F I N A L F A N T A S Y T A C T I C A D V A N C E T E A M S T R A T E G Y / C O M B O S Copyright (c) 2003 Chaos Lord 242 All rights Reserved Version 0.1 ************************************************************************** --------- Contents --------- 1.Version History 2.Words of Advice/Introduction 3.The Combo/strategies 4.Stat Growth Chart 5.Credits 6.Copyright Information ------------------- 1.Version History ------------------- 0.1: my first version of this guide includes a lot Of strategies combo's from the guys ive credited And me so yaaa. ------------------- 2. Words of Advice ------------------- This FAQ was written entirely by me and from the info of One of the topics at gamefaqs. The guys I have credited did a lot for this FAQ so yaaa.... This FAQ may not be hosted anywhere other than... GAMEFAQS.COM!!! ONLY GAMEFAQS!!!! ONLY GAMEFAQS!!!! Nothing may be taken from this FAQ; no one shall host this FAQ on there Site and claim it as their own this is called PLAIGARISM!!!! And Will not be tolerated this will not go without notice and will Be severely punished. This FAQ was made by posts of one of the topics on final fantasy Tactics advance from the guys I have credited so thank them too... ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ 3.The Strategy/Combo's ------------------------ This is my personal idea for Marche: First of all Marche starts of at level 3 so. Main Character Marche Class soldier from levels 3-5: Marche should'nt be a soldier for too long as soldiers have bad stat Growth, Level Marche up from levels 3-5 as a soldier making sure you Learn two or more action abilities. Class Thief from levels 5-7: The thief has got better all round stat growth than a soldier so Level Marche from levels 5-7 as a thief and make sure you master two or more Action abilities and if you can learn Counter, steal weapon Steal ability these are reccomended as a thief. Class Ninja from levels 7-10: Ninja's are awesome in stat growth so their very well balanced and a Good Attack bonus and also this is the only class that can master DoubleSwords!!! Lucky Marche can learn it anyhow... Level Marche as a Ninja from levels 7-10 and master Doubleswords if Possible. Class Fighter from levels 10-12: As a Fighter Marche will get overall bonus Strength and will become An even Awesomer Melee fighter Try to master as much as abilities as You can steal ability comes very handy anyhow... Level him up two levels as a fighter and learn A LOT!! Of abilities. Class Paladin from levels 12-13: As a paladin your main purpose is too learn as much as abilities as Possible (Holy sword, saint cross)=Reccomeded cover, defense etc etc. Now your Marche will have an overall awesome stat growth chart plus Awesome abilities. Outcomes from before: Fighter/Paladin=my favorite good abilities awesome overall stats Ninja/Paladin=Good speed and evade will develop, good Paladin skills These are my reccomended outcomes now for the chart: Fighter/Paladin A-action / a-action / Reaction / Support / Combo Rush / Nurse / Counter / Doubleswords!! / Ninja Combo Wild Swing / Defense / Strikeback / / Fight Combo Beatdown / Cover / / / Blitz / Subdue / / / Air Render / Drop Weapon/ / / Far Fist / Parley / / / Air Blast / Saint Cross/ / / Backdraft / Holy Blade / / / That's my table of reccomendations for MARCHE!! -------------- SOLDIER The soldier is a melee unit that doesn't focus in either offensive or defensive strength. They have very nice growth in all the stats you look for in a melee unit except speed, which they aren't too terrible in. Soldiers are built to take hits and deal damage with relative ease. Having the highest HP growth for the Human race gives them great durability and above average yet balanced growth in ATK and DEF allows them to become versatile warriors. If you are unsure whether you want your melee Human to be a paladin or fighter (maybe both?) I would highly suggest leveling as a soldier as they give you great growth in 3 of the 4 most important stats for melee units (HP, ATK, DEF, and SPD). Jobs Required: None Jobs Given: Fighter (2 Mastered Action Abilities) Paladin (2 Mastered Action Abilities) Action Abilities -First Aid- MP Usage: 0 Range: Self-only Learned From: Shortsword AP Required: 100 Effects: Heals HP and cures status Notes: First Aid is only useful if you have no healer around to Alleviate status ailments. -Powerbreak- MP Usage: 0 Range: Dependant on weapon Learned From: Barong AP Required: 200 Effects: Lowers target's attack power value Notes: Useful against melee attackers to reduce their effectiveness -Mindbreak- MP Usage: 0 Range: Dependant on weapon Learned From: Buster Sword AP Required: 200 Effects: Lowers target's magic power value Notes: Useful against magical attackers to reduce their effectiveness -Magicbreak- MP Usage: 0 Range: Dependant on weapon Learned From: Ancient Sword AP Required: 200 Effects: Reduces target's MP Notes: Not as useful as Mindbreak IMO but it can still stop that sage from killing a few units with another Giga Flare -Speedbreak- MP Usage: 0 Range: Dependant on weapon Learned From: Silver Sword AP Required: 200 Effects: Lowers target's speed value Notes: Very useful against fast and slow enemies alike, make the fast, slow and the slow, slower. -Mug- MP Usage: 0 Range: Dependant on weapon Learned From: Diamond Sword AP Required: 300 Effects: Damages and steals gil Notes: Useful only to avoid the Forbidden: Fight law as it steals only small amounts of gil and gil becomes plentiful later in the game. -Provoke- MP Usage: 0 Range: 1 panel Learned From: Blood Sword AP Required: 300 Effects: Causes 'Berserk' status in target Notes: Nice to use against mages to force them to go melee or against enemies when the Forbidden: Fight or Forbidden: laws are in play to send enemies to jail. -Sensor- MP Usage: 0 Range: 4 panels Learned From: Burglar Sword AP Required: 300 Effects: Detects target's hidden equipment Notes: It's pretty much standard procedure to sense an enemy with the Item command or Alchemy skill equipped instead of wasting time trying to steal weapons that aren't there. Reaction Abilities - None - Support Abilities -Monkey Grip- MP Usage: 0 Range: N/A Learned From: Vigilante AP Required: 300 Effects: Hold 2-handed swords in 1-hand Notes: Useful only in you plan on using Great swords or any other 2-handed weapons. It frees up an equipment slot for a shield only if the class can naturally use a shield. -Shieldbearer- MP Usage: 0 Range: N/A Learned From: Bronze/Opal Shield AP Required: 300 Effects: Can equip a shield regardless of current job Notes: I don't see this being useful too often as equipping extra accessories is usually more efficient than using a shield. Combo Ability -Combat Combo- MP Usage: 0 Range to initiate: Dependent on weapon Range to join-in: 1 panel away from the target of the initial combo Learned From: Mythril Sword AP Required: 100 Description: Soldier/Warrior combo Notes: Combos do more damage if the combo equipped is the same as your current job class Strategies for Soldiers: Soldiers are suited for all-around combat. With that said their skill set is fairly lacking, no heavy hitting or ranged attacks with one minor healing skill that only affects the soldier. The stat growth for soldiers is what you should be looking for. I suggest going for levels in soldier for melee humans but not actually using the soldier skill set. I do like the fact that can can break parameters but as a melee attacker they should be more focused on doing damage than helping allies. If you like the soldier skills I would suggest using them with a long range primary job so you can break stats from a distance. Suggested Soldier Combos: Hunter/Soldier - Like I stated above you should use soldier skills as a secondary and not a primary. The hunter will compensate for the soldier's shortcomings with ranged attacks and the heavy hitting Ultima Shot. Hunting is always nice, as is Sidewinder. As you can probably see I'm not as big a fan of soldier skills as I am a fan of soldier growth. I recommend a 20/30 split between hunter and soldier levels. ---------- BLUE MAGE Blue Mages are a little unorthodox in the way they use magic. Instead of studying to learn spells they absorb the knowledge of enemy attacks simply by being the victim of the attack. Not all enemy skills are learnable however. Blue Mages give the best all-around stat growth of any Human job class. They can become just about anything: powerful casters, strong attackers, support characters, healers, you name it. The only thing they lack is speed (but it still isn't as bad as soldier, fighter, or paladin speed). They also have the coolest looking generic sprite IMO. If you want to raise an all-around Human, or any non-speed based Human unit Blue Mage is the way to go. Jobs Required: Black Mage (1 Mastered Action Ability) White Mage (1 Mastered Action Ability) Jobs Given: None Reaction Abilities -Damage > MP- MP Usage: 0 Range: Self Learned From: Judo Uniform AP Required: 300 Effects: Converts HP damage into MP damage Notes: As a Blue Mage or any spell caster it may not be such a great idea. But for a melee unit it works great to prevent 1 attack worth of damage every turn. Support Abilities -Immunity- MP Usage: 0 Range: N/A Learned From: Survival Vest AP Required: 300 Effects: Immunity to some status effects Notes: Don't use it when trying to learn Blue Magic that causes status ailments, other than that it can be used to replace some accessories -Learning- MP Usage: 0 Range: N/A Learned From: Blue Saber AP Required: 400 Effects: Allows you to learn Blue Magic spells from monsters Notes: If you want to be a Blue Mage then you have to have this. Combo Ability -Blue Combo- MP Usage: 0 Range to initiate: Dependent on weapon Range to join-in: 4 or less panels away from the target of the initial combo Learned From: Mythril Saber AP Required: 100 Description: Blue Mage combo Notes: Combos do more damage if the combo equipped is the same as your current job class. Action Abilities -Goblin Punch- MP Usage: 8 Range: 1 panel Monster Learned From: Goblin Effects: Variable Damage Notes: Not a very useful skill... -Magic Hammer- MP Usage: 8 Range: 3 panels Monster Learned From: Red Cap Effects: Damages target's MP Notes: Good to use against enemy mages to stop the bigger spells from being cast. -Acid- MP Usage: 12 Range: 3 panels Monster Learned From: Jelly, Flan, Cream Effects: Causes a random status ailment Notes: It does have better range than Bad Breath but it's also less effective and too...random -Blowup- MP Usage: 2 Range: All adjacent units Monster Learned From: Bomb, Grenade Effects: Deals high damage at the cost of the caster's own life Notes: Very useful when paired with auto-life -Mighty Guard- MP Usage: 8 Range: 1 panel Monster Learned From: Icedrake Effects: Raises target's defense and magic resistance Notes: A nice ability to use for your weaker allies to keep them alive longer -Guard Off- MP Usage: 10 Range: 1 panel Monster Learned From: Firewyrm Effects: Lowers target's defense and magic resistance Notes: Good to use on heavily defended enemies. -Dragon Force- MP Usage: 12 Range: 1 panel Monster Learned From: Thundrake Effects: Raises all target's stats Notes: An excellent ability and it's cheap to cast -Night- MP Usage: 24 Range: All units Monster Learned From: Lilith Effects: Causes 'sleep' status in all units Notes: If used in conjunction with sleep preventing items your Team will stay wide-awake while the enemy sleeps. -Twister- MP Usage: 20 Range: 3 panels Monster Learned From: Lamia Effects: Halves target's HP Notes: Area effect Demi! -LV 3 Def-Less- MP Usage: 12 Range: 3 panels Monster Learned From: Antlion Effects: Lowers target's defense and magic resistance if LV is a Multiple of 3 (3, 6, 9, 12, etc.) Notes: I just use Guard Off... -Poison Claw- MP Usage: 8 Range: 1 panel Monster Learned From: Red Panther Effects: Causes damage and 'poison' status Notes: Good to bypass Forbidden: Fight -Hastebreak- MP Usage: 12 Range: 1 panel Monster Learned From: Coeurl Effects: Causes 'stop' on a hasted target, 'slow' to targets Without haste Notes: Great to use against hasted targets obviously -Bad Breath- MP Usage: 20 Range: 1 panel Monster Learned From: Malboro, Big Malboro Effects: Causes multiple status aliments Notes: If no status ailments are banned then let loose and Cripple any foe in your path -Stare- MP Usage: 12 Range: 1 panel, will only work if used on a unit that is facing you Monster Learned From: Floateye Effects: Causes 'confuse' status Notes: I prefer Bad Breath to any of the other status causing spells -Roulette- MP Usage: 20 Range: All units Monster Learned From: Ahriman Effects: KOs a random unit, ally or enemy Notes: Since you must survive the attack to learn it you must Have auto-life on the learner. -Drain Touch- MP Usage: 10 Range: 1 panel Monster Learned From: Zombie Effects: Drains HP from target to restore the caster's HP Notes: It's not too bad -LV? S-Flare- MP Usage: 30 Range: All enemies Monster Learned From: Vampire Effects: Damages all foes whose level has the same ones digit as The caster Notes: It is usually hard to find multiple targets -White Wind- MP Usage: 12 Range: 3 panels Monster Learned From: Sprite Effects: Heals target's HP by an amount equal to the caster's Current HP Notes: An excellent healing spell when you have 40%-100% of Your HP left -Angel Whisper- MP Usage: 24 Range: 3 panels Monster Learned From: Titania Effects: Heals target's HP and bestows 'auto-life' Notes: Healing and auto-life. Good stuff -Matra Magic- MP Usage: 24 Range: 3 Monster Learned From: Toughskin Effects: Switches the target's current HP and MP values Notes: Great when used against melee units who typically have High HP and low MP Strategies for Blue Mages: Since the Blue Mage is an all-around powerhouse I suggest much Leveling as a Blue Mage. If you can manage it, take the full 50 Levels of Blue Mage. The Blue Magic skill set is very flexible and can be a great Addition to just about any human. At level 50 I would suggest you change to another class since Blue Mages don't get the use of armor and the like. Suggested Blue Mage Combos: Paladin/Blue Mage - My favorite combo. 50 levels of Blue Mage will give you nice even stats and Blue Magic will complement Paladin skills nicely. Starting off each battle with Dragon Force and Angel Whisper Will make your Paladin/Blue Mage nearly invincible, And since Paladins get all the trendy armor you can make very Good use of the buffed out defense to withstand anything. When you are all buffed out unleash holy hell on anything in your Path with Holy Blade. Hunter/Blue Mage - I have seen this combo before so I decided to list It despite the fact that I don't think they go together well. Most Blue Magic spells require you to be at close range and most Hunter skills make use of his range. They kinda clash huh? It can be useful even if only for Buffing spells, but it can be made more useful if you stick to Hunter attacks when you are at a distance and switch to Blue Mage Support when the baddies get too close. I think 15/35 Hunter/Blue Mage would be nice to give you some Needed speed and strong stats. Black Mage/Blue Mage - I think Nu Mou is more suited for magical Jobs but the Black Mage/Blue Mage can provide strong magical attacks, Magic support, and healing. Black Mage growth for humans leaves something to be desired so I again suggest either 50 levels of Blue Mage, or if you need an All out caster: 30 levels of Illusionist, 15 Blue Mage, And 5 Ninja (speed). Illusionist levels will give great MP, magic attack, and magic Resistance. Blue Mage levels will also give nice magic attack and magic Resistance, less MP yet still enough to keep your MP climbing. You will gain extra HP and speed as well. The 5 levels of Ninja will give you at least 10 more speed which Illusionists lack. Black Magic will give you elemental magic damage and Blue Magic will Give you makeshift Time Magic, and White Magic making a nice Well-rounded mage Fighter/Blue Mage - Since fighters have the most offensive Prowess of the humans and Blue Magic requires you to be at close Range, chances are you will be spending most of your time in the fray. 50 levels of Blue Mage will be required to gain enough MP to regularly Use Blue Magic. If you won't use much Blue Magic or plan on using Half MP then You can sacrifice levels of Blue Mage for Fighter attack power. This combo is just as good as the Paladin/Blue Mage. Instead of concentrating on support and defense you can buff yourself At the start of a battle, attack when close to enemies, Heal yourself and allies when needed and and at a range you can deal Damage or support with things like Twister. If you want to be more Fighter than Blue Mage or plan on using Half MP I would go with Fighter/Blue Mage in one of the following Level ratios: 20/30 (Balanced, but more physical), 30/20 (Physical with some MP for support), Or 40/10 (Very physical with enough MP to get out a few spells). This is a great move i learned wayyy back in tactics ogre. Take 2 dragoons both with bonecrusher, then position one of the Dragoons on either the lest or right side of an enemy and have Him attack, then when it's the other dragoons turn, take him And position him on the other side of the enemy. Then have him attack the dragoon. It will go through the enemy and hit your dragoon then The dragoon will counter it with boncrusher hitting Both the dragoon and the enemy. Does some nice damage overall. And of course the aura/meltdown combo is good too (defender) Mantra magic rules against enemys with low mp, you could get it Low with rasp then do mantra magic great combo. Note: mantra magic wont work if theres no mp. O and always remember to equip your summoner with a black robe Youll see why when you cast ANY spell. ---------- Lemme take a futile stab at this... Paladin Jobs Required: Soldier A-Ability x 2 Jobs Given/Unlocked/Whatever: None Stats Move >> 3~~~~~~~~~~HP >> 7 (60%) Jump >> 2~~~~~~~~~~MP >> 2 (20%) Evade >> 35~~~~~~~~~SPD >> 0 (80%) ATK >> 8 (30%~~~~~~MAG >> 7 (20%) DEF >> 9 (20%~~~~~~RES >> 8 (90%) Thanks to K1n90Fp0rTu9aL for making this info free for use. The Paladin is a melee unit that focuses mainly on defensive strength. They have good stat frowth in the Def. and Magic Df. areas. This makes them good for being "tanks," which take damage for allies, Raise their own defensive stats, and dish out some damage. A problem with the Paladin is that they do not have the greatest Speed. They also do not have very good Move or Evade. However, your Paladin shouldn't take much damage because they Have such good defense. The Paladin's abilities are good, ranging from dealing mega Holy Damage to healing nearby allies' HP. ACTION ABILITIES Nurse MP Cost: None Range: Self and all sides (not diagonal) Learned from: Defender (Knight Sword) AP Cost: 100 Description: Heals own and surrounding allies' HP. Also heals status Alignments. Rekawamo's Thought: Good for healing when the enemy has inflicted Multiple characters with a status alignment. Defense MP Cost: None Range: Self Learned From: Lionheart (Knight Sword) AP Cost: 200 Description: Raises both Physical and Magical Defense for one turn. Rekawamo's Thoughts: It's good when you can't quite reach an enemy And you want to do SOMETHING (caps). Cover MP Cost: None Range: 4 Learned From: Save The Queen (Knight Sword) AP Cost: 200 Description: Take damage for one ally once. Rekawamo's Thoughts: Good if used on weak characters such as Mages, Because you will take damage instead of them. Subdue MP Cost: None Range: 1 Learned From: Ancient Sword (Great Sword) AP Cost: 200 Description: Hod backs and do minimal damage Rekawamo's Thoughts: Good for weakining a monster you will capture. Drop Weapon MP Cost: None Range: 1 Learned From: Ragnarok (Knight Sword) AP Cost: 200 Description: Return enemy's equipped weapon back to THEIR stock. Rekawamo's Thoughts: Good when the enemy has high HP, and a Good weapon. Just use Drop weapon, and the enemy is rendered almost useles UNLESS they have "draw weapon." Parley MP Cost: None Range: 1 Learned From: Barong (Great Sword) AP Cost: 200 Description: Makes taget leave battle. Not sure if target has to be in crit condition. Rekawamo's Thoughts: Really, I haven't tried this yet, Will explain more later. Saint Cross MP Cost: 24 Range: All Sides Learned From: Arch Sword (Knight Sword) AP Cost: 200 Description: Deals Holy damage to everyone surrounding user (Even allies). Rekawamo's Thoughts: For me, this attack hasn't really dealt much Damage, but if you're surrounded, use it. I prefer Holy Blade. Holy Blade MP Cost: 32 Range: 1 Learned From: Excalibur (Knight Sword) Description: Deals Holy damage Rekawamo's Thoughts: This is a great move. I double-sworded the Excalibur (which boosts Holy moves) And Holy Blade does around 350 damage at level 30. REACTION ABILITIES Reflex MP Cost: None Range: ---- Learned From: Genji Armor Description: Blocks incoming "fight" action. Rekawamo's Thoughts: Great to have. Now only action and reaction Skills will hit and they won't do very much at all. SUPPORT ABILITIES Weapon Defense + MP Cost: None Range: ---- Learned From: Diamond Armor Description: Raises Weapon Defense to lower incoming physical damage Rekawamo's Thoughs: Great. It lowers the already-low damage your Paladin is recieving from physical attacks. COMBOS Knight Combo MP Cost: None Range: 1 Description: Never-miss combo attack, uses all JP. Rekawamo's Thoughts: Just another Combo move ---------- Fighter Stat Growth Move--->> 4 Jump--->> 2 Evade-->> 45 HP----->> 7 (40%) MP----->> 1 (40%) ATK---->> 9 (20%) DEF---->> 8 (10%) MAG---->> 5 (60%) RES---->> 6 (90%) SPD---->> 1 (10%) Some say the best defense is a good offense. Simply put, The fighter is all about melee combat. Fighters focus primarily on attack power, and less on defense and HP. The stat growth of the fighter is essentially that of a soldier, But more geared for offensive combat. Fighters can take hits when necessary but would rather his target Be dead long before it gets the chance to attack. If you need an offensive human powerhouse look no further. Jobs Required: Soldier (2 Mastered Action Abilities) Jobs Given: None Action Abilities -Rush- MP Usage: 0 Range: Dependant on weapon Learned From: Sweep Blade AP Required: 100 Effects: Damages target and pushes them back one panel. Notes: Knocking an opponent off a ledge too high for them will Cause extra Damage. -Wild Swing- MP Usage: 0 Range: All adjacent units Learned From: Ogun Blade AP Required: 200 Effects: Damage to all surrounding units Notes: I find this only useful when you are actually surrounded. If you aren't surrounded and want to deal some area damage just use Far Fist -Beat Down- MP Usage: 0 Range: Dependant on weapon Learned From: Shadow Blade AP Required: 200 Effects: Deals large damage with a low hit rate Notes: Excellent when used on a sleeping/stopped target, 100% hit rate for big damage...yummy -Blitz- MP Usage: 0 Range: Dependant on weapon Learned From: Sun Blade AP Required: 200 Effects: Deals low damage with a high hit rate Notes: The perfect move for finishing off low HP enemies. Also useful for situations in which you Have to attack from the front. -Air Render- MP Usage: 0 Range: 3 panels Learned From: Atmos Blade AP Required: 200 Effects: Long range damage Notes: If you are not using double sword then this will usually Give you more bang for your buck than a normal attack. Even with double sword this is still nice if only for its range -Far Fist- MP Usage: 0 Range: 4 panels Learned From: Kwigon Blade AP Required: 200 Effects: Long range area-effect damage Notes: Superior to Air Render in most regards -Air Blast- MP Usage: 0 Range: T-Shape in front of user Learned From: Air Blade AP Required: 300 Effects: T-Shaped area damage Notes: I don't find many uses for this when you already have Far Fist. -Backdraft- MP Usage: 0 Range: 1 panel Learned From: Flametongue AP Required: 300 Effects: Fire-elemental damage, damages self as well Notes: It's useful for enemies weak to fire Reaction Abilities -Bonecrusher- MP Usage: 0 Range: Dependant on weapon Learned From: Ninja Gear AP Required: 300 Effects: Counter-attacks for 1.5 times normal damage Notes: Only activates when successfully hit by the fight command or Action abilities -Strike Back- MP Usage: 0 Range: Dependant on weapon Learned From: Wygar AP Required: 300 Effects: Stops damage and counter-attacks Notes: Will only work against the fight command! Support Abilities -Doublehand- MP Usage: 0 Range: N/A Learned From: Venus Blade AP Required: 300 Effects: Holds 1-handed weapons in two hands, raising weapon Attack power Notes: Useful when you don't have double sword or when you want more Attack power without using an equipment slot on another weapon/shield Combo Ability -Fight Combo- MP Usage: 0 Range to initiate: Dependent on weapon Range to join-in: 1 panel away from the target of the initial combo Learned From: Mythril Blade AP Required: 100 Description: Fighter combo Notes: Combos do more damage if the combo equipped is the same as your current job class Strategies for Fighters: If you want to raise a human for melee fighting (Which you probably will want since only humans learn double sword) You will want some extra power behind your attacks. I suggest all melee humans take at least 15 levels of fighter to Gain lots of physical power. Suggested Fighter Combos: Paladin/Fighter - If you want the two extremes of melee combat a Paladin/Fighter is a great choice. You gain excellent offensive and defensive strength as well as HP. But you will suffer in speed. But that is nothing a few levels of Ninja can't fix. The skill sets complement each other well: Fighter for range and Non-elemental attacks. Paladin for healing and removal of status, heavy hitting holy attacks, And aiding allies. I suggest a 20/20 split for Paladin/Fighter in levels with 10 levels For ninja speed. Fighter/Ninja - I wouldn't suggest keeping the ninja skill set As ninja skills generally stink on a fighter. I suggest 30-35 levels of fighter and 15-20 levels of ninja. This will give you a speedy killing machine for plowing through Enemies. Fighter/Hunter - Far Fist and Sonic Boom will overlap but the Majority of the hunter skills will turn your already lethal fighter In a super lethal animal butcher. A hunter is faster than a fighter so this will raise speed to a Nice level. Sidewinder will give you devastating attacks against animals, Advice can help other melee units, Aim: Vitals will let you toy with Your enemies, and Hunting will give you loads of JP. And of course what better way to complement the fighter's Impressive strength than Ultima Shot? It carries a hefty MP price but you should have enough for at Least 1 per battle. I would go 35/15 Fighter/Hunter level-wise since the hunter is Less combat inclined than a fighter. ----------- WHITE MAGE The White Mage excells in healing abilities. From healing all health to casting auto revive to reviving dead units Boosting both defenses, The White Mage can do good stuff to just about everybody. However, the White Mage does not have any offensive spells, So master the White Mage abilities and move on to offensive stuff is My suggestion. Okay, I lied. When faced with a phalanx of enemy undead, the White Mage's healing Spells can go on the offensive and damage those zombies. White Mages are almost a necesity at the beginning of the game, But their usefulness wears down as better classes can heal AND Damage (sage, elementalist, summoner, etc) STATS Human White Mage Move >> 3````````````HP >> 6 (10%) Jump >> 2````````````MP >> 4 (80%) Evade >> 40``````````SPD >> 1 (20%) ATK >> 6 (20%)`````MAG >> 8 (40%) DEF >> 7 (30%)`````RES >> 8 (20%) Viera White Mage Move >> 3`````````````HP >> 6 (20%) Jump >> 2`````````````MP >> 4 (80%) Evade >> 40```````````SPD >> 1 (20%) ATK >> 6 (20%)``````MAG >> 8 (80%) DEF >> 7 (20%)``````RES >> 7 (60%) Nu Mou White Mage Move >> 3`````````````HP >> 5 (80%) Jump >> 2`````````````MP >> 5 (60%) Evade >> 40```````````SPD >> 1 (20%) ATK >> 5 (70%)``````MAG >> 8 (80%) DEF >> 7 (30)```````RES >> 8 (40%) The Nu Mou of Viera White Mage would probably be the best White Mages because Humans are more physically inclined. ----------------- Thief Stat Growth - Human Move--->> 4 Jump--->> 3 Evade-->> 65 HP----->> 6 (60%) MP----->> 1 (10%) ATK---->> 7 (60%) DEF---->> 7 (60%) MAG---->> 7 (60%) RES---->> 6 (40%) SPD---->> 1 (80%) Stat Growth - Moogle Move--->> 4 Jump--->> 3 Evade-->> 70 HP----->> 6 (??%) MP----->> 2 (??%) ATK---->> 7 (??%) DEF---->> 8 (??%) MAG---->> 6 (??%) RES---->> 7 (??%) SPD---->> 2 (??%) What RPG is complete without a thief? Thieves in FFTA are able to Loot more (and more easily) than their FFTA counterparts. With the addition of Steal: Ability a fresh recruit is able to enter One battle and walk out with access to every job available to that Race. It's crazy how insanely cheap Steal: Ability is. I can't stress it enough...steal ability is one of the best skills In the game. No more time huddling in the corner because you don't want inferior Stat growth from an inferior job, just steal your way into your Desired profession! Speaking of inferior stat growth I would not Take levels in thief at all for a human. Moogles on the other hand benefit greatly from their great speed Growth, especially those moogles who plan on becoming support Characters such as Juggler, Gunner, or Time Mage. Jobs Required (both races): None Jobs Given (Human): Ninja (2 Mastered Action Abilities) Jobs Given (Moogle): Juggler (2 Mastered Action Abilities) Gadgeteer (2 Mastered Action Abilities) Reaction Abilities -Counter- MP Usage: 0 Range: Dependant on weapon Learned From: Brigandine AP Required: 300 Effects: Counter-attacks for normal damage Notes: Activates when attacked by an normal attack or an offensive Action ability. Even if that attack misses, you will still counter if you have enough Range Support Abilities -Maintenance- MP Usage: 0 Range: N/A Learned From: Adaman Vest AP Required: 300 Effects: Users equipped items cannot be stolen (or broken?) Notes: Really only useful against thieves and snipers. The AI is usually too dumb to do such things...it'd rather attack Your double-sword wielding, strike-backing fighter than do something Smart Combo Ability -Thief Combo- MP Usage: 0 Range to initiate: Dependent on weapon Range to join-in: 2 panels away from the target of the initial combo Learned From: Mythril Knife AP Required: 100 Description: Thieves' combo Notes: Combos do more damage if the combo equipped is the same as Your current job class Strategies for Thieves: I wouldn't suggest taking up thievery as a primary or secondary Skill set for moogles or humans. Rather, Just keep it on-hand in case you need to "borrow something without Asking and with no intent to return". But if you really want a trickster on your team I'll give you the Best (IMO) combos for thieves of each race. Suggested Thief Combos: Ninja/Thief (Human) - What were you expecting? Awesome ninja speed Will allow you to relieve people of their equipment faster and let You eliminate threats to your thieving by rendering foes immobile and Disabled. Go with 50 levels of ninja. Juggler/Thief (Moogle) - Thieves are a better choice for moogles than Humans as moogles will gain ninja-like speed as a thief. An excellent addition to your criminal skills is the juggler skill set. With Concentrate, Ring will be the key to easy 100% care-free theft, 100% even for abilities! I would go a full 50 levels of thief for Pure speed or 40/10 Thief/Mog Knight to work on some HP, Atk, and Def. Action Abilities -Steal: Armor- MP Usage: 0 Range: 1 Panel Learned From: Rondell Dagger AP Required: 300 Effects: Steals target's equipped armor Notes: Stealing a foe's armor will lower their defense and resistance -Steal: Shield- MP Usage: 0 Range: 1 Panel Learned From: Scramasax AP Required: 200 Effects: Steals target's equipped shield Notes: Stealing a foe's shield will lower their defense and resistance Also -Steal: Access. - MP Usage: 0 Range: 1 Panel Learned From: Jambiya AP Required: 300 Effects: Steals target's equipped accessory Notes: You CANNOT steal boots/shoes with this ability -Steal: Helm- MP Usage: 0 Range: 1 Panel Learned From: Kard AP Required: 300 Effects: Steals target's equipped helmet Notes: Stealing a foe's helmet will lower their defense and resistance -Steal: Weapon- MP Usage: 0 Range: 1 Panel Learned From: Sword Breaker AP Required: 300 Effects: Steals target's equipped weapon Notes: Ah, the Steal Weapon paradox. To learn Steal Weapon you need To steal the Steal Weapon ability so you can steal the Sword Breaker To learn Steal Weapon...Nice job Square...Of course this isn't the Only way to get one but it is probably the fastest -Steal: Gil- MP Usage: 0 Range: 1 Panel Learned From: Jack Knife AP Required: 100 Effects: Steals target's gil Notes: Early on some extra gil can come in handy but it usually Gives such little amounts it isn't worth it. -Steal: EXP- MP Usage: 0 Range: 1 Panel Learned From: Khukri AP Required: 100 Effects: Steals target's experience points Notes: You cannot steal exp from someone with 0 exp -Steal: JP- MP Usage: 0 Range: 1 Panel Learned From: Orichalum AP Required: 200 Effects: Steals target's Judge Points Notes: Enemies usually won't have many, if any JPs to steal -Steal: Ability- MP Usage: 0 Range: 1 Panel Learned From: Cinquedea AP Required: 300 Effects: Steals a random learnable action ability from the target Notes: Why they didn't make this a 999 AP ability I don't know. Anyway, you can only steal abilities you can learn yourself. You don't need to have a certain job opened up to steal abilities For it, you need only have that job available to your race. Remember that you can only steal action abilities ----------- Summoner Move >> 3 HP >> 5 Jump >> 2 MP >> 6 Evade >> 30 SPD >> 0 ATK >> 6 MAG >> 10 DEF >> 6 RES >> 8 The good thing about summoners is that summons have a very wide range. Unlike Black Magic abilities, it can target more squares than just The adjacent ones. Now, basically what a summoner can do is... summon things. Here are the different things that a summoner can learn to summon: Ifrit: If you don't know who Ifrit is, then this must be your first Final Fantasy game. When you summon Ifrit, he does decent fire damage. Ifrit costs 18 MP to summon, and can be learned with 200 AP if you Have the Guard Staff equiped. I would recommend having your summoner learn either Ifrit or Shiva first. Teach whichever you didn't learn first, third. Shiva: When Shiva is summoned, Shiva does decent ice damage. Shiva costs 18 MP to summon, and can be learned if you gain 200 AP With the Snake Staff equipped. I would recommend having your summoner learn either Shiva or Ifrit first. Teach whichever you didn't learn first third. Ramuh: Ramuh is the lightning summon. When summoned, he deals decent Lightning damage. Ramuh costs 18 MP to summon, and can be learned of you earn 200 AP With the Judge Staff equipped. I would recommend learning Ramuh fourth. Kirin: Kirin is a very useful summon. I would highly recommend that he be the first thing you summon, You should summon him while your entire team is close together. The reason is this: If all your teammates are fairly close together, Kirin will cast auto-regen on all of them. Auto-regen is very useful, At the begining of the characters turn, he gains life. Kirin costs 24 MP to summon, and can be learned if you earn 200 AP With the Cure Staff equipped. I would VERY highly recommend that you learn Kirin second (So you can also deal damage with your summoner). Unicorn: Unicorn is a healing summon. When you summon Unicorn, It will heal and cure status ailments for all those in range. I believe that it also deals undead units damage. Unicorn is one of The weaker summons, but can still be very useful. Unicorn costs 12 MP to summon, and can be learned by earning 200 AP With the Pure Staff equipped. I would recommend that you learn Unicorn Fifth, but If you don't have a good white mage, maybe you should learn It sooner, because it's a great deal (MP wise). Carbuncle: Carbuncle is in my opinion the worst summon. Carbuncle casts reflect on every one in range. If you want to use Carbuncle, use him on the first turn, while your Whole party is together. You should NOT use him if you need to use white magic a lot. I would only recommend using him if you are up against many spell Casters, which happens very rarely, or if a good deal of your team Mates know reflex. Or, if you have no spell casters, you could use him on the enemy Units to prevent them from getting healed. Carbuncle costs 12 MP to Cast, and can be learned by earning 300 AP with the Garnet Staff Equipped. I would recommend learning Carbuncle only when you have nothing else To learn. Madeen: Madeen is the holy damage summon. When summoned, Madeen does high holy damage. Madeen is the best of the damage dealing summons. Madeen also deals very heavy damage to undead. Madeen costs 36 MP to summon, and can be learned by gaining 300 AP with the Cheer Staff equipped. I would recommend dropping what ever you are learning and Learn Madeen whenever you get the Cheer Staff. Phoenix: Phoenix is the summon which revives. Phoenix will revive all KO'd units (I believe it may only be KO'd allies, But I'm not sure) Within the range when summoned. Phoenix is highly useful if a large number of your people have Been KO'd. Phoenix costs 24 MP to cast, and can be learned by earning 300 AP With the Nirvana Staff equipped. I would suggest doing the same thign with Phoenix as Madeen, with Madeen having preference. Reflex: The summoner's best possible reaction in my opinion. It avoids all regular attacks. If you get a time mage to cast reflect, or have it cast Carbuncle, You have one hard to hit summoner. If not, it adds one less ting to worry about. Reflex can be learned If you earn 300 AP with the Mirage Vest while you are a Fencer. Absorb MP: Absorb MP is a fairly good reaction. It absorbs the MP Used to cast spells against the summoner. It's good to refill your MP if it's depleated, and it might be a Good ideas to switch from reflex if you have a lot of enemy spell Casters to deal with. To learn Absorn MP, earn 300 AP with the Lordly Robe equipped as an Elementalist. It might be a good idea to learn this while a elementalist, even if It delays your advancement to summoner. The summoner can also learn a few support abilities (As a summoner or as the previous classes) They are: Shield Bearer: WORTHLESS! Shield Bearer makes it so you can use a Shield, even as a summoner. Don't bother!!! It can be learned by Earning 300 AP as a Fencer with the bronze shield equipped. Turbo MP: If you are not using your summoner for white magic, earn 300 AP with White Robe equipped as a white mage. It doubles the MP cost of everything, but raises the damage and hit %. Half MP: Now this is a good idea if and only if you are planning to Keep your summoner as a white mage. It does just what it says: all Things that cost MP, the MP cost are halved. To learn it, Equip the light robe and earn 300 AP. The combo is unimportant for summoners. Characters: 1 Paladin (main character) Secondary Blue magic Must have Weapon defense + Defense 5 Assassins Secondary Sniper Must have Concentrate Ambush Breathe stop Ultimate shear Everything else is in your own opinion and with equipment base. Paladin should wear the best defensive equipment you can offer. Reason: This is a team for first time dueling versus your friend. This is for a pure element of surprise and almost always an instant Win. How to operate: At the beginning of the battle all of the assassin's Will ambush while your paladin (main character) will run as far away And constantly use defense. The assassins will go and breathe stop 5 Character's then the final one you can either ultimate shear or breath Stop him/her. You must sneak behind each of them and use breath stop. Concentrate has to be on for this to be used to the fullest. This will only work for the first time because after that they will Put on immune to instant death and you will have to put two people per Person and use ultimate shear. It will still work this way but will be more of a challenge. The paladin is just for survival. --------- Hunter Stat Growth Move--->> 4 Jump--->> 2 Evade-->> 55 HP----->> 6 (80%) MP----->> 3 (10%) ATK---->> 8 (70%) DEF---->> 6 (90%) MAG---->> 6 (90%) RES---->> 8 (40%) SPD---->> 1 (70%) Hunters are like super archers with less focus on support and more On long-range damage. More specifically they are designed to Eliminate any threat from animals, and how can you argue with moves Like Addle and Sidewinder? Aside from that hunters are also the easiest class solo with. Once you get the Human totema (No spoilers) it's simply a matter Of summoning it then going around using Hunting on whatever survived To regain you're 10 JP. As far as stats go they only really lack weapon defense, And because of this they make a good class for a paladin to take a Few levels in. Jobs Required: Archer (2 Mastered Action Abilities) Jobs Given: None Reaction Abilities -Auto-Regen- MP Usage: 0 Range: Self Learned From: Gaia Gear AP Required: 300 Effects: Bestows 'Regen' status when attacked Notes: Regen restores roughly 10% of your max HP every turn. I don't find this very useful when you could easily have Counter or Bonecrusher. I suppose you can use it if you feel you get KO'ed too often, But seeing as you are a hunter I don't see why would be Support Abilities -Weapon Atk+- MP Usage: 0 Range: N/A Learned From: Nike Bow AP Required: 300 Effects: Raises your weapon attack power Notes: A nice skill for the Hunter to have since Double Sword, And Doublehand has no effect when using bows since they are 2-handed weapons. I would definitely use this ability on a hunter Unless they are too MP reliant, then I could see using Half MP instead Combo Ability -Hunt Combo- MP Usage: 0 Range to initiate: Dependent on weapon Range to join-in: 4 panels away from the target of the initial combo Learned From: Mythril Shot AP Required: 100 Description: Hunter combo Notes: Combos do more damage if the combo equipped is the same as your Current job class Strategies for Hunters: Hunters are sort of like a cross between a thief, blue mage, and a Fighter. They get nice weapon attack power, MP, HP, and speed, But low defense; which is fine since they shouldn't be near the Battles anyway. Hunter skills are best used at a range so I wouldn't Recommend the hunter skill set as a secondary to anything. Instead use either a supportive skill set (like blue magic) or another Skill set that can be used at a range (like aim or battle tech) to Complement the hunter. Suggested Hunter Combos: Hunter/Archer - The human answer to the ever-popular moogle combo of Gunner/Mog Knight. It can deal heavy damage with it's own Ultima and inflict status at Long range just as well as a Gunner/Mog Knight but they also have a Variety of other skills which IMO makes them superior to the Gunner/Mog Knight. Burial will end any trouble with the undead. Faster will nullify any reaction ability an enemy has. Boost can be used to add extra damage to any non-animal. And Take Aim will ensure a high hit rate to finish off low HP enemies. I would take 20 levels of hunter, 5 paladins, and 25 fighters, For great speed, awesome strength, and a little added defense. Hunter/Soldier - This is one time I would suggest the use of the Soldier skill set. I think the soldier skill set would fit more on an archer to make a Very nice support character but it also fits on a hunter. You will have long-range stat breaks and mugging. Provoke won't be of much use but First Aid can be used if you get Immobilized or Blinded. Action Abilities -Sonic Boom- MP Usage: 0 Range: 4 panels Learned From: Cranequin AP Required: 200 Effects: Long-range damage Notes: The equivalent to the fighter's Far Fist, Sonic Boom delivers Area damage based on your weapon's attack -Oust- MP Usage: 0 Range: Dependant on weapon Learned From: Windslash Bow AP Required: 200 Effects: Convinces target monster to leave the battlefield Notes: It's like the paladin's Parley only less useful because animals Usually don't travel around with healers and won't need to be ousted When you could kill them -Advice- MP Usage: 0 Range: 1 panel Learned From: Twin Bow AP Required: 100 Effects: Raises the critical hit ratio of the target Notes: It's a shame it cannot be used on you, but it is nice to Give some advice to nearby double sword wielding paladin with some Strong Knightswords and let them dish out the pain -Aim: Vitals- MP Usage: 0 Range: Dependant on weapon Learned From: Fey Bow AP Required: 300 Effects: Causes a random status ailment in the target Notes: I wouldn't chance it if there were any banned status laws in Effect because you may just get lucky and hit with that status -Hunting- MP Usage: 0 Range: Dependant on weapon Learned From: Hunt Bow AP Required: 300 Effects: Kills yield extra JP Notes: Any target killed with this ability will give you 10 JP Instead of 1. This means you can summon a totema 2, 3, 4 times per Battle with one character...that is, if anyone survives them -Addle- MP Usage: 0 Range: Dependant on weapon Learned From: Master Bow AP Required: 200 Effects: Causes 'Addle' is target monster Notes: Addling a wyrm or other strong monster will practically Cripple them and leave them open to assaults from the rest of your Team, very useful if you won't be able to finish them off or if their Turn is about to come up -Ultima Shot- MP Usage: 60 Range: Dependant on weapon Learned From: Seventh Heaven AP Required: 999 Effects: Triple damage Notes: The pride and joy of the hunter. If you stay as a hunter with The right Great-Bow you can get some nice range on this bad boy -Sidewinder- MP Usage: 0 Range: Dependant on weapon Learned From: Hades Bow AP Required: 300 Effects: Double damage to animals Notes: This along with Sonic Boom will probably be one of the most Used abilities of the hunter skill set. Use it whenever you fight animals, as it will be superior to normal Attacks in every way -Capture- MP Usage: 0 Range: Dependant on weapon Learned From: Ranger Bow AP Required: 200 Effects: Captures the target monster and sends it to the monster bank Notes: This skill is essential to building a Morpher also remember You need this skill to finish all 300 missions, as you need to Capture 5 monsters to active the Fiend Run mission ----------- WHITE MONK How to Obtain: It's a starting Bangaa Class Classes Unlocked: Bishop and Templar Stat Gains HP-------6 (00%) MP-------1 (10%) ATK------8 (10%) DEF------7 (50%) MAG------8 (30%) RES------6 (80%) SPD------1 (40%) Suggested Use My bangaa is templar/white monk. The white monk gives revive, Air render and a few others while templar give haste and lifebreak And bonecrusher. Bonecrusher is a good counter attack and lifebreak does damage equal To the amount of HP missing. 3. Dragoon/White Monk: Closest thing you'll ever have to a ranged Bangaa. Not bad with the physical attacks and can come as a 3rd rate healer. People always insult the Bangaa...and don't like my Bishop/White Monk, Saying their is'nt enough raw power behind it. I'm not going for complete and raw power with this guy, I want the FLEXIBILITY. He can revive, heal an area, cure status Ailments, use magical attacks that arent affected by Color Magic laws, And do some good ranged damage. Bangaa rock! I use mine as a gladiator/ monk. The monk is for air Render and far fist, plus revive. White monks are good, because they are versitle, with abilities that Can revive, cure, and damage from afar. Although I wouldn't strongly suggest using one as a main character, The whire monk's skills are great. Maybe you should set Monk Tech as A secondary. -------------------- 4.Stat Growth Chart -------------------- Class WA WR MA MR S HP MP Soldier / +9 / +8 / +6 / +7 / +1 / +9 / +1 B. Mage / +7 / +7 / +9 / +9 / +1 / +5 / +4 Thief / +7 / +7 / +7 / +6 / +1 / +6 / +1 W. Mage / +6 / +7 / +8 / +8 / +1 / +6 / +4 Archer / +7 / +7 / +6 / +8 / +1 / +7 / +1 Ninja / +8 / +7 / +8 / +7 / +2 / +6 / +2 Hunter / +9 / +7 / +6 / +10/ +2 / +6 / +3 Fighter / +9 / +8 / +3 / +7 / +1 / +7 / +1 Paladin / +8 / +9 / +7 / +8 / +0 / +7 / +2 Magician/ +6 / +6 / +9 / +8 / +0 / +5 / +7 BlueMage/+ 8 / +8 / +8 / +9 / +1 / +6 / +3 *Blue mage has best all around stat growth* Moogles Class WD WR MA MR S HP MP Thief / +7 / +8 / +6 / +7 / +1 / +5 / +2 B. Mage / +5 / +7 / +8 / +9 / +1 / +5 / +4 AnmlTrnr / +7 / +8 / +7 / +8 / +1 / +7 / +2 Gunner / +7 / +9 / +6 / +8 / +2 / +7 / +1 TimeMage / +5 / +7 / +9 / +9 / +1 / +5 / +3 Knight / +7 / +6 / +8 / +9 / +1 / +8 / +1 Juggler / +8 / +9 / +6 / +6 / +1 / +6 / +1 Gadgetter/ +8 / +9 / +8 / +10/ +0 / +7 / +2 *Gadgetter has best all around stat growth* Banga Class WD WR MA MR S HP MP Warrior / +9 / +8 / +6 / +6 / +0 / +9 / +2 WhitMonk / +8 / +7 / +8 / +6 / +1 / +6 / +1 Bishop / +7 / +6 / +8 / +7 / +0 / +6 / +4 DragKngt / +9 / +8 / +5 / +6 / +1 / +8 / +1 GardKngt / +8 / +9 / +6 / +7 / +0 / +8 / +1 TempKngt / +9 / +10/ +9 / +7 / +1 / +9 / +3 Gladiatr / +9 / +8 / +5 / +6 / +1 / +8 / +2 *Temple Knight Has best all around stat growth* Viera Class WA WR MA MR S HP MP W. Mage / +6 / +7 / +8 / +7 / +1 / +6 / +4 Archer / +8 / +6 / +7 / +7 / +1 / +7 / +1 Fencer / +8 / +8 / +8 / +7 / +1 / +8 / +1 Chaneler/ +8 / +7 / +8 / +7 / +1 / +6 / +4 Red Mage/ +8 / +7 / +8 / +7 / +1 / +6 / +2 Summoner/ +6 / +6 / +10/ +8 / +0 / +5 / +6 Sniper / +9 / +7 / +8 / +7 / +2 / +6 / +2 Assassin/ +9 / +7 / +9 / +7 / +2 / +5 / +6 *Fencer and Assassin has best all around stat growth* N'mou Class WA WR MA MR S HP MP W. Mage / +4 / +7 / +9 / +8 / +1 / +6 / +5 ShaShift / +7 / +8 / +7 / +9 / +2 / +6 / +2 Sage / +9 / +7 / +10/ +8 / +1 / +8 / +8 B. Mage / +6 / +7 / +10/ +10/ +1 / +5 / +5 Mon Tame / +9 / +9 / +6 / +8 / +2 / +8 / +2 Magician / +5 / +6 / +9 / +8 / +0 / +5 / +7 Alchemst / +5 / +6 / +9 / +9 / +0 / +6 / +8 *Shape Shifter has best all around stat growth* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- 6.Credits ---------- The Honours and Credits should go to: SSJ4Vegeta35 Viper spit Rekawamo Ucancallmedanny Roqueskateboarder Whiteshadow1288 Honours to SSJ4Vegeta35 for playing a big part of this FAQ he submitted Tons of work and some others did a lot aswell. Sorry if i did'nt mention anyone if i did'nt just post it on the topic So that sums it up... ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ 7.Copyright Information ------------------------ This FAQ belongs to Chaos Lord 242 may not be reproduced in anyway Copied claimed as their own if this happens they will be severly Punished and will not be tolerated. This Faq may only be hosted at www.Gamefaqs.com. Copyright (c) Chaos Lord 242 All Rights Reserved ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright (c) Chaos Lord 242 All Rights Reserved!!!!!!!!