/=======================================================/ | Final Fantasy 1&2 Advance (Game Boy Advance) | | Menu/Config Translations | | Version 1.0 07/30/04 | | By Red Scarlet (akaiscarlet_at_hotmail.com) | | (alternate email: mockballqueen_at_hotmail.com) | /=======================================================/ Version 1.0 07/30/04-guide created, but only for FF1 right now. This FAQ is for personal use only. It cannot be altered without the consent of the FAQ's owner (me), nor published in any magazines or any reproducted form. This FAQ is not meant for sale and is copyright 2004 Red Scarlet. If you want to use this FAQ on your Website or page, please email me for permission (akaiscarlet_at_hotmail.com or mockballqueen_at_hotmail.com) Go to www.njstar.com to get the Japanese text to display how it would on the game (or use some other kind of Japanese text viewing program), or just right click the window and choose encoding (with IE anyway). This FAQ is for anyone who has the Gameboy Advance version of Final Fantasy 1 and 2, and needs to know what the heck is going on after the characters are chosen, and for the menu screens. I assume you already know the game, so there are very few actual strategies in this FAQ. There are already a few at Gamefaqs already made, so view one of those if you need direction on where to go. The newest updates will always be at Gamefaqs. In pretty much all of the lists, the order of what things are in will be: Japanese Kana that appears onscreen/romanized version/my translation. Enjoy! FF1 is up first. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- First up are the options at the title screen. ニューゲーム: Nyu-ge-mu (New Game) Starts a new game. ロードゲーム: Ro-doge-mu (Load Game) Continue off of a saved game (up to 3 different files can be saved). ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you are starting a New Game, you will arrive at the Character Select screen. Choose your four characters out of the six different types: せんし: Senshi (Warrior) シーフ: Si-fu (Thief) モンク: Monku (Monk) あかまじゅつし: Akamajutsushi (Red Mage) しろまじゅつし: Shiromajutsushi (White Mage) くろまじゅつし: Kuromajutsushi (Black Mage) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- When the naming prompt appears, use this chart to pick the name you want (or just use the English letters). Hit the Select button for random default names if you want. Hiragana あ=A い=I う=U え=E お=O わ=Wa を=wo ん=-n か=ka き=ki く=ku け=ke こ=ko が=ga ぎ=gi ぐ=gu げ=ge ご=go さ=sa し=shi す=su せ=se そ=so ざ=za じ=ji ず=zu ぜ=ze ぞ=zo た=ta ち=chi つ=tsu て=te と=to だ=da *=di? づ=du で=de ど=do な=na に=ni ぬ=nu ね=ne の=no ば=ba び=bi ぶ=bu べ=be ぼ=bo は=ha ひ=hi ふ=fu へ=he ほ=ho ぱ=pa ぴ=pi ぷ=pu ぺ=pe ぽ=po ま=ma み=mi む=mu め=me も=mo ぁ=a ぃ=i ぅ=u ぇ=e ぉ=o や=ya ゆ=yu よ=yo っ=*1 ゃ=-a ゅ=-u ょ=-o ら=ra り=ri る=ru れ=re ろ=ro ' 。 ! ? ー *1=Used for a double consonant. Example: しっぽ: Shippo. Use っ before the letter to be doubled. Katakana ア=A イ=I ウ=U エ=E オ=O ワ=wa ヲ=wo ン=-n カ=ka キ=ki ク=ku ケ=ke コ=ko ガ=ga ギ=gi グ=gu ゲ=ge ゴ=go サ=sa シ=shi ス=su セ=se ソ=so ザ=za ジ=ji ズ=zu ゼ=ze ゾ=zo タ=ta チ=chi ツ=tsu テ=te ト=to ダ=da *=di? ヅ=du デ=de ド=do ナ=na ニ=ni ヌ=nu ネ=ne ノ=no バ=ba ビ=bi ブ=bu ベ=be ボ=bo ハ=ha ヒ=hi フ=fu ヘ=he ホ=ho パ=pa ピ=pi プ=pu ペ=pe ポ=po マ=ma ミ=mi ム=mu メ=me モ=mo ァ=a ィ=i ゥ=u ェ=e ォ=o ヤ=ya ユ=yu ヨ=yo ッ=*1 ャ-a ュ=-u ェ=-e ョ=-o ラ=ra リ=ri ル=ru レ=re ロ=ro ' 。 ! ? ー *1=Used for a double consonant. Example: シッポ: Shippo. Use ッ before the letter to be doubled. English ABCDE abcde FGHIJ fghij KLMNO klmno PQRST pqrst UVWXY uvwxy Z0123 4567z 89/@' . End A button confirms B button cancels Start button (same as selecting End) After choosing your party and names, hit Start. The game asks if you are done choosing, and then asks はい: Hai (yes) or いいえ: Iie (no). Then after that, the screen will change and two options will appear. かんじ: Kanji ひらがな: Hiragana If you select Kanji, then Kanji will appear in the spoken text. If you choose Hiragana, then Kanji will be replaced by the simpler Hiragana. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Once the game begins, hit the start button to reach the menu screen. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- /=============/ | Menu Screen | /=============/ /=================================/======================================/ | Character 1's name | | | | アイテム: Aitemu (Item) | | Pic Level Character Type | まほう: Mahou (Magic) | | HP Current/HP Max | そうび: Soubi (Equip) | | MP Current/MP Max | ステータス: Sute-tasu (Status) | | | たいれつ: Tairetsu (Party Position) | | Character 2's name | コンフィグ: Konfigu (Config) | | | セーブ: Se-bu (Save) | | Pic Level Character Type | | | HP Current/HP Max | | | MP Current/MP Max /--------------------------------------/ | | | | Character 3's name | Current ギル: Giru (Gil) | | | タイム: Taimu (Playing Time) | | Pic Level Character Type | | | HP Current/HP Max | | | MP Current/MP Max | The four elemental Crystals | | | | | Character 4's name /--------------------------------------/ | | | | Pic Level Character Type | Party's current location | | HP Current/HP Max | | | MP Current/MP Max | | /=================================|======================================/ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- /================================/ | アイテム: Aitemu (Item Screen) | /================================/ There's only 3 options in the item screen, they are: つかう: Tsukau (Use) せいとん: Seiton (Organize) だいじなもの: Daijinamono (Key Items) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- /==============================/ | まほう: Mahou (Magic Screen) | /==============================/ The 2 options in the magic screen are: つかう: Tsukau (Use) わすれる: Wasureru (Forget) If you choose to forget a spell, it will leave your list. You must re-buy the spell if you want it again to cast. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- /=======================/ | そうび: Soubi (Equip) | /=======================/ The Equip screen looks like this: /===========================================================================/ | そうび: Soubi (Equip) さいきょう: Saikyo (Optimum) はずす: Hazusu (Remove)| /---------------------------------------------------------------------------/ | Name Level ぶ き: Buki (Weapon) Current weapon equipped | | Pic た て: Tate (Shield) Current shield equipped | | Type あたま: Atama (Head) Current helm equipped | | からだ: Karada (Body) Current armor equipped | | HP current/maximum うで: Ude (Arm) Current glove equipped | /-------------------------/-------------------------------------------------/ | | | | | こうげきりょうく: Kougekiryoku (Attack Power) | | | めいちゅうりつ: Meichuuritsu (Hit %) | | | ぼうぎょうりょく: Bougyouryoku (Defense Power) | | | かいひりつ: Kaihiritsu (Evade %) | /=========================/=================================================/ The L and R buttons go to the previous or next party member, respectively. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- /================================/ | ステータス: Sute-tasu (Status) | /================================/ /===========================================================================/ | Name Character Type | | Pic Level | | HP Current/Max ちから: Chikara (Power) | | MP Current/Max すばやさ: Subayase (Speed) | | まほうLV: Mahou LV (Magic Level) ちせい: Chisei (Intelligence) | | いまのけいけんち: Ima no Keikenchi (Current Experience) | | たいりょく: Tairyoku (Stamina) | | つぎのLVまであと: Tsugi LV Madeato (Next Level) | | こううん: Kouun (Luck) | | ぶ き: Buki (Weapon) こうげきりょく: Kougeki Ryoku (Attack Power) | | た て: Tate (Shield) めいちゅうりつ: Reichuu Ritsu (Hit Percent) | | あたま: Atama (Head) ぼうぎょりょく: Bougyo Ryoku (Defense Power) | | からだ: Karada (Body) かいひりつ: Kaihi Ritsu (Evade Percent) | | う で: Ude (Arms) | /===========================================================================/ The L and R buttons go to the previous or next party member, respectively. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- /=====================================/ | たいれつ: Tairetsu (Party Position) | /=====================================/ Change the order of the party. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- /==============================/ | コンフィグ: Konfigu (Config) | /==============================/ Bボタンダッシュ: B Botandasshu (B Button Dash) When this option is ON, you will run really fast in towns and dungeons automatically. When this option is OFF, you will only run really fast in towns and dungeons while you hold the B Button. カーソルいちきおく: Ka-soru ichikioku (Cursor Memory) You can set the battle cursor in battle to either be set to しょき: Shoki (Initial) or きおく: Kioku (Memory-set to the last command chosen). メッセージひょうじ: Messe-ji Hyouji (Message Display) You can set the spoken text to either display かんじ: Kanji, or the simpler ひらがな: Hiragana. メッセージそくど: Messeji Sokudo (Message Speed) Set the speed of the text when you talk to characters. 1 is the fastest, 4 is the slowest. ウィンドウカラー: Uindoukara- (Window Color) Set the color of the background. モンスターずかん: Monsuta- Zukan (Monster Picture Book) View your monster pictures collection. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- That's it for now, unless I get enough emails about anything else or any additions/changes. Thank you for reading my FAQ and email with any questions (akaiscarlet_at_hotmail.com or mockballqueen_at_hotmail.com) or if you just want to talk to someone about any of the Final Fantasy games, or any other games I have written FAQ's for. Copyright Red Scarlet, 2004.