Defense: 65 Evasion: 1-40 Magic Defense: 4-50 Gil: 0-0 Treasure: Nothing Weakness: None Resistance: None Absorbs: None Where fought: Coliseum (Boss), Around Mysidia, Southern Point Note: Attacks on first entry to Coliseum #119: King Behemoth Rank: 7 HP: 5000 MP: 0 Attack: 150 Accuracy: 8-100 Defense: 120 Evasion: 1-50 Magic Defense: 8-30 Gil: 15000-15000 Treasure: Twist Headband, Power Vest, Power Armlet, Death Idol, Yoichi's Bow Weakness: None Resistance: None Absorbs: None Where fought: Jade Passage B3 (MIAB), Pandaemonium 5F (Special)/8F-10F Note: MIAB: Jade Passage far south chest; contains Rune Axe Special: In Pandaemonium 5F, they are found in the hidden room with the Masamune (as 'random encounters' as opposed to MIAB) #120: White Dragon Rank: 7 HP: 2500 MP: 140 Attack: 150 Accuracy: 6-95 Defense: 120 Evasion: 1-75 Magic Defense: 5-50 Gil: 3000-15000 Treasure: Betrayal Fang, Ice Bow, Antarctic Wind, Genji Gloves, Wind Flute Weakness: Fire Resistance: None Absorbs: Ice Where fought: Mysidian Tower 9F (MIAB), Jade Passage B1-B2 Note: MIAB: Far north chest in Mysidian Tower 9F; contains Black Robe #121: Green Dragon Rank: 7 HP: 3000 MP: 190 Attack: 150 Accuracy: 7-100 Defense: 150 Evasion: 1-75 Magic Defense: 8-40 Gil: 3000-15000 Treasure: Betrayal Fang, Healing Staff, Acid Phial, Diamond Helm, Gaia Drum Weakness: Lightning Resistance: None Absorbs: Poison Where fought: Cyclone 6F (MIAB), Jade Passage B1-B2 Note: MIAB: Chest at upper right of Cyclone 6F; contains Wind Flute Attacks: Poison Cloud XVI (Poison damage on all) #122: Blue Dragon Rank: 7 HP: 3500 MP: 240 Attack: 180 Accuracy: 8-100 Defense: 150 Evasion: 1-75 Magic Defense: 8-40 Gil: 15000-15000 Treasure: Dragon Armor, Holy Lance, Dragon Shield, Betrayal Fang, Wizard's Staff Weakness: Poison Resistance: None Absorbs: Lightning Where fought: Jade Passage B2 (MIAB), Pandaemonium 5F (Special)/8F-10F Note: MIAB: Far south chest on Jade Passage B2; contains Cat Claws Special: In Pandaemonium 5F, they are found in the hidden room with the Masamune (as 'random encounters' as opposed to MIAB) Attacks: Thunderbolt XVI (Lightning damage on all) #123: Red Dragon Rank: 7 HP: 3000 MP: 450 Attack: 180 Accuracy: 8-100 Defense: 180 Evasion: 1-75 Magic Defense: 8-40 Gil: 15000-15000 Treasure: Dragon Armor, Holy Lance, Dragon Shield, Black Garb, Hermes Shoes Weakness: Ice Resistance: None Absorbs: Fire Where fought: Jade Passage B4 (MIAB), Pandaemonium 5F (Special) Note: MIAB: Chest at the top of Jade Passage B4; contains Yoichi Bow Attack: Blaze XVI (Fire damage on all) Special: In Pandaemonium 5F, they are found in the hidden room with the Masamune (as 'random encounters' as opposed to MIAB) #124: Iron Giant Rank: 7 HP: 3500 MP: 240 Attack: 180 Accuracy: 12-100 Defense: 180 Evasion: 0-0 Magic Defense: 14-100 Gil: 3000-15000 Treasure: Genji Helm, Genji Gloves, Genji Armor, Excalibur, Aegis Shield Weakness: Lightning, Ice Resistance: Body, Death, Mind, Matter Absorbs: Fire Where fought: Pandaemonium 6F Note: *Very* rare; when encountered, the music is that of a boss battle Attack: Poison Cloud XVI (Severe poison damage on all) #125: Tiamat Rank: 7 HP: 5000 MP: 450 Attack: 150 Accuracy: 8-100 Defense: 180 Evasion: 1-80 Magic Defense: 8-70 Gil: 15000-15000 Treasure: Elixir, Phoenix Down, Life Tome, Holy Tome, Flare Tome Weakness: Body Resistance: Mind Absorbs: Lightning, Ice, Fire, Poison Where fought: Pandaemonium 5F (MIAB) Note: MIAB: Chest in door second from the left in Pandemonium 4F; contains Genji Helm #126: Beelzebub Rank: 7 HP: 5000 MP: 450 Attack: 150 Accuracy: 8-100 Defense: 180 Evasion: 1-80 Magic Defense: 8-70 Gil: 15000-15000 Treasure: Black Robe, Betrayal Fang, Hermes Shoes, Sage's Wisdom, Gaia Drum Weakness: None Resistance: Ice Absorbs: Fire Where fought: Pandaemonium 6F (MIAB) Note: Attacks: Fire XVI (Fire attack on one), Flare XVI (Fusion attack on one), Stun XVI (Paralyzation on one) MIAB: Chest in upper right-hand door out of Pandaemonium 4F; contains Genji Armor #127: Astaroth Rank: 7 HP: 7000 MP: 540 Attack: 150 (Drain) Accuracy: 8-100 Defense: 180 Evasion: 1-80 Magic Defense: 8-70 Gil: 15000-15000 Treasure: White Robe, Mythril Mirror, Spider's Silk, Saint's Spirit, Wind Flute Weakness: None Resistance: Lightning, Ice, Fire Absorbs: None Where fought: Pandaemonium 6F (MIAB) Note: MIAB: Chest in second-to-right door out of Pandaemonium 4F; contains Ribbon Attacks: Death XVI (Death on one), Scourge XVI (Poison attack on one), Fire XVI (Fire attack on one) #128: Emperor Rank: 1 HP: 15000 MP: 540 Attack: 180 (Drain) Accuracy: 8-100 Defense: 210 Evasion: 2-80 Magic Defense: 16-70 Gil: 0-0 Treasure: Nothing Weakness: None Resistance: Lightning, Ice, Fire, Body, Poison, Death, Mind, Matter Absorbs: Death, Matter Where fought: Pandaemonium 10F (Boss) Note: Attack: Curse XVI (Curse on one), Flare XVI (Fusion Damage), Dispel XVI (Dispels spells on all), Starfall X (Massive fusion damage on all) #129: Giga Parasite Rank: 3 HP: 80 MP: 0 Attack: 20 (MP Drain) Accuracy: 6-75 Defense: 2 Evasion: 1-65 Magic Defense: 4-40 Gil: 150-600 Treasure: Nothing Weakness: Ice Resistance: Mind Absorbs: None Where fought: SOR: Unknown Cave B1-B6 #130: Soul Eater Rank: 3 HP: 40 MP: 0 Attack: 15 (Drain) Accuracy: 3-95 Defense: 3 Evasion: 0-0 Magic Defense: 1-50 Gil: 300-750 Treasure: Antidote, Sleepgrass, Eye Drops, Potion Weakness: None Resistance: Body, Mind Absorbs: None Where fought: SOR: Unknown Cave B1-B6 #131: Pyrolisk Rank: 4 HP: 90 MP: 0 Attack: 20 (Death) Accuracy: 4-70 Defense: 4 Evasion: 2-50 Magic Defense: 2-50 Gil: 37-300 Treasure: Nothing Weakness: None Resistance: None Absorbs: None Where fought: SOR: Unknown Cave B3 #132: Flan Princess Rank: 5 HP: 85 MP: 0 Attack: 10 Accuracy: 4-80 Defense: 45 Evasion: 0-0 Magic Defense: 3-50 Gil: 450-900 Treasure: Hi-Potion, Ether Weakness: Poison Resistance: Body, Death, Mind, Matter Absorbs: Lightning, Ice, Fire Where fought: SOR: Unknown Cave B3-B4 #133: Death Knight Rank: 2 HP: 150 MP: 30 Attack: 30 Accuracy: 10-80 Defense: 20 Evasion: 1-80 Magic Defense: 4-60 Gil: 1200-1500 Treasure: Poison Axe, Unicorn Horn, Stun Tome, Warp Tome Weakness: None Resistance: None Absorbs: None Where fought: SOR: Unknown Cave B2-B4 Note: Bow III (Long distance attack) #134: Miss Vamp Rank: 3 HP: 100 MP: 0 Attack: 25 (Drain) Accuracy: 6-85 Defense: 10 Evasion: 1-75 Magic Defense: 6-30 Gil: 2250-15000 Treasure: Maiden's Kiss, Blizzard Tome, Hourglass Weakness: Fire Resistance: Lightning, Ice, Body, Poison, Death, Mind, Matter Absorbs: Death Where fought: SOR: Unknown Cave B1-B5 #135: Bigfoot Rank: 1 HP: 150 MP: 0 Attack: 35 Accuracy: 8-80 Defense: 5 Evasion: 1-30 Magic Defense: 4-80 Gil: 75-450 Treasure: Nothing Weakness: Fire Resistance: None Absorbs: Ice Where fought: SOR: Unknown Cave B1-B4 #135: Gil Snapper Rank: 5 HP: 200 MP: 0 Attack: 40 Accuracy: 9-75 Defense: 15 Evasion: 0-0 Magic Defense: 1-50 Gil: 1500-3000 Treasure: Nothing Weakness: Ice Resistance: Lightning, Poison Absorbs: None Where fought: SOR: Unknown Cave B1-B3 #137: Beast Devil Rank: 3 HP: 90 MP: 20 Attack: 20 Accuracy: 6-80 Defense: 0 Evasion: 1-65 Magic Defense: 6-60 Gil: 150-300 Treasure: Mythril Helm, Mythril Axe, Mythril Armor, Mythril Bow Weakness: None Resistance: Lightning, Ice, Fire Absorbs: None Where fought: SOR: Unknown Cave B3 Note: Attack: Restore III (Heals HP for one) #138: Sea Serpent Rank: 2 HP: 100 MP: 100 Attack: 10 (Paralysis) Accuracy: 5-80 Defense: 10 Evasion: 1-70 Magic Defense: 4-40 Gil: 75-450 Treasure: Nothing Weakness: Lightning Resistance: Fire, Poison Absorbs: None Where fought: SOR: Unknown Cave B1-B5 Note: Attack: Tsunami VIII (Water attack on all) #139: Death Horn Rank: 3 HP: 400 MP: 0 Attack: 50 Accuracy: 4-85 Defense: 1-35 Evasion: 1-35 Magic Defense: 6-30 Gil: 150-600 Treasure: Nothing Weakness: Fire Resistance: Ice, Body, Mind Absorbs: Death Where fought: SOR: Unknown Cave B1-B6 #140: Gigas Worm Rank: 4 HP: 300 MP: 0 Attack: 30 Accuracy: 8-90 Defense: 10 Evasion: 1-75 Magic Defense: 5-70 Gil: 75-450 Treasure: Nothing Weakness: Fire Resistance: Body, Mind Absorbs: Death Where fought: SOR: Unknown Cave B1-B6 #141: Glasya Labolas Rank: 5 HP: 700 MP: 0 Attack: 60 Accuracy: 10-80 Defense: 15 Evasion: 1-70 Magic Defense: 4-50 Gil: 1500-3000 Treasure: Nothing Weakness: None Resistance: None Absorbs: None Where fought: SOR: Unknown Cave B1-B5 #142: L'il Murderer Rank: 4 HP: 1500 MP: 250 Attack: 100 Accuracy: 6-80 Defense: 4 Evasion: 3-20 Magic Defense: 2-40 Gil: 1200-1500 Treasure: Wizard's Staff, Black Robe, Confuse Tome, Flare Tome Weakness: Lightning Resistance: None Absorbs: None Where fought: SOR: Unknown Palace 1F/6F/9F Note: Attack: Boulders IX (Earth attack on one), Lightning XI (Bolt damage on one) #143: Purobolos Rank: 4 HP: 800 MP: 300 Attack: 60 Accuracy: 5-80 Defense: 50 Evasion: 0-0 Magic Defense: 4-40 Gil: 300-450 Treasure: Flame Bow, Golden Armor, Curse Tome, Toad Tome Weakness: Ice Resistance: Lightning Absorbs: Fire Where fought: Unknown Palace 1F/6F/9F #144: Dark Soul Rank: 4 HP: 500 MP: 170 Attack: 35 Accuracy: 4-80 Defense: 40 Evasion: 1-50 Magic Defense: 4-40 Gil: 75-75 Treasure: Blind Tome, Sleep Tome, Blizzard Tome, Blink Tome, Hellfire, Warp Tome Weakness: None Resistance: None Absorbs: Lightning, Ice, Fire, Body, Poison, Death, Mind, Matter Where fought: SOR: Unknown Palace 3F-5F #145: Mother Brain Rank: 4 HP: 200 MP: 100 Attack: 40 Accuracy: 4-75 Defense: 35 Evasion: 1-70 Magic Defense: 3-50 Gil: 600-1200 Treasure: Nothing Weakness: Mind Resistance: Body, Death Absorbs: None Where fought: SOR: Unknown Palace 3F/10F Note: Attack: Swap IV (Switches HP/MP with one party member) #146: Bloodbones Rank: 4 HP: 1000 MP: 200 Attack: 90 (Drain) Accuracy: 5-75 Defense: 35 Evasion: 2-40 Magic Defense: 3-50 Gil: 600-1200 Treasure: Conch Shell, Betrayal Fang, Orichalcum Weakness: Fire Resistance: Ice, Body, Poison, Death, Mind, Matter Absorbs: Death Where fought: SOR: Unknown Palace 1F/6F/9F Note: Undead #147: Warg Wolf Rank: 4 HP: 1500 MP: 0 Attack: 70 (Poison) Accuracy: 8-80 Defense: 50 Evasion: 1-80 Magic Defense: 6-60 Gil: 2250-3000 Treasure: Nothing Weakness: None Resistance: None Absorbs: None Where fought: SOR: Unknown Palace 1F/5F (Special)/9F Note: Special: These can be found in the room with the Wild Rose (as 'random encounters' rather than MIAB) #148: Mini Satana Rank: 5 HP: 1200 MP: 350 Attack: 60 Accuracy: 8-80 Defense: 50 Evasion: 1-50 Magic Defense: 6-60 Gil: 300-450 Treasure: Flame Bow, Golden Armor, Curse Tome, Toad Tome Weakness: None Resistance: Lightning, Ice, Fire Absorbs: None Where fought: SOR: Unknown Palace 1F/3F-4F/6F/9F Note: Attack: Fire VIII (Fire damage on all), Stun VI (Paralyze on all), Confuse VI (Confusion on all), Drain VIII (Drain HP on all), Curse VI (Curse on all), Blizzard VIII (Ice damage on all), Haste VI (Extra attacks for all), Death VI (Death on all) #149: Dark Magician Rank: 4 HP: 750 MP: 600 Attack: 40 Accuracy: 2-75 Defense: 35 Evasion: 1-30 Magic Defense: 4-60 Gil: 75-75 Treasure: Berserk Tome, Scourge Tome, Thunder Tome, Fire Tome, Stun Tome, Mage's Staff Weakness: None Resistance: None Absorbs: None Where fought: SOR: Unknown Palace 4F #150: Chimera Brain Rank: 5 HP: 2000 MP: 240 Attack: 85 Accuracy: 6-90 Defense: 70 Evasion: 1-65 Magic Defense: 5-40 Gil: 3000-15000 Treasure: Phoenix Down, Ether, Mallet, Mythril Mirror, Cat Claws Weakness: None Resistance: None Absorbs: Lightning, Ice, Fire Where fought: SOR: Unknown Palace 1F/6F/9F Note: Attack: Blaze XVI (Fire attack on all) #151: Lamia Matriarch Rank: 6 HP: 1760 MP: 150 Attack: 50 (Sleep) Accuracy: 8-95 Defense: 50 Evasion: 2-80 Magic Defense: 7-40 Gil: 15000-15000 Treasure: Hi-Potion, Ether, Thunder Spear, Elixir, Ribbon Weakness: None Resistance: None Absorbs: None Where fought: SOR: Unknown Palace 2F/5F (Special) Note: Attack: Charm IX (Confusion on one), Blizzard XII (Ice attack on all), Sleep XIV (Sleep on all) Special: These can be found in the room with the Wild Rose (as 'random encounters' rather than MIAB) #152: Cait Sith Rank: 3 HP: 700 MP: 370 Attack: 40 Accuracy: 7-75 Defense: 60 Evasion: 1-90 Magic Defense: 5-40 Gil: 0-0 Treasure: Nothing Weakness: None Resistance: None Absorbs: None Where fought: SOR: Unknown Palace 4F Note: Attack: Blaster I (Paralysis on all) #153: Twin Heads Rank: 5 HP: 800 MP: 400 Attack: 40 Accuracy: 5-65 Defense: 25 Evasion: 1-50 Magic Defense: 3-50 Gil: 900-1500 Treasure: Flame Sword, Flame Armor, Confuse Tome Weakness: Ice Resistance: None Absorbs: Fire Where fought: SOR: 2F-3F/9F Note: Attack: Blizzard XII (Ice damage on all), Stun XVI (Paralysis on one), Toad X (Toad on one) #154: Catoblepas Rank: 5 HP: 1200 MP: 80 Attack: 100 (Stone) Accuracy: 8-90 Defense: 85 Evasion: 1-65 Magic Defense: 5-70 Gil: 2250-3000 Treasure: Diamond Shield, Yoichi's Bow, Hi-Potion, Sun Blade Weakness: None Resistance: None Absorbs: None Where fought: SOR: Unknown Palace 3F/5F Note: Attack: Gaze V (Stone on one) #155: Orukat Rank: 6 HP: 1140 MP: 400 Attack: 85 (Death) Accuracy: 7-90 Defense: 70 Evasion: 0-0 Magic Defense: 5-70 Gil: 15000-15000 Treasure: Diamond Cuirass, Protect Ring, Gold Hairpin, Sage's Wisdom, Ribbon Weakness: None Resistance: Lightning, Ice, Fire, Body, Poison, Death, Mind, Matter Absorbs: None Where fought: SOR: Unknown Palace 1F/3F/5F/9K Note: Attack: Death VIII (Death on all), Curse VIII (Curse on all) #156: Malboro Menace Rank: 5 HP: 900 MP: 0 Attack: 85 (Sleep, Silence, Confusion, Mini, Paralysis) Accuracy: 8-85 Defense: 85 Evasion: 1-70 Magic Defense: 5-70 Gil: 15000-15000 Treasure: Twist Headband, Power Vest, Power Armlet, Death Idol, Yoichi's Bow Weakness: Ice, Fire Resistance: None Absorbs: Body, Poison, Death, Mind, Matter Where fought: SOR: Unknown Palace 2F/5F/9F #157: Chaos Rider Rank: 6 HP: 1800 MP: 190 Attack: 120 (Drain) Accuracy: 8-85 Defense: 120 Evasion: 1-70 Magic Defense: 5-70 Gil: 2250-3000 Treasure: Spider's Silk, Diamond Gloves, Diamond Helm, Dragon Armor, Rune Axe Weakness: None Resistance: Lightning, Ice, Fire, Body, Poison, Death, Mind, Matter Absorbs: None Where fought: SOR: Unknown Palace 2F-3F/5F/9F Note: Attack: Gaze IX (Stone on one), Confuse XVI (Confusion on one), Stun XVI (Paralyze on one), Osmose X (Drain MP from one), Warp IX (Remove one from combat), Drain XVI (Drain HP from one), Slow XVI (Slow on one), Dispel XVI (Dispels barriers on all) #158: Gold Golem Rank: 7 HP: 3000 MP: 0 Attack: 150 Accuracy: 8-95 Defense: 200 Evasion: 1-50 Magic Defense: 14-100 Gil: 15000-15000 Treasure: Nothing Weakness: Lightning Resistance: Ice, Fire, Body, Poison, Death, Mind, Matter Absorbs: None Where fought: SOR: Unknown Fortress 2F/5F (Special)/7F/10F Note: Special: These can be found in the room with the Wild Rose (as 'random encounters' rather than MIAB) #159: Black Dragon Rank: 7 HP: 5000 MP: 450 Attack: 180 (Poison) Accuracy: 8-100 Defense: 180 Evasion: 1-75 Magic Defense: 8-40 Gil: 15000-15000 Treasure: Dragon Armor, Holy Lance, Dragon Shield, Black Garb, Hermes Shoes Weakness: None Resistance: None Absorbs: None Where fought: SOR: Unknown Fortress 2F Note: MIAB: Unknown Fortress 5F, through the far right door from the 4F Entrance. Contains Wyrm Lance #160: Dark Behemoth Rank: 7 HP: 6000 MP: 300 Attack: 180 Accuracy: 9-100 Defense: 120 Evasion: 1-40 Magic Defense: 8-30 Gil: 15000-15000 Treasure: Twist Headband, Power Vest, Power Armlet, Death Idol, Yoichi Bow Weakness: None Resistance: None Absorbs: None Where fought: SOR: Unknown Fortress 3F/5F #161: Steel Giant Rank: 7 HP: 6500 MP: 480 Attack: 180 Accuracy: 12-100 Defense: 200 Evasion: 0-0 Magic Defense: 14-100 Gil: 3000-15000 Treasure: Genji Helm, Genji Gloves, Genji Armor, Excalibur, Aegis Shield Weakness: Lightning Resistance: Ice, Body, Death, Mind, Matter Absorbs: Fire Where fought: SOR: Unknown Fortress 6F (MIAB) Note: MIAB: Chest on the far left of the entrance to 4F where the four doors are; contains Genji Glove #162: Emperor Rank: 1 HP: 25000 MP: 540 Attack: 180 Accuracy: 9-100 Defense: 220 Evasion: 1-80 Magic Defense: 16-70 Gil: 0-0 Treasure: Nothing Weakness: None Resistance: Lightning, Ice, Fire, Body, Poison, Death, Mind, Matter Absorbs: Death, Matter Where fought: SOR: Unknown Palace 10F (Boss) Note: Attack: Starfall XVI (Massive fusion damage on all), Dispel XVI (Dispel on all), Flare XVI (Fusion Damage on one), Blaze XVI (Fire damage on all), Slow XVI (Slow on one) #163: Yamatano Orochi Rank: 7 HP: 8000 MP: 450 Attack: 160 Accuracy: 9-100 Defense: 190 Evasion: 1-80 Magic Defense: 8-70 Gil: 15000-15000 Treasure: Elixir, Phoenix Down, Life Tome, Holy Tome, Flare Tome Weakness: None Resistance: Mind Absorbs: Lightning, Ice, Fire, Poison Where fought: SOR: Unknown Palace 5F Note: Attack: Blaze XVI (Fire damage on all), Thunderbolt XVI (Lightning damage on all), Icestorm XVI (Ice damage on all) #164: Beelzebub Soul Rank: 7 HP: 8000 MP: 450 Attack: 160 Accuracy: 9-100 Defense: 190 Evasion: 1-80 Magic Defense: 8-70 Gil: 15000-15000 Treasure: Black Robe, Betrayal Fang, Hermes' Shoes, Sage's Wisdom, Gaia Drum Weakness: Fire Resistance: Lightning, Ice, Body, Poison, Death, Mind, Matter Absorbs: Lightning Where fought: SOR: Unknown Palace 6F (MIAB) Note: MIAB: The chest in the third door of the Unknown Palace 4F entrance; contains Bracers #165: Lucifer Rank: 7 HP: 10000 MP: 540 Attack: 160 (Drain) Accuracy: 9-100 Defense: 190 Evasion: 1-80 Magic Defense: 8-70 Gil: 15000-15000 Treasure: White Robe, Mythril Mirror, Spider's Silk, Saint's Spirit, Wind Flute Weakness: None Resistance: Lightning, Ice, Fire Absorbs: None Where fought: SOR: Unknown Palace 5F (MIAB) Note: MIAB: The hidden chest where you found Masamune in Pandaemonium; contains Wild Rose #166: Black Knight Rank: 6 HP: 1140 MP: 0 Attack: 30 Accuracy: 3-80 Defense: 20 Evasion: 1-70 Magic Defense: 5-40 Gil: 2250-3000 Treasure: Diamond Shield, Yoichi's Bow, Hi-Potion, Sun Blade Weakness: None Resistance: None Absorbs: None Where fought: SOR: Unknown Cave B1 (Boss) Note: First enemy you meet in SOR #167: Zombie Borghen Rank: 7 HP: 2500 MP: 370 Attack: 30 Accuracy: 3-95 Defense: 5 Evasion: 1-60 Magic Defense: 10-100 Gil: 3000-3000 Treasure: Nothing Weakness: Fire Resistance: Ice, Body, Mind Absorbs: Death Where fought: SOR: Unknown Cave B2 (Boss) Note: Undead #168: Roundworm Rank: 7 HP: 2000 MP: 0 Attack: 25 Accuracy: 4-95 Defense: 10 Evasion: 1-10 Magic Defense: 4-50 Gil: 2250-3000 Treasure: Nothing Weakness: None Resistance: None Absorbs: None Where fought: Unknown Cave B5 (Boss) #169: Ultima Weapon Rank: 7 HP: 15000 MP: 500 Attack: 150 Accuracy: 9-100 Defense: 190 Evasion: 1-80 Magic Defense: 8-70 Gil: 0-0 Treasure: Nothing Weakness: None Resistance: Lightning, Ice, Fire, Body, Poison, Death, Mind, Matter Absorbs: None Where fought: SOR: Chamber Of The Seal (Boss) Note: Attacks: Flare XVI (Fusion damage on one), Blaze XVI (Fire damage on all) UPDATE INFO ------------ 02/04/2007 - Version 1.0 - First version of the FAQ. 03/20/2007 - Version 1.5 - Final Fantasy I: Added Iron Golem (John Calderon) - Final Fantasy I: Added HundLegs in WhisperWind Cove - Final Fantasy I: Added Vampire Lord in Chaos Shrine 3F - Final Fantasy I: Added Vampire Lord Spell: NulBlaze - Final Fantasy I: Added Fire Elemental in Chaos Shrine - Final Fantasy I: Added Stone Golem Spell: Slow - Final Fantasy II: Added Iron Giant (John Calderon) - Final Fantasy II: Added Blue Dragon Attack: Thunderbolt XVI - Final Fantasy II: Added Lamia Queen Attack: Blink XVI 03/27/2007 - Version 1.5.1 - Added IM info for people who want to contact me directly 04/22/2007 - Version 1.6 - Final Fantasy II: Added Yamatano Orocho Attack: Icestorm XVI (Anonymous) 07/30/2007 - Version 1.7 - Final Fantasy I: Correction to location of Abyss Worm 07/18/2011 - Version 2.0 - Played through game again for more locations - Changed the copyright (it's been *4 years*?) - Adjusted IM and added Twitter contact info - Added and adjusted locations to many monsters. Too many to list in short - Added all locations given by mail. Check 'special thanks' for their credit - Added new note: Impossible To Flee - Gave location 'Around Lufenia' and 'Great Desert' more detail and explanation - Final Fantasy I: Added Phantom Train Attack: Acid Rain 07/21/2011 - Version 2.5 - Added 'types' to some monsters. There may be more but it's a start! - Added note to 'type' for explanation - 02/02/2012 - Still version 2.5 - Just adjusted copyright - 08/24/2015 - Version 2.6 - Proof of Orochi's existance in lava obtained and confirmed! - Also, adjusted copyright REQUESTS -------- These are things which I would either like to see added to a later version of the FAQ, or would like to have confirmed/corrected/whatever. If you can help with any of these things, feel free to get in touch with me about them! -- Information on 'family type' for monsters. Is there an easy way to find it? -- Any monsters' locations the bestiary is missing or has incorrect. -- Any missing attacks of the monsters; especially if someone can tell me what Iron Golems' 'Deadly Gas' actually does -- Any secret/guardian/special/MIAB monster locations I may have missed THANKS TO... ----------- GameFAQs and CjayC: for giving me a place to host this FAQ. John Calderon: For confirmation on the location of Iron Golem and Iron Giant. Thanks to his help, I was able to investigate the areas, find them both, and complete my list. Kudos to you! Martel: For correcting me on the location of the Abyss Worm. Samuel Kelley: For letting me know my FAQ had been posted elsewhere without credit. I was able to mail the location and have it removed and the person banned for plagiarism. Thanks to Samuel for his honesty! Josh Flintstone: For adding a location for the orcre jelly and mentioning Yamatano Orochi's dwelling in the lava fields as well as the fortress. Jeff Daley: For pointing out that sand worms can also be found in The Great Desert. Nathaniel Hoover: For also mentioning Yamatano Orochi's dwelling in the lava fields Yambino: For not only confirming Yamatano Orochoi's lava-dwelling habits, but including video proof. Thank you!