=============================================================================== | Final Fantasy Anniversary Edition: Red Mage Solo Chronodia Guide | | Version 1.1 | | by Necrolesian | =============================================================================== ================= Table of Contents ================= I. Introduction...........................[INTR] II. Notes..................................[NOTE] III. Walkthrough............................[WALK] 1. Rescuing the Princess..............[RESC] 2. Getting the Ship...................[SHIP] 3. Getting the Crown..................[CRWN] 4. The Mystic Key.....................[MKEY] 5. Mystic Key Treasure and the Canal..[CANL] 6. Earth Crystal......................[ERTH] 7. The Airship........................[AIRS] 8. Class Change.......................[CLAS] 9. Odds and Ends......................[ODDS] 10. Fire Crystal.......................[FIRE] 11. Water Crystal......................[WATR] 12. Wind Crystal.......................[WIND] 13. The Masamune.......................[MASA] 14. The Soul of Chaos..................[SOUL] 15. Chronodia..........................[CHRO] 16. The Final Battle...................[FINL] IV. Optional Stat Maxing...................[SMAX] - Leveling to 99.......................[LV99] - Maxing Evasion.......................[EMAX] - Maxing Other Stats...................[OMAX] V. Closing................................[CLOS] VI. Copyright..............................[COPY] VII. Contact Information....................[CONT] VIII. Version History........................[VERS] IX. Credits and Thanks.....................[CRED] ========================== I. Introduction [INTR] ========================== This guide will walk you through completing the entire game using only a solo Red Mage/Red Wizard, including the Soul of Chaos dungeons, the Labyrinth of Time and defeating Chronodia. If you're looking for a thorough guide to the game in general, look elsewhere. I'm assuming that you're already familiar with the game and how it works, item locations, spells, etc. If you need maps for the original game dungeons, check out the GameFAQs page for the NES version: http://www.gamefaqs.com/nes/522595-final-fantasy/faqs Some of the item names are different, but the map layouts are the same. If you're looking for maps for the first three Soul of Chaos dungeons, try the GameFAQs page for the GBA version: http://www.gamefaqs.com/gba/920240-final-fantasy-i-and-ii-dawn-of-souls/faqs For maps of the Whisperwind Cove floors, look here: http://www.finalfantasykingdom.net/ffadvancebonus4.php If that page no longer has maps, you should be okay without them. If you want to skip ahead to a particular section, find the code to the right of that section's name in the Table of Contents. Press CTRL+F and type or copy and paste the code, including the square brackets. Search for it to be taken to that particular section of the guide. ==================== II. Notes [NOTE] ==================== This is a solo character challenge, meaning that you cannot use any characters other than your solo Red Mage/Red Wizard. Once your other three characters are dead, you can never revive them under any circumstances. Save very frequently, especially before you get the Ribbon. Many enemies can inflict status effects on you, such as paralysis, which can easily result in game over. You don't have to get any of the treasure chests unless I specifically tell you to get them. However, extra gil is always nice. Also, before you reach level 99, it may be beneficial to go for all the chests just for the extra experience and gil you'll gain from fighting random encounters. Read the Optional Stat Maxing section before you begin the walkthrough, especially the Maxing Evasion section. If you decide to max your evasion, which I recommend, you'll need to start on it at the very beginning of the game. If you don't want to be bothered reading that section, but don't want to miss out on the highest possible evasion, here's the tl;dr: Save before every level up then gain the level. If you don't get an Agility increase, reset/reload and try again until you do. Do this on every level until your Agility is 99. Never use a Speed Plus item. =========================== III. Walkthrough [WALK] =========================== ----------------------------------- 1. Rescuing the Princess [RESC] ----------------------------------- - Cornelia: Create a party with at least one Red Mage (I make four Red Mages, but it really doesn't matter). Unequip all of them except the one you're going to be using, and put that one in the last position in your lineup. Go into Cornelia town and buy a Chain Mail and Rapier for your solo Red Mage. Also buy Cure, Protect and Sleep. Don't sell your extra equipment yet. Go outside and get into a battle. Have your other three characters use their Knives or whatever other equipment in battle, while the Red Mage you're going to be using Defends. Do this until the other three characters are dead. This is why I told you to not sell your extra equipment yet. If you did, you'd have to have the other characters Defend instead, and it would take longer for the enemies to kill them. Once your solo Red Mage is alone. go ahead and end the battle. Put your solo Red Mage back in the first slot, and sell your extra equipment. Buy a few Potions. You may also want to buy a couple Antidotes and a Sleeping Bag or two. Level outside Cornelia until you're level 5. Use the inn as needed. When you're done, buy more Potions. - Chaos Shrine: Be wary of Ghouls here, which can paralyze you and then kill you while you're helpless. Get and equip the Leather Cap, and level to 8 or 9. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |Boss: Garland #012| |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |HP: 212 Attack: 15 Accuracy: 27 Defense: 8 | |Agility: 6 Intelligence: 12 Evasion: 12 Magic Defense: 64 | |Gil: 250 EXP: 130 Drop: Longsword (2%) | |Weak: None | |Resist: None | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Cast Protect twice, then attack. He'll only do 1 damage to you unless he gets| |a lucky critical hit. He'll take several rounds to kill. | | | |The Longsword is nice, but it's really not worth resetting for. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Buy more Potions in Cornelia if you need them before crossing the bridge. ------------------------------ 2. Getting the Ship [SHIP] ------------------------------ If you really want the items in Matoya's Cave, you can divert there now to get them. It's not necessary, but it may be worth it for the experience. Whether you go there or not, your next stop is Provoka. The monsters outside are dangerous. Groups of Ogres and Gigas Worms can kill you. Lizards and large groups of Warg Wolves can also do very high damage. Save frequently. You should be about level 11 by the time you get to Provoka. - Provoka: Before you fight the Pirates, buy a Broadsword and Leather Gloves. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |Boss: Pirate (x9) #017| |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |HP: 24 Attack: 10 Accuracy: 2 Defense: 0 | |Agility: 6 Intelligence: 3 Evasion: 12 Magic Defense: 35 | |Gil: 40 EXP: 40 Drop: Leather Shield (2%) | |Weak: None | |Resist: None | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Cast Sleep then attack (target the awake ones first). No danger at all here. | | | |You can't equip the Leather Shield, if they happen to drop one. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Buy Invis, Silence and Temper. Silence is very useful against Astos. It's possible to defeat him without it, but it will likely require many resets. I strongly recommend just getting Silence now. I also recommend playing the 15 Puzzle minigame now, if you have the skill and patience for it (hold X and tap O 22 times while on the ship to play it). You can get a lot of great items from this minigame. Blue Fangs in particular are very useful against the Piscodemons later. If you really want to exploit the 15 Puzzle game, beat the 3rd place time (which is initially 2:00:00) by one second, then beat that new 3rd place time by one second, and repeat. You can beat the 3rd place time 60 times this way. Then beat the 2nd place time (initially 1:00:00) by one second each time (up to 30 times), then the 1st place time (initially 0:30:00) by one second as many times as you can. Here are the possible prizes. Every time you solve the puzzle, you'll get one of the "All" prizes. Every time you beat one of the records, you'll also get one of the prizes in the respective list. All: 100 gil, Echo Grass, Phoenix Down, Potion, Gold Needle, Ether, Eye Drops, Antidote 3rd: Vampire Fang, Blue Curtain, Red Curtain, White Curtain, Blue Fang, Red Fang, White Fang, Spider's Silk, Cockatrice Claw 2nd: Hermes' Shoes, Emergency Exit, Turbo Ether, Remedy, Elixir 1st: Megalixir If you're really not good at the 15 Puzzle game, or just don't have the patience for it, don't worry about it. It's helpful, but not vital. Sell any Phoenix Downs or Gold Needles you got from the 15 Puzzle game (they're useless in a solo game). If you want some extra gil now, you can divert to Mount Duergar for a couple chests. Either way, go to Elfheim. At sea, be wary of Bigeyes. They can paralyze you, leaving you helpless to be killed by the Sahagin. ------------------------------- 3. Getting the Crown [CRWN] ------------------------------- -Elfheim: Buy Cura and NulBlaze. If you got any Blue Fangs from the 15 Puzzle minigame, buy Fira. If you don't have any Blue Fangs, buy Thundara. Buy a good number of Potions, up to 40 or so. If you don't have many Antidotes, buy a good number of them too now. The trip to the Marsh Cave can be a dangerous one. Groups of Scorpions can kill you quickly with their physical attacks, and if they don't kill you they can poison you. Werewolves can also poison you, and Ghasts can paralyze you, which can be deadly. I was level 14 by the time I entered the Marsh Cave. - Marsh Cave: There are several monsters here to watch out for. Green Slimes can poison you and have extremely high defense. Kill them with Fira or run from them. Crawlers can paralyze you, resulting in death. I strongly recommend running from any Crawlers you see. Tarantulas can poison you and Shadows can inflict you with darkness. If you're blinded by Shadows, don't bother healing it. None of the treasures here are vital (except the Crown, of course). SAVE before the Piscodemon battle. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |Boss: Piscodemon (x2-4) #032| |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |HP: 84 Attack: 30 Accuracy: 21 Defense: 16 | |Agility: 33 Intelligence: 18 Evasion: 66 Magic Defense: 98 | |Gil: 300 EXP: 276 Drop: None | |Weak: None | |Resist: Fire, Ice, Stone, Paralysis, Poison, Darkness, Sleep, Silence, | | Confusion, Mind | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Don't bother with Invis. They'll kill you before you can cast it more than | |once. Just use a Blue Fang or cast Thundara to end the battle. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Go back to Elfheim. Use the inn and buy more Potions if needed. Buy Poisona, NulFrost and Haste. You don't need Blizzara, but if you really want it, sacrifice NulFrost or Poisona, not Haste. Also, if you had to buy Thundara before because you didn't have any Blue Fangs, I recommend replacing it with Fira now. ---------------------------- 4. The Mystic Key [MKEY] ---------------------------- - Western Keep: Save before you fight Astos. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |Boss: Astos #033| |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |HP: 420 Attack: 30 Accuracy: 42 Defense: 18 | |Agility: 39 Intelligence: 24 Evasion: 78 Magic Defense: 170 | |Gil: 2000 EXP: 2250 Drop: Mythril Sword (4%) | |Weak: None | |Resist: None | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Astos has instant death attacks that hit frequently, resulting in game over. | |Cast Silence until it hits. Then cast Invis about 5 times, which should be | |enough to cause him to miss every attack. | | | |Then just Haste, Temper once or twice if you'd like and bash him to death. | | | |The Mythril Sword is better than what you have now, but it's not worth | |resetting for. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Go to Provoka and replace Silence with NulShock. Go to Matoya's Cave and get the Jolt Tonic, then go to Elfheim Castle and get the Mystic Key. You may as well get the treasure here too, though you can't equip any of it. ----------------------------------------------- 5. Mystic Key Treasure and the Canal [CANL] ----------------------------------------------- - Western Keep: Get the treasure here. All three chests have encounter squares in front of them, which can be bypassed. You may want to skip these encounters. Mummies hit hard. Wraiths also do good damage, plus they can paralyze you, which will usually result in your death. Only the Falchion can be equipped (it's better than the Broadsword because it has a higher critical hit rate), but the Power Staff sells for a lot of gil. - Marsh Cave: Get the Silver Armlet here, which is superior to your current armor (higher evasion). The Silver Armlet chest (left room on the bottom) has two encounter squares, one on top of it (Anacondas) and one immediately right of where you enter (Piscodemons). You can bypass both squares, though you can go ahead and fight the Anacondas if you want. If you do, I recommend Invis, as they hit pretty hard. Avoid the Piscodemons. The Antidote chest (second room on the bottom) has Piscodemons to the left of it and Anacondas below it. Again you can bypass both, or fight the Anacondas. The 1020 gil chest (bottom right room) has Piscodemons below it, which you must fight if you want the chest. You may be strong enough now to Invis a few times then attack. Otherwise, use Blue Fang, cast Thundara or just skip the chest. (Only the Silver Armlet is really needed here.) - Chaos Shrine: The Rune Blade and Werebuster can both be equipped. Rune Blade has a slightly higher critical hit rate. - Cornelia: Get the treasure here, including the Nitro Powder. Saber and Mythril Knife can be equipped, but they're not as good as the Rune Blade. While you're here, you may as well go ahead and sell any useless items you're carting around. - Mount Duergar: Wyrmkiller and Mythril Mail can (and should) be equipped. Open the canal and go to Melmond. --------------------------- 6. Earth Crystal [ERTH] --------------------------- - Melmond: You can buy the Longsword here, which has 1 higher attack than Wyrmkiller, but accuracy goes down by 5 and the critical hit rate is lower as well, so I don't recommend it. Besides, you'll get Mythril Sword in Crescent Lake anyway. If your level is high enough (level 22), buy Curaga, Firaga and Slowra. Note that Teleport becomes available after the class change, but so does Exit, and Exit is much better. If you do want to get Teleport later though, you can save some gil now by not buying Slowra. - Crescent Lake: Go to Crescent Lake before taking on the Cavern of Earth. Be wary of groups of Ankhegs, who hit very hard and can kill you quickly. Run from them. Trolls can also hit hard. Buy a Mythril Sword and a Buckler. I also recommend buying a decent number of Hi-Potions and possibly Tents here. You can't get any level 6 spells until class change. If you're not level 22, then level here until you are and then go back to Melmond and buy the level 5 spells there. - Cavern of Earth: On 1F, stay away from the west. The Hall of Giants will bring you only pain. You don't actually need to get any of the treasure here, though the gil is nice. The Coral Sword can be equipped, but it's not as good as the Mythril Sword. Earth Elementals guard some of the chests, and they hit extremely hard, able to do >100 damage in a single attack if you're unlucky. They'll probably take three hits to kill. Beware Cockatrices, which can turn you to stone, resulting in game over. Also be wary of Piscodemons, which are random encounters here and still pack quite a punch. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |Boss: Vampire #046| |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |HP: 280 Attack: 76 Accuracy: 39 Defense: 26 | |Agility: 36 Intelligence: 26 Evasion: 72 Magic Defense: 75 | |Gil: 2000 EXP: 1200 Drop: None | |Weak: Fire, Dia | |Resist: Quake, Ice, Stone, Paralysis, Poison, Darkness, Sleep, Silence, | | Confusion, Mind, Death | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |His physical attacks are very powerful, and he can paralyze you with Gaze. | |Cast Invis about five times, healing as needed. This should be enough to | |cause his physicals to miss. Then just Haste and pound him. You can use | |Temper as well, but it shouldn't be needed. If you're unlucky and he | |paralyzes you, his physicals will connect regardless of Invis and you'll be | |dead soon. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Get the Star Ruby, get out and go to the Giant's Cave. Get the treasure here if you want it, get the Rod and get back to the Cavern of Earth. You may need to use a few Tents to heal your MP back to full, or just inn at Melmond. My level was 30 at this point. Get any of the treasures on B4 that you want, but you don't need any of them. Sphinxes guard one of the chests, and they do high damage with their attacks. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |Boss: Lich #049| |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |HP: 1200 Attack: 40 Accuracy: 49 Defense: 40 | |Agility: 12 Intelligence: 30 Evasion: 24 Magic Defense: 120 | |Gil: 3000 EXP: 2200 Drop: Dry Ether (2%) | |Weak: Fire, Dia | |Resist: Ice, Stone, Paralysis, Poison, Darkness, Sleep, Silence, Confusion, | | Mind, Death | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Cast all the Nul spells (NulFrost, NulShock and NulBlaze, in that order) you | |have. If you don't have a spell, use the corresponding curtain, if you have | |it. This will help protect against Blizzara, Thundara and Fira. | | | |Then Invis five times, which will be enough to make most of his physical | |attacks miss. Then Haste, then Temper as many times as you feel is needed | |(five is more than enough). Then just attack. Heal as needed of course. He | |casts many status spells such as Sleep, Hold and Slow, but if you're at a | |high level they're likely to miss. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------- 7. The Airship [AIRS] ------------------------- - Crescent Lake: After selling useless equipment I had over 90,000 gil. Inn at Melmond. Go to Crescent Lake, get the Canoe and buy more Hi-Potions and Ethers if needed (I got 40 of each). Also buy more Tents if you need. Ankhegs can still be dangerous in large groups. On the rivers, Hydras and Crocodiles can be very deadly due to their strong physical attacks. I suggest running from large groups of them. White Crocs are even more dangerous. - Cavern of Ice: Many enemies are dangerous here. Piscodemons appear in large groups, and are still quite dangerous. Use Thundara/Blue Fang or flee from them. Cockatrices, which can turn you to stone, also appear here, as do Mindflayers which can paralyze you. Ice Gigas hit hard, and so do Specters, but the Specters are worse because they appear in large groups. Use Fira on them or flee. I also suggest fleeing from large groups of Dark Wizards, who can cast powerful spells on you; alternatively, you can cast Firaga if you can spare the MP. Definitely get the Flame Sword. You don't need any of the other treasure here (except the Levistone, of course), but there's a lot of gil here. The Clothes chest (ha!) is guarded by Dark Wizards. The small treasure room on B3 is guarded by White Dragons, which do a lot of damage with Icestorm (over 100 HP damage). The large treasure room has a large group of Winter Wolves guarding it. Use Fira if you fight them. Save your game before you fight Evil Eye, just in case. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |Boss: Evil Eye #075| |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |HP: 162 Attack: 30 Accuracy: 42 Defense: 30 | |Agility: 6 Intelligence: 20 Evasion: 12 Magic Defense: 92 | |Gil: 3225 EXP: 3225 Drop: None | |Weak: None | |Resist: None | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |You may be able to kill it in one hit; if not, the second will do it in. It | |does have instant death attacks, which is why I told you to save beforehand. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You'll get 3225 EXP from Evil Eye. This is where you'll be doing your leveling, but not yet. Let's get a few other odds and ends first. Just get the Levistone for now and get out. - Ryukahn Desert: Go get your airship. -------------------------- 8. Class Change [CLAS] -------------------------- - Citadel of Trials: You probably need to use the Inn at Cornelia first. I recommend using the ship to dock at the river just near the Citadel. You'll fight a lot fewer random battles that way, as opposed to landing the airship a mile and a half away. The only enemies to watch out for in here are Medusas, which can turn you to stone. In the teleporter maze, whenever you have a choice of which teleporter to use, always use the bottom one. Get the Gauntlets (cast Thundara when used in battle), Healing Staff (casts Heal), Ice Brand, Ruby Armlet and Rat Tail. The Gauntlets on B2 are guarded by Clay Golems, which hit hard, but you should be able to deal with them. The Nightmares just inside the room with most of the chests do pretty high damage as well. By this point I was level 39. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |Boss: Dragon Zombie (x1-2) #092| |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |HP: 268 Attack: 56 Accuracy: 67 Defense: 30 | |Agility: 12 Intelligence: 26 Evasion: 24 Magic Defense: 135 | |Gil: 999 EXP: 2331 Drop: Megalixir (1%) | |Weak: Fire, Dia | |Resist: Quake, Ice, Stone, Paralysis, Poison, Darkness, Sleep, Silence, | | Confusion, Mind, Death | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |You could Invis/Haste/Temper if you want, but at a high level there's no | |need. They should die in two hits each. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Dragon Caves: Get any treasure you want here and do the class change. --------------------------- 9. Odds and Ends [ODDS] --------------------------- Now that you're a Red Wizard, you can equip the Gauntlets, but it's better to not equip them so you can easily use them to cast Thundara. You can also equip Mythril Gloves if you still have them, but there's no point. I had over 245,000 gil at this point. It's time to get some new spells. Go to Cornelia, discard either Sleep or Protect and replace it with Blink. You'll be using Blink from now on in place of Invis. Go to Provoka, discard Invis, and replace it with whatever you want (I get Slow). Go to Crescent Lake and buy Exit, Protera and Thundaga. - Gaia: Buy a Protect Ring here, which will protect you from instant death attacks. If you're at a high enough level, buy Blizzaga. If not, you will be soon. - Waterfall Cavern: You may as well get all the treasure here, since the chests are right next to each other. Don't forget the Warp Cube. Equip the Defender and Ribbon. Defender casts Blink when used as an item, and Wizard's Staff casts Confuse. The Ribbon protects you against all status ailments and reduces damage from elemental attacks. - Onrac: If your level is high enough to cast level 7 spells, go to Onrac and buy NulDeath. Also buy a good number of Cottages. Now that you have the Ribbon, you can discard the now-useless Nul spells. Go to Provoka, discard NulShock and replace with whatever you want (probably Dark or Silence). Go to Elfheim, discard NulBlaze and replace with whatever strikes your fancy (probably Hold, since you have an item that casts Thundara). Also discard NulFrost and replace with anything (I get Blizzara). At this point, I strongly recommend using the Evil Eye in the Cavern of Ice to level up to level 99. Read the Leveling to 99 part of the Optional Stat Maxing section for details. It won't take long (though if you're maxing your evasion, it'll take longer, as you may have to reset for most levels). For the rest of the walkthrough I will assume that you've at least leveled to 99 (though not necessarily that you've maxed your evasion). Now that you're level 99, you'll also notice that you have 999,999 gil. Go to various towns and buy 99 of whatever items you want (Potions, Hi-Potions, Ethers, Tents, Cottages, etc). If you didn't before, buy Blizzaga at Gaia and NulDeath at Onrac. There's no reason to fight random encounters anymore unless you're hunting for bestiary entries, gil or item drops. Feel free to run from everything. You may have trouble running from some enemies, though. If so, just kill them. Random encounters won't be a threat anymore. Also, you can skip most chests now, if you weren't skipping them already. Gil chests are useless now, and there's no longer a point in getting otherwise useless chests for the EXP from random encounters. Your trips through dungeons can be much more straightforward now. --------------------------- 10. Fire Crystal [FIRE] --------------------------- - Mount Gulg: You can skip all the chests. The Great Sword can be equipped, but it's inferior to the Defender. Mythril Gloves can also be equipped, but they don't hold a candle to the Protect Ring. If you do go after any of the chests, you won't be able to run from the Fire Elementals, so just kill them. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |Boss: Marilith #067| |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |HP: 1440 Attack: 40 Accuracy: 63 Defense: 50 | |Agility: 24 Intelligence: 32 Evasion: 48 Magic Defense: 183 | |Gil: 3000 EXP: 2475 Drop: Golden Apple (3%) | |Weak: Paralysis, Darkness, Sleep, Silence, Confusion, Mind | |Resist: Fire, Lightning, Stone, Poison | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Pathetic. Fira does miniscule damage, and if you maxed your Agility when you | |were leveling (meaning you have really high evasion) there isn't even a need | |for Blink. Just Haste, Temper once or twice and attack. If you didn't max | |Agility, you may want to Blink a couple times. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------- 11. Water Crystal [WATR] ---------------------------- - Caravan: Buy the Faerie's Bottle here. Also buy any of the tonics you want, though Giant's Tonic and Faerie's Tonic are useless if you already have max HP and MP. The others are basically useless as well, as Haste/Temper/Giant's Gloves increases your damage output, Blink increases your evasion and Protect/Protera increases your defense. Go to Gaia, get the Oxyale, then go to Onrac and the Sunken Shrine. - Sunken Shrine: Get the Mage's Staff (casts Fira) and Light Axe (casts Diara) on 4F, and the Diamond Armlet (equip it) and Rosetta Stone on 5F. Cast Exit then head back in. Pick up the Giant's Gloves on 2F. Approach the chest from the right side to avoid encounter squares. The Giant's Gloves can be equipped, but you shouldn't as you'd have to unequip the Protect Ring. The real use of this item is that it casts Saber when used as an item in battle; you'll be using them in place of Temper from now on. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |Boss: Kraken #102| |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |HP: 1800 Attack: 50 Accuracy: 90 Defense: 60 | |Agility: 42 Intelligence: 32 Evasion: 84 Magic Defense: 160 | |Gil: 5000 EXP: 4245 Drop: Kikuichimonji (2%) | |Weak: Lightning | |Resist: Quake, Fire | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Kraken's attacks hit you more often than Marilith's. Blink 3 times, Haste, | |use Giant's Gloves once or twice for Saber, then attack. He's not dangerous. | | | |The Kikuichimonji is superior to the Defender, but I wouldn't bother | |resetting for it; you'll get one in the Soul of Chaos dungeons. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------- 12. Wind Crystal [WIND] --------------------------- Go to Melmond and talk to Unne, then go to Lufenia and get the Chime. - Mirage Tower: Vorpal Sword can be equipped, but is inferior to Defender. Healing Helm casts Heal in battle and Thor's Hammer casts Thundara, but you should already have items that do the same thing, so there's no point in picking these up. On 1F, you can fight Black Knights, which each have a 1% chance to drop the Deathbringer, a weapon superior to both the Defender and Sun Blade. Get it if you have the patience. I say it's not worth it. Get the Sun Blade on 2F if you don't get Deathbringer. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |Boss: Blue Dragon #107| |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |HP: 454 Attack: 92 Accuracy: 86 Defense: 20 | |Agility: 48 Intelligence: 28 Evasion: 96 Magic Defense: 200 | |Gil: 2000 EXP: 3274 Drop: None | |Weak: None | |Resist: Quake, Lightning | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Attack. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Flying Fortress: Get Razer (casts Scourge) on 1F, Black Robe (casts Blizzara) and White Robe (casts Invisira) on 2F, and Protect Cloak (equip it) on 3F. There's no point in getting the Adamantite, since you can't equip Excalibur. You can once again encounter Black Knights on 1F, providing a second chance for the Deathbringer, if you want to go for it. I actually got the Deathbringer here, without seriously trying. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |Boss: Warmech #118| |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |HP: 2000 Attack: 128 Accuracy: 200 Defense: 80 | |Agility: 48 Intelligence: 50 Evasion: 96 Magic Defense: 200 | |Gil: 32000 EXP: 32000 Drop: Genji Armor (5%) | |Weak: None | |Resist: Quake, Fire, Lightning, Ice, Stone, Paralysis, Poison, Darkness, | | Sleep, Silence, Confusion, Mind, Death | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |It's very unlikely that you'll meet him, but if you do, see the Tiamat | |strategy. | | | |You can't equip the Genji Armor that he drops. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |Boss: Tiamat #119| |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |HP: 2400 Attack: 53 Accuracy: 80 Defense: 80 | |Agility: 36 Intelligence: 45 Evasion: 72 Magic Defense: 200 | |Gil: 6000 EXP: 5496 Drop: None | |Weak: Stone, Poison | |Resist: Quake, Fire, Lightning, Ice | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Blink 3-4 times, Haste, Saber (via Giant's Gloves) a couple times and attack.| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------- 13. The Masamune [MASA] --------------------------- Before we get the Masamune we may as well open up the Labyrinth of Time for later. Go to Cornelia and talk to the black robed figure. Then go to the back of the Chaos Shrine and touch the wall where the robed figure did. This opens the door to the Labyrinth of Time; don't go through it now though. Go back in time instead. - Chaos Shrine: The only chest worth getting here is the Masamune. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |Boss: Death Eye #121| |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |HP: 360 Attack: 120 Accuracy: 150 Defense: 60 | |Agility: 12 Intelligence: 35 Evasion: 24 Magic Defense: 160 | |Gil: 1 EXP: 1 Drop: Elixir (1%) | |Weak: Fire, Dia | |Resist: Quake, Ice, Stone, Paralysis, Poison, Darkness, Sleep, Silence, | | Confusion, Mind, Death | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Attack. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |Boss: Lich #124| |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |HP: 2800 Attack: 50 Accuracy: 64 Defense: 80 | |Agility: 24 Intelligence: 34 Evasion: 48 Magic Defense: 140 | |Gil: 1 EXP: 2000 Drop: None | |Weak: Dia | |Resist: Ice, Stone, Paralysis, Poison, Darkness, Sleep, Silence, Confusion | | Mind, Death | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Blink x3, Haste, Saber x4, attack. His physicals will miss after you get your| |Blink barriers up. Flare does minor damage compared to your HP total and his | |other attacks will miss. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |Boss: Marilith #125| |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |HP: 3200 Attack: 60 Accuracy: 63 Defense: 80 | |Agility: 30 Intelligence: 41 Evasion: 60 Magic Defense: 183 | |Gil: 1 EXP: 2000 Drop: None | |Weak: None | |Resist: Fire, Lightning, Ice, Stone, Poison | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Blink x3, Haste, Saber x4, attack. Firaga will do minor damage. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |Boss: Kraken #126| |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |HP: 3600 Attack: 60 Accuracy: 114 Defense: 80 | |Agility: 49 Intelligence: 41 Evasion: 98 Magic Defense: 200 | |Gil: 1 EXP: 2000 Drop: Eye Drops (8%) | |Weak: None | |Resist: Quake, Fire | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Blink x3, Haste, Saber x4, attack. His attacks are a joke. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Get the Masamune on B4. At this point you could finish the game by beating Tiamat and then Chaos, but since we'll be completing the Soul of Chaos dungeons and the Labyrinth of Time first, go ahead and cast Exit now. -------------------------------- 14. The Soul of Chaos [SOUL] -------------------------------- For the Soul of Chaos dungeons, I recommend TFergusson's excellent Soul of Chaos guide for the GBA version. I use the same level names and ID numbers that he does. He also gives the location of each chest for each level, which is very useful. For maps, see the links in the Introduction section of this guide. On the PSP (unlike on the GBA), if you're killed in any of these dungeons you'll be transported outside instead of getting a game over, so don't blow a bunch of rare items on a boss in order to survive (not that they'll be much trouble anyway for the most part). - Earthgift Shrine: The only useful chest item on the regular floors here is the Elven Cloak, which is the 4th chest of B4. It's superior to the Protect Cloak, so you'll want to get this. You'll definitely find it on B4 if either the Dark Forest or Endless Desert levels appear on that floor. There's also a Megalixir behind Ahriman on B5 (one time only). If somehow your HP is not max (999) at level 99, you can max it here by repeatedly getting the Silver Apple (3rd chest of B4). The only monster to watch out for here is the Abyss Worm, which rarely appears on the Endless Desert level. If you maxed your Agility naturally, your evasion will be very high, causing them to miss most of the time. They can do high damage if they hit you though, especially if you have lower evasion. If you didn't max your Agility naturally, I recommend using Blink at least a couple times with them, or just running. You'll have to go through four times to beat all the bosses. For all bosses keep Ribbon and Protect Ring equipped. On B5, Two-Headed Dragon is in the upper left, Cerberus in the lower left, Ahriman in the upper right and Echidna in the lower right. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |Boss: Two-Headed Dragon #132| |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |HP: 4500 Attack: 60 Accuracy: 50 Defense: 50 | |Agility: 30 Intelligence: 10 Evasion: 30 Magic Defense: 50 | |Gil: 0 EXP: 0 Drop: Bard's Tunic (100%) | |Weak: None | |Resist: Quake, Fire, Lightning, Ice, Time, Stone, Paralysis, Poison, | | Darkness, Sleep, Silence, Confusion, Mind, Death | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Blink 3-4 times, Haste, Saber 2-3 times and attack. This guy's easy. | | | |The Bard's Tunic is useless; it's inferior to the Diamond Armlet. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |Boss: Cerberus #130| |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |HP: 4000 Attack: 40 Accuracy: 60 Defense: 50 | |Agility: 50 Intelligence: 40 Evasion: 50 Magic Defense: 60 | |Gil: 0 EXP: 0 Drop: Kotetsu (100%) | |Weak: None | |Resist: Quake, Fire, Lightning, Ice, Time, Stone, Paralysis, Poison, | | Darkness, Sleep, Silence, Confusion, Mind, Death | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Blink 3-4 times, Haste, Saber 2-3 times and attack. Thunderbolt does less | |than 100 damage at level 99. Another easy boss. | | | |The Kotetsu is useless; it's inferior to the Masamune. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |Boss: Ahriman #131| |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |HP: 5000 Attack: 60 Accuracy: 65 Defense: 50 | |Agility: 30 Intelligence: 50 Evasion: 25 Magic Defense: 100 | |Gil: 0 EXP: 0 Drop: Dry Ether (100%) | |Weak: None | |Resist: Quake, Fire, Lightning, Ice, Time, Stone, Paralysis, Poison, | | Darkness, Sleep, Silence, Confusion, Mind, Death | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Blink x3, Haste, Saber 2-3 times and attack. Blaze does less than 100 damage | |and Earthquake misses. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Don't forget to pick up the Megalixir that Ahriman was blocking. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |Boss: Echidna #129| |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |HP: 4800 Attack: 50 Accuracy: 50 Defense: 50 | |Agility: 30 Intelligence: 30 Evasion: 1 Magic Defense: 70 | |Gil: 0 EXP: 0 Drop: X-Potion (100%) | |Weak: None | |Resist: Quake, Fire, Lightning, Ice, Time, Stone, Paralysis, Poison, | | Darkness, Sleep, Silence, Confusion, Mind, Death | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Blink x3, Haste, Saber 2-3 times and attack. Flare does moderate damage (150-| |200). Earthquake and Death miss. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Hellfire Chasm: Other than stat increasing items, the only useful chest items on the regular floors here are an X-Potion (4th chest of B2) and a Turbo Ether (4th chest of B4). Keep in mind that you can buy Turbo Ethers later in Whisperwind Cove. There's also a Ribbon next to Rubicante (one time only), but this is useless because you already have one. It's possible to completely max your stats here. See the Maxing Other Stats part of the Optional Stat Maxing section for details. If you're doing that, you should already have maxed your Agility (and thus your evasion) naturally. Expect it to take a while. Doing so makes you even more powerful, and enhances your survivability against Chronodia, but it's not at all necessary. On B5, Scarmiglione is in the north and Cagnazzo is in the south. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |Boss: Scarmiglione #133| |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |HP: 4000 Attack: 19 Accuracy: 50 Defense: 10 | |Agility: 10 Intelligence: 160 Evasion: 10 Magic Defense: 140 | |Gil: 0 EXP: 0 Drop: None | |Weak: None | |Resist: Quake, Time, Stone, Poison, Death | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Boss: Scarmiglione #134| |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |HP: 7046 Attack: 46 Accuracy: 40 Defense: 20 | |Agility: 10 Intelligence: 100 Evasion: 10 Magic Defense: 140 | |Gil: 0 EXP: 0 Drop: Lunar Curtain (100%) | |Weak: Fire, Dia | |Resist: Quake, Ice, Time, Stone, Poison, Death | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |You'll initially face #133. Upon his defeat, you will immediately fight #134.| |For the first form, don't even bother with Blink; just Saber with Giant's | |Gloves to speed things up then attack. His attacks do small damage. | | | |For the second form, Blink x3, Haste, Saber 3-4 times then attack. Poison Gas| |does moderate damage (>150) and he uses it frequently, so you may have to | |actually heal for this one. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |Boss: Cagnazzo #135| |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |HP: 7968 Attack: 44 Accuracy: 80 Defense: 20 | |Agility: 20 Intelligence: 55 Evasion: 5 Magic Defense: 180 | |Gil: 0 EXP: 0 Drop: Light Curtain (100%) | |Weak: Lightning | |Resist: Quake, Ice, Time, Stone, Poison, Death | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Blink x3, Haste, Saber 3-4 times and attack. Tsunami does moderate damage | |(about 200) and he uses it frequently. Heal if needed. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- On B10, Barbariccia is in the east and Rubicante is in the west. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |Boss: Barbariccia #136| |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |HP: 12954 Attack: 88 Accuracy: 100 Defense: 10 | |Agility: 60 Intelligence: 60 Evasion: 60 Magic Defense: 190 | |Gil: 0 EXP: 0 Drop: Braveheart (100%) | |Weak: None | |Resist: Quake, Lightning, Time, Stone, Poison, Death | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Blink x2, Haste, Saber 3-4 times and attack. Cyclone does moderate damage | |(about 200); everything else misses if you have high evasion. | | | |You can't equip the Braveheart. It does cast Confuse - too bad that's | |useless. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |Boss: Rubicante #137| |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |HP: 15000 Attack: 88 Accuracy: 150 Defense: 40 | |Agility: 50 Intelligence: 65 Evasion: 30 Magic Defense: 220 | |Gil: 0 EXP: 0 Drop: Kikuichimonji (100%) | |Weak: None | |Resist: Quake, Fire, Ice, Time, Stone, Poison, Death | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Blink x2, Haste, Saber x4, then attack. Fira and Firaga do minor damage (50- | |80). Scorch does about 140. | | | |The Kikuichimonji is useless; it's inferior to the Masamune. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The chest next to Rubicante holds a Ribbon, but you already have one. - Lifespring Grotto: Be sure to pick up any Dry Ethers, X-Potions, Elixirs and Megalixirs you can. You can also pick up Turbo Ethers, but you'll be able to buy them in Whisperwind Cove. None of the equipment that can be found in chests here is useful, though. The chest behind Shinryu contains Hero's Shield (one time only), which is useless because you cannot equip it. Unfortunately, you must complete the dungeon twice to defeat both Omega and Shinryu. On B5, you must solve a mini-puzzle involving talking to different mermaids in order to find Gilgamesh, but it's quite easy. In one of the puzzle configurations, Gilgamesh says what I think is the funniest line in the game: "Let's see how you handle the mighty me! And by me, I mean Gilgamesh!! And by handle, I mean DIE!!!" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |Boss: Gilgamesh #138| |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |HP: 8888 Attack: 70 Accuracy: 110 Defense: 50 | |Agility: 20 Intelligence: 20 Evasion: 10 Magic Defense: 220 | |Gil: 0 EXP: 0 Drop: Genji Gloves (100%) | |Weak: None | |Resist: Quake, Time, Stone, Poison, Death | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Blink x3, Haste, Saber x3, then attack. His physicals miss, Excalipur does 1 | |damage and Wind Slash does less than 100. He can also cast NulAll, which is | |useless, and Protect, which will not save him. Enjoy the music. | | | |The Genji Gloves are useless because you cannot equip them. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |Boss: Atomos #141| |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |HP: 13000 Attack: 50 Accuracy: 80 Defense: 70 | |Agility: 10 Intelligence: 130 Evasion: 10 Magic Defense: 200 | |Gil: 0 EXP: 0 Drop: Judgment Staff (100%) | |Weak: None | |Resist: Quake, Time, Stone, Poison, Death | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Blink x3, Haste, Saber x3, then attack. His physicals miss, as does Wormhole.| |Firaga does about 150 damage and Comet does relatively high damage (about | |300). Heal if needed. | | | |You can't equip the Judgment Staff, but it casts Flare when used in battle, | |which may occasionally be useful. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- On B20, Omega is to the left and Shinryu is to the right. Heal to full and save before fighting either. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |Boss: Omega #139| |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |HP: 35000 Attack: 115 Accuracy: 200 Defense: 190 | |Agility: 76 Intelligence: 40 Evasion: 95 Magic Defense: 220 | |Gil: 0 EXP: 0 Drop: Murasame (100%) | |Weak: Lightning | |Resist: Quake, Fire, Ice, Time, Stone, Paralysis, Poison, Darkness, Sleep, | | Silence, Confusion, Mind, Death | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Blink x4, Haste, Saber x6, then attack. If you have 99 Agility, your turn | |will come before his most of the time, though occasionally he will still get | |the first turn. If your Agility is lower, expect him to get the first turn. | |Hopefully he won't hit you with his physicals before you get your 4 castings | |of Blink up. | | | |With high evasion and 4 Blinks, his physicals will miss. His laser attack may| |occasionally hit you even with 4 blinks, for about 175 damage. Earthquake | |misses. Wave Cannon does about 225 damage. If you have 99 Intelligence, | |Curaga will heal you for about 540 HP, so heal whenever your HP slips below | |500. If your Intelligence is lower, you'll have to cast Curaga more often. | | | |Omega has very high defense. With 6 Sabers, you'll be doing about 1800 damage| |per attack on average, and that's assuming you have 99 Strength. If your | |Strength is lower, you'll do less. You can do as high as 2900 if you get | |lucky with criticals. Expect to have to heal several times, even if you have | |max stats, before he falls. | | | |The Murasame is useless; you can't equip it, and you'll never need the spell | |it casts in battle (Protect) since Blink is so much better. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |Boss: Shinryu #140| |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |HP: 35000 Attack: 220 Accuracy: 200 Defense: 60 | |Agility: 87 Intelligence: 70 Evasion: 20 Magic Defense: 220 | |Gil: 0 EXP: 0 Drop: Ragnarok (100%) | |Weak: None | |Resist: Quake, Time, Stone, Poison, Death | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Blink x4, Haste, Saber x4, then attack. Don't count on getting your turn | |before his, even if you have 99 Agility. His physicals can be very powerful, | |but once you get your 4 Blinks up, they'll miss, especially if you maxed your| |evasion. | | | |Other than physicals that miss, he doesn't have any wasted attacks. Icestorm | |does <100 damage, Thunderbolt does about 125, Tidal Wave does about 270 and | |Flare will hit you for about 325. Since he can cast Flare twice in a row, and| |since you can't count on getting your turn before his, always cast Curaga | |whenever your HP drops below 650. With Haste and 4 Sabers, you'll be doing | |about 4000 damage per attack on average if you have 99 Strength. | | | |The Ragnarok is useless; you can't equip it, and while it does cast Flare in | |battle, you already have the Judgment Staff for that. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The chest behind Shinryu contains Hero's Shield, which is useless because you can't equip it. - Whisperwind Cove: Thankfully, you only have to go through this dungeon once to defeat all four bosses. The only piece of equipment found in chests on the regular levels that you need here is the Rune Axe, which is the 10th chest of B34. You can't equip it, but it casts Curaga when used in battle. This is very useful in the Labyrinth of Time, when your Magic command may be disabled, as well as during the battle against Chronodia itself, which can seal your Magic command. In order to get the Rune Axe on B34, floor 1 (Undead Castle) must spawn on that level. Out of the 128 possible configurations, 8 of them will result in Undead Castle on B34. These configurations, using the floor ID numbers in TFergusson's Soul of Chaos guide, are: 3, 26 17, 19 17, 29 20, 22, 15 21, 9 22, 18, 20, 31 25, 8 36, 8 Save before you enter the dungeon, and reset/reload if you don't get one of these configurations. The odds are 1/16 each time that you'll get a desired configuration. Alternatively, the enemy Prototype has a 1% chance to drop Rune Axe. You can find Prototype on the Flying Fortress levels of Whisperwind Cove, only on B31 or lower. You're not guaranteed to get a Flying Fortress level past B30 in the first place, Prototypes aren't particularly common even if you do, and 1% is a very low drop rate. I suggest just resetting at the beginning until you get a desired configuration to get it on B34, since once you do the chest is guaranteed to be there. In addition to the Rune Axe, I recommend picking up any X-Potions, Dry Ethers, Elixirs and Megalixirs you run across. There's also a chest containing the Ultima Weapon (one time only) in a room beyond Death Gaze on B40. One other thing you can do here is purchase 99 Turbo Ethers from the item shop on floor 2, Rivertown. The items for sale in that shop will vary depending on which section of the dungeon you encounter that floor in (B1-B9, B11-B19, B21- B29 or B31-B39). Turbo Ethers are only for sale if you encounter floor 2 on B11-B19. There are many possible configurations which result in floor 2 being on one of those levels, but unfortunately none of the 8 configurations in which the Rune Axe can be found have this result, so if you want to buy Turbo Ethers in addition to getting the Rune Axe on B34, you'll have to go through the dungeon at least to B20 a second time. The configurations that result in floor 2 on B11-B19 are: 4, 28, 26, 33 5, 17 5, 24 6 7, 4 8, 11 11, 6 12, 6, 27 13, 18 13, 35 15, 22 17, 25 23, 25 24, 1 25, 14 26, 25 27, 28 28, 14 28, 34, 9 33, 18 34, 26 35, 13 36, 14 36, 19 If you want to get the Rune Axe and buy 99 Turbo Ethers on one runthrough, you can get a configuration that results in floor 2 on B11-B19 (to buy the Turbo Ethers) and at least one of the Flying Fortress floors (floor 16, 17, 18 or 19) on B31 or lower (to hunt Prototypes and hope for the 1% Rune Axe drop). The configurations that result in floor 2 on B11-B19 AND result in at least one of floors 16, 17, 18 or 19 on B31 or lower are: 4, 28, 26, 33 5, 24 6 7, 4 8, 11 12, 6, 27 13, 18 13, 35 15, 22 23, 25 25, 14 27, 28 28, 14 28, 34, 9 34, 26 35, 5 35, 13 Feel free to get one of those if you're willing to hunt for a 1% drop from a semi-rare encounter. I prefer to get the Rune Axe from the 10th chest of B34 and either just forget about buying Turbo Ethers or go through 20 floors a second time for it (the Turbo Ethers are nice to have, but not really necessary, as you should have enough Elixirs to use if you really need MP during boss battles). Note that on floor 3 (Lost Souls), on whatever level you encounter it, you will have to fight Astos and Vampire again. Just attack them to kill them in one hit. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |Boss: Typhon #142| |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |HP: 10000 Attack: 70 Accuracy: 70 Defense: 100 | |Agility: 10 Intelligence: 40 Evasion: 0 Magic Defense: 190 | |Gil: 0 EXP: 0 Drop: Genji Helm (100%) | |Weak: Ice | |Resist: Quake, Fire, Time, Stone, Poison, Death | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Blink x3, Haste, Saber x3, then attack. His physicals miss after your Blinks,| |and Snort misses. | | | |You can't equip the Genji Helm. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |Boss: Orthros #143| |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |HP: 17000 Attack: 60 Accuracy: 80 Defense: 40 | |Agility: 30 Intelligence: 20 Evasion: 0 Magic Defense: 180 | |Gil: 0 EXP: 0 Drop: Rune Staff (100%) | |Weak: Fire, Lightning | |Resist: Quake, Ice, Time, Stone, Poison, Death | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Blink x3, Haste, Saber x3, then attack. His physicals and Ink both miss. | | | |You can't equip the Rune Staff. It does cast Healara in battle, which is | |better than the Healing Staff, but you'll be getting the Rune Axe later in | |the dungeon, right? | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |Boss: Phantom Train #144| |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |HP: 9999 Attack: 200 Accuracy: 50 Defense: 80 | |Agility: 30 Intelligence: 40 Evasion: 0 Magic Defense: 180 | |Gil: 0 EXP: 0 Drop: Megalixir (100%) | |Weak: Fire, Dia | |Resist: Quake, Time, Stone, Poison, Confusion, Death | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Blink x3, Haste, Saber x3, then attack. His physicals miss, and Acid Rain | |does about 175 damage. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |Boss: Death Gaze #145| |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |HP: 30000 Attack: 90 Accuracy: 200 Defense: 150 | |Agility: 95 Intelligence: 50 Evasion: 30 Magic Defense: 220 | |Gil: 0 EXP: 0 Drop: Lightbringer (100%) | |Weak: Fire, Dia | |Resist: Quake, Ice, Time, Stone, Poison, Death | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Blink x4, Haste, Saber x6, then attack. His physicals will usually miss after| |you get your Blinks up, but he does have high accuracy. Physicals that hit | |can do relatively high damage. Death and Kill miss. Dispel will almost always| |miss if you're at level 99, but if it hits you'll have to Blink/Haste/Saber | |again. His Agility is high enough that he will occasionally get his turn | |before yours even if your Agility is 99. | | | |The Lightbringer is a possible replacement for your Masamune; see below. It | |also casts Holy in battle, which is about as good as the Judgment Staff's | |Flare. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Don't forget to pick up the Ultima Weapon from the chest inside the small room before the exit. You now have a choice between the Ultima Weapon, Lightbringer and Masamune. Here is a table for you to compare them: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |Ultima Weapon |Lightbringer |Masamune | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Attack |current HP/10 (max 100) |48 |56 | |Accuracy |100 |40 |50 | |Critical rate |50 |37 |40 | |Spell |N/A |Holy |N/A | |Strength |0 |7 |0 | |Agility |0 |7 |0 | |Intelligence |0 |7 |0 | |Stamina |0 |7 |0 | |Evasion |0 |50 |0 | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Ultima Weapon has by far the highest attack power, but as your HP decreases its attack power will also decrease. The Lightbringer is considerably weaker, but it has some very nice stat boosts; if you didn't max your evasion earlier, the +50 to evasion the Lightbringer gives you is particularly nice. The Masamune lacks the Lightbringer's stat boosts, but it has a higher attack. I prefer the Ultima Weapon regardless, but if you really like/need the Lightbringer's stat boosts or the Masamune's guaranteed decent attack even at low HP, then equip what works best for you. ------------------------ 15. Chronodia [CHRO] ------------------------ - Labyrinth of Time: SAVE your game before you enter the Labyrinth. You cannot save while inside. Also, once you go through the first teleporter you cannot backtrack or cast Exit, and, unlike in the Soul of Chaos dungeons, if you die here you get game over. Once you enter the only way out is to make your way through at least seven challenges and defeat Chronodia, and you cannot save, so SAVE before you enter. (Well, it is possible to leave without defeating Chronodia is you happen to get an Inner Sanctum level between floors, or if you're lucky enough for the hooded figure to appear at the beginning of a floor and offer you the chance to leave, but don't count on either of those happening.) One thing to be wary of: You might encounter a level between challenges called Inner Sanctum. Do not use the pot here. If you talk to the pot, you will be fully healed, but your dead party members will be revived. If you accidentally talk to the pot, you must ensure that your other three party members are killed in the next battle in order to avoid them getting any experience. The same applies to the pots in the Space in Time level before Chronodia. Definitely do not use either of the pots before you fight Chronodia. If you do, your other three characters will be alive at the beginning of that battle, and Chronodia may waste several turns targeting them instead of your solo Red Wizard. This makes the battle considerably easier, and is therefore cheating. Refer to my Labyrinth of Time guide for specific information about the challenges. You can find it here: http://db.gamefaqs.com/portable/psp/file/final_fantasy_ae_labyrinth_a.txt A few of the challenges have one time only chests containing stat plus items or healing items, but the real treasure here is the Chronodia drops. Three of the eight items you can win from Chronodia can be equipped, and they're worth getting. #196 drops Maximillian, #199 drops Master Shield and #203 drops Barbarian's Sword. You'll have to go through the Labyrinth and fight Chronodia three times to get all three items. If you really want, you could go through eight times and defeat all eight versions of Chronodia with your solo Red Wizard, but it's not necessary to do so, and #203 is the strongest version of Chronodia anyway, so defeating that version is good enough to have fully beaten the game with your solo Red Wizard, in my opinion. If you want to fight it eight times though, feel free. It doesn't take as long as maxing your stats, if you've done that. How many blue and red seals you break, and the order in which you break them, determine which version of Chronodia you'll face (solve a puzzle before time runs out to break the blue seal, or solve it after time runs out to break the red seal). Here are guaranteed combinations to reach the three versions of Chronodia you'll need (be sure to break the seals in this order): #196: seven red seals (and no blues) #199: blue, red, red, red, red, red, blue, blue, red #203: seven blue seals (and no reds) The challenges themselves aren't really more difficult with a solo character than they are with a full party. Also, with a solo character (at level 99 but all other characters at level 1), you will gain much more time for sacrificing abilities than you would normally with all characters at high levels, because the time you gain for each ability sacrificed is dependent upon your average level. Therefore, you'll have much more time to complete the challenges. However, getting stuck in the miasma, with your HP and MP dropping, when you have sacrificed both Magic and Items and thus cannot heal, can be deadly. You'll also find it more difficult to run from random encounters with a solo character as opposed to a full party, and running is very useful to save time in the Labyrinth. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |Boss: Chronodia #196| |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |HP: 30000 Attack: 130 Accuracy: 200 Defense: 150 | |Agility: 120 Intelligence: 70 Evasion: 100 Magic Defense: 200 | |Gil: 1 EXP: 1 Drop: Maximillian (100%) | |Weak: None | |Resist: Quake, Fire, Lightning, Ice, Time, Stone, Paralysis, Poison, | | Darkness, Sleep, Silence, Confusion, Mind, Death | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Boss: Chronodia #197| |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |HP: 33000 Attack: 120 Accuracy: 200 Defense: 160 | |Agility: 120 Intelligence: 70 Evasion: 110 Magic Defense: 200 | |Gil: 1 EXP: 1 Drop: Lust Dagger (100%) | |Weak: None | |Resist: Quake, Fire, Lightning, Ice, Time, Stone, Paralysis, Poison, | | Darkness, Sleep, Silence, Confusion, Mind, Death | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Boss: Chronodia #198| |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |HP: 33000 Attack: 120 Accuracy: 200 Defense: 160 | |Agility: 120 Intelligence: 70 Evasion: 110 Magic Defense: 200 | |Gil: 1 EXP: 1 Drop: Golden Staff (100%) | |Weak: None | |Resist: Quake, Fire, Lightning, Ice, Time, Stone, Paralysis, Poison, | | Darkness, Sleep, Silence, Confusion, Mind, Death | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Boss: Chronodia #199| |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |HP: 33000 Attack: 120 Accuracy: 200 Defense: 160 | |Agility: 120 Intelligence: 70 Evasion: 110 Magic Defense: 200 | |Gil: 1 EXP: 1 Drop: Master Shield (100%) | |Weak: None | |Resist: Quake, Fire, Lightning, Ice, Time, Stone, Paralysis, Poison, | | Darkness, Sleep, Silence, Confusion, Mind, Death | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Boss: Chronodia #200| |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |HP: 33000 Attack: 120 Accuracy: 200 Defense: 160 | |Agility: 120 Intelligence: 70 Evasion: 110 Magic Defense: 200 | |Gil: 1 EXP: 1 Drop: Shadow Mask (100%) | |Weak: None | |Resist: Quake, Fire, Lightning, Ice, Time, Stone, Paralysis, Poison, | | Darkness, Sleep, Silence, Confusion, Mind, Death | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Boss: Chronodia #201| |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |HP: 36000 Attack: 130 Accuracy: 200 Defense: 170 | |Agility: 120 Intelligence: 70 Evasion: 120 Magic Defense: 200 | |Gil: 1 EXP: 1 Drop: Lordly Robes (100%) | |Weak: None | |Resist: Quake, Fire, Lightning, Ice, Time, Stone, Paralysis, Poison, | | Darkness, Sleep, Silence, Confusion, Mind, Death | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Boss: Chronodia #202| |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |HP: 36000 Attack: 130 Accuracy: 200 Defense: 170 | |Agility: 120 Intelligence: 70 Evasion: 120 Magic Defense: 200 | |Gil: 1 EXP: 1 Drop: Survival Vest (100%) | |Weak: None | |Resist: Quake, Fire, Lightning, Ice, Time, Stone, Paralysis, Poison, | | Darkness, Sleep, Silence, Confusion, Mind, Death | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Boss: Chronodia #203| |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |HP: 42000 Attack: 120 Accuracy: 200 Defense: 190 | |Agility: 120 Intelligence: 70 Evasion: 140 Magic Defense: 200 | |Gil: 1 EXP: 1 Drop: Barbarian's Sword (100%) | |Weak: None | |Resist: Quake, Fire, Lightning, Ice, Time, Stone, Paralysis, Poison, | | Darkness, Sleep, Silence, Confusion, Mind, Death | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Which of the above versions of Chronodia you fight depends on how many red | |and blue seals you broke on your way, and in which order you broke them. | | | |Defender/Blink x4, Haste/Hermes' Shoes, Giant's Gloves x6, then attack. You | |are very vulnerable before you get your 4 castings of Blink up. A physical | |from Chronodia may do 500 damage or more, and a second physical could very | |well kill you. If he hits you with even one physical attack, heal with Rune | |Axe/Curaga immediately. | | | |If your Agility is 99, you'll sometimes get your turn before Chronodia's; | |otherwise, its turn will come before yours every time. The beginning of the | |battle is what requires luck. You have to get your 4 castings of Blink up, | |healing whenever you take damage, and hope it doesn't attack you physically | |twice in a row. Once you've gotten your 4 castings of Blink up, its physicals| |will almost always miss, and a lucky hit will do relatively little damage. | | | |If your Item command is sealed before you get your 4 castings of Blink up, | |cast the spell instead of using Defender. If your Magic command is sealed | |when you want to cast Haste, either use a Hermes' Shoes (if you have one) or | |just wait until you can cast magic. If your Item command is sealed when you | |want to use Giant's Gloves for Saber, you'll just have to wait until you can | |use items again (may as well attack or heal in the interim). | | | |Normally heal with Rune Axe, but if your Item command is sealed, cast Curaga | |instead. You'll always be able to heal with Curaga, either by casting the | |spell or by using the Rune Axe. If your Fight command is sealed when you want| |to attack, either use Giant's Gloves to further boost your attack power or | |use Judgment Staff to cast Flare. | | | |After your 4 castings of Blink are up, heal whenever your HP drops below 800,| |just to be safe (and so Ultima Weapon's damage output doesn't drop too low). | |Once you've used Giant's Gloves 6 or so times, start attacking physically. If| |you're not doing 3000+ damage per attack, use Giant's Gloves a few more | |times. | | | |Once you've gotten 4 castings of Blink up, you're practically guaranteed to | |win, but it's quite possible to be killed before you get your Blink barriers | |up if Chronodia attacks you physically twice in a row. If you're killed, you | |must go through the whole Labyrinth again, since you cannot save before the | |battle. | | | |Chronodia's non-physical attacks: All status and death spells miss because of| |your equipment. Icestorm does <100 damage and elemental spells do 90-120. | |Poison Gas does about 120, Thunderbolt does about 130 and Flare will hit you | |for over 300. Chronodia can also cast Haste on himself, but if you have your | |4 castings of Blink up, it won't matter. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Maximillian is superior to the Diamond Armlet, and the Master Shield is superior to the Elven Cloak. The Barbarian's Sword has a considerably higher attack power than the Ultima Weapon, but it lands critical hits less often. I've observed that it still seems to do more damage on average than the Ultima Weapon at max HP, and the Barbarian's Sword has the additional advantage of not being dependent upon your HP for damage output. I definitely recommend the Barbarian's Sword over the Ultima Weapon, but feel free to keep using Ultima Weapon if you prefer it. (If you don't intend to use the Barbarian's Sword, defeat #203 anyway so you'll have beaten the most powerful enemy in the game with your solo Red Wizard.) ------------------------------- 16. The Final Battle [FINL] ------------------------------- - Chaos Shrine: Now that you've defeated Chronodia #203 and gotten all the items you're going to get, it's time to smash Chaos. Go through the dungeon again and beat the bosses you beat before (Death Eye, Lich, Marilith and Kraken). With your equipment, you don't even need to Blink/Haste/Saber against these guys anymore; just attack a few times until they die. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |Boss: Tiamat #127| |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |HP: 5500 Attack: 75 Accuracy: 85 Defense: 90 | |Agility: 45 Intelligence: 38 Evasion: 90 Magic Defense: 200 | |Gil: 1 EXP: 2000 Drop: Rune Staff (4%) | |Weak: None | |Resist: Quake, Fire, Lightning, Ice | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |You can just attack him a few times and he'll fall. You can Haste if you want| |to speed things up, but the other spells are really a waste of time | |considering how powerful you are. | | | |The Rune Staff casts Healara in battle, but you should already have one of | |those. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |Boss: Chaos #128| |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |HP: 20000 Attack: 170 Accuracy: 200 Defense: 100 | |Agility: 50 Intelligence: 40 Evasion: 100 Magic Defense: 200 | |Gil: 0 EXP: 0 Drop: None | |Weak: None | |Resist: Quake, Fire, Lightning, Ice, Time, Stone, Paralysis, Poison, | | Darkness, Sleep, Silence, Confusion, Mind, Death | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Blink x4, Haste, Saber x4, then attack. Really, you don't have to do all | |that, but it's the final battle so you may as well go all out. His physicals | |miss with your Blink barriers up, and Slowra and Earthquake always miss. | |Third-level spells do less than 100 damage. Blaze does about 115, and Tsunami| |and Cyclone do about 160. Flare does high damage. Chaos can also cast Haste | |on himself, and he can heal himself with Curaja. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =================================== IV. Optional Stat Maxing [SMAX] =================================== ------------------------- Leveling to 99 [LV99] ------------------------- The easiest and fastest way in the game to level to 99 is in the Cavern of Ice, by defeating Evil Eye over and over again. In case you've forgotten, here are its stats: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |Boss: Evil Eye #075| |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |HP: 162 Attack: 30 Accuracy: 42 Defense: 30 | |Agility: 6 Intelligence: 20 Evasion: 12 Magic Defense: 92 | |Gil: 3225 EXP: 3225 Drop: None | |Weak: None | |Resist: None | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Since it has instant death attacks, you shouldn't use it to level the first time you encounter it. It's best to wait until you've gotten the Protect Ring and the Ribbon from Gaia and the Waterfall Cavern, respectively. Once you're ready, it's just a matter of taking one step right and one step left, repeatedly killing Evil Eye in one hit and reaping the 3225 EXP each time. If you're maxing your Agility/evasion, be sure to save before each level up and reset if you don't get an Agility increase (see the next section). Besides the resetting if you're going for max evasion, the only annoying part of this is the fact that you'll occasionally get into a random battle on the sidestep. This doesn't take long, and when you're done you'll notice that you have 999,999 gil; hunting for gil is a thing of the past. ------------------------- Maxing Evasion [EMAX] ------------------------- Hopefully you're taking my advice and reading this section before proceeding with the walkthrough. Every time your Agility increases by 1 point on level up, your evasion stat increases by 2. However, due to a bug, when you use a Speed Plus item to increase your Agility by 1, your evasion stat only increases by 1, not by 2. Therefore, in order to have the highest possible base evasion (241 for a Red Wizard), you'll need to get your Agility to 99 naturally, through increases at level up, and never use a Speed Plus item. This means resetting for most levels, often multiple times. Keep track of your EXP total and save your game (in slot 1, to make resetting/reloading faster) before each level up. If you don't get an Agility increase on that level up, reset/reload and try again. Repeat until your Agility increases. Do this on each level until you have 99 Agility. You start the game with 10 Agility, so you can afford to have up to 9 level ups without an Agility boost, but you may as well reset on every level from the beginning of the game until you get an Agility increase. Do this, and your Agility will be 99 at level 90. This really doesn't take as long as it sounds like, but it does require some patience; I've had to reset 20 times to get an Agility increase on a level, although having to reset only a few times is more common. On some levels, you're guaranteed to get an Agility boost. On the others, the chance of an increase is 1/7. At level 99, your unequipped stats should be: Agility 99, accuracy 255, evasion 241. Your other stats will vary, though HP and MP will almost certainly be 999 each, and defense will be 0 unequipped. ----------------------------- Maxing Other Stats [OMAX] ----------------------------- You've already leveled to 99, have 999 HP and MP, and have maxed your Agility (and thus evasion as well) naturally. But you want to see a nice column of 99s on the stat screen by maxing your Strength, Intelligence, Stamina and Luck as well. Never fear: it's quite possible to do this. You can find all of the stat plus items you need in Hellfire Chasm. If you have the patience, I recommend maxing your stats here; just keep in mind that this may take a long time, and it's not strictly necessary to beat Omega, Shinryu or Chronodia. On the first four floors you can find Stamina Plus and Mind Plus (Intelligence) items which will permanently increase those stats. You can also find Power Plus (Strength) and Luck Plus items in the second group of four floors, after the first boss. You have to go through the dungeon repeatedly to get multiple copies of the items. You can find Stamina Plus as 5th chest of B1 and 3rd chest of B3, and mind plus as 4th chest of B3. Luck Plus is 4th chest of B6 and Power Plus is 4th chest of B8. Using the floor ID numbers that TFergusson uses in his Soul of Chaos guide, floors 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7 or 8 (i.e. any floor except floor 5) can have the 3rd chest of a level. Floors 1, 3, 4, 7 or 8 can have the 4th chest. Floors 4 or 8 can have the 5th chest. You'll be able to get at least one of these items almost every time through the dungeon. You'll usually get 2-3 or more. Save before you go in though so you can reset if you get nothing, to save time. Use the configuration tables in TFergusson's guide to keep track of what configuration you're in so you'll know which floors are ahead. After you beat the first boss, but before you go down the stairs to B6, check your configuration to make sure you'll get a desired floor on either B6 or B8. If not, go ahead and leave now. If so, save before proceeding to B6, so you can reset and just leave from B5 if you get nothing on B6 or B8. Do this check on B3 if you got nothing on B1 or B3, to make sure fighting the first boss is worth it. However, note that even if you get a floor you want on a particular level, you may not be guaranteed to get the chest you want. For example, floors 4 and 8 both have 5 possible chests, but if these floors appear on B1, only 2 of these chests will appear, meaning that there's only a 2/5 chance that chest 5 (the Stamina Plus) will be there. See TFergusson's guide for specifics. So you may get a desirable floor on B3, but find neither of the desired chests there. The same is true of B6 and B8. After you've gotten all the stat plus items that you're going to get on a particular runthrough, you can either let yourself get killed (which may take longer than you'd like, since you can't target yourself, most enemies will flee from you at level 99, and if they do attack you they're likely to miss because of your very high evasion) to be transported outside (this only works on the PSP version, not the GBA version), or just go ahead and beat the boss then exit (my recommendation). On B5, Cagnazzo is faster because you only have to beat him once. On B10, Barbariccia is faster because she has lower HP and lower defense. While going through the dungeon to max stats, you may want to also pick up the X-Potion on B2 and the Turbo Ether on B4, if you can be bothered to hunt them down every time. I don't bother because it makes a tedious task take even longer. You'll need to go through the dungeon 20+ times to get enough stat plus items to max your remaining stats. Whenever you use a stat plus item, the stat in question is permanently boosted by +1, +2 or +3, and which boost you get is random. You obviously want the +3 boosts, because that means fewer times through the dungeon. So, move the item you're using to the first slot on your item list (to make repeatedly finding it faster), save your game in the first slot (to make resetting/reloading faster), check the current value of the stat, then use the item and check it again. If it didn't go up by 3, reset/reload and try again until it does. If it did go up by 3, save in slot 1 again and repeat if you have any more stat plus items to use. When you get to the point where the next item will put you at 99 in a stat, unequip anything that may be temporarily boosting that stat, and save in slot 1 again, before you use the next item. This way you'll be sure to get the base stat to 99 instead of just the equipment-boosted stat. There is an alternative method of maxing Strength. The enemy Hyenadon has a 1% chance to drop Power Plus. The easiest way to encounter Hyenadon is on B4 of Cavern of Earth. Most of the treasure chests on this floor have tiles next to them where you will always get into a battle with an Ogre Mage, an Ogre Chief and 0-2 Hyenadons. If there are no Hyenadons, run. If there are, end the battle quickly with one of your spellcasting items, and repeat until you have as many Power Plus items as you need. ===================== V. Closing [CLOS] ===================== You've just trounced this game using only a solo Red Mage/Red Wizard. Congratulations. I might update this guide in the future, if I can be assed. If you have contributions or corrections, please email me (my contact info is below). ========================= VI. Copyright [COPY] ========================= This document is not copyrighted. You can do what you want with it, but I'd rather you didn't use it to make money. =================================== VII. Contact Information [CONT] =================================== You may email me with contributions or corrections at necrolesian@bitmessage.ch. Put "Final Fantasy RM," or something similar, in the subject line so I know what the email is about. Emails with ambiguous subject lines, or that are obviously spam, will be deleted without being read. Please let me know if I got anything wrong, left anything out, or if you have any additional tips or ideas. ================================ VIII. Version History [VERS] ================================ Version 1.1 - 2018-04-03 Rearranged sections. Revised copyright section and contact information. Version 1.01 - 2012-08-18 Updated contact information. Version 1.0 - 2011-01-06 Initial release. ================================= IX. Credits and Thanks [CRED] ================================= Square, for making yet another version of this classic game. GameFAQs, for being a great place to find just about anything you want to know about a game. DarkElf99, for his Monster Formations Guide for the NES/PSX versions. I got the probability of some monster encounters and the number of monsters in each from this guide. Final Fantasy Kingdom (http://www.finalfantasykingdom.net/ffadvancebonus4.php), for the Whisperwind Cove maps. Flamefury, for his Red Mage Solo Guide for the GBA version, which has a strategy for the main game, but not for the Soul of Chaos dungeons. KaonNemesis, for his Labyrinth of Time guide, from which I got the paths to Chronodia. LeviathanMist, from the Dawn of Souls answers board, for info on stat maxing and the Agility bug. Red Scarlet, for her Monster Book guide for the GBA version, from which I got drop percentages and some monster locations. TFergusson, for his Soul of Chaos guide for the GBA version, which is very excellent and useful. You, of course, for reading this guide.