===================================================== === THE DAWN OF SOULS FF1 EQUIPMENT LIST v1.0 === ===================================================== by Terence Fergusson Final Fantasy I & II "Dawn of Souls" Copyright 1987, 1988, 2004 Square Enix Co., Ltd. Final Fantasy is a registered trademark of Square Enix Co., Ltd. Dawn of Souls is a trademark of Square Enix Co., Ltd. This document is entirely my work, and was written and is owned by me, Terence Fergusson. All copyrights and trademarks are acknowledged where not specifically mentioned. If you wish to reproduce this document AS IS, you may do so without having to ask my permission, providing that the entire document including this copyright notice is left intact, preferably in ASCII text format, and is done so for non-profit purposes. I do, however, reserve the right to revoke permission and ask for it to be taken down should I feel it necessary. Please do not e-mail me about this guide. If you have questions or submissions to the knowledge base, please post on the GameFAQs message board; the information will get to the correct people quicker this way, and you have a far better chance of getting an answer expediently. ============================================================================ === V E R S I O N H I S T O R Y === ============================================================================ v1.0 : 29/11/04 : Original Release ============================================================================ === I T E M B A S I C S === ============================================================================ Each item has their own set of stats. These are categorised as such: Used by: The classes that may use this item. The first line is which unpromoted classes may use the item, while the second refers to the promoted ones. If a class cannot use an item, '---' is displayed in its stead. The classes are: War - Warrior Kni - Knight Thf - Thief Nin - Ninja Mnk - Monk Mst - Master RMg - Red Mage RWz - Red Wizard WMg - White Mage WWz - White Wizard BMg - Black Mage BWz - Black Wizard ATK/ACC/DEF/WGT/EVA: These are the major stats, and are defined as such: ATK: The amount of extra ATK the weapon grants. ACC: The amount of extra ACC the weapon grants. DEF: The amount of extra DEF the armor grants. WGT: How heavy the armor is - this will reduce your EVA stat. EVA: The amount of extra EVA the weapon or armor grants. Note that an armor may have both a positive WGT and an EVA stat, meaning that it loses EVA from the weight of the item, but still has a seperate bonus to it that helps to offset it. Also note that stat bonuses the items have to STR, AGL, INT and STA may help to further adjust the final stats. An item that increases AGL, for example, would give you a further increase to EVA unless your AGL is already at 99. Bonuses: This notes any extra stats you gain from equipping the weapon or armor. This will be either a bonus or penalty to STR, AGL, INT or STA. In addition, there is a piece of armor each that will increase Max HP or Max MP by a percentage - this will also be listed here. Crit.Rt: This weapon only attribute lists the basic chance that the weapon will score a critical hit. Higher numbers are better. This is *not* a chance out of 100. Spell: If you use the weapon or armor as an item, this is the spell that will be used. Using an item in this manner costs no MP, although the caster's stats may have an effect on how well the spell works. Buying Price/Selling Price: Pretty self explanatory - this is how much you must pay to buy the item from shops, as well as how much they'll give you for selling it back. Note that while every item does have a price, this does not always mean the weapon or armor may be bought. Element Attack: This shows which elements the weapon will attack with. Attacking an enemy who is weak to one of the elements listed will allow for extra damage. Effective vs: This shows which races the weapon is effective against. Attacking an enemy of a particular race with this weapon will allow for extra damage. Resistant to: These are the elements and statuses that the piece of armor will grant resistance to. Note that this is a *resistance* only - you will not be fully immune to the status. It is possible (although rare) that a status may still get through. A few notes before we continue: * The Ultima Weapon has an additional special effect in that its ATK changes as your HP decreases. I have marked this on the item description itself. At this present time, I'm unsure whether there are other special effects waiting to be found, but I will mark them down as and when they are discovered. * The Excalibur does indeed have the full listed Element Attack. The exact *effect* of this is unknown, but that is what it has been given in the code. * The Protect Ring only defends against Death, not against Quake or Mind. The Ribbon, on the other hand, defends against all statuses. Do not assume you are safe from death with simply a Protect Ring equipped. Also, these are only resistances to the status. You may still suffer instant death or paralysis depending on circumstances: Typhon's Snort is particularly well-known for killing a character even with a Ribbon and Protect Ring equipped. With that out of the way, let's finish with the list itself: ============================================================================ === W E A P O N S === ============================================================================ Nunchaku ======== Used by: --- --- Mnk --- --- --- --- Nin Mst --- --- --- ATK: 12 Bonuses: --- ACC: 0 Crit.Rt: 1 EVA: 0 Buying Price: 8 Selling Price: 4 Element Attack: --- Effective vs: --- Knife ===== Used by: War Thf --- RMg --- BMg Kni Nin --- RWz --- BWz ATK: 5 Bonuses: --- ACC: 10 Crit.Rt: 2 EVA: 0 Buying Price: 4 Selling Price: 2 Element Attack: --- Effective vs: --- Staff ===== Used by: War --- Mnk RMg WMg BMg Kni Nin Mst RWz WWz BWz ATK: 6 Bonuses: --- ACC: 0 Crit.Rt: 3 EVA: 0 Buying Price: 4 Selling Price: 2 Element Attack: --- Effective vs: --- Rapier ====== Used by: War Thf --- RMg --- --- Kni Nin --- RWz --- --- ATK: 9 Bonuses: --- ACC: 5 Crit.Rt: 4 EVA: 0 Buying Price: 8 Selling Price: 4 Element Attack: --- Effective vs: --- Hammer ====== Used by: War --- --- --- WMg --- Kni Nin --- --- WWz --- ATK: 9 Bonuses: --- ACC: 0 Crit.Rt: 5 EVA: 0 Buying Price: 8 Selling Price: 4 Element Attack: --- Effective vs: --- Broadsword ========== Used by: War --- --- RMg --- --- Kni Nin --- RWz --- --- ATK: 15 Bonuses: --- ACC: 10 Crit.Rt: 6 EVA: 0 Buying Price: 450 Selling Price: 225 Element Attack: --- Effective vs: --- Battle Axe ========== Used by: War --- --- --- --- --- Kni Nin --- --- --- --- ATK: 16 Bonuses: --- ACC: 5 Crit.Rt: 7 EVA: 0 Buying Price: 450 Selling Price: 225 Element Attack: --- Effective vs: --- Scimitar ======== Used by: War Thf --- RMg --- --- Kni Nin --- RWz --- --- ATK: 10 Bonuses: --- ACC: 10 Crit.Rt: 8 EVA: 0 Buying Price: 160 Selling Price: 80 Element Attack: --- Effective vs: --- Iron Nunchaku ============= Used by: --- --- Mnk --- --- --- --- Nin Mst --- --- --- ATK: 16 Bonuses: --- ACC: 0 Crit.Rt: 9 EVA: 0 Buying Price: 160 Selling Price: 80 Element Attack: --- Effective vs: --- Dagger ====== Used by: War Thf --- RMg --- BMg Kni Nin --- RWz --- BWz ATK: 7 Bonuses: --- ACC: 10 Crit.Rt: 10 EVA: 0 Buying Price: 140 Selling Price: 70 Element Attack: --- Effective vs: --- Crosier ======= Used by: War --- Mnk --- --- --- Kni Nin Mst --- --- --- ATK: 14 Bonuses: --- ACC: 0 Crit.Rt: 11 EVA: 0 Buying Price: 160 Selling Price: 80 Element Attack: --- Effective vs: --- Saber ===== Used by: War Thf --- RMg --- --- Kni Nin --- RWz --- --- ATK: 13 Bonuses: --- ACC: 5 Crit.Rt: 12 EVA: 0 Buying Price: 360 Selling Price: 180 Element Attack: --- Effective vs: --- Longsword ========= Used by: War --- --- RMg --- --- Kni Nin --- RWz --- --- ATK: 20 Bonuses: --- ACC: 10 Crit.Rt: 13 EVA: 0 Buying Price: 1200 Selling Price: 600 Element Attack: --- Effective vs: --- Great Axe ========= Used by: War --- --- --- --- --- Kni Nin --- --- --- --- ATK: 22 Bonuses: --- ACC: 5 Crit.Rt: 14 EVA: 0 Buying Price: 1600 Selling Price: 800 Element Attack: --- Effective vs: --- Falchion ======== Used by: War Thf --- RMg --- --- Kni Nin --- RWz --- --- ATK: 15 Bonuses: --- ACC: 10 Crit.Rt: 15 EVA: 0 Buying Price: 360 Selling Price: 180 Element Attack: --- Effective vs: --- Mythril Knife ============= Used by: War Thf --- RMg --- BMg Kni Nin --- RWz --- BWz ATK: 10 Bonuses: --- ACC: 15 Crit.Rt: 16 EVA: 0 Buying Price: 640 Selling Price: 320 Element Attack: --- Effective vs: --- Mythril Sword ============= Used by: War --- --- RMg --- --- Kni Nin --- RWz --- --- ATK: 23 Bonuses: --- ACC: 15 Crit.Rt: 17 EVA: 0 Buying Price: 3200 Selling Price: 1600 Element Attack: --- Effective vs: --- Mythril Hammer ============== Used by: War --- --- --- WMg --- Kni Nin --- --- WWz --- ATK: 12 Bonuses: --- ACC: 5 Crit.Rt: 18 EVA: 0 Buying Price: 2000 Selling Price: 1000 Element Attack: --- Effective vs: --- Mythril Axe =========== Used by: War --- --- --- --- --- Kni Nin --- --- --- --- ATK: 25 Bonuses: --- ACC: 10 Crit.Rt: 19 EVA: 0 Buying Price: 3600 Selling Price: 1800 Element Attack: --- Effective vs: --- Flame Sword =========== Used by: War --- --- RMg --- --- Kni Nin --- RWz --- --- ATK: 26 Bonuses: --- ACC: 20 Crit.Rt: 20 EVA: 0 Buying Price: 10000 Selling Price: 5000 Element Attack: Fire Effective vs: Undead, Regenerating Ice Brand ========= Used by: War --- --- RMg --- --- Kni Nin --- RWz --- --- ATK: 29 Bonuses: --- ACC: 25 Crit.Rt: 21 EVA: 0 Buying Price: 15000 Selling Price: 7500 Element Attack: Ice Effective vs: --- Wyrmkiller ========== Used by: War Thf --- RMg --- --- Kni Nin --- RWz --- --- ATK: 19 Bonuses: --- ACC: 15 Crit.Rt: 22 EVA: 0 Buying Price: 8000 Selling Price: 4000 Element Attack: --- Effective vs: Dragon Great Sword =========== Used by: War --- --- RMg --- --- Kni Nin --- RWz --- --- ATK: 21 Bonuses: --- ACC: 20 Crit.Rt: 23 EVA: 0 Buying Price: 8000 Selling Price: 4000 Element Attack: --- Effective vs: Giant Sun Blade ========= Used by: War --- --- RMg --- --- Kni Nin --- RWz --- --- ATK: 32 Bonuses: --- ACC: 30 Crit.Rt: 24 EVA: 0 Buying Price: 20000 Selling Price: 10000 Element Attack: --- Effective vs: Undead Coral Sword =========== Used by: War Thf --- RMg --- --- Kni Nin --- RWz --- --- ATK: 19 Bonuses: --- ACC: 15 Crit.Rt: 25 EVA: 0 Buying Price: 8000 Selling Price: 4000 Element Attack: --- Effective vs: Aquatic Werebuster ========== Used by: War --- --- RMg --- --- Kni Nin --- RWz --- --- ATK: 18 Bonuses: --- ACC: 15 Crit.Rt: 26 EVA: 0 Buying Price: 6000 Selling Price: 3000 Element Attack: --- Effective vs: Lycanthrope Rune Blade ========== Used by: War Thf --- RMg --- --- Kni Nin --- RWz --- --- ATK: 18 Bonuses: --- ACC: 15 Crit.Rt: 27 EVA: 0 Buying Price: 5000 Selling Price: 2500 Element Attack: --- Effective vs: Evil, Magical Power Staff =========== Used by: War --- Mnk --- WMg BMg Kni Nin Mst --- WWz BWz ATK: 12 Bonuses: --- ACC: 0 Crit.Rt: 28 EVA: 0 Buying Price: 12345 Selling Price: 6172 Element Attack: --- Effective vs: --- Light Axe ========= Used by: War --- --- --- --- --- Kni Nin --- --- --- --- ATK: 28 Bonuses: --- ACC: 15 Crit.Rt: 29 EVA: 0 Spell: Diara Buying Price: 10000 Selling Price: 5000 Element Attack: --- Effective vs: Undead Healing Staff ============= Used by: --- --- --- --- WMg --- --- Nin --- --- WWz --- ATK: 6 Bonuses: --- ACC: 0 Crit.Rt: 30 EVA: 0 Spell: Heal Buying Price: 25000 Selling Price: 12500 Element Attack: --- Effective vs: --- Mage's Staff ============ Used by: --- --- --- --- --- BMg --- Nin --- --- --- BWz ATK: 12 Bonuses: --- ACC: 10 Crit.Rt: 31 EVA: 0 Spell: Fira Buying Price: 25000 Selling Price: 12500 Element Attack: --- Effective vs: --- Defender ======== Used by: --- --- --- --- --- --- Kni Nin --- RWz --- --- ATK: 30 Bonuses: --- ACC: 35 Crit.Rt: 32 EVA: 0 Spell: Blink Buying Price: 40000 Selling Price: 20000 Element Attack: --- Effective vs: --- Wizard's Staff ============== Used by: --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- BWz ATK: 15 Bonuses: --- ACC: 15 Crit.Rt: 33 EVA: 0 Spell: Confuse Buying Price: 50000 Selling Price: 25000 Element Attack: --- Effective vs: --- Vorpal Sword ============ Used by: --- --- --- --- --- --- Kni Nin --- RWz --- --- ATK: 24 Bonuses: --- ACC: 25 Crit.Rt: 34 EVA: 0 Buying Price: 30000 Selling Price: 15000 Element Attack: --- Effective vs: --- Cat Claws ========= Used by: --- --- --- --- --- --- Kni Nin --- RWz --- BWz ATK: 22 Bonuses: --- ACC: 35 Crit.Rt: 35 EVA: 0 Buying Price: 52000 Selling Price: 26000 Element Attack: --- Effective vs: --- Thor's Hammer ============= Used by: --- --- --- --- --- --- Kni Nin --- --- WWz --- ATK: 18 Bonuses: --- ACC: 15 Crit.Rt: 36 EVA: 0 Spell: Thundara Buying Price: 40000 Selling Price: 20000 Element Attack: --- Effective vs: --- Razer ===== Used by: --- --- --- --- --- --- Kni Nin --- RWz --- --- ATK: 22 Bonuses: --- ACC: 20 Crit.Rt: 37 EVA: 0 Spell: Scourge Buying Price: 60000 Selling Price: 30000 Element Attack: --- Effective vs: --- Sasuke's Blade ============== Used by: --- --- --- --- --- --- --- Nin --- --- --- --- ATK: 33 Bonuses: --- ACC: 35 Crit.Rt: 38 EVA: 0 Buying Price: 60000 Selling Price: 30000 Element Attack: --- Effective vs: --- Excalibur ========= Used by: --- --- --- --- --- --- Kni --- --- --- --- --- ATK: 45 Bonuses: --- ACC: 35 Crit.Rt: 39 EVA: 0 Buying Price: 60000 Selling Price: 30000 Element Attack: Paralysis, Stone, Time, Death, Fire, Ice, Lightning, Quake Effective vs: Evil, Dragon, Giant, Undead, Lycanthrope, Aquatic, Magical, Regenerating Masamune ======== Used by: War Thf Mnk RMg WMg BMg Kni Nin Mst RWz WWz BWz ATK: 56 Bonuses: --- ACC: 50 Crit.Rt: 40 EVA: 0 Buying Price: 60000 Selling Price: 30000 Element Attack: --- Effective vs: --- Ultima Weapon ============= Used by: --- --- --- --- --- --- Kni Nin Mst RWz WWz BWz ATK: 100 (*) Bonuses: --- ACC: 100 Crit.Rt: 50 EVA: 0 Buying Price: 0 Selling Price: 100 Element Attack: --- Effective vs: --- (*) In battle, the Ultima Weapon will have ATK equal to your current HP divided by 10, rounded down. So at 999 HP, it will have an ATK of 99, not 100. Ragnarok ======== Used by: --- --- --- --- --- --- Kni --- --- --- --- --- ATK: 55 Bonuses: + 7 STR, + 3 AGL, + 7 INT, + 7 STA ACC: 40 Crit.Rt: 39 EVA: 30 Spell: Flare Buying Price: 0 Selling Price: 100 Element Attack: --- Effective vs: --- Murasame ======== Used by: --- --- --- --- --- --- --- Nin --- --- --- --- ATK: 50 Bonuses: + 5 STR, - 5 AGL, + 5 INT, + 5 STA ACC: 10 Crit.Rt: 50 EVA: 40 Spell: Protect Buying Price: 0 Selling Price: 100 Element Attack: --- Effective vs: --- Lightbringer ============ Used by: --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- RWz --- --- ATK: 48 Bonuses: + 7 STR, + 7 AGL, + 7 INT, + 7 STA ACC: 40 Crit.Rt: 37 EVA: 50 Spell: Holy Buying Price: 0 Selling Price: 100 Element Attack: --- Effective vs: --- Rune Staff ========== Used by: --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- WWz --- ATK: 25 Bonuses: +10 INT ACC: 25 Crit.Rt: 20 EVA: 0 Spell: Healara Buying Price: 0 Selling Price: 100 Element Attack: --- Effective vs: --- Judgment Staff ============== Used by: --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- BWz ATK: 25 Bonuses: + 3 INT ACC: 25 Crit.Rt: 20 EVA: 0 Spell: Flare Buying Price: 0 Selling Price: 100 Element Attack: --- Effective vs: --- Dark Claymore ============= Used by: War --- --- --- --- --- Kni --- --- --- --- --- ATK: 40 Bonuses: --- ACC: 5 Crit.Rt: 30 EVA: 0 Buying Price: 54200 Selling Price: 100 Element Attack: --- Effective vs: --- Duel Rapier =========== Used by: War Thf --- RMg --- --- Kni Nin --- RWz --- --- ATK: 27 Bonuses: --- ACC: 30 Crit.Rt: 26 EVA: 80 Buying Price: 75900 Selling Price: 100 Element Attack: --- Effective vs: --- Braveheart ========== Used by: War --- --- --- --- --- Kni Nin --- --- --- --- ATK: 30 Bonuses: --- ACC: 52 Crit.Rt: 28 EVA: 0 Spell: Confuse Buying Price: 61800 Selling Price: 100 Element Attack: --- Effective vs: --- Deathbringer ============ Used by: --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- RWz --- --- ATK: 33 Bonuses: + 5 STR, + 5 AGL, + 5 INT, + 5 STA ACC: 20 Crit.Rt: 29 EVA: 0 Spell: Death Buying Price: 62100 Selling Price: 100 Element Attack: --- Effective vs: --- Enhancer ======== Used by: War --- --- RMg --- --- Kni Nin --- RWz --- --- ATK: 28 Bonuses: + 7 INT ACC: 25 Crit.Rt: 18 EVA: 0 Buying Price: 68900 Selling Price: 100 Element Attack: --- Effective vs: --- Gigantaxe ========= Used by: War --- --- --- --- --- Kni Nin --- --- --- --- ATK: 42 Bonuses: + 4 STR, - 4 INT ACC: 0 Crit.Rt: 26 EVA: 0 Buying Price: 51900 Selling Price: 100 Element Attack: --- Effective vs: --- Viking Axe ========== Used by: War --- --- --- --- --- Kni Nin --- --- --- --- ATK: 25 Bonuses: --- ACC: 10 Crit.Rt: 16 EVA: 246 Buying Price: 43300 Selling Price: 100 Element Attack: --- Effective vs: --- Rune Axe ======== Used by: War --- --- --- --- --- Kni Nin --- --- --- --- ATK: 40 Bonuses: + 3 INT ACC: 20 Crit.Rt: 0 EVA: 0 Spell: Curaga Buying Price: 74100 Selling Price: 100 Element Attack: --- Effective vs: --- Ogrekiller ========== Used by: War --- --- --- --- --- Kni Nin --- --- --- --- ATK: 30 Bonuses: --- ACC: 0 Crit.Rt: 20 EVA: 0 Buying Price: 37100 Selling Price: 100 Element Attack: --- Effective vs: Giant Kikuichimonji ============= Used by: War Thf --- RMg --- --- Kni Nin --- RWz --- --- ATK: 35 Bonuses: + 5 STR ACC: 25 Crit.Rt: 30 EVA: 0 Buying Price: 79800 Selling Price: 100 Element Attack: --- Effective vs: --- Asura ===== Used by: War Thf --- RMg --- --- Kni Nin --- RWz --- --- ATK: 25 Bonuses: --- ACC: 25 Crit.Rt: 25 EVA: 0 Buying Price: 66500 Selling Price: 100 Element Attack: --- Effective vs: --- Kotetsu ======= Used by: War Thf --- RMg --- --- Kni Nin --- RWz --- --- ATK: 22 Bonuses: --- ACC: 20 Crit.Rt: 21 EVA: 0 Buying Price: 55900 Selling Price: 100 Element Attack: --- Effective vs: --- War Hammer ========== Used by: --- --- --- --- --- --- Kni Nin --- --- WWz --- ATK: 30 Bonuses: --- ACC: 0 Crit.Rt: 15 EVA: 0 Buying Price: 38000 Selling Price: 100 Element Attack: --- Effective vs: --- Assassin Dagger =============== Used by: War Thf --- RMg --- --- Kni Nin --- RWz --- BWz ATK: 30 Bonuses: + 3 AGL, + 2 INT ACC: 40 Crit.Rt: 35 EVA: 10 Spell: Kill Buying Price: 95400 Selling Price: 100 Element Attack: --- Effective vs: --- Orichalcum ========== Used by: War Thf --- RMg --- --- Kni Nin --- RWz --- BWz ATK: 28 Bonuses: --- ACC: 35 Crit.Rt: 31 EVA: 0 Buying Price: 85800 Selling Price: 100 Element Attack: --- Effective vs: --- Mage Masher =========== Used by: War Thf --- RMg --- BMg Kni Nin --- RWz --- BWz ATK: 20 Bonuses: + 5 INT ACC: 30 Crit.Rt: 25 EVA: 0 Spell: Silence Buying Price: 69700 Selling Price: 100 Element Attack: --- Effective vs: --- Gladius ======= Used by: War Thf --- RMg --- BMg Kni Nin --- RWz --- BWz ATK: 23 Bonuses: --- ACC: 30 Crit.Rt: 26 EVA: 10 Buying Price: 73900 Selling Price: 100 Element Attack: --- Effective vs: --- Sage's Staff ============ Used by: --- --- --- RMg WMg BMg --- --- --- RWz WWz BWz ATK: 20 Bonuses: +15 INT ACC: 10 Crit.Rt: 15 EVA: 0 Spell: Life Buying Price: 39900 Selling Price: 100 Element Attack: --- Effective vs: --- ============================================================================ === B O D Y A R M O R === ============================================================================ Clothes ======= Used by: War Thf Mnk RMg WMg BMg Kni Nin Mst RWz WWz BWz DEF: 1 Bonuses: --- WGT: 2 EVA: 0 Buying Price: 8 Selling Price: 4 Resistant to: --- Leather Armor ============= Used by: War Thf Mnk RMg --- --- Kni Nin Mst RWz --- --- DEF: 4 Bonuses: --- WGT: 8 EVA: 0 Buying Price: 40 Selling Price: 20 Resistant to: --- Chain Mail ========== Used by: War --- --- RMg --- --- Kni Nin --- RWz --- --- DEF: 15 Bonuses: --- WGT: 15 EVA: 0 Buying Price: 65 Selling Price: 32 Resistant to: --- Iron Armor ========== Used by: War --- --- --- --- --- Kni Nin --- --- --- --- DEF: 24 Bonuses: --- WGT: 23 EVA: 0 Buying Price: 640 Selling Price: 320 Resistant to: --- Knight's Armor ============== Used by: War --- --- --- --- --- Kni --- --- --- --- --- DEF: 34 Bonuses: --- WGT: 33 EVA: 0 Buying Price: 36000 Selling Price: 18000 Resistant to: --- Mythril Mail ============ Used by: War --- --- RMg --- --- Kni Nin --- RWz --- --- DEF: 18 Bonuses: --- WGT: 8 EVA: 0 Buying Price: 6000 Selling Price: 3000 Resistant to: --- Flame Mail ========== Used by: War --- --- --- --- --- Kni Nin --- --- --- --- DEF: 34 Bonuses: --- WGT: 10 EVA: 0 Buying Price: 30000 Selling Price: 15000 Resistant to: Ice Ice Armor ========= Used by: War --- --- --- --- --- Kni Nin --- --- --- --- DEF: 34 Bonuses: --- WGT: 10 EVA: 0 Buying Price: 30000 Selling Price: 15000 Resistant to: Fire Diamond Armor ============= Used by: --- --- --- --- --- --- Kni --- --- --- --- --- DEF: 42 Bonuses: --- WGT: 10 EVA: 0 Buying Price: 60000 Selling Price: 30000 Resistant to: Lightning Dragon Mail =========== Used by: --- --- --- --- --- --- Kni --- --- --- --- --- DEF: 42 Bonuses: --- WGT: 10 EVA: 0 Buying Price: 60000 Selling Price: 30000 Resistant to: Fire, Ice, Lightning Copper Armlet ============= Used by: War Thf Mnk RMg WMg BMg Kni Nin Mst RWz WWz BWz DEF: 4 Bonuses: --- WGT: 1 EVA: 0 Buying Price: 800 Selling Price: 400 Resistant to: --- Silver Armlet ============= Used by: War Thf Mnk RMg WMg BMg Kni Nin Mst RWz WWz BWz DEF: 15 Bonuses: --- WGT: 1 EVA: 0 Buying Price: 4000 Selling Price: 2000 Resistant to: --- Ruby Armlet =========== Used by: War Thf Mnk RMg WMg BMg Kni Nin Mst RWz WWz BWz DEF: 24 Bonuses: --- WGT: 1 EVA: 0 Buying Price: 40000 Selling Price: 20000 Resistant to: --- Diamond Armlet ============== Used by: War Thf Mnk RMg WMg BMg Kni Nin Mst RWz WWz BWz DEF: 34 Bonuses: --- WGT: 1 EVA: 0 Buying Price: 65000 Selling Price: 32500 Resistant to: --- White Robe ========== Used by: --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- WWz --- DEF: 24 Bonuses: --- WGT: 2 EVA: 0 Spell: Invisira Buying Price: 25000 Selling Price: 1 Resistant to: Death, Fire Black Robe ========== Used by: --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- BWz DEF: 24 Bonuses: --- WGT: 2 EVA: 0 Spell: Blizzara Buying Price: 25000 Selling Price: 1 Resistant to: Time, Ice Crystal Mail ============ Used by: --- --- --- --- --- --- Kni Nin --- --- --- --- DEF: 44 Bonuses: + 3 INT WGT: 10 EVA: 0 Buying Price: 66800 Selling Price: 100 Resistant to: Stone, Darkness, Silence Thief's Armlet ============== Used by: --- Thf --- --- --- --- --- Nin --- --- --- --- DEF: 30 Bonuses: + 5 AGL WGT: 1 EVA: 0 Buying Price: 68500 Selling Price: 100 Resistant to: --- Black Garb ========== Used by: --- Thf --- --- --- --- --- Nin --- --- --- --- DEF: 40 Bonuses: + 1 STR, +10 AGL WGT: 2 EVA: 0 Buying Price: 69900 Selling Price: 100 Resistant to: --- Kenpogi ======= Used by: --- --- Mnk --- --- --- --- --- Mst --- --- --- DEF: 28 Bonuses: + 3 STR WGT: 1 EVA: 0 Buying Price: 61200 Selling Price: 100 Resistant to: --- Power Vest ========== Used by: --- --- Mnk --- --- --- --- --- Mst --- --- --- DEF: 38 Bonuses: +15 STR, + 1 AGL, + 5 STA WGT: 1 EVA: 0 Buying Price: 69100 Selling Price: 100 Resistant to: --- Red Jacket ========== Used by: --- Thf --- RMg --- --- --- Nin --- RWz --- --- DEF: 24 Bonuses: + 5 STR, + 2 AGL, + 1 INT, + 4 STA WGT: 2 EVA: 0 Buying Price: 73900 Selling Price: 100 Resistant to: Fire Sage's Surplice =============== Used by: --- --- --- RMg WMg BMg --- --- --- RWz WWz BWz DEF: 25 Bonuses: + 5 INT WGT: 2 EVA: 0 Buying Price: 70000 Selling Price: 100 Resistant to: --- Light Robe ========== Used by: --- --- --- --- WMg --- --- --- --- --- WWz --- DEF: 35 Bonuses: + 5 INT WGT: 2 EVA: 0 Buying Price: 66000 Selling Price: 100 Resistant to: --- Gaia Gear ========= Used by: --- --- --- --- --- BMg --- --- --- --- --- BWz DEF: 35 Bonuses: --- WGT: 2 EVA: 0 Buying Price: 66000 Selling Price: 100 Resistant to: Stone, Quake Bard's Tunic ============ Used by: War Thf Mnk RMg WMg BMg Kni Nin Mst RWz WWz BWz DEF: 20 Bonuses: --- WGT: 3 EVA: 0 Buying Price: 67300 Selling Price: 100 Resistant to: Silence Genji Armor =========== Used by: War --- --- --- --- --- Kni Nin --- --- --- --- DEF: 35 Bonuses: + 5 STR, + 3 AGL, + 3 INT, + 2 STA WGT: 10 EVA: 0 Buying Price: 57100 Selling Price: 100 Resistant to: Stone, Death, Poison ============================================================================ === S H I E L D S === ============================================================================ Leather Shield ============== Used by: War --- --- --- --- --- Kni Nin --- --- --- --- DEF: 2 Bonuses: --- WGT: 0 EVA: 0 Buying Price: 12 Selling Price: 6 Resistant to: --- Iron Shield =========== Used by: War --- --- --- --- --- Kni Nin --- --- --- --- DEF: 4 Bonuses: --- WGT: 0 EVA: 0 Buying Price: 80 Selling Price: 40 Resistant to: --- Mythril Shield ============== Used by: War --- --- --- --- --- Kni Nin --- --- --- --- DEF: 8 Bonuses: --- WGT: 0 EVA: 0 Buying Price: 2000 Selling Price: 1000 Resistant to: --- Flame Shield ============ Used by: War --- --- --- --- --- Kni Nin --- --- --- --- DEF: 12 Bonuses: --- WGT: 0 EVA: 0 Buying Price: 10000 Selling Price: 5000 Resistant to: Ice Ice Shield ========== Used by: War --- --- --- --- --- Kni Nin --- --- --- --- DEF: 12 Bonuses: --- WGT: 0 EVA: 0 Buying Price: 10000 Selling Price: 5000 Resistant to: Fire Diamond Shield ============== Used by: --- --- --- --- --- --- Kni --- --- --- --- --- DEF: 16 Bonuses: --- WGT: 0 EVA: 0 Buying Price: 15000 Selling Price: 7500 Resistant to: Lightning Aegis Shield ============ Used by: --- --- --- --- --- --- Kni --- --- --- --- --- DEF: 16 Bonuses: --- WGT: 0 EVA: 0 Buying Price: 40000 Selling Price: 20000 Resistant to: Stone, Poison Buckler ======= Used by: War Thf --- RMg --- --- Kni Nin --- RWz --- --- DEF: 2 Bonuses: --- WGT: 0 EVA: 0 Buying Price: 2000 Selling Price: 1000 Resistant to: --- Protect Cloak ============= Used by: War Thf --- RMg WMg BMg Kni Nin --- RWz WWz BWz DEF: 8 Bonuses: --- WGT: 2 EVA: 0 Buying Price: 20000 Selling Price: 10000 Resistant to: --- Genji Shield ============ Used by: War --- --- --- --- --- Kni Nin --- --- --- --- DEF: 14 Bonuses: --- WGT: 8 EVA: 50 Buying Price: 40000 Selling Price: 100 Resistant to: Stone, Poison Crystal Shield ============== Used by: --- --- --- --- --- --- Kni Nin --- --- --- --- DEF: 15 Bonuses: --- WGT: 0 EVA: 45 Buying Price: 57100 Selling Price: 100 Resistant to: Stone Hero's Shield ============= Used by: --- --- --- --- --- --- Kni Nin --- --- --- --- DEF: 16 Bonuses: --- WGT: 0 EVA: 40 Buying Price: 62000 Selling Price: 100 Resistant to: Paralysis, Stone, Time, Death, Fire, Ice, Lightning, Quake, Poison, Darkness, Sleep, Silence, Confusion, Mind Zephyr Cape =========== Used by: War Thf --- RMg WMg BMg Kni Nin --- RWz WWz BWz DEF: 4 Bonuses: --- WGT: 1 EVA: 10 Buying Price: 51000 Selling Price: 100 Resistant to: --- Elven Cloak =========== Used by: War Thf --- RMg WMg BMg Kni Nin --- RWz WWz BWz DEF: 9 Bonuses: + 1 AGL, + 1 INT WGT: 1 EVA: 0 Buying Price: 55800 Selling Price: 100 Resistant to: --- ============================================================================ === H E A D G E A R === ============================================================================ Leather Cap =========== Used by: War Thf Mnk RMg WMg BMg Kni Nin Mst RWz WWz BWz DEF: 1 Bonuses: --- WGT: 1 EVA: 0 Buying Price: 65 Selling Price: 32 Resistant to: --- Helm ==== Used by: War --- --- --- --- --- Kni Nin --- --- --- --- DEF: 3 Bonuses: --- WGT: 3 EVA: 0 Buying Price: 80 Selling Price: 40 Resistant to: --- Great Helm ========== Used by: War --- --- --- --- --- Kni Nin --- --- --- --- DEF: 5 Bonuses: --- WGT: 5 EVA: 0 Buying Price: 360 Selling Price: 180 Resistant to: --- Mythril Helm ============ Used by: War --- --- --- --- --- Kni Nin --- --- --- --- DEF: 6 Bonuses: --- WGT: 3 EVA: 0 Buying Price: 2000 Selling Price: 1000 Resistant to: --- Diamond Helm ============ Used by: --- --- --- --- --- --- Kni --- --- --- --- --- DEF: 8 Bonuses: --- WGT: 3 EVA: 0 Buying Price: 10000 Selling Price: 5000 Resistant to: --- Healing Helm ============ Used by: --- --- --- --- --- --- Kni Nin --- --- --- --- DEF: 6 Bonuses: --- WGT: 3 EVA: 0 Spell: Heal Buying Price: 20000 Selling Price: 10000 Resistant to: --- Ribbon ====== Used by: War Thf Mnk RMg WMg BMg Kni Nin Mst RWz WWz BWz DEF: 1 Bonuses: --- WGT: 1 EVA: 0 Buying Price: 2 Selling Price: 1 Resistant to: Paralysis, Stone, Time, Death, Fire, Ice, Lightning, Quake, Poison, Darkness, Sleep, Silence, Confusion, Mind Genji Helm ========== Used by: War Thf --- --- --- --- Kni Nin --- --- --- --- DEF: 9 Bonuses: + 3 INT WGT: 3 EVA: 15 Buying Price: 36800 Selling Price: 100 Resistant to: Stone, Poison Crystal Helm ============ Used by: --- --- --- --- --- --- Kni Nin --- --- --- --- DEF: 10 Bonuses: + 3 INT WGT: 3 EVA: 15 Buying Price: 45300 Selling Price: 100 Resistant to: Stone Black Cowl ========== Used by: --- Thf --- --- --- --- --- Nin --- --- --- --- DEF: 8 Bonuses: + 3 STR, + 3 AGL, + 3 STA WGT: 1 EVA: 10 Buying Price: 45300 Selling Price: 100 Resistant to: Sleep Twist Headband ============== Used by: --- Thf Mnk --- --- --- --- Nin Mst --- --- --- DEF: 3 Bonuses: +10 STR, + 1 AGL, + 2 STA WGT: 1 EVA: 0 Buying Price: 43500 Selling Price: 100 Resistant to: --- Tiger Mask ========== Used by: --- --- --- --- --- --- Kni Nin Mst --- --- --- DEF: 8 Bonuses: + 3 STR, + 2 AGL, + 1 STA WGT: 2 EVA: 0 Buying Price: 45700 Selling Price: 100 Resistant to: --- Feathered Cap ============= Used by: War Thf --- RMg --- --- Kni Nin --- RWz --- --- DEF: 4 Bonuses: --- WGT: 1 EVA: 10 Buying Price: 46600 Selling Price: 100 Resistant to: --- Red Cap ======= Used by: --- --- --- RMg --- --- --- --- --- RWz --- --- DEF: 8 Bonuses: + 4 STR, + 3 AGL, + 2 STA, +25% Max HP WGT: 1 EVA: 0 Buying Price: 49400 Selling Price: 100 Resistant to: --- Wizard's Hat ============ Used by: --- --- --- RMg WMg BMg --- --- --- RWz WWz BWz DEF: 4 Bonuses: + 5 INT WGT: 1 EVA: 0 Buying Price: 46600 Selling Price: 100 Resistant to: --- Sage's Mitre ============ Used by: --- --- --- --- WMg BMg --- --- --- --- WWz BWz DEF: 5 Bonuses: + 5 INT, +10% Max MP WGT: 1 EVA: 0 Buying Price: 45200 Selling Price: 100 Resistant to: --- ============================================================================ === A R M G E A R === ============================================================================ Leather Gloves ============== Used by: War Thf Mnk RMg WMg BMg Kni Nin Mst RWz WWz BWz DEF: 1 Bonuses: --- WGT: 1 EVA: 0 Buying Price: 50 Selling Price: 25 Resistant to: --- Bronze Gloves ============= Used by: War --- --- --- --- --- Kni Nin --- --- --- --- DEF: 2 Bonuses: --- WGT: 3 EVA: 0 Buying Price: 160 Selling Price: 80 Resistant to: --- Steel Gloves ============ Used by: War --- --- --- --- --- Kni Nin --- --- --- --- DEF: 4 Bonuses: --- WGT: 5 EVA: 0 Buying Price: 600 Selling Price: 300 Resistant to: --- Mythril Gloves ============== Used by: War --- --- --- --- --- Kni Nin --- RWz --- --- DEF: 6 Bonuses: --- WGT: 3 EVA: 0 Buying Price: 2000 Selling Price: 1000 Resistant to: --- Gauntlets ========= Used by: --- --- --- --- --- --- Kni Nin --- RWz --- --- DEF: 6 Bonuses: --- WGT: 3 EVA: 0 Spell: Thundara Buying Price: 15000 Selling Price: 7500 Resistant to: --- Giant's Gloves ============== Used by: War --- --- --- --- --- Kni Nin --- RWz --- --- DEF: 6 Bonuses: --- WGT: 3 EVA: 0 Spell: Saber Buying Price: 10000 Selling Price: 5000 Resistant to: --- Diamond Gloves ============== Used by: --- --- --- --- --- --- Kni --- --- --- --- --- DEF: 8 Bonuses: --- WGT: 3 EVA: 0 Buying Price: 20000 Selling Price: 10000 Resistant to: --- Protect Ring ============ Used by: War Thf Mnk RMg WMg BMg Kni Nin Mst RWz WWz BWz DEF: 8 Bonuses: --- WGT: 1 EVA: 0 Buying Price: 16000 Selling Price: 8000 Resistant to: Death Crystal Gloves ============== Used by: --- --- --- --- --- --- Kni Nin --- --- --- --- DEF: 10 Bonuses: + 3 INT WGT: 3 EVA: 15 Buying Price: 45300 Selling Price: 100 Resistant to: Stone Thief's Gloves ============== Used by: --- Thf --- --- --- --- --- Nin --- --- --- --- DEF: 6 Bonuses: + 5 AGL WGT: 1 EVA: 10 Buying Price: 47700 Selling Price: 100 Resistant to: --- Crystal Ring ============ Used by: --- --- --- --- --- --- Kni Nin Mst RWz --- --- DEF: 9 Bonuses: + 5 AGL WGT: 1 EVA: 0 Buying Price: 48500 Selling Price: 100 Resistant to: Paralysis, Sleep Angel's Ring ============ Used by: --- --- --- RMg WMg BMg --- --- --- RWz WWz BWz DEF: 8 Bonuses: --- WGT: 1 EVA: 0 Buying Price: 50100 Selling Price: 100 Resistant to: --- Genji Gloves ============ Used by: War --- --- --- --- --- Kni Nin --- --- --- --- DEF: 9 Bonuses: --- WGT: 2 EVA: 15 Buying Price: 35900 Selling Price: 100 Resistant to: Stone, Poison ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Dawn of Souls FF1 Equipment List, copyright 2004 Terence Fergusson