******************************************************************************* *******************************TABLE OF CONTENTS******************************* ******************************************************************************* Highlight the Roman Numberal of the section you'd like to go to and press ctrl+c, ctrl+f, ctrl+v and hit enter. This should quickly surf to the correct section. To quickly surf to a specific part of the walkthrough, highlight the thing in brackets(IE, [WALKTHROUGH EPHLAM] to go to the part where the game splits off into his direction) and do the same as mentioned above. I. Introduction II. General Tips III. Menus IV. FAQ V. Misc(Overworld Map, Important Non Recruitables, Secret Shops, Arenas, Gaiden Chapters, Monsters, Bugs, Secret Characters, Secrets, Terrain Effects) VI. Weapons VII. Items VIII. Skills IX. Stat Explanation/Formulas/Status Screen X. Walkthrough [WALKTHROUGHSTART] (For the very beginning of the walkthrough) [WALKTHROUGHEPHLAM] (For the beginning of Ephlam's Route) [WALKTHROUGHEILEEK] (For the beginning of Eileek's Route) [WALKTHROUGHUNITED] (For the part after your army is reunited) XI. Tower of Verny/Historic Ruins of Gradu XII. Credits XIII. Disclaimer XIV. Contact ############################################################################### RECENT UPDATES UPDATE: 10/14/04 -I've finished the Walkthrough, Eileek's route is temporarily in, Tower of Verny and Ruins walkthrough finished. -My Characters section is now taken out of this FAQ and provided in a seperate FAQ on gamefaqs so that I do not clutter this FAQ and to make it easier on people with slower modems. UPDATE: 10/12/04 -Added in Eileek's route. Character section fully complete, Walkthrough near completion...then I'll go back through the game and do all the necessary tweaks. -Item/Weapon lists 90% complete...just missing a few odd weapons that I haven't gotten in game yet. -Next update will be complete secret characters and Tower of Verny/Historical ruins of Gradu when finished. -Next update I will give all of the Character's Death Quotes and Backround info in their beta forms(IE, could be incorrectly translated) in the next update. So those looking forward to some info on your characters(and their tragic ends), look forward to the next update! ******************************************************************************* I. INTRODUCTION**************************************************************** ******************************************************************************* Hi, I'm Greg. I love Fire Emblem, I'm a japanese major(who sucks at japanese right now), and I use video games to practice translating. So if you don't like the names/places/script I've translated, then that's too bad. Write your own FAQ! ;) I do this for fun, so yes. ******************************************************************************* II. GENERAL TIPS*************************************************************** ******************************************************************************* Some very general tips if you're new to FE, or just want a general strategy.. 1. Try to vary your army a bit so that you don't find yourself against particularly tough enemies that are good against yours. 2. Axe beats Spear, Spear beats Sword, Sword beats axe. Light beats Dark, Dark beats Anima, Anima beats Light. Bows lose to nothing, and win nothing. Try to keep these in mind when facing enemies as they will give you a nice bonus to hitrate and bring down the enemy hitrate. Bows have an automatic Critical Hit on flying units. 3. Try not to use Zet early on, as he will soak up EXP that your other characters need. For that matter, try to kill enemies with your lower level characters. You can bring down their health with someone decent(like say Giliam), then have a lower level char like Frantz finish him off for the bonus. But try not to under any circumstances use Zet early on. I mean it won't kill you later on or anything but it helps to get those levels early til you get the Tower of Verny. 4. Use the terrain to your advantage. It'll give you dodge and defense bonuses. 5. If this is your first FE, try choosing easy mode the first time to avoid getting really frustrated. If your units die, they die forever. Don't put your hero at any great risks at any time, as if they die the map is lost. 6. If you see an enemy with a special portrait that isn't a boss, or a green ally, chances are you can recruit them. Try getting your hero or another one of your characters to speak with them. If you just want to know who, then look at the FAQ. 7. Try not to leave anyone too out in the open, and stay defensive. It can quickly result in death if you attack the enemy without a healer and are prone to multiple strikes, so try to make sure only one or two enemies can strike at you where you stand, ideally with a non advantageous weapon. That's all the advice I can offer for now. I'll offer more once I finish the game. ******************************************************************************* III. MENUS********************************************************************* ******************************************************************************* All of the menus in the Japanese version of FE8 are obviously in japanese, so these lists are to give you some help if you imported. ################ OPENING MENUS### ################ Description: The menus you encounter when you first start the game by pressing start. Note that these menus change after you have a savegame which is noted below. ----------------- New Game | ----------------- Extra | ----------------- Clicking the New Game tab will bring you to... ----------------- Beginner | ----------------- Normal | ----------------- Difficult | ----------------- Clicking the extra tab will bring you to the sound room. AFTER you've beaten the game, and assuming you haven't used all of the slots yet, your screen will look like this... ----------------- Continue | ----------------- Copy Data | ----------------- Delete Data | ----------------- New Game | ----------------- Extra | ----------------- Clicking Extra brings you to... ----------------- Link Arena | ----------------- Sound Room | ----------------- Support Convo | ----------------- Free Map | ----------------- The Free Map option is to play around in the game after you've beaten the game with your characters. Doing so can net you a few secret characters if you fight through the Historical Ruins of Gradu. ###################### BATTLE OPTION MENUS### ###################### Clicking A on the ground of a battle map brings you this menu... Unit- Detailed descriptions of your units. Press left and right to acess more stats. Overview- An overview of the map details, including how many soldiers you have and how many the enemy has, which chapter it is, what army you fight, and how much gold you have. Guide- Teaches you the basics of the game. It's all in japanese so this is useless to you. Configuration- Game configuration menu which I'll go over below... Save- Save your game in mid battle End- End your turn If you're playing on an EX map, you have the option of leaving in the middle of battle by selecting(I beleive) the 5th option down. Clicking the configuration menu has the following... Anime- Assign the animation as 1(Normal, no Background) 2(Normal, Backgrounds), Off(World map will show the damage), or Assign by Unit. Game Speed- Normal(Units move normal speed), or Fast(Units zip on the map) Message Speed- Slow, Normal, Fast, or Wait. Terrain Window- On or Off Unit Window- Panel, Burst, or Off. Combat Window- Simple, Detailed, or Off(The window that opens before you actually fight) Clear Conditions Window- On or Off Help Marquee- On or Off Auto Cursor- On or Off(Cursor auto starts on your hero if it's on) Auto Turn End- On or Off(Ends turn if all units are done automatically) BGM- On or Off(Background music on or off) Sound Effects- On or Off Window Panel- 1(Blue) 2(Orange) 3(Green) 4(Brown) ############### BATTLE MENUS### ############### If you're in range of someone to attack it is.. Attack Items Wait Basically if you highlight an attack option in the menu it will show your range in orange. If you select the option to support someone it will show a pink square around the person you can support. The trade option is 2 characters long and glows green. The "stock" or "vault" option is glowing green and 3 characters long. "Wait" is always the bottom option. If you're selecting the option to carry someone, you'll see a horse chess piece icon. If you're initiating a support convo, it will show nothing. I think that about covers it. You're safe testing out which ones are which as long as you do not pick the bottom option(wait). ########################### PREBATTLE PLANNNIG MENUS### ########################### By Mission 4 your party is too big and you need to start using the prebattle menu. It's as follows: Select Units Manage Items Support Convos Map Overview Save If you click the Manage Items tab and click a person, your 6 options are... Trade List Use Remove Storage Sell Items NOTE: If you happen to be on a map that has shops in it, you can buy from those shops before you even start the map by going to the Sell Items tab, and you will be able to both sell and buy items. If you select the map overview button you get... Look at the map Rearrange Units Config Options Save Simple enough, eh? ###################### OVERWORLD MAP MENUS### ###################### If your party is in a City and you click the A button on it, it can open up to 3 options. If it's 2 options, the top option is either Buy from the Weapon Shop or Buy from the Magic Shop. The bottom option is to Organize Party's Items. If there's 3 options, the top one is Buy from the Weapon Shop, the middle one is buy from the Magic Shop, and the bottom is Organize Party's Items. If you click on an empty square in the overworld map, it opens up these options: Unit Situation Guide Config Save Hitting the situation option leads to another screen. We have... Next Destination (Name of next destination) Unit Number: (Number of guys in your army) | Ephlam's Status Money Owned: (Amount of money) | Playtime | More to come as I find them/they're requested... ******************************************************************************* IV. FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS************************************************* ******************************************************************************* ####1. Q: Waaaahhhhhh, change the names, I don't like these names, I want such and such a name, name Zet Seth! :( :( :( :( A: Ok, changed my attitude about this. I am very sorry, but I won't be using the official names provided by IS/EB. Their names I do not believe are up to par, and thus I am using my own translation. For the sake of easyness of the FE community, I have provided those names in parenthesis. These characters include Ephlam(Ephraim), Eileek(Eirik), Rachel(Larchel), Myrra(Myrrh), Joshua( Jhosua), Seraph(Saleh), Tethys(Tethys), and Zet(Seth). I won't be changing their instances in the FAQ, but I've decided for completeness sake to include this as many of the fans prefer Ephraim, Eirik, and Seth. These are, however, NOT their true names provided in the game, they are simply the official translation name provided by the company. The names I have included are their "real" names that are used in game in japanese. Hope that makes sense, and neither name is wrong so you are free to use which ones you like. I have to apologize for over reacting for people questioning my translations as a lot of people seemed to have problems with them, and mine aren't perfect either. So, yes. Sorry! ####2. Q: Why didn't you use the official romanji names on the FE8 website? A: I have now decided to include them in the FAQ, but I still believe the company does a rather shoddy job with english, which is why I've decided to translate their real names. I'm sorry for any inconvenience this causes. ####3. Q: How/When do I promote my units? A: If you're a novice unit(Ross/Juan/Amelia), you reach level 10 on a map and on the start of the next map they get an auto promotion. Everyone else you can promote at level 10 regardless, but it's much wiser to wait til level 20 to promote so they get all the extra stats. So, once you hit 20, you have to use a certain item to promote Sun Bracelet-Ephlam Moon Bracelet-Eileek Hero Crest-Non Mounted Fighting units Knight's Proof-Social Knights, Armor Knights Guiding Ring-All Magic using units Sky Whip- All flying units Orion's Bolt- All Archer units Conquerer's Crest- Pirates, Thieves Master Proof- Promotes all units I think that about covers promotion. [Thanks to: Starcane for pointing out the errors here, everything is correct now] ####4. Q: I hear this game is easy! Is it? A: In short, yes. This game is a little easier than most of the series, especially if you decide to abuse the Arena. It's not so easy if you don't though, as it'll be a struggle for cash, and you can't just waste your weapons taking down monsters as weapons are hard to come by due to the short cash. If you truly want to have a fun time playing this game, don't abuse arenas. If you need cash, use them, but don't abuse above what you need to. ####5. Q: Are the new animations good? A: In short, yep. They're an improvement. The graphics on the new classes are simply better. Some of them can seem a bit...well, to me they just don't seem as intense or "WHAM!" worthy, but the animation is much smoother. Great Knight is my favorite. ####6. Q: I also heard someone mention skills! A return of skills?? A: Yep, but not many. And you gain them depending on which class you change to. There are also only a total of 7 skills in the entire game, and they're listed in the skills section. Still a step up for FE. ####7. Q: Does changing my class change my stat growths? A: No. ####8. Q: Who should I have inherit the holy weapons? If you ask my opinion, you should use the following people for inheriting the Holy Weapons, and I'll explain why others aren't such a good choice. Ziekmunt- Ephlam(Nobody else can use it) Zieklinde- Eileek(Nobody else can use it) Garm- Ross or Dozra(Ross is kind of a tossup. He can really wind up sucking, but he can also wind up better than Dozra as a Berserker. If you level Ross and it winds up being one of those bad times, train Dozra) Grapnil- Juan(Definitely have Juan switch to Shaman then Summoner/Druid. Noel plain and simple stinks, which is too bad because Noel and Jist are my favorite characters. Noel starts with 0 luck and average stats otherwise, but his dodge rate is just horrendous and even the most inaccurate units will eat him alive, let alone the accurate ones. He's just not up to snuff. If you REALLY want Juan to use Excalibur or REALLY want Noel to use Grapnil, then go ahead and level Noel as a Druid/Summoner, but don't say I didn't warn you about his dodge rate) Excalibur- Lute or Juan(Have Lute be a Mage Knight and she can handle Excalibur well. Juan is a fine candidate for it too. But since you'll most likely have Juan wielding Grapnil, give Excalibur to Lute) Audmura- Jist, Marieka, or Zet(Jist has all around good stats, especially in Defense and Strength, and he's still extremely accurate and pretty fast, so he makes a top pick for this sword. Zet is the best Mounted Unit in my opinion, so if you really don't want to level up Jist since he comes kinda late, then train up Zet, because he's a great unit too. Last one I would really use for it is Marieka, because she's simply a better unit than Joshua and the weight of the weapon only bogs her down a little, but I still prefer Jist over her.) Widfnir- Vanessa/Tahna/Cougar/Frantz/Giliam/Folde/Kyle/Amelia/Duecel/Anyone else I forget(Basically, give this to your best Spear unit. This one is up for grabs because so many people can easily use it, so just give it to your favorite spear unit who has S in spears) Neazheg- Naemi(Naemi is a better archer than Hineas, hands down. Give her this bow, train her.) Ratna- Rachel/Natasha/Morda(Hands down, best healer is Rachel. But you can't go wrong with Natasha or Morda either. All 3 are great healers, and since this weapon doesn't need range, Natasha and Morda do fine.) Evaldhi- Rachel/Asley(Give it to Rachel if one of the other healers is using Ratna, and give it to Asley if Rachel is using the Ratna. They're both great units) ####9. Dewd, where is an english patch for this game/is one out yet? A: No. And don't ask me for ROMs. I don't have them and I don't know where to get them, nor do I want them. ####10. What is the basic overview of the storyline? Ok, for those who don't want it spoiled, don't read below. Very basic rundown I got from blasting through the game: Lunes gets invaded by Grad, Grad basically wipes them out and kills Fard(Ephlam and Eileek's father) Eileek is told to go to Frelia, and Zet escorts her. Once they reach Frelia, King Hayden of Frelia gives them Vanessa and Morda to go and find Ephlam and get him back. Stuff happens in between getting to Lenbaar castle(like finding the zombie towns and whatnot, and recruiting Asley and Lute), and you finally get to where Ephlam is. Eileek and Ephlam head on back to Frelia and they decide to go to seperate countries for seperate purposes. Ephlam is to invade Grad and try to take out King Vigard to deal them a final blow and bring Grad to their knees from behind, and Eileek is out to get the support of Roston(and possibly other countries). Stuff happens, and basically you find out that "Stones" are what is causing all of this trouble. Each country has their own stone and holy weapons, and Leon, who is the Prince of Grad and friends with Eileek and Ephlam, is behind brainwashing Vigard into going to war. This is because Leon himself was driven mad with power by using the stones. Why he wanted to use them, I'm not exactly positive because I skipped a ton of text. What I can say for sure is that his father(Vigard) died a year earlier to the start of these incidents. Leon was extremely upset and sad, and he immediately went to the stone after his father passed. I THINK this is what's going on anyhow. Leon uses the power of the stone to revive his father, but in turn gets possessed by a demon. The demon uses Leon's father to bring the country to war. This is the part where Noel is trying to convince him not to do it and asks him what he's done, and Leon throws him in jail. So we figure out that Leon is now possessed by a Demon(Fodeath), and that half of the good him is still there. This can be observed by going through Ephlam's route and at the part where you figure out that Leon is indeed possessed by a demon, he reverts to his old kind self momentarily. Anyways, Ephlam just wanted a chance to talk with Leon, he didn't want to kill him. He makes it very clear that Leon is a very dear, and close friend of his(the term he used was similar to saying blood brothers). Anyhow, your goal becomes to go to each country and round up all of the stones so that Demonic Leon can't use them basically, and so you have the power to fight the demon. The countries lend you their holy weapons to slay him. That's the story in a very, very brief overview. There is, of course, a lot more to it. Now that I've finished my guide, I can slowly go through the game and give people hopefully a better idea of what's going on. Not word for word like Summerwolf, but I'll be doing much less sloppy summaries. Hope that was helpful. ******************************************************************************* V. MISC************************************************************************ ******************************************************************************* $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ OVERWORLD MAP$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ I'm going to draw the overworld map as a square, I'm sure you'll be able to figure it out...and it's all numbered by...numbers. _________________________________________________ | | | _____P__ | | 8 _J_/ | | | 6__ | / | ___M | | / \ \_7_/ | O_/ / \ | | | \ \ I__H_ | | | | | 5 \ \ | | | | | | \ | L | | | 9 4_3 \ G | | | | | | F | | | | | | 2_ \ | K | | | | | \ | | N | | / 1 \___E___| | | | |_0_ | | | \A__ \ | | | \__B \ | | | \___C___D_/ | |_________________________________________________| MagiVal This model obviously isn't perfectly to scale or anything, and it's as close as I can get. It's not in any specific order either. First comes the name of the actual area, then afterwards which territory it belongs to(Lunes, Grad, Roston, Frelia, Calcino, or Jahana). So here's the key... 0: Lake Castle Lenbaar, ??? 1: Adlas Plains, ??? 2: Serefew Sanctuary(This is wrong, but it's the closest thing I can come up with. I can't read the first kanji), ??? 3: Old Woods of Zahha, ??? 4: Bolgo Mountain Pass, ??? 5: Emu Village, ??? 6: Frelia Castle, Frelia 7: Country Border Muran, Frelia 8: Tower of Verny, ??? 9: Fortress Rigbald, ??? A: Port City Bethlon, Grad B: Tyzel Harbor, Grad C: Zarrbel Marsh, Grad D: Grad Castle, Grad E: Royal Palace of Jahana, Jahana F: Imperial Captial Lunes, Lunes G: Hameal Canyon, ??? H: Pokala Village, ??? I: Tieraza Plateau, ??? J: Kiryth Trade Port, ??? K: Narubay Stream, Roston L: Volcano Peak Nerelas, Roston M: Roston Palace, Roston N: Historic Ruins of Gradu(yes, Gradu, not Grad), ??? O: Ruins?, ??? P: Merecana Beach, ??? $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ IMPORTANT NON-RECRUITABLES$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ These are characters you cannot recruit, but are nonetheless important to the story. This is a work in progress. Name: Fard Role: King of Lunes Appearance: Teal Hair, Crown. Other Notes: Ephlam and Eileek's father. Name: Vigard Role: King of Grad Appearance: Man, Long Purple Hair, Purple Goatee Other Notes: Leon's father. Name: Ishmea Role: Queen of Jahana Appearance: Red haired Woman. Other Notes: Joshua's mother. Name: Hayden Role: King of Frelia Appearance: Brown Hair/Eyes. Other Notes: Name: Mansel Role: King of Roston Appearance: Other Notes: Name: Tyrard Role: Appearance: Brown Hair, Looks Sleepy Other Notes: Name: Role: Appearance: Other Notes: $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ SECRET SHOPS$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Chapter 14Eil: To the left of the throne room, at the top of the grassy path. Chapter 14Eph: To the left of the throne room, down in that little nook where the archer with the Body Ring is. Chapter 19: All the way on the right, above the treasure chests(not in the actual room with the treasure chests), all the way in the top right. They sell... Chapter 14Eil/Eph (The prices may be wrong on these...Especially the busters) Lance Buster 3000G Sword Buster 3000G Axe Buster 3000G Killer Bow 3000G Purge 5000G Thunderstorm 4500G Recover Staff 3000G Angel Cover 8000G Energy Ring 8000G Chapter 19: Shamshir 1,200G Slend Spear 9,000G Battle Axe 1,000G Libro Staff 3,750G Angel Robe 8,000G Energy Ring 8,000G Skill Book 8,000G Speed Wings 8,000G Goddess Statue 8,000G Dragon Shield 8,000G Hero Crest 10,000G Knight Proof 10,000G Orion's Bolt 10,000G Sky Whip 10,000G Conquerer's Crest 10,000G $$$$$$$$$ ARENAS$$$ $$$$$$$$$ I don't know EVERY chapter yet, but so far.. Chapter 5 Chapter 10Eil Chapter 12Eph $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ GAIDEN CHAPTERS$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ I don't know how to get all of these yet, in fact the only one I know so far is: 5G: Save all of the villages in chapter 5 I'll update this if I find more. $$$$$$$$$$$ MONSTERS$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$ The monsters have odd names, so I've included there Japanese name, then what it actually is(in english), then their weapon: Skeleton, Skeleton, Various Swords/Spears/Bows Hellbone, Hellbone, Various Swords/Spears/Bows Zombie, Zombie, Rotting Claws Mummy(Promoted Zombie), Mummy, Long Rotting Claws Bigel, Floating Eye, Evil Eye/Bloody Eye Arch Bigel, Floating Eye, Evil Eye/Bloody Eye Morsadoog, Cerberus, Searing Bite Fang Cerberus(Promoted Morsadoog), Cerberus, Burning Bite Fang Talvos, Centaur, various Axes Magdyle(Promoted Talvos), Centaur, Various Axes Baal, Giant Spider, Various claws(Sharp, Poison, Deadly Poison) Elder Baal, Giant Spider, Various claws(Sharp, Poison, Deadly Poison) Gargoyle, Gargoyle, Various Spears Death Gargoyle(Promoted Gargoyle), Gargoyle, Various Spears Cyclops, Cyclops, Various Axes Gorgon, Naga, Various eyeballs Dragon Zombie, Dragon Zombie, Decay Breath I'll include more if I find more. $$$$$$$ BUGS$$$ $$$$$$$ There are only two bugs I know so far in the game, and both are fairly minor bugs. 1. Sometimes Enemies will not drop the correct item or weapon(Like the Axe Fighter on Ephlam's Chapter 9(Fog level). He is supposed to drop a Halberd but instead drops his Iron Axe. Someone suggested that the bug involved having only the top item in their item list drop, but the boss Cyclops for Chapter 12 of Ephlam's route has his droppable as his second weapon and he still drops the correct item. So I'm not sure if it's just specific units that are bugged. I know I have seen more than one case of this. 2. The second bug involves the General. Say, if you fire a bow/use magic against a General and you shoot twice. If he activates Big Shield for the first hit, he will continue to glow yellow even for the second hit even though Big Shield doesn't prevent the second hit. Must have not thought that one out. You can also activate this by facing a General in the arena with a character who strikes twice against him in a row. This bug won't work if the General swings in between your first and second shot. 3. There is a bug where summoned units can recieve a unit that another unit is carrying, but they themselves cannot pick people up. 4. Not exactly a bug, but they coded Healing staves to have critical hits on Undead, yet you can't hit/cure enemy Undead. I know, minor bugs. That's it for now. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ SECRET CHARACTERS$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ You can obtain enemy Generals, Allied Kings and Queens, and Enemy Kings and whatnot by going through the ruins AFTER you've beaten the game and select Free Map mode. This is just for fun as most of them are practically dummied, have crap growth, no death quote, no supports etc. These are just to see the characters in action. See my Character FAQ for more info. $$$$$$$$$$ SECRETS$$$ $$$$$$$$$$ From gamersara: After beating the game twice(Eileek and Ephlam's route) Start a new game and now all three novices can have infinite promotions~ The new promoted Novice Fighter gets 15% extra cri bonus The promoted Novice Soldier also gets 15% extra cri bonus Novice Mage can use all three types of magic XD(no staff tho) The other important thing is that, the stat cap for these three classes are really high Thanks GS. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ TERRAIN EFFECTS$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ I will organize these later. Let me know if I miss any. Terrain: Plains Evade Bonus: 0 Defense Bonus: 0 Notes: Plain Grass Terrain: Woods Evade Bonus: 20 Defense Bonus: 1 Notes: Patch of trees Terrain: River Evade Bonus: 0 Defense Bonus: 0 Notes: River Terrain: Bridge Evade Bonus: 0 Defense Bonus: 0 Notes: Bridge Terrain: Floor Evade Bonus: 0 Defense Bonus: 0 Notes: Castle Floor Terrain: Sand Evade Bonus: 5 Defense Bonus: 0 Notes: Light Sand Terrain: Chopped down Snag Evade Bonus: 0 Defense Bonus: 0 Notes: Chogged down Snag/Tree Bridge Terrain: High Mountains Evade Bonus: 40 Defense Bonus: 2 Notes: High Brown Mountains Terrain: Wall Evade Bonus: - Defense Bonus: - Notes: Castle Walls Terrain: Door Evade Bonus: - Defense Bonus: - Notes: Door Terrain: Treasure Chest Evade Bonus: - Defense Bonus: - Notes: - Terrain: Fulcrum Evade Bonus: - Defense Bonus: - Notes: Castle Supporting Pillar Terrain: Pillar Evade Bonus: 20 Defense Bonus: 1 Notes: Columns inside a castle(Not part of the castle, just terrain things) Terrain: Stairs Evade Bonus: 0 Defense Bonus: 0 Notes: Stairs Terrain: Throne Evade Bonus: 30 Defense Bonus: 3 Notes: Throne Terrain: Castle Gate Evade Bonus: 30 Defense Bonus: 3 Notes: Castle where Bosses stand. Terrain: Sea Evade Bonus: 10 Defense Bonus: 0 Notes: Middle of the Sea Terrain: Destroyed Village Evade Bonus: 0 Defense Bonus: 0 Notes: Destroyed Village Terrain: Mountains Evade Bonus: 30 Defense Bonus: 1 Notes: Green Mountains Terrain: Deep Woods Evade Bonus: - Defense Bonus: - Notes: Deep Dark Green Woods Terrain: Village Evade Bonus: 10 Defense Bonus: 0 Notes: Terrain: Tal Evade Bonus: - Defense Bonus: - Notes: Barrel(Why they call it a "Tar/Tal", I dunno) Terrain: Evade Bonus: Defense Bonus: Notes: ******************************************************************************* VI. WEAPONS******************************************************************** ******************************************************************************* Note: Weapons are sorted by class from lowest to highest. E being lowest and * being highest. ========= SWORDS=== ========= Name: Iron Sword Class: E Range: 1 Weight: 5 WepStr: 5 Accuracy: 90 Critical Rate: 0 Durability: 46 Notes: - Name: Thin Sword Class: E Range: 1 Weight: 2 WepStr: 3 Accuracy: 100 Critical Rate: 5 Durability: 30 Notes: - Name: Steel Sword Class: D Range: 1 Weight: 10 WepStr: 8 Accuracy: 75 Critical Rate: 0 Durability: 30 Notes: - Name: Iron Broadsword Class: D Range: 1 Weight: 12 WepStr: 9 Accuracy: 70 Critical Rate: 0 Durability: 35 Notes: - Name: Shamshir Class: D Range: 1 Weight: 5 WepStr: 8 Accuracy: 75 Critical Rate: 35 Durability: 20 Notes: - Name: Armor Killer Class: D Range: 1 Weight: 11 WepStr: 8 Accuracy: 80 Critical Rate: 0 Durability: 0 Notes: Critical on Armors. Name: Horse Killing Sword Class: D Range: 1 Weight: 11 WepStr: 6 Accuracy: 85 Critical Rate: 0 Durability: 18 Notes: Critical on Mounted units. Name: Poison Sword Class: D Range: 1 Weight: 6 WepStr: 3 Accuracy: 70 Critical Rate: 0 Durability: 40 Notes: Causes Poison on Hit. Name: Kill Sword Class: C Range: 1 Weight: 7 WepStr: 9 Accuracy: 75 Critical Rate: 30 Durability: 20 Notes: - Name: Steel Broadsword Class: C Range: 1 Weight: 14 WepStr: 11 Accuracy: 65 Critical Rate: 0 Durability: 25 Notes: - Name: Lance Buster Class: C Range: 1 Weight: 9 WepStr: 9 Accuracy: 75 Critical Rate: 5 Durability: 15 Notes: Beats Spears, Loses to Axes. Name: Dragon Killer Class: C Range: 1 Weight: 5 WepStr: 8 Accuracy: 75 Critical Rate: 0 Durability: 30 Notes: Critical on Dragon units. Name: Light Sword Class: C Range: 1 Weight: 9 WepStr: 9 Accuracy: 70 Critical Rate: 0 Durability: 25 Notes: Casts Light Magic if used from 2 spaces. Name: Hero Sword Class: B Range: 1 Weight: 12 WepStr: 9 Accuracy: 75 Critical Rate: 0 Durability: 30 Notes: Strikes Twice. Name: Silver Sword Class: A Range: 1 Weight: 8 WepStr: 13 Accuracy: 80 Critical Rate: 0 Durability: 20 Notes: - Name: Silver Broadsword Class: A Range: 1 Weight: 13 WepStr: 14 Accuracy: 60 Critical Rate: 0 Durability: 20 Notes: - Name: Rune Sword Class: A Range: 1~2 Weight: 11 WepStr: 12 Accuracy: 65 Critical Rate: 0 Durability: 15 Notes: Casts Rezaiah if used from 2 spaces away. Name: Audmura Class: S Range: 1 Weight: 5 WepStr: 7 Accuracy: 95 Critical Rate: 10 Durability: 40 Notes: Holy Weapon of Jahana [The Water Sword Audmura] Magic Resistance+5, Auto Critical on Monsters Name: Rapier Class: * Range: 1 Weight: 5 WepStr: 7 Accuracy: 95 Critical Rate: 10 Durability: 40 Notes: Critical on Armors, Only Eileek may use this. Name: Zieklinde Class: * Range: 1 Weight: WepStr: Accuracy: Critical Rate: Durability: Notes: Holy Weapon of Lunes [The Lightning Sword Zieklinde] Strength+5, only Eileek can use this. Auto Critical on Monsters. ========= SPEARS=== ========= Name: Iron Spear Class: E Range: 1 Weight: 8 WepStr: 7 Accuracy: 80 Critical Rate: 0 Durability: 45 Notes: - Name: Thin Spear Class: E Range: 1 Weight: 4 WepStr: 4 Accuracy: 85 Critical Rate: 5 Durability: 30 Notes: - Name: Javelin Class: E Range: 1~2 Weight: 11 WepStr: 6 Accuracy: 65 Critical Rate: 0 Durability: 20 Notes: - Name: Poison Spear Class: E Range: 1 Weight: 8 WepStr: 4 Accuracy: 65 Critical Rate: 0 Durability: 40 Notes: Causes poison on hit. Name: Steel Spear Class: D Range: 1 Weight: 13 WepStr: 10 Accuracy: 70 Critical Rate: 0 Durability: 30 Notes: - Name: Horse Killer Class: D Range: 1 Weight: 13 WepStr: 7 Accuracy: 70 Critical Rate: 0 Durability: 16 Notes: Critical on Horse Units. Name: Piercing Spear Class: D Range: 1 Weight: 14 WepStr: 9 Accuracy: 70 Critical Rate: 0 Durability: 16 Notes: Critical on Armors Name: Short Spear Class: C Range: 1~2 Weight: 12 WepStr: 9 Accuracy: 60 Critical Rate: 0 Durability: 18 Notes: - Name: Axe Buster Class: C Range: 1 Weight: 11 WepStr: 10 Accuracy: 70 Critical Rate: 5 Durability: 15 Notes: Beats Axes, Loses to Swords. Name: Killer Lance Class: C Range: 1 Weight: 9 WepStr: 10 Accuracy: 70 Critical Rate: 30 Durability: 20 Notes: - Name: Dragon Spear Class: C Range: 1 Weight: 8 WepStr: 10 Accuracy: 70 Critical Rate: 0 Durability: 30 Notes: Critical on Dragons. Name: Slend Spear Class: B Range: 1~2 Weight: 10 WepStr: 12 Accuracy: 70 Critical Rate: 5 Durability: 15 Notes: - Name: Hero Spear Class: B Range: 1 Weight: 14 WepStr: 10 Accuracy: 70 Critical Rate: 0 Durability: 30 Notes: Strikes Twice. Name: Silver Spear Class: A Range: 1 Weight: 10 WepStr: 14 Accuracy: 75 Critical Rate: 0 Durability: 20 Notes: - Name: Widfnir Class: S Range: 1 Weight: 11 WepStr: 15 Accuracy: 80 Critical Rate: 0 Durability: 30 Notes: Holy Weapon of Frelia [The Winged Spear Widfnir] Defense+5, Auto Critical on Monsters Name: Raygenrave Class: * Range: 1 Weight: 8 WepStr: 10 Accuracy: 80 Critical Rate: 10 Durability: 45 Notes: Critical on Mounted units. Critical on Armors. Only Ephlam can use this. Name: Ziekmunt Class: * Range: 1 Weight: 11 WepStr: 19 Accuracy: 80 Critical Rate: 0 Durability: 30 Notes: Holy Weapon of Lunes [The Blazing Spear Ziekmunt] Strength+5, only Ephlam can use this. Auto Critical on Monsters ======= AXES=== ======= Name: Iron Axe Class: E Range: 1 Weight: 10 WepStr: 8 Accuracy: 75 Critical Rate: 0 Durability: 45 Notes: - Name: Steel Axe Class: E Range: 1 Weight: 15 WepStr: 11 Accuracy: 65 Critical Rate: 0 Durability: 30 Notes: - Name: Hand Axe Class: E Range: 1~2 Weight: 12 WepStr: 7 Accuracy: 60 Critical Rate: 0 Durability: 20 Notes: - Name: Throwing Axe Class: E Range: 1~2 Weight: 5 WepStr: 4 Accuracy: 85 Critical Rate: 0 Durability: 50 Notes: - Name: Devil Axe Class: E Range: 1 Weight: 18 WepStr: 18 Accuracy: 55 Critical Rate: 0 Durability: 20 Notes: Has a chance of hurting yourself instead of your enemy. Name: Halberd Class: D Range: 1 Weight: 15 WepStr: 10 Accuracy: 60 Critical Rate: 0 Durability: 18 Notes: Critical on Mounted units. Name: Hammer Class: D Range: 1 Weight: 15 WepStr: 10 Accuracy: 55 Critical Rate: 0 Durability: 20 Notes: Critical on Armors. Name: Poison Axe Class: D Range: 1 Weight: 10 WepStr: 4 Accuracy: 60 Critical Rate: 0 Durability: 40 Notes: Poisons target if hit. Name: Dragon Axe Class: C Range: 1 Weight: 11 WepStr: 12 Accuracy: 60 Critical Rate: 0 Durability: 30 Notes: Critical on Dragons. Name: Killer Axe Class: C Range: 1 Weight: 11 WepStr: 11 Accuracy: 65 Critical Rate: 30 Durability: 20 Notes: - Name: Sword Killer Class: C Range: 1 Weight: 13 WepStr: 11 Accuracy: 80 Critical Rate: 5 Durability: 20 Notes: Beats Swords, Loses to Axes. Name: Sword Buster Class: C Range: 1 Weight: 13 WepStr: 11 Accuracy: 65 Critical Rate: 5 Durability: 15 Notes: Beats Swords, Loses to Axes. Name: Battle Axe Class: B Range: 1 Weight: 15 WepStr: 13 Accuracy: 60 Critical Rate: 5 Durability: 20 Notes: - Name: Hero Axe Class: B Range: 1 Weight: 16 WepStr: 10 Accuracy: 65 Critical Rate: 0 Durability: 30 Notes: Strikes Twice Name: Silver Axe Class: A Range: 1 Weight: 12 WepStr: 15 Accuracy: 70 Critical Rate: 0 Durability: 20 Notes: - Name: Tomohawk Class: A Range: 1~2 Weight: 14 WepStr: 13 Accuracy: 65 Critical Rate: 0 Durability: 15 Notes: - Name: Garm Class: S Range: 1 Weight: 13 WepStr: 20 Accuracy: 75 Critical Rate: 0 Durability: 15 Notes: Holy Weapon of Grad [The Black Axe Garm], Speed+5, Auto Critical on Monsters. ======= BOWS=== ======= Name: Iron Bow Class: E Range: 2 Weight: 5 WepStr: 6 Accuracy: 85 Critical Rate: 0 Durability: 45 Notes: - Name: Steel Bow Class: D Range: 2 Weight: 9 WepStr: 9 Accuracy: 70 Critical Rate: 0 Durability: 30 Notes: - Name: Longbow Class: D Range: 2~3 Weight: 10 WepStr: 5 Accuracy: 65 Critical Rate: 0 Durability: 20 Notes: - Name: Poison Bow Class: D Range: 2 Weight: 5 WepStr: 4 Accuracy: 65 Critical Rate: 0 Durability: 40 Notes: Poisons target on hit. Name: Short Bow Class: D Range: 2 Weight: 3 WepStr: 5 Accuracy: 85 Critical Rate: 10 Durability: 22 Notes: - Name: Killer Bow Class: C Range: 2 Weight: 7 WepStr: 9 Accuracy: 75 Critical Rate: 30 Durability: 20 Notes: - Name: Hero Bow Class: B Range: 2 Weight: 12 WepStr: 10 Accuracy: 70 Critical Rate: 0 Durability: 30 Notes: Strikes Twice. Name: Silver Bow Class: A Range: 2 Weight: 6 WepStr: 13 Accuracy: 75 Critical Rate: 0 Durability: 20 Notes: - Name: Neazheg Class: S Range: 2 Weight: 7 WepStr: 18 Accuracy: 80 Critical Rate: 0 Durability: 30 Notes: Holy Weapon of Frelia [The Serpent Bow Neazheg] Luck+5, Auto Critical on Monsters. ============== ANIMA MAGIC=== ============== Name: Fire Class: E Range: 1~2 Weight: 4 WepStr: 5 Accuracy: 90 Critical Rate: 0 Durability: 40 Notes: - Name: Thunder Class: D Range: 1~2 Weight: 6 WepStr: 8 Accuracy: 80 Critical Rate: 5 Durability: 35 Notes: - Name: Elfire Class: C Range: 1~2 Weight: 10 WepStr: 10 Accuracy: 85 Critical Rate: 0 Durability: 30 Notes: - Name: Thunderstorm Class: B Range: 3~10 Weight: 20 WepStr: 12 Accuracy: 60 Critical Rate: 0 Durability: 5 Notes: - Name: Fimble Class: A Range: 1~2 Weight: 12 WepStr: 13 Accuracy: 80 Critical Rate: 0 Durability: 20 Notes: - Name: Excalibur Class: S Range: 1~2 Weight: 13 WepStr: 18 Accuracy: 90 Critical Rate: 10 Durability: 30 Notes: Holy Weapon of Jahana [The Wind Cutter Excalibur] Speed+5, Auto Critical on Monsters. ============= DARK MAGIC=== ============= Name: Mil Class: D Range: 1~2 Weight: 8 WepStr: 7 Accuracy: 80 Critical Rate: 0 Durability: 45 Notes: - Name: Luna Class: C Range: 1~2 Weight: 12 WepStr: 0 Accuracy: 50 Critical Rate: 20 Durability: 30 Notes: Does damage equal to caster's Magic/Strength stat. Name: Rezaiah Class: C Range: 1~2 Weight: 14 WepStr: 10 Accuracy: 70 Critical Rate: 0 Durability: 20 Notes: Steals target's HP. Name: Eclipse Class: B Range: 3~10 Weight: 12 WepStr: - Accuracy: 30 Critical Rate: 0 Durability: 5 Notes: Halves target's HP. Name: Nosferatu Class: A Range: 1~2 Weight: 18 WepStr: 15 Accuracy: 70 Critical Rate: 0 Durability: 20 Notes: - Name: Nagyrfal Class: S Range: 1~2 Weight: 18 WepStr: 25 Accuracy: 95 Critical Rate: 0 Durability: -- Notes: - Name: Grapnil Class: S Range: 1~2 Weight: 20 WepStr: 23 Accuracy: 80 Critical Rate: 0 Durability: 30 Notes: Holy Weapon of Grad [The Dark Legend Grapnil] Skill+5 ============== LIGHT MAGIC=== ============== Name: Lightning Class: E Range: 1~2 Weight: 6 WepStr: 4 Accuracy: 95 Critical Rate: 5 Durability: 35 Notes: - Name: Shine Class: D Range: 1~2 Weight: 8 WepStr: 6 Accuracy: 90 Critical Rate: 8 Durability: 30 Notes: - Name: Divine Class: C Range: 1~2 Weight: 12 WepStr: 8 Accuracy: 85 Critical Rate: 10 Durability: 25 Notes: - Name: Purge Class: B Range: 3~10 Weight: 20 WepStr: 10 Accuracy: 75 Critical Rate: 5 Durability: 5 Notes: - Name: Arjilore Class: A Range: 1~2 Weight: 15 WepStr: 12 Accuracy: 85 Critical Rate: 15 Durability: 20 Notes: - Name: Evaldhi Class: S Range: Weight: 10 WepStr: 17 Accuracy: 90 Critical Rate: 5 Durability: 30 Notes: Holy Weapon of Roston [The Glorious Evaldhi] Defense+5 ========= STAVES=== ========= Name: Live Staff Class: E Range: 1 Weight: - WepStr: 10 Accuracy: Autohit Critical Rate: 0 Durability: 30 Notes: Heals HP Name: Relive Staff Class: D Range: 1 Weight: - WepStr: 20 Accuracy: Autohit Critical Rate: 0 Durability: 20 Notes: Heals more HP Name: Torch Staff Class: D Range: Magic/2 Weight: - WepStr: - Accuracy: AutoHit Critical Rate: - Durability: 10 Notes: Creates light in fogged areas Name: Unlock Staff Class: D Range: 1~2 Weight: - WepStr: - Accuracy: AutoHit Critical Rate: - Durability: 10 Notes: Opens a chest or door. Name: Rest Staff Class: C Range: 1 Weight: - WepStr: - Accuracy: AutoHit Critical Rate: - Durability: 10 Notes: Cures status abnormality. Name: Recover Staff Class: C Range: 1 Weight: - WepStr: 30 Accuracy: AutoHit Critical Rate: - Durability: 10 Notes: Heals lots of HP Name: MShield Class: C Range: 1 Weight: - WepStr: - Accuracy: AutoHit Critical Rate: - Durability: 15 Notes: Increases Magic Resistance for a number of turns. Name: Hamern Staff Class: C Range: 1 Weight: - WepStr: - Accuracy: AutoHit Critical Rate: - Durability: 3 Notes: Restores Durability to full of a weapon. Name: Sleep Staff Class: B Range: Magic Str/2 Weight: - WepStr: - Accuracy: ? Critical Rate: - Durability: 3 Notes: Puts target to sleep Name: Libro Staff Class: B Range: Magic Str/2 Weight: - WepStr: - Accuracy: AutoHit Critical Rate: - Durability: 15 Notes: Heals HP from afar. Name: Silence Staff Class: B Range: Magic Str/2 Weight: - WepStr: - Accuracy: AutoHit Critical Rate: - Durability: 3 Notes: Silences target for a few turns. Name: Berserk Staff Class: B Range: Magic Str/2 Weight: - WepStr: - Accuracy: AutoHit Critical Rate: - Durability: 3 Notes: Target is Berserk for a few turns. Name: Rescue Staff Class: B Range: Magic Str/2 Weight: - WepStr: - Accuracy: AutoHit Critical Rate: - Durability: 3 Notes: Target is teleported next to the user. Name: Reserve Staff Class: A Range: Magic Str/2 Weight: - WepStr: - Accuracy: AutoHit Critical Rate: - Durability: 8 Notes: Heals all allies within range radius. Name: Warp Staff Class: A Range: 1 Weight: - WepStr: - Accuracy: AutoHit Critical Rate: - Durability: 5 Notes: Teleport unit to anywhere on the map. Name: Ratna Staff Class: S Range: All Weight: - WepStr: - Accuracy: AutoHit Critical Rate: - Durability: 3 Notes: Holy Weapon of Roston [The Sacred Staff Ratna] Heals all allies to full life and cures all status ailments. =============== MISC/MONSTER=== =============== Name: Rotting Claws Class: ? Range: 1 Weight: ? WepStr: 7 Accuracy: ? Critical Rate: ? Durability: - Notes: Zombie class uses this. Name: Long Rotting Claws Class: ? Range: 1 Weight: ? WepStr: 12 Accuracy: ? Critical Rate: ? Durability: - Notes: Mummy class uses this. Name: Evil Eye Class: - Range: 1~2 Weight: 6 WepStr: 7 Accuracy: 85 Critical Rate: 0 Durability: - Notes: Bigel(Floating Eye) class uses this. Name: Bloody Eye Class: - Range: 1~2 Weight: 13 WepStr: 14 Accuracy: 70 Critical Rate: 5 Durability: - Notes: Bigel(Floating Eye) class uses this. Name: ???(I cannot translate this for the life of me. It's 2 kanji no 2 kanji.) Class: - Range: 3~10 Weight: 20 WepStr: 13 Accuracy: 70 Critical Rate: 5 Durability: - Notes: Bigel/Arch Bigel(Floating Eye) class uses this. Name: Poison Claws Class: - Range: 1 Weight: ? WepStr: 6 Accuracy: ? Critical Rate: ? Durability: - Notes: Baal(Giant Spider) class uses this. Poisons Name: Deadly Poison Claws Class: - Range: 1 Weight: ? WepStr: 10 Accuracy: ? Critical Rate: ? Durability: - Notes: Baal(Giant Spider) class uses this. Poisons. Name: Sharp Claws Class: - Range: 1 Weight: ? WepStr: 14 Accuracy: ? Critical Rate: ? Durability: - Notes: - Name: Searing Bite Fang Class: - Range: 1 Weight: ? WepStr: 5 Accuracy: ? Critical Rate: ? Durability: - Notes: Morsadoog(Cerberus, and no I didn't mispell the class) class uses this. Name: Burning Bite Fang Class: - Range: 1 Weight: ? WepStr: 13 Accuracy: ? Critical Rate: ? Durability: - Notes: Cerberus class uses this. Name: Stone Class: - Range: 1~3 Weight: 8 WepStr: 0 Accuracy: 65 Critical Rate: 0 Durability: - Notes: Gorgon class uses this. Turns a character to stone. Name: Witch's Gaze of Confusion(Note that the only word incorrect is "Gaze". I can't make out what that Kanji means, but this is close enough for now) Class: - Range: 1 Weight: ? WepStr: 13 Accuracy: ? Critical Rate: ? Durability: - Notes: Gorgon class uses this. Causes Berserk. Name: Decay Breath Class: - Range: 1~2 Weight: ? WepStr: 10 Accuracy: ? Critical Rate: ? Durability: - Notes: Mamkute class uses this. STR+10, SKL+10, DEF+20, MDF+10 ======= MISC=== ======= (Sadly this deserved it's own section because there's only 4 weapons MISC) Name: Dragon Stone Class: ? Range: 1 Weight: 5 or less(Doesn't effect Myrra's speed) WepStr: 16 Accuracy: 100 Critical Rate:(I still don't know how critical rates work, so I can't figure this one out. It's around 15) Durability: 50 Notes: Myrra's Dragon Stone. +12 STR, +12 SKL, +15 DEF, +20 MDF. Cannot be repaired. Auto Critical on Monsters. Name: ??? Class: - Range: 1 Weight: ?? WepStr: 18 Accuracy: 95 Critical Rate: 0 Durability: -- Notes: Fodeath's Attack (Top one). Hits you with his fist. STR+10, SKL+10, DEF+15, MDF+10 Name: Demon's Light of Impurity Class: - Range: 1~2(possibly only 2) Weight: ? WepStr: 13 Accuracy: 60 Critical Rate: 0 Durability: -- Notes: Fodeath's Attack (Second one down). Shoots an Impure Light STR+13, SKL+10, DEF+10, MDF+15 Name: Pitch Black Nightmare Class: - Range: 1~3 Weight: ?? WepStr: ?? Accuracy: ?? Critical Rate: ?? Durability: 1 Notes: Fodeath's attack (Last one). I have no idea what this spell does or it's bonuses because I can't get him to use it. ******************************************************************************* VII. ITEMS********************************************************************* ******************************************************************************* Name: Wound Ointment Use: Heals HP Durability: 3 Description: Yellow Bottle Name: Elixir Use: Heals HP full Durability: 3 Description: Blue Wound Ointment bottle Name: Antidote Use: Cures Poison Durability: 3 Description: A blue bag Name: Pure Water Use: Increases Magic Defense by 7(then slowly dwindles each turn) Durability: 3 Description: Blue bottle, thinner than Elixir Name: Torch Use: Clears up a large radius of fog Durability: 5 Description: Torch Name: Treasure Key Use: Opens a Chest Durability: 1 Description: Gold Key with little blue mark Name: Door Key Use: Opens a Door Durability: 1 Description: Pure gold key Name: Thieves Key Use: Opens a door or chest Durability: 15 Description: Blue, Green, And Gold Key Name: Feary Protection Use: Protects flying units from bow criticals Durability: - Description: Teal shield with a wing on it. Name: Hoplon Protection Use: Protects from critical hits Durability: - Description: Blue shield with an X on it. Name: Member Card Use: Access Secret Shops Durability: - Description: Gold/Brown card. Name: Guiding Ring Use: Promotes a level 10 or higher Magic unit Durability: 1 Description: Ring with Red Ruby on the end. Name: Orion's Bolt Use: Promotes a level 10 or higher Archer unit Durability: 1 Description: Two gold and blue arrows crossed. Name: Knight's Proof Use: Promotes a level 10 or higher Social Knight or Armor Knight. Durability: 1 Description: A red and gold fancy crest Name: Sun Bracelet Use: Promotes Ephlam Durability: 1 Description: Name: Moon Bracelet Use: Promotes Eileek Durability: 1 Description: Name: Hero Crest Use: Promotes a level 10 or higher grounded fighting unit. Durability: 1 Description: Mostly red, plain looking crest. Name: Sky Whip Use: Promotes a level 10 or higher flying unit Durability: 1 Description: Gold hilted blue whip Name: Crest of Champions Use: Promotes a level 10 or higher Pirate/Thief Durability: 1 Description: Blueish dark green Emblem. Name: Master Proof Use: Promotes a level 10 or unit of any kind Durability: 1 Description: White little emblem with what appears to be a mushroom on it? Name: Red Gem Use: Sell for 2,500G Durability: - Description: Big Red Ball Name: Blue Gem Use: Sell for 5,000G Durability: - Description: Big Blue Ball Name: White Gem Use: Sell for 10,000G Durability: - Description: Big White Ball Name: Black Gem Use: Sell for 15,000G Durability: - Description: Big Black Ball Name: Angelic Robe Use: HP+7 when used Durability: 1 Description: White Angel wrapped in blue cloth Name: Energy Ring Use: Strength/Magic+2 when used Durability: 1 Description: Thin black ring with big red ruby. Name: Skill Book Use: Skill+2 when used Durability: 1 Description: Yellow Book Name: Quick Wing Use: Speed+2 when used Durability: 1 Description: White Wing Name: Goddess Statue Use: Luck+2 when used Durability: 1 Description: Small face of Goddess Statue Name: Dragon Shield Use: Defense+2 when used Durability: 1 Description: Blue shield with an icon on the front, green trim Name: Talisman Use: Magic Resistance+2 when used Durability: 1 Description: Large red gem in a necklace Name: Boots Use: Move+2 when used Durability: 1 Description: Pair of Boots Name: Body Ring Use: Constitution+2 when used Durability: 1 Description: A simple, gold ring. Name: Methys Writing Use: +5% to all stat growth? Durability: 1 Description: A Purple Scroll with yellow tie Name: 10G, 50G, 100G, 150G, 200G Use: Get various amounts of Gold Durability: - Description: Gold Bag(Only enemies drop these of course) ******************************************************************************* VIII. SKILLS******************************************************************* ******************************************************************************* Name: Piercing)Or literal translation of Pierce Through if you want) What it does: Negates enemy defense when activated(The Wyvern Rider will briefly glow blue when it activates, and when he strikes it will make a different slash) Who has it: Wyvern Knights Name: Lockpicking What it does: Open doors and chests without keys Who has it: Rogues Name: Assassination What it does: Automatically kill target on a critical hit(even if you hit 0) Who has it: Assassins Name: Big Shield What it does: Take no damage from the oncoming hit when activated(The General will glow yellow) Who has it: Generals Name: Sure Shot What it does: If activated, target is hit regardless of hitrate. Who has it: Sniper Name: Monster Slayer(Or literal translation of Monster Efficacy if you want) What it does: Increased damage against monster units. Who has it: Bishops Name: Summon What it does: Summons a Deceased Soldier Who has it: Summoner Note: The level of your Deceased Soldier increases as your Summoner levels up. Neat eh? Summoning can be done anywhere, but you can only have 1 summon out at a time. It gives you 10exp or so for summoning, but you don't gain exp for your Deceased Soldier fighting. ******************************************************************************* IX. STAT EXPLANATION/FORMULAS/STATUS SCREEN************************************ ******************************************************************************* When you click on a character's status screen, there are 3 screens: Their Items, Weapon and Support Data, and Personal Data. When you click personal data, it displays that units Stats and Attributes. This is an explanation of each and how they affect formulas. Also, these are listed as the first column first, then the one to the right of it next. STATS: HP- How much Health your character has. Once this reaches 0, that character is dead permanently. STRENGTH/MAGIC STRENGTH- How strong your character is. This stat effects how much damage you deal. Skill- How Skilled your character is. This stat effects how accurate you are. Speed- How fast your character is. This stat affects your dodge rate and how often you or your enemy strike. Luck- How lucky your character is. This stat effects criticals, critical hit defense, and dodge rate. Defense- How tough your character is. This stat affects how much damage you take from weapons. Magic Resistance- How immune to magic your character is. This stat effects how much damage you take from spells. Movement- How far your character can move. This stat shows how many spaces your character can move. Constitution- How burly your character is. This stat effects how easy it is for you to wield heavier weapons. Carry Capacity- How well your unit can haul other units. This stat effects if you will be able to carry a unit or not. Company- Which character you're currently carrying Affinity- Which element your character is attributed to. This effects support conversation bonuses. FORMULAS: You can see the results of your formulas by looking at the "Item" screen. The results are at the bottom where it says "Equipment" in this arrangement: Equipment Range Attack Damage Critical Rate Accuracy Dodge Rate If you click the help(R) button on a weapon, it displays the weapon stats as follows: Class Range Weight WepStr Accuracy Crit Rate And now the formulas... Attack Damage: STR+Weapon STR Accuracy Rate: WEP Accuracy+(Skillx2)+(Luck/2) (Round down for luck) Critical Rate: WEP Critical Rate+???? Critical Defense Rate: ???? Dodge Rate: (SPDx2)+LCK Damage Dealt: Attack Damage-Enemy DEF Hit Rate: Accuracy Rate-Enemy Dodge Rate Critical Rate: Critical Rate-Enemy Critical Defense Rate -If the weight of the weapon exceeds your Constitution stat, you lose a speed for every point it goes over during combat. -To swing twice on the enemy, you must have at least 4 more speed than them. -Carrying a unit halves your skill and speed(round down). -Poison Status makes you lose HP every turn for an alloted number of turns( usually 5). The damage is small(2-3). -Sleep status puts your unit to sleep for an alloted number of turns. They can't move or fight back until they're awake, and getting hit doesn't wake them up. -Silence status makes you inable to use magic spells for a few turns. -Berserk status makes that unit attack the nearest enemy or ally unit for a few turns. -Stone status makes your character inable to move a few turns, and all enemies will have 100% hitrate on them, and still do normal damage(taking the chars DEF into account). So your DEF stat still works, but your critical defense and dodge rate do not. They will have their full crit rate and 100% hit. WEAPON PROFICIENCY: Your weapon proficiency is displayed in the Weapon and Support level window. The lowest rating is E and the highest is S(you cannot attain S level in weapons until your unit promotes). Every time you fight(in the arena or in direct combat. IE you MUST swing, not just take a shot from a bow), you gain a little skill with that weapon. When the bar is full, you gain a level and can use better equipment. Weapon Proficiency has NO effect on actual combat, only what weapons you can use. Lastly, below is your support level. Depending on the level of the supprt(C, B, or A) and the Element of the character(Light, Dark, Flame, Lightning, Wind, Ice, Anima), your unit will gain small bonuses to certain stats/damage/crit/ accuracy/dodge rates. The number is small but every bit helps, unfortunately I don't know the exact elemental effects from supports for now, but it should be enough to know that you'll gain a bonus if they're within 3 squares. ******************************************************************************* X. WALKTHROUGH***************************************************************** ******************************************************************************* [WALKTHROUGHSTART] Quick note: Like I've said before, my japanese is nowhere near fluent. Until someone steps up to the plate and helps me with summaries(which nobody probably will), then you're stuck with me explaining tidbits of conversations and explanations of what they do on the map. Don't blame me for it! About halfway through I stopped trying to decipher everything because it was giving me a headache. Instead in some cases I've obviously filled the area with random translations until I can really figure out what's going on, but it's not hard to figure out which areas I truly translated and what is a joke. Quick note #2: This is based on NORMAL difficulty of the game. I've also decided to do Ephlam's route first, so those of you on Eileek's route will need to wait til I finish. Quick note #3: I know there's a lot of junk in place for the story and it's sloppy right now, but give me a bit to finish the game and then take my time with the translation once I've gotten the important bits out of the way. We start off with an opening scene of...lots of japanese on a black screen (agh, sorry...I can't stop to translate this stuff right now as I'm trying to get the rest of the FAQ done) and we come then to the world map where it's explaining the leaders of the countries. For a basic rundown of leaders...you have Fard(Faado), leader of Lunes(Runes). Hayden(Heiden), leader of Frelia(Fureria). Ishmea(Ishumea), leader of Jahana(Jyahana). Mansel(Manseru), leader of Roston(Rosuton). Vigard(Vigarudo), leader of Grad(Gurado). Then you have Calcino(Karuchino), and I'm not sure who that guy is they show. Anyways, I can't give clear details because my japanese translation is slow and I don't have the luxury of doing that as of now, so...the most basic explanation I can give is that obviously Vigard, leader of Grad is invading Lunes. =============================================================================== Chapter 1 Prologue: The Fall of Lunes =============================================================================== Objective: Defeat the Boss Items: Level Strategy: Ok, this stage is extremely small and it's just 2v3. Zet starts with 13 life thanks to the shot he takes from Valter, but he's a Jeigan anyways so you don't want him fighting unless you absolutely need to. Objective of the map is to take down the boss. Have Eileek take out the two fighters in the first turn without Zet. Zet comments(I think about how good she's doing), and the boss is then pissed that his subordinates died and he goes after you. Fight from the forest and make quick work of him. BOSS STATS: Name: O'niel Class: Fighter Equipment: LV: 4 HP: 23 Str: 6 Def: 2 Skl: 4 MDf: 0 Spd: 7 Mov: 5 Lck: 0 Con: 11 Chapter Storyline Summary: Grad invades Lunes, Fard tells his daughter Eileek to flee and tells Zet to escort her to Frelia. Eileek is very worried about her father, but Zet must get her away from danger. Valter shows up just as they're leaving and him and Zet fight. Zet loses miserably and runs away. Oniel and his subordinates are sent to chase them down. =============================================================================== Chapter 1: Escape =============================================================================== Objective: Retake the castle Items: Level Strategy: This stage is pretty simple, I don't think you need much advice. Try to give Eileek and Frantz the exp for all the baddies, and watch out for the reinforcements. Give Eileek Zet's Steel Sword so she can stop wasting her Rapier on normal soldiers. However, have her kill the boss with the Rapier. Objective: Retake the castle BOSS STATS: Name: Bregey Class: Armor Knight Equipment: LV: 4 HP: 20 Str: 8 Def: 9 Skl: 2 MDf: 0 Spd: 1 Mov: 4 Lck: 2 Con: 13 Chapter Storyline Summary: Tahna(Blue haired girl, princess of Frelia I believe) gets word of an incoming army from Grad. She also hears about Eileek(I guess they're friends). Anyways, Bregey(Blue haired/mustached armor knight) comes over to the castle and whacks the Mercenary guarding it, and eventually winds up throwing the princess in a dungeon. Eileek begs Zet to help her save Tahna, and he agrees. After turn 1, Bregey recognizes Eileek as the princess of Lunes and says he must be in huge luck, and orders his troops to go get her. Later in the turn, Frantz and Giliam turn up and Frantz asks Giliam if this is Muran castle of Frelia territory. Giliam says yes and says Tahna is probably still inside. I can't read the other stuff but basically they show up to help you whip the enemy. After you defeat all the regular troops(but the boss), reinforcements will show up from behind. After you beat the map, you meet the King of Frelia and he gives you Vanessa and Morda. =============================================================================== Chapter 2: Protect the People =============================================================================== Objective: Kill all Enemies Items: Level Strategy: Ross starts with very low HP, so the first thing you want to do is send Vanessa over to pick him up and put him near your hero. Have your hero talk to her and have Vanessa go over and get Garcia over to Ross. Buy all the weapons you can for your characters and then finish the map. This one should be easy. Only 2 reinforcements come. BOSS STATS: Name: Bone Class: Mountain Bandit Equipment: LV: 4 HP: 23 Str: 6 Def: 4 Skl: 4 MDf: 0 Spd: 5 Mov: 5 Lck: 0 Con: 12 Chapter Storyline Summary: Ross and Garcia's village gets burned down and Ross gets hurt in the process and they both flee. Eileek and her company go around to save the villages. Once you beat the map, Ross and Garcia talk with Eileek and Ross convinces Garcia to go with them. Eileek is alone later that night and has a flashback about Ephlam(her brother), and I'm not sure what they're talking about. While she's daydreaming, a blue haired thief bumps into her and takes off...with something I guess. She looks around and Zet is apparently very upset at something, so I'm assuming the thief took something of importance. =============================================================================== Chapter 3: Bolgo Mountain Pass's Bandits =============================================================================== Objective: Take the Throne Items: Level Strategy: Ok, this one is rather easy since the enemies are pretty stagnant. At the end of the first turn, Corma will show up and open a door. Kill the 2 Fighters holding Door/Treasure keys, and have Corma loot everything after you recruit him with Naemi. The rest is easy...I suggest using Corma and Naemi as they are both excellent units, so use this map to level them up. BOSS STATS: Name: Bazba Class: Mountain Bandit Equipment: LV: 6 HP: 25 Str: 8 Def: 5 Skl: 5 MDf: 2 Spd: 7 Mov: 5 Lck: 1 Con: 12 Chapter Storyline Summary: Zet and Eileek are chatting away about god knows what, and an archer named Naemi shows up and asks for their assistance in saving the blue haired thief Corma I believe. The fight ensues. After you beat the map, Naemi and Corma have a talk(I dunno what about but it looks amusing), and eventually Zet comes into the scene and I believe he asks for whatever Corma stole from Eileek back. He explains stuff, I guess, and gives it back. Zet then goes and returns it and talks to Eileek about uh...stuff. Then we cut to a scene of Duecel(Grey haired GreatKnight), Selyna(Blonde haired, Blue Eyed Mage Knight), and Glen(Blonde haired Dragon Knight). They talk about Grad and uh..other stuff. They're apparently 3 generals of Vigard's, and Vigard sits on his throne and asks them to bring 3 guys in. The first guy is the Bishop Ave(Old, frail looking man), the second is Keselda(Weird eyed, Brown haired) the Hero, and the last is Valter(Blue Hair, Sunken weird eyes)... The Wyvern Knight who whacked Zet in the beginning. Vigard tells Selyna the Mage Knight and Keselda the Hero to go to Frelia to take care of some business. He tells Bishop Ave and Great Knight Duecel to take care of other business, and lastly tells Dragon Knight Glen and Wyvern Knight Valter to take care of Eileek and Ephlam. It should be pointed out that Glen has something against Valter but Vigard pairs them up anyways. Thus ends this scene... =============================================================================== Chapter 4: Fantastic People =============================================================================== Location: Zahha Woods Items: Level Strategy: You shouldn't have much trouble with this map, so bring along your wimpy units and have fun, but don't forget some medicines. The enemies are all generally weak and you get a batch of reinforcement skeletons after turn 1. Just stay on your toes for your weak units and you'll be fine. Objective: Defeat all enemies BOSS STATS: Name: Monster Class: Mummy Equipment: Long Rotting Claws LV: 1 HP: 35 Str: 3 Def: 0 Skl: 0 MDf: 0 Spd: 1 Mov: 5 Lck: 0 Con: 6 Chapter Storyline Summary: Scene opens yet again with Eileek and Zet talking up a storm, and then monster pop up everywhere and everyone screams(or just Eileek), and then the scene cuts to the village in the bottom left where 2 mages reside(Lute and Asley). Lute goes on about how she hates zombies or something and Asley says he will BRAVE the zombies. He goes on to Zet and Eileek and warns them about the haunted forest and goes to prove how awesome he is against a large eyeball. At the end of turn 2, Rachel and gang show up and make a few giggly comments then run away again. Anyhow, after you slay the Mummy the gang has their usual talk with the group of newcomers(Asley and Lute), and they finish up their business...and along comes Rachel with her Dwarf friend and her other friend. They probably make a bunch of snide comments or something at Eileek then they go off to do...something. Exciting huh? Ok... =============================================================================== Chapter 5: Imperial Shadow =============================================================================== Objective: Kill the Boss Items: Level Strategy: If you're an arena leveling monkey, you'll need to pick 4 characters to ditch. At this point it'll probably be Zet, Ross(he can only get to level 10 unless you managed to gain him ten levels before now), and 2 others. Now, what you need to do is take care of multiple situations at once here. You want to send Giliam(whom you hopefully netted a couple of levels) up the left path to head off the guys up there. He SHOULD be able to handle them by himself and some healing items. Then you want to send Natasha straight up towards the village near Joshua, and have her there incase Giliam needs assistance. Send the rest of your guys to the right set of stairs leading up to Joshua and prepare to deal with the reinforcements. You need to secure the 2 houses close to Joshua fast before the pirates get to it. Now...recruiting Joshua. I simply had Frantz take a shot from him and then had Natasha talk to him. He is your prime canidate for this job because he's A. Fast enough that Joshua won't strike twice and B. weak enough that he won't kill him on accident. The rest of the level should be a cakewalk, and you can use the arena if you like. Stop by and get some items too. BOSS STATS: Name: Zaar Class: Armor Knight Equipment: LV: 8 HP: 26 Str: 9 Def: 12 Skl: 5 MDf: 3 Spd: 3 Mov: 4 Lck: 4 Con: 13 Chapter Storyline Summary: Starts off with Natasha being up to no good and being all fidgety, and then she REALLY pisses everyone off and they all come out to get her. Joshua seems to think she's pretty funny/clueless, even though he's her enemy. I think he knew she was up to no good. Anyhow, she runs to Eileek for help, and Eileek grants it. Time to take on the army! At the end of Turn 1, some Pirate losers show up on the right to cause some trouble. Then every few turns they'll appear at another part of the map, so you need to recruit Joshua quickly then defend the towns(as they offer some nice items like Dragon Shields and Armor Killers). If you want to get someone a few extra levels you can give it a try at the Arena...but I wouldn't suggest putting in Giliam, as Armors are at a pretty high disadvantage in Arenas. Anyhow.. When the map ends, Zet Eileek and Natasha all round up for a good old talk. After they're done chitchatting, a villager who looks strangely like Mario also flirts up a storm with Eileek and tosses her a Guiding Ring.(I'm not sure if recieving this item has a condition to it, it might possibly be saving all of the villages.) Saving all of the villages will also lead you to... =============================================================================== Chapter 5 Gaiden: Broken Hearts =============================================================================== Objective: Take the throne Items: Level Strategy: Immediately divvy out all of Olson's equipment to whoever you like, and just basically have all 3 of them destroy the level together...really shouldn't have trouble due to how powerful these 3 are. Just don't put Ephlam right next to the axe users and heal him if he takes a shot, then just team up on the end guy. Don't think you need much more than that. BOSS STATS: Name: Zonta Class: Mercenary Equipment: LV: 8 HP: 25 Str: 9 Def: 6 Skl: 8 MDf: 6 Spd: 9 Mov: 5 Lck: 4 Con: 9 Chapter Storyline Summary: This chapter starts with Valter and Tyrard(Brown hair, sleepy looking guy) having a pleasant conversation about...we'll say doughnuts. Then Tyrard brings up Ephlam and what I'm sure is his current status, and I think there's also brown nosing involved on how awesome Valter is. Anyhow, after they're done we cut to Ephlam along with his subordinates Folde and Kyle. They talk about...probably killing the enemy and being cool looking, and then Olson interrupts and tells them they have to go kill people. They then stand in front of Lanbaar castle and decide it's a good time to stop and have a talk. So they do. Then we cut to inside to Zonta who is pissed that none of his guards have killed them before entering. They all prepare to kill Ephlam, and Ephlam makes a quick comment to Olson...and off we go with the battle. After you clean up shop, Kyle and Ephlam have a talk and Folde comes rushing up to the throne room. He informs Ephlam that Grad has surrounded the castle. Startled, they decide to run out into the open...and along comes Valter. There's a lot of talking going on, and eventually I believe Ephlam agrees to go along with Valter. Not sure why, but who cares? =============================================================================== Chapter 6: Hatred's Mud(WTF?) =============================================================================== Objective: Kill the Boss Items: Level Strategy: Make sure you bring along Corma and Vanessa for this battle. Have Vanessa immediately go for the village, and have Corma move towards the middle of the map to reveal a large portion of the enemy. Bring up the rest of your army into position, and then battle it out. Nobela is in the top right corner and he has some cronies guarding him. Be careful of the units with Poisoned weapons or weapons that do critical damage to specific units(Horse Killer, Halberd). Stick to that and you should be fine. Make sure you protect the villagers though. I reccomend sending Vanessa over there ASAP because a giant spider will eventually come along and try to kill them, and given some ability she should be able to kill it. Defeat Nobela and you're done. If you manage to save the villagers, they'll give you an Orion's Bolt. BOSS STATS: Name: Nobela Class: Shaman Equipment: Mil LV: 10 HP: 39 Str: 11 Def: 5 Skl: 9 MDf: 9 Spd: 8 Mov: 5 Lck: 7 Con: 7 Chapter Storyline Summary: The chapter opens with Zet and Eileek walking through some dense fog when out pops Nobela sent by Bishop Ave. They go on talking for a bit, and obviously Nobela doesn't like the way things are going so he whips out his 6 year old female hostage, and then the negotiations really start to begin(read: Lots of text). They go on for a long time, and eventually Nobela gives up and teleports the victims back to Ave and has a short chat, the teleports them to some remote area with another hostage. As another note, the hostages are citizens of Lunes, so yeah...Eileek wants to save them. After the fight the villagers will come up to you and give you an Orion's Bolt for saving them, then they'll hobble off. Zet and Eileek have a conversation, mostly about Fard or Ephlam and what I'm sure is the current state of their beloved country. Then off we go to... =============================================================================== Chapter 7: Lake Castle Lenbaar =============================================================================== Objective: Take the Castle Items: Level Strategy: This map is very easy. Make sure you bring along Corma to steal the Energy Ring from the mage near the castle. Just send Lute and Asley through the crowd of enemies, and have Vanessa fly north to kill the few enemies in the mountain path above where you start. Send another one to take out the ballista before proceeding, and then just have Lute/Asley/Naemi(any of them) shoot down Murry since he only has a sword. Oh, and he drops a Knight's Crest. BOSS STATS: Name: Murry Class: Social Knight Equipment: Steel Sword, Knight's Crest(Drop) LV: 12 HP: 27 Str: 8 Def: 7 Skl: 8 MDf: 6 Spd: 8 Mov: 7 Lck: 7 Con: 9 Equipment: Steel Sword, Knight's Crest(Drop) Chapter Storyline Summary: So, Zet and Eileek pop up again. This time we're at Lenbaar, where we last saw Ephlam. Eileek is obviously worried and came here to save him...your entire party shows their sentiment for raiding and killing, then you're off to kill Murry. After this, Eileek and Zet rush into castle Lenbaar only to meet up with Olson(Ephlam's Paladin)... =============================================================================== Chapter 8: Trap and... =============================================================================== Objective: Take the throne Items: Level Strategy: Not much to say here. Have Corma along to open all the chests and be careful with your units. I really can't offer much advice here, as it's a simple map. BOSS STATS: Name: Tyrard Class: General Equipment: Silver Spear, Javelin LV: 1 HP: 29 Str: 13 Def: 13 Skl: 7 MDf: 8 Spd: 3 Mov: 5 Lck: 2 Con: 15 Chapter Storyline Summary: So we have Eileek, Zet, and Olson. They talk it up a bit and Olson says that they need to quickly rescue Ephlam deeper inside the castle. So they chase off a bit and once inside a bit they talk some more. Olson is leading them on, but Zet stops because he smells a rat. He confronts Olson about it and at first Olson asks him what he's talking about, but then Zet has some kind of explanation for it and Olson is just like "Well, look's like I'm caught". At this point Tyrard comes up and says that's enough and sends Olson away(Olson turns red). Tyrard, Zet and Eileek have a little talk(which I'm sure is the dubious plan he cooked up and where the real whereabouts of Ephlam are), and then tells the guards to lock them in and fight. Ephlam, Kyle, and Folde show up at the end of turn 1 and see the ruckus so they decide to join in and help. You can have Ephlam talk to Eileek and they have a nice tearful reunion. Anyhow, after the map Zet, Eileek, and Ephlam are chatting and Myrra comes up and butts in. She's probably saying "PAY ATTENTION TO ME!", but I don't know. Thus ends the Chapter. =============================================================================== Intermission Chapter =============================================================================== Here we have Ephlam and Eileek talking and they both reminisce on a friend of theirs named Leon(Purple haired Summoner guy). I don't know exactly what goes on in the chat, but obviously he's not around now. After they're done thinking back on Leon, they head off to Frelia. Tahna greets Ephlam and Eileek, and Ephlam apologizes for his absence and making them worry, and Tahna says not at all. Anyhow, a soldier interrupts and tells Tahna that Henias has arrived. I think Henias is Tahna's older brother. Anyhow, Ephlam says it's been a while to Henias and he responds with a curt "Ephlam." Anyhow, Tahna is yapping her face off and Henias is completely unamused. He doesn't really care about Ephlam and Eileek, so he says something(which I'm sure is insulting), and heads off. He appears to be being pretty rude, and Tahna is trying to convince him to stop? Anyhow, Henias leaves and Tahna apologizes for his rudeness, and Ephlam says it's alright. She comments on how Ephlam and Henias are rivals. Anyhow, they stop the chit chat and Henias brings them to King Hayden. King Hayden and Eileek talk a bit about the status of uh..things. And Ephlam and Hayden then talk for a bit and Ephlam brings in Myrra. Apparently Myrra is a very important woman and she has some connection to Grad. Myrra is shy I guess and excuses herself from their presence. Ephlam explains that Myrra is a Mamkute. Then Myrra comes back and I think they take a while explaining why Mamkute's are important. It's a shame I can't understand a single word. A soldier interrupts and says that basically Grad is there(specifically Selyna and Keselda) and whooping all sorts of ass. The King is alarmed and we cut to a scene of the Grad soldiers, you guessed it, whooping all sorts of Frelia ass. THEN we cut to a scene of Keselda stealing some kind of stone(this stone has been talked about on and off throughout the game, but I'm not sure what it's purpose is), and he seems pretty happy about it. One of the Frelia soldiers crawls up to Keselda in some kind of vain attempt to stop him, and Keselda laughs at him and kills him. Selyna is pretty unhappy about this and asks him what the hell he thinks he's doing. They're there for the stone. As you can tell, Selyna is a pretty nice lady, and Keselda/Ave/Valter are the "bad" generals. Anyhow, I believe Keselda explains that this is war and death is what he does. And off they go.. Now we cut to the King mumbling a whole lot of mumbo jumbo to himself, and Eileek asks what he's doing, and he says nevermind. Anyhow, Henias comes in and says he will take on some task I think as Prince of Frelia. They're all talking about Roston and I'm not sure if they want reinforcements or they're going to go help them themselves/something important is there, but we'll say it's for cake. If I can read the final plan correctly, they're sending Henias to see Jahana's Queen and Eileek to meet Roston's King. Aannd..something about Ephlam taking on Grad. The King slaps you with 10,000 gold and it's a done deal. Everyone heads off to do their thing. =============================================================================== IMPORTANT GAMEPLAY CHANGES =============================================================================== At this point, Eileek and Ephlam must again seperate so they're talking and saying goodbye. And at this point in the game you must choose whether to play as Eileek or Ephlam, and both split off into entirely different paths. Regardless of who you choose, Ephlam will recieve all of Eileek's units if you choose him and Eileek will recieve Folde/Kyle if you choose her. Anyhow, Eileek is the top choice and Ephlam is the bottom choice. If you picked Ephlam, simply read below. If you picked Eileek...Highlight this: [WALKTRHOUGHEILEEK] Press ctrl+c, ctrl+f, and ctrl+v, then enter. It should zip you on over to Eileek's walkthrough section. You might need to hit enter 1-3 times. =============================================================================== After you've picked Ephlam... =============================================================================== [WALKTRHOUGH EPHLAM] Once you pick Ephlam, Zet and Ephlam get familiar with each other. After they talk a bit about Eileek, you get control of the army. (They of course, know each other since Zet is the General of Lunes) Now once you're on the world map there are two major changes: Monsters will now spawn on the map so you're free to gain your units levels by engaging in battles with them. As far as I can tell, these battles have absolutely no effect on the story...so level away. The monsters will respawn if you either get into a Chapter battle or battle in the tower. The second change is the Tower that you'll see appear along with your next destination. Verny tower is a place where you can brave your way up 10 floors of the tower. It's purposes are listed in the Tower of Verny section of the FAQ. =============================================================================== Chapter 9Eph: Fortress of Rigbald =============================================================================== Objective: Take the Throne Items: Killer Axe(Enemy Boss), Rest Staff(Chest), Level Strategy: Not a lot of advice I can offer here. By this point in the game you've started taking a liking to a few units, so use those units. Bring along Corma to get all of the chests. Just cream the rest and be sure to kill the guys who drop stuff. You should have no problem taking them out. Have Ephlam talk to Amelia to recruit her. Now rampage over the rest of the map. I reccomend NOT fighting with Amelia in this level, as just about every enemy will decimate her. Wait to fight weaker monster units. If you truly insist on getting her to ten this level, I suggest waiting until you've wiped out all but the enemies near the throne room, and have her kill the priests with no staves left. As for the boss, he IS very strong, but he has no long range! So pelt him with either an archer, or preferrably a mage until he's dead. If you have no high level mages (shame on you!) then you should bring along a promoted unit. BOSS STATS: Name: Geb Class: Warrior Equipment: Steel Axe, Killer Axe(Drop) LV: 5 HP: 45 Str: 18 Def: 13 Skl: 8 MDf: 5 Spd: 6 Mov: 6 Lck: 1 Con: 16 Chapter Storyline Summary: This chapter opens with Vigard on his throne as usual, dishing out orders to his generals. This time he pairs up Glen and Valter(AGAIN), Ave and Keselda, and Selyna and Duecel. What their orders are, I'm not sure. Selyna and Duecel recieve some kind of orders to deal with Ephlam, and for some reason Duecel really doesn't like the idea. Selyna calms him down and manages to get him out of there without pissing off King Vigard. Now we switch to a scene of Vigard leaving the throne room with a suspicious character. That suspicious character is Leon from the Flashback in the intermission chapter. Duecel obviously hasn't give up his protest with his mission and is complaining to Vigard about it. I'm not sure but I think Leon is unhappy about being seen by Duecel near the King. Vigard eventually calms Duecel down and sends him away. Then we switch to a scene of a Pegasus Knight being shoved up to the Throne in Rigbald. This is none other than Tahna, princess of Frelia. The soldier brings her up to Geb(The lardass) and she's screaming for him to let go of her. Geb starts hitting on her saying she's a beauty. And that he wants to have fun with her(you may cringe now). Tahna insists that Ephlam will save her and beat them all up, and Geb laughs at her. He says some stuff, she calls him a beast, and he throws her in the dungeon. Now we go to Ephlam and Zet..who talk about a wide range of things(Duecel, Leon, Grad, Eileek in Roston, and other various stuff). Scene switches to Geb(who probably just had his way with Tahna, I can't tell), and someone shouts the the Lunes army is there. So..him and this soldier talk stuff over(Geb is unhappy about Duecel I guess or makes fun of him), and Amelia comes running in when they're done talking and tells him to wait a sec. She says that saying that kind of stuff is too cruel. Geb says "What the hell? What's your name?" and she answers Amelia. She gives him some lecture and says that "We're the soldiers of Grad, not murderers" or some such. Geb then cuts to his perverted chase and comments on how she's a woman in the army and I'm sure other comments on being her superior and her doing her "duty" and whatnot, because she backs off disgusted. The Soldier reminds Geb that there are people outside waiting to kill him, and then Amelia turns to the soldier and tells him she's a member of the Grad Empire under Duecel, and that she thinks that what they're doing is wrong(though what they're doing I don't really know). I think the Soldier comments on how it's a soldier's job. Then off we go to battle. At the very start of the battle it shows the soldier shoving Tahna into prison and she complains and says she hopes Ephlam rescues her soon and how horrible Grad is. After you nab the throne, Zet brings a prisoner they caught up to Ephlam. The Soldier is questioned and he tells Ephlam a bit of info that makes Ephlam flip out(and he mentions Leon, so maybe he's shocked that Leon is behind this). Zet tells Ephlam that he should remain calm, and Ephlam apologizes and leaves the prisoner. Once outside, they continue their conversation which I'm sure is important plot stuff, but they bring up Duecel and Leon. After they're done, Ephlam goes to Myrra. I believe Ephlam tells her to return to Frelia, but she says nope, she's with Ephlam. He tells her it's no good and that it's not safe here in Grad so again, she should return to Frelia where it's safer. After a bit of talking Ephlam gives in and let's her stay. NOW we cut to another scene of Vigard on his throne as Selyna enters. They chat up about Duecel(I believe at this point Duecel has turn coated or something because he disagreed with Vigard's motives...because he is brought up frequently by all parties). Vigard seems to think he deserves punishment I guess and Selyna is trying to cover for him and explain his actions I think. I can't even guess what the rest of the conversation is about, but she hints that she is tied to the/a stone. Onto... =============================================================================== Chapter 10Eph: A Group of Traitors =============================================================================== Objective: Protect Duecel for 10 turns Items: Torch Staff(North Village), Hero Crest(Left Village), Skill Book(Enemy Battleship), Armor Killer(Enemy Social Knight), Kill Sword(Enemy Social Knight), Lance Buster(Enemy Fencer), Sky Whip(Enemy Cougar) Level Strategy: Bring along Vanessa/Tahna(whoever is strong/promoted), or hell...bring both. Also bring along any mounted units you have and a healer or two. Once that's underway have the horsemen go along the path straight to Duecel, and have one of them save the village on the way. Take Vanessa and/or Tahna and send them to hopefully clean up the battleships and pirates without being clipped. Stay clear from Cougar(Blonde haired Dragon Knight), because only Duecel can recruit him. Have Ephlam talk to Duecel, and have Duecel talk to Cougar before the map ends. Get over to Duecel ASAP and set up some defense from Berna's onslaught. If you want you can kill the enemies close to the castle to recieve some pretty sweet items, and some enemies on the edge of the map also have them. But remember, avoid Cougar til you have Duecel. Killing Berna is completely optional as he doesn't drop anything. ALSO, the village closest to Duecel has Marieka who gives you your first Hero Crest. Use it wisely. Other village at the top has a Torch staff. BOSS STATS: Name: Selyna Class: Mage Knight Equipment: Elfire, Thunderstorm LV: 8 HP: 33 Str: 13 Def: 9 Skl: 13 MDf: 17 Spd: 16 Mov: 7 Lck: 10 Con: 6 Name: Berna Class: Forest Knight Equipment: Steel Sword, Short Bow LV: 7 HP: 34 Str: 15 Def: 13 Skl: 13 MDf: 13 Spd: 13 Mov: 7 Lck: 6 Con: 9 Chapter Storyline Summary: The chapter starts off with Ephlam headings towards his objective when a Brown Haired Pegasus knight tells him to hold up a minute. She reports on the status of Calcino and Eileek, and apparently it's not looking good because Ephlam is worried. Zet shows up and Ephlam tells him that he understands he must concentrate on the matter at hand. When Zet leaves, he says something like "Eileek, may you find peace" as he turns pitch black(?), and then an earthquake occurs. I have no idea what Zet and Ephlam then talk about... Scene cuts to Duecel and Selyna. They chit chat a bit and I think she basically confronts him as a traitor. All the marbles are spilled at this point and Duecel takes his measly 3 soldiers and takes cover. I think apparently Duecel was your ally the entire time because he's always being talked about and disagreeing with Vigard. Anyhow, after Duecel has taken cover Selyna has a little chat with Cougar(blond hair). She tells him to go get Duecel, and he talks abit(I think Duecel might even be his father?), then we cut back to Ephlam. He's told the situation by Zet and he exclaims that they need to go save Duecel! After you end your first turn, none other than Valter shows up and he's up to his usual bad business. He walks in and says(I think) that Selyna isn't up to the job to killing Duecel because of her personal feelings, and before she can speak he calls in Berna. He goes on about how Eileek is in Calcino and that Selyna should leave to some place(Back to the capital?), and she leaves on a boat. Valter then tells Berna what an idiot she is and a few other things, and he goes off to stop Eileek at Calcino. Berna is then left in charge. At the start of the 4th turn, Cougar makes quick talk with the soldier about attacking now. If you beat the map by Killing Berna(and possibly everyone else on the map?) then you miss a small cutscene with Berna panicking at failing to kill Duecel, and contemplating if Valter will forgive him. Anyhow, I'm not sure if he flees back to Valter or flees far, far away, because I KILLED HIM! Anyhow, inside the castle we have Duecel, Myrra and Ephlam talking. Duecel talks about important plotline stuff around Leon, and the Stone(s?) and some dramatic music starts playing. I wish I could elaborate more but they honestly just talk about important storyline stuff here since apparently Duecel was either a spy or decided that he hated Vigard and he's laying all the cards out for Ephlam. After he's done spilling the beans, one of his NPC soldiers comes up to him(if you saved them all(one of them?) anyhow. He goes on about how loyal he is I guess and Duecel says he's sorry for getting them mixed up in all of this. The soldier says not at all, and gives Duecel a Knight Crest("Thanks alot jerk! I'm already promoted!"). Scene cuts over to Ephlam and Zet having a quick chat before being rudely interrupted by Rachel and her two lackies(Who are finally introduced as Dozra(Gimli with a green beard), and Renack(Homoerotic weirdo). They take off and Ephlam is left utterly confused, and the ship arrives and Zet says they should be off. So they do on to... =============================================================================== Chapter 11Eph: The Phantom Ship =============================================================================== Objective: Kill All Enemies Items: Short Spear(Enemy Death Gargoyle) Level Strategy: Bring along your powerful units, a healer or two, and be ready to defend against a horde of monsters. Don't forget Corma, as this map is Fogged. At the end of turn 1, the enemy ship moves closer to Ephlam's. At the end of turn 2, the enemy boat puts planks across to Ephlam's ship, and reinforcements from the sky arrive. Be careful of Gargoyle's and Bigel's from the top and bottom of the map. Reinforcements will keep coming from parts of the map. On turn 5, Rachel and Dozra show up on another boat and connect to the enemy boat as NPCs. To recruit them, have Ephlam speak to Rachel, and have Rachel speak to Dozra. BOSS STATS: Name: Monster Class: Death Gargoyle Equipment: Short Spear LV: 3 HP: 23 Str: 8 Def: 9 Skl: 5 MDf: 1 Spd: 8 Mov: 7 Lck: 0 Con: 11 Chapter Storyline Summary: Scene opens with Selyna finally arriving back at the capital for an audience with Vigard(and Leon in the back). Vigard asks why she's not out rounding up Duecel, and she starts mumbling about how Valter gave her a message to come back. Vigard informs her the Duecel is now in Ephlam's company, and asks her if she still feels loyal. She's taken aback and says of course, that she is his loyal servant. She's outraged at even the mention of it. Hrm, Leon comments on all of this and then calls Vigard father( which I certainly didn't know until now). Anyhow, Leon talks about the Dragon Stone(ok, so there are multiple stones)...I have no idea about the rest of the conversation. We move on to Myrra and Ephlam looking out over the sea and making small chit chat, then Zet comes and interrupts. Zet says that an enemy ship approaches, but when Ephlam asks if it's Grad he says no. But they're not sure who it is. It happens to be none other than wrinkly old Ave. He's summoned up a bunch of Undead and he's ready to ditch the boat and unleash them all on the crew. And off to battle we go. On turn 5, Rachel and Dozra show up(minus Renack), and go to kill the Undead. After you've wiped them all out, Rachel and Ephlam will chat a bit about various things(Roston, Eileek, blah blah), and off we go to... =============================================================================== Chapter 12Eph: Landing at Tyzel Harbour =============================================================================== Objective: Kill the Boss Items: Elfire(Enemy Mage), Guiding Ring(Enemy Shaman), Sword Killer(Enemy Cyclops), Horse Killer(Enemy Gargoyle) Level Strategy: At this point in the game you should have figured out most of the characters that you want to use, because you have most of them. Bring along whichever ones you want to use and just beat the level accordingly. Save the house at the top of the map to get Juan(Novice Mage), and kill all of the guys around Marieka(Pink haired Fencer) by luring them with a flying unit. Then unarm one of your units and have them bait Marieka(so they don't kill her, and Juan will die if she attacks him), and then have Juan talk to her. Kill the cyclops, end of story. Don't forget to kill the enemies holding treasure. BOSS STATS: Name: Keselda Class: Hero Equipment: Silver Axe, Hand Axe LV: 9 HP: 42 Str: 16 Def: 13 Skl: 15 MDf: 13 Spd: 13 Mov: 6 Lck: 14 Con: 13 Name: Monster Class: Cyclops Equipment: Hand Axe, Sword Killer LV: 9 HP: 28 Str: 8 Def: 13 Skl: 5 MDf: 0 Spd: 6 Mov: 5 Lck: 0 Con: 16 Chapter Storyline Summary: The chapter starts with Zet and Ephlam talking a bit, then we switch over to Juan and some other guy. They chat a bit and the other guy heads off while Juan runs mischivously into a house. We cut back to Ephlam, Zet, and Myrra. Sigh...they talk a bunch, no idea what about, then Myrra leaves and a soldier comes running up to inform Ephlam that they're surrounded. And they're now gonna fight their way out. At the beginning of enemy turn 1, Keselda starts shouting some nonsense to all of his troops(I think Marieka is brainwashed), and after all of his army moves forward, Ave shows up. I think Ave goes on about how Eileek is now in/near/on her way to Jahana, and Keselda exclaims that he can't be serious, and quickly turns to blaming Glen and/or Valter for screwing it up. Ave and Keselda leave, and in their place a Cyclops and a bunch of monsters show up. After the Cyclops is slain, Zet comes up to Ephlam and they start chatting briefly. THEN on over to Myrra who flies into the village, says "Sorry Ephlam", and flies away. Ephlam asks Zet where she went and if anyone saw her leave. I think Zet says a soldier saw a little girl leave...then Ephlam makes some kind of huge dramatic speech and Zet just sits there agreeing I guess. Now off we go to look for Myrra. =============================================================================== Chapter 13Eph: The Firefly Stone Vow =============================================================================== Objective: Kill all enemies Items: Energy Ring(Enemy Troubador), Dragon Spear(Enemy Social Knight), Horse Killer(Enemy Mercenary), MShield Staff(Bottom Village), Talisman(Right Village) Level Strategy: Bring your best units to the map, and don't forget a Thief. There's an enemy mage carrying Speed Wings that you won't want to miss. If you're strapped for gold there's another enemy unit carrying a Red Crystal. On your first turn you FINALLY get a Mercenary(Jist) and a Dancer(Tethys). Jist is the man(and my favorite character), so of course I reccomend him. Tethys is cute too, so yeah...Be very wary of Selyna's Thunderstorm spell and the Troubador's sleep staff. You can bring along Marieka to have a chat with Jist if you want(and I believe increase affections with him). I think Juan can talk to him too. Anyhow, the map will continually get annoying Pegasus Knight reinforcements. Try to get Jist over to some forest so he can fight at the advantage. There is no way to save Selyna, you HAVE to kill her :( Ah well. BOSS STATS: Name: Selyna Class: Mage Knight Equipment: Thunderstorm, Elfire LV: 11 HP: 33 Str: 13 Def: 9 Skl: 13 MDf: 17 Spd: 16 Mov: 7 Lck: 10 Con: 6 Chapter Storyline Summary: We start off this scene with Myrra flying into one of the villages, and Selyna is standing there saying "So this is the Dragon Stone...she goes off into some sphiel, then Myrra comes up and says "Please, give me that stone." Selyna asks why, she Myrra again begs for the stone back in sort of a trance. Selyna asks her some questions and Myrra goes on a big ol' explanation of her connection to the stones and some bits about Ephlam. Then after she brings up Ephlam, Selyna goes "Prince Ephlam?" and Myrra explains her involvement with him, and then goes "Wait, you're a person from the imperial capital?" And Selyna is all taken aback. Anyhow, the only other parts I can make out is Myrra saying that Selyna has an aura about her...she has a good heart, does she not? Anyhow, they talk a bit then it fades to black. We come back and Selyna says "I see. I'm glad I got to speak with you Myrra.", so obviously she's happy about being told the truth of some sort about the stones at this point. Selyna then shows that she has the Firefly stone. Another comment I can decipher is "Selyna...must really love her King..." is what Myrra says. Selyna goes "WHAT??", and I dunno...Myrra continues on her drivel that I don't understand yet. Anyhow, I think Selyna gives Myrra her stone or vice versa and tells Myrra to hurry and leave. We cut over to Ephlam who arrives at a massive force from Grad. Zet, Ephlam, and Rachel are all talking, and the only thing I understand at this point is Rachel commenting on Selyna's Thunderstorm spell and how she probably doesn't wanna get nailed by it. When you start the map, Jist and Tethys show up. They talk a bit then Myrra comes running up. Tethys says she's a cute kid, then says "It's ok, come closer.."(...)...anyways, they try to coax her over and she brings up Ephlam and says he's back over here and tells them to follow her..and they're like "wait a sec...", but Myrra goes on over to Ephlam..and Ephlam is relieved to see that's she's alright and Myrra goes on apologizing and explaining why she left then apologizing again, and Ephlam says it's alright. Myrra goes on to tell Ephlam that Selyna is a good person, and that he doesn't want Ephlam to fight her. He says he understands and that he'll try to do something about it I think. After the battle you and Myrra talk and she asks why you did it, because Selyna was a good person. And explains why she was a good person and asks again why he did it. Ephlam apologizes and explains why...and they talk back and forth a bit and that concludes our chapter. =============================================================================== Chapter 14Eph: Father and Child =============================================================================== Objective: Take the Throne Items: Knight's Proof(Vigard), Sleep Staff(Enemy Bishop), Red Crystal(Enemy Druid), Door Key(Enemy Shaman), Chest Key(Enemy Shaman), Door Key(Enemy Armor Knight), Sword Buster(Enemy Fighter), Door Key(Enemy Armor Knight), Door Key( Enemy Armor Knight), Long Bow(Enemy Sniper), Member Card(Renack), Slend Spear( Upper Right Chest), Hamern Staff(Middle-Right Chest), Halberd(Middle-Middle Chest), Guiding Ring(Middle-Left Chest), Level Strategy: The archer next to the left gate has a body ring you can steal, so bring a thief. Hopefully you have a Rogue by this point because there's a LOT of door and chest opening to be done. There are also a lot of drops. Have Rachel start on the right side. Renack will automatically get the top right chest so don't panic. Just have Rachel recruit him, and have Corma go up the left side of the map to get the chest in the top right. Once you have Renack, have him go back down and get the 3 chests in the middle. Use someone with high evade and magic resistance to use up the enemy berserk staffs and sleep staffs, and don't screw up like me and get your WYVERN Knight Berserked. Get the door keys off of the guards and work your way up to Vigard. There will be a lot of reinforcements the entire time coming from...well, everywhere. Just stay wary and try to keep track of all of the elements and you should be fine. There is a secret shop all the way on the left of the map, left of the throne room, down in the little nook where the archer with the body ring is/was. You can purchase most of the promotion items(except Lord promote items and Master Proofs), and buy some angelic robes if you have the money. I highly suggest you nab a purge here and give it to Rachel. Hell, put one in stock if you have enough money. This can quickly put an end to bosses from far away. BOSS STATS: Name: Vigard Class: General Equipment: Slend Spear, Knight's Proof(Drop) LV: 13 HP: 52 Str: 21 Def: 20 Skl: 16 MDf: 12 Spd: 13 Mov: 5 Lck: 9 Con: 17 Chapter Storyline Summary: The army pulls up to Grad and Ephlam takes a moment to stop RIGHT in front of his enemy's castle and have time to reminisce about 2 years past... This part has pretty heavy story ties...right off we have Leon talking about all of the stones and even the Fire Emblem...they talk a bit, and when that's over Myrra comes up to Ephlam, but then an earthquake occurs(probably involving the stones). Myrra and Ephlam talk a bit then head inside castle Grad. Then we cut to Leon talking to his father. In the middle of his talking, a soldier rushes in to report that Ephlam has arrived. At this point Leon puts on his ugly face at being interrupted, he's obviously pissed. He suggests something and his father agrees(it's implying that Vigard is being mind controlled by Leon). Leon finishes with "The King Vigard against Ephlam...", then teleports off. Now to fight the brainwashed king! After you slay Vigard, Zet and Ephlam are talking at the throne. They know something fishy is going on, and then Ephlam suggests they look for Leon. They leave the throne room and find him with his evil face on. Ephlam and Leon talk a bit, and then some dramatic music starts playing and Leon reveals he's a crazy bastard. He reveals his evil plot then teleports away. At that point a soldier comes in to tell Ephlam that there's a prisoner in the dungeon below. The prison is Noel, and he asks if they're the enemy of Grad blah blah, Ephlam introduces himself and Noel introduces himself. I think Noel asks that he actually TALKED to Leon and lived? And Ephlam asks what's going on with Leon and what happened. Noel offers an explanation and Ephlam explains why he can't believe Leon would do that blah blah. They talk a lot about Leon's plot which I'm too lazy to translate right now, and they bring up Grad's Fire Emblem, Leon, and various other junk. Then we cut to a flashback of Noel(who is probably an advisor at this point) running up to the throne and questioning Leon about what he's doing. Leon asks who he is, then he recalls that he was his father's advisor(I believe), and walks over behind his father to start the brainwashing business. Noel starts with the "Your Majesty!" business and asks how Leon could do such a thing. Then notices the stone. Leon explains some junk about the stone to Noel and the relation of the stones to the Fire Emblem. Leon then whips out his stone and Noel(Hey, I just noticed they have each other's names spelled backwards) goes on asking why he took it. Anyhow, Noel finishes up his story, and Ephlam asks Noel where he plans to go now. He says he doesn't know, and that his main goal is to kill Leon. Now Noel leads Ephlam onto the Holy Weapons of Grad, which are the Dark Legend(Grapnil), and the Black Axe(Garm). Now Noel starts leading him to some 3 word kanji that I can't look up now, but Ephlam seems to be wondering why if Leon was in all of this for the stones, why didn't he take along this _____? Noel doesn't seem to know either. Noel wants Ephlam to take it though, and Ephlam asks if it's really alright. He says of course. (Which I now make out the 3 letter kanji thing as "Holy Weapons" because Noel gives him the Grapnil and Garm) Yes, even more junk to read through. At THIS point, that brown haired Pegasus Knight we saw forever ago(whose name they STILL don't give), shows up with urgent news about the status of Eileek. Apparently Eileek and Hineas are both in Jahana and things aren't looking so good. Zet comments on the stones that Keselda and Valter held(I think this has to do with why they look like they're on some serious dopage), and that I think Leon took them. Anyhow, Ephlam says they have to hotfoot it over to Jahana and savE Eileek! =============================================================================== Chapter 15Eph: Burning Sand =============================================================================== Objective: Kill all enemies Items: Feary Protection(Valter), Hoplon Protection(Keselda), Berserk Staff( Enemy Troubador), Devil Axe(Enemy Berserker), Dragon Axe(Enemy Berserker), Luna(Enemy Shaman), Master Proof(Lower Left Village), Boots(Far Right Bone Pile), Dragon Killer(Far Left Bone Pile), Warp Staff(Top left Bone Pile), Methys Writing(Top right Bone Pile) Level Strategy: One of the enemy Shamans has a Guiding Ring if you need it, so bring Corma or Renack along if you need it. Just bring your best units and clash with their army. Play defensively with Eileek's group and just kill the guys who are close, and put them on terrain effectively. If you don't want to face Valter and you got that Purge last map, just purge him twice and he should die. Same goes for Keselda if you want. You have the option of taking these guys up close, but if you had enough for 2 purge's you should be fine here. After a few turns reinforcements will start showing up(Pegasus Knights and Dragon Knights), so be on your toes and don't let them conquer Jahana. You'll get various other reinforcements on the map, so try to play defense and not get overwhelmed. I strongly suggest flying either a healer or some Dragon/ Wyvern reinforcements over to help Eileek. Be careful when approaching turn 8, because as soon as you do a huge batch of reinforcements come. Don't forget to pick up the treasures that lie around the bones in the desert(all 4 areas contain items). You may have to search the same spot twice as it depends on the luck stat of that unit whether or not you find the item I believe. You can have Eileek and Ephlam have a quick reunion talk if you want too. BOSS STATS: Name: Valter Class: Wyvern Knight Equipment: Silver Spear, Slend Spear, Feary Protection(Drop)(This is the same thing as the Delphi shield if you played FE7, but Feary Protection is the correct name) LV: 13 HP: 40 Str: 19 Def: 13 Skl: 17 MDf: 10 Spd: 15 Mov: 8 Lck: 3 Con: 11 Name: Keselda Class: Hero Equipment: Silver Axe, Tomohawk, Hoplon Protection(This is the same thing as the Iron Shield if you played FE7, but Hoplon Protection is the correct name.) LV: 12 HP: 42 Str: 16 Def: 13 Skl: 15 MDf: 13 Spd: 13 Mov: 6 Lck: 14 Con: 13 Chapter Storyline Summary: Here we are, the Royal Palace of Jahana. Ephlam says so too. Anyhow, not gonna bother with the usual here. Zet and Ephlam basically talk a while about the 2 generals they face and the desert of Jahana blah blah. We cut over to Leon teleporting over to Keselda. They chat it up and talk about Eileek blah blah. They bring up Joshua too. Blah blah blah, then it's time to fight. At the start of the map, Eileek appears with Hineas and Seraph, who you get automatically. They chat it up and Seraph mentions being connected to Myrra in some manner, blah blah...and Eileek tells them to fight well, and off we go! After the battle, Eileek And Ephlam have their 2nd tearful reunion. Eileek shoves the 2 holy weapons of Jahana at Ephlam. The Water Sword Audmura, and The Wind Blade Excalibur. Ephlam says but these are Jahana's Holy Weapons, and I believe Eileek says that Queen Ishmea agreed to let Ephlam have them. Rachel walks up and starts saying some things, and then we cut to one of the forts below Jahana where Ephlam, Rachel, Hineas, and Eileek are having a small meeting. Ephlam announces that he's Prince Ephlam of Lunes, and Eileek's older brother(WOW!!). I believe Rachel then explains that she is Princess Rachel of the Roston Empire. Ephlam then says blah blah Grad sucks blah Vigard(poor guy, used by his own son...though I dunno if Ephlam shares that sentiment). Noel, stones, various plotline stuff, etc etc. They're basically catching Hineas up to speed. Then some dramatic music starts playing when Ephlam announces something about himself. Now he brings up Imperial Prince Leon, and how Noel wants to whoop him probably. Hineas states that he knew Imperial Prince Leon was up to no good, and Eileek says to hold on a minute. That her and Ephlam used to apparently visit him a lot and he didn't used to be like this(sorry if this is off). I think she says that she wants to meet Leon alone, with her brother. Then she goes off on some tangent that I have no time to translate again(sigh, sorry.) Ephlam tells Eileek that he also would like to meet Leon as she said. She asks if he's serious. He says yeah, but Leon is a different guy now so they have to use caution or something. Eileek asks what he's going to do, and I think Ephlam reaffirms that he wants to meet and speak with Leon(or that he's already done so, I'm not sure at the moment) Blah blah, there's a lot of storyline stuff here explaining Leon's intentions and what he's done up til now etc. Ephlam says they need 2 people to go and try to talk/take on Leon alone or something, and Rachel says no way and that she's going along to fight too or something similar blah blah. I'm not gonna bother explaining more since this part is too long. I'll come back and translate it later. Something about all of the countries' stones and how they plan to fight Leon. After they're done with their huge long chat, Seraph goes up to Myrra. Their chat, however, is extremely brief and I dunno what it's about. NOW!, ONTO! IMPORTANT NOTE: Once you are finished reading here, you can manually skip ahead to Chapter 16 below, or you can highlight this: [WALKTHROUGHUNITED] Press ctrl+c, ctrl+f, ctrl+v, and hit enter and skip down to Chapter 16. =============================================================================== Chapter 9Eil: The Isolated Blade =============================================================================== [WALKTHROUGHEILEEK] (This part of the walkthrough was done by Kelgar43 until I can get around to it to add anything, which may be a little while, so the chapter summaries and level strategies are done in his style. Thanks Kelgar! I will change this around to my style when I get to it, but at least people doing Eileek's route now have a guide. I will complete it soon, thanks!) Objective: Defeat all Enemies Items: Killer Sword(Enemy Fencer), Conquerer's Crest(Enemy Pirate), Axebuster( Enemy Soldier), Elfire(Enemy Mage), Dragon Shield(Left Village(Renack!)), Rapier(Other House), Level Strategy: -There are some new things being sold in the stores, such as the light magic Shine, and the anima magic Thunder -Elixirs are being sold?! Another first, for the FE series. -At the end of enemy turn 4, Amelia will show up. Amelia can be recruited by talking to her with Eileek. This is hard to do, because she's in the middle of many enemies, and there's a 5 turn limit to get to her. If you're brave, try flying in with a promoted flyer and drop off Eileek one square out of Amelia's attack range. After convincing her, use the flying unit to pick Amelia up because otherwise she'll probably die. It's also a good idea to have Eileek run like hell. Backup would also be nice... -At the end of enemy turn 9, if she hasn't already been convinced to join your team, Amelia will have a conversation with a soldier. I'm not sure what he has to say, but it causes her alarm. In any case, she and her soldiers rertreat. (Z's note: You can recruit her later if you don't get her now, but I'm not sure when that is) BOSS STATS: Name: Binks Class: Warrior Equipment: Steel Axe, Iron Bow LV: 5 HP: 42 Str: 16 Def: 12 Skl: 10 MDf: 8 Spd: 8 Mov: 6 Lck: 3 Con: 13 Chapter SToryline Summary: -Tahna catches up with Eileek, and joins her ^_^ -Rachel and the dwarf thing come back, and see Eileek in town. The dwarf goes "Gwahaha", Eileek comes up and says "You..." like as in "Oh not again.". Rachel says basically the same thing, only less polite. Eileek asks her something about Roston, and Rachel and co. reply. Eileek thanks them politely, and I think mentions going to Roston, like she's inviting them. They say no, and then uh, walk off. The "dwarf"'s name is Dozra and the other brown haired guy is named Renack. They wander off somewhere, with Dozra mentioning gold. Renack seems pretty reluctant to go anywhere. -Afterwards, a warrior comes up and asks "Are you Eileek of Lunes?". Zet seems on guard, and after some more enemies pop up. Killing time! ^_^ Note: When fighting him later, he says something about "5000 gold". He might be trying to hold the town hostage. He says something about someone named "Pablo" when he dies. (Z's note: I think he's saying he wasn't payed enough to fight them, but I'll have to check when I get there.) -After the battle, Zet is interrogating an enemy soldier. He says something about "Pablo" and mentions Calcino. Zet then tells the soldier to leave, who does so promptly. -Suddenly, a Pegasus knight flies up and tells Eileek something about Hinias. Zet and her seem anxious, so Hinias must be in trouble. They decide to go, but Renack shows up again and gives Eileek an Angel Robe. What a thoughtful gesture O_o =============================================================================== Chapter 10Eil: The Calcino Rebellion =============================================================================== Objective: Take the Throne Items: Guiding Ring(Pablo), Talisman?(Enemy Pegasus Knight) Level Strategy: -Note: Before deciding whom to bring, remember that there is an arena in this chapter. That means you can get some good experience here. As in... don't bring useless people (like Zet)(Z's note: Zet, useless!? Blasphemy!) or fully levelled people. -Another note regarding the Arena in this level: If you're an "Arena Monkey", then buy MANY healing staves before going into the battle! By many I mean at least 30. (Remember that Eileek can act as an item cart, and give them out when you're ready to abuse the arena). The reason for this is that this is the first arena level that I know of in the FE series that has no store to buy healing staves. (Z's note: Incase you don't understand, before battle if you click the second option, click a character, and select the bottom right option, you can buy from a store before battle. Eileek can also access the storage by selecting the 3 character long glowing kanji, which means if you stock up on a bunch of healing staves, you can still access them with Eileek) -Now that you've (hopefully...) convinced Jist, you can use him to recruit Marieka! She's a female Fencer with pinkish hair. She'll come in with a large squad of enemies, so use a mounted/flying unit to rush Jist to talk to her, before she kills herself on your sharp and pointy weapons. -Getting down to business; this level is FULL of enemies. Which is a bad thing for Hineas and his friends. You'll have to send some people to save them. Pablo, the enemy boss (Sage), will drop a Guiding Ring. Hineas can be convinced to join with Eileek. Have him talk to Jist, then have Jist talk to Tethys to get them to join also. Wheee! 3 new characters in one turn. ^_^fs -Using flying units is dangerous because there are many archers and ballistae. Exercise caution -_- -Bandits will appear in the mountains near Pablo... this is a problem, because they want to come and kill the villages. That means, either fly in and somehow kill the archers without dying, or rush it with ground troops and hope you beat the bandits to the villages. Either way, you've got your job cut out for you. BOSS STATS: Name: Pablo Class: Sage Equipment: Divine, Guiding Ring(Drop) LV: 7 HP: 34 Str: 13 Def: 7 Skl: 9 MDf: 17 Spd: 12 Mov: 6 Lck: 9 Con: 7 Chapter Storyline Summary: -This chapter starts off with the 3 generals talking about something. You know, I don't think they like Valter very much :D -It then shows Hinias (the Sniper), Tethys (the dancer) and Jist (the Mercenary) surrounded by enemies in their fort. They have a good long talk bout.. who knows. :S -At the end of player turn 4, the enemy general to the south orders Marieka and her group to attack. I'm fairly certain she's not happy about this... she replies "Understood." and makes some other comment that upsets him.(Z's note: Marieka is extremely quiet. Think Jafar(sp?) from FE7 except she talks a LITTLE more than him. She's talkative with Jist though) -After beating up old man Pablo, Valter will show up to watch and laugh at Eileek. She and Hinias then go into Pablo's former palace and find... some old man. They blabber away in Kanji for a bit, then Hineas and his group meet up, and talk. Tethys and Juan (apparantly her brother) then talk in town. -Afterwards, Juan comes and talks to Hineas and Eileek, then they all uh, decide to go somewhere o_o =============================================================================== Chapter 11Eil: Creeping Darkness =============================================================================== Objective: Items: Skill Book(Chest), Short Spear(Chest), Rest Staff(Chest) Level Strategy: -Fog of war map: bring a thief/rogue with a torch, so that you can see more. -Pitiful skeletons and other monsters are in this map. They're around level 10, but they have abysmally low stats. Even the 'boss', which is just another skeleton with a steel sword. -There are chest here, so make sure you have some way to get them open. Rachel and Dozra are also here, so recruit Rachel with Eileek and then Dozra with Rachel ^_^ -The goal of the level is to kill all enemies. On turn... 6 or 7, I think, enemy reinforcements show up in the southeast part of the map. Among them is a Death Gargoyle, but he's not too tough. Try and recruit Rachel and Dozra before these things get to them... BOSS STATS: Name: Monster Class: Skeleton Equipment: Steel Sword LV: HP: Str: Def: Skl: MDf: Spd: Mov: Lck: Con: Chapter Storyline Summary: -After beating the level, Glen will come and talk to Eileek and Hineas for a bit. They leave and then Valter shows up and promptly kills Glen. =============================================================================== Chapter 12Eil: Silent Country =============================================================================== Objective: Kill all enemies Items: Halberd(Enemy Magdyle), Level Strategy: -Another boring monster map... well, at least there are a lot of them. The goal of this map is to kill all 32 monsters. On the first turn, Juan is chased by a zombie, and escapes into one of the houses to the north. I'm willing to bet he's not safe there forever, so go save him >_< -Seraph, the Sage, also joins you. BOSS STATS: Name: N/A Class: Magdyle Equipment: Halberd(Drop) LV: 4 HP: 25 Str: 8 Def: 9 Skl: 4 MDf: 3 Spd: 7 Mov: 8 Lck: 0 Con: 12 -If you have trouble with this 'boss', I pity you. Just don't send in horse units and you'll be fine. Hell, you can snipe him off from a range, if you're feeling sadistic. -Many Gargoyle reinforcements will show up, in the mountains, and on the second turn, Morsadoogs will show up uh... right on top of where you started. O_o -More gargoyles will eventually appear, in the Northwest.. 4 of them. But they're just cannon fodder, like all the rest -_- -Speaking of cannon fodder, try and level up Juan a bit. If he gets to level 10, then he'll be able to promote. -Afterwards, Hinias, Eileek and Seraph talk to an old lady for quite a while. Then they leave! Whee! =============================================================================== Chapter 13Eil: Hameal Canyon =============================================================================== Objective: Survive for 11 turns or kill Ayas Items: Knight Proof(Ayas) Level Strategy: -Ok, now this guy is a bit harder than the last one. But considering you got a Halberd last level, I don't see him being much of a threat either. Not to mention he's got no long range attacks... maybe Juan could kill him? ^_^ -One of the priests has a Red Sphere. If you're REALLY that greedy, go ahead and steal it. -On turn 2, some enemies will appear to the north. One has a long sword/ horse killer sword that he drops. -On turn 7 or so, Cougar shows up to the south west, presumably to take revenge on Eileek. He's got 2 dragonknights with him. Convince him by talking to him with Eileek. He'll join your team, but his 'friends' won't. So kill them ^_^ -On turn 9, Pablo and a gang of enemies will appear. I don't know how he survived. A warrior that's with him drops a Sword Killer, and a bandit has a body ring. -Pablo has Purge, a very long range light spell, so beware!! -Throughout this battle, many enemy reinforcements will come from the forts dotting the map. The forts to the north of your starting position (near a Ballista) will not create units. Nor will the forts right in front of where you start. Many social knights will be thrown at you, so keep your anti-horse weapons in mind. BOSS STATS: Name: Ayas Class: Greatknight Equipment: Silver Sword, Steel Spear, Knight Proof(Drop) LV: 9 HP: 41 Str: 15 Def: 16 Skl: 7 MDf: 12 Spd: 8 Mov: 6 Lck: 11 Con: 13 Chapter Storyline Summary: - Eileek is continuing along, for who knows what reason... there's a cut scene, showing Valter and Cougar talking. Apparantly, Valter tells Cougar that Eileek killed his brother, Glen. THE PLOT THICKENS! So, Deucel takes off to kill Eileek as Valter laughs. -On turn 11, or when you kill Ayas, Roston knights will show up and save you. I'm not sure what happens if you kill Pablo, because I didn't have enough forces to take out all of his, and kill Ayas. After the battle, they have a good talk and Leon is mentioned. As alongside Ephlam's storyline, they must have figured out that Leon is up to something. Um, I also got 5,000 gold from a Roston soldier, but that might have been because I killed Ayas rather than wait 11 turns. =============================================================================== Chapter 14Eil: The White Sand Queen =============================================================================== Objective: Take the throne Items: Berserk Staff(Enemy Priest), Hero Crest(Enemy Fencer), Door Key(Enemy Armor Knight), Slend Spear(Chest), Hamern Staff(Chest) Level Strategy: -Ok, this level has plenty of chests and locked doors. If you have a Rogue, then you can rejoice in their ability to open any locks WITHOUT the aid of a pick or key! Useful, I know. -At the start, an officer is seen talking to Renack in one of the locked rooms. Apparantly, Renack is working for them. He can be recruited simply by talking to him with Rachel. ^_^ -There is a priest near the throne with a berserk staff... which he drops. >:D It only has 3 uses, so take him out before he can use it. I'm sure it'll be useful later on in the game, so try your best to get it. -Renack has the member's card, allowing for access to SEKRIT stores! So, even if you aren't going to recruit him, at least steal it from him. He's also quite greedy it seems, as he will run around taking treasures from the castle. It's not a big deal, considering you can get him to join with them all, anyways... -At the end of enemy turn 4, 3 Armour Knights will appear in the southwest corner. One has a droppable door key, and one has an axe buster, that isn't dropped. -on enemy turn 6, 3 social knights will appear in the bottom right corner of the map. They'll do this three times, so use them to level up a bit. -Swordmasters often critical. Take him out with your strongest anti-sword/anti anima magic unit. No mercy -_- (I used my level 17 Juan (Shama), to kill him. Juan gets major magic resistance, and dark magic is effective against anima magic. BOSS STATS: Name: Karlyle Class: Swordmaster Equipment: Wind Sword LV: 11 HP: 36 Str: 12 Def: 9 Skl: 17 MDf: 8 Spd: 18 Mov: 6 Lck: 8 Con: 9 Chapter Storyline Summary: -At the start of the chapter, Eileek has another flashback involving Leon. -Eileek and company go to a desert! I don't know why. There's some Queen lady named Ishmea talking to the swordmaster Karlyle. It looks to me that she's been captured. -On Turn 2, Leon and Keselda show up and take Ishmea away, much to Karlyle's protest. They leave and Karlyle is left to defend the throne. -Afterwards, Keselda and Leon are demanding something from Ishmea... she seems to refuse, so Kiselda kills her. After doing so, he glows red, so I think he obtained something (the stones mentioned in Ephlam's story?) Leon really doesn't seem to like the killing of Ishmea, but he doesn't do anything about it. -Eileek is left alone for a second, and Leon teleports in! I'm not sure what he says exactly, but he apologizes, and says something about "not going". I think he's telling Eileek to stop, so he doesn't have to kill her. He then teleports away. -Ishmea is found, not quite dead, but very near it... she calls for her son, Joshua. After a heartfelt farewell, she dies. They talk a bit more, and the town they're in is suddenly burned down, and they have to escape. Eileek often mentions her brother Ephlam, so he must be in some kind of trouble. -Ishmea gives the Audmura sword and Excalibur anima magic to Joshua before dying. =============================================================================== Chapter 15Eil: Burning Sand =============================================================================== Objective: Kill all enemies Items: Feary Protection(Valter), Hoplon Protection(Keselda) Level Strategy: -Bring a theif/rogue. An enemy shaman is carrying a guiding ring that isn't dropped on death, and must be stolen. -At the end of player turn 2, Ephlam shows up in the south west corner to save the day! Noel and Duecel tag along with him. -From enemy turn 3 and onwards, enemy *reinforcements will show up!* Pegasus knights will show up, to the north. It may be best to head southwest, to meet up with Ephlam. BOSS STATS: Name: Valter Class: Dragonknight Equipment: Silver Spear, Slend Spear, Feary Protection(Drop) LV: 13 HP: 40 Str: 19 Def: 13 Skl: 17 MDf: 10 Spd: 15 Mov: 8 Lck: 3 Con: 11 Name: Keselda Class: Hero Equipment: Silver Axe, Tomahawk, Hoplon Protection(Drop) LV: 12 HP: 42 Str: 16 Def: 13 Skl: 15 MDf: 13 Spd: 13 Mov: 6 Lck: 14 Con: 13 Chapter Storyline Summary: -This chapter starts off with Valter talking to that creepy old guy, whose name I don't know at the moment. They're obviously planning to kill Eileek, and well, once you see what they have you'll be feeling somewhat threatened. =============================================================================== Chapter 16: The Desolated Capital =============================================================================== [WALKTHROUGHUNITED] Objective: Take the throne Items: Hero Crest(Enemy Warrior), Door Key(Enemy Armor Knight), Libro Staff( Enemy Priest), Door Key(Enemy Armor Knight), Chest Key(Enemy Shaman), 5000 Gold(Upper Right Room, Bottom Chest), Knight's Proof(Upper Right Room, Middle Chest), Talisman(Upper Right Room, Top Chest), Tomohawk(Bottom Left Room) Level Strategy: Again, bring along a thief for chests, a Wyvern Knight for quick movement, Rachel hopefully whom you've leveled up for healing and fighting, and all of your other best units for fighting. You have nothing to steal in this level, and compared to most of the other levels this one is blissfully uncomplicated. Also feel free to try bringing Myrra along if you want. She is very powerful. Watch out for Cavalier reinforcements in the bottom left of the screen on turn 5, then more nearby on turn 7 etc etc. Get the upper right chests before the Thief shows up, and make sure you stop the other thief from getting the lower left one. Other than that, this level should really be a breeze. BOSS STATS: Name: Olson Class: Paladin Equipment: Silver Sword, Slend Spear LV: 13 HP: 47 Str: 18 Def: 14 Skl: 14 MDf: 9 Spd: 12 Mov: 8 Lck: 6 Con: 12 Chapter Storyline Summary: Here, we come up to a rather deserted Lunes. It's really quite demolished from it's former glory, especially with mr. traitor Olson in charge. Eileek, Ephlam, and Zet sit around making fun of Olson(or just trying to explain his traitorous actions), and Ephlam appears like he wouldn't forgive him even if he tried to apologize. So they're off to go into the castle, and none other than MYRRA interrupts yet again. Ephlam asks what's wrong, and Myrra says she'll come to fight with you, that she can fight well with the stone Selyna gave her. Eileek says if she'll really be ok and she says yes, and Ephlam affirms for her to be careful. And they head on into the castle. This cut opens with Olson taking what looks to be a hostage or his daughter, and Leon and Bishop Ave teleport in. A Fighter and a Soldier at the front gate stop them, and says that this is Lunes where Olson is in charge. And tells him to watch his stop I believe. The soldier runs up to the fighter and says to wait a sec, cause that's Prince Leon. Fighter says "Huh? This kid is...Forgive me!" and the usual drivel. Leon says that it's fine, and to let him pass. After Leon and Ave pass by, the Fighter goes on saying "The hell is that? That kid the imperial prince?" or some other junk and the Soldier tells him to keep his voice down. The Fighter rambles on, I think about how it might be unsafe to let Leon see Olson, blah blah. Then.. We cut to Olson, asking Monica what's wrong. That this is some kind of extreme occaision for her. Then he says of course he understands, today is her something something. Leon calls Olson then walks up, and says "You know who I am, right Olson? That's right, I'm Prince Leon."(Gee, cocky?) I think Olson defends himself and says that Lunes is his kingdom and that he would prefer it if Leon weren't there or something. Ok, I can't really get this part but he says that Ephlam is outside, so if him and Monica want to get their "business" on, he'd better hurry up about it or something. Olson is perplexed and says "Ephlam is..?" and Leon affirms that Ephlam is outside, and here to take back the capital. Olson is outraged and says that can't be true. Leon says then he'd best defend his kingdom, and with that he leaves. Olson finishes up by telling Monica to wait just a little while for him to finish business, and something else. And off we go to battle! You can attack Olson with Ephlam for some extra dialogue, and probably with Folde and Kyle too. He still won't join you though, and I think Ephlam is mad at him..heh. Once you kill him he breathes out a simple last "Monica..." and he's done. Zet says that deeper within is Olson's ____, who is Monica(his wife probably). And as Ephlam walks in she says "You...". Ephlam says "You're Olson's..." And then we see "You. You. Youyouyouyouyou"(No, I'm not kidding) Then Ephlam says "This is....No way..." and Eileek is speechless. I think Ephlam comments that King Vigard was under a similar spell, and then Eileek says "That...that treatment is..." And I think Ephlam tells her not to look. Monica peeps in with another "You. Youyou." Zet says some stuff, as does Ephlam, and then the mood cheers up once they're away from insane Monica. They chat up a bit now that they have the capital back and they're pretty happy. Zet tells Ephlam and Eileek to come outside because the public wants them. They come out to huge shouts of "SIR EPHLAM! LADY EILEEK!" and cheers. "The Kingdom is back together. Long live Ephlam blah blah!!" Apparently Olson wasn't making a very good ruler. They talk a bit, then they go back to the throne room. Zet tells Eileek and Ephlam that Fard left him with a message for them, and it's a good thing I don't have time to translate it. I believe he left them behind either stones or bracelets, and they both whip theirs out and like Captain America they put them together, and a secret passage behind the throne opens up. Indeed, below is the treasured stone of Lunes. They nab that, and I dunno what happens here but there's a huge flash of light and Eileek recieves the Moon Bracelet, and Ephlam the Sun Bracelet. The game then asks you if you'd like to Class Change Ephlam(Left, yes. Right, no). Then it asks if you want to class change Eileek(Left, yes. Right, no). Then they're all thankful for their new shiny powers and talk about their father. Zet explains why their father hadn't given it to them earlier or something or that he was afraid Grad would get ahold of it or something, and then Zet says he will also show them on over to the Holy Weapons. Zet gets the holy weapons from the chests(BE CAREFUL WITH THOSE THINGS ZET!), and brings them over to Eileek and Ephlam. First to Ephlam, and he bestows that this is one of the Holy Weapons of Lunes, and Ephlam is in awe saying "Holy Weapon of Lunes...This is the Blazing Spear Ziekmunt". Zet then gives it to him. After Ephlam recieves that, he walks on over to Eileek and bestows upon her the second Holy Weapon of Lunes, The Lightning Sword Zieklinde. Ephlam makes a few last statements and they leave the secret room. Once they resurface(I know you're sick of text by now, I am too), they're greeted by Rachel and Hineas. Rachel asks if they got the weapons, and Ephlam says yeah, right here..and shows her his erm...spear. She's very impressed. They chat a lot more and I think Ephlam says it's necessary for Roston, Frelia, and Jahana's power to be present(their stones) in order to defeat Grad. Then FINALLY finishes with Let's go Rachel! Wee.. =============================================================================== Chapter 17: Stream Decision(May be incorrect) =============================================================================== Objective: Defeat the Boss Items: Rezaiah(Leon), Hero Axe(Enemy Hero), Guiding Ring(Enemy Mage), Fimble( Enemy Sage) Level Strategy: Again, bring along Corma or Renack if you want to steal a Dragon Shield from an Enemy Berserker. Have Vanessa/Tahna come along to recruit Silayne, and bring Cougar along for support, as flying units are important in this level. Be sure to protect the citizens, as if you save them all, you get a bonus after the map. Bring all your powerful units and prepare to face Leon. You get special conversations for facing Leon with Ephlam/Eileek. Watch out for reinforcements and keep the citizens and Silayne alive. There will be reinforcements in various areas of the map as always, so be careful of those too. You should be able to take Leon no problem at this point with either Holy Weapons or by using Rachel or one of your other powerful units. I reccomend taking out Leon before a billion reinforcements arrive, as they can hit quite hard and most of them are very mobile. But try to pick up all of the items that the units drop as they are all very good. If you insist on fighting the reinforcements for levels, the ones in the bottom right at ALL promoted Warriors and Heros, and they will give lots of exp upon killing. Anyhow, that about wraps this up. BOSS STATS: Name: Leon Class: Necromancer Equipment: Nosferatu, Rezaiah(Drop) LV: 14 HP: 44 Str: 22 Def: 17 Skl: 13 MDf: 19 Spd: 11 Mov: 6 Lck: 4 Con: 7 Chapter Storyline Summary: We immediately start this chapter with a flashback of 2 years ago, Ephlam, Eileek and Leon all having a talk. Ephlam asks about the power of the stones and if he's serious about using them. Leon says yes, and then explains with what I'm sure is shoddy logic why. Blah blah, they bring up MacGregor for like the fifth time in the game(even though we've never seen him), and they continue chatting away about the stones. Eileek and Ephlam pretty obviously disagree with Leon and think the stones are dangerous, and Leon doesn't and wants to use the stones power for the good of Grad or something. Then Leon thanks them and tells them he's going to go to Serefew or something similar. BLAH BLAH, more into Leon's history I think and it doesn't sound pleasant, and Eileek feels sad for him, and I think Leon apologizes for ruining the mood or getting carried away with his story or something. They finish up their talk with Leon thanking the both of them. Now we're back in the present with Ephlam, Eileek, Rachel, and Hineas. They're apparently here for Roston's stone. Narubay is in Roston territory I believe. Then we go to a cutscene of a soldier saying something, and Frelia forces(in green), and Grad forces duking it out. To say the least, Frelia loses the most miserably they can. We cut to Silayne leading some villagers to safety away from the forces of Grad, and the citizens are all huddling around her and very worried. Apparently Silayne is the sole survivor of the attacking force from Frelia on Grad. The old man is mumbling that they're screwed, and Silayne tells the villagers to stay calm. Then Eileek and group come up and Eileek says "Over there Brother!" and obviously some bad stuff is going down. Hineas recognizes her as Silayne. Hineas wonders what she's doing, but before they can chat even more about stuff I don't know, Leon shows up and chats about stuff I don't know. Again, he has on his ugly face. Eileek asks where Leon has been up til now, and Ephlam tells Eileek to stand aside. They chat a bit, then Eileek is all confused and asking why, and Ephlam says "You've been tricked, Eileek. This isn't the Leon we knew." Leon talks some, then Ephlam again affirms that this person is not the Leon they were friends with. Then an evil voice eminates saying "Indeed..." and Ephlam is shocked. Leon does a lot of talking and then Ephlam says "No way... No way...", and Rachel chimes in saying that she knew it, Leon is really...then Ephlam comes in to say "The Era of Old's...Devil". "Leon" affirms this, that he is not Leon, but a Devil possessed Leon. I think possessed Leon asks Ephlam to tell him where/give him his stone, and Ephlam says he must be joking. Leon says he knew he'd say that, and says he looks forward to seeing his power in action, and teleports back to his castle. And thus we start. After you beat up Leon, you'll see him staggering away from the castle, and he says his strength isn't gone yet. At this point your army chases after him and Ephlam doesn't even adress him as Leon anymore, he says "Stop Demon!", but before Ephlam can strike him down he teleports away. After that's all done, Ephlam starts yelling stuff...and Hineas comes up to him and gives him a pep talk. In order to calm him down I believe Hineas offers him Frelia's Holy Weapons. Indeed he does, and Ephlam recieves The Serpent Bow Neazheg, and The Winged Bow Widfnir. Ephlam asks Hineas if he's sure it's alright(even though he's bubbling with excitement inside...maybe), and Hineas says of course. After they're done, the villagers you saved gather around Silayne to say thank you, and without her assistance they'd be...and she cuts them off and says not at all, it wasn't my strength that saved you. You can thank this guy or something. Ephlam is all bashful and won't take credit, but the villagers say they truly thank Ephlam from the bottom of their hearts. For thanks they give him a Rescue staff. And onto... =============================================================================== Chapter 18: The Demon's Two Faces =============================================================================== Objective: Kill all enemies Items: None Level Strategy: On this level, none of the enemies will drop items or anything else so don't bother with a thief. The eggs will randomly gain 5HP a turn, and if they reach full health, they hatch. They still give great exp unhatched so feel free to smash them, in fact you should try to smash them all before they open up. That's about all the advice I can give. Bring your fliers and fast moving units and plow through the eggs. If they hatch they turn into Gorgons. BOSS STATS: Name: Monster Class: Gorgon Equipment: Witch's Confusing Eye(???) LV: 8 HP: 19 Str: 8 Def: 5 Skl: 3 MDf: 7 Spd: 4 Mov: 6 Lck: 0 Con: 11 Chapter Storyline Summary: Chapter starts off with Rachel telling Ephlam to wait up for her. Blah, Ephlam telling her to be careful around the lava and that she shouldn't hurry in dangerous places or something, and Rachel stops to ask why he's giving her all of this special treatment and Ephlam explains that she's the Princess of Roston, and he can't let her act so carelessly. Blah, they talk more and more and Leon is brought up and Rachel gives a lecture. Ephlam says "Ah, you're right. Let's go Rachel", and Rachel tells him to wait again and she's all irritated and explains more stuff. And Ephlam says "Ah, got it." and she stops and asks him some more things about Leon, and I believe asks if someone's going to kill him or do some task to him, and Ephlam says No, that he himself will do it, because Leon is his friend. They finish up their conversation and Ephlam apologizes to Rachel. Now we cut to the soldier leading on the party to the peak of the Volcano, and he says a blunt "HERE!" Then they chat a bit and Ephlam suddenly notices the floating eyeball! Eileek and Myrra PANIC!, but not really. Off to battle we go! After you're done smashing all the eggs, you see normal Leon appear, then he runs away again. Once you seem again though he's got his mean "demon" face on again. Ephlam tells him to wait up and that he just has one question for him: Where's the real Leon right now? I dunno what Demon Leon answers but it certainly isn't anything good(or truthful probably). Ephlam gets angry with all of this wishy washy junk and charges at Demon Leon, but gets rooted in place by a trap he obviously set up. While he's rooted, Leon teleports over to him(lazy bastard, he was one space away!) and says that he knew he had the stone of Lunes, so I believe Leon decides now would be a good time to take it. Leon takes a look at it then "activates" it I guess, and Ephlam sits there saying damn and whatnot. Then Leon hesitates and Ephlam is yelling "What's wrong! Why don't you finish me??"(at this point I'm kinda wondering where everyone else is) and Demon Leon offers Ephlam something. Bleh, well Ephlam goes on about how he wants to find his real friend Leon than work with some demon I think. At that point, he suddenly reverts to normal Leon. Leon says he knew Ephlam would come to save him or something, and Ephlam says "Huh? What? What did you just say?" He goes on saying that the heart of the true Leon isn't dead yet. He starts questioning how this could all be, then he says "No way...Back then did you.."(probably do something like abuse the stones which is true), and Leon affirms that he did indeed do "it", whatever it really is. Real Leon apologizes to Ephlam. Leon explains a bit, and Ephlam asks him why in the world he decided to do so(as obviously they wouldn't be here now) They talk a while and I'll work out what about later, then Real Leon starts to lose control again. So he gives him a big ol' piece of last advice on the stones. Ephlam still has questions to ask, and he keeps asking something about the past but I can't make it out now, and Leon apologizes again blah blah. Ok, I give up trying to decipher all of this stuff at this point. Basically Leon made some kind of huge mistake in the past for the better of Grad, but he wound up abusing the power or something and a demon took him over. Ephlam still considers Leon a friend but he doesn't understand why he did what he did. There we go. Finally Leon teleports away before he reverts to his demon self. THEN everyone arrives(yeesh). Leon does give Ephlam his stone back though. Eileek chimes in in time for a "Brother! Are you ok?". Ephlam has a truly mopey face on and says "Eileek? No. It's nothing." Eileek starts asking him questions but he just says "Eileek." and she says "Yes?", and he says "Leon is a very close friend of mine"(in a context that almost means like blood brothers). Anyhow, Zet/Rachel/Ephlam/Eileek gather for quick talk and this LONG ASS CHAPTER IS DONE! =============================================================================== Chapter 19: Fading Wish =============================================================================== Objective: Protect the King for 13 turns(Killing Bishop Ave will also end the mission) Items: Arjilore(Ave), Hero Spear(Enemy General), Hero Bow(Enemy Sniper), Hero Sword(Enemy Hero) Level Strategy: Ok, bring along: 2 Rogues/Thieves Flying Units Strong Units 2 Healers Because you'll mostly be playing defense and you'll want a lot of movement. Have the Rogue/Thief with the Member card go get the chests on the right and access the secret shop to get anything you may need, and have the other thief ready to steal some items(like the enemy Archer's Goddess Statue), and have him get the chests on the other side of the map. Other than that, just hold out against the promoted units, try to get the chests before any thieves come, set up a defense for the top and bottom of the map to prevent the enemy from coming close to the king, and be very, very careful as the reinforcements on this map all carry silver weapons. BOSS STATS: Name: Ave Class: Bishop Equipment: Arjilore(Drop) LV: 16 HP: 44 Str: 14 Def: 17 Skl: 21 MDf: 18 Spd: 19 Mov: 6 Lck: 9 Con: 7 Chapter Storyline Summary: So the party finally arrives are Roston and Rachel and the others gain arrive in front of Mansel. Mansel is obviously Rachel's dad seeing as Rachel is the Princess of Roston. What a tearful reunion!(game is just full of these eh?) It last a whole 2 seconds, then Ephlam and Eileek start talking to King Mansel. They introduce themselves and then catch Mansel up on everything going on. Mansel agrees to part with his stone I believe, and we wrap that bit up. Then we cut to Ephlam and Tahna alone...Ephlam has his sad face on and Tahna is probably trying to cheer him up. And Ephlam says that she's Frelia's princess(duh), and some other junk about Lunes and Frelia. Tahna says "That's not true!", and he says "Tahna...?" and then we have Tahna explaining that uh I think she's saying that she won't marry Ephlam but Eileek will? Ugh, I don't know. Won't be the first(or even 3rd) case of incest in FE. He apologizes and thanks Tahna for cheering him up.(Note that I don't know if this paragraph is true, I don't have time to read it.) Now we cut to a Roston soldier who hears Bishop Ave's rather ugly laughter off screen, and while he looks over there to ask who it is, another voice from behind him asks where he's looking(IE, watch your back dummy! What a great guard!), and says I'm OVER HERE! Ok, now the dumb soldier is confused and the other voice is like "No, I'm over HERE!"(I didn't know villains had this much fun), then again "Nono, OVER HERE!"(Really, I'm not kidding)..Ok, so after they've had enough fun Bishop Ave appears and his lackey kills the soldier. Then we have a soldier run up to the throne room with the usual "Your Majesty!" groveling. He informs them that Grad has surrounded the castle, to which Mansel replies the usual outraged "What!" Yeah yeah, the castle's surrounded, What're we going to do! yells the frail king, and Zet, Eileek and Ephlam all get ready for some ass kicking(or defending). We're off with Ephlam's "Let's go! Protect Mansel at all costs!". Bishop Ave starts the level with some kind of speech about really wanting to kill Mansel. Then we have Ephlam make a comment or two about Leon, and off we go to battle. I don't know what happens if you let Ave live yet, seeing as I killed him for his spellbook. So you might get an extra cutscene of him living and fleeing or something. We immediately go to Tahna and Ephlam who have a quick talk, then Rachel leads them into the special room where the stone is for Roston. Rachel, Ephlam, Eileek, and Myrra talk abit about whatever, then we cut over to Mansel and Rachel talking. They talk a bit, then Mansel regards Ephlam and says to take these. These are, of course, the Holy Weapons of Roston. The Glorious Evaldhi, and The Sacred Staff Ratna. He also tosses 10,000G at you for good measure for saving his ass. Rachel asks if it's ok to really use the Ratna, and Mansel says of course. Blah blah they talk a bunch he Mansel sees them off. After that, some of the NPC soldiers run up to Rachel and Ephlam. If you saved a couple of them, they will give you a Light Sword. Then off to... =============================================================================== Chapter 20: Darkness over the Sea(This is incorrect, I can't read 1 kanji) =============================================================================== You have the option to go to 2 different places at this point: The Historic Ruins of Gradu, or the place left of you which I can't seem to translate. The Historic Ruins of Gradu is much like the Tower of Verny, in that it's a dungeon that's meant for rewards of weapons and such. It also serves another purpose after you beat the game, but that's discussed in it's own section. Objective: Take the Castle Items: Antidote(Enemy Gargoyle), Steel Sword(Enemy Hellbone), Lance Buster( Enemy Hellbone), Axe Buster(Enemy Hellbone), Kill Sword(Enemy Hellbone), Sword Killer(Enemy MagDyle), Elixir(Enemy MagDyle), Elixir(Enemy Cyclops), Steel Broadsword(Enemy Hellbone), Slend Spear(Enemy Hellbone), Longbow(Enemy Hellbone), Wound Ointment(Enemy MagDyle), Antidote(Enemy Cyclops) Level Strategy: You don't need a thief, just bring your fighting units and Myrra I guess. The map will start getting reinforcements right off the bat in the caves, so don't bring along any week units. Make sure you have iron weapons handy for the monsters. This one really should be a cakewalk if you've trained though. BOSS STATS: Name: Mulva Class: Mamkute Equipment: Decay Breath LV: 18 HP: 62 Str: 16+10 Def: 4+20 Skl: 10+10 MDf: 8+10 Spd: 13 Mov: 3 Lck: 7 Con: 25 Name: Ave Class: Bishop Equipment: Arjilore LV: 17 HP: 55 Str: 23 Def: 19 Skl: 26 MDf: 29 Spd: 24 Mov: 6 Lck: 19 Con: 7 Chapter Storyline Summary: Chapter opens with Leon aond Mulva(guy on the left with black hair/red robes) talking for a while. Then on over to Ephlam, Zet, Eileek, and Myrra. They arrive and chat, then Myrra senses another stone/ Mamkute nearby(Mulva). Then Leon and Ave are talking, with Leon having his mean face on again and cackling madly. Ave cackles, Leon enters the castle, and off we start(One of the quickest starts ever). At the end of your turn, we go to Ave who's cackling like the crazy old guy he is. He lets out a speech, then uh...continues to stand there. Rock on. If you attack Mulva with Myrra, she will apologizes before she blows his brains out(and hopefully you kill him on the first shot because he will hit her back for about 40 damage). Her Dragon stone will do critical damage to him, but it won't kill him in a shot, so weaken him a bit first with other units(one who can hopefully take a hit from him or dodge it somehow). Anyhow, once you slaughter Ave and Mulva, Ephlam and Eileek stand at the entrance to these ruins. They chat briefly, then head in. Myrra is seen outside the ruins. She says... "I'm sorry...I'm sorry...Father...", off screen we hear "Myrra! Where are you?". Myrra says "Ah..." then Ephlam finds her and says everyone was worried. He asks if she's okay, she says it's nothing. Ephlam notices something's up and says "Ah, that dragon...back there..", then Myrra insists that it was nothing. Ephlam apologizes and explains some things, and Myrra says that she's alright. They talk a bit, then Myrra breaks down and cries at the end yelling "Father! ...Fatherrr!" If you haven't figured it out by now. Mulva was her father as he too is a Mamkute. Now we see Leon and he goes into flashback mode. This is a year ago, when his father Vigard was dying. He has a very long talk trying to tell his father not to die, among other things they talk about. Lunes is brought up as well as Ephlam and Eileek, and I don't have time to make out Leon's speech. So after his father dies, we see Leon and Noel. Leon apparently is now going to use the stone of Grad because he's upset about his father's death, and Noel is politely trying to advise against it. But Leon is going to use it, and that's where the flashback ends. Leon makes a few comments to himself then disappears. =============================================================================== Final Chapter: Holy Demon's Light Stone =============================================================================== Objective: Kill the Boss Items: Door Key(Enemy Hellbone), Chest Key(Enemy Hellbone), Door Key(Enemy Hellbone) Master Proof(Bottom Left Chest) Level Strategy: This level is pretty straightforward. Bring your best units, bring a thief, bring your best monster killers. And duke it out. BOSS STATS: Name: Leon Class: Necromancer Equipment: Nagyrfal LV: 18 HP: 73 Str: 29 Def: 26 Skl: 19 MDf: 29 Spd: 15 Mov: 6 Lck: 9 Con: 7 Chapter Storyline Summary: Here we immediately start off in a flashback again of Leon and Ephlam. This lasts only briefly til we come back to now and Ephlam charges up to Leon. They talk briefly then it's fight time. If you have Ephlam attack Leon, they have a talk. Same goes with Eileek, and possibly Noel. After you defeat Leon, Ephlam rides over to his body. He says "As I thought..", that Ephlam won...and it's over. This is the real Leon talking now. Leon tells him to take care of Eileek and all of that, and Leon passes away. As his body is passing, it suddenly teleports and all goes dark. The Demon makes a speach, most likely about him infecting Leon and his plans with Grad...then we get some very nice special effects heh, and the demon lord appears. They talk, mostly Ephlam, then he calls everyone up. He tells Rachel to use the power of her stone, and asks how to use his. Then he gives his battle speech, and everyone in the army puts in their "WOOHOO!!! THIS IS IT!" bit. The demon then gives a small speach and a ball of white light slams through the floor. Ephlam asks what the hell that was, and Rachel explains. Zet pops outta nowhere and they talk a bit. Now it's TIME TO FIGHT THE DEMON! BOSS STATS: Name: Fodeath Class: Devil Equipment: ???, Impure Demon Light, Pitch Black Nightmare LV: 20 HP: 130 Str: 23 Def: 25 Skl: 20 MDf: 25 Spd: 18 Mov: 2 Lck: 10 Con: 25 After the first turn he will summon monsters, but not again. After you slap him silly with holy weapons, sit back and enjoy the ending. I'm not going to document it here and spoil it! So enjoy. (If you guys want me to seriously translate the ending, I'll gladly do so now that I've finished the walkthrough and I can sit back and relax.) THE END!!!....or is it? =============================================================================== Epilogue =============================================================================== ******************************************************************************* XI. TOWER OF VERNY/HISTORIC RUINS OF GRADU************************************* ******************************************************************************* Note: In EITHER of these ruins, you can escape at any time by clicking an empty space, then clicking the 6th option down. Then click the left option when the box of text shows up for yes. Selecting the fourth option down shows you how well you're doing in this run of either the Tower or the Ruins. The menu displays like this... This Run Record Run Number of times Cleared Whatever your record is Monsters Defeated Whatever your record is Points earned Whatever your record is ???? Whatever your record is Number of turns Whatever your record is Time Whatever your record is I have no idea what the fourth option is at this point in time. The Points earned I believe depends on the enemies you've defeated, the damage you've taken, as well as how well you've done in combat or something. TOWER OF VERNY This is the tower near the top of MagiVal. I dunno the story behind it, but there are eight floors ranging in difficulty. I'll just give overviews of each floor since some of them are painfully simple. To go to the next floor, simply beat that floor and click the left option "yes" to proceed. The right option will bring you back to the world map. Sometimes the game will not allow you to advance a floor. I think this is due to the fact that you need to be farther along in the plot to advance(IE, I think after it appears, every chapter you beat you can go up another floor). Also note that both the chests and the drops in the Tower of Verny are NOT set. They range in what they are(as far as I can tell), but it's always one of about 4-5 items, some less. I'll have to learn more about it. Floor 1 This floor is just full of low level monsters. Bring your weak units here to train them up if they need it since you will quickly get to level 10. After level 10 it begins to slow down the leveling. The enemies drop a variety of crappy items and weapons. Floor 2 This floor is a bit tougher. The enemies now start carrying better equipment and poisoned weapons, and the boss is a bit tougher. You should still be alright to bring some of your weaker units along as long as they aren't brand new. Just be wary and bring your healers and you should be fine. Oh, and reinforcements come from the entrance you came from after a few turns. The enemies start to drop some alright equipment. Floor 3 This floor is tougher than floor 2, has no drops(unless you get lucky and one of the skeletons has one), and is full of Spiders(Baals). You have to be careful with your less durable units as a good deal of the spiders seem to use sharp claws(which do fairly massive damage compared to the poison ones). Just bring a healer or two, bring a thief/rogue, and be cautious if you bring frailer units. The chest contains 3,000 gold. Floor 4 Ok, this floor is pretty difficult. It has harder enemies AND half of your units are cut off from you. Hopefully you aren't running low on items on this floor(unless of course you abuse the arena), and you can have a healer for each group to keep down on losses. Some pretty nice drops here(I got a Dragon Axe) Floor 5 This floor is FULL of zombies. It's actually a little easier than floor 4 if you ask me because your party is together. Make sure you bring a thief along for the 2 chests. There are also 2 bosses on this floor. Both of them carry keys. Any drops you get on this floor will probably be lame. Reinforcements come from the stairs near the bosses, so keep a watch out. In the top left chest is a Killer Lance/Sword/Bow. The bottom right chest will have a Red Crystal/Shine/Luna/Recover Staff. There are TONS AND TONS of enemies on this map so bring lots of iron weapons. HISTORIC RUINS OF GRADU This place is in the bottom right of Magi Val. I dunno the story behind it, but this should explain some of the levels. There are ten floors in the ruins. I should note that these ruins are MUCH TOUGHER than the tower. The enemies here should be able to keep up with your promoted units unless they're literally 20 promoted. Most of the earlier chests in the dungeon do NOT provide multiple prizes as far as I know, but as you go down I will name chests for what they are or list their prizes if there's no pattern(IE, on floor 4 there is a "killer" chest with killer weapons and an anti chest which gives you anti weapons...the weapon given derives on the RNG) NOTE THAT THIS RUIN IS NOT FREAKING EASY. The only way ANYONE can call this easy is if they powerlevel the crap out of their units and buy stat boosting items. The enemies here can be incredibly good, especially on Hard. After you hit floor 6 you start getting secret characters if you're playing this in freemap mode. Floor 1 There are about 45 enemies, and they all have moderate weapons. Shouldn't have too much trouble here though if you beat the game. No good drops, just zip through here. Most all of the enemies are promoted, so it's fine exp for anyone not maxed yet. Try to complete it before the skeleton reinforcements start coming, or level up on them. Your choice! Onto level 2.. Floor 2 About 50 enemies this time, and they're all promoted. This time you can get some alright drops(In my case, a Steel Sword and Killer Axe) Again, just zip through this level. You shouldn't have a ton of trouble. Don't bother bringing a thief, no chests. Floor 3 Bring a thief this time, as there are 3 chests and numberous doors to open. The enemies will start carrying some better weapons, and you'll have to deal with some Gorgons, but the enemy count drops back to 45. Still shouldn't be having a lot of trouble at this point. Just watch out for the Gorgon's casting stone, as that can really sign your character to death. I've had to restart twice now due to being stoned then eaten alive by several Cerberus. They're vicious, so be careful here. The chests on this floor contain Rezaiah, 3000 gold, and a Steel Spear. I'm not sure if these items can contain different items. Floor 4 There will be a LOT of wall breaking going on here, and you'll need to get 2 chests, so bring along Corma or Renack. This one you'll be more cramped and the enemies will have even better items(don't be surprised to be up against a decent amount of Hero or Anti weapons). Watch out for stone, that spell is simply nasty if it connects. Have Corma/Renack head to the top right chest first to head off the thief along with another fighter or two, and have the rest of your party head down to the other chest to head off the thief that appears in the bottom right. Then just finish this floor up. In the chests are a Killer Chest, and an Anti Chest(If you didn't read above, do so now!) Floor 5 Bring along Corma again because there are 3 chests. I had a somewhat easier time with this floor than the others, and by this point my characters who weren't maxed in levels were getting close. All promoted units, might get a nice drop or two(White Gem for me), but this floor should be relatively easy since the monster types aren't the tough types. There are fewer enemies on this floor. Oh yeah, see those little paintings on the wall and the green nooks with a little red on them? Those things spew poison so be careful. One chest contains Silver weapons, one contains Dark Magic(Rezaiah, Nosferatu, etc), and the last one contains healing staffs(Reserve, Relive, etc). Finish this level up and it's onto... Floor 6 On this floor, your party is split into 3 seperate groups and there are no chests so no thief is necessary. You can bring along your newly acquired special characters if you'd like. Bring characters with good supports and make sure each group has a healer if you can. Just bring your good units and mop this one up fast, there is nothing you need to worry about. You might get some decent drops on this floor. I got a Lance buster, Dragon Killer, and some keys. This one should go pretty quick, then we're at... Floor 7 Bring Corma/Renack and have them start right off in the bottom left and go straight up the the chest. Your party is split up in 3 again, but as long as each group has a healer this level should breeze right by, no problem. You might get a few drops, and the chest contains a blue gem(or possibly multiple different kinds) Anyhow, the numbers are low on this map but they get some reinforcements in different places, but it should go pretty quickly. So you'll need units in most corners of the map to mop up the reinforcements every turn, and hopefully have one of your more powerful units take out the boss. Now onto... Floor 8 Might get a nice drop or 2 here(Sky Whip for me), bring along Corma to open the chest. This is one of those "rotating platform" irritating levels, so bring fliers if you can. ******************************************************************************* XII. CREDITS******************************************************************* ******************************************************************************* SPECIAL THANKS: Myself, for making the FAQ. I would like to make it clear that indeed, ALL of this information in this FAQ was created by me as I went along in the game. The only thing not created by me are included in these credits. CJayC for making Gamefaqs. My mom for giving me birth. My girlfriend for being there for me always. Starcane, for tons of help with various parts of the FAQ including the holy weapons, classes I wasn't sure about, and parts of the FAQ. Thanks Starcane! Kelgar43 for providing Eileek's route til I can get to it. Gamersara for the Secret Info. FESS for providing stat growth information, as well as being a wonderful resource for any FE fan: http://s7.invisionfree.com/FESS/ They probably have things there that I myself did not cover in this FAQ, so gogogo! ******************************************************************************* XIII. DISCLAIMER*************************************************************** ******************************************************************************* This FAQ is property of the Author and any redistribution without express permission of the author is forbidden. If you'd like permission, please send me an e-mail at gregthegodly@aol.com ******************************************************************************* XIV. CONTACT******************************************************************* ******************************************************************************* If you need to contact me for corrections, comments, permission to use this FAQ elsewhere, or anything else, give me a mail at gregthegodly@aol.com End.