~ PLEASE WAIT FOR THIS GUIDE TO COMPLETELY LOAD BEFORE SCROLLING DOWN ~ # O%%O %%@%%%%o@O %% @ %%@ %%%%%%%%o@ % %%# %% %@ % # @%%%o %%%% % %%O%%%%%%% %% %%% %% % o%# @# O%%@%%%% %%%%%%%%%%% %% %%%%# @% @@% % % %%%%% %%%%%%% %%# @%%%%% % %%% % %%%%%% %%# %# %% %%%%%%%%%%%%oO%% ### ### # # # # ### # # # ###% # %%## # #%%###%%# % # ### ### # ## # # #%# # # # # # # #%# # # # #% # #%%%# %# #@# # # # # # # ## # ### ### # ## ### ### # ###%%#%%%# %%#%%###o# # # # # # # #%# # # # # # # # #%# # # #o%%#%%#% #% #%#O# # # # # # # # ### # # # # ### #_ #_____# ___# #_##_%%___%___ #%#@ # # ### # ## # /_` | ` ` / /_` | `| |/ __| __|% %@ / _ `| |) ` ` / _ `| .` | (__| _| %O# /_/ `_`___/ `_/_/ `_`_|`_|`___|___| %%%% o% %%% %%%%% % % % @ %% % %# %%%%O@ % #% % #%%# ファイナルファンタジータクティクスアドバンス Final Fantasy Tactics Advance J A P A N E S E V E R S I O N FAQ / Strategy Walkthrough Version 2.1 Written by AstroBlue Last Updated: November 19th, 2003 ****************************************************************************** This FAQ uses Shift-JIS encoding to display Japanese kana (characters). Browsers such as Mozilla Firefox (www.mozilla.org/products/firefox) support CJK encoding inherently, but common browsers such as MS Internet Explorer require you to update your system (windowsupdate.microsoft.com). Otherwise, I recommend you download a Japanese-English word processor called JWPce. It is available from: http://www.physics.ucla.edu/~grosenth/jwpce.html ****************************************************************************** Thanks to the retirement of an iron-fisted CEO, Hiroshi Yamauchi; and the development of a viable portable gaming system, the GameBoy Advance; Square and Nintendo have finally ended their six year old standoff and haved "kissed and made up". The result of this reconciliation? A whole slew of Square developed GameBoy Advance games, one being a "pseudo-sequel" to the best (and only) Final Fantasy based strategy game, Final Fantasy Tactics. Since I enjoyed writing a FAQ/Walkthrough for the original Final Fantasy Tactics, I couldn't resist covering Final Fantasy Tactics Advance. Enjoy! +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- IMPORTANT NOTE!! +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- No translations may be taken directly from this FAQ/Walkthrough and used in other FAQs, guides, web-sites, etc. without seeking my expressed permission first. Because Japanese-English translations are ambiguous (not literal like French-English translations) it's easy to prove any acts of plagiarism. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- T a b l e o f C o n t e n t s ------------------------------- 1)STORY 2)CONTROLS 3)GAMEPLAY OVERVIEW 4)MENU TRANSLATIONS 5)LINK SUPPORT 6)FAQs 7)STRATEGY WALKTHROUGH 8)QUEST LIST 9)JUDGEMENT i)Law List ii)Penalty List 10)INFANTRY i)Tribes ii)Jobs 11)MONSTERS 12)TREASURE HUNTS 13)INVENTORY LISTS i)Head ii)Body iii)Weapons iv)Shields v)Accessories vi)Items vii)Quest Items 14)THANKS TO ============================================================================== 1)STORY ============================================================================== (Interpretation of Japanese story) FINAL FANTASY AND THE CALLING OF THE ANCIENT TOME Before Noah's Ark there was a world swords and sorcery prospered, this was the era of the Ancient Keltia... a wondrous magical civilization that was lost with the great flood. However, a key to the knowledge of that era exists. Sealed with darkness by the hand of that era's dictator into ancient documents, the Grand Grimoire. Although it is unknown how many volumes exist presently, those who once possessed the book said that it has the power to drastically change the world. Those seeking power have searched the world for it, despite the fact that no one knows for sure it even truly exists. Unattainable, this magical book became to be known as the... Final Fantasy. "I want this world to change for good. I want to see Final Fantasy, the world of swords and magic" Once crowded with merchants, the small country town of Ivalice has since become rustic. Amongst a row of dilapidated buildings is a second hand bookseller. Within it, lost in time, a book rests. Untouched by hands for many years, in the book firmly shut are strange unreadable characters which record some unknown history. One day, accidentally, a lonely boy found that book. And with his thoughts turned the normal countryside town of St. Ivalice into the world of "Ivalice", a world of law and chaos.... ============================================================================== 2)CONTROLS ============================================================================== W O R L D M A P - - - - - - - - - Control Pad - Move cursor (hold B to make it move fast). A Button - Confirm selection. B Button - Cancel selection. L Button - View current World Law(s). R Button - View info on a selected area. Start Button - Open System Menu. Select Button - View Help (In-depth Info) on basically anything. B A T T L E E N T R Y - - - - - - - - - - - - Control Pad - Switch between units. A Button - Confirm selection. B Button - Cancel selection. L Button - Switch to "Field View Mode". R Button - View info on selected unit. Start Button - Battle Start. Select Button - View current World Law(s). B A T T L E - - - - - - Control Pad - Move cursor. A Button - Confirm selection. B Button - Cancel selection, and view range of hi-lighted unit. L Button - Shortcut button for selected System Menu option. Start Button - Open System Menu. Select Button - View Help (In-depth Info) on basically anything. ============================================================================== 3)GAMEPLAY OVERVIEW ============================================================================== Final Fantasy Tactics Advance (hear by known as FFT-A) is the third product of Square's engulfment of Quest. It's a Strategy RPG (known as a Simulation RPG in Japan) based on the "world" of Final Fantasy. If you have played the original Final Fantasy Tactics, or any of the Ogre Battle/Tactics Ogre series, or even Advance Wars; this game should be familiar territory. Battles are turn-based and take place on what essentially is a grid. Each time it becomes a unit's turn, they will get a chance to move and execute an action. Each unit has 8 stats which determine different attributes:    いどう Move - Amount of panels that unit can move each turn.   ジャンプ Jump - Maximum height that unit can scale.    かいひ Evade - The % of attacks that unit can possibly dodge. 武器こうげき Weapon Attack - How strong that unit's physical attack will be.   ぼうぎょ Defence - How well that unit can defend a physical attack. 魔法のつよさ Magical Power - The strength of any magic cast by that unit.   ぼうぎょ Magic Defence - How well that unit can resist a magical attack.   スピード Speed - Determines the order and frequency of AT. Unlike FFT, there is no "casting" time for spells and abilities, not even for Jump (which is highly unorthodox by Final Fantasy standards). Also there is no Bahamut summon... a break of a tradition set since Final Fantasy III. FFT-A is filled with many systems; some are old, some are revised, and some are brand spanking new. Because of their complexity, I might as well go over them one at a time for you: Job System ************ FFT-A uses the Job System which was born from Final Fantasy III, built upon in Final Fantasy V, and almost perfected in Final Fantasy Tactics. It's also going to be used in Final Fantasy X-2 under the guise of "Dress Ups"... not that anyone noticed with the new artwork of Rikku emerging ^_^. Anyway, FFT-A uses a revised Job System, it defers from FFT's system like so: * No more Job Points, JP is now Judge Points. * The inclusion of Tribes and the abolishment of Sexes and Zodiac signs. * The inclusion of an AP (Ability Points) system, ala Final Fantasy IX. * A whole new collection of Jobs and abilities. * New Jobs are learned by mastering abilities, not by Job Levels. Ability System **************** The ability system is almost exactly like Final Fantasy IX's. Abilities are embedded in equipment; once you equip items (weapons, armour, etc.) on a unit you will be able to use the abilities associated with that equipment. As soon as you unequip those items, the unit will no longer be able to use those abilities. However, you can permanently learn abilities by mastering them. To "master" an ability, you must equip the item the ability is embedded in and gain enough AP (Ability Points) to learn it. Be aware that you still have to select Secondary, Reaction and Support Abilities to use them, and that Movement Abilities have been replaced by Combo Abilities. Movement abilities are now "status effects" found in special shoes/boots. Judgement System ****************** The world of Ivalice is ruled by Law and Order. All battles are adjudicated by "Judges" who are there to enforce the constantly changing "World Laws". The current "World Laws" can be viewed by; pressing L on the World Map screen, pressing Select during Battle formation, and by selecting the "World Law" option from the System Menu during a battle. If a unit breaks a law in combat, the Judge will give that unit a Yellow "Caution" Card, which will mean that unit will be penalised at the end of battle. Also, if that unit continues to break the law or breaks the law to defeat a unit, the Judge might give that unit a Red "Arrest" Card; which will mean that unit will be sent to a nearby Prison. You must pay a lot of Gil to either "Bail" the jailed unit out of Prison, or to "Acquit" them to remove any cards. Judges also award JP (Judge Points) to units that legally defeat their enemies. With JP you can use strong Combo attacks, and if you gain the maximum amount (10) you can summon the powerful "Divine Beasts". Judges will also move "unconscious" units out of the way to keep the battle flowing. Later in the game it will be possible for you to add and remove laws by using "Law Cards". Clan System ************* Ivalice is filled with many mercenary groups called "Clans". Clan Members work together to complete "Quests" for payment in Gil and treasure. In order to participate in a Quest you must first buy its information from a Pub. There are many types of quests, they are: * Story Battle Quest (Sword Icon) Always the first on the list and usually more expensive than the others, these quests progress the story and will generally unlock a new area on the World Map. * Battle Quest (Sword Icon) The "standard" quest, these involve fighting a battle in which your opponents are generally monsters. * Non-Battle Quest (Paper Icon) Much like the "Propositions" of the original FFT, these involve sending a unit off alone to complete a quest and then return with the reward. Although, you don't have to go back to collect them in this game. * Territory Quest (Flag Icon) These Quests involve sending off a unit to set up a base in another area. Usually you must defeat a specific amount of units in battles before the unit will return and the area is captured. Once you have established an area as your territory, other clans will constantly try to capture it, so make sure you stop them! * Encounter Quest (Tribe Icon) Uncommon quest, these involve an encounter with a rival Clan in which you will be given a choice on how you are to act. Your Clan also has 8 Skill Levels which will develop as you complete more and more quest. These affect your success at Non-Battle and Territory Quests, with higher levels you will receive rare items, and a lot of Quests require a certain Skill Level to actually even attempt them, the stats are set out like so:   戦闘 - Combat Skill (Sword)   鍛冶 - Metallurgy Skill (Hammer)   鑑定 - Analysis Skill (Magnifying Glass)   交渉 - Negotiation Skill (Hand-shake)   魔法 - Magic Skill (Lightning Bolt)   細工 - Labour Skill (Pliers)   採取 - Collection Skill (Bug Net)   追跡 - Pursuit Skill (Foot Prints) Region Create System ********************** Unlike the original Final Fantasy Tactics for the Sony Playstation, the land of Ivalice in FFT-A is completely malleable thanks to a "Region Create" system. This system is somewhat from the same vein as Legend of Mana's infamous "Artifact Placement" system. But thankfully; FFT-A's "Region Create" system is far simpler, and only really effects the outcome of "Treasure Hunts" which will spring up often. ============================================================================== 4)MENU TRANSLATIONS ============================================================================== M a i n M e n u ****************** はじめから  - Begin a new file. Beginning つづきから  - Load (ロード) a previously save file, or if you saved using the Continue "Interruption Save" method, Resume Battle (バトルを再開). カラーモード - Select 1 of 3 modes, either LCD A (液晶A) for GameBoy Advance, Colour Mode LCD B (液晶B) for GameBoy Advance SP, or TV (テレビ) for the GameCube "GameBoy Advance Player". W o r l d M a p M e n u *************************** Press start on the World Map to bring up this menu. 編成      - Go to the clan formation screen. Formation クラン     - Go to the Clan Menu, this option only opens up after you Clan have progressed a little in the game. 通信      - Establish a Link via a GameLink Cable, this option only opens Communication up after you read the Communication "rumour". 地名一覧    - Go to a List of all known areas, select an area to auto Area List navigate over to it. システム    - From this menu you can Save (セーブ) or Load (ロード) game System data, go to the Options (オプション) menu, or Return to the Title Screen (タイトルへ戻る). C l a n M e n u ****************** Select Clan (クラン) option on the World Map Menu, once it appears. クエストリスト    - View a list of currently active Quests. Quest List レポート       - View reports on completed Quests. Report クラン勢力図     - View a Map showing the territory of the Clans. Clan Influence Map クエストアイテム   - View obtained Quest Items. Do not select them, or you Quest Item will throw them away. ロウカード      - View your list of Law Cards. Law Card  サポートクラン    - "Bring up information on anyone you've done two player Support Clans scenarios with - their clan name, clan level when you last cooperated with them, number of wins/losses in cooperative and versus modes with that clan, and number of quests you've completed with that clan." - Elaine V. L i n k M e n u ****************** Select Communication (通信) option on the World Map Menu, once it appears. 共同戦線     - Fight in allied battles. Allied Front アイテム交換   - Trade items. Items Barter 人員トレード   - Trade units. Infantry Trade パブを出る    - Go back to the World Map. Leave Pub S y s t e m M e n u ********************** Press Start during battle to bring up this menu. アクティブターン  - View the "Active Turn" List. This shows the chronological Active Turn order in which all units will be given their turns. クエスト確認    - View information about the current quest. Quest Conditions ワールドロウ    - View the current "World Laws". World Law ロウカード     - View the current "World Laws", and use Law Cards to add Law Card and remove laws. オプション     - Go to the Options Menu. Option バトルから逃げる  - Run away from the current battle. Flee from Battle 中断セーブ     - Stop the battle, but you will be able to continue from Interruption Save exactly were you left off later. O p t i o n s M e n u ************************* Select Options (オプション) in the System Menu. カラーモード       - Select either; LCD A (液晶A) for GameBoy Advance, Colour Mode LCD B (液晶B) for GameBoy Advance SP or TV (テレビ) for play on the Game Cube "GBA Player". カーソル移動タイプ    - Either Type A (タイプA) or Type B (タイプB). It Cursor Move Type just changes the way the control pad is orientated to the isometric perspective. カーソルスピード     - Standard (普通), Slow (遅い) or Fast (速い). Cursor Speed メッセージ速度      - Messages appear either the Standard (通常) way or Message Speed in One Clump (一括). 攻撃名称表示       - Toggle the display of "Attack Names" On or Off. Show Attack Names 経験値取得表示      - Toggle the display of acquired EXP, On or Off. Show Received EXP ジャッジポイント取得表示 - Toggle the display of acquired JP, On or Off. Show Received JP Lボタン割り当て     - Choose what System Menu option the L Button brings L Button Assignment up in battle. 初期設定に戻す      - Select to restore the default options settings. Restore Initial Settings U n i t M e n u ****************** This menu appears once you select a unit when its "Active Turn" is up. いどう    - Move the selected unit to a space within the area restricted by Move its "Move" and "Jump" stats. アクション  - Go to the Action Menu, to select an action. Upon choosing an Action action, it will ask you whether to Execute (実行する) or Cancel (キャンセル) the action. たいき    - Disengage the selected unit to continue the flow of battle. Standby ステータズ  - View the current status of the selected unit. Status * Also once you use a Shape-Shifter's Metamorph abilities, you can change back by selecting Metamorph Cancel (めたもる解除). A c t i o n M e n u ********************** Select Action (アクション) in the Unit Menu. たたかう       - Attack an enemy unit with your equipped weapon. The Fight range of attack is dependant on the weapon. ????       - Use the ability of that unit's job. Job Ability ????       - Use that unit's equipped secondary ability. Secondary Ability 神獣         - Summon your tribe's Guardian, one of five omnipotent Divine Beast Divine Beasts. コンボ        - Use that unit's equipped "Combo Ability". Which will Combo result in various team attacks. F o r m a t i o n M e n u -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Select a unit on the Formation screen to bring up this menu. アイテム装備   - Equip items (read=equipment) onto your unit. Item Equip アビリティ変更  - Select abilities for your unit to use in battle. Ability Change ジョブチェンジ  - Change your unit's Job. Job Change クラン脱退    - Kick out that member of the clan. Leave Clan P u b M e n u **************** ウワサ話をぎく  - Read a list of Rumours which are currently circulating. Read Rumours クエストをうける - Purchase information about a Quest. Undertake Quest クエストの中止  - Stop any current Quests and make all units come back to the Interrupt Quest Clan Base. パブを出る    - Go back to the World Map. Leave Pub S h o p M e n u ****************** 購入     - Purchase items will your Gil. Buy 売却     - Sell some of your equipment for Gil. Sell 交易品    - Buy goods used for trading. Trade Goods 店を出る   - Go back to the World Map. Leave Shop P r i s o n M e n u ********************** 保釈       - Bail a unit from Prison, who received a Red Card in battle Bail and was consequently arrested. It's going cost you! 免罪       - Remove judgement Cards from a unit. You will have to pay a Acquit fine, and then the unit must serve some time in Prison for a defined number of days or Battles. プリズンを出る  - Go back to the World Map. Leave Prison M o n s t e r B a n k M e n u ********************************* リスト      - View Monster List, select Monsters to Care For (世話をする) List or Release (放す) them. ワールドへ戻る  - Go back to the World Map. Return to World C a r d K e e p e r M e n u ******************************* トレード   - Trade Law Cards with Ezel. Trade 話をする   - Speak with Ezel to gain information (usually related to cards). Chat 店を出る   - Go back to the World Map. Leave Shop ============================================================================== 5)LINK SUPPORT ============================================================================== Because of Nintendo's new-found obesession with connectivity, and a long tradition of Linked Play with GameBoy games (Tetris and Pokemon), it was pretty much a given that FFT-A would have some sort of Linked Play... but who would of guessed that this game unfortunately has NO SUPPORT whatsoever for Vs Battles. You simply cannot play against your friends at all... Are Square and Nintendo trying to support a message of "co-operation" to make the kiddies less violent against each other and more loving? Anyway, after reading the "Communication" Rumour in the Pub (which appears after completing the "Vanishing Essay" Quest) you will be able to do various cool things by linking your GameBoy Advance with FFT-A GamePak to a friend's GameBoy Advance with FFT-A GamePak via a GameBoy Advance Link Cable. You can co-operatively fight special battles with your friends (and get rare items from doing so) and trade equipment, Quest Items, Law Cards, and even members of your Clan (not Marche or Montblanc). Also, once Nono sets up his Trade Goods, every time you link with a friend he will restock! After playing a "Allied Front" engage with your friend, their Clan will be added to the Support Clan list in your Clan menu. It shows the Allied Front stats of the other Clan (wins and losses) and their overall Clan Level. Anyway, this is the menu as follows: Allied Front (共同戦線) Item Barter (アイテム交換) - Equipment (装備アイテム) - Quest Item (クエストアイテム) - Law Card (ロウカード) Infantry Trade (人員トレード) Leave Pub (パブを出る) Bartering carries a 5000 Gil transfer fee from both trading parties. Presumably this is to offset the advantages of having access to items and units that you probably don't have access to the current stage of your game. But 5000 Gil isn't that expensive, especially near the end of the game when you will be overflowing with cash. You also cannot give your friend something for nothing, you must trade. But you can just get them to swap your "gift" for something cheap like a Potion or Linen Cuirass. Allied Front (Linked Engages) come in three types. Cooperation, Competition, and Clear Bonus. In "Cooperation" engages, you and your friend will battle against four 'lackie' monsters and one 'Boss' monster. Whilst the lackies can be defeated without any help from your friend, the Boss can only be defeated by cooperating with your friend. Initially Player 1 (whoever has the purple end of the Link Cable) will be the only one able to damage the Boss. But after Player 1 attacks the Boss, the Boss's defence will shift and only Player 2 will be able to damage the Boss. Then after Player 2 attacks the Boss his defence will shift again, and then only Player 1 will be able to damage the boss. Rinse and repeat. After a successful "Battle Clear" you will both receive a Knight Sword called the Sequence. From then on, every time you clear a "Cooperative" engage or the "Royal Tournament" you will not get another Sequence, instead your one and only Sequence will have its Attack Power upgraded by 1. Which is a good thing, considering it starts off as one of the weakest Knight Swords. Strange Fairies (ふしぎな妖精) - 4x Sprites and a Titania (Fairy Pom) Hesitant Phantom (たゆたう幽魔) - 2x Sprite, 2x Couerl and a Vampire (DeLucia) Phantom Again (幽魔ふたたび) - 2x Vampire, 2x Titania, and a Master Tonberry Competition engages involve battling against seven monsters all of the same type. The player who brings back the most skins from hunting (kills the most monsters) will receive the prize, the Sapere Aude. Notice that 7 is an odd number, so it's unfortunately impossible to tie. Anyway, like the Sequence, you can only have one Sapere Aude. But because it's a Rod, upgrading it will increase its Magical Power by 1. Let's go hunting! Easy (狩りに行こう初級) - 7x Goblin Let's go hunting! Normal (狩に行こう中級) - 7x Red Panther Let's go hunting! Hard (狩に行こう上級) - 7x Tonberry Clear Bonus engages are obviously only accessible after Player 1 has beaten the game. These engages are against NPCs (Non-Playable Characters). They are normal everyday battles, but they are quite challenging. Also, since your enemies are "human" you can steal some rare items from them. For "Battle Clear" you will get an Acacia Hat. Which needless to say, you can only ever have one of. Upgrading it will raise its Weapon Defence by 1. Letter from Ezel (エゼルからの手紙) - Babus and Ezel. Letter from Ritz (リッツからの手紙) - Shara, Ritz and Llednar Letter from Cid (シドからの手紙) - Ritz, Shara, Babus, Ezel and Llednar ============================================================================== 6)FAQs ============================================================================== [ General Questions ] Q: Are you writing an English version FAQ/Strategy Guide for FFT-A? A: Personally, no. However, I did help GameSpot localise my guide, and it's available on their site in HTML and PDF formats, you need GameSpot Basic Membership or GameSpot Complete respectively to access them. www.gamespot.com/gba/strategy/finalfantasytacticsadvance/index.html Also, the veteran FAQ Writer, Devin Morgan, is writing a free guide for FFT-A based upon this very JP version FAQ/Strategy guide. He's re-writing all main sections (such as the Walkthrough), www.gamefaqs.com/features/recognition/3579.html - - - - - - - - - - Q: What is this "FFT-A Limited Edition Bundle" I keep hearing about? A: It was a special FFT-A/GameBoy Advance SP bundle sold exclusively by 7-Eleven (www.7dream.com) and Ito-Yokado Group Game Stores in Japan. The bundle cost 18300 yen (around $150 USD) and included: * A GameBoy Advance SP (Pearl White Edition) * A GameBoy Advance AC Adaptor * Final Fantasy Tactics Advance * A FFT-A Original Premium Strap * A FFT-A Original SP Carrying Pouch From all accounts, they were sold out within 5 hours of pre-orders opening on the 17th of January, 2003. Also, everyone who pre-ordered FFT-A received a Limited Edition "Premium Poster" of a Judge riding upon on a Chocobo, illustrated by Akihiko Yoshida. - - - - - - - - - - Q: I need a Translation Patch! BTW, I'm a complete fucking retard! A: Go away! Translation patches are completely moronic for games which are eventually going to be localised in English. Usually translations for such games are of a very poor quality, since those that do quality translations such as Aeon Genesis (agtp.romhack.net), DeJap (dejap.com), Neill Corlett (www.lfx.org/~corlett/) & Kitsune Sniper (vice.parodius.com) generally won't touch games that aren't "abandon-ware" with a 20 ft pole. However, there is a wonderful (perfectly legal) Translation Guide written by Elaine V. that you can find on www.GameFAQs.com. She has a FAR greater understanding of Japanese than I do, so she has done an excellent job! Thanks to my "Hoikuen" level Japanese grammar, most of the time I only _JUST_ understand what is happening in the dialogue :( - - - - - - - - - - Q: Can the Japanese version link with the English Version? A: Sadly.. no that won't recognise each other. Damn racist GamePaks ;) - - - - - - - - - - Q: Are there any good Japanese "Koryaku" sites for FFT-A that you know of? A: Yes, here are the best six: [Tactics Zenobia] www10.ocn.ne.jp/~zenobia/ [FFTA-Memo] www5d.biglobe.ne.jp/~mint-f/ffta/ [Labo 9333] www.geocities.co.jp/CollegeLife-Labo/9333/ [ZONE-FFTA] www.parkcity.ne.jp/~seri/game/ffta/ [FFTA Kobakan] www5a.biglobe.ne.jp/~kobakan/ffta-top.htm [Master FFT-A] www19.big.or.jp/~usb/zion/ffta/ - - - - - - - - - - Q: What's with the Divine Beasts? They seem somewhat familiar. A: They are all named after antagonists from previous Final Fantasy games. * Matias is the corrupt Emperor from Final Fantasy II. * Exodus is the evil tree mage from Final Fantasy V. However, he was previously called Exdeath (X-Death in the PlayStation release). * Ultima/Altima is the same Fallen Angel from Final Fantasy Tactics. * Famfreet is the Dark Cloud from Final Fantasy III, except she/he looks completely different. * Adrammelech is a Zodiac Beast from Final Fantasy Tactics, he was incorrectly translated as Adramelk in the English release. - - - - - - - - - - Q: You spelled defense, rumors, judgment, etc. wrong! A: Well, actually I didn't. I am Australian so I use the Queen's English, not simplified American English. Here is a link to a list of differences: www3.telus.net/linguisticsissues/BritishCanadianAmerican.htm - - - - - - - - - - [ Gameplay Questions ] Q: Why do my attacks always miss? A: You're probably disobeying the first law of tactics: "Thou shall not worry about honour, strike the back of foes". An attack from the back of an enemy unit is far more likely to be successful than an attack from the front, even attacking a unit from its sides will be likely to be more successful. - - - - - - - - - - Q: How do I get the "Steal Weapon" ability? A: Equip a "Sword Breaker" dagger onto a Thief. You can get Sword Breakers as a random reward for completing some high rank Quests, otherwise you can use Steal Ability to steal "Steal Weapon" from a enemy that knows it. - - - - - - - - - - Q: What's the fastest way to get "Steal Weapon"? I need it ASAP! A: Check out Nyst's wonderful "Stealing Guide" on GameFAQS.com. The section "How to get Steal Weapon ability EARLY!" goes into brilliant detail on how to get the Cinquedea early, so you can use Steal Ability to thieve Steal Weapon. - - - - - - - - - - Q: Why does the "General" keep giving me Yellow Cards? It's really annoying! A: First of all, he is not a General, he's a Judge. "General" refers to that he is a Standard Judge, not his military rank. Anyway, you got a Yellow Card because you broke the current world Law. Read the "Judgement System" paragraph in the GAMEPLAY OVERVIEW system for more information. - - - - - - - - - - Q: I'm finding it really hard to find the best equipment to equip my units with. Is there a way to view the effects of the equipment? And can you sort items? All my Items are mixed up and hard to locate. A: Yes and Yes. Press the L Button to view status changes; positive (blue) and negative (red). And Press the R Button to view the equipment's embedded abilities. To sort your items, open the World Map Menu, select Formation (編成), press start to open the Item List (アイテムリスト) Then you can sort each of the lists by going to them and then pressing start to Item Sort (アイテムソート). It will ask you if you want to do it, so select Yes (はい). - - - - - - - - - - Q: How do Law Cards work? A: The white cards with a pink crescent moon on them are "Law Cards", and can be used to add new World Laws in battle. The black cards with the yellow star on them are "Anti-Law Cards", and they can be used to remove/disable World Laws in battle. You can only carry a maximum of 12 cards. All cards use the name of the law they will add/remove, but there are a couple of special cards. R? Anti-Law (R?アンチロウ) Cards disable all Laws in battle which are the "Rank" of the card. So for instance, you can disable Fight Ban (たたかう禁止) with a R2 Anti-Law (R2アンチロウ) Card since Fight Ban has a "Rank" of 2. There also is a very rare card by the name of All-Mighty (オールマイティ) which disables all laws regardless of their "Rank", it is the only R7 card. And when trading, Ezel will display the Rate (レート)and Rank (ランク) of his cards. In order to swap for one of his cards, you must give him card(s) with Ranks which add up to the Rate of his card. - - - - - - - - - - Q: How do Combos work? Are they all the same, or are there some differences? A: If a unit is equipped with a Combo Ability, that unit can use their accumulated JP to perform an attack in which other units may join in. Extra attacks from other units can 'miss', but will increase the damage caused by the Combo substantially. The animation and range of a Combo is determined by the weapon equipped. But the accuracy, damage, elemental alignment and active range for nearby units to participate in a Combo is determined by the type of Combo they have equipped. - - - - - - - - - - Q: Are there any playable characters with unique Jobs? A: No, not in the Japanese version. However, there are "special" units that can join your Clan; they are generally very strong and are pre-equipped with really good abilities. - - - - - - - - - - Q: How many of the "special" units are there, and how can I get them? A: There are six in total. * Eldena (エルデナ) - Red Mage (Viera) Abilities: Barrier and Chain Magic Requirements: Use the Elda's Grail (エルダの聖杯) as a Quest Item. * Rene (リネ) - Moogle Knight (Moogle) Abilities: Guard and Ultima Charge Requirements: Use the Great Gaol's Song (英雄ガオルの歌) as a Quest Item * Cheney (チェイニー) - Hunter (Human) Abilities: Ultima Shot and Capture Requirements: Use the Snake-Eye Shield (蛇眼の飾り盾) as a Quest Item. * Palanza (パランザ) - Gladiator (Banga) Abilities: Blitz and Ultima Sword Requirements: Use the Ruby Dragon Eye (竜眼のルビー) as a Quest Item. * Quin (クィン) - Sage (N'Mou) Abilities: Giga Flare and Ultima Blow Requirements: Clear 063. Missing in a Cave? (洞窟で行方不明?) Quest. * Little Villi (リトルヴィリ) - Sniper (Viera) Abilities: Rapid-Fire and Magic Bullets Requirements: Clear 043. Clan League Final (クランリーグ決勝) Quest. - - - - - - - - - - Q: I keep failing Non-Battle Quests, it's really annoying! Any ideas? A: When you get to select the unit for the quest, the stance of your unit shows their compatibility to the quest. Kneeling (Critical) means they will most likely fail, Walking means they have an equal chance of failing or succeeding, and Jumping (Level Gaining) means they will probably clear the Quest. - - - - - - - - - - Q: I really want a unit of a certain Tribe to join my Clan. How do I do so? A: Units will randomly join your Clan after completing Quests. You will have a better chance of getting a unit of a certain Tribe in certain months. 王者の月 Month of Kings - Humans 猛者の月 Month of Stalwarts - Banga 賢者の月 Month of Wise Men - N'mou 狩人の月 Month of Hunters - Viera 才人の月 Month of Geniuses - Moogles Otherwise, special quests will pop up if you have less than five units in your clan, including Marche and Montblanc. These quests name end with Recruiting Kupo (募集クポ) and begin with the name of the race aligned with the current month. After completing this quest that lasts 5 days, a unit of the race named in the Quest will ask to join your clan. If Montblanc dies, Recruiting Kupo will be replaced with Welcome (ご紹介). - - - - - - - - - - Q: How do I learn Blue Magic? A: To learn Blue Magic you must have the Blue Mage's "Learning" (ラーニング) Support Ability equipped; you then must be attacked by compatible enemy attack and it must succeed. You don't need to be a Blue Mage to learn Blue Magic, you just have to have "Learning" equipped. You cannot learn Blue Magic from Doppelgangers and Blue Mages that are in your battle party. I recommend you have a Monster Tamer to "Control" the Monsters so you can get them to use the specific attacks on the "learner". Especially for attacks such as Mighty Guard, Dragon Force, White Wind and Angel's Whisper, which the enemy will never cast on your units. ゴブリンパンチ  Goblin Punch - Goblin (ゴブリン) マジックハンマー Magic Hammer - Red Cap (レッドキャップ) 溶解液      Solvent - All puddings (プリン) じばく      Self-Destruct - all bombs (ボム) マイティガード  Mighty Guard - Ice Drake (アイスドレイク) ガードオファ   Guard Offer - Fire Drake (ファイアドレイク) ドラゴンフォース Dragon Force - Thunder Drake (サンダドレイク) 夜        Night - Lamia (ラミア) ツイスター    Twister - Lillith (リリス) レベル3デフレス L3 Def.Less - All bugs (昆虫) マトラマジック  Matra Magic - Blade Keeper (ブレードキーパー) 毒爪       Poison Claw - Red Panther (レッドパンサー) ヘイストブレイク Haste Break - Coeurl (クアール) くさい息     Bad Breath - All marlboro (モルボル) にらみ      Glare - Float-Eyeball (フロータイボール) 死のルーレット  Death Roulette - Ahriman (アーリマン) ドレインタッチ  Drain Touch - Zombie (ゾンビ) レベル?Sフレア L? Shadow Flare - Vampire (ヴァンパイア) ホワイトウインド White Wind - Sprite (スプライト) 天使のささやき  Angel's Whisper - Titania (タイタニア) - - - - - - - - - - Q: I'm having trouble learning some Blue Magic. Specifically: Self Destruct, L3 Def.Less, Death Roulette and L? Shadow Flare. How can I learn these? A: Are you sure you have "Learning" equipped as your S-Ability? Anyway: Self Destruct (じばく) - You cannot Control a Bomb (ボム) or Grenade (グレネード) to use "Self-Destruct", otherwise you could kill them too easily with a Monster Tamer. The best strategy is to trap the bomb against a wall or between four units, then attack the bomb until it's critical. Keep your units alive and the bomb will eventually give up and 'splode! L3 Def.Less (レベル3デフレス) - In order for the Antlion (アントリオン) or Facehugger (フェイスハガー) to successfully use this attack, your unit must have a level that is a multiple of three. Death Roulette (死のルーレット) - You must survive this strange Ahriman (アーリマン) attack in order to learn it, but since it kills instantly, that's the problem. So, give your unit Reraise status (by equipping an Angel Ring or by having a White Mage cast it) and they will survive and learn it. Otherwise, if your unit is a Zombie, they will be healed by Death Roulette and therefore learn it. L? Shadow Flare (レベル?Sフレア) - In order for this attack to be cast on your unit, they must have a Level which shares the last digit with the Vampire (ヴァンパイア). So if the Vampire is say Level 21, your unit must be Level 1, 11, 21, 31 41, etc. - - - - - - - - - - Q: How does the Monster Bank work, and what does it do? A: The Monster Bank houses monsters caught using the Hunter's 'Capture' ability. In Monster Bank you can Care For (世話をする) monsters by feeding them items, or Release (放す) them back into the wild. The health and level of the Monsters in the Monster Bank effects the potency of the abilities mimicked by the Doppelganger. By feeding the monsters lots of Remedies and Phoenix Downs, the monsters will eventually like Marche, they will show this by saying (大好きっ) which means "I wuv you!". Generally you can't go wrong with Phoenix Downs, Remedies, and Elixirs. But monsters do have their dislikes, the most prominent being the Marlboros' hate of Remedies. Anyway, if they love Marche from feeding them, they will also love your clan, so Doppelgangers in your clan will do more damage. Here is a list of monsters you can capture and their abilities that Doppelgangers can mimic See the Monster List for more information: Goblin - Goblin Punch Red Cap - Magic Hammer and Mutilate Red Marshmallow - Fusion, Fire, Fira and Firaga Ice Pudding - Fusion, Blizzard, Blizzara and Blizzaga Yellow Jelly - Fusion, Thunder, Thundera and Thundaga Bomb - Self-Destruct and Flame Attack Grenade - Self-Destruct and Spark Ice Drake - Mighy Guard and Ice Breath Fire Drake - Guard Offer and Fire Breath Thunder Drake - Dragon Force and Thunder Breath Lamia - Night. Slap and Poison Frog Lillith - Twister, Frog Song and Eternal Kiss Antlion - L3 Def.Less and Sand Storm Face Hugger - L3 Def.Less, L5 Death and Suffocate Red Panther - Poison Claw and Bite Off Coeurl - Haste Break and Blaster Marlboro - Bad Breath and NetoNeto Juice Marlboro Great - Bad Breath and Odd Sound Wave Float-Eyeball - Glare and Devil's Glance Ahriman - Death Roulette and Circle - - - - - - - - - - Q: The Soldier A-Ability "Detect" and the Moogle Knight A-Ability "Check" don't seem to do anything at all. What is their use? A: "Detect" and "Check" uncover hidden weapons that the target will equip if their current weapon is broken or stolen. It's really only useful to use this on enemies with Item as secondary or Alchemists. Since they are the only ones that can draw weapons. - - - - - - - - - - Q: I've reached the maximum amount of Quest Items that can be held in my inventory (32 Quest Items). And the game wants me to throw some out. What should I throw out? I don't want to stuff up my game! A: The following items are disposable because the Quests they are acquired from will reappear indefinitely: Adamantite Ancient Medal Attack Trophy Chocobo Egg Chocobo Bread Chocobo Gratin Chocobo Pelt Cyril Ice Dambooka Timber Dried Meat Entry Prize Gecko Timber Gysahl Greens Helge Key Lee's Stone Magical Cotton Magical Parchment Magical Cloth Magic Trophy Materia Crystal Mythril Silver Panther Fur Rabbit's Tail Sefer of Power Sefer of Wisdom Sigil of Earth Sigil of Fire Sigil of Water Sigil of Wind Spirit Stone Telaquo Flower World Encyclopedia Zodiac Ore But if you really run out of space. There are also a lot of items that are not required for Quests that are safe to throw out. But note that all Quest Items have _some_ use, even if it's hidden. - - - - - - - - - - Q: I can't find the Rare Items need to clear the "My Goal" (私の目的) rare quest. How do I get the Rare Quests they are rewarded from to appear? A: In any given FFT-A game only two Rare Quests will appear throughout your whole play-through. 1 of 3 Rare Quests; "Hero of Yore" (太古の英雄), "Sparkling Lake" (かがやく湖) or "Legendary Sauce" (伝説のソース), and the "My Goal" (私の目的) Quest. The two required items needed for "My Goal" are dependent on which of the three Rare Quests you got; like so: Hero of Yore = Golden Bowl and El Degusto Sparkling Lake = El Degusto and Vermilion Legendary Sauce = Vermilion and Golden Bowl So basically, in order to clear "My Goal" you will have to swap goods with two people that got different Rare Quests to you. If all three Rare Quests appear in your game, "My Goal" will never appear. Since you already got heaps of Gil and Clan Points from clearing those three. - - - - - - - - - - Q: What items do I receive for leveling up my Clan's Skill Levels? A: A lot of really rare ones, here is a list. Read the "Gameplay Overview" section for the translation of the Skill Levels. Item(s) Received | Skill Level --------------------+--------------------------- Holy Water x5 | Combat L3 Hi-Potion x10 | Analysis L3 Blood Sword | Combat L5 Hard Breaker | Metallurgy L5 White Robe | Magic L5 Scarab Charm | Labour L5 Phoenix Down x5 | Collection L5 Yoichi's Bow | Pursuit L5 X-Potion x10 | Analysis L7 Reflect Mail | All L7 Restore Edge | Combat L10 Adazakura | Metallurgy L10 Cross Helm | Negotiation L10 Staff of Holy Water | Magic L10 Ruby Earrings | Labour L10 Remedy x5 | Collection L10 Thief Hat | Pursuit L10 Ark Edge | Combat & Magic L10 Thief Glove | Analysis L12 Venus Blade | Combat L15 el-Rashid Sword | Metallurgy L15 Gaiat Gun | Analysis L15 Diamond Helm | Negotiation L15 Black Robe | Magic L15 Healing Bell | Labour L15 Ether x5 | Collection L15 Hades' Bow | Pursuit L15 Dragon Mail | All L15 Lance of Kain | Combat L20 Nosada | Metallurgy L20 Aegis Shield | Analysis L20 Colichemarde | Negotiation L20 Angel Ring | Labour L20 White Fang | Collection L20 Shinobi Garb | Pursuit L20 Excalibur | Combat & Magic L20 Trident | Combat L25 Long Barrel | Analysis L25 Orichalchum | Negotiation L25 Thor Rod | Magic L25 12 Bloody Strings | Labour L25 Tiger Fang | Collection L25 Vajra | Metallurgy L30 Cinquedea | Negotiation L30 Stardust Rod | Magic L30 Bone Gauntlet | Analysis L30 Katyusha | Labour L30 Wygar | Pursuit L30 Maximillian | All L30 Barette | Labour L35 Manganese | Collection L35 Eclipse | Metallurgy L40 La Serafica | Analysis L40 Madu | Negotiation L40 Cactus Sack | Magic L40 Gresburst | Collection L40 Max's Magic Bow | Pursuit L40 Sage Robe | Magic L45 Gauis Caliga | Labour L45 Style Bit | Pursuit L45 Zanmatou | Metallurgy L50 Dream Aid | Magic L50 Ribbon | Labour L50 - - - - - - - - - - Q: Is there a way to dupe items like in Final Fantasy Tactics (PSX)? A: Yes. The most excellent Rei Kagetsuki discovered a way. Here it is: I have discovered an easy way to dupe items (and tested it). All you need to do is have two people able to trade/communicate, at lest one of which being able to use both save slots. I'll explain how to do it in a list for readability: I. You have two GameBoys, lets call them A and B, with save slots 1 and 2. If you want to dupe an item from GameBoy A, simply save in both slots so they both are at the same state. For clarity lets say you saved in slot 1 and then in 2, so you are now working out of slot 2 on GameBoy A. II. Make sure both parties have $5000 on hand, then open up the trade menu, send the duped item over and receive an item of the same type (doesn't apply for Quest Items which are one way type indicating). So if you are trading say a Nosada, you would need to trade for another weapon, instead of say a Potion. Know that this other item will be lost later, so just buy a cheap weapon at a shop beforehand or something). III. Now that you have executed the trade, GameBoy B will now have a copy of the original weapon, say in this case the Nosada from GameBoy A, and GameBoy A will have slot 2 updated so there is no Nosada. Now, simply reset GameBoy A, load from slot 1, save over slot 2 so you are now working out of that (most recent save gets updated) and bam, you have an extra Nosada floating around. To get it back you just trade, preferably using the same method in reverse so GameBoy B has a copy and GameBoy A has 2, but that is dependent upon Gameboy B having 2 slots useable, which should be the case unless you are running two concurrent games, which would be silly. So there it is. It's a little more "fiddley" then the one used for Final Fantasy Tactics for PlayStation. But beggars can't be choosers! Whilst doing this trick, you can take advantage of Nono's trade goods, which will restock every time you trade. Using the copy of your save in the other slot (which you are going to save over anyway). Buy all the Trade Items you can from the shop, and then send all the good ones over at $5000 a pop. That way, you weed out all the crap items and pay a fixed price of $5000 for them. - - - - - - - - - - ============================================================================== 7)STRATEGY WALKTHROUGH ============================================================================== After splitting into teams (no one wants to be on Mewt's side) you will get to name Marche. Just press start to keep his default name. Otherwise, press the B Button to erase letters, and the A Button to select letters. Press the L or R Buttons to scroll through the character types. You can write using Hiragana (がな), Katakana (カナ), English letters (英字), and even Numbers & Symbols (数字記号). After entering the name, it will ask you if you're sure, select Yes (はい). The first tutorial battle will then begin. The victory conditions are to "Win the Snowball fight! (雪玉戦で勝とう!)". You can only Throw Snowballs (雪玉を投げる). The others Team will pick on Mewt. After Ritz throws her second snowball the battle will end in a scuffle over them picking on Mewt. After the fight, Mewt will tell them about a book he has found. The trio will then head home. On the way they find Mewt's no-good drunken bum of a father, Cid, hanging outside of a Cafe. Apparently he's been softening the blow of his wife's death with booze. Marche will then go home, and will tell his crippled brother, Doned, about the snowball fight. The others will then come in and introduce themselves to Doned. The four of them sit down in front of Mewt's book, break the seal and then read it. That night, St. Ivalice transforms into the magical realm of Ivalice. After waking up in Ivalice, Marche bumps into a Banga and says "li.. lizard people?" in surprise. The Banga are somewhat offended by being called "lizard people". Thankfully, a friendly Moogle called Montblanc comes to Marche's rescue. But the Banga still insists on a duel, and a Judge appears from nowhere to enforce the World Laws. Lizard People!? (トカゲ人間!?) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To win you must "Defeat all enemies!" (ひとり残らずたおせ!). This battle is very easy, just keep on attacking Rune since he has the least amount of HP. After getting him down, you will get (JP) a Judge Point. Once you gain enough you will be able to do Combo attacks. Now attack the other Banga until he is defeated. Battle Clear! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Rune uses a Potion because he is weak. However, there is a ban on using Items so the judge sends him to jail! Montblanc will now take you to his Clan, and will make Marche a Clan Member. You will get to name the clan if you wish, but the default is the Nuts Clan (ナッツクラン), which is a strange name for a clan... Apart from Marche and Montblac, there are also four other units in your clan: Emmett (エメット), a human (Soldier); Moni (モーニ), a Banga (White Monk); McEnroe (マッケンロー), a N'Mou (White Mage); and Caroline (カロリーヌ), a Viera (Archer). You will now get to place Mountain Town Sprohm (山岳都市スプロム) on the map, which is the place where Rune was sent. You begin in the Hometown Cyril (始まりの街シリル), it has a Pub (パブ), a Shop (ショップ), and a Monster Bank (モンスイターバンク). Sprohm doesn't have a Monster Bank, but it does have a Prison (プリズン); which is where your units will be sent if they get a Red Card from a Judge. At the moment there is only one quest to choose from at the Pub, which costs 300 gil. The purpose of the quest is to retrieve medical herbs from Geeza Prairie, and you get paid 600 gil for doing it. So choose the quest, go through all the pages, and then select "That's OK!" (これでOK). Head to Geeza Prairie (ギーザ平原) and engage in battle. Herb Pick (薬草とり) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Place all of your units on the battlefield and then press start. The victory conditions are to "Defeat all enemies!" (ひとり残らずたおせ!). You're up against three Goblins, a Red Cap and a Sprite. Focus on the Goblins and the Red Cap first, the Sprite has high evade but it won't cause much damage. If anyone's HP gets low use Potions. The N'Mou in your Clan should be a White Mage, so he can also cast Cure. Once all the monsters have been defeated, Montblanc and Marche will get the herbs. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You will now have to place Lutechia Ridge (ルテチア峠) on the World Map. If you place it near an already existing area, you will probably unlock a Treasure Hunt (トレジャーハント). So place it down then head back to Cyril. Current Sub-Quests ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 火災発生     - Fire Outbreak - 038 決闘代理?    - Duel Substitute? - 115 雪山につれてって - Snowy Mountain Excursion - 044 NOTE: The "current sub-quests" listed before every story battle chapter are not the definite sub-quests available to you at that time. However, they are the probable sub-quests available to you at that stage. There are now four quests to be completed, the first one will continue the story line, the rest are basically sub-quests. Complete the "sub-quests" before tackling the "Vanishing Essay" Quest. If you're lucky, mores units will want to join your Clan after completing some of the quests. Once you're ready, purchase the "Vanishing Essay" (消えた論文) Quest information and head over to Lutechia Ridge (ルテチア峠). Vanishing Essay (消えた論文) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ It appears a rival Clan has stolen Dr. Darylea's Essay. The rival clan consists of two Soldiers, two Thieves, a Archer and a White Mage. The victory conditions are to "Defeat all enemies!" (ひとり残らずたおせ!). Take out the White Mage before he can cast Protect and Cure on the other rival Clan members. He is pretty high up though, so you should probably try to get him with Montblanc's Black Magic. You should definitely have a White Mage in your team to Cure the injured, I recommend you fill the rest of your party up with strong attackers like Soldiers and Warriors. Just try to converge on the enemy Clan and attack them with full force. The battle will be over in no time... hopefully. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ After finishing the battle, Marche and Montblanc will retrieve the essay. You get 4000 Gil and a Random Item for your effort. A new option will open up in the menu, Clan (クラン). This is basically where the game really begins. Anyway, it's time to place another area on the world map, the Forest of Nubice (ヌーベスの森). Place it near other areas and hopefully they will shake to indicate Treasure Hunts. Now head back to Cyril, the publican will speak of rival clans. If you encounter them on the world map, you will engage in a battle. The Quest List will now be incredibly long! Current Sub-Quests ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ グリーンウッド  - Green Wood - 003 ギーザ平原    - Geeza Prairie - 240 おたずね者を追え - Wanted Search - 027 世界最後の日   - End of the World - 143 おたずね者を追え - Wanted Search (900) - 025 雪山の魔法使い  - Wizard of the Snowcaps - 045 恋愛乙女模様   - Lover's Pattern - 199 教授の受難    - Professor's Suffering - 046 天への柱     - Pillar to the Heavens - 201 ドロボウをさがせ - Search for the Burglar - 068 シリル剣術大会  - Cyril Fencing Tournament - 264 To continue the storyline, purchase the Green Wood (グリーンウッド) Quest information for 1200 Gil and head for the Forest of Nubice (ヌーベスの森). Green Wood (グリーンウッド) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This Quest involves searching for a group of wanted crooks, called the "Eagreats". On arrival you will find Ritz and her companion Shara confronting the crooks, Marche and Ritz will then join forces. So choose three more units to complete your party; I would recommend Black Mages and White Mages. To clear the Quest you must "Defeat all enemies!" (ひとり残らずたおせ!). You're up against a very diverse group of enemies; there is a Thief, an Archer, a Duelist, a White Monk and a Black Mage, who are all on the opposite side of a small river. Note that if you stand in the river you won't be able to use any actions from it. I find that the White Monk is actually the biggest threat in this battle, as it will use Kuhazan on you, which is a ranged attack that causes a decent amount of damage. Anyway, attack them like crazy and pray that Shara inflicts "Don't Move" and "Don't Act" with her Aim skills, as they will help _A LOT_. Once you defeat the Eagreats, Ritz will explain that she thinks that St. Ivalice has been transformed, and that unlike Marche she doesn't wish to leave. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You get another area to place on the World Map, Illute Desert (イルート砂漠). Place it on the World Map then head back to Cyril. Marche is disillusioned with Ritz and so he talks with Montblanc who consoles him. Current Sub-Quests ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 砂漠の隠れ里  - Isolated Desert Village - 037 みつめていたい - I'm Watching You - 113 テミルの白い花 - Temir's White Flower - 055 世紀の実験   - Experiment of the Century - 167 史上最大の作戦 - Greatest Ever Strategy - 210 Like always, do as many of the sub-quests as possible to increase the levels of all your units. Once you're satisfied with everything, buy the Beasts of the Desert (砂漠の野獣) information and head to Illute Desert. Beasts of the Desert (砂漠の野獣) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Your mission is to eradicate monsters which have mysteriously become highly aggressive. You have to "Defeat all enemies!" (ひとり残らずたおせ!)! The Coeurl is probably the strongest monster of the bunch and seems to be the leader; if you place a Black Mage near the ledge it is on, you should be able to damage him a lot before he can even climb down to you. The Antlion is painful, but easily attacked. Use Blizzard or Fire on the Yellow Jelly, since physical attacks won't deal much damage, and Thunder will actually heal it. The two Red Panthers are strong, but they are nothing compared to the rest. Make sure you bring at least one strong unit, such as a Duelist. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ After the fight, Montblanc will talk about how he believes in the theory of Crystals, which apparently are filled with magical power that could be causing the beast to become aggressive. You will get Yulay River (ユレー川) to place on the map. The next story battle is a big one, make sure you at least have a strong White Monk and Archer. Current Sub-Quests ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ルテレチア峠   - Lutechia Ridge - 241 続みつめていたい - I'm Watching You Cont. - 050 指輪おとしました - Dropped Ring - 049 チョコブリーダー - Choco Breeder - 200 クランとりしまり - Clan Management - 101 彩なす大地    - Earth Paints - 139 挑戦状      - Written Challenge - 112 ゴブリン集落地 - Underground Goblin Village - 145 悲しき能力者   - Saddened ESPer - 152 きらめく人へ   - For the Star - 213 Distorted River (ゆがむ川) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Upon reaching the river, black light will engulf Marche and he will reappear in a strange temple-like room. Inside the room is a crystal, which speaks to Marche and says something to the effect "Whomever approached the node of light. What is your name?". A huge robot-like monster will then emerge from the crystal and will tell Marche that it's the Divine Beast Famfreet. After indicating its wishes to kill the "intruder", it will summon two Ahriman and two Float-Eyeballs and an "engage" will begin. This battles' victory conditions are to "Defeat the Boss Unit!" (ボスユニットをたおせ!) to clear this battle, but I wouldn't suggest that you only focus on Famfreet. One of the Ahriman will tend to hide in the corner and constantly use "Death Roulette", an attack which will randomly "KO" one unit on the battlefield; make sure you take out that Ahriman as soon as possible. Attacking Famfreet directly is a very bad idea since he has "Counter" and is very strong. That's why it would be a good idea to bring a White Monk with "Kuhazan" or a strong Archer to attack him indirectly, or to bring a Warrior with "Lightning Quick" which bypasses Reaction abilities. Famfreet himself has a whole variety of strong attacks, including "Graviga" which will halve any targets HP, and "Unparalleled Supremacy" which will cause massive damage to multiple units. Thankfully he is very slow, so he won't get turns very often. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The crystal will shatter and Mewt will appear as an apparition. It seems that in this world; Mewt is a Prince, his father is sober, and his mother is alive and well... and is the Queen of Ivalice. The screen will then fade back to Marche who will speak about his quest to shatter all of the crystals in order to destroy all of the nodes of light which are retaining this new world. The game will tell you that Moogles have gained a new battle command, "Divine Beast" (神獣). You will also get a new area "symbol" to place on the map, it's the Desert Capital Cadoan (砂漠の都カドアン). More sub-quests are now available: Current Sub-Quests ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ オアシスのカエル - Frog Oasis - 062 モデルはアナタ! - You're a Model - 148 うばわれた記憶  - Stolen Memories - 164 凍えるいずみ   - Frozen Spring - 172 呪い人形の怪   - Mystery of the Voodoo Doll - 266 Head over to Cadoan, it seems that the Queen has decided to intensify the "Laws" on Mewt's advice; but there are rumours of someone called Ezel Berbeir who can use "Anti-Law" to cancel the Laws. Anyway, the World Laws have now changed, and there are now two activated at any given time. Head away from Cadoan and then come back, you will "engage" in battle. Anti-Law (アンチロウ) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A group has cornered the "Genius" Ezel and is attempting to capture him. You must "Defeat all enemies!" (ひとり残らずたおせ!) and save him! This battle is really easy thanks to Ezel's "Azoth" skill which inflicts Sleep on all units. You're up against a Illusionist, a Gladiator, a Duelist, a Guardian Knight, a Ninja, and a Hunter. I would suggest you take out the Duelist pretty quickly before he decimates your units with "Kuhazan", and the Illusionist before she can slowly kill your units with "Tempest". ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ After the battle, Judge Master Cid and his brigade will come to arrest Ezel for using Anti-Law. Cid will attempt to send Ezel to jail, but Ezel will counteract with an Anti-Law card; teleporting them to safety. After the battle you will get to place the Icen Plains (アイセン平原) symbol on the world map. Now in Cadoan you can visit the Card Keeper (カードキーパー), Ezel Berbeir to trade cards with him. Current Sub-Quests ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ヌーベスの森   - Forest of Nubice - 242 修道院の幽霊   - Ghost of the Abbey - 123 うちの子英才教育 - My Child's Tutoring - 150 オバケの効用   - The Benefit of Ghouls - 175 出でおいで    - Come, come here - 267 After completing a couple of Side-Quests, buy the "Crystal Rain" Quest and head for Icen Plains. Crystal Rain (水晶の雨) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ It's raining and there is a bunch of blood thirsty monsters waiting to eat you... to win you must "Defeat all enemies!" (ひとり残らずたおせ!). The monsters consist of two Ice Drakes, an Ice Pudding, a Bomb and a Lamia. All of the monsters are pretty powerful, but thankfully most of them have elemental weaknesses. The Bomb is weak against Ice magic, and the Ice Pudding is weak against fire magic. So bring a Black Mage or a Gladiator and hit them hard with elemental attacks. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ After Marche makes some discoveries about the Crystal Rain, you will get to place the symbol for Rohda Volcano (ローダ火山) on the world map. Current Sub-Quests ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ イルート砂漠   - Illute Desert - 243 至高のレシピ   - Supreme Recipe - 047 運動会の華    - Athletic Meet's Splendor - 122 堕ちた名誉    - Fall of Honor - 155 キャラバン護衛  - Caravan Escort - 168 謎の方程式    - Math Problem - 208 勇気のある証言者 - Courage of a Witness - 209 Once you've built up your Clan by completing lots of Side-Quests, buy the information for "Waking Mountain" and head for Rohda Volcano. Waking Mountain (目ざめる山) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ As Marche arrives at the volcano, the ground begins to shake and he once again is swept in black light to another realm. Marche is surprised to find butterflies everywhere, but his interest is soon diverted by a Divine Beast appearing as the form of many little crystals. The victory conditions for this quest are to "Break all objects!" (ひとつ残らずこわせ!). You can only bring three other troops into battle, so choose wisely. A Illusionist can make light work of Ultima's Crystals by hammering them constantly with "Tempest" or "Prominence". Otherwise, bring units which use ranged attacks and keep your distance while breaking the crystals one by one. The crystals are pretty weak on their own, but they have an attack called "Soul Speak" which will inflict your units with the Charm status abnormality, meaning your units will turn on each other. You can either make sure sure Charm Ban is one of the World Laws before entering battle, or you can equip items that cancel Charm such as the Katyusha, Ribbon, Oblige, Satyros' Horn and Ruby Earrings. Or... you could simply attack a unit to cure them from Charm, just make sure you use your weakest unit to bring them back to their senses. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The crystal will shatter and Mewt will reappear again, joyous that his mother was once dead and now she is alive. Marche will then reappear back at the volcano and will take time to absorb what he has learned. The N'Mou can now use the Divine Beast command to summon the Fallen Angel Ultima. Anyway, place the Coling Greenwood (コリング緑林) symbol on the World Map. As always, do some side-quests to level up your units, then attempt the story battle. Current Sub-Quests ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ユレー川   - Yulay River - 244 救援要請   - Rescue Call - 048 衝撃の朝   - Morning Shock - 151 笑いの高みへ - Raising Laughter - 170 魔法の布屋  - Magical Cloth Shop - 216 アルバ洞   - Alba Cave - 269 Magic of the Secret Forest (魔力を秘めた森) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A clan is going to chop down a tree and Marche and co. are going to stop them. You must "Defeat all enemies!" (ひとり残らずたおせ!) for a victory. It's quite a big rival clan (two Thieves, an Archer, a Black Mage, a Time Mage, a Sniper and a Summoner), yet you can only deploy five troops (inc. Marche) which makes things a tad hard. Anyway, because this is a large area; try hiding a Illusionist in the corner and constantly barrage your enemy with illusions. The biggest threat to your units is the Summoner, who can deal a LOT of damage to almost your whole party with her Summon Magic. You can counteract that by spreading everyone out so she can only attack one person at a time, and by bringing a strong Archer-type unit to take her out as soon as possible. Reaction abilities such as "Arrow Evade" and "Arrow Return" will be very helpful against the Archer and Sniper, and a Dragon Knight with Jump or a White Monk with Kuhazan/Hadogeki can make light work of the Time Mage and Black Mage. All in all this should be a fairly challenging battle. Take note that the Thief equipped with a Zorlin Shape also has a hidden Cinquedea, use Detect or Check to locate it. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ After the rangers take the bandits away, you will get to place a symbol for Sarika Forest (サリカ樹林) on the world map. Current Sub-Quests ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ アイセン平原   - Icen Plains - 245 カドアン治安維持 - Retaining Cadoan Order - 074 形見をとりかえせ - Memento Recovery - 140 恐るべき子たち  - Dreadful Children - 162 脱走した少年   - The Runaway Boy - 166 猛き翼      - Wild Wing - 173 カルロスの誕生日 - Carlos' Birthday - 211 旅芸人の居場所  - Gypsy's whereabouts - 270 Emerald Fort (エメラルドの砦) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The fort initially seems deserted, but some guards will suddenly come out of nowhere. The leader will introduce itself as Babus, Price Mewt's loyal Mage. You must "Defeat the Boss Unit!" (ボスユニットをたおせ!) to win. So bring units which are fast (like Ninjas) or units that can attack from a distance such as White Monks, Hunters, etc. and have them focus on killing Babus, it shouldn't be too hard. Although, Babus is a Rune Seeker, and can use annoying attacks such as "Stillness" which causes Stop, and "Gravity" which brings your HP down by 1/4. He is wearing a semi-rare Mirage Vest which you may like to steal. Babus is also guarded by two Palace Knights, a Bishop, an Alchemist (who has a hidden Cactus Sack) and a Gunner, but they are so far away that you should have Babus defeated before they can even get close enough to attack you. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You will now get Nargae Grotto (ナルガエ洞穴) to place on the World Map. There is another huge battle coming up, so level up your clan a lot before going into the next story Battle. Current Sub-Quests ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ローダ火山  - Rohda Volcano - 246 古金貨の真実 - Truth of the Old Coin - 114 沿岸警備隊出動! - Onward, Coast Guards! - 124 みんなご近所!  - All the Neighbourhood! - 154 究極の野望    - Final Aspirations - 169 Gathering Place of Souls (魂の集まる場所) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Marche sees a disembodied soul in the grotto and follows it over to another black flash of light. The Divine Beast Adrammelech emerges from the crystal and swallows the soul. It's time for one hell of a battle... you must "Defeat the Boss Unit!" (ボスユニットをたおせ!) to win this Quest. Adrammelech is exceedingly strong, and to make matters worse he has three dragon lackeys; an Ice Drake, a Fire Drake and a Thunder Drake. If you are not strong enough... this battle will be a massacre. Equiping your units with items that nullify or absorb fire like Kagun Robes or Flame Shields can make this battle much easier, the Fire Drake won't be able to attack as much with Fire Breath and Adrammelech wont use his devastating "Red Hot Smash" attack, which can hit multiple targets in a straight line. Instead Adrammelech will be forced to use weaker attacks. Dragon Knights are probably one of the best Jobs to use in this battle; with Jump you can attack from a distance, with Dragon Killer you can deal twice as much damage to the Drakes, and with "Banga Breath" you can hit multiple enemies with strong damage. A Summoner and/or Sage is also a good idea, since those Jobs have skill-sets with both attack and recovery magic. If you bring a Monster Tamer that has an Earth Bell, you can try to control the Drakes and make them attack each other. That strategy works really well! Anyway, your main battle plan should be to split your party into two. Have one group draw Adrammelech away from the Drakes, and then have them attack him aggressively whilst the other group keeps the Drakes "busy". After a long arduous fight, you hopefully will be victorious! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ After warping back to the grotto, Marche will speak with Babus and Mewt will interrupt them as an apparition. Banga will now be able to summon Adrammelech with the "Divine Beast" command, and you will get to place the symbol for Trade Port Vakuba (貿易港バクーバ) on to the world map. Head to Vakuba and Montblanc will meet up with his younger brother, Nono. Some bastards did a hit'n'run on his airship, rammed into it and then fleed. Also, apparently Engages take place in areas called Jagds without any Judges or Law, the catch being anyone KO'd in battle at the battles conclusion actually dies... you will then get to place Jagd Doloosa (ヤクトドルーサ) on to the world map. Beware, you will automatically "Engage" in a deadly battle if you head to Doloosa. It would be a good idea to level up from Sub-Quests before attempting the battle at the Jagd. Current Sub-Quests ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ コリング緑林   - Coling Greenwood - 247 ゴご配達します  - Delivery - 111 クルセイド合金  - Crusade Alloy - 133 ココロの眼    - Mind's Eye - 160 憤怒の河     - Raging River - 215 あの声をもう1度 - That Voice Once Again - 271 教会のワナ    - Church's Trap - 287 私の目的     - My Goal - Rare Jagd Detective Story (ヤクト捕り物帖) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You have to "Defeat all enemies!" (ひとり残らずたおせ!) to win this quest. The rival clan consists of a Ninja, a Blue Mage, a Hunter, an Assassin, a Blade Keeper and an Antlion. Anyone who has played the original FFT would know how dangerous an Assassin is, so focus on killing her first before she decimates your clan with "Breath Stop". Because of the "Sudden Death" aspects of this battle, it would probably be a good idea to have a couple of ways of reviving your units; Phoenix Down, the White Monk's Revive ability, the White Mage's Raise spell, and the Sages' Maraise all will be very helpful. Be aware that the Blade Keeper is very resistant against physical attacks, so make sure you have at least one unit with offensive magic to kill it. The Blue Mage will have an annoying habit of constantly using "Night" and putting everyone to sleep. You can counteract this by equipping a Summoner with a Protect Ring which cancels Sleep status, then have the Summoner use Unicorn to wake up multiple units in one turn. There's a lot of good equipment to steal, the Ninja is wearing a Dark Outfit and the Assassin a Wygar, both rare clothes. But the Blue Mage is equipped with a Mirage Vest, and the only "stealable" Tulwar in the entire game. To steal it from him, steal his Harpe, and then wait for him to draw out his Tulwar. Anyway, just make sure you revive any KO'd units before slaying the last enemy, otherwise they will be gone for good. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ After placing the Cudix Mountains (クディクス山岳) symbol on the world map, head back to Vakuba to meet up with Nono again. Now he has a working Airship, you can now buy trade goods from the him at the shops. After you purchase the next story quest, run into the blue "Ox Clan" to engage in battle. But make sure you do a couple of sub-quests prior, to accumulate AP, EXP and items. Current Sub-Quests ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ サリカ樹林    - Sarika Forest - 248 山の獣      - Beasts of the Mountain - 052 密猟者たち    - Poachers - 108 ミシディア合金  - Mysidia Alloy - 132 ゆめは見ない   - Dreamless - 156 春の修羅     - Bloodshed of Spring - 272 Bounty (賞金かせぎ) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ There is a bounty on your head, and this clan wants it. The victory conditions are to "Defeat all enemies!" (ひとり残らずたおせ!). The leader of the Ox Clan is a Paladin, and he is supported by a Duelist, a Red Mage, a Sage, a Time Mage and a Black Mage. Kill the Paladin first, since he is capable of bringing defeated units back to life with 'Raise'. Although, the Duelist is probably the most painful enemy unit, since he has strong attacks and is equipped with the 'Hamedoru' reaction ability; which means he will usually attack you before you can attack him. You can get past this by attacking from a distance, or by using the Warrior's 'Lightning Quick' ability which bypasses reaction abilities. To avoid the onslaught of magic from the four magic users, bring a Time Mage and have them cast Reflect on all of your units. Overall this should be a fairly easy battle. Watch out for the Black Mage's Return Magic when casting, as you don't want to get hit back with the own spell you cast. Note that the Red Mage not only is equipped with a semi-rare Rubber Conscious, but she has a hidden Gupti Aga as well. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You will now be given the symbol for Jelawat Desert (ジェラワット砂漠) to be placed on the world map. Do some Sub-Quests before the next story battle. Current Sub-Quests ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ナルガエ洞穴   - Nargae Grotto - 249 あて逃げ再び   - Hit'n'Run Again - 061 雪の妖精     - Snow Fairy - 109 アダマン合金   - Adaman Alloy - 131 クー大脱走    - Coo's Great Escape - 157 言の葉      - Literary Word - 178 綿花を守れ!   - Cotton Protection! - 217 パパたいへん   - Hopeless Papa - 218 Hourglass of Gold (黄金の砂時計) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ It seems Shara and Ritz are looking for the same thing you are... but a rival clan comes out from nowhere, so it's time for another "team up". Like most of the other battles, you must "Defeat all enemies!" (ひとり残らずたおせ!) in order to win. It's only a small rival clan, being only an Alchemist, a Gadgeteer, a Juggler and a Time Mage. Your units will probably get bogged down pretty quickly in status abnormalities inflicted by the Juggler and Alchemist, so bring lots of Remedies and someone that knows Esuna or Unicorn to cure anyone that gets a status abnormality sick. If you keep Shara and Ritz healthy they will take out the four enemies very easily, Ritz will inflict Don't Act and Don't Move with her Spirit Magic. She is also equipped with the only Diabolique in the entire game... but you can't steal. The Gadgeteer is equipped with MP Substitute, which will make him virtually invincible unless you get at least two of your units to attack him ferociously. Otherwise you could just kill him instantly with the Assassin's Breath Stop. Lastly, the Alchemist has a hidden Mace of Zeus, which is very rare... I'm talking you can only get it from him or a Treasure Hunt rare. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ It seems Ritz still can't get over her white hair and Mewt is still obsessed with his mother... Anyway, you will get to place the symbol for the Isolated Village Muscadet (隠れ里ミュスカデ) on the world map. Head to Muscadet, Ezel will come in and speak to Marche about the current goings on. Exit Muscadet then came back to "engage" in the next story battle. Sweeping Investigation (一斉調査) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You can only deploy three more units in addition to Marche and Montblanc... make sure Marche can Steal and is equipped with something that absorbs or nullifies Fire for the following battle. For this battle, the victory conditions are to "Defeat all enemies!" (ひとり残らずたおせ!). The queen's squad is pretty big; you have to contend with two Palace Knights, two Moogle Knights, a Paladin, a Gunner, and a Sage. There is some good armour to steal in this battle, one Palace Knight is equipped with Dragon Mail, while the other has Genji Armour, and the Paladin is wearing a Caribiner. Because of the shear number of units, Summoners are really effective in this battle; just make sure none of your units get in their way. Watch out for the Paladin, he has strong holy based attacks such as Saint Cross and Holy Blade which can really cripple your units. Using a Holy Elemental Ban Card will make him far less threatening, but it will prevent you from using Potions or Cure. Anyway, the Palace Knights have the "Compound Fracture" reaction ability, which causes a strong counter when attack them. So try to get them down in one hit with a strong attack such as the Gladiator/Duelist's "Boost" or a strong magic attack from a Black Mage/Summoner. The Moogle Knights are only painful if they use "Accel" and it actually hits, but the other units are really not much of a threat to you. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ After the battle ends, Judgemaster Cid will take Marche away to the prison. Their long talk about Crystals and the world is interrupted by black light. The next crystal is under a huge tree, that tree is the Divine Beast Exodus. Divine Beast Exodus (神獣エクセデス) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This battle is a lot like the one with the Fallen Angel Ultima, you must "Break all objects!" (ひとつ残らずこわせ!) in order to win. This would be a very easy battle considering the Exodus' Fruit is completely harmless, but Babus is constantly trying to kill you during the battle. Babus is wearing a Robe of Lords, so steal it as soon as possible if you can; it's rare and Babus will be far more vulnerable without it. Anyway, don't even try to destroy the Exodus Fruit whilst Babus is alive, attempt to take Babus out first and pray that Babus doesn't use Explode on you. If you equipped something that protects against Fire you won't have to worry. Once Babus is dead, you're free to go around and destroy the fruit systematically. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ After you have defeated Exodus, a vision of Mewt and Cid from the "real world" will play out in front of Cid and Babus. Cid will then have a "satori" and will excommunicate himself from the palace. Anyway, the Viera can now summon Exodus with the "Divine Beast" command. After overhearing a conversation in the Sprohm Pub, a cut-scene with Remedi and Mewt will play in which a new character called Llednar Tewm is introduced, who has been summoned by Remedi to replace Cid as Mewt's guardian. You will then get to place the symbol for Uladono Swamp (ウラドノ湿地) on to the world map. Finally, after a long absence you'll be able to tackle a couple of new sub-quests, so do so to make your clan stronger. Current Sub-Quests ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ジェラワット砂漠 - Jelawat Desert - 251 プリン大発生   - Pudding Outbreak - 093 勝利の美酒    - Triumph of Great Sake - 126 ミデンを行け   - Journey to Miden - 153 月の死者     - Moon of the Dead - 274 いやせぬ傷跡   - Unhealable Scar - 179 力と技      - Power and Skill - 158 Discovery of the Century!? (世紀の大発見!?) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You've been set-up! Two Duelists, two Thieves, and two Bishops are waiting for you, and you must "Defeat all enemies!" (ひとり残らずたおせ!) to escape. The Duelists are the most painful of the lot, since they tend to constantly pummel your units with attacks such as Hadogeki and Wild Swing. The one with the Ogum Blade has a hidden Adaman Blade in stock. Anyway, the Bishops can hit your units pretty hard with Holy, and petrify your units with Break. But they are easier to defeat than the Duelists. All the enemy units will come up to you pretty fast, but they'll tend to clump up on the river side. That's why you'll want to bring a Summoner to hit them hard with Ifrit and friends. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You will now get to place Gotlanzo Hotsands (ゴトランゾ熱砂) on the map. Current Sub-Quests ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ゴトランゾ熱砂  - Gotlanzo Hotsands - 253 砂漠のバラ    - Desert Rose - 051 秘境探検ツアー  - Discovery Tour - 065 盗まれたスクープ - Stolen Scoop - 104 密輸クランを追え - Smuggler Clan Pursuit - 105 未開の森へ    - To the Savage Woods - 220 きりの国の星   - Twinkle of the Stars - 130 時計台修復    - Clock Repairs - 149 Desert Migration (砂漠に人の波) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Marche finds Doned in the desert, but he runs away and tells some Banga about the bounty on your head... oh well, at least he can walk! The rival clan is predominantly Banga (A Gladiator, a Bishop, a Guardian Knight and a Dragon Knight), but they are accompanied by two Soldiers... one is equipped with Reflect Mail which you may like to steal. In order to complete this quest you must "Defeat all enemies!" (ひとり残らずたおせ!). It's a five against seven battle... dodgy. Because this is an extremely steep area to battle in, Jobs which use ranged attacks are the best to use; especially since you don't want to get anywhere near such physically strong enemies. Summon Magic is perfect for attacking the whole group, but it also will come back to haunt you since the Bishop has "Magic Return" and one of the Soldier's has Reflect status. So make sure you kill the Bishop and use Dispel (or the Ninja's Uncharm) on the Soldier before you attack the group with magic. If you want to attack them head on, make sure you cast something like Protect on your units, or have a Guardian Knight that knows Aura, or a Blue Mage that knows Angel's Whisper. This clan has two hidden items to steal, the Guardian Knight has an Ark Edge, and the Bishop has a Marvelous Cheer. I'd also steal the White Monks God Hand while I was at it. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You will now get to place Delilah Dunes (デライラ砂丘) on the world map. Current Sub-Quests ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ デライラ砂丘   - Delilah Dunes - 254 魔竜のいた遺跡  - Magic Dragon's Ruins - 034 異国のソードマン - Foreign Swordsman - 091 竜のめさめ    - Dragons Awaken - 102 Silent Sands (音なしの砂) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Llednar will come for Marche, but the black light of the last crystal will sweep them away. Cid will come to attempt to control Llednar, but it doesn't work. Llednar will summon two Palace Knights and two Titania, and the battle will begin. "Defeat the Boss Unit!" (ボスユニットをたおせ!) are the victory conditions. You won't be able to get to the enemies straight away because of the structure of the battle area. But by the time you do get to Llednar, he will go to break the law and Cid will send him away with a red card. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Upon approaching the fifth crystal, the Divine Beast Matias will appear. She will morph into various people to screw with Marche's mind, before summoning four vampires and beginning the "engage". Divine Beast Matias (神獣マティウス) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To win you must defeat the "Defeat the Boss Unit! (ボスユニットをたおせ!). The Vampires are easily disposed of with attacks such as Ascension (Archer) or Hajya (White Monk), but they're the least of your worries. Matias is extremely strong, and is capable of attacking all of your units at once with "Southern Cross". If you have some of your units equipped with Chameleon Robes, Southern Cross will heal your units since it's Holy and Chameleon Robes absorb Holy. You should definitely bring a unit such as a White Mage with the sole purpose of healing your party. Summoners are an excellent choice; because you can recover and HP and remove poison with Unicorn, give your units Regen with Kirin, and you can prevent Matias using Thundaga on your units by giving your units Reflect from Carbuncle. Madin is VERY effective against Vampires. Spells such as Unicorn and Cura will also cause damage to the Vampires! Matias has a lot a HP, but if you keep your units alive and slug away at her, you should be able to defeat her comfortably. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The last crystal has been destroyed, but the world hasn't gone back to normal. The evil Queen Remedi will appear, and will explain that the world remains as it is because those that summoned it (Mewt, Ritz, Doned and even you) still desire it! Anyway, Humans can now summon Matias by using the "Divine Beast" command. Head back to one of the towns, Montblanc will tell you about the "Gift Day" for Mewt and then you will get to place the Materia Forest (マテリアの森) onto the map. Current Sub-Quests ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ マテリアの森   - Materia Forest - 255 強者よきたれ   - Strongmen Due - 060 やさしき調べ   - Simple Tune - 054 リッツと共同戦線 - Allied Front with Ritz - 107 顔のない人形   - Faceless Dolls - 134 この愛を詩に託し - My Love in Poetry - 147 演技派募集!   - Acting Applications! - 163 Materia Crystal Collection (マテリア晶石採取) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Upon reaching the forest to collect the Materia, Marche is ambushed by a clan of Viera. They want to steal the chunk of Materia you found, but you'll want to steal all of their great equipment; the Assassin is equipped with a Masamune and Shinobi Garb, the Red Mage has a Madu and Vlint Coat, and the Shaman has a Joyeuse, and a Ribbon! To clear this quest you must "Defeat all enemies!" (ひとり残らずたおせ!). Kill the Assassin as soon as possible; she causes a lot of damage with Masamune, plus she has enough MP to kill four of your units instantly with Breath Stop. Next on your list should be the White Mage, since she has the annoying habit of bringing defeated units back to life with Araise, and curing critical units with Curaga. All the other enemy units are reasonably strong magic users, so if you deploy a lot of physically strong units such as Gladiators, Duelists, etc.you can out muscle them. Try casting Reflect on a couple of your units or equip them with Magic Return; so you can get them back with their own magic. But it may backfire if the Summoner casts Ramuh, as she is wearing a Shinu Robe which absorbs Lightning elemental damage. If you bring an Assassin with Snipe as secondary and Ambush learned, you can make your Assassin invisible so they can get in the thick of it to kill the White Mage. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ After the battle, Doned will appear and pickpocket Marche. Wow, he's a real little shit in this world! The Royal Palace Berbenia (王宮ベルベニア) will appear on the map. Head over to it if you want to "engage" in the next story battle. It involves a hard battle, so make sure you're ready. Gift Day (贈り物の日) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Because of the proceeding battle, it would be good idea to make sure Marche is equipped with Steal or recovery abilities. Best case scenario is to make him a Paladin with Steal as your secondary ability. Anyway, for this battle the victory conditions are to "Defeat all enemies!" (ひとり残らずたおせ!). Your enemies are two Gladiators, a Moogle Knight, a Palace Knight and an Alchemist. There's no hiding in this battle, the room is far too cramped for that. A Dragon Knight is perfect for this battle, as you can stay on one side of the furniture and jump on enemies on the other side. There is a very good way to cause heavy damage, the Gladiator/Duelist's Boost will hit every time if an opponent is stopped or sleeping, so you can get the damage increase without having to worry about the accuracy trade off. A Juggler is perfect for that, since you can stop with Hoop, and you also can use Dagger to disable units. It is supposed to be the Gift Day for Mewt, but it's really your Gift Day! The Moogle Knight has a hidden Materia Blade, which is extremely rare and has two Ultima attacks embedded in it; and the Alchemist has a hidden Scorpion Tail. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Babus will save you from more guards by casting Stillness and then will warp you to Mewt's room. After a confrontation with Mewt (in which he displays his deep "Mazacon"), he will warp away with his "mama" and then Llednar will warp in. Time for a battle. Magic Swordsman Llednar (魔剣士レドナ) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To win you must "Endure a fixed amount of turns" (一定ターン耐えろ). If Marche can Steal, you will be able to thieve Llednar's Save the Queen, Maximillian and Vanguard! All you can really do in this battle is recover or steal, since damaging Llednar is futile. Steal the Save the Queen first as it will make him less dangerous. This will be a very easy if Marche is a Paladin, since you can recover with "Nurture" and defend yourself with "Guard". Otherwise, pray that Llednar doesn't use Omega and run away from each turn. After five turns, Cid will warp in and Llednar will warp out. Also, equipping Marche with "MP Substitute" before the Gift Day will pretty much make him invincible in this battle against Llednar! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Cid will explain that Llednar is a manifestation of Mewt's violent side, you will get to place Czabola Caves (ツァボラ洞窟) on to the world map. Upon leaving Berbenia, Marche will overhear some gossip. Current Sub-Quests ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ツァボラ洞窟   - Czabola Caves - 256 王宮トーナメント - Royal Tournament - 040 王宮魔道大会   - Royal Magic Tournament - 041 王宮水泳大会   - Royal Swim Tournament - 042 洞窟で行方不明? - Missing in a Cave? - 063 悪の巣      - Nest of Evil - 064 Mysterious Mineral Vein (神秘の鉱脈) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A rival clan will calls Marche a thief for taking from the Mythril Mineral Vien. They surround you, the only option is a battle. Like most other battles, you must "Defeat all enemies!" (ひとり残らずたおせ!) in order to win. The rival clan is very diverse, there is a Moogle Knight, a Sage, a Juggler, a Blue Mage, an Animal Trainer and a White Monk. Focus on killing the White Monk first, since he will tend to bring defeated units back to life with Revive, which becomes really annoying. The Blue Mage also tends to use Death Roulette a lot, so he should probably be next on your hit list. He also is equipped with MP Substitute... which you can get around easily with another Blue Mage. Just bring his MP down to nothing, and then use Matra Magic (learned from Blade Keepers) to swap his MP and HP so his HP is zero. The Sage can cast Bio, which apart from damaging your units, poisons them. It can be really debilitating if you don't have a way of curing the infected. The Juggler will use Dagger and Molotov Cocktail to disable and immobilise, so pre-emptively protect your units with Thief Hats and Scarab Charms. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ After the heartfelt reunion of the Radiuju brothers, you will get to place Deete Field (ディーテ広原) on to the world map. Head back to a town and the pair will catch up. However, a Palace Knight will interrupt them and tell Marche to head to Deete Field to meet up with Judgemaster Cid, so head there and you will "engage" in battle. You may want to do some Side-Quest first. Current Sub-Quests ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ごめんね僕の友  - Sorry, my Friend - 094 ひび割れた音色  - Cracked Tone - 127 To the Amber Valley (琥珀の谷へ) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The win this battle you must "Defeat all enemies!" (ひとり残らずたおせ!). All your opposition are monsters; a Coeurl, an Antlion, a Thunder Drake, a Lillith, and a Marlboro Great. That's why a Hunter would be a very good unit to deploy. Especially with an ability like "Sidewinder" which causes twice as much damage to monsters. If you bring a Monster Tamer, you can turn the monsters on each other and cause massive damage. Any units equipped with Galmia Shoes will be able to scale the cliff right away, instead of ending up in the traffic jam that will ensure near the river in the gully. Watch out for the Marlboro Great's Bad Breath, as it will give you practically every single status abnormality there is, and keep your units blessed with Reraise and Regen away from the Marlboro Great, as it can remove them with Odd Sound Wave. The Lillith is also pretty annoying, as she can halve your HP with Twister, so spread your units out so she can only do this to one unit at a time. She can also use Poison Frog... so because of her and the Marlboro Great's Bad Breather, bring a White Mage with Esuna or a Summoner with Unicorn. The Antlion will only pose a problem if you have some units that have a level divisible by five, as it can kill them instantly with LV5 Death. So cast Reraise on them, or equip them with stuff like Chameleon Robes or Wygars which protect against KOs. But with all that said, the Thunder Drake is easily the deadliest of the lot, just from pure strength, so focus on killing or capturing it before it can decimate your entire clan into dragon chow. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ After the battle Cid will appear, he will tell you to head to Sienna Canyon to get him Amber so Ezxel can make him special a Anti-Law card. After you see that Ritz and Shara have overheard your conversation, you can place Sienna Canyon (シエンナ峡谷) onto the world map. Head to the canyon to "engage" in the next story battle, but still do some of the new side-Quests. Current Sub-Quests ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ シエンナ峡谷   - Sienna Canyon - 258 スケブどろぼう  - Sketchbook Thieves - 059 熱き血潮     - Hot Blooded - 141 流れと共に    - Go with the Flow - 174 ダンブカ森林浴  - Dambooka Gully - 237 フォルナの密林  - Forna Jungle - 238 虹よりも速く   - Quick Rainbow - 283 石なる秘密    - Secret Stone - 290 Crossing of the Hill (丘を越えて) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This is a battle against Ritz's clan of Viera. The victory conditions are to "Defeat the Boss Unit!" (ボスユニットをたおせ!), so you only have to defeat Ritz in order to win. Her clan is equipped to the eyeballs will rare equipment, most notable are Ritz's Femme Fatale, Vlint Coat and Ribbon, Shara's Seventh Heaven, Galmia Coat and Ribbon, and the Summoner's Silver Coat. But the others also have other cool stuff, like Madus. So you may want to bring a Thief to steal as much as you can. A good Strategy would actually involve stealing Ritz's Ribbon and then killing her instantly with "Breath Stop" from an Assassin, but the biggest problem with that strategy is getting to her alive... an Assasin that can use the Snipe "Ambush" could really get to Ritz undetected. It will take some time for Ritz's clan to get to you; so in the mean time, you may want to give your units various positive status effects. If you bring a Summoner; you can cast Regen on all your units with Kirin, and then Reflect on all your units with Carbuncle. With all your units "Reflected", all of Ritz's Red Magic spells will reflect back and hit her hard for 70 or so damage. It's a really cheap tactic, but it's so good it cannot be overlooked. You should probably also give your units Protect and Haste. Lastly, Arrow Return is probably the best Reaction Ability to have in this battle, since the two most dangerous units in the group (Shar and the Assassin) use bows. Shara will use "Aim at Weapon" and "Aim at Armour" quite alot, so if any of your units are equipped with one-offs, protect them with Maintenance. The Summoner is way at the back of the group, but can raise fallen units with Phoenix, which can get frustrating if you don't diable her. But if you kill Ritz first, it won't be a problem in the first place. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ritz still doesn't want to go have, but she can hardly stop Marche. The Amber Valley (琥珀の谷) will now appear in the top right corner of the world map, it leads to the final set of battles. So make sure your units are at a reasonable level (say mid 20's) before setting forth. Royal Valley (王族の谷) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ After Cid removes "Fortune" from Llednar, the battle will commence. You only have to kill Llednar, as "Defeat the Boss Unit!" (ボスユニットをたおせ!) is the victory condition. The Assassin can be a real pain in the arse, simply because she hits so hard. But still, ignore her and focus on attacking Llednar with full force. Stealing his Peytral armour should "soften" him up. Although Cid shattered the Queen's protection, Llednar is still basically immune to all elemental damage and status ailments. The only sure thing that can cause him damage is an attack from a non-elemental weapon. Try making Marche a Ninja with two strong neutral swords equipped. Then bring some Time Mages and Jugglers to cast Haste and Quick (Smile) on Marche so he can go in really fast and destroy Mewt's evil side. If you're having trouble with the Ninja and Assassin killing your units before they can take out Llednar, bring a sole Assassin to take out the enemy Assassin out with Breath Stop, and the Ninja out with Nightmare (as his Wygar protects him from Breath Stop) The Alchemist, Gunner and Illusionist won't do you too much harm. Although, the Alchemist may use Flare on you, which causes strong damage. I've never seen him use his Death spell... thank god. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ After talking with Babus, Cid and Marche will enter the temple to search for Mewt. They will find Queen Remedi, who wil strip down to her battle gear and summon both Adrammelech and Famfreet... the battle begins. Queen Remedi (クィーンレメディ) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The victory condition is to "Defeat the Boss Unit!" (ボスユニットをたおせ!). Thank god, imagine if you had to kill Adrammelech and Famfreet as well! Because of Remedi's abundant amount of HP, this should be a fairly long battle. To make sure your units survive for the long haul, it's a necessity you bring a designated recovery unit. This can either be a White Mage that knows Araise and Cura at the least, or a White Monk that knows Revive. Don't attack Adrammelech and Famfreet at all, they're far too strong; it's best to just try and endure them. Just focus all your energy on attacking Remedi, who is only capable of attacking with her huge sickle. Note that Remedi is protected against Dark and Holy elemental damage. You can cause far more damage if you lower her defence with "Guard Offer", which is a Blue Mage ability learned from Fire Drakes. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Once defeated, Queen Remedi will transform into "Le' Grimoire", the embodiment of all the wishes in the world made real by the ancient tome. After summoning two copies of Matias, the final battle will commence... Le Grimoire (リィ・グリモア) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ As before, you must "Defeat the Boss Unit!" (ボスユニットをたおせ!) to win. Remedi is very strong in this form, she is able to change laws on a whim with her "Shift Law" ability, she can cause massive damage with "Alpha"; which is the father spell of Omega and Ultima, and she can cause huge multiple elemental damage to all units with "Magi"... The two Matias will tend to use Southern Cross a lot, which causes Holy damage to all units. You can take advantage of this by equipping your units with equipment that absorbs Holy, the most notable being the Vitanova and Chameleon Robes. I would summon all the Divine Beasts that you can at the beginning of the battle, there is no point in saving them up for a later battle, since this is the final battle. Reraise status is a HUGE blessing in this battle, bring a Blue Mage that know's Angel's Whisper, equip Angel Rings, etc. You should be able to take her down quite fast with units equipped with Two Swords, two strong swords... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ E N J O Y T H E E N D I N G ! ============================================================================== 8)QUEST LIST ============================================================================== NOTES: *Please refer to the STRATEGY WALKTHROUGH for Story Battle strategies. *Rare Quests are listed at the very bottom of the list. *The "Price" fields are only a rough guide, considering the discounts that increase as you free more and more territories. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 001. Herb Gather (薬草とり) Quest Type: Story Battle Rank: 3 Appears: After completing the "Lizard People!?" Quest. Price: 300 Gil Location: Geeza Prairie Days: - Reward: 600 Gil ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 002. Vanishing Essay (消えた論文) Quest Type: Story Battle Rank: 3 Appears: After completing the "Herb Pick" Quest. Price: ~900 Gil Location: Lutechia Ridge Days: - Reward: 4000 Gil and a Random Item. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 003. Green Wood (グリーンウッド) Quest Type: Story Battle Rank: 3 Appears: After completing the "Vanishing Essay" Quest. Price: ~1200 Gil Location: Forest of Neubes Days: - Reward: 6000 Gil and two random items. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 004. Beasts of the Desert (砂漠の野獣) Quest Type: Story Battle Rank: 3 Appears: After completing the "Green Wood" Quest. Price: ~1500 Gil Location: Illute Desert Days: - Reward: 7000 Gil and a random item. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 005. Distorted River (ゆがむ川) Quest Type: Story Battle Rank: 3 Appears: After completing the "Beasts of the Desert" Quest. Price: ~1500 Gil Location: Yulay River Days: - Reward: 8000 Gil and two random items. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 006. Anti-Law (アンチロウ) Quest Type: Story Battle Rank: 3 Appears: After completing the "Distorted River" Quest and witnessing the cut-scene at Desert Capital Cadoan, head away from Cadoan and then come back to "engage" in battle. Price: ~Free! Location: Desert Capital Cadoan Days: - Reward: 9000 Gil, an R2 Anti-Law card, and two random items. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 007. Crystal Rain (水晶の雨) Quest Type: Story Battle Rank: 3 Appears: After completing the "Anti-Law" Quest. Price: ~2100 Gil Location: Icen Plains Days: - Reward: 10600 Gil, two random items and two random cards. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 008. Waking Mountain (目ざめる山) Quest Type: Story Battle Rank: 3 Appears: After completing the "Crystal Rain" Quest. Price: ~2400 Gil Location: Rohda Volcano Days: - Reward: 11400 Gil, a random item and two random cards. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 009. Magic of the Secret Forest (魔力を秘めた森) Quest Type: Story Battle Rank: 3 Appears: After completing the "Waking Mountain" Quest. Price: ~2400 Gil Location: Coling Greenwood Days: - Reward: 12600 Gil, two random items and two random cards. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 010. Emerald Fort (エメラルドの砦) Quest Type: Story Battle Rank: 3 Appears: After completing the "Magic of the Secret Forest" Quest. Price: ~2700 Gil Location: Sarika Forest Days: - Reward: 13600 Gil, two random items and two random cards. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 011. Gathering Place of Souls (魂の集まる場所) Quest Type: Story Battle Rank: 3 Appears: After completing the "Emerald Fort" Quest. Price: ~3000 Gil Location: Nargae Grotto Days: - Reward: 15000 Gil, two random items and two random cards. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 012. Jagd Detective Story (ヤクト捕り物帖) Quest Type: Story Battle Rank: 3 Appears: After completing the "Gathering Place of Souls" Quest, head to Trade Port Vakuba to meet up with Nono. Then head over to Jagd Doloosa to "engage" in battle! Price: ~Free! Location: Jagd Doloosa Days: - Reward: 16000 Gil, two random items and two random cards. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 013. Bounty (賞金かせぎ) Quest Type: Story Battle Rank: 3 Appears: After completing the "Jagd Detective Story" Quest. Price: ~3300 Gil Location: Variable Days: - Reward: 17200 Gil, two random items and two random cards. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 014. Hourglass of Gold (黄金の砂時計) Quest Type: Story Battle Rank: 3 Appears: After completing the "Bounty" Quest. Price: ~3600 Gil Location: Jelawat Desert Days: - Reward: 18000 Gil, a random item and two random cards. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 015. Sweeping Investigation (一斉調査) Quest Type: Story Battle Rank: 3 Appears: After completing the "Hourglass of Gold" Quest and witnessing the cut-scene at Isolated Village Muscadet, head away from Muscadet and then come back to "engage" in battle. Price: ~Free! Location: Isolated Village Muscadet Days: - Reward: 19600 Gil, a random item and two random cards. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 016. Discovery of the Century!? (世紀の大発見!?) Quest Type: Story Battle Rank: 3 Appears: After completing the "Sweeping Investigation" Quest. Price: ~4200 Gil Location: Uladono Swamp Days: - Reward: 20400 Gil, two random items and two random cards. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 017. Desert Migration (砂漠に人の波) Quest Type: Story Battle Rank: 3 Appears: After completing the "Discovery of the Century!?" Quest. Price: ~4200 Gil Location: Gotlanzo Hotsands Days: - Reward: 21400 Gil, two random items and two random cards. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 018. Silent Sands (音なしの砂) Quest Type: Story Battle Rank: 3 Appears: After completing the "Desert Migration" Quest. Price: ~4500 Gil Location: Delilah Dunes Days: - Reward: 22600 Gil, a random item and two random cards. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 019. Materia Crystal Collection (マテリア晶石採取) Quest Type: Story Battle Rank: 3 Appears: After completing the "Silent Sands" Quest. Price: ~4800 Gil Location: Materia Forest Days: - Reward: 23400 Gil, two random items and two random cards. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 020. Gift Day (贈り物の日) Quest Type: Story Battle Rank: 3 Appears: After completing the "Materia Crystal Collection" Quest, head to the Royal Palace Berbenia to "engage" in battle. Price: ~Free Location: Royal Palace Berbenia Days: - Reward: 25000 Gil, two random items and two random cards. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 021. Mysterious Mineral Vein (神秘の鉱脈) Quest Type: Story Battle Rank: 3 Appears: After completing the "Gift Day" Quest. Price: ~5100 Gil Location: Czabola Caves Days: - Reward: 26200 Gil, a random item and two random cards. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 022. To the Amber Valley (琥珀の谷へ) Quest Type: Story Battle Rank: 3 Appears: After completing the "Mysterious Mineral Vein" Quest, head to a town to see a cut-scene involving Doned, then head to Deete Field. Price: ~Free! Location: Deete Field Days: - Reward: 27000 Gil, two random items and two random cards. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 023. Crossing of the Hill (丘を越えて) Quest Type: Story Battle Rank: 3 Appears: After completing the "To the Amber Valley" Quest, head to Sienna Canyon to engage in battle. Price: ~Free! Location: Sienna Canyon Days: - Reward: 28600 Gil, two random items and two random cards. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 024. Royal Valley (王族の谷) Quest Type: Story Battle Rank: 3 Appears: After completing the "Crossing of the Hill" Quest, head to Amber Valley to engage in battle. Price: ~Free! Location: Amber Valley Days: - Reward: Ending credits! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 025. Wanted Search (おたずね者を追え) Quest Type: Battle Rank: 3 Appears: After completing the "Vanishing Essay" Quest, during the Month of Kings Price: ~900 Gil Location: Forest of Nubice Days: - Reward: 4600 Gil, a Flower Arrangement Set, and a random item. Black Mage Dolce is hiding out in the forest; he is wanted for using magic dangerously. He's accompanied by a White Monk, a Soldier and a White Mage. Your objective is to "Defeat the Boss Unit!" (ボスユニットをたおせ!). The Boss Unit is the Black Mage Dolce, so send your fastest and most physically strong units to rush up and kill him. Archers are very good! Once he's dead, the battle is over; you don't even have to lay a finger on the other enemies! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 026. Wanted Search (おたずね者を追え) Quest Type: Battle Rank: 3 Appears: After completing the "Jagd Detective Story" Quest, during the Month of Geniuses. Price: ~1800 Gil Location: Jelawat Desert Days: - Reward: 13600 Gil, two random items, and two random cards. There is a 13600 Gil bounty on the heads of the Gabbana Brothers for thievery, and you wish to collect it. To collect your bounty you must "Defeat the Boss Unit!" (ボスユニットをたおせ!). The Boss Unit is the Senior Gabbana Brother (ガバーナ兄) so if you have an Assassin with Breath Stop, bring her to kill him really quickly. A Warrior a White Monk, a Juggler (Junior Gabbana Brother) and a Time Mage are guarding him, but just ignore them and go for Senior. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 027. Wanted Search (おたずね者を追え) Quest Type: Battle Rank: 2 Appears: After completing the "Vanishing Essay" Quest, during the Month of Stalwarts. Price: ~600 Gil Location: Geeza Prairie Days: - Reward: 2800 Gil and a random item. A 2800 Gil bounty has been placed on Oracle Diaghilev's head for creating counterfeit gil with alchemy. To clear the battle you must "Defeat the Boss Unit!" (ボスユニットをたおせ!). Oracle Diaghilev is an Alchemist, and he is accompanied by a Thief, a Dragon Knight, an Archer and a Gladiator. The Dragon Knight is exceptionally strong, especially if he uses Jump on you. Split your party in two, and have each group head towards Diaghilev using different sides of the hole in the middle of this area. Just focus on attacking him, but it wouldn't hurt to attack the others on your way to him. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 028. Wanted Search (おたずね者を追え) Quest Type: Battle Rank: 5 Appears: After completing the "Divine Beast Exodus" Battle, during the Month of Wise Men. Price: ~3600 Gil Location: Uladono Swamp Days: - Reward: 18000 Gil, two random items and two random cards. The bounty this time is on Canaan, the Swamp King, for going AWOL from the palace. He is guarded by a Summoner, a Bishop, an Archer, and a Gladiator, but you must only "Defeat the Boss Unit!" (ボスユニットをたおせ!) in order to clear the quest. The Swamp King is carrying the Lance of Kain, which is semi-rare, and has Feather Boots to allow him to walk on water. You should equip Feather Boots on your units as well, just to even the playing field. Anyway, just converge on the king and bring down his reign of this wonderfully smelly kingdom. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 029. Wanted Search (おたずね者を追え) Quest Type: Battle Rank: 4 Appears: After completing the "Nest of Evil" Quest, diring the Month of Hunters. Price: ~6000 Gil Location: Jagd Helge Days: - Reward: 45000 Gil, a Zanmatou, a random item, and two random cards. A female killer is wanted by the name of Lane. She is supported by a Red Mage, a Gunner and a Sniper. Beware, if you get close she will use Ultima Shear on you. "Defeat the Boss Unit!" (ボスユニットをたおせ!) is the objective. Since you're up against dangerous units in a Jagd, it is imperative that you have units that can raise fallen units, a White Mage, a Sage with Maraise, or a White Monk with Revive. She's not far away, and none of her lackeys are in your way, so it should be a tidy kill. Her Sniper friend has "Aim at Weapon", so put Maintenance on any units of your's equipped with rare weapons. The Gunner has a very rare hidden Bind Snipe. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 030. Wanted Search (おたずね者を追え) Quest Type: Battle Rank: 4 Appears: After completing the "Discovery Tour" Quest, during the Month of Kings. Price: ~4500 Gil Location: Jagd Arley Days: - Reward: 22600 Gil, the Last Tunic, a random item and two random cards. Because this is in a Jagd, make sure you bring units that can Raise any of your fallen units, otherwise bring a crapload of Phoenix Downs. The Dark Cadet Rogion is wanted for misuse of magical power. He's a Illusionist and will constantly bombard you with Illusions. This is a pretty easy battle because the majority of enemy units are weak. Just punch past the Assassin, Duelist, Gladiator and Dragon Knight to get to him, and then attack him full force. You only need to "Defeat the Boss Unit!" (ボスユニットをたおせ!) to win. There is also an Archer up high, but he won't cause you too much harm. Makes sure you don't kill any units on the crates leading down to the area where the enemies are, otherwise units of a Jump less than 4 will have to go the long way around to reach Rogion. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 031. Ruby Dragon Eye (竜眼のルビー) Quest Type: Battle Rank: 4 Appears: After completing the "Dragons Awaken" Quest. Price: ~3300 Gil Location: Port Town Vakuba Days: - Reward: 16000 Gil, Ruby Dragon Eye, a random item, and two random cards. This battle is against a Hunter, an Archer, a Blue Mage, a Monster Tamer, a Thunder Drake, and an Ice Drake. "Defeat all enemies!" (ひとり残らずたおせ!) to clear the quest. Kill the Blue Mage first, since he knows "Angel Whisper" which casts "Reraise" on your enemies. Which can be VERY annoying. But another annoying thing about this battle is the Archer's tendency to use "Shoot thru Heart" to Charm your units. So makes sure you equip Charm cancelling accessories such as Ruby Earrings. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 032. Ash of the Pagoda (灰の塔跡) Quest Type: Battle Rank: 3 Appears: After reading the description of the "Great Gaol's Song" Quest Item. Price: ~3000 Gil Location: Coling Greenwood Days: - Reward: 0 Gil, two random items, and two random cards. The first battle relating to the legends of the Great Gaol and his Moogle companion Rene, the predecessors of Marche and Montblanc. You must "Defeat all enemies!" (ひとり残らずたおせ!) to win. This is merely a battle against monsters in Coling Greenwood. The monsters are quite varied, there is a Goblin, an Ice Drake, a Fire Drake, a Bomb and a Marlboro. Like most monster battles, Hunters, Monster Tamers and Black Mages have advantages over other jobs because of their ability to capture, control, and cause heavy damage with elemental damage respectively. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 033. Icen Battle Field (アイセン合戦場) Quest Type: Battle Rank: 3 Appears: After completing the "Ash of the Pagoda" Quests. Price: ~2000 Gil Location: Icen Plains Days: - Reward: 0 Gil, two random items, and two random cards. Another Great Gaol battle, as one of 13 Knights of Icen, you must protect it. The victory conditions are to "Defeat all enemies!" (ひとり残らずたおせ!). It's a pretty standard battle. The Dragon Knight is very strong and can cause considerable damage to you weaker units, attack him first with full force. The two Archers (Human and Viera) are quite annoying, attacking you units from a far. It may be a good idea to equip some of your units with "Arrow Guard". The Fencer and Duelist are pretty strong, but won't cause you much harm. So take them out last. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 034. Magic Dragon's Ruins (魔竜のいた遺跡) Quest Type: Battle Rank: 3 Appears: After completing the "Icen Battle Field", and "Desert Migration" quests. Price: ~2000 Gil Location: Delilah Dunes Days: - Reward: 0 Gil, two random items and two random cards. Another resurrection of a past battle of the Great Gaol, this time it's the big one against the legendary Magic Dragon Garland! In order to win this epic battle, you must "Defeat all enemies!" (ひとり残らずたおせ!). Garland himself is a Thunder Drake, and he is supported by an Ice Drake, a Fire Drake, an Antlion, a Panther and a Bomb. Bring a Dragon Knight to deal with this motley crew, you can use the elemental breath against them, and deal double damage with the "Dragon Killer" skill, or bring a Monster Tamer to pit them up against one another! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 035. Ancient Fort of Sarika (サリカの古砦) Quest Type: Battle Rank: 4 Appears: After completing the "Magic Dragon's Ruins" Quest. Price: ~3000 Gil Location: Sarika Forest Days: - Reward: 0 Gil, the Red Avua and two random cards This battle relates back to Evelyn, the Great Gaol's lost love. The battle is against the Ghost of the Lord (a Vampire), a White Mage, two Guardian Knights, and a Time Mage. "Defeat all enemies!" (ひとり残らずたおせ!) for victory to be yours. This is probably your first chance to learn L? Shadow Flare. Kill all of the Lords cronies and then attack him with Holy magic such as Curaga. Because it's impossible to kill the Lord outright (you can't use the Archer's Ascension or the White Monk's Hajya), if you kill him first he may resurrect before you have the time to kill the others. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 036. Rene and the two Swords (リネと双剣) Quest Type: Battle Rank: 4 Appears: After completing the "Isolated Desert Village" quest, and reading the description of the "Great Gaol's Song" Quest Item. Price: ~3000 Gil Location: Illute Desert Days: - Required: Combat Skill (Sword) Level 10 Reward: 0 Gil, the Blue Avua and a random item The victory conditions are to "Defeat all enemies!" (ひとり残らずたおせ!). Your opponents are an entire clan of Moogles; there are two Moogle Knights, an Animal Trainer, a Gunner, a Black Mage, and a Time Mage. The Gunner has a wide range of status inducing "shots", so be careful. I would advise you bring a White Mage that knows Esuna to keep your units healthy. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 037. Isolated Desert Village (砂漠の隠れ里) Quest Type: Battle Rank: 3 Appears: After completing the "Green Wood" Quest. Price: ~900 Gil Location: Illute Desert Days: - Reward: 7000 Gil You have to get past an Antlion's Nest to reach a legendary Moogle village. You will battle three Antlions, a Coeurl and a Goblin. The victory conditions are to "Defeat all enemies!" (ひとり残らずたおせ!), as if we didn't already know. If you have a Blue Mage already, this is an excellent battle to learn your first two spells, Haste Break and Goblin Punch. Bring a Monster Tamer with an Assault Trumpet, so you can Control the Goblin and Coeurl to learn the Blue Magic easier. Anyway, Antlions are a real pain! They all have Counter, so I wouldn't attack them directly. Try using Archers and White Monks with Kuhazan; Black Mages are also good, but make sure they can use a "-ra" spell, as level 1 Black Magic is too weak. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 038. Fire Outbreak (火災発生) Quest Type: Battle Rank: 1 Appears: After completing the "Herb Pick" Quest. Price: ~600 Gil, from Cyril. Location: Hometown Cyril Days: 10 Reward: 3600 Gil, a Sprinkler and a random item. Fire has broken out in the village, in the form of four Bombs. To win you must "Defeat all enemies!" (ひとり残らずたおせ!). Because three of the bombs are up on higher ground, units with ranged attacks such as Black Mages and Archers are extremely useful. However, if you use Black Magic; only attack the Bombs with Blizzard as they are weak against it, they actually will absorb Fire magic. If you want to attack the Bombs physically, use the stairs on the western end of the map to reach them. Work on defeating one Bomb at a time, because if you get a Bomb "critical" it may use Self Destruct on your units. It gets quite annoying once the Bombs begin healing each other with Flame Attacks, but persevere and defeat them all!. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 039. Prowler (さまようもの) Quest Type: Battle Rank: 2 Appears: After completing the "Divine Beast Exodus" Battle. Price: ~2400 Gil, from Muscadet Location: Isolated Village Muscadet Days: - Reward: 11400 Gil, a Tonberrian, a random item and two random cards. This battle is against a group of prowling Tonberries, there are two Tonberries and one Tonberry Master. For victory, you have to "Defeat all enemies!" (ひとり残らずたおせ!). Tonberries are highly resistant to magic, so it would be an excellent strategy to mainly mobilise a group of physical attackers. You don't want to get too close to the Tonberries however, because their Grudge attacks can cause heavy damage, so attack from a distance with ranged specials and projectile weapons. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 040. Royal Tournament (王宮トーナメント) Quest Type: Battle Rank: 3 Appears: After completing the "Magic Swordsman Llednar" Quest, during the Month of Kings. Price: ~1000 Gil Location: Royal Palace Berbenia Days: - Reward: 7000 Gil, the Sequence, a random item, and two random cards. A five on five battle, the only special Rank 7 law for this tournament is then Card Usage Ban (カード使用禁止) which prohibits the use of Anti-Law Cards. So it's pretty much a no holds Jagd Match sans the whole death thing. As always, you must "Defeat all enemies!" (ひとり残らずたおせ!) to win. Your opposition is pretty strong, there's a Paladin with White Magic (the healer), a Gladiator with Hamedoru, a Guardian Knight, a Sage, and a Illusionist. Take out the Paladin ASAP, an Assassin with Breath Stop is you best friend in this tournament, but you can't kill the Illusionist with is since she's equipped with a Chameleon Robe that protects against KOs. You can get past the Gladiator's Hamedoru via many ways, attack from a distance with Magic or Arrows, use the Warrior's Lightning Quick ability, put him to Sleep or Stop him then attack, etc. Bring a Bishop with Dispel or a Ninja with Uncharm, so you can remove Reraise and Regen from the Guardian Knight if he uses Aura. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 041. Royal Magic Tournament (王宮魔道大会) Quest Type: Battle Rank: 3 Appears: After completing the "Magic Swordsman Llednar" Quest, during the Month of Wise Men. Price: ~1000 Gil Location: Royal Palace Berbenia Days: - Reward: 7000 Gil, Sapere Aude, a random item, and two random cards. You must "Defeat all enemies!" (ひとり残らずたおせ!) in order to win the tournament. However, there are two special Rank 7 laws put in place; Card Usage Ban (カード使用禁止) which prohibits the use of Anti-Law Cards, and Colour Magic Restrict (色魔法しばり) which restricts you to only being able to use White, Black, Red and Blue Magics. You're up against a squad of four mages. A White Mage wearing a Kagun Robe (so he absorbs fire), a Black Mage equipped with a Kazehana Robe and Magic Return (so he absorbs Ice and casts back all magic cast on him), a Red Mage with a Shinu Robe (so she absorbs Thunder), and a Blue Mage wearing a Chameleon Robe (so he absorbs Holy). It might be a good idea to equip any of your Black Mages with a Kagun Robe. That way if you cast Fire magic on the enemy Black Mage, he will cast it back at you and will heal you. Take out the White Mage first, since he can Raise fallen enemies. Any of your Red Mages should selectively attack the opponents with Chain Magic, possibly throwing in a Poison or Sleep spell occasionally. Also, through Chain Magic you can cast Summon Magic. A White Mage can heal with Cure spells and protect your units from magic with Shell. The most useful mage by far would have to be the Blue Mage, you can damage and poison them with Poison Claw, take their MP to zero with Magic Hammer, or really incapacitate them with Bad Breath. With a strong group of Mages, you should win this tournament easily. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 042. Royal Swim Tournament (王宮水泳大会) Quest Type: Battle Rank: 3 Appears: After completing the "Magic Swordsman Llednar" Battle, during the Month of Hunters. Price: ~1000 Gil Location: Royal Palace Berbenia Days: 15 Reward: 7000 Gil, Acacia Hat, a random item, and two random cards. This tournament has one special Rank 7 law, Card Usage Ban (カード使用禁止) which prohibits the use of Anti-Law Cards, and All Ban (全体禁止), which bans action abilities that target all units, such as Illusions and Pandoras. The whole battlefield is literally swamped in water, with your enemies (a Gladiator, a Dragon Knight, a Archer, and a White Mage) on the complete other side. "Defeat all enemies!" (ひとり残らずたおせ!) is this quests objective. You can deploy a maximum of four units. Choose units which can attack from a distance, such as Mages and Archer-type Jobs, and if possible, equip them with Feather Boots so they can float over the water. Feather Boots will give you a BIG advantage over the opposition. The Gladiator will tend to use Chiretsuzan to attack your units from afar, so try not to place them in a nice neat line for him to attack in one go. Also, the Archer is very "Shoot thru Heart-happy" you'd think she was Cupid... so give some of your units equipment that protects against Charm, or get ready to use the Archer's Lock-On (since it halves damage and is sure to hit) to snap them out of the love spell. I'd try to kill the White Mage first, since they know Curaga. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 043. Clan League Final (クランリーグ決勝) Quest Type: Battle Rank: 4 Appears: After reading the Clan League Opening (クランリーグ開幕) rumour, during the Month of Kings. Price: ~4500 Gil Location: Royal Palace Berbenia Days: 25 Reward: 22600 Gil, Peytral, a random item, and Human Protection. For this quest to appear, you must first clear four Encounters which do not appear on the Report. Once you encounter the rival clans, make sure you choose Engage (エンゲージ) to battle them. The opposing clans are; the Yellow Powers (イエローパワーズ), a clan lead by Fog (a Gladiator) who will decimate your units with Boost if you're unlucky, and accompanied by a Warrior, a Fencer, and an Archer (Viera), you get the Banga Protection Card for beating them. Blue Genius (ブルージニアス), a clan lead by Grand (a Time Mage) equipped with a Black Hat, and he has Black Mage, White Mage and Alchemist cronies. The White Mage can cast Reraise, so kill them first. You N'Mou Protection Card for beating them. The Brown Rabbits (ブラウンラビッツ), a clan lead by the Sniper called Villi, accompanied by a White Mage, a Fencer, and a Summoner, you'll receive a Viera Protection Card for beating her clan. And finally the White Kupos (ホワイトクポーズ), lead by Howie (a Gunner), his crew being another Gunner an Animal Trainer, and a Thief. He is equipped with a rare Dark Outfit, and has MP Substitute (which is a bit of a pain) You get an Entry Prize and a Moogle Protection Card for beating them. Anyway, the Clan League Final is against the Brown Rabbits. However, there has been a change in their line-up, out is the White Mage and Fencer, in is an Assassin and a Shaman. There are no World Laws in place for this battle, however their is a special law in place: the Card Usage Ban (カード使用禁止) which prohibits the use of Anti-Law Cards. So really this battle is just a free-for-all. Villi is equipped with Ruby Earings which are really rare, so steal them and then defeat her. If you defeat her you will clear the quest since the objective is "Defeat the Boss Unit!" (ボスユニットをたおせ!). Because she's so close, you should be able to kill her in two or so turns. Stop her, and then use Boost/Accel to hit hard and Two Sword'ed attacks. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 044. Snowy Mountain Excursion (雪山につれてって) Quest Type: Battle Rank: 1 Appears: After completing the "Herb Pick" Quest. Price: ~600 Gil Location: Lutechia Ridge Days: - Reward: 3600 Gil and a random item. This Quest involves fighting two Red Panthers and a Goblin in a snowy area. As usual, you must "Defeat all enemies!" (ひとり残らずたおせ!). Although there are only three monsters to contend with, the two Red Panthers are relatively strong this early in the game. Send your Soldiers and Warriors at them and kill them as fast as you possibly can. It's a good idea to keep a White Mage on hand to constantly cast Cure on your wounded units. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 045. Wizard of the Snowcaps (雪山の魔法使い) Quest Type: Battle Rank: 3 Appears: After completing the "Snowy Mountain Excursion" Quest. Price: ~600 Gil Location: Lutechia Ridge Days: - Reward: 4000 Gil, the La Glace Sword and a random item. The Black Mage (Ice Demon Gelato) is accompanied by two Red Panthers and a Float-Eyeball. Although, you don't actually have to defeat any of them since your objective is to "Break all objects!" (ひとつ残らずこわせ!). Which means you only have to destroy the two blue orbs that are generating magical power. The orbs are really weak, they only have 15 HP and very low evade. Ranged physical attacks work best, so bring an Archer or a White Monk/Duelist with Kuhazan/Hadogeki and take out both orbs before Gelato and company kill your units. Gelato will tend to use Blizzara on your units, so keep everyone spread out so he can only attack one of you at a time. Gelato is has a hidden Chill Rod in stock, but I doubt you would have Steal: Weapon this early in the game... that is unless you saved this quest for later. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 046. Professor's Suffering (教授の受難) Quest Type: Battle Rank: 4 Appears: After completing the "Snowy Mountain Excursion" Quest. Price: ~900 Gil Location: Lutechia Ridge Days: 25 Reward: 4000 Gil and Gedo Egg Soup. It looks like three of those bullies from St. Ivalice (Colin, Guiness and Lyle) are Zombies in the world of Ivalice, and are hounding poor Prof. Ougee You must "Defeat all enemies!" (ひとり残らずたおせ!) to clear this quest. The two Ice Puddings have phenomenally high defence, and so physical attacks are HIGHLY ineffective against them. However, they are very weak against Fire magic; so bring a Black Mage and cast Fire/Fira on them. Because the Zombies are undead it's possible to damage them with healing items such as Potions and Phoenix Downs. It also means that they will resurrect if you leave them "dead" for too long. But if you have them all "dead" at the same time they'll all be counted as defeated. You can kill them for good if you bring an Archer that can use Ascension (learned through the Silver Bow). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 047. Supreme Recipe (至高のレシピ) Quest Type: Battle Rank: 2 Appears: After completing the "Crystal Rain" Quest. Price: ~1500 Gil Location: Rohda Volcano Days: 25 Reward: 7000 Gil, Gedo Egg Soup, a random item and two random items. A battle in a volcano against all fire enemies! It might be a good idea to use your "Sprinkler" (if you have it) as a Quest Item to exacerbate their weaknesses against Water and Ice elemental damage. There are two Fire Drakes, three Bombs, and you must "Defeat all enemies!" (ひとり残らずたおせ!) in order to win. Bishops are the most useful unit you can have in this battle, Water causes heavy damage to the enemies, and you can heal your units with Cura. A Black Mage that knows Blizzara or Blizzaga can also make light work of the opposition. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 048. Rescue Call (救援要請) Quest Type: Battle Rank: 4 Appears: After completing the "Waking Mountain" Quest. Price: ~1500Gil Location: Coling Greenwood Days: 15 Reward: 7800 Gil, Topaz Bangle, a random item, and two random cards. This is a respond to an S.O.S. from Ritz's Clan. You can only deploy three units, but Shara and Ritz will support you as guests. Ritz's clan is being attacked by a Juggler, a pair of Sprites, and a pair of Zombies. You must "Defeat all enemies!" (ひとり残らずたおせ!) to save them. This battle is fairly easy, but it's a good chance to get Blue Magic; White Wind from the Sprites and Drain Touch from the Zombies. You'll need a Monster Tamer that can control faeries to get White Wind. Note, you can instantly kill Zombies permanently by using the Monk's Hajya or the Archer's Ascension attacks. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 049. Dropped Ring (指輪おとしました) Quest Type: Battle Rank: 3 Appears: After completing the "Beasts of the Desert" Quest. Price: ~900 Gil, from Cyril or Sprohm. Location: Yulay River Days: 15 Reward: 5200 Gil and two random items. You can't look for the ring whilst Monsters are around, so you must "Defeat all enemies!" (ひとり残らずたおせ!). The Goblin and Sprite are no threat at all, so focus on killing the two Lamia first. The Lamia can cause quite a lot of damage to your units with their attacks. The Lillith is far away at the beginning of the battle; but once she gets close enough she will probably turn your units into frogs and poison them with her "Poison Frog" attack. That's why you should keep your distance and attack with ranged attacks. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 050. I'm Watching You Cont. (続みつめていたい) Quest Type: Battle Rank: 4 Appears: After completing the "I'm Watching You" Quest. Price: ~900 Gil Location: Hometown Cyril Days: 25 Required: Ahriman Eye Reward: 4600 Gil, the Vesper and a random item. Now that you have identified the Monster Tamer who has been harassing locals with his Ahriman, you can go in and "punish" him. The Monster Tamer is accompanied by two Float-Eyeballs and an Ahriman. The victory conditions are to "Defeat all enemies!" (ひとり残らずたおせ!). Try to kill the monsters first, as they are a much larger threat than the Monster Tamer who is weak. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 051. Desert Rose (砂漠のバラ) Quest Type: Battle Rank: 3 Appears: After completing the "Discovery of the Century!?" Quest, during the Month of Hunters. Price: ~3000 Gil Location: Gotlanzo Hotsands Days: 25 Required: Flower Arrangement Set (Used) Reward: 0 Gil, the Blue Rose, a random item and two random cards. An Oasis in the hotsands. The monsters of this area consist of two Antlions, both with L3 Def.Less, a Facehugger, a Sprite and a Red Panther. It's a pretty basic battle, bring your Monster Tamer to have some fun! A Hunter that knows Sidewinder should be able to make light work of all the enemies! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 052. Beasts of the Mountain (山の獣) Quest Type: Battle Rank: 3 Appears: After completing the "Jagd Detective Story" Quest. Price: ~1800 Gil Location: Cudix Mountains Days: 25 Reward: 9000 Gil, two random items and two random cards. This is a simple battle against three Red Panthers, a Couerl and a Yellow Jelly. You have to "Defeat all enemies!" (ひとり残らずたおせ!) to win. Make sure you bring a Black Mage to kill the Yellow Jelly, as it is really resistant against physical attacks. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 053. Game Store (毛皮骨肉店) Quest Type: Battle Rank: 4 Appears: After completing the "Smuggler Clan Pursuit" Quest. Price: ~2400 Gil Location: Trade Port Vakuba Days: 25 Reward: 18000 Gil, Tiger Fur, a random item, and two random cards. You must "Defeat all enemies!" (ひとり残らずたおせ!) for victory to be yours! This is a fairly normal fight against two Hunters, two Thieves (one Human and one Moogle), an Archer, and a Gunner. The Human Thief has "Two Swords', and therefore is very dangerous and should be at the top of your hit list, the Moogle Thief will tend to use the Juggler skill "Dagger" a lot, and has MP Substitute. So bring a unit that can instant KO or cast Death Sentence on him, such as Sniper with Death Sickle (Death Sentence) or an Alchemist with Death (instant KO). The Archer is equipped with a Katyusha, which is rare, and the Gunner has a Outsider which is pretty rare (and if you steal it you'll make him far less of a threat) but also, if you steal his Outside, he will most likely draw a super rare Summon Gun! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 054. Simple Tune (やさしき調べ) Quest Type: Battle Rank: 2 Appears: After completing the "Divine Beast Exodus" Battle. Price: ~3300 Gil, from Muscadet Location: Materia Forest Days: 25 Reward: 16000 Gil, Songstress's Koto, a random item, and two random cards. You must save Songstress Rhiannon from a huge hoard of monsters. A Red Panther, a Fire Drake, a Marlboro, a Sprite, and a Titania. Because she's an ally, you are restricted to sending out 5 units into battle. She can only cast Kirin... "Defeat all enemies!" (ひとり残らずたおせ!) to save Rhiannon from the monsters. Kill the Titania and Sprite as soon as possible, as they can use Angel Whisper and White Wind respectively. You may want to bring a Gadgeteer with Blue Screw to Dispel any Reraises cast by the Titania. You must keep Rhannon alive at all costs. Since if she dies, you fail instantly. So heal constantly, cast Reraise on her, or bring a Paladin to Cover her every turn. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 055. Temir's White Flower (テミルの白い花) Quest Type: Battle Rank: 3 Appears: After completing the "Green Wood" Quest. Price: ~300 Gil Location: Geeza Prairie Days: 25 Reward: 1600 Gil, Temir's White Flower and a random item. In search of a flower to cheer up a lonely woman, monsters attack you! You must "Defeat all enemies!" (ひとり残らずたおせ!) in order to clear this quest. The monsters consist of three Antlions, a Goblin and a Red Cap. That may sound daunting, but the Antlions seem considerably weaker then the ones you find in the desert, as they should not have Counter. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 056. New Anti-Law (新アンチロウ) Quest Type: Battle Rank: 3 Appears: After completing the "Crossing of the Hill" Quest, chat (話をする) with Ezel in the Card Keeper (Cadoan). Price: ~6900 Gil Location: Sienna Canyon Days: 25 Reward: 7000 Gil, Amber, a random item, All Mighty, and a random card. You're up against a very strong clan, a Ninja, a Gunner, a Sniper, a Guardian Knight, a Red Mage and a Time Mage. The objective of this quest is "Defeat all enemies!" (ひとり残らずたおせ!). The Ninja is the most dangerous unit in the opposition, he has Two Swords and is pretty strong. At this late stage of the game, there is nothing strategically that they are going to throw at you that you can't handle. You should be a battle hardened war general by now! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 057. Escape Assistance (脱走お助け) Quest Type: Battle Rank: 3 Appears: After completing the "Materia Crystal Collection" quest, during the Month of Kings. Price: ~1500 Gil, from Sprohm. Location: Mountain Town Sprohm Days: 25 Reward: 7000 Gil, Helge Key and two random cards. A battle in Sprohm's Prison, spooky! You're battling two Guardian Knights and two Palace Knights, but you can still deploy a full squad of six units. The victory conditions are to "Defeat all enemies!" (ひとり残らずたおせ!). The front Guardian Knight is equipped with an Aegis Shield, which is rare, so bring a unit that can steal it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 058. Ruins of the Kingdom (王国期の遺跡) Quest Type: Battle Rank: 3 Appears: After completing the "Truth of the Old Coin" quest. Quest. Price: ~1500 Gil Location: Nargae Grotto Days: 25 Days Reward: 7000 Gil, two random items, and two random cards. The "Guardians of the Ruins" are a Lamia, a Lillith, a Titania, and a Sword Keeper. They are specifically guarding the "Strange Stone Statues" at the back of the ruins. You must "Break all objects!" (ひとつ残らずこわせ!) to clear the quest. So you don't even have to attack the guardians, you only need to shatter the statues. It would be a good idea to disable the Sword Keeper as quick as possible to prevent him from using "Resonance", which casts "Don't Act" on all your units that are wielding swords. The Lamia can also use Night, so bring a Blue Mage to learn it. As it is probably the most useful Blue Magic there is. The Quest can be finished very quickly if you bring a unit that can attack from a distance, such as a Gunner or Archer. But if you have a White Monk/Duelist/Hunter that can use Hadogeki/Sonic Boom. You can rush at the statues and shatter them both from a distance by aiming between them. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 059. Sketchbook Thieves (スケブどろぼう) Quest Type: Battle Rank: 3 Appears: After completing the "To the Amber Valley" Quest. Price: ~2400 Gil Location: Deete Field Days: 25 Reward: 18000 Gil, Sketch Book, a random item and two random cards. A bunch of thieves have stolen a Sketchbook of Monsters. They are: two Thieves (a Human and a Moogle), an Archer and an Animal Trainer, and they've summoned a Red Marshmallow from the sketchbook... maybe it was Relms? You must "Defeat all enemies!" (ひとり残らずたおせ!) to seal victory. Just make sure you at least have a Mage to kill the Red Marshmallow, a Black Mage with Blizzaga is best. Note that the Moogle Thief has Steal Weapon, so if you still don't have it but have Steal Ability... steal it! You really should have a Sword Breaker by now... anyway, the Archer can be frustrating if he inflicts "Don't Act" and "Don't Move" on your units with his "Aims".. so protect your units with Scarab Charms and Thief Hats. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 060. Strongmen Due (強者よきたれ) Quest Type: Battle Rank: 3 Appears: After completing the "Dragon Support" Quest. Price: ~7200 Gil Location: Osmoure Moor Days: 10 Reward: 30000 Gil, two random items, and two random cards. A very ordinary battle against elite units, a Summoner, a Moogle Knight, a Paladin, a Dragon Knight, an Assassin, and an Alchemist. You must "Defeat all enemies!" (ひとり残らずたおせ!) to secure victory! The Assassin is equipped with a Genji Shield, and the Paladin with an Aegis Shield and a Carabiner. Kill the Summoner and Assassin first, as they are the most dangerous. Otherwise you could just Beserk the Summoner with Catnip or Molotov Cocktail to prevent her from summoning. The Paladin and Alchemist should be killed next since they are healers, then take out the rest. The Paladin has a hidden Save The Queen in stock, so steal his Vigilante and wait for him to draw it out. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 061. Hit'n'Run Again (あて逃げ再び) Quest Type: Battle Rank: 3 Appears: After completing the "Bounty" Quest. Price: ~1000 Gil Location: Jagd Doloosa Days: - Reward: 7000 Gil, two random items, and two random cards. They rammed into Nono's airship again! It's time to deal some punishment, and it's a Jagd deathmatch! No rules! Yay! But... make sure you bring a White Mage that at least knows Raise (Araise or Reraise would be even better), a White Monk with Revive, or stock up on Phoenix Downs. Because as you know, if any of your units are "unconscious" at the end of the battle, they will be gone forever. You must "Defeat all enemies!" (ひとり残らずたおせ!) to clear the quest. The rival clan has a wide variety of units, a Ninja, a Blue Mage, a Gunner, a Black Mage, a Thief, and a Red Mage. Eliminate the Ninja as fast as possible, or he will slay your units faster than you can revive them. He is equipped with "Two Swords" which makes him very nasty. He will also tend to throw a lot, so have some units with Catch and hopefully you'll get someting decent. Sadly the Blue Mage doesn't have his hidden Tulwar this time around... shucks. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 062. Frog Oasis (オアシスのカエル) Quest Type: Battle Rank: 3 Appears: After completing the "Distorted River" Quest. Price: ~900 Gil, from Cadoan. Location: Desert Capital Cadoan Days: - Reward: 4600 Gil, The Great Gaol's Song and a random item. You must "Defeat all enemies!" (ひとり残らずたおせ!) to clear this quest. You can only bring five units into battle, this is because you're only up against three Lamia. Just make sure stock up on Maiden's Kiss and Antidotes to counteract the effects of their "Poison Frog" attack, which they will use quite often. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 063. Missing in a Cave? (洞窟で行方不明?) Quest Type: Battle Rank: 3 Appears: After completing the "Magic Swordsman Llednar" Battle, and "Professor's Suffering" Quest. Price: ~2400 Gil Location: Czabola Caves Days: 25 Reward: 18000 Gil, two random items and two random cards. Prof. Ougee is lost in Czabola Caves looking for Mythril Silver. To free him you must "Break all objects!" (ひとつ残らずこわせ!) or more specifically the "Strange Stone Statues". The Statues are being protected by a Ahriman, a Titania, an Ice Drake and a Bomb. Deploy two projectile weapon units, such as Archers, Gunners, etc. or even better, a Duelist/White Monk/Hunter that knows Hadogeki/Sonic Boom. Get those units to climb the cave and destroy the statues, you can kill them both in one shot if you aim a Sonic Boom/Hadogeki blast between them. Do that while other units keep the guardian's busy. Note that any attack with an elemental affiliation will not cause any damage to the statues. Once you complete this quest, there is a chance that Ougee's apprentice, Quin, will join your clan. If he doesn't, you should probably reset and try again. It may take some perseverance, but it's worth it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 064. Nest of Evil (悪の巣) Quest Type: Battle Rank: 3 Appears: After completing the "Magic Swordsman Llednar" battle. Price: ~1500 Gil. Location: Czabola Caves Days: - Required: Helge Key (Used) and Combat Skill (Sword) Level 25 Reward: 22600 Gil, a random items, and two random cards. The Jagd is guarded by a bunch of mages. Led by a Black Mage, there's also a White Mage, a Time Mage, a Bishop, a Shaman, and a Gadgeteer. To unlock the Helge you must "Defeat all enemies!" (ひとり残らずたおせ!). There are quite a lot of good items to steal here, the leader is equipped witn a Flame Rod, a Kagun Robe and a Black Hat, all which are rare. The Gadgeteer has a Thief Hat, and the Time Mage has a Stardust Rod and a Black Robe. Bring a Summoner to cast Carbuncle (and therefore Reflect) on all of your units, all the Mages magic will bounce back to hurt them. The Black Mage can cast Night with his Blue Mage secondary, which puts all units on the battle field to sleep. So equip some of your units with Protect Rings to keep them awake. The Gadgeteers only Pandora is Silver Disc, but it only causes Darkness which is that bad a status ailment (relatively). Just bring a White Mage that knows Esuna or heaps of Eye Drops to cure any conjunctivitis he causes. He also has MP Substitute, which makes him harder to kill. The Shaman can use Chain Magic, so try to take her out early on before she can use devastating magic combos. After winning the battle you will get to place the symbol for Jagd Helge (ヤクトヘルジェ) on the map. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 065. Discovery Tour (秘境探検ツアー) Quest Type: Battle Rank: 3 Appears: After completing the "Discovery of the Century!?" Quest. Price: ~1500 Gil. Location: Desert Capital Cadoan Days: - Reward: 0 Gil, two random items, and two random cards. Only four monsters to slay here, a Couerl, an Ice Pudding, a Facehugger, and a Grenade. "Defeat all enemies!" (ひとり残らずたおせ!) to clear this quest. Once you have cleared this quest, you will get to place the symbol for Jagd Arley (ヤクトアーリー). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 066. Dragon Support (竜の助力) Quest Type: Battle Rank: 3 Appears: After completing the "Dragons Awaken" Quest. Price: ~4200 Gil Location: Delilah Dunes Days: 25 Required: Ruby Dragon Eye Reward: 31600 Gil, two random items, and two random cards. The Dragon's of Delilah, two Dragon Knights, a Ice Drake, a Fire Drake, and a Thunder Drake. To win this battle you only have to defeat the lead Dragoon, since the objective is "Defeat the Boss Unit!" (ボスユニットをたおせ!). He is equipped with Genji Armour and a Genji Shield, so you should steal them from him before you slay him. Once you have cleared this quest, you will get to place the symbol for Osmourne Moor (オズモーネ平原). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 067. Searching for Meow (ニヤーをさがして) Quest Type: Battle Rank: 2 Appears: After completing the "Royal Valley" Quest. Price: ~600 Gil Location: Deete Field Days: - Required: Rabbit's Tail (Used) Reward: 27000 Gil, Unit Glasses 2, a random items, and two random cards. A battle against Meow, the Master Coeurl! This quest's obvious objective is "Defeat the Boss Unit!" (ボスユニットをたおせ!), and you can deploy a limit of four units into battle. The biggest threat that Meow possesses is being able to instantly turn your units to Stone with its Blaster attack. There are a variety of items which protect against Stone; Ribbons, Katyusha, Ancient Swords, Aegis Shields, etc. As always with one-on-one fights, bog Meow down with status abnormalities (especially Stop) and then attack him full force. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 068. Search for the Burglar (ドロボウをさがせ) Quest Type: Battle Rank: 2 Appears: After completing the "Vanishing Essay" Quest. Price: ~600 Gil Location: Hometown Cyril Days: - Reward: 3600 Gil and two random items. This battle's objective is "Defeat the Boss Unit!" (ボスユニットをたおせ!). You're only up against Dabarosa, the burglar (a chicken thief), but he is very strong and you are restricted to deploying only three units. Don't bother with any healing units, just deploy units which can attack him from a distance. He has Counter, and will most likely destroy any units which attack him directly. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 069. Sprohm Liberation Battle (スプロム解放戦) Quest Type: Territory Rank: 3 Appears: After reading the Area Liberation (エリア解放) rumour. Price: ~600 Gil Location: Mountain Town Sprohm Days: - Reward: 2400 Gil, and two random items. Sprohm is very steep and looks Moroccan-inspired. Your objective is to "Defeat all enemies!" (ひとり残らずたおせ!). The best thing is, there are only are three enemies (a Thief, a White Mage and a Warrior) and you can send a full side of six into battle! They are strong, but the lopsided numbers should make this an easy battle. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 070. Raven's Challenge (レイヴンの挑戦状) Quest Type: Battle Rank: 4 Appears: After reading the Birth of Heroes (ヒーローの誕生) rumour. Price: ~800 Gil Location: Geeza Prairie Days: - Reward: 6400 Gil, and two random items. This battle is against Raven; Paladin and a leader of the Borzoy Clan, and his Black Mage; Dread Raven. "Defeat all enemies!" (ひとり残らずたおせ!) to clear the quest. Anyway, because this is 4-on-2, it may seem this battle is tilted in your favour, but don't underestimate these enemies. Raven has Saint Cross and Holy Blade, and his Black Mage has Thundera, Magic Return and Intensify. Using magic attacks would be suicide... so try to use strong ranged attacks, such as Archery and the White Monk's Kuhazan. You can always Bring a Soldier or Warrior to Power Break Raven and Mind Break the Dread Raven to make their attacks less potent. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 071. Forest of Nubice War (ヌーベスの森戦役) Quest Type: Battle Rank: 3 Appears: After reading the Borzoy's Expectations (ボルゾイの思わく) rumour. Price: ~1000 Gil Location: Forest of Nubice Days: - Reward: 7000 Gil, two random items, and two random cards. This battle is against three Borzoy clan members; a Red Mage, a White Mage, and a Black Mage. You can deploy up to four units, and the conditions of victory are to "Defeat all enemies!" (ひとり残らずたおせ!). Hejaat, the Red Mage, is equipped with a Madu and a Minerva Bische, both semi rare items that you should consider stealing. Because all the enemies are mages, you can win this battle easy by bringing physically strong units such as Gladiators and Duelists, and then protection them with Shell and Reflect. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 072. Lutechia Ridge War (ルテチア峠戦役) Quest Type: Battle Rank: 3 Appears: After completing the "Forest of Nubice War" Quest. Price: ~800 Gil Location: Lutechia Ridge Days: - Reward: 6000 Gil, two random items, and two random cards. Another battle against the Borzoy Clan with four of your units. This Borzoy clan party comprises of a Sniper, a Black Mage, and a Time Mage. And you must "Defeat all enemies!" (ひとり残らずたおせ!) in order to win. The Time Mage and Black Mage are physically weak, so try making them Berserk with the Soldier's Stir Up, the Juggler's Molotov Cocktail, or the Animal Trainer's Catnip. The Black Mage is wearing a Angel Ring, which gives him automatic Reraise. So bring a Thief with Steal Accessory to "take" the Angel Ring, which is really rare and useful. You will need to use Dispel or kill him once to remove his Reraise and make him mortal. Arrow Guard is a very useful reaction ability in this battle, to prevent the Sniper's attacks. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 073. Last Day of the Borzoy (ボルゾイ最後の日) Quest Type: Battle Rank: 4 Appears: After completeing the two Borzoy "Wars". Price: ~1000 Gil Location: Lutechia Ridge Days: - Required: Combat Skill (Sword) Level 12 Reward: 7200 Gil, Shield of Four Gods, and two random cards. This is the "battaglia di battaglia" against the Borzoy Clan. You must "Defeat all enemies!" (ひとり残らずたおせ!) for victory. The clan boss, Guzco, wants to crush your resistance. He is a really strong Duelist equipped with Two Swords, ouch! And not only that, he is supported by a White Mage, a Sniper and a White Monk. This battle shouldn't be that hard, because if you have a Combat Skill Level of 12 you should have pretty strong units. The two clans will be far away from each other, so if you bring some units with ranged attacks, you can attack from the higher ledges before they can get to you. Get your other units to rush at them from the steps from either side of the area, or if they have a jump of 3 or more, they can just jump down. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 074. Retaining Cadoan Order (カドアン治安維持) Quest Type: Battle Rank: 3 Appears: After reading the Foreign Crime Syndicate (異国の犯罪団) rumour. Price: ~1500 Gil, from Cadoan Location: Desert Capital Cadoan Days: - Reward: 8200 Gil, two random items, and two random cards. Cadoan's public order is being threatened by a group of five Bombs being led by the "Mother Bomb". You must "Defeat all enemies!" (ひとり残らずたおせ!) to retain Cadoan's order. Use a "Sprinkler" as a Quest Item in advance to increase the effectiveness of Ice/Water magic against the Bombs even more. If you pound them with Ice/Water spells, they shouldn't survive for too long! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 075. Cadoan Liberation Battle (カドアン解放戦) Quest Type: Territory Rank: 4 Appears: After reading the Red Wings (赤い翼) rumour. Price: ~600 Gil Location: Desert Capital Cadoan Days: - Reward: 2400 Gil, Red Robe, and two random cards. This Borzoy battle is against two Moogle Knights of the Red Wings. You must "Defeat all enemies!" (ひとり残らずたおせ!) for victory to be yours. There are a couple of problems with this battle... firstly, your party is a long way away from the "Red Wings"... secondly, one of them has MP Substitute as a Reaction Ability, which will make him virtually invincible... and both Moogle Knights can cause status problems with their secondary abilities, Shooting and Juggle. It's best to focus all your attacks on the Moogle Knight with MP Substitute first, to drain his MP and then his HP. Also, bring a unit with a status removing ability, such as White Mage's Esuna. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 076. Sigil of Fire (炎の刻印) Quest Type: Battle Rank: 3 Appears: After reading the Fargabaad (ファルガバード) rumour. Price: ~600 Gil Location: Rohda Volcano Days: - Reward: 0 Gil, Sigil of Fire, a random item, and two random cards. This battle is against the Fire of Fargabaad, Maliris the Serpent. She is guarded by three of the Red Wings, all Moogle Knights with good secondary abilities. You must "Defeat all enemies!" (ひとり残らずたおせ!) to win. Maliris is on the complete opposite side of the lava flow. It will take a couple of turns to reach her, and in that time she could put all your units to sleep with "Night". That is why you should equip as many units as possible with equipment that protects against sleep, such as the 'Protect Ring'. Take out her Moogle guardians first, then focus on her. When battling her in close quarters, make sure you have a unit like a White Mage with Esuna, or a stock of Maiden's Kisses and Antidotes to remove the effects of "Poison Frog". The Moogle Knight with Steal has Steal Weapon and no Maintenance (a very rare sight) so if you have Steal Ability you should steal it so you don't have to wait to get the Sword Breaker. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 077. Vakuba Liberation Battle (バクーバ解放戦) Quest Type: Battle Rank: 4 Appears: After reading the Spirit Stone (魂の石) rumour. Price: ~600 Gil Location: Trade Port Vakuba Days: - Reward: 2400 Gil, Delta Attack, a random item, and two random cards. The three Naga (Magus) sisters are wrecking havoc in the Port Town of Vakuba. You must "Defeat all enemies!" (ひとり残らずたおせ!) in order to claim this area for your clan. Each of them has one ability which they can use, work on killing the sister with Twister first, Dog (ドグ), then kill the other two sisters, Meg (メグ) and Rag (ラグ), after. They are all pretty strong, so bring some of your best units. You should wear accessories to protect against Poison, Frog and Charm; Ming-Wu's Jewel and Angel Rings (Frog & Poison), and Ruby Earrings (Charm) come to mind. But a Ribbon would be the ultimate! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 078. Sigil of Water (水の刻印) Quest Type: Battle Rank: 4 Appears: After reading the Alchemy of Sages (賢者の錬金) rumour. Price: ~3600 Gil Location: Nargae Grotto Reward: 18000 Gil, Sigil of Water, a random item, and two random cards. A battle against the Water of Fargabaad, Kraken Bormes... looks like an Ice Pudding to me. He's being guarded by three Red Wings, all with "Shooting" as their secondary abilities. But because they are equipped with swords, they can't really use it to its maximum effect. For victory to be yours, you must "Defeat all enemies!" (ひとり残らずたおせ!) to win. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 079. Sigil of Wind (風の刻印) Quest Type: Battle Rank: 4 Appears: After reading the Alchemy of Sages (賢者の錬金) rumour. Price: ~3600 Gil Location: Coling Greenwood Days: - Reward: 18000 Gil, Sigil of Wind, a random item, and two random cards. It's time to battle against the Wind of Fargabaad, Tiamat Dragore! He's really just a Thunder Drake, but we'll play along with Squares facade :) You must "Defeat all enemies!" (ひとり残らずたおせ!) to get the Sigil of Wind. Tiamat has three Red Wings (Moogle Knights) to guard him, and they all have "Shooting" as secondary abilities. It's nothing you can't handle. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 080. Sigil of Earth (地の刻印) Quest Type: Battle Rank: 4 Appears: After reading the Alchemy of Sages (賢者の錬金) rumour. Price: ~2400 Gil Location: Icen Plains Days: - Reward: 18000 Gil, Sigil of Earth, a random item, and two random cards. Lich the Death (the Earth of Fargabaad) is causing trouble in the Icen Plains. He is being guarded by three Red Wings (Moogle Knights) with "Juggle" as their secondary abilities. In order to get the Sigil of Earth, you must "Defeat all enemies!" (ひとり残らずたおせ!). Spells like Astra are good to protect against the Status Abnormalities the Red Wings will most likely inflict on you. You can cause damage to Lich by using spells like Curaga or Raise, but with the Paladin's Holy Sword attack you should be able to kill him in literally one hit. The Moogles will tend to Toss a lot of weapons at you, so have a couple of units with Catch to get some free goodies. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 081. Red Wings (赤い翼) Quest Type: Battle Rank: 4 Appears: After reading the Alchemy of Sages (賢者の錬金) rumour. Price: ~5000 Gil Location: Sarika Forest Days: - Required: Spirit Stone Reward: 22600 Gil, Death's Cloak, and two random cards. Finally, a battle against the true Red Wing leader, the Dark Knight Grazum. The battle objective is to "Defeat the Boss Unit!" (ボスユニットをたおせ!). Grazum is protected by two Red Wings (Moogle Knights) and two Rune Knights (Guardian Knights). Just go after the Grazum, it would be a good idea to bring a really fast unit equipped with "Two Swords" and some really strong weapons to assassinate Grazum ASAP. One of the Rune Knights is equipped with an Ice Shield, which is sort of rare, so you may want to steal it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 082. Muscadet Liberation Battle (ミュスカデ解放戦) Quest Type: Territory Rank: 4 Appears: After reading the Engima of the Minstrel (謎の吟遊詩人) rumour. Price: ~600 Gil, from Muscadet Location: Isolated Village Muscadet Days: - Reward: 2400 Gil, Midnight Persona, and two random cards. They're back! A Silver-haired Arc Knight *coughELMDORcough*, accompanied by two Assassin buddies, one called Celia and the other Lede. Remember them from another game? "Defeat all enemies!" (ひとり残らずたおせ!) to free Muscadet from Borzoy/Red Wing rule. Unlike the original FFT, there's not much to steal from this trio. Elmdor has nothing of value, Celia has a Master Bow and a Katyusha and Lede has a Masamune, Dark Outfit, and a Genji Shield... Much has changed in six years. Even though there are only three enemies, you can deploy a full squad of six. A White Mage with Reraise is so helpful in this Battle, as Celia has Breath Stop which can instantly KO your units. Otherwise, you could equip Wygars or similar to protect them against KO. Watch out, Celia can also break equipment with her 'Snipe' secondary abilities, which can really be annoying if she destroys something really rare or good. If you want to KO, Stone, Stop or put her to Sleep, you will have to steal her Katyusha. Elmdor doesn't have Lifebreak so he's not that scary, all he really can do is disable your mages with Silence and Soul Sphere. He has Compound Fracture, which you can bypass simply by attacking from a far, or by inflicting "Forgetfulness" with Amnesia. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 083. Foreign Monster (異国の魔物) Quest Type: Battle Rank: 5 Appears: After reading the Foreign Monster (異国の魔物) rumour. Price: ~2400 Gil Location: Yulay River Days: - Reward: 18000 Gil, two random items, and two random cards. Your only enemy is the Queen Lamia, you can deploy a maximum of four units, and the objective is to "Defeat all enemies!" (ひとり残らずたおせ!) but like it matters anyway. I'd equip all four of your units with Protect Rings to Stop them from all getting put to sleep with the Queen Lamia's "Night", unless of course one of those units is a Blue Mage that you want to learn Night. Also, casting Astra/Resist on your units will protect them against Poison Frog". She is very very strong, but if you battle smart and inflict status abnormalities on her you should be able to take her down before she causes a hell of a lot of damage to your units. You'll notice that this area is split in half by Yulay River, with a small jetty linking in between. By staying up on the higher area, you can attack the Queen Lamia on the lower section. Bring a Gunner to Stop Shot her, or a Archer with Aim at Legs to keep her down on the lower section. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 084. Foreign Monster 2 (異国の魔物2) Quest Type: Battle Rank: 5 Appears: After completing the "Foreign Monster" quest. Price: ~2800 Gil Location: Trade Port Vakuba Days: - Reward: 70400 Gil, two random items, and two random cards. This time the Foreign Monster is a Adamanturtle, a giant Weapon Biter. Like the last "Foreign Monster" battle, you can deploy a maximum of four units, and the objective is to "Defeat all enemies!" (ひとり残らずたおせ!). It's best not to deploy units with bladed weapons, as the Adamanturtle can cast "Don't Move" status on all of them in one turn with "Resonate". Archer-type Jobs are also out of the question too, since he is equipped with Arrow Evade. Mages are the best unit to deploy, since the Adamanturtle's magic defence is considerably lower than its weapon defence. The Blue Mage's "Guard Offer"ability may help soften up his shell to welcome physical attacks. Beware when the Adamanturtle is critical, as it is then able to use Limit Glove which deals 999 HP, also be aware that the Adamanturtle can break your weapon with 'Crunch'. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 085. Foreign Monster 3 (異国の魔物3) Quest Type: Battle Rank: 5 Appears: After completing the "Foreign Monster 2" quest. Price: ~3000 Gil Location: Uladono Swamp Days: - Reward: 22600 Gil, two random items, and two random cards. This Foreign Monster battle is against an Ochu and an Neochu (really a Marlboro and a Marlboro Great respectively). As before, you are limited to mobilising up to four units and "Defeat all enemies!" (ひとり残らずたおせ!) to win. Both Ochu's are equipped with Bad Breath, but you can prepare against it by equipping Immunity on Human/N'Mou units that have it, equipping Viera with Ribbons or Barettes, or by using the Moogle Knight's Resist or the Palace Knight/Alchemist's Astra. Attacks which halve HP, such as Time Mage's Graviga, Warrior's Life X-Zone, or the Blue Mage's Twister; are excellent for causing massive damage to the HP heavy plants, then finish them of with elemental -ga magic cast from afar. Keep your units away from the Neochu if they have positive status like Reraise or Regen, he can dispell these with Odd Soundwave. You're better off using MP Substitute to make your units semi-invincible. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 086. Final Fight (最後の戦い) Quest Type: Battle Rank: 6 Appears: After completing the "Foreign Monster 3" quest. Price: ~4600 Gil Location: Forest of Nubice Days: - Reward: 3400 Gil, the Dread Soul and the Judge Coat, and two random cards. The "Final Fight" is against the Dread Lord (a Vampire, you can send up to four units into battle, and "Defeat all enemies!" (ひとり残らずたおせ!) to win (there is only one anyway). The Dread Lord is very strong! A White Mage is indespensible in this battle, as they can heal and cure your units, but they can also damage the Dread Lord by casting Cure or Raise spells on him. A Summoner that knows Phoenix can kill him in one hit, 100%... gone. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 087. Berbenia Liberation Battle (ベルベニア解放戦) Quest Type: Territory Rank: 6 Appears: After freeing all other territories. Price: ~400 Gil Location: Hometown Cyril Days: - Reward: 2400 Gil, the Lucavi Soul, a random item, and two random cards. Standing between you and complete domination of Ivalice, is the Decayed Emperor Guzco, he's back this time as a Lucavi. Under his control are two ArcheoDemons (Ice Drakes) and two Apanda (Ahriman). To free Berbenia from evil rule you must "Defeat all enemies!" (ひとり残らずたおせ!). Because all of your opposition is fairly deadly the most important thing is to kill them as fast as possible, this is especially important because Guzco can resurrect three turns after he is killed. Another plan of attack would be to kill him last, but that would require you to endure his attacks while you kill his demon friends. The Apanda can also slowly kill your units one by one by using its Death Roulette attack, and if it lands on Guzco, he will be completely healed by it. Lots of equipment protects your units from KO's: Katyushas, Ribbons, Wygars, Mirage Vests, Chameleon Robes and the Kensei Sword. Like the Dread Lord... Guzco can be killed instantly if you cast Phoenix on him with a Summoner... try it! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 088. Shijin Dragon Ogma (四神竜オグマ) Quest Type: Battle Rank: 7 Appears: After completing the "Royal Valley" Quest. Price: ~3000 Gil Location: Rohda Volcano Days: - Reward: 22600 Gil, Proof of Ogma, a random item, All Mighty and a random card The Dragon of the Four God's, Ogma (really a Thunder Drake). Because he can only really attack with Thunder Breath, equip your four units with things that disable Thunder elemental damage, like the Rubber Conscious or Shinu Robes. "Defeat the Boss Unit!" (ボスユニットをたおせ!) to win. He is immune to instant KOs, but he's not immune to Death Sentence. If you bring a Sniper with Death Sickle, and a Time Mage with Haste. You can inflict Death Sentence on him with Death Sickle, and then haste him so he is on death row for a shorter peroid of time. Just keep away from him until Death Sickle does its job. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 089. Montblanc's Bride (モンブランの花嫁) Quest Type: Battle Rank: 5 Appears: After completing the "Shijin Dragon Ogma" Quest. Price: ~2400 Gil Location: Materia Forest Days: - Reward: 18000 Gil, the Esteros, a random item, and two random cards. They've tricked you... posing as Mogmi to lure Montblanc. Reika (a Moogle Knight) is accompanied by a Thief (Moogle), a Juggler, a Black Mage, and a Time Mage. You must "Defeat all enemies!" (ひとり残らずたおせ!) to clear this quest. The biggest problem in this battle is status abnormalities, since there is a Juggler and a lot of them have Call as a secondary ability. So make sure you protect with Ribbons/Holy Knight Shield, or have someone who can heal the ill with items or magic. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 090. Law of the Clans (クランのおきて) Quest Type: Battle Rank: 6 Appears: After completing the "Montblanc's Bride" Quest. Price: ~2000 Gil Location: Osmourne Moor Days: - Reward: 13600 Gil, the Master Brave, a random item, and two random cards. Representative leaders of many clans want to take down the mighty Nuts Clan. There is a Paladin (Ba Clan), the Summoner (Herr Clan), a Sage (Cargal Clan), a White Monk (Germa Clan) and a White Mage (Feth Clan). In order to take down this uprising, "Defeat all enemies!" (ひとり残らずたおせ!). Bringing an Assassin for the purpose of Stop Breath'ing the leaders one by one wouldn't be that great of an idea, since most of the units are equipped with armour which protects against KO's. Practically all of the Summoner's Summons are holy elemental, so you could make sure Holy Elemental Ban is one of the World Laws before engaging, or you could use a Holy Elemental Ban Card to prevent her from summmoning. Note that it will also prevent you from healing and using most items. The Sage is the most dangerous unit, with strong spells such as Giga Flare and Bio, try silencing him. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 091. Foreign Swordsman (異国のソードマン) Quest Type: Battle Rank: 3 Appears: After completing the "Desert Migration" Quest. Price: ~2400 Gil Location: Delilah Dunes Days: - Reward: 18000 Gil, the Chirijiraden, and two random cards. You're up against a lone unit, the Sword Master, and you can deploy up to 4 units. "Defeat the Boss Unit!" (ボスユニットをたおせ!) are the victory conditions. He's equipped with a Paraiba Blade, a Bone Plate (I'd steal the Bone Plate, it's semi-rare), and has Hamedoru as his R-Ability. His level will probably be around 10 or so above your units'. Bring him down with status abnormalities like Sleep or Stop, and then hack away at him. If you have at least one of your units has MP Substitute, it will be impossible to loose since your MP will refill every turn. Use ranged attacks to get past Hamedoru, or use the Warrior's Lightning Quick or Archer's Fast Boost to bypass it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 092. Cursed Bride (呪われた花嫁) Quest Type: Battle Rank: 4 Appears: After completing the "Onward, Coast Guards!" quest. Price: ~1500 Gil Location: Illute Desert Days: - Reward: 8200 Gil, the Final Letter, a random item, and two random cards. Your only opposition in this quest is a bride was actually an evil succubi, an InverLillith. "Defeat the Boss Unit!" (ボスユニットをたおせ!) to save her. She is very very strong; probably around 10 levels above that of your units. She really only uses "Twister" on you, which halves your HP. The good thing is that she can't actually kill you easily with Twister. Since the more it damages you, the less it will take out if used again. It takes around nine Twisters at the most to kill a unit. If you bring a unit that can heal, and you spread out your units, it should be an easy fight. Equip "Learning" on your units so they can learn "Twister", and then use it on her. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 093. Pudding Outbreak (プリン大発生) Quest Type: Battle Rank: 3 Appears: After completing the "Divine Beast Exodus" Battle. Price: ~1800 Gil Location: Sarika Forest Days: - Reward: 13600 Gil, the Heretic, and two random cards. It's a mass Pudding Outbreak; two Ice Puddings, two Red Marshmallows, and the Mother Pudding (Yellow Jelly). "Defeat all enemies!" (ひとり残らずたおせ!) in order to clear the quest. Do not mobilise units that attack physically, as Puddings have very high Physical Defense. However, they are very vulnerable to elemental magic. Ice Puddings are weak against Fire magic, and the Mother Pudding (Yellow Jelly) is weak against Water magic. So bring Black Mages, Bishops, Sages, et cetera. Don't have any of your units equipped with Return Magic or with Reflect Mail, as returned magic will just heal them. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 094. Sorry, my Friend (ごめんね僕の友) Quest Type: Encounter Rank: 3 Appears: After completing the "Magic Swordsman Llednar" battle. Price: ~1800 Gil Location: Deete Field Days: - Reward: 12600 Gil, Vanguard, a random item, and two random cards. A super easy battle against a lone Facehugger. He's the only enemy you have to battle, but "Defeat all enemies!" (ひとり残らずたおせ!) is the objective. Just bog him down his status abnormalities like Sleep or Stop, then carve his HP down wit the Time Mage's Graviga or Warrior's Life X-Zone, then bash him into bug splat with the Duelist/Gladiator's Boost, or Moogle Knight's Accel. You'll get the increase in damage, but it will have a 100% chance of hitting when the Facehugger is stopped or asleep. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 095. Carrot (キャロットちゃん) Quest Type: Encounter Rank: 5 Appears: Approximately after completing the "Royal Valley" Quest. Price: ~5400 Gil Location: Jagd Helge Days: 20 Required: Rusted Spear (Used) Reward: 40000 Gil, the Marlbow, a random item, and two random cards. A lawless battle against Carrot, the Devil Marlboro. The battle objective is to "Defeat the Boss Unit!" (ボスユニットをたおせ!), and you can deploy up to four units. Because you're only up against one enemy, this battle is simply a case of keeping your units alive whilst you tear her apart. As with all HP heavy enemies, use Graviga and similar spells to cut her down. It's very important to protect against Carrot's Bad Breath with status abnormality canceling equipment such as Ribbons, or by casting Astra on your units. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 096. Pandemonium (百鬼夜行) Quest Type: Battle Rank: 5 Appears: Approximately after completing the "Royal Valley" Quest. Price: ~4800 Gil Location: Jagd Arley Days: - Reward: 36000 Gil, Shinobi Tabi, a random item, and two random cards. What a scary battle, your opposition is Hanzo's band of Ninjas. Two Assassins and three Ninjas. One Ninja has a semi rare and very helpful Nosada, the Assassin has a Genji Shield, and most of them are wearing rare armour. It would be a good idea to bring a unit such as a WHite Mage, Sage or Summoner equipped with an Angel Ring so you can Raise your KO'd units. A Sage is probably best, since you can heal and raise multiple units with Maraise, and also do heavy damage with Bio and Giga Flare. The objective of this battle is "Defeat the Boss Unit!" (ボスユニットをたおせ!), so just go for Hanzo. Note that he is protected from KO's and Petrification. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 097. Legend of the Dark Sword (伝説の暗黒剣) Quest Type: Battle Rank: 6 Appears: Approximately after completing the "Royal Valley" Quest. Price: ~3000 Gil Location: Jagd Doloosa Days: - Required: Spirit Stone and Bent Sword (Used) Reward: 22600 Gil, the Rengensaibu, a random item, and two random cards. Apart from being a couple of levels above you, the Dark Knight isn't that tough. "Defeat the Boss Unit!" (ボスユニットをたおせ!) to clear this quest and get Rengensaibu. He has Regenerator... you could disable it with Amnesia or dispell it each time, but you're better off using your turn to attack. It's best to attack him with -ga magic (but not Firaga since Dragon Mail nullifies Fire damage) and hard physical attacks, such as Boost and Two Sword'ed attacks. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 098. Legend of the Hero Sword (伝説の英雄剣) Quest Type: Battle Rank: 6 Appears: Approximately after completing the "Royal Valley" Quest. Price: ~3600 Gil Location: Trade Port Vakuba Days: - Required: Rusted Sword and Mysidia Alloy (Used) Reward: 27000 Gil, the Excalibur 2, a random item, and two random cards. Bacrus, the Blacksmith (Palace Knight), is FFT-A's Elmdor. Stuffed to the brim with Genji equipment ready to steal; Genji Armour and a Genji Helmet. He also has a Genji Glove, but you can't steal it. You can deploy a squad of up to four units... "Defeat the Boss Unit!" (ボスユニットをたおせ!) is your battle objective. First cast Stop or Sleep on Bacrus, and then steal the Armour and Helmet off him. You may also want to steal his Dragon's Whisker, so once he wakes up or returns to time he cannot use "Jump". Then just kill him and you'll get the Excalibur 2! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 099. Legend of the Youtou (伝説の妖刀) Quest Type: Battle Rank: 6 Appears: Approximately after completing the "Royal Valley" Quest. Price: ~4200 Gil Location: Sienna Canyon Days: - Required: Zodiac Ore and Apple of Chaos & Blood (Used) Reward: 31000 Gil, Hyakushiki Masamune, a random item, and two random cards. A fight against Gagatto, the Swordsmith. A one on four battle, with the objective being to "Defeat the Boss Unit!" (ボスユニットをたおせ!). You should be pretty efficient with these types of battles by now. Gagatto will tend to use Dragon Sword to cure any damage you do to him, whilst at the same time dealing damage to you. It will be an uphill battle unless you stop him doing this, try using Amnesia, or a Don't Act inflicting ability like the Juggler's Dagger or Shaman's Fire Whip. Apart from that, you should be able to overpower him to get the cursed blade. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 100. Escaped Monsters (逃げた魔獣) Quest Type: Encounter Rank: 5 Appears: Vist the Monster Bank after capturing 5 monsters. Price: ~1200 Gil Location: Variable Days: 20 Reward: 8800 Gil, a random item, and two random cards. Once you encounter the "Escaped Monsters" on the World Map, make sure you select "Catch" (捕まえる) to battle them, otherwise you will let them go. Bring a Hunter to send them back to the Monster Bank instead of making them "faint" and go to waste. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 101. Clan Management (クランとりしまり) Quest Type: Encounter Rank: 3 Appears: After completing the "Discovery of the Century!?" Quest. Price: ~900 Gil Location: Variable Days: 25 Reward: 4600 Gil, and two random items. Once you come in contact with the blue "Crow Clan" on the World Map, select "Manage" (とりしまる) to battle them. Otherwise you will just hand the money over to them (3000 Gil). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 102. Dragons Awaken (竜のめさめ) Quest Type: Encounter Rank: 3 Appears: After completing the "Desert Migration" Quest. Price: ~3000 Gil Location: Variable Days: 35 Reward: 22600 Gil, two random items, and two random cards. Once you encounter the Rohda Dragons on the World Map, and engage will begin against two Fire Drakes, two Thunder Drakes, and an Ice Drake. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 103. Mythril Miners (ミスリル発掘隊) Quest Type: Encounter Rank: 3 Appears: After completing the "Missing in a Cave?" Quest. Price: ~1000 Gil Location: Variable Days: - Reward: 7000 Gil, Mythril Silver, and a random card. Once you encounter the Mythril Miners lead by Prof. Ougee, you can either select "Deal" (とりひきする) and pay the Miners 10000 Gil for Mythril Silver, or you can select "Snatch" (うばう) to battle them for it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 104. Stolen Scoop (盗まれたスクープ) Quest Type: Encounter Rank: 3 Appears: After completing the "Discovery of the Century!?" Quest. Price: ~1800 Gil Location: Variable Days: 25 Reward: 9000 Gil, a random item, and two random cards. Once you encounter the Sprohm Press, select Don't Overlook (見逃せないな) to battle them. Otherwise they'll pay you 2000 Gil and you'll loose the quest. Journalism must pay well, since the Fencer amongst the reporters is wearing a Katyusha, and the others have other great equipment to steal. Make sure you kill the White Monk first, since he has Revive. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 105. Smuggler Clan Pursuit (密輸クランを追え) Quest Type: Encounter Rank: 3 Appears: After completing the "Discovery of the Century!?", and "Poachers" quests. Price: ~2700 Gil Location: Variable Days: 40 Reward: 13600 Gil, a Chocobo Pelt, a random item, and two random cards. Once you encounter the Smuggler Clan, select Don't Overlook (見逃せないな) to battle them. Apart from defeating all of the clan members, you must break the strange wooden crates to free the animals they were smuggling. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 106. Resistance (レジスタンス) Quest Type: Encounter Rank: 2 Appears: Chat (話をする) with Ezel in the Card Keeper (Cadoan). Price: ~800 Gil Location: Variable Days: 25 Reward: 6000 Gil, two random items, and an R3 Anti-Law Card. Once you come in contact with the "Resistance" on the World Map. You can either select "Give" (あげる) to swap them a Phoenix Down in return for an R4 Anti-Law Card (you'll also clear the quest). Otherwise, you can select "Uphold the Law" (ロウをよこせ) and fight them in a battle. You will get no AP for trading. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 107. Allied Front with Ritz (リッツと共同戦線) Quest Type: Encounter Rank: 5 Appears: After completing the "Divine Beast Matias" Battle, and "Rescue Call" quest. Price: ~900 Gil Location: Variable Days: 25 Reward: 4600 Gil, the Rock Beasts' Spear, and a random card. If you have a Blue Rose, select "Give the Flower" (花をあげる) to swap with Ritz the Blue Rose for the card All Mighty. Otherwise you should select "Stop" (やめておく). Either way you will end up in an encounter. Ritz's Clan is being hassled by the Huge Beast Gandarl, a Blade Biter, and his two cronies, a Bomb and a Antlion. There are four units in Ritz's Clan; herself (Shaman), Shara (Sniper), a Summoner, and a White Mage. So you only have to send two units into battle (including Marche) to make up six. Help Ritz "Defeat all enemies!" (ひとり残らずたおせ!) to win; but she really doesn't need your help, her clan are very good fighters. Just watch out when you have Gandarl critical, he can then use Limit Glove which does 999 HP damage! The Blue Mage's Twister and the Time Mage's Graviga are great for bringing Gandarl down. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 108. Poachers (密猟者たち) Quest Type: Encounter Rank: 4 Appears: After completing the "Beasts of the Mountain" Quest. Price: ~1600 Gil Location: Variable Days: 25 Reward: 11400 Gil, Tiger Fur, a random item and two random items. Once you encounter the poachers, you can either select "Deal" (とりひきする), buy Tiger Fur for 3000 Gil and fail, or Don't Overlook (見逃せないな) and fight the Poachers (3 Gunners, 3 Hunters and an Archer) and clear the quest. Having your units equipped with Arrow Guard and Arrow Return is _very_ helpful in this battle, considering most of the poachers use bows. Otherwise the Firearms Ban Card would put all of them out of business. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 109. Snow Fairy (雪の妖精) Quest Type: Encounter Rank: 4 Appears: After completing the "Bounty" Quest. Price: ~1200 Gil Location: Variable Days: 20 Reward: 9000 Gil, a random item, and two random cards. Once you encounter the Snow Fairy, either select "This thing? (これのこと?) if you have Cyril Ice to swap it for the Ice Prism Sword, otherwise select "Don't Give! (あげないよ). You will only end up in battle with a Sprite, a Grenade and a Ice Pudding, if you don't produce the Cyril Ice. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 110. Result of Revenge (仇うちの果て) Quest Type: Encounter Rank: 4 Appears: After completing the "Church's Trap" Quest. Price: ~700 Gil Location: Variable Days: 25 Reward: 13600 Gil, two random items and two random items. Once you encounter Vaiber, select "Restrain" (ひきとめる) to battle him and his clan. "Defeat the Boss Unit!" (ボスユニットをたおせ!) to clear this Encounter. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 111. Delivery (ゴ配達します) Quest Type: Encounter Rank: 3 Appears: After completing the "Gathering Place of Souls" Quest. Price: ~1600 Gil Location: Variable Days: 25 Reward: 11400 Gil, a random item, and two random cards. Once you come in contact with the blue "Rowdy Postmen" on the World Map, select either option to battle them. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 112. Written Challenge (挑戦状) Quest Type: Encounter Rank: 3 Appears: After completing the"Beasts of the Desert" Quest. Price: ~900 Gil Location: Variable Days: 25 Required: Negotiation Skill (Hand-shake) Level 4 Reward: 4200 Gil, and two random items. Anyway, come in contact with the Baham Clan on the World Map and select Engage (エンゲージ) to start a battle. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 113. I'm Watching You (みつめていたい) Quest Type: Non-Battle Rank: 1 Appears: After completing the "Green Wood" Quest. Price: ~600 Gil Location: - Days: - Reward: 2800 Gil, an Ahriman Eye and a random item. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 114. Truth of the Old Coin (古金貨の真実) Quest Type: Non-Battle Rank: 4 Appears: After completing the "Emerald Fort" Quest. Price: ~1200 Gil Location: - Days: 20 Reward: 6400 Gil, an Old Gold Coin, and a random item. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 115. Duel Substitute? (決闘代理?) Quest Type: Non-Battle Rank: 1 Appears: After completing the "Herb Pick" Quest. Price: ~300 Gil Location: - Days: 3 Required: Soldier Reward: 1800 Gil and a random item. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 116. Woman of Gulug Volcano (グルグ旧火山の女) Quest Type: Non-Battle Rank: 6 Appears: After completing the "Magic Swordsman Llednar" battle, during the Month of Hunters. Price: ~2400 Gil Location: - Days: (2 Battles) Reward: 10000 Gil, Sigil of Fire, a random item and two random cards. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 117. Legend of Atlantis (伝説の水の都) Quest Type: Non-Battle Rank: 6 Appears: After completing the "Magic Swordsman Llednar" battle, during the Month of Stalwarts. Price: ~1200 Gil Location: - Days: (2 Battles) Reward: 10000 Gil, Sigil of Water, a random item and two random cards. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 118. Tower of Mirages (しんきろうの塔) Quest Type: Non-Battle Rank: 6 Appears: After completing the "Magic Swordsman Llednar" battle, during the Month of Geniuses. Price: ~1600 Gil Location: - Days: (2 Battles) Required: Moogle Knight Reward: 11800 Gil, Sigil of Wind, a random item and two random cards. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 119. Barren Earth (くさった大地) Quest Type: Non-Battle Rank: 6 Appears: After completing the "Magic Swordsman Llednar" battle, during the Month of Wise Men. Price: ~1800 Gil Location: - Days: (2 Battles) Reward: 13200 Gil, Sigil of Earth, a random item and two random cards. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 120. Cadoan Magic Tournament (カドアン魔法大会) Quest Type: Non-Battle Rank: 5 Appears: After completing the "Divine Beast Matias" Battle, during the Month of Wise Men. Price: ~1200 Gil Location: - Days: (1 Battle) Required: Black Mage Reward: 10600 Gil, the Magic Trophy, a random item and two random cards. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 121. Sprohm Wushu Tournament (スプロム武術大会) Quest Type: Non-Battle Rank: 5 Appears: After completing the "Divine Beast Exodus" Battle, during the Month of Stalwarts. Price: ~900 Gil Location: - Days: (1 Battle) Required: Duelist Reward: 4200 Gil, the Attack Trophy, a random item and two random cards. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 122. Athletic Meet's Splendor (運動会の華) Quest Type: Non-Battle Rank: 2 Appears: After completing the "Crystal Rain" Quest. Price: ~600 Gil Location: - Days: (1 Battle) Required: Juggler Reward: 5200 Gil, the Athletics Trophy, a random item and two random cards. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 123. Ghost of the Abbey (修道院の幽霊) Quest Type: Non-Battle Rank: 2 Appears: After completing the "Anti-Law" Quest. Price: ~600 Gil Location: - Days: 10 Required: Dragon Bones (Used) Reward: 4200 Gil, Elda's Grail, a random item, and two random cards. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 124. Onward, Coast Guards! (沿岸警備隊出動!) Quest Type: Non-Battle Rank: 4 Appears: After completing the "Emerald Fort" Quest. Price: ~1200 Gil Location: - Days: (2 Battles) Reward: 6400 Gil, Coast Guard Medal, a random item, and two random cards. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 125. Fort of Passion (情熱の砦) Quest Type: Non-Battle Rank: 2 Appears: After completing "Morning Shock" Quest. Price: ~600 Gil Location: - Days: (1 Battle) Reward: 4600 Gil, Guard Medal, a random item, and two random cards. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 126. Triumph of Great Sake (勝利の美酒) Quest Type: Non-Battle Rank: 5 Appears: After completing the "Divine Beast Exodus" Battle. Price: ~1000 Gil Location: - Days: 10 Reward: 7000 Gil, Rainbow 7, a random item, and two random cards. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 127. Cracked Tone (ひび割れた音色) Quest Type: Non-Battle Rank: 6 Appears: After completing the "Bread Lover" Quest. Price: ~2400 Gil Location: - Days: 15 Reward: 11400 Gil, Cat's Tears, a random item, and two random cards. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 128. Fly Away High (たかは飛び立った) Quest Type: Non-Battle Rank: 6 Appears: After completing the "Remember the Talent" Quest. Price: ~1400 Gil Location: - Days: 10 Required: Sarekoube (Used) Reward: 11400 Gil, Marvel Lip, a random item, and two random cards. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 129. Bandit Cleanup (山賊掃討作戦) Quest Type: Non-Battle Rank: 5 Appears: After completing the "One Hundred Eyes" Quest. Price: ~1000 Gil Location: - Days: (Defeat 15 enemies) Reward: 7800 Gil, Raiki Crystal, a random item, and two random cards. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 130. Twinkle of the Stars (きりの国の星) Quest Type: Non-Battle Rank: 5 Appears: After completing the "Discovery of the Century!?" Quest. Price: ~1200 Gil Location: - Days: (2 Battles) Reward: 9000 Gil, Fushin Crystal, a random item, and two random cards. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 131. Adaman Alloy (アダマン合金) Quest Type: Non-Battle Rank: 4 Appears: After completing the "Bounty" Quest. Price: ~2000 Gil Location: - Days: (2 Battles) Required: 2x Adamantite (Used) and Metallurgy Skill (Hammer) Level 15. Reward: 0 Gil, Adaman Alloy, a random item, and two random cards. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 132. Mysidia Alloy (ミシディア合金) Quest Type: Non-Battle Rank: 4 Appears: After completing the "Jagd Detective Story" Quest. Price: ~3000 Gil Location: - Days: 15 Required: Adamantite and Mythril Silver (Used), and Metallurgy Skill (Hammer) Level 15 Reward: 0 Gil, Mysidia Alloy, a random item, and two random cards. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 133. Crusade Alloy (クルセイド合金) Quest Type: Non-Battle Rank: 4 Appears: After completing the "Gathering Place of Souls" Quest. Price: ~1800 Gil Location: - Days: 10 Required: 2x Zodiac Ore (Used), and Metallurgy Skill (Hammer) Level 15 Reward: 0 Gil, Crusade Alloy, a random item, and two random cards. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 134. Faceless Dolls (顔のない人形) Quest Type: Non-Battle Rank: 6 Appears: After completing the "Divine Beast Matias" Battle. Price: ~2100 Gil Location: - Days: (Defeat 10 enemies) Reward: 10800 Gil, Demon Blood Tunic, a random item, and two random cards. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 135. Devotee (忠義者) Quest Type: Non-Battle Rank: 6 Appears: After completing the "Materia Crystal Collection" Quest. Price: ~1200 Gil Location: - Days: (Defeat 5 enemies) Required: Fairy Wing (Used) Reward: 10000 Gil, Ahriman Wing, a random item, and two random cards. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 136. Report of Devotion (真心を届けに) Quest Type: Non-Battle Rank: 6 Appears: After completing the "Materia Crystal Collection" Quest. Price: ~1200 Gil Location: - Days: (2 Battles) Required: Stolen Gil (Used) Reward: 10800 Gil, Fairy Wing, a random item, and two random cards. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 137. Insomnia Compensation (不眠のほうしょう) Quest Type: Non-Battle Rank: 6 Appears: After completing the "Magic Swordsman Llednar" Battle. Price: ~1600 Gil Location: - Days: 15 Required: Ancient Banknotes (Used) Reward: 11800 Gil, Golden Mushroom, a random item, and two random cards. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 138. Faith (信じるすべ) Quest Type: Non-Battle Rank: 6 Appears: After completing the "Soldiers Parade" Quest. Price: ~1400 Gil Location: - Days: 10 Required: Secret Register (Used) Reward: 10600 Gil, the Water of Life, and a random item ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 139. Earth Paints (彩なす大地) Quest Type: Non-Battle Rank: 1 Appears: After completing the "Greatest Ever Strategy" Quest. Price: ~600 Gil Location: - Days: 5 Reward: 2800 Gil, the Ancient Document and a random item ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 140. Memento Recovery (形見をとりかえせ) Quest Type: Non-Battle Rank: 3 Appears: After completing the "Magic of the Secret Forest" Quest. Price: ~800 Gil Location: - Days: 3 Required: NH Certificate (Used) Reward: 6000 Gil, Justice Testimonial, a random item, and two random cards. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 141. Hot Blooded (熱き血潮) Quest Type: Non-Battle Rank: 6 Appears: After completing the "To the Amber Valley" Quest. Price: ~1800 Gil Location: - Days: 10 Required: Ahriman Wing (Used) Reward: 13200 Gil, Fellowship Certificate, a random item and two random cards ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 142. Ghosts of Past Wars (古戦場の亡霊) Quest Type: Non-Battle Rank: 6 Appears: After completing the "Hot Blooded" Quest. Price: ~1400 Gil Location: - Days: 30 Required: Box of Silence (Used) and Pursuit Skill (Foot Prints) Level 40 Reward: 12400 Gil, Edalore Scripture, and a random item. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 143. End of the World (世界最後の日) Quest Type: Non-Battle Rank: 1 Appears: After completing the "Vanishing Essay" Quest. Price: ~300 Gil Location: - Days: 5 Required: Ancient Medal (Used) Reward: 1800 Gil, Homework Notes and a random item. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 144. The Resounding Bell (鳴りひびく鐘) Quest Type: Non-Battle Rank: 5 Appears: After completing the "Desert Migration" Quest. Price: ~1800 Gil Location: - Days: 10 Reward: 9000 Gil, Scholar's Dictionary, and a random item. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 145. Underground Goblin Village (ゴブリン集落地) Quest Type: Non-Battle Rank: 1 Appears: After completing the "Beasts of the Desert" Quest. Price: ~600 Gil Location: - Days: (1 Battle) Required: Mythril Mattock (Used) Reward: 3600 Gil, the Monster Picture Book and a random item. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 146. Delivery Man (伝達者) Quest Type: Non-Battle Rank: 6 Appears: After completing the "To the Amber Valley" Quest. Price: ~1600 Gil Location: - Days: 10 Required: Serene (Used) Reward: 11400 Gil, the Secret Register, a random item and two random cards. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 147. My Love in Poetry (この愛を詩に託し) Quest Type: Non-Battle Rank: 6 Appears: After completing the "Divine Beast Matias" Battle. Price: ~2100 Gil Location: - Days: 10 Required: Mythril Mattock (Used) Reward: 10000 Gil, a Rat Tail, and a random item. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 148. You're a Model (モデルはアナタ!) Quest Type: Non-Battle Rank: 3 Appears: After completing the "Distorted River" Quest. Price: ~600 Gil Location: - Days: 30 Required: Tonberry Lamp (Used) and Labour Skill (Pliers) Level 10 Reward: 4600 Gil, the Stradivari and a random item. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 149. Clock Repairs (時計台修復) Quest Type: Non-Battle Rank: 6 Appears: After completing the "Discovery of the Century" Quest. Price: ~1280 Gil Location: - Days: 20 Required: Cat's Tear (Used) and a Gadgeteer Reward: 14400 Gil, Big Clock Shaft, a random item, and two random items. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 150. My Child's Tutoring (うちの子英才教育) Quest Type: Non-Battle Rank: 2 Appears: After completing the "Anti-Law" Quest. Price: ~400 Gil Location: - Days: 5 Reward: 3600 Gil, the Luxury Fountain Pen, a random item, and 2 random cards. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 151. Morning Shock (衝撃の朝) Quest Type: Non-Battle Rank: 2 Appears: After completing the "Waking Mountain" Quest. Price: ~600 Gil Location: - Days: 5 Reward: 5200 Gil, Martin's Earplugs and a random item. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 152. Saddened ESPer (悲しき能力者) Quest Type: Non-Battle Rank: 1 Appears: After completing the "Beasts of the Desert" Quest. Price: ~600 Gil Location: - Days: 5 Reward: 3400 Gil, Tarcouph's Crystal and a random item ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 153. Journey to Miden (ミデンを行け) Quest Type: Non-Battle Rank: 5 Appears: After completing the "Divine Beast Exodus" Quest. Price: ~1000 Gil Location: - Days: 20 Required: Animal Bones (Used) Reward: 8200 Gil, Miden Guardian Statue, a random item, and two random cards. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 154. All the Neighbourhood! (みんなご近所!) Quest Type: Non-Battle Rank: 2 Appears: After completing the "Emerald Fort" Quest. Price: ~900 Gil Location: - Days: 5 Reward: 5200 Gil, NH Certificate, a random item, and two random cards. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 155. Fall of Honor (堕ちた名誉) Quest Type: Non-Battle Rank: 3 Appears: After completing the "Crystal Rain" Quest. Price: ~600 Gil Location: - Days: (1 Battle) Required: Bomb's Shedded Skin (Used) Reward: 5400 Gil, Rusted Sword, a random item, and two random cards. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 156. Dreamless (ゆめは見ない) Quest Type: Non-Battle Rank: 5 Appears: After completing the "Jagd Detective Story" Quest. Price: ~2100 Gil Location: - Days: (1 Battle) Required: Rumba's Draft (Used) Reward: 10000 Gil, Aged Sword, a random item, and two random cards. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 157. Coo's Great Escape (クー大脱走) Quest Type: Non-Battle Rank: 5 Appears: After completing the "Bounty" Quest. Price: ~1400 Gil Location: - Days: 5 Required: Rumba's Draft (Used) Reward: 10000 Gil, Bent Sword, a random item, and two random cards. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 158. Power and Skill (力と技) Quest Type: Non-Battle Rank: 5 Appears: After completing the "Divine Beast Exodus" Battle. Price: ~1200 Gil Location: - Days: (2 Battles) Reward: 8800 Gil, Rusted Spear, a random item, and two random cards. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 159. Deep Sea (深き海) Quest Type: Non-Battle Rank: 6 Appears: After completing the "Materia Crystal Collection" Quest. Price: ~1600 Gil Location: - Days: (3 Battles) Reward: 11400 Gil, Item Glasses, a random item, and two random cards. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 160. Mind's Eye (ココロの眼) Quest Type: Non-Battle Rank: 4 Appears: After completing the "Gathering Place of Souls" Quest. Price: ~3000 Gil Location: - Days: (Defeat 15 enemies) Required: Item Glasses and Delta Attack (Used) Reward: 10000 Gil, Item Glasses 2, a random item, and two random cards. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 161. Hill of Disappearance (神隠しの丘) Quest Type: Non-Battle Rank: 5 Appears: After completing the "Desert Migration" Quest. Price: ~2100 Gil Location: - Days: 20 Reward: 10000 Gil, Unit Glasses, a random item, and two random cards. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 162. Dreadful Children (恐るべき子たち) Quest Type: Non-Battle Rank: 5 Appears: After completing the "Magic of the Secret Forest" Quest. Price: ~2400 Gil Location: - Days: (1 Battle) Required: Marvel Lip and Unit Glasses (Used) and Metallurgy Skill (Hammer) Level 20 Reward: 11400 Gil, Unit Glasses 2, a random item, and two random cards. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 163. Acting Applications! (演技派募集!) Quest Type: Non-Battle Rank: 5 Appears: After completing the "Divine Beast Matias" Battle. Price: ~2000 Gil Location: - Days: 15 Required: Miden Guardian Statue (Used) Reward: 10600 Gil, Box of Silence, and a random item. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 164. Stolen Memories (うばわれた記憶) Quest Type: Non-Battle Rank: 2 Appears: After completing the "Distorted River" Quest. Price: ~600 Gil Location: - Days: (2 Battles) Reward: 3600 Gil, Trick Dice and a random item ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 165. One Hundred Eyes (百眼) Quest Type: Non-Battle Rank: 5 Appears: After completing the "Triumph of Great Sake" Quest. Price: ~1200 Gil Location: - Days: (Defeat 5 enemies) Reward: 9000 Gil, Snake-Eye Shield, a random item and two random cards. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 166. The Runaway Boy (脱走した少年) Quest Type: Non-Battle Rank: 3 Appears: After completing the "Magic of the Secret Forest" Quest. Price: ~1200 Gil Location: - Days: 10 Days Required: Black Thread (Used) Reward: 3400 Gil, Lasso of Time and a random item. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 167. Experiment of the Century (世紀の実験) Quest Type: Non-Battle Rank: 1 Appears: After completing the "Green Wood" Quest. Price: ~600 Gil Location: - Days: 10 Days Reward: 3400 Gil, a Mythril Mattock and a random item. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 168. Caravan Escort (キャラバン護衛) Quest Type: Non-Battle Rank: 2 Appears: After completing the "Crystal Rain" Quest. Price: ~600 Gil Location: - Days: 20 Required: Elda's Grail (Used) Reward: 4600 Gil, Caravan Musk, a random item and two random cards. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 169. Final Aspirations (究極の野望) Quest Type: Non-Battle Rank: 4 Appears: After completing the "Emerald Fort" Quest. Price: ~1200 Gil Location: - Days: 15 Required: Alchemist Reward: 6000 Gil, Love Potion, a random item and two random cards. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 170. Raising Laughter (笑いの高みへ) Quest Type: Non-Battle Rank: 2 Appears: After completing the "Waking Mountain" Quest. Price: ~600 Gil Location: - Days: 5 Required: Shedded Bomb Skin (Used) Reward: 4600 Gil, a Tonberry Lamp and a random item. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 171. More Cure! (もっとケアルを!) Quest Type: Non-Battle Rank: 6 Appears: After completing the "Desert Migration" Battle. Price: ~4000 Gil Location: - Days: (2 Battles) Required: Magic Skill (Lightning Bolt) Level 25 and a White Mage Reward: 7600 Gil, the Serene and a random item. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 172. Frozen Spring (凍えるいずみ) Quest Type: Non-Battle Rank: 2 Appears: After completing the "Distorted River" Quest. Price: ~600 Gil Location: - Days: 20 Reward: 3400 Gil, Dragon Bones and a random item ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 173. Wild Wing (猛き翼) Quest Type: Non-Battle Rank: 3 Appears: After completing the "Magic of the Secret Forest" Quest. Price: ~600 Gil Location: - Days: 15 Required: Caravan Musk (Used) Reward: 5200 Gil, Animal Bones, a random item, and two random cards). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 174. Go with the Flow (流れと共に) Quest Type: Non-Battle Rank: 6 Appears: After completing the "To the Amber Valley" Quest. Price: ~1800 Gil Location: - Days: (Defeat 5 enemies) Required: Water of Life (Used) and a Time Mage Reward: 13200 Gil, Sarekoube, a random item, and two random cards). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 175. The Benefit of Ghouls (オバケの効用) Quest Type: Non-Battle Rank: 4 Appears: After completing the "Anti-Law" Quest. Price: ~1200 Location: - Days: 5 Required: Scholar's Dictionary (Used) Reward: 6400 Gil, Big Clock Gear, a random item, and two random cards ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 176. Assassination (凶弾) Quest Type: Non-Battle Rank: 4 Appears: Approximately after completing the "Emerald Fort" Quest. Price: ~800 Location: - Days: (Defeat 3 enemies) Required: Gunner Reward: 5400 Gil, Barrel Support Cog, a random item, and two random cards. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 177. Blue Lightning (青い稲妻) Quest Type: Non-Battle Rank: 6 Appears: After completing the "Divine Beast Matias" Battle. Price: ~1200 Location: - Days: (Defeat 15 enemies) Reward: 9000 Gil, Raden's Flower, a random item, and two random cards. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 178. Literary Word (言の葉) Quest Type: Non-Battle Rank: 4 Appears: After completing the "Bounty" Quest. Price: ~1000 Location: - Days: (Defeat 10 enemies) Reward: 5400 Gil, Getsubu's Flower, a random item, and two random cards. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 179. Unhealable Scar (いやせぬ傷跡) Quest Type: Non-Battle Rank: 5 Appears: After completing the "Divine Beast Exodus" Battle. Price: ~1200 Location: - Days: (3 Battles) Reward: 9000 Gil, Apple of Chaos & Blood, a random item, and two random cards ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 180. Mirage Town (しんきろうの街) Quest Type: Non-Battle Rank: 7 Appears: After completing the "Divine Beast Matias" Battle. Price: ~1600 Location: - Days: 10 Required: Golden Mushroom (Used) Reward: 11400 Gil, Fruit of Magic, a random item, and two random cards ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 181. Wish of the Old Soldier (老兵のいのり) Quest Type: Non-Battle Rank: 6 Appears: After completing the "Discovery of the Century!?" Battle. Price: ~2100 Location: - Days: (1 Battle) Required: Big Clock Gear & Big Clock Shaft (Used) Reward: 10600 Gil, Fruit of Strength, a random item, and two random cards ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 182. Sluice Gate Valve (水門のバルブ) Quest Type: Non Battle Rank: 1 Appears: Approximately after completing the "Divine Beast Matias" Battle. Price: ~1800 Gil Location: - Days: 20 Reward: 9000 Gil, Stolen Gil, a random item, and two random cards. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 183. Seeking You (きみをさがして) Quest Type: Non Battle Rank: 1 Appears: Approximately after completing the "Magic Swordsman Llednar" Battle. Price: ~1800 Gil Location: - Days: 5 Required: Ancient Medal (Used) Reward: 1200 Gil, Ancient Scroll, a random item, and two random cards. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 184. Faraway Adaman (アダマン遥か彼方) Quest Type: Non-Battle Rank: 7 Appears: After completing the "Royal Valley" Quest. Price: ~3000 Gil Location: - Days: 15 Required: 2x Adamantite (Used) and Metallurgy Skill (Hammer) Level 35 Reward: 1200 Gil, Adaman Alloy, a random item, and two random cards. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 185. Magic Metal (魔法金属) Quest Type: Non-Battle Rank: 7 Appears: After completing the "Royal Valley" Quest. Price: ~3000 Gil Location: - Days: (2 Battles) Required: Adamantite and Mythril Silver (Used) and Metallurgy Skill (Hammer) Level 35 Reward: 0 Gil, Mysidia Alloy, a random item, and two random cards. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 186. Garden of Contradiction (矛盾の園) Quest Type: Non-Battle Rank: 7 Appears: After completing the "Royal Valley" Quest. Price: ~3000 Gil Location: - Days: (Defeat 10 enemies) Required: 2x Zodiac Ore (Used) and Metallurgy Skill (Hammer) Level 35 Reward: 0 Gil, Crusade Alloy, a random item, and two random cards. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 187. Decide! Gamble (決めろ!大一番) Quest Type: Non-Battle Rank: 7 Appears: After completing the "Royal Valley" Quest. Price: ~2400 Gil Location: - Days: 15 Reward: 1800 Gil, Rat Tail, a random item, and two random cards. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 188. Tommorow's Soon (過ぎし日のちかい) Quest Type: Non-Battle Rank: 7 Appears: After completing the "Royal Valley" Quest. Price: ~1600 Gil Location: - Days: (Defeat 15 enemies) Reward: 11400 Gil, a Rusted Sword, a random item, and two random cards. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 189. House that Invites Water (水を呼ぶ家) Quest Type: Non-Battle Rank: 7 Appears: After completing the "Royal Valley" Quest. Price: ~1800 Gil Location: - Days: (Defeat 15 enemies) Required: Red Mage Reward: 13600 Gil, an Aged Sword, a random item, and two random cards. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 190. Our Style (我らのスタイル) Quest Type: Non-Battle Rank: 7 Appears: After completing the "Royal Valley" Quest. Price: ~2400 Gil Location: - Days: 40 Reward: 18000 Gil, a Bent Sword, a random item, and two random cards. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 191. Determined Girl (決意の令嬢) Quest Type: Non-Battle Rank: 7 Appears: After completing the "Royal Valley" Quest. Price: ~1200 Gil Location: - Days: 40 Required: Rat Tail (Used) Reward: 9000 Gil, a Rusted Spear, a random item, and two random cards. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 192. He Loves Experiments (彼は実験がお好き) Quest Type: Non-Battle Rank: 7 Appears: After completing the "Royal Valley" Quest. Price: ~600 Gil Location: - Days: (2 Battles) Reward: 4600 Gil, an Item Glasses 2, a random item, and two random cards. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 193. Sleep of a Trillion Thorns (千億の痛き眠り Quest Type: Non-Battle Rank: 7 Appears: After completing the "Royal Valley" Quest. Price: ~2200 Gil Location: - Days: 20 Reward: 1600 Gil, Apple of Chaos & Blood, and a random item. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 194. Cyril Liberation Front (シリル解放戦線) Quest Type: Territory Rank: 1 Appears: After reading the Burglar Exposed "ドロボウの正体" rumour. Price: ~600 Gil Location: - Days: 3 Reward: 2400 Gil, a Chocobo Shield and a random item. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 195. Boat Search (船の手配) Quest Type: Non-Battle Rank: 2 Appears: Approximately after reading the Borzoy's End (ボルゾイの最後) rumour. Price: ~600 Gil Location: - Days: (1 Battle) Reward: 4200 Gil, two random items, and two random cards. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 196. Sefer of Wisdom (知のセフィル) Quest Type: Non-Battle Rank: 4 Appears: After reading the Alchemy of Sages (賢者の錬金) rumour. Price: ~6000 Gil Location: - Days: (3 Battles) Required: Sigil of Fire and Sigil of Wind (Used). Reward: 0 Gil and the Sefer of Wisdom. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 197. Sefer of Power (力のセフィル) Quest Type: Non-Battle Rank: 4 Appears: After reading the Alchemy of Sages (賢者の錬金) rumour. Price: ~4000 Gil Location: - Days: (3 Battles) Required: Sigil of Earth and Sigil of Water (Used). Reward: 0 Gil and the Sefer of Power. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 198. Spirit Stone (魂の石) Quest Type: Non-Battle Rank: 4 Appears: After reading the Alchemy of Sages (賢者の錬金) rumour. Price: ~4000 Gil Location: - Days: (4 Battles) Required: Sefer of Power and the Sefer of Wisdom (Used). Reward: 0 Gil and the Spirit Stone. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 199. Lover's Pattern (恋愛乙女模様) Quest Type: Non-Battle Rank: 3 Appears: After completing the "Vanishing Essay" Quest. Price: ~400 Gil Location: - Days: (2 Battles) Required: White Mage and White Thread (Used). Reward: 3400 Gil, a Magical Medal, and a random item. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 200. Chocobo Breeder (チョコボブリーダー) Quest Type: Non-Battle Rank: 1 Appears: After completing the "Vanishing Essay" Quest, during the Month of Geniuses. Price: ~200 Gil Location: - Days: 5 Reward: 1000 Gil, a Chocobo Egg and a random item ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 201. Pillar to the Heavens (天への柱) Quest Type: Non-Battle Rank: 1 Appears: After completing the "Vanishing Essay" Quest. Price: ~600 Gil Location: - Days: 10 Reward: 2400 Gil, an Ancient Medal and a random item ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 202. Ruins Survey (遺跡調査) Quest Type: Non-Battle Rank: 6 Appears: After completing the "Materia Crystal Collection" battle, during the Month of Wise Men. Price: ~1200 Gil Location: - Days: 10 Reward: 10800 Gil, an Ancient Medal, a random item and a random card. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 203. New Tunnel of Slag (廃鉱の新坑道) Quest Type: Non-Battle Rank: 6 Appears: After completing the "Magic Swordsman Llednar" battle, during the Month of Stalwarts. Price: ~1600 Gil Location: - Days: (1 Battle) Reward: 11800 Gil, Zodiac Ore, a random item and a random card. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 204. Silver Target (標的は銀) Quest Type: Non-Battle Rank: 4 Appears: After completing the "Jagd Detective Story" Quest, during the Month of Kings. Price: ~400 Gil Location: - Days: 15 Reward: 3400 Gil, Mythril Silver, and a random item. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 205. Deep Forest of Materia (マテリアの深き森) Quest Type: Non-Battle Rank: 2 Appears: After completing the "Distorted River" Quest, during the Month of Kings. Price: ~1000 Gil Location: - Days: 10 Reward: 0 Gil, a Materia Crystal and a random item. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 206. Dive into the Wormhole (ミミズ穴にもぐれ) Quest Type: Non-Battle Rank: 4 Appears: After completing the "You're a Model" Quest, during the Month of Hunters. Price: ~600 Gil Location: - Days: 10 Reward: 2800 Gil, a Lee's Stone, a random item, and two random cards. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 207. Supreme Metal (至高の金属) Quest Type: Non-Battle Rank: 2 Appears: After completing the "Ghost of the Abbey" Quest. Price: ~400 Gil Location: - Days: 15 Reward: 2400 Gil, Adamantite, a random item, and a random card. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 208. Math Problem (謎の方程式) Quest Type: Non-Battle Rank: 2 Appears: After completing the "Crystal Rain" Quest. Price: ~600 Gil Location: - Days: 10 Reward: 4200 Gil, Black Thread, a random item and two random cards. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 209. Courage of a Witness (勇気のある証言者) Quest Type: Non-Battle Rank: 2 Appears: After completing the "Crystal Rain" Quest. Price: ~600 Gil Location: - Days: (Defeat 5 enemies) Required: Guardian Knight Reward: 4600 Gil, Black Thread and a random item. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 210. Greatest Ever Strategy (史上最大の作戦) Quest Type: Non-Battle Rank: 1 Appears: After completing the "Green Wood" Quest. Price: ~600 Gil Location: - Days: (1 Battle) Required: Homework Notes (Used) Reward: 2400 Gil, Black Thread and a random item. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 211. Carlos' Birthday (カルロスの誕生日) Quest Type: Non-Battle Rank: 3 Appears: After completing the "Magic of the Secret Forest" Quest. Price: ~900 Gil Location: - Days: 5 Required: Homework Notes (Used) Reward: 4600 Gil, White Thread, a random item, and two random cards. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 212. Message to the Father (父への伝言) Quest Type: Non-Battle Rank: 6 Appears: After completing the "Gypsy's whereabouts" Quest. Price: ~1400 Gil Location: - Days: 10 Reward: 11400 Gil, White Thread and a random item ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 213. For the Star (きらめく人へ) Quest Type: Non-Battle Rank: 1 Appears: After completing the "Beasts of the Desert" Quest. Price: ~600 Gil Location: - Days: 15 Reward: 2400 Gil, the White Thread and a random item ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 214. Pelt Season (皮の季節) Quest Type: Non-Battle Rank: 3 Appears: After completing the "Gathering Place of Souls" Quest, during the Month of Geniuses. Price: ~400 Gil Location: - Days: 10 Reward: 3600 Gil, a Chocobo Pelt, and a random card. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 215. Raging River (憤怒の河) Quest Type: Non-Battle Rank: 1 Appears: After completing the "Gathering Place of Souls" Quest. Price: ~800 Gil Location: - Days: (2 Battles) Reward: 2400 Gil, the Magical Cloth, a random item, and two random cards. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 216. Magical Cloth Shop (魔法の布屋) Quest Type: Non-Battle Rank: 2 Appears: After completing the "Waking Mountain" Quest, during the Month of Wise Men. Price: ~1400 Gil Location: - Days: 10 Required: Magical Cotton (Used) Reward: 0 Gil, Magical Cloth, a random card, and two random cards. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 217. Cotton Protection! (綿花を守れ!) Quest Type: Non-Battle Rank: 4 Appears: After completing the "Bounty" Quest, during the Month of Hunters. Price: ~1000 Gil Location: - Days: (1 Battle) Reward: 700 Gil, Magical Cotton, and a random card. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 218. Hopeless Papa (パパたいへん) Quest Type: Non-Battle Rank: 4 Appears: After completing the "Bounty" Quest. Price: ~1000 Gil Location: - Days: 10 Reward: 7800 Gil, Shedded Bomb Skin, a random item and two random cards. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 219. The Value of Justice (正義の価値) Quest Type: Non-Battle Rank: 4 Appears: After completing the "Emerald Fort" Quest. Price: ~600 Gil Location: - Days: 5 Required: Monster Dictionary (Used) Reward: 5200 Gil, Shedded Bomb Skin, a random item, and two random cards. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 220. To the Savage Woods (未開の森へ) Quest Type: Non-Battle Rank: 4 Appears: After completing the "Divine Beast Exodus" Battle, during the Month of Hunters. Price: ~600 Gil Location: - Days: 10 Reward: 4600 Gil, Panther Fur, a random item, and two random cards. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 221. Daily Dried Meat (干し肉の日々) Quest Type: Non-Battle Rank: 5 Appears: After completing the "Divine Beast Exodus" Battle, during the Month of Kings. Price: ~600 Gil Location: - Days: 5 Reward: 4200 Gil, Dried Meat, and a random card. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 222. Land Expansion Plan (農地拡張計画) Quest Type: Non-Battle Rank: 4 Appears: After completing the "Jagd Detective Story" Quest, during the Month of Stalwarts. Price: ~600 Gil Location: - Days: 10 Reward: 3600 Gil, Gysahl Greens, and a random item. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 223. Guard! Fireworks (守れ!夜空の花) Quest Type: Non-Battle Rank: 5 Appears: After completing the "Discovery of the Century!?" Quest. Price: ~1200 Gil Location: - Days: 5 Reward: 9000 Gil, Magical Medal, a random item, and two random cards. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 224. Cheerful Every Day (明るい毎日) Quest Type: Non-Battle Rank: 5 Appears: After completing the "Discovery of the Century!?" Quest. Price: ~1400 Gil Location: - Days: 10 Reward: 10000 Gil, a Chocobo Egg, a random item, and two random cards. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 225. Marlboro Riot (モルボル大騒動) Quest Type: Non-Battle Rank: 4 Appears: After completing the "Bounty" Quest, during the Month of Stalwarts. Price: ~900 Gil Location: - Days: 15 Required: Chocobo Egg (Used) Reward: 4200 Gil, Cyril Ice, a random item, and two random cards. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 226. Dream of Chocobo Inn (ゆめのチョコボ亭) Quest Type: Non-Battle Rank: 6 Appears: After completing the "Divine Beast Matias" battle, during the Month of Geniuses. Price: ~600 Gil Location: - Days: 10 Reward: 4600 Gil, Chocobo Bread, a random item, and a random card. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 227. Banquet of Stars (宴会の星) Quest Type: Non-Battle Rank: 6 Appears: After completing the "Divine Beast Matias" battle. Price: ~1200 Gil Location: - Days: 15 Reward: 9600 Gil, Chocobo Gratin, a random item, and two random cards. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 228. Away from Home (根源への抵抗) Quest Type: Non-Battle Rank: 5 Appears: After completing the "Divine Beast Exodus" Battle. Price: ~1400 Gil Location: - Days: 10 Required: Chocobo Egg and Gysahl Greens (Used) Reward: 10000 Gil, Chocobo Gratin, a random item, and two random cards. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 229. Labyrinth of the Well (井戸の迷宮) Quest Type: Non-Battle Rank: 6 Appears: After completing the "Materia Crystal Collection" Quest. Price: ~1200 Gil Location: - Days: 15 Required: Chocobo Bread (Used) Reward: 9600 Gil, Adult's Bread, a random item, and two random cards. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 230. Despair Sake (やけ酒) Quest Type: Non-Battle Rank: 6 Appears: After completing the "Career Ambitions" Quest. Price: ~1200 Gil Location: - Days: 5 Reward: 10600 Gil, Marlboro Sake, a random item, and two random cards. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 231. Mightier than the Sword (剣よりも強し) Quest Type: Non-Battle Rank: 5 Appears: After completing the "Desert Migration" Quest, during the Month of Wise Men. Price: ~600 Gil Location: - Days: (1 Battle) Required: Magical Cotton (Used) Reward: 4600 Gil, Magical Parchment, a random item, and two random cards. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 232. Goal of the Novelist (小説家を目指せ) Quest Type: Non-Battle Rank: 6 Appears: After completing the "Magic Swordsman Llednar" Battle. Price: ~1600 Gil Location: - Days: (Defeat 10 enemies) Required: Lasso of Time (Used) Reward: 11400 Gil, Rumba's Draft, a random item, and two random cards. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 233. Melody (センリツ) Quest Type: Non-Battle Rank: 6 Appears: After completing the "Magic Swordsman Llednar" Battle. Price: ~1600 Gil Location: - Days: 20 Reward: 11800 Gil, Rumba's Draft, a random item, and two random cards. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 234. Career Ambitions (アコガレの職業) Quest Type: Non Battle Rank: 6 Appears: After completing the "Divine Beast Matias" battle. Price: ~1200 Gil Location: - Days: 20 Required: Chocobo Bread (Used) Reward: 10800 Gil, Child's Bread, a random item, and a random card. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 235. Thousands of Books (数千の書物) Quest Type: Non Battle Rank: 6 Appears: After completing the "Magic Swordsman Llednar" battle, during the Month of Wise Men. Price: ~2400 Gil Location: - Days: 10 Reward: 12400 Gil, World Encyclopedia and a random card. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 236. One more for Luck (幸せのもう一匹) Quest Type: Non Battle Rank: 6 Appears: After completing the "Magic Swordsman Llednar" battle, during the Month of Stalwarts. Price: ~1200 Gil Location: - Days: 10 Reward: 10800 Gil, a Rabbit's Tail, a random item, and a random card. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 237. Dambooka Gully (ダンブカ森林浴) Quest Type: Non Battle Rank: 6 Appears: After completing the "To the Amber Valley" Quest, during the Month of Hunters. Price: ~900 Gil Location: - Days: 15 Reward: 4600 Gil, Dambooka Timber and a random card. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 238. Forna Jungle (フォルナの密林) Quest Type: Non Battle Rank: 6 Appears: After completing the "To the Amber Valley" Quest, during the Month of Hunters. Price: ~600 Gil Location: - Days: 15 Reward: 4600 Gil, Gecko Timber and a random card. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 239. Flower Request (花を求めて) Quest Type: Non Battle Rank: 6 Appears: After completing the "To the Amber Valley" Quest. Price: ~700 Gil Location: - Days: (2 Battles) Reward: 600 Gil, Telaquo Flower and a random item. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 240. Geeza Prairie (ギーザ平原) Quest Type: Territory Rank: 1 Appears: After completing the "Vanishing Essay" Quest. Price: ~600 Gil Location: - Days: (Defeat 3 enemies) Reward: 2400 Gil and a random item. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 241. Lutechia Ridge (ルテチア峠) Quest Type: Territory Rank: 1 Appears: After completing the "Beasts of the Desert" Quest. Price: ~400 Gil Location: - Days: (Defeat 3 enemies) Reward: 2400 Gil, and a random item. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 242. Forest of Nubice (ヌーベスの森) Quest Type: Territory Rank: 2 Appears: After completing the "Anti-Law" Quest. Price: ~400 Gil Location: - Days: (Defeat 3 enemies) Reward: 2400 Gil, a random item, and a random card. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 243. Illute Desert (イルート砂漠) Quest Type: Territory Rank: 2 Appears: After completing the "Crystal Rain" Quest. Price: ~400 Gil Location: - Days: (Defeat 3 enemies) Reward: 2400 Gil, a random item and a random card. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 244. Yulay River (ユレー川) Quest Type: Territory Rank: 2 Appears: After completing the "Waking Mountain" Quest. Price: ~400 Gil Location: - Days: (Defeat 3 enemies) Reward: 2400 Gil, a random item and a random card. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 245. Icen Plains (アイセン平原) Quest Type: Territory Rank: 2 Appears: After completing the "Magic of the Secret Forest" Quest. Price: ~600 Gil Location: - Days: (Defeat 3 enemies) Reward: 2400 Gil, a random item and a random card. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 246. Rohda Volcano (ローダ火山) Quest Type: Territory Rank: 4 Appears: After completing the "Emerald Fort" Quest. Price: ~600 Gil Location: - Days: (Defeat 3 enemies) Reward: 2400 Gil, a random item and a random card. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 247. Coling Greenwood (コリング緑林) Quest Type: Territory Rank: 4 Appears: After completing the "Gathering Place of Souls" Quest. Price: ~400 Gil Location: - Days: (Defeat 5 enemies) Reward: 2400 Gil, a random item and a random card. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 248. Sarika Forest (サリカ樹林) Quest Type: Territory Rank: 4 Appears: After completing the "Jagd Detective Story" Quest. Price: ~600 Gil Location: - Days: (Defeat 5 enemies) Reward: 2400 Gil, a random item and a random card. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 249. Nargae Grotto (ナルガエ洞穴) Quest Type: Territory Rank: 4 Appears: After completing the "Bounty" Quest. Price: ~400 Gil Location: - Days: (Defeat 5 enemies) Reward: 2400 Gil, a random item and a random card. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 250. Cudix Mountains (クディクス山岳) Quest Type: Territory Rank: 5 Appears: After completing the "Divine Beast Exodus" Quest. Price: ~400 Gil Location: - Days: (Defeat 5 enemies) Reward: 2400 Gil, a random item and a random card. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 251. Jelawat Desert (ジェラワット砂漠) Quest Type: Territory Rank: 5 Appears: After completing the "Divine Beast Exodus" Battle. Price: ~400 Gil Location: - Days: (Defeat 5 enemies) Reward: 2400 Gil, a random item and a random card. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 252. Uladono Swamp (ウラドノ湿地) Quest Type: Territory Rank: 5 Appears: After completing the "Divine Beast Exodus" Battle. Price: ~400 Gil Location: - Days: (Defeat 7 enemies) Reward: 2400 Gil, a random item and a random card. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 253. Gotlanzo Hotsands (ゴトランゾ熱砂) Quest Type: Territory Rank: 5 Appears: After completing the "Discovery of the Century!?" Quest. Price: ~600 Gil Location: - Days: (Defeat 7 enemies) Reward: 2400 Gil, a random item and a random card. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 254. Delilah Dunes (デライラ砂丘) Quest Type: Territory Rank: 5 Appears: After completing the "Desert Migration" Quest. Price: ~400 Gil Location: - Days: (Defeat 7 enemies) Reward: 2400 Gil, a random item and a random card. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 255. Materia Forest (マテリアの森) Quest Type: Territory Rank: 6 Appears: After completing the "Divine Beast Matias" Battle. Price: ~400 Gil Location: - Days: (Defeat 7 enemies) Reward: 2400 Gil, a random item and a random card. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 256. Czabola Caves (ツァボラ洞窟) Quest Type: Territory Rank: 6 Appears: After completing the "Magic Swordsman Llednar" Battle. Price: ~400 Gil Location: - Days: (Defeat 7 enemies) Reward: 2400 Gil, a random item and a random card. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 257. Deete Field (ディーテ峡谷) Quest Type: Territory Rank: 6 Appears: After completing the "To the Amber Valley" Quest. Price: ~400 Gil Location: - Days: (Defeat 10 enemies) Reward: 2400 Gil, a random item and a random card. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 258. Sienna Canyon (シエンナ峡谷) Quest Type: Territory Rank: 6 Appears: After completing the "To the Amber Valley" Quest. Price: ~400 Gil Location: - Days: (Defeat 10 enemies) Reward: 2400 Gil, a random item and a random card. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 259. Jagd Arley (ヤクトアーリー) Quest Type: Territory Rank: 7 Appears: After completing the "Jagd Helge" Quest. Price: ~400 Gil Location: - Days: (Defeat 15 enemies) Reward: 2400 Gil, a random item and a random card. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 260. Jagd Helge (ヤクトヘルジェ) Quest Type: Territory Rank: 7 Appears: After completing the "Jagd Doloosa" Quest. Price: ~400 Gil Location: - Days: (Defeat 15 enemies) Reward: 2400 Gil, a random item and a random card. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 261. Jagd Doloosa (ヤクトドルーサ) Quest Type: Territory Rank: 7 Appears: After completing the "Amber Valley" Quest. Price: ~400 Gil Location: - Days: (Defeat 15 enemies) Reward: 2400 Gil, a random item and a random card. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 262. Amber Valley (琥珀の谷) Quest Type: Territory Rank: 7 Appears: After completing the "Osmourne Moor" Quest. Price: ~400 Gil Location: - Days: (Defeat 7 enemies) Reward: 2400 Gil, a random item and a random card. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 263. Osmourne Moor (オズモーネ平原) Quest Type: Territory Rank: 7 Appears: After completing the "Royal Valley" Quest. Price: ~400 Gil Location: - Days: (Defeat 7 enemies) Reward: 2400 Gil, a random item and a random card. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 264. Cyril Fencing Tournament (シリル剣術大会) Quest Type: Non-Battle Rank: 1 Appears: After completing the "Vanishing Essay" Quest, during the Month of Stalwarts. Price: ~600 Gil Location: - Days: (1 Battle) Required: Fencer Reward: 1800 Gil, a Championship Sword and a random item ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 265. Beginner's Hall (初心者の館) Quest Type: Non-Battle Rank: 1 Appears: After completing the "Earth Paints" Quest. Price: ~600 Gil Location: - Days: 10 Required: Combat Skill (Sword) Level 5 Reward: 2400 Gil, an Onion Sword and a random item ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 266. Mystery of the Voodoo Doll (呪い人形の怪) Quest Type: Non-Battle Rank: 2 Appears: After completing the "Distorted River" Quest. Price: ~600Gil Location: - Days: 5 Reward: 1000 Gil, the Sol Sabre and a random item ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 267. Come, come here (出でおいで) Quest Type: Non-Battle Rank: 3 Appears: After completing "Anti-Law" Quest. Price: ~1200 Gil Location: - Days: 10 Required: Dried Meat (Used) Reward: 5400 Gil, the Oblige, a random item and two random cards. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 268. Those Who Know Truth (真実をしる者) Quest Type: Non-Battle Rank: 3 Appears: After completing "Courage of a Witness" Quest. Price: ~1200 Gil Location: - Days: 20 Required: Chocobo Gratin (Used) and Analysis Skill (Magnifying Glass) Level 18. Reward: 6000 Gil, the Rhomphaia, a random item and two random cards. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 269. Alba Cave (アルバ洞) Quest Type: Non-Battle Rank: 3 Appears: After completing the "Waking Mountain" Quest. Price: ~600 Gil Location: - Days: (4 Battles) Required: Dried Meat (Used) and Blue Mage Reward: 6000 Gil, the Rock Beasts' Sword, a random item and two random cards. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 270. Gypsy's whereabouts (旅芸人の居場所) Quest Type: Non-Battle Rank: 4 Appears: After completing the "Magic of the Secret Forest" Quest. Price: ~1200 Gil Location: - Days: 15 Required: Rabbit's Tail (Used) Reward: 9600 Gil, Tonberrian, a random item and two random cards. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 271. That Voice Once Again (あの声をもう1度) Quest Type: Non-Battle Rank: 4 Appears: After completing the "Gathering Place of Souls" Quest. Price: ~800 Gil Location: - Days: 15 Reward: 6400 Gil, an Aerial Foil and a random item ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 272. Bloodshed of Spring (春の修羅) Quest Type: Non-Battle Rank: 4 Appears: After completing the "Jagd Detective Story" Quest. Price: ~1000 Gil Location: - Days: (2 Battles) Reward: 700 Gil, the Sumihomura, a random item and two random cards. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 273. Who Am I? (見しらぬ私) Quest Type: Non-Battle Rank: 4 Appears: After completing the "Adaman Alloy" Quest. Price: ~200 Gil Location: - Days: 15 Required: 2x Magical Medals (Used) Reward: 600 Gil, the Power Staff, a random item and two random cards. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 274. Moon of the Dead (月の死者) Quest Type: Non-Battle Rank: 5 Appears: After completing the "Divine Beast Exodus" Battle. Price: ~1200 Gil Location: - Days: 10 Reward: 8800 Gil, the Crescent Will, a random item and two random cards. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 275. Splendor of Winter (冬の華) Quest Type: Non-Battle Rank: 5 Appears: After completing the "Discovery of the Century!?" Quest. Price: ~1080 Gil Location: - Days: 10 Reward: 8800 Gil, the Marduk, a random item and two random cards. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 276. Bread Lover (パン大好き) Quest Type: Non-Battle Rank: 6 Appears: After completing the "Desert Migration" Quest Price: ~1000 Gil Location: - Days: 5 Required: Child's Bread & Adult's Bread (Used) Reward: 0 Gil, the Arbalest, a random item and two random cards. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 277. Remember the Talent (腕におぼえあり) Quest Type: Non-Battle Rank: 6 Appears: After completing the "Divine Beast Matias" Battle. Price: ~1200 Gil Location: - Days: (2 Battles) Reward: 9000 Gil, the Banga Javelin, a random item and two random cards. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 278. Rhythm of the Dark Night (闇夜のリズム) Quest Type: Non-Battle Rank: 6 Appears: After completing the "Divine Beast Matias" Battle. Price: ~1600 Gil Location: - Days: (Defeat 10 enemies) Required: Dambooka Timber and Gecko Timber (Used) Reward: 12400 Gil, a Death Castanet, a random item and two random cards. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 279. Rustic Celebration (野にありてこそ) Quest Type: Non-Battle Rank: 6 Appears:After completing the "Materia Crystal Collection" Quest. Price: ~1200 Gil Location: - Days: 7 Required: Marlboro Sake (Used) Reward: 9600 Gil, the Magic Hand, a random item and two random cards. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 280. Don't Look (見てはいけない) Quest Type: Non-Battle Rank: 6 Appears: After completing the "Materia Crystal Collection" Quest. Price: ~1400 Gil Location: - Days: (Defeat 10 enemies) Reward: 10800 Gil, the Lovely Shield, a random item and two random cards. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 281. Soldiers Parade (兵どもの祭あと) Quest Type: Non-Battle Rank: 6 Appears: After completing the "Magic Swordsman Llednar" Battle. Price: ~1600 Gil Location: - Days: 20 Reward: 11400 Gil, Parade-met, a random item and two random cards. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 282. Star of Misfortune (不幸の星) Quest Type: Non-Battle Rank: 6 Appears: After completing the "Magic Swordsman Llednar" Battle. Price: ~2100 Gil Location: - Days: (Defeat 3 enemies) Required: Demon Blood Tunic (Used) Reward: 13200 Gil, the Magical Robe, a random item and two random cards. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 283. Quick Rainbow (虹よりも速く) Quest Type: Non-Battle Rank: 6 Appears: After completing the "To the Amber Valley" Quest. Price: ~1600 Gil Location: - Days: 10 Required: Chocobo Gratin (Used) Reward: 12600 Gil, Fire Proof Glove, a random item and two random cards. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 284. Gun with Beasts (獣と銃) Quest Type: Non-Battle Rank: 6 Appears: After completing the "Royal Valley" Quest. Price: ~1600 Gil Location: - Days: 10 Required: Item Glasses 2 and Unit Glasses 2 (Used) and a Gunner. Reward: 0 Gil, Summon Gun, a random item and two random cards. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 285. Sword with Turtles (亀と剣) Quest Type: Non-Battle Rank: 6 Appears: After completing the "Despair Sake" Quest. Price: ~1400 Gil Location: - Days: (2 Battles) Required: Adaman Alloy and Aged Sword (Used) Reward: 10600 Gil, Adaman Blade, a random item and two random cards. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 286. Intuition (鑑定能力) Quest Type: Non-Battle Rank: 4 Appears: After completing the "Athletic Meet's Splendor" Quest. Price: ~1200 Gil Location: - Days: (1 Battle) Required: Bent Sword and Rainbow 7 (Used) Reward: 9000 Gil, the Nagrarok, a random item and two random cards. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 287. Church's Trap (教会のワナ) Quest Type: Non-Battle Rank: 5 Appears: After completing the "Gathering Place of Souls" Quest. Price: ~1400 Gil Location: - Days: (Defeat 5 enemies) Required: Crusade Alloy and Apple of Chaos & Blood(Used) Reward: 10600 Gil, the Zinc Brace, a random item and two random cards. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 288. Kensei Sword (剣聖剣) Quest Type: Non-Battle Rank: 6 Appears: After completing the "Goal of the Novelist" Quest. Price: ~1600 Gil Location: - Days: (3 Battles) Required: Raiki Crystal and Fushin Crystal (Used) Reward: 12600 Gil, the Kensei Sword, and a random item. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 289. Sword Tempering (剣きたえます) Quest Type: Non-Battle Rank: 3 Appears: After completing the "For the Star" Quest. Price: ~4000 Gil Location: - Days: 20 Required: Aged Sword (Used) Reward: 0 Gil, the Lure Breaker, a random item, and two random cards. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 290. Secret Stone (石なる秘密) Quest Type: Non-Battle Rank: 36 Appears: After completing the "To the Amber Valley" Quest. Price: ~4200 Gil Location: - Days: (3 Battles) Required: Rusted Sword & Lee's Stone (Used) Reward: 0 Gil, the Dabaleeth, a random item, and two random cards. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 291. Snow Flower Romance (雪花ロマン) Quest Type: Non-Battle Rank: 3 Appears: After completing the "Sorry, my Friend" Quest. Price: ~4800 Gil Location: - Days: (4 Battles) Required: Raden's Flower and Getsubu's Flower (Used) Reward: 0 Gil, the Ragetsutenbu, a random item, and two random cards. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 292. Night of Thunder (雷の夜のこと) Quest Type: Non-Battle Rank: 6 Appears: After completing the "Ancient Battlefield Ghosts" Quest. Price: ~1600 Gil Location: - Days: (4 Battles) Required: Rusted Spear and Mysidia Alloy (Used) Reward: 12600 Gil, Odin Lance, a random item, and two random cards. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 293. Song of the Minstrel (吟遊詩人の歌) Quest Type: Non-Battle Rank: 6 Appears: After completing the "Materia Crystal Collection" Quest. Price: ~6000 Gil Location: - Days: (3 Battles) Required: Stradibari and Black Thread (Used) Reward: 0 Gil, the Dark Fiddel, a random item and two random cards. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 294. Gun of One Thousand (千の銃) Quest Type: Non-Battle Rank: 6 Appears: After completing the "Snow Flower Romance" Quest. Price: ~4400 Gil Location: - Days: (3 Battles) Required: Crusade Alloy and Barrel Support Cog (Used) Reward: 0 Gil, the Bind Snipe, a random item and two random cards. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 295. Black Crisis (黒の危機) Quest Type: Non-Battle Rank: 6 Appears: After completing the "Magic Swordsman LLednar" battle. Price: ~2400 Gil Location: - Days: (3 Battles) Required: Black Thread and Magical Cloth (Used), and a Black Mage. Reward: 0 Gil, a Black Hat, a random item and two random cards. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 296. Maiden's Hat (帽子の少女) Quest Type: Non-Battle Rank: 6 Appears: After completing the "Magic Swordsman Llednar" battle. Price: ~1200 Gil Location: - Days: 30 Required: White Thread and Magical Cloth (Used) Reward: 10800 Gil, a White Hat, a random item and two random cards. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 297. Armour with Turtles (亀と鎧) Quest Type: Non-Battle Rank: 6 Appears: After completing the "Away from Home" Quest. Price: ~1200 Gil Location: - Days: (2 Battles) Required: Adaman Alloy and Rat Tail (Used) Reward: 9000 Gil, the Adaman Armour, a random item and two random cards. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 298. Into the Darkness (闇の彼方へ) Quest Type: Non-Battle Rank: 4 Appears: After completing the "Splendor of Winter" Quest. Price: ~3000 Gil Location: - Days: (Defeat 10 enemies) Required: 2x Materia Crystal (Used) Reward: 0 Gil, the Materia Armour, a random item and two random cards. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 299. Fashion Scene (ファション世界) Quest Type: Non-Battle Rank: 3 Appears: After completing the "My Child's Tutoring" Quest. Price: ~600 Gil Location: - Days: 10 Required: Chocobo Pelt (Used) and Magical Cotton (Used). Reward: 4600 Gil, the Vlint Coat, a random item and two random cards. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 300. Clothes World (衣服ワールド) Quest Type: Non-Battle Rank: 6 Appears: After completing the "Gypsy's whereabouts" Quest. Price: ~1400 Gil Location: - Days: 5 Required: Chocobo Pelt (Used) and Magical Cotton (Used). Reward: 11800 Gil, the Galmia Coat, a random item and two random cards. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NOTE: Rare Quest's are not recorded on your Clan "Record". ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Hero of Yore (太古の英雄) Quest Type: Non-Battle Rank: 2 Appears: After completing the "Emerald Fort" Quest. Price: ~1000 Gil Location: - Days: 7 Reward: 3000 Gil, Vermilion, and a random card. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sparkling Lake (かがやく湖) Quest Type: Non-Battle Rank: 2 Appears: After completing the "Emerald Fort" Quest. Price: ~1000 Gil Location: - Days: 7 Reward: 3000 Gil, the Golden Bowl, and a random card. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Legendary Sauce (伝説のソース) Quest Type: Non-Battle Rank: 2 Appears: After completing the "Emerald Fort" Quest. Price: ~1000 Gil Location: - Days: 7 Reward: 3000 Gil, El Degusto, and a random card. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ My Goal (私の目的) Quest Type: Non-Battle Rank: 4 Appears: After completing the "Gathering Place of Souls" Quest. Price: ~ 1000 Gil Location: - Days: 7 Required: See Section 6: FAQs. Reward: 6000 Gil, two random items, and two random cards. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ============================================================================== 9)JUDGEMENT ============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ i)Law List ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ たたかう禁止   Fight Ban R2 "Fight" command banned. アイテム禁止   Item Ban R2 "Item" command banned. 技禁止      Skill Ban R6 See below for further details. 術禁止      Art Ban R6 See below for further details. 色魔法禁止    Colour Magic Ban R5 Black/White/Red/Blue Magic banned. 騎士道禁止    Chivalry Ban R2 "Chivalry" abilities banned. 盗む禁止     Steal Ban R3 "Steal" abilities banned. 狙う禁止     Aim Ban R2 "Aim" abilities banned. 狩り禁止     Hunt Ban R5 "Hunt" abilities banned. 守護禁止     Safeguard Ban R3 "Safeguard" abilities banned. 祈祷禁止     Prayer Ban R2 "Prayer" abilities banned. 時魔法禁止    Time Magic Ban R4 "Time Magic" abilities banned. あやつる禁止   Control Ban R2 "Control" abilities banned. めたもる禁止   Metamorph Ban R5 "Metamorph" abilities banned. 精霊魔法禁止   Spirit Magic R5 "Spirit Magic" abilities banned. 召喚禁止     Summon Ban R6 "Summon Magic" abilities banned. 仕手禁止     Lead Ban R5 "Lead" abilities banned. 狙撃禁止     Sniper Ban R4 "Snipe" abilities banned. 呼び出す禁止   Call Ban R3 "Call" abilities banned. チャージ禁止   Charge Ban R3 "Charge" abilities banned. 銃撃禁止     Shooting Ban R4 "Shooting" abilities banned. 袋だたき禁止   Combination Ban R3 Combos banned. まねっこ禁止   Mimicry Ban R6 No repeat of previous action. 範囲禁止     Range Ban R4 Actions (>1 panel large) banned. 全体禁止     All Ban R5 No actions that target all units. ソード禁止    Sword Ban R1 Swords banned. ブレード禁止   Blade Ban R3 Blades banned. サーべル禁止   Sabre Ban R5 Sabres banned. 騎士剣禁止    Knight Sword Ban R5 Knight Swords banned. 大剣禁止     Large Sword Ban R2 Large Swords banned. 広刃剣禁止    Wide-Bladed Sword Ban R4 Wide-Bladed Swords banned. ナイフ禁止    Knife Ban R1 Knives banned. レイピア禁止   Rapier Ban R2 Rapiers banned. 刀禁止      Katana Ban R4 Katana banned. 槍禁止      Spear Ban R3 Spears banned. 楽器禁止     Music Instrument Ban R3 Musical Instruments banned. ナックル禁止   Knuckle Ban R4 Knuckles banned. ソウル禁止    Soul Ban R5 Souls banned. 飛び道具禁止   Firearms Ban R2 Bows, Strong Bows & Guns banned. 土水火風禁止   EarthWaterFireWind Ban R4 EarthWaterFireWind elements banned 炎属性禁止    Fire Element Ban R1 Fire damage/recovery banned. 雷属性禁止    Thunder Element Ban R1 Thunder damage/recovery banned. 冷属性禁止    Ice Element Ban R1 Ice damage/recovery banned. 聖属性禁止    Holy Element Ban R5 Holy damage/recovery banned. ST異常禁止   Status Abnormality Ban R6 All status effects banned. 沈黙禁止     Silence Ban R3 "Silence" status banned. カエル禁止    Frog Ban R4 "Frog" status banned. 毒禁止      Poison Ban R1 "Poison" status banned. スロウ禁止    Slow Ban R3 "Slow" status banned. ドン禁止     Don't Ban R2 "Don't Move" & "Don't Act" banned. 石化禁止     Stone Ban R5 "Stone" status banned. 混乱禁止     Confuse Ban R1 "Confuse" status banned. バーサク禁止   Berserk Ban R2 "Berserk" status banned. ストップ禁止   Stop Ban R5 "Stop" status banned. チャーム禁止   Charm Ban R3 "Charm" status banned. もの忘れ禁止   Forgetfulness Ban R4 "Amnesia" ability banned. プロテス禁止   Protect Ban R1 "Protect" status banned. ジェル禁止    Shell Ban R1 "Shell" status banned. ヘイスト禁止   Haste Ban R6 "Haste" status banned. HP回復禁止   HP Recovery Ban R6 HP recovery banned. ダメージ20▽  Damage < 20 R1 Must damage less or equal to 20. ダメージ50▽  Damage < 50 R2 Must damage less or equal to 50. ダメージ100▽ Damage < 100 R5 Must damage less or equal to 100. ダメージ20△  Damage > 20 R1 Must damage more or equal to 20. ダメージ50▽  Damage > 50 R3 Must damage more or equal to 50. ダメージ100△ Damage > 100 R4 Must damage more or equal to 100. 回復50▽    Recover < 50 R5 Must recover less or equal to 50. 回復100▽   Recover < 100 R4 Must recover less or equal to 100. 回復50△    Recover > 50 R1 Must recover more or equal to 50. 回復100△   Recover > 100 R2 Must recover more or equal to 100. x最初が「ア」  x Begins with "A" R1 See below for further details. x最初が「カ」  x Begins with "KA" R3 See below for further details. x最後が「ト」  x Ends with "TO" R5 Actions ending with ト or ド ban. x最後が「ン」  x Ends with "N" R6 See below for further details. 人間愛護     Human Protection R6 No attacking humans. バンガ愛護    Banga Protection R6 No attacking Banga. ン・モゥ愛護   N'Mou Protection R6 No attacking N'Mou. ヴィエラ愛護   Viera Protection R6 No attacking Viera. モーグリ愛護   Moogle Protection R6 No attacking Moogles. 動物愛後     Animal Protection R6 No attacking monsters. Skill Ban (技禁止) -------------------- This law bans all skillsets ending with the kanji "GI" (技). This includes: * Battle Skill (戦技) - Soldier and Warrior * War Skill (闘技) - Duelist * Dragon Skill (竜技) - Dragon Knight * Magic Sword (魔法剣技) - Gladiator * Monk Skill (僧技) - White Monk * Guard Skill (近衛戦技) - Palace Knight * Fencing (突剣技) - Fencer Art Ban (術禁止) ------------------ This law bans all skillsets ending with the kanji "JUTSU" (術). This includes: * Ninjutsu (忍術) - Ninja * Illusions (幻術) - Illusionist * Alchemy (錬金術) - Alchemist * Wisdom (賢術) - Sage x Begins with "A" (x最初が「ア」) ------------------------------------ This law bans all actions beginning with "A" (ア or あ). However, some ability names are written with kanji characters that would be read as beginning with "A", here is a list of them including their readings in hiragana: 足を狙う   あしをねらう  | Aim at Foot | Archer 悪夢     あくむ     | Nightmare | Assassin 赤いゼンマイ あかいぜんまい | Red Spring | Gadgeteer 青いネジ   あおいねじ   | Blue Screw | Gadgeteerr x Begins with "KA" (x最初が「カ」) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This law bans all actions beginning with "KA" (カ, ガ, か or が). However, some ability names are written with kanji characters that would be read as beginning with "KA", here is a list of them including their readings: 介抱   かいほう    | Nurture | Paladin 兜を盗む かぶとをぬすむ | Steal Helmet | Thief 火遁   かとん     | Katon | Ninja 影縫い  かげぬい    | Shadow Stitch | Assassin x Ends with "N" (x最後が「ン」) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This law bans all actions ending with "N" (ン or ん). However, some ability names are written with kanji characters that would be read as ending with "N", here is a list of them including their readings in hiragana: 手加減  てかげん    | Allowance | Paladin 空破斬  くうはざん   | Kuhazan | Duelist and White Monk 木遁   もくとん    | Mokuton | Ninja 水遁   すいとん    | Suiton | Ninja 火遁   かとん     | Katon | Ninja 土遁   どとん     | Doton | Ninja 金遁   きんとん    | Kinton | Ninja 不死昇天 ふししょうてん | Ascension | Archer 助言   じょげん    | Advice | Hunter 竜剣   りゅうけん   | Dragon Sword | Dragon Knight 冬眠   とうみん    | Hibernate | Guardian Knight 裏回し拳 うらまわしけん | Spinning Fist | White Monk 聖印   せいいん    | Holy Seal | White Monk 地裂斬  ちれつざん   | Chiretsuzan | White Monk 封印   ふういん    | Seal | Assassin 悪寒   おかん     | Fever | Assassin 火炎ビン かえんびん   | Molotov Cocktail | Juggler 銀の円盤 ぎんのえんばん | Silver Disc | Gadgeteer ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ii)Penalty List ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ボランティア    - Do not receive any Gil for clearing the Quest. Penalty of Volunteer Sword Ban, Blade Ban, Sabre Ban, Knight Sword Ban, Large Sword Ban, Wide-Bladed Sword Ban, Knife Ban, Rapier Ban, Katana Ban, Spear Ban, Music Instrument Ban, Knuckle Ban, Firearms Ban, Status Abnormality Ban, Silence Ban, Frog Ban, Poison Ban, Slow Ban, Don't Ban, Stone Ban, Confuse Ban, Berserk Ban, Stop Ban, Charm Ban, and Forgetfulness Ban. ステータスダウン  - Power down a random stat. Penalty of Skill Ban, Art Ban, Status Down Colour Magic Ban, Chivalry Ban, Steal Ban, Aim Ban, Safeguard Ban, Prayer Ban, Time Magic Ban, Spirit Magic Ban, Summon Ban, Lead Ban, Snipe Ban, Charge Ban, Range Ban, All Ban, Damage < 20, Damage < 50, Damage < 100, Damage > 20, Damage > 50, Damage > 100, Damage > 100, and Colour Magic Restrict. ギル没収      - Pay a random fine of Gil. Penalty of Mimicry Ban, Forfeit Gil HP Recovery Ban, Recover < 50, Recover < 100, Recovery > 50, and Recover > 100. カード没収     - Give up a random amount of cards. Penalty of Combination Forfeit Cards Ban, EarthWaterFireWind Ban, Fire Element Ban, Thunder Element Ban, Ice Element Ban, and Holy Element Ban. アイテム没収    - Give up a random item out of your clans inventory. Forfeit Item Penalty of Item Ban, Human Protection, Banga Protection, N'Mou Protection, Viera Protection, Moogle Protection, and Animal Protection. 装備アイテム没収  - Give up a random item the offending unit had equipped. Forfeit Equip Penalty of Fight Ban, Protect Ban, Shell Ban, and Haste Ban. AP没収      - Loose AP from a random ability which you have mastered. AP Forfeit Penalty of x Begins with "A", x Begins with "KA", x Ends with "TO", and x Ends with "N". モンスター脱走   - A random monster will be released from the Monster Bank. Monster Release Penalty of Hunt Ban, Control Ban, Metamorph Ban, and Call Ban. ============================================================================== 10)INFANTRY ============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ i)Tribes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ H U M A N S (人間族) **************************** You are one, I am one... hopefully. Humans have the greatest range of Jobs to choose from, having access to a total of eleven jobs. Humans are the standard, well rounded, generic, nonchalant Tribe of this game. They are guarded by the Divine Beast Matias (背徳の神帝マティウス) the Corrupt Emperor, who they are able to summon in battle to cause heavy damage to all enemies. Soldier - Initial Paladin - 2x Soldier A-Abilities Duelist - 2x Soldier A-Abilities Thief - Initial Ninja - 2x Thief A-Abilities White Mage - Initial Black Mage - Initial Illusionist - 3x White Mage and 5x Black Mage A-Abilities Blue Mage - 1x White Mage and 1x Black Mage A-Abilities Archer - Initial Hunter - 2x Archer A-Abilities B A N G A (バンガ族) **************************** Essentially a race of lizard men. They're rude, jingoistic, powerful... but just a tad slow. This Tribe has the smallest variety of Jobs, only seven. However, the Jobs available to Banga are exclusive to their race. The Banga's superior physical strength make them more suited to attacking, hence warrior-type jobs are their specialty; but they can also become Bishops and Palace Knights, which are low-level magic using Jobs. Their Divine Beast is Adrammelech (憤怒の霊帝アドラメレク) the Spirit God of Wrath, who will cause massive damage to all enemies once summoned. Warrior - Initial Dragon Knight - 2x Warrior A-Abilities Guardian Knight - 2x Warrior A-Abilities Gladiator - 2x Warrior A-Abilities White Monk - Initial Bishop - 2x White Monk A-Abilities Palace Knight - 2x White Monk A-Abilities N ' M O U (ン・モゥ族) **************************** Strange, seemingly fragile creatures. They are telepathic and can manipulate the flow of life, which allows them to both Control and Morph into the form of Monsters. Their supernatural powers make them perfect for the Mage-type Jobs, which is why the majority of the eight Jobs they can use are very magic-based. They can also summon Ultima (堕天使アルテマ) the Fallen Angel, who blasts the field with white light which causes MP damage to all enemies. White Mage - Initial Black Mage - Initial Illusionist - 3x White Mage and 5x Black Mage A-Abilities Time Mage - 5x Black Mage A-Abilities Alchemist - 3x White Mage and 5x Black Mage A-Abilities Monster Tamer - Initial Doppelganger - 5x Monster Tamer A-Abilities Sage - 3x White Mage and 2x Monster Tamer A-Abilities V I E R A (ヴィエラ族) **************************** A beautiful, noble, completely female Tribe. Also known as the "bunny chicks", their superior height and athletic ability make them great Archers, Snipers and Assassins. The Viera's are also able to communicate with the dead even better than John Edward's can, which opens them up to a variety of magicks which only they can use (Spirit, Red & Summon Magic). Also, the Divine Beast Exodus (審判の霊樹エクセデス) the Spectral Tree of Judgement, will appear at their beckon call, and will suck the MP from all enemies. White Mage - Initial Fencer - Initial Shaman - 1x White Mage and 1x Fencer A-Abilities Red Mage - 1x Fencer A-Ability Summoner - 2x White Mage and 2x Shaman A-Abilities Assassin - 2x Shaman and 1x Sniper A-Abilities Archer - Initial Sniper - 2x Archer A-Abilities M O O G L E S (モーグリ族) **************************** The cute little mole-bats that have been a staple Final Fantasy race since Final Fantasy III. They're super cute, mischievous, and end every sentence with an honorific KUPO! They are also very intelligent and dexterous, so are most suited to jobs which are magical or require dexterity. They are guarded by a Divine Beast called Famfreet (暗闇の雲ファムフリート) the Dark Cloud. Once summoned, Famfreet will blast the entire battle area with laser blasts, dealing lots of HP damage to all enemy units. Black Mage - Initial Time Mage - 5x Black Mage A-Abilities Animal Trainer - Initial Moogle Knight - 1x Animal Trainer A-Ability Gunner - 1x Animal Trainer A-Ability Thief - Initial Juggler - 2x Thief A-Abilities Gadgeteer - 2x Thief A-Abilities ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ii)Jobs ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NOTE: All unit's can equip Item (アイテム) as their secondary ability, but Alchemists can use it innately. Weapon Equip (武器装備) allows for your unit to draw a weapon in the case of their initial weapon getting broken or stolen. S O L D I E R (ソルジャー) ****************************************** Tribes: Humans only Prerequisite(s): None Somewhat like the "Knight" Job class of FFT, Soldiers are able to lower enemy status parameters with their "Breaks". With good stat growth in HP, Weapon Attack and Defence; Soldiers are obviously a good choice as melee fighting units. Their only real weakness is magic, but anti-mage abilities like Mind Break, Magic Break and Stir Up help counteract this defecit. First Aid is useful for getting rid of Poison, Darkness and other status abnormalities and as a nice bonus it recovers a bit of HP as well. Detect is a great ability to support Thieves", it lets you discover really rare concealed equipment on the enemy, therefor Battle Skill is an excellent secondary ability for Thieves. One Handed isn't a very useful S-Ability, it's only real use is to allow Soldiers and Paladins equip a Shield with a Large Sword. Equip Shield is decent for weaker classes like Ninja, Black Mages and Illusionists. Battle Skill (戦技) --------------------- 応急処置     | First Aid | A | Recover HP and restore Status. パワーブレイク  | Power Break | A | Lowers target's Weapon Attack. マインドブレイク | Mind Break | A | Lowers target's MP. マジックブレイク | Magic Break | A | Lowers target's Magical Power. スピードブレイク | Speed Break | A | Lowers target's Speed. ギルぶんどる   | Gil Plunder | A | Deals damage and plunders Gil. 挑発       | Stir Up | A | Causes "Berserk". 見やぶる     | Detect | A | Find concealed equipment. 片手持ち     | One Handed | S | Hold Two-Handed weapons in 1 hand. 盾装備可能    | Equip Shield | S | Equip Shields regardless of Job. 戦士コンボ    | Soldier Combo | C | Use JP to do combination attack. P A L A D I N (パラディン) ****************************************** Tribes: Human only Prerequisite(s): 2x Soldier Action Abilities Paladins (or Holy Knights) are very defence orientated knights. With excellent stat growth in both Weapon & Magic Defence, and abilities such as Nurture, Guard and Cover; they are made to resist strong attacks, and consequently help keep weaker units stay alive too. Their sluggish speed and excellent defence make them a very tank-like unit. Paladins are fairly mediocre fighting units, however they can equip strong Knight Swords, and having two Holy elemental attacks at their disposal: Holy Cross and Saint Cross, does help things. Also, Allowance is an indispensable attack when Damage restricting World Laws are in place, and for bringing Confused or Charmed units back to their senses. Surrender Advice is a good way of getting rid of units that will or have a good chance of being revived, they are gone for good. As far as R-Abilities go, Abandon is probably only second to Hamedoru. No weapon shall touch you once it is equipped. Weapon Defence UP further consolidates their role as "protective" units. Chivalry (騎士道) ------------------- 介抱       | Nurture | A | Recover HP and restore Status. 守る       | Guard | A | Strongly defend subsequent attack. かばう      | Cover | A | Cover next attack made to target. 手加減      | Allowance | A | Inflict minimal damage. 武装解除     | Disarm | A | Forcibly un-equips target's weapon. 降伏勧告     | Surrender Advice | A | Persuade critical enemy to leave. セイントクロス  | Saint Cross | A | Radius of Holy damage (24 MP). ホーリーブレード | Holy Blade | A | Holy damage (32 MP). 見切り      | Abandon | R | Dodge any incoming "Fight" actions. 武器ぼうぎょUP | Weapon Defence UP | S | Decrease damage from phys. attacks. 騎士コンボ    | Knight Combo | C | Use JP to do combination attack. D U E L I S T (闘士) ****************************************** Tribes: Human only Prerequisite(s): 2x Soldier Action Abilities The most battle hardened (and battle ready) Human class. It's pretty obvious that Duelists are extremely good melee fighting units, from their very strong Weapon Attack stat growth to their huge variety of attack abilities. This class provides useful ranged abilities early in the game that do not consume MP for humans. Kuhazan is extremely deadly at the start of the game, but its effectiveness declines as the game progresses. Blitz is great when the attack doesn't need to cause much damage, but when accuracy is important; like when a critical and dangerous enemy's turn is coming up, or when damage restriction laws are in place. Boost causes ludicrous amounts of damage if it connects, but it will connect for sure if you have another unit in tow that can Stop or put units to Sleep easily. Duelist's have two R-Abilities at their disposal: Compound Fracture and Hamedoru. Compound Fracture causes more damage, but it requires you to sustain damage as well. Hamedoru on the other hand is like "Abandon" and "Counter" in one, you'll essentially turn a units turn (attack) into your Duelist's. War Skill (闘技) ------------------ ラッシュ     | Rush | A | Damage and push back target. ワイルドスイング | Wild Swing | A | Damage all adjacent units. ブースト     | Boost | A | Double damage but halved accuracy. ブリッツ     | Blitz | A | Halved damage but doubled accuracy. 空破斬      | Kuhazan | A | Ranged attack. 波動撃      | Hadogeki | A | Wide ranged attack. エアーブラスト  | Air Blast | A | Wind damage from Kamaitachi. バックドラフト  | Backdraft | A | Fire damage, causes self-damage. 肉斬骨断     | Compound Fracture | R | Counteract attack with 1.5x damage. ハメどる     | Hamedoru | R | Pre-emptive counter, blocks attack. 両手持ち     | Two Handed | S | Hold weapon with two hands. 闘士コンボ    | Duelist Combo | C | Use JP to do combination attack. T H I E F (シーフ) ****************************************** Tribes: Humans and Moogles Prerequisite(s): None Swift and agile. Thieves have unmatched Evade and better than average Move and Jump; they can traverse the battlefield much more freely and quickly than most other units. Unfortunately they only have average stat growth for all stats apart from Speed. Because of FFT-A's item based Ability System, Thieves are far more important then they have been in previous Final Fantasy games (of course with the exception of FFIX, but Zidane was a Thief for a reason); this is primarily because it is important that your units have access to a wide array of hard to get items to ensure that they can learn more advanced abilities. Also, Steal Ability is probably the best A-Ability in the game, with it you can practical master whole Jobs in a single battle. No point in spending hours accumulating AP, you can just steal everything off enemies instead! Steal Gil is pretty useless, because you'll only be poor near the beginning of the game, and at that stage it won't yeild you much Gil. Thieves surprisingly can deal quite respectable damage once equipped with strong Knives like the Orichalchum and Cinquedea. Counter is a great R-Ability at the start of the game, before you have access to something more potent. And Maintenance is semi-useful, especially when your up against a lot of Snipers and Thieves. Steal (盗む) -------------- 鎧を盗む     | Steal Armour | A | Steal an enemy's armour. 盾を盗む     | Steal Shield | A | Steal an enemy's shield. アクセサリを盗む | Steal Accessory | A | Steal an enemy's accessory. 兜を盗む     | Steal Helmet | A | Steal an enemy's helmet. 武器を盗む    | Steal Weapon | A | Steal an enemy's weapon. ギルを盗む    | Steal Gil | A | Steal Gil from an enemy. 経験値を盗む   | Steal EXP | A | Steal EXP from an enemy. JPを盗む    | Steal JP | A | Steal JP from an enemy. アビリティを盗む | Steal Ability | A | Steal a random ability from enemy. カウンター    | Counter | R | Counterattack after being attacked. メンテナンス   | Maintenance | S | Equipment cannot be stolen/broken. シーフコンボ   | Thief Combo | C | Use JP to do combination attack. N I N J A (忍者) ****************************************** Tribes: Humans Prerequisite(s): 2x Thief Action Abilities Ninja in FFT-A are far more versatile (and therefore useful) than their FFT incarnation, which is saying something since they were pretty useful assassins in FFT. Now not only can they throw all types of weapons after learning a single ability, but they can now use the "Goton", ancient Ninjutsu laws of escape based on the five elements. The "Goton" are pretty mediocre, variety of weak status abnormality inducing elemental attacks. Ninja can also use the ability Amnesia, which prevents the target from using Action Abilities. Ninja have unmatched Speed and good Weapon Attack and Magical Power stat growth, but very poor HP growth. Basically, they are very quick and potent killers, but they are very vulnerable Two Swords is probably the best Support Ability in the game. You get two hits per attack to cause unimaginable devastation, and by equipping two of the same weapon, you can learn Abilities in half the time! Ninjutsu (忍術) ----------------- 投げる      | Throw | A | Throw an item from your inventory. 木遁       | Mokuton | A | Damage, causes "Don't Move" (4 MP). 火遁       | Katon | A | Damage, causes "Confusion" (4 MP). 土遁       | Doton | A | Damage, can cause "Slow" (4 MP). 金遁       | Kinton | A | Damage, can cause "Darkness" (4 MP) 水遁       | Suiton | A | Damage, can cause "Silence" (4 MP). 解呪       | Uncharm | A | Dispel status effects (4 MP). 忘却       | Amnesia | A | Causes "Forgetfulness" (24 MP). 瀕死ヘイスト   | Critical Haste | R | "Haste" status when made critical. 二刀流      | Two Swords | S | Equip a weapon to each hand. 忍者コンボ    | Ninja Combo | C | Use JP to do combination attack. W H I T E M A G E (白魔道士) ****************************************** Tribes: Humans, Viera and N'Mou Prerequisite(s): None If you want to keep your units healthy and alive, a White Mage is arguably the unit to have. Although probably superseded by Summoner's with Unicorn and Sage's with Maraise later in the game, White Mages can still hold their own. You can recover HP with the Cure-spells, purge status abnormalities with Esuna, revive your units with Raise-spells, and boost your unit's defences with Shell and Protect. Also, unlike if you were to heal with Items you don't have to constantly fork out Gil to keep your stocks up, Magic is essentially free, like love. MP Turbo makes spells far more effective, but you'll probably drain your MP way before the battle finishes. Humans make pretty mediocre White Mages, Viera make decent White Mages, but N'Mou definitely make the best White Mages thanks to their gift with magic. White Magic (白魔法) ---------------------- ケアル      | Cure | A | Recover a little HP (6 MP). ケアルラ     | Cura | A | Recover some HP (10 MP). ケアルガ     | Curaga | A | Recover a lot of HP (16 MP). エスナ      | Esuna | A | Restore normal status (18 MP). レイズ      | Raise | A | Revive KO'd unit (10 MP). アレイズ     | Araise | A | Revive KO'd unit w/ full HP (20 MP) リレイズ     | Reraise | A | Causes "Reraise" status (16 MP). シェル      | Shell | A | Raise Magic Defense (6 MP). プロテス     | Protect | A | Raise Weapon Defense (6 MP). MPターボ    | MP Turbo | S | Use 2x MP, but raise effectiveness 白コンボ     | White Combo | C | Use JP to do combination attack. B L A C K M A G E (黒魔道士) ****************************************** Tribes: Humans, N'Mou and Moogles Prerequisite(s): None Masters of the three primary elements. What Black Mages lack in variety they make up with shear magical power (they have very strong Magical Power stat growth). Unfortunately, they have very low HP stat growth, which means they will probably get killed by a strong attack before they can inflict strong damage on the enemy. Because of that jobs such like Sage are probably a better choice for offensive magic. Magic Return is a great R-Ability, but enemy units tend to attack with weapons more than magic, so it is triggered far less frequently than other Reaction Abilities. Intensify powers up pretty much all magic, and also some elemental attacks as well. Black Magic (黒魔法) ---------------------- ファイア     | Fire | A | Fire elemental damage (6 MP). ファイラ     | Fira | A | Moderate Fire damage (12 MP). ファイガ     | Firaga | A | Strong Fire damage (24 MP). サンダー     | Thunder | A | Thunder damage (6 MP). サンダラ     | Thundara | A | Moderate Thunder damage (12 MP). サンダガ     | Thundaga | A | Strong Thunder damage (24 MP) ブリザド     | Blizzard | A | Ice elemental damage (6 MP). ブリザラ     | Blizzara | A | Moderate Ice damage (12 MP). ブリザガ     | Blizzaga | A | Strong Ice damage (24 MP) 魔法返し     | Magic Return | R | Cast magic back at enemy. 属性強化     | Intensify | S | Strengthens elemental damage. 黒コンボ     | Black Combo | C | Use JP to do combination attack. I L L U S I O N I S T (幻術士) ****************************************** Tribes: Humans and N'Mou Prerequisite(s): 3x White Mage and 5x Black Mage Action Abilities Illusionists are like Dancers from FFT, but with many elemental versions of the With Knives (Wiznaibus) dance. In other words, with Illusionists you can cause reasonably small amounts of elemental damage to all enemies on the battlefield. The damage inflicted by their Illusions may seem insignificant, but it all adds up. Think of it like wind slowly eroding away a cliff-face, like carcinogens building up in lungs, or like someone sucking on a Jaw Breaker. Understand? Also, with Illusions you can finish off numerous units that are only hanging on by a thread (of HP). Unfortunately Illusionists are very vulnerable units, with very low evade and below average HP stat growth. Thankfully they can attack from wherever, so the best strategy with a Illusionist would to keep them out of harms way whilst casting. The Half MP Support Ability is especially useful for Illusionist, since Illusions are relatively MP expensive magic. Absorb Used MP is semi-useful Reaction Ability, it will keep your MP topped up, but you have to be constantly hit by magic for it to work. Illusions (幻術) ------------------ プロミネンス   | Prominence | A | Fire damage all enemies (32 MP). テンペスト    | Tempest | A | Thunder damage all enemies (32 MP) フリーズブリンク | Freeze Blink | A | Ice damage all enemies (32 MP). サザンクロス   | Southern Cross | A | Holy damage to all enemies (32 MP). スターダスト   | Stardust | A | Damage to all enemies (32 MP). ロードミラージュ | Road Mirage | A | Water damage all enemies (32 MP). ソイルエビデンス | Soil Evidence | A | Earth damage all enemies (32 MP). ダークトルネード | Dark Tornado | A | Wind damage all enemies (32 MP). 消費MP半減   | Half MP | S | Use half as much MP to cast magic. 使用MP吸収   | Absorb Used MP | R | Absorb MP used by enemy to attack. 幻コンボ     | Illusion Combo | C | Use JP to do combination attack. B L U E M A G E (青魔道士) ****************************************** Tribes: Humans only Prerequisite(s): 1x White Mage and 1x Black Mage Action Abilities If you've played Final Fantasy 5, you would know Blue Mages can learn (and then use in battle) specific monster abilities after being attacked by them. Their versatility is their strength, having access to a huge range of abilities. You can heal with White Wind, attack and poison enemies with Poison Claw, power allies up with Mighty Guard and Dragon Force, inflict numerous status abnormalities with Bad Breath, the list goes on. If you equip a lot of your units with equipment that protects against Sleep (such as the Protect Ring) you can use Night to put all of your enemies to sleep. Blue Magic is perfect as a secondary ability on a unit such as Black Mage. After mastering MP Substitute, Learning, Immunity and maybe Blue Combo; you can simply set "Learning" as the S-Ability and Blue Magic as the secondary, and you can slowly master Blue Magic while at the same time mastering other jobs. You don't have to be a Blue Mage to learn Blue Magic, you just have to have "Learning" equipped. If you wish to train a Blue Mage, it's very important that you support him with a Monster Tamer, to Control monsters into teaching the Blue Mage his abilities. Blue Mages require quite a lot of work to teach them all their abilities, which is quite a significant drawback. MP Substitute is almost as good as invincibility! Each unit regains 5 MP a turn, and it only takes 1 MP for an oncoming attack to be completely absorbed. It's really effective on units that don't even use MP, like Soldiers or Duelists. Immunity is a great if you want to keep your units status abnormality free, but it's not like you can't do that already by equipping various items. Blue Magic (青魔法) --------------------- ゴブリンパンチ  | Goblin Punch | A | Causes random damage (8 MP). マジックハンマー | Magic Hammer | A | Causes MP damage (8 MP). 溶解液      | Solvent | A | Random Status abnormality (12 MP) じばく      | Self-Destruct | A | Uses all HP for big damage (2 MP). マイティガード  | Mighty Guard | A | Raise defense (8 MP). ガードオファ   | Guard Offer | A | Decrease target's defense (10 MP) ドラゴンフォース | Dragon Force | A | Raise attack of allies (12 MP). 夜        | Night | A | "Sleep" to all units (24 MP). ツイスター    | Twister | A | Halve enemy units HP (20 MP). レベル3デフレス | L3 Def.Less | A | Def. down if Level / by 3 (12 MP) マトラマジック  | Matra Magic | A | Switch HP and MP (24 MP). 毒爪       | Poison Claw | A | Damages, can cause "Poison" (8 MP). ヘイストブレイク | Haste Break | A | "Slow" or "Stop" when Hasted(12 MP) 臭い息      | Bad Breath | A | 7 Status abnormalities (20 MP). にらみ      | Glare | A | "Confusion" from front-on (12 MP). 死のルーレット  | Death Roulette | A | KO's random unit (20 MP). ドレインタッチ  | Drain Touch | A | Absorb HP from target (10 MP). レベル?Sフレア | L? Shadow Flare | A | Damage if 2nd Level # same (30 MP). ホワイトウインド | White Wind | A | Recover HP (12 MP). 天使のささやき  | Angel's Whisper | A | Recover HP and "Reraise" (24 MP). MPすりかえ   | MP Substitute | R | Loose MP instead of HP when damaged ラーニング    | Learning | S | Equip to learn Blue Magic. 免疫       | Immunity | S | Immune to Status abnormalities. 青コンボ     | Blue Combo | C | Use JP to do combination attack. A R C H E R (弓使い) ****************************************** Tribes: Humans and Viera Prerequisite(s): None Like Ninjas and Dragon Knights, Archers are far improved in FFT-A. Having access to stronger bows and a far greater variety of abilities than they did in the original Final Fantasy Tactics. They are still really weak at the beginning of the game (when you can only get crappy bows), and by the time they are good, Hunters are probably better. But 'Aim at Foot' and 'Aim at Arm' are exceptionally useful abilities, you can disable potentially dangerous enemy units from a very safe distance with them. 'Ascension' allows you to deal with Undead units for good, and 'Shoot thru Heart' allows you to make like Cupid and make your enemies your allies. Fast Boost is all right; but most Archers will automatically avoid most deadly reaction abilities due to their range. Concentrate is a very useful support ability, it essentially makes most actions have a accuracy of 95%. Very useful for reasonably inaccurate units like Archers. Aim (狙う) ------------ ためる      | Accumulate | A | Raise damage caused by next attack. 足を狙う     | Aim at Foot | A | Cause "Don't Move" to target. 腕を狙う     | Aim at Arm | A | Cause "Don't Act" to target. ハートを射抜く  | Shoot thru Heart | A | Cause "Charm" to target. 不死昇天     | Ascension | A | Send the Undead to oblivion. 狙い定める    | Lock-On | A | Halved damage but doubled accuracy. ファストブースト | Fast Boost | A | Damage, bypasses R-Abilities. ブラックアウト  | Black Out | A | Cause "Darkness" to target. 矢かわし     | Arrow Evade | R | Dodge all arrow based attacks. 精神統一     | Concentrate | S | Most actions highly accurate. 弓コンボ     | Bow Combo | C | Use JP to do combination attack. H U N T E R (狩人) ****************************************** Tribes: Humans only Prerequisite(s): 2x Archer Action Abilities Hunters are very much like high-level Archers, but with abilities focusing on subduing monsters. Hunters can "Capture" monsters; transferring them from battle to the Monster Bank, and receiving a monster Soul in the process. So you need a Hunter to have a functional Shapshifter, since they use Souls as weapons. With the Sidewinder ability Hunter's can cause twice as much damage to monsters without any drawbacks. Also, being the Human users of Ultima, Hunters are capable of causing serious damage with Ultima Shot; arguably the best Ultima because of its range. They also have strong Weapon Attack and above average MP stat growth, presumably to maintain Ultima Shot's effectiveness. Hunt (狩り) ------------- ソニックブーム  | Sonic Boom | A | Wide ranged attack. 追い払う     | Drive Away | A | Drive Monster from battle. 助言       | Advice | A | Raise Critical Hit rate. 急所を狙う    | Aim at Weak Spot | A | Causes random status abnormality. ハンティング   | Hunting | A | Receive more JP from kill. カウンタフォース | Counter Force | A | Causes "Forgetfulness" to monsters. アルテマショット | Ultima Shot | A | Heavy damage attack (60 HP). サイドワインダー | Sidewinder | A | Double damage to Monsters. 生け捕る     | Capture | A | Send Monster to Monster Bank. リジェネーター  | Regenerator | R | Gain "Regen" status when attacked. 武器こうげきUP | Weapon Attack UP | S | Increase damage of phys. attacks. 狩りコンボ    | Hunt Combo | C | Use JP to do combination attack. W A R R I O R (ウォリアー) ****************************************** Tribes: Banga only Prerequisite(s): None The Warrior class is basically a Banga version of the Human Soldier class. Instead of Gil Plunder, Stir Up and Detect; Warriors' have Rock Smash, Lightning Quick, and Life X-Zone. This coupled with the Warrior's superior HP and Weapon Attack, but poor Speed and Magic Defence stat growth, make them less balanced but better melee fighters than Soldiers. Rock Smash is a strong attack, but inflicts damage back on the Warrior equal to 1/4 of the damage sustained by the target. Lightning Quick bypasses Reaction Abilities, which is far more helpful than it sounds. Since constant counter-attacks can compound and bring your unit down. Life X-Zone is extremely good at taking units with large amounts of HP down to size, but it's accuracy is a little disappointing. Battle Skill (戦技) --------------------- 応急処置     | First Aid | A | Recover HP and restore Status. パワーブレイク  | Power Break | A | Lowers target's Weapon Attack. マインドブレイク | Mind Break | A | Lowers target's MP. マジックブレイク | Magic Break | A | Lowers target's Magical Power. スピードブレイク | Speed Break | A | Lowers target's Speed. 岩砕破      | Rock Smash | A | Double-Edged attack. 疾風迅雷     | Lightning Quick | A | Damage, bypasses R-Abilities. ライフデジョン  | Life X-Zone | A | Halve target's HP (24 MP). 盾装備可能    | Equip Shield | S | Equip Shields regardless of Job. 片手持ち     | One Handed | S | Hold Two-Handed weapons in 1 hand. 戦士コンボ    | Soldier Combo | C | Use JP to do combination attack. D R A G O N K N I G H T (竜騎士) ****************************************** Tribes: Banga only Prerequisite(s): 2x Warrior Action Abilities Also known as Dragoons or Lancers; Dragon Knights are knights that... well... mimic dragons. Far more versatile than their FFT incarnation, the Dragon Knights of FFT-A not only can do their trademark "Jump", but they can also use a range of Dragon abilities, including three types of "Breath". Unfortunately, Jump has been considerably downgraded. Although it has no delay; it can only be done with a spear, it does no extra damage than a regular attack, and it only has a range of four. In FFT Jump could be powered up to have a supreme range of eight. The Breaths are really good, their realistic T-shape-range can be awkward to get around; but when used properly you can cause lots of damage to multiple enemies. Dragon Soul is probably the best defensive Reaction Ability, sustain damage and you'll have Reraise. Enemies will have to kill you in one hit. So, Dragon Knights are basically a mixed bag. Slightly disappointing, since they have a pretty good following among FF fans... thanks to Kain :) Dragon Skill (竜技) --------------------- ジャンプ     | Jump | A | Jump and then impale enemy (Spear). 竜剣       | Dragon Sword | A | Absorb HP from enemy. 竜ならし     | Dragon Tame | A | Make Dragons withdraw from battle. ファイアブレス  | Fire Breath | A | Fire elemental damage. サンダーブレス  | Thunder Breath | A | Thunder elemental damage. アイスブレス   | Ice Breath | A | Ice elemental damage. ドラゴンキラー  | Dragon Killer | A | Cause large damage to Dragons. バンガブレス   | Banga Breath | A | Damages with sound waves. 竜の魂      | Dragon Soul | R | "Reraise" when attacked. 竜騎士コンボ   | Dragoon Combo | C | Use JP to do combination attack. G U A R D I A N K N I G H T (守護騎士) ****************************************** Tribes: Banga only Prerequisite(s): 2x Warrior Action Abilities Much like the Human Paladin class, Guardian Knights with very high defences. But unlike Paladins, which are more suited to protecting allied units from incoming attacks. Guardian Knights protect other units indirectly by staying alive and slaying the enemies which are posing a threat. Aura is one of the most useful abilities in the games, casting both "Reraise" and "Regen" on the user. Your Guardian Knight will be practically invincible. This is further fortified by Guard and Perfect Guard, which ensures the Guardian Knight will only take minimal damage from incoming attacks. Meltdown is a brilliant attack, causing such heavy damage but at the cost of your units life. But by alternating it with Aura or Reraise, you can use Meltdown effectively every second turn. Although they do have reasonably good stat growth (especially for Weapon Defence), Safeguard makes a better Secondary Ability for a Gladiator or Dragoon, then Guardian Knight makes a job. Safeguard (守護) ------------------ はじきとばす   | Repel | A | Damage and push back adjacent units メルトダウン   | Meltdown | A | Damages = to current HP, KO's self. 守る       | Guard | A | Strongly defend subsequent attack. 武装解除     | Disarm | A | Forcibly un-equips target's weapon. 冬眠       | Hibernate | A | Restore normal status. なぎ払う     | Slaughter | A | Damage adjacent units, Speed down. オーラ      | Aura | A | Cast "Regen" on "Reraise" on self. パーフェクガード | Perfect Guard | A | Prevent HP & MP damage for a turn. 瀕死バーサク   | Critical Berserk | R | "Berserk" status when made critical 武器ぼうぎょUP | Weapon Defence UP | S | Decrease damage from phys. attacks. 守護コンボ    | Safeguard Combo | C | Use JP to do combination attack. G L A D I A T O R (グラディエーター) ****************************************** Tribes: Banga only Prerequisite(s): 2x Warrior Action Abilities Known as Sorcerers in Final Fantasy 5, Gladiators have supreme skills when it comes to sword techniques. Gladiators are excellent offensive units; Rush, Boost, Blitz and Wild Swing (which they share with Duelists) all have their distinct uses. For example, Rush is great for pushing units of ledges so they sustain fall damage, and Wild Swing is good for attacking multiple units when they are bunched or you are surrounded. However, the four strong Magic Sword skills surprisingly damaging and are the Gladiators' greatest assets: three strong elemental attacks, and the extremely strong, devastating Ultima Sword. Magic Sword (魔法剣技) ----------------------- ラッシュ     | Rush | A | Damage and push back target. ブースト     | Boost | A | Double damage but halved accuracy. ブリッツ     | Blitz | A | Halved damage but doubled accuracy. ワイルドスイング | Wild Swing | A | Damage all adjacent units. ファイアソード  | Fire Sword | A | Fire elemental damage (10 MP). サンダーソード  | Thunder Sword | A | Thunder elemental damage (10 MP). ブリザドソード  | Blizzard Sword | A | Ice elemental damage (10 MP). アルテマソード  | Ultima Sword | A | Heavy damage attack (60 HP). ハメどる     | Hamedoru | R | Pre-emptive counter, blocks attack. 両手持ち     | Two Handed | S | Hold weapon with two hands. 魔剣コンボ    | Magic Sword Combo | C | Use JP to do combination attack. W H I T E M O N K (ホワイトモンク) ****************************************** Tribes: Banga only Prerequisite(s): None Fighting Monks, that can both heal and punish. White Monks have a great variety of martial arts to use, Kuhazan and Hadogeki, both powerful attacks; Chiretsuzan, which allows your Monk to attack multiple units far away as long as they are in a line; and Hajya, which sends Zombies and Vampires instantly to the afterlife. But White Monks can also use meditative healing powers: Chakra which heals and purges stasis abnormalities; Revive, which brings the dead back to life; and Holy Seal, which is great for "un-Raising" enemy units. White Monks are probably THE unit to have in your team at the start of the game, but as you progress White Monks become slightly less effective. Monk Skill (僧技) ------------------- 裏回し拳     | Spinning Fist | A | Damage all adjacent units. 空破斬      | Kuhazan | A | Ranged attack. 地裂斬      | Chiretsuzan | A | Linear attack. 波動撃      | Hadogeki | A | Wide ranged attack. チャクラ     | Chakra | A | Recover HP. 蘇生       | Revive | A | Revive KO'd unit. 破邪       | Hajya | A | Send the Undead to oblivion. 聖印       | Holy Seal | A | Dispel status effects 見切り      | Abandon | R | Dodge any incoming "Fight" actions. カウンター    | Counter | R | Counterattack after being attacked. モンクコンボ   | Monk Combo | C | Use JP to do combination attack. B I S H O P (ビショップ) ****************************************** Tribes: Banga only Prerequisite(s): 2x White Monk Action Abilities Bishops are pretty much the only true magic using Banga class; with their prayers they can use sacred spells. Bishops have good MP, Magical Power and Magic Defence stat growth, but all other stats have below average stat growth. Bishops do have a some supportive spells, but they are mainly offensive magic users. A most you can recover HP with Cura, and raise defences with Barrier. However on the offensive side: with Break you can seal any annoying enemies in a stone tomb, then there are three different elemental spells for attacking; Water, Aero, and strongest ofallHoly. Bishops also can remove positive status abnormalities from enemies with Dispel, and with Judge, Bishops can drain JP from enemies (or allies, since enemies tend to not have much JP) so they can use Combos or summon the Divine Beast Adrammelech. Bishops are quite vulnerable however, they have low evade. Prayer (祈祷) --------------- ケアルラ     | Cura | A | Recover some HP (10 MP). デスペル     | Dispel | A | Remove positive status (12 MP). ホーリー     | Holy | A | Large holy elemental damage (32 MP) バリア      | Barrier | A | "Protect" and "Shell" (10 MP). ジャッジ     | Judge | A | Take JP from target (6 MP). ウォータ     | Water | A | Water elemental damage (12 MP). エアロ      | Aero | A | Wind elemental damage (12 MP). ブレイク     | Break | A | Causes "Stone" (20 MP). 魔法返し     | Magic Return | R | Cast magic back at enemy. 消費MP半減   | Half MP | S | Use half as much MP to cast magic. 祈祷コンボ    | Prayer Combo | C | Use JP to do combination attack. P A L A C E K N I G H T (神殿騎士) ****************************************** Tribes: Banga only Prerequisite(s): 2x White Monk Action Abilities Beowulf's considerably toned down skillset from FFT. Palace Knights (aka Temple Knights and Templars) in FFT-A know magic perfect for suppressing the dark arts, they are the Anti-Mages. With Silence, that prevents magic use; and Rasp & Soul Sphere, which both cause MP damage, Palace Knights are able to prevent Mages from using their spells one way or another. Generally Bangas are quite vulnerable to magic, so that makes 'Guard Skill' a perfect balancing secondary ability for the other Banga Jobs. This is further compounded by the fact that another Banga weakness is speed, and this can be counteracted with the Guard Skill abilities Haste and War Cry. Finally, when critical, Lifebreak is an awesome ability to have in your arsenal. Guard Skill (近衛戦技) ----------------------- アストラ     | Astra | A | Remain normal status (8 MP). 雄たけび     | War Cry | A | Adjacent units Speed down ラスピル     | Rasp | A | MP damage (24 MP). 気を練る     | Clear Mind | A | Raise damage caused by next attack. サイレス     | Silence | A | Causes "Silence" (8 MP). ソウルスフィア  | Soul Sphere | A | Light MP damage. ヘイスト     | Haste | A | Causes "Haste" (24 MP). ライフブレイク  | Lifebreak | A | Damages equal to unit's wounds. 肉斬骨断     | Compound Fracture | R | Counteract attack with 1.5x damage. 武器こうげきUP | Weapon Attack UP | S | Increase damage of phys. attacks. 近衛コンボ    | Guard Combo | C | Use JP to do combination attack. T I M E M A G E (時魔道士) ****************************************** Tribes: N'Mou and Moogles Prerequisite(s): 5x Black Mage Action Abilities Mages which can warp both time and space, Time Mages are simply the best support units you can have in the game. You generally wont use them to attack much, but they will definitely help your clan win battles. Stop, is the most strategically important Time Magic, with it you can literally Stop enemies in their tracks, and then have 100% accuracy to kill them with many different types of attacks. Most notable being the double-damage-half-accuracy attacks (such as Boost), and the Assassin's Breath Stop. You'll find Gravity and Graviga not only useful when carving down the HP of huge enemies, but also when their are damage restrictions in place. Haste, Slow and Quick will obviously allow you to swing the hands of time in your favour, the latter allowing you to do such things as give a turn to a unit that can finish an enemy off, or to a critical ally that needs the turn to flee battle. Critical Quick is surprisingly a great Reaction Ability, it guarantees your unit will at least have a chance of surviving. Time Magic (時魔法) --------------------- ヘイスト     | Haste | A | Causes "Haste" (24 MP). クイック     | Quick | A | Instant Active Turn (24 MP). スロウ      | Slow | A | Causes "Slow" (12 MP). リフレク     | Reflect | A | Reflect magic back at caster (8 MP) ストップ     | Stop | A | Causes "Stop" (24 MP). サイレス     | Silence | A | Causes "Silence" (8 MP). グラビデ     | Gravity | A | Damage= 1/4 target's Max HP (10 MP) グラビガ     | Graviga | A | Damage= 1/2 target's Max HP (24 MP) 瀕死クイック   | Critical Quick | R | Casts "Quick" when made critical. 時コンボ     | Time Combo | C | Use JP to do combination attack. A L C H E M I S T (錬金術士) ****************************************** Tribes: N'Mou only Prerequisite(s): 3 x White Mage and 5x Black Mage Action Abilities Alchemists manipulate chemicals and elements, but in FFT-A they deal with Status Abnormalities and recovery items. Alchemists do not need to equip 'Item' as a secondary ability in order to use Items in battle, they can innately use items. However, Alchemists can still equip a secondary ability in addition to Alchemy and Item. The Alchemist class is probably tied with the Sage class as being the best N'Mou Job. Not only can they use Items innately, but they have excellent MP, Magical Power and Magic Defence stat growth, and a fairly good range of spells (although they are all a bit MP expensive). Death is a wonderful spell, like a ranged 'Breath Stop' with slightly inferior accuracy), you can kill an enemy instantly in one turn with it. Meteo and Flare are also strong offensive spells, unlikely to kill in one hit, but you can cause heavy damage to multiple units with them. Toad turns formidable enemies into defenceless Frogs. Magical Power UP is a consequence way of powering up your magic, you wont run out of MP like 'MP Turbo', and unlike 'Intensify' it also powers up non-elemental spells (Meteo and Flare are both non-elemental). Alchemy (錬金術) ------------------ アストラ     | Astra | A | Remain normal status (8 MP). デス       | Death | A | Instant KO (36 MP). メテオ      | Meteo | A | Strong damage (40 MP). ラスピル     | Rasp | A | MP damage (24 MP). フレア      | Flare | A | Large damage (36 MP). ポイズン     | Poison | A | Causes "Poison" (10 MP). トード      | Toad | A | Causes "Frog" (36 MP). 魔法のつよさUP | Magical Power UP | S | Increase damage of magic attacks. メンテナンス   | Maintenance | S | Equipment cannot be stolen/broken. 錬金コンボ    | Alchemy Combo | C | Use JP to do combination attack. M O N S T E R T A M E R (魔獣使い) ****************************************** Tribes: N'Mou only Prerequisite(s): None Music soothes the savage beast, but Monster Tamers can use it to control the minds of all beasts. Monster Tamers are obviously useless against opposition completely free of monsters, they can't cause much damage at all with their instruments. But when fighting against groups of attacking monsters, Monster Tamers can be so strategically helpful. Controlling has three distinct purposes, 1) If you are controlling the monster, it won't attack you; 2) You can use a controlled monster to attack other monsters, if they have Counter they will both sustain damage; and 3) Controlled monsters can be force to use abilities on Blue Mages which they normally wouldn't use, such as White Wind. Monster Tamer's are more mobile than most other N'Mou Jobs, have the best N'Mou evade, and have better than average status growth all round. Control (あやつる) -------------------- ゴブリン     | Goblin | A | Control Goblins. プリン      | Pudding | A | Control Puddings. ボム       | Bomb | A | Control Bombs. ドラゴン     | Dragon | A | Control Dragons. ラミア      | Lamia | A | Control Lamia. 昆虫       | Bug | A | Control Bugs. トンベリ     | Tonberry | A | Control Tonberries. パンサー     | Panther | A | Control Panthers. モルボル     | Marlboro | A | Control Marlboro. フロータイボール | Float-Eyeball | A | Control Ahriman. 闇の者      | Darksiders | A | Control Zombies and Vampires. 妖精       | Fairy | A | Control Fairies. 岩獣       | Rock Beast | A | Control Rock Beasts. 瀕死ヘイスト   | Critical Haste | R | "Haste" status when made critical. 免疫       | Immunity | S | Immune to Status abnormalities. 魔獣コンボ    | Monster Combo | C | Use JP to do combination attack. D O P P E L G A N G E R (めたもる士) ****************************************** Tribes: N'Mou only Prerequisite(s): 5x Monster Tamer Action Abilities Doppelgangers have the uncanny ability to morph into monsters that they possess the souls of. The only possible way of getting Souls is to have a Hunter 'Capture' certain types of monsters. The potency of the abilities Doppelgangers use while transformed are based on the strength of thecorresponding monster in the Monster Bank. By capturing high level monsters and feeding those monsters items such as Phoenix Downs and Remedies, Doppelgangers can cause real damage to enemy units. Maintaining a functional Doppelgangers require a lot of effort and Gil, and honestly it doesn't seem worth the hassle. A lot of the monster abilities available to Doppelgangers can also be used by Blue Mages. Useful Doppel exclusive abilities include; the Lamia's Poison Frog, which causes Poison and Frog status; the Facehugger's L5 Death, which KO's all units with a level that is a multiple of 5; and Couerl's Blaster, which like 'Break' petrifies enemy units from a distance with great accuracy. Metamorph (めたもる) ---------------------- ゴブリン     | Goblin | A | Imitate abilities of Goblins. プリン      | Pudding | A | Imitate abilities of Puddings. ボム       | Bomb | A | Imitate abilities of Bombs. ドラゴン     | Dragon | A | Imitate abilities of Dragons. ラミア      | Lamia | A | Imitate abilities of Lamia. 昆虫       | Bug | A | Imitate abilities of Bugs. パンサー     | Panther | A | Imitate abilities of Panthers. モルボル     | Marlboro | A | Imitate abilities of Marlboro. フロータイボール | Float-Eyeball | A | Imitate abilities of Ahriman. MPすりかえ   | MP Substitute | R | Loose MP instead of HP whendamaged めたもるコンボ  | Metamorph Combo | C | Use JP to do combination attack. S A G E (セージ) ****************************************** Tribes: N'Mou only Prerequisite(s): 2x Monster Tamer and 3x White Mage Action Abilities Sages are simply awesome, they have excellent stat growth all round, unmatched N'Mou mobility and evade, and a arsenal of some of the most useful magic in the game. Maraise is the best healing spell in the game, not only can you use it to recover HP, but it also brings fallen units back to life! Bio is the most economical offensive Wisdom, it causes decent damage to enemies, but it's also likely to poison them. Sage's are also keepers of the N'Mou Ultima, Ultima Blow, not the best ultima, but it still causes extremely heavy damage to the enemy. Wisdom (賢術) --------------- ドレイン     | Drain | A | Absorb enemy HP from (12 MP). ブライン     | Blind | A | Cause "Darkness" (12 MP). ウォータ     | Water | A | Water elemental damage (12 MP). エアロ      | Aero | A | Wind elemental damage (12 MP). マレイズ     | Maraise | A | Revive KO'd unit w/ high HP (22 MP) ギガフレア    | Giga Flare | A | Heavy magic damage (40 MP). バイオ      | Bio | A | Damages and causes "Poison" (12 MP) アルテマブロウ  | Ultima Blow | A | Heavy damage attack (60 HP). 盾装備可能    | Equip Shield | S | Equip Shields regardless of Job. 武器ぼうぎょUP | Weapon Defence UP | S | Decrease damage from phys. attacks. 見切り      | Abandon | R | Dodge any incoming "Fight" actions. 賢コンボ     | Sage Combo | C | Use JP to do combination attack. F E N C E R (フェンサー) ****************************************** Tribes: Viera only Prerequisite(s): None Having unmatched skill with the Rapier, Fencers have an arsenal of fencing techniques to use in battle. Although they do have a wonderful variety of abilities to use, most of them aren't that very useful in battle. The most useful ones; Check Mate, which causes Death Sentence; Blue Passion, which is great against Mages since it causes MP damage; and Night Hawk, which is a ranged attack; are only available fairly late in the game. And at that stage, Viera Jobs such as Assassins or Summoners are far more useful. However, one thing in the Fencers favour are the least vulnerable Viera Job, with great HP, Defence and Magic Defence stat growth, and good Evade. Fencing (突剣技) ------------------ タイニーバグズ  | Tiny Bugs | A | Damage, can cause "Poison". スタックシャドー | Stuck Shadow | A | Lowers target's Speed. チェックメイト  | Check Mate | A | Causes "Death Sentence". スラストフェザー | Thrust Feather | A | Halved damage but doubled accuracy. スワローテイル  | Swallow Tail | A | Damage to all adjacent units. ブルーパッション | Blue Passion | A | MP Damage. ハードインパルス | Hard Impulse | A | Attacks two panels. ナイトホーク   | Night Hawk | A | Wide ranged attack. 見切り      | Abandon | R | Dodge any incoming "Fight" actions. 盾装備可能    | Equip Shield | S | Equip Shields regardless of Job. 突貫コンボ    | Thrust Combo | C | Use JP to do combination attack. S H A M A N (精霊使い) ****************************************** Tribes: Viera only Prerequisite(s): 1x Fencer and 1x White Mage Action Abilities By channelling the spirits of nature, Shaman can inflict both elemental damage and status abnormalities onto the enemy. Although the damage caused by Spirit Magic is usually relatively weak (but not as weak as Ninja Goton), Spirit Magic is highly useful, mainly because they all inflict really helpful status abnormalities. Earth Heal and White Flame are excellent alternatives to the mainstream cure spells, they become exceptionally useful when the law 'Holy Elemental Ban' is in place. Since they are pratically the only curative spells which aren't Holy. Spirit Magic (精霊魔法) ------------------------- ファイアウィップ | Fire Whip | A | Fire damage & "Don't Act" (12 MP). アースヒール   | Earth Heal | A | Recover HP (12 MP). ホワイトフレイム | White Flame | A | Recover HP (24 MP). シャイニングエア | Shinning Air | A | Wind damage & "Darkness" (12 MP). ヘビーダスト   | Heavy Dust | A | Earth damage & "Don't Move" (12 MP) ゲイジングエビル | Gazing Evil | A | Dark damage & "Confusion" (12 MP). スリッピィレイン | Slippy Rain | A | Water damage & "Slow" (12 MP). プロパティシフト | Property Shift | A | Changes elemental weakness (6 MP). 使用MP吸収   | Absorb Used MP | R | Absorb MP used by enemy to attack. 精霊コンボ    | Spirit Combo | C | Use JP to do combination attack. R E D M A G E (赤魔道士) ****************************************** Tribes: Viera only Prerequisite(s): 1x Fencer Action Ability When you mix Black Magic and White Magic, you don't get Grey Magic, you get Red Magic! Jacks of all magical trades, Red Mages have an arsenal of mediocre low level magic spells at their disposal. That alone isn't that impressive, but Red Mages have an ability called "Chain Magic" which allowsthem to us two spells consecutively in one turn. This includes all types of magic Vieras can use; White Magic, Summon Magic, and Spirit Magic. But unlike previous Final Fantasy games, you can only use magic that you have equipped as a secondary ability, or that is your job and you have Red Magic as a secondary ability. But think of the possibilities, you can heal your units with Cure then attack with Ifrit, or cast Reraise on two units in one turn. The Red Mages unmatched flexibility is not their only asset, they have above average stat growth over almost all parameters; although they do have below average MP growth, which isn't so great for a mage that only uses MP consuming magic Red Magic (赤魔法) -------------------- バリア      | Barrier | A | "Protect" and "Shell" (10 MP). ファイア     | Fire | A | Fire elemental damage (6 MP). サンダー     | Thunder | A | Thunder damage (6 MP). ブリザド     | Blizzard | A | Ice elemental damage (6 MP). ケアル      | Cure | A | Recover a little HP (6 MP). スリプル     | Sleep | A | Causes "Sleep" (10 MP). ポイズン     | Poison | A | Causes "Poison" (10 MP). 連続魔法     | Chain Magic | A | Use "Magic" twice in one turn. キャッチ     | Catch | R | Catch a thrown item and keep it. 魔法のつよさUP | Magical Power UP | S | Increase damage of magic attacks. 赤コンボ     | Red Combo | C | Use JP to do combination attack. S U M M O N E R (召喚士) ****************************************** Tribes: Viera only Prerequisite(s):2x Shaman and 2x White Mage Action Abilities Summoners can use their ancient summoning horns to speak to and summon the powerful Phantom Beasts. The Summons in FFT-A are relatively weak (but still pretty strong), but their range still gives them a clear advantage over other magic. Most magic has a range of one (five squares total), while Summon magic has a range of two (thirteen squares total). Besides being able to attack, the Summoner can also heal your team-mates significantly with Unicorn, but this can be a tad tricky when the battles become intense, because the Phantom Beasts can't see the difference between friend and foe like in the original FFT. But when your units are bunched together at the start of battle), you do have a chance to give all of your units positive status effects like "Regen" and "Reflect" with Kirin and Carbuncle respectively. Sadly, the Summoner class is the slowest Viera Job. Summoners also possesses the excellent support ability "Half MP"; that when coupled with the Red Mage's Chain Magic, lets you cast two spells for the price of one! Summon Magic (喚魔法) ----------------------- ユニコーン    | Unicorn | A | Restore HP and Status (12 MP). イフリート    | Ifrit | A | Fire damage (18 MP). ラムウ      | Ramuh | A | Thunder damage (18 MP). シヴァ      | Shiva | A | Ice damage (18 MP). キリン      | Kirin | A | "Regen" on multiple units (24 MP) カーバンクル   | Carbuncle | A | "Reflect" on multiple units (12 MP) フェニックス   | Phoenix | A | Revive multiple KO'd units (24 MP). マディーン    | Madin | A | Strong Holy damage (36 MP). 消費MP半減   | Half MP | S | Use half as much MP to cast magic. 召喚コンボ    | Summon Combo | C | Use JP to do combination attack. A S S A S S I N (アサシン) ****************************************** Tribes: Viera only Prerequisite(s): 1x Sniper and 2x Shaman Action Abilities Assassins were the deadliest enemies you could fight against in the original FFT; they made the battle on the roof of Riovanes Castle one of the hardest in the game. But in FFT-A... they are on your side as well! Retaining the super cheap abilities of Celia and Lede; you can instantly kill enemies in a single turn with Breath Stop (Stop Bracelet in FFT), Stop them instantly with Shadow Stitch, and in case them in Stone with Seal. But the Assassins in FFT-A have a couple of new skills up their sleeve; Amnesia, prevents the victim from using any abilities, and the most sinister attack of all, Nightmare, inflicts both Sleep and Death Sentence onto the victim so they will eventually die in their sleep. Assassins also have unmatched Speed stat growth, and are users of the Viera Ultima, Ultima Shear, which is unmentionably strong. Arrow Guard is a very "opportunistic" Reaction Ability, in other words you should really only equip it when up against a lot of bow users. Lead (仕手) ------------- 影縫い      | Shadow Stitch | A | Causes "Stop" (12 MP). 息根止      | Breath Stop | A | Instant KO (32 MP). 失声       | Aphonia | A | Causes "Silence" (12 MP). 悪夢       | Nightmare | A | "Sleep" & "Death Sentence" (18 MP) 悪寒       | Fever | A | Causes "Slow" (12 MP) 封印       | Seal | A | Causes "Stone" (32 MP). 忘却       | Amnesia | A | Causes "Forgetfulness" (24 MP). アルテマシアー  | Ultima Shear | A | Heavy damage attack (60 HP). 矢返し      | Arrow Return | R | Throw Arrow back at archer. 仕手コンボ    | Lead Combo | C | Use JP to do combination attack. S N I P E R (スナイパー) ****************************************** Tribes: Viera only Prerequisite(s): 2x Archer Action Abilities Much like Assassins, Snipers are supreme killing missions. Snipers have really good Weapon Attack stat growth, so they cause a lot of damage (which is a unique for a bow-using job). Ambush is the most interesting Sniper ability, it makes the user completely invisible to enemies (apart from Panthers), so you can sneak up on them and then attack. Poison Baise (French for Poison Kiss) not only causes decent damage, but inflicts Poison on the target, which means you'll never really use 'Fight' once you learn it. The Aiming abilities are really cool, especially Aim at Weapon, because you'll find unarmed enemies are far less dangerous. Snipe (狙撃) -------------- 連射       | Rapid-Fire | A | Attack twice, shots weaker. ポワゾンベーゼ  | Poison Baise | A | Damages, can cause "Poison". デスシックル   | Death Sickle | A | Causes "Death Sentence". 潜伏       | Ambush | A | Become transparent. 魔弾の射手    | Magic Bullets | A | HP & MP damage = to unit's wounds. アーマーを狙う  | Aim at Armour | A | Destroys target's Armour. ウェポンを狙う  | Aim at Weapon | A | Destroys target's Weapon. サイフを狙う   | Aim at Wallet | A | Steal Gil from target. リジェネーター  | Regenerator | R | Gain "Regen"status when attacked. 狙撃コンボ    | Snipe Combo | C | Use JP to do combination attack. A N I M A L T R A I N E R (動物使い) ****************************************** Tribes: Moogles only Prerequisite(s): None Animal Trainers use music to call on critters of the forest to help them. Predominantly 'Call' abilities are status altering, but there is always Chocobo Stampede, which is an attack that causes damage to everything directly in front and behind of the Animal Trainer. 100% Wool is essentially the spell 'Sleep' in disguise, but it is available really early in the game, and is fairly accurate. 'Meet my Friends' sounds like a really cool ability, a random 'Phantom Beast' at the cost of only 12 MP, but it's so erratic that you'll have to be really lucky for it to do what you want; since there are four Summons with positive effects and four Summons that damage, so you have a 50/50 chance either way. Call (呼び出す) ---------------- 羊が100匹   | 100 Sheep | A | Causes "Sleep" (8 MP). ウール100%  | 100% Wool | A | Casts "Protect" and "Shell" (8 MP). さばいて調理   | Cook Away | A | Completely recover (32 MP). しっぽを振る   | Tail Wag | A | Causes "Charm" (8 MP). チョコボの暴走  | Chocobo Stampede | A | Linear attack (12 MP). カエルの歌    | Frog Song | A | Causes "Frog" (18 MP). 友達の紹介    | Meet my Friends | A | Call random "Phantom Beast" (12 MP) またたび     | Catnip | A | Causes "Berserk" (12 MP). 矢かわし     | Arrow Evade | R | Dodge all arrow based attacks. 動物コンボ    | Animal Combo | C | Use JP to do combination attack. M O O G L E K N I G H T (モーグリナイト) ****************************************** Tribes: Moogles only Prerequisite(s): 1x Animal Trainer Action Ability Knights of the crescent moon, Moogle Knights are the only remotely warrior-like Moogle Job. Using both offensive and defensive abilities, Moogle Knights are the most balanced warrior-type Job in the game. But despite this, they are actually quite a mediocre unit to have in battle. Due to their strong Defence growth (like all Moogles) and abilities such as Guard, Resist and Heal, Moogle Knights are very resilient units. Shot (like it's cousin Kuhazan) is really useful at the start of the game, but its effectiveness wanes. Moogle Knights also the wielders of the Moogle Ultima, Ultima Charge, a very strong attack that will kill most units. Charge (チャージ) ------------------- アタック     | Attack | A | Damage and push back target. ガード      | Guard | A | Strongly defend subsequent attack. ショット     | Shot | A | Ranged attack. アクセル     | Accel | A | Double damage but halved accuracy. レジスト     | Resist | A | Resist status abnormalities. チェック     | Check | A | Find concealed equipment. ヒール      | Heal | A | Recover HP and restore Status. アルテマチャージ | Ultima Charge | A | Heavy damage attack (60 HP). 瀕死ヘイスト   | Critical Haste | R | "Haste" status when made critical. 盾装備可能    | Equip Shield | S | Equip Shields regardless of Job. チャージコンボ  | Charge Combo | C | Use JP to do combination attack. G U N N E R (銃使い) ****************************************** Tribes: Moogles only Prerequisite(s): 1x Animal Trainer Action Ability Who would of thought that Moogles would like to pop caps in other tribes asses? Having unmentionable range and an arsenal of different Shots up their sleaves, Gunners are a excellent addition to your battle party. You can Silence Mages or Stop other units before they even get close enough to hit you with spells or attacks. And not only do the Shots have very good chanced of causing status abnormalities, but they cause pretty decent damage as well. Moogles do have some critical faults, they have below average Weapon Attack and Magical Power, and their Shots have pretty crappy accuracy. But the Accuracy problem can be fixed, their Concentrate Support ability will make all Shots have only a 5% chance of missing. Shooting (銃撃) ----------------- ファイ弾     | Fire Shot | A | Fire elemental damage. サンダ弾     | Thunder Shot | A | Thunder elemental damage. ブリザ弾     | Blizzard Shot | A | Ice elemental damage. コンフュ弾    | Confuse Shot | A | Causes "Confusion". チャーム弾    | Charm Shot | A | Causes "Charm". ブライン弾    | Blind Shot | A | Causes "Darkness". サイレス弾    | Silence Shot | A | Causes "Silence". ストップ弾    | Stop Shot | A | Causes "Stop". 精神統一     | Concentrate | S | Most actions highly accurate. 銃撃コンボ    | Shooting Combo | C | Use JP to do combination attack. J U G G L E R (曲芸士) ****************************************** Tribes: Moogles only Prerequisite(s): 2x Thief Action Abilities Jugglers are excellent, probably one of the best jobs in the entire game. They have only average status growth, but Juggle techniques are so very useful and have such respectable accuracy for what they do. Toss is great for bypassing Damage restriction laws, since you effectively can choose how much damage you want to cause; Hoop, causes Stop with great accuracy, good to use in tandem with Boost or Accel; Molotov Cocktail is great to use on mages, damages and makes them attack instead of using strong magic; Dagger causes decent damage and has a chance of completely disabling the enemy; Smile allows you to manipulate the flow of battle, you can give your Jugglers turn to a unit that can do more strategic good with it; and Gil, which is great for bypassing all damage restriction laws and curing Confused units. Catch allows your units to catch and keep items Thrown by Ninja or tossed by Jugglers, a very cool ability, but an ability which is only really useful in a limited amoun of situations. Juggle (曲芸) --------------- 放り投げる    | Toss | A | Toss an item from your inventory. 輪っか      | Hoop | A | Causes "Stop". 火炎ビン     | Molotov Cocktail | A | Damages, can cause "Berserk". ボール      | Ball | A | Causes "Confusion". ダガー      | Dagger | A | Damages, can cause "Don't Act". スマイル     | Smile | A | Instant Active Turn. ギル       | Gil | A | Throw 30 Gil to cause 30 HP damage. キャッチ     | Catch | R | Catch a thrown item and keep it. 矢返し      | Arrow Return | R | Throw Arrow back at archer. 曲芸コンボ    | Acrobat Combo | C | Use JP to do combination attack. G A D G E T E E R (カラクリ士) ****************************************** Tribes: Moogles only Prerequisite(s): 2x Thief Action Abilities By opening Pandora's Box and flipping a coin, Gadgeteers can inflict or bless whole clans with status abnormalities and positive effects. If the coin lands on the crescent moon, the device will work on your enemies, and if on the rising sun, your clan and allies. The unpredictablity of these attacks is worrying, you could in theory with Black Chip inflict Death Sentence on all your allies instead of enemies, which would have very dire consequences. Blue Screw does make using positive devices like Red Spring and Yellow Coil less risky, since if you do give all your enemies Haste or Barrier you can always keep using Blue Screw to take it back off them. Pandora (パンドラ) -------------------- 赤いゼンマイ   | Red Spring | A | Flip for "Haste" (12 MP). 青いネジ     | Blue Screw | A | Flip for "Dispel" (12 MP). 緑の歯車     | Green Gear | A | Flip for "Poison" (12 MP). 銀の円盤     | Silver Disc | A | Flip for "Darkness" (12 MP). 金の電池     | Golden Battery | A | Flip to Recover HP (12 MP). 黒い塊      | Black Chip | A | Flip for "Death Sentence" (12 MP). 虹色の磁石    | Rainbow Magnet | A | Flip for "Sleep" (12 MP). 黄色いバネ    | Yellow Coil | A | Flip for "Barrier" (12 MP). MPすりかえ   | MP Substitute | R | Loose MP instead of HP when damaged リジェネーター  | Regenerator | R | Gain "Regen" status when attacked. パンドラコンボ  | Pandora Combo | C | Use JP to do combination attack. ============================================================================== 11)MONSTERS ============================================================================== G O B L I N S ****************************************** The Goblin Class of monsters are really nothing to be worried about. They are the zako (small fry) of Final Fantasy Tactics. Goblins will only really attack with Goblin Punch, which does a limited amount of damage. Red Caps are obviously more formidable, damaging the MP of your Mages, and repairing damage while attacking your units with Mutilate. Goblin (ゴブリン) with Punch (パンチ) ------------------------------------------------------------ ゴブリンパンチ  | Goblin Punch | A | Causes random damage (8 MP). カウンター    | Counter | R | Counterattack after being attacked. 武器ぼうぎょUP | Weapon Defence UP | S | Decrease damage from phys. attacks. Red Cap (レッドキャップ) with Strike (なぐる) ------------------------------------------------------------ マジックハンマー | Magic Hammer | A | Causes MP damage (8 MP). ミュウチレイト  | Mutilate | A | Absorb HP from target (18 MP). 矢かわし     | Arrow Evade | R | Dodge all arrow based attacks. 武器こうげきUP | Weapon Attack UP | S | Increase damage of phys. attacks. P U D D I N G S ****************************************** Puddings have exceptionally strong Defense, even summoning a Divine Beast against them will probably only do 1 HP of damage. But they have quite low Magic Defence and all have elemental weaknesses, which means you can usually kill them in one hit with Black Mage (they have very poor HP stat growth). But if your clan is completely made up of warrior-type units, expect a long arduous battle against them. Puddings only attack with various strengths of elemental magic. Red Marshmallows absorb Fire and are weak against Ice, Yellow Jelly absorb Thunder and are weak against Water, and Ice Puddings absorb Ice and are weak against Fire. Red Marshmallow (レッドマシュマロ) with Melt (とかす) ------------------------------------------------------------ 溶解液      | Solvent | A | Random Status abnormality (12 MP) 融合       | Fusion | A | Give up all HP to target. ファイア     | Fire | A | Fire elemental damage (6 MP). ファイラ     | Fira | A | Moderate Fire damage (12 MP). ファイガ     | Firaga | A | Strong Fire damage (24 MP). カウンター    | Counter | R | Counterattack after being attacked. 武器ぼうぎょUP | Weapon Defence UP | S | Decrease damage from phys. attacks. Ice Pudding (アイズプリン) with Cool (ひやす) ------------------------------------------------------------ 溶解液      | Solvent | A | Random Status abnormality (12 MP) 融合       | Fusion | A | Give up all HP to target. ブリザド     | Blizzard | A | Ice elemental damage (6 MP). ブリザラ     | Blizzara | A | Moderate Ice damage (12 MP). ブリザガ     | Blizzaga | A | Strong Ice damage (24 MP) 矢かわし     | Arrow Evade | R | Dodge all arrow based attacks. 武器こうげきUP | Weapon Attack UP | S | Increase damage of phys. attacks. Yellow Jelly (イエローゼリー) with Scorch (こがす) ------------------------------------------------------------ 溶解液      | Solvent | A | Random Status abnormality (12 MP) 融合       | Fusion | A | Give up all HP to target. サンダー     | Thunder | A | Thunder damage (6 MP). サンダラ     | Thundara | A | Moderate Thunder damage (12 MP). サンダガ     | Thundaga | A | Strong Thunder damage (24 MP) 見切り      | Abandon | R | Dodge any incoming "Fight" actions. 属性強化     | Intensify | S | Strengthens elemental damage. B O M B S ****************************************** A staple of the Final Fantasy series. The Bomb class of monsters are giant balls of fire and ice. Strangely resilient, Bombs and Grenades are both good physical and elemental attackers. The Grenades' Spark move is really annoying, healing the Grenade whilst at the same time causing ice damage. Self-Destruct isn't that much of danger, but all the same, I would kill critical bombs as fast as possible. Bombs absorb Fire and are weak against Ice, Grenades absorb Ice and are weak against Fire. Bomb (ボム) with Flame (ほのお) ------------------------------------------------------------ じばく      | Self-Destruct | A | Uses all HP for big damage (2 MP). フレイムアタック | Flame Attack | A | Fire elemental damage. カウンター    | Counter | R | Counterattack after being attacked. 武器ぼうぎょUP | Weapon Defence UP | S | Decrease damage from phys. attacks. Grenade (グレネード) with Explode (ばくはつ) ------------------------------------------------------------ じばく      | Self-Destruct | A | Uses all HP for big damage (2 MP). スパーク     | Spark | A | Ice damage to adjacent units. 矢かわし     | Arrow Evade | R | Dodge all arrow based attacks. 武器こうげきUP | Weapon Attack UP | S | Increase damage of phys. attacks. D R A G O N S ****************************************** The strongest monsters there are, Dragons have great HP, Weapon Attack and Defense stat growth, and are highly mobile but can't jump that high due to their puny wings. Dragons also nullify elemental damage corresponding to their elemental affiliation, for example Ice Drakes nullify Ice damage. Ice Drakes can raise the defence of other enemies with Might Guard, Fire Drakes can lower your units defence with Guard Offer and then attack full force, and Thunder Drakes can power up your enemies attacking power with Dragon Force. Very formidable enemies, especially when they use their elemental breaths. Ice Drake (アイスドレイク) with Blue Dragon (青竜) ------------------------------------------------------------ マイティガード  | Mighty Guard | A | Raise defense (8 MP). アイスブレス   | Ice Breath | A | Ice elemental damage. カウンター    | Counter | R | Counterattack after being attacked. 武器ぼうぎょUP | Weapon Defence UP | S | Decrease damage from phys. attack Fire Drake (ファイアドレイク) with Flame Dragon (炎竜) ------------------------------------------------------------ ガードオファ   | Guard Offer | A | Decrease target's defense (10 MP) ファイアブレス  | Fire Breath | A | Fire elemental damage. 矢かわし     | Arrow Evade | R | Dodge all arrow based attacks. 武器こうげきUP | Weapon Attack UP | S | Increase damage of phys. attacks. Thunder Drake (サンダードレイク) with Thunder Dragon (雷竜) ------------------------------------------------------------ ドラゴンフォース | Dragon Force | A | Raise attack of allies (12 MP). サンダーブレス  | Thunder Breath | A | Thunder elemental damage. 見切り      | Abandon | R | Dodge any incoming "Fight" actions. 属性強化     | Intensify | S | Strengthens elemental damage. L A M I A ****************************************** Seductress with the body of a serpent. Lamia excel in delivering crippling status abnormalities. Poison Frog will turn your units into... well... poisoned frogs, harmless and dying. Night will put most of the battlefield to sleep, which isn't that bad since it will harm your enemy as much as it does you, it's just a little annoying. Lillith are far more annoying than Lamia, Twister halves the targets HP. They can't really kill you with it, but it is good at substantially weakening your units so a stronger unit can finish them off. And Eternal Kiss inflicts both Death Sentence and Charm on your units, so the victim will do the enemies bidding before dying eventually. Lamia (ラミア) with Sing (歌声) ------------------------------------------------------------ 夜        | Night | A | "Sleep" to all units (24 MP). 平手うち     | Slap | A | Damages and target's AT comes later 毒カエル     | Poison Frog | A | Causes "Frog" and "Poison" status. カウンター    | Counter | R | Counterattack after being attacked. 武器ぼうぎょUP | Weapon Defence UP | S | Decrease damage from phys. attacks. Lillith (リリス) with Poison Fang (毒牙) ------------------------------------------------------------ ツイスター    | Twister | A | Halve enemy units HP (20 MP). 毒カエル     | Poison Frog | A | Causes "Frog" and "Poison" status. 口づけ      | Eternal Kiss | A | Causes "Death Sentence" and "Charm" 矢かわし     | Arrow Evade | R | Dodge all arrow based attacks. 武器こうげきUP | Weapon Attack UP | S | Increase damage of phys. attacks. B U G S ****************************************** Ghastly large insects, bugs are actually quite strong and will attack your units with fairly strong force. They will rarely use L3 Def.Less on your units, which is good since they won't lower your defences, but also annoying since it's Blue Magic. The Antlions Sandstorm causes decent damage and can cause Darkness on multiple units. The Facehuggers L5 Death is a really horrible ability, it will instantly kill any unit that's level is a multiple of five. Suffocate isn't that bad, there are much worse things than having your Active Turn delayed. Antlion (アントリオン) with Sand Cloud (砂塵) ------------------------------------------------------------ レベル3デフレス | L3 Def.Less | A | Def. down if Level / by 3 (12 MP) サンドストーム  | Sandstorm | A | Damages and causes "Darkness" カウンター    | Counter | R | Counterattack after being attacked. 武器ぼうぎょUP | Weapon Defence UP | S | Decrease damage from phys. attacks. Facehugger (フェイスハガー) with Attach (吸着) ------------------------------------------------------------ レベル3デフレス | L3 Def.Less | A | Def. down if Level / by 3 (12 MP) レベル5デス   | L5 Death | A | KO's units if Level / by 5 (24 MP) 窒息       | Suffocate | A | Targets's Active Turn comes later. 矢かわし     | Arrow Evade | R | Dodge all arrow based attacks. 武器こうげきUP | Weapon Attack UP | S | Increase damage of phys. attacks. T O N B E R R Y ****************************************** Like in all FInal Fantasy games, Tonberries are really dangerous. A single hit of their Chef's Knife will make the victim critical, making them easy prey for other enemies in the vicinity. Thankfully Tonberries are quite slow and immobile, so it's quite easy to keep your distance. They also have really good defence (magical more so than physical) which makes them quite hard to kill, you're better off trying to kill them with abilities that KO instantly, like the Assassin's Breath Stop. Tonberry (トンベリ) with Grudge (うらみ) ------------------------------------------------------------ 包丁       | Chef's Knife | A | Bring target's HP down to 1/10. みんなのうらみ  | Everbody's Grudge | A | Damage = 10 x number of kills. カウンター    | Counter | R | Counterattack after being attacked. 武器ぼうぎょUP | Weapon Defence UP | S | Decrease damage from phys. attacks. Tonberry Master (トンベリマスター) with Malice (おんねん) ------------------------------------------------------------ 包丁       | Chef's Knife | A | Bring target's HP down to 1/10. うしのこくまいり | Death Prayer | A | Deals 999 HP damage. 矢かわし     | Arrow Evade | R | Dodge all arrow based attacks. 武器こうげきUP | Weapon Attack UP | S | Increase damage of phys. attacks. P A N T H E R S ****************************************** Highly mobile, Panthers will traverse the battlefield with ease to attack your units. The Red Panthers' Poison Claw causes decent damage and poisons the victim, compounding its damage. The Couerl's Blaster, can turn your units to Stone, effectively killing them in one turn. You should have lot's of Golden Pin's in tow when they are around. Red Panther (レッドパンサー) with Scratch (ひっかく) ------------------------------------------------------------ 毒爪       | Poison Claw | A | Damages, can cause "Poison" (8 MP) かみちぎる    | Bite Off | A | Non-elemental damage. カウンター    | Counter | R | Counterattack after being attacked. 潜伏無効     | Ambush Negate | S | See "hidden" units. Coeurl (クアール) with Secret Cut (ひぎさく) ------------------------------------------------------------ ヘイストブレイク | Haste Break | A | "Slow" or "Stop" when Hasted(12 MP) ブラスター    | Blaster | A | Causes "Stone". 矢かわし     | Arrow Evade | R | Dodge all arrow based attacks. 潜伏無効     | Ambush Negate | S | See "hidden" units. M A R L B O R O ****************************************** Disgusting blob like plants, if their attacks don't kill your units their smell will. Of course, the infamous Bad Breath is their pride and joy, it will inflict practically every status abnormality under the sun on the target... very dangerous and annoying stuff. They are quite hardy plants, having good HP, Defence and Magic Defence stat growth. Marlboro (モルボル) with Stench (におい) ------------------------------------------------------------ 臭い息      | Bad Breath | A | 7 Status abnormalities (20 MP). ねとねと液    | Sticky Juice | A | Causes "Don't Move" カウンター    | Counter | R | Counterattack after being attacked. 武器ぼうぎょUP | Weapon Defence UP | S | Decrease damage from phys. attack Marlboro Great (モルボルグレイト) with Bad Stink (悪臭) ------------------------------------------------------------ 臭い息      | Bad Breath | A | 7 Status abnormalities (20 MP). 怪音波      | Odd Sound Wave | A | Casts "Dispel". 矢かわし     | Arrow Evade | R | Dodge all arrow based attacks. 武器こうげきUP | Weapon Attack UP | S | Increase damage of phys. attacks. F L O A T - E Y E B A L L S ****************************************** Flying demons of hell, these winged cyclops will use their single cursed eye to inflict various status abnormalities and death. Thanks to their wings Float-Eyeball class monsters can fly quite far and high, they are the most mobile monster with a Move stat of 5 and a Jump stat of 5. The Ahrimans' Death Roulette will instantly kill one random unit on the battlefield, prey to god the cursor stops on an enemy. Float-Eyeball (フロータイボール) with Glance (視線) ------------------------------------------------------------ にらみ      | Glare | A | "Confusion" from front-on (12 MP). あくまの視線   | Devil's Glance | A | "Darknesss" & "Silence, front-on. カウンター    | Counter | R | Counterattack after being attacked. 武器ぼうぎょUP | Weapon Defence UP | S | Decrease damage from phys. attacks. Ahriman (アーリマン) with Gaze (凝視) ------------------------------------------------------------ 死のルーレット  | Death Roulette | A | KO's random unit (20 MP). サークル     | Circle | A | Decrease target's attack. 矢かわし     | Arrow Evade | R | Dodge all arrow based attacks. 武器こうげきUP | Weapon Attack UP | S | Increase damage of phys. attacks. D A R K S I D E R S ****************************************** Undead minions from hell, if you kill them conventionally they will resurrect after a few a turns if you don't quickly finish the battle. It also means that they absorb Dark elemental damage, and are weak against Holy elemental abilities. Darksiders are damaged by all Holy healing spells and items; you can attack them by using Potions or Phoenix Down on them. Summoning a Phoenix is likely to kill them in one hit. Maisma causes strong damage and Poisons the targets, it also has a good range. The Vampire's L? Shadow Flare heals the Vampire whilst at the same time causing dark damage to all units with levels that share the last digit of the Vampires level. Evil stuff! Zombie (ゾンビ) with Decay (腐敗). ------------------------------------------------------------ ドレインタッチ  | Drain Touch | A | Absorb HP from target (10 MP). しょう気     | Maisma | A | Damage and causes "Poison" カウンター    | Counter | R | Counterattack after being attacked. 武器ぼうぎょUP | Weapon Defence UP | S | Decrease damage from phys. attacks. Vampire (ヴァンパイア) with Bewitch (幻惑) ------------------------------------------------------------ レベル?Sフレア | L? Shadow Flare | A | Damage if 2nd Level # same (30 MP). しょう気     | Maisma | A | Damage and causes "Poison" いざない     | Beckon Death | A | Causes "Zombie" 矢かわし     | Arrow Evade | R | Dodge all arrow based attacks. 武器こうげきUP | Weapon Attack UP | S | Increase damage of phys. attacks. F A I R I E S ****************************************** Cute fairies of the forest, they absorb Holy elemental damage, but are weak against Dark elemental damage. Fairies have exceptionally high Evade, and are therefore really hard to hit. Sprites can heal their allies with White Wind, and also damage your units with Petite Meteo. Titania are really annoying, they will constantly use Angel's Whisper, which recovers HP and casts Reraise on the target. It's so frustration during battles of attrition caused by various laws. Sprite (スプライト) with Mischief (悪戯) ------------------------------------------------------------ ホワイトウインド | White Wind | A | Recover HP (12 MP). プチメテオ    | Petite Meteo | A | Damage from small meteor. カウンター    | Counter | R | Counterattack after being attacked. 武器ぼうぎょUP | Weapon Defence UP | S | Decrease damage from phys. attacks. Titania (タイタニア) with Luminesce (発光) ------------------------------------------------------------ 天使のささやき  | Angel's Whisper | A | Recover HP and "Reraise" (24 MP). レベルDホーリー | Level D Holy | A | Holy, if 2nd Level # same as day. 矢かわし     | Arrow Evade | R | Dodge all arrow based attacks. 武器こうげきUP | Weapon Attack UP | S | Increase damage of phys. attacks. R O C K B E A S T S ****************************************** Looking as if the sword in the stone came to life, Rock Beats have exceptionally high defence. The Blade Keeper's Resonance will cast "Don't Act" on all units wielding bladed weapons, if you like warrior-type units this could put your whole clan out of business. The Blade Biter's Limit Globe ability causes 999 HP damage when the Blade Biter is critical, this is clearly a monster you want to finish off. Blade Keeper (ブレードキーパー) with Self-Defense (護身) ------------------------------------------------------------ 共振       | Resonance | A | "Don't Act" on units with blades. マトラマジック  | Matra Magic | A | Switch HP and MP (24 MP). カウンター    | Counter | R | Counterattack after being attacked. 武器ぼうぎょUP | Weapon Defence UP | S | Decrease damage from phys. attacks. Blade Biter (ウェポンバイター) with Destruction (破壊) ------------------------------------------------------------ リミットグローブ | Limit Glove | A | Causes huge damage when critical. かみくだく    | Crunch | A | Break target's weapon. 共振       | Resonance | A | "Don't Act" on units with blades. 矢かわし     | Arrow Evade | R | Dodge all arrow based attacks. 武器こうげきUP | Weapon Attack UP | S | Increase damage of phys. attacks. ============================================================================== 12)TREASURE HUNTS ============================================================================== It's possible to get many rare and highly useful items from Treasure Hunts; but this is only possible by manipulating FFT-A's Region Create System to your advantage. Treasure Hunts work like so: once you place a new "Symbol" on the map, areas which become connected to two or more other areas will shake to indicate a Treasure Hunt. What item you get from the Treasure Hunt depends on what types of areas are connected to the area that shook. For example: let's hypothesise that you already have placed Lutechia Ridge in the space west of Cyril, Illute Desert in the space south of Cyril, and Rohda Volcano in the space north-west of Cyril. Now, you just cleared the 13th Story Battle; Bounty, and you get Jelawat Desert to place on the map. If you place it in the space east of Cyril, the Hometown Cyril will shake to indicate a Treasure Hunt. Because Cyril is connected to two Mountains (Lutechia Ridge & Rohda Volcano) and two Deserts (Illute Desert & Jelawat Desert), you will get an Excalibur from the Treasure Hunt. If you don't quite understand that example, here are links to a visual example by z3z3m: softparadise2.free.fr/Exemple.jpg members.optusnet.com.au/astroblue/torehan_example.jpg If you want a guide for placing symbols to get the maximum amount of bounty, check out my "Region Create Setups" guide, which is a collection of pre-designed map setups for that exact purpose. For those that want to create their own Ivalice; represented in an abbreviated form in the following tables are combination of symbols needed to acquire a specific item. Use the Key below to understand it. To easily locate spaces with the needed amount of connections to get an item, use the Treasure Hunt Map I made; that you can get from GameFAQs.com and faqs.IGN.com (who are the only two sites allowed to host this FAQ). But first, here is a guide to the availability of the items you can get: TREASURE HUNT-ONLY ITEMS The Gastraphetes, Galmia Shoes, Ming-Wu's Jewel and Genji Glove can only be obtained via Treasure Hunts. So if you don't want to miss out, I suggest you design a map layout which will net you those items. VERY RARE ITEMS The Materia Blade, Mace of Zeus and Talwar can only be received outside of Treasure Hunts by stealing them from specific units in Story Battles, these weapons are hidden so you must use "Detect" or "Check" to locate them. RARE ITEMS The Genji Armour, Genji Helmet, Genji Shield, Rubber Conscious and Silver Threaded Coats can only be received outside of Treasure Hunts by stealing them from various units throughout the game. Kanji [N]ame Description Total Symbols ------------------------------------------------------------ 街   [T]own | Buildings | 4 (and 2 fixed) 森   [F]orest | Green trees | 4 平原  [P]lain | Red flowers | 3 (and 1 fixed) 山   [M]ountain | Snowy mountain | 4 (and 1 fixed) 湿地  [W]etlands | Pond with reeds | 2 砂漠  [D]esert | Sand with a cactus | 4 洞窟  [C]ave | Brown cave | 2 ヤクト [J]agd | Skull temple | 3 ------------------------------------------------------------ ~ Thanks to z3z3m & FFTA-Memo for most of the info in the following tables ~ M I X E D *********** ~ These are the items you get with mixed sets of area types. Dried Meat (干し肉) Gysahl Greens (ギザールの野菜) Hi-Potion (ハイポーション) Ether (エーテル) Golden Pin (金の針) Holy Water (聖水) Phoenix Down (フェニックスの尾) Feathered Hat (羽根つぎ帽子) Green Beret (グリーンベレー) Triangular Hat (三角帽子) Linen Cuirass (リネンキュラッサ) Iron Armour (アイアンアーマー) Chain Plate (チェィンプレート) Survival Vest (サバイバルベスト) Kagun Robe (火群の衣) Round Shield (ラウンドシールド) Ice Shield (アイスシールド) Flame Shield (フレイムシールド) Spike Shoes (スパイクシューズ) Gauntlet (ガントレット) Magical Ring (魔法のリング) Protect Ring (まもりの指輪) P U R E 2 ************ T-T : Red Shoes (赤い靴) F-F : Materia Crystal (マテリア晶石) P-P : Telaquo Flower (テラクオの花) M-M : Adamantite (アダマンタイト) W-W : Scarab Charm (タマムシ守り) D-D : Ruby Earrings (ルビーピアス) C-C : Lee's Stone (リーズストーン) J-J : Zodiac Ore (ゾディアック鉱石) P U R E 3 ************ T-T-T : Rubber Conscious (ラバーコンシャス) F-F-F : Barette (バレッタ) P-P-P : Gastraphetes (ガストラフェテス) M-M-M : Style Bit (スタイルビット) D-D-D : Galmia Shoes (ガルミアの靴) J-J-J : Vajra (ヴァジュラ) P U R E 4 ************ T-T-T-T : Ribbon (リボン) F-F-F-F : Silver Coat (銀糸のコート) M-M-M-M : Gauis Caliga (ガイウスカリグ) D-D-D-D : Ming-Wu's Jewel (ミンウの宝玉) H A L F - H A L F ******************* T-T-F-F : Materia Blade (マテリアブレード) T-T-P-P : Talwar (タルワール) T-T-M-M : Estoria Edge (エストレアエッジ) T-T-W-W : Tip-Tap-Toe (ティプタップトウ) T-T-D-D : Princess Guard (プリンセスガード) T-T-C-C : Genji Shield (源氏の盾) T-T-J-J : Wygar (ウィガール) F-F-P-P : Cactus Sack (サボテンサック) F-F-M-M : Sage Robe (賢者のローブ) F-F-W-W : Madu (マドゥ) F-F-D-D : Cinquedea (チンクエディア) F-F-C-C : Genji Armour (源氏の鎧) F-F-J-J : Venus Blade (ヴィナスブレード) P-P-M-M : Mace of Zeus (メイスオブセウス) P-P-W-W : Sigil of Fire (炎の刻印) P-P-D-D : Rock Beasts' Spear (岩獣の槍) P-P-C-C : Genji Helmet (源氏の兜) P-P-J-J : Sigil of Water (水の刻印) M-M-W-W : Death Claw (デスクロー) M-M-D-D : Excalibur (エクスカリバー) M-M-C-C : Bracer (ブレイサー) M-M-J-J : Sigil of Earth (地の刻印) W-W-D-D : Epee Prism (エペプリズム) W-W-C-C : Ming-Wu's Jewel (ミンウの宝玉) W-W-J-J : Genji Glove (源氏の小手) D-D-C-C : Sigil of Wind (風の刻印) D-D-J-J : Perseus' Bow (ペルセウスの弓) C-C-J-J : Nirvana (ニルヴァーナ) ============================================================================== 13)INVENTORY LISTS ============================================================================== NOTES: * Towns have 10% discounts on weapons that the town Tribe uses. So for instance; Muscadet is the Viera town, so Rapiers, Katana, Staves, Bows and Great Bows are on special, since they are the weapons Viera use. * Further discounts apply as your Clan Level increases. Essentially an increase discount of 5% for every ten levels you gain, starting at Level 20. * Here's a key for the abbreviations: WA = Weapon Attack MA = Magical Power (Magic Attack) DEF = Defence (Weapon Defence) MD = Magic Defence ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ i)Head ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ H E L M E T S *************** Strong metal knight helmets. Can be worn by Soldiers, Paladins, Warriors, Dragon Knights, Guardian Knights, Palace Knights and Moogle Knights. Bronze Helm (ブロンズヘルム) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Effects: DEF +4, MD +2 Abilities: - Bought/Acquired: For 500 Gil. Sale Price: 250 Gil Iron Helm (アイアンヘルム) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Effects: DEF +5, MD +3 Abilities: - Bought/Acquired: For 1200 Gil, after the first shop upgrade. Sale Price: 600 Gil Platinum Helm (プラチナヘルム) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Effects: DEF +7, MD +3 Abilities: - Bought/Acquired: For 2500 Gil, after the second shop upgrade. Sale Price: 1250 Gil Cross Helm (クロスヘルム) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Effects: DEF +9, MD +4 Abilities: - Bought/Acquired: Random reward for completing a Quest, and a prize for reaching Negotiation Skill L10. Sale Price: 2000 Gil Diamond Helm (ダイアヘルム) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Effects: DEF +11, MD +5 Abilities: - Bought/Acquired: Random reward for completing a Quest, and a prize for reaching Negotiation Skill L15. Sale Price: 5000 Gil Genji Helmet (源氏の兜) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Effects: DEF +15, MD +6 Abilities: - Bought/Acquired: Steal from Bacrus in "Legend of the Hero Sword (098)", and reward for a "Plain-Plain-Cave-Cave" Treasure Hunt. Sale Price: 500 Gil Parade-met (パレードメット) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Effects: DEF +13, MD +4 Abilities: - Bought/Acquired: Reward for clearing "Soldiers Parade (281)". Sale Price: 500 Gil Midnight Persona (ハンヤペルソナ) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Effects: DEF +12, MD +8 Abilities: - Bought/Acquired: Reward for clearing "Muscadet Liberation Battle (082)". Sale Price: 500 Gil Vanguard (バンガード) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Effects: DEF +16, MD +6 Abilities: - Bought/Acquired: Reward for clearing "Sorry, my Friend (094)". Sale Price: 500 Gil R I B B O N S *************** Hair decorations that prevent a large array of status ailments. Can only be worn by Viera. Katyusha (カチューシャ) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Effects: DEF +2, MD +5. Cancels KO, Stone, Confuse, Berserk, Stop, Charm and Sleep. Abilities: - Bought/Acquired: Prize for reaching Labour Skill L30. Sale Price: 1000 Gil Barette (バレッタ) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Effects: DEF +2, MD +5. Cancels Zombie, Darkness, Silence, Frog, Poison, Slow, Don't Move, Don't Act and Death Sentence. Abilities: - Bought/Acquired: Prize for reaching Labour Skill L35, and a reward for a "Forest-Forest-Forest" Treasure Hunt. Sale Price: 2000 Gil Ribbon (リボン) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Effects: DEF +2, MD +5. Cancels all status abnormalities. Abilities: - Bought/Acquired: Prize for reaching Labour Skill L50, and a reward for a "Town-Town-Town-Town" Treasure Hunt. Sale Price: 20000 Gil H A T S ********* Head garments worn to protect the wearers head from attacks. Can be worn by every Job except for Paladins, Dragon Knights, Guardian Knights and White Monks. Feathered Hat (羽根つぎ帽子) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Effects: DEF +2, MD +4 Abilities: - Bought/Acquired: For 350 Gil, and a random reward for "Mixed" Treasure Hunts. Sale Price: 175 Gil Circlet (サークレット) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Effects: DEF +3, MD +3 Abilities: - Bought/Acquired: For 1800 Gil, after the second shop upgrade. Sale Price: 900 Gil Green Beret (グリーンベレー) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Effects: DEF +2, MD +2, Evade +2 Abilities: * Arrow Evade (矢かわし) 300 AP - Archers/Animal Tamer Bought/Acquired: For 800 Gil, and a random reward for "Mixed" Treasure Hunts. Sale Price: 400 Gil Twist Headband (ねじり鉢巻き) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Effects: WA +5, DEF +6, MD +2 Abilities: - Bought/Acquired: For 3000 Gil, after the second shop upgrade. Sale Price: 1500 Gil Triangular Hat (三角帽子) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Effects: DEF +3, MA +1, MD +10 Abilities: - Bought/Acquired: Random reward for completing a Quest, and a random reward for "Mixed" Treasure Hunts. Sale Price: 1000 Gil Golden Hairpin (金の髪飾り) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Effects: DEF +4, MA +2, MD +12, and cancels Silence. Abilities: - Bought/Acquired: Random reward for completing a Quest. Sale Price: 2000 Gil Thief Hat (シーフの帽子) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Effects: DEF +8, MD +6, Evade +7 and cancels Don't Move and Don't Act. Abilities: - Bought/Acquired: Random reward for completing a Quest, and a prize for reaching Pursuit Skill L10. Sale Price: 3000 Gil Black Hat (黒の帽子) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Effects: DEF +4, MA +4, MD +16 Abilities: - Bought/Acquired: Reward for clearing "Black Crisis (295)". Sale Price: 4000 Gil White Hat (白の帽子) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Effects: DEF +4, MD +14 Abilities: - Bought/Acquired: Reward for clearing "Maiden's Hat (296)". Sale Price: 4000 Gil Acacia Hat (アカシアの帽子) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Effects: DEF +2, MA +5,MD +2, Speed +2, Move +1, Jump +1 and Evade +5. Abilities: - Bought/Acquired: Reward for clearing "Royal Swim Tournament (042)". Sale Price: 500 Gil Style Bit (スタイルビット) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Effects: DEF +8, MD +20 Abilities: - Bought/Acquired: Prize for reaching Pursuit Skill L45, and a reward for a "Mountain-Mountain-Mountain" Treasure Hunt Sale Price: 500 Gil ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ii)Body ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ A R M O U R ************* Plates of armor which protect the abdomens of knights from mortal blows. Can be worn by Soldiers, Paladins, Warriors, Dragon Knights, Guardian Knights, Palace Knights and Moogle Knights. Linen Cuirass (リネンキュラッサ) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Effects: DEF +28, MD +2 Abilities: - Bought/Acquired: For 400 Gil, and a random reward for "Mixed" Treasure Hunts. Sale Price: 200 Gil Bronze Armour (ブロンスアーマー) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Effects: DEF +30, MD +6 Abilities: - Bought/Acquired: For 1000 Gil Sale Price: 500 Gil Iron Armour (アイアンアーマー) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Effects: DEF +34, MD +3 Abilities: - Bought/Acquired: For 1500 Gil, after the first shop upgrade, and a random reward for "Mixed" Treasure Hunts. Sale Price: 750 Gil Plate Mail (プレートメイル) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Effects: DEF +38, MD +3 Abilities: - Bought/Acquired: For 3000 Gil, after the second shop upgrade. Sale Price: 1500 Gil Gold Armour (ゴールドアーマー) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Effects: DEF +42, MD +6 Abilities: * Critical Haste (瀕死ヘイスト) 300 AP - Moogle Knight Bought/Acquired: For 6000 Gil, after the second shop upgrade. Sale Price: 3000 Gil Diamond Armour (ダイアアーマー) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Effects: DEF +40, MD +3 Abilities: Weapon Defence UP (武器ぼうぎょUP) 300 AP - Paladin/Guardian Kni' Bought/Acquired: Random reward for completing a Quest. Sale Price: 2000 Gil Platinum Armour (プラチナアーマー) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Effects: DEF +42, MD +3 Abilities: - Bought/Acquired: Random reward for completing a Quest. Sale Price: 3000 Gil Carabiner (キャラビニエール) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Effects: DEF +38, MD +8 Abilities: Compound Fracture (肉斬骨断) 300 AP - Palace Knight Bought/Acquired: Random reward for completing a Quest. Sale Price: 4000 Gil Reflect Mail (リフレクトメイル) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Effects: DEF +36, MD +8. Auto-Reflect. Abilities: - Bought/Acquired: Random reward for completing a Quest, and a prize for reaching all skills L7. Sale Price: 6000 Gil Dragon Mail (ドラゴンメイル) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Effects: DEF +40, MD +8. Halves Fire elemental damage. Abilities: - Bought/Acquired: Random reward for completing a Quest, and a prize for reaching all skills L15. Sale Price: 8000 Gil Genji Armour (源氏の鎧) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Effects: DEF +46, MD +12 Abilities: * Abandon (見切り) 300 AP - Paladin Bought/Acquired: Steal from several units throughout the game, and reward for a "Forest-Forest-Cave-Cave" Treasure Hunt. Sale Price: 500 Gil Maximillian (マクシミリアン) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Effects: WA +3, DEF +46, MD +10 Abilities: - Bought/Acquired: Random reward for completing a Quest, and a prize for reaching alls skills L30. Sale Price: 10000 Gil Adaman Armour (アダマンアーマー) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Effects: DEF +58, MD +3 Abilities: - Bought/Acquired: Reward for clearing "Armour with Turtles (297)" Quest. Sale Price: 500 Gil Materia Armour (マテリアアーマー) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Effects: DEF +52, MD +16 Abilities: - Bought/Acquired: Reward for clearing "Into the Darkness (298)" Sale Price: 10000 Gil Peytral (ペイトレール) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Effects: WA +5, DEF +28, MA +5, MD +2, Speed +2, Move +1, Jump +1, Evade +5 Abilities: - Bought/Acquired: Reward for clearing "Clan League Final (043)" Sale Price: 500 Gil C L O T H E S *************** Protective garments. Can be worn by every Job except for Paladins, Dragon Knights and Guardian Knights. Leather Tunic (革の服) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=- Effects: DEF +18, MD +4 Abilities: - Bought/Acquired: For 300 Gil Sale Price: 150 Gil Chain Plate (チェィンプレート) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Effects: DEF +28, MD +4 Abilities: * Catch (キャッチ) 300 AP - Red Mage/Juggler Bought/Acquired: For 900 Gil, and a random reward for "Mixed" Treasure Hunts. Sale Price: 450 Gil Adaman Vest (アダマンベスト) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Effects: DEF +30, MD +3 Abilities: * Maintenance (メンテナンス) 300 AP - Thief/Alchemist Bought/Acquired: For 2500 Gil, after the first shop upgrade. Sale Price: 700 Gil Survival Vest (サバイバルベスト) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Effects: DEF +34, MD +6 Abilities: * Immunity (免疫) 300 AP - Blue Mage/Monster Tamer Bought/Acquired: For 2500 Gil, after the first shop upgrade, and a random reward for "Mixed" Treasure Hunts. Sale Price: 1250 Gil Brigandine (ブリガンダイン) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Effects: DEF +37, MD +6 Abilities: * Counter (カウンター) 300 AP - Thief/White Monk Bought/Acquired: For 3700 Gil, after the second shop upgrade. Sale Price: 1850 Gil Judo Robe (柔術道着) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Effects: DEF +34, MD +8. Cancels Death Sentence. Abilities: * MP Substitute (MPすりかえ) 300 AP - Blue Mage/Shape S'/Mechan' Bought/Acquired: For 6000 Gil, after the second shop upgrade. Sale Price: 3000 Gil Power Tasuki (力だすき) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Effects: WA +2, DEF +34, MD +10 Abilities: * Arrow Return (矢返し) 300 AP - Assassin/Juggler Bought/Acquired: For 7000 Gil, after the second shop upgrade. Sale Price: 3500 Gil Earth Tunic (大地の衣) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Effects: DEF +24, MD +12. Absorbs Earth elemental damage. Abilities: * Regenerator (リジェネーター) 300 AP - Hunter/Sniper/Gadgeteer Bought/Acquired: Random reward for completing a Quest. Sale Price: 500 Gil Minerva Bische (ミネルバビスチュ) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- * Can only be worn by Viera Effects: DEF +28, MD +14. Nullifies Dark elemental damage. Abilities: - Bought/Acquired: Steal from various units throughout the game, and a random reward for completing a Quest. Sale Price: 1500 Gil Shinobi Garb (忍びの衣) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Effects: DEF +30, MD +6, Speed +1, Evade +2 Abilities: * Critical Haste (瀕死ヘイスト) 300 AP - Ninja/Monster Tamer * Compound Fracture (肉斬骨断) 300 AP - Warrior Bought/Acquired: Random reward for completing a Quest, and a prize for reaching Pursuit Skill L20. Sale Price: 2500 Gil Dark Outfit (黒装束) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Effects: DEF +32, MD +3, Speed +2, Evade +1. Cancels Stop. Abilities: * Weapon Defence UP (武器ぼうぎょUP) 300 AP - Sage Bought/Acquired: Steal from various units throughout the game. Sale Price: 3000 Gil Wygar (ウィガール) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Effects: DEF +35, MD +10. Cancels KO. Abilities: * Hamedoru (ハメどる) 300 AP - Duelist/Gladiator Bought/Acquired: Prize for reaching Pursuit L30, and reward for a "Town-Town-Jagd-Jagd" Treasure Hunt. Sale Price: 4000 Gil Mirage Vest (ミラージュベスト) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Effects: DEF +32, MD +16. Cancels KO. Abilities: * Abandon (見切り) 300 AP - White Monk/Sage/Fencer Bought/Acquired: Random reward for completing a Quest. Sale Price: 5000 Gil Rubber Conscious (ラバーコンシャス) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- * Can only be worn by Vieras Effects: DEF +28, MD +16. Nullifies Thunder elemental damage. Abilities: - Bought/Acquired: Steal from various units throughout the game, and also a reward for a "Town-Town-Town" Treasure Hunt. Sale Price: 7000 Gil Bone Plate (ボーンプレート) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Effects: DEF +42, MD +8. Absorbs Dark elemental damage. Abilities: - Bought/Acquired: Random reward for completing a Quest. Sale Price: 10000 Gil Last Tunic (最後の服) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Effects: DEF +34, MD +24 Abilities: - Bought/Acquired: Reward for clearing "Wanted Search (030)" Sale Price: 500 Gil Vlint Coat (ブリントカレア) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Effects: DEF +28, MD +16 Abilities: - Bought/Acquired: Reward for clearing "Fashion Scene (299)" Sale Price: 500 Gil Galmia Coat (ガリミアカレア) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Effects: DEF +26, MD +18 Abilities: - Bought/Acquired: Reward for clearing "Clothes World (300)". Sale Price: 500 Gil Judge Coat (ジャッジコート) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Effects: DEF +38, MD +28 Abilities: - Bought/Acquired: Reward for clearing "Final Fight (086)". Sale Price: 500 Gil Temple Cloth (テンプルクロス) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Effects: WA +2, DEF +36, MA +2, MD +16 Abilities: - Bought/Acquired: From Cyril for 30000 Gil, after freeing 23 territories. Sale Price: 500 Gil R O B E S *********** Majestic flowing robes which guard against magic. Can be worn by Paladins, White Mages, Black Mages, Illusionists, Blue Mages, Bishops, Palace Knights, Time Mages, Doppelgangers, Sages, Shamans, Red Mages and Summoners. Linen Robe (麻のローブ) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Effects: DEF +15, MD +22 Abilities: - Bought/Acquired: For 400 Gil Sale Price: 200 Gil Silk Robe (シルクのローブ) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Effects: DEF +15, MD +28 Abilities: - Bought/Acquired: For 1000 Gil, after the first shop upgrade. Sale Price: 500 Gil Mage Robe (魔道士のローブ) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Effects: DEF +15, MD +30 Abilities: - Bought/Acquired: For 3000 Gil, after the second shop upgrade. Sale Price: 1500 Gil Chameleon Robe (カメレオンローブ) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Effects: DEF +19, MD +30. Absorbs Holy elemental Damage and Cancels KO. Abilities: - Bought/Acquired: For 5000 Gil, after the second shop upgrade. Sale Price: 2500 Gil Kagun Robe (火群の衣) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Effects: DEF +19, MD +30. Absorbs Fire elemental damage. Abilities: - Bought/Acquired: Random reward for completing a Quest, and a random reward for "Mixed" Treasure Hunts. Sale Price: 1000 Gil Shinu Robe (神嗚の衣) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Effects: DEF +19, MD +30. Absorbs Thunder elemental damage. Abilities: - Bought/Acquired: Random reward for completing a Quest. Sale Price: 1000 Gil Kazehana Robe (風花の衣 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Effects: DEF +19, MD +30. Absorbs Ice elemental damage. Abilities: - Bought/Acquired: Random reward for completing a Quest. Sale Price: 1000 Gil White Robe (白のローブ) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Effects: DEF +21, MD +38. Halves Fire, Thunder & Ice elemental damage. Abilities: * MP Turbo (MPターボ) 300 AP - White Mage Bought/Acquired: Random reward for completing a Quest, and a prize for reaching Magic Skill L5. Sale Price: 3000 Gil Black Robe (黒のローブ) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Effects: DEF +21, MA +2, MD +36. Strengthens Fire, Thunder & Ice elemental damage. Abilities: * Magic Return (魔法返し) 300 AP - Black Mage/Bishop Bought/Acquired: Random reward for completing a Quest, and a prize for reaching Magic Skill L15. Sale Price: 3000 Gil Robe of Light (光のローブ) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Effects: DEF +25, MD +40 Abilities: * Half MP (消費MP半減) 300 AP - Bishop/Summoner/Illusionist Bought/Acquired: Random reward for completing a Quest. Sale Price: 4000 Gil Robe of Lords (ローブオブロード) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Effects: DEF +28, MD +42 Abilities: * Absorb Used MP (使用MP吸収) 300 AP - Shaman/Illusionist * Critical Quick (瀕死クイック) 300 AP - Time Mage Bought/Acquired: Random reward for completing a Quest. Sale Price: 7000 Gil Silver Coat (銀糸のコート) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Effects: DEF +30, MD +38 Abilities: - Bought/Acquired: Steal from the Summoner in "Crossing of the Hill (023)" and a reward for a "Forest-Forest-Forest-Forest" Treasure Hunt. Sale Price: 10000 Gil Red Robe (赤のローブ) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Effects: DEF +22, MD +31 Abilities: - Bought/Acquired: Reward for clearing "Cadoan Liberation Battle (075)". Sale Price: 4000 Gil Sage Robe (賢者のローブ) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Effects: DEF +24, MD +52 Abilities: * Intensify (属性強化) 300 AP - Black Mage Bought/Acquired: Prize for reaching Magic Skill L45, and reward for a "Forest-Forest-Mountain-Mountain" Treasure Hunt. Sale Price: 500 Gil Magical Robe (魔法のローブ -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Effects: DEF +24, MA +6, MD +36 Abilities: - Bought/Acquired: Reward for clearing "Star of Misfortune (282)". Sale Price: 8000 Gil Death's Cloak (死神の衣) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Effects: DEF +32, MD +36 Abilities: - Bought/Acquired: Reward for clearing "Red Wings (081)". Sale Price: 500 Gil ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ iii)Weapons ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ S W O R D S ************* The most generic form of bladed melee weapon. Can only be used by Soldiers, Warriors and Dragon Knights. Broad Sword (ブロードソード) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 25 Abilities: * First Aid (応急処置) 100 AP - Soldier/Warrior Bought/Acquired: For 300 Gil Sale Price: 150 Gil Silver Sword (シルバーソード) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 30 Effects: Speed +2, Evade +2 Abilities: * Speed Break (スピードブレイク) 200 AP - Soldier/Warrior Bought/Acquired: For 900 Gil Sale Price: 450 Gil Buster Sword (バスターソード) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 35 Effects: DEF +5 Abilities: * Mind Break (マインドブレイク) 200 AP - Soldier/Warrior * Dragon Tame (竜ならし) 200 AP - Dragon Knight Bought/Acquired: For 1600 Gil, after the first shop upgrade, and a random reward for completing a Quest. Sale Price: 800 Gil Burglar Sword (バーグラーソード) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 39 Abilities: * Detect (見やぶる) 300 AP - Soldier Bought/Acquired: For 3000 Gil, after the second shop upgrade, and a random reward for completing a Quest. Sale Price: 1500 Gil Gale Sword (ゲイルソード) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 36 Effects: Inflicts Wind elemental damage. Speed +1 Abilities: * Lightning Quick (疾風迅雷) 300 AP - Warrior Bought/Acquired: Random reward for completing a Quest. Sale Price: 500 Gil Blood Sword (ブラッドソード) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 18 Effects: Absorb targets HP. Abilities: * Stir Up (挑発) 300 AP - Soldier * Dragon Killer (ドラゴンキラー) 300 AP - Dragon Knight Bought/Acquired: Random reward for completing a Quest, and a prize for reaching Combat Skill L5. Sale Price: 1000 Gil Restore Edge (レストアエッジ) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 40 Effects: MA +5, MD + 5 Abilities: * Life X-Zone (ライフデジョン) 300 AP - Warrior * Dragon Sword (竜剣) 300 AP - Dragon Knight Bought/Acquired: Random reward for completing a Quest, and a prize for reaching. Combat Skill L10. Sale Price: 2000 Gil Vitanova (ウィータノヴァ) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 38 Effects: Inflicts Holy elemental damage. MA +2, Evade +2. Absorbs Holy elemental damage. Abilities: * Dragon Soul (竜の魂) 300 AP - Dragon Knight Bought/Acquired: Random reward for completing a Quest. Sale Price: 4000 Gil Mythril Sword (ミスリルソード) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 33 Effects: Jump +1 Abilities: * Soldier Combo (戦士コンボ) 100 AP - Soldier/Warrior Bought/Acquired: Reward for completing a random Clan encounter. Sale Price: 2000 Gil Championship Sword (優勝剣) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 33 Effects: DEF +10, MD +10 Abilities: - Bought/Acquired: Rewardfor clearing "Cyril Fencing Tournament (264)". Sale Price: 500 Gil Onion Sword (オニオンソード) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 29 Effects: DEF +5, MD +5, Evade +10 Abilities: - Bought/Acquired: Reward for clearing "Beginner's Hall (265)". Sale Price: 500 Gil Chirijiraden (チリジラデン) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 65 Abilities: - Bought/Acquired: Reward for clearing "Foreign Swordsman (091)". Sale Price: 500 Gil La Glace Sword (氷剣ラグラス) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 41 Effects: Inflicts Ice elemental damage. MA +5 Abilities: - Bought/Acquired: Reward for clearing "Wizard of the Snowcaps (045)". Sale Price: 500 Gil B L A D E S ************* Sharp swords used by hardened warriors. Can be only be used by Duelists, Gladiators and Moogle Knights. Assault Blade (アサルトブレード) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 28 Abilities: * Dash (ダッシュ) 100 AP - Duelist/Gladiator Bought/Acquired: For 1500 Gil Sale Price: 750 Gil Shadow Blade (シャドウブレード) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 32 Effects: Evade +2 Abilities: * Boost (ブースト) 200 AP - Duelist/Gladiator * Accel (アクセル) 200 AP - Moogle Knight Bought/Acquired: For 2500 Gil, after the first shop upgrade. Sale Price: 1250 Gil Sun Blade (サンブレード) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 37 Effects: Speed +2 Abilities: * Blitz (ブリッツ) 200 AP - Duelist/Gladiator Bought/Acquired: For 3000 Gil, after the first shop upgrade. Sale Price: 1500 Gil Atomos Blade (アトモスブレード) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 36 Effects:InflictsThunder elemental damage. Abilities: * Kuhazan (空破斬) 200 AP - Duelist * Shot (ショット) 200 AP - Moogle Knight Bought/Acquired: For 4000 Gil, after the first shop upgrade, and a random reward for completing a Quest. Sale Price: 2000 Gil Flame Tongue (フレイムタン) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 38 Effects: Inflicts Fire elemental damage Abilities: * Backdraft (バックドラフト) 300 AP - Duelist * Fire Sword (ファイアソード) 200 AP - Gladiator * Attack (アタック) 100 AP - Moogle Knight Bought/Acquired: For 5000 Gil, after the second shop upgrade, and a random reward for completing a Quest. Sale Price: 2500 Gil Air Blade (エアブレード) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 40 Effects: Inflicts Wind damage damage. Nullifies Wind elemental damage. Abilities: * Air Blast (エアーブラスト) 300 AP - Duelist * Thunder Sword (サンダーソード) 200 AP - Gladiator Bought/Acquired: For 7000 Gil, after the second shop upgrade, and a random reward for completing a Quest. Sale Price: 3500 Gil Icebrand (アイスブランド) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 42 Effects: Inflicts Ice elemental damage Abilities: * Blizzard Sword (ブリザドソード) 200 AP - Gladiator * Heal (ヒール) 300 AP - Moogle Knight Bought/Acquired: For 8000 Gil, after the second shop upgrade. Sale Price: 4000 Gil Qigong Blade (クィゴンブレード) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 40 Effects: DEF +3, MD +3 Abilities: * Hadogeki (波動撃) 200 AP - Duelist * Guard (ガード) 200 AP - Moogle Knight Bought/Acquired: For 10000 Gil, after the second shop upgrade. Sale Price: 5000 Gil Ogum Blade (オグンブレード) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 42 Effects: MA +2 Abilities: * Wild Swing (ワイルドスイング) 200 AP - Duelist/Gladiator Bought/Acquired: For 15000 Gil, after the second shop upgrade. Sale Price: 7500 Gil Pearl Blade (パールブレード) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 46 Abilities: * Resist (レジスト) 300 AP - Moogle Knight Bought/Acquired: Random reward for completing a Quest. Sale Price: 2000 Gil Paraiba Blade (パライバブレード) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 33 Effects: MA +10, Evade +2 Abilities: * Check (チェック) 300 AP - Moogle Knight Bought/Acquired: For 22000 Gil, after the second shop upgrade. Sale Price: 11000 Gil Venus Blade (ヴィナスブレード) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 45 Effects: Inflicts Fire elemental damage. MA +2, Speed +2. Nullifies Fire and halves Ice elemental damage. Abilities: * Two Handed (両手持ち) 300 AP - Duelist/Gladiator Bought/Acquired: Random reward for completing a Quest, prize for reaching Combat Skill L15, and reward for a "Forest-Forest-Jagd-Jagd" Treasure Hunt. Sale Price: 11000 Gil Materia Blade (マテリアブレード) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 17 Effects: MA +15, MD +10, Abilities: * Ultima Sword (アルテマソード) 999 AP - Gladiator * Ultima Charge (アルテマチャージ) 999 AP - Moogle Knight Bought/Acquired: Steal (hidden) from Moogle in "Gift Day (020)", and reward for a "Town-Town-Forest-Forest" Treasure Hunt. Sale Price: 500 Gil Mythril Blade (ミスリルブレード) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 32 Effects: Jump +1 Abilities: * Duelist Combo (闘士コンボ) 100 AP - Duelist * Magic Sword Combo (魔剣コンボ) 100 AP - Gladiator * Charge Combo (チャージコンボ) 100 AP - Moogle Knight Bought/Acquired: Reward for completing a random Clan encounter. Sale Price: 2000 Gil Rengensaibu (レンゲンサイブ) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 84 Effects: Inflicts Dark elemental damage. DEF +5 Abilities: - Bought/Acquired: After clearing the "Legend of the Dark Sword (097)" Sale Price: 500 Gil Adaman Blade (アダマンブレード) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 65 Effects: DEF +15 Abilities: - Bought/Acquired: Reward for clearing "Sword with Turtles (285)" Sale Price: 500 Gil Red Avua (赤のエーヴュア) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 62 Effects: DEF +10, Speed +2 Abilities: - Bought/Acquired: Reward for clearing "Ancient Fort of Sarika (035)". Sale Price: 500 Gil Blue Avua (青のエーヴュア) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 51 Effects: MD +10, Evade +2 Abilities: - Bought/Acquired: Reward for clearing "Rene and the two Swords (036)". Sale Price: 500 Gil S A B R E *********** Cresent shaped blades used in the orient. Can only be used by Blue Mages. Blue Sabre (ブルーサーベル) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 25 Effects: Speed +2 Abilities: * Learning (ラーニング) 400 AP - Blue Mage Bought/Acquired: For 1000 Gil, after the first shop upgrade. Sale Price: 500 Gil Shamshir (シャムシール) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 31 Effects: Evade +2 Abilities: - Bought/Acquired: For 2200 Gil, after the first shop upgrade, and a random reward for completing a Quest. Sale Price: 1100 Gil Aqua Sabre (アクアサーベル) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 36 Effects: Inflicts Water elemental damage. Evade +6 Abilities: - Bought/Acquired: For 3700 Gil, after the second shop upgrade. Sale Price: 1850 Gil Harpe (ハルペー) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 42 Effects: DEF +5 Abilities: - Bought/Acquired: Random reward for completing a Quest. Sale Price: 1000 Gil Manganese (マンガニーズ) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 47 Effects: DEF +10, Evade +3 Abilities: - Bought/Acquired: Prize for reaching Collection Skill L35. Sale Price: 500 Gil Mythril Sabre (ミスリルセイバー) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 32 Effects: Jump +1 Abilities: * Blue Combo (青コンボ) 100 AP - Blue Mage Bought/Acquired: Reward for completing a random Clan encounter. Sale Price: 2000 Gil Talwar (タルワール) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 55 Effects: DEF +10, MD +10, Speed +2 Abilities: - Bought/Acquired: Steal (hidden) from Blue Mage in Jagd Detective Story (012), and reward for a "Town-Town-Plain-Plain" Treasure Hunt. Sale Price: 3000 Gil Sol Sabre (ソルセイバー) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 39 Effects: Inflicts Fire elemental damage. MD +10, Evade +5 Abilities: - Bought/Acquired: Reward for clearing "Mystery of the Voodoo Doll (266)". Sale Price: 500 Gil K N I G H T S W O R D S ************************** Large magical swords that empower the wielder with unforeseeable power. Can only be used by Paladins, Guardian Knights and Palace Knights. Defender (ディフェンダー) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 37 Abilities: * Nurture (介抱) 100 AP - Paladin * Hibernate (冬眠) 100 AP - Guardian Knight Bought/Acquired: For 5000 Gil, after the second shop upgrade, and a random reward for completing a Quest. Sale Price: 2500 Gil Apocalypse (アポカリプス) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 32 Effects: Inflicts Dark elemental damage. Abilities: * Rasp (ラスピル) 100 AP - Palace Knight Bought/Acquired: For 3000 Gil, after the first shop upgrade. Sale Price: 1500 Gil Lionheart (ライオンハート) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 34 Effects: DEF +2, MD +1 Abilities: * Guard (守る) 200 AP - Paladin/Guardian Knight Bought/Acquired: For 4000 Gil, after the first shop upgrade. Sale Price: 2000 Gil Ragnarok (ラグナロク) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 36 Effects: MA +5 Abilities: * Disarm (武装解除) 200 AP - Paladin/Guardian Knight * Silence (サイレス) 200 AP - Palace Knight Bought/Acquired: For 7000 Gil, after the first shop upgrade. Sale Price: 3500 Gil Lohengrin (ローエングリン) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 46 Abilities: * Aura (オーラ) 300 AP - Guardian Knight * Haste (ヘイスト) 200 AP - Palace Knight Bought/Acquired: For 12000 Gil, after the second shop upgrade, and a random reward for completing a Quest. Sale Price: 6000 Gil Save the Queen (セイブザクイーン) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 45 Effects: Holy elemental damage. DEF +3, MD +3, Evade +5. Strenghthens Holy elemental damage. Abilities: * Cover (かばう) 200 AP - Paladin * Perfect Guard (パーフェクガード) 300 AP - Guardian Knight * Astra (アストラ) 100 AP - Palace Knight Bought/Acquired: Random reward for completing a Quest. Sale Price: 2000 Gil Ark Edge (アークエッジ) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 48 Abilities: * Saint Cross (セイントクロス) 300 AP - Paladin * Soul Sphere (ソウルスフィア) 300 AP - Palace Knight Bought/Acquired: Random reward for completing a Quest, and a prize for reaching Combat & Magic Skill L10. Sale Price: 4000 Gil Excalibur (エクスカリバ) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 47 Effects: Inflicts Holy elemental damage. MA +2, Speed +1, Evade +5. Strengthens and nullifies Holy elemental damage. Abilities: * Holy Blade (ホーリーブレード) 300 AP - Paladin Bought/Acquired: Random reward for completing a Quest, a prize for reaching Combat & Magic Skill L20, and reward for a "Mountain-Mountain-Desert-Desert" Treasure Hunt. Sale Price: 7000 Gil Mythril Weapon (ミスリルウェポン) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 32 Effects: Jump +1 Abilities: * Knight Combo (騎士コンボ) 100 AP - Paladin * Safeguard Combo (守護コンボ) 100 AP - Guardian Knight * Guard Combo (近衛コンボ) 100 AP - Palace Knight Bought/Acquired: Reward for completing a random Clan encounter. Sale Price: 2000 Gil Excalibur 2 (エクスカリバ2) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 87 Effects: MA +3, Speed +4, Evade +5 Abilities: - Bought/Acquired: Reward for clearing "Legend of the Hero Sword (098)" Sale Price: 500 Gil Nagrarok (ナグラロク) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 75 Effects: Speed +6, Move +1 Abilities: - Bought/Acquired: Reward for clearing "Intuition (286)". Sale Price: 500 Gil Sequence (セクエンス) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 32 Effects: DEF +2, MA +5, MD +2, Speed +2, Move +1, Jump +1, Evade +2 Abilities: - Bought/Acquired: Reward for clearing "Royal Tournament (040)" Sale Price: 500 Gil L A R G E S W O R D S ************************ Giant swords which are wielded by using two hands and resting the handle on a knee, sometimes called Zweihanders. Can only be used by Soldiers and Paladins. Barong (バロング) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 30 Abilities: * Power Break (パワーブレイク) 200 AP - Soldier * Surrender Advice (降伏勧告) 200 AP - Paladin Bought/Acquired: For 900 Gil, and a random reward for completing a Quest. Sale Price: 450 Gil Ancient Sword (古代の剣) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 32 Effects: Cancels Stone Abilities: * Magic Break (マジックブレイク) 200 AP - Soldier * Allowance (手加減) 200 AP - Paladin Bought/Acquired: For 2000 Gil, after the first shop upgrade, and a random reward for completing a Quest. Sale Price: 1000 Gil Diamond Sword (ダイアの剣) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 32 Effect: Cancels Slow Abilities: * Gil Plunder (ギルぶんどる) 300 AP - Soldier Bought/Acquired: Random reward for completing a Quest. Sale Price: 600 Gil Hard Breaker (ハードブレイカー) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 42 Effect: Cancels Death Sentence Abilities: - Bought/Acquired: Random reward for completing a Quest, and a prize for reaching Metallurgy Skill L5. Sale Price: 1200 Gil Vigilante (ヴィジランティ) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 37 Effect: Cancels Confusion Abilities: * One Handed (片手持ち) 300 AP - Soldier Bought/Acquired: Random reward for completing a Quest. Sale Price: 2000 Gil Zinc Brace (ザンクブレス) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 49 Effect: Cancels Poison Abilities: - Bought/Acquired: Reward for clearing "Church's Trap (287)" Sale Price: 500 Gil Kensei Sword (剣聖剣) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 59 Effect: Cancels KO Abilities: - Bought/Acquired: Reward for clearing "Kensei Sword (288)" Sale Price: 500 Gil Oblige (オブリージュ) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 48 Effect: Cancels Charm Abilities: - Bought/Acquired: Reward for clearing "Come, come here (267)" Sale Price: 500 Gil Ice Prism (アイスプリズム) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 45 Effect: Inflicts Ice elemental damage. Cancels Silence and nullifies Fire elemental damage. Abilities: - Bought/Acquired: Swap Cyril Ice for it in the "Snow Fairy (109)" Quest. Sale Price: 500 Gil Lure Breaker (ルーアブレイカー) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 51 Effect: Cancels Sleep Abilities: - Bought/Acquired: Reward for clearing "Sword Tempering (289)" Sale Price: 500 Gil W I D E - B L A D E D S W O R D S ************************************ Swords with wide-blades used for defending and attacking, favourite of the Banga Tribe. Can only be used by Warriors and Guardian Knights. Samson's Sword (サムソンの剣) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 32 Effects: Inflicts Earth elemental damage. DEF +5 Abilities: * Power Break (パワーブレイク) 200 AP - Warrior Bought/Acquired: For 2500 Gil, after the first shop upgrade, and a random reward for completing a Quest. Sale Price: 1250 Gil Falchion (ファルシオン) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 27 Effects: DEF +5 Abilities: * Magic Break (マジックブレイク) 200 AP - Warrior Bought/Acquired: For 1200 Gil, and a random reward for completing a Quest. Sale Price: 600 Gil Predator Edge (プレデターエッジ) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 37 Effects: DEF +5 Abilities: * Critical Berserk (瀕死バーサク) 300 AP - Guardian Knight Bought/Acquired: For 4000 Gil, after the second shop upgrade, and a random reward for completing a Quest. Sale Price: 2000 Gil Stribog (ストリボーグ) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 33 Effects: DEF +5 Abilities: * Rock Smash (岩砕破) 300 AP - Warrior * Slaughter (なぎ払う) 200 AP - Guardian Knight Bought/Acquired: For 5000 Gil, after the second shop upgrade. Sale Price: 2500 Gil el-Rashid Sword (エルシードの剣) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 47 Effects: DEF +10 Abilities: * Repel (はじきとばす) 100 AP - Guardian Knight Bought/Acquired: Random reward for completing a Quest, and a prize for reaching Metallurgy Skill L15. Sale Price: 800 Gil Claymore (クレイモアー) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 49 Effects: DEF +5 Abilities: * One Handed (片手持ち) 300 AP - Warrior Bought/Acquired: Random reward for completing a Quest. Sale Price: 3000 Gil Vajra (ヴァジュラ) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 45 Effects: Inflicts Thunder elemental damage. DEF +5, MD +5. Strengthens Thunder elemental damage. Abilities: * Meltdown (メルトダウン) 200 AP - Guardian Knight Bought/Acquired: Prize for reaching Metallurgy Skill L30, and a reward for a "Jadg-Jadg-Jagd" Treasure Hunt Sale Price: 500 Gil Dabaleeth (ダバリース) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 47 Effects: DEF +5, Speed +2, Evade +2 Abilities: - Bought/Acquired: Reward for clearing "Secret Stone (290)" Sale Price: 500 Gil Rhomphaia (ロンパイア) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 57 Effects: DEF +5 Abilities: - Bought/Acquired: Reward for clearing "Those Who Know Truth (268)" Sale Price: 500 Gil Rock Beasts' Sword (岩獣の剣) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=- Attack Power: 50 Effects: DEF +5 Abilities: - Bought/Acquired: Reward for clearing "Alba Cave (269)". Sale Price: 500 Gil Eclipse (エクリプス) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 76 Effects: DEF +5, MA +5 Abilities: - Bought/Acquired: Prize for reaching Metallurgy Skill L40. Sale Price: 500 Gil Estoria Edge (エストレアエッジ) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 77 Effects: DEF +5, MD +5 Abilities: - Bought/Acquired: From Cyril for 25000 Gil, after freeing 22 territories, and reward for a "Town-Town-Mountain-Mountain" Treasure Hunt. Sale Price: 500 Gil K N I V E S ************* Concealable bladed melee weapons. Can only be used by Thieves and Jugglers. Jack Knife (ジャックナイフ) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 22 Effects: Evade +1 Abilities: * Steal Gil (ギルを盗む) 100 AP - Thief * Gil (ギル) 100 AP - Juggler Bought/Acquired: For 200 Gil Sale Price: 100 Gil Kris Knife (クリスナイフ) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 30 Effects: MD +5, Evade +1 Abilities: * Throw (放り投げる) 100 AP - Juggler Bought/Acquired: For 3000 Gil, after the second shop upgrade, and a random reward for completing a Quest. Sale Price: 1500 Gil Khukuri (ククリ) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 37 Effects: Speed +2, Evade +1 Abilities: * Steal EXP (経験値を盗む) 100 AP - Thief * Molotov Cocktail (火炎ビン) 300 AP - Juggler Bought/Acquired: For 5000 Gil, after the second shop upgrade, and a random reward for completing a Quest. Sale Price: 2500 Gil Kard (カルド) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 35 Effects: Evade +2 Abilities: * Steal Helmet (兜を盗む) 300 AP - Thief Bought/Acquired: For 7000 Gil, after the second shop upgrade. Sale Price: 3500 Gil Scramasax (スクラマサクス) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 29 Effects: Evade +1 Abilities: * Steal Shield (盾を盗む) 200 AP - Thief * Ball (ボール) 200 AP - Juggler Bought/Acquired: For 900 Gil Sale Price: 450 Gil Rondel Dagger (ロンデルダガー) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 33 Effects: Evade +1. Cancels "Don't Move" and "Don't Act". Abilities: * Steal Armour (鎧を盗む) 300 AP - Thief * Hoop (輪っか) 200 AP - Juggler Bought/Acquired: For 10000 Gil, after the second shop upgrade, and a random reward for completing a Quest. Sale Price: 5000 Gil Jambiya (ジャンビーヤ) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 31 Effects: MA + 2, Evade +1 Abilities: * Steal Accessory (アクセサリを盗む) 300 AP - Thief * Dagger (ダガー) 300 AP - Juggler Bought/Acquired: For 1700 Gil Sale Price: 850 Gil Zorlin Shape (ゾーリンシェイプ) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 38 Effects: Speed + 1, Evade +1 Abilities: - Bought/Acquired: Random reward for completing a Quest. Sale Price: 1000 Gil Sword Breaker (ソードブレイカー) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 39 Effects: Evade +2 Abilities: * Steal Weapon (武器を盗む) 300 AP - Thief Bought/Acquired: Random reward for completing a Quest. Sale Price: 2000 Gil Orichalchum (オリハコン) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 60 Effects: MD +2, Evade +1 Abilities: * Steal JP (JPを盗む) 300 AP - Thief * Smile (スマイル) 300 AP - Juggler Bought/Acquired: Random reward for completing a Quest, and a prize for reaching Negotiation Skill L25. Sale Price: 4000 Gil Cinquedea (チンクエディア) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 57 Effects: Speed +5, Evade +2 Abilities: * Steal Ability (アビリティを盗む) 300 AP - Thief Bought/Acquired: Prize for reaching Negotiation Skill L30, and reward for a "Forest-Forest-Desert-Desert" Treasure Hunt. Sale Price: 500 Gil Mythril Knife (ミスリルナイフ) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 32 Effects: Jump +1, Evade +1 Abilities: * Thief Combo (シーフコンボ) 100 AP - Thief * Acrobat Combo (曲芸コンボ) 100 AP - Juggler Bought/Acquired: Reward for completing a random Clan encounter. Sale Price: 2000 Gil Tonberrian (トンベリアン) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 37 Effects: Speed +10 Abilities: - Bought/Acquired: Reward for clearing "Prowler (039)" and "Gypsy's whereabouts (270)". Sale Price: 500 Gil Tip-Tap-Toe (ティプタップトウ) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 35 Effects: Speed +15. Cancels Slow. Abilities: - Bought/Acquired: From Cadoan for 27000 Gil, after freeing 23 territories, and reward for a "Town-Town-Wetlands-Wetlands" Treasure Hunt. Sale Price: 500 Gil R A P I E R ************* Light swords used for piercing armour rather then cleaving it. Can only be used by Fencers, Shamans and Red Mages. Stinger (スティンガー) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 25 Effects: Speed +2 Abilities: * Tiny Bugs (タイニーバグズ) 100 AP - Fencer * Thunder (サンダー) 100 AP - Red Mage Bought/Acquired: For 400 Gil Sale Price: 200 Gil Estoc (エストック) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 32 Effects: Speed +2 Abilities: * Thrust Feather(スラストフェザー) 200 AP - Fencer * Sleep (スリプル) 200 AP - Red Mage * Heavy Dust (ヘビーダスト) 200 AP - Shaman Bought/Acquired: For 3000 Gil, after the first shop upgrade. Sale Price: 1500 Gil Fleuret (フルーレ) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 27 Effects: Speed +2 Abilities: * Cure (ケアル) 100 AP - Red Mage * Earth Heal (アースヒール) 200 AP - Shaman Bought/Acquired: For 800 Gil Sale Price: 400 Gil Scarlet (スカーレット) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 27 Effects: Inflicts Fire elemental damage. MA +2, Speed +2 Abilities: * Fire (ファイア) 100 AP - Red Mage * Fire Whip (ファイアウィップ) 100 AP - Shaman Bought/Acquired: For 1500 Gil Sale Price: 750 Gil Flamberge (フランベルジェ) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 35 Effects: DEF +5, Speed +2 Abilities: * Hard Impulse (ハードインパルス) 200 AP - Fencer * Blizzard (ブリザド) 100 AP - Red Mage * White Flame (ホワイトフレイム) 100 AP - Shaman Bought/Acquired: For 5000 Gil, after the first shop upgrade. Sale Price: 2500 Gil Silver Rapier (銀のレイピア) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 35 Effects: Speed +2 Abilities: * Stuck Shadow (スタックシャドー) 200 AP - Fencer * Slippy Rain (スリッピィレイン) 200 AP - Shaman * Poison (ポイズン) 100 AP - Red Mage Bought/Acquired: Random reward for completing a Quest. Sale Price: 500 Gil Jinflyssa (ジンフリッサ) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 34 Effects: Inflicts Wind elemental damage. MD +2, Speed +2, Evade +2. Strengthens and nullifies Wind elemental damage Abilities: * Swallow Tail (スワローテイル) 300 AP - Fencer * Shinning Air (シャイニングエア) 200 AP - Shaman Bought/Acquired: Random reward for completing a Quest. Sale Price: 1000 Gil Joyeuse (ジュワユース) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 37 Effects: MD +5, Speed +2 Abilities: * Night Hawk (ナイトホーク) 300 AP - Fencer * Gazing Evil (ゲイジングエビル) 300 AP - Shaman Bought/Acquired: Random reward for completing a Quest. Sale Price: 2000 Gil Mage Masher (メイジマッシャー) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 34 Effects: MA +5, MD +10, Speed +2 Abilities: * Blue Passion (ブルーパッション) 300 AP - Fencer * Barrier (バリア) 300 AP - Red Mage Bought/Acquired: For 8000 Gil, after the second shop upgrade, and a random reward for completing a Quest. Sale Price: 4000 Gil Colichemarde (コリシェマルド) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 36 Effects: Speed +2. Cancels Beserk. Abilities: * Magical Power UP (魔法のつよさUP) 300 AP - Red Mage Bought/Acquired: Random reward for completing a Quest, and a prize for reaching Negotiation Skill L20. Sale Price: 3000 Gil Gupti Aga (グピティー・アガ) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 38 Effects: Speed +2 Abilities: * Check Mate (チェックメイト) 300 AP - Fencer Bought/Acquired: Random reward for completing a Quest. Sale Price: 5000 Gil Madu (マドゥ) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 33 Effects: Speed +2 Abilities: * Chain Magic (連続魔法) 999 AP - Red Mage Bought/Acquired: Prize for reaching Negotiation Skill L40, and reward for a "Forest-Forest-Wetlands-Wetlands" Treasure Hunt. Sale Price: 500 Gil Epee Prism (エペプリズム) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 37 Effects: Speed +2. Halves Holy and Dark elemental damage. Abilities: * Property Shift (プロパティシフト) 300 AP - Shaman Bought/Acquired: Random reward for completing a Quest, and reward for a "Wetlands-Wetlands-Desert-Desert" Treasure Hunt. Sale Price: 7000 Gil Mythril Rapier (ミスリルレイピア) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 32 Effects: Speed +2, Jump +1 Abilities: * Thrust Combo (突貫コンボ) 100 AP - Fencer * Spirit Combo (精霊コンボ) 100 AP - Shaman * Red Combo (赤コンボ) 100 AP - Red Mage Bought/Acquired: Reward for completing a random Clan encounter. Sale Price: 500 Gil Final Letter (ファイナルレター) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 45 Effects: Speed +2, Evade +3 Abilities: - Bought/Acquired: Reward for clearing the "Cursed Bride (092)" Quest. Sale Price: 500 Gil Diabolique (ディアボリーク) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-- Attack Power: 41 Effects: Inflicts Dark elemental damage. MD +5, Speed +2. Nullifies Dark elemental damage. Abilities: Bought/Acquired: Ritz has the only one, and you can't steal it from her. Sale Price: 500 Gil Femme Fatale (ファムファタル) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 49 Effects: Speed +2. Cancels Death Sentence. Abilities: Bought/Acquired: Steal from Ritz in "Crossing of the Hill (023)" Sale Price: 500 Gil Aerial Foil (エイリアルホール) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 43 Effects: Wind damage, MA +8, Speed +2 Abilities: Bought/Acquired: Reward for clearing "That Voice Once Again (271)". Sale Price: 500 Gil K A T A N A ************* Extremely sharp Japanese swords used by spys and assassins. Can only be used by Ninjas and Assassins. Kunai (くない) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 31 Abilities: * Throw (投げる) 100 AP - Ninja Bought/Acquired: For 2000 Gil, after the first shop upgrade, and a random reward for completing a Quest. Sale Price: 1000 Gil Murasame (村雨) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 31 Effects: Inflicts Water elemental damage Abilities: * Suiton (水遁) 200 AP - Ninja * Aphonia (失声) 200 AP - Assassin Bought/Acquired: For 5000 Gil, after the first shop upgrade. Sale Price: 2500 Gil Asura (阿修羅) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 33 Effects: Inflicts Fire damage Abilities: * Katon (火遁) 200 AP - Ninja Bought/Acquired: For 7000 Gil, after the first shop upgrade. Sale Price: 3500 Gil Bizen Osafune (備前長船) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 35 Effects: DEF +5 Abilities: * Doton (土遁) 200 AP - Ninja Bought/Acquired: For 8000 Gil, after the first shop upgrade. Sale Price: 4000 Gil Adazakura (徒桜) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 34 Abilities: * Breath Stop (息根止) 300 AP - Assassin Bought/Acquired: Random reward for completing a Quest, and a prize for reaching Metallurgy Skill L10. Sale Price: 3000 Gil Kotetsu (虎鉄) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 37 Abilities: * Mokuton (木遁) 200 AP - Ninja * Seal (封印) 300 AP - Assassin Bought/Acquired: For 10000 Gil, after the first shop upgrade, and a random reward for completing a Quest. Sale Price: 5000 Gil Kikuichimoji (菊一文字) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 40 Effects: MD +5 Abilities: * Kinton (金遁) 200 AP - Ninja * Nightmare (悪夢) 300 AP - Assassin Bought/Acquired: For 12000 Gil, after the second shop upgrade, and a random reward for completing a Quest. Sale Price: 6000 Gil Ame no Murakumo (天のむら雲) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 39 Effects: Inflicts Holy elemental damage. MD +5. Absorbs Holy elemental damage. Abilities: * Uncharm (解呪) 300 AP - Ninja Bought/Acquired: For 15000 Gil, after the second shop upgrade, and a random reward for completing a Quest. Sale Price: 7500 Gil Nosada (ノサダ) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 42 Abilities: * Two Swords (二刀流) 999 AP - Ninja Bought/Acquired: Random reward for completing a Quest, and a prize for reaching Metallurgy Skill L20. Sale Price: 8000 Gil Masamune (正宗) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 65 Abilities: * Amnesia (忘却) 300 AP - Ninja/Assassin Bought/Acquired: From Muscadet for 25000 Gil, after freeing 24 territories, and a random reward for completing a Quest Sale Price: 500 Gil Zammatou (斬魔刀) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 22 Effects: Inflicts Holy elemental damage. MA +2. Strengthens Holy and halves Dark elemental damage. Abilities: * Ultima Shear (アルテマシアー) 999 AP - Assassin Bought/Acquired: Reward for clearing "Wanted Search (029)", and a prize for reaching Metallurgy Skill L50. Sale Price: 500 Gil Mythril Edge (ミスリルエージ) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 32 Effects: Jump +1 Abilities: * Ninja Combo (忍者コンボ) 100 AP - Ninja * Lead Combo (仕手コンボ) 100 AP - Assassin Bought/Acquired: Reward for completing a random Clan encounter. Sale Price: 2000 Gil Hyakushiki Masamune (百式正宗) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 79 Effects: MA +5 Abilities: - Bought/Acquired: Reward for clearing "Legend of the Youtou (099)" Sale Price: 500 Gil Sumihomura (墨炎) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 47 Effects: Speed +2 Abilities: - Bought/Acquired: Reward for clearing "Bloodshed of Spring (272)". Sale Price: 500 Gil Raketsutenbu (羅月伝武) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 55 Effects: Evade +2 Abilities: - Bought/Acquired: Reward for clearing "Snow Flower Romance (291)". Sale Price: 500 Gil S T A V E S ************* Magical staffs which are embedded with holy magic. Can only be used by White Mages, Bishops and Summoners. White Staff (ホワイトスタッフ) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 19 Effects: Purges Death Sentence from Target. MD +5 Abilities: * Cure (ケアル) 100 AP - White Mage Bought/Acquired: For 500 Gil Sale Price: 250 Gil Staff of Protection (守りの杖) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 21 Effects: DEF +5, MD +5 Abilities: * Protect (プロテス) 100 AP - White Mage * Ifrit (イフリート) 200 AP - Summoner Bought/Acquired: For 800 Gil Sale Price: 400 Gil Staff of Judgement (裁きの杖) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 21 Effects: Inflicts Thunder elemental damage. MA +3, MD +5 Abilities: * Shell (シェル) 100 AP - White Mage * Aero (エアロ) 200 AP - Bishop * Ramuh (ラムウ) 200 AP - Summoner Bought/Acquired: For 1500 Gil Sale Price: 750 Gil Staff of Healing (癒しの杖) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 29 Effects: Recovers target's HP. MD +5 Abilities: * Cura (ケアルラ) 200 AP - White Mage/Bishop * Kirin (キリン) 200 AP - Summoner Bought/Acquired: For 7000 Gil, after the second shop upgrade. Sale Price: 3500 Gil Staff of Purification (浄化の杖) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 23 Effects: MD +5 Abilities: * Esuna (エスナ) 200 AP - White Mage * Unicorn (ユニコーン) 200 AP - Summoner Bought/Acquired: For 3000 Gil, after the first shop upgrade, and a random reward for completing a Quest. Sale Price: 1500 Gil Staff of Blessing (祝福の杖) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 23 Effects: MD +5 Abilities: * Raise (レイズ) 200 AP - White Mage * Dispel (デスペル) 200 AP - Bishop Bought/Acquired: For 4000 Gil, after the first shop upgrade, and a random reward for completing a Quest. Sale Price: 2000 Gil Serpent Staff (蛇の杖) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 29 Effects: MD +5. Cancels Stone. Abilities: * Break (ブレイク) 200 AP - Bishop * Shiva (シヴァ) 200 AP - Summoner Bought/Acquired: Random reward for completing a Quest. Sale Price: 600 Gil Staff of Holy Water (宮水の杖) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 28 Effects: Iflicts Water elemental damage. MD +5. Nullifies Water elemental damage. Abilities: * Curaga (ケアルガ) 300 AP - White Mage * Water (ウォータ) 200 AP - Bishop Bought/Acquired: Random reward for completing a Quest, and a prize for reaching Magic Skill L10. Sale Price: 1000 Gil Garnet Staff (石瑠の杖) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 31 Effects: DEF +5, MD +5 Abilities: * Barrier (バリア) 300 AP - Bishop * Carbunkle (カーバンクル) 300 AP - Summoner Bought/Acquired: For 9000 Gil, after the second shop upgrade. Sale Price: 4500 Gil Marvelous Cheer (マーベラスチアー) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Attack Power: 32 Effects: DEF +5, Evade +2 Abilities: * Reraise (リレイズ) 200 AP - White Mage * Judge (ジャッジ) 300 AP - Bishop * Madin (マディーン) 300 AP - Summoner Bought/Acquired: Random reward for completing a Quest. Sale Price: 4000 Gil Nirvana (ニルヴァーナ) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 34 Effects: Inflicts Holy elemental damage. MD +10 Abilities: * Araise (アレイズ) 300 AP - White Mage * Holy (ホーリー) 300 AP - Bishop * Phoenix (フェニックス) 300 AP - Summoner Bought/Acquired: Random reward for completing a Quest, and reward for "Cave-Cave-Jagd-Jagd" Treasure Hunt. Sale Price: 6000 Gil Mythril Staff (ミスリルスタッフ) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 32 Effects: MD +5, Jump +1 Abilities: * White Combo (白コンボ) 100 AP - White Mage * Prayer Combo (祈祷コンボ) 100 AP - Bishop * Summon Combo (召喚コンボ) 100 AP - Summoner Bought/Acquired: Reward for completing a random Clan encounter. Sale Price: 2000 Gil Power Staff (力の杖) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 45 Effects: DEF +6, MD +5 Abilities: - Bought/Acquired: Reward for clearing "Who Am I? (273)". Sale Price: 500 Gil Dream Aid (ドリームエイド) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 43 Effects: MA +10, MD +15 Abilities: - Bought/Acquired: Prize for reaching Magic Skill L50. Sale Price: 500 Gil R O D S ********* Magical rods embedded with dark magic. Can only be used by Black Mages, Illusionists and Time Mages. Rod (ロッド) -=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 18 Effects: MA +2 Abilities: * Fire (ファイア) 100 AP - Black Mage * Thunder (サンダー) 100 AP - Black Mage * Blizzard (ブリザド) 100 AP - Black Mage Bought/Acquired: For 600 Gil Sale Price: 300 Gil Firering Rod (火輪のロッド) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 21 Effects: Inflicts Fire elemental damage. MA +2 Abilities: * Fira (ファイラ) 200 AP - Black Mage * Haste (ヘイスト) 200 AP - Time Mage * Prominence (プロミネンス) 100 AP - Illusionist Bought/Acquired: For 1500 Gil, after the first shop upgrade, and a random reward for completing a Quest. Sale Price: 750 Gil Thunder Rod (雷鳴のロッド) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 21 Effects: Inflicts Thunder elemental damage. MA +2 Abilities: * Thundara (サンダラ) 200 AP - Black Mage * Reflect (リフレク) 300 AP - Time Mage * Tempest (テンペスト) 100 AP - Illusionist Bought/Acquired: For 1500 Gil, after the first shop upgrade, and a random reward for completing a Quest. Sale Price: 750 Gil Sleet Rod (凍雪のロッド) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 21 Effects: Inflicts Ice elemental damage. MA +2 Abilities: * Blizzara (ブリザラ) 200 AP - Black Mage * Silence (サイレス) 200 AP - Time Mage * Freeze Blink (フリーズブリンク) 100 AP - Illusionist Bought/Acquired: For 1500 Gil, after the first shop upgrade, and a random reward for completing a Quest. Sale Price: 750 Gil Earth Dragon Rod (地竜のロッド) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 23 Effects: Earth elemental damage. MA +2. Strengthens Earth elemental damage. Abilities: * Slow (スロウ) 200 AP - Time Mage * Soil Evidence (ソイルエビデンス) 200 AP - Illusionist Bought/Acquired: For 2700 Gil, after the first shop upgrade, and a random reward for completing a Quest. Sale Price: 1350 Gil Force Rod (フォースロッド) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 25 Effects: MA +5 Abilities: * Gravity (グラビデ) 200 AP - Time Mage Bought/Acquired: For 5000 Gil, after the second shop upgrade, and a random reward for completing a Quest. Sale Price: 2500 Gil Flame Rod (フレイムロッド) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 27 Effects: Inflicts Fire elemental damage. MA +2. Strengthens Fire elemental damage. Abilities: * Firaga (ファイガ) 300 AP - Black Mage Bought/Acquired: Random reward for completing a Quest. Sale Price: 1000 Gil Thor Rod (トールロッド) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 27 Effects: Inflicts Thunder elemental damage. MA +2. Strengthens Thunder elemental damage. Abilities: * Thundaga (サンダガ) 300 AP - Black Mage * Quick (クイック) 300 AP - Time Mage * Dark Tornado (ダークトルネード) 200 AP - Illusionist Bought/Acquired: Random reward for completing a Quest, and a prize for reaching Magic Skill L25. Sale Price: 2000 Gil Chill Rod (チルロッド) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 27 Effects: Inflicts Ice elemental damage. MA +2. Strengthens Ice elemental damage. Abilities: * Blizzaga (ブリザガ) 300 AP - Black Mage * Stop (ストップ) 300 AP - Time Mage * Road Mirage (ロードミラージュ) 200 AP - Illusionist Bought/Acquired: Random reward for completing a Quest. Sale Price: 4000 Gil Stardust Rod (星屑のロッド) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 29 Effects: MA +5 Abilities: * Graviga (グラビガ) 300 AP - Time Mage * Stardust (スターダスト) 300 AP - Illusionist Bought/Acquired: Random reward for completing a Quest, and a prize for reaching Magic Skill L30. Sale Price: 7000 Gil Princess Guard (プリンセスガード) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 35 Effects: DEF +5, MA +2, MD +5, Evade +2. Strengthens Wind, Earth and Water elemental damage. Abilities: * Southern Cross (サザンクロス) 300 AP - Illusionist Bought/Acquired: From Vakuba for 20000 Gil, after freeing 25 territories. and reward for a "Town-Town-Desert-Desert" Treasure Hunt. Sale Price: 500 Gil Mythril Rod (ミスリルロッド) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 32 Effects: MA +2, Jump +1 Abilities: * Black Combo (黒コンボ) 100 AP - Black Mage * Time Combo (時コンボ) 100 AP - Time Mage * Illusion Combo (幻コンボ) 100 AP - Illusionist Bought/Acquired: Reward for completing a random Clan encounter. Sale Price: 2000 Gil Heretic (ヘレティック) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 31 Effects: Inflicts Dark elemental damage. MA +20 Abilities: - Bought/Acquired: Reward for clearing "Pudding Outbreak (093)". Sale Price: 500 Gil Sapere Aude (サペレ・アウデ) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 18 Effects: DEF +2, MA +5, MD +2, Speed +2, Move +1, Jump +1, Evade +2 Abilities: - Bought/Acquired: Reward for clearing "Royal Magic Tournament (041)". Sale Price: 500 Gil M A C E S *********** Mace type weapons embedded with mystic magic. Can only be used by Alchemists and Sages. Battle Mace (バトルメイス) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 31 Abilities: * Water (ウォータ) 200 AP - Sage * Aero (エアロ) 200 AP - Sage Bought/Acquired: For 2000 Gil, after the first shop upgrade. Sale Price: 1000 Gil Energy Mace (エナジーメイス) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 29 Effects: MA+2, MD+5 Abilities: * Drain (ドレイン) 100 AP - Sage * Rasp (ラスピル) 200 AP - Alchemist Bought/Acquired: For 3500 Gil, after the first shop upgrade. Sale Price: 1750 Gil Druid Mace (ドルイドメイス) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 33 Effects: MA +3, MD +5 Abilities: * Blind (ブライン) 100 AP - Sage * Poison (ポイズン) 100 AP - Alchemist Bought/Acquired: For 6000 Gil, after the first shop upgrade. Sale Price: 3000 Gil Sages' Khakkhara (賢者の錫杖) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 31 Effects: MA +8, MD +8 Abilities: * Astra (アストラ) 200 AP - Alchemist Bought/Acquired: For 9000 Gil, after the first shop upgrade. Sale Price: 4500 Gil Morning Star (モーニングスター) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 33 Effects: MA +2, MD +5 Abilities: * Magical Power UP (魔法のつよさUP) 300 AP - Alchemist Bought/Acquired: Random reward for completing a Quest. Sale Price: 1300 Gil Mandragora Root (マンドラゴラの根) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 37 Effects: Inflicts Earth elemental damage. MA +2, MD +5. Absorbs Earth elemental damage and cancels Poison. Abilities: * Bio (バイオ) 300 AP - Sage * Toad (トード) 200 AP - Alchemist Bought/Acquired: Random reward for completing a Quest. Sale Price: 2000 Gil Life Khakkhara (生命の錫杖) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 35 Effects: MA +2, MD +10, Abilities: * Maraise (マレイズ) 300 AP - Sage * Death (デス) 200 AP - Alchemist Bought/Acquired: Random reward for completing a Quest. Sale Price: 6000 Gil Crimson Mace (紅蓮のメイス) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 37 Effects: Inflicts Fire elemental damage. MA +2, MD +5. Strengthens Fire elemental damage. Abilities: * Giga Flare (ギガフレア) 300 AP - Sage * Flare (フレア) 300 AP - Alchemist Bought/Acquired: Random reward for completing a Quest. Sale Price: 8000 Gil Scorpion Tail (サソリのしっぽ) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 38 Effects: MA +2, MD +5 Abilities: * Meteo (メテオ) 300 AP - Alchemist Bought/Acquired: Random reward for completing a Quest. Sale Price: 10000 Gil Mace of Zeus (メイスオブセウス) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 15 Effects: Inflicts Holy elemental damage. MA +5, MD +5. Strengthens Holy elemental damage. Abilities: * Ultima Blow (アルテマブロウ) 999 AP - Sage Bought/Acquired: Steal (hidden) from Alchemist in "Hourglass of Gold (014)", and reward for a "Plain-Plain-Mountain-Mountain" Treasure Hunt. Sale Price: 500 Gil Mythril Mace (ミスリルメイス) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 32 Effects: MA +2, MD +5, Jump +1 Abilities: * Alchemy Combo (錬金コンボ) 100 AP - Alchemist * Sage Combo (賢コンボ) 100 AP - sage Bought/Acquired: Reward for completing a random Clan encounter. Sale Price: 2000 Gil Cactus Sack (サボテンサック) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 62 Effects: MA +2, MD +5 Abilities: - Bought/Acquired: Prize for reaching Magic Skill L40, and reward for a "Forest-Forest-Plain-Plain" Treasure Hunt. Sale Price: 500 Gil Vesper (ウエスペル) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 39 Effects: MA +2, MD +5 Abilities: - Bought/Acquired: Reward for clearing "I'm Watching You Cont. (050)". Sale Price: 500 Gil B O W S ********* Bows which require both hands to fire arrows at a range of 5-7 panels. Can only be used by Archers. Long Bow (ロングボウ) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 19 Range: 5 Abilities: * Accumulate (ためる) 100 AP - Archer Bought/Acquired: For 300 Gil Sale Price: 150 Gil Carbon Bow (カーボンボウ) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 21 Range: 5 Abilities: * Black Out (ブラックアウト) 200 AP - Archer Bought/Acquired: For 700 Gil, and a random reward for completing a Quest. Sale Price: 350 Gil Spike Bow (スパイクボウ) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 25 Range: 5 Abilities: Aim at Foot (足を狙う) 200 AP - Archer Bought/Acquired: For 1500 Gil, and a random reward for completing a Quest. Sale Price: 750 Gil Nail Bow (ネイルボウ) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 29 Range: 5 Abilities: * Aim at Arm (腕を狙う) 200 AP - Archer Bought/Acquired: For 4000 Gil, after the second shop upgrade. Sale Price: 2000 Gil Silver Bow (銀の弓) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 23 Range: 6 Abilities: * Ascension (不死昇天) 300 AP - Archer Bought/Acquired: For 2500 Gil, after the first shop upgrade. Sale Price: 1250 Gil Artemis' Bow (アルテミスの弓) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 27 Range: 7 Abilities: * Shoot thru Heart (ハートを射抜く) 200 AP - Archer Bought/Acquired: Random reward for completing a Quest. Sale Price: 500 Gil Yoichi's Bow (与一の弓) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 33 Range: 5 Abilities: * Lock-On (狙い定める) 300 AP - Archer Bought/Acquired: Random reward for completing a Quest, and a prize for reaching Pursuit Skill L5. Sale Price: 1500 Gil Target Bow (ターゲットボウ -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 35 Range: 5 Effects: Evade +5 Abilities: * Concentrate (精神統一) 300 AP - Archer Bought/Acquired: Random reward for completing a Quest. Sale Price: 3000 Gil Perseus' Bow (ペルセウスの弓) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 42 Range: 6 Effects: Evade +2 Abilities: * Fast Boost (ファストブースト) 300 AP - Archer Bought/Acquired: Random reward for completing a Quest, and reward for "Desert-Desert-Jagd-Jagd" Treasure Hunt. Sale Price: 5000 Gil Mythril Bow (ミスリルボウ) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 32 Range: 5 Effects: Jump +1 Abilities: * Bow Combo (弓コンボ) 100 AP - Archer Bought/Acquired: Reward for completing a random Clan encounter. Sale Price: 2000 Gil Crescent Will (クレセントウィル) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 45 Range: 5 Abilities: - Bought/Acquired: Reward for clearing "Moon of the Dead (274)" Sale Price: 500 Gil Marlbow (モルボウ) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 55 Range: 5 Abilities: - Bought/Acquired: Reward for clearing "Carrot (095)" Sale Price: 500 Gil S T R O N G B O W S ********************** Hardy bows and crossbows which require both hands to fire arrows at a range of 5-7 panels. Can only be used by Hunters, Snipers and Assassins. Wind Slash Bow (風斬りの弓) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 25 Range: 5 Effects: Inflicts Wind elemental damage. Evade +2 Abilities: * Drive Away (追い払う) 200 AP - Hunter * Ambush (潜伏) 100 AP - Sniper Bought/Acquired: For 3000 Gil, after the first shop upgrade. Sale Price: 1500 Gil Hunter's Bow (狩人の弓) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 23 Range: 5 Effects: Inflicts Earth elemental damage Abilities: * Capture (生け捕る) 200 AP - Hunter * Fever (悪寒) 200 AP - Assassin Bought/Acquired: For 2000 Gil, after the first shop upgrade. Sale Price: 1000 Gil Cranequin (クレインクイン) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 29 Range: 5 Abilities: * Sonic Boom (ソニックブーム) 200 AP - Hunter * Poison Baise (ポワゾンベーゼ) 200 AP - Assassin Bought/Acquired: For 5000 Gil, after the first shop upgrade. Sale Price: 2500 Gil Twin Bow (ツインボウ) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 31 Range: 5 Abilities: * Advice (助言) 100 AP - Hunter * Rapid-Fire (連射) 300 AP - Snipers Bought/Acquired: For 8000 Gil, after the second shop upgrade, and a random reward for completing a Quest. Sale Price: 4000 Gil Hunting Bow (ハンティングボウ) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 33 Range: 5 Abilities: * Hunting (ハンティング) 300 AP - Hunter * Aim at Wallet (サイフを狙う) 300 AP - Sniper Bought/Acquired: From Muscadet for 40000 Gil, after freeing 21 territories. Sale Price: 500 Gil Elven Bow (エルブンボウ) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 31 Range: 6 Effects: Inflicts Wind elemental damage. Evade +2 Abilities: * Aim at Weak Spot (急所を狙う) 300 AP - Hunter * Aim at Armour (アーマーを狙う) 300 AP - Sniper * Shadow Stitch (影縫い) 200 AP - Assassin Bought/Acquired: Random reward for completing a Quest. Sale Price: 2000 Gil Hades' Bow (ハデスの弓) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 33 Range: 5 Effects: Dark elemental damage. Abilities: * Sidewinder (サイドワインダー) 300 AP - Hunter * Death Sickle (デスシックル) 300 AP - Sniper Bought/Acquired: Random reward for completing a Quest, and a prize for reaching Pursuit Skill L15. Sale Price: 5000 Gil Nikes' Bow (ニケの弓) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 37 Range: 5 Effects: Inflicts Thunder elemental damage. DEF +5 Abilities: * Weapon Attack UP (武器こうげきUP) 300 AP - Hunter Bought/Acquired: Random reward for completing a Quest. Sale Price: 7000 Gil Master Bow (マスターボウ) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 41 Range: 5 Effects: Evade +2 Abilities: * Counter Force (カウンタフォース) 200 AP - Hunter * Aim at Weapon (ウェポンを狙う) 300 AP - Sniper Bought/Acquired: Random reward for completing a Quest. Sale Price: 10000 Gil Max's Magic Bow (マクスの魔弓) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 61 Range: 6 Effects: Inflicts Dark elemental damage. MA +2 Abilities: * Magic Bullets (魔弾の射手) 300 AP - Sniper Bought/Acquired: Prize for reaching Pursuit Skill L40. Sale Price: 500 Gil Seventh Heaven (セブンスヘブン) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 15 Range: 5 Effects: Inflicts Holy elemental damage. Evade +5 Abilities: * Ultima Shot (アルテマショット) 999 AP - Hunter Bought/Acquired: From Vakuba for 23000 Gil, after freeing 25 territories. Sale Price: 500 Gil Mythril Shot (ミスリルショット) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 32 Range: 5 Effects: Jump +1 Abilities: * Hunt Combo (狩りコンボ) 100 AP - Hunter * Snipe Combo (狙撃コンボ) 100 AP - Sniper Bought/Acquired: Reward for completing a random Clan encounter. Sale Price: 2000 Gil Marduk (マルデゥーク) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 39 Range: 7 Abilities: - Bought/Acquired: Reward for clearing "Splendor of Winter (275)". Sale Price: 500 Gil Gastraphetes (ガストラフェテス) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 51 Range: 7 Abilities: - Bought/Acquired: Reward for a "Plain-Plain-Plain" Treasure Hunt Sale Price: 500 Gil Arbalest (アルバレスト) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 42 Range: 5 Effects: Inflicts Earth elemental damage. Abilities: - Bought/Acquired: Reward for clearing "Bread Lover (276)" Sale Price: 500 Gil S P E A R S ************* Poles with a sharp tip used for skewering foes at a range of 2 panels. Can only be use by Dragon Knights and Palace Knights. Javelin (ジャベリン) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 31 Abilities: * War Cry (雄たけび) 300 AP - Palace Knight * Jump (ジャンプ) 100 AP - Dragon Knight Bought/Acquired: For 3000 Gil, after the first shop upgrade, and a random reward for completing a Quest. Sale Price: 1500 Gil Lava Spear (ラバースピア) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 33 Effects: Inflicts Fire elemental damage. Abilities: * Fire Breath (ファイアブレス) 300 AP - Dragon Knight Bought/Acquired: For 5000 Gil, after the first shop upgrade, and a random reward for completing a Quest. Sale Price: 2500 Gil Gae Bolg (ゲイボルグ) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 39 Effects: Inflicts Thunder elemental damage. Abilities: * Thunder Breath (サンダーブレス) 300 AP - Dragon Knight Bought/Acquired: For 14000 Gil, after the second shop upgrade. Sale Price: 7000 Gil Ice Lance (アイスランス) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 35 Effects: Inflicts Ice elemental damage. Abilities: * Ice Breath (アイスブレス) 300 AP - Dragon Knight Bought/Acquired: For 8000 Gil, after the first shop upgrade. Sale Price: 4000 Gil Partisan (パルチザン) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 42 Effects: Jump +1 Abilities: * Clear Mind (気を練る) 100 AP - Palace Knight Bought/Acquired: For 10000 Gil, after the first shop upgrade, and a random reward for completing a Quest. Sale Price: 5000 Gil Lance of Kain (ランスオブカイン) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 47 Effects: Jump +1 Abilities: * Lifebreak (ライフブレイク) 300 AP - Palace Knight Bought/Acquired: Random reward for completing a Quest, and a prize for reaching Combat Skill L20. Sale Price: 3000 Gil Trident (トライデント) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 50 Effects: MA +2, Jump +1 Abilities: * Weapon Attack UP (武器こうげきUP) 300 AP - Palace Knight Bought/Acquired: Random reward for completing a Quest, and a prize for reaching Combat Skill L25. Sale Price: 6000 Gil Dragon Whisker (竜の髭) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 45 Effects: Jump +1 Abilities: * Banga Breath (バンガブレス) 200 AP - Dragon Knight Bought/Acquired: For 18000 Gil, after the second shop upgrade. Sale Price: 9000 Gil Mythril Spear (ミスリルスピル) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 32 Effects: Jump +2 Abilities: * Dragon Knight Combo (竜騎士コンボ) 100 AP - Dragon Knight Bought/Acquired: Reward for completing a random Clan encounter. Sale Price: 2000 Gil Odin Lance (オーディンランス) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 55 Abilities: - Bought/Acquired: Reward for clearing "Night of Thunder (292)" Sale Price: 500 Gil Rock Beasts' Spear (岩獣の槍) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 51 Effects: DEF +10 Abilities: - Bought/Acquired: Reward for clearing "Allied Front with Ritz (107)", and reward for a "Plain-Plain-Desert-Desert" Treasure Hunt. Sale Price: 500 Gil Banga Javelin (バンガジャベリン) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 53 Effects: DEF +5, MA +2, MD +5 Abilities: - Bought/Acquired: Reward for clearing "Remember the Talent (277)". Sale Price: 500 Gil M U S I C A L I N S T R U M E N T S ************************************** Mystical instruments which produce music that really speaks to living beings. Can only be used by Monster Tamers and Animal Trainers. Demon Bell (子鬼のベル) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 22 Abilities: * Goblin (ゴブリン) 200AP - Monster Tamer * Pudding (プリン) 200 AP - Monster Tamer * Bomb (ボム) 200 AP - Monster Tamer Bought/Acquired: For 400 Gil Sale Price: 200 Gil Glass Bell (ガラスの鐘) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 25 Effects: MD +1. Cancels Sleep. Abilities: Lamia (ラミア) 200 AP - Monster Tamer Pudding (プリン) 200 AP - Monster Tamer 100 Sheep (羊が100匹) 100 AP - Animal Trainer Bought/Acquired: For 1000Gil Sale Price: 500 Gil Assault Trumpet (突撃ラッパ) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 25 Effects: Evade +1 Abilities: * Panther (パンサー) 200AP - Monster Tamer * Goblin (ゴブリン) 200 AP - Monster Tamer * Catnip (またたび) 100 AP - Animal Trainer Bought/Acquired: For 1700 Gil Sale Price: 850 Gil Conch Shell (法螺貝) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 31 Effects: DEF +2 Abilities: * Rock Beast (岩獣) 200 AP - Monster Tamer Bought/Acquired: For 3000 Gil, after the first shop upgrade, and a random reward for completing a Quest. Sale Price: 1500 Gil Earth Bell (大地のベル) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 31 Effects: Inflicts Earth elemental damage. DEF +3. Absorbs Earth elemental damage. Abilities: * Dragon (ドラゴン) 200 AP - Monster Tamer * Wool 100% (ウール100%) 200 AP - Animal Trainer Bought/Acquired: For 5000 Gil, after the first shop upgrade. Sale Price: 2500 Gil Black Quena (ブラックケーナ) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 33 Effects: Inflicts Dark elemental damage. DEF +2 Abilities: * Float-Eyeball (フロータイボール) 200 AP - Monster Tamer * Darksiders (闇の者) 200 AP - Monster Tamer Bought/Acquired: For 7000 Gil, after the first shop upgrade, and a random reward for completing a Quest. Sale Price: 3500 Gil Satyros' Horn (サテュロスの笛) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 35 Effects: Evade +1. Cancels Charm. Abilities: * Chocobo Stampede (チョコボの暴走) 300 AP - Animal Trainer Bought/Acquired: For 10000 Gil, after the first shop upgrade. Sale Price: 5000 Gil Fairy Harp (妖精のハープ) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 29 Effects: MA +2 Abilities: * Fairy (妖精) 200 AP - Monster Tamer * Bug (昆虫) 200 AP - Monster Tamer * Tail Wag (しっぽを振る) 200 AP - Animal Trainer Bought/Acquired: Random reward for completing a Quest. Sale Price: 1000 Gil Spring Flute (青葉の笛) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 32 Effects: MD +2. Cancels Poison. Abilities: * Marlboro (モルボル) 200 AP - Monster Tamer * Bomb (ボム) 200 AP - Monster Tamer * Frog Song (カエルの歌) 200 AP - Animal Trainer Bought/Acquired: Random reward for completing a Quest. Sale Price: 4000 Gil Healing Bell (ヒーリングベル) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 39 Effects: Inflicts Holy elemental damage. Evade +1. Cancels Death Sentence. Abilities: * Cook Away (さばいて調理) 200 AP - Animal Trainer Bought/Acquired: Random reward for completing a Quest, and a prize for reaching Labour Skill L15. Sale Price: 8000 Gil 12 Bloody Strings (血の十二弦) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 22 Effects: Absorb targets HP. Evade +1 Abilities: * Tonberry (トンベリ) 200 AP - Monster Tamer * Meet my Friends (友達の紹介) 300 AP - Animal Trainer Bought/Acquired: Random reward for completing a Quest, and a prize for reaching Labour Skill L25. Sale Price: 10000 Gil Mythril Bell (ミスリルベル) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 32 Effects: Jump +1 Abilities: * Monster Combo (魔獣コンボ) 100 AP - Monster Tamer * Animal Combo (動物コンボ) 100 AP - Animal Trainer Bought/Acquired: Reward for completing a random Clan encounter. Sale Price: 2000 Gil Dark Fiddle (闇のフィドル) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 45 Effects: Inflicts Dark elemental damage. Cancels Silence. Abilities: - Bought/Acquired: Reward for clearing "Song of the Minstrel (293)" Sale Price: 500 Gil Death Castanet (死のカスタネット) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 47 Effects: Inflicts Dark elemental damage. Abilities: Bought/Acquired: Reward for clearing "Rhythm of the Dark Night (278)" Sale Price: 500 Gil K N U C K L E S ***************** Gloves, claws and brass knuckles used to cause more damage with hand combat. Can only be used by White Monks and Gadgeteers. Metal Knuckle (メタルナックル) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 29 Effects: Evade +1 Abilities: * Spinning Fist (裏回し拳) 100 AP - White Monk * Silver Disc (銀の円盤) 200 AP - Gadgeteer Bought/Acquired: For500 Gil Sale Price: 250 Gil Rising Sun (ライジングサン) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 31 Effects: Fire elemental damage. Evade +1 Abilities: * Hajya (破邪) 300 AP - White Monk * Red Spring (赤いゼンマイ) 200 AP - Gadgeteer Bought/Acquired: For 1000 Gil Sale Price: 500 Gil Poison Knuckle (ポイズンナックル) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 35 Effects: Evade +1 Abilities: * Green Gear (緑の歯車) 200 AP - Gadgeteer Bought/Acquired: For 1000 Gil Sale Price: 1000 Gil Sleep Claw (眠りの爪) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 39 Effects: Evade +1 Abilities: * Rainbow Magnet (虹色の磁石) 200 AP - Gadgeteer Bought/Acquired: For 3000 Gil Sale Price:1600 Gil Kaiser Knuckle (カイザーナックル) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 42 Effects: Evade +1 Abilities: * Kuhazan (空破斬) 200 AP - White Monk Bought/Acquired: For 5700 Gil, after the first shop upgrade, and a random reward for completing a Quest. Sale Price: 2850 Gil Cat Claw (猫の爪) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 35 Effects: Speed +2, Evade +1 Abilities: * Chakra (チャクラ) 200 AP - White Monk * Golden Battery (金の電池) 200 AP - Gadgeteer Bought/Acquired: Random reward for completing a Quest. Sale Price: 1500 Gil Surviver (サバイバー) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 37 Effects: DEF +2, Evade +2 Abilities: * Revive (蘇生) 300 AP - White Monk * Yellow Coil (黄色いバネ) 200 AP - Gadgeteer Bought/Acquired: Random reward for completing a Quest. Sale Price: 2000 Gil White Fang (ホワイトファング) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 39 Effects: Inflicts Ice elemental damage. Evade +1 Abilities: * Holy Seal (聖印) 200 AP - White Monk * Blue Screw (青いネジ) 200 AP - Gadgeteer Bought/Acquired: Random reward for completing a Quest, and a prize for reaching Collection Skill L20. Sale Price: 4000 Gil God Hand (ゴッドハンド) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 39 Effects: Inflicts Holy elemental damage. MA +3, Speed +1, Evade +5 Abilities: * Hadogeki (波動撃) 200 AP - White Monk Bought/Acquired: Random reward for completing a Quest. Sale Price: 6000 Gil Tiger Fang (タイガーファング) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 41 Effects: Inflicts Thunder elemental damage. Evade +2 Abilities: * Chiretsuzan (地裂斬) 200 AP - White Monk Bought/Acquired: Random reward for completing a Quest, and a prize for reaching Collection Skill L25. Sale Price: 8000 Gil Death Claw (デスクロー) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 43 Effects: Inflicts Dark elemental damage. Evade +1 Abilities: * Black Chip (黒い塊) 200 AP - Gadgeteer Bought/Acquired: Random reward for completing a Quest, and reward for a "Mountain-Mountain-Wetlands-Wetlands" Treasure Hunt. Sale Price: 10000 Gil Mythril Claw (ミスリルクロー) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 32 Effects: Jump +1, Evade +1 Abilities: * Monk Combo (モンクコンボ) 100 AP- White Monk * Pandora Combo (パンドラコンボ) 100 AP - Gadgeteer Bought/Acquired: Reward for completing a random Clan encounter. Sale Price: 2000 Gil Gresburst (グレスバースト) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 59 Effects: Evade +1 Abilities: - Bought/Acquired: Prize for reaching Collection Skill L40. Sale Price: 500 Gil Magic Hand (マジックハンド) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 52 Effects: Evade +1 Abilities: - Bought/Acquired: Reward for clearing "Rustic Celebration (279)" Sale Price: 500 Gil S O U L S *********** Orbs which are embedded with the souls of captured monsters. Can only be used by Doppelgangers. Goblin Soul (ゴブリンソウル) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 32 Effects: MA +2, Evade +1. Halves Ice elemental damage. Abilities: * Goblin (ゴブリン) 200 AP - Doppelganger Bought/Acquired: Successfully "Capture" a Goblin. Sale Price: 700 Gil Pudding Soul (プリンソウル) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 34 Effects: DEF +34, MA +10, MD +2. Halves Thunder elemental damage. Abilities: * Pudding (プリン) 200 AP - Doppelganger Bought/Acquired: Successfully "Capture" a Pudding. Sale Price: 1000 Gil Bomb Soul (ボムソウル) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 36 Effects: Inflicts Fire elemental damage. MD +2. Halves Fire elemental damage. Abilities: * Bomb (ボム) 200 AP - Doppelganger Bought/Acquired: Successfully "Capture" a Bomb. Sale Price: 1200 Gil Dragon Soul (ドラゴンソウル) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 43 Effects: DEF +5, MA +2. Absorb Earth elemental damage. Abilities: * Dragon (ドラゴン) 200 AP - Doppelganger Bought/Acquired: Successfully "Capture" a Dragon. Sale Price: 2000 Gil Lamia Soul (ラミアソウル) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 41 Effects: Inflicts Water elemental damage. MA +2. Cancels Sleep. Abilities: * Lamia (ラミア) 200 AP - Doppelganger Bought/Acquired: Successfully "Capture" a Lamia. Sale Price: 1500 Gil Bug's Soul (バグズソウル) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 39 Effects: Inflicts Earth elemental damage. DEF +2, MA +2. Cancels Darkness. Abilities: * Bug (昆虫) 200 AP - Doppelganger Bought/Acquired: Successfully "Capture" a Bug. Sale Price: 1300 Gil Panther Soul (パンサーソウル) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 39 Effects: MA +2, Evade +2. Cancels Berserk. Abilities: * Panther (パンサー) 200 AP - Doppelganger Bought/Acquired: Successfully "Capture" a Panther. Sale Price: 2000 Gil Marlboro Soul (モルボルソウル) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Attack Power: 47 Effects: MA +2, MD +2. Cancels Poison. Abilities: * Marlboro (モルボル) 200 AP - Doppelganger Bought/Acquired: Successfully "Capture" a Marlboro. Sale Price: 3000 Gil Gaze Soul (ゲイズソウル) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 45 Effects: Inflicts Dark elemental damage. MA +2. Cancels Death Sentence. Abilities: * Float-Eyeball (フロータイボール) 200 AP - Doppelganger Bought/Acquired: Successfully "Capture" a Float-Eyeball. Sale Price: 1400 Gil Mythril Soul (ミスリルソウル) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 32 Effects: MA +2, Jump +1 Abilities: * Metamorph Combo (めたもるコンボ) 100 AP - Doppelganger Bought/Acquired: Reward for completing a random Clan encounter. Sale Price: 2000 Gil Dread Soul (ドレッドソウル) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 49 Effects: MA +2 Abilities: - Bought/Acquired: Reward for clearing "Final Fight (086)". Sale Price: 500 Gil Lucavi Soul (ルカヴァソウル) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 67 Effects: MA +2 Abilities: - Bought/Acquired: Reward for clearing "Berbenia Liberation Battle (087)" Sale Price: 500 Gil G U N S ********* Pistols which can fire bullets at a range of 7-9 panels. Can only be used by Gunners. Aiat Gun (アイアット銃) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 27 Range: 8 Abilities: Fire Shot (ファイ弾) 100 AP - Gunner Bought/Acquired: For 2000 Gil Sale Price: 1000 Gil Silver Bullet Gun (銀玉鉄砲) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 31 Range: 7 Abilities: * Blind Shot (ブライン弾) 100 AP - Gunner Bought/Acquired: For 3000 Gil, after the first shop upgrade. Sale Price: 1500 Gil Raiat Gun (ライアット銃) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 31 Range: 8 Abilities: * Thunder Shot (サンダ弾) 100 AP - Gunner Bought/Acquired: For 5000 Gil, after the second shop upgrade. Sale Price: 2500 Gil Chaos Rifle (カオスライフル) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 33 Range: 8 Abilities: * Confuse Shot (コンフュ弾) 200 AP - Gunner Bought/Acquired: For 8000 Gil, after the second shop upgrade. Sale Price: 4000 Gil Lost Gun (ロストガン) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 31 Range: 8 Abilities: * Silence Shot (サイレス弾) 200 AP - Gunner Bought/Acquired: Random reward for completing a Quest. Sale Price: 1200 Gil Peacemaker (ピースメーカー) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 33 Range: 8 Abilities: * Charm Shot (チャーム弾) 300 AP - Gunner Bought/Acquired: Random reward for completing a Quest. Sale Price: 2000 Gil Gaiat Gun (ガイアット銃) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 37 Range: 8 Abilities: * Blizzard Shot (ブリザ弾) 100 AP - Gunner Bought/Acquired: Random reward for completing a Quest, and a prize for reaching Analysis Skill L15. Sale Price: 3000 Gil Long Barrel (ロングバレル) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 39 Range: 8 Abilities: * Concentrate (精神統一) 300 AP - Gunner Bought/Acquired: Random reward for completing a Quest, and a prize for reaching Analysis Skill L25. Sale Price: 6000 Gil Outsider (アウトサイダー) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 41 Range: 9 Abilities: * Stop Shot (ストップ弾) 300 AP - Gunner Bought/Acquired: Random reward for completing a Quest. Sale Price: 8000 Gil Mythril Gun (ミスリルガン) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 32 Range: 8 Effects: Jump +1 Abilities: * Shooting Combo (銃撃コンボ) 100 AP - Gunner Bought/Acquired: Reward for completing a random Clan encounter. Sale Price: 2000 Gil Bind Snipe (バインドスナイプ) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 47 Range: 8 Abilities: - Bought/Acquired: Reward for clearing "Gun of One Thousand (294)" Sale Price: 500 Gil Summon Gun (召喚銃) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Attack Power: 59 Range: 8 Abilities: - Bought/Acquired: Reward for clearing "Gun with Beasts (284)" Sale Price: 500 Gil ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ iv)Shields ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Shields used to deflect and evade attacks Can only used by Soldiers, Paladins, Warriors, Sages, Fencers and Moogle Knights. Bronze Shield (ブロンズシールド) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Effects: MD +2, Evade +4 Abilities: * Equip Shield (盾装備可能) 300 AP - Soldier/Warrior/Fencer Bought/Acquired: For 400 Gil Sale Price: 200 Gil Round Shield (ラウンドシールド) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Effects: MD +4, Evade +5 Abilities: * Equip Shield (盾装備可能) 300 AP - Sage/Fencer/Moogle Knight Bought/Acquired: For 1000 Gil, after the first shop upgrade, and a random reward for "Mixed" Treasure Hunts. Sale Price: 500 Gil Platinum Shield (プラチナシールド) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Effects: DEF+ 2, MD +6, Evade +7 Abilities: * Equip Shield (盾装備可能) 300 AP - Soldier/Warrior/Moogle Knight Bought/Acquired: For 2000 Gil, after the second shop upgrade. Sale Price: 1000 Gil Ice Shield (アイスシールド) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Effects: MD +6, Evade +9. Absorbs Ice, halves Fire, and is weak against Thunder elemental damage. Abilities: - Bought/Acquired: Random reward for completing a Quest, and a random reward for "Mixed" Treasure Hunts. Sale Price: 1500 Gil Flame Shield (フレイムシールド) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Effects: MD +6, Evade +9. Absorbs Fire, halves Ice, and is weak against Water elemental damage. Abilities: - Bought/Acquired: Random reward for completing a Quest, and a random reward for "Mixed" Treasure Hunts. Sale Price: 1500 Gil Aegis Shield (イージスの盾) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Effects: DEF +5, MD +5, Evade +10. Cancels Stone. Abilities: - Bought/Acquired: Random reward for completing a Quest, and a prize for reaching Analysis Skill L20. Sale Price: 3000 Gil Genji Shield (源氏の盾) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Effects: DEF +10, MD +7, Evade +10 Abilities: - Bought/Acquired: Steal from various units throughout the game, and reward for a "Town-Town-Cave-Cave" Treasure Hunt. Sale Price: 500 Gil Holy Knight Shield (聖騎士の盾) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Effects: DEF +5, MD +5, Evade +10. Cancels Zombie, Darkness, Silence, Frog, Poison, Slow, Don't Move, Don't Act and Death Sentence. Abilities: - Bought/Acquired: Random reward for completing a Quest. Sale Price: 6000 Gil Shield of the Four Gods (四神の盾) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Effects: MD +10, Evade +7 Abilities: - Bought/Acquired: Reward for clearing "Last Day of the Borzoy (073)". Sale Price: 500 Gil Chocobo Shield (チョコボシールド) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Effects: Evade +10 Abilities: - Bought/Acquired: Reward for clearing "Cyril Liberation Front (194)". Sale Price: 500 Gil La Serafica (ラ・セラフィカ) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Effects: MD +5, Evade +15 Abilities: - Bought/Acquired: Prize for reaching Analysis Skill L40. Sale Price: 500 Gil Lovely Shield (レバリーシールド) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Effects: DEF +5, MD +10, Evade +10 Abilities: - Bought/Acquired: Reward for clearing "Don't Look (280)". Sale Price: 500 Gil ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ v)Accessories ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ S H O E S *********** Footwear that effects mobility, and may provide the wearer with 'Movement Abilities". Can be worn by any Job. Battle Boots (バトルブーツ) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Effects: DEF +7 Abilities: - Bought/Acquired: For 1000 Gil, and a random reward for completing a Quest. Sale Price: 500 Gil Spike Shoes (スパイシューズ) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Effects: DEF +4, Jump +1 Abilities: - Bought/Acquired: For 1500 Gil, after the second shop upgrade, a random reward for completing a Quest, and a random reward for "Mixed" Treasure Hunts. Sale Price: 750 Gil DASHoes (ダッシューズ) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Effects: DEF +2, Move +1 Abilities: - Bought/Acquired: For 2000 Gil, after the second shop upgrade. Sale Price: 1000 Gil Red Shoes (赤い靴) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Effects: DEF +3, MD +5, Evade +2 Abilities: - Bought/Acquired: Random reward for completing a Quest, and reward for a "Town-Town" Treasure Hunt Sale Price: 2000 Gil Feather Boots (フェザーブーツ) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Effects: DEF +3, and "Walk over Water". Abilities: - Bought/Acquired: Random reward for completing a Quest. Sale Price: 3000 Gil Germinas Boots (ゲルミナスブーツ) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Effects: DEF +3, Jump +2 Abilities: - Bought/Acquired: Random reward for completing a Quest. Sale Price: 4000 Gil Galmia Shoes (ガリミアの靴) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Effects: DEF +3, "Ignore Height" and "Can't Enter Water". Abilities: - Bought/Acquired: Reward for a "Desert-Desert-Desert" Treasure Hunt Sale Price: 45000 Gil Fairy Shoes (妖精の靴) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Effects: DEF +3, MD +2, and "Teleport". Abilities: - Bought/Acquired: Random reward for completing a Quest. Sale Price: 6000 Gil Gaius Caliga (ガイウスカリグ) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Effects: DEF +7 Abilities: - Bought/Acquired: Prize for reaching Labour Skill L45, and a reward for a "Mountain-Mountain-Mountain-Mountain" Treasure Hunt. Sale Price: 500 Gil Shinobi Tabi (忍び足袋) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Effects: DEF +3, Move +2 Abilities: - Bought/Acquired: Reward for clearing "Pandemonium (096)" Sale Price: 500 Gil G L O V E S ************* Gloves and gauntlets that increase both attack and defense. Can be worn by any Job. Gauntlet (ガントレット) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Effects: WA +5, DEF +5 Abilities: - Bought/Acquired: For 2000 Gil, and a random reward for "Mixed" Treasure Hunts. Sale Price: 1000 Gil Thief Glove (盗賊の小手) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Effects: WA +3, DEF +3, "Steal Probability Up". Abilities: - Bought/Acquired: Random reward for completing a Quest, and a prize for reaching Analysis Skill L12. Sale Price: 1500 Gil Bracer (ブレイサー) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Effects: WA +5, DEF +12 Abilities: - Bought/Acquired: From Sprohm for 15000 Gil, after freeing 20 territories, and reward for a "Mountain-Mountain-Cave-Cave" Treasure Hunt. Sale Price: 500 Gil Genji Glove (源氏の小手) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Effects: WA +5, DEF +10, MA +2, MD +5 Abilities: - Bought/Acquired: Reward for "Wetlands-Wetlands-Jagd-Jagd" Treasure Hunt. Sale Price: 500 Gil Fire-Proof Glove (防炎グラブ) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Effects: DEF +8, MD +10. Nullifies Fire elemental damage. Abilities: - Bought/Acquired: Reward for clearing "Quick Rainbow (283)" Sale Price: 500 Gil Bone Gauntlet (獣骨の手甲) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Effects: WA +3, DEF +6, MD +8, Evade +5 Abilities: - Bought/Acquired: Prize for reaching Analysis Skill L30. Sale Price: 500 Gil A C C E S S O R I E S *********************** Charms, jewels and rings which protect the wearer from various status abnormalities. Can be worn by any Job. Protect Ring (まもりの指輪) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Effects: DEF +3, MD +5. Cancels Sleep and Death Sentence. Abilities: - Bought/Acquired: For 10000 Gil, after the second shop upgrade, and a random reward for completing a Quest, and a random reward for "Mixed" Treasure Hunts. Sale Price: 5000 Gil Magical Ring (魔法のリング) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Effects: MA +3, MD +10 Abilities: - Bought/Acquired: Random reward for completing a Quest, and a random reward for "Mixed" Treasure Hunts. Sale Price: 1200 Gil Angel Ring (天使の指輪) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Effects: Auto-Reraise. Cancels Zombie, Darkness, Silence, Frog, Poison, Slow, Don't Move, Don't Act, Death Sentence, Abilities: - Bought/Acquired: Prize for reaching Labour Skill L20. Sale Price: 1700 Gil Scarab Charm (タマムシ守り) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Effects: DEF +2, MD +8. Cancels Don't Move, Don't Act and Frog. Abilities: - Bought/Acquired: For 10000 Gil, after the second shop upgrade, a random reward for completing a Quest, a prize for reaching Labour Skill L5, and a reward for a "Wetlands-Wetlands" Treasure Hunt. Sale Price: 5000 Gil Ruby Earrings (ルビーピアス) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Effects: DEF +3, MD +6. Cancels Confuse and Charm, and halves Dark elemental magic, and a reward for a "Desert-Desert" Treasure Hunt. Abilities: - Bought/Acquired: Prize for reaching Labour Skill L10. Sale Price: 3000 Gil Stary Sky Ring (星天の指輪) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Effects: DEF +4, MA +6, MD +4, Speed +2. Cancels Stop and Slow. Abilities: - Bought/Acquired: From Cadoan for 15000 Gil, after freeing 15 territories. Sale Price: 500 Gil Ming-Wu's Jewel (ミンウの宝玉) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Effects: DEF +3, MD +3. Cancels Stone, Frog, Confuse, Poison, Darkness and Silence, and halves Thunder elemental damage. Abilities: - Bought/Acquired: Reward for "Desert-Desert-Desert-Desert" and "Wetlands-Wetlands-Cave-Cave" Treasure Hunts. Sale Price: 500 Gil ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ vi)Items ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Used to recover HP/MP or to purge negative status ailments. They are used with the 'Item (アイテム)' skillset which can be equipped as a secondary ability, or innately by Alchemists. Potion (ポーション) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Effects: Restores 25 HP. Bought/Acquired: For 50 Gil. Sale Price: 25 Gil Hi-Potion (ハイポーション) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Effects: Restores 50 HP. Bought/Acquired: For 200 Gil, a prize for reaching Analysis Skill L3, and a random reward for "Mixed" Treasure Hunts. Sale Price: 100 Gil X-Potion (エクスポーション) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Effects: Restores 150 HP. Bought/Acquired: For 700 Gil, and a prize for reaching Analysis Skill L7. Sale Price: 350 Gil Ether (エーテル) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Effects: Restores MP. Bought/Acquired: Prize for reaching Collection Skill L15, a reward for completing a random Clan encounter, and a random reward for "Mixed" Treasure Hunts. Sale Price: 350 Gil Elixir (エリクサー) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Effects: Restores all HP and MP. Bought/Acquired: From Cyril for 20000 Gil, after freeing all territories. Sale Price: 350 Gil Antidote (毒消し) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Effects: Purges Poison status abnormality. Bought/Acquired: For 50 Gil. Sale Price: 25 Gil Eye Drops (目薬) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Effects: Purges Darkness status abnormality. Bought/Acquired: For 50 Gil. Sale Price: 25 Gil Echo Grass (やまびこ草) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Effects: Purges Silence status abnormality. Bought/Acquired: For 50 Gil. Sale Price: 25 Gil Maiden's Kiss (乙女のキッズ) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Effects: Purges Frog status abnormality. Bought/Acquired: For 50 Gil. Sale Price: 25 Gil Golden Pin (金の針) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Effects: Purges Petrify status abnormality. Bought/Acquired: For 100 Gil, and a random reward for "Mixed" Treasure Hunts. Sale Price: 50 Gil Holy Water (聖水) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Effects: Purges Undead and Blood Suck status abnormalities. Bought/Acquired: For 2000 Gil, a prize for reaching Combat Skill L3, and a random reward for "Mixed" Treasure Hunts. Sale Price: 1000 Gil Band-Aid (ばんそうこう) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Effects: Purges Don't Move and Don't Act status abnormalities. Bought/Acquired: For 200 Gil. Sale Price: 100 Gil Remedy (万能薬) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Effects: Purges all status abnormalities. Bought/Acquired: From Vakuba for 350 Gil, after freeing 10 territories, and a prize for reaching Collection Skill L10. Sale Price: 175 Gil Phoenix Down (フェニックスの尾) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Effects: Revives dead units. Bought/Acquired: For 300 Gil, a prize for reaching Collection Skill L5, and a random reward for "Mixed" Treasure Hunts. Sale Price: 150 Gil ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ vii)Quest Items ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ △ = + 3% ○ = + ~9% ◎ = + 15% Adaman Alloy (アダマン合金) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Acquired: Reward for completing the "Adaman Alloy (131)" and "Faraway Adaman (184)" Quests. Usage: Required Quest Item for the "Armour with Turtles (297)" and "Sword with Turtles (285)" Quest. Effects: DEF △ Adamantite (アダマンタイト) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Acquired: Reward for a "Mountain-Mountain" Treasure Hunt, and also a reward for completing the "Supreme Metal (207)" Quest. Usage: Required Quest Item for the "Mysidia Alloy (132)", "Adaman Alloy (131)", "Faraway Adaman (184)" and "Magic Metal Quests (185)". Effects: DEF △ Adult's Bread (大人のパン) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Acquired: Reward for completing the "Dreamless (156)" Quest. Usage: Required Quest Item for the "Bread Lover (276)" Quest. Aged Sword (くちはてた剣) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Acquired: Reward for completing the "Dreamless (156)" and "House that Invites Water (189) Quests. Usage: Required Quest Item for the "Sword Tempering (289)" and "Sword with Turtles (285)" Quest. Effects: WA △ Ahriman Eye (アーリマンの妖目) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Acquired: Reward for completing the "I'm Watching You (113)" Quest. Usage: Required Quest Item for the "I'm Watching You Cont. (050)" Quest. Effects: MA ○. Strengthens Dark elemental damage. Ahriman Wing (アーリマンの羽) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Acquired: Reward for completing the "Devotee (135)" Quest. Usage: Required Quest Item for the "Hot Blooded (141)" Quest. Amber (琥珀) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Acquired: Reward for completing the "New Anti-Law (056)" Quest. Usage: - Effects: DEF ○ & MD ○ Animal Bones (動物の骨) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Acquired: Reward for completing the "Wild Wing (173)" Quest. Usage: Required Quest Item for the "Journey to Miden (153)" Quest. Effects: DEF ○ Ancient Document (古代文書) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Acquired: Reward for completing the "Earth Paints (139)" Quest. Usage: - Effects: DEF ○ Ancient Medal (古代メダル) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Acquired: Reward for completing the "Pillar to the Heavens (201)" and "Ruins Survey (202)" Quests. Usage: Required Quest Item for the "End of the World (143)" and "Seeking You (183)" Quests. Effects: MD △ Ancient Banknotes (古代札束) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Acquired: Reward for completing the "Seeking You (183)" Quest. Usage: - Apple of Chaos & Blood (混沌と血のリンゴ) -=-=-=-==-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Acquired: Reward for completing the "Unhealable Scar (179)" and "Sleep of a Trillion Thorns (193)" Quests. Usage: Required Quest Item for the "Church's Trap (287)" and "Legend of the Youtou (099)" Quests. Effects: DEF ○ & MD ○ Athletics Trophy (体育祭トロフィ) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Acquired: Reward for completing the "Athletic Meet's Splendor (122)" Quest. Usage: - Attack Trophy (アタックトロフィ) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Acquired: Reward for completing the "Sprohm Wushu Tournament (121)" Quest. Usage: - Barrel Support Cog (銃身支歯車) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Acquired: Reward for completing the "Assassination (176)" Quest. Usage: Required Quest Item for the "Gun of One Thousand (294)" Quest. Effects: WA △ Bent Sword (まがった剣) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Acquired: Reward for completing the "Coo's Great Escape (157)" and "Our Style (190) Quests. Usage: Required Quest Item for the "Intuition (286)" Quest Big Clock Gear (大時計の歯車) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Acquired: Reward for completing "The Benefit of Ghouls (175)" Quest. Usage: Required Quest Item for the "Wish of the Old Soldier (181)" Quest. Big Clock Shaft (大時計の柱) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Acquired: Reward for completing "Clock Repairs (149)" Quest. Usage: Required Quest Item for the "Wish of the Old Soldier (181)" Quest. Black Thread (黒の糸) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Acquired: Reward for completing "Greatest Ever Strategy (210)", "Courage of a Witness (209)" and "Math Problem (208)" Quests. Usage: Required Quest Item for "The Runaway Boy (166)", "Black Crisis (295)" and "Song of the Minstrel (293)" Quests. Effects: MA △ Blue Rose (ブルーローズ) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Acquired: Reward for completing the "Desert Rose (051)" Quest. Usage: Bartering Good for the "Allied Front with Ritz (107)" Quest. Effects: Strengthens Dark elemental damage. Box of Silence (静寂の箱) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Acquired: Reward for completing the "Acting Applications! (163)" Quest. Usage: Required Quest Item for the "Ghosts of Past Wars (142)" Quest. Caravan Musk (キャラバンムスク) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Acquired: Reward for completing the "Caravan Escort (168)" and "Tower of Mirages (118)" Quests. Usage: Required Quest Item for the "Wild Wing (173)" Quest. Cat's Tears (猫の涙) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Acquired: Reward for completing the "Cracked Tone (127)" Quest. Usage: Required Quest Item for the "Clock Repairs (149)" Quest. Child's Bread (小人のパン) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Acquired: Reward for completing the "Career Ambitions (234)" Quest. Usage: Required Quest Item for the "Bread Lover (276)" Quest. Chocobo Bread (チョコボパン) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Acquired: Reward for completing the "Dream of Chocobo Inn (226)" Quest. Usage: Required Quest Item for the "Career Ambitions (234)" and "Labyrinth of the Well (229)" Quests. Chocobo Egg (チョコボの卵) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Acquired: Reward for completing the "Chocobo Breeder (200)" and "Cheerful Every Day (224)" Quests. Usage: Required Quest Item for the "Wild Wing (173)", "Marlboro Riot (225)" and "Away from Home (228)" Quests. Chocobo Gratin (チョコボグラタン) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Acquired: Reward for completing the "Away from Home (228)" and "Banquet of Stars (227)" Quests. Usage: Required Quest Item for the "Those Who Know Truth (268) and "Quick Rainbow (283)" Quests. Chocobo Pelt (チョコボの皮) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Acquired: Reward for completing the "Pelt Season (214)" and "Smuggler Clan Pursuit (105)" Quests. Usage: Required Quest Item for the "Fashion Scene (299)" and "Clothes World (300)" Quests. Coast Guard Medal (沿岸警備隊メダル) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Acquired: Reward for completing the "Onward, Coast Guards! (124)" Quest. Usage: - Crusade Alloy (クルセイド合金) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Acquired: Reward for completing the "Crusade Alloy (133)" and "Garden of Contradiction (186)" Quests. Usage: Required Quest Item for the "Church's Trap (287)" and "Gun of One Thousand (294)" Quests. Effects: DEF △ Cyril Ice (シリルアイス) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Acquired: Reward for completing the "Marlboro Riot (225)" Quest. Usage: Bartering Good for the "Snow Fairy (109)" Quest. Effects: Strengthens Ice elemental damage. Dambooka Timber (ダンブカの木材) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Acquired: Reward for completing the "Dambooka Gully (237)" Quest. Usage: Required Quest Item for the "Rhythm of the Dark Night (278)" Quest. Delta Attack (デルタアタック) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Acquired: Reward for completing the "Vakuba Liberation Battle (077)" Quest. Usage: Required Quest Item for the "Mind's Eye (160)" Quest. Demon Blood Tunic (魔血の衣) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Acquired: Reward for completing the "Faceless Dolls (134)" Quest. Usage: Required Quest Item for the "Star of Misfortune (282)" Quest. Effects: WD △ & MD △ Dragon Bones (ドラゴンの骨) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Acquired: Reward for completing the "Frozen Spring (172)" Quest. Usage: Required Quest Item for the "My Child's Tutoring (150)" Quest. Effects: DEF ○ Dried Meat (干し肉) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Acquired: Random reward for "Mixed" Treasure Hunts, and also as reward for completing the "Daily Dried Meat (221)" Quest. Usage: Required Quest Item for the "Come, come here (267)" Quest. Edalore Scripture (エダローア聖典) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Acquired: Reward for completing the "Ghosts of Past Wars (142)" Quest. Usage: - Effects: WA △ & MA △. Strengthens Holy and Dark elemental damage. El Degusto (エルダーグッソ) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Acquired: Reward for completing the "Legendary Sauce (Rare)" Quest. Usage: Possible required Quest Item for the "My Goal (Rare)" Quest. Entry Prize (参加賞) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Acquired: Reward for completing the "White Kupos" encounter. Usage: - Effects: DEF △ & MD △ Elda's Grail (エルダの聖杯) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Acquired: Reward for completing the "Ghost of the Abbey (123)" Quest. Usage: Use as a Quest Item to make it possible for "Eldena" to join your Clan. Also a required Quest Item for the "Caravan Escort (168)" Quest. Effects: MA △ Esteros (エステロス) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Acquired: Reward for completing the "Montblanc's Bride (089)" Quest. Usage: - Effects: WA ○, DEF ○, MA ◎ & MD ◎ Fairy Wing (妖精の羽) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Acquired: Reward for completing the "Report of Devotion (136)" Quest. Usage: Required Quest Item for the "Devotee (135)" Quest. Fellowship Certificate (友情の表彰状) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Acquired: Reward for completing the "Hot Blooded (141)" Quest. Usage: - Effects: DEF ○ Flower Arrangement Set (生け花セット) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Acquired: Reward for completing the "Wanted Search (025)" Quest. Usage: Required Quest Item for the "Desert Rose (051)" Quest. Fruit of Magic (魔力の果実) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Acquired: Reward for completing the "Mirage Town (180)" Quest. Usage: - Effects: MA ◎ Fruit of Strength (体力の果実) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Acquired: Reward for completing the "Wish of the Old Soldier (181)" Quest. Usage: - Effects: DEF ◎ Fushin Crystal (風神晶) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Acquired: Reward for completing the "Twinkle of the Stars(130)" Quest. Usage: Required Quest Item for the "Kensei Sword (288)" Quest. Effects: Strengthens Wind elemental damage. Gecko Timber (ゲッコーの木材) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Acquired: Reward for completing the "Forna Jungle (238)" Quest. Usage: Required Quest Item for the "Rhythm of the Dark Night (278)" Quest. Gedo Egg Soup (ゲド卵スープ) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Acquired: Reward for completing the "Professor's Suffering (046)" and "Supreme Recipe (047) Quests. Usage: - Effects: DEF ○ & MD ○ Getsubu's Flower (月武の花) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Acquired: Reward for completing the "Literary Word (178)" Quest. Usage: Required Quest Item for the "Snow Flower Romance (291)" Quest. Effects: MA ○ Golden Bowl (金の器) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Acquired: Reward for completing the "Sparkling Lake (Rare)" Quest. Usage: Possible required Quest Item for the "My Goal (Rare)" Quest. Golden Mushroom (黄金タケ) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Acquired: Reward for completing the "Insomnia Compensation (137)" Quest. Usage: Required Quest Item for the "Mirage Town (180)" Quest. Great Gaol's Song (英雄ガオルの歌) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Acquired: Reward for completing the "Frog Oasis (062)" Quest. Usage: Use as a Quest Item to make it possible for "Rene" to want to join your Clan. Read it's description to gain access to the battle's related to the Great Gaol and his friend Rene. Guard Medal (ガード勲章) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Acquired: Reward for completing the "Fort of Passion (125)" Quest. Usage: - Effects: WA △ Gysahl Greens (ギザールの野菜) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Acquired: Random reward for "Mixed" Treasure Hunts, and also a reward for completing the "Land Expansion Plan (222)" Quest. Usage: Required Quest Item for the "Away from Home (228)" Quest. Helge Key (ヘルジェのカギ) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Acquired: Reward for completing the "Escape Assistance (057)" Quest. Usage: Required Quest Item for the "Nest of Evil (064)" Quest. Homework Notes (しゅくだいノート) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Acquired: Reward for completing the "End of the World (143)" Quest. Usage: Required Quest Item for the "Greatest Ever Strategy (210)" Quest. Item Glasses (アイテム眼鏡) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Acquired: Reward for completing the "Deep Sea (158)" Quest. Usage: Required Quest Item for the "Mind's Eye (160)" Item Glasses 2 (アイテム眼鏡2) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Acquired: Reward for completing the "Mind's Eye (160)" and "He Loves Experiments (192)" Quests. Usage: Required Quest Item for the "Gun with Beasts (284)" Quest. Justice Testimonial (正義の表彰状) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Acquired: Reward for completing the "Memento Recovery (140)" Quest. Usage: - Effects: Strengthens Holy elemental damage. Lee's Stone (リーズストーン) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Acquired: Reward for a "Cave-Cave" Treasure Hunt, and also a reward for completing the "Dive into the Wormhole (206)" Quest. Usage: Required Quest Item for the "Secret Stone (290)" Quest. Effects: DEF △ Lasso of Time (時の命綱) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Acquired: Reward for completing the "The Runaway Boy (166)" Quest. Usage: Required Quest Item for the "Goal of the Novelist (232)" Quest. Effects: DEF △ & MD △ Love Potion (ラブ・ポーション) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Acquired: Reward for completing the "Final Aspirations (169)" Quest. Usage: - Luxury Pen (高級品万年筆) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Acquired: Reward for completing the "My Child's Tutoring (150)" Quest. Usage: - Effects: MA △ Magical Cloth (魔法の布きれ) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Acquired: Reward for completing the "Raging River (215)" and "Magical Cloth Shop (216)" Quests. Usage: Required Quest Item for the "Black Crisis (295)" and "Maiden's Hat (296)" Quests. Effects: MA △ Magical Cotton (魔法の綿) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Acquired: Reward for completing the "Cotton Protection! (217)" Quest. Usage: Required Quest Item for the "Fashion Scene (299)", "Clothes World (300)" and "Magical Cloth Shop (216)" Quests. Effects: MA △ Magical Medal (魔法のメダル) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Acquired: Reward for completing the "Lover's Pattern (199)" and "Guard! Fireworks (223)" Quests. Usage: Required Quest Item for the "Who Am I? (273)" Quest. Effects: MA △ Magical Parchment (魔法の羊皮紙) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Acquired: Reward for completing the "Mightier than the Sword (231)" Quest. Usage: - Effects: MA ○ Magic Trophy (マジックトロフィ) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Acquired: Reward for completing the "Cadoan Magic Tournament (120)" Quest. Usage: - Marble Lip (マーベルリップ) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Acquired: Reward for completing the "Fly Away High (128)" Quest. Usage: Required Quest Item for the "Dreadful Children (162)" Quest. Marlboro Sake (モルボル酒) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Acquired: Reward for completing the "Despair Sake (230)" Quest. Usage: Required Quest Item for the "Rustic Celebration (279)" Martin's Earplugs (マルチンの耳栓) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Acquired: Reward for completing the "Morning Shock (151)" Quest. Usage: - Effects: DEF △ Materia Crystal (マテリア晶石) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Acquired: Reward for a "Forest-Forest" Treasure Hunt, and also a reward for completing the "Deep Forest of Materia (205)" Quest. Usage: Required Quest Item for the "Into the Darkness (298)" Quest. Effects: DEF △ Master Brave (マスターブレイヴ) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Acquired: Reward for completing the "Law of the Clans (090)" Quest. Usage: - Effects: WA ◎, DEF ◎, MA ○ & MD ○ Miden Guardian Statue (ミデンの守護像) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Acquired: Reward for completing the "Journey to Miden (153)" Quest. Usage: Required Quest Item for the "Acting Applications! (163)" Quest. Effects: WA △, DEF △, MA △ & MD △ Monster Picture Book (怪獣図鑑) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Acquired: Reward for completing the "Underground Goblin Village (145)" Quest. Usage: - Mysidia Alloy (ミシディア合金) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Acquired: Reward for completing the "Mysidia Alloy (132)" and "Magic Metal (185)" Quests. Usage: Required Quest Item for the "Night of Thunder (292)" and "Legend of the Hero Sword (098)" Quests. Effects: DEF △ Mythril Mattock (ミスリルマトック) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Acquired: Reward for completing the "Experiment of the Century (167)" Quest. Usage: Required Quest Item for the "Underground Goblin Village (145)" Quest. Effects: WA △ Mythril Silver (ミスリル銀) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Acquired: Reward for completing the "Silver Target (204)" Quest. Usage: Required Quest Item for the "Mysidia Alloy (132)", "Mythril Miners (103)" and "Magic Metal (185)" Quests. Effects: DEF △ NH Certificate (ご近所の証) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Acquired: Reward for completing the "All the Neighbourhood! (154)" Quest. Usage: Required Quest Item for the "Memento Recovery (140)" Quest. Old Gold Coin (古金貨) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Acquired: Reward for completing the "Truth of the Old Coin (114)" Quest. Usage: - Effects: WA ○ & MD ○ Panther Fur (パンサーの毛皮) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Acquired: Reward for completing the "To the Savage Woods (220)" Quest. Usage: - Effects: DEF ○ & MD △ Proof of Ogma (オグマの証) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Acquired: Reward for completing the "Shijin Dragon Ogma (088)" Quest. Usage: - Effects: WA ○, DEF ○, MA ○ & MD ○ Rabbit's Tail (ウサギのしっぽ) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Acquired: Reward for completing the "One more for Luck (236)" Quest. Usage: Required Quest Item for the "Gypsy's whereabouts (270)" and "Searching for Meow (067)" Quests. Raden's Flower (羅伝の花) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Acquired: Reward for completing the "Blue Lightning (177)" Quest. Usage: Required Quest Item for the "Snow Flower Romance (291)" Quest. Effects: MA ○ Raiki Crystal (雷鬼晶) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Acquired: Reward for completing the "Bandit Cleanup (129)" Quest. Usage: Required Quest Item for the "Kensei Sword (288)" Quest. Effects: Strengthens Thunder elemental damage. Rainbow 7 (レインボー7) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Acquired: Reward for completing the "Triumph of Great Sake (126)" Quest. Usage: Required Quest Item or the "Intuition (286)" Quest Rat Tail (ネズミのしっぽ) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Acquired: Reward for completing the "My Love in Poetry (147)" and "Decide! Gamble (187)" Quests. Usage: Required Quest Item for the "Armour with Turtles (297)" and "Determined Girl (191)" Quests. Ruby Dragon Eye (竜眼のルビー) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Acquired: Reward for completing the "Ruby Dragon Eye (031)" Quest. Usage: Use as a Quest Item to make it possible for "Palanza" to want to join your Clan. Effects: Strengthens Fire elemental damage. Rumba's Draft (ルンバの冒険草稿) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Acquired: Reward for completing the "Goal of the Novelist (232)" and "Melody (233)" Quests. Usage: Required Quest Item for the "Coo's Great Escape (157)" and "Dreamless (156)" Quests. Rusted Spear (さびた槍) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Acquired: Reward for completing the "Power and Skill (158)" and "Determined Girl (191)" Quests. Usage: Required Quest Item for the "Night of Thunder (292)" and "Carrot (095)" Quests. Rusted Sword (さびた剣) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Acquired: Reward for completing the "Fall of Honor (155)" and "Tommorow's Soon (188)" Quests. Usage: Required Quest Item for the "Secret Stone (290)" and "Legend of the Hero Sword (098)" Quests. Effects: WA △ Sarekoube (サレコウベ) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Acquired: Reward for completing the "Go with the Flow (174)" Quest Usage: Required Quest Item for the "Fly Away High (128)" Quest. Effects: WD ○ Sigil of Earth (地の刻印) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Acquired: Reward for a "Mountain-Mountain-Jagd-Jagd" Treasure Hunt, and also a reward for completing the "Sigil of Earth (080)" and "Barren Earth (119)" Quests. Usage: Required Quest Item for the "Sefer of Power (197)" Quest. Effects: MA ○ Sigil of Fire (炎の刻印) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Acquired: Reward for a "Plain-Plain-Mountain-Mountain" Treasure Hunt, and also a reward for completing the "Sigil of Fire (076)" and "Woman of Gulug Volcano (116)" Quests. Usage: Required Quest Item for the "Sefer of Wisdom (196)" Quest. Effects: MA ○ Sigil of Water (水の刻印) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Acquired: Reward for a "Plain-Plain-Jagd-Jagd" Treasure Hunt, and also a reward for completing the "Sigil of Water (078)" and Legend of Atlantis (117)" Quests. Usage: Required Quest Item for the "Sefer of Power (197)" Quest. Effects: MA ○ Sigil of Wind (風の刻印) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Acquired: Reward for "Desert-Desert-Cave-Cave" Treasure Hunt, and also a reward for completing the "Sigil of Wind (079)" Quest. Usage: Required Quest Item for the "Sefer of Wisdom (196)" Quest. Effects: MA ○ Secret Register (裏帳簿) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Acquired: Reward for completing the "Delivery Man (146)" Quest. Usage: Required Quest Item for the "Faith (138)" Quest. Sefer of Wisdom (知のセフィル) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Acquired: Reward for completing the "Sefer of Wisdom (196)" Quest. Usage: Required Quest Item for the "Spirit Stone (198)" Quest. Effects: MA ◎ & MD ◎ Sefer of Power (力のセフィル) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Acquired: Reward for completing the "Sefer of Power (197)" Quest. Usage: Required Quest Item for the "Spirit Stone (198)" Quest. Effects: WA ◎ & DEF ◎ Serene (明鏡止水) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Acquired: Reward for completing the "More Cure! (171)" Quest. Usage: Required Quest Item for the "Delivery Man (146)" Quest. Scholar's Dictionary (学者の辞書) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Acquired: Reward for completing the "The Resounding Bell (144)" Quest. Usage: Required Quest Item for the "The Benefit of Ghouls (175)" Quest. Shedded Bomb Skin (ボムのぬけがら) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Acquired: Reward for completing "The Value of Justice (219)" and "Hopeless Papa (218)" Quests. Usage: Required Quest Item for the "Fall of Honor (155)" and "Raising Laughter (170)" Quests. Effects: DEF △ Sketch Book (スケッチブック) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Acquired: Reward for completing the "Sketchbook Thieves (059)" Quest. Usage: - Snake-Eye Shield (蛇眼の飾り盾) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Acquired: Reward for completing the "One Hundred Eyes (165)" Quest. Usage: Use as a Quest Item to make it possible for "Cheney" to want to join your Clan. Songstress's Koto (歌姫の三弦琴) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Acquired: Reward for completing the "Simple Tune (054)" Quest. Usage: - Effects: MD △. Strengthens Wind and Water elemental damage. Spirit Stone (魂の石) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Acquired: Reward for completing the "Spirit Stone (198)" Quest. Usage: Required Quest Item for the "Legend of the Dark Sword (097)" Quest. Effects: WA ○, DEF ○, MA ○ & MD ○ Sprinkler (スプリンクラー) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Acquired: Reward for completing the "Fire Outbreak (038)" Quest. Usage: - Effects: Strengthens Water and Ice elemental damage. Stolen Gil (盗まれたギル) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Acquired: Reward for completing the "Sluice Gate Valve (182)" Quest. Usage: Required Quest Item for the "Report of Devotion (136)" Quest. Stradivari (ストラディバリ) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Acquired: Reward for completing the "You're a Model! (148)" Quest. Usage: Required Quest Item for the "Song of the Minstrel (293)" Quest. Tarcouph's Crystal (タルコフの水晶) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Acquired: Reward for completing the "Saddened ESPer (152)" Quest. Usage: - Effects: WA △ & MD △ Telaquo Flower (テラクオの花) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Acquired: Reward for a "Plain-Plain" Treasure Hunt, and also a reward for completing the "Flower Request (239)" Quest. Usage: - Effects: MD ○ and Strengthens Thunder elemental damage. Temir's White Flower (テミルの白い花) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Acquired: Reward for completing the "Temir's White Flower (055)" Quest. Usage: - Effects: Strengthens Holy elemental damage. Tiger Fur (タイガーの毛皮) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Acquired: Reward for completing the "Poachers (108)" and "Game Store (053)" Quests. Usage: - Effects: DEF ○ & MD △ Tonberry Lamp (トンベリのランプ) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Acquired: Reward for completing the "Raising Laughter (170)" Quest. Usage: Required Quest Item for the "You're a Model! (148)" Quest. Effects: WA ○ Topaz Bangle (トパーズの腕輪) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Acquired: Reward for completing the "Rescue Call (048)" Quest. Usage: Effects: Strengthens Earth elemental damage. Trick Dice (イカサマのダイス) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Acquired: Reward for completing the "Stolen Memories (164)" Quest. Usage: - Effects: WA ○ Unit Glasses (ユニット眼鏡) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Acquired: Reward for completing the "Hill of Disappearance (161)" Quest. Usage: Required Quest Item for the "Dreadful Children (162)" Quest. Unit Glasses 2 (ユニット眼鏡2) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Acquired: Reward for completing the "Dreadful Children (162)" and "Searching for Meow (067)" Quests. Usage: Required Quest Item for the "Gun with Beasts (284)" Quest. Vermilion (バーミリオン) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Acquired: Reward for completing the "Hero of Yore (Rare)" Quest. Usage: Possible required Quest Item for the "My Goal (Rare)" Quest. Water of Life (生命の水) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Acquired: Reward for completing the "Faith (138)" Quest. Usage: Required Quest Item for the "Go with the Flow (174)" Quest. White Thread (白の糸) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Acquired: Reward for completing the "For the Star (213)", "Carlos' Birthday (211)" and "Message to the Father (212) Quests. Usage: Required Quest Item for the "Lover's Pattern (199)" and "Maiden's Hat (296)" Quests. Effects: MD △ World Encyclopedia (世界百科事典) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Acquired: Reward for completing the "Thousands of Books (235)" Quest. Usage: - Effects: DEF ○ & MD ○ Zodiac Ore (ゾディアック鉱石) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Acquired: Reward for a "Jagd-Jagd" Treasure Hunt, and also a reward for completing the "New Tunnel of Slag (203)" Quest. Usage: Required Quest Item for the "Crusade Alloy (133)", "Garden of Contradiction (186)" and "Legend of the Youtou (099)" Quests. Effects: DEF △ ============================================================================== 14)THANKS TO ============================================================================== Marek 14, for HEAPS of info related to Jobs, Items and Abilities!, for observing the 10% price reduction, and for reminding me that Zombie units are able to learn Death Roulette. He has been a great help in writing this FAQ/Walkthrough. DarkClawX, for providing most of the information contained in the LINK SUPPORT section of this FAQ! z3z3m & FFTA-Memo (www5d.biglobe.ne.jp/~mint-f/ffta/) for 80% of the information which is found in the TREASURE HUNTS section. xephyris, UltimagaWeapon & Dan the man39 for expressing their opinions on various Jobs. This let me form unbiased evaluations for each job. Labo 9333 (www.geocities.co.jp/CollegeLife-Labo/9333/) for information about what item you get for giving the Ice Fairy the Cyril Ice. The following reference sites, for the proper spellings of translations: Final Fantasy Name Origins (www.ffcompendium.com/h/nmonst.shtml), Swords World (member.nifty.ne.jp/bintaro/index.htm), White Tiger Swords Korea (http://www.swords.pe.kr/) and Glossary of Armour Terms (www.angelfire.com/mo/Chainmail/Glossary.html), Lord Adam, for hacking codes to get every item in the game. Which allowed me to make complete lists of all items and abilities. Rei Kagetsuki, for submitting a excellent "dupe trick"! eleonor, for correcting the names of the Rush and Hard Impulse actions, and for corrections regarding the "Range Ban" and "All Ban" laws. Amaterasu, for going over my translations and correcting some, mostly involving on-yomi readings of Kanji. Elaine V., for telling me what "Support Clans" does. Make sure you check out her Translation Guide and upcoming FFT-A FAQ/Walkthrough! http://www.gamefaqs.com/features/recognition/25895.html DragoonT, for providing me with a wealth of information. y3kman, for the temporary Blue Magic list (it needed kana). Himajin, for a couple of Quest name corrections. Fragnarok, for correcting the requirements needed to unlock the Sniper Job. Painful Sense, for contributing to the Law List. ucancallmedanny, for telling me what Band-Aids do. MonkeyDLuffy, for helping me identify the five Divine Beasts. lordskylark, for a correcting a monster name, Coeurl/Cuar. benjamin best, for information on the last multiplayer battle. DarkSynbois, for helping me get the first version up quick. scorch109, for correcting the amount of AP needed to master "Breath Stop". tbox, for Balet/Barette and Gaybolg/GaeBolg translation corrections. Landarma, for correcting the name of the "Ame no Murakumo" Mike Sacco, for correcting Llednar's name, which I had down as Ledona. The Official FFTA-A Website (www.fft-a.com) for info about the limited edition GameBoy Advance SP bundle. Gpara's FFT-A Mini-Site (www.gpara.com/special/soft/ffta/) for various bits of pre-launch information. New Technix's FFT-A coverage(www.newtechnix.com) for screenshots that allowed me to get a lot of the Menu Translations out of the way pre-launch. Massive Attack (www.100thwindow.com), for creating a beautiful album that is highly enjoyable to listen to, "100th Window". Mezzanine is still the best! Encyclopedia Mythica (www.pantheon.org) for the correct spelling of all those mythical references in Final Fantasy Tactics Advance. Burn Game Station (burn.com.au) for being the best Australian based import videogame store there is, and for selling me FFT-A at a reasonable price. The "FFT-A: Tettei Kyoumei no Grimoire" (ISBN 4-88787121-X) the Strategy Guide made by DigiCube (Square)... and it's probably one of the most comprehensive yet utterly beautiful strategy guides i've ever seen... all 511 pages of it. I recieved this guide from my great friend ShdwRlm3.. but sadly well after I finished this guide. But at least it was helpful for verifying a lot of things I was unsure of, namely when certain Missions appear, and some Job translations. The "Oxford Starter Japanese Dictionary" (ISBN 0-19860197-2) as it's such a great reference book for translating Japanese into English. And it uses Kana Script, not Romaji (which is the devil). The "Kodansha Kanji Learner's Dictionary" (ISBN 4-77002335-9). Relatively expensive; but Jack Halpern's SKIP kanji look-up system is genius. It's so easy to find the readings and meanings of Kanji characters. Check out the Kanji Dictionary Publishing Society's website, it has a great section which explains the Japanese writing system: http://www.kanji.org/kanji/index.htm CJayC for choosing this guide as "FAQ of the Month" for February 2003. The monetary award for that accolade allowed me to buy Ikaruga (NGC). And for hosting this FAQ on his wonderful website GameFAQs! ****************************************************************************** VERSION HISTORY -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Version 0.1 14/02/03 Almost all of the in-game menus have been translated, and the STRATEGY WALKTHOUGH is past the first couple of battles. A lot of sections are just collections of notes at the moment, but I will flesh them out eventually. Version 0.15 15/02/03 Progress on the STRATEGY WALKTHROUGH is static at the moment. As I decided it was far more important that I lay down more of the structure of the guide. So I have added a lot of info to the INVENTORY LISTS, Jobs and GAMEPLAY OVERVIEW sections. Much thanks to Marek 14's large contributions and corrections from Himajin and lordskylark. Version 0.2 17/02/03 Updated almost every section. The QUEST LIST, Jobs Section and the INVENTORY LISTS received the largest updates. Version 0.3 18/02/03 Updated STRATEGY WALKTHOUGH, QUEST LIST, Jobs and INVENTORY LISTS sections. I have translations for all items sans weapons, I will get all the weapon name translations done by tomorrow. It's going to be a big job... (sigh) Version 0.4 20/02/03 Very large update. The "Jobs" and INVENTORY LISTS sections are essentially complete. Much thanks to the amazing Marek 14! Version 0.45 21/02/03 Lots of updates. Most notable being to the STRATEGY WALKTHROUGH, QUEST LIST and Law List sections. Version 0.5 21/02/03 Lots of updates. Most notable being to the STRATEGY WALKTHROUGH, QUEST LIST and Law List sections. Version 0.6 28/02/03 Updated the STRATEGY WALKTHROUGH, QUEST LIST, Law List and Jobs sections. Version 1.0 23/02/03 Completed the STRATEGY WALKTHROUGH! Therefore the essential skeleton of this guide is complete; and I will now work slowly to flesh it out. 300 Quests is a lot of content to cover! Version 1.05 08/03/03 Small additions to many sections. The Law List is pretty much complete. Version 1.1 15/03/03 Added a wonderful LINK SUPPORT section thanks to DarkClawX, and completed the TREASURE HUNTS section thanks to z3z3m & FFTA-Memo. Most of the other sections have been updated, most notably the QUEST LIST section. Version 1.15 22/03/03 Added long-overdue ability descriptions to the INFANTRY section. They are a little rough, but that's fine for the time being. I also added a few quests to the QUEST LIST section. Version 1.2 23/05/03 Added CONTROLS section. I've updated almost every section, but the largest update was to the QUEST LIST section. Version 1.3 04/06/03 Updates FAQ wide. But as always, the grunt of the updates have been to the QUEST LIST section. Which has now been split into two, to allow for the Rare Quests which pop up occasionally. Version 1.35 09/06/03 Updated the QUEST LIST section, and all related sections with information deriving from the QUEST LIST. Rearranged and added new questions to the FAQ section. Version 1.4 27/06/03 Yep, another update based on information I've collected by doing more quests. At the moment this FAQ covers 142/304 Quests (47%)... I've still got a fair bit to go. Anyway, once I've finished the QUEST LIST section, i'll get cracking on some of the interesting stuff, such as Job profiles. Hopefully all will be done by the games English release. Cheers! Version 1.45 04/07/03 Updated QUEST LIST and related sections, 203/304 (67%) of quests covered. 61 Quests completed in one week, it has been my most productive week! Version 1.5 11/07/03 Six Coronas and twelve Hot Dogs later, I have another update. The QUEST LIST section now covers a whopping 270/304 (89%) of quests. I've also added a couple ofquestions and answers to the FAQ section! Version 1.6 18/07/03 Essentially this FAQ/Walkthough is complete, the QUEST LIST now covers 304/304 (100%) of quests. The INVENTORY LISTS are complete. I had time to skim over all the item translations and found some errors. Including but not limited to: Harper/Harpe, Stolibohk/Stribog, Coricemard/Colichemarde and Gastrafitis/Gastraphetes. I found a proper translations for an FF-staple, Ochu/Otyugh, butdecided to keep the traditional (but incorrect) translation. Because this is a historic update, i'll go over what I have planned for this FAQ. Evaluations ofall Jobs in the JOB section (like in my FFT guide), a complete MONSTER section and explanation of the Monster Bank, a better explanation of the Treasure Hunts and possible land placement that will yield very rare items, and a general FAQ wide tune up! Wish me luck! Version 1.7 06/08/03 Completed what I promised I would: Added job evaluations to the Job section thanks to xephyris, UltimagaWeapon and Dan the man39; essentially completed the MONSTER section, fixed the TREASURE HUNT section so it's more coherent, and I spell checked the entire file. As far as correcting translations goes, I changed Mechanic to Gadgeteer, since that's the better translation used in the upcoming English version of the game (I can't say the same for the other crappy translations; Elementalist instead of Shaman... yuck). Oh, and I finally found the proper translation of Cachusha/Kachusha, it's Katyusha! I had to find the actual Russian word it derives from, and then translate it to English using a Russian alphabet table I found on the internet. Version 1.8 14/09/03 Fixed a couple of mistakes, and changed the legal section to reflect the new copyright ownership of this FAQ. Version 1.9 06/10/03 I've given one penultimate coat of polish on this FAQ after playing quite a bit through the English version (finished it, but not 300 quests yet). It has mainly been adding strategies, but I've also fixed a lot of translations, including: Mewskade/Muscadet, Sprome/Sprohm, Fighter/Duelist, Temple Knight/Palace Knight, Shapeshifter/Doppelganger, Culd/Kard, Sapere Oude/Sapere Aude, and Ice Sword Lagrath/La Glace Sword. Version 2.0 12/10/03 I went through and fixed any Quest names that were a bit dodgy, and added things here and there to the STRATEGY WALKTHROUGH. This _should_ be the last update, but it won't be. Version 2.1 19/11/03 Small updates all round. FAQ STATS -=-=-=-=-=- Version 2.1 Update No 23 Size 511KB Pages 248 Words 88699 Characters 480891 Paragraphs 10945 Lines 13112 GameFAQs CONTRIBUTOR PAGE- www.gamefaqs.com/features/recognition/4127.html EMAIL- tetsuwan_blue(at)yahoo.com.au If I don't reply, it's either; I don't know the answer to the question, the answer to your question is in the FAQ, or you're sending me info I already know or someone else has sent before you. LEGAL SECTION -=-=-=-=-=-=-=- No material from this FAQ may be paraphrased, copied, changed or re-formatted without my permission. It may only be posted on GameFAQs (www.gamefaqs.com) and IGN FAQs (faqs.ign.com). Under no circumstances may this FAQ be posted on Cheat Code Central. This document was written exclusively for use on the internet. It is not intended to be used in any way that is profitable for anyone other than the author, or CNET Networks, Inc. It is not to be reproduced in any way without express written permission from the author and CNET Networks, Inc. More information on copyright laws can be found at the copyright section of the official Library of Congress web site. (http://www.loc.gov/copyright). Final Fantasy Tactics and related characters are trademarks of Square Co. ______________________________________________________________________________ (c) Copyright 2003 CNET Networks, Inc.