================================================================================ ~--~--~--~--~--~--~--~--~--~--~--~--~--~--~--~--~--~--~--~--~--~--~--~--~--~ Final Fantasy I PlayStation Portable Created by: Boni Boy Blue E-Mail: boniboyblue@gmail.com Version 1.4 ~--~--~--~--~--~--~--~--~--~--~--~--~--~--~--~--~--~--~--~--~--~--~--~--~--~ ================================================================================ Copyright 2010 Boni Boy Blue This should only be viewed at - GameFAQs - Neoseeker - Supercheats To use quick find simply press Ctrl + F and paste the code to the right o=============================================================================o | Table Of Contents | o=============================================================================o 1. Introduction ..................................... [FF01] 2. Magic Briefing ................................... [FF02] 3. Black Magic ...................................... [FF03] - Level 1 ................................... [BM01] - Level 2 ................................... [BM02] - Level 3 ................................... [BM03] - Level 4 ................................... [BM04] - Level 5 ................................... [BM05] - Level 6 ................................... [BM06] - Level 7 ................................... [BM07] - Level 8 ................................... [BM08] 4. White Magic ...................................... [FF04] - Level 1 ................................... [WM01] - Level 2 ................................... [WM02] - Level 3 ................................... [WM03] - Level 4 ................................... [WM04] - Level 5 ................................... [WM05] - Level 6 ................................... [WM06] - Level 7 ................................... [WM07] - Level 8 ................................... [WM08] 5. Version History .................................. [FF05] 6. Legal Stuff ...................................... [FF06] 7. Credits .......................................... [FF07] o=============================================================================o | Introduction [FF01] | o=============================================================================o This would be my first guide I've ever written for gamesFAQ. I have been using this site for years now and now I'd like to give something back. This guide will be about the Magic in Final Fantasy I for the PSP, I have a PAL version of the game so there may be differences but there properly will be none. If anyone wants to use this guide please feel free to do so as long as the contents are not changed. You do not need to ask to host but please send me an E-mail so I can add you to the permission list. For e-mail address please look 'Credits'. Anyway, enough of me talking, let's get down to business. o=============================================================================o | Magic Briefing [FF02] | o=============================================================================o In Final Fantasy magic comes in two classes, the first class is Black Magic. Black magic is mostly made up of offensive magic that deal damage to the enemy or effects them with some sort of status like darkness. Black Magic can be used by: - Black Mage - Black Wizard - Red Mage - Red Wizard - Ninja White Magic is mostly made up of healing magic that can restore HP, revive your fallen heroes and cures status. White Magic can be used by: - White Mage - White Wizard - Red Mage - Red Wizard - Knight o=============================================================================o | Black Magic [FF03] | o=============================================================================o O======================O | Level 1 [BM01] | O======================O Level 1 magic: Fire, Sleep, Focus, Thunder Location: Cornelia Fire ==== MP Usage: 5 Effects: One enemy Cost: 50 Gil This is the basic fire elemental spell It will attack with a low power fire attack. Effective at beginning of game. Sleep ===== MP Usage: 3 Effects: All enemies Cost: 50 Gil This attempts to place all enemies asleep Doesn't always work on all but still very effective to have. Focus ===== MP Usage: 3 Effects: One enemy Cost: 50 Gil This will lower the evasion of the enemy, therefore increasing you chance of hitting the target Thunder ======= MP Usage: 5 Effects: One enemy Cost: 50 Gil This is the basic lightning elemental spell It will attack with a low power lightning attack. Effective at beginning of game. O======================O | Level 2 [BM02] | O======================O Level 2 magic: Blizzard, Dark, Temper, Slow Location: Pravoka Blizzard ======== MP Usage: 8 Effects: One enemy Cost: 250 Gil This is the basic ice elemental spell It will attack with a low power ice attack. Effective at beginning of game. Dark ==== MP Usage: 5 Effects: All enemies Cost: 250 Gil This attempts to blind all enemies, so they will miss with their attacks more often. Doesn't always work on all but still very effective to have. Temper ====== MP Usage: 10 Effects: One Ally Cost: 250 Gil This will raise the attack power of one of your allies, therefore allowing him to cause more damage. Slow ==== MP Usage: 5 Effects: All enemies Cost: 250 Gil This will reduce the number of hits the enemy will have in half, therefore reducing half the damage they will cause. O======================O | Level 3 [BM03] | O======================O Level 3 magic: Fira, Hold, Thundara, Focara Location: Elfheim Fira ==== MP Usage: 15 Effects: All enemies Cost: 1,000 Gil This is the medium fire elemental spell It will attack with a medium power fire attack. Effective at taking large groups. Hold ==== MP Usage: 10 Effects: One enemy Cost: 1,000 Gil This will paralysis one enemy, therefore not allowing the enemy to attack or heal. The enemy will be completely useless until the effect wears off. Thundara ======== MP Usage: 15 Effects: All enemies Cost: 1,000 Gil This is the medium lightening elemental spell It will attack with a medium power lightening attack. Effective at taking large groups. Focara ====== MP Usage: 10 Effects: All enemies Cost: 1,000 Gil This will lower the evasion of all enemies, therefore increasing you chance of hitting the targets. O======================O | Level 4 [BM04] | O======================O Level 4 magic: Sleepra, Haste, Confuse, Blizzara Location: Elfheim Sleepra ======= MP Usage: 15 Effects: One enemy Cost: 2,500 Gil This attempts to place one enemy to sleep Works well, but unlike sleep, only works on one enemy. Haste ===== MP Usage: 15 Effects: One ally Cost: 2,500 Gil This will allow one ally to achieve more hits in the one turn, therefore increasing the attack damaged caused to the enemies. Confuse ======= MP Usage: 15 Effects: All enemies Cost: 2,500 Gil This will attempt to confuse all enemies; this will cause enemies to attack each other. Blizzara ======== MP Usage: 18 Effects: All enemies Cost: 2,500 Gil This is the medium ice elemental spell It will attack with a medium power ice attack. Effective at taking large groups. O======================O | Level 5 [BM05] | O======================O Level 4 magic: Firaga, Scourge, Teleport, Slowra Location: Melmond Firaga ====== MP Usage: 30 Effects: All enemies Cost: 4,000 Gil This is the high fire elemental spell It will attack with a high power fire attack. Effective at taking large groups. Scourge ======= MP Usage: 28 Effects: All Enemies Cost: 4,000 Gil This will attempt to kill all enemies. It is very inaccurate most of the time and miss, but it may still take out a few enemies. Teleport ======== MP Usage: 5 Effects: Can only be used in dungeons Cost: 4,000 Gil This cannot be used in battle; this will teleport your allies to the previous floor Slowra ====== MP Usage: 18 Effects: All enemies Cost: 4,000 Gil This will reduce the number of hits the enemy will have in half, therefore reducing half the damage they will cause. O======================O | Level 6 [BM06] | O======================O Level 6 magic: Thundaga, Death, Quake, Stun Location: Crescent Lake Thundaga ======== MP Usage: 30 Effects: All enemies Cost: 13,000 Gil This is the high lightening elemental spell It will attack with a high power lightening attack. Effective at taking large groups. Death ===== MP Usage: 30 Effects: One enemy Cost: 13,000 Gil This will kill one enemy instantly and is quite accurate. Quake ===== MP Usage: 32 Effects: All enemis Cost: 13,000 Gil This will attempt to kill all enemies instantly by allowing the ground to 'eat' them. Stun ==== MP Usage: 20 Effects: All enemies Cost: 13,000 Gil This will paralysis one enemy, therefore not allowing the enemy to attack or heal. The enemy will be completely useless until the effect wears off. O======================O | Level 7 [BM07] | O======================O Level 7 magic: Blizzaga, Break, Saber, Blind Location: Gaia & Onrac Blizzaga ======== MP Usage: 30 Effects: All enemies Cost: 30,000 Gil This is the high ice elemental spell It will attack with a high power ice attack. Effective at taking large groups. Break ===== MP Usage: 30 Effects: One enemy Cost: 30,000 Gil This cast one enemy in a layer of stone in doing that petrifying it. Therefore the enemy will not be able to attack and will miss his turn. Saber ===== MP Usage: 25 Effects: The ally that casts it Cost: 30,000 Gil This will raise the attack and accuracy of the ally that cast it. Therefore allowing him to inflict more damage. Blind ===== MP Usage: 25 Effects: One enemy Cost: 30,000 Gil This attempts to blind one enemy, therefore lowing the enemy's accuracy and giving them a higher chance of missing their attack. O======================O | Level 8 [BM08] | O======================O Level 8 magic: Stop, Warp, Kill, Flare Location: Gaia & Lufenia Stop ==== MP Usage: 30 Effects: All enemies Cost: 40,000 Gil This will paralysis all enemies, therefore not allowing the enemy to attack or heal. The enemy will be completely useless until the effect wears off. Warp ==== MP Usage: 38 Effects: All enemies Cost: 40,000 Gil This will attempt to send all enemies into another dimension, therefore killing on enemies on battlefield. Kill ==== MP Usage: 40 Effects: One enemy Cost: 40,000 Gil This will summon death and instantly kill one enemy. Flare ===== MP Usage: 50 Effects: All enemies Cost: 40,000 Gil Flare is the most powerful spell in Final Fantasy, it will cause amazingly high amount of damage. o=============================================================================o | White Magic [FF04] | o=============================================================================o O======================O | Level 1 [WM01] | O======================O Level 1 magic: Cure, Dia, Protect, Blink Location: Cornelia Cure ==== MP Usage: 3 Effects: One ally Cost: 50 Gil This will heal a small amount of HP to one character, effective at the beginning of the game Dia === MP Usage: 5 Effects: One enemy Cost: 50 Gil This should only be used undead enemies! It will deal small amount of damage to one undead enemy. Protect ======= MP Usage: 3 Effects: One ally Cost: 50 Gil This will increase the defence of one of your allies, therefore he will take less damage. Blink ===== MP Usage: 3 Effects: The ally that casts it Cost: 50 Gil This will raise the evasion of the ally that cast it, therefore having a higher chance of the enemy missing. O======================O | Level 2 [WM02] | O======================O Level 2 magic: Blindna, Silence, NulShock, Invis Location: Pravoka Blindna ======= MP Usage: 3 Effects: One ally Cost: 250 Gil This will cure any ally that is inflicted with darkness, same effect as Eye Drops. Silence ======= MP Usage: 5 Effects: All enemies Cost: 250 Gil This will attempt to silence all enemies, therefore the enemies will not be able to use magic. NulShock ======== MP Usage: 8 Effects: All allies Cost: 250 Gil This will create a barrier around the party that will reduce damage from lightening based attacks. Invis ===== MP Usage: 5 Effects: One ally Cost: 250 Gil This will raise the evasion of one of your allies, therefore having a higher chance of the enemy missing. O======================O | Level 3 [WM03] | O======================O Level 3 magic: Cura, Diara, NulBlaze, Heal Location: Elfheim Cura ==== MP Usage: 10 Effects: One ally Cost: 1,000 Gil This will heal a moderate amount of HP to one character, this is an upgrade to cure. Diara ===== MP Usage: 12 Effects: All enemies Cost: 1,000 Gil This should only be used undead enemies! It will deal a moderate amount of damage to all undead enemies. NulBlaze ======== MP Usage: 8 Effects: All allies Cost: 1,000 Gil This will create a barrier around the party that will reduce damage from fire based attacks. Heal ==== MP Usage: 10 Effects: All allies Cost: 1,000 Gil This will heal the entire party a small amount of HP. O======================O | Level 4 [WM04] | O======================O Level 4 magic: Poisona, Fear, NulFrost, Vox Location: Elfheim Poisona ======= MP Usage: 3 Effects: One ally Cost: 2,500 Gil This will cure one ally of poison, this has the same effect as an antidote. Fear ==== MP Usage: 10 Effects: All enemies Cost: 2,500 Gil This will attempt to scare all enemies to make them run away, therefore ending the battle. NulFrost ======== MP Usage: 8 Effects: All allies Cost: 2,500 Gil This will create a barrier around the party that will reduce damage from ice based attacks. Vox === MP Usage: 3 Effects: One ally Cost: 2,500 Gil This will cure silence from one of your allies, this has the same effect as Echo Grass. O======================O | Level 5 [WM05] | O======================O Level 5 magic: Curaga, Life, Diaga, Healara Location: Melmond Curaga ====== MP Usage: 20 Effects: One ally Cost: 4,000 Gil This will heal a high amount of HP to one character, this is an upgrade to cura. Life ==== MP Usage: 20 Effects: One ally Cost: 4,000 Gil This should only be used on a dead ally; this will bring life back to one ally this has fallen in battle but with only 1HP. Diaga ===== MP Usage: 25 Effects: All enemies Cost: 4,000 Gil This should only be used undead enemies! It will deal a high amount of damage to all undead enemies. Healara ======= MP Usage: 25 Effects: All allies Cost: 4,000 Gil This will heal the entire party a moderate amount of HP. This is an upgrade to Heal. O======================O | Level 6 [WM06] | O======================O Level 6 magic: Stona, Exit, Protera, Invisira Location: Crescent Lake Stona ===== MP Usage: 10 Effects: One ally Cost: 13,000 Gil This will cure stone from one of your allies, this has the same effect as Gold Needle. Exit ==== MP Usage: 10 Effects: Can only be used in dungeons Cost: 13,000 Gil This cannot be used in battle; this will teleport your allies to the world map. Protera ======= MP Usage: 20 Effects: All allies Cost: 13,000 Gil This will increase the defence of all your allies, therefore they will take less damage. Invisira ======== MP Usage: 25 Effects: All allies Cost: 13,000 Gil This will raise the evasion of all your allies, therefore having a higher chance of the enemy missing. O======================O | Level 7 [WM07] | O======================O Level 7 magic: Curaja, Diaja, NulDeath, Healaga Location: Gaia & Onrac Curaja ====== MP Usage: 35 Effects: One ally Cost: 30,000 Gil This will restore all HP to one ally, this is the ultimate form of Cure. Diaja ===== MP Usage: 35 Effects: All enemis Cost: 30,000 Gil This should only be used undead enemies! It will deal a massive amount of damage to all undead enemies. NulDeath ======== MP Usage: 28 Effects: All allies Cost: 30,000 Gil This will create a barrier around the party that render instant death attacks and magic useless. Healaga ======= MP Usage: 38 Effects: All allies Cost: 30,000 Gil This will heal the entire party a high amount of HP. This is an upgrade to Healara. O======================O | Level 8 [WM08] | O======================O Level 8 magic: Holy, NulAll, Dispel, Full-Life Location: Gaia & Lufenia Holy ==== MP Usage: 50 Effects: All enemies Cost: 40,000 Gil Unleashes holy power on all enemies, this deal massive amount of damage to under enemies. It can also be used on living enemies too for high damage. NulAll ====== MP Usage: 40 Effects: One ally Cost: 40,000 Gil This will create a barrier around one ally that all reduce damage from all magic in half. Dispel ====== MP Usage: 35 Effects: One enemy Cost: 40,000 Gil This will remove any magic that the enemy raise its stats, this includes NulBlaze, protect, etc. Full-Life ========= MP Usage: 40 Effects: One enemy cost: 40,000 Gil This should only be used on a dead ally; this will bring life back to one ally this has fallen in battle with full HP. o=============================================================================o | Version History [FF05] | o=============================================================================o 0.5: - Started Guide - Black Magic Finished 1.0 - White Magic Finished - Guide finished - Uploaded to gameFAQs 1.1 - Fixed some spelling mistakes - Added hosting permission for 'Neoseeker' - Added hosting permission for 'Supercheats' 1.2 - Fixed even more spelling & grammer mistakes - Starting PDF rich text version of this guide [Will add link in Version 1.3, when it's finished] 1.3 - Revised the grammer of the money - PDF Rich Text has been cancelled 1.4 - Fixed several errors including: - Changed the copyright - Removed the MySpace blog permissions - Extended Introduction - Changed'PSP' to 'PlayStation Portable' - The guide is now offically finished; - Only updates will be permission lists and small errors. o=============================================================================o | Legal Stuff [FF06] | o=============================================================================o This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. Final Fantasy is a trademark(TM) of Square Enix. o=============================================================================o | Credits [FF07] | o=============================================================================o Special Thanks to:- GameFAQs for hosting this guide Square Enix for such an amazing re-make You guys for reading xD If for anything you need to contact me you can do so through my E-Mail boniboyblue@gmail.com Place "Final Fantasy" in the subject bar. Thank you for using this guide