___________ __ __ \_ _____/|__| ____ _____ | | | __) | |/ \\__ \ | | | \ | | | \/ __ \| |__ \___ / |__|___| (____ /____/ \/ \/ \/ ___________ __ \_ _____/____ _____/ |______ _________ __ | __) \__ \ / \ __\__ \ / ___< | | | \ / __ \| | \ | / __ \_\___ \ \___ | \___ / (____ /___| /__| (____ /____ >/ ____| \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | Author: A I e x | | Completed: July 31st, 2005 | | Email: Legal & COpyright Section | |____________________________________________________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~\/~~~~~~\/~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\/~~~~~~\/~| | || TofC || Table of Contents || TofC || | |_||______||______________________________________________________||______||_| |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | - Table of Contents............TofC | | - Walkthrough..................1.00 | | - Controls................0.00 | | - Cornelia................1.01 | | - Choas Shrine............1.02 | | - Pravoka.................1.03 | | - Elfheim.................1.04 | | - Marsh Cave..............1.05 | | - Western Keep............1.06 | | - Mount Duergar...........1.07 | | - Melmond.................1.08 | | - Cavern of Earth.........1.09 | | - Crescent Lake...........1.10 | | - Mount Gulg..............1.11 | | - Cavern of Ice...........1.12 | | - Citadel of Trials.......1.13 | | - Gaia....................1.14 | | - Onrac...................1.15 | | - Sunken Shrine...........1.16 | | - Lufenia.................1.17 | | - Mirage Tower............1.18 | | - Flying Fortress.........1.19 | | - Chaos Shrine............1.20 | | - Shop List....................2.00 | | - Cornelia................2.01 | | - Pravoka.................2.02 | | - Elfheim.................2.03 | | - Melmond.................2.04 | | - Crescent Lake...........2.05 | | - Gaia....................2.06 | | - Onrac...................2.07 | | - Lufenia.................2.08 | | - Boss List....................3.00 | | - Review.......................R.0V | | - Legal & Copyright............L.0C | | - Credits & Thanks.............C.0T | |____________________________________________________________________________| |~\/~~~~~~\/~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\/~~~~~~\/~| | || 1.00 || Walkthrough || 1.00 || | |_||______||______________________________________________________||______||_| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ For an introduction to the game, please see the review section at the bottom. +--------------------------------- CONTROLS ------------------------- 0.00 --+ +--------------+-------------------------------------------------------------+ | D-Pad | Move around / cycle through menu | |--------------+-------------------------------------------------------------| | A Button | Confirm / examine | |--------------+-------------------------------------------------------------| | B Button | Cancel | |--------------+-------------------------------------------------------------| | Select | N/A | |--------------+-------------------------------------------------------------| | Start | Open the menu | +--------------+-------------------------------------------------------------+ Before you do anything else, you must decide on a party. A good party is a balanced party in this game. You'll want someone who is a powerful attacker, someone to heal your party, someone who can deal good magic damage, and someone who can help out your party in another way. For this reason I recommend a Warrior, White Mage, Black Mage and then another character of your choice. For me it was a Monk but another Warrior might be a good bet. ______________________________________________________________________________ ) ___ (__/_____) / / +-- (______) ORNELIA ------------------------------------------------ 1.01 --+ Welcome to "Final Fantasy," the game that started it all. The journey of four warriors of light to stop some evil force! Right away you're placed on the world map with little to no idea of what to do. Begin by entering the town beside you, this is the town of Cornelia. In Cornelia there are many shops you can visit and peruse, a weapons shop to upgrade all of your weapons, an armor shop to upgrade your armor and an items shop to pick up some items. Thjere are also two magic shops, black magic and white magic. They each have four spells for sale but Black Mages and White Mages can only carry three spells per magic level. I would recommend Fire, Sleep and Thunder for the Black Mage, and Cure, Dia and Protect for the White Mage. When you're ready then speak to the soldier on the right side of town and he'll take you to see the king. Your goal is now clear and your destination is the Chaos Shrine to the northwest of the village. Leave Cornelia and fight enemies until your party reaches level four, this will be enough to take on the enemies at the temple. Leave the town and make your way northwest, pass the cave in the side of the mountain for now and enter the large stone structure just beyond it. ______________________________________________________________________________ ) ___ (__/_____) / / +-- (______) HAOS SHRINE -------------------------------------------- 1.02 --+ Enter the shrine and make a left at the start. At the lower left corner you will find a small room with a single treasure chest inside. This treasure chest contains a Leather Cap. Continue up from here to reach the upper left corner where you will find two chests containing Potion and Tent. The equivalent rooms on the opposite side are sealed and require the Mystic Key, so return to the entrance and head straight up to find Garland's room. +-+--------------------+------------+-----------+-----------+----------------+ | | GARLAND | HP: 212 | GIL: 250 | EXP: 130 | Longsword | |B|--------------------+------------+-----------+-----------+----------------+ |O| | |S| The first boss of the game isn't meant to be difficult, you can beat him | |S| at a level as low as two, personally I would recommend four but it | | | really doesn't matter. Have your Black Mage cast Thunder while every | | | other character in your party attacks the boss with physical hits. | | | | +-+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ When the boss has been defeated and you are once again back at the castle, speak to Princess Sarah to receive the Lute. Leave the castle and return to town, you will likely need to stay at the inn. If anyone in your party is dead you can revive them at the church. Leave the town and make your way north to reach the bridge. As you start to cross the bridge a cutscene triggers. Here you will reach a fork in the path where you come across some mountains. Take the right path and follow the shoreline east until it leads you south, here you will find the port town of Pravoka. ______________________________________________________________________________ _____ (, / ) _/__ / / ) / +-- (_/ RAVOKA ------------------------------------------------------ 1.03 --+ Welcome to the beautiful town of Pravoka, it is time once again to upgrade all your weapons, armor and magic. The level two black and white magic spells are now available, I would recommend Blizzard, Dark and Temper for black, and Blindna, NulShock and Invis for white. When you've got your party suited up then head over to the left side of town where you will come across three pirates. These pirates mean business. Just for speaking to them, nine of the pirates attack your party. Don't worry though, they only have 24 HP apiece and will easily fall to your attacks. Upon defeating the nine pirates the main pirate gives up and offers you his ship. Leave the town (after staying at the inn of course) and a pirate ship is outside waiting for you. Get on the ship and ride it west until you reach Cornelia, the first town. From there continue to guide the boat west off the southern tip and you'll eventually hit land. Follow this coast south, then east, and south staying along the coast as much as possible until you reach a dock. Get off and make your way south where you'll find a castle and the village of Elfheim. ______________________________________________________________________________ _____) / )__ / +-- (_____) LFHEIM -------------------------------------------------- 1.04 --+ Ah Elfheim, village of the elves. The shops in this town are extremely good, especially when it comes to magic. You will be able to purchase both level three and level four white and black magic in this town. Of course these spells are painfully expensive and if you wish to purchase them all right now it's going to take likely hours of fighting enemies outside, but no matter. I would recommend just picking up the choice spells, you can always come back again. Cross the bridge above you at the town entrance and you'll see three tombstones on the left, be sure to examine them all. After this you should leave the town and go the the castle where you'll find the sleeping prince. Your new destination is the Western Keep. Leave the town and make your way west under the mountains and north from there, eventually you'll reach the Western Keep. Speak to the king inside and once again be on your way. Your destination is a large hole in the ground at the south tip of the continent. ______________________________________________________________________________ __ __) (, /| /| / | / | +-- (_/ |/ |_ ARSH CAVE ------------------------------------------- 1.05 --+ When you enter the cave head straight up and follow the path until you reach some stairs leading down. Head to the upper right corner and open the treasure chest to obtain a Dagger. Beside it (on your left) you'll find a room with 680 Gil inside. Directly below this room is another containing Broadsword and 620 Gil. That's all you will find down here so climb back up the stairs and return to the cave entrance. This time head down, then go down at the fork. You'll find stairs inside this room leading down, take them. Leave the room you appear in and run to the bottom, then right. You'll find a room connecting you to another set of stairs. On B3F run right as far as you possible can then go down, the room beside you has 295 Gil in it. Leave this room and go left, past the first room to the next one. From here, enter the room right below it to find two chests containing Cottage and Phoenix Down. Leave this room and go into the left one to get a Copper Armlet. Now go two rooms left and down once, there's 385 Gil inside the chest here. Now in the room on the left there's another chest, but when you step onto the panel in front of it a battle will trigger against four enemies. These enemies are extremely difficult and they have powerful physical attacks. Fortunately they have a weakness to Thunder so one cast of the Thundara spell should wipe all of them out. The chest in this room contains the 'Crown.' Leave the cave entirely and return to Elfheim where you can rest and heal your party. When you're ready then return to the Western Keep with the Crown in hand. ______________________________________________________________________________ __ __) (, ) | / | /| / |/ |/ +-- / | ESTERN KEEP ------------------------------------------------ 1.06 --+ When you arrive, speak to the king and then a boss battle begins. +-+--------------------+------------+-----------+-----------+----------------+ | | ASTOS | HP: 420 | GIL: 2000 | EXP: 2250 | Mythril Sword | |B|--------------------+------------+-----------+-----------+----------------+ |O| | |S| Astos has one nasty attack up his sleeve and that's the Death spell | |S| which can instantly eliminate one member of your party so be sure you | | | have a good number of Phoenix Downs in your inventory. He also likes to | | | cast the Fira spell so have your White Mage cast NulBlaze. Attack with | | | physical attacks and the Fira, Thundara or Blizzara spells to win. | | | | +-+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ After the fight you are given the Crystal Eye. Take it and ride the ship back to Cornelia. Go around the coast to find the bridge that was built and go under it. There's a dock in this area which will allow you to go north and reach Matoya's cave. Inside you'll find three chests containing Antidote, Potion and Potion. When you speak to her she gives you the Jolt Tonic. Take this Jolt Tonic and bring it back to Elfheim Castle. Use it to wake up the sleeping prince in order to acquire the Mystic Key. With the Mystic Key in hand there are a number of things you can do now and many items to get. There are two treasure rooms in Cornelia Castle, the first has Saber, Mythril Knife and Cottage inside the chests. In the second you'll find Tent, Iron Armor and Nitro Powder. Next head over to the Chaos Shrine northwest of here where you'll get Rune Blade, Werebuster and Gold Needle. Back in Elfheim Castle there's a secret room at the upper right. Enter the castle and head right immediately, you can go around the side without actually exiting in order to reach it. There are four chests containing Myhtril Hammer, 800 Gil, 700 Gil, and Bronze Gloves. I believe there are also a few chests on the lowest floor of the Marsh Cave you just finished. Regardless, after everything is said and done, sail you ship to Cornelia once again. Follow the shoreline west until you reach a dock. Get off and head southwest until you come across a cave. Save your game and enter the cave beside you. ______________________________________________________________________________ __ __) (, /| /| / | / | +-- (_/ |/ |_ OUNT DUERGAR ---------------------------------------- 1.07 --+ Directly above you at the beginning is a small room with two chests containign 575 Gil and 450 Gil. Make your way down and left, going left at the first and second forks until you come across a room with eight chests. You will get Wyrmkiller, Ether, Potion, Mythril Mail, 575 Gil, Cottage, Great Helm and Tent. Speak to the dwarf just outside this room and give him the Nitro Powder. Now that the canal has been blown open, get on your ship and sail through it to the west. You'll find a dock almost immediately, just up a little bit. Forget that whirlpool for now, you'll come back later. ______________________________________________________________________________ __ __) (, /| /| / | / | +-- (_/ |/ |_ ELMOND ---------------------------------------------- 1.08 --+ The only thing you can really do in this town is upgrade your magic and equipment, but even that is hard to do. You'll be lucky if you can come close to affording that Knight's Armor, and you can't upgrade your magic until you reach level nineteen. Some of the spells even require that you upgrade your job classes, but we'll get to that soon. Once you're ready then leave the town and head west then go south at the first chance you get to find the cave. ______________________________________________________________________________ ) ___ (__/_____) / / +-- (______) AVERN OF EARTH ----------------------------------------- 1.09 --+ Directly above the stairs where you start is a path leading to a chest containing 1975 Gil. You'll have to fight an Earth Elemental in order to get it, not too difficult, just exploit the weakness to fire. Return to the entrance. If you would like to acquire copious amounts of money and experience, take the left path. It leads around and starts downward. On this downward path you will encounter Gigas enemies on EVERY panel, it's taxing on your strength but the rewards for defeating them are well worth it. You could easily get to level nineteen, high enough to equip those spells, and you'll definitely have enough money to afford them. From the stairs at the entrance head right and go down immediately. At the fork head right and check the room for 795 Gil and an Antidote. Back at the fork go left and down to find two chests. The one on the right is trapped with an Earth Elemental and has a Potion, the other has 800 Gil in it. Once again head back to the entrance of the dungeon and go right. Follow this path until you find some stairs. On the next level, make your way through this mazy area to the upper right corner. Inside the room are three chests containing Coral Sword, Tent and 300 Gil. Next head for the bottom-middle-ish area. There's a path leading down to a room with 575 Gil, Leather Shield and 5000 Gil inside. You'll find the stairs leading to the next floor in the lower right corner, but you'll have to go back up and loop around a bit to reach them. On this floor head all the way to the right and go into the room to find a chest containing Sleeping Bag. Go up and left when you get the chance, you'll pass four rooms. The first has 3400 Gil inside, the second is empty, the third has 1020 Gil and the final room has the boss. Be sure to heal up your party in preparation. +-+--------------------+------------+-----------+-----------+----------------+ | | VAMPIRE | HP: 280 | GIL: 2000 | EXP: 1200 | N/A | |B|--------------------+------------+-----------+-----------+----------------+ |O| | |S| This is the easiest boss in the universe, I'm not even sure if he has | |S| attacks since he's so weak and crappy that he'll be defeated before he | | | has the chance to use them. Simply do this, physical attack, Diaga, | | | Firaga, physical attack. The boss cannot withstand this one turn. | | | | +-+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Your next destination is the Giant's Cave though you may want to return to the town first. To reach the Giant's Cave it's the same idea as reaching the Cavern of Earth, except when heading west from the town, take the second south path instead of the first. Give the gaint the Star Ruby then head down to find a room with four chests containing 620 Gil, 450 Gil, Mythril Helm and Great Axe. Leave the cave via the stairs at the upper left. Follow the map until you reach another cave, the man inside gives you the Earth Rod. Now take the Earth Rod and bring it ALL THE WAY back to the room where you fought the Vampire. There's a door on the right side leading up to a stone tablet, examine it and some stairs appear. Head up at the fork and follow the path to find Staff, 3400 Gil, 1455 Gil, 1520 Gil, and 5450 Gil. Return to the first fork in this area and head left. Make your way to the far left wall and head down to find a room with lots of battles and three chests containing Tent, 1250 Gil and Mythril Shield. From here head for the upper left corner to find another set of stairs. On this floor the boss is located at the lower left corner but in order to get there you'll have to go up and around the top. +-+--------------------+------------+-----------+-----------+----------------+ | | LICH | HP: 1200 | GIL: 3000 | EXP: 2200 | Dry Ether | |B|--------------------+------------+-----------+-----------+----------------+ |O| | |S| This boss is only easy if you have an abundance of MP, if not it's | |S| going to be very difficult. Spells like Diaga and Firaga really wipe | | | the floor with this boss, but he is practically immune to physical | | | attacks meaning that when you run out of MP, you basically run out of | | | strategy. If you cast Haste on your best attacker it can usually | | | bring up his damage enough to fight, so do that. Otherwise just | | | rely on the Firaga and Diaga spells in order to win this battle. | | | | +-+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Head around behind the crystal and step on the glowing panel to get out of this cave. Your next destination is Crescent Lake. Get on your ship and sail is southwest until you reach a dock on a stretch of land kind of sticking out to the right of some mountains. Get off and walk west, then south when you reach the trees, west further, then finally up and to the right. ______________________________________________________________________________ ) ___ (__/_____) / / +-- (______) RESCENT LAKE ------------------------------------------- 1.10 --+ The beautiful town of crescent lake awaits with its many weapons and powerful magic spells. Your only goal here is to make your way to the upper right side of town where you'll find a bridge leading to the twelve sages. Speak to all of them to get the Canoe. Now when you exit town and head up you can use the canoe on water. Ride it west, up somewhat and then further west. Eventually, through this maze, you should reach an area of land where you will find a volcano across one more small stretch of water. This is Mount Gulg. ______________________________________________________________________________ __ __) (, /| /| / | / | +-- (_/ |/ |_ OUNT GULG ------------------------------------------- 1.11 --+ You will notice some magma all over the place, yo have to cross it but don't worry, the damage is pretty insignificant. Head left and go down the stairs above you. On the next floor do straight up through the door until you see a chest on your left, open it to receive Mythril Helm. Go down from here and get the chest containing 1520 Gil. You'll see a door on the left side, take it and head up. Make a left at the fork then go down to find a bajillion chests. They containg 1760 Gil, Mythril Shield, Phoenix Down, Mythril Axe, Mythril Helm, Mythril Gloves, 1520 Gil, 1455 Gil, Antidote, 1975 Gil, Tent, Hi-Potion. Head straight up from here and you'll see two chests on the right, open them to get 795 Gil and 750 Gil. Take the right-most path down from here and it will lead you to the top of the room. From here head right and down to find a chest containing 4150 Gil. Keep going up and down as you try to make your way left, you'll come across a chest with a Great Sword in it. Now return to the bottom of this room and head left to find stairs leading down. The stairs on this floor can be found on the far right side. On this floor head to the lower right corner to find some stairs leading up. When you reach this floor head down, left at the fork, down at the fork, and left at the fork to reach the stairs. Enter the room and open the two chests to get Gold Needle and 2750 Gil. Make your way left and down, then enter the room to get 1760 Gil from the chest. Head left outside of this room and you'll come across another with quite a few chests in it. Inside you'll find Antidote, Ice Brand, 880 Gil, 7340 Gil and Flame Shield. Leave the room and head back to the right then go down. Enter the first room to find 10 Gil and 155 Gil. Up from there is another room containing 2000 Gil and Cottage. Return to the last fork and go down, enter the room to get Staff and 1250 Gil. Descend the stairs at the end of the path and go left on the next floor. You'll find a Flame Mail in this room. Leave the room and go down, through the lava to reach the lower left corner where you will encounter the boss. +-+--------------------+------------+-----------+-----------+----------------+ | | MARILITH | HP: 1440 | GIL: 3000 | EXP: 2475 | Golden Apple | |B|--------------------+------------+-----------+-----------+----------------+ |O| | |S| Watch out for her physical attacks, that's where she'll get you. Her | |S| physical attacks can sometimes deal more than 300 damage to a character | | | if they aren't well equipped. She also has a habit of casting the Fira | | | spell so have your White Mage use NulBlaze to weaken it. After that | | | cast Haste on your Warrior equipped with the Ice Brand, then have your | | | Black Mage use Blizzara on every turn after that. Your White Mage | | | should cast Protera to raise your party's defense then focus on healing. | | | | +-+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Step on the warp panel behind the boss to get out of the dungeon. Return to town and heal up your party. Now get in your sailing ship and sail north until you find another place to dock. You don't actually get off here however, on the left is a river and you can change directly from the ship into the canoe. Ride the canoe to the southwest until you find a stretch of land that eventually leads to the cave. It's not the cave that is actually on the river, like I said, you have to walk across some land first to reach it. ______________________________________________________________________________ ) ___ (__/_____) / / +-- (______) AVERN OF ICE ------------------------------------------- 1.12 --+ Head right at the start and follow the path around until you find some stairs leading down. The stairs on this floor are located in the lower left corner. After that the stairs are right beside you. Now make your way around to the bottom where you'll find a large room with cracks in the floor. Avoid the cracks and open the chests to get Flame Sword and Clothes then fall down one of the cracks. Head left and get the Ice Armor and Mythril Gloves. Head straight down without changing directions and you'll find a room with six treasure chests. Here you'll find 12,350 Gil, 180 Gil, 5454 Gil, 5000 Gil, 7900 Gil, 9900 Gil. Next head for the lower right corner where you'll find some stairs leading up. Open the chest to get an Ether, then leave the room and head down to the room below. Inside this chest is 10,000 Gil. Enter the room on the right to find three chests with Sleeping Bag, 9500 Gil and Ice Shield. Now drop down the crack and step in front of the stone. You'll fight the Evil Eye, a boss which will probably go down in a single hit. Afterward grab the Levistone then drop down the cracks. Return to the room which had the three chests in it but don't go inside, instead head past it to the right and go up to find some stairs. This will lead you outside. Get back to the sailing ship and return to Crescent Lake. From the town go up and get in your canoe. Ride left until the river goes down, then follow it. At the bottom you'll find a small patch of desert, get off on the land beside the river and enter the desert to obtain the airship. Now with the airship in your possession you can fly all around the world. Locate the enormous desert with a large tower right in the middle. At the northeast corner of this continent you'll find the town of Gaia. At the southwest corner is a castle, however you cannot land near it. Put your ship down east of the castle on the other side of the small desert patch and walk, you'll have to canoe across. ______________________________________________________________________________ ) ___ (__/_____) / / +-- (______) ITADEL OF TRIALS --------------------------------------- 1.13 --+ Speak to the guy and then make your way to the upper left room. Stand on the throne and you'll be warped to the next floor. Step on the first warp portal, then the next one. Now you'll have a choice of two. Take the lower one, then the only one. Now take the lower one and head down to the only one here. Take the one on the right, then head over to the right side and get the chest in the room containing Gauntlets. Leave the room and take the path below you, on the left. Take the transporter directly below you and climb the stairs. Above you in the chest you'll find Healing Staff, then over to the left are three chests containing Steel Gloves, Ice Brand and Ruby Armlet. At the bottom is 7340 Gil, 1455 Gil and Cottage. Inside the chest on the right you will Rat's Tail. Before you can leave you will have to fight Dragon Zombie, a simple cast of the Firaga spell will quickly end the battle. South of the castle is a hole in an island, and beside that five more holes. Enter the first hole and get the three chests for 2750 Gil, 1455 Gil and 2000 Gil. Check each of the holes to eventually find the enormous dragon Bahamut. The Rat's Tail is proof of your courage and with that he upgrades the class level of each member in your party. Now you can purchase those top notch magic spells. Find the enormous desert once again and head to the northeast corner of the continent. There surrounded by mountains is the town of Gaia. ______________________________________________________________________________ _____) / / / / ) +-- (____ / AIA -------------------------------------------------- 1.14 --+ Grab whatever upgrades to your magic and equipment you need here, but keep your money above 40,000 Gil. When you're done shopping leave the town and head down to that tower in the middle of the desert. Head east across the ocean to reach another somewhat smaller desert. Land your airship and look at the top of this desert for a kind fo tiny, oval shaped... mini desert circle. The Caravan is hidden in the centre of this. Purchase the bottle for 40,000 Gil and return to Gaia. When you enter the Faerie will pop out of the bottle and disappear. Head to the upper left corner of town, up past the item shop, right past the church and around to find the Faerie. When you speak to her she gives you the Oxyale. Now leave the town and get into your airship. Fly west until you hit a waterfall and go south from there to find a town in the middle of a forested area. It's a bit of a walk, you'll have to drop your ship down further south and then walk up to reach the town of Onrac. ______________________________________________________________________________ __) /(, ) / / / / +-- (___ / NRAC ----------------------------------------------------- 1.15 --+ Once again, a great place to shop although it does not have any weapon or armour shops. When you're ready then leave town and head left to the river. Canoe up it and go into the Waterfall Cave. This place is kind of like a maze but there's only one floor, your destination is the lower left corner where you'll find a room with a robot inside. Speak to it to get the Warp Cube. Afterward open all the chests and you'll receive Wizard's Staff, Ribbon, 13,450 Gil, 6400 Gil, 5000 Gil and Defender. Now return to the town of Onrac. Your destination is the lower right hand corner where you will find a girl and a submarine thing. Get in the sub and ride it down to the Sunken Shrine. ______________________________________________________________________________ __ (__/ ) / ) / +-- (_/ UNKEN SHRINE ------------------------------------------------ 1.16 --+ Head up and to the right, you'll come across a room with a 2000 Gil chest. Up on the left side you'll find a chest with 9900 Gil in it. Make your way to the upper right corner and climb the stairs. Make a left at the fork and enter the large room to get 20 Gil out of the chest. Head up from here to get Diamond Armor from the room, then down to the lower left corner for a Light Axe. Head right from here to find a chest containing Mage's Staff in the room. Continue right and enter the room at the bottom for 12,350 Gil. Climb the stairs and go up to find a room with three chests, 1760 Gil, 9000 Gil and Diamond Armlet. Leave this room and go left until you hit the wall, then up until the path stops. Go right, past one room and into the second where you'll find a chest containing 2750 Gil. Go down one room and right one to find another chest with 4150 Gil. To the right you'll find another 5000 Gil. Head straight down as far as you can, the room on the right has a Diamond Shield while the room on the left has an Antidote. Head as far up as you can and check the room on the left for 10,000 Gil and 10 Gil. Make your way to the upper left corner and head down one room to find three chests with Diamond Gloves, Diamond Helm and Rosetta Stone. Now it's time to return once again to the entrance of the shrine. This time instead of taking the stairs at the upper right corner, take the stairs at the upper left corner. Follow the path up to find another set of stairs, then take the stairs beside you on the next floor. Go up the stairs at the bottom right then enter the door and get 110 Gil from the chest and 450 Gil from the one below it. Exit through the door at the bottom and descend the stairs. In this area go left and down, then head through the door and open the chests containing 7690 Gil and 8135 Gil. In the room to the left of this one you'll find Giant's Gloves, 5450 Gil and 385 Gil. Go up from this room to get Light Axe. To the right of that room you'll find 2750 Gil, 7340 Gil, 9900 Gil and Ribbon. From this room go up and then make a left at the fork to find the stairs. Follow the thin path left of the stairs on the next floor, then head up at the fork past the door, left at the first chance you get, then down. This will bring you to a large room. There's a door on the left side leading out to a path that goes up to another room. In this room is the orb and the boss, heal up and fight. +-+--------------------+------------+-----------+-----------+----------------+ | | KRAKEN | HP: 1800 | GIL: 5000 | EXP: 4245 | Kikuichimonji | |B|--------------------+------------+-----------+-----------+----------------+ |O| | |S| You shouldn't find this boss battle too difficult, the Kraken has an | |S| extreme weakness to thunder magic so the Thundaga spell should deall | | | well over 400 damage here. With my Knight with Haste attacking, the | | | Black Wizard using Thundaga, the White Wizard using holy, and the | | | useless Monk/Master with healing items, the battle was over quick. | | | | +-+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Now it's time to return to the town of Melmond. In the upper area near the gravestones there is a scholar walking around. Show him the Rosetta Stone you got and he will teach you how to speak Lufenian. Return to Gaia in your airship and head south, and a tiny bit east. You'll find a large village surrounded by forest, so much forest that you will have to put down your airship far to the north, in a little spot beside the large desert and walk from there. It's quite a long trip before you reach the town of Lufenia. ______________________________________________________________________________ _ ___/__) (, / / +-- (_____ UFENIA --------------------------------------------------- 1.17 --+ What you want to do first is head to the upper right side, you'll notice an area where you can go through an opening in the wall and head right to reach the two secret magic shops. They only sell one spell each, but they are the game's ultimate magic spells, Full Life and Flare. After that head down the right side of the town area and speak to the guy standing still in the corner to get the Chime. Now your next destination is the tower in the middle of the large desert, drop your airship down southeast of it and walk up to it. ______________________________________________________________________________ __ __) (, /| /| / | / | +-- (_/ |/ |_ IRAGE TOWER ----------------------------------------- 1.18 --+ Enter the first door inside and run to the middle where you'll find quite a few chests containing 800 Gil, Healing Helm, 3400 Gil, 18,010 Gil, 2750 Gil, Aegis Shield, and Tent. Take the lower left door out of this room and ascend the stairs. Follow the path until you come to a fork then take the lower path. When you get around to the left side, go right, down, right, down etc until you reach a room. In this room are quite a few chests which contain Thor's Hammer, 12,350 Gil, 7900 Gil, 13,000 Gil, 8135 Gil, Sun Blade, 7600 Gil, 10,000 Gil, Cottage, and Dragon Mail. Leave through the lower right door and head up to reach the stairs to the next floor. Head down the path and enter the room to find a warp portal to the flying fortress. ______________________________________________________________________________ ________) (, / /___, ) / +-- (_/ LYING FORTRESS -------------------------------------------- 1.19 --+ Head all the way down to the bottom and open the chest to get Razer. Return to the room you came from and go left to another room with four chests containing 7900 Gil, Potion, 4150 Gil and 9900 Gil. Over on the right side you'll find 180 Gil, Healing Helm, Protect Ring, 6720 Gil, 5000 Gil. After this head up to the top and step on the warp portal. Go down until the path opens up and check the upper right room for Diamond Gloves. The upper left room has a Cottage and Mythril Gloves. Return to the centre and go left to find a room with 880 Gil and 13,000 Gil. The room on the right has a Ribbon and a Diamond Shield. Next check the lower right room to get Black Robe and White Robe. The lower left room contains the fabled Adamantite so you'll want to get that for sure. Now take the bottom middle path to warp to the next floor. Examine the object in the middle then take the lower right path to reach a room with six chests in it. Get 8135 Gil, Protect Cloak, 9500 Gil, Clothes, 6400 Gil and Gold Needle. Now return to the warp portal and head stairght up. This room contains Potion, 5450 Gil, Protect Ring and 9000 Gil. In the left room you will find 4150 Gil, Gold Needle, 3400 Gil and Sasuke's Blade. Below this room is the warp portal to the next floor. This floor loops forever, all you have to do is go down two intersections, then head right until you find the next warp. Before moving anywhere, save your game. If you're in the mood to fight an optional boss then wander along this bridge for awhile and eventually you will encounter the Death Machine. Whether or not you choose to fight this boss you're going to have to fight the Tiamat +-+--------------------+------------+-----------+-----------+----------------+ | | TIAMAT | HP: 2400 | GIL: 6000 | EXP: 5496 | N/A | |B|--------------------+------------+-----------+-----------+----------------+ |O| | |S| The massive dragon isn't so massive when it comes to power. His attacks | |S| are weak and his only powerful spell is lightning based which means you | | | can cast NulShock to reduce the damage. Since the boss is almost immune | | | to physical attacks you should just have your Black Mage cast Flare, | | | your White Mage cast Holy, and with the other two characters I just | | | had them using the Healing Helm items every turn, it worked. | | | | +-+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ At this point there are a couple of things you can do, the first and most important is to head to the draves cave (Mount Duergar) where you blew up the path in the water (west of Cornelia.) Give the Adamantite to the dwarf in the top room to get Excalibur, the most powerful sword in the universe. Now at this point you can also visit the option dungeon caves, there are a total of four of them. Each of them are randomly geberated with random items, but the bosses do not change. Once you enter you cannot leave until the bosses are defeated. The locations of the four optional caves are as follows: The Earthgrift Shrine is located northwest of Cornelia, it's the first cave you pass on the way to the Chaos Shrine. The Hellfire Chasm is found in one of those many holes you entered when looking for Bahamut to do the job class upgrade. The Lifespring Grotto is that whirlpool located in the water beside the dwarf cave, you can't miss it. Finally, the Whisperwind Cave can be foundby taking your canoe to the Ice Cavern and going around to the right side, you'll find a cave door directly touching the water there. Feel free to explore those as you see fit, when you're ready to proceed then it's time to head for the final dungeon. The final dungeon is found by returning to the Chaos Shrine, northwest of Cornelia. Examine the orb there. ______________________________________________________________________________ ) ___ (__/_____) / / +-- (______) HAOS SHRINE -------------------------------------------- 1.20 --+ After being teleported, head to the lower right corner and climb the stairs. The stairs on the next floor are located directly to the right. Run all the way down to the bottom and then over to the right. Enter the room in the middle, open the two chests to get Elixir and Dry Ether, then examine the plate and a ladder appears. Climb down the head left and up to the ladder leading down to the first floor. Continue left to the upper left corner and descend to B1. Run up the hall to a fork and go right. Ignore the first fork and head down the second. When you approach the stairs a battle begins. +-+--------------------+------------+-----------+-----------+----------------+ | | LICH | HP: 2800 | GIL: 1 | EXP: 2000 | N/A | |B|--------------------+------------+-----------+-----------+----------------+ |O| | |S| This guy is nothing like the first Lich, he's equipped with all sorts of | |S| powerful magic spells. Fortunately however his defense against physical | | | attacks is not too high so cast Haste on your Warrior before letting | | | loose with Flare, Firaga, Diaja and Holy magic. All are effective. | | | | +-+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Descend the stairs and go left until you hit a pillar. then immediately up until you hit a door. In this room go up a bit, then right, and down through an equivalent door. Down and bit and left, you'll find a set of stairs going down. Before descending, head down from the stairs and go through the door on the right. The chest contains Protect Cloak while the chest on the very far right has a Megalixir inside. Leave this room and head left into the other door. Grab the Protect Ring and then down and left. Follow the path to a fork and head right. Through the door you'll find a Sasuke's Blade. Now return back to the staircase you passed earlier and prepare for a fight. +-+--------------------+------------+-----------+-----------+----------------+ | | MARILITH | HP: 3200 | GIL: 3000 | EXP: 2000 | N/A | |B|--------------------+------------+-----------+-----------+----------------+ |O| | |S| Like the Lich, you'll be facing a much more difficult version of this | |S| boss. Watch out for the Firaga spell, be sure to use NulBlaze on your | | | first turn to reduce the damage you take and have Healaga ready. | | | Believe it or not, Marilith is not weak at all against Blizzaga, in fact | | | it totally sucks. Your spell of choice here is Flare and a Warrior | | | equipped with the Excalibur and with Haste casted will deal most of all. | | | | +-+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Basically your only goal on this floor is to get to the lower right corner. +-+--------------------+------------+-----------+-----------+----------------+ | | KRAKEN | HP: 3600 | GIL: 1 | EXP: 2000 | Eye Drops | |B|--------------------+------------+-----------+-----------+----------------+ |O| | |S| Begin the battle by having your White Wizard cast the NulShock spell and | |S| and then as usual, use Haste on your Warrior. The Black Wizard should | | | cast Flare while the White Wizard heals, the Warrior attacks and whoever | | | else is there does whatever the hell they want until the fight ends. | | | | +-+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Make your way to the lower right corner where you will find the Masamune, a weapon to finally make that damn Monk useful. Head back to the stairs you took to get down here and go directly right to encounter the boss. +-+--------------------+------------+-----------+-----------+----------------+ | | TIAMAT | HP: 5500 | GIL: 1 | EXP: 2000 | Rune Staff | |B|--------------------+------------+-----------+-----------+----------------+ |O| | |S| The most difficult of the newer bosses shouldn't be too much of a | |S| problem. His defense against physical attacks is strong, but the | | | Excalibur and even moreso, the Masamune should bring him down quickly | | | if both characters have Haste on them. Cast Protera on your party since | | | most of the boss' attacks are physical and then... kill it. | | | | +-+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Head down the stairs and run down to the large room at the bottom. Heal up. +-+--------------------+------------+-----------+-----------+----------------+ | | CHAOS | HP: 20,000 | GIL: N/A | EXP: N/A | N/A | |B|--------------------+------------+-----------+-----------+----------------+ |O| | |S| To be honest, many final bosses in games are disappointing due to a | |S| lack of difficulty. Chaos is not one of them, he is exponentially | | | harder than all other bosses in the game. You will want to be about | | | level 50 before taking him on. Here's how the battle should go. Your | | | White Wizard will use the first three turns to cast NulBlaze, NulShock, | | | and NulIce. Unless you need to heal of course. Chaos uses magic | | | spells of many elements. Your Black Wizard should cast Haste on your | | | Warrior (equipped with Excalibur) and Master (equipped with Masamune) | | | or whatever other combination you have. On the next turns he should | | | cast Temper on them and they themselves should use the Giant's Glove | | | item which casts Saber on them. With this, their critical hits should | | | deal 1000-1500 damage. That's a good start. Put your White Wizard on | | | Full Time Healaga and the Black Wizard should use either Flare or items | | | depending on your situation. Keep this up and Chaos will fall. | | | | +-+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Congratulations on completing the game. All that is left is the ending. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ~~\/~~~~~~\/~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\/~~~~~~\/~~ || 2.00 || Shop List || 2.00 || __||______||______________________________________________________||______||__ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ) ___ (__/_____) / / +-- (______) ORNELIA ------------------------------------------------ 2.01 --+ +-+--------------------+--------------------------------+-----+-----+--------+ | | Name | Description | ATK | ACC | Price | |W|--------------------+--------------------------------+-----+-----+--------+ |E| | | | | | |A| Nunchaku.......... | Wooden nunchaku............... | 12. | 0.. | 8..... | |P| Knife............. | A small knife................. | 5.. | 10. | 4..... | |O| Staff............. | A wooden staff................ | 6.. | 0.. | 4..... | |N| Rapier............ | A sword with a slender blade.. | 9.. | 5.. | 8..... | |S| Hammer............ | A hammer made for battle...... | 8.. | 0.. | 8..... | | | | | | | | +-+--------------------+--------------------------------+-----+-----+--------+ | | Name | Description | DEF | WGT | Price | |A|--------------------+--------------------------------+-----+-----+--------+ |R| | | | | | |M| Clothes........... | Ordinary clothing............. | 1.. | 2.. | 8..... | |O| Leather Armor..... | Armor made of hardened leather | 4.. | 8.. | 40.... | |R| Chain Mail........ | Mail of interwoven chain links | 15. | 15. | 65.... | | | | | | | | +-+--------------------+--------------------------------+-----+-----+--------+ | | Name | Description | LVL | Price | |B|--------------------+--------------------------------------+-----+--------+ |M| | | | | |A| Nunchaku.......... | Deals fire damage to one foe........ | Lv1 | 50.... | |G| Knife............. | Puts all foes to sleep.............. | Lv1 | 50.... | |I| Staff............. | Lowers one foe's evasion............ | Lv1 | 50.... | |C| Rapier............ | Deals lightning damage to one foe... | Lv1 | 50.... | | | | | | | +-+--------------------+--------------------------------------+-----+--------+ | | Name | Description | LVL | Price | |W|--------------------+--------------------------------------+-----+--------+ |M| | | | | |A| Cure.............. | Restores a little HP to one ally.... | Lv1 | 50.... | |G| Dia............... | Deals damage to all undead foes..... | Lv1 | 50.... | |I| Protect........... | Raises one ally's defense........... | Lv1 | 50.... | |C| Blinkr............ | Raises caster's evasion............. | Lv1 | 50.... | | | | | | | +-+--------------------+--------------------------------------+-----+--------+ | | Name | Description | Price | |I|--------------------+--------------------------------------------+--------+ |T| | | | |E| Potion............ | Restores 50 HP............................ | 40.... | |M| Antidote.......... | Cures poison.............................. | 50.... | |S| Phoenix Down...... | Revives one KO'd ally..................... | 500... | | | Sleeping Bag...... | Partially restores party's HP............. | 50.... | | | | | | +-+--------------------+--------------------------------------------+--------+ _____ (, / ) _/__ / / ) / +-- (_/ RAVOKA ------------------------------------------------------ 2.02 --+ +-+--------------------+--------------------------------+-----+-----+--------+ | | Name | Description | ATK | ACC | Price | |W|--------------------+--------------------------------+-----+-----+--------+ |E| | | | | | |A| Hammer............ | A hammer made for battle...... | 9.. | 0.. | 8..... | |P| Broadsword........ | Sword with a wide, double-edge | 15. | 10. | 450... | |O| Battle Axe........ | An axe made for battle........ | 16. | 5.. | 450... | |N| Scimitar.......... | A sword with a curved blade... | 10. | 10. | 160... | | | | | | | | +-+--------------------+--------------------------------+-----+-----+--------+ | | Name | Description | DEF | WGT | Price | |A|--------------------+--------------------------------+-----+-----+--------+ |R| | | | | | |M| Leather Armor..... | Armor made of hardened leather | 4.. | 8.. | 40.... | |O| Chain Mail........ | Mail of interwoven chain links | 15. | 15. | 65.... | |R| Iron Armor........ | Armor made of hammered iron... | 24. | 23. | 640... | | | Leather Shield.... | A shield made of leather.......| 2.. | 0.. | 12.... | | | Leather Glove..... | Gloves made of leather........ | 1.. | 1.. | 50.... | | | | | | | | +-+--------------------+--------------------------------+-----+-----+--------+ | | Name | Description | LVL | Price | |B|--------------------+--------------------------------------+-----+--------+ |M| | | | | |A| Blizzard.......... | Deals ice damage to one foe......... | Lv2 | 250... | |G| Dark.............. | Blinds all foes with darkness....... | Lv2 | 250... | |I| Temper............ | Raises one ally's attack............ | Lv2 | 250... | |C| Slow.............. | Reduces all foes' number of attacks. | Lv2 | 250... | | | | | | | +-+--------------------+--------------------------------------+-----+--------+ | | Name | Description | LVL | Price | |W|--------------------+--------------------------------------+-----+--------+ |M| | | | | |A| Blindna........... | Cures darkness...................... | Lv2 | 250... | |G| Silence........... | Prevents all foes from casting spell | Lv2 | 250... | |I| NulShock.......... | Reduces lightning damage by half.... | Lv2 | 250... | |C| Invis............. | Raises one ally's evasion........... | Lv2 | 250... | | | | | | | +-+--------------------+--------------------------------------+-----+--------+ | | Name | Description | Price | |I|--------------------+--------------------------------------------+--------+ |T| | | | |E| Potion............ | Restores 50 HP............................ | 40.... | |M| Ether............. | Restores 50 MP............................ | 150... | |S| Antidote.......... | Cures poison.............................. | 50.... | | | Eye Drops......... | Cures darkness............................ | 50.... | | | Phoenix Down...... | Revives one KO'd ally..................... | 500... | | | | | | +-+--------------------+--------------------------------------------+--------+ _____) / )__ / +-- (_____) LFHEIM -------------------------------------------------- 2.03 --+ +-+--------------------+--------------------------------+-----+-----+--------+ | | Name | Description | ATK | ACC | Price | |W|--------------------+--------------------------------+-----+-----+--------+ |E| | | | | | |A| Iron Nunchuku..... | Nunchuku made of iron......... | 16. | 0.. | 160... | |P| Dagger............ | A large knife................. | 7.. | 10. | 140... | |O| Crosier........... | A staff topped with iron ring. | 14. | 0.. | 160... | |N| Saber............. | A long sword made for piercing | 13. | 5.. | 360... | | | | | | | | +-+--------------------+--------------------------------+-----+-----+--------+ | | Name | Description | DEF | WGT | Price | |A|--------------------+--------------------------------+-----+-----+--------+ |R| | | | | | |M| Iron Armor........ | Armor made of hammered iron... | 24. | 23. | 640... | |O| Copper Armlet..... | An armlet crafted from copper. | 4.. | 1.. | 800... | |R| Iron Shield....... | A shield wrought from iron.... | 4.. | 0.. | 80.... | | | Leather Cap....... | A cap made fo leather..........| 1.. | 1.. | 65.... | | | Helm.............. | A small helm.................. | 3.. | 3.. | 80.... | | | | | | | | +-+--------------------+--------------------------------+-----+-----+--------+ | | Name | Description | LVL | Price | |B|--------------------+--------------------------------------+-----+--------+ |M| | | | | |A| Fira.............. | Deals fire damage to all foes....... | Lv3 | 1000.. | |G| Hold.............. | Paralyzes one foe................... | Lv3 | 1000.. | |I| Thundara.......... | Deals lightning damage to all foes.. | Lv3 | 1000.. | |C| Focara............ | Lowers evasion of all foes.......... | Lv3 | 1000.. | | | | | | | +-+--------------------+--------------------------------------+-----+--------+ | | Name | Description | LVL | Price | |W|--------------------+--------------------------------------+-----+--------+ |M| | | | | |A| Cura.............. | Restores HP to one ally............. | Lv3 | 1000.. | |G| Diara............. | Deals damage to all undead foes..... | Lv3 | 1000.. | |I| NulBlaze.......... | Reduces fire damage by half......... | Lv3 | 1000.. | |C| Heal.............. | Restores a little HP to entire party | Lv3 | 1000.. | | | | | | | +-+--------------------+--------------------------------------+-----+--------+ | | Name | Description | LVL | Price | |B|--------------------+--------------------------------------+-----+--------+ |M| | | | | |A| Sleepra........... | Puts one foe to sleep............... | Lv4 | 2500.. | |G| Haste............. | Doubles one ally's number of attacks | Lv4 | 2500.. | |I| Confuse........... | Causes foes to turn on each other... | Lv4 | 2500.. | |C| Blizzara.......... | Deals ice damage to all foes........ | Lv4 | 2500.. | | | | | | | +-+--------------------+--------------------------------------+-----+--------+ | | Name | Description | LVL | Price | |W|--------------------+--------------------------------------+-----+--------+ |M| | | | | |A| Poisona........... | Cures poison........................ | Lv4 | 2500.. | |G| Fear.............. | Drives all foes away in terror...... | Lv4 | 2500.. | |I| NulFrost.......... | Reduces ice damage by half.......... | Lv4 | 2500.. | |C| Vox............... | Cures silence....................... | Lv4 | 2500.. | | | | | | | +-+--------------------+--------------------------------------+-----+--------+ | | Name | Description | Price | |I|--------------------+--------------------------------------------+--------+ |T| | | | |E| Potion............ | Restores 50 HP............................ | 40.... | |M| Antidote.......... | Cures poison.............................. | 50.... | |S| Gold Needle....... | Cures stone............................... | 500... | | | Echo Grass........ | Cures silence............................. | 50.... | | | Tent.............. | Partially restores party's HP and MP...... | 160... | | | | | | +-+--------------------+--------------------------------------------+--------+ __ __) (, /| /| / | / | +-- (_/ |/ |_ ELMOND --------------------------------------------- 2.04 --+ +-+--------------------+--------------------------------+-----+-----+--------+ | | Name | Description | ATK | ACC | Price | |W|--------------------+--------------------------------+-----+-----+--------+ |E| | | | | | |A| Crosier........... | A staff topped with iron ring. | 14. | 0.. | 160... | |P| Saber............. | A long sword made for piercing | 13. | 5.. | 360... | |O| Longsword......... | A large, double-edged sword... | 20. | 10. | 1200.. | |N| Falchion.......... | A sword that widens its tip... | 15. | 10. | 360... | | | | | | | | +-+--------------------+--------------------------------+-----+-----+--------+ | | Name | Description | DEF | WGT | Price | |A|--------------------+--------------------------------+-----+-----+--------+ |R| | | | | | |M| Knight's Armor.... | Armor crafted from steel plate | 34. | 33. | 36,000 | |O| Silver Armlet..... | An armlet of worked silver.... | 15. | 1.. | 4000.. | |R| Great Helm........ | A helmet that covers the head. | 5.. | 5.. | 360... | | | Bronze Gloves..... | Gloves made of bronze..........| 2.. | 3.. | 160... | | | Steel Gloves...... | Gloves made of steel.......... | 4.. | 5.. | 600... | | | | | | | | +-+--------------------+--------------------------------+-----+-----+--------+ | | Name | Description | LVL | Price | |B|--------------------+--------------------------------------+-----+--------+ |M| | | | | |A| Firaga............ | Deals ice damage to one foe......... | Lv5 | 4000.. | |G| Scourge........... | Instantly kills all foes............ | Lv5 | 4000.. | |I| Teleport.......... | Transports party to previous floor.. | Lv5 | 4000.. | |C| Slowra............ | Reduces one foe's number of attacks. | Lv5 | 4000.. | | | | | | | +-+--------------------+--------------------------------------+-----+--------+ | | Name | Description | LVL | Price | |W|--------------------+--------------------------------------+-----+--------+ |M| | | | | |A| Curaga............ | Restores a lot of HP to one ally.... | Lv5 | 4000.. | |G| Life.............. | Revives one KO'd ally............... | Lv5 | 4000.. | |I| Diaga............. | Deals damage to all undead foes..... | Lv5 | 4000.. | |C| Healara........... | Restores HP to entire party......... | Lv5 | 4000.. | | | | | | | +-+--------------------+--------------------------------------+-----+--------+ ) ___ (__/_____) / / +-- (______) RESCENT LAKE ------------------------------------------- 2.05 --+ +-+--------------------+--------------------------------+-----+-----+--------+ | | Name | Description | ATK | ACC | Price | |W|--------------------+--------------------------------+-----+-----+--------+ |E| | | | | | |A| Mythril Knife..... | A knife wrought from mythril.. | 10. | 15. | 640... | |P| Mythril Sword..... | A sword wrought from mythril . | 23. | 15. | 3200.. | |O| Mythril Hammer.... | A hammer wrought from mythril. | 12. | 5.. | 2000.. | |N| Mythril Axe....... | An axe wrought from mythril... | 25. | 10. | 3600.. | | | | | | | | +-+--------------------+--------------------------------+-----+-----+--------+ | | Name | Description | DEF | WGT | Price | |A|--------------------+--------------------------------+-----+-----+--------+ |R| | | | | | |M| Mythril Mail...... | Mail crafted from mythril..... | 18. | 8.. | 6000.. | |O| Mythril Shield.... | A shield crafted from mythril. | 8.. | 0.. | 2000.. | |R| Buckler........... | A small shield................ | 2.. | 0.. | 2000.. | | | Mythril Helm...... | A helm wrought from mythril... | 6.. | 3.. | 2000.. | | | Mythril Gloves.... | Gloves made of mythril........ | 6.. | 3.. | 2000.. | | | | | | | | +-+--------------------+--------------------------------+-----+-----+--------+ | | Name | Description | LVL | Price | |B|--------------------+--------------------------------------+-----+--------+ |M| | | | | |A| Thundaga.......... | Deals lightning damage to all foes.. | Lv6 | 13,000 | |G| Death............. | Instantly kills one foe............. | Lv6 | 13,000 | |I| Quake............. | Calls an earthquake to swallow foes. | Lv6 | 13,000 | |C| Stun.............. | Paralyzes one foe................... | Lv6 | 13,000 | | | | | | | +-+--------------------+--------------------------------------+-----+--------+ | | Name | Description | LVL | Price | |W|--------------------+--------------------------------------+-----+--------+ |M| | | | | |A| Stona............. | Cures stone......................... | Lv6 | 13,000 | |G| Exit.............. | Transports part out of dungeons..... | Lv6 | 13,000 | |I| Protera........... | Raises party's defense.............. | Lv6 | 13,000 | |C| Invisira.......... | Raises party's evasion.............. | Lv6 | 13,000 | | | | | | | +-+--------------------+--------------------------------------+-----+--------+ | | Name | Description | Price | |I|--------------------+--------------------------------------------+--------+ |T| | | | |E| Potion............ | Restores 50 HP............................ | 40.... | |M| Hi-Potion......... | Restores 150 HP........................... | 150... | |S| Ether............. | Restores 50 MP............................ | 150... | | | Phoenix Down...... | Revives one KO'd ally..................... | 500... | | | Tent.............. | Partially restores party's HP and MP...... | 160... | | | | | | +-+--------------------+--------------------------------------------+--------+ _____) / / / / ) +-- (____ / AIA -------------------------------------------------- 2.06 --+ +-+--------------------+--------------------------------+-----+-----+--------+ | | Name | Description | ATK | ACC | Price | |W|--------------------+--------------------------------+-----+-----+--------+ |P| | | | | | |N| Cat Claws......... | A weapon with razor-sharp claw | 22. | 35. | 52,000 | | | | | | | | +-+--------------------+--------------------------------+-----+-----+--------+ | | Name | Description | DEF | WGT | Price | |A|--------------------+--------------------------------+-----+-----+--------+ |R| | | | | | |M| Ruby Armlet....... | An armlet ornamented with ruby | 24. | 1.. | 40,000 | |R| Protect Ring...... | Ring that guards against death | 8.. | 1.. | 16,000 | | | | | | | | +-+--------------------+--------------------------------+-----+-----+--------+ | | Name | Description | LVL | Price | |B|--------------------+--------------------------------------+-----+--------+ |M| | | | | |G| Blizzaga.......... | Deals ice damage to all foes........ | Lv7 | 30,000 | |C| Break............. | Petrifies one foe................... | Lv7 | 30,000 | | | | | | | +-+--------------------+--------------------------------------+-----+--------+ | | Name | Description | LVL | Price | |W|--------------------+--------------------------------------+-----+--------+ |M| | | | | |G| Curaja............ | Fully restores one ally's HP........ | Lv7 | 30,000 | |C| Diaja............. | Deals damage to all undead foes..... | Lv7 | 30,000 | | | | | | | +-+--------------------+--------------------------------------+-----+--------+ | | Name | Description | Price | |I|--------------------+--------------------------------------------+--------+ |T| | | | |E| Hi-Potion......... | Restores 150 HP........................... | 150... | |M| Ether............. | Restores 50 MP............................ | 150... | |S| Phoenix Down...... | Revives one KO'd ally..................... | 500... | | | Tent.............. | Partially restores party's HP and MP...... | 160... | | | Cottage........... | Fully restores party's HP and MP.......... | 2000.. | | | | | | +-+--------------------+--------------------------------------------+--------+ __) /(, ) / / / / +-- (___ / NRAC ----------------------------------------------------- 2.07 --+ +-+--------------------+--------------------------------------+-----+--------+ | | Name | Description | LVL | Price | |B|--------------------+--------------------------------------+-----+--------+ |M| | | | | |G| Saber............. | Raises caster's attack and accuracy. | Lv7 | 30,000 | |C| Blind............. | Blinds one foe with darkness........ | Lv7 | 30,000 | | | | | | | +-+--------------------+--------------------------------------+-----+--------+ | | Name | Description | LVL | Price | |W|--------------------+--------------------------------------+-----+--------+ |M| | | | | |G| NulDeath.......... | Enhances party's def against death.. | Lv7 | 30,000 | |C| Healaga........... | Restores a lot of HP to entire party | Lv7 | 30,000 | | | | | | | +-+--------------------+--------------------------------------+-----+--------+ | | Name | Description | Price | |I|--------------------+--------------------------------------------+--------+ |T| | | | |E| Hi-Potion......... | Restores 150 HP........................... | 150... | |M| Ether............. | Restores 50 MP............................ | 150... | |S| Remedy............ | Cures ailemtns except stone and KO........ | 1500.. | | | Gold Needle....... | Cures stone............................... | 500... | | | Cottage........... | Fully restores party's HP and MP.......... | 2000.. | | | | | | +-+--------------------+--------------------------------------------+--------+ _ ___/__) (, / / +-- (_____ UFENIA --------------------------------------------------- 2.08 --+ +-+--------------------+--------------------------------------+-----+--------+ | | Name | Description | LVL | Price | |B|--------------------+--------------------------------------+-----+--------+ |M| | | | | |G| Flare............. | Blasts all foes with light and heat. | Lv8 | 40,000 | | | | | | | +-+--------------------+--------------------------------------+-----+--------+ | | Name | Description | LVL | Price | |W|--------------------+--------------------------------------+-----+--------+ |M| | | | | |G| Full-Life......... | Revives one ally and fully heals HP | Lv8 | 40,000 | | | | | | | +-+--------------------+--------------------------------------+-----+--------+ ______________________________________________________________________________ ~~\/~~~~~~\/~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\/~~~~~~\/~~ || 3.00 || Boss List || 3.00 || __||______||______________________________________________________||______||__ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ +-+--------------------+------------+-----------+-----------+----------------+ | | GARLAND | HP: 212 | GIL: 250 | EXP: 130 | Longsword | |B|--------------------+------------+-----------+-----------+----------------+ |O| | |S| The first boss of the game isn't meant to be difficult, you can beat him | |S| at a level as low as two, personally I would recommend four but it | | | really doesn't matter. Have your Black Mage cast Thunder while every | | | other character in your party attacks the boss with physical hits. | | | | +-+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +-+--------------------+------------+-----------+-----------+----------------+ | | ASTOS | HP: 420 | GIL: 2000 | EXP: 2250 | Mythril Sword | |B|--------------------+------------+-----------+-----------+----------------+ |O| | |S| Astos has one nasty attack up his sleeve and that's the Death spell | |S| which can instantly eliminate one member of your party so be sure you | | | have a good number of Phoenix Downs in your inventory. He also likes to | | | cast the Fira spell so have your White Mage cast NulBlaze. Attack with | | | physical attacks and the Fira, Thundara or Blizzara spells to win. | | | | +-+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +-+--------------------+------------+-----------+-----------+----------------+ | | VAMPIRE | HP: 280 | GIL: 2000 | EXP: 1200 | N/A | |B|--------------------+------------+-----------+-----------+----------------+ |O| | |S| This is the easiest boss in the universe, I'm not even sure if he has | |S| attacks since he's so weak and crappy that he'll be defeated before he | | | has the chance to use them. Simply do this, physical attack, Diaga, | | | Firaga, physical attack. The boss cannot withstand this one turn. | | | | +-+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +-+--------------------+------------+-----------+-----------+----------------+ | | LICH | HP: 1200 | GIL: 3000 | EXP: 2200 | Dry Ether | |B|--------------------+------------+-----------+-----------+----------------+ |O| | |S| This boss is only easy if you have an abundance of MP, if not it's | |S| going to be very difficult. Spells like Diaga and Firaga really wipe | | | the floor with this boss, but he is practically immune to physical | | | attacks meaning that when you run out of MP, you basically run out of | | | strategy. If you cast Haste on your best attacker it can usually | | | bring up his damage enough to fight, so do that. Otherwise just | | | rely on the Firaga and Diaga spells in order to win this battle. | | | | +-+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +-+--------------------+------------+-----------+-----------+----------------+ | | MARILITH | HP: 1440 | GIL: 3000 | EXP: 2475 | Golden Apple | |B|--------------------+------------+-----------+-----------+----------------+ |O| | |S| Watch out for her physical attacks, that's where she'll get you. Her | |S| physical attacks can sometimes deal more than 300 damage to a character | | | if they aren't well equipped. She also has a habit of casting the Fira | | | spell so have your White Mage use NulBlaze to weaken it. After that | | | cast Haste on your Warrior equipped with the Ice Brand, then have your | | | Black Mage use Blizzara on every turn after that. Your White Mage | | | should cast Protera to raise your party's defense then focus on healing. | | | | +-+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +-+--------------------+------------+-----------+-----------+----------------+ | | KRAKEN | HP: 1800 | GIL: 5000 | EXP: 4245 | Kikuichimonji | |B|--------------------+------------+-----------+-----------+----------------+ |O| | |S| You shouldn't find this boss battle too difficult, the Kraken has an | |S| extreme weakness to thunder magic so the Thundaga spell should deall | | | well over 400 damage here. With my Knight with Haste attacking, the | | | Black Wizard using Thundaga, the White Wizard using holy, and the | | | useless Monk/Master with healing items, the battle was over quick. | | | | +-+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +-+--------------------+------------+-----------+-----------+----------------+ | | TIAMAT | HP: 2400 | GIL: 6000 | EXP: 5496 | N/A | |B|--------------------+------------+-----------+-----------+----------------+ |O| | |S| The massive dragon isn't so massive when it comes to power. His attacks | |S| are weak and his only powerful spell is lightning based which means you | | | can cast NulShock to reduce the damage. Since the boss is almost immune | | | to physical attacks you should just have your Black Mage cast Flare, | | | your White Mage cast Holy, and with the other two characters I just | | | had them using the Healing Helm items every turn, it worked. | | | | +-+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +-+--------------------+------------+-----------+-----------+----------------+ | | LICH | HP: 2800 | GIL: 1 | EXP: 2000 | N/A | |B|--------------------+------------+-----------+-----------+----------------+ |O| | |S| This guy is nothing like the first Lich, he's equipped with all sorts of | |S| powerful magic spells. Fortunately however his defense against physical | | | attacks is not too high so cast Haste on your Warrior before letting | | | loose with Flare, Firaga, Diaja and Holy magic. All are effective. | | | | +-+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +-+--------------------+------------+-----------+-----------+----------------+ | | MARILITH | HP: 3200 | GIL: 3000 | EXP: 2000 | N/A | |B|--------------------+------------+-----------+-----------+----------------+ |O| | |S| Like the Lich, you'll be facing a much more difficult version of this | |S| boss. Watch out for the Firaga spell, be sure to use NulBlaze on your | | | first turn to reduce the damage you take and have Healaga ready. | | | Believe it or not, Marilith is not weak at all against Blizzaga, in fact | | | it totally sucks. Your spell of choice here is Flare and a Warrior | | | equipped with the Excalibur and with Haste casted will deal most of all. | | | | +-+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +-+--------------------+------------+-----------+-----------+----------------+ | | KRAKEN | HP: 3600 | GIL: 1 | EXP: 2000 | Eye Drops | |B|--------------------+------------+-----------+-----------+----------------+ |O| | |S| Begin the battle by having your White Wizard cast the NulShock spell and | |S| and then as usual, use Haste on your Warrior. The Black Wizard should | | | cast Flare while the White Wizard heals, the Warrior attacks and whoever | | | else is there does whatever the hell they want until the fight ends. | | | | +-+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +-+--------------------+------------+-----------+-----------+----------------+ | | TIAMAT | HP: 5500 | GIL: 1 | EXP: 2000 | Rune Staff | |B|--------------------+------------+-----------+-----------+----------------+ |O| | |S| The most difficult of the newer bosses shouldn't be too much of a | |S| problem. His defense against physical attacks is strong, but the | | | Excalibur and even moreso, the Masamune should bring him down quickly | | | if both characters have Haste on them. Cast Protera on your party since | | | most of the boss' attacks are physical and then... kill it. | | | | +-+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +-+--------------------+------------+-----------+-----------+----------------+ | | CHAOS | HP: 20,000 | GIL: N/A | EXP: N/A | N/A | |B|--------------------+------------+-----------+-----------+----------------+ |O| | |S| To be honest, many final bosses in games are disappointing due to a | |S| lack of difficulty. Chaos is not one of them, he is exponentially | | | harder than all other bosses in the game. You will want to be about | | | level 50 before taking him on. Here's how the battle should go. Your | | | White Wizard will use the first three turns to cast NulBlaze, NulShock, | | | and NulIce. Unless you need to heal of course. Chaos uses magic | | | spells of many elements. Your Black Wizard should cast Haste on your | | | Warrior (equipped with Excalibur) and Master (equipped with Masamune) | | | or whatever other combination you have. On the next turns he should | | | cast Temper on them and they themselves should use the Giant's Glove | | | item which casts Saber on them. With this, their critical hits should | | | deal 1000-1500 damage. That's a good start. Put your White Wizard on | | | Full Time Healaga and the Black Wizard should use either Flare or items | | | depending on your situation. Keep this up and Chaos will fall. | | | | +-+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ______________________________________________________________________________ ~~\/~~~~~~\/~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\/~~~~~~\/~~ || R.0V || Review || R.0V || __||______||______________________________________________________||______||__ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This review contains traces of slight spoilers and adult language. Be advised. How the system works: Gameplay looks at generally how the game plays and how enjoyable it would be to someone actually sitting down and playing the game. Graphics delve deep into impressive (or unimpressive) visuals you might might here. Music & Sound will obviously look at how the game sounds in terms of both effects and musical score. Control will rate how easy it is to play the game in terms of control. Awesome Factor serves for the most part as the tilt, how will Awesome NES Man rate the fun factor of this game? Read on! GAME............[08/10] Final Fantasy is the game which starting it all, the game which brought Squaresoft back from the brink of failure and changed the very genre of RPGs. So now SquareEnix has revamped it and updated the game for the GBA. It retains all the classic gameplay and fun from the original, which to be honest, isn't really all that much. Final Fantasy is a game so important for what it did, but it's a pretty bland and boring game. Decent is a good word for it. You play as the four warrios of light who appear for some reason to kill some bad guy who is most likely evil. Along the way you will be sidetracked to do a bunch of pointless shit and before you know it the game is over. That is the basic premise. GRAPHICS........[09/10] The graphics have taken the update well and look quite good, the models are nice looking for both characters and enemies. No complaints. MUSIC & SOUND...[09/10] All the original music has been remixed, which may or may not be considered a good thing, but in this game's case, it worked out for the better. CONTROL.........[09/10] What's to complain about, move up, down, left, right blah blah blah. In battle it may have been nice to have an auto-battle feature rather than constantly tapping the button in easy fights but... whatever. AWESOME FACTOR..[06/10] This game, I must say, is not awesome. It's good, entertaining, classic, neat, interesting, and intruiging... but not awesome. The characters are about as interesting as a cinder block, with half the personality. The only reason this game gets a score of six and not negative three is because in the second town you have to beat the fucking shit out of a bunch of badass pirates and take their sailing ship. You don't so much take it as the pirate captain wusses out and gives it to you (minus points here) but you still have to battle pirates. Hardcore. FINAL SCORE...[082/100] I take shits more interesting than this game's plot. ______________________________________________________________________________ ~~\/~~~~~~\/~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\/~~~~~~\/~~ || L.0C || Legal & Copyright || L.0C || __||______||______________________________________________________||______||__ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This document is copyright (c) 2007 by A I e x. I am no longer active writing guides for video games, and thus I will no longer any questions or update with any corrections sent through email. It is likely that after this point this guide will never be updated again. I am aware that there are errors occasionally and I apologize for those. Please do not email me any corrections, or ask me for any help with this particular game, as I will not respond. It is also not necessary to send any email to thank me for the work, I will say right now that you are very welcome. Furthermore, please do not contact me about hosting this guide on your website, I will not grant permisson. I am still willing to take action if I find this guide being hosted anywhere other than GameFAQs.com, IGN.com, or a very small number of other select sites. Finally, if you need to contact me for some reason that is not covered above, then you can reach me at StarOceanDC(a.t)gmail(d.o.t)com. ______________________________________________________________________________ ~~\/~~~~~~\/~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\/~~~~~~\/~~ || C.0T || Credits & Thanks || C.0T || __||______||______________________________________________________||______||__ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Thanks to CJayC for continuing to keep GameFAQs running smoothly, and the same to Sailor Bacon. Thanks to Sean, Mark and Jeremy here at the University of Guelph, thanks to everyone in the GameFAQs FAQ contributor community for being great people, and thanks to everyone who takes the time to send feedback. Thank you very much finally, to anyone and everyone reading this walkthrough. ______________________________________________________________________________ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~