*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^* Final Fantasy IV -Advance- Game Boy Advance FAQ/Walkthrough By: Cyril [Stephanie Nutter] ereekairyn@yahoo.com Version: 1.3 Last Updated: February 1st, 2006 *^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^* This is meant to be a Spoiler-Free Walkthrough. There will be no plot information, and I will be required to omitt certain bosses names. This is a guide for those of you who wish for the full Final Fantasy IV experience without having to worry about the game being spoiled in the meantime. *^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^* 1: Introduction 2: Basics 3: FAQ 4: Walkthrough 5: Bosses 6: The Cave of Trials 7: The Lunar Ruins The Basics Trials and Challenges The Levels 8: Magic List Black Magic White Magic Summoning Ninjutsu 9: Music Player 10: Miscellaneous *^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^* *^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^* *^* Introduction *^* *^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^* Welcome to my guide for Final Fantasy IV -Advance-. This guide is meant to be as spoiler free as possible, but still complex enough to bring you through the game. I do not want to hold your hand through everything, but I will show you how to get through each area with relative ease. Because you chose my guide to be 'spoiler free', I would suggest using it as a very last resort if you are stuck. If you are having trouble with a boss, the first thing I can always suggest you do is level, level, and level some more. If you're still having trouble, then check your gear. Is it the best currently possible at the moment? Do you have the money to buy more? Why not head back to town and buy the best weapons and armor you can afford. If you are still having trouble at this point, THEN I suggest looking at my strategies. I have a separate section at the very bottom of my guide set aside for the boss strategies as well as the ones in the main guide, if you only need (or want) help there. I hope this guide ends up being helpful and informative to you. While I will truthfully admit to not being the best writer for Final Fantasy IV out there, I do feel that I am capable of making a guide for it. PS: Yes I know not every enemy will be in the enemy sections! I am not done getting everything finished at the moment. But hey, everything else is! *^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^* *^* Basics *^* *^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^* Final Fantasy IV is a RPG (Role Playing Game) That originally came out for the SNES about 15 years before the time this FAQ was written. ================================= Controls ================================= -------------------- Directional Buttons: -------------------- The Directional (D-Pad) on the left of the Game Boy Advance (SP) controls your character and allows him/her to move around on the screen. This button also moves the cursors in the menu and battle screens. ------------- Start Button: ------------- Opens the Menu Screen. Also Pauses and Resumes Battles. ------------- A Button: ------------- This is your all purpose Button. This is used to Confirm, talk, select items to use, and examine things. Also use this to do anything with vehicles. ------------- B Button: ------------- Pretty much a 'cancel' button. Allows you to cancel any currently made decisions. Also allows you to dash when used in combination with the control pad. ---------------- L and R Buttons: ---------------- In the field, changes the onscreen character. In the menu, changes the current character selected on screens such as the status, or magic screen. In Short: ------------------------------------------------------------------------- |Directional Buttons | Moves Character on the field, toggles cursor. | |A Button | Allows you to: Confirm, Talk, Examine, Select. | |B Button | Cancel Button. Cancels anything done with A. | |L & R Buttons | Changes onscreen character. Runs from battles. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================= Battle Commands ================================= Final Fantasy IV runs on an ATB system. ATB stands for Active Time Battle (system). There is a little bar on the far right of the screen that shows how far until the character gets his next turn. When this bar reaches the far right, the character can act, but not until then. The gauge will move faster based on a certain stat (see Stats section). Every character has a basic Attack option, which allows them to "Attack" an enemy. A characters Attack power depends on their currently equipped weapon, and if they are in the front or back row in battle. Being in the Back Row will halve the damage taken, but will also halve the damage done. Characters you mean to have as attackers should never be in the back row. Using Rows effectively is very important. Put Simply: Put Mages (Healers, Black [Attack] Mages) in the back, while your physical attackers stay in the front row taking the brunt of the damage for you. ------- The Battle Menu to input your commands appears after a character's ATB gauge has reached full. The menu changes from character to character, but typically looks like this: --------- |Attack | |Command 1| |Command 2| |Command 3| |Item | --------- When you press the left or right directional buttons, you get two extra commands. Row changes -everyones- in the entire battle parties Row. Defend allows the currently selected character to defend until their next battle round. Attacking allows a character to perform a normal physical attack. Item allows the selected character to use an item from the inventory menu, but once you use an item, it is used up permanently, so be careful! ================================= The Flow of Battle ================================= Every character has HP. HP stands for Health Points. When a character gets attacked, they lose HP. When a character attacks an enemy, the enemy loses HP. When a character and an enemy attacks each other, a standard battle 'round' has commenced. Here's a rundown of what a Standard battle round will look like. Note that the only 'command' each character is inputing is attack. Cecil HP: 4000/4000 Gold Dragon HP: 10000/10000 Cecil is the faster of the two characters, so he will get the first attack. He attacks the Gold Dragon physically and hits him for 3000 damage. Cecil HP: 4000/4000 Gold Dragon HP: 7000/10000 The Gold Dragon gets his turn next, and attacks Cecil for 1000 points of damage, because Cecil has much higher defense then his adversary due to his equipment. Cecil HP: 3000/4000 Gold Dragon HP: 7000/10000 Once again, Cecil attacks the Gold Dragon, but this time he does a Critical Hit. Critical Hits are randomly selected and you can quite control when you are going to get one. His critical hit does 4000 damage rather then 3000. The Gold Dragon Attacks Cecil back for another 1000 damage. Cecil HP: 2000/4000 Gold Dragon HP: 3000/10000 On his next attack, Cecil KO's (Knock's out) the Gold Dragon. He has won this battle from his sheer power and defensive stature. This is a very simplified form of the battle system, trading blows over and over again. ================================= Stats ================================= Stats change how well or not a person does in battle. The higher a characters' stats, the better performance they will have for you when they fight. A character with higher attack power will do more damage in battle, while a character with higher defense power will take less physical damage. Here's a rundown of all of the stats, and what they do. You can view a characters stats at any time out of battle if you go onto the Menu and select "Status". ----------------------- Strength ----------------------- This represents your physical attack strength. The higher this stat is, the stronger your physical attack power is going to be. AKA: Your physical atacks deal more damage. ----------------------- Agility ----------------------- The higher this stat is, the faster the character will be in battle. The characters ATB gauge will rise faster then others'. ----------------------- Stamina ----------------------- I was actually wrong about this...According to the booklet that comes with the game, the higher this number is, the more your HP is raised when you gain a level. ----------------------- Intelligence/Intellect ----------------------- The higher this stat is, the more powerful Black Magic will be. ----------------------- Spirit ----------------------- The higher this stat it, the more powerful White Magic will be. ----------------------- Attack Power ----------------------- This is influenced by Strength, and your currently equipped weapon. Your Attack Power determines the amount of damage you deal to an enemy physically. ----------------------- Precision ----------------------- Precision represents your attack accuracy. The higher this stat is, the more chance you will have of hitting an enemy with a physical attack. ----------------------- Defense Power ----------------------- The higher your defensive power is, the less damage you will take when you are attacked physically. Raise this stat by equipping better armor. ----------------------- Evasion ----------------------- The higher this stat is, the higher chance you will have of evading an enemy atack when it comes your way. You take no damage when you evade an attack. ----------------------- Magical Defense ----------------------- The higher your magical defense power is, the less damage you will take when attacked with a magical spell. ----------------------- Magical Evasion ----------------------- The higher this stat is, the greater chance you will have of evading a magical attack all together, and of avoiding the status effect it can cause (Such as Toad, Slow, etc). ================================= The Menu Screen ================================= There are many different Commands on the Menu Screen. Each has its on different importance, and some you may find yourself using more then others. ----------------------- Item ----------------------- The Item command allows you to see what items you have in your inventory, as well as allows you to use any items currently in your possession. You can throw any unwanted/needed items away as well. ----------------------- Magic ----------------------- This command changes with the character. Only characters who have White Magic can use magic from the menu. From this command you can sort your magic, and see which magics are usable. ----------------------- Equipment ----------------------- The Equipment command allows a character to change his or her currently equiped gear. Try to avoid using the "Best Equip", since it is hard to determine what happens. ----------------------- Status ----------------------- The Status screen allows you to see a characters Stats, as well as their current Experience, and their Experience TNL (To Next Level). ----------------------- Order ----------------------- Changes the party Order. This is important when working with Rows. ----------------------- Row ----------------------- Changes the rows of all characters currently in your party. This is touchy to work with, and you'll need to use Order a lot to get it right. ----------------------- Config ----------------------- Allows you to change your in game settings. ----------------------- Quicksave ----------------------- The Quicksave feature allows you to save anywhere instantly. But you need to quit the game in order to use it. When you reload a quicksaved game, the file is deleted. ----------------------- Save ----------------------- This allows you to save your game. You can only save on the World Map and at Save Points that are littered throughout the game. *^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^* *^* FAQ [Frequently Asked Questions] *^* *^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^* Question: What version of the game is this ported from? ------------------------------- Answer: Many say its the Wonder Swan Color version, mainly because of the numerous amounts of battle lags and bugs. While I do not know personally, I am tempted to agree with this. Question: How do I beat [Boss Name Here]? Where do I go from [Insert Locale]? ------------------------------- Answer: This is what the Walkthrough is for. Control F for the specific bosses or areas name, and you may find it. I do not have any particular control F feature implented into my guides other then with my bosses because I feel it encourages spoilers. Question: I can't get into [Character's] Door at the Lunar Ruins, Why? ------------------------------- Answer: You need to beat the game with that character in your party to do their challenge at the Lunar Ruins. Question: What does the Pink Tail do, and why is it so hard to get? ------------------------------- Answer: The Pink Tail gives you the best armor in the game, but it also has a horrible, horrible, horrible drop rate. You need to give this item to the "Tail Collector" near Mythril and he will give you the Armor. Question: Why is the drop rate so bad on the Cockatrice, Goblin, etc. Summons? ------------------------------- Answer: It wouldn't be any fun if it were easy, now would it? Well, in all seriousness, the chances tend to be better off the higher level monsters in the Lunar Ruins. I got a Cockatrice to drop after killing my very first Mist Eagle. If you're willing to wait until after you've finished the game, you can get them there. Otherwise, you just need to be patient. Question: Edge dies to just about everything! How do I make him live longer? ------------------------------- Answer: At later levels (40+) Edge learns Image. This is the KEY to keeping him alive during any long or tough battle. Blink (which is what Image is) is a very important spell, so use it often and wisely. *^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^* *^* Walkthrough *^* *^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^* This is the main Walkthrough for Final Fantasy IV. I originally had set this up as more of a flow chart, but scrapped the idea as I began the guide. It really did not work too well with me as I wrote. The guide will tell you where to go, what enemies are dangerous, and how to find items. There is also boss strategies for every boss, major and minor, though I have omitted the names of certain bosses. There will be no "Suggested Level" or "Current Characters" as to avoid spoilers. Items: Items that you can find in the area. Enemies: Current enemies found in the area, can be in the world map, or in a dungeon. Bosses: This will be a simple "Yes" or "No" and a number in this section. The bosses name will actually be in the guide for the area. ******************************************************************************* Castle Baron ******************************************************************************* Items: Bomb Ring, Ether, Tent, 480 Gil Enemies: None Bosses: None After the opening sequences, you gain control in Castle Baron. Make sure to check around the entire castle to try and find hidden items. The goal is to head southwest up the stairs from Castle Baron - First Floor. Here you will see a scene. Continue outside. There's some more to do out here, but to continue with the game you need to head north and approach the tower door. Another scene plays. Continue all the way up this tower and talk to the NPC blocking your path, and she will move allowing you to pass. Approach Cecil's bed to go to sleep. When you awaken, you gain a new party member, and the game 'truly' begins. ******************************************************************************* Overworld ******************************************************************************* Items: None Enemies: Floating Eyeball, Goblin, Helldiver, Sword Rat Bosses: None This will be your first encounter with the World Map (Overworld). When you first begin, stick to the forests and the grassy terrain just to the south of you, and when you get stronger, head west into the desert. Spending a bit of time levelling up is reccomended, but not necessary. There is a "Chocobo Forest" to the southwest of the desert. This is the small square patch of forest. When you enter here, you will see many Chocobos running about. By "Catching" (touching) the White Chocobos, you can get your MP restored. By "Catching" a Yellow Chocobo, you can ride a Chocobo temporarily on the World Map. If you're interested, you can enter Baron town at this point, which is just south of Castle Baron. ******************************************************************************* Baron ******************************************************************************* Items: Potion, Potion, Potion, Hourglass, Eye Drops, Tent, Dwarven Bread, Tent Shops: Inn, Item, Training Room Enemies: None Bosses: None Baron is your first real 'town'. The Weapon and Armor shops are locked, and there is nothing you can do about it. The Inn and Item shops are open though. You can find some items by searching through pots and other items, though. There are all sorts of items about, so check every pot, wall, and even the ground! ******************************************************************************* Overworld ******************************************************************************* Items: None Enemies: Floating Eyeball, Goblin, Helldiver, Sword Rat Bosses: None When you're ready to continue with the game (after spending some time in Baron, or perhaps levelling up), head all the way west from town. Go north over the bridge, and continue all the way west. Follow this path north and enter the cavern at the top. ******************************************************************************* Mist Cave ******************************************************************************* Items: Potion, Eye Drops, Tent, Potion Enemies: Goblin, Flying Eyes, Insectus, Sword Rat Bosses: #1 This is a rather easy path. There are less random encounters then there is on the World Map. Every once in a while a short scene plays out, but continue on no matter what. Pick up any items in the chests that you find. All of the enemy encounters in the area are rather straightforward. Only a few of them are actually more difficult than the ones on the Overworld. Avoid using Cecil's Dark skill, since he only has a limited amount of HP and it will take some with each use. At the very end of this short dungeon, select "Yes" when given the option. This forces you into a boss fight. ============================================ Boss#1: Mist Dragon HP: 465 | STR: 16 | DEF: 5 | MAG: 10 | MDF: 31 | Gil: 200 | EXP: 700 | Weakness: None | Absorb: Holy | Treasure: None As your first boss, the Mist Dragon is not meant to pose a huge challenge, and you are really supposed to fight him in a very specific way. It is really meant to prepare you for the challenges ahead, and teach you how to use the special commands. Because in this battle you do not have a full party of characters, you need to remember to keep your characters' HP higher then you would normally. In example, if the bosses attacks do 50 damage a hit, then keep your HP at 100 so that you can survive two hits rather then be taken down to critical range from one. You want to atack the Mist Dragon with the skills Jump (Kain) and Dark (Cecil). Be careful when using Dark though, because with Kain off the screen with Jump, Cecil will probably be attacked most of the time, and he will HP from the Dark Ability itself. Keep Cecil's HP particularly high because of the extra damage. You will find Jump to deal more damage then Dark. Fortunately, the Dragon itself does not deal huge amounts of damage, so it should be easier to prevent deaths. If you're really worried, just let Kain Jump the entire time and have Cecil attack with physical attacks. This should work fine, if take a bit longer then normal. If you have plenty of Potions on hand, you should not even need to worry about going quickly. After a few rounds of attacking (in whatever manner you wish) you will see a message that says "The Dragon has turned into Mist!". Do not attack at this point! Your attacks will miss, and you will be countered by a nasty attack called "Cold Mist" which does around 30 damage to all party members currently on the screen. Just sit and wait for a few minutes (with the Defend Option) and the Mist will eventually change back to Dragon form. When the Mist changed back to Dragon, it is time to full attack! The Dragon can still turn into Mist again, so try to kill it before this happens. Follow the same strategy as above. ============================================ After the battle, exit the cave to the north and you will be back on the Overworld. Once outside, head directly east and enter Mist. Be careful outside though, there are many stronger enemies, such as Sand Worms. ******************************************************************************* Mist ******************************************************************************* Items: None Shops: None Enemies: Girl Bosses: None When you head east a scene plays. An inevitable battle occurs. After a few more scenes, Cecil will be alone, and you will be somewhere completely different on the Overworld Map. ******************************************************************************* Overworld ******************************************************************************* Items: None Enemies: Flying Eyes, Insectus, Sand Worm, Goblin, Hundlegs, Desert Sahagin Bosses: None Head north, and soon you will reach a desert. Be careful on the desert, because the monsters are much stronger than they are on the grasslands. If you can, avoid all battles. Once on the desert, head east and slightly north to reach the oasis, and a town. ******************************************************************************* Kaipo, The Desert Oasis ******************************************************************************* Items: Ether Shops: Inn, Item, Weapons, Armor Enemies: None Bosses: #2 Head north and watch a scene. You will be brought into another boss battle. ============================================ Boss#2: General, Baron Solder x3 General's Stats: ---------------------------------------------------------- HP: 221 | STR: 26 | DEF: 2 | MAG: 0 | MDF: 12 | Gil: 80 | EXP: 398 | Weakness: None | Absorb: None | Treasure: None When it is 4 against one, there is only so much you can do. Therefore, Cecil's Dark skill is the key. Using it once on his first round will hopefully take down one or two of the Baron Soldiers, and if you're lucky, all three of them. Use it again on his second round to finish the rest of the Soldiers off. This leaves you with the General. Because Dark takes away so much of Cecil's HP, it is best to just stick with physical attacks on him. After a few rounds, the General will Retreat and the battle will be won. ============================================ You are now free to access the rest of the town of Kaipo. There are all sorts of new shops, and more items to be found. To go on with the game, head to the far northeast of town, and enter the small house over here. Head north in here, and watch a scene. Talk to the other people in the house, and then exit Kaipo when you're ready. ******************************************************************************* Overworld ******************************************************************************* Items: None Enemies: Flying Eyes, Insectus, Sand Worm, Goblin, Hundlegs, Desert Sahagin Bosses: None We have a rather long walk ahead of us, so doing some levelling might not be a bad idea. From Kaipo, head directly north until you hit the mountains, and then head east. There is a passage through the mountains here. Head northeast up the passage, and you'll find a Cavern. Enter it. ******************************************************************************* Waterways/Waterfalls ******************************************************************************* Items: Potion, Maiden's Kiss, Iron Ring, Potion, Ether, Ice Rod, 580 Gil, Bomb Fragment, Potion, Hourglass, Shadow Blade, Ether, Antarctic Wind, Hades Gloves, Hades Helm Enemies: Vile Shell, Water Bug, Gigantoad, Toadgre Killer Fish, Red Mousse, Alligator, Zombie Bosses: #3 Most of the enemies in this area are weak towards Lightning magic, so cast it if you have it. This is quite the long dungeon though, so conserve MP when you can. Certain enemies, such as Alligators, are weak to Blizzard though. Also, Zombies and Red Mousse are weak towards Fire. Head west from the start and follow the path. Speak to the man here, and watch a short scene. Now that that is over with, you can head east to pick up the item (Iron Ring) or head north to the next screen. On B2, head all the way north until you can get into the water. Here, head south and then west. Head up the stairs and open the chest for a Potion. Now, head all the way south and go up this set of stairs. Up here, head west and open the chest for an Ether. Head back east and go south over the bridge, and continue west. Follow this pathway through the door. A scene plays. This is now a save and restore point for you to return to at any time. Continue north, head east and open the chest to the north for an Ice Rod. Head back south and into the water. Continue east, and north up the next set of stairs, and through the next door. On B3, head south and west over the bridge. The way you are supposed to go is west, but if you go east, you can open two chests, which contain 580 Gil and a Bomb Fragment. Back on B2, there is a hidden passage -directly- to your west which if used will bring you right to the exit of this portion of the level. Since it's right near the chest, you aren't missing much, and I suggest you use it. In the Underground Waterway - North, head north and east. There is a passage that leads outside to use a Tent if you desire. Make sure to get all of the chests in this room, because they contain some nice items. When you're ready to continue head out of that passage to the Overworld. On the Overworld, head north and into the next part of the Cavern, which is called the "Waterfall". In here, head into the water, and watch a short scene. When you regain control, head east onto dry land, and then head all the way south. Open the two chests at the bottom of the screen for some armor for Cecil, and continue north and through the door. In the Sunken Lake B1, head all the way east and open the two chests. These contain a Hermes' Shoes and a Hades' Armor. Continue north and into the water from here. Examine the squiggling thing to begin the fight. ============================================ Boss#3: Octomammoth HP: 2350 | STR: 22 | DEF: 0 | MAG: 0 | MDF: 25 | Gil: 500 | EXP: 1200 | Weakness: Bolt, Dark | Absorb: Holy | Treasure: None This baddie has quite a bit of HP. Fortunately, he has a severe weakness towards Lightning based spells for you to exploit easily. If Cecil obtained his new Shadow Blade, just have him physically attack with that, and he will do an excellent amount of damage every round. Rydia can either use Chocobo Summon or cast Lightning, and Tellah should be acting as healer (Cura) or casting Lightning whenever he can. See how the Boss's legs seem to move around every once in a while? Well, they aren't actually moving, they are dying. Whenever you deal a certain amount of damage, you 'kill off' a part of the bosses body, causing his legs to sink under the water. The less amount of legs on the screen, the less HP the boss currently has at the time. He will NEVER die until all of his legs are gone. The Octomammoth is not incredibly strong as a whole, but he is quite fast. His atacks will probably do around 25 a hit to your mages, so if Rydia is lower levelled still, be sure to move her to the back row (if she is not already). Also, remember that both Tellah and Rydia have access to Cure spells, so keep them handy at all times. When the Octomammoth's Legs are all gone, he dies once and for all. Finally! ============================================ Head north onto the Overworld Map. Continue north through the desert. Watch a short scene, and enter the castle just north of you. ******************************************************************************* Damacyan Castle ******************************************************************************* Items: Tent, Enemies: Bard Bosses: None In Damacyan, keep heading north until you reach a room with many chests. All of them but one are opened, and this one contains a Tent. Head south and up the next set of stairs. On this top floor, watch a scene. You automatically exit Damacyan. Note: Damacyan's top floor has pots of Magical 'water' which will restore your HP and MP when used. Save your Tents, and take the walk to Damacyan and use these. ******************************************************************************* Overworld ******************************************************************************* Items: None Enemies: Goblin, Sword Rat, Tiny Mage, Sand Worm, Hundlegs, Flying Eyes, Insectus Bosses: None While on the Sandcraft, you will have no random encounters. Before continuing, you might want to spend some (a lot) of time levelling Edward up, because his level is most likely quite a bit lower than the rest of your parties. To continue on with the game, head directly north (while on the sandcraft) from Damacyan Castle. You will hit some mountains soon, and then head east. You should see some 'rocks' in the middle of the ocean. When on the sandcraft, you can pass over these 'rocks'. Pass over them to the east, and enter the cave to the south. ******************************************************************************* Antlion Cave ******************************************************************************* Items: Potion, Spider's Silk, Potion, Tent, Potion, Antarctic Wind, Lamia Harp, Potion, Spider's Silk, Ether, Emergency Exit, Phoenix Down Enemies: Goblin, Leshy, Adamantoise, Basilisk Bosses: #4 The enemies in this area may seem difficult at first, especially if you are keeping Edward in the front row and he is at a low level. Try using Blizzard spells, or the Ice Rod against the Adamantoise's to make things a bit faster. Also, you can only hurt the Yellow Jellies with Thunder spells. On the first screen alone there is a large amount of items, so make sure you get them all before heading to the southeast corner to continue. On B2, make sure you pick up the Lamia Harp so that Edward can be a better attacker in battles. Also on B2 is a set of stairs going back up. If you take these, they will lead you back to B1, and there you will find an extra door. This leads to a save point, and three chests. Heal up and pick up the items. After picking up all of the items on B1 and B2 (and there are quite a few of them I might add) head down to B3, which is right down the middle of the room. On B3, head directly south down the stairs. Watch a scene, and a battle begins. ============================================ Boss#4: Antlion HP: 1100 | STR: 11 | DEF: 3 | MAG: 0 | MDF: 11 | Gil: 800 | EXP: 1500 | Weakness: None | Absorb: None | Treasure: None A shame you have to kill this cute little monster;;. Do not attack him physically, else the boss will counter you with a move called "Counter Horn" which hits a random party member for around 25 damage. Because physically attacking is what Cecil is usually best at, you might want to have him stick with using Dark every round instead. Rydia should Summon her Chocobo, which will be your main offense in this battle. That leaves Edward on healing Duty. Hopefully, you will have a few healing items (namely a lot of Potions) on hand for him to work with. Remember that Edward has the ability "Heal" which causes him to use a Potion to cure all members of your party at once. This may be useful in certain situations of this battle. Also, sometimes keeping Cecil's HP up will be difficult with just potions, since the drain from Dark will probably be more then Potions can cure. At this point, either have Cecil use items on himself, or have Rydia throw a Cure at him. This battle may be quite long because of your attack limitations. Do not be afraid to use Ethers and other healing items like mad. ============================================ After the battle, you recieve the Sand Ruby. To exit the dungeon, you can either have Rydia cast Warp multiple times, Use the Emergency Exit you found in this dungeon, or you can walk out. ******************************************************************************* Overworld ******************************************************************************* Items: None Enemies: Goblin, Sword Rat, Tiny Mage, Sand Worm, Hundlegs, Flying Eyes, Insectus Bosses: None We have a long drive ahead of us. But, fear not, there will be no random encounters or backtracking through dungeons we have been through already thanks to our new trusty Sandcraft. From the Antlion Cave, head north and West back over to the Damacyan continent. head back south until you reach Damacyan Castle. From here, head directly west, and follow the ocean southwest until you hit the mountains. You'll see some 'rocks' here. Use the Sandcraft to pass over the rocks and head south. This allows you to reach Kaipo's desert to the south. Continue southeast (it's somewhat long) and enter Kaipo. ******************************************************************************* Kaipo, The Desert Oasis ******************************************************************************* Items: None Shops: Inn, Item, Weapons, Armor Enemies: None Bosses: #5 In Kaipo once again, head to the northeast house. Enter it with the Sand Ruby in hand. Continue north, and talk to the person on the bed. Select the "Sand Ruby" when prompted, and watch a scene. ============================================ Boss#5: Sahagin HP: 64 | STR: 18 | DEF: 2 | MAG: 0 | MDF: 7 | Gil: 38 | EXP: 800 | Weakness: Bolt | Absorb: None | Treasure: None This is more of an event driven battle then anything. After a few lines of text, you are given free reign over the battle. It is not meant to be difficult, so just attack normally. After 3-4 rounds it will be over, depending on Edward's level. ============================================ After all of the scenes have played out, exit Kaipo. ******************************************************************************* Overworld ******************************************************************************* Items: None Enemies: Goblin, Sword Rat, Tiny Mage, Sand Worm, Hundlegs, Flying Eyes, Insectus Bosses: None From Kaipo, head all the way northwest, and back to the 'rocks' on the shorline. Head over the ocean with the Sandcraft to reach Damacyan's domain once again. Once here, head directly west and north to reach Castle Damacyan. From the Castle, head directly north to the mountains, and then all the way west to the ocean. Head over the 'rocks' to the continent that the Antlion Cave is on. But don't stop at the Antlion Cave, continue east. There is a pathway on the large mountain range here. This is called Mt. Hobs. ******************************************************************************* Mt. Hobs ******************************************************************************* Items: Tent, Gold Needle, 960 Gil, Potion, Holy Arrows Enemies: Cockatrice, Skeleton, Spirit, Gargoyle, Domovoi, Adamantoise Bosses: #6 The Undead in this area are damaged from the Cure spell or Fire Magics best. Be wary of the Cockatrice, since they can Petrify your party members. The best way to avoid this is to have Edward confuse them with a Lamia Harp. This way, they will petrify themselves and their allies rather then you. Head directly north from the entrance and watch a scene. With the passage now open, you can explore the area fully. The passage the the left (west) holds four chests and a save point. To complete the area, you need to the the right (eastern) door at the top of screen, and continue through the screen. Watch a scene up here, and a battle begins. This is a one on three battle, but its automated and you have no control over it. After this battle is over, a boss battle you -CAN- control begins. ============================================ Boss#6: Mom Bomb HP: 11000 | STR: 30 | DEF: 1 | MAG: 5 | MDF: 9 | Gil: 1200 | EXP: 1900 | Weakness: Darkness | Absorb: None | Treasure: None You may need to heal Yang at the start of this battle, because he probably got somewhat beaten up during the previous battle. Have Rose do this immediately. Cecil and Yang should attack physically, and if needed, have Edward heal your party with Heal (or items) in case you just came out of a random encounter. Rydia should Summon her Chocobo. The Mom Bomb is a surprisingly powerful compared to previous bosses, so you will need to have Rosa healing every round. That's her job though. After a few rounds, the Mom Bomb will transform. Your attacks will do more damage then ever in this form. Strangely enough, this form will also not atack you at all. Make sure to get everyone up to full HP at this point! When the game says "ITS GONNA EXPLODE!" the Mom Bomb is going to blow up after a few more points of damage is done to it. When this happens, your entire party will take 80-90 points of damage. Ouch. But wait, the battle's not over yet! You still have 6 more normal Bombs and Gray Bombs to take care of. Have Edward use Heal and Rosa, and maybe even Rydia cast Cure on your members immediately to get your party back up to speed from the Mom Bomb's final attack. Now, you can either attack the Bombs one-by-one or attack them all at once. Attacking them one by one is slower but will reduce the damage done faster. Killing them all will be faster, but you will take much more damage, and risk deaths. Use skills such as Kick and Dark to take them down all at once. You might want to have more then one character on healing duty at this point. ============================================ Watch a scene. When you regain control, continue north through the door. The rest of the path down the mountain is straight down and out. ******************************************************************************* Overworld ******************************************************************************* Items: None Enemies: Domovoi, Gatlinger, Gargoyle, Cockatrice, Sword Rat Bosses: None Head northeast from where you exit Mt. Hobs, and follow the forest north. At the top of the continent, head south, and when you can, east. Continue -all- the way east until you hit the ocean, and then head south. You'll see a small patch of desert. There is a castle nearby as well, this is your goal. ******************************************************************************* Fabul Castle ******************************************************************************* Items: Hermes' Shoes, Spider's Silk, Demon Shield, Ether, Deathbringer, Tent, Bacchus's Cider, Bomb Fragment, Antarctic Wind, Potion, Rage of Zeus Shops: Weapon, Armor, Inn, Item Enemies: Gargoyle Bosses: #7, #8, #9 Note: The shops here have some nice new armor for Cecil, if you can afford it. When you enter, head north through about 4 screens until a scene plays out. There's a lot to explore, but we can do that after we're done. After this scene, you are forced into a series of consecutive battles. ============================================ Boss#7: Captain, Baron Warrior x2 This fight should not take a huge amount of time. You can use skills such as Dark, but you might want to conserve Cecil's HP for later. Instead, use Kick to hit all enemies at once, and have Cecil and Edward attack separate targets. After one-two rounds, both Warriors will fall, and you will be able to focus all of your attacks on the Captain. Try to kill off at least one of the Warrior's off quickly becayse if you do not, when the Captain says "Charge!" they will both assault the same character, and if this character has low HP he may die... ============================================ Boss#8: Leshy, Domovoi, Sahagin These are all enemies that you have fought before. If you use Cecil's Dark, you will probably kill off the Domovoi on the first round. Continue using abilities like Kick to hit multiple enemies on screen. Attacking individually is fast as well. Use Edward to Heal when necessary. ============================================ After these first two battles, you will fight a multitude more of them, but they will all be with the same foes as previously. Use the same strategies as before, but remember that you will be worn down. Watch your HP! Note that you will also encounter Gargoyle's, but because those are normal enemies that you have encountered before, they are not really considered bosses. ============================================ Boss#9: [Story Boss 1] This boss is undefeatable. Attack him any way you please, but I suggest just using physical attacks and ignoring Dark altogether. You might not even get an attack off, since it is so difficult to hit him ============================================ After the scenes, you regain control. Head back south into the throne room. Note on the northeastern side that there is a small square on the floor. When you step on it, a door opens. Walk into the door to find a secret passage which contains three chests! Continue south, and enter the area marked "Inn". When you enter, head west and watch a scene. When you regain control, open the chest in the King's chamber for a Tent, and head downstairs. Search everywhere for treasures! When you're outside, enter the left tower to find a treasure room. When you feel ready, exit the castle. ******************************************************************************* Overworld ******************************************************************************* Items: None Enemies: Domovoi, Gatlinger, Gargoyle, Cockatrice, Sword Rat Bosses: None Just to the Northeast of Fabul Castle is a boat. Its at the dock. When you enter the dock, watch a scene. You can not control the boat during this part, it is automated. When you regain control of Cecil, head east over the Overworld map and enter the town. ******************************************************************************* Mysidia ******************************************************************************* Items: None Shops: Weapon, Armor, Inn, Item Enemies: None Bosses: None Be careful of whom you speak to in this town. Some people will change your status effects to Toad or Pig! If this happens, just speak to them again and they will cast it again which takes it off. Head north through the town, and enter the large building at the top. In here, speak the center man. Watch a scene. Before you leave Mysidia, you might want to buy some new gear for Palom and Porom. They are fragile dolls, so better armor is extremely important. After you've restocked, leave Mysidia. ******************************************************************************* Overworld ******************************************************************************* Items: None Enemies: Domovoi, Gatlinger, Gargoyle, Cockatrice, Sword Rat, Zu Bosses: None Head southeast from Mysidia, following the yellow grasslands. Continue east, south, and east whenever needed. When you head north, you'll encounter a forest. Continue east at this point, and you'll eventually hit a mountain range. Head south around the mountain range and you'll find the entrance. Note: There is a Chocobo forest just southwest of the Mountain. Its that piece of Forest slightly separated from the other areas. This is the best way to heal your party without heading back to Mysidia. Have Porom use all of her MP healing your party, and then talk to the White Chocobo, who restores MP completely. This makes you good as new! Note: You might want to spend some time levelling Porom and Palom. With the White Chocobo right there, you have a free MP supply. If you level off the Zu's in the area, Cecil's Deathbringer will always kill them in one hit, so its easy EXP. ******************************************************************************* Mt. Ordeals ******************************************************************************* Items: Potion, Potion, Ether, Ether Enemies: Spirit, Soul, Skeleton, Bloodbones, Ghoul, Zombie, Revenant, Lilith Bosses: #10, #11, #12 Most of the enemies here are undead. Therefore Fire spells and Cure magic will be your best offense. Cecil will be unable to damage certain enemies, so you might have to rely on your mages a lot. In battles with Spirits/Soul and Skeletons, have Cecil physically attack the Spirits while the mages cast spells on the skeletons. From the entrance of Mt. Ordeals, head west and watch a scene. When you regain control, take the rather straightforward path up the mountains (while opening the two chests) to the door at the top of the screen. The second screen is also straightforward, and near the end, watch a scene. Exit to the north. On Station Seven, you'll find two Ether's away from the main path, but other than that there's not a whole lot else to do. Exit to the northwest. When you're finally at the Summit, watch a short scene. You'll find a save point to the east. Use it if needed, and continue north. As you continue west, watch a scene. ============================================ Boss#10: Scarmiglione, Skullnant x4 Scarmiglione Stats: ---------------------------------------------------------- HP: 3500 | STR: 19 | DEF: 2 | MAG: 15 | MDF: 0 | Gil: 2000 | EXP: 3200 | Weakness: None | Absorb: None | Treasure: None Skullnant Stats: ---------------------------------------------------------- HP: 200 | STR: 42 | DEF: 1 | MAG: 0 | MDF: 5 | Gil: 100 | EXP: 50 | Weakness: Fire, Holy | Absorb: None | Treasure: None You need to kill off the Skullnants before even attempting to go after Scarmiglione himself. Use spells such as Palom's Fira (he should have it by now, if you did not run from any battles) and Tellah's Fire. If Porom has a free turn, she can cast Cure on the enemies as well, to deal damage. Cecil's Dark ability will do more than his physical attacks. Attacking all enemies at once is rather iffy, because when you do such, Scarmiglione will counter with Thunder. Fortunately, this is not -too- powerful. It does around 30 damage to a random party member. If you have Porom's healing every round, it should not be too much of a problem at all. Remember that Tellah also has the ability to Cure, if need be. After the Skullnants are taken care of, you can attack Scarmiglione at will. he will not atack you often, but he will counter you with Thunder spells after each attack. Once again, Fire/Fira works best here. Cecil's physical attacks will deal a good amount of damage to him as well. Be sure to have Porom healing after each round. The battle may take a while because of Scarmiglione's high HP. ============================================ After the battle with Scarmiglione, I suggest going back to the save point and healing your party. Continue west, watch a scene and... ============================================ Boss#11: Scarmiglione HP: 3523 | STR: 46 | DEF: 1 | MAG: 31 | MDF: 22 | Gil: 2500 | EXP: 3600 | Weakness: Fire, Holy | Absorb: Ice | Treasure: None Scarmiglione is alone this time, but he does not need assistance. You are back attacked, so on your first turn, with whoever it is (most likely Cecil) select Row to protect your Mages. Like before, Scarmiglione is weak to Fire attacks. Fire and Fire will be a mages best offense. Fira itself should do around 900 damage :O! Fortunately, he does not counter your every move this time. Cecil will be best just using a normal physical attack every round. Porom can Cure and cast spells like Protect. Scarmiglione will constantly cast spells like Song of Curse. This spell rarely ever works, fortunately. Also, his physical attacks, are particularly dangerous, and will cause the Poison status. Tellah has the spell Esuna, so he should be able to get rid of it quickly. Keep everyone at maximum HP at all times, even if Tellah is required to spend a round or two healing instead of casting Fire. Also, try not too let too many characters get Poisoned at once, else it can be a bit difficult to keep characters alive. It should only take a few castings of Fira to finish the battle, if you can keep your party alive that long. ============================================ After the battle, examine the monument to the far west. Watch a scene. ============================================ Boss#12: [Story Boss 2] You can not win this battle by attacking. Just keep defending over and over, and the event based battle will end. Note: It is actually possible to win this battle, though it is quite difficult. The boss has around 5000 HP, so prepare for it to take a long time. ============================================ Now, you have to exit the Mt. Ordeals. I suggest spending some time levelling though, and at least getting Cecil to level 10. It won't take a huge amount of time, so if you want you can get him higher. Depending on the battle, you'll probably gain 4-5 levels at the very start. You will need to walk off the mountain, since spells such as Teleport (or items such as Emergency Exit) do not work. ******************************************************************************* Overworld ******************************************************************************* Items: None Enemies: Domovoi, Gatlinger, Gargoyle, Cockatrice, Sword Rat, Zu Bosses: None Note: Since you can not equip the Deathbringer anymore, the Zu's will be much more difficult to defeat. They have a lot of HP, and will probably soak up your spells like crazy. You might want to run. You need to head back to Mysidia. If you want, you can hop onto a Chocobo from the forest to the south, but I advise against it since Cecil needs the Experience. Head west from Mt. Ordeals, and north. Continue west and south through the forest until you can follow the yellow grasslands. Go west and north until you reach Mysidia. ******************************************************************************* Mysidia ******************************************************************************* Items: None Shops: Weapon, Armor, Inn, Item Enemies: None Bosses: None The residents of Mysidia will all show you quite a bit more respect at this point. If you didn't before, buy Cecil a nice set of the new armor available at the armor shop. It's rather expensive, but it's worth it. To continue with the game, head straight north into the large building at the top of the screen. Speaking to the elder again triggers a cutscene. Exit the large house. In the main city, head to the northeastern corner and you will find that the door that was once guarded by a person is now unblocked. When you enter it, you will find the Devil's Road. Step onto the teleporter. When you regain control, head south and exit the building. ******************************************************************************* Baron ******************************************************************************* Items: Baron Key, 1,000 Gil Shops: Inn, Item, Training Room Enemies: None Bosses: #12, #13 Enter the Inn. Head all the way north in here to reach the Pub. Talk to Yang at the table. ============================================ Boss#12: Baron Guard x2 HP: 280 | STR: 40 | DEF: 3 | MAG: 26 | MDF: 14 | Gil: 230 | EXP: 710 | Weakness: None | Absorb: None | Treasure: None Since Tellah now has access to powerful new spells, you can play around with them a bit here if you desire. This will kill the enemies off quickly enough. Cecil should attack normally, and Palom can use whatever spell you desire. Be very careful, these foes can cause the status effects Pig and Mini. Both are very annoying and not cured easily. Fortunately, they should not hit too often. They also have quite strong physical attacks, so make sure to keep your mages in the back row. ============================================ Boss#13: [Story Boss 3] This boss has powerful attacks that can hit the entire party. Try to use Protect to lower the total amount of damage done. After each attack have someone has Cure and/or Cura on your entire party, because they will do around 100 to all members. Thie boss will only use his area attacks, and so everyone needs to stay healthy at all times. Avoid abilities like Twin, which cause both Palom and Porom's turns to be taken up. You need them both available, especially Porom, to heal on the dime in case a strong attack comes your way. Have Tellah and Palom nuke the boss with attack spells, and after a few rounds it will be over. ============================================ Watch a scene. At this point, you can have access to the Weapons and Armor shop in Baron by using your newly acquired item. There's a lot of new things to buy here, if you have the money. When you're ready to continue with the game, there is a locked door on the far western side of the town. Select "Baron Key" from your inventory and unlock it to gain access to the next area. Note that before you go down the stairs into the next area, press to the right (east) wall and you'll find a hidden passage and a chest containing 1,000 gil. ******************************************************************************* Old Waterways ******************************************************************************* Items: Hi-Potion, Ether, Rage of Zeus, Hermes' Shoes, Hourglass, Spider's Silk, Ether, Ancient Sword Enemies: Slasher, Flood Worm, Splasher, Gigas Gator, Death Shell, Vile Shell, Hydra, Electrofish, Baron Guard Bosses: None Most enemies here are weak to lightning, but avoid casting it on the Electrofish, as it will only heal them. For additional damage, try equipping Yang with the Lightning Claws. Head all the way south on B4 to reach 3 chests. Continue back north over the bridges to the top of the screen. Continue south and east over some more bridges to reach B3. Here you'll need to spend a lot of time running through secret passages in the walls. There's a hidden passage to the south which contains an Hourglass. This is also the only way to reach the chest continaing the Spider's Silk at the very bottom of the screen. At the beginning of B3, press against the eastern wall and head south, which brings you to a larger room. Head all the way south in this room (grabbing the chest for some Hermes' Shoes) and walk through the portion of the wall that is not touched by dirt. If you go down this path, you will be able to reach the entrance to B2. The beginning of B2 is straightforward. Near the end, press against the left (west) wall, and open the chest in the secret passage for an Ether. Continue to B1. On B1, there is a save room directly to the left of the entrance. If you press against the northeastern wall in here, you will find a hidden passage, and a chest that contains an Ancient Sword for Cecil. Exit the save room, and head east. Continue all the way east and up the stairs through the door. ******************************************************************************* Castle Baron ******************************************************************************* Items: Hermes' Shoes, Hermes' Shoes, Bacchus's Cider, Bacchus's Cider, Hi- Potion, Hi-Potion, Tent, Tent, Ether, Ether, Elixir, Ether, Ether, Phoenix Down, Phoenix Down, Unicorn Horn, Unicorn Horn Enemies: None Bosses: #14, #15 You start off in the moat. To get out, head west and follow the path. Take the stairs near the bottom. If you need to, you can rest in Cecil's bed in the tower to the north. Other then that, there's not a whole lot to do at the moment. To continue on with the game, enter the far eastern door to reach the main castle. Continue through the multiple sets of stairs until you reach the main hall, where a scene plays. ============================================ Boss#14: [Story Boss 4] Body's Stats: ---------------------------------------------------------- HP: 4444 | STR: 58 | DEF: 1 | MAG: 9 | MDF: 11 | Gil: 2000 | EXP: 3200 | Weakness: None | Absorb: None | Treasure: None Left and Right Arm's Stats: ---------------------------------------------------------- HP: 444 | STR: 58 | DEF: 2 | MAG: 9 | MDF: 0 | Gil: 0 | EXP: 10 | Weakness: None | Absorb: None | Treasure: None This boss has three targets. His main body, his left arm, and his right arm. While it may be tempting to try to kill off the arms first (they do quite a bit of damage) the body will just regenerate them. Therefore, a full assault of the body is reccomended. Before having all of your characters cast spells on this boss, only do it with one character. The boss will cast Reflect on himself after this. You don't want to accidentally have a spell such as Firaga/Thundaga/Blizaga being cast and it gets reflected back at your party. To continually cast spells on the boss, have Tellah cast Reflect on one of your party members. Have your characters cast the spells on this character, and they will reflect back to the boss, damaging him. Other then reflecting spells back at the boss, have Yang and Cecil attack. Remember one thing though, with Reflect on, your cure spells will also be reflected back at the boss so you're either going to have to use healing items, or take your chances by casting Cure on the boss and let the spell hit a random member. One last thing to note: If the arms are alive after the body dies, they will Self Destruct on their next turn. That means you need to get them both to as low of HP as you can before this happens, so it does less damage to your members. With enough HP, the detonation will easily one-hit characters. ============================================ After the battle, watch a scene. I suggest going back to Cecil's room and taking a nap before continuing. Also note that you now have access to the tower that was once guarded at the very beginning of the game. This "East Tower" holds a massive amount of chests and other goodies to find in pots. I highly suggest going there before continuing. Also, there is a switch in the passage leading outside in the eastern potion of the main castle. This was also once guarded. When you press the switch on the wall (its rather hard to see, but its on the southwestern wall) a passage is opened which contains 6 chests. After obtaining these items, head back to the main hall, and head north into the throne room. Talk to the NPC, and watch a scene. ============================================ Boss#15: Caganazzo HP: 5312 | STR: 44 | DEF: 2 | MAG: 29 | MDF: 48 | Gil: 4000 | EXP: 5500 | Weakness: Ice, Bolt | Absorb: None | Treasure: None Caganazzo is Water based, and therefore weak towards Lightning, but only at certain times. Because of his direct weakness towards Ice magic, have Tellah cast Blizzaga, while Palom casts Blizzara. Cecil and Yang can attack physically. Every few rounds, you will see the message "Torrents of Water are drawn up!". Caganazzo's animation changes, and you'll see a water barrier around him. Cast all of your Lightning spells possible at this point! This will break the barrier Caganazzo places upon himself. If you do not cast Thunder on Caganazzo, he will cast Tsunami on your characters for massive damage. Your spells will also do more damage than usual at this point, so its good to cast them anyway. Cagnazzo likes to rely on physical attacks, so you might want to have Porom cast Protect on weaker party members. Casting it on she herself is a good first move. Lastly, Caganazzo has the ability to draw himself into his shell. Like most turtles, Caganazzo will be pretty much invulnerable at this point. Heal, buff (Protect, etc) and restore MP while waiting for him to come out. Don't watse MP on attacking him, especially with Tellah, who is limited anyway. ============================================ After the battle, watch a scene. Note: After you gain control on the Overworld, you can immediately re-enter Castle Baron. In doing such, I suggest heading into the Eastern Tower (where all those chests where) that was once blocked off at the beginning of the game. If you tried going downstairs earlier, you were stopped. If you try now, you can though. In the lowest level of the castle, head east and watch an extra scene. ******************************************************************************* Overworld ******************************************************************************* Items: None Enemies: None Bosses: None You start off over Baron. There are a few side quests we can do before continuing on with the game. If you want to skip forward and ignore these side quests, then head to the next Overworld section. To get to Agart, fly directly south of Baron and eventually you'll see a town. This is Agart. ******************************************************************************* Agart ******************************************************************************* Items: Antarctic Wind Shops: Weapon, Armor, Inn, Item Enemies: None Bosses: None There's a lot of interesting people to talk to in Agart. There's some older weapons and armor here for your characters as well. There is an Antarctic Wind to be found in the grass in the Northwest corner of the town. After you're done here, hop onto your ship. ******************************************************************************* Mythril ******************************************************************************* Items: 5,000 Gil, Mythril Staff, Mythril Dagger Shops: Weapon, Armor, Inn, Item Enemies: None Bosses: None Fly to Fabul, and then head directly south. Onm the western side of your screen you should see a small town on an island. This is the village of Mythril. There's a lot of good things to buy here, but it is all extremely expensive (17,000 for a Mythril Armor anyone?). I suggest holding off on some of these until later, but if you have massive amounts of money go ahead and buy some things. You will find 5,000 Gil in the grass above the Weapons/Armor shop. There is a Mythril Staff in the Grass to the far east. Lastly, there is a Mythril Knife in the far northeastern patch of grass. This one is rather difficult to see. ******************************************************************************* Mist ******************************************************************************* Items: Bomb Fragment, Bomb Fragment, Bomb Fragment, Clothes, Gold Hairpin, Ruby Ring, Rod of Change Shops: Weapon, Armor, Inn, Item Enemies: None Bosses: None Head directly north of Baron. Mist will be to your left (west). There is some new equipment here, but many characters will be unable to equip it. Buy one or two Bard Tunics anyways^^. To the right (east) of the Weapons/Armor shop is a passage through the plants. This hidden passage leads to a small grassy area that contains two Bomb Fragments. There is a third Bomb Fragment in the grassy area to the northeast of town. Enter the building in the northwestern corner of the town, and walk into the fireplace (yes...you heard me right). Follow the hidden passage and open the three chests here for some Clothes, a Gold Hairpin, and a Ruby Ring. Strangely enough, there's a hidden passage in -this- hidden passage, which leads to a Rod of Change. ******************************************************************************* Overworld ******************************************************************************* Items: None Enemies: Hell Needle, Treant, Twin Snake Bosses: None When you're ready to move on with the game, head directly north from Baron until you see the place where the deserts of Kaipo hit the waters of the ocean. Then head directly west, and after a bit you'll see a continent completely covered in trees. This is where you want to be. If you keep heading west, you'll find Troia. There is only a single place to land on this continent, and that is -right- by the city itself. It's somewhat annoying to find, and my very first time through Final Fantasy IV oh-so-long ago I had trouble. But know that it is right above the town. This is also a decent place to level, if you need to. ******************************************************************************* Troia Castle ******************************************************************************* Items: Twin Harp, Bacchus's Cider, Tent, Tent, Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion, Ether, Ether, Ruby Ring Shops: None Enemies: None Bosses: None Head straight through the passage and up the stairs. Continue through another screen, and you'll find the NPC's that everyone has been making a big deal about (if you talk to everyone). Talk to them all. After doing such, exit the room. Head left (west) and go south through the barely-visible door. Continue south down this screen and enter this door. In the room, talk to the NPC on the bed and watch a scene. After the scene, head back to the main hall. Head east, and go through the far eastern door. On the next screen continue south through this door. There are three sets of stairs here. There's nothing to do down the left set at the moment. You can find a Bacchus's Cider down the central staircase. Down the right staircase is a floor switch. Step on it four times, and open all of the chests for Tent, Tent, Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion, Ether, Ether, Ruby Ring, and another Ruby Ring. Head back to the main hall, and feel free to exit the castle. Before leaving though, enter Troia city. ******************************************************************************* Troia ******************************************************************************* Items: Decoy, Ether, Dry Ether, 1,000 Gil Shops: Inn, Item, Weapons, Armor Enemies: None Bosses: None While here, stock up on the non-metallic weapons and armor that the shops have. In the bar, you can spend 10,000 for a Membership pass. This allows you to see a special Dance scene. While this is not really worth it, it you want to do everything you should go ahead and buy it and give it to the man ti the north. In the northeastern house in this town, head downstairs and you can see some Black Chocobos. There is a secret passage on the eastern wall here, but going through it can be annoying because you will sometimes get stuck (The NPCs will block your path back...) so I really don't suggest it. And there's not a whole lot to do, and no items. To find the items in this town, you need to go down the stairs into the water on the eastern side of the town. Follow the river to the northwest corner of town, and get out when you can. There is a hidden passage in the trees that allows you to go west. In this small side area, check the ground for a Decoy, an Ether, a Dry Ether, and 1,000 Gil. After you've healed, and finished your shopping exit Troia and prepare for the next area. ******************************************************************************* Overworld ******************************************************************************* Items: None Enemies: Hell Needle, Treant, Twin Snake Bosses: None Before continuing, you need non-metalic items. Anything, Iron, Mythril, or any other type of metal is not allowed. Head directly north from Troia, and follow the mountains northeast. There is a small peninsula to the very north on the Troia Continent (about directly north of Troia itself). At the tip of this content is a small forest separate from the others. Walk around in it until you reach the Chocobo Village. The Chocobo village is much the same as a normal Chocobo forest. You have access the to fat chocobo as well as the MP healing White Chocobo's. The main difference is that there are a few Black Chocobos in the forest, and the goal is to catch one of those. After catching a Black Chocobo, you are brought to the world map again. From the Chocobo Village, fly southeast, folloing the continent. There is an island that is innaccessable by airship here. At the end of the forest is a cavern, land your chocobo in the forest, and enter the cave. ******************************************************************************* Magnetic Cave ******************************************************************************* Items: Hi-Potion, Unicorn Horn, Ether, Ether, 2,000 Gil, Spider's Silk, Hourglass, Hi-Potion, Fairy Claw, Emergency Exit, [Story Item] Enemies: Ogre, Cait Sith, Hell Needle, Cava Naga, Twin Snake, Draculady, Cave Bat Bosses: #16, #17 Pretty much every enemy encounter is going to be hard in here, because you will not have access to the best weapons and armor possible. Try using Yang's Power Skill a lot, and stick with Tellah's -ra spells instead of -ga spells. If Cecil has a Bow, equip him with either Fire or Holy Arrows. You need to take off any metal objects on your characters at this point. On B1, head across the multiple bridges. There's not really any big shortcuts or intersections on this level. There are only two chests on this level, and you only have to go minorly out of the way to get them. The exit is to the southwest. B2 is much larger than B1. If you head southwest from the entrance, you'll find an Ether...an awfully long way to go for such a small item. The exit to this portion of the level is to the northwest, but there is a door to the northeast. There's another Ether in here, and 2,000 Gil. On B3, there is a door with a save point immediately to the left. I suggest using it, since this is a rather rough dungeon. Continue south down the bridges, and on the next strip of land is another door. In here is three chests, which contain a Spider's Silk, and Hourglass, and a Hi-Potion. Exit the room, continue west, and head through the door at the far north. During this section of B3, open the chest right in front of you for a Fairy Claw. Continue west down to B4. On B4, head west and north up the stairs. At the first intersection, if you go east and through the door you'll find another save point. Once again, I suggest using it. When you exit, head back west. Continue north. There is a chest to the northeast of the next door, which contains an Emergency Exit. When you're ready to continue head through the door. In this room, continue north, and speak with the NPC. ============================================ Boss#16: Dark Elf HP: 23890 | STR: 18 | DEF: 0 | MAG: 1 | MDF: 254 | Gil: 4000 | EXP: 1000 | Weakness: Holy | Absorb: None | Treasure: None This is going to be rough. The first portion of the battle is story driven. Unfortunately...after the bosses first turn, you will probably be in really bad shape. He casts a triple whammy of spells on your party which hits all three members for around 800 (!!!) damage. This will definitely kill off Tellah, and severely weaken your attackers. After that, he casts spells like Tornado, to bring your entire party to single digit HP levels. Keep your HP as high we you can to avoid being wiped out during this time. Use Phoenix Downs immediately, and, if for some reason Tellah lives through an assault, have him cast Full-Life. After a few rounds of battle, watch a scene. Round two Begins. With three physical attackers and one caster, you really don't have a lot going for you. Because Tellah is your only real 'magic user', I suggest having Cecil use his magic to act as a healer. He will probably have Cura by now (unless you are very very underlevelled) so he can make a competant healer. With this setup, Tellah can spend his time nuking without you having to worry about him. Hopefully you equipped your best gear when you were given the chance. Cecil will be very powerful in this battle with his sword equipped, since anything Metal is this bosses weakness (that counts for Mythril as well). The bosses attacks are still triple castings of magic (Fire/Thunder/Ice) but it is weakened by about 10 times. You will still need a healer, but it is definitely a lot easier to survive then the previous battle. Not that the boss still has access to Tornado, which brings one member to critical range, but it only hits one person this time, instead of everyone. To try and reduce damage done, have Tellah cast Wall, if you so desire. Note: The second portion of this battle will NOT begin unless you have the Twin Harp. ============================================ Boss#17: Dark Dragon HP: 3927 | STR: 80 | DEF: 1 | MAG: 15 | MDF: 254 | Gil: 5000 | EXP: 6000 | Weakness: Holy | Absorb: Holy | Treasure: None This battle begins directly after the battle with the Dark Elf, so if anyone is wounded, dead, etc, it carries over to here. Any missing HP or MP remains as well. The Dark Dragon is a strong foe. His physical attacks will deal 300+ damage to a single target, and he also has a breath attack that hits everyone at once. Dark Breath is particularly nasty, as it does around 200-250 to all members of your party. Since the Dark Dragon is somewhat resistant to spells, you may want to have Tellah act as a healer instead of Cecil, since Cecil will be stronger with his Swords. When the Dragon is using his breath though, you may want to have Cecil help a bit here and there if you are low on MP. Physical attacks will win this battle quickly, so keep up the assault. Note that the boss is weak towards Holy, so if you have any Holy Arrows, you can use those as well. ============================================ Approach the item in the altar, and you can now exit the cavern. You can walk, or you can use an Emergency Exit. ******************************************************************************* Overworld ******************************************************************************* Items: None Enemies: Hell Needle, Treant, Twin Snake Bosses: None Hop onto your Black Chocobo, and it automactically flies back to the Chocobo Village. If you want, you can get a Yellow Chocobo for the walk back to Troia, which is down to the Southwest. Make sure that you touch the White Chocobo before going on your way, for a free MP recovery. Enter Troia Castle. ******************************************************************************* Troia Castle ******************************************************************************* Items: Hi Potion, Remedy, Ether, Dry Ether, Elixir, Echo Herbs, Great Bow, Fire Arrow x10, Fire Arrow x10, Hi-Potion, Remedy, Ether, Dry Ether, Silver Apple, Echo Herbs, Ice Arrow x10, Thunder Arrow x10,Ice Arrow x10 Shops: None Enemies: None Bosses: None Head straight up two screens to the 'throne room' where the clerics reside. Watch a scene. After it, talk to all of the clerics. Exit the throne room, and head east and through the eastern door. Continue south and through the next door. In the three stairways room, go down the stairs to the left (west). In here, talk to the woman, and tell her "Yes". Follow the newely opened path, and open all of the chests for: Hi Potion, Remedy, Ether, Dry Ether, Elixir, Echo Herbs, Great Bow, Fire Arrow x10, Fire Arrow x10, Hi- Potion, Remedy, Ether, Dry Ether, Silver Apple, Echo Herbs, Ice Arrow x10, Thunder Arrow x10, and an Ice Arrow x10. After obtaining all of these items, head back upstairs to the great half. Head all the way west, and go through the western door. Continue south through this screen, and into the room at the bottom. Approach the bed, and watch a scene. After the scene, exit Troia castle. When you hop onto your ship, a scene unfolds. ******************************************************************************* Tower of Zot ******************************************************************************* Items: Flame Mail, Monsters! (Flame Sword), Hell Claw, Fire Shield, Gaia Hammer, Sage's Surplice Enemies: Pupeteer, Puppet, Gremlin, Ice Lizard, Centaur Knight, Cold Beast, Soldieress, Black Knight, Sorceress Bosses: #18, #19 Some of the enemies in this dungeon are nasty. The Pupeteers will constantly summon more Puppets if you kill them all off. This is a good way to get Experience though...They alsoc ast Death, so try to Confuse them with Yangs Fairy Claws. After a scene, you gain control. There's only one chest on the first floor, and its at the very northwestern corner of the room. It contains a Flame Mail. The stairs up to 2F is in the northeastern corner of the room. 2F is quite a bit larger then 1F. You need to head south from the entrance, and then west following the path. Continue to the far southern portion of the screen, where you can keep going west. There's a chest near the exit, which contains some Monsters!. Use Ice Magic on the Firey Hound to kill him off quickly, and you will recieve a Flame Sword. Continue northwest to the next level. There's a few ways to go through 3F. The fastest way is just heading all the way south, and following the southern wall all the way east, and then go north. At the top of the screen go west and through the door to 4F. On 4F you must head all the way south before you actually get anywhere. Head north when you can, and you will find three doors. The door to the far left (west) contains a Hell Claw. There's also a Fire Shield near the bottom. The door in the center of 4F contains a Gaia Hammer. The door on 4F to the northeast leads to a chest which contains a Sage's Surplice. After getting all of these items, head all the way back south and then all the way east, and through the very eastern door on the screen. This leads to the 'other' portion of 5F. On 5F, head all the way south, and enter the first door to the north that you see. This leads to a much needed save point. After resting, continue west, and watch the scene. ============================================ Boss#18: The Magus Sisters: Sandy, Cindy, Mindy Sandy's Stats: ----------------------------------------------------------- HP: 2591 | STR: 30 | DEF: 1 | MAG: 11 | MDF: 11 | Gil: 3000 | EXP: 2500 | Weakness: None | Absorb: None | Treasure: None Cindy's Stats: ----------------------------------------------------------- HP: 4599 | STR: 36 | DEF: 2 | MAG: 11 | MDF: 11 | Gil: 3000 | EXP: 2500 | Weakness: None | Absorb: None | Treasure: None Mindy's Stats: ----------------------------------------------------------- HP: 2590 | STR: 30 | DEF: 1 | MAG: 10 | MDF: 0 | Gil: 3000 | EXP: 2500 | Weakness: None | Absorb: None | Treasure: None There are three targets, each with a specific purpose in this battle. The Middle sister, Cindy, will revive the other two sisters, so she is the prime target to take down first. Unfortunately, Sandy will probably cast Reflect on her early on, so attacking her with spells will be difficult. You -should- be able to get one spell off before she gets Reflect on though, and that -ga spell should take her way down past half life. Midy will Reflect spells off Cindy, and they will do around 300 damage each. While you're going to be killing off Cindy first anyway, this can be a problem if she does not die quickly. She is by far the largest threat in this battle, and should be killed after Cindy. Physical attacks and -Ga spells work best on her. With only one sister left, the battle becomes quite easy. She is much like a normal foe, with lots of HP. Kill her however you desire, with spells, abilities, or physical attacks. Sandy's most deadly ability is the ability to cause Confuse on your characters. Always have Tellah or Cecil cast Esuna as soon as possible when this happens so that your party does not kill each other off. ============================================ Watch a scene. Head back to the save point and heal your party if you desire, and then head through the door the boss was guarding. On 6F, you may want to remove any items from Tellah. Continue around the room for the scene. When you gain control, speak when the NPC to your left (west). Watch another scene. Head south when you can control Cecil again, and aftre two steps... ============================================ Boss#19: Barbariccia HP: 8636 | STR: 82 | DEF: 0 | MAG: 63 | MDF: 12 | Gil: 5500 | EXP: 9000 | Weakness: None | Absorb: None | Treasure: None You need to be extremely careful with Barbariccia. She has two different 'forms'. When she is in her normal form (she has hair) you can attack her with all of your might, but when she wraps herself in her hair (a tornado around her) DO NOT ATTACK. She will counter your characters with a very strong Wind based spell. Kain should spend every round using Jump. Cecil should attack physically, since his duty as healer is rather futile in front of a White Mage. The same applies with Cid. Yang can attack physically, or you can use Power, whichever you prefer. She has high defense, so damage can be an issue, but be patient and you'll eventually whittle her down. Once again, be careful when you attack, though it is difficult to time when some moves go off compared to others... When Barbariccia covers herself in her hair, there is two things you can do. One is wait it out, heal your parties HP and MP, etc. The other is use Kain's Jump to force her out of the form. She counters with a physical attack whenever forced out of her form though, so keep every members HP over 500 at all times. As long as you are careful with your attacks, and keep your HP up, this battle will be won in time. Patience is a virtue. ============================================ Watch a scene. Exit Castle Baron when you are ready to. ******************************************************************************* Overworld ******************************************************************************* Items: None Enemies: None Bosses: None Hope onto your airship, and head directly south from Baron. There is a small island here with a town. This is where you want to be. Enter Agart, and head directly north. On the 'well' screen, examine the well, and when the item screen comes up, select "Magma Rock". After a scene, head back out to the World Map. Hop onto your airship, and land in the large crater in the mountain right next to Agart. Watch a scene. When you regain control, head west into the castle. ******************************************************************************* Dwarf Castle ******************************************************************************* Items: 5,000 Gil, Dwarf Axe, Hi-Potion, Ether, Black Belt, Elixir, Gyshal Greens, Gyshal Greens, Magazine, Cottage, Cottage, Cottage Shops: Item, Inn, Weapons, Armor, Fat Chocobo Enemies: None Bosses: #20, #21, #22 You can't explore at this point. Only the Inn and Item Shop will be open to you, but you can find 5,000 gil in the jar near the inn. Just head north from the great hall and watch a scene in the Throne Room. ============================================ Boss#20: Calco x3, Brina x3 Calco Stats: ----------------------------------------------------------- HP: 1369 | STR: 54 | DEF: 0 | MAG: 31 | MDF: 11 | Gil: 500 | EXP: 1000 | Weakness: None | Absorb: None | Treasure: None Brina's Stats: ----------------------------------------------------------- HP: 369 | STR: 54 | DEF: 1 | MAG: 31 | MDF: 11 | Gil: 500 | EXP: 1000 | Weakness: None | Absorb: None | Treasure: None Have Kain use Jump on the Calco's in the back, while Cecil, Yang, and Rosa focus on attacking the Brina's in the front. The Brina's should fall more quickly then the normal enemies you were encountering previously. The Calco's are quite a bit harder then their sisters, and take some more time to kill off. After a few rounds the second portion of the battle begins... ============================================ Boss#21: Calcobrena HP: 5315 | STR: 106 | DEF: 2 | MAG: 41 | MDF: 25 | Gil: 5000 | EXP: 12000 | Weakness: None | Absorb: None | Treasure: None Yang should use Power or physical attacks as an offense while Cecil atacks. Kain should jump to keep himself safe, but hold on his jumping if he gets low on HP at any time, because Rosa can not cure him if he is in the air. If Rosa ha a turn away from healing, have her Aim with her arrows to do some extra damage. The Calcobrena has the ability "Glance" which can cause confusion on one member. Have Cecil or Rosa cure this with Esuna immediately, because this is very very dangerous. Other then that, she tends to stick with physical attacks. Keep everyone's HP over 800, because her attacks can do well over 600 a hit to someone in the front row. After a certain amount of time, the body "disengages" and you need to fight the battle with 3 Calco and 3 Brina's again. Its pretty much the same as before, except for the fact that your party will be weakened. Once again, after a certain amount of time the body will reform and you need to start the Calcobrena battle again. Yes, her HP will be reset to maximum. Because this happens, you need to attempt to take out the main form of Calcobrena as fast as you possibly can to avoid having to kill her over and over again. ============================================ Watch a scene. ============================================ Boss #22: [Story Boss 5], Shadow Dragon Immediately command Kain to jump. This is extremely important! After a few attacks from your characters (even have Rosa attack) there will be an event where the Shadow Dragon is Summoned and the boss casts Bind on your characters. The Shadow Dragon will then proceed to cast Black Fangs on two of your characters, instantly killing them. If Kain is in the air at this point, he will not get bound, therefore, effectively saving his life. After a few moments, watch a scene. Use this time to revive your dead characters and restore HP. It will take a few rounds, but it is very necessary. The battle begins shortly, when the music starts. Use Kain's Jump attack every round, and have Cecil attack physically. Rosa will need to heal every round. Yang should use Power or attack physically. Your last character should be using Titan every round. With this assault, it should not take more then 2-3 rounds to take down the boss. ============================================ Watch a scene. All of the shops and other areas in the castle that were closed off are now open to you. There's plenty of items all around the castle if you look. Note: There is a BIG secret in this castle. Between the Weapons and Armor shops is a secret passage to the pub. In this Pub, you'll find a single Dwarf. but he's not the big secret. If you press against the southeastern wall in this area, you will find another hidden passage downstairs. This is the 'Easter Egg' room of Final Fantasy IV. I don't want to tell you what it is, but its good enough for Final Fantasy fans to be worth checking out! When you're ready to continue on with the game, head to the very bottom level of the castle, and talk to the Dwarf near the wall on the western side of the screen. Follow the new passage, and first go south and at the second intersection, go east to find three chests which contain a Cottage, Cottage, and yet another Cottage. Head to the southwest corner of the room and go up the stairs. In the Base, you will find some Healing Water to the far west. There's not a whole lot else though, so just head up the stairs in the southwestern corner. ******************************************************************************* World Map ******************************************************************************* Items: None Enemies: Armadillo, Magma Tortoise, Goblin Captain, Blazk Lizard Bosses: None While outside and close to the Healing Waters in the castle now is a nice time to level up, if you feel the need to. The enemies are surprisngly easy around here as well. Head west from the Base, and circle around the mountains to go all the way west. Continue north at the end of the path, and when given the option, go west. Its a long walk, but soon a short scene will play. Enter the tower. ******************************************************************************* Tower of Babel ******************************************************************************* Items: Ice Arrow x10, Ice Arrow x10, Ether, Monsters! (Ice Brand), Monsters! (Ice Lance), Cat Claw, Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down, Killer Bow, Antarctic Wind, Monsters! (Ice Armor), Monsters! (Ice Shield), Arctic Wind, Hi-Potion, Dry Ether Enemies: Pupeteer, Evil Doll, Security Eye, Chimera, Firey Knight, Firey Hound, Magma Tortoise, Black Lizard, White Mousse, Stone Golem, Medusa, Goblin Captain Bosses: #23, #24 On 1F, there is are two chests to the left of the entrance. These contain some Ice Arrows x10 and even more Ice Arrow x10. To the right of the entrance is a chest which contains an Ether. The stairs to the second level is just north of the beginning to the area. Open the chest immediately to the left (west) of you on 2F for a Green Beret. Head all the way south, and enter the first door you see. In here is a chest and nothing else. When you open it, you'll find some Monsters!. This is a battle with a Security Eye. You need to try to kill it in one hit so that it does not summon any other monsters. Try using Jump or Power to do this. After the battle you recieve an Ice Brand. Outside the room, continue east into the eastern door to find another chest, with more Monsters!. The same applies here as it did last battle. You recieve an Ice Lance. In the main room, enter the northern, central door. On 3F, open the chest to the left (west) for a Cat Claw. There's another chest to the east and slightly north of the entrance. This contains a Hi-Potion. If you head all the way south, you will find another chest, which contains a Phoenix Down. Enter the door to the south. There's a chest on this floor that holds a Killer Bow. The other contains an Antarctic Wind. After obtaining these, head back downstairs, circle around the room and head all the way north. Continue around the room to the south and enter the door. There is a save point to the left of the entrance on 4F. Continue north across the long bridges, and you'll find three doors to the west. These both contain chests. The doors to the south holds Monsters! and some Ice Armor. The door to the north contains more Monsters! and an Ice Shield. After obtaining these continue across the screen through the door to the next level. 5F is a very basic level. You can't get through the central door though. The items the chests contain are an Arctic Wind and a Hi-Potion. The exit is to the northeast. 6F is very short indeed, and you just head west through the door to 7F. On 7F, head east immediately, and you'll find a save point through the northeastern door. I suggest using it. Then head all the way south from the entrance of the level. Open the chest to the west for a Dry Ether. Exit to the east. On 8F, head around the screen and up the middle. Watch a scene. ============================================ Boss#23: Doctor, Barnabas Doctor's Stats: ----------------------------------------------------------- HP: 4936 | STR: 18 | DEF: 0 | MAG: 0 | MDF: 11 | Gil: 2000 | EXP: 5500 | Weakness: None | Absorb: None | Treasure: None Barnabas's Stats: ----------------------------------------------------------- HP: 4832 | STR: 86 | DEF: 0 | MAG: 31 | MDF: 11 | Gil: 2500 | EXP: 5500 | Weakness: None | Absorb: None | Treasure: None Assault the Doctor will physical attacks and abilities. The Doctor will heal Barnabas if you attack the machine first, making him more difficult to kill off. He doesn't have particularly high defense, and you may even get some help from the Barnabas as well. Have Rydia use abilities like Titan. Note that main downfall of this strategy is that the turn after the Doctor dies, the Barnabas will use 'Self Destruct'. If he has a lot of HP, it may do over 3000+ damage a character, easily instantly killing them. The other strategy is to kill off the Barnabas first. This will be more difficult because of the Doctor's healing. Use strong abilties and the spell Thundara. When you kill off the first form, the Doctor gets into the Barnabas itself. At this point, you need to weaken it as far as you can, as the Doctor will accidentally use 'Self Destruct' after a few rounds. To easily defeat this duo, have Rydia cast Titan over and over while your other characters are defending, or doing other random things, such as restoring MP. Rose should heal. ============================================ Boss#24: Dr. Lugae HP: 9321 | STR: 86 | DEF: 1 | MAG: 7 | MDF: 11 | Gil: 4000 | EXP: 10101 | Weakness: None | Absorb: None | Treasure: Dr. Lugae's Key This battle begins right after the first battle ends, so if any characters died from a Self Destruct, they will be dead here. Trty to revive them but it can sometimes be difficult. Do not attack the boss itself before any dead characters are living again. After a few rounds, Dr. Lugae transforms into a mutated version of his original form. His attacks have not changed much, but he still likes to use Sleeping Gas like crazy. This tends to hit almost all of the time, and when multiple characters fall asleep (especially important ones, like Rosa) you may have some problems. He also uses skills like Poison Gas to poison all of your party members. Because of the mass status effects, you may need to have Cecil casting Esuna as well as Rosa. Don't waste Antidotes curing the Poison though, only the sleep. After a few rounds, the doctor (who is quite insane) will cast Panacea on your party, completely healing your status. The doctor has a wide variety of attacks that include a Flamethrower that hits all party members, and an incredibly powerful Laser which will probably one hit your characters. Laser is somewhat random though, fortunately. I've seen it do 300, and I've seen it do 1,500. His Beam attack is much weaker, and will probably do around 100-200 damage. Attack Lugae whenever you can with spells such as Titan, and abilities such as Jump and Power. At times it may be difficult to attack because you're healing the sleep status, but eventually you'll take down this foe. ============================================ Watch a scene. head back down three floors to 5F (I suggest spending the night at the Save Point if you're weak from the bosses to make the journey easier) and walk up the central passage that has the locked door at the end. Select "Dr. Lugae's Key" when prompted, and head through the door. Watch a scene. You will be forced into a battle. Watch another scene. When you regain control, you will need to -walk- (-_-;;) all the way down to the bottom floor of the dungeon. Remember to use the save point on 4F to restore HP and MP for the walk down. As you're walking south on 1F, watch a scene. When you gain control of the ship, just fly directly north to Baron. ******************************************************************************* Castle Baron ******************************************************************************* Items: None Shops: None Enemies: Roc, Roc Baby, Firey Hound, Black Lizard, Mors Bosses: None Enter Castle Baron, and head into the main hall. Go east, and follow the eastern passage until you reach the eastern courtyard. Talk to the NPC's here and watch a scene. After the scene, you need to fly over to Mt. Hobbs and pick up your Sandcraft. Press A while flying over it. Now, fly back to Agart (south of Baron) and head directly west. Here, you'll find the large towers sticking out of the ground. Land here, and hop onto your sandcraft. On the southeastern portion of this continent is a castle. ******************************************************************************* Eblan Castle ******************************************************************************* Items: Coeurl's Whisker, Hermes' Shoes, Emergency Exit, Hi-Potion, [forgot item;;], Monsters! (Blood Lance), Silver Hourglass, Ether, Ether, Monsters! (Silver Apple), Hi-Potion, Unicorn Horn, Alarm Clock, Gold Needle, Maiden's Kiss, Cottage, Monsters! (Sleep Blade), Bacchus's Cider, Bomb Core, Mute Arrow x10, 10,000 Gil Shops: None Enemies: Coeurl, Lamia, Mad Ogre, Skuldier, Steel Golem Bosses: None Head down the eastern set of stairs first, and through the northeastern door. There are hidden passages in this room to obtain the item. The chest contains a Coeurl's Whisker. You can not get the other item just yet. Upstairs, you need to press the switch to the right (east) of the door, and then walk south of the stairs and around through the door. There is even more items in this room. You need to take the hidden passage in the northeastern wall to reach the chest. This chest contains some Monsters!, which is some Coeurl's and a Lamia. The Coeurl's are the most dangerous, and can use their Blaster to one hit kill your allies. You recieve a Blood Lance for your hard work. Lastly, fall down the hole on this level when you're done, and open the chest for a Silver Hourglass. In this small side room, head south and you'll find an "Underground Passage". In here, open the three chests for two Ethers and some Monsters!. Fight off the Mad Ogres, but be wary of their strong physical attacks. To damage them with magic, use Rydia's Dragon. You recieve a Silver Apple for winning the battle. Continuing through the passage makes you exit the castle. Immediately re-enter. This time, keep going straight and enter the great hall. There's a hidden passage to the east which lets you access that Hi-Potion. Continue north two screens to the throne room. In this room, there are hidden passages in both walls directly to the east and west of the throne. These lead downstairs, to more chests. There are five chests total. After obtaining them all, head all the way back to the main courtyard. In the courtyard, head west, and into the lower western area. Enter the northwestern tower door. There is a secret passagejust to the right of the entrance which will allow you access to the chest. This chest contains some monsters. There are quite a few, 4 Skuldiers and a Steel Golem. Using ifrit will wipe the floor with the Skuldiers, so have Cecil and Kain attack the Steel Golem right from the start. You obtain a Sleep Blade for winning this battle. Head back to the main area and go up to 2F (you can't get the other chest yet). Here, there's a hidden passage near the lower portion of the western wall that allows you to access the chest on 1F. Open it for a Bomb Core. Back on 2F, head straight down from the main stairs, and then head east. There is a hidden passage here that leads to the last two chests, which contain Mute Arrow x10 and 10,000 Gil. Exit Eblan Castle. On the Overworld map again, hop onto your Sandcraft (which you should have moved over to this continent if you followed my guide) and slightly to the west of Eblan you can ride of the shallows (rocks). Follow this path and enter the cave. ******************************************************************************* Eblan Cave ******************************************************************************* Items: Vampire Fang, Shuriken, Remedy, Potion, Potion, Ether, Tent, Hi-Potion, Shuriken, Bomb Core, Hi-Potion, Cottage, Hi-Potion, Elixir, Elixir Spider's Silk, Phoenix Down, Phoenix Down, Silver Hourglass, Gold Needle, Dry Ether Shops: Inn, Item, Weapons, Armor Enemies: Skuldier, Bloody Bat, Cave Bat, Bloodbones, Ironback, Black Lizard, Steel Golem Bosses: None There is a secret passage directly to the right (east) of the entrance which allows you access to that chest. It contains a Shuriken. Continue right through a second hidden passage and open this chest for a Remedy. head back to where you got the Shuriken, and walk into the Water. Walk east through another hidden passage and head south and exit the water when you can. Continue south and open the chest for a Vampire Fang. Make your way over to the southwestern corner of the room and walk down the stairs here. B2 is a safe haven. You'll find NPC's and shops. There are some really good pieces of Weapons and Armor to buy, but they are very expensive (30,000+ anyone?) The door to the very far west holds a few items as well as more NPCs. The door to the far north is where you want to go to continue. There's a chest right by you that holds an Ether. Follow the path and open the next chest for a Tent. Talk to the NPC. Head south through a secret passage right below you to fine a Hi-Potion. Head all the way back up north and go up the stairs. On this level, continue north and speak with the next NPC. Head directly east from him and press against the black wall. There is a secret passage in it which allows you access to the chest, which contains a Shuriken. Now head back and head all the way north to obtain a Bomb Core. Now head -back- southeast and go down the stairs. Down here you will find three chests which contain a Hi-Potion, Cottage, and another Hi-Potion. After opening these, find the hidden passage just north of the rock (which is above the chests) which will allow you to access the other two chests in the room. These two contain Elixir x2. Head back to the main passage. Continue down and talk to the next NPC. Follow the passage and open the chest to the west for some Spider's Silk. Head back east and open the three chests here for Phoenix Down x2 and a Silver Hourglass. Follow the passage and exit to the north. There's a save point to the right (east) of the entrance to this level. After using it, head west and open the chest for a Gold Needle. Now, follow the screen north, and watch a scene. When you gain control, press against the left (west) wall, and you'll eventually find the passage to the final chest, which contains a Dry Ether. Exit to the north. ******************************************************************************* Tower of Babel, Part 2 ******************************************************************************* Items: Unicorn Horn, Silver Hourglass, Monsters! (Ogrekiller), Kiss of Lilith, Ahura, 82,000 Gil, Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion Enemies: Sorcerer, Ghost Knight, Mad Ogre, Mystery Egg, Lamia, Balloon, Coeurl, Grudger, Mythril Golem Bosses: #25, #26 Head straight north, and watch a scene. Even though it doesn't look like it, you can get in and out whenever you like. Open the chest to the north for a Unicorn Horn. Now follow the pathway across the screen. its a long walk, but eventually you'll see a door. Be sure to open the chest for a Silver hourglass before continuing through the door. On B2, circle around the room, and when you can go south. Open the chest in the middle of the room to fight some Monsters!. This can be a nasty set of Mad Ogre's, so be on guard. After defeating them, you recieve an Ogrekiller. Head back north and continue west around the room. Go through the door to the next level. On B3, head almost all the way east, and open the chest for a Kiss of Lilith. Head back to the door to the west and enter it, since there's nothing else to do on this level atm. On B4, head east and circle all the way around the room again, claiming the Ahura in the chest. Head down the stairs back to B3. Back on B3, head east and you'll find a save point through the first door to the north. This will probably be very welcome at this point. Continue through the far eastern door to reach back to B4. On B4, head through the next door to reach B5. On B5, head south and then all the way west. There is a chest over here (to the north) which contains 82,000 (!!!) gil. Head back east and head north, approaching the door to the next level. Watch a scene. ============================================ Boss#25: [Story Boss 6], [Story Boss 7] This is not really a boss fight, but more of an event based battle. While the second boss will actually attack you with some magical spells (meaning Rosa will need to cast to keep you alive) you do not have to worry about attacking either one of these bosses. You can win if you do not attack a single time during this boss battle, but if you really want to, go ahead. ============================================ Boss#26: Rubicante HP: 34000 | STR: 80 | DEF: 3 | MAG: 16 | MDF: 37 | Gil: 7000 | EXP: 18000 | Weakness: None | Absorb: Fire | Treasure: None Fortunately for you, you will have full HP and MP at the start of this battle. Unlike the other four Fiends, you do not want to cast Ice spells directly on Rubicante. When he holds his cloak over his face (his default form) he will absorb all magics, even Ice and Water magics. You will be stuck relying on physical attacks at this point. Try using Ice based weapons, such as the Ice Lance and Ice Sword to raise the damage Cecil and Kain do. The second he opens his cape (you'll see a leg sticking out) thats when you can cast magic and Ninjutsu abilities on him. Blizzara or Blizzaga and Flood will do the most damage. Rubicante uses Fire spells on your entire party. His fire is not incredibly strong, doing around ~60 damage to all members. He also has Glare, which will probably one-hit kill your characters, doing around 2000 points of damage to a single party member. Revive a character hit by Glare immediately. Whenever Rubicante closes his cloak (his leg disappears), you need to stop your magical (Flood, Blizzard) assault. Yes, they do the most damage, but if you attack him with those spells during this time you will restore his HP. This is very, very bad. Unlike Barbariccia, there is no way to force him to open his cloak, other then to wait. Because of Rubicante's large amount of HP, this battle may take a while, especially because he can be unpredictable with his cloak. ============================================ Watch a scene. Continue north through the door. Watch another scene. Open the chest north of you for a Hi-Potion. Now head all the way south and through the next door. On 7F, continue north and through the next door. On 6F, follow the passage all the way south, and head east at the intersection to obtain another Hi-Potion. Now head all the way west and through this door. Watch a scene. ******************************************************************************* World Map ******************************************************************************* Items: Luca's Necklace Enemies: None Bosses: None Follow the continent South and West until you reach the Dwarven Castle. Once there, enter, and speak with the King in the throne room. Before leaving,head down to floor B1 of the castle (accessed from the weapons/armor shop or the Inn). Enter the door near the western stairs here, and talk to the man with the "zzzz" over his head in bed. Watch a scene. Exit the Dwarven Castle. There's a few side quests you can do at this point before continuing on with the game. I suggest doing them, since they will be highly beneficial to complete. If you don't want to do the Side Quests, skip ahead to the Sealed Cavern section. Fly directly south of the Dwarven Castle until you hit a wall, and then head east and southeast. There is a small hut to the south, enter. ******************************************************************************* Kokkol's Smithy ******************************************************************************* Items: Remedy, Soma Drop, Hi-Potion(?) Enemies: None Bosses: None There are a few items to find here, mainly in the pots. There's a Remedy to the left. Upstairs is a Soma Drop in the bookcase. Talk to the NPC in the bed, if you desire. Exit the Smithy when you're done exploring. ******************************************************************************* Tomra ******************************************************************************* Items: 2,000 Gil, Dry Ether, Rage of Zeus, Bomb Fragment, Bestiary, Antarctic Wind Shops: Weapons, Armor, Item, Inn Enemies: None Bosses: None Tead directly south from the Dwarven Castle and follow the rocks west and southwest. You'll eventually see a town, enter it. This is Tomra. There's some good, if expensive, weapons and armor to buy here. I suggest buying as many as you can afford though, because you'll need them for the challenges ahead. The Diamond Armor is particularly reccomended. Buying another Ahura for Edge is a great idea as well. There is a Treasure House in the northwestern corner of town that has all sorts of nice chests to open. There is also a few items in the pots as well. ******************************************************************************* Sylvan Cave ******************************************************************************* Items: Bestiary, Angel Arrow x10, Maidens Kiss, Hi-Potion, Fairy Rod, Bomb Core, Remedy, 2,000 Gil, 3,000 Gil, Maiden's Kiss, Ether, Maiden's Kiss, Bestiary, Emergency Exit, Monsters! (Red Fang), Monsters! (White Fang), Monsters! (Blue Fang), Monsters! (Medusa Arrow x10), Monsters! (Avenger), Monsters! (Full Moon), Cottage, 1,000 Gil, Elven Bow, Hi-Potion, Ether, Thunder Arrow x10, Ice Arrow x10, Fire Arrow x10, Monsters! (Mage Masher), Hell Claw, Cat Claw, Grimoire Shops: None Enemies: Malboro, Evil Dreamer, Mammon, Bog Witch, Tiny Toad, Undergrounder Bosses: None The Sylvan cave is in the far northwest corner of this World Map. It will take a bit to fly there. Before entering, it is -highly- reccomended that you have the spell Float. This will help prevent damage on the damage floors (which are almost everywhere). Its not necessary, but you will be taking a - lot- more added damage, and you will need a few more Ethers than a normal party would who has Float. Rosa learns Float at level 35. Depending on your level, this can be an easy, or very difficult area. If you are coming here -just- at 35 you will probably have some problems. The Malboro's are particularly nasty and can cause most every negative status effect in the book. The Bog Witches and her Tiny Toads can cause you to waste massive amounts of MP by casting Esuna over and over to cure Toad status. Use Titan to kill them all off quickly. There are three chests to the right (east) of the entrance, over the damage ground. These contain a Bestiary and an Angel Arrow x10. You can't get the last chest at the moment, so head back west. The exit to the next area is to the far south. On B2, remember to cast Float again. Head north around the area, and go down the stairs here. On B3, follow the passage and open two of the chests for a Maiden's Kiss and a Hi-Potion. There's a secret passage right below the southern chest which will allow you access to the third chest. This chest contains a Fairy Rod. Head back south, and there is a hidden passage on the wall directly to the west of the stairs that gives you easy access to the stairs. Continue east through this passage and you'll come out into an open areas. Go up the stairs to B2. Back on B2, head east around the screen and open the four chests for a Bomb Core, Remedy, 2,000 Gil, and 3,000 Gil. Continue south down the screen and open 5 more chetss for a Maiden's Kiss, Ether, Maiden's Kiss, Bestiary, and an Emergency Exit. Fall down the hole. Down here, continue north to the very end, and it looks like a dead end, but you'll find a hidden passage to the west.Step on the switch here. In this room, open the chests for Monsters! (Red Fang), Monsters! (White Fang), Monsters! (Blue Fang), Monsters! (Medusa Arrow x10), Monsters! (Avenger), and Monsters! (Full Moon). These can be some nasty encounters, so keep your HP and MP as full as possible. After defeating the monsters and obtaining your trasuers, head east and step on the teleporter. This brings you back to the World Map. Use a Cottage, and immediately head back into the cavern. Head south on the first screen to reach B2 again. Back on B2, continue directly south until you reach another stairwell, and head up it. Back on B1, start by heading northeaast (The Diagram on the floor is a Save Point) all the way to the dead end. In the northeast corner is a secret passage which leads to the third chest which we could not get at the entrance. Open it for an Elvan Bow. Head back to the entrance of this level. Head all the way west and follow the passage to open two more chests for a Cottage and 1,000 Gil. Head back south and go down the stairs. Down here, follow the passage and go through the first door to the right (east). Follow this passage and open the chests here for Hi-Potion, Ether, Thunder Arrow x10, Ice Arrow x10, and Fire Arrow x10. Head back downstairs. Back on B2, continue north, and befpore heading downstairs, find the hidden passage next to the stairs that will allow you access to the chest containing Monsters! (Mage Masher). Head back to the stairs and go down. On B3, open the chest to the west for an Elixir. Now follow the passage all the way around the screen until you see a house, which you should enter. In the house, open the chests for a Hell Claw and a Cat Claw. Talk to the NPC on the bed to the west. When you're ready to exit, head through the door to the north, and go through the teleporter, which leads you to the World Map screen. Note: There is a Grimoire in this room, but you can not get it your very first time through.I am actually not sure exactly -when- the game allows you to get it, but when I went down to get the Sylf Summon I was able to get it, but ******************************************************************************* The Cave of Summons ******************************************************************************* Items: Phoenix Down, Ether, Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion, Cottage, Phoenix Down, Bestiary, Hi-Potion, Poison Axe, Kikuichimonji, Monsters! (Defender), Ether, Bestiary, 5,000 Gil, 6,000 Gil, Rats Tail Enemies: Warrior, Mini Satana, Bloody Eye, Summoner, Arachne, Belphegor, Thunder Dragon Bosses: None There's one more side quest you can do at this point. The Cave of Summons is to the northwest of Tomra (or to the southeast of the Sylvan Cave). Once again, Rosa needs the spell Float, which is learned at level 35. You will probably be running from a lot of battles without it. Also, you will need the spell Reflect (Learned at level 36) to complete the area. As in the Sylvan Cavern, you will need to cast Float every time you change screens to stop taking damage. As you begin, start by heading east and then all the way north. Open the chest for a Phoenix Down. Head directly west from here to find a hidden passage in the wall. At the end is a chest which contains an Ether. Head back east, and then go all the way to the bottom of the screen to the south. Open the chest here for a Hi-Potion. Now head all the way west, and then head north. Collow the passage and go down the stairs. On B2, follow the path until you can go south and open the chest down here for another Hi-Potion. Now, head north, and continue all the way north and open the next chest for a Cottage. Head east and down the stairs to the next level. On B3, follow the passage until you reach a chest that contains a Phoenix Down. Now head all the way east and open the second chest for a Bestiary. Now, press against the southeastern corner (right below the chest continaing the bestiary) of the room, and you'll find a secret passage. Follow this passage all the way around the room until you gain access to the three chests containing the Hi-Potion, Poison Axe, and Kikuichimonji. Head back to where the hidden passage started, but don't exit it. Continue north through it, and you'll find another secret area. Open the chest here for Monsters! (Defender). After getting these items, head back to where you entered the secret passage. Now head back west and head north when you can. B4 and below are safe havens. Open the chest to the west for an Ether. There's also a chest to the north of this one that contains a Bestiary. There's a few more chests on the level that contain 5,000 Gil and 6,000 Gil as well. To get the last chest you have to go to the lower level and come back up. It contains a very important Rats Tail. Head down the teleporter to the north to continue. ******************************************************************************* The Land of Summons ******************************************************************************* Items: Bestiary, Phoenix Down Shops: Inn, Item, Weapons, Armor Enemies: None Bosses: #27, #28 There's an Inn right above the teleporter, which I suggest you use. There's also a weapon shop in the southeastern corner, which holds some great new gear. The armor shop is to the east of that. In the house in the northwestern corner of the area there are two chests which contain a Bestiary and a Phoenix Down. There is also a save point in this house. To move on, head into the Library (which is on the western side of the screen) and go downstairs. There is a teleporter here. Down here, talk to the female NPC to begin the boss fight. ============================================ Boss#27: Asura HP: 31005 | STR: 134 | DEF: 3 | MAG: 69 | MDF: 37 | Gil: 0 | EXP: 20000 | Weakness: None | Absorb: None | Treasure: None Asura chooses her attacks at random. She is not particularly strong, but the main annoyance is her ability to cast Curaga on herself. To stop her from recovering massive amounts of HP, have Rosa cast Reflect on her (Asura) at the very start of the battle, and periodically whenever it wears off during the battle. This way, her spells will be reflected back to you and you get a free cure every once in a while. Asura's Cure spells will heal around 3,000 HP if she gets them off on herself. You can always tell what type of action Asura is going to do by what 'face' she has on at the moment. Her face changes after every action (including yours on her). Her Blue (smilie) face means that she will cast Life (wtf?) so if Reflect is on, this one actually helps you. Her mean (female) face means that she will Cure herself. Her sad (Tiki) face means she will cast a buff spell on herself (such as Protect). Note that after -every- attack Asura will counter you physically, so if you're going to attack, make sure everyone is healthy enough to survive a counter. Rydia should summon Titan every round. Have Kain Jump, and have Cecil and Edge attack. Rosa should focus on what she does best. Just make sure to defend when you believe that someone may die from one of Asura's counterattacks. I also highly, highly suggest not inputing more than 2 commands at once, since Asura's attacks can be quite nasty depending on which face she has. If you input too many commands, more than one character may need to act as healer. Use Curaja Liberally. Note: If you want, you can use a Blink strategy (that will work later on as well). Cast Blink on all of your characters with Rosa while everyone defends for the first few rounds (or attacks very little). After everyone has Blink, spend all of Rosa's time recasting it, and you should have no problem with damage whatsoever. Its easier then letting Asura beat up on you, but also quite a bit slower. Expect that this battle will take a while. ============================================ After the battle, I suggest going up to the Inn/Save Point and resting. Head back down to where you foughtr Asura, and talk to the NPC standing beside her. ============================================ Boss#28: Leviathan HP: 50001 | STR: 174 | DEF: 5 | MAG: 34 | MDF: 54 | Gil: 0 | EXP: 28000 | Weakness: None | Absorb: None | Treasure: None This will be a much more straightforward boss fight then the previous battle. Leviathan is water based, therefore is weak towards Thunder spells. If Rydia has Thundaga cast it at will, if not, stick with Ramuh. Edge should use Blitz. If you have any other weapons with Lightning Effect on them use them as much as you can. Take off any armor that increases Ice or Water damage before the battle as well. Rosa will need to be on constant healing duty during this battle, sicne leviathan has nasty abilities like Tidal Wave. Tidal Wave does around 500 damage to every member of your party! He also uses Blizzara for around 400 damage to a single member. Have someone keeping her MP up at all times as well, and don't hesitate to use another character for healing when needed. If you keep this up, over and over, the battle will be done in time. it takes a while, because of his very high HP though. Just keep up the assault of Thunder type spells and Leviathan will fall. ============================================ Now, you need to exit the Land of Summons through the Cave of Summons. You can walk, or use an Emergency Exit/Spell. ******************************************************************************* The Sealed Cavern ******************************************************************************* Items: Ether, Kotetsu, Bestiary, Hi-Potion, Ether, Bestiary, Phoenix Down, Light Sword, Elixir, Fuma Shuriken, Light Curtain, Kotetsu, Black Cowl, Ether, Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down, Dry Ether, X-Potion, [Story Item] Enemies: King Naga, Trap Door, Screamer, Evil Bat, Chimera Brain, Miss Vamp, Yellow Dragon Bosses: #29 The Sealed Cavern is in the mountains to the northwest of Tomra. Approach the door, and select "Luca's Necklace" to continue. Enter it. On B1, circle south all the way down the screen and enter the door here. You'll need to fight off a monster first. Open the chests in the room beyond the door for an Ether and a Kotetsu. Exit, and head southwest for a Bestiary. Now head all the way northwest and enter the door up here. You'll once again need to fight a monster to proceed. In this room, ignore the two rooms, as they lead no where. Just open the chests for a Hi-Potion and an Ether. Exit to the southeast. On B2, head south across the left rope and then head east for a Bestiary. Head back to the level entrance, and head east over the bridge. Open the chest for a Phoenix Down, and continue north. At the top of the screen, ignore the first door, but enter the second. Open the chest in here for a Light Sword. The next door to the west contains an Elixir, Fuma Shuriken, and a Light Curtain, which is important for later, so don't toss it. Ignore the next door. The fifth door to the west contains a Save Point. The last door contains two chests, which you should open for a Kotetsu and a Black Cowl. Follow the path all the way south, and enter the door at the southeastern corner to continue. Open the chest in here for an Ether, and head downstairs. On B3, open the chests for a Hi-Potion and a Phoenix Down. head through the door to the far south (ignoring the one to the west). The door is hard to see, but its at the very bottom of the screen. In this area, head south over the bridge, and head all the way east. Ignore the door, and open the chest for a Bell of Silence. Head back west and hop onto the rope and climb down to the lower level. At the intersection, head east, and go through the door here. There are two nice prizes in here, including a Dry Ether and an X-Potion. Exit the room, head all the way west, and go down the stairs. On B4 there is another save point. Continue down to the rest of B4. Neither of the ropes here lead anywhere, so just run around the room and go down the stairs in the center. On B5, circle around the screen to the north, and walk over the bridge to enter the northern door. In the final room, grab the item on the altar. Exit this room, and continue south. Watch a scene. ============================================ Boss#29: Demon Wall HP: 28000 | STR: 84 | DEF: 3 | MAG: 79 | MDF: 29 | Gil: 8000 | EXP: 23000 | Weakness: None | Absorb: None | Treasure: None You need to attempt to kill this wall as fast as possible. Try to cast Slow on the Wall with Rosa to gain yourself some time. Have Edge throw the Fuma Shuriken and the Shuriken you have (and any other powerful weapons you feel you are willing to lose, they will do excellent damage as well) as soon as possible. Kain and Cecil should just attack. Rydia should hopefully have Leviathan at this point, so Summon that. If she doesn't, attack with the strongest spell or summon that you have (Titan or Dragon usually, Dragon can be stronger than Titan depending on Rydia's maximum HP, of course, there are the -ga spells as well). Never have Kain Jump, as tempting as it seems, since it will actually weaken him in this battle. If the Demon Wall casts Stone Gaze, have Rosa use Esuna immediately, as this is deadly for your party. You need your characters as fast as possible for this battle. You may even want to use Haste. Don't worry about healing at all. After the bosses first three rounds, he will start one hit killing your characters every round. At this point, just revive characters and do not worry about restoring their HP. Hopefully you've weakened him enough that you can kill him quickly, but if not you might need to reset and try again. ============================================ Now you need to get out. You need to -walk- all the way out. -_-;;;. Its easier to walk out than in, fortunately, since you do not need to fight all of those Trap Doors. Near the entrance, watch a scene. When you regain control, hop onto your ship and fly to the Dwarven Castle (northeast of the Selaed Cave) and speak with the King. Watch a scene. ******************************************************************************* World Map ******************************************************************************* Items: None Enemies: Lunar Virus, Black Flan, White Mousse, Purple Bavarois, Abyss Worm Bosses: None Get back onto your airship, and fly to the very northeastern corner of this Map 9you'll see a little Black Crater) if you press A here, watch a scene. Back on the Overworld map, head to Mysidia. Mysidia is just northeast of where you gain control. In Mysidia, watch a scene. Enter the ship to the east of Mysidia. In here, there is a Fat Chocobo (for free!). Theres also a place to rest (also for free :O!) just above the Chocobo. You can use it as a normal airship if you examine the far northern panel. To continue with the game, examine the crystal. Watch a scene. When you gain control on your ship, you need to fly around the moon until you find some large crystals jutting from the ground. This should be about southwest of your starting position. Land on the gray plateau just northwest of this area, above the cave. Get out of your ship, walk down the path, and enter the cave. ******************************************************************************* Lunar Path ******************************************************************************* Items: Monsters! (Golden Apple), Stardust, Lunar Curtain Enemies: Prokaryote, Eukaryote, Purple Bavarois, White Mousse, Black Flan, Abyss Worm, Balloon, Dark Grenade Bosses: None Follow the path and open the chest to the east for a Monsters! (Golden Apple). The rest of the path is very simple, with only two chests near the very end, containing some Stardust and a Lunar Curtain. Keep the Lunar Curtain's, since they are important. Note: Use Thunder spells on the Ballon/Dark Grenade enemy comination, and you will instantly win. Avoid using Fire on them. When you go up the stairs you will be brought back up to the world map. Follow the path east and south at the intersection, and enter the next cavern. In this cave, just fllow the passage south. There's no items, unfortunately. You'll be brought to the world map again. The next area is to the northwest. In this Lunar Palace, there are areas to the east and west that will restore your HP and MP. To continue head down the central cooridoor. Watch a scene. When you regain control, you can learn some more by heading north into the next chamber and speaking to the crystals if you'd like, but to continue exit to the south. You need to walk all the way back to your ship now. Fortunately, it is very straightforward. Once back on your ship, there are a few more side quests you can do before heading instantly back down to the Tower. If you want to ignore these side quests, skip down to The Giant section below. ******************************************************************************* Hummingway Home ******************************************************************************* Items: None Shop: Item Enemies: None Bosses: None Find the Crystal Palace, and then fly south. Slightly southeast of it you'll find a cave surrounded by a plateau. Land inside the center of this area, and you'll be able to enter the cave. There is a certain Hummingway here that sell rare items such as Dry Ether's, Ether's, and Elixirs. You can also buy Gysahl Whistle's, which will Summon the Fat Chocobo from anywhere. It may take a bit of searching to find him though, since everyone looks alike. ******************************************************************************* Cave of Bahamut ******************************************************************************* Items: Genji Gloves, Genji Shield, Genji Armor, Genji Helm Enemies: Dark Sage, Giant Warrior, Silver Dragon, Bone Dragon Bosses: #30, #31 Note: Before going here, make sure that you have learned Leviathan from the Land of Summons, else it will be a waste of time. Be sure that you have a few Lunar Curtains as well. Find the Crystal Palace, and fly directly east. You'll find a cavern in the center of a crater here. You can't land anywhere in the central area, so land on the northern plateau and walk down to the cave. This is the Cave of Bahamut. There is a chest to the south of the entrance that contains some Genji Gloves. Continue northeast, and you'll find a hidden passage in the northeastern portion of the black wall. Follow it and open the chest for a Genji Shield. Head back to the main area, and continue south. Head down the stairs to B2. On B2, follow the passage and open the first chest for a Genji Armor. Continue, east all the way and open the chest here for a Genji Helm. Head back west, and go north. At this point, you'll encounter the first Behemoth of the cavern. It is a boss monster in the form of a random encounter. ============================================ Boss#30: Behemoth HP: 23000 | STR: 154 | DEF: 4 | MAG: 63 | MDF: 254 | Gil: 65000 | EXP: 57000 | Weakness: None | Absorb: None | Treasure: None You're going to have to fight quite a few of these throughout the cave. Behemoths are particularly strong normal monsters which, if given the chance, can kill you with ease. Be prepared to have FuSoYa act as healer and support mage instead of an attacker. Don't have FuSoYa cast the spells Meteor, Flare, and Holy should also be avoided unless you want the Behemoth to counter you with a nasty spell. The only summons that really work here are Leviathan and the Dragon. The latter is based off Rydia's current HP, so if thats low, don't even bother with it. Since the Behemoth has rather high magical defense, don't bother having Edge use Ninjutsu and just have him and Cecil attack physically. If you have fought Asura before (you should have, if you are coming here) you will understand these battles. You need to be very careful with your attacks. The Behemoths will counter your every attack with a physical attacks of their own, which will usually cause around or over 1000 damage. Try not to command more than one-two members at a time to attack because of this danger. Use spells like Blink every round with both Rosa and FuSoYa to reduce the total amount of damage done to your party. Edge should cast Image on himself. Once you get Blink off on everyone, it will be easier to prevent damage, though keeping it on can become a chore. As long as you keep Blink up on all members (it takes 2 people getting it up most of the time) it should be easy to survive, and to take down the Behemoths. ============================================ Head down to B3. On B3, follow the narrow passage south. You will fight a few more Behemoth's, so follow the same strategy as before. Try to keep your HP and MP full at all times, since describing when exactly you will encounter them is difficult. After defeating the two Behemoth's, restore your HP and MP (Elixir's are reccomended) and continue north. Talk to the man atop the podium, and, if you've learned Leviathan, and a battle will begin. ============================================ Boss#31: Bahamut HP: 45001 | STR: 174 | DEF: 1 | MAG: 17 | MDF: 4 | Gil: 0 | EXP: 35000 | Weakness: None | Absorb: None | Treasure: None There will be a numbered countdown at the top of the screen. When this reaches 0, Bahamut will nuke you with Mega Flare. If you read all of the books at the Library at the Land of Summons you will have found a way around this, however. Hopefully you have saved all of your Lunar Curtains. Your characters needs to be able to cast Reflect on themselves on their very first round. Rosa and FoSuYa should cast a normal Reflect spell on themselves, while everyone else uses items (Light or Lunar Curtains) to gain the effect. After this is done, you can begin your attack. Attack how you would a normal boss. But make one -huge- note. When everyone has reflect on, you can attack all of your characters with an attack spell (Firaga for example) and it will be reflected back at the enemy for much, much more damage than it normally would. You should actually attack all of your own party members rather than the enemy when everyone has Reflect on. This is the same for Bahamut's Mega Flare, and when he releases it, it will actually do 9999 damage to HIM instead of you. If you do this with FuSoYa and Rydia each round, you will be quite pleased with the results. Have Cecil attack, and Edge throw items or attack. Hopefully, Bahamut will die by, or just after his second Mega Flare attack. If not, you will need to start recasting Reflect. If you do not get your Reflects off in time for the next Mega Flare, you can expect a few more deaths. You can always see if Reflect is on or off if you try and cast it, and check the status box. ============================================ Watch a short scene. Exit the area, either by walking out, by items, or by spells. ******************************************************************************* The Giant of Babel ******************************************************************************* Items: Shuriken, Hi-Potion, Ether, Siren, Yoichi Arrow x10, Silver Apple, Soma Drop, Monsters! (Elixir) Enemies: Searcher, Mech Soldier, Centaurion, Beamer, Giant Soldier Bosses: #32, #33 The moment you come back down to the Overworld, watch a scene. When you automatically enter, head north around the area and down through the hole. Head down the next hole in the small room to reach the Chest of the Giant. In the Chest, head west and open the chest for a Shuriken. Continue along the straightforward path, and open the next chest for a Hi-Potion. Go slightly farther, and open the next chest for an Ether. Walk over the next bridge and go all the way west to open the next chest, which holds a Siren. There's also a chest to the far northeast, which contains a Yoichi Arrow x10. Head north and down the hole to reach the Stomach. In the Stomach, head north and open the chest here for as Silver Apple. Head back south, and go right (east) at the intersection to open another chest that contains a Soma Drop. Head back to the intersection and follow the other path all the way to the end. Go down the hole. In the Inner Passage, head all the way south, and continue on east. Open the chest for Monsters! (Elixir). Continue along until you reach an intersection, where you should go west. This is a save point, where you should heal and save your game. Go back to the intersection and follow the passage north and down the hole. In the Stairwell, head north. Watch a scene. ============================================ Boss#32: Elemental Lord Stats are all the same as before, but their HP as risen. Hopefully you paid attention during the original Feind/Lord battles. Fortunately, they do not do the same things as they did before, but at the same time you need to fight off all four lords at once. Use Firaga against Scarmiglione with FuSoYa and Rydia. Use Blizzaga against Rubicante. Use Thundaga against Caganazzo. Barbariccia can be attacked with whatever elemental you like, sicne she is not particularly weak towards anything. Edge should try to exploit elemental weaknesses as well. Cecil is best just attacking normally, as always. Rosa will probably need to heal quite often. Scarmiglione will stick with very powerful physical attacks this time, and you need to kill him off first. His physical attacks will probably do around 1000 damage to a party member, so try to cast Blink on as many members as possible as soon as possible to reduce damage. He will also use Curse every once in a while, which raises the amount of damage that you take quite severely. Cast Esuna immediately on a Cursed character. A good casting of Firaga will do 9999 damage. Rubicante will not open or close his cloak this time. It remains open the entire time. Continually attack him with Blizzaga spells, which will do 9999 damage. Rubicante once again uses Fira for low (60 or so) damage to the entire party. This time though, he also uses Firaga for around 300 damage to the entire party. His worst is Glare though, which will do around 500 damage to the entire party. Keep Curaga ready at all times. Caganazzo always has his Water shield up in this battle, so he can cast Tsunami at any point. Continually nuke him with Thundaga for 9999 damage. His physical attacks will do around 500 damage, which is a welcome relief from Scarmiglione's. Caganazzo is easily the weakest of the four Lords at this point, and will probably die quite painlessly. Barbariccia is always locked up in her hair during this battle. We have no Jump this time, to get her out, either. Bahamut works better then any elemental magic Rydia can cast in this battle, if you have aquired him. Be careful when using Bahamut though, as Barbariccia will counter you with the poerful Maelestrom ability. If you were weakened severly from the previous battles, you should spend the beginning of this battle healing, since her attacks can get strong quickly. Barbariccia employs the ability Ray to Slow down your characters. Cast Esuna as soon as possible to clear up this deadly status. The worst atack Barbariccia has though, is Maelestrom, which will bring every single party member down to critical HP range. ============================================ Watch a scene. Head back to the save point to restore your HP and MP, and then continue on. In the Heart, head north and watch a scene. ============================================ Boss#33: CPU, Attack Node, Defense Node CPU Stats: ----------------------------------------------------------- HP: 30000 | STR: 174 | DEF: 4 | MAG: 127 | MDF: 38 | Gil: 10333 | EXP: 50000 | Weakness: None | Absorb: None | Treasure: None Defense and Atack Node Stats: ----------------------------------------------------------- HP: 3000 | STR: 116 | DEF: 5 | MAG: 47 | MDF: 11 | Gil: 0 | EXP: 0 | Weakness: None | Absorb: None | Treasure: None There are three targets here, each with a specific duty in battle. You need to target each indivually, with the CPU being last. Use no area attacks, since if you do, you may accidentally kill off both Nodes. If both Nodes die off, then the CPU will start instantly killing two characters per round, making this battle much, much more difficult to survive. Start with the Defense Node, since it will heal the CPU for around 3000 HP every round. As annoying as the attack Node is with its 300 damage to everyone, its nothing compared to killing two members per round. After killing off the Defense Node, usually the CPU will have Reflect cast upon him. Attack him physically, and be patient. If you are willing to, throw some weapons with Edge to do some extra damage. As long as you are attacking physically you'll be safe. Still, the battle will take some time. If you do somehow manage to accidentally kill off both Nodes, you have two choices: Reset, or revive characters every round in hopes of keeping them alive. Don't worry about restoring HP. You will need to throw out your strongest attacks at this point, and try to get his Reflect off so you can cast Bahamut and other spells on him. Its difficult, but it is possible. ============================================ Watch a scene. Note: At this point, if you go to Mysidia at any time you can change party members. The room to do it is beyond the crystal room. Talk to the member you want to use them in battle. There are a few more side quests to do before continuing on with the game. ******************************************************************************* Castle Baron ******************************************************************************* Items: None Shops: None Enemies: None Bosses: #34 Head to the lowest level of the Eastern tower in Castle Baron after having gone to the Land of Summons. You need to have obtained Leviathan before this battle to begin this. ============================================ Boss#34: Odin HP: 20001 | STR: 116 | DEF: 5 | MAG: 95 | MDF: 38 | Gil: 0 | EXP: 18000 | Weakness: Bolt | Absorb: None | Treasure: None After three normal attacks, Odin will raise his sword arm and slay your party instantly. You may want to remove Rydia from your party, and add an extra attacker, such as Yang, or Palom. This way you will have the added damage from another attacker rather than a healer you do not need in this battle. Odin is weak towards Lightning spells, so have Edge use Blitz, and Rydia/Palom use Thundaga. Avoid having Kain Jump, since it will only waste time. Have him attack instead. Depending on your level, this battle may be a bit of a close call. ============================================ Watch a scene, and exit Castle Baron. ******************************************************************************* The Cave of Trials ******************************************************************************* Items: X-Potion, Red Jacket, Remedy, Phoenix Down, Coronet, Cat Hood, Remedy, Funny Mask, Red Cap, Cottage, Siren, Courageous Suit, Siren, Remedy, Sage's Robe, Lord's Robe, Grand Helm, Grand Armor, Dry Ether, Megalixir Enemies: Evil Bat, Miss Vamp, King Naga, Belphegor, Arachne, Summoner, Yellow Dragon, Evil Dreamer, Chimera Brain, Mammon, Malboro, Warrior, Mini Satana, Thunder Dragon, Great Malboro Bosses: #35, #36, #37, #38, #39 Head to Mysidia, and talk to the Elder. He is in the room where you change party members (beyond the Crystal room). Now, try to exit, and watch a scene. Now, fly southeast to the Mt. Ordeals. Watch a scene as you enter. Enter the door to the left when you see the two doors. Watch a scene. On B1, open the chest directly north of the entrance for an X-Potion. There's a hidden passage right between the two rocks to the southeast of this chest. It leads to another chest containing a Red Jacket. Head back to the normal area. Head back west, and go north up a set of stairs when you can. Head all the way north and go through the door at the top. On B2, head west and open the chest for a Remedy. Head back east and go up the stairs. Follow the path down some stairs and keep heading west. Go down the stairs here, and go up the far western stairs to open that chest for a Phoenix Down. In the far southwestern corner is a hidden passage, which leads to anotehr chest which contains a Coronet. Exit to the south. On B3, before the first set of stairs (and southeast of the entrance) you'll find a hidden passage in the wall. This leads to the chest containing a Cat Hood. Head back to the main area and follow the path down the first set of stairs and continue along to the west until you can go north up another set of stairs. Open the chest up here for a Remedy. There's a hidden passage in the wall northeast of the Remedy leading to the chest near the entrance, which contains a Funny Mask. After obtaining all three of these items, exit to the southwest. On B4, go down the eastern set of stairs to reach the main area. Head all the way south from these stairs, until you hit the southwestern wall. Press against this (southwestern) wall to find a hidden passage leading to a Red Cap. Head back to the main area and head just east and open the chest for a Cottage. To the very far east you'll find a Siren in the chest. In the northeastern corner of the room (near the exit) you'll find a hidden passage along the wall leading to the chest containing a Courageous Suit. Exit to the far north. On B5, head all the way west from the entrance for a Siren. Head back east and go up the stairs. Circle around the rocks, and open the chest here for a Remedy. Follow the passage southwest and go up the stairs to the north. Head down the stairs to the west, and press again the wall here to find a hidden passage. Open the chest here for a Sage's Robe. Head back through the passage and go north up the second set of stairs. In the northwestern corner of the room is another passage, which leads to a chest that holds a Lord's Robe. After obtaining these items, exit down to the northeast. On B6, follow the path east and up the stairs. Continue along the path (its quite long) until you reach an intersection, where you should go up the stairs to the north. You should be in the northwestern corner of the room. Find the hidden passage in the wall here, and you'll find a chest containing a Grand Helm. THere's another secret passage on the eastern wall just south of this just, leading to the Grand Armor. Head back, and continue east. At the far eastern wall (near the exit) head south down the stairs and open the chest here for a Dry Ether. Head back north and down to B7. On B7, there are three paths. The far eastern path contains a Megalixir, as does the far western. Head down the center path when you're ready to continue. On B8, you'll find multiple weapons, a save point (use it, rest and save now!) as well as a warp point out for later. Each weapon is guarded by a boss, which you can fight in no particular order. I will fight them from left of the entrance, in clockwise fashion. Note: You can -only- fight each boss with the certain party member whos weapon it belongs to in the party. So if the weapon belongs to Yang, you can only fight the boss with Yang in the party. ============================================ Boss#35: Gigas Worm HP: 55000 | STR: 155 | DEF: 4 | MAG: 34 | MDF: 44 | Gil: 0 | EXP: 32000 | Weakness: None | Absorb: None | Treasure: None This battle can only be fought with Edward in your party. The Gigas Worm battle will remind you of the battles with Asura and the Behemoth's (if you have fought them at this point). Every move you make will be countered by a physical attack, and therefore you need to be exceedingly careful with your actions. Fortunately, his attacks are not incredibly powerful, but if you attack uncontrolled things can get out of hand quickly. There are two ways to go about this battle. One is a Blink strategy. The Blink strategy is having Blink cast on everyone (having two White Mages makes this easier but is not imperative, also, Edge can use Image on himself so he doesn't need anyone to cast it on him). Blink will stop everyone from taking damage from three physical attacks. This will give you free reign of attacks for a few rounds, and not have to worry about healing. You will need to be a bit cautious though, since if your Blink goes down, your White Mage(s) will need to be Recasting Blink rather than curing, and you will need someone to act as a backup healer. The second strategy is to just attack, but attack with caution. This is very dangerous, because the boss will have a huge amount of attacks on your party. It's faster then the Blink strategy, and a tad but more reliable. Have Edward use Hide, since he probably only has slightly over 1000 HP, and is quite fragile even with his best armor on. He won't be able to do too much damage, either, and in the best case he can act as a back up healer. Therefore, he will just be another character to heal. Having him Hide is the best option so you won't have to heal him in case he gets attacked, or have to worry about casting Blink upon him. The Gigas Worm has no specific Weaknesses, so any magic (Bahamut is nice) works well. In fact, any real attack style does, as long as you stay in control and do not input more then two or three commands at once. If you do, you might find many characters dead... ============================================ ============================================ Boss#36: Master Flan, Black Flan, White Mousse HP: 35000 | STR: 130 | DEF: 4 | MAG: 34 | MDF: 38 | Gil: 0 | EXP: 32000 | Weakness: None | Absorb: None | Treasure: None This boss must be fought with Palom in your party. Be warned that this is a - very- nasty boss, probably the hardest in the area. You need to kill off three of the four Black Flans and White Mousse's before attacking the Master Flan himself. Actually, you can not even attack (the game will not allow you to) the Master Flan until they are gone. After two Flans are dead, you can attack the Master Flan. Unfortunately, you will not be able to use area type spells immediately, since the Master Flan casts Reflect on his first round. The Master Flan is quite nasty, and will reflect Thundaga off himself back to your own party members doing around 1200 damage to a single member. He will also Reflect Flare, for around 3000 (!) damage to a single member, if you get unlucky. The best way to attack the Master Flan is to have someone use a Reflect Item (such as a Lunar Curtain) on themselves, and then have Palom and Rydia Reflect Magic back off at the foes while your other members use their selected attacks. You can try to Reflect a Dispel back at the boss, if you would like to get rid of his Reflect status. That way, you could cast directly on the boss for a couple of rounds. Also, if you still have your Mage Masher, you can deal some extra damage if someone (Edge is a good choice) equips that. When you kill off all four Flans (on purpose, or by accident), you will once again need to kill off two or more before you will be able to reach the boss again. Note that you CAN reach him by Reflecting spells back, but this is the only way. You will need to be quite patient to win this battle. masa_mune100@yahoo.com sends me an Emails telling me that Quake works quite well in this battle as it goes through the bosses Reflect. This is an alternate strategy if you wish to use it. ============================================ ============================================ Boss#37: T-Rex HP: 60000 | STR: 148 | DEF: 3 | MAG: 34 | MDF: 54 | Gil: 0 | EXP: 32000 | Weakness: None | Absorb: None | Treasure: None You must have Porom in your party to fight this boss. Cast Float on all members before taking on this boss. The T-Rex relies primarily on physical attacks, but if you attack him with Fire spells, he will blast you with Flame for 500 damage to all members of your party. He also uses Earthquake, for around 700 damage to everyone. If you have Float on all party members, you will take no damage at all from Earthquake. Even though the T-Rex's attacks are strong, and the boss has a huge amount of HP, this is still a very straightforward fight. Attack with your strongest attacks (Bahamut, Store, Jump, etc) while having Porom heal every round with Curaga or Curaja if you got nuked particularly badly. Avoid Fire magic though, unless you want to be countered for 500 to everyone though. The battle may take a while. ============================================ ============================================ Boss#38: Death Mech HP: 50000 | STR: 135 | DEF: 4 | MAG: 34 | MDF: 54 | Gil: 0 | EXP: 32000 | Weakness: None | Absorb: None | Treasure: None You must have Cid in your party to fight this boss. Unlike bosses in the past, the Death Mech will not rely on physical attacks as much as he will rely on spells and abilities. The Death Mech has the nasty Flame attack, which does 500-700 to all members of your party. Promptly heal with a Curaga after he uses this to avoid anything too serious later. One of his worst attacks is the deadly Laser, which will probably end up doing around 2500 damage to a single member of your party. Ouch! Lastly, he infrequently uses an instant kill move. The boss is strangely slow, and does not attack often. He will probably get one attack (or less, even) per your round. That gives you plenty of time to recover HP or restore the lives of any dead party members. The boss has no weaknesses, but if Cid is decently levelled and has a Gaia Hammer and his best armor (from the cavern) equipped, he will probably do over 3000 a hit with his physical attacks. This is one of your best offenses in this battle. Bahamut, Power/Jump teamed with physical attacks and anything else you like will finish the boss off before he has a chance to kill you. He is just too slow to really make a dent in you. ============================================ ============================================ Boss#39: Storm Dragon HP: 40000 | STR: 139 | DEF: 4 | MAG: 22 | MDF: 33 | Gil: 0 | EXP: 32000 | Weakness: Ice | Absorb: Fire | Treasure: None You need to have Yang in your party to fight this boss. The Storm Dragon mostly relies on physical attacks. Sometimes, The Storm Dragon gets two attacks per round. When the Dragon gets two attacks, depending on the AI, he may attack the same peron, or he may attack two different people. Logically speaking, if he attacks the same person he will do double damage. If he attacks two different people he will only do normal damage to both characters. Note that if you use Blink, it will also take up two Shadows. Blink is the best way to reduce damage in this fight, since the Dragon relies on physical attacks most of the time. If you can get the spell off early enough, and keep it up, you shouldn't have too much trouble with damage for the rest of the fight. Remember that Edge can cast Blink on himself, if you are using him. The Storm Dragon has the incredibly nasty Maelstrom ability. This ability will cause everyones HP to go down to critical (10 and under) HP range. This ability was also found on the Behemoth's if you fought them earlier. Cast Curaja immediately after this nasty spell. Note that he also can use a spell that will do around 2000 damage to a single member, but this is very very rare, and you can actually win the battle without even seeing it. Any attacks work on the Storm Dragon, but Bahamut really shines, doing around 9999 damage each Summon. Attacking physically works, and you can also use skills such as Jump or Power. This boss is quite a bit easier then the other bosses in the area, excluding his Maelestrom ability. The Storm Dragon is Weak Towards Ice Magic and abilities, if you are using Palom as a Black Mage instead of Rydia. ============================================ After you have killed all five bosses (it usually takes 4-5 trips through the cavern) you are finished here. ******************************************************************************* The Excalibur ******************************************************************************* Items: Adamantite, Excalibur First, you need to have obtained the Rat's Tail from the Land of Summons. After doing this, hop onto your airship (either one) and fly over to Eblan, and pick up the Enterprise (the original, yellow airship). This airship can pick up your Sandcraft. Do this, and fly northwest over to Mythril. When at Mythril, hop onto your Sandcraft and drive over the Shallows to the Cavern in the middle of the ocean. In here, speak to the man in Blue, and choose "Rats Tail" from your inventory. Head back outside to your Airship, and fly back to Agart. Head down into the Underworld, and go into Kokkol's Smithy (southeastern corner of the world map). In here, give him the Adamantite, and watch a short scene. Head downstairs, and talk to Kokkol, and he will give you a brand, shining new sword. Note: There's also sorts of nice new things to buy at the Smithy now, including Fuma Shuriken and Yoichi's Arrows for Rosa. If you have a good amount of money, have some fun. Exit the Smithy. ******************************************************************************* Other Things to Do ******************************************************************************* Items: None If you didn't do it before, head to the Sylvan Cavern at this point. If you make it down to the very bottom, speak with the Sylf's, and they will teach Rydia how to Summon them. Also, if you never got them before, you can recieve three 'extra' summons by fighting different monster types: Goblin, Bomb (Grenade, Ballon, etc), Cockatrice, and Mage (Sage). These are very hard to obtain at times, and are not really necessary to complete the game, especially if you have Leviathan or Bahamut. The Goblin tends to be the worst of the bunch. Note: Its important to fight and get some more Lunar Curtains in the Lunar Path. They will be needed once again. It may take a while, but you only need two or three maximum. The Eukaryote and Prokaryote drop them, as do the Lunar Virus's (but with a lower percentage). Silver Dragons in the Bahamut Cave also drop them. When you're ready to continue, click the Crystal in the Lunar Whale to head up once again. On the Moon, head to the Palace (through the Lunar Path) . head to the Crystal palace - 2F, and go to the central core. Watch a scene. ******************************************************************************* Final Dungeon ******************************************************************************* Items: Monsters! (Black Garb), Monsters! (Sage's Staff), Murasame, Fire Whip, Dragon Shield, Dragon Helm, Dragon Mail, Dragon Gloves, Artemis Arrow x10, Elixir, White Fang, X-Potion, Monsters! (Stardust Rod), Monsters! (Crystal Shield), Protect Ring, Monsters! (Crystal Mail), Monsters! (Crystal Gloves), White Robe, Monsters! (Crystal Helm), Red Fang, Fuma Shuriken, Artemis Arrow x10, Cottage, Golden Apple, Monsters! (Protect Ring), Ragnarok, Monsters! (Minerva's Plate), Holy Lance, Ribbon, Ribbon, Fuma Shuriken, Elixir, Gyshal Whistle, Fuma Shuriken, Fuma Shuriken Enemies: Dark Sage, Selene Guardian, Giant Warrior, Silver Dragon, Bone Dragon, Gold Dragon, Behemoth, Blue Dragon, Red Dragon, Ahriman, Dinozombie, Lil'Murderer, Evil Mask, Flan Princess, [Name's] Mind, [Name's] Breath Bosses: #40, #41, #42, #43, #44, #45 Be prepared for a huge dungeon. There is a large amount of bosses, althrough they are mostly optional. Remember that you can always head back to the Crystal Palace and exit if need be. Also note that a lot of locales in his dungeons are found through hidden passages, so expect to look everywhere! Directly east of the entrance you will find a hidden passage (already!?). Follow this path and open the chest for some Monsters! (Black Garb). Head back to the entrance, and head directly west from the teleporter, and you'll find a secret passage. Go through the teleporter here to reach another level. Follow the passage here (its rather straightforward) and open the chest for some Monsters! (Sage's Staff). Continue along the path and go through the teleporter. Continue along until you reach B3. On B3, immediately cast Float on all of your characters. When you're ready for a fight, examine the item on the podium. ============================================ Boss#40: White Dragon HP: 32700 | STR: 156 | DEF: 5 | MAG: 31 | MDF: 48 | Gil: 0 | EXP: 55000 | Weakness: None | Absorb: Fire/Ice/Bolt | Treasure: None If you cast Float before the battle, the White Dragon's main counter, Earthquake, will be worthless and never hit you. He mainly uses this counter when you summon, or use specific magics upon him. The White Dragon counters every other (ones that aren't countered with Earthquake) move you make with Slow, so you will need to have Rosa/Porom count this effect with Haste. Its not worth it to cast Reflect to counter the Slow effect. Especially because you will probably need to spend MP curing later on. Other then that, the Dragon will attack you physically mainly. His physical attacks will do slightly less damage then a normal enemies (in the area) which is probably around 700 to a weaker defensive character. His worst attack is Maelestrom though. This attack, if you have done everything at this point, will be familiar to you. It brings every members HP down below 10 (critical range). Heal with Curaja after any Maelestrom attack. Attacking physically works well, but you'll get a lot of Slow effects. Using Summoning over and over with Bahamut will only make it Earthquake, so if you have float on, using Bahamut will be safe. Anything goes, as long as you are willing to risk the counterattacks. ============================================ After the battle you recieve the Murasame. Follow the passageway all the way back to the entrance. From the entrance, head all the way south. Go down the stairs here, and on this level it looks like a dead end, but press against the wall and you'll find a hidden passage. Follow this passage and open the chest for a Fire Whip. Continue along the passage (yes, there's more to the passage then the chest) to the north a loooong way and you'll reach the top of the screen. Head west through two secret passages and open the chest for a Dragon Shield. Once you have obtained this, go down the stairs. On B3, head all the way south (ignore the door for now) and in the southeastern corner find the hidden passage. Open the chest here for a Dragon Helm. There's another hidden passage to the east of the chest that leads to the Dragon Mail and Dragon Gloves. Head back to the main area, and go downstairs to B4. On B4, head all the way east and open the chest on the top level for Artemis Arrow x10. Head downstairs, and go west. Open the chest in this room for an Elixir. Go back out and head all the way east and down the next set of stairs. Enter the door. In here, head to the northeastern corner and open the chest for a White Fang. In the southwestern corner there is a chest containing a X-Potion. Exit to the southwest. Out here, open the chest for Monsters!. This is a Behemoth, so use the boss strategies from the Bahamut's Cave when attacking. You obtain a Stardust Rod for winning this battle. Go down the stairs to the southeast. Down here, head all the way west and open the chest for some more Monsters! (Crystal Shield). Go through the door. This room looks like a dead end, but head all the way north, and press against the eastern wall to find the hidden passage. Open the chest here to find a Protect Ring. There's another hidden passage in the eastern wall that leads south into another room. Here, continue south, and outside open the chest for Monsters! (another Behemoth) and a Crystal Mail. Head back inside, and go through the northern door. Outside again, head east and open the chest here for more Monsters! (Crystal Gloves). Now head back west, and go through the western door. In here, open the chest to the south for a White Robe. Exit to the north. On the lowest level, head all the way west and open this chest for Monsters! (Crystal Helm). Now head all the way east and enter the far eastern door. Open the chest in here for a Red Fang. Exit, and head south down the stairs. Note: On B5, before going down to B6 there is a room to the right which contains a Red Fang. If you use a Siren in here, you'll be drawn into a fight with Flan Princesses, which drop rare items. This is an odd encounter...The monsters have very high HP and the music changes (wtf?) If you are very very lucky you can obtain a Pink Tail. Bring this to the person who gave you the Adamantite for the Excalibur, and you will recieve another nice item. On B6, open the chests to the left and right (east and west) of the stairs for a Fuma Shuriken and Artemis Arrow x10. Head down the western set of stairs and open the chest here for a Cottage. Down here, go all the way west, and you can walk over the ground, in a hidden passage. Strange, but possible. In this new area, head to the far western side, and press against the western wall (to the east) to find a hidden passage down the stairs. Open the chest down here for a Golden Apple. Head all the way east and step on the teleporter. Follow this passage up through the screens, and open the chest along the way for Monsters! (Protect Ring). Continue along through the next teleporter and you will FINALLY find a save point. You are probably (almost definitely...) in sore need of healing, so use the save point and continue south. Outside, continue and examine the weapon on the podium to engage in battle. ============================================ Boss#41: Dark Bahamut HP: 60000 | STR: 160 | DEF: 5 | MAG: 8 | MDF: 52 | Gil: 0 | EXP: 64000 | Weakness: None | Absorb: None | Treasure: None This battle is almost exactly like the Bahamut battle. A few things have changed however: You can survive the Mega Flare, and there's no charge time. Dark Bahamut will pretty much use Mega Flare every round on your party. Fun! Even worse is that before your characters even get a turn you will get nuked with a Mega Flare, which will more than likely knock out one character. As you did with Bahamut, Reflect is your very best friend. If you have any Lunar Curtains (hopefully you do) this is the time to use them. Once again, they will reflect damage back to the boss, but thats not the reason we use them, the reason is to survive. If you can get Reflect off on many characters before Dark Bahamut gets his next turn off (fortunately, he's quite slow) then you will be able to live. Reflect is so important, that you should focus on casting it even before healing and reviving your characters! After all living characters have Reflect on them, you should heal with items, and then focus on trying to revive with Full-Life. Be careful when summoning Bahamut against the Dark Bahamut, since every once in a while, Dark Bahamut will use your own strategy against you, casting Reflect on himself and countering your own breath attacks! Try to Dispel the Reflect immediately, since if you do not, Dark Bahamut changes his strategy from Mega Flare to a counter magic strategy. His will Bounce magic off himself to hit one of your characters, and it is very powerful magic too, probably doing around 2000 damage! You can only hit him with spells at this point by casting them on your own party members. Remember that if all party members have Reflect on, you should target spells onto all members so that they do more damage then they would normally. This is an extremely nasty battle, and if you're having problems, it may take some trial and error. ============================================ After defeating Dark Bahamut, you recieve the Ragnarok. Now, we need to head all the way -back- down to B6. Its a bit of a walk, but not too bad. You should save your game beforehand. Head back up to the entrance of B6, and go down the eastern set of stairs. Follow the passage and go through the door. In here, open the chest for some Monsters! (Minerva's Plate). Exit to the northeast. On B7, head all the way south and you'll find three doors. Enter the far eastern door to find a save point. The second door contains another weapon boss. Before attemtping this boss, I highly suggest saving your game, since this battle can be very difficult. ============================================ Boss#42: Plague HP: 33333 | STR: 146 | DEF: 5 | MAG: 0 | MDF: 38 | Gil: 550 | EXP: 31108 | Weakness: Throw | Absorb: None | Treasure: None At the very beginning of this battle, the Plague will cast Doom on your party. This means that you have a very set time limit before the battle ends and your party is defeated. If you can not depleat the bosses HP before this ends, you die. There is a few ways to get around this however. Kill one of your party members, and then revive him/her. When they are revived the Doom status will be gone. This will force the Plague to cast Doom on your party again, reseting the timer to 10. Leave this member in critical HP range (less then 1000 or so) so that it will not take that long to kill him/her off a second time if needed. The Plague is weak towards Projectiles, so Kain can Jump, and Rosa should use her strongest arrows (probably Artemis). Everyone else can attack however they wish, but remember that you are on a timer, so go all out! Bahamut works very well for 9999 damage, but getting him off is difficult in the time limit. ============================================ You obtain a Holy Lance for winning this battle. Exit the room, and you may want to restore your MP at the save point before continuing... Head through the far western door, and you will encounter yet another boss. ============================================ Boss#43: Lunasaur HP: 23000 | STR: 144 | DEF: 4 | MAG: 54 | MDF: 254 | Gil: 0 | EXP: 29500 | Weakness: Fire | Absorb: None | Treasure: None You have to fight two of these baddies at once. This can be quite overwhelming right at the start, especially because their attacks are quite powerful. I highly suggest using Blink to lower the physical damage done to your party and to save the MP used. They can also cast Flame, which does up to 500 damage to all members. After you start attacking them, they will cast Reflect on each other, nullifying your ability to cast spells on them. The only way you'll hit them with spells is by Reflecting them off your own characters. Holy is a niec spell to Reflect back, since the enemies are undead and weak towards Holy type spells. After the enemies cast Reflect on themselves, their strategy will change to Reflecting magic back at you. They use spells like Bio to do heavy damage to single members of your party. If Cecil has his Ragnarok his attacks will do 9999 to the foes in this battle. Thats a good way to kill a single enemy off quickly. Anything works really, just focus on taking them down one at a time, and be very wary when using spells against them. ============================================ Open the two chests in here for two Ribbons. Exit the room. Circle around the room to the north, head down the stairs, and enter the door. B8 starts a whole new portion of the Final Dungeon. The enemies are much nastier (Behemoths become a random encounter, have fun!) and a bit more frequent. Head down the stairs to the east, and follow the path all the way west. Open the chest for a Fuma Shuriken. Head down the stairs to the south. ignore the stairs for now, and head to the southeastern corner. Pick up the Katana here for the Masamune. ============================================ Boss#44: Ogopogo HP: 50000 | STR: 150 | DEF: 4 | MAG: 127 | MDF: 40 | Gil: 0 | EXP: 61000 | Weakness: None | Absorb: None | Treasure: None The Legendary Ogopogo is a souped up Leviathan, the same as Dark Bahamut is the same as a souped up Bahamut. Expect this to be a very very nasty battle, in which Rosa/Porom will need to be healing every round. Ogopogo will slaughter your party with a double (yes, double, thats two times) Tidal wave that does 1500-2000 damage to each member. Rosa needs to cast Curaja every single round else you will suffer severe casualties or even game over. Other then Tidal Wave, Ogopogo uses a physical attack that hits for around 700. If you use Bahamut or any other Summon, Ogopogo will counter with Blaze, which hits every member of your party for yet another 700 damage. That's quite a bit of damage to keep up with. If you're ok after the Tidal Wave combo/Curaja then you can risk Bahamut, but make sure that you have your White Mage ready to cast Curaga/Curaja right after in case that Tidal Wave goes off again. As much damage as this boss is capable of dishing out, this is a very straightforward fight: Attack however you like, and have your White Mage cast Curaga/Curaja every round. Simple as that. ============================================ You obtain the Masamune after the battle. After obtaining this item, head down the stairs to B9. On B9, head south down the stairs, then head all the way east and open the chest to the north for an Elixir. Now go all the way west and down the far western set of stairs. Open the chest down here for a Gyshal Whistle. Continue east through the teleporter to B10. B10 is a strangely straightforward back-and-forth path that you've seen throughout the dungeon. It has two chests on it, and they both have Fuma Shurikens. The exit is to the southeast. On B11, you will find no items. head all the way west, down the stairs, then all the way east and down the stairs. Go west and down the teleporter. B11 does, however, have some extremely nasty enemies. Try to run from any enemies with the word "Mind" in them, since they can charm you, and you will slaughter yourself if this happens. On B12, head north and watch a long scene. ============================================ Boss#45: [Final Boss] There are a few ways to take on the Final Boss, though any way you take him on it is going to be dangerous and time consuming. There are a few choices you can make during the first form of the boss. First off: There is an item to steal, called the Dark Matter. Stealing this item effects how strong or not one of the bosses attacks is in his second form. If you spend the time to steal it (it may take a while, depdning on your level) the attack will be weakened considerably, but if not, and you immediately use the Crystal than you will have to feel the full brunbt of this attack. If you use the Crystal immediately, then this attack will do around 2000 damage to all party members! Fortunately, the boss will not atack you while you are trying to steal this item, so just have everyone but Edge Defend every round. ------------------------------------- Whether or not you choose to Steal the Dark Matter, using the Crystal with Cecil starts the true Final battle. The Final Boss is a counterattacker, like the Behemoth's and Asura before it. If you stop attackg it, it will stop attacking you. Therefore, if you are getting anihilated, stop your attack! The boss has a variety of magical based attacks that he will counter with, but his worst attack, is, of course, the Big Bang. This attack will be more or less powerful depending on whether or not you took the time to steal that Dark Matter. Depending on your level (usually around 60) it will do 2000-3000 to all members of your battle party. Because this is such a huge threat, you always, always need to have Shell up. And always, always have Rosa ready to cast Curaja at any time. Big Bang is a timed event rather then a counterattack, so he will use this quite often. Once again, depending on your level, Rosa may need to use Curaja every round. Depending on your level, this can be an extremely difficult battle. Surviving the Big Bangs is what makes it hard. If you're having a lot of trouble, have only one person attack per round. Rydia with Bahamut works well, while everyone else defends or focuses on healing. If you're STILL having trouble (namely, you are 60 or below) you might even want to bring both Porom AND Rosa in to have them both spam Curaja every round. Hey, the extra healing helps! All this battle takes is controlled attacks and strong healing. If you're having trouble, go back and level some. Use any items you feel you need. Try having Edge Throw any powerful weapons (Excalibur, anyone?) you might have for a good 9999 damage. Don't hesitate to use your Elixir's and Megalixir's, either. ============================================ Congratulations! After the ending credits roll, you will be allowed to save your game. This allows you access to the hidden dungeon. Bring as many Ethers, Elixir's, and Potions that you can hold, as its going to be one long trip! *^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^* *^* Bosses *^* *^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^* This is the boss section of my Final Fantasy IV guide^^. If you're having trouble with a particular boss, copy and paste the boss name (from below) into your broswer and Control F it twice, and you'll be brought to this section here. The first section is in my main guide, and the entire point of my Boss section is to help people avoid spoilers all together. Note: Some bosses are story events. I have kept these specific bosses out of this section and am focusing more on the 'true' bosses. Boss List: ----------------------- Boss#1: Mist Dragon Boss#3: Octomammoth Boss#4: Antlion Boss#6: Mom Bomb Boss#10: Scarmiglione Boss#11: Scarmiglione Boss#14: [Story Boss 4] Boss#15: Caganazzo Boss#16: Dark Elf Boss#17: Dark Dragon Boss#18: The Magus Sisters Boss#19: Barbariccia Boss#20: Calcox3, Brinax3 Boss#21: Calcobrena Boss#22: [Story Boss 5] Boss#23: Doctor, Barnabas Boss#24: Dr. Lugae Boss#26: Rubicante Boss#27: Asura Boss#28: Leviathan Boss#29: Demon Wall Boss#30: Behemoth Boss#31: Bahamut Boss#32: Elemental Lord Boss#33: CPU Boss#34: Odin Boss#35: Gigas Worm Boss#36: Master Flan Boss#37: T-Rex Boss#38: Death Mech Boss#39: Storm Dragon Boss#40: White Dragon Boss#41: Dark Bahamut Boss#42: Plague Boss#43: Lunasaurs Boss#44: Ogopogo Boss#45: [Final Boss] ----------------------- ============================================ Boss#1: Mist Dragon HP: 465 | STR: 16 | DEF: 5 | MAG: 10 | MDF: 31 | Gil: 200 | EXP: 700 | Weakness: None | Absorb: Holy | Treasure: None As your first boss, the Mist Dragon is not meant to pose a huge challenge, and you are really supposed to fight him in a very specific way. It is really meant to prepare you for the challenges ahead, and teach you how to use the special commands. Because in this battle you do not have a full party of characters, you need to remember to keep your characters' HP higher then you would normally. In example, if the bosses attacks do 50 damage a hit, then keep your HP at 100 so that you can survive two hits rather then be taken down to critical range from one. You want to atack the Mist Dragon with the skills Jump (Kain) and Dark (Cecil). Be careful when using Dark though, because with Kain off the screen with Jump, Cecil will probably be attacked most of the time, and he will HP from the Dark Ability itself. Keep Cecil's HP particularly high because of the extra damage. You will find Jump to deal more damage then Dark. Fortunately, the Dragon itself does not deal huge amounts of damage, so it should be easier to prevent deaths. If you're really worried, just let Kain Jump the entire time and have Cecil attack with physical attacks. This should work fine, if take a bit longer then normal. If you have plenty of Potions on hand, you should not even need to worry about going quickly. After a few rounds of attacking (in whatever manner you wish) you will see a message that says "The Dragon has turned into Mist!". Do not attack at this point! Your attacks will miss, and you will be countered by a nasty attack called "Cold Mist" which does around 30 damage to all party members currently on the screen. Just sit and wait for a few minutes (with the Defend Option) and the Mist will eventually change back to Dragon form. When the Mist changed back to Dragon, it is time to full attack! The Dragon can still turn into Mist again, so try to kill it before this happens. Follow the same strategy as above. ============================================ ============================================ Boss#3: Octomammoth HP: 2350 | STR: 22 | DEF: 0 | MAG: 0 | MDF: 25 | Gil: 500 | EXP: 1200 | Weakness: Bolt, Dark | Absorb: Holy | Treasure: None This baddie has quite a bit of HP. Fortunately, he has a severe weakness towards Lightning based spells for you to exploit easily. If Cecil obtained his new Shadow Blade, just have him physically attack with that, and he will do an excellent amount of damage every round. Rydia can either use Chocobo Summon or cast Lightning, and Tellah should be acting as healer (Cura) or casting Lightning whenever he can. See how the Boss's legs seem to move around every once in a while? Well, they aren't actually moving, they are dying. Whenever you deal a certain amount of damage, you 'kill off' a part of the bosses body, causing his legs to sink under the water. The less amount of legs on the screen, the less HP the boss currently has at the time. He will NEVER die until all of his legs are gone. The Octomammoth is not incredibly strong as a whole, but he is quite fast. His atacks will probably do around 25 a hit to your mages, so if Rydia is lower levelled still, be sure to move her to the back row (if she is not already). Also, remember that both Tellah and Rydia have access to Cure spells, so keep them handy at all times. When the Octomammoth's Legs are all gone, he dies once and for all. Finally! ============================================ ============================================ Boss#4: Antlion HP: 1100 | STR: 11 | DEF: 3 | MAG: 0 | MDF: 11 | Gil: 800 | EXP: 1500 | Weakness: None | Absorb: None | Treasure: None A shame you have to kill this cute little monster;;. Do not attack him physically, else the boss will counter you with a move called "Counter Horn" which hits a random party member for around 25 damage. Because physically attacking is what Cecil is usually best at, you might want to have him stick with using Dark every round instead. Rydia should Summon her Chocobo, which will be your main offense in this battle. That leaves Edward on healing Duty. Hopefully, you will have a few healing items (namely a lot of potions) on hand for him to work with. Remember that Edward has the ability "Heal" which causes him to use a Potion to cure all members of your party at once. This may be useful in certain situations of this battle. Also, sometimes keeping Cecil's HP up will be difficult with just potions, since the drain from Dark will probably be more then Potions can cure. At this point, either have Cecil use items on himself, or have Rydia throw a Cure at him. This battle may be quite long because of your attack limitations. DO not be afraid to use Ethers and other healing items like mad. ============================================ ============================================ Boss#6: Mom Bomb HP: 11000 | STR: 30 | DEF: 1 | MAG: 5 | MDF: 9 | Gil: 1200 | EXP: 1900 | Weakness: Darkness | Absorb: None | Treasure: None You may need to heal Yang at the start of this battle, because he probably got somewhat beaten up during the previous battle. Have Rose do this immediately. Cecil and Yang should attack physically, and if needed, have Edward heal your party with Heal (or items) in case you just came out of a random encounter. Rydia should Summon her Chocobo. The Mom Bomb is a surprisingly powerful compared to previous bosses, so you will need to have Rosa healing every round. That's her job though. After a few rounds, the Mom Bomb will transform. Your attacks will do more damage then ever in this form. Strangely enough, this form will also not atack you at all. Make sure to get everyone up to full HP at this point! When the game says "ITS GONNA EXPLODE!" the Mom Bomb is going to blow up after a few more points of damage is done to it. When this happens, your entire party will take 80-90 points of damage. Ouch. But wait, the battle's not over yet! You still have 6 more normal Bombs and Gray Bombs to take care of. Have Edward use Heal and Rosa, and maybe even Rydia cast Cure on your members immediately to get your party back up to speed from the Mom Bomb's final attack. Now, you can either attack the Bombs one-by-one or attack them all at once. Attacking them one by one is slower but will reduce the damage done faster. Killing them all will be faster, but you will take much more damage, and risk deaths. Use skills such as Kick and Dark to take them down all at once. You might want to have more then one character on healing duty at this point. ============================================ ============================================ Boss#10: Scarmiglione, Skullnant x4 Scarmiglione Stats: ---------------------------------------------------------- HP: 3500 | STR: 19 | DEF: 2 | MAG: 15 | MDF: 0 | Gil: 2000 | EXP: 3200 | Weakness: None | Absorb: None | Treasure: None Skullnant Stats: ---------------------------------------------------------- HP: 200 | STR: 42 | DEF: 1 | MAG: 0 | MDF: 5 | Gil: 100 | EXP: 50 | Weakness: Fire, Holy | Absorb: None | Treasure: None You need to kill off the Skullnants before even attempting to go after Scarmiglione himself. Use spells such as Palom's Fira (he should have it by now, if you did not run from any battles) and Tellah's Fire. If Porom has a free turn, she can cast Cure on the enemies as well, to deal damage. Cecil's Dark ability will do more than his physical attacks. Attacking all enemies at once is rather iffy, because when you do such, Scarmiglione will counter with Thunder. Fortunately, this is not -too- powerful. It does around 30 damage to a random party member. If you have Porom's healing every round, it should not be too much of a problem at all. Remember that Tellah also has the ability to Cure, if need be. After the Skullnants are taken care of, you can attack Scarmiglione at will. he will not atack you often, but he will counter you with Thunder spells after each attack. Once again, Fire/Fira works best here. Cecil's physical attacks will deal a good amount of damage to him as well. Be sure to have Porom healing after each round. The battle may take a while because of Scarmiglione's high HP. ============================================ ============================================ Boss#11: Scarmiglione HP: 3523 | STR: 46 | DEF: 1 | MAG: 31 | MDF: 22 | Gil: 2500 | EXP: 3600 | Weakness: Fire, Holy | Absorb: Ice | Treasure: None Scarmiglione is alone this time, but he does not need assistance. You are back attacked, so on your first turn, with whoever it is (most likely Cecil) select Row to protect your Mages. Like before, Scarmiglione is weak to Fire attacks. Fire and Fire will be a mages best offense. Fira itself should do around 900 damage :O! Fortunately, he does not counter your every move this time. Cecil will be best just using a normal physical attack every round. Porom can Cure and cast spells like Protect. Scarmiglione will constantly cast spells like Song of Curse. This spell rarely ever works, fortunately. Also, his physical attacks, are particularly dangerous, and will cause the Poison status. Tellah has the spell Esuna, so he should be able to get rid of it quickly. Keep everyone at maximum HP at all times, even if Tellah is required to spend a round or two healing instead of casting Fire. Also, try not too let too many characters get Poisoned at once, else it can be a bit difficult to keep characters alive. It should only take a few castings of Fira to finish the battle, if you can keep your party alive that long. ============================================ ============================================ Boss#14: [Story Boss 4] Body's Stats: ---------------------------------------------------------- HP: 4444 | STR: 58 | DEF: 1 | MAG: 9 | MDF: 11 | Gil: 2000 | EXP: 3200 | Weakness: None | Absorb: None | Treasure: None Left and Right Arm's Stats: ---------------------------------------------------------- HP: 444 | STR: 58 | DEF: 2 | MAG: 9 | MDF: 0 | Gil: 0 | EXP: 10 | Weakness: None | Absorb: None | Treasure: None This boss has three targets. His main body, his left arm, and his right arm. While it may be tempting to try to kill off the arms first (they do quite a bit of damage) the body will just regenerate them. Therefore, a full assault of the body is reccomended. Before having all of your characters cast spells on this boss, only do it with one character. The boss will cast Reflect on himself after this. You don't want to accidentally have a spell such as Firaga/Thundaga/Blizaga being cast and it gets reflected back at your party. To continually cast spells on the boss, have Tellah cast Reflect on one of your party members. Have your characters cast the spells on this character, and they will reflect back to the boss, damaging him. Other then reflecting spells back at the boss, have Yang and Cecil attack. Remember one thing though, with Reflect on, your cure spells will also be reflected back at the boss so you're either going to have to use healing items, or take your chances by casting Cure on the boss and let the spell hit a random member. One last thing to note: If the arms are alive after the body dies, they will Self Destruct on their next turn. That means you need to get them both to as low of HP as you can before this happens, so it does less damage to your members. With enough HP, the detonation will easily one-hit characters. ============================================ ============================================ Boss#15: Caganazzo HP: 5312 | STR: 44 | DEF: 2 | MAG: 29 | MDF: 48 | Gil: 4000 | EXP: 5500 | Weakness: Ice, Bolt | Absorb: None | Treasure: None Caganazzo is Water based, and therefore weak towards Lightning, but only at certain times. Because of his direct weakness towards Ice magic, have Tellah cast Blizzaga, while Palom casts Blizzara. Cecil and Yang can attack physically. Every few rounds, you will see the message "Torrents of Water are drawn up!". Caganazzo's animation changes, and you'll see a water barrier around him. Cast all of your Lightning spells possible at this point! This will break the barrier Caganazzo places upon himself. If you do not cast Thunder on Caganazzo, he will cast Tsunami on your characters for massive damage. Your spells will also do more damage than usual at this point, so its good to cast them anyway. Cagnazzo likes to rely on physical attacks, so you might want to have Porom cast Protect on weaker party members. Casting it on she herself is a good first move. Lastly, Caganazzo has the ability to draw himself into his shell. Like most turtles, Caganazzo will be pretty much invulnerable at this point. Heal, buff (Protect, etc) and restore MP while waiting for him to come out. Don't watse MP on attacking him, especially with Tellah, who is limited anyway. ============================================ ============================================ Boss#16: Dark Elf HP: 23890 | STR: 18 | DEF: 0 | MAG: 1 | MDF: 254 | Gil: 4000 | EXP: 1000 | Weakness: Holy | Absorb: None | Treasure: None This is going to be rough. The first portion of the battle is story driven. Unfortunately...after the bosses first turn, you will probably be in really bad shape. He casts a triple whammy of spells on your party which hits all three members for around 800 (!!!) damage. This will definitely kill off Tellah, and severely weaken your attackers. After that, he casts spells like Tornado, to bring your entire party to single digit HP levels. Keep your HP as high we you can to avoid being wiped out during this time. Use Phoenix Downs immediately, and, if for some reason Tellah lives through an assault, have him cast Full-Life. After a few rounds of battle, watch a scene. Round two Begins. With three physical attackers and one caster, you really don't have a lot going for you. Because Tellah is your only real 'magic user', I suggest having Cecil use his magic to act as a healer. He will probably have Cura by now (unless you are very very underlevelled) so he can make a competant healer. With this setup, Tellah can spend his time nuking without you having to worry about him. Hopefully you equipped your best gear when you were given the chance. Cecil will be very powerful in this battle with his sword equipped, since anything Metal is this bosses weakness (that counts for Mythril as well). The bosses attacks are still triple castings of magic (Fire/Thunder/Ice) but it is weakened by about 10 times. You will still need a healer, but it is definitely a lot easier to survive then the previous battle. Not that the boss still has access to Tornado, which brings one member to critical range, but it only hits one person this time, instead of everyone. To try and reduce damage done, have Tellah cast Wall, if you so desire. ============================================ Boss#17: Dark Dragon HP: 3927 | STR: 80 | DEF: 1 | MAG: 15 | MDF: 254 | Gil: 5000 | EXP: 6000 | Weakness: Holy | Absorb: Holy | Treasure: None This battle begins directly after the battle with the Dark Elf, so if anyone is wounded, dead, etc, it carries over to here. Any missing HP or MP remains as well. The Dark Dragon is a strong foe. His physical attacks will deal 300+ damage to a single target, and he also has a breath attack that hits everyone at once. Dark Breath is particularly nasty, as it does around 200-250 to all members of your party. Since the Dark Dragon is somewhat resistant to spells, you may want to have Tellah act as a healer instead of Cecil, since Cecil will be stronger with his Swords. When the Dragon is using his breath though, you may want to have Cecil help a bit here and there if you are low on MP. Physical attacks will win this battle quickly, so keep up the assault. Note that the boss is weak towards Holy, so if you have any Holy Arrows, you can use those as well. ============================================ ============================================ Boss#18: The Magus Sisters, Sandy, Cindy, Mindy Sandy's Stats: ----------------------------------------------------------- HP: 2591 | STR: 30 | DEF: 1 | MAG: 11 | MDF: 11 | Gil: 3000 | EXP: 2500 | Weakness: None | Absorb: None | Treasure: None Cindy's Stats: ----------------------------------------------------------- HP: 4599 | STR: 36 | DEF: 2 | MAG: 11 | MDF: 11 | Gil: 3000 | EXP: 2500 | Weakness: None | Absorb: None | Treasure: None Mindy's Stats: ----------------------------------------------------------- HP: 2590 | STR: 30 | DEF: 1 | MAG: 10 | MDF: 0 | Gil: 3000 | EXP: 2500 | Weakness: None | Absorb: None | Treasure: None There are three targets, each with a specific purpose in this battle. The Middle sister, Cindy, will revive the other two sisters, so she is the prime target to take down first. Unfortunately, Sandy will probably cast Reflect on her early on, so attacking her with spells will be difficult. You -should- be able to get one spell off before she gets Reflect on though, and that -ga spell should take her way down past half life. Midy will Reflect spells off Cindy, and they will do around 300 damage each. While you're going to be killing off Cindy first anyway, this can be a problem if she does not die quickly. She is by far the largest threat in this battle, and should be killed after Cindy. Physical attacks and -Ga spells work best on her. With only one sister left, the battle becomes quite easy. She is much like a normal foe, with lots of HP. Kill her however you desire, with spells, abilities, or physical attacks. Sandy's most deadly ability is the ability to cause Confuse on your characters. Always have Tellah or Cecil cast Esuna as soon as possible when this happens so that your party does not kill each other off. ============================================ ============================================ Boss#19: Barbariccia HP: 8636 | STR: 82 | DEF: 0 | MAG: 63 | MDF: 12 | Gil: 5500 | EXP: 9000 | Weakness: None | Absorb: None | Treasure: None You need to be extremely careful with Barbariccia. She has two different 'forms'. When she is in her normal form (she has hair) you can attack her with all of your might, but when she wraps herself in her hair (a tornado around her) DO NOT ATTACK. She will counter your characters with a very strong Wind based spell. Kain should spend every round using Jump. Cecil should attack physically, since his duty as healer is rather futile in front of a White Mage. The same applies with Cid. Yang can attack physically, or you can use Power, whichever you prefer. She has high defense, so damage can be an issue, but be patient and you'll eventually whittle her down. Once again, be careful when you attack, though it is difficult to time when some moves go off compared to others... When Barbariccia covers herself in her hair, there is two things you can do. One is wait it out, heal your parties HP and MP, etc. The other is use Kain's Jump to force her out of the form. She counters with a physical attack whenever forced out of her form though, so keep every members HP over 500 at all times. As long as you are careful with your attacks, and keep your HP up, this battle will be won in time. Patience is a virtue. ============================================ ============================================ Boss#20: Calco x3, Brina x3 Calco Stats: ----------------------------------------------------------- HP: 1369 | STR: 54 | DEF: 0 | MAG: 31 | MDF: 11 | Gil: 500 | EXP: 1000 | Weakness: None | Absorb: None | Treasure: None Brina's Stats: ----------------------------------------------------------- HP: 369 | STR: 54 | DEF: 1 | MAG: 31 | MDF: 11 | Gil: 500 | EXP: 1000 | Weakness: None | Absorb: None | Treasure: None Have Kain use Jump on the Calco's in the back, while Cecil, Yang, and Rosa focus on attacking the Brina's in the front. The Brina's should fall more quickly then the normal enemies you were encountering previously. The Calco's are quite a bit harder then their sisters, and take some more time to kill off. After a few rounds the second portion of the battle begins... ============================================ Boss#21: Calcobrena HP: 5315 | STR: 106 | DEF: 2 | MAG: 41 | MDF: 25 | Gil: 5000 | EXP: 12000 | Weakness: None | Absorb: None | Treasure: None Yang should use Power or physical attacks as an offense while Cecil atacks. Kain should jump to keep himself safe, but hold on his jumping if he gets low on HP at any time, because Rosa can not cure him if he is in the air. If Rosa ha a turn away from healing, have her Aim with her arrows to do some extra damage. The Calcobrena has the ability "Glance" which can cause confusion on one member. Have Cecil or Rosa cure this with Esuna immediately, because this is very very dangerous. Other then that, she tends to stick with physical attacks. Keep everyone's HP over 800, because her attacks can do well over 600 a hit to someone in the front row. After a certain amount of time, the body "disengages" and you need to fight the battle with 3 Calco and 3 Brina's again. Its pretty much the same as before, except for the fact that your party will be weakened. Once again, after a certain amount of time the body will reform and you need to start the Calcobrena battle again. Yes, her HP will be reset to maximum. Because this happens, you need to attempt to take out the main form of Calcobrena as fast as you possibly can to avoid having to kill her over and over again. ============================================ ============================================ Boss #22: [Story Boss 5], Shadow Dragon Immediately command Kain to jump. This is extremely important! After a few attacks from your characters (even have Rosa attack) there will be an event where the Shadow Dragon is Summoned and the boss casts Bind on your characters. The Shadow Dragon will then proceed to cast Black Fangs on two of your characters, instantly killing them. If Kain is in the air at this point, he will not get bound, therefore, effectively saving his life. After a few moments, watch a scene. Use this time to revive your dead characters and restore HP. It will take a few rounds, but it is very necessary. The battle begins shortly, when the music starts. Use Kain's Jump attack every round, and have Cecil attack physically. Rosa will need to heal every round. Yang should use Power or attack physically. Your last character should be using Titan every round. With this assault, it should not take more then 2-3 rounds to take down the boss. ============================================ ============================================ Boss#23: Doctor, Barnabas Doctor's Stats: ----------------------------------------------------------- HP: 4936 | STR: 18 | DEF: 0 | MAG: 0 | MDF: 11 | Gil: 2000 | EXP: 5500 | Weakness: None | Absorb: None | Treasure: None Barnabas's Stats: ----------------------------------------------------------- HP: 4832 | STR: 86 | DEF: 0 | MAG: 31 | MDF: 11 | Gil: 2500 | EXP: 5500 | Weakness: None | Absorb: None | Treasure: None Assault the Doctor will physical attacks and abilities. The Doctor will heal Barnabas if you attack the machine first, making him more difficult to kill off. He doesn't have particularly high defense, and you may even get some help from the Barnabas as well. Have Rydia use abilities like Titan. Note that main downfall of this strategy is that the turn after the Doctor dies, the Barnabas will use 'Self Destruct'. If he has a lot of HP, it may do over 3000+ damage a character, easily instantly killing them. The other strategy is to kill off the Barnabas first. This will be more difficult because of the Doctor's healing. Use strong abilties and the spell Thundara. When you kill off the first form, the Doctor gets into the Barnabas itself. At this point, you need to weaken it as far as you can, as the Doctor will accidentally use 'Self Destruct' after a few rounds. To easily defeat this duo, have Rydia cast Titan over and over while your other characters are defending, or doing other random things, such as restoring MP. Rose should heal. ============================================ Boss#24: Dr. Lugae HP: 9321 | STR: 86 | DEF: 1 | MAG: 7 | MDF: 11 | Gil: 4000 | EXP: 10101 | Weakness: None | Absorb: None | Treasure: Dr. Lugae's Key This battle begins right after the first battle ends, so if any characters died from a Self Destruct, they will be dead here. Trty to revive them but it can sometimes be difficult. Do not attack the boss itself before any dead characters are living again. After a few rounds, Dr. Lugae transforms into a mutated version of his original form. His attacks have not changed much, but he still likes to use Sleeping Gas like crazy. This tends to hit almost all of the time, and when multiple characters fall asleep (especially important ones, like Rosa) you may have some problems. He also uses skills like Poison Gas to poison all of your party members. Because of the mass status effects, you may need to have Cecil casting Esuna as well as Rosa. Don't waste Antidotes curing the Poison though, only the sleep. After a few rounds, the doctor (who is quite insane) will cast Panacea on your party, completely healing your status. The doctor has a wide variety of attacks that include a Flamethrower that hits all party members, and an incredibly powerful Laser which will probably one hit your characters. Laser is somewhat random though, fortunately. I've seen it do 300, and I've seen it do 1,500. His Beam attack is much weaker, and will probably do around 100-200 damage. Attack Lugae whenever you can with spells such as Titan, and abilities such as Jump and Power. At times it may be difficult to attack because you're healing the sleep status, but eventually you'll take down this foe. ============================================ ============================================ Boss#26: Rubicante HP: 34000 | STR: 80 | DEF: 3 | MAG: 16 | MDF: 37 | Gil: 7000 | EXP: 18000 | Weakness: None | Absorb: Fire | Treasure: None Fortunately for you, you will have full HP and MP at the start of this battle. Unlike the other four Fiends, you do not want to cast Ice spells directly on Rubicante. When he holds his cloak over his face (his default form) he will absorb all magics, even Ice and Water magics. You will be stuck relying on physical attacks at this point. Try using Ice based weapons, such as the Ice Lance and Ice Sword to raise the damage Cecil and Kain do. The second he opens his cape (you'll see a leg sticking out) thats when you can cast magic and Ninjutsu abilities on him. Blizzara or Blizzaga and Flood will do the most damage. Rubicante uses Fire spells on your entire party. His fire is not incredibly strong, doing around ~60 damage to all members. He also has Glare, which will probably one-hit kill your characters, doing around 2000 points of damage to a single party member. Revive a character hit by Glare immediately. Whenever Rubicante closes his cloak (his leg disappears), you need to stop your magical (Flood, Blizzard) assault. Yes, they do the most damage, but if you attack him with those spells during this time you will restore his HP. This is very, very bad. Unlike Barbariccia, there is no way to force him to open his cloak, other then to wait. Because of Rubicante's large amount of HP, this battle may take a while, especially because he can be unpredictable with his cloak. ============================================ ============================================ Boss#27: Asura HP: 31005 | STR: 134 | DEF: 3 | MAG: 69 | MDF: 37 | Gil: 0 | EXP: 20000 | Weakness: None | Absorb: None | Treasure: None Asura chooses her attacks at random. She is not particularly strong, but the main annoyance is her ability to cast Curaga on herself. To stop her from recovering massive amounts of HP, have Rosa cast Reflect on her (Asura) at the very start of the battle, and periodically whenever it wears off during the battle. This way, her spells will be reflected back to you and you get a free cure every once in a while. Asura's Cure spells will heal around 3,000 HP if she gets them off on herself. You can always tell what type of action Asura is going to do by what 'face' she has on at the moment. Her face changes after every action (including yours on her). Her Blue (smilie) face means that she will cast Life (wtf?) so if Reflect is on, this one actually helps you. Her mean (female) face means that she will Cure herself. Her sad (Tiki) face means she will cast a buff spell on herself (such as Protect). Note that after -every- attack Asura will counter you physically, so if you're going to attack, make sure everyone is healthy enough to survive a counter. Rydia should summon Titan every round. Have Kain Jump, and have Cecil and Edge attack. Rosa should focus on what she does best. Just make sure to defend when you believe that someone may die from one of Asura's counterattacks. I also highly, highly suggest not inputing more than 2 commands at once, since Asura's attacks can be quite nasty depending on which face she has. If you input too many commands, more than one character may need to act as healer. Use Curaja Liberally. Note: If you want, you can use a Blink strategy (that will work later on as well). Cast Blink on all of your characters with Rosa while everyone defends for the first few rounds (or attacks very little). After everyone has Blink, spend all of Rosa's time recasting it, and you should have no problem with damage whatsoever. Its easier then letting Asura beat up on you, but also quite a bit slower. Expect that this battle will take a while. ============================================ ============================================ Boss#28: Leviathan HP: 50001 | STR: 174 | DEF: 5 | MAG: 34 | MDF: 54 | Gil: 0 | EXP: 28000 | Weakness: None | Absorb: None | Treasure: None This will be a much more straightforward boss fight then the previous battle. Leviathan is water based, therefore is weak towards Thunder spells. If Rydia has Thundaga cast it at will, if not, stick with Ramuh. Edge should use Blitz. If you have any other weapons with Lightning Effect on them use them as much as you can. Take off any armor that increases Ice or Water damage before the battle as well. Rosa will need to be on constant healing duty during this battle, sicne leviathan has nasty abilities like Tidal Wave. Tidal Wave does around 500 damage to every member of your party! He also uses Blizzara for around 400 damage to a single member. Have someone keeping her MP up at all times as well, and don't hesitate to use another character for healing when needed. If you keep this up, over and over, the battle will be done in time. it takes a while, because of his very high HP though. Just keep up the assault of Thunder type spells and Leviathan will fall. ============================================ ============================================ Boss#29: Demon Wall HP: 28000 | STR: 84 | DEF: 3 | MAG: 79 | MDF: 29 | Gil: 8000 | EXP: 23000 | Weakness: None | Absorb: None | Treasure: None You need to attempt to kill this wall as fast as possible. Try to cast Slow on the Wall with Rosa to gain yourself some time. Have Edge throw the Fuma Shuriken and the Shuriken you have (and any other powerful weapons you feel you are willing to lose, they will do excellent damage as well) as soon as possible. Kain and Cecil should just attack. Rydia should hopefully have Leviathan at this point, so Summon that. If she doesn't, attack with the strongest spell or summon that you have (Titan or Dragon usually, Dragon can be stronger than Titan depending on Rydia's maximum HP, of course, there are the -ga spells as well). Never have Kain Jump, as tempting as it seems, since it will actually weaken him in this battle. If the Demon Wall casts Stone Gaze, have Rosa use Esuna immediately, as this is deadly for your party. You need your characters as fast as possible for this battle. You may even want to use Haste. Don't worry about healing at all. After the bosses first three rounds, he will start one hit killing your characters every round. At this point, just revive characters and do not worry about restoring their HP. Hopefully you've weakened him enough that you can kill him quickly, but if not you might need to reset and try again. ============================================ ============================================ Boss#30: Behemoth HP: 23000 | STR: 154 | DEF: 4 | MAG: 63 | MDF: 254 | Gil: 65000 | EXP: 57000 | Weakness: None | Absorb: None | Treasure: None You're going to have to fight quite a few of these throughout the cave. Behemoths are particularly strong normal monsters which, if given the chance, can kill you with ease. Be prepared to have FuSoYa act as healer and support mage instead of an attacker. Don't have FuSoYa cast the spells Meteor, Flare, and Holy should also be avoided unless you want the Behemoth to counter you with a nasty spell. The only summons that really work here are Leviathan and the Dragon. The latter is based off Rydia's current HP, so if thats low, don't even bother with it. Since the Behemoth has rather high magical defense, don't bother having Edge use Ninjutsu and just have him and Cecil attack physically. If you have fought Asura before (you should have, if you are coming here) you will understand these battles. You need to be very careful with your attacks. The Behemoths will counter your every attack with a physical attacks of their own, which will usually cause around or over 1000 damage. Try not to command more than one-two members at a time to attack because of this danger. Use spells like Blink every round with both Rosa and FuSoYa to reduce the total amount of damage done to your party. Edge should cast Image on himself. Once you get Blink off on everyone, it will be easier to prevent damage, though keeping it on can become a chore. As long as you keep Blink up on all members (it takes 2 people getting it up most of the time) it should be easy to survive, and to take down the Behemoths. ============================================ ============================================ Boss#31: Bahamut HP: 45001 | STR: 174 | DEF: 1 | MAG: 17 | MDF: 4 | Gil: 0 | EXP: 35000 | Weakness: None | Absorb: None | Treasure: None There will be a numbered countdown at the top of the screen. When this reaches 0, Bahamut will nuke you with Mega Flare. If you read all of the books at the Library at the Land of Summons you will have found a way around this, however. Hopefully you have saved all of your Lunar Curtains. Your characters needs to be able to cast Reflect on themselves on their very first round. Rosa and FoSuYa should cast a normal Reflect spell on themselves, while everyone else uses items (Light or Lunar Curtains) to gain the effect. After this is done, you can begin your attack. Attack how you would a normal boss. But make one -huge- note. When everyone has reflect on, you can attack all of your characters with an attack spell (Firaga for example) and it will be reflected back at the enemy for much, much more damage than it normally would. You should actually attack all of your own party members rather than the enemy when everyone has Reflect on. This is the same for Bahamut's Mega Flare, and when he releases it, it will actually do 9999 damage to HIM instead of you. If you do this with FuSoYa and Rydia each round, you will be quite pleased with the results. Have Cecil attack, and Edge throw items or attack. Hopefully, Bahamut will die by, or just after his second Mega Flare attack. If not, you will need to start recasting Reflect. If you do not get your Reflects off in time for the next Mega Flare, you can expect a few more deaths. You can always see if Reflect is on or off if you try and cast it, and check the status box. ============================================ ============================================ Boss#32: Elemental Lord Stats are all the same as before, but their HP as risen. Hopefully you paid attention during the original Feind/Lord battles. Fortunately, they do not do the same things as they did before, but at the same time you need to fight off all four lords at once. Use Firaga against Scarmiglione with FuSoYa and Rydia. Use Blizzaga against Rubicante. Use Thundaga against Caganazzo. Barbariccia can be attacked with whatever elemental you like, sicne she is not particularly weak towards anything. Edge should try to exploit elemental weaknesses as well. Cecil is best just attacking normally, as always. Rosa will probably need to heal quite often. Scarmiglione will stick with very powerful physical attacks this time, and you need to kill him off first. His physical attacks will probably do around 1000 damage to a party member, so try to cast Blink on as many members as possible as soon as possible to reduce damage. He will also use Curse every once in a while, which raises the amount of damage that you take quite severely. Cast Esuna immediately on a Cursed character. A good casting of Firaga will do 9999 damage. Rubicante will not open or close his cloak this time. It remains open the entire time. Continually attack him with Blizzaga spells, which will do 9999 damage. Rubicante once again uses Fira for low (60 or so) damage to the entire party. This time though, he also uses Firaga for around 300 damage to the entire party. His worst is Glare though, which will do around 500 damage to the entire party. Keep Curaga ready at all times. Caganazzo always has his Water shield up in this battle, so he can cast Tsunami at any point. Continually nuke him with Thundaga for 9999 damage. His physical attacks will do around 500 damage, which is a welcome relief from Scarmiglione's. Caganazzo is easily the weakest of the four Lords at this point, and will probably die quite painlessly. Barbariccia is always locked up in her hair during this battle. We have no Jump this time, to get her out, either. Bahamut works better then any elemental magic Rydia can cast in this battle, if you have aquired him. Be careful when using Bahamut though, as Barbariccia will counter you with the poerful Maelestrom ability. If you were weakened severly from the previous battles, you should spend the beginning of this battle healing, since her attacks can get strong quickly. Barbariccia employs the ability Ray to Slow down your characters. Cast Esuna as soon as possible to clear up this deadly status. The worst atack Barbariccia has though, is Maelestrom, which will bring every single party member down to critical HP range. ============================================ ============================================ Boss#33: CPU, Attack Node, Defense Node CPU Stats: ----------------------------------------------------------- HP: 30000 | STR: 174 | DEF: 4 | MAG: 127 | MDF: 38 | Gil: 10333 | EXP: 50000 | Weakness: None | Absorb: None | Treasure: None Defense and Atack Node Stats: ----------------------------------------------------------- HP: 3000 | STR: 116 | DEF: 5 | MAG: 47 | MDF: 11 | Gil: 0 | EXP: 0 | Weakness: None | Absorb: None | Treasure: None There are three targets here, each with a specific duty in battle. You need to target each indivually, with the CPU being last. Use no area attacks, since if you do, you may accidentally kill off both Nodes. If both Nodes die off, then the CPU will start instantly killing two characters per round, making this battle much, much more difficult to survive. Start with the Defense Node, since it will heal the CPU for around 3000 HP every round. As annoying as the attack Node is with its 300 damage to everyone, its nothing compared to killing two members per round. After killing off the Defense Node, usually the CPU will have Reflect cast upon him. Attack him physically, and be patient. If you are willing to, throw some weapons with Edge to do some extra damage. As long as you are attacking physically you'll be safe. Still, the battle will take some time. If you do somehow manage to accidentally kill off both Nodes, you have two choices: Reset, or revive characters every round in hopes of keeping them alive. Don't worry about restoring HP. You will need to throw out your strongest attacks at this point, and try to get his Reflect off so you can cast Bahamut and other spells on him. Its difficult, but it is possible. ============================================ ============================================ Boss#34: Odin HP: 20001 | STR: 116 | DEF: 5 | MAG: 95 | MDF: 38 | Gil: 0 | EXP: 18000 | Weakness: Bolt | Absorb: None | Treasure: None After three normal attacks, Odin will raise his sword arm and slay your party instantly. You may want to remove Rydia from your party, and add an extra attacker, such as Yang, or Palom. This way you will have the added damage from another attacker rather than a healer you do not need in this battle. Odin is weak towards Lightning spells, so have Edge use Blitz, and Rydia/Palom use Thundaga. Avoid having Kain Jump, since it will only waste time. Have him attack instead. Depending on your level, this battle may be a bit of a close call. ============================================ ============================================ Boss#35: Gigas Worm HP: 55000 | STR: 155 | DEF: 4 | MAG: 34 | MDF: 44 | Gil: 0 | EXP: 32000 | Weakness: None | Absorb: None | Treasure: None This battle can only be fought with Edward in your party. The Gigas Worm battle will remind you of the battles with Asura and the Behemoth's (if you have fought them at this point). Every move you make will be countered by a physical attack, and therefore you need to be exceedingly careful with your actions. Fortunately, his attacks are not incredibly powerful, but if you attack uncontrolled things can get out of hand quickly. There are two ways to go about this battle. One is a Blink strategy. The Blink strategy is having Blink cast on everyone (having two White Mages makes this easier but is not imperative, also, Edge can use Image on himself so he doesn't need anyone to cast it on him). Blink will stop everyone from taking damage from three physical attacks. This will give you free reign of attacks for a few rounds, and not have to worry about healing. You will need to be a bit cautious though, since if your Blink goes down, your White Mage(s) will need to be Recasting Blink rather than curing, and you will need someone to act as a backup healer. The second strategy is to just attack, but attack with caution. This is very dangerous, because the boss will have a huge amount of attacks on your party. It's faster then the Blink strategy, and a tad but more reliable. Have Edward use Hide, since he probably only has slightly over 1000 HP, and is quite fragile even with his best armor on. He won't be able to do too much damage, either, and in the best case he can act as a back up healer. Therefore, he will just be another character to heal. Having him Hide is the best option so you won't have to heal him in case he gets attacked, or have to worry about casting Blink upon him. The Gigas Worm has no specific Weaknesses, so any magic (Bahamut is nice) works well. In fact, any real attack style does, as long as you stay in control and do not input more then two or three commands at once. If you do, you might find many characters dead... ============================================ ============================================ Boss#36: Master Flan, Black Flan, White Mousse HP: 35000 | STR: 130 | DEF: 4 | MAG: 34 | MDF: 38 | Gil: 0 | EXP: 32000 | Weakness: None | Absorb: None | Treasure: None This boss must be fought with Palom in your party. Be warned that this is a - very- nasty boss, probably the hardest in the area. You need to kill off three of the four Black Flans and White Mousse's before attacking the Master Flan himself. Actually, you can not even attack (the game will not allow you to) the Master Flan until they are gone. After two Flans are dead, you can attack the Master Flan. Unfortunately, you will not be able to use area type spells immediately, since the Master Flan casts Reflect on his first round. The Master Flan is quite nasty, and will reflect Thundaga off himself back to your own party members doing around 1200 damage to a single member. He will also Reflect Flare, for around 3000 (!) damage to a single member, if you get unlucky. The best way to attack the Master Flan is to have someone use a Reflect Item (such as a Lunar Curtain) on themselves, and then have Palom and Rydia Reflect Magic back off at the foes while your other members use their selected attacks. You can try to Reflect a Dispel back at the boss, if you would like to get rid of his Reflect status. That way, you could cast directly on the boss for a couple of rounds. Also, if you still have your Mage Masher, you can deal some extra damage if someone (Edge is a good choice) equips that. When you kill off all four Flans (on purpose, or by accident), you will once again need to kill off two or more before you will be able to reach the boss again. Note that you CAN reach him by Reflecting spells back, but this is the only way. You will need to be quite patient to win this battle. masa_mune100@yahoo.com sends me an Emails telling me that Quake works quite well in this battle as it goes through the bosses Reflect. This is an alternate strategy if you wish to use it. ============================================ ============================================ Boss#37: T-Rex HP: 60000 | STR: 148 | DEF: 3 | MAG: 34 | MDF: 54 | Gil: 0 | EXP: 32000 | Weakness: None | Absorb: None | Treasure: None You must have Porom in your party to fight this boss. Cast Float on all members before taking on this boss. The T-Rex relies primarily on physical attacks, but if you attack him with Fire spells, he will blast you with Flame for 500 damage to all members of your party. He also uses Earthquake, for around 700 damage to everyone. If you have Float on all party members, you will take no damage at all from Earthquake. Even though the T-Rex's attacks are strong, and the boss has a huge amount of HP, this is still a very straightforward fight. Attack with your strongest attacks (Bahamut, Store, Jump, etc) while having Porom heal every round with Curaga or Curaja if you got nuked particularly badly. Avoid Fire magic though, unless you want to be countered for 500 to everyone though. The battle may take a while. ============================================ ============================================ Boss#38: Death Mech HP: 50000 | STR: 135 | DEF: 4 | MAG: 34 | MDF: 54 | Gil: 0 | EXP: 32000 | Weakness: None | Absorb: None | Treasure: None You must have Cid in your party to fight this boss. Unlike bosses in the past, the Death Mech will not rely on physical attacks as much as he will rely on spells and abilities. The Death Mech has the nasty Flame attack, which does 500-700 to all members of your party. Promptly heal with a Curaga after he uses this to avoid anything too serious later. One of his worst attacks is the deadly Laser, which will probably end up doing around 2500 damage to a single member of your party. Ouch! Lastly, he infrequently uses an instant kill move. The boss is strangely slow, and does not attack often. He will probably get one attack (or less, even) per your round. That gives you plenty of time to recover HP or restore the lives of any dead party members. The boss has no weaknesses, but if Cid is decently levelled and has a Gaia Hammer and his best armor (from the cavern) equipped, he will probably do over 3000 a hit with his physical attacks. This is one of your best offenses in this battle. Bahamut, Power/Jump teamed with physical attacks and anything else you like will finish the boss off before he has a chance to kill you. He is just too slow to really make a dent in you. ============================================ ============================================ Boss#39: Storm Dragon HP: 40000 | STR: 139 | DEF: 4 | MAG: 22 | MDF: 33 | Gil: 0 | EXP: 32000 | Weakness: Ice | Absorb: Fire | Treasure: None You need to have Yang in your party to fight this boss. The Storm Dragon mostly relies on physical attacks. Sometimes, The Storm Dragon gets two attacks per round. When the Dragon gets two attacks, depending on the AI, he may attack the same peron, or he may attack two different people. Logically speaking, if he attacks the same person he will do double damage. If he attacks two different people he will only do normal damage to both characters. Note that if you use Blink, it will also take up two Shadows. Blink is the best way to reduce damage in this fight, since the Dragon relies on physical attacks most of the time. If you can get the spell off early enough, and keep it up, you shouldn't have too much trouble with damage for the rest of the fight. Remember that Edge can cast Blink on himself, if you are using him. The Storm Dragon has the incredibly nasty Maelstrom ability. This ability will cause everyones HP to go down to critical (10 and under) HP range. This ability was also found on the Behemoth's if you fought them earlier. Cast Curaja immediately after this nasty spell. Note that he also can use a spell that will do around 2000 damage to a single member, but this is very very rare, and you can actually win the battle without even seeing it. Any attacks work on the Storm Dragon, but Bahamut really shines, doing around 9999 damage each Summon. Attacking physically works, and you can also use skills such as Jump or Power. This boss is quite a bit easier then the other bosses in the area, excluding his Maelestrom ability. The Storm Dragon is Weak Towards Ice Magic and abilities, if you are using Palom as a Black Mage instead of Rydia. ============================================ ============================================ Boss#40: White Dragon HP: 32700 | STR: 156 | DEF: 5 | MAG: 31 | MDF: 48 | Gil: 0 | EXP: 55000 | Weakness: None | Absorb: Fire/Ice/Bolt | Treasure: None If you cast Float before the battle, the White Dragon's main counter, Earthquake, will be worthless and never hit you. He mainly uses this counter when you summon, or use specific magics upon him. The White Dragon counters every other (ones that aren't countered with Earthquake) move you make with Slow, so you will need to have Rosa/Porom count this effect with Haste. Its not worth it to cast Reflect to counter the Slow effect. Especially because you will probably need to spend MP curing later on. Other then that, the Dragon will attack you physically mainly. His physical attacks will do slightly less damage then a normal enemies (in the area) which is probably around 700 to a weaker defensive character. His worst attack is Maelestrom though. This attack, if you have done everything at this point, will be familiar to you. It brings every members HP down below 10 (critical range). Heal with Curaja after any Maelestrom attack. Attacking physically works well, but you'll get a lot of Slow effects. Using Summoning over and over with Bahamut will only make it Earthquake, so if you have float on, using Bahamut will be safe. Anything goes, as long as you are willing to risk the counterattacks. ============================================ ============================================ Boss#41: Dark Bahamut HP: 60000 | STR: 160 | DEF: 5 | MAG: 8 | MDF: 52 | Gil: 0 | EXP: 64000 | Weakness: None | Absorb: None | Treasure: None This battle is almost exactly like the Bahamut battle. A few things have changed however: You can survive the Mega Flare, and there's no charge time. Dark Bahamut will pretty much use Mega Flare every round on your party. Fun! Even worse is that before your characters even get a turn you will get nuked with a Mega Flare, which will more than likely knock out one character. As you did with Bahamut, Reflect is your very best friend. If you have any Lunar Curtains (hopefully you do) this is the time to use them. Once again, they will reflect damage back to the boss, but thats not the reason we use them, the reason is to survive. If you can get Reflect off on many characters before Dark Bahamut gets his next turn off (fortunately, he's quite slow) then you will be able to live. Reflect is so important, that you should focus on casting it even before healing and reviving your characters! After all living characters have Reflect on them, you should heal with items, and then focus on trying to revive with Full-Life. Be careful when summoning Bahamut against the Dark Bahamut, since every once in a while, Dark Bahamut will use your own strategy against you, casting Reflect on himself and countering your own breath attacks! Try to Dispel the Reflect immediately, since if you do not, Dark Bahamut changes his strategy from Mega Flare to a counter magic strategy. His will Bounce magic off himself to hit one of your characters, and it is very powerful magic too, probably doing around 2000 damage! You can only hit him with spells at this point by casting them on your own party members. Remember that if all party members have Reflect on, you should target spells onto all members so that they do more damage then they would normally. This is an extremely nasty battle, and if you're having problems, it may take some trial and error. ============================================ ============================================ Boss#42: Plague HP: 33333 | STR: 146 | DEF: 5 | MAG: 0 | MDF: 38 | Gil: 550 | EXP: 31108 | Weakness: Throw | Absorb: None | Treasure: None At the very beginning of this battle, the Plague will cast Doom on your party. This means that you have a very set time limit before the battle ends and your party is defeated. If you can not depleat the bosses HP before this ends, you die. There is a few ways to get around this however. Kill one of your party members, and then revive him/her. When they are revived the Doom status will be gone. This will force the Plague to cast Doom on your party again, reseting the timer to 10. Leave this member in critical HP range (less then 1000 or so) so that it will not take that long to kill him/her off a second time if needed. The Plague is weak towards Projectiles, so Kain can Jump, and Rosa should use her strongest arrows (probably Artemis). Everyone else can attack however they wish, but remember that you are on a timer, so go all out! Bahamut works very well for 9999 damage, but getting him off is difficult in the time limit. ============================================ ============================================ Boss#43: Lunasaur HP: 23000 | STR: 144 | DEF: 4 | MAG: 54 | MDF: 254 | Gil: 0 | EXP: 29500 | Weakness: Fire | Absorb: None | Treasure: None You have to fight two of these baddies at once. This can be quite overwhelming right at the start, especially because their attacks are quite powerful. I highly suggest using Blink to lower the physical damage done to your party and to save the MP used. They can also cast Flame, which does up to 500 damage to all members. After you start attacking them, they will cast Reflect on each other, nullifying your ability to cast spells on them. The only way you'll hit them with spells is by Reflecting them off your own characters. Holy is a niec spell to Reflect back, since the enemies are undead and weak towards Holy type spells. After the enemies cast Reflect on themselves, their strategy will change to Reflecting magic back at you. They use spells like Bio to do heavy damage to single members of your party. If Cecil has his Ragnarok his attacks will do 9999 to the foes in this battle. Thats a good way to kill a single enemy off quickly. Anything works really, just focus on taking them down one at a time, and be very wary when using spells against them. ============================================ ============================================ Boss#44: Ogopogo HP: 50000 | STR: 150 | DEF: 4 | MAG: 127 | MDF: 40 | Gil: 0 | EXP: 61000 | Weakness: None | Absorb: None | Treasure: None The Legendary Ogopogo is a souped up Leviathan, the same as Dark Bahamut is the same as a souped up Bahamut. Expect this to be a very very nasty battle, in which Rosa/Porom will need to be healing every round. Ogopogo will slaughter your party with a double (yes, double, thats two times) Tidal wave that does 1500-2000 damage to each member. Rosa needs to cast Curaja every single round else you will suffer severe casualties or even game over.Other then Tidal Wave, Ogopogo uses a physical attack that hits for around 700. If you use Bahamut or any other Summon, Ogopogo will counter with Blaze, which hits every member of your party for yet another 700 damage. That's quite a bit of damage to keep up with. If you're ok after the Tidal Wave combo/Curaja then you can risk Bahamut, but make sure that you have your White Mage ready to cast Curaga/Curaja right after in case that Tidal Wave goes off again. As much damage as this boss is capable of dishing out, this is a very straightforward fight: Attack however you like, and have your White Mage cast Curaga/Curaja every round. Simple as that. ============================================ ============================================ Boss#45: [Final Boss] There are a few ways to take on the Final Boss, though any way you take him on it is going to be dangerous and time consuming. There are a few choices you can make during the first form of the boss. First off: There is an item to steal, called the Dark Matter. Stealing this item effects how strong or not one of the bosses attacks is in his second form. If you spend the time to steal it (it may take a while, depdning on your level) the attack will be weakened considerably, but if not, and you immediately use the Crystal than you will have to feel the full brunbt of this attack. If you use the Crystal immediately, then this attack will do around 2000 damage to all party members! Fortunately, the boss will not atack you while you are trying to steal this item, so just have everyone but Edge Defend every round. ------------------------------------- Whether or not you choose to Steal the Dark Matter, using the Crystal with Cecil starts the true Final battle. The Final Boss is a counterattacker, like the Behemoth's and Asura before it. If you stop attackg it, it will stop attacking you. Therefore, if you are getting anihilated, stop your attack! The boss has a variety of magical based attacks that he will counter with, but his worst attack, is, of course, the Big Bang. This attack will be more or less powerful depending on whether or not you took the time to steal that Dark Matter. Depending on your level (usually around 60) it will do 2000-3000 to all members of your battle party. Because this is such a huge threat, you always, always need to have Shell up. And always, always have Rosa ready to cast Curaja at any time. Big Bang is a timed event rather then a counterattack, so he will use this quite often. Once again, depending on your level, Rosa may need to use Curaja every round. Depending on your level, this can be an extremely difficult battle. Surviving the Big Bangs is what makes it hard. If you're having a lot of trouble, have only one person attack per round. Rydia with Bahamut works well, while everyone else defends or focuses on healing. If you're STILL having trouble (namely, you are 60 or below) you might even want to bring both Porom AND Rosa in to have them both spam Curaja every round. Hey, the extra healing helps! All this battle takes is controlled attacks and strong healing. If you're having trouble, go back and level some. Use any items you feel you need. Try having Edge Throw any powerful weapons (Excalibur, anyone?) you might have for a good 9999 damage. Don't hesitate to use your Elixir's and Megalixir's, either. ============================================ *^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^* *^* The Cave of Trials *^* *^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^* Though I have this posted elsewhere in the guide, I would like to post this here, as well. The Cave of Trials is a sub dungeon that is brand new to the Advance version of Final Fantasy IV. You can first get there when you gain the ability to change party members. This section, if you have not finished the rest of the game up to this point (you know where it is...) should be avoided. There is no story spoilers, but there may be some ability spoilers, so you should avoid those^^ Expect to have to go through the Cave of Trials 4-5 times to get every weapon at the end of the area. Note: There is a rare enemy in the Cave of Trials called the Golden Toad. This foes has a rather set attack pattern. First, he will cast Toad on your party, and then he may attack for 1-2 rounds. Then he runs. You need to kill him quickly before he runs, else you lose the chance. This is an extremely rare encounter found on B6 of the Cave, mostly. While you can encounter him later in the Lunar Ruins as well, many prefer this locale. ******************************************************************************* The Cave of Trials ******************************************************************************* Items: X-Potion, Red Jacket, Remedy, Phoenix Down, Coronet, Cat Hood, Remedy, Funny Mask, Red Cap, Cottage, Siren, Courageous Suit, Siren, Remedy, Sage's Robe, Lord's Robe, Grand Helm, Grand Armor, Dry Ether, Megalixir Enemies: Evil Bat, Miss Vamp, King Naga, Belphegor, Arachne, Summoner, Yellow Dragon, Evil Dreamer, Chimera Brain, Mammon, Malboro, Warrior, Mini Satana, Thunder Dragon, Great Malboro, Golden Toad Bosses: #35, #36, #37, #38, #39 Head to Mysidia, and talk to the Elder. He is in the room where you change party members (beyond the Crystal room). Now, try to exit, and watch a scene. Now, fly southeast to the Mt. Ordeals. Watch a scene as you enter. Enter the door to the left when you see the two doors. Watch a scene. On B1, open the chest directly north of the entrance for a X-Potion. There's a hidden passage right between the two rocks to the southeast of this chest. It leads to another chest containing a Red Jacket. Head back to the normal area. Head back west, and go north up a set of stairs when you can. Head all the way north and go through the door at the top. On B2, head west and open the chest for a Remedy. Head back east and go up the stairs. Follow the path down some stairs and keep heading west. Go down the stairs here, and go up the far western stairs to open that chest for a Phoenix Down. In the far southwestern corner is a hidden passage, which leads to anotehr chest which contains a Coronet. Exit to the south. On B3, before the first set of stairs (and southeast of the entrance) you'll find a hidden passage in the wall. This leads to the chest containing a Cat Hood. Head back to the main area and follow the path down the first set of stairs and continue along to the west until you can go north up another set of stairs. Open the chest up here for a Remedy. There's a hidden passage in the wall northeast of the Remedy leading to the chest near the entrance, which contains a Funny Mask. After obtaining all three of these items, exit to the southwest. On B4, go down the eastern set of stairs to reach the main area. Head all the way south from these stairs, until you hit the southwestern wall. Press against this (southwestern) wall to find a hidden passage leading to a Red Cap. Head back to the main area and head just east and open the chest for a Cottage. To the very far east you'll find a Siren in the chest. In the northeastern corner of the room (near the exit) you'll find a hidden passage along the wall leading to the chest containing a Courageous Suit. Exit to the far north. On B5, head all the way west from the entrance for a Siren. Head back east and go up the stairs. Circle around the rocks, and open the chest here for a Remedy. Follow the passage southwest and go up the stairs to the north. Head down the stairs to the west, and press again the wall here to find a hidden passage. Open the chest here for a Sage's Robe. Head back through the passage and go north up the second set of stairs. In the northwestern corner of the room is another passage, which leads to a chest that holds a Lord's Robe. After obtaining these items, exit down to the northeast. On B6, follow the path east and up the stairs. Continue along the path (its quite long) until you reach an intersection, where you should go up the stairs to the north. You should be in the northwestern corner of the room. Find the hidden passage in the wall here, and you'll find a chest containing a Grand Helm. There's another secret passage on the eastern wall just south of this just, leading to the Grand Armor. Head back, and continue east. At the far eastern wall (near the exit) head south down the stairs and open the chest here for a Dry Ether. Head back north and down to B7. On B7, there are three paths. The far eastern path contains a Megalixir, as does the far western. Head down the center path when you're ready to continue. On B8, you'll find multiple weapons, a save point (use it, rest and save now!) as well as a warp point out for later. Each weapon is guarded by a boss, which you can fight in no particular order. I will fight them from left of the entrance, in clockwise fashion. Note: You can -only- fight each boss with the certain party member whos weapon it belongs to in the party. So if the weapon belongs to Yang, you can only fight the boss with Yang in the party. ============================================ Boss #35: Gigas Worm HP: 55000 | STR: 155 | DEF: 4 | MAG: 34 | MDF: 44 | Gil: 0 | EXP: 32000 | Weakness: None | Absorb: None | Treasure: None This battle can only be fought with Edward in your party. The Gigas Worm battle will remind you of the battles with Asura and the Behemoth's (if you have fought them at this point). Every move you make will be countered by a physical attack, and therefore you need to be exceedingly careful with your actions. Fortunately, his attacks are not incredibly powerful, but if you attack uncontrolled things can get out of hand quickly. There are two ways to go about this battle. One is a Blink strategy. The Blink strategy is having Blink cast on everyone (having two White Mages makes this easier but is not imperative, also, Edge can use Image on himself so he doesn't need anyone to cast it on him). Blink will stop everyone from taking damage from three physical attacks. This will give you free reign of attacks for a few rounds, and not have to worry about healing. You will need to be a bit cautious though, since if your Blink goes down, your White Mage(s) will need to be Recasting Blink rather than curing, and you will need someone to act as a backup healer. The second strategy is to just attack, but attack with caution. This is very dangerous, because the boss will have a huge amount of attacks on your party. It's faster then the Blink strategy, and a tad but more reliable. Have Edward use Hide, since he probably only has slightly over 1000 HP, and is quite fragile even with his best armor on. He won't be able to do too much damage, either, and in the best case he can act as a back up healer. Therefore, he will just be another character to heal. Having him Hide is the best option so you won't have to heal him in case he gets attacked, or have to worry about casting Blink upon him. The Gigas Worm has no specific Weaknesses, so any magic (Bahamut is nice) works well. In fact, any real attack style does, as long as you stay in control and do not input more then two or three commands at once. If you do, you might find many characters dead... ============================================ ============================================ Boss #36: Master Flan, Black Flan, White Mousse HP: 35000 | STR: 130 | DEF: 4 | MAG: 34 | MDF: 38 | Gil: 0 | EXP: 32000 | Weakness: None | Absorb: None | Treasure: None This boss must be fought with Palom in your party. Be warned that this is a - very- nasty boss, probably the hardest in the area. You need to kill off three of the four Black Flans and White Mousse's before attacking the Master Flan himself. Actually, you can not even attack (the game will not allow you to) the Master Flan until they are gone. After two Flans are dead, you can attack the Master Flan. Unfortunately, you will not be able to use area type spells immediately, since the Master Flan casts Reflect on his first round. The Master Flan is quite nasty, and will reflect Thundaga off himself back to your own party members doing around 1200 damage to a single member. He will also Reflect Flare, for around 3000 (!) damage to a single member, if you get unlucky. The best way to attack the Master Flan is to have someone use a Reflect Item (such as a Lunar Curtain) on themselves, and then have Palom and Rydia Reflect Magic back off at the foes while your other members use their selected attacks. You can try to Reflect a Dispel back at the boss, if you would like to get rid of his Reflect status. That way, you could cast directly on the boss for a couple of rounds. Also, if you still have your Mage Masher, you can deal some extra damage if someone (Edge is a good choice) equips that. When you kill off all four Flans (on purpose, or by accident), you will once again need to kill off two or more before you will be able to reach the boss again. Note that you CAN reach him by Reflecting spells back, but this is the only way. You will need to be quite patient to win this battle. masa_mune100@yahoo.com sends me an Emails telling me that Quake works quite well in this battle as it goes through the bosses Reflect. This is an alternate strategy if you wish to use it. ============================================ ============================================ Boss #37: T-Rex HP: 60000 | STR: 148 | DEF: 3 | MAG: 34 | MDF: 54 | Gil: 0 | EXP: 32000 | Weakness: None | Absorb: None | Treasure: None You must have Porom in your party to fight this boss. Cast Float on all members before taking on this boss. The T-Rex relies primarily on physical attacks, but if you attack him with Fire spells, he will blast you with Flame for 500 damage to all members of your party. He also uses Earthquake, for around 700 damage to everyone. If you have Float on all party members, you will take no damage at all from Earthquake. Even though the T-Rex's attacks are strong, and the boss has a huge amount of HP, this is still a very straightforward fight. Attack with your strongest attacks (Bahamut, Store, Jump, etc) while having Porom heal every round with Curaga or Curaja if you got nuked particularly badly. Avoid Fire magic though, unless you want to be countered for 500 to everyone though. The battle may take a while. ============================================ ============================================ Boss #38: Death Mech HP: 50000 | STR: 135 | DEF: 4 | MAG: 34 | MDF: 54 | Gil: 0 | EXP: 32000 | Weakness: None | Absorb: None | Treasure: None You must have Cid in your party to fight this boss. Unlike bosses in the past, the Death Mech will not rely on physical attacks as much as he will rely on spells and abilities. The Death Mech has the nasty Flame attack, which does 500-700 to all members of your party. Promptly heal with a Curaga after he uses this to avoid anything too serious later. One of his worst attacks is the deadly Laser, which will probably end up doing around 2500 damage to a single member of your party. Ouch! Lastly, he infrequently uses an instant kill move. The boss is strangely slow, and does not attack often. He will probably get one attack (or less, even) per your round. That gives you plenty of time to recover HP or restore the lives of any dead party members. The boss has no weaknesses, but if Cid is decently levelled and has a Gaia Hammer and his best armor (from the cavern) equipped, he will probably do over 3000 a hit with his physical attacks. This is one of your best offenses in this battle. Bahamut, Power/Jump teamed with physical attacks and anything else you like will finish the boss off before he has a chance to kill you. He is just too slow to really make a dent in you. ============================================ ============================================ Boss #39: Storm Dragon HP: 40000 | STR: 139 | DEF: 4 | MAG: 22 | MDF: 33 | Gil: 0 | EXP: 32000 | Weakness: Ice | Absorb: Fire | Treasure: None You need to have Yang in your party to fight this boss. The Storm Dragon mostly relies on physical attacks. Sometimes, The Storm Dragon gets two attacks per round. When the Dragon gets two attacks, depending on the AI, he may attack the same peron, or he may attack two different people. Logically speaking, if he attacks the same person he will do double damage. If he attacks two different people he will only do normal damage to both characters. Note that if you use Blink, it will also take up two Shadows. Blink is the best way to reduce damage in this fight, since the Dragon relies on physical attacks most of the time. If you can get the spell off early enough, and keep it up, you shouldn't have too much trouble with damage for the rest of the fight. Remember that Edge can cast Blink on himself, if you are using him. The Storm Dragon has the incredibly nasty Maelstrom ability. This ability will cause everyones HP to go down to critical (10 and under) HP range. This ability was also found on the Behemoth's if you fought them earlier. Cast Curaja immediately after this nasty spell. Note that he also can use a spell that will do around 2000 damage to a single member, but this is very very rare, and you can actually win the battle without even seeing it. Any attacks work on the Storm Dragon, but Bahamut really shines, doing around 9999 damage each Summon. Attacking physically works, and you can also use skills such as Jump or Power. This boss is quite a bit easier then the other bosses in the area, excluding his Maelestrom ability. The Storm Dragon is Weak Towards Ice Magic and abilities, if you are using Palom as a Black Mage instead of Rydia. ============================================ After you have killed all five bosses (it usually takes 4-5 trips through the cavern) you are finished here. *^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^* *^* The Lunar Ruins *^* *^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^* ***Note*** While all of the Challenges and bosses in this area are complete, I only partially have finished writing my area listings. I didn't want to add the levels portion until at least 25+ of them are written, and I only have around 20 of them done. After defeating the game with any party, the Lunar Ruins is opened. This is a new area that was added when they remade the "Advance" version of this game. If you have played Final Fantasy 1&2: Dawn of Souls, and finished the Whisperwind Cove, you will know exactly what to expect here. Nasty enemies, 50 floors, and a long, long, long walk. The Lunar Ruins is to the northwest of the Crystal Palace. The Order of which the trials you must face in here is: Monk, Bard, Summoner, Paladin, White Mage, Ninja, Engineer, Dragoon, Twin Mages A few notes before entering. You can only do a specific characters' trial if you have finished the game with that character in your battle party. Therefore you will need to finish the game at least three times with completely separate parties each time. A normal person will take 4-5 times though, especially at lower levels. ***** An Important Note ***** I am told that the order of some challenges is randomized. Namely, the rooms in the challenges. While I have not seen this myself (I went through Cecil's over and over again and got the same order) I can not confirm it -yet-, either. This is my first time through the ruins, and I am trying to give people a basic rundown of how to do things. Once I've finished them once, then I will go through again trying to figure them out. Note that this is only pertaining to the rooms and not the challenges themselves. On B4, Yang's music plays. You can not enter the door without Yang in your party, or having not yet beat the game with Yang in the battle party. ================================================================ Yang's Challenge: Enemies: Soldier Monk, Super Monk, Drillmaster Head north, and watch a scene. ============================================ Challenge Boss: Soldier Monk HP: 6000 | STR: 140 | DEF: 3 | MAG: 0 | MDF: 254 | Gil: 5000 | EXP: 15000 | Weakness: Fire | Absorb: None | Treasure: None There's eith of these guys that you need to kill. They rely mainly on physical atacks that do decent damage. Blink helps prevent damage, but there are so many enemies here that they will tear through it quite wuickly. But hey, any damage prevented is better then none, right? You might want to have your healer cast Curaga(ja) every round, since the sheer amount of damage from the enemies can elevate quickly. The more HP you take off a foe, the less "Body parts" or people make up his body. You don't need to take them down one by one, but it is a good indication of how much HP the monsters have left. This battle is not much harder then any other random encounter, other then with many enemies. Use fire to kill them off quickly. ============================================ Continue north, and you'll fight another 8 Soldier Monks. This set has higher HP but is pretty much the same altogether. Continue north, and you'll fight against 8 Super Monks. These are, once again encountered and fought much the same exact way the Soldier Monks were, except that they are stronger and have more HP. They have 8000 each instead of 6000. Note: Before continuing, cast Float on your entire party. Continue north again, and you'll encounter 8 -more- Super Monks (-_-;;). Try to save MP during this, since there is a boss at the end. After defeating this set, you will fight 8 Drillmasters. This is a particularly nasty set of enemies, so heal with Curaja after every battle. After this there is yet another set of Drillmasters to fight -_-;;;;;;;;;;..... After the battle, you will face the boss of this trial. ============================================ Challenge Boss: Lunar Titan HP: 120000| STR: 196 | DEF: 2 | MAG: 35 | MDF: 37 | Gil: 65000 | EXP: 65000 | Weakness: None | Absorb: None | Treasure: Grimoire LT Being an earth based monster, hopefully you cast Float on your entire party. This will make most of his magical attacks harmless to you. Unfortunately, you will still need to worry about his powerful physical attacks. Blink should do the trick in preventing damage from them. If Rydia has finished her trial, have her cast the Dragon right at the start to give everyone a free blink and to give your healer a few rounds to get everyone settled in with the three- round blink. When Titan changes his position on screen (his other leg goes in front, and his face cringes) then he is preparing his ultimate attack. If Float isn't on at this point, get it on now. The attack, Earthquake, will miss you completely if you are floating in midair. Other then Earthquake and physical attacks, Titan has Stone gaze, which can paralyze party members. Cure this qith a quick Esuna casting, so that the targeted member can get back into the battle effectively. ============================================ You recieve a Discipline Armlet for winning this battle. Exit to the north to finish the Challenge. ================================================================ On B8, Edward's theme plays. You can not enter the door without Edward in your party. ================================================================ Edward's Challenge: Enemies: Specter Enter the castle. You recieve a Requiem Harp, and are forced into a battle with a Specter. This is automated. After a while, the battle ends. Head into the main castle. In here, speak with all of the spirits. To kill them off, you need to kill them once, and then have Edward Sing to them. After killing these off, head upstairs. After killing more spirits, continue up. On the top floor, kill even more spirits in the same fashion (kill them off first, then have Edward Sing to permanently kill them). Note that you can restore your HP and MP by checking the pots in the room. After doing this, more enemies spawn on the second floor so kill them off (zzz...). Watch a scene after killing them all off. You're brought to a new area at this point. There are no spirits in the water, so stay on the land until you have killed all of the ones that you can kill without being able to go any further. Note: There are hidden passages all over the place in here. At the far south, head down the stairs. Continue north and watch a scene. ============================================ Challenge Boss: Lunar Shiva HP: 100000| STR: 173 | DEF: 2 | MAG: 36 | MDF: 55 | Gil: 65000 | EXP: 65000 | Weakness: Fire | Absorb: Ice | Treasure: Grimoire LS Dragon gear (Dragon Shield, Dragon Gloves, etc) as well as gear such as the Protect Rings help considerably to reduce damage in this battle. Shiva casts incredibly powerful Ice magic on your party and you're going to be taking a lot of damage from her spells. Even worse, She has powerful physical attacks. The physical attacks are easy to counter. Blink helps considerably (either from Rydia's Dragon with the Mist Ring equipped or from being cast normally) and will be your main for of defense against them. Unlike the other Lunar bosses, Shiva is NOT a counter boss. Interestingly enough, she is just strong enough as she is to take you down without counters. Note that when Shiva changes her position from her normal stance to one that looks like she is ready to charge you, she is preparing her streongest attack. Ice Storm is rediculously powerful, and will do 1500-3000 damage to every party member. Heal with a Curaja (and maybe even an extra Curaga) after each cast. One important thing to note is that Shiva will counter you when you cast any type of magical spell. This includes side abilities from your weapons (such as the Holy from Cecil's Lightbringer of the Flare from Cid's Firey Hammer). Fortunately, she counters you by only curing HERSELF not by attacking you. Unfortunately, she casts Blizzaga on herself for around 2000 damage after each spell cast upon her. That means, if you cast a spell such as Flare that does 9999 damage to her, and she cures herself, you are technically only doing around 7000 damage instead of the 9999 you should be doing. To counter this, make sure any spell you cast on Shiva does over 2000-3000 damage so that she does not actually gain HP. While all of this sounds very intimidating, Shiva is very slow. She does massive amounts of damage yes, but if you have high levels she is easier to defeat in a normal manner then some of the other bosses on the moon. Just be positive to keep Shell and Blink up. And keeping everyones HP at maximum is imperative as well. After a long and painful battle, you should -hopefully- come out victorious-. ============================================ Watch a scene. You recieve a Harmonious Ring for completing Edward's Trial. Exit to the north. This challenge is complete! ================================================================ On B12, Rydia's theme plays. You can only open the door here if she is in your party. Also, you need to have beaten the game with her in your battle party. ================================================================ Rydia's Challenge: Enemies: Mist Eagle, Mist Summoner, Mist Kraken You lose access to certain summons at this point. Follow the path until you reach a large open area. Head directly right (east) and you'll find a passage. Follow this passage, and you'll find Shiva. ============================================ Challenge Boss: Shiva HP: 64000 | STR: 172 | DEF: 5 | MAG: 50 | MDF: 52 | Gil: 45000 | EXP: 50000 | Weakness: Fire | Absorb: None | Resistant Vs Ice Treasure: None Shiva is an Ice based boss. Therefore, Fire attacks will work best upon her. Have Rydia nuke with Firaga for maximum damage. Depending on Edge's level, his Flame may also do more (or less) than his physical attack. If you're using Palom, having him nuke with Firaga will also give you some more added damage. Shiva's physical attacks are the most powerful thing her in aresenal, so abuse Blink to reduce physical damage. She also has access to a wide variety of Ice based spells, including Blizzara. Shell will help reduce damage from these types of spells. When Shiva's position changes (she's normally standing up, but when she leans down and getting ready to attack) She is ready to release Ice Storm, which does around 300 damage to every character in your party. a Quick Curaga fixes this right up. Save your HP and MP though, you have a few more fights to do! ============================================ You will be able to summon Shiva again after this battle. Head back north to the main area. From Shiva's locale, head all the way west, and then south down the western passage. At the end, talk with the NPC, and another battle begins. ============================================ Challenge Boss: Ifrit HP: 110000| STR: 198 | DEF: 2 | MAG: 40 | MDF: 35 | Gil: 65000 | EXP: 65000 | Weakness: Ice | Absorb: Fire | Treasure: None Being a fire based beast, Ifrit is weak towards Ice magics. Nuke him with powerful high level water/ice spells such as Blizzaga. He has rather high physical defense power, but you should still not have any problems damaging him whatsoever. Ifrit has some nasty physical attacks, so once again, cast Blink if you desire, to protect your party. The boss has an extremely weak Fira spell on one member as well, but that is not even worth mentioning because it does less than 200 HP damage. Like Shiva, when Ifrit's position changes from his normal position, he is charging up his next attack. Ifrit draws fire all around him and looks like he is about to rush your party. He will cast Flame on your party on the next round, for around 500 damage to all members. Curaga fixes this problem up nicely. Ifrit has a massive amount of HP, so this battle will take a while. ============================================ After this battle, you recieve Ifrit as a summon again. Head back to the main area. In the main area, head north from Ifrit's passage. Go west down the first path you see, and follow it. Down here is another NPC. Before you talk to it, cast Float on your entire party. ============================================ Challenge Boss: Titan HP: 75000 | STR: 180 | DEF: 5 | MAG: 28 | MDF: 48 | Gil: 45000 | EXP: 50000 | Weakness: None | Absorb: None | Treasure: None Titan is an earth elemental. If you cast Float before the battle (or at the very beginning) you will be immune to his special attack. He has no direct elemental weaknesses, so you're just going to have to make due with your strongest attacks. Bahamut works well, but has a high MP cost, as does Flare. Titan uses spells such as Quake. Float will nullify this an make you immune to it. He also has a nasty physical attack (once again, Blink is good to use to prevent any lasting damage and to prevent using of your White Mages MP). When Titan's position changes (its somewhat hard to notice, but his other leg goes into the front, and his face starts cringing) he will use Earthquake (not just Quake). Once again, Float makes you immune to the damage that this does. Because of high HP and lack of elemental weaknesses, this battle may take a while. ============================================ You regain Titan as a Summon at this point. Head back to the main area. In the main area, head north. In this new passage, head all the way east, and you'll see an area blocked by mist. Ignore that for now and continue east. Down this path you'll find yet another NPC. Speak to him to engage in one more battle. ============================================ Challenge Boss: Ramuh HP: 60000 | STR: 170 | DEF: 5 | MAG: 41 | MDF: 54 | Gil: 45000 | EXP: 50000 | Weakness: None | Absorb: None | Resistant Vs Lightning Treasure: None Ramuh is Lightning based. Avoid casting lighting spells on him, as they will have little or no effect. Like Titan, Ramuh has no elemental weaknesses so you're going to have to make do with what you have. Try Bahamut or Leviathan, Flare works as well. Physical attacks tend to work better then anything magical. Ramuh has the same weak magical attacks that the other bosses do, this time they are Thunder Based (Thundara to be exact). His physical attacks are once again, far more of a threat then anything else he can do, so Blink will save you MP and allow you to fight on unhindered with healing. The worst Ramuh can do is the very powerful Blitz, which does around 1700 to a single member. Send a Curaga that members way immediately, since that is quite masty. When Ramuh draws his staff into the air, and power surrounds it, heal everyone. This is his signal for his powerful attack against all members. Lightning does 500+ to all members of your party, so heal it up with a Curaga or a Curaja. Characters such as Edge may take quite a bit more damage from this attack then characters with higher magical defense. ============================================ You gain the ability to summon Ramuh again after this battle. Head back to the main area and go all the way north. There was an area that was covered by fog that you can now pass through. Continue north through this passage to confront this boss. ============================================ Challenge Boss: Lunar Dragon HP: 105000| STR: 180 | DEF: 2 | MAG: 254 | MDF: 44 | Gil: 65000 | EXP: 65000 | Weakness: None | Absorb: Holy | Treasure: Gimoire LD The Lunar Dragon has a poison gas ability that will poison all of your party members. Since poison is not a huge deal, don't worry about healing it. Especially because he will probably just cast it over again once cured. The boss also has a Sleeping Gas attack, which he uses very, very infrequently. If you note the way the Dragon looks, you will remember the battle from the very beginning of the game. The Dragon turns to Mist every once in a while. When this happens, avoid attacking, since your attacks will miss. His Cold Mist will probably only do one damage to your party, but it's not worth wasting the turn attacking. Just wait, or buff your party up during this period of time. Unfortunately for you, the Dragon can still attack you with spells such as Slow while he is in this form, so cast Haste to counter this effect. When attacking, Flare seems to work better then summons in this battle. This is mainly because of the time to cast is shorter, and you never really know when the dragon is going to change his form. You don't want to waste your MP! Timed physical attacks work well. I suggest casting Blink to lower the damage the boss can do from his physical attacks as well, since they are very very powerful. When the boss gets near death, he will start restoring his HP with "Restore" for 9999 if you do not kill him quickly. The battle will take a huge amount of time, because of the bosses high stats. ============================================ You recieve the Gimoire LD for fimishing this battle. Exit the cavern to the north. The Mist Ring is a great item for Rydia, so make sure to equip it as soon as possible. This ends Rydia's Challenge. ================================================================ On B16 you'll find Cecil's Challenge. You will need to have him currently in your party, and have beaten the game with him in your party to enter the door to the challenge. ================================================================ Cecil's Challenge: Enemies: None Watch a scene as you enter. Head north and through the door. On the screen with 5 children and a pig, speak with the first child entitled "Bully". he runs off, giving you access to the other children. Speak with each bully separately, and after a firm scolding by Cecil, he sends them running off. Speak with the pig if you desire, and exit to the northeastern corner of the town. When you come along a single soldier in the passage, speak with him, and he asks you to guard the treasure. At this point, do not move or press any buttons. Go downstairs, get a drink, go outside, and do whatever for about a minute and come back and the Soldier should come back and be speaking with Cecil. This is a timed event, so you can not make it better or worse by moving or doing anything. Whatever you do, DO NOT EXAMINE THE CHEST. Continue along the path until you reach another set of guards. This is another time for guard duty. The rules of conduct are not to move or speak as a guard. Pretty simple, right? Just stand still and stay there NO MATTER WHAT HAPPENS. That means no picking up items...Or playing hero. After the guard comes back, exit to the southeast, through the door. Follow the path in the 'dungeon' like area. At the end of the path, speak with the NPC. Don't attack! Though it looks like a monster, some text plays out. After a certain amount of time, the battle automatically ends. Go upstairs to the next level. On one screen, you'll see a boy who is drowining. Rush over to him as fast as you can (no dawdling now!) and speak with him. After saving his life, circle around the buildings and exit this area. If you have done everything right from here, you will obtain the Lightbringer. This weapon is even stronger then Cecil's Ragnarok. But don't toss the Ragnarok yet, as you will probably need it later. Speak with the NPC again. ============================================ Challenge Boss: Lunar Odin HP: 95000 | STR: 191 | DEF: 2 | MAG: 95 | MDF: 48 | Gil: 65000 | EXP: 65000 | Weakness: Lightning | Absorb: None | Treasure: Gimoire LO Odin is rediulous. He uses Zantetsuken for around 4000 damage to everyone in your party at once. Blink won't stop the Zantetsuken damage, so you'll need to keep everyone at full HP at all times. Fortunately, you know when Odin is going to act, as his Sword Arm raises in the air. Unfortunately, this is not his only attack, and so you need to be very careful. Try casting Dragon with Rydia if she has a Mist Ring, right at the start to give everyone a single blink. This will defend versus one attack, which will be enough to save your life after the Zantetsuken hits you. Hopefully more then two to three characters survived the attack, so they can revive anyone dead. Don't have Rosa revive the dead, rather, have her just spam Curaja over and over to bring everyone back to full health. You only have a few rounds! Attacking Odin is easy. He has low defense versus any type of physical attack, so you will probably find your attacking characters doing massive amounts of damage to him. Cecil with his Lightbringer will probably do well over 10,000 damage a round every time it casts Holy. Also, remember that Odin has a severe weakness towards Lightning magic, so have all of your casters spam Thundaga on him. Be very very careful! You are timed in this battle. After a few rounds of battle, Odin changes his position and gets ready for a Double (yes...double) Zantetsuken. This is probably 8000-10000 on all of your party members. Unless all of your levels are capped, there is probably no way you can survive this. If you're still having problems, you might have to level up and come back later when you are stronger and have more levels. ============================================ You have finished Cecil's Challenge. Congratulations! ================================================================ On B20 Rosa's theme plays, and you'll find her challenge. You'll need to have beaten the game with her in your party to have access to the challenge. She needs to currently be in your party, as well. ================================================================ Rosa's Challenge: Enemies: Metamorpha Watch a scene. Rosa needs to talk to everyone on the screen. You are timed, and some people are monsters. You need to try to avoid the monsters, since they are just a waste of your time. The second and fourth pigs you see are monsters for example, so don't speak with them. The last pig is human, though. The second statue (its a woman) is a monster, and the frog to the west of that is a monster as well. There's a mini person in the southwestern corner thats a monster as well, so avoid this person. Any person lying on the ground like they are dead is a human, so don't hesitate when speaking with them. This is more of a memory game then anything else. Note: This is an extremely, extremely annoying challenge. Feel free to reset a couple of times before you finish it. This Challenge and Edge's are tied for most annoying challenges in the game. A few more notes: You do NOT have to fight any monsters in here to get Rosa's White Ring, but you should if you want to get a Bestiary completion. The most missed Human is the Frog to the far north, which you need to enter the Canal to get to. This one takes the most time to get to, so make sure that you get it last. Whether or not you have spoken with all the humans, when the time runs out, Asura attacks! ============================================ Challenge Boss: Lunar Asura HP: 130000| STR: 183 | DEF: 3 | MAG: 55 | MDF: 40 | Gil: 65000 | EXP: 65000 | Weakness: None | Absorb: None | Treasure: Gimoire LA Unlike the original Asura, this one attacks you without being attacked, and she is extremely nasty. She uses level three spells, which will each do around 3500 damage to a member. The cure? The same as it was in the previous Asura battle. Reflect, of course! She also casts Curaga on herself when her "Human" face is on. Don't worry about casting Reflect on her, just yourself. If you can get Reflect off on encough characters quickly enough, Asura will slaughter herself and you won't even have to worry (too much) about your own damage. With Reflect on, the only thing you'll need to worry about is Globe 199. This instantly kills one member of your party, but is easily cured by a casting of Full Life. Asura also has physical attacks. To get over these, you need to get Blink cast. To get Blink on without spells, have Rydia summon Dragon with the Mist Ring on. This will give everyone a free shadow. Edge can use Image to get a cheap blink on himself. One thing to note is that if you cast Reflect on Asura (I highly suggest you do not...) you will need to unequip weapons with an additional spell, such as the Lightbringer or Firey Hammer. The spells will be reflected back at you, and may even kill a party member with low HP. As long as you stick with physical attacks, you will probably not even need to heal. It just takes a while, since Asura is mainly killing herself. Note: Every once in a while, (very rarely, I've seen her do it once after killing her 5 times) Asura will Restore herself for 9999 HP. It doesn't happen often though...fortunately. Only her human face uses this ability, so when on this face, change her off of it quickly. ============================================ There are three items that you can get from this challenge, depending on how well you do. If you do badly, you get an Elixir. If you do moderate/good, you will recieve a Megalixir. If you save every human you will obtain the "White Ring". This is Rosa's special item, which allows her to Pray for more HP Recovery. You have now finished Rosa's Challenge. ================================================================ On B24F, you'll Find Edge's Challenge. You need to finish the game with Edge in your party to open the challenge, and have Edge in your current party to complete it. ================================================================ Edge's Challenge: Enemies: Palace Guard, Lamia Queen, Goblin Prince From where you gain control, head all the way left and head north up all the way up the screen. When you can, head south (you'll be on the right this time). Enter the door on the left here. In this room, you'll find a switch to the far right. Rress it to open a secret passage. Hit the far left switch this time. In here, there's a pot to heal MP if you need it. Go up the two sets of stairs to the next level. Talk to the NPC at the top of the screen, and watch a scene. We need to go up to the top again. Press the right switch again, then the very far left one. Go up the stairs, and watch a scene. Downstairs again, step on the small cracks (not the dark cracks) and press the red switch. head through the newely opened door. Be very careful over the next cracks, and only step on each one once. At the intersection, go south. Read the note on the eastern wall. Do what the note says... Go down one step, right two steps, down two steps, and right one more step. Read the note here, as well. You will need to follow these steps exactly as well. They are: Right 3, Up 4, Left 4, Up 8, Right 5. Note: If you fall at any point, you'll need to backtrack exactly...everything needs to be redone pretty much. Ignore the three sets of stairs here, and step on the Blue switch on the ground. Continue south, and out the door. Go right back inside, and walk over the cracks (which have magically repaired themselves). There's a newely opened Blue Door just northeast of the cracks. Enter here, and press the green-ish floor switch. You need to fall down the hole to continue. Down here, step on the teleporter and you'll be brought back to the entrance. Enter the Blue Door here, you'll be in midair. Go six steps left, eight steps up (careful not to go through the green door here!) and five steps right. Once again, ignore the first set of steps, and enter that green door to the northeast. Go up the stairs in here. In the southeastern corner of this room you'll find a hidden passage. When you can see Edge again, enter the small portion to the south to find another hidden passage. Head all the way south, two steps west, continue all the way south, move a bit west, and you'll see Edge again. Continue west, and go north. Head into the wall again. When invisible again, head west as much as you can, then south as much as possible. Continue west until you appear on the blue sky. STOP HERE. Take one more step west, and then take two steps south. Now head all the way west and use a Key (found by killing Palace Guard) to open the door. Enter. When invisible, head as far north, then west, and then south, and then west again until Edge appears. Head north (be careful not to step on the Blue Sky!!!!) and take an iffy corner to the main area. There's a pot to restore your MP to the east. Continue north all the way, and find the hidden passage in the northeastern wall. Use another key (found on more Palace Guards) to open this door here. Enter the door. There's a hidden passage in the southwestern corner, head all the way west and then all the way north to become visible again. In the northeastern corner there is another hidden passage, go through it, and you'll be brought to a new screen. Don't panic! Enter the double doors here. Talk to the NPC again. ============================================ Challenge Boss: Lunar Ifrit HP: 130000| STR: 183 | DEF: 3 | MAG: 55 | MDF: 40 | Gil: 65000 | EXP: 65000 | Weakness: None | Absorb: None | Treasure: Gimoire LI After all that hell, you still have to fight a boss. -_-; Ifrit is a fire based boss, and therefore weak towards Ice Magic. I highly suggest against using Ice magic against him though, since he will counter you with the extremely nasty Glare ability. Glare will take down over 3000 HP off a single character's health. Ifrit's animation changes quite often. When this happens, he is preparing his special attack. This attack is Flame, which does around 500 damage to every member of your battle party. Heal it up with a Curaga quickly so that you can get back onto your feet to counter his physical attacks. Blink is good for preventing any serious damage. Ifrit is a Counterattacker. You'll remember these from your Behemoth battles. The more you attack, the more he attacks. In these battles, Blink is your very best bet to prevent damage, especially because you can spend the first few rounds defending and taking no/little damage at all from his attacks. The key rule to remember with all counterattacking bosses: Don't input too many comands at once. Two or three at maximum so that you can control the bosses actions. If you can keep Blink on, you'll be fine, but too many attacks and your Blink will wear off before your White Mages even get another turn. One last thing to note: Ifrit is not a complete counterattacker. He will attack you normally as well as coutnerattack most every move you make. This makes him dangerous in a way that counterattacks are not normally dangerous. His Flame ability is something like a weaker version of the Final Bosses Big Bang, and a timed event rather then something you can control. ============================================ You obtain the Hanzo Gloves after finishing this battle. You have finished Edge's Challenge. Note: If for some reason you want to go back (you're crazy!) you can earn a Magazine by finishing it again...or so I read. ================================================================ On B28, you'll find Kain's Challenge. You need Kain in your party, and to have beaten the game with him in your battle party to open the door here. ================================================================ Kain's Challenge: Enemies: None Kain enters alone. Watch the scene. When you gain control of Kain, talk to the two men north of Cecil and Rosa and they will speak of the Grim Reaper. Then speak with the two people to the far west. After speaking with them, speak to the man just north of Cecil for another short scene. After the scene head into the Inn, and spend the night. Don't worry, it's free. Watch a scene. When you awaken, examine the lance to your west. You obtain the "Blood Soaked Lance". Exit it the inn, and watch a scene. Head north and watch another. After the scene, check the Blood Soaked lance from your inventory screen, and then speak with Cecil. Watch another scene. Then speak with the man beside the dead man, for another scene. Head out of the Inn. Now you need to speak with all of the people walking about town. Note their reactions, since you are supposed to be 'finding clues' for Cecil. After doing this, enter the passage to what was once Devil's Road (its open now) and head downstairs. Speak with the NPC's down here. Head back upstairs, and into Cecil/Rosa's house. Speak with Rosa's mother. When you go outside, the sky should be dark now. Head back to the inn and stay the night. You gain control in the middle of the night. Head outside, and speak with Cecil. Try to head north of him for a short scene. Now, head to the northeastern corner of town (near the waterfalls) and you'll see another scene. When you gain control, go speak with Cecil near Rosa's house. Speak with Cecil once again inside the house, and go back and spend the rest of the night at the Inn. Exit the inn, and enter Rosa/Cecil's house again. Watch a scene. Speak with Rosa and Cecil again and exit the house. Head to the northeastern corner of the town, where you originally found Rosa. Examine the item on the ground. Examine it twice. Now, head back down into the strategy room (under the passage to Devil's Road) and speak with the mage here. Head back to the Inn, and watch a scene. After the scene, speak with the guard by the door and watch another. Exit the Inn, and follow the NPC. Continue following it until another scene plays. Head back to the Inn, and head over to the beds. Examine the Lance once again. Watch a scene, and head into the Devil's Road (itself, not just the strategy room) and follow Cecil. Watch a scene. Choose "No". ============================================ Challenge Boss: Dark Kain - Lunar Bahamut HP: 50000 | STR: 213 | DEF: 2 | MAG: 18 | MDF: 24 | Gil: 65000 | EXP: 65000 | Weakness: None | Absorb: None | Treasure: Grimoire LB The battle starts off against Dark Kain. Keep Kain in the back row for the entire battle, and have him Jump over and over again. Bahamut has a 3 timer countdown. His timer goes from three to zero, and when it reaches 0, yep, you guessed it. Mega Flare. To prevent being hit by this, you need to Jump when the timer hits about 1. If you jump too early, you'll come down too early, and be hit by the Mega Flare. Note that you'll actually need to prepare (select) your Jump around 2, because Kain takes a while to get into the air. After you get the timing right (it may take a few tries, so expect to do this trial over...) Bahamut will Counter you. After every attack you do against him, he counters you, so you want to attack him as least as possible. Namely Jumps only. As long as you can keep Jumping on him, and you're in the back row, you should be fine. This is a battle of patience. If you can outlast the boss in patience and in timing, you will win. There is another way to finish this battle by using a Lunar Curtain on Kain. This gives him the Reflect effect and allows him to bounce back Lunar Bahamut's own attacks. You then have a choice of either attacking him normally or of Jumping whenever you want. For the full effect, Jump at 3 so you land at 1. This way, you will do Jump damage, as well as Reflect the Mega Flare back at the boss. I don't suggest attacking physically, since Bahamut will counter your every move with an attack of his own and you'll be required to needlessly heal your HP. ============================================ After the battle, you recieve the Dragoon Gloves and the Abel's Lance. Note: What happens if you choose "Yes" instead of "No" and kill your foe? You become Dark Kain for a few moments, and you recieve nothing at all from the trial. Kinda cool to watch once, but its much more rewarding to complete everything. ================================================================ On B32 you'll find Cid's Challenge. You need Cid in your party, and to have completed the game with Cid in your battle party to open the door here. ================================================================ Cid's Challenge: Enemies: None ***Note*** Your order here may be different than mine was, but the goal is pretty much the same. You need to play "Crazy Taxi" to a set number of people brining them from one area to the other until the challenge ends and you fight Lunar Ramuh. Hop onto the airship, and watch a scene. You need to fly to Mysidia. You will need to get there in a minute and twenty seconds. This is very very easy, even if you get lost. Once in Mysidia you have someone else to pick up. You need to get to Troia in under a minute. Troia is northwest of Mysidia. Head directly north until you hit the desert by Kaipo, then head directly west. You'll find Troia here. Landing is the hardest part. You need to head to Fabul this time. Fabul is west of Troia. Head west over the ocean until you hit a continent. Head directly north from here, and you'll find Fabul. This time, you need to go to Kaipo. Kaipo is southwest of Fabul. Head west until you hit Damacyan. Now head south to find Kaipo. Now this is important. You can NOT land on the desert, so you need to find the small piece of land to the northeast (near the mountains) and WALK to Kaipo. This time we need to go to Agart. Walk over to your airship, and head directly south (and very very slightly east) until you see Mysidia. From here, head southwest and you'll see Agart. This is the hardest because you needed to have planned where you parked your airship previously. After finishing all of these, watch a scene. ============================================ Challenge Boss: Lunar Ramuh HP: 90000 | STR: 178 | DEF: 2 | MAG: 44 | MDF: 48 | Gil: 65000 | EXP: 65000 | Weakness: None | Absorb: Lightning | Treasure: Gimoire LR Ramuh as a very, very, very nasty Thundaga spell which can do over 3000 damage to a single party member, depending on the member. This is what he counters you with, rather than a physical attack. What is difficult about this though, is that Ramuh is Lightning based absorbs Lightning magic when directed at him. You can use Reflect, but only if you think you can do more damage per round then Ramuh can heal himself for when his magic is Reflected back. I personally wouldn't suggest Reflect unless it was on your lowest magical defense characters (Edge, Cid, etc). This is because Ramuh also uses Blitz, which will go right through Reflect, and when everyone has Reflect on, you have no really good way of healing every party member. When Ramuh changes his position (raises his staff into the air) he is readying his final attack. This ability, Lightning, will do 500-1000 damage to all members of your battle party. Quite nasty! With this paired with all of his counters you are in for quite a ride...This ability can not be reflected by magic. Try using Diamond gear to lower the damage, as it lowers Lightning Elemental damage. If you're low levelled, you can try this strategy. Have Rydia summon Bahamut over and over again, since the boss will not counter magic with magic. Have Rosa/Porom constantly be healing/casting Blink and Shell on party members. Everyone else can defend, or do other random things. Attack when you feel you can. Bahamut should do a good 8000+ every time you cast it, or more. This strategy is efficient, but it takes a ~long~ time. This is a nasty battle. One of the nastiest in the entire dungeon's, because it is so hard to prevent the damage all together. ============================================ You obtain a Firey Hammer after the battle. Congratulations on beating Cid's Challenge! ================================================================ The final challenge is the Twins' Challenge. To open this hallenge you need to have beaten the game with either of the twins (it doesn't need both). But to actually ENTER the challenge, you need to have BOTH twins in your party. Palom and Porom in the same party. This Challenge is found on B36. ================================================================ Palom and Porom - The Twins' Challenge: Enemies: Tiny Mage, Tiny Toad, Gigantoad, Toadgre Watch a scene. When you gain control, head east, and speak with Porom. You have control of Palom first. Press the switch to the northwest of the entrance and watch a scene. Press L1 and R1 to switch between characters. Switch to Porom, and press the switch on her side. Go through the door Palom opened for her to the northwest. On this pink screen, head east and step on the blue square to the far east to gain the float status effect. Avoid the yellow square else you get the Mini status. The pot here restores your MP. Press the switch to the south and switch characters to Palom. Head north into the room Porom opened for him, and watch a short scene. Head all the way west and use the green switch on the floor to change to Toad. Head back east and go through the passage you watched the toad go through and press the switch in here. Head back to the main area, and remove your Toad status. Head through the door to the north. Change to Porom, and head through the northern door. In here, watch a scene. Head back south, and go all the way west. Change to Mini status with the yellow floor plate. Head back through the door to the north. In here, go through the passage only open to you if you are in Mini status. In here, head northeast, press the switch on the wall. Change back to Mini status if you took it off (with the yellow floor switch) and go over to the pink door. Try to go through and watch a scene. Step on the pig status changer and go through the door as a Miniature Pig. Take off Pig status, and head all the way west. Step on the blue ground switch, and Porom makes a short comment. In Mini status, head through the northern passage and change to Palom. Controlling Palom again, change to pig status and go through the door to the northeast. In here, change to Mini status with the yellow plate and walk through the hole to the north of the entrance. Press the switch, and change out of mini status. Head through the door to the far west. In this Bluish room, step on both the Toad and Float status changers, and head east around the screen. Go through the door to the far east here and step on the floor switch. Head back to the closed doors and change to Porom. The door by Porom should now be open. Follow the passage, and get the Pig magic effect to go through the door. Remove the effect, and get the float effect to the east. Follow the passage, and go south through the door when you can. Press the switch here. Go through the door to the east and get the toad status, and continue north through two passages. Step on the green switch at the end, and switch back to Palom. In control of Palom again, head through the door Porom opened for you. Get the Mini status effect and head back into the previous room. head south and get both the toad and Float effects. Head east over the damaged floor and enter the small hole. Remove the toad status, and continue through the next hole. Remove the mini status and head west. Step on the floor switch, and if Porom has stepped on hers as well, a scene plays out. With your party reuinited, follow the path north and speak with the NPC. ============================================ Challenge Boss: Lunar Leviathan HP: 135000| STR: 205 | DEF: 3 | MAG: 38 | MDF: 51 | Gil: 65000 | EXP: 65000 | Weakness: Lightning | Absorb: None | Treasure: Gimoire LL Leviathan once again retains his signature Tidal Wave move. This time it does around 800-1500 to all members of your battle party. Surprisingly, it is not a double Tidal Wave like Ogopogo did. Like all other fights with Leviathan or any other great Serpents (Ogopogo, etc) this is an exceedingly straightforward battle. There's no counters, and you can attack however you wish. Leviathan does use Blizzaga from time to time, but its not really powerful enough to warrant casting Reflect on party members, especially when you need to Curaja after the Tidal Waves. The only really new and powerful ability Lunar Leviathan has is a big one. He has access to Maelstrom. Maelstrom is an attack you have probably seen before which doesn't do any direct damage, but brings all party members to critical HP range. You -must- heal with a Curaja after each Maelestrom, so that you do not get wiped out in case Leviathan casts Tidal Wave on his next round. Attacking with Thundaga is a better form of offense then Flare, since it will almost always do 9999, where Flare does around 9000. Physical attacks of any type work decently, but Jump is particularly nice so that you can avoid Malestrom in case Leviathan decides to use it. ============================================ Examine the item on the floor where Leviathan was standing. you recieve two Twin Stars. Exit to the north and the trial is completed. ================================================================ After completing every challenge, you're ready to take on the final boss of the Lunar Ruins. Pick your party of choice and make your way down to B40. On B40F, you'll find a replica of the final area of the base game. Run north and watch a scene. ============================================ Challenge Boss: [Final Boss] EG HP: 200000| STR: 225 | DEF: 3 | MAG: 45 | MDF: 202 | Gil: 0 | EXP: 0 | Weakness: None | Absorb: None | Treasure: None Just for those wondering, the EG in his name stands for "Easy Game". This was the sprite used in the "Easy Game" version of Final Fantasy IV in Japan. Weapons that cast spells, such as the Lightbringer of Firey Hammer are not reccomeneded for use during this battle. The boss casts Reflect upon himself and when you use these weapons and they cast spells, you will just be hurting yourself more then you are hurting the boss. Like the final boss of the main game, this Final Boss uses Big Bang, but this time for around 2500 HP damage to all party members, even if you're around level 70+. This is not a timed event this time, rather an action. His other attacks mainly include spells such as Toad and Mini, which are curable by a Remedy or a quick casting of Esuna. Cure this especially quickly if it gets onto your healer, though it is highly doubtful that it will. He also has spells like Flare and a powerful spell like Glare in his ability box, but he is so slow that you just will not see them often, and it is easy to cure the damage from. People claim that the easiest way to beat this boss is to use each of your Grimoires one by one. You recieved Grimoires from each Lunar Boss you defeated in the dungeon. In example, defeating Lunar Dragon gives you the Grimoire LD. Using these will kill off this boss with ease. You should wait to use your Grimoire's until the boss starts healing himself though. Of course, if you're having a lot of trouble you can use them earlier but a challenge is always good, right? ^^ Of course, it is very possible to beat the boss without the use of Grimoire's. Just note that after a while of fighting the boss will start healing after your every attack. What you need to do here is not attack at all unless you know that your attacks will do more damage then the boss will heal for. In example, if Cecil's attack does 4000 damage,and the boss is healing for 3000, its fine to attack (for now) since you are still in the positive damage range, doing 1000 damage per round. This is the point when people usually choose to use their Grimore's. As long as you can keep damaging him for over what he is healing himself for, this is actually quite easy to finish. A few things to note. One is that once he starts healing himself he becomes quite a bit faster and his attacks change. He uses different types of attacks, though they are not necessarily stronger. The battle is drawing to a close, and at this point Reflect has usually worn off so its a good time to cast like crazy. ============================================ Well, you have beaten the Final Boss of Lunar Ruins, and all thats left to do is everything that a completionist would. Congratulations! Surprisingly...there's still a lot to do. Try beating a Brachioraidos, as they are much harder then the EG boss. ================================================================ Lunar Ruins: The Levels ================================================================ *** This portion of my guide is incomplete and still in progress *** This section is meant to go over the levels of the Lunar Ruins. The order of the levels encountered in the dungeon is randomized, somewhat. Each area between certain Challenges contains 4-5 levels that you have a chance of getting each time you enter the ruins. Note that there are only 3 levels that you can actually get each run through the ruins, for a total of 40 levels. People call this a 50 floor dungeon because there is 50 different types of floors rather then because if is literally, 50 floors long. ---------------------------------------- Top Floors: ---------------------------------------- Large Bridge Floor: Enemies: Echidna, Goblin Prince, Lamia Queen, Wicked Mask, Behemoth Items: Remedy, X-Potion, Elixir The exit is almost impossible to see, its at the southeastern portion of this area, in the far south. -------------------- ---------------------------------------- After Yang: ---------------------------------------- Floor of Remeberance [Lunar Path] Enemies: Echidna, Abyss Worm, Lunar Virus, Prokaryote, Eukaryote Items: Cottage, Phoenix Down This floor looks much like the top floors of the dungeons, thats why I call it [Lunar Path]. It is pretty much the same as the very first screen of the Lunar Path as well, so the exit is to the far north. -------------------- ---------------------------------------- After Edward: ---------------------------------------- Order your Numbers Floor: Enemies: None Items: None Speaking to the main will give you a set of randomized numbers (such as 0128934). You need to walk around the room carefully stepping on the plackards with the number on them. So if the man tells you to step on 9871 step on the plackard 9 first, followed by 8, then 7, and then 1. This will open the door near him allowing you to continue. -------------------- Animal Numbers Floor: Enemies: None Items: Megalixir When you speak with the man here, he tells you to watch the animals carefully. Count how many of which animal goes into the house. The is randomized as well, but both times I've done it the answer has been 1. If you correctly guess it, you will recieve a Megalixir. -------------------- The Lost Library [Mysidian History] Enemies: None Items: None In here, you need to check the bookshelves to find the lost book "Mysidian History". By speaking with the scholars in the area, they will give you legit hints to the books location. The books location is randomized among the many shelves in the room. After finding it, go back and talk with the man, who leads you to the exit. -------------------- ---------------------------------------- After Rydia: ---------------------------------------- Lunar Town [Version 1] Enemies: None Shops: Inn, Weapons, Armor, Item This is a normal town screen. There are some very expensive items to be found here, but NOTHING compared to later. This is more meant to be a place to stock up and rest if you need it. The exit is to the far south. -------------------- ---------------------------------------- After Cecil: ---------------------------------------- Floor of Rememberance [Tower of Babel - Underground] Enemies: Sorceress, Palace Guard, Purple Bavarois, Courl Regina, King Bomb Items: Remedy Exit is in the northeastern corner of the room, chest is in the northwestern corner. -------------------- ---------------------------------------- After Rosa: ---------------------------------------- Floor of Rememberance [Path to Babel] Enemies: Bloody Bat, Palace Guard Items: Dry Ether Exit just south of the entrance, but getting the chests is the harder part. -------------------- Floor of Rememberance [Sealed Cave] Enemies: Coeurl Regina, Miss Vamp, Echidna, Chimera Brain, Crystal Dragon Items: Dragoon Plate, Cottage, Dry Ether This floor has two doors to the north and the exit to the southeast. The door to the north contains a Dragoon Plate. The door to the northeast contains a Cottage and a Dry Ether. -------------------- ---------------------------------------- After Edge: ---------------------------------------- Fairy Lake Enemies: None Items: Megalixir Speak with the fairies in the lake and they will restore your HP and MP, as well as give you a Megalixir. The exit to this screen is at the very top. -------------------- Lots of Bridges Enemies: Magic Dragon, Crystal Dragon, Coeurl Regina, Chaotic Knight, Stratoavis Items: Loki's Lute, Cottage, Dry Ether, Elixir This is a rather difficult level to manuver around, and it is very, very large. The Loki's Lute is not in a chest, rather if you examine one of the crates you will find it there. The exit is to the far south of the area. -------------------- Red Door/Blue Door Enemies: None Items: Changes Depending on your choices, you will receive items. This is actually sort of a personality test, and whichever 'job class' you get, you get different items. Note: This is only some ways to get the certain job class/items, there are others. If you choose "Intellect", "Front Row", "Size them Up" you will be an Engineer and will receive an Alarm Clock and a Siren. Choosing "Athletic", "Cure Spells", and "Size them Up" will also give you the Engineer status. If you choose "Athletic Type", "Cure Spells", "Attack Immediately", and "Protect the ally from attacks" you will be a Paladin. You receive a Megalixir when you choose to become a Paladin. If you choose "Athletic Type", "Cure Spells", "Attack Immediately", "Defeat an enemy quickly", and, "Attack Swiftly", you will be a Ninja. You receive a Shuriken and a Fuma Shuriken when you choose to become a Ninja. If you choose "Intellectual", "Rear Guard", "Perform a Magic Trick", and "Think carefully before acting". This will make you a Mage. There is a way to become a mage if you choose athletic as well, but it is quite odd. You receive a Dry Ether and a Soma Drop for choosing to become a Mage. If you choose "Athletic", "Potions", and "To Train Harder", you will be a Monk. If you choose to be a Monk, you receive a Golden Apple and a Silver Apple. If you choose "Intellectual", "Rear Guard", and "Sing a Song", you choose to become a Bard. When you become a Bard, you receive a Gysahl Whistle and a Gaia Drum. -------------------- Lunar Ruins - Many Chests- Enemies: Crystal Dragon, Palace Guard, Magic Dragon, Golden Toad Items: Cottage, Dry Ether, Light Curtain, White Fang, Blue Fang, Red Fang, Dry Ether, Elixir, Elixir, Megalixir, X-Potion, X-Potion, Perseus's Bow This floor looks like the opening floors of the dungeon, and also the Lunar Path. There's a whole bunch of chests in here, in the central area. There's also a chest in the southwestern corner of the room. To get there go to the northwestern corner, second slot down, and follow the hidden passage until you reach it. The exit to this level is to the southeast. -------------------- ---------------------------------------- After Kain: ---------------------------------------- The Village of the Moon Enemies: None Shops: Weapons, Armor, Inn, Item Some of the most expensive pieces of weapons and armor are found here, in the Village of the Moon. Because of the sheer height of the price on everything, you'll almost definitely not be able to afford everything you want on the first, and perhaps even second time you visit the town. This is the ONLY place in the game that you can buy Megalixirs. But at the steep price of 650,000 gil, you will probably not be able to afford many... -------------------- Single Chest Room Enemies: Chaotic Knight Items: Rainbow Robe, Megalixir* I'm not too sure about this room. The first time I went through I got a Rainbow Robe. The second time through, the chest was closed again and I got a Megalixir. There's not much else in here except enemies. -------------------- Natural Selection Enemies: Chaotic Knight, Lamia Queen, Stratoavis, Magic Dragon, Crystal Dragon Items: Clear Water, Firewood, Honey, Doll, Megalixir ***Note*** This level may be like the Dwarf level in the Whisperwind Cove in Dawn of Souls and the items found/needed are random. I'm not positive. I just have the oder I found mine in, and used them. This screen looks something like the Waterways of Baron or the Waterfall Cavern. There's a large lake to the east of the entrance, which if you examine it, you'll obtain some Clear Water. In the pot to the far west of the entrance, you'll obtain some Firewood. Use the Clear Water on the Door. The door opens to allow you access. Examine the next chest for some Honey. Head to the far east and examine the door with the bear engraving on it and use the Honey. In here, examine the torch to use the Firewood. Continue along and pick up the Doll off the ground. Head back to the door we could not open before and use the torch (obtained after putting the firewood in the fire) and then open the next door with the Doll. Follow this path to find the exit. Before exiting, make sure to find the secret passages to the far east and open the chest to obtain the Megalixir! -------------------- ---------------------------------------- After Cid: ---------------------------------------- Floor of Rememberance [Tower of Babel] Enemies: Magic Dragon, Mech Dragon, Chaotic Knight, Searcher, Mech Soldier, Stratoavis Items: Cottage, Gysahl Whistle, Megalixir, Mutsunokami A rather straightforward floor with the items to be found right on the path to the end. There's a surprisingly large amount of chests on the screen for being as straightforward as it is. -------------------- Floor of Rememberance [Lunar Subterrean B12] Enemies: Wicked Mask, Chaotic Knight, Selene Guard, Stratoavis, Gold Dragon, Silver Dragon, Magic Dragon Items: Megalixir Very very straightforward with only one chest. This is the floor right before you encountered the final boss. -------------------- Floor of Rememberance [Land of Summons] Enemies: Warrior, Mini Satana, Chaotic Knight, Stratoavis Items: Megalixir, Cottage Cast Float to prevent damage. This is floor B2 of the Cave of Summons. The exit is to the far east. -------------------- ---------------------------------------- After The Twins' Challenge: ---------------------------------------- The Vishnu Vest Floor Enemies: King Behemoth, Catoblepas Items: Vishnu Vest This floor looks like the Lunar Subterrean, but holds a Vishu Vest. There's not a whole lot more to do other than pick this item up. Exit to the north. -------------------- Black Mage/White Mage Enemies: Gilgamesh, Proto Phase, Coeurl Regina, King Behemoth Items: Blue Fang, Ribbon, White Fang, Red Fang You see a cutscene between Black Mage and White Mage (NPC) right at the start of this level. This is a -huge- level, with the chests separated pretty much everywhere. The exit is a serious pain to find, and is actually on the eastern wall, but you'll need to take a detour to get there. There's a passage near the western wall that you take and that is the only way to reach the door. -------------------- Dragons, Oh My! Enemies: Brachioraidos Items: None As the man in blue states, RUN IF YOU ENCOUNTER THE DRAGON! Unless you are extremely powerful, and have planned it out well, you are going to be wiped out. He is stronger then any other boss in the game. You need to run slowly through the level to make sure that you see the Dragon before you run into it. If you know what you're doing, go ahead and try to take down the Dragons, but be warned that it will be quite difficult, even knowing. *^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^* *^* Magic Lists *^* *^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^* This is a list of all of the magic in Final Fantasy IV Advance. Some of the names have been changed from the original version, but the spells remain the same. They are ordered by spell type, rather then level acquired, or by who acquires them. ***************************************** Black Magic ***************************************** Spell: Fire MP: 5 Target: One/All Effect: Deals Fire damage to one enemy. ------------------------------------------ Spell: Fira MP: 15 Target: One/All Effect: Deals Fire damage to one enemy. ------------------------------------------ Spell: Firaga MP: 30 Target: One/All Effect: Deals Fire damage to one enemy. ------------------------------------------ Spell: Blizard MP: 5 Target: One/All Effect: Deals Ice damage to on enemy. ------------------------------------------ Spell: Blizzara MP: 15 Target: One/All Effect: Deals Ice damage to on enemy. ------------------------------------------ Spell: Blizzaga MP: 30 Target: One/All Effect: Deals Ice damage to on enemy. ------------------------------------------ Spell: Thunder MP: 5 Target: One/All Effect: Deals Bolt damage to on enemy. ------------------------------------------ Spell: Thundara MP: 15 Target: One/All Effect: Deals Bolt damage to on enemy. ------------------------------------------ Spell: Poison MP: 2 Target: One/All Effect: Deals Poison damage to on enemy. ------------------------------------------ Spell: Bio MP: 20 Target: One/All Effect: Deals Poison damage to on enemy. Causes a decrease in an enemies HP over time. ------------------------------------------ Spell: Tornado MP: 25 Target: One Effect: Brings an enemy to critical HP range. ------------------------------------------ Spell: Quake MP: 30 Target: All Effect: Deals Earth based damage to all foes. Useless against flying enemies. ------------------------------------------ Spell: Break MP: 15 Target: One Effect: Turns a target to Stone, effectively instantly killing them. ------------------------------------------ Spell: Toad MP: 7 Target: One/All Effect: Turns a target(s) to and from Toad Status. ------------------------------------------ Spell: Pig MP: 1 Target: One/All Effect: Turns a target(s) to and from Pig Status. ------------------------------------------ Spell: Sleep MP: 12 Target: One/All Effect: Puts targeted foe(s) to sleep, causing them to be unable to act. Not 100%. ------------------------------------------ Spell: Stop MP: 15 Target: One Effect: Stops time for an enemy, making them unable to act. ------------------------------------------ Spell: Death MP: 35 Target: One Effect: Instantly kills targeted enemy. Not 100%. ------------------------------------------ Spell: Drain MP: 8 Target: One Effect: Drains HP from an enemy, and converts it to the user of the spell. ------------------------------------------ Spell: Osmose MP: 0 Target: One Effect: Drains MP from an enemy, converting it back to the user. Only works on enemies with MP. ------------------------------------------ Spell: Warp MP: 4 Target: One Effect: Warps party to the previous level of the dungeon. No effect in battle. ------------------------------------------ Spell: Flare MP: 50 Target: One Effect: Non-Elemental attack on one enemy. ------------------------------------------ ***************************************** White Magic ***************************************** Spell: Cure MP: 3 Targets: One/All Effect: Restores a small amount of HP to allies. Damages undead. ------------------------------------------ Spell: Cura MP: 9 Targets: One/All Effect: Restores a medium amount of HP to allies. Damages undead. ------------------------------------------ Spell: Curaga MP: 18 Targets: One/All Effect: Restores a large amount of HP to allies. Damages undead. ------------------------------------------ Spell: Curaja MP: 3 Targets: One/All Effect: Restores all (extremely large amount to party) amount of HP to allies. Damages undead ------------------------------------------ Spell: Life MP: 8 Targets: One Effect: Restores target to life with a small amount of HP. ------------------------------------------ Spell: Full-Life MP: 52 Targets: One Effect: Restores target to life with full HP. ------------------------------------------ Spell: Esuna MP: 20 Targets: One Effect: Restores all negative status ailments, except KO. ------------------------------------------ Spell: Protect MP: 9 Targets: One Effect: Raises a party members physical defense power. ------------------------------------------ Spell: Shell MP: 10 Targets: One Effect: Raises a party members magical defense power. ------------------------------------------ Spell: Blink MP: 8 Targets: One Effect: Makes duplicates of a party member, causing them to avoid three physical attacks each. Works 100% of the time. ------------------------------------------ Spell: Reflect MP: 30 Targets: One Effect: Reflects magical attacks away from character to the enemy. ------------------------------------------ Spell: Float MP: 8 Targets: One/All Effect: Causes characters to float in midair. Characters take no damage from earth magic, or on damage floors. ------------------------------------------ Spell: Haste MP: 25 Targets: One Effect: Raises the speed of selected characters ATB gauge, allowing them to have more turns in battle. ------------------------------------------ Spell: Berserk MP: 18 Targets: One Effect: Makes a character uncontrollable. The characters speed and physical attack power are enhanced, though. ------------------------------------------ Spell: Hold MP: 5 Targets: One/All Effect: Causes Paralysis onto one target, making them unable to act. ------------------------------------------ Spell: Silence MP: 6 Targets: One Effect: Silences an enemy, causing him to become unable to cast spells. ------------------------------------------ Spell: Confusion MP: 10 Targets: One Effect: Causes one target to become confused, causing them to be unable to tell allies and enemies apart. ------------------------------------------ Spell: Slow MP: 14 Targets: One Effect: Slows down one targets ATB gauge, stopping them from having as many turns in battle. ------------------------------------------ Spell: Mini MP: 6 Targets: One Effect: Causes and removes Mini status from one target. ------------------------------------------ Spell: Scan MP: 1 Targets: One Effect: Scans target, so you can see his HP, and elemental weaknesses. ------------------------------------------ Spell: Dispel MP: 12 Targets: One Effect: Dispels a positive status effect from a target, such as Blink, Protect, or Shell. ------------------------------------------ Spell: Sight MP: 2 Targets: One Effect: If used on the field screen, draws the screen back for a better view. ------------------------------------------ Spell: Teleport MP: 10 Targets: All Effect: Teleports party out of dungeons, towers, etc. ------------------------------------------ Spell: Holy MP: 46 Targets: One Effect: Deals Holy damage to one enemy. ------------------------------------------ ***************************************** Summoning Magic ***************************************** Note: The "Fight" command in this sections means if you have to fight the summoned monster to obtain it. Spell: Chocobo MP: 7 Targets: One Fight: No Effect: Uses a Chocobo Kick on an enemy for Non-Elemental damage. ------------------------------------------ Spell: Dragon MP: 20 Targets: All Fight: Yes/No (kinda?) Effect: Deals non-elemental damage based off Rydia's current HP. ------------------------------------------ Spell: Shiva MP: 30 Targets: All Fight: No Effect: Deals Ice elemental damage to all enemies. ------------------------------------------ Spell: Ramuh MP: 30 Targets: All Fight: No Effect: Deals Bolt elemental damage to all enemies. ------------------------------------------ Spell: Ifrit MP: 30 Targets: All Fight: No Effect: Deals Fire elemental damage to all enemies. ------------------------------------------ Spell: Titan MP: 40 Targets: All Fight: No Effect: Deals Earth elemental damage to all enemies. Useless against flying enemies. ------------------------------------------ Spell: Asura MP: 50 Targets: N/A Fight: Yes Effect: Randomly selected effect from Life, Curaga, and Protect on all allies. ------------------------------------------ Spell: Leviathan MP: 30 Targets: All Fight: Yes Effect: Deals Water elemental damage to all enemies. ------------------------------------------ Spell: Sylph MP: 25 Targets: One Fight: No Effect: Deals Non-Elemental damage to one enemy, and restores some HP to all allies. ------------------------------------------ Spell: Odin MP: 45 Targets: All Fight: Yes Effect: Instantly kills all enemies on screen. ------------------------------------------ Spell: Bahamut MP: 60 Targets: All Fight: Yes Effect: Deals Non-Elemental elemental damage to all enemies. ------------------------------------------ ***************************************** Ninjutsu ***************************************** Spell: Flame MP: 15 Targets: All Effect: Deals Fire elemental damage to all enemies. ------------------------------------------ Spell: Flood MP: 20 Targets: All Effect: Deals Water elemental damage to all enemies. ------------------------------------------ Spell: Blitz MP: 25 Targets: All Effect: Deals Bolt elemental damage to all enemies. ------------------------------------------ Spell: Pin MP: 5 Targets: One Effect: Causes stop status onto a target. ------------------------------------------ Spell: Smoke MP: 10 Targets: All Effect: Allows an easier escape from battle. ------------------------------------------ Spell: Image MP: 6 Targets: Self Effect: Same effect as Blink. Creates three shadows, preventing attacks. ------------------------------------------ *^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^* *^* Music Player *^* *^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^* This section is just for fun, but I thought that I would like to devote it to the lovely music in the Music player. The music player is opened up once you beat the game, and is accessed through the Extra's section. ---------------- Prologue: Also called "Final Fantasy". Is also played during Final Boss. The Kingdom of Baron: Some call this "Cecil's Theme", but it is more known to be the theme played in Castle Baron itself. Theme of Love: Some call this "Rosa's Theme", plays whenever something dramatic/melodramatic happens to the main two characters. Welcome to Our Town!: Town theme, in areas such as Baron town. The Red Wings: Played during the opening movie, as well as other locations. Also in a dungeon or two. The Prelude: In every early Final Fantasy game, The Prelude is also known as a 'Crystal theme'. Main Theme of Final Fantasy IV: PLays on the World Map. Fight 1: Theme of random battles. probably heard far too much in the normal game to want to hear it now. Fanfare: Victory theme after battles. Hello! Fat Chocobo!: Whenever you Summon the Fat Chocobo this song plays. Chocobo-chocobo: Plays when riding around the world map on a Chocobo. Into the Darkness: Dungeon Theme, plays when running around a dungeon. Fight 2: "Boss Battle Theme". This is a normal boss theme, with 'random big boss'. Bomb Ring: Whenever a lot of destruction occurs somewhere, this theme plays. Rydia: Rydia's theme. Usually used when something to deal with Rydia is happening. Castle Damacyan: Plays in the destroyed castles of the world, such as Damacyan and Eblan. Cry in Sorrow: Sad song, plays whenever something sad happens. Also known as "Kain's Theme". Melody of the Lute: "Edward's Theme". Plays when scenes having to deal with Edward occur. Also in other sad scenes. Mt. Ordeals: Plays on Mt. Ordeals, as well as any other Mountain in the game. Fabul: "Yang's Theme". Plays in Castle Fabul. Run!: Theme of Chaos. Whenever something really chaotic is going on, this song is playing. Suspicion: Played in cutscenes only. Golbez, Clad in Dark: "Golbez's Theme". Played when encountering Golbez. Hey, Cid!: "Cid's Theme". Plays when something having to deal with airships or Cid is going on. Mystic Mysidia: Mysidia town theme, plays in Mysidia. Long Way to Go: At the heart of the matter, learning what your quest pertains, and how much farther you truly have. Plays in cutscenes and in the room where you change characters. Love this song! Palom & Porom: "The Twins' Theme". Plays when scenes with Palom and Porom are occuring. The Dreadful Fight: "Battle with the Four Fiends". While the name of the four fiends has changed to 'Elemental Lords' the song has remained the same. Love this song too! In any major or 'intense' battle. The Airship: Used when flying around the Overworld in the Airship. Troian Beauty: Troia's theme. Plays in Troia. Samba de Chocobo!: Plays when riding a Black Chocobo around the World Map. Tower of Babel: Tower of Babel Theme, used when running around the Tower of Babel. Somewhere in the World: Mainly used in cutscenes. The Land of Dwarves: Underworld theme, plays on the Underworld map. Giott, the Great King: Plays in the Dwarven Castle, Dwarven theme. Dancing Calcobrena: Calcobrena battle theme, as well as when anything mysterious is going on. Tower of Zot: Plays in the Tower of Zot. Illusionary World: Land/Cave of Summons theme, plays in these areas. The Big Whale: Mistranslated? The Lunar Whale in-game, plays while you ride the Lunar Whale. Another Moon: This song gives me bad dreams...This is the Moon map theme. Used when exploring the surface of the Moon. The Lunarians: Used on the Lunar Path, and on any scene where Lunarians are described or have a part in the story. Within the Giant: Giant of Babel theme. Plays in the Giant of Babel. The Final Battle: Plays during the final battle (with the final boss :X). Also plays during the battle with the Final Boss EG in the Lunar Ruins. The three Epilogue songs are used during the ending. *^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^* *^* Miscellaneous *^* *^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^* Thank you for reading^^ This has been my first spoiler free guide, so it was a difficult task in its creation. If you have opinions, or requests, please Email me at ereekairyn@yahoo.com If you wish to use my guide on your site, you may also Email me at ereekairyn@yahoo.com Sites that may use my FAQ are: www.gamefaqs.com www.ign.com www.neoseeker.com Unless you ask, you do not have permission to use my guide, or any information directly from it. It doesn't take long, so please just send an Email^^ I'm busy, so sometimes it may take a bit for me to reply. ------------------------ Contributors and Thanks: ------------------------ The Instruction Booklet... Because it helped me on my basics section. The Instruction Booklet also gave me the MP costs in my spells section because I was too lazy to turn on my game and check for myself :X. Kael Kazaki on Game FAQs boards, not because he contributed anything, but because I used his guide to get through Edge's Trial as a whole my first time through. icf87@hotmail.com: A small correction on my Lunar Ruins section. rpg_lord@yahoo.com: A small correction about the Perseus bow that I forgot to add to my items section in the Lunar Ruins. masa_mune100@yahoo.com: A tip on how to beat the Master Flan. Seto Kiaba (at GameFAQs): For a small correction that I did know about but reminded me of about the Cockatrice summon in my "Other things to do section". NathanGraves99: This ones weird. There is a grimoire in the Sylvan Cave, where you find Yang, but ONLY when you're obtaining the Sylf Summon. Thank you for correcting me on this@@ darkshikra@gmail.com: Made a correction about the amount of EXP the Sahagin Boss with Edward gives...the Bestiary is different then the normal amount. crimsonhaz3@comcast.net: A correction in the final dungeon about a direction I made a mistake on. It's so easy to get confused... codymac44@hotmail.com: Three items I missed in Baron. MagicDealer05: About a Blood Sword I missed in Cave Eblan. ------------------------ Version Information: ------------------------ December 20th, 2005: Decided to publish version 1.0 before the game became too oversaturated. I know its very far from finished, but I beg my readers to bear with me, I'm still updating! December 22nd, 2005: Added Lunar Ruins section, with 4 Trials completed. Added Boss section, and a magic list section. December 24th 2005: Finished Challenges in the Lunar Ruins, as well as the final boss there. Am currently adding the levels section to the guide. Copyright 2005-2006 Stephanie Nutter