Game: Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones Publisher: Nintendo Designer: Intelligent Systems ---------~---------~---------~---------~---------~---------~---------~--------- ---------~---------~---------~---------~---------~---------~---------~--------- The above mark and below is 79 characters long. The required limit for Gamefaqs ---------~---------~---------~---------~---------~---------~---------~--------- ---------~---------~---------~---------~---------~---------~---------~--------- 1. Intro I. Version History II. Team Building~what to build up. (FE01) III. Stocking and setup~Have to get some really powerful **** to last ten really hard stages (FE02) 2. The Lagdou Ruins~Not even hard if you know what to do. (FE04) First stage (RU01) Second stage (RU02) Third stage (RU03) Fourth stage (RU04) Fifth stage (RU05) Sixth stage (RU06) Seventh stage (RU07) Eight stage (RU08) Ninth stage (RU09) Tenth, and final, stage (RU10) 3. Rewards~Yes, there is a up-side to having gone through this thing. (FE05) (Semi-Secret character spoilers) 4. Ruin abusing~Because being able to move 15 spaces with each unit is *not* cheating. (FE06) 5. Contact info~Contact me, more info, no Virus's/SPAM/flames. (FE07) 6. Frequently Asked Questions~Ask me stuff, find it here. (FE08) 7. Credit~Thank you's among other things. (FE09) 8. Legel Info~No stealing my stuff ***** (FE10) *****I gave codes to the stuff you'll actually look at. Just use the CTRL+F command to find what you are looking for. ---------~---------~---------~---------~---------~---------~---------~--------- 1. Intro ---------~---------~---------~---------~---------~---------~---------~--------- Hello, and welcome to my first FAQ that got published. To tell a bit about myself, I love games, like this one, SSBM, Pokemon, Resident Evil and others. I also like listening to music like Eminem, Greenday, Dope and some other bands that I'm void of the names at the moment. Though the gaming is going to be slowing down because of school and job issue's, I hope that I can bring you this guide on how to get you through the hardest part of this game: The Lagdou Ruins *Pause for dramatic effect*. Lagdou Ruins aren't anything like the Tower of Valni, you can’t just breeze through it like you could in the tower. Though I haven't done this on Hard mode yet I'm very sure that these same strategies will be used in the ruins, though more Defending will be used on Hard than intended. In this guide, I will tell you what classes to bring, what weapons you should bring in large bulks and what you should bring in small bulks, and remember: Level 20 with all stats max is NOT bad; in fact I would recommend you bring nothing but level fifteens through level twenties, and perhaps even an all stats maxed out character or two. Now, enough of this, its time for the guide! This is HacK SaW and I approve this message. ---------~---------~---------~---------~---------~---------~---------~--------- I. Version History ---------~---------~---------~---------~---------~---------~---------~--------- Version: 3.2 FINAL Been a while eh? Lazy bastard I am ;p"" anyways... Only real update My friend had his GBA and Gamecube stolen, I lost my Pokemon LeafGreen ;-;... Wait, thats not GOOD news... OK, I've been saying it for a while and this is where I'm not going to get it done, the cheats are indepth enough as is and I don't have the game any more to actually want to do anything else with this. Only thing I did though was I corrected some mistakes. Version: 3.1 Woulda been up sooner if I had a Website sooner, but hey, its ok. FREE ADVERTIZING!!!! ( /\ My site Version: 3.1 Woulda been up sooner if it wasn't for DBZ SSW2 and Soul Calibur, just some small tweaks really, and a final note for if you don't wanna waste time in RNG abusing. Version: 3.0 Thought 2.9 was final eh? Think again! I finally got some good testing in because my friend got Path of Radiance, well, he also lost his DS so he couldn't even play this game. Had very little trouble, though all the characters I took in where maxed out. Amelia didn't get hit once, I guess I'm kinda glad she stopped with the steroid use. Course the promise was she would quit if I quit RNG abusing but that ain't gone happen. With the strategies I already have up and fully maxed characters you'll have little to any form of trouble. Though Hard mode you might actually have to think a little more. If I get bored enough in waiting for Mario Kart I might give hard mode a try but with Soul Calibur and yugioh to keep me busy I might not even bother with Hard mode. The update I'm bringing you are all in the setup section. Version: 2.9 No real testing done because I sold my game to my friend and got something else instead. Just a side note about the Swift soles trick. This is probably the last update I'll post on this because I was kinda tired of Fire Emblem. Version: 2.8 Been listening to Eminem's old records, holy crap that guys funny, anyways. One dude Completely disagreed with me about Rogues not being pathetic, to bad the only one that actually DOES good as a Rogue is Colm, mainly because next to nothing can actually hit him. I put notes on Rogues to make it look like I actually give two ****'s. That and if you use scytheweilder0's strategy and save that key you may not even NEED a Rogue, there ARE better offensive units then this. That and I still haven't tested anything. Version: 2.7 scythewielder0 told me about Thiefs, I threw it under Rogues section in the team building section. Also made notes about the Super Trainee's, usa224477 added a note about the final stage, I would like this to be the Final version but at the pace I'm going it'll take a couple more versions. Version: 2.6 Never finished the ruins on Normal, actually haven't even touched the game in the past two weaks. Though I did change stuff in the ruin abuse section and I also thought up some Q&A's. Version: 2.5 DarkMessiah547 was the dude who reminded me about Rachel and Map Mode. The reason for an update was I had found that section 3 was under 4 where it should have been 3 over 4. Also I finished Normal and will try the Ruins with this difficulty level, if I notice any changes then you know where to look. Also, I may try and do Hard mode again if I feel up to it. Version: 2.4 Never finished Hard mode, got my but handed to me to many times for my liking. Instead I went to Normal and will see what difference it makes to the ruins, if any. Also, Slayer7183 found more typoes, which I corrected. I'll have more info on the ruins on normal later, it will also allow me to tell if Hard will be any different, which I'm guessing it will be. Version: 2.3 After finishing the ruins for the third time, I thinned out the stocking and setup section, I also moved Summoners up on the class list, they aren't as worthless as I though, good for Drag baiting, also added ruin abusing only two tricks though. Also, I forgot who, but someone reminded me about L'Arachel (I refer to her as Rachel). ThePiggyman added onto the summoner comment AdumbroDeus had, his email can be found right under AdumbbroDeus's email. Version: 2.2 AdumbroDeus has informed me about Summoners, I placed the entire email because I don't have a summoner handy right now. I also fixed the stage item setups, though they only really appear after stage six. I may have changed something else but I sorta forgot what. Metallica_kid Sent me an email about the Wyvern Knight glitch, looks like we'll be stocking less Axereavers and Silver Lances. I think I'll also make a new section about Ruin Abusing, because being able to move 15 spaces is *not* cheating :3 Version: 2.1 Corrections here and there, Slayer7183 helped me find some mistakes such as Berserker's spelling and one misspelling with Neimi. Also threw in stuff like directions to neonclover's Support FAQ because I didn't know they could help until Slayer7183 mentioned it. I also made changes to the Stocking and setup section again, I found that I was left with extra junk after the second playthrough and with Slayer7183's info, I have better weapon ideas. Next update will be equipment you equip in stages, I didn't update those because I'm real tired and want a break from this guide. Version: 2.0 Re-did almost everything you see, the team building guide was in need of changes, and the stocking & supply was also stupid so I re-did it too. I also re-did a couple of stages, I seemed to have had a mental block on stage five with the poison jets but after my second time through, I was able to make a good guide for it. Notice that Gilliam is no longer a suggested character, he couldn't move as much as Ephraim and movement is needed in that stage. I am going to go through one last time for testing, I am fully sure that stages one, two, three and ten are complete. But I still need to test the other stages. Next update will probably be the last, as I will be finishing those stages and taking this entire thing through spellcheck. Version: 1.2 Corrected a few mistakes, re-did Team Building and Stocking. After finishing the ruins the first time I found some stuff un-needed and little bits and pieces where wrong. I also made the thing easier to find thing's as I know how lazy you people are... Also, I'll have stages five and six fixed up in the next update. Sorry for the inconvenience. Version: 1.1 Second update. Not a lot done, just added some notes here and there. I will be adding in some new tips on what to bring I also took this entire thing through spell check, should have done it a while ago but oh well. I also missed either stage five or stage six, I'll go through again once I'm finished so I can correct any mistakes. Version: 1.0 First update. A lot done, got the first three stages done, might add some notes to the Team Building and Stocking sections. ---------~---------~---------~---------~---------~---------~---------~--------- II. Team Building~What to build up. (FE01) ---------~---------~---------~---------~---------~---------~---------~--------- VVVVVVVVVVV<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< HUGE NOTICE<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ^^^^^^^^^^^<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Before you do ANYTHING turn the animetion OFF for all Wyvern Knights. Metallica_kid has told me that this turns off the Piercing glitch. On the world map, click anything thats not a town or monster or Ephraim/Eirika to open a small menu, go to options and look for animation, either turn it "off" or turn it to solo and turn all animetion "on" but making sure that all Wyvern Knights animetion are turned "off". because of the length of the Ruins you might just want to just say **** it and turn animetion "off". Team Building is actually easy, though, if you don't hit it just right you will be left with a disadvantage. Pick ten characters to raise up to level twenty. Here is a list of all the classes, most useful to most worthless, and then the bunch that just stand out, the classes that you shouldn't even bother THINKING about bringing with you are listed under the most effective classes. Bishops - Natasha, Moulder, Artur and Reiv These are probably the BEST class to take. Bring two to three of these people and abuse the hell out of them! Slayer skill is a must in this kind of thing. Maxed level and they can reach stage 7 with just Heals and Lightings! You would either be really stupid or in search of a true challenge not to bring any. Generals - Amelia and Gilliam These two have a lot of defense; my suggestion would be to bring just Amelia, Gilliam doesn't seem to be as good. He seems to get attacked more and takes more damage from shadowshots. Great Lords - Eirika and Ephraim Niether are actually needed. Though, Ephraim is a good powerhoue and offensive unit. A good replacement because I found Gilliam weaker than Amelia. Berserker - Ross and Dozla These are a deadly class when equipped with Killer Axes. Bring one, as they do in fact come in handy as offensive units. Wyvern Knights - Tana, Venessa and Cormag Pierce is a sweet skill, with the above Notice, bring atleast one of them. Swordmasters - Joshua, Marisa and Ismaire Look at Berserkers but replace "Killer Axes" with "Shamshirs" and there you go. Falcoknights - Syrene The alternate of the Wyvern Knight, Max out level and use only in stage 9 of the ruins. Or you could use her with Tana and Venessa and use the Pegasus Triangle Attack. This could help during the final stage of the Ruins, Tasha and Moulder take two Dragons while Venessa, Syrene and Tana take another. Valkyrie - L'Arachel This unit, though without the use of Slayer, is an ok thing for the ruins. either for retreat or attack or Healing. Basically Bishops on horses but without Slayer. Good alternative if you plan on making Moulder and Artur Sages, you know for Link Arena. Rangers - Neimi These are ok, not really staple material. Though they do come in handy in the final stage with the long bows. You could consider this if you plan on using bows and perhaps lack swords. Warrior - Garcia Look above, though, replace "swords" with "axes". Rogues - Rennac and Colm In no way are these attacking units, they are meant to be defended at almost all the time. Only reason you're taking them is to be able to get the many chests. NOTE: Some stages have thiefs on them, this was pointed out to me by scythewielder0, a trick you can use is to put a unit next to a chest and have the thief unlock it then kill the thief and get the item. Though, this trick doesn't work in stages seven and ten. I guess thiefs just don't like Dragons. NOTE2: I have reason to believe that these units aren't pathetic, but base 20 as apposed to Ross's caps don't merit the putting Colm, or Ren, infront of Tasha or Moulder. That and I still haven't tested. Update: I've tested Colm as an Assassin class. Even though he was fully maxed, he never got Silencer on anything, which hurt his usefulness by alot. Normal enemies didn't die in one hit. So with this in mind, only bring Colm or Rennec to the stages that have chests in them. Also note that one Lockpick can take care of the entire collection of chests that the ruins have to offer. Though if you follow this guide you should be able to keep a Chest Key so you don't have to bother bringing these to the final stage of the ruins. Summoners - Knoll I take everything back about these guys, they are good, but I will only suggest you take one for the final stage. here's AdumbroDeus email. "I noticed that you wrote off summoners as absolutely useless however I have to disagree. In many cases when dealing with powerful opponents, a "bait and switch" technique is required to get them into a position where one of your units can destroy them. The phantoms generated by summoners are completely expendable unlike other units therefore make an ideal candidate for this job. Also, unless the opponent is able to destroy a charecter in one hit (including that charecter being in range) the enemy in question will ALWAYS attack an in-range phantom. This makes them ideal for distracting fire from units that are in danger. Finally, they're very economical. The phantom, when produced, comes with a free weapon, (though is unable to trade with other charecters preventing abuse) making them ideal for dealing with weaker enemies that populate the ruins such as Entombeds, Wights (assuming they aren't carrying something you want) , Arch Mogall, and Gwyllgi. Finally, the summoners themselves have pretty powerful magic. It's not enough to make them worth using without an additional perk, but keep in mind that most summoners max out their magic stat very very quickly. That gets pretty damaging with spells like Luna (ignors resistance). Not as good as a Bishop, but they sure pack a wallop, consider them next time you go into the ruins." Adding to this note, make VERY sure that the enemy the Phatnom is about to kill doesn't give you anything because you won't be able to get it from the Phantom. Also, ThePiggyman has this to say about summoners: "I add on to what AdumbroDeus said. The weapon a Phantom ranges from an Iron Axe to a Tomahawk. So far, to my experiences, Phantoms can start out with an Iron Axe, a Killer Axe, a Tomahawk or a Devil Axe. If your Phantom pulls off a Killer Axe, he can simply go out there and hope to kill someone with a critical (which Phantoms seem to get an awful lot of). If he pulls off a Tomahawk, he can kill someone and live to see another day. Don't forget that a Phantom's stats are very random, so he may end up with 20 speed and dodge Wights and Maelduins with ease, in turn, killing them. Another useful thing about Phantoms is using them so Gorgons can use up there Stone and Shadow Shot spells." Update: I found the Phantoms a little worthless in some of the parts in the ruins. There was one where Phantom came in handy to bait some gorgons into trying to stone the phantom. But you have to be careful because if they stone the phantom you'll have to bait with something else. This is why I told you to pick up extra Purges so you'll be able to take care of these Gorgons without the trouble of baiting them. Other class note would be: Super Trainee's - Amelia, Ross and Ewan Really, these classes are quite useless in the ruins, Super Recruit and Super Journyman are over shadowed by Berserker and General class. Knoll being a Summoner means you could make Ewan into a Super Pupil and have access to all Magic tomes (Dark, Light, Anima), or if you want a backup Phantom for the bait trick or control enemy glitch. Sages - Saleh and Lute If you plan on using them, don't get any Anima tomes because the monsters that use magic have the advantage over Anima, that and Bolting doesn't seem to do as much damage as Purge does with Slayer. Great Knights - Forde, Kyle, Franz and Duessel If, for some strange stupid reason, you don't want to use Generals, then this is your next best bet. Though they don't have the same amount of Defense has Generals. Paladins - Seth The only use Paladins have these days is retreat, but in some cases where you going to retreat to? They lost the Triangle so it makes them useless in the ruins. Assassins - No units, unless you turn Colm into one, but that turns out bad. Really, they aren't as handy as Rogues because of the need of Lockpicks. Though instadeath is ok, Berserkers, Wyvern Knights, Swordmasters and Generals do that just fine. Update: even though I've tested Colm in combat, he was rarely ever able to actually kill anything without help. In most cases, you would probably want something that is guaranteed to kill the monster your attacking. Mage Knights - Selena A worthless class, in no ways do they compare to Bishops. The extra movement doesn't make up for the lack of Light Magic. Update: with the use of Swiftsoles, this unit becomes useless alltogether. Way to RNG abuse eh? Manakete - Myrrh With the strategy I have for the final stage, my past info is now useless, Myrrh becomes useless because there is no need to bring her unless you're that scared of dragons. Now to choose what classes to level up and bring along. two-three Bishops one General one Great Lord one-two Wyvern Knight one Berserker one Swordmaster one-two Filler The filler can be anything you want, but in some stages it will have to be a Rogue. I know that there is one-two stage's that let's you bring nine units, so you can bring a Rogue if there are chests and a filler unit, and I think two or three stages let you bring ten, so other then Rennac or Colm, you should level up nine characters. The team I'm using is: Natasha Moulder Amelia Cormag Tana Ross Marisa Neimi Colm Rennec Knoll Cormag and Marisa are my filler units, we take one of them out for when we run into a stage with chests. We only take two out when I feel the need for the use of Phantoms. NOTE: This is the team I will be using, if you want to use this team and copy me exactly, go ahead. But it doesn't really matter, you could use other characters for this. This is just my opinion so don't dwell on it to much. NOTE2: I am not good with Support levels, as of right now I have never had to use them but in harder difficulties you may want to consider it. I'll direct you to neonclover's Support FAQ on Gamefaqs. He can help you even more then I can in Support levels. NOTE3: Late in the ruins, place a Sacred twin item and give it to one of you're units that can use it. This is a "Just in case" idea, and I'm sure it will be used in harder difficulties. ---------~---------~---------~---------~---------~---------~---------~--------- III. Stocking and setup~Have to get some really powerful **** to last ten really hard stages (FE02) ---------~---------~---------~---------~---------~---------~---------~--------- This section is devoted to stocking up weapons and other items for the coming task. This is using my team as an example. But to make it short, just buy six items for all of the characters you plan on bringing with you. In this case it will be the above list; Natasha, Moulder, Amelia, Cormag, Tana, Ross, Marisa, Neimi, Colm and Knoll Now, the only three thing's you'll need are the Member card (Required), the silver card (Not required, but helps a lot), and about 60,000 gold (120,000 if you don't have the Silver card). (This number will change because of Metallica_kid's info on the Pierce glitch, plus I don't think we need that many Purges, Testing comes in 2.3) If you got Rennac then you've had the member card for a while now, as for the silver card, I direct you to motsinaction's Scorched Sands map, this tells you where you can get the silver card and how to get it. Also try and get the swiftsoles and give them to either you're bishops or generals, another thing would be to give it to a flyer, make them move ten spaces instead of eight ^_^. Update: Or you could skip the Swiftsoles and just RNG abuse. Anyways, This is the importent part, stocking up on items so you don't get stuck fighting Drags with E ranked weapons. Believe me, no one wants that kind of mistake. Before we start buying stuff in bulk, we first need to ditch stuff from our supply unit. Sell everything but the Silver card, Member card, Hoplon guard (You should have two if you went through the tower of valni) and the Fili shield and the ten Sacred twin items. If you still have the Hammerne, then save it, also, save any Dragon/Wyrmslayer weapons. I cannot find any in the shops in Map mode, but if you find them then save them, they will come in handy later. Once everything is ready, its time to asses you're team. Natasha Moulder Amelia Cormag Tana Ross Marisa Neimi Colm Rennec Knoll Remember this? Well, this is the example I will be using. For Natasha and Moulder we will be getting 10 Purges and 6 Divines. The reason I say Divine over Aura is because even with the silver card, Aura costs way to much. (Aura cost's 8,000 gold, 4,000 with the Silver card). Also buy 2 Mends. For Amelia, we will be getting 2 silver swords, 2 silver axes and 2 silver lances. Cormag and Tana will get 3 Silver Lances each. 4 Killer Axes for Ross and 4 Shamshir swords for Marisa. The ability to use a critical hit 60% of the time isn't all that bad. 2 Silver Bows, 1 Long bow for Neimi if she's a sniper, add 2 Silver Swords if she's a Ranger. get a Lockpick, and 2 Silver swords for Colm. Rennec won't even be attacking much so just get him 2 Silver swords. For Knoll, get him a Mend, some Flux (2). I'll never suggest attacking with him so you might not even have to bother getting more then one or two. Now, go buy 15 Javelins and 10 Hand Axes, these aren't as durable as the other E ranked weapons but I find them easier in the fact that they can clear out those long ranged attackers. Also, pick out six characters you don't plan on using and make them hold all the Hand Axes and Javelins. Now get 11 Elixirs and that should leave you with 2 spaces left in you're supply unit. Now give an Elixir to each of the ten characters you plan on bringing with you. This list was made out of Logic I didn't have when writing this part during 2.0. First make sure you have atleast 78 spaces in you're supply unit. 6 Silver Swords 4 Shamshirs 8 Silver Lances 15 Javelins 2 Silver Axes 4 Killer Axes 10 Hand Axes 2 Silver bows 1 Long bows 4 Divines 8 Purges 3 Mends 11 Elixirs NOTE: If your characters are not maxed out, one, make sure they can use the weapons and two, buy an extra two of every weapon not including Javelins and Hand Axes. This means you must make sure you have 93 spaces in your supply unit. This is so you, the reader, doesn't have to go making this list and not look through that small part up there. That was just how I spread the items and is just an example of how you should be thinking on this. Just so I don't have to keep telling you, the only thing's you'll actually consider keeping are Dragon weapons, Wyrmslayers and doubles of what you already have. Sell anything else you get. ---------~---------~---------~---------~---------~---------~---------~--------- ---------~---------~---------~---------~---------~---------~---------~--------- 2. The Ruins of Lagdou~Not even hard if you know what to do. (FE04) ---------~---------~---------~---------~---------~---------~---------~--------- ---------~---------~---------~---------~---------~---------~---------~--------- NOTE: As of now, I know for a fact that on easy, level fifteens can use E ranked weapons/tomes to beat the first six stages, so buy and divide them among you're units. I was *NOT* able to try normal before I maxed everyone out, but I'm sure it involve everything I have covered. NOTE2: If your characters are not maxed out and your actually doing good in the ruins with the characters you have already, and this only applies to people on normal or hard and sometimes on easy, check all your units before you make your moves. Sure Joshua can kill that lance dude ok but its that swordrieving cyclops that could have the last laugh, or you move tasha and moulder out only to remember tana is getting raped by three-headed dogs that are about to flank you. Sure you could make small mistakes in the first couple of stages but if you keep making these mistakes then you could find your best characters being killed and forcing you to reset and start All. Over. Again. And *NOBADY* wants that. I recommend you set up a nice place to sit, get a stress ball, a nice cold drink or two. Put in a nice CD that you like listening to. Why? Because this is the second longest thing you'll ever do in this game, and really, the reward isn't all that worth it other that bragging rights and Lyon who, sadly, can't be taken into Link Arena. before going to the Lagdou ruins on the world map, you will set up you're units with E ranked weapons, here is the listed items: NOTE: Buy the weapons don't use the supply yet. Though make worthless characters hold onto some items so that you don't run out of space for the junk you'll get in the ruins. Natasha: Elixir Lightning Lightning Lightning Heal Moulder: Elixir Lightning Lightning Lightning Heal Amelia: Iron Sword Javelin Javelin Hand Axe Hand Axe Cormag: (Make sure his Animetion is off) Elixir Javelin (For the first time through anyways, you'll get another Fili Shield Javelin later in the ruins from Valter) Javelin Javelin Tana: (Make sure her Animetion is off) Elixir Fili shield Javelin Javelin Javelin Ross: Elixir Hand Axe Hand Axe Hand Axe Hand Axe Marisa: Elixir Iron Sword Iron Sword Iron Sword Iron Sword Neimi: Elixir Iron Sword Iron Sword Iron Bow Iron Bow Other units: Colm: Lockpick Elixir Iron Sword Iron Sword Iron Sword Rennec: Elixir Iron Sword Iron Sword Iron Sword Iron Sword Knoll: Elixir Heal Flux Flux Flux NOTE2: Before each stage, replace any broken Weapons, this is the setup we'll be using for a while. ---------~---------~---------~---------~---------~---------~---------~--------- First stage (RU01)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ---------~---------~---------~---------~---------~---------~---------~--------- You start in something like: X P --------------------| | | ----B---|-------------------| Your unit starts somewhere behind the "X", there are two spaces between the top of the map and the walls. "B" stands for a breakable wall, we will not be breaking this because we don't want to be attacked from two sides. -----------| | -----------|XXXX V ^ | | | |--------- Once you get to "XXXX", place three units from "V" to "^" and hold there until you can make another perimeter like: --------| X X ------| |X|X|---- See the "X"s? That’s where you put four of your defensive walls. By now Reinforcements probably have arrived and are now walking towards you they will attack the right most Unit. After all enemies seem to stop moving, it's time to attack, send the left most units on that map to the left and down to take the few badies there (five or six). The last six will head toward the leader. If, for some reason, the reinforcements start coming now you can put up a perimeter in front of the boss and slowly take its units. Now that we have a slight break, make sure your units are fully stocked and move down to second stage. ---------~---------~---------~---------~---------~---------~---------~--------- Second Stage (RU02)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ---------~---------~---------~---------~---------~---------~---------~--------- Set up you're team: Replace all broken weapons. Preperation: (Using the same weapon set up as above) Main units: Natasha Moulder Amelia Tana Ross Marisa Neimi Knoll Other units: Colm Rennec Cormag NOTE1: This stage you will need to move the perimeter around to be able to attract enemy attention. There are also some tricky monsters in this stage, I almost lost Marisa to a Swordreaving Cyclops; this is why while you’re moving the units around you should always check the enemies like Cyclops’s because you could walk into something hurtful. It’s ok to make mistakes here because its the second stage, but you may want to practice the tactician thing here because you don't want to make a mistake say on stage 8... Stupid Lute.... When you start, you'll see two walls around your units. Sort of like... | | | | |------------------ X X X ----X The "X"s stand for the first perimeter you want to create. Stay there until the enemy thins out enough. | X | X |X|X|------------------ That's what we want two-three turns later. ---| X |XXX This is the right most part of the map and what your guard should look like. here you will stay till the enemy stops moving. After that you will attack, take the middle and work your way down, Bank the boss if you can't kill him with one Unit. This isn't as easy as it seems because of all the Spiders and Cyclops's running around. My first try here saw Lute die to one of those red spiders, my second Marisa almost went to a swordreaver Cyclops. This is why you should always check the enemy stats if your not sure about it, if it has something you know you can't stand up to send someone who can. Also using Phantoms to bait opponents can help a little in this, so thats why we brougth Knoll with us. ---------~---------~---------~---------~---------~---------~---------~--------- Third stage (RU03)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ---------~---------~---------~---------~---------~---------~---------~--------- Preperation: Natasha: Elixir Purge Lightning Lightning Heal Moulder: Elixir Purge Lightning Lightning Heal Amelia: Iron Sword Javelin Javelin Hand Axe Hand Axe Tana: (Make sure her Animetion is off) Elixir Fili shield Javelin Javelin Javelin Ross: Elixir Hand Axe Hand Axe Hand Axe Hand Axe Marisa: Elixir Iron Sword Iron Sword Iron Sword Iron Sword Neimi: Elixir Iron Sword Iron Sword Iron Bow Iron Bow Colm: Lockpick Elixir Iron Sword Iron Sword Iron Sword Other units: Cormag: (Make sure his Animetion is off) Elixir Javelin (For the first time through anyways, you'll get another Fili Shield Javelin later in the ruins from Valter) Javelin Javelin Rennec: Elixir Iron Sword Iron Sword Iron Sword Iron Sword Knoll: Elixir Heal Flux Flux Flux You start at the very bottom of the map, close to the lowest right hand building. Something like this should happen... VVVVVVVVVVV<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< HUGE NOTICE<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ^^^^^^^^^^^<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< You'll find ONE chest key here, DO NOT USE IT HERE! Toss it into the Supply and leave it for later. I will tell you when to take it out. |----------- X-- X Safe zone X-- ----------- Move five units into the structure and have three defensive walls just outside. Right across from this building is a locked door, don't even bother going for it as a monster will unlock it with his key and the monsters inside will be unleashed. Once the monsters thin a bit move out a little and Purge one of the two monsters in the structure above the safe zone. Now, you will be moving very slow because reinforcements should be getting down there soon. In the middle of the map you will set up something like: | |XX X X NOTE: This is right above the safe zone, to the left of the structure with the two stoners in it, Purge the second stoner and perhaps the lone stoner in the middle structure. You should have wasted three purges by now, save whatever is left for later. This is the staying point, after all monsters stop moving you will go on the attack. Collect the chests for fund creation items and once you're ready open the final door and move two units in to take care of the three headed dogs that are there. ---------~---------~---------~---------~---------~---------~---------~--------- Fourth stage (RU04)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ---------~---------~---------~---------~---------~---------~---------~--------- NOTE1: This is one stage that you can actually bring in at least 10 units. The reason for this is because there are two chests and I guess they wanted us to be able to get. Another thing is its also one stage that actually doesn't try to swarm you with monsters, so you'll actually go on the attack more often then in the past few stages. I would provide maps and other thing's but telling you what to do is far easier then trying to write up a map. Note2: Tana with swift soles is a VERY good idea, with them she can just about reach out a touch anyone in any of the rooms in this stage. The thing I used was I would smash a wall with Ephraim and Neimi then send Tana in to take care of one of the monsters in the far end of the room. The only part she can't quite reach is the upper right side and the lower right side of the map. when you start, split the group in two. One group will go off to the right and will either protect the chest there or have Colm pick at it. The second group goes down to the second chest. A group can be something like: because we can use ten, just split your group in half. Since my group only uses Colm, I will infact be ditching Knoll for this one task. Bravo team: Natasha, Amelia, Neimi, Tana and Colm Alpha team: Moulder, Cormag, Ross, Marisa and Rennec This gives both units a slayer/healer, a picker and a lot of attackers. Other than this, I can't think of much other than "Ross, SMASH!" then send in a Wyvern knight to take out the first most enemy. Be careful of stoners though. ---------~---------~---------~---------~---------~---------~---------~--------- Fifth stage (RU05)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ---------~---------~---------~---------~---------~---------~---------~--------- This stage, though a bit tedious, can be done. What you have to do is split the group in three (I forget how many you can bring, I think ten). Again Knoll will be replaced by Rennec. Bravo team: Natasha, Amelia and Colm Alpha team: Moulder, Cormag, Marisa and Ross Sigma team: Tana, Neimi, and Rennec Move Neimi and Tana as close to the lower right and upper right chests as you can, have Moulder, Marisa and Natasha take out the stragglers and defend those chests as best you can. The reason I say you have to do this is because Hunters will appear and two turns later if you don't kill them they will have reached the chests and will almost be impossible to kill. NOTE: Be careful when moving, there are poison jets in this stage and will deal damage AND poison you, which will do more damage the next turn. After Colm gets the chest in the upper left side move him and Ross to the other chests and pick at them. After this, you can start attacking the boss and finish the stage. This is only if you don't want to bring Rennec. ---------~---------~---------~---------~---------~---------~---------~--------- Sixth stage (RU06)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ---------~---------~---------~---------~---------~---------~---------~--------- Preperation: Time to ditch you're lower class weapons for higher class weapons. Natasha: Elixir Devine Devine Devine Heal Moulder: Elixir Devine Devine Devine Heal Amelia: Silver Sword Silver Axe Silver Lance Elixir Hoplon Guard Cormag: (Doesn't matter now because we aren't using long range weapons) Elixir Silver Lance Silver Lance Silver Lance Silver Lance Tana: (Doesn't matter now because we aren't using long range weapons) Elixir Fili shield Silver Lance Silver Lance Silver Lance Ross: Elixir Killer Axe Killer Axe Killer Axe Killer Axe Marisa: Elixir Shamshir Shamshir Shamshir Shamshir Neimi: Elixir Silver Bow Silver Bow Silver Sword Silver Sword Other units: Colm: Lockpick Elixir Silver Sword Silver Sword Silver Sword Rennec: Elixir Silver Sword Silver Sword Silver Sword Silver Sword Knoll: Elixir Heal Flux Flux Flux This is the set you'll be using up to stage nine. Now, we have no choice but to split this group in three. Bravo team: Tana, Marisa and Neimi. Alpha team: Natasha, Moulder, Amelia and Knoll. Sigma team: Cormag and Ross No chests mean no Colm or Rennec Move Bravo up as much as you can taking out as many freaks as you can, same with Alpha. As for Sigma, move Moulder and Natasha toward the spiders and kill them with Divine, kill the middle with Amelia and Neimi, I *THINK* that Natasha and Moulder will be out of range from the others, but I also know that they can't kill either of them unless you're Natasha and Moulder are super weak, which they shouldn't be at this point. You should Purge the stoners on either side, and the lone shadowshooter in the upper left side. Once Bravo and Alpha reach the top, start wall smashing to have them rejoin Sigma. Kill the reinforcements that appear to the left of the boss and once their finished take the boss and his bodyguards. Or if you don't want to wall smash, just finish it with Sigma. Though it would be easier if Bravo and Alpha rejoin and take the boss together. ---------~---------~---------~---------~---------~---------~---------~--------- Seventh stage (RU07)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ---------~---------~---------~---------~---------~---------~---------~--------- Preperation: Replace any broken weapons and ditch the Purges for Divines, we want to save those. Again, we will be breaking up the group in three, like last time, we will have names for groups. Bravo: Moulder, Amelia and Colm (Place them as close to the chest as you can) Alpha: Natasha, Cormag and Marisa (Place them in the middle) Omega: Tana, Ross and Neimi (In the upper left side of the map) Place Moulder right in front of the stairs that are two spaces away from the chest, place Colm on the bridge and place Amelia in the crossway. Moulder will take out the reinforcements that come through the stairs and Amelia will take the reinforcements that come from the left, and Colm will just sit there on the bridge collecting dust till the enemy stops coming through the stairs. Moulder will then take the stoner and Colm will take the chest. They will then re-join Alpha. While Omega grabs the chest, Alpha will wall smash and take the monsters there. stay away from the boss until you can grab the chest. Once Omega re-join's Alpha, take the boss. Bravo will take the monsters and reinforcements on the top of the map. Do more of the wall smashing thing and take the monsters inside the room. Either have them re-join Alpha and Omega or just leave them there, it don't matter. ---------~---------~---------~---------~---------~---------~---------~--------- Eighth stage (RU08)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ---------~---------~---------~---------~---------~---------~---------~--------- NOTE1: This stage should remind you of something from the last Fire Emblem game (FE7). Preperation: (I forgot how many you may take, so Cormag goes for Colm unless I find it allows nine) Natasha: Elixir Devine Devine Purge Heal Moulder: Elixir Devine Devine Purge Heal Amelia: Silver Sword Silver Axe Silver Lance Elixir Hoplon Guard Cormag: (Doesn't matter now because we aren't using long range weapons) Elixir Fili Sheild (take it from Valter when you get him) Silver Lance Silver Lance Silver Lance Tana: (Doesn't matter now because we aren't using long range weapons) Elixir Fili shield Silver Lance Silver Lance Silver Lance Ross: Elixir Killer Axe Killer Axe Killer Axe Killer Axe Marisa: Elixir Shamshir Shamshir Shamshir Shamshir Colm: Lockpick Elixir Silver Sword Silver Sword Silver Sword Other units: Neimi: Elixir Silver Bow Silver Bow Silver Sword Silver Sword Rennec: Elixir Silver Sword Silver Sword Silver Sword Silver Sword Knoll: Elixir Heal Flux Flux Flux I really can't make up a good strategy for this stage other that letting Tana, Cormag and Ross move out and ingage the enemies to draw their attacks from the more helpless units. There will be times that you just stop and wait for bridges to reappear so that you can get the stragglers to re-join, pick off some enemies with whatever Purges you have left from stage three (7 in all) and leave colm at the beginning and wait for the bridge to appear, that or carry him using a flyer and then carry him back. Split the group up, doesn't matter what you want just send two, three units up to the upper left side to take the enemies there. The rest go off to take the remaining monsters ---------~---------~---------~---------~---------~---------~---------~--------- Ninth stage (RU09)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ---------~---------~---------~---------~---------~---------~---------~--------- Preperation: (Replace any broken weapons, also replace broken Purge tomes because they'll be handy here. You should have 6 *FULL* Purges remaining, save them all for the final stage) Main units: Natasha Moulder Amelia Cormag Tana Ross Marisa Neimi Other units: Colm Rennec Knoll when you start, plug the gap with Ross and Amelia, place Moulder as close to the shadowshooter as possible and Purge him. Whenever you move into range, Purge a shadowshooter. Their the Eyeball guys. When you reach the right side, take Tana, Neimi, Ross and Natasha to do the wall smashing thing and take all the monsters from the upper right side. Once this is done, send them to the left to re-join the others and finish the stage, though, be careful, they loaded this stage with Cyclops's. ---------~---------~---------~---------~---------~---------~---------~--------- Tenth, and Final, stage (RU10)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ---------~---------~---------~---------~---------~---------~---------~--------- Final setup: NOTE: Take out and use any Dragon weapons or Wyrmslayers, they are effective against these drags. NOTE2: Take a Flux off Knoll and give him that Chest key I told you to save. NOTE3: Slayer7183 told me that Bows are effective against Dragons, so even if Neimi is a Ranger stock her with Bows. Natasha: Elixir Purge Purge Purge Heal Moulder: Elixir Purge Purge Purge Heal Amelia: Silver Sword Silver Axe/Dragon Axe Silver Lance/Dragon Lance Elixir Hoplon Guard Cormag: (Doesn't matter now because we aren't using long range weapons) Elixir Fili Shield Silver Lance/Dragon Lance Silver Lance/Dragon Lance Silver Lance/Dragon Lance Tana: (Doesn't matter now because we aren't using long range weapons) Elixir Fili shield Silver Lance/Dragon Lance Silver Lance/Dragon Lance Silver Lance/Dragon Lance Ross: Elixir Killer Axe/Dragon Axe Killer Axe/Dragon Axe Killer Axe/Dragon Axe Killer Axe/Garm Neimi: Elixir Longbow Longbow Longbow Nidhogg Knoll: Elixir Heal Chest Key Flux Flux Other units: Marisa: Elixir Shamshir Shamshir Shamshir Shamshir Colm: Lockpick Elixir Silver Sword Silver Sword Silver Sword Rennec: Elixir Silver Sword Silver Sword Silver Sword Silver Sword Now, when you start, move Moulder and Natasha as close to the upper right side and Purge the two dragons there, finish one with Neimi's Long bow and Bank the other one, though stay out of range of the other two on the left side. NOTE: If Tasha and Moulder are maxed out then they can handle these Dragons without aid from the others. If your units are not max stats it is still possible to beat this stage by having Tasha and Moulder Purge two dragons and finish them with Dragon weapons. If you can't finish off one Dragon either have Knoll Summon or have him heal a unit that has taken damage. Now, move everyone out of range of all the other dragons. King Drag won't move so don't worry about him yet, he won't go last because we want that chest. Purge the Drags on the upper left and have Ross, Tana and Cormag take Dragon king. After you finish with the upper left and upper right sides of the map take King Dragon with Purges and Dragon/Sacred Twin weapons (Dragon Weapons reccomended). Just repeat the Purging process on the last three Dragons in the lower part of the map. Also, usa224477 has brought up a note about this stage, it is a bit slower then my method but it like my method works just fine. In setup: Natasha: Elixir Purge Purge Purge Purge Moulder: Elixir Purge Purge Purge Purge Colm: Doesn't matter, Lockpicks if he's an Assassin. According to usa224477, You can do this with just the above and ONLY the above. I have infact tested this and it is a little slower then my method but it works. First, make sure they all have atleast 10-15 movement, no problem if you ruin abuse. Second, move both to the right side and kill the two on that side, staying out of range of the lower dragons. Repeat this for the left most dragons. Third, when you finish off the upper dragons, take Dragon King and have Colm take the chest he was guarding. Fourth, take the last dragons on the lower part of the map to finish the stage. This method is a tiny bit slower (By a turn or two I would say) but it works. Also I would think that you would need max stats on Moulder and Tasha for this fight. ---------~---------~---------~---------~---------~---------~---------~--------- ---------~---------~---------~---------~---------~---------~---------~--------- 3. Rewards~Yes, there is an up-side to having gone through this thing. (Semi-Secret character spoilers) (FE06) ---------~---------~---------~---------~---------~---------~---------~--------- ---------~---------~---------~---------~---------~---------~---------~--------- Yes, there are very good thing's that come out of the Lagdou Ruins. Such as secret characters, leveling up, a load of gold and bragging rights, the last thing only applies to those who are playing on Hard mode though. Also note that these characters can only be unlocked during Map Mode which comes after you finish the Final Chapter of the main game. Which pretty much equals crap... NOTE: It sucks, but it seems you can’t bring these "Secret" characters into Link Arena. This lowers their usefulness by about 90%. Okey, I take that back.. 100% useless... Stage 5: Hayden and Glen join Stage 7: Valter join Finish the ruins: Fado Finish the ruins three times: Lyon join Please note that you don't need to complete the game more then once to unlock these, This could be you're first playthrough, the only thing you need is to complete the Ruins three times to unlock all of them. Though, this can only be done in Creature Campaign. ---------~---------~---------~---------~---------~---------~---------~--------- ---------~---------~---------~---------~---------~---------~---------~--------- 4. Ruin abusing~Because being able to move 15 spaces with each unit is *not* cheating. (FE05) ---------~---------~---------~---------~---------~---------~---------~--------- ---------~---------~---------~---------~---------~---------~---------~--------- Right now, there are only two Ruin Abusing tricks that I found that work. The reason for this is because I didn't get the chance to test the tricks before I beat the game, the two that I know of works during Creature campaign. One gives you a Swiftsole and a Dragonshield, the other gives you a Brave Sword, a Brave Bow and an Orion's Bolt. Though the rules I found weren't indepth, I will give you the exact steps I took to get them to work. Swiftsoles and Dragonshield: (Only works AFTER you finish the final chapter) >STEP ONE< when you get onto the world map, save and turn the GBA off then on again and enter the Ruins. When you enter the ruins make sure Tethys, or any other unit that can move five spaces only, is you're first person in unit select and change her formation to be in the middle most part of you're starting location. It doesn't matter where you stick the other guys. >STEP TWO< This is the tricky part, you must waste 13 RN's. I'm no where near understanding these thing's so I'll direct you to Canas123's Random Number Generator guide if you want to understand it a little better. But what I'll do, is I'll tell you pick a unit that can only move up to five spaces, I'll use Tethys. Place her in the middle, it doesn't matter where the other units are. place the curser on Tethys and click her, not moving her, move the curser around her,something like: ^T> ^STEP THREE< Now, retreat and re-enter the ruins three times. on the third time, check the enemies and see if one is holding a Swiftsole and another should be holding a Dragonshield. Repeat this untill all you're units have max def and max movement, Or sell them and buy other stat-upping items or weapons. Brave bow, Brave sword and Orion's Bolt. >STEP ONE< when you get to the world map, soft reset (A+B+START+SELECT). >STEP TWO< Enter and retreat then enter the ruins. The monster closest to you're units should be holding a Brave Sword, kill him before he can use it, but, place the unit below him to attract the Brave bow wielding monster, this puts you in his Long bow range and enough for you to be able to kill him without worrying about him switching weapons and losing the better weapon. A monster below that one is the monster holding the Orion's Bolt. This is a simple taske, you don't even have to move as far to get them as with the above trick. Both tricks can be used to get either really good weapons, lots of money or steroids. ---------~---------~---------~---------~---------~---------~---------~--------- ---------~---------~---------~---------~---------~---------~---------~--------- 4. Contact info~Contact me, more info, no Virus's/SPAM/flames. (FE07) ---------~---------~---------~---------~---------~---------~---------~--------- ---------~---------~---------~---------~---------~---------~---------~--------- Make it short and simple; no SPAM, no flaming, no viruses. Yes to tips, hints and strategies you may have found that I may find useful, you will be credited. Also, yes to any Ruin abusing hints you found, as of now, I only found two that work. If you find any that do work send them to me and I will test them, but right now I'm not in the mood for restarting so if I get something that's for before you beat the game I will either put it in the "to do" pile or if I could find someone who can test it for me then that'll work too. And guess what? I'm ->NOT<- going to answer *ANY* emails that haven't been marked it will be sent to the trash bag and I won't even LOOK at it. Email: AIM: HacK SaW 15243 I just deleted MSN from my computer because I didn't like it, so AIM and email only, deal with it. Also, I will only answer questions about the Ruins, not about anything else in the game. I will however direct you to the message board which, by the look of it, is running 24/7. Or you could try a guide/Walkthrough, their there for a reason you know. I'm hardly on AIM or MSN so Email is the best way to contact me, though, place "Fire Emblem, ruins guide question/tip/strategy" in the subject line, I'll get back to you sooner or later. Also, if you find multiple typoes, please email me about them, I like getting rid of those. If by the slight chance you do see me on AIM or MSN, please tell me that you're from Gamefaqs and you have a tip, hint, ruin abuse, comment. Don't go IMing me about random worthless stuff, for you will be blocked and never taken off. And for the love of god, ***NO*** ****BOTS**** ---------~---------~---------~---------~---------~---------~---------~--------- ---------~---------~---------~---------~---------~---------~---------~--------- 5. Frequently Asked Questions~Ask me stuff, find it here. (FE08) ---------~---------~---------~---------~---------~---------~---------~--------- ---------~---------~---------~---------~---------~---------~---------~--------- Q. Is it true that you can't get the secret characters in the Ruins on the first playthough of the game? A. to get the secret characters, you must complete the ruins/tower three times each to unlock everything. No, you don't need to complete the entire game three times to unlock them. Q. Assassins are teh 1337!!!11!!!oneONE!!!! Why u say tey no as good as rouge's?!1?!? A. Oh yeah, I'm really going to answer a question like this. The reason I say their worthless is because of the money and they rely on luck more then any class in the entire game Q. How do I make money to buy the stuff you listed? A. uh how about Ruin abusing. Faster then beating the ruins of Lagdou and it even gives you more money. Q. Does this have anything to do with the story? A. No, just a life increase thing, the game itself was so short they had to add something new. Q. I have a strategy that might work! A. GREAT, Send it in and I'll look over it and if I find it better then what I have got now I'll either replace it and give you credit or just add it as an alternate strategy. you can send more questions if you want, or IM me. ---------~---------~---------~---------~---------~---------~---------~--------- ---------~---------~---------~---------~---------~---------~---------~--------- 6. Credit~Thank you's among other things. (FE09) ---------~---------~---------~---------~---------~---------~---------~--------- ---------~---------~---------~---------~---------~---------~---------~--------- Thanks to Nintendo and Intelligent Systems for creating such an awesome game series. Thank you for reading this. Thanks goes out to CJayC for creating such an awesome website and accepting my walkthrough. The many people on Gamefaqs message board, though I don't post much I did take notes. Some of those notes where put here, I'm sorry to say but I forgot to copy names. And thanks to LethalRedArmy for the list of secret characters for the ruins. and thanks to Slayer7183 for corrections and other thing's that included Dragon effective weapons, supports, and ranged weapons. Also some misspelling's of mine, typoes all around. Thanks to AdumbroDeus for the Summoner email. I also used his idea and pushed summoner up on the class chart I made. A huge thank you goes out to Metallica_kid who told me about the Animetion thing turning the Wyvern Knight glitch off. Now to go fix the stocking section and stage setups. Also reminded ma about Super Trainee's, I put notes in Team Building section. I took the two ruin abuse tricks from McTCM's thread, I tried testing a few others but couldn't get them to work. I also can't find the thread in which he has all his tricks so I'll direct you to Canas123's Random Number Generator guide in which all of McTCM's work can be found, maybe you'll have better luck then I did. ThePiggyman provided some more Summoner info, well more like Phantom info. DarkMessiah547 for reminding me about Rachel, and also reminded me about Map Mode. Rachel you can find in Team Building under Valkyrie and the Map Mode note you can find under the Reward section (I think, I sorta lost track) scythewielder0 for giving me the thief tip. usa224477 for the stage ten strategy. ---------~---------~---------~---------~---------~---------~---------~--------- ---------~---------~---------~---------~---------~---------~---------~--------- 7. Legel Info~No stealing my stuff ***** (FE10) ---------~---------~---------~---------~---------~---------~---------~--------- ---------~---------~---------~---------~---------~---------~---------~--------- This Guide is copyrighted by me and such, and can only be seen on Gamefaqs and my site (, You'll see it on Gamefaqs first though as I'm linking from there to Gamefaqs because I'm a lazy mo'fo. Yes you may print this out and use it for you're own personal use. No you may not use this on you're site even IF you ask me nicely. And, no, you may not steal my stuff and claim it as you're own.