Final Fantasy II Anniversary Edition (PSP) Ultimate Weapon FAQ v1.0 by CptnJustc -- questions, comments and suggestions to Much of the information in this guide comes from Gamefaqs forum members -- particularly hardcore rpg gamer, who provided many of the main tables -- with some revision and fleshing out from myself. Table of Contents ----------------- 1. Introduction 2. FAQs 3. The Ultimate Weapons 3.1. Stats 4. The Arcane Labyrinths / Sanctuary 4.1. Key words and timing 4.2. Key word lists 4.2a. Minwu 4.2b. Josef 4.2c. Gordon 4.2d. Leila 4.2e. Ricard 4.2f. Leon 4.2g. Firion 4.2h. Maria 4.2i. Guy 4.3. Other rewards - Revive and Destroy 4.4. Finding new key words 5. Bonus: Getting the Masamune 6. Version History 1. Introduction ---------------- Final Fantasy II for the PSP brings a new set of dungeons (the Arcane Labyrinths) with fancy new weapon rewards. You can even get some of these rewards (and, through the dungeons, a whole lot of other late-game loot) pretty early in the game. Unfortunately, the game doesn't exactly spell out what the heck it expects you to do, so here's a little FAQ to help out. Basically, you have to make your way through three dungeons: Arcane Labyrinth NW (west of Salamand), Arcane Labyrinth NE (east of Salamand) and Arcane Labyrinth S (west of Kashuan). The northwest dungeon is four levels long, the northeast dungeon is seven levels, and the south dungeon is ten. To progress from one level to the next, you use one of the 'key words' you learn throughout the game to break a seal. With one before the dungeon and one at the end, this means you need five, eight, and eleven key words for the northwest, northeast, and south dungeons respectively. Most (but not all) levels of the dungeon give you the chance to learn a new key word by performing some sort of task. You can only use a particular key word once per run through a dungeon, and there is no saving or teleporting out once you're in. Further complication: In order to get the fancy Ultimate Weapons at the end of everything, you'll need to use words appropriate for each character. Luckily, they've stuck mages at the entrance of each dungeon that will tell you which key words are compatible with which characters, as long as you know the words and have the characters in your party at the time. Once you're done opening all the seals in each dungeon (with a boss at the end of each), you can go to the Arcane Sanctuary, which can be reached by walking into the mountain with the white dot just north of Poft. At the top of a long, winding staircase you can find Deumion. After the seals are released, you'll be able to talk to him for a test -- a boss fight against the monster Phrekyos. Talk to him after the fight and he'll ask if you want something. Give him the appropriate key word for a particular character, and he'll give you that character's "ultimate weapon", something only that character can equip, and which provides some nice stat boosts in addition to pretty decent attack power. Now you can run through the dungeons again, and repeat. Other "ultimate weapons" are obtained in the Soul of Rebirth's Unknown Palace. 2. FAQs -------- Q: How ultimate are these "ultimate weapons"? A: It depends on the character. Some of them are pretty modest (especially Josef's), almost all of them will provide less in attack power than, say, a Masamune. But those stat boosts can be substantial, allowing you to max out particular stats instantly. Whether you use them or just go through the toad game to get a set of Masamunes is up to you. And considering that Gordon, for example, won't get much use out of it, you may want to consider skipping the tedious dungeons for him. In addition, as your stats naturally rise toward 99, the ultimate weapons' stat boosts may become less useful. Q: Can I repeat the dungeons and get multiple copies of each weapon? A: Nope. You'll probably get an elixir. Not sure about other prizes yet. Q: How can I get the Light of Hope item from the Guardian stage? A: You have to head off the soldiers coming to Deumion's house. Confusingly, the path you take is actually the super long, winding way around, and if you try to get to Deumion's place any more directly, the soldiers will show up there ahead of you. For the actual path, check Mr. Jingles' FAQ, linked from section 4.4. Q: Why can't I get any of the prizes you list from the matching game? A: You probably don't have your Toad spell leveled to 16. Before that, the prizes are of much lower quality. 3. The Ultimate Weapons ------------------------ 3.1. Stats ----------- As you can see, the Masamune beats most of the weapons for attack power, but the stat boosts can be phenomenal. In addition, the Wild Rose's use effect can be a real killer. Weapon Character Atk Def Str Sta Spi Agi Int Mag Use Effect ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gungnir Gordon 90 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 -- Dancing Dagger Leila 85 0 30 0 0 70 0 0 -- Longinus Leon 155 0 50 30 30 30 0 0 -- Ragnarok Firion 150 0 50 0 30 99 0 0 -- Artemis Bow Maria 117 0 30 0 0 0 50 99 -- Gigantaxe Guy 199 0 99 30 0 0 0 0 -- Staff of Light Minwu 60 0 0 0 50 50 50 50 -- Stardust Rod Minwu 90 0 0 0 99 0 99 99 Fire XVI Wild Rose Scott 149 0 99 0 0 0 99 0 Berserk XVI Dragon Claws Josef 65 0 30 0 0 30 0 0 -- Bracers Josef 0 30 65 30 0 0 0 0 -- Abel's Lance Ricard 125 0 50 30 0 50 0 0 -- Wyvern's Lance Ricard 169 0 99 0 0 99 0 0 -- Masamune Any 150 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Haste XI 4. The Arcane Labyrinths / Sanctuary ------------------------------------- 4.1. Key words and timing -------------------------- The following table describes when you can acquire each weapon -- that is, when you'll have the chance to get enough compatible keywords to get through the labyrinths and score enough 'points' with Deumion. Weapon Character Earliest chance to obtain -------------------------------------------------------------- Staff of Light Minwu After getting Minwu Dragon Claws Josef After getting Minwu Gungnir Gordon After Dreadnought Dancing Dagger Leila After Deist Abel's Lance Ricard After Deist Artemis Bow Maria After Leviathan Longinus Leon After cyclone Gigantaxe Guy After cyclone Ragnarok Firion After Palamecia Stardust Rod Minwu Soul of Rebirth, Unknown Palace Wild Rose Scott Soul of Rebirth, Unknown Palace Bracers Josef Soul of Rebirth, Unknown Palace Wyvern Lance Ricard Soul of Rebirth, Unknown Palace The following are the key words you can obtain, in the order you can obtain them. The 'root words' are words you obtain in the regular game, while the 'subordinate terms' are the words you obtain by using those words in the Arcane Labyrinths and completing the specific tasks in those levels (more on the tasks later). The last word in each chain leads to a dungeon which does not provide an opportunity to learn a new word, so your only task is to get through. This table and most of the following key word lists for each character come from Gamefaqs forum member hardcore rpg gamer. For convenience, I've also added the teammate you'll have filling your fourth party slot when those words become available. Occasionally you get them just before you get a party member, which I've labeled 'pre'. Teammate Root word Subordinate Terms ------------------------------------------------- None Wild Rose Tracking Pre-Minwu Mythril Mirror Minwu Dreadnought Aquifer -> Cave-> Wizard-> Candelabra Minwu Airship Wind Minwu Sunfire Pre-Josef Goddess's Bell Dense Fog Pre-Leila Dragoons Pre-Leila Wyverns Darkness -> Thundercloud Leila Mysidia Desert -> Oasis Leila Mask Tundra -> Greed -> Authority Leila Ekmet Teloess Woodlands -> Fire -> Cauldron Leila Ultimate Tome Sorcery -> Soul -> Mercy Ricard Cyclone Giants -> Utopia Ricard Palamecia Iron Bars -> Chronicles -> Miasma Leon Jade Passage Oblivion -> Hope -> Destruction -> Guardian The last sequence in particular adds to the story, revealing Deumion's background. On the Guardian stage, you can find the 'Light of Hope' key item, which is necessary to obtain the Revive tome. There are several special combinations. If you visit the first and then the second in each pair, the second will have no random encounters. The combos known so far are: Dragoons Wyverns Candelabra Darkness Fire Sunfire Sorcery Wizard Dreadnought Palamecia 4.2. Key word lists -------------------- The following are the key words for each character, with each category reflecting how ecstatic the wizard at the labyrinth entrance is about the character's affinity for the word. What prize you get seems to depend on some kind of point system -- note that you don't _necessarily_ need to use only words from this list to get your prize, as on one I was able to do it with ten of the highest-ranked listed words and one 'does not bode well' word. 4.2a. Minwu ------------ Good fortune Promising Quite well Auspicious Superb ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Candelabra Tracking Dreadnought Wild Rose Wizard Wind Mythril Airship Mirror Sunfire Aquifer Cave 4.2b. Josef ------------ Good fortune Promising Quite well Auspicious Superb ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Wild Rose Mirror Aquifer Tracking Mythril Dreadnought Wizard Cave Wind Airship Candelabra Sunfire 4.2c. Gordon ------------- Good fortune Promising Quite well Auspicious Superb ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Aquifer Tracking Candelabra Sunfire Goddess's Bell Cave Mythril Wind Dense Fog Dragoons Darkness Wyverns Thundercloud 4.2d. Leila ------------ Good fortune Promising Quite well Auspicious Superb ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Dragoons Mysidia Ultima Tome Ekmet Teloess Oasis Wyverns Fire Tundra Desert Thundercloud Soul Woodlands Sorcery Mercy Cauldron 4.2e. Ricard ------------- Good fortune Promising Quite well Auspicious Superb ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Candelabra Goddess's Bell Darkness Wyverns Dragoons Wind Dense Fog Thunderclouds Soul Sunfire Desert Fire Ekmet Teloess Woodlands Cauldron Ultima Tome Oasis 4.2f. Leon ----------- Good fortune Promising Quite well Auspicious Superb ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tracking Mirror Ultima Tome Dreadnought Palamecia Aquifer Wizard Tundra Authority Cave Cyclone Woodlands Hope Oblivion Cauldron Destruction Guardian 4.2g. Firion ------------- Good fortune Promising Quite well Auspicious Superb ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Dreadnought Mask Cyclone Destruction Hope Authority Greed Utopia Guardian Palamecia Sorcery Jade Passage Chronicles Giants Oblivion Miasma Iron Bars 4.2h. Maria ------------ Good fortune Promising Quite well Auspicious Superb ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Desert Ekmet Teloess Ultima Tome Mysidia Mercy Woodlands Oasis Tundra Sorcery Cauldron Giants Chronicles Jade Passage Iron Bars Miasma Destruction 4.2i. Guy ---------- Good fortune Promising Quite well Auspicious Superb ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ekmet Teloess Mysidia Sorcery Iron Bars Giants Ultima Tome Mercy Utopia Miasma Tundra Jade Passage Chronicles Oblivion Destruction Hope Guardian 4.3. Other rewards - Revive and Destroy ---------------------------------------- You can also get either the Destroy or Revive tomes. Present Deumion with the 'Light of Hope' item recovered from the Guardian stage to get the Revive tome. This gives you a spell which takes all the caster's MP, and completely restores HP and MP to your party -- though it completely recovers the enemy as well! Might be useful if, for example, you have one character who moves at the beginning of a turn, and you need a major boost. But by the time you get Revive, the game should no longer present much of a challenge, unfortunately. On the other hand, you can use the Destruction keyword on Deumion, leading him to fight you. Beat him to get the Destroy tome, giving you a spell which takes all the caster's MP and all but one of the caster's HP, killing everything else (including allies!) on the screen. No, you can't get both. I got the Revive tome before I got Firion's weapon, and when I went to claim Firion's reward, he didn't even ask me what I wanted -- he just handed me Ragnarok. And if you kill Deumion to get Destroy, there's not much point in asking him for anything else.... 4.4. Finding new key words --------------------------- Many apologies for being slow in adding this oft-requested feature. Luckily, Mr. Jingles has picked up the slack with his excellent Arcane Labyrinth Guide, located at: Keep in mind that, after learning a dungeon's key word once, there's no need to complete the task on subsequent trips through. Just head straight for the exit seal. 5. Bonus: Getting the Masamune -------------------------------- So you've looked over the ultimate weapons and decided they're not for you. Instead, you'd rather have a ton of copies of the Masamune, the Aegis shield, and full sets of Genji armor, and you want them way early. Well, you're in luck. These are all prizes of the memory-matching game you can play on the snowfield after you retrieve Josef's snowmobile. To access the game, any time you're on the snowfield hold the cancel button (O on the PSP) and tap the choice select button (X on the PSP) 22 times. Now you can play a matching game where you get prizes based on the number of errors you make. But the trick is, if one of your characters has leveled his Toad spell up to 16, all the cards turn to frogs, and the prizes change to the aforementioned craziness. To get your Toad to 16, you may want to refer to other FAQs on spell leveling. But you can get Toad to drop from captains in Fynn, as soon as you can take them down. After that, you may want to level it on those captains, or by getting into random, easy battles, and casting it on your teammates over and over and over again. It can take a few tedious hours. My technique (probably not the fastest) was to get into battles with weak enemies, and cast Toad repeatedly on my own characters. Each character has to cast it an increasing number of times _in the same battle_ to gain points toward a level, or cast it on harder enemies, which can of course be more difficult. Once you're in the memory game, you have to figure out a way to beat it. The best way I could figure (not having referred to the other FAQs on the memory game) was to make an index key of the pictures, something like, say: 1 blue tabard looking down 2 blue tabard looking up 3 grim look blue trim 4 grim look no trim 5 hand to face 6 purplish hat 7 armored hat 8 red jewel And then record a few examples of the layout, for example: 1 2 7 8 8 7 2 1 3 5 6 4 4 5 3 6 Now, the trick is that each time you start the minigame (by tapping the button 22 times), it only runs through 32 layouts in a row before starting over with the exact same layout you saw the first time (thanks to many contributors for sending me the exact number). Then it starts the cycle over. So you're likely to keep coming across the same layout again and again. One approach would be to record a few layouts in a row, then quickly start new games and cancel out of them until you find the same matches -- just be careful not to cancel out of the match game entirely, or you'll have to record a new set of layouts. The prizes are: Misses Money Prize ----------------------------- 0 40000 Masamune 1 25000 Aegis Shield 2 10000 Genji Armor 3 5000 Genji Gloves 4 3000 Genji Helm 5 2500 Hermes Shoes 6 1500 Sage's Wisdom 7 1000 Saint's Spirit 8 500 Bacchus's Win 9 300 Conch Shell 10 100 -- Earning a set of near-total protection armor and Masamunes for your entire party, including members not yet joined, can take about 30 minutes, making the whole process several hours. Tedious and maybe a lot to invest in the game, but on the whole a lot quicker than going for all the ultimate weapons. Of course, you could always do both.... 6. Version History ------------------- 1.0 - Filled in some stats, touched up a few things, pointed people toward Mr. Jingles' keyword FAQ. Thanks Joe F. for Gungnir's lack of effect. 0.7 - Added in just about all the weapons' stats -- thanks, CronoDAS! 0.5 -- Initial version