Fire Emblem Contents: 1. Introduction (Section 1) 2. Email Policy 3. Version History 4. Walkthrough (Section 2) 5. Promoting a Character (Section 3) 6. What I Thought of the Characters (Section 4) 7. Special Thanks (Section 5) 8. Legal Stuff (Section 6) Section 1 Introduction Hi, this is KLC writing my first FAQ. Do not be surprise to find lots of mistakes! I decide to write my first walkthrough for this game because it is my absolute favorite game. Plus, I haven't unlock EVERY possible side quests, so if you have and would like to submit it to me on how to beat, than I will add your name in the Special Thanks area! This is just a layout on how to beat the game. I cannot step-by-step tell you how to beat everything! It's too hard for me to do so. This game is similar to, let's say chess. I can tell how each pieces move but I can't tell you how to beat an opponent unless I can see what your opponent is doing and stuff. Oh yeah, it's possible that my FAQ walkthrough contains spoilers, so I will put SPOILER ALERT if I'm about to spoil something! I do reveal some of the story line from time to time. However, if you feel like I forgot to mention a part of the story, please don't email me. I'm supposed to tell you how to beat the game, not revealing every story line in the game! If you have anything that you want submit to me, email me but first please read my email policy! Email Policy I have some don'ts of my email policy. Please read all of them very carefully, and then send me your message at Don't 1. Send me a virus of any kind. I won't be happy and I might even sue. 2. Send me SPAM. You know anyone that actually likes SPAM? That's what I thought. 3. Send me questions that are common sense, not related to Fire Emblem, or anything off topic. 4. Send me repeated mails asking me for credit for something you had told me. I need time. Also, if you don't see your name in the Special Thanks column, then chances are somebody already emailed me before you did. 5. Send me an email with a size over 5 KB. I will assume it is SPAM this way. It is just a simple question or request. It doesn't take up much space. Violate any of the following except the first one and I will send you a warning. I will automatically block you if you send me a virus, and I might sue. Violate #2 and beyond and I will block and ignore all further messages from you. Oh yeah, and be sure to put Fire Emblem FAQ as the subject or else I will assume it's SPAM. Version History 1. Version 1.0 I've managed to complete all the necessary chapters. I think I might have missed some side quests. 2. Version 1.1 Added to my list of web sites. Section 2 Walkthrough Throughout the game, this game is broken into three stories: Lyn's, Eliwood's, and Hector's. You must complete them in that order in order to unlock the next story. Lyn's Story Prologue: A Girl From the Plains Object: Seize gate New Member: Lyn, level 1 Lord This chapter is completely rigged. Unless you're playing the hard mode, it is impossible for Lyn to die. Just follow the game's directions. Chapter 1: Footsteps of Fate Object: Kill all enemies New Members: Sain, level 1 Cavalier; Kent, level 1 Cavalier You and Lyn are training together and decide to stop at Bulgar to stock up. You'll then meet Sain and Kent. The two knights pissed Lyn off, so she leaves the town. But when she does, a bandit attacks her. Not only that, the robber called her by the name of Lyndis! Lyn then gets shocked. Suspicious. Sain and Kent will come and will aid you in your battle! This is just another tutorial. When the tutorial ends, head towards the boss and, well, fight. Boss: Zugu, level 4 Brigand Pathetic guy, actually. All three of your units use swords, so all three of them can kill him much quicker than you think they can. After the battle, Sain and Kent tell Lyn why they are here. Lyn is actually supposed to be the heir of House Caelin! And she actually does have a family member left, her grandfather, Lord Hausen. Unfortunately, her granduncle, Lundgren thinks Lyn wants to steal his throne, and he orders his men to have her dead! Oh yeah, and Lyn's real name is Lyndis! Chapter 2: Sword of Spirits Object: Seize throne The party stops to rest at a shrine and to pray for safety. Unfortunately, bandits attack and the leader wants to steal a sacred sword! Looks like another battle! After the tutorial, break the crack wall so you can reach the boss quicker. Besides, Sain and Kent won't be able to fight the boss if you don't break the wall. Boss: Glass, level 3 Mercenary Glass uses a sword as a weapon, so Lyn is out for this boss battle. Both of your horsemen uses lances, so have them fight him. After the battle, the priest of the shrine wants you to touch the sacred Mani Katti sword and pray for a safe journey. It turns out Lyn was destined to pull the sword out of its scabbard! I like this sword; it does a lot of damage and performs criticals at a high rating. Band of Mercenaries Object: Kill all enemies New Members: Florina, level 1 Peg Knight; Wil, level 2 Archer Lyn's old friend, Florina has been caught by a few bandits, and Lyn rushes in just in time to help her! Now, follow the tutorial and you'll also get Wil, an archer! Have Florina go to the northwestern house for 2,000 G. There is an armory in the southeastern corner. Because your weapons break now and then, it's best to buy a few new weapons as backups, but don't blow away all your cash! Boss: Migal, level 6: Brigand Another simple boss. He stays on his spot, so just have Wil nail him to death. Chapter 4: In Occupation's Shadow Object: Save Natalie for 7 turns New Member: Dorcas, level 1 Fighter You and your party spend the night at a ruined fortress. There you'll met Natalie. She's looking for her husband Dorcas, but just afterwards, bandits attack! After the tutorial, you'll get Dorcas as a member. Keep on fending off all these bandits. Be careful, there are a LOT of them. More than usual at least. Boss: Carjiga, level 8 Brigand You don't have to kill the boss if you don't want to. This is a survival mission, meaning that killing the boss is a complete option. If you do fight, use a strong sword user (Lyn is a good choice). Be careful! Carjiga is harder than the previous bosses! Yes, he CAN perform massive damage on Lyn! After the battle, Lyn will send Dorcas and Natalie off back to their villages. However, Dorcas will return to you the next day. Chapter 5: Beyond the Borders Object: Kill all enemies New Members: Serra, level 1 Cleric; Erk, level 1 Mage You are almost at the Bern border line! Pass the line and no more bandits! Wait! It looks like the bandits are trying their best to prevent you from crossing! They never get it, do they? Meanwhile in the woods, a cleric named Serra and a mage named Erk were passing by. Serra starts to complain about how annoying it was for them to be lost. Erk argues back saying that she was positive this was the right path. Anyways, Serra sees you and the bandits and runs up ahead. The bandits thought Serra and Erk were in the same league as you, so the bandits made them their targets, too! Oh well, more members for you! Now, Erk, despite his incredibly low defense, is an incredible magic user. In my opinion, he's the third best magic user in the game! Anyways, fight like always until you reach the boss. Boss: Bug, level 9 Brigand He's so easy! Wil and Erk both can use long range attacks and he will be toast in no time! After the battle, Serra and Erk both bid you farewell and leaves. However, Sain encourages them to join your party. Serra seemed delighted, but ol' Erk said he felt sick... Chapter 6: Blood of Pride Object: Turn on switches New Members: Matthew, level 2 Thief; Rath, level 7 Nomad Lyn believes the Marques of Araphen would aid them on their journey so they head towards Araphen. Unfortunately, Araphen seems to be under attack! A nomad by the name of Rath saved Lyn's life and will tell you the only way to enter the castle is to trigger three well-hidden switches. Go the northwestern right house to get Matthew. Follow the tutorial. Open the chest for an Angelic Robe. Who you use it on is up to you, but I advise you to use it on Erk, Serra, or Lyn. Kill the guard at the southeastern corner, and if you have visited the central house, you should have gotten a door key. Unlock the door and step on the switch. The last switch, obviously, is under the Boss's guard. Boss: Bool, level 5 Knight He has great defense, so arrows won't do much damage. However, Erk's magic on the other hand... BOOOMM!!!!!!!!!! Easy victory. When you reach Marques Araphen, he refuses to help Lyn because she is a Sacaen. He's sort of... racist against them, I guess. Anyways, Rath who also happens to be a Sacaen, overheard him and resigns and joins your party. He also gives you 5,000 G! Nice! Chapter 7: Siblings Abroad Object: Kill boss New Members: Nils, level 1 Bard; Lucius, level 3 Monk A young boy named Nils and his sister Ninian are escaping away from a group known as the Black Fang. Unfortunately, Ninian has been caught! Lucius overheard the situation and joins your party! Now, Lucius is a Light Magician, meaning that he's a good choice to take out the shamans (who are Dark Magician). Visit the northeastern village for Pure Water, an item that increases your resistance. This is a good choice for the boss. Boss: Heintz, level 5 Shaman If you've been using Florina regularly, use her to reach the boss quickly and kill him. If not, then you have to go the long way by going around the mountains. Use Lucius to kill Heintz if Florina is too low level. Oh yeah, Pure Water helps big time! After the battle, if you were able to beat it in less than 15 turns; you just unlock a side quest! If not then, skip down to the next chapter. Chapter 7x: The Black Shadow Object: Kill all enemies How to Unlock: Beat previous chapter in less than 15 turns Ninian's precious ring is somewhere in here. Don't try to break any walls here, because you will just release more enemy reinforcements! There is a thief that will steal a Hammer in this side chapter. If you care for it, steal it back, or better yet kill him. But since Dorcas is your only real axe man, there really is no point getting it. Boss: Beyard, level 7 Mercenary Ahem, long distance weapons can eliminate him within seconds. Lances also work well. Chapter 8: Vortex of Strategy Object: Kill all enemies There is a ballista in this chapter. It is a very powerful weapon with a very long range, meaning it can wipe out flying units such as Florina within seconds. So on the preparation screen, bench her. Also, Matthew will leave out for this chapter. Go to the northeastern village for a lancereaver. It reverses the weapon triangle. It is a sword that kills lance users but will fall before axe users. Be careful, the boss and his bodyguards also use reaver weapons. Just use the opposite weapon you would usually use to defeat them, or better yet, magic. From where you start, go to the armory/vendor to buy stuff, then head south and try to take out the archer arming the ballista. If you've killed him before he uses up all his arrows, Wil can control it and use it to destroy your enemies. However, the ballista has only five shots, so it will be useless whether quickly. Boss: Yogi, level 6 Knight Sword users, now is the time to use your weapons to destroy this lance user! Magic also works well. After the battle, Kent recognizes some of the foes. Matthew returns and tells you that Marques Caelin is ill but most people think his brother Lundgren is poisoning him on purpose. He also tells them that Lundgren told everyone that Kent and Sain are traitors to Caelin. This doesn't look very good... Chapter 9: A Grim Reunion Object: Seize gate New Member: Wallace, level 12 Knight This is a fog of war battle. Your movements are limited. Head to the northwestern house for a torch. Give it to Matthew and have him light up the area. Wallace, a knight that works for Eagler, the boss of this area trusts in Lyn and joins your party. You then have to promote him to a general, which sucks because he's not at level 20 yet. Oh well. When a unit is promoted, he/she gets changed to a new class. When they do, they will have most of their stats increased by at least 1, and they will start all over from level 1. Don't panic about Wallace being level 1, as he is still very strong (but he's a credit hog). Also, your units can't evolve until they reach level ten, and they must have a specific item for them to evolve. I think it is best to wait until level 20 before evolving them. I will explain more about promoting a character in my "Character Promotion" section of my guide. Be very careful in this battle! It's hard to see your enemies, yes I know. Carefully head east for the castle gate where Eagler waits! It will also be a smart choice to kill the reinforcements for experience! Boss: Eagler, level 1 Paladin Boy, this guy is tough! Your best bet is to use Wallace and his axe. And again, this is not an easy battle, although Wallace is pretty good and makes it slightly easier. However, Wallace can be a bit of a credit hog, so if you don't want to use him, then a high level Dorcas would just work as well. He has a Javelin, which is a long distance weapon, so don't use magic! Chapter 10: The Distant Plains Object: Seize gate This is it! The final battle for Lyn's throne and her grandfather's life! As you can probably tell, Lundgren is really pissed and will send his best army to take you down. Also, watch out for the rain! It won't rain long, but when it does, it will slow all your party members down. Visit the eastern village for an energy ring. This is really valuable! Break the snag just south the village and visit the armory. You will lose all your stuff after this battle, so use up everything you have not yet use! Buy a Heavy Spear for Wallace! Boss: Lundgren, level 5 General Oh my gosh! This is really tough! If Lyn is at a REALLY high level, have her equip with either an Armorslayer or a Lancereaver with about a ton of vulnerary. Don't attack with magic! Lundgren has a Javelin, a long range melee weapon that can kill your magic user on the counterattack. Wallace is also a good choice if you've bought the Heavy Spear at the armory. Whoever you use to battle Lundgren, make sure they use the energy ring! Good luck! After this, Lyn finally gets to see her grandfather! I won't spoil the next scene! ^_^ From here starts Eliwood's and Hector's Story. Since their stories are alike in many ways, I will say "Eliwood's Story Only" or "Hector's Story Only". Also, some of your characters will show up again. In Eliwood's Story, when I write level in Lyn's, it means whatever level you got him to in Lyn's Story, he will be at that level. Another small note: If you beat Eliwood's Story, make sure you start Lyn's Story again so you can have all your guys at decent levels. Eliwood's and Hector's Story Chapter 11: Taking Leave (Eliwood's Story ONLY!!!!!!) Object: Seize gate New Members: Eliwood, level 1 Lord; Marcus, level 1 Paladin; Lowen, level 2 Cavalier; Rebecca, level 1 Archer; Bartre, level 2 Fighter; Dorcas, level in Lyn's Eliwood is out to search for his father while a group of bandits attack a nearby village. Now, Eliwood needs a lot of experience. He is, in my opinion, the worst of the three lords. Marcus is an upgraded unit, but don't use him! He's one of my worst soldiers! He is good for the beginning bosses but he's practically useless later on. On the second turn, Dorcas and Bartre will appear out of a village and will automatically join your party. Visit the village that Dorcas and Bartre just came out of from to get a Dragonshield. It boosts defense so you might want to give it to Rebecca since her HP is so low. However, you might also want to consider saving it for later on. Boss: Groznyi, level 5 Brigand Not that tough. Rebecca should use her bow and nail him to death. If you want to give Eliwood exp., then have Rebecca weaken him and have Eliwood finish him off. You can also use Marcus but that will be a total waste of experiences. After the battle, the village magistrate will tell you to go to Laus because it seems like they are preparing for war. Chapter 11: Another Journey (Hector's Story ONLY) Object: Kill boss New Members: Hector, level 1 Lord; Matthew, level 2 Thief This is available for Hector's Story only. If you are playing Eliwood's Story, read the above section! Anyways, Hector knows his brother the Marques of Ostia would never let him venture out to search for Eliwood. Hector sneaks out of the back door but unfortunately, a group of people in black coats appear and attacks the castle! From your starting point, head south and have Matthew unlock the door. Break the western wall and have Matthew steal a Red Gem. This is very valuable since you start off with no money! Now, head back east and follow the path, defeating enemies as you go. Boss: Wire, level 7 Knight As long as Hector has full HP, he can easily wipe Wire off the ground. His Wolf Beil is nice, but if you prefer a safe way, attack from a distance with Hand Axe. Chapter 12: Birds of a Feather Object: Kill all enemies New Members (Eliwood's): Hector, level 1 Lord; Oswin, level 9 Knight New Members (Hector's): Oswin, level 9 Knight; Serra, level in Lyn's Cleric; Eliwood, level 1 Lord; Marcus, level 1 Paladin; Lowen, level 2 Cavalier; Rebecca, level 1 Archer; Bartre, level 2 Fighter; Dorcas, level in Lyn's Fighter In Santaruz Castle, Marques Santaruz is talking to a man in black robes by the name of Ephidel. He tells Ephidel that he could not lie to Eliwood if he were to come and ask him what had happen to his father. Ephidel tells him that he will chase the boy away and he would not have to lie to him. Marques Santaruz asked whether Ephidel wants to kill the boy or not. Ephidel promises that he will only frighten the boy, and not hurt him. While all of this is being said, a shady music plays in the background. Hmm... Interesting. This chapter basically is the same in both stories with a few differences: Eliwood 1. Less enemy. 2. Easier 3. Hector and Oswin joins on the fourth turn Hector 1. More enemies 2. Peg Knights are included on the battlefield 3. Much harder There's an armory and vendor here. Sell your Red Gem to make money and buy more weapons! Visit the northern village for a Secret Book, as it will increase your skill level by 2. Also, sell your Red Gem you got in the previous chapter (Hector's Story) to earn cash so that you can buy weapons! Boss: Zagan, level 9 Fighter Zagan is no pushover! Unlike all your previous battles, Zagon actually knows how to move around the battlefield and kill all your weak units. No more long range attacks! Surround him with your best sword users, and if you really have a hard time, then I guess this will be one of the rare times where I will suggest you to use Marcus. After the battle, you will be able to see a reunion between Eliwood and Hector. Together they head on towards Santaruz to ask the Marques that dwell there. Chapter 13: In Search of Truth Object: Seize the gate New Member: Guy, level 3 Myrmidon Inside Santaruz Castle, Marques Santaruz realized that Ephidel is trying to kill Eliwood. He asks Ephidel to leave his castle. Ephidel obeyed him, but he also killed him. Split your party into two, have the first half go west and south and the other half go south and west. In the southern corner of the map, a guy named Guy will dwell there with a Killing Edge. It's not called a Killing Edge because it's a weak weapon! It has a very high chance of performing criticals, and criticals means three times the regular damage, or in other words, almost a guarantee instant death! However, there is a way to get Guy on your team. It's no walk in the park to convert Guy. He is very tough and will cut down anyone foolish enough to go near him. What's worse, only Matthew can convert him. With his low HP and Defense stat, it is likely that Guy will kill him unless you are lucky and he misses! Have someone with high defense (such as Oswin or Marcus) and trade away all their weapons. Use him as a bait to lure Guy out. Make sure Matthew is near the bait at all times but out of Guy's range! On your next turn, convert him. Visit the northwestern village for a torch and to unlock a side quest. Visit the central village for a mine. In Hector's Story, watch out for more Peg Knights! Boss: Boies level 13 Knight Good grief, this guy is tough! Have Hector at full health armed with his Wolf Beil and charge in to defeat this guy. Make sure Serra is nearby so she can heal him. Even with Hector's high defense, Boies can kill Hector in two moves! When you've won the battle, Marques Santaruz has only one breath left. He tells you that Lord Darin of Laus knows it all. He, with his last breath, managed to mutter "Beware... the Black Fang". The Black Fang, eh? Now where have I heard that name before? If you've visit the northwestern village, read on. If not, then skip the next section. Chapter 13x: The Peddler Merlinus Object: Save Merlinus How to unlock: Visit the northwestern village on Chapter 13 Eliwood and his friends decide to stop at Caelin for the night. There, they find a man being tortured by some bandits. Eliwood obviously decides to help out. Merlinus is the NPC unit. Merlinus can't move, so it would be wise for someone to rescue him, or else if he falls, this mission will end. This is yet another fog of war. The darkness consumes you, so have Matthew whip out his torch to light up the area. Visit the northeastern village for 5,000 G. Be careful, if you're not fast enough, bandits will come and tear that village down! If you want to kill the boss, make sure you head west over the snag bridge. Make sure you have soldiers guarding all sides of the little island you're on. There will be reinforcements to the north, west, and southeast. Boss: Puzon, level 10 Mercenary This is another survival mission, so killing him is optional. If you want experience, though, you can send a cavalier with a lance to finish him off. After the battle, Merlinus joins your party. He cannot fight, but he can store all your unused items. If Merlinus loses all his HP, he will not be available until the next chapter. Chapter 14: False Friends Object: Kill all foes New Members: Erk, level in Lyn's; Priscilla, level 3 Troubadour Important! Make sure you have Serra with you! Here in Laus, Lord Darin asks Erik to take care of Eliwood. Erik rides out and greets Eliwood. Fortunately, Hector discovered that Erik has troops hidden all around them. An old woman Hannah will come by and aid you as a fortune teller. Kill the guys in the back of you, and press on to the northern village. Here, Erk lies from Lyn's Story. Only Serra can convince him to join your party. Also, make sure you send a cavalier to the southwestern village ASAP! Priscilla, another healer will be there. Dawdle and the bandits around will tear it down. Priscilla, in my opinion, is a better healer than Serra. Also, watch out for pirates that will invade camp from the southeastern sea! Visit the northern village for an Iron Blade. Boss: Erik, level 14 Cavalier Easy, have Hector and his Wolf Beil take care of him. Erik will tell you everything after the battle. He tells you who Ephidel and the Black Fang are. He even knows something about his father... which I will not spoil. Chapter 15: Talons Alight (Hector's Story ONLY) Object: Protect throne After days go by, a group appears out of no where and attacks Castle Laus. Get ready! Okay, make sure someone is guarding the throne at all times, as if an enemy unit reaches the throne, you lose! Axe users should head south, taking out enemies as they go. Matthew should then open the door and steal the Mend Staff and Silver Axe. Be careful of the northern wall, as there will be enemies trying to break it down and try to attack you. Boss: Sealen, level 15 Nomad Sealen can't attack directly, so surround him with your best troops and he should be gone in no time. Chapter 15/16: Noble Lady of Caelin Object: Seize gate New Members (Note: all of these members' level is depended on Lyn's Story): Lyn, Sain, Kent, Florina, and Wil And so, it looks like you and Lyn are reunited! Hurray! Visit the western house for a Red Gem, the southern house for a Heavy Spear. There is also an armory and a vendor, where you should stock up for your new members. In Hector's Story, watch out for the deadly ballista and Peg Knights! From where you start, make sure someone is guarding Merlinus, because after a few turns, a bunch of cavaliers will come out of nowhere and will ambush your camp. Bouker: level 8 Knight Use Hector's Wolf Beil on him and back him up with vulnerary. Bartre can help by throwing hand axes. After the battle, you get to see a reunited scene between Lyn and Eliwood. You then decide to head into Caelin Castle to save Lyn's grandfather. Chapter 17: Whereabouts Unknown Object: Seize throne New Members: Raven, level 5 Mercenary; Lucius, level in Lyn Important! Make sure Priscilla is on your team! The castle has been under attack! There are 5 soldiers locked up in a prison. One of the soldiers (Raven) leaves the cell. Anyways, this level has a ton of enemies, especially archers, so Florina might want to sit out for this battle. Head north and east towards the jail cell. By now, the prisoners probably all have bolted the door and are escaping. Unfortunately, Raven, the guy who escaped earlier will start to kill them all off. I have two very important things to say. One: Do NOT let Raven or any other enemies kill off the Caelin soldiers! Two: Do NOT kill Raven. Why not? Because you can convert Raven on to your team. Only Priscilla can do that. If you're playing Eliwood's Story, ride like the wind in order for Priscilla to reach Raven in time. If you are playing Hector's Story, study Raven's movement very carefully. Yes, in Hector's Story, he will move around the battlefield. It surely gives the Caelin soldiers more safety, but it makes it harder for you to convert him. He will most likely blend in with a crowd of enemies, so make sure you don't accidentally see him as a foe and kill him! Remember, only Priscilla can convert him, as they are "brothers and sisters". After you get Raven, send him back to the jail cell and have him speak with Lucius. The monk that joined your party in Lyn's Story will now rejoin your party! Yay! Boss: Bernard, level 1 General He is an upgraded unit, so no, it's not a typo. Remember how you upgrade Wallace in Lyn's Story? Well, this guy also happens to be upgraded. Lyn and Eliwood should attack when he has his axe equip, and Hector should attack if he has his Javelin equipped. After the battle, you'll meet with an Ostian spy, Leila. She also happens to be Matthew's secret girlfriend. Leila will tell you all she knows and will inform Lyn that her grandfather is still alive. The three Caelin soldiers you saved in this chapter will come up and give you a reward for saving them. What you get depends on how many soldiers were saved. If one was saved, you get a mine. If two were saved, you get a light rune. If all three survives, you get a Red Gem! No matter how many were saved, if even one soldier lives, you will unlock a side quest! If they all died, then you will only get woes. Chapter 16x/17x: The Port of Badon Object: Reach Fargus New Member: Canas, level 8 Shaman How to unlock: At least one or more Caelin soldier must survive in Chapter 16/17 You now need a passage to Valor (a.k.a. Dread Isle). No one in the village agreed to help you. One of the sailors said that perhaps pirates might accept your offer. When you meet up with one, the captain, Fargus, will only agree to take you if you pay him 100,000 G! Afterwards, he decides to just put you to a test instead. If you can reach the harbor still breathing, he will take you to Valor for free. First off, visit the central top right hand house (the one with the red roof) and you will get Canas, the only shaman in the game! He is the fourth best magician in the game, especially when he becomes a druid! Visit the southwestern red roof house for a Devil Axe. I personally never used it. Now, it is decision time. You can either fight like a brave man (or a crazy idiot) or you can coward out like a chicken. If you're brave (or crazy), head west onto the battlefield. Torrents of enemies with really nasty weapons greet you there, including the boss, who shows up on the second turn. It is very easy to die this way, but it is also a great way to level up. If you're a coward, then stick to the northeastern wall, then, when you run out of space, head west, and then south to the harbor where Fargus greets you. Do not kill him! Do so and you will get a Game Over. Boss: Damian, level 5 Paladin Ah! Another upgraded boss! However, you do not need to kill him. If you're fast, then you can leave the docks and Damian behind. If you're not, or if you want to fight, then prepare to meet him! If you're playing Eliwood's Story, Damian is very tough, for he has a Killing Edge. If you use Guy even once and saw how awesome criticals are, then you can expect the same thing from him. If Oswin is really good and is at a high level, give him the Heavy Spear or Horseslayer you got from the previous chapter and kill him. If you are playing Hector's Story, he is much easier. He only has a steel sword and steel lance. Use the same strategy. Again, there really is no need to kill him unless you really have to. When you reached Fargus, he will grant you passage. Lyn doesn't very happy at the thought of it, though. Chapter 17/18: Pirate Ship Object: Survive for 11 turns or kill boss If you are playing Eliwood's Story, you will see Eliwood and Fargus becoming good friends and talking about how a pirate's life works. If you are playing Hector's Story, you will get to see why Lyn distrusts pirates so much and what was Hector's response to Lyn's feelings. Either way, you will pull up Ninian (!) from the waters. Apparently, some guys are chasing her again. It seems like Fargus's ship has been invaded! Fargus needs to go downstairs to fix his ship, and he entrusts the ship's deck to you! There are even more enemies here, so you need to be very alert of your surroundings. This isn't just in Hector's Story anymore, there are Peg Knights everywhere, and they are a huge pain in the neck if you're not careful. Send your best lance user to the eastern plank to kill off all the mercenaries there. Have Lucius and some other strong unit kill off the shamans. There are no shops on the Dread Isle, so be sure to purchase all your backup weapons on this chapter! Boss: Zoldam, level 18 Shaman That is not a mistype! A level 18 shaman with Luna magic equipped... Luna magic ignores your resistance, so it doesn't matter what kind of person you send in to fight him, it will always do the same amount of damage, which is really bad. Pure water helps big time, so give it to your best unit, backing up with a lot of vulnerary and luck. If you think he's too tough, then don't bother challenging him. After Zoldam dies or if you survive for 11 turns, Captain Fargus will come and save you. Chapter 18/19: The Dread Isle Object: Kill boss New Members: Dart, level 8 Pirate; Fiora, level 7 Peg Knight Important! Make sure Florina is on your team! You get to see Nergal, the man who is responsible for the Black Fang, Darin, Eliwood's father Elbert, and Ephidel with his hood off on this chapter. Nergal will tell Elbert that his son is heading this way. Elbert knew that Eliwood would die if he comes, so he can only pray that he turns back. Meanwhile, Leila's secret identity is discovered by Ephidel. He then orders an assassin named Jaffar to kill the woman and buried her corpse in the forest for Eliwood. Matthew obviously could not forgive him when he sees her body. Aack! It's another fog of war! This is really bad considering there a huge amount of nomads, who can travel long distances, and pirates, who can walk on water. Have Matthew light up a torch so that you can see well. On the second turn, Fiora will show up. Have Florina talk to her and she will join your party. Do this quickly, or else she will challenge the pirates and nomads! They can both kill her fairly quickly. The boss, Uhai, lurks at the very southeastern part of the map. Send Peg Knights away from there, as there are a lot of Nomads. Boss: Uhai, level 7 Nomad Trooper On Eliwood's Story, just surround him and kill him. Simple. On Hector's Story, watch out for his Killing Edge. Have your archers take him out, even though he will counterattack. When his HP is low enough, rush in with combat weapons. After the battle, Uhai will tell you the directions to the Dragon's Gate. Eliwood guessed there are decent people even among the Black Fang. Chapter 18x/19x: Imprisoner of Magic Object: Seize gate How to unlock: Finish Chapter 18 in less than 15 turns As your troops keep moving, Lyn and Hector started to fight for no particular reason. Unfortunately, their yells and screams had reached a man named Aion's ears. He works for the Fang, obviously, and now, thanks to Lyn and Hector, another battle has arisen! This starts out to be a difficult battle, but on the fourth turn, Kishuna, a strange magician will appear and place a seal on the battlefield. His seal will prevent anyone from using magic! Now, this is good and this is bad. It is good because a lot of your foes are magic users, and even the boss himself uses magic. They cannot hurt you as long as they are in the seal. It is bad because now your magic healers and users are now worthless on most of the battlefield. I hope you brought a lot of healing items! Have someone visit the southeastern village for a Goddess Icon. Boss: Aion, level 4 Sage This battle is so freaking easy! As long as you don't scare Kishuna away, he cannot attack in any way! Since he is a high level boss, you can bring in a low experience fighter and punch him to death and he/she will get a lot of points! I don't know how hard he is if he can attack, but that's because I had never challenge him when he has a weapon. After the battle, Lyn and Hector said something about a strange force in their environment that made them argue in the first place. Whatever it was, it's gone after the battle so Lyn and Hector can finally travel together in peace. Now, onto the Dragon's Gate! Chapter 19/20: Dragon's Gate Object: Seize throne New Member: Legault, level 12 Thief At long last, Eliwood is just steps away from seeing his father and putting an end to Nergal's evil plans! Just when you get there, the infamous Ephidel, murderer of countless people appears out of nowhere and grabs Ninian! Hector swore that he will kill Ephidel right there on the spot, so the big giant grabs his axe, took a great swing, and misses! Ephidel reports this to Lord Darin, the ex-marques of Laus. It looks like another battle! Now, this battle is practically the same in both stories, but it is very different in getting Legault and the Member's Card. For those of you who finished Eliwood's Story, you will know what I'm talking about. If you didn't, then read on. Legault is an ex-member of the Black Fang who you can recruit to join your team. There is another Thief in this chapter who carries a Member's Card. You definitely want those two. Now, for you folks playing with Eliwood, simply go up to the one they call Legault with Eliwood and he will join your team. Then, you can have him steal the Member's Card from the other thief, or Matthew could do it. If you're playing with Hector, then be warned: When Legault says "There is no point staying on a sinking ship" or something like that, he means it. He appears on the first turn instead of I think it was the seventh turn, and he will start to steal treasures and will try to leave immediately. Yes, if you are not precise, Legault AND the thief with the card will escape immediately! But that's only in Hector's Story. Those of you who are playing Eliwood's Story, just take your time. If you are not, then read on. Send your best cavalier to the northern wall, with a sword equipped to battle Cameron, the sub-boss guy. You must kill him on the first turn. Then, get Hector to as close as he can to the western wall leading to a door. Hopefully, you have your own door key. If not, then pray that one of the enemies who does have a door key will challenge your cavalier by the third round. Trade with Hector if that's the case. Open the door and there should be a crack wall. The enemies on the other side should have broken it by now, and you can pass through, waiting for Legault to come by. When he does, talk to him and he should just be in the range of stealing the card thief. If not, don't panic, just find someway to corner the thief and then steal his card. Thanks to Ephideliscool! for the great tip. Now, there are a lot of treasures for Legault to find on this chapter. Just have him open every chest for a Luna Magic, Blue Gem, and Brave Bow. Legault should have already stolen the Barrier Staff and Guiding Ring. Boss: Darin, level 5 General The greedy power-loving Darin is about to meet his doom! Have Hector or another strong axe man destroy this traitor to all of Lycia! Oh, by the way, make sure he has healing items with him, or else he might not survive! ^_^ And now, the Grand Finale! Eliwood rushes into the Dragon's Gate to meet his long-lost father. Will he find him? SPOILER ALERT! SPOILER ALERT! He finds his father, all right. His father tells him to save Ninian. When they try to do that, the man who killed Leila appears and blocks their path. Lord Elbert warned Eliwood and his friends not to fight that man, as he is very powerful. Eliwood refuses to listen and challenged him. Just then, Ephidel warps in and tells Eliwood to listen to his father. He then tells Jaffar to go to Bern for his next assignment. Then, Lord Nergal appears and he gave Lord Elbert a serious wound, and then he starts to call out to the dragons, ignoring Lord Elbert's cries. Ninian obeyed Nergal's words and used all her energy to bring the dragons back into this world! Just then, a dragon emits from the gate way! The entire group watches hopelessly and in great fear as of what to happen. Just as Ninian almost pulled a dragon out, her brother, Nils, came into the rescue. He told Ninian to wake up from Nergal's powers, and he had succeeded. Nergal was furious, and the dragon had exploded. Nergal managed to escape in time but poor murderer Ephidel got caught in the explosion and as powerful as he is, no one can live through an explosion with the power of a hydrogen bomb! ^_^ Lord Elbert stabbed Nergal in the back, and Nergal managed to escape before Elbert finished him off. Eliwood cradles his father in his hands and tells him that he will make it back to Pherae. Unfortunately, Lord Elbert had only one breath left and says "I'm sorry to Eleanora (his wife)" and then... and then... well, he dies. IT IS OKAY TO READ NOW! Chapter 20: A New Resolve Object: Kill boss New Member: Ninian, level Nils had in Lyn's The party heads back to Badon and talked about their experiences. Nils talk about what quintessence is. He then tells you about how Nergal steals other people's quintessence. Just then, enemies attack Badon...again! You have Ninian on your team, and she works in the same way as her brother Nils did, except that she's a dancer, and not a bard. She also can use her Nini's Grace. It boosts one of your party member's defense and resistance for one turn! However, there is this really cheap trick about it, and I will explain it when we get to this chapter's arena. Anyways, it's another fog of war! The pitch black darkness makes it hard to see. Visit the northwestern house from your starting point for a restore staff. Watch out for a new unit in this chapter, the Wyvern Rider. They are similar to Peg Knights except Wyverns generally are more vicious. Oh yeah, and there are enemies with poison weapons in this chapter! If they hit you, whether they do damage or not, you will be infected! Go to the second Vendor to buy Antitoxin to cure you if that is the case. (The first vendor sells only magic) Now, whatever you do, do not cross the eastern most walls to fight the boss! Instead, let the enemies come to you and finish them off! Now, look at the arena. This is a really cheap trick. First, have Ninian put her Nini's Grace on your desired raise up guy, then send him/her to the arena. You should win easily. Now, afterwards, rescue that person and keep him rescued till the next turn. On the next turn, drop him off and let Ninian perform her dance. The player would be able to move again, and he will still have the Grace on him. Now, keep doing this until you have a whole lotta money or until he reaches level 20. You can even promote him and let him reach level 20 again! Note: This will kill your tactics rating so don't do it unless you don't care for your ratings! Boss: Oleg, level 5 Warrior In Eliwood's Story, he has a Silver Axe. In Hector's, he has a Killer Axe. Both axes are highly dangerous and have a very high chance of killing even your best unit. Fortunately, you can use the arena trick before battling him! He won't come to you unless you cross the eastern most walls. Oh yeah, he has a Steel Bow as a secondary weapon! After the battle, Eliwood will feel better and Isadora will appear. She's the paladin that was supposed to look after Eliwood's mother. Anyways, she will join your party! Afterwards, Eliwood decides to speak with Hector's brother, Lord Uther, the Marques of Ostia. Meanwhile, Nergal is really pissed at Elbert for giving him such an injury. He asked Sonia to bring out the Four Fangs to kill him. He also asks Limstella to gather the quintessence of all the strong units to heal his wound quickly. Chapter 21: Kinship's Bond Object: Kill boss or survive for 11 turns New Members: Isadora, level 1 Paladin; Heath, level 7 Wyvern Rider; Rath, level in Lyn's Jaffar. Ursula. Lloyd. Linus. The Four Fangs, the most feared group in the Black Fang next to Nergal. Sonia gave them all the mission to assassinate Eliwood. Meanwhile, Nils collapse in an old fortress. You and the others tend him while waiting for Lord Uther to arrive. Then, Eubans comes with a bunch of mercenaries. They hope that by killing Eliwood and his friends, they will be accepted into the Black Fang. Heath, one of his soldiers thinks that attacking women and children is a disgrace to all soldiers. But nevertheless, he obeys and attacks. Have someone with the Member's Card go to the northwestern corner of the fort. You should see a small tile that looks different then its surrounding tiles. Step on it, and with the Members card equipped, you will be able to enter a Secret Shop! Here, you can buy lockpicks, elixirs (which are very helpful), and different kinds of staves. In Hector's Story, be very careful, as most enemies have reaver weapons, meaning axe users will be crushed by lance users and sword users will die by the hands of axe users. Try to get to the center of the map to fight off all incoming enemies. Also, there are Ostia guards who will help you. Unfortunately, they are not that good! Anyways, have a thief unlock the southwestern door so you can steal 10,000 G. and a brave axe. However, watch out for Heath, as he might demolish your thief! Do not kill Heath! Instead, have one of your lords or Ninian to convert him to join your team! On the second turn, Rath and other nomads will come and help. Have Lyn talk to him so that he will join! Rath's units are slightly better than Ostia's pathetic guards. Watch out for the ballistae in this chapter, as there are a lot of them. Boss: Eubans, level 6 Paladin Ha! Any strong axe users (especially Hector) can finish him off rather too quickly! Or just survive, if you don't want experience. After the battle, Lord Uther will arrive. You will tell him everything and he will advise you to go to the Nabata desert to search for the "Living Legend". Chapter 22/23: Living Legend Object: Kill all enemies New Member: Hawkeye, level 4 Berserker Important! Get Hawkeye on your team and get more than 700 exp. As you walk into the desert, Hector will with Nils and you'll get to see a romantic scene between Eliwood and Ninian. Anyways, there is this guy name Pent who is being chased and he needs your help to rid him of these bandits. Now, if you haven't been using the arena trick because it kills your tactics, then you can catch up on this level. First, you must have a Falcoknight rush in to rescue Pent, or else he will kill all the enemies. Now, what's interesting about this level is that there are hidden treasures buried in the sands. You can send any unit with a high luck stat and see if they can dig up any treasures. I've dug up an Ocean Seal, a Body Ring, and a Hero Crest. There might be more but I haven't dug them up yet. On the second turn, Hawkeye will show up. If you're playing with Eliwood, have him talk to him. Otherwise, have Hector talk to him. He is my absolute best axe men next to Hector! With his Killer Axe, I think he had once performed ten criticals in a row! Really! I've counted! Boss: Paul, level 8 Warrior He has a Killer Axe, so don't attack with sword users immediately. He has low resistance so send your best magic user to cast their best spell on him, then finish him off with a sword user (preferably Lyn). Boss: Jasmine, level 9 Warrior Yes, he's a guy. I know it's crazy. Anyways, use Hawkeye with his super powerful Killer Axe and pray he performs a critical. If he does, Jasmine will die in one hit. If not, then keep trying and back him up with powerful sword users. After the battle, Pent will thank you and will take you to this "Living Legend". Chapter 22x/23x: Genesis Object: Kill all enemies How to unlock: Get Hawkeye and earn 700 or more exp. in previous chapter. You and your party will fall into a quicksand, and the strange irritating force from the Dread Isle will be back. At the beginning, a wall will appear and will separate your units. Keep on breaking walls and killing enemies until you are reunited. Be sure to unlock all the chests for cool items! Now, open the door leading to Kishuna and he will flee, leaving you with more enemies. Kill them all and you will get cool Silver type weapons. They are very powerful! (The weapons, not the enemies) Chapter 23/24: Four Fang Offense (Lloyd) Object: Kill boss New Members: Wallace, level in Lyn's How to get: I'm not sure about this one either but I've heard something about your lords' averaged levels or something. You will stop at Bern, and Pent and Louise will go to the palace for more info on the Shrine of Seals. Anyways, you will get to see Lloyd and Linus preparing to ambush you! Linus will go and inform the Fangs, and Lloyd will stay to fight. It is yet another fog of war! On the eastern side, Wallace will appear. Have Lyn talk to him to recruit him. Now, visit the nearby house for an Earth Seal! This can promote all but Lords, Thieves, and Pirates! Go to the northeastern house for a Silence Staff. Boss: Lloyd, level 12 Swordmaster In Eliwood's Story, he doesn't move and doesn't have a long range weapon, so simply beat him to death with your magic. In Hector's Story, he moves and has a long range weapon. Attack him with Oswin back with lots of good backup units. Afterwards, your party spares the life of Lloyd and he will let you go on in Bern. However, when you leave, Limstella appears and steals Lloyd's quintessence. She frames Lloyd's death on Eliwood when Linus returns. Chapter 23/24: Four Fang Offense (Linus) Object: Kill boss New Member: Geitz, level 3 Warrior How to get: Not too positive, but I think your lord's average have to be more than 50. Important! Have Dart on your team! Story is as same as above. When Geitz steps in, lure him out with a high defense unit. Then, have Dart talk to him and he will join your party. There are tons of Wyvern Riders here so bring axe users and snipers. Be sure to visit all the houses for cool items. I'm too lazy to list them all. Boss: Linus, level 12 Hero Linus' Silver Blade is very lethal, and he might attack twice. But he doesn't move, so you can blast him from a distance. You don't need to fear a hand axe. Like I said before, the story is the same except that the brothers do things vice versa. Chapter 25: Crazed Beast (Hector's Story ONLY) Object: Seize 3 forts New Member: Farina, level 12 Peg Knight Sonia will summon Pascal as a replacement for Lloyd or Linus, whichever one you've just killed. Your job is to capture all three forts, and you can do it with anyone, and not just your lords. Just click "Wait" and you will automatically capture it. Farina will appear on the fifth turn, and she will fly straight to Hector. She will join only if you pay 20,000 G! If you've been using the arena trick, then you should have that kind of money, but are you willing to buy her? I have not heard of an alternate way to get her. Sorry! ^_^ Boss: Pascal, level 14 Paladin Here's the equation to kill him: Oswin with a Horseslayer + Hector with a Wolf Beil = the end of the so-great Pascal, the murderer. That should be enough. Chapter 24/26: Unfulfilled Heart Object: Survive for 11 turns New Members: Pent, level 6 Sage; Louise, level 4 Sniper Your party managed to sneak into the castle, and you'll unlock a lot of stuff. First thing is that the Black Fang had already reached the king! I won't spoil what the Black Fang and the king's agreement was. After the cut scene, you will be pursued by a bunch of Wyvern Riders. This chapter is difficult if you don't know what you're doing. First off, reunite your team. Second off, send a confident paladin or falcoknight to the southwestern house for a Hammerne Staff. Third off, if it's not too risky, go to the armory to stock up. Boss: Vaida, level 10 Wyvern Lord Vaida has incredible strength because Lord Nergal granted it to her. So in reality, she's actually like a level 20 Wyvern Lord. This should be enough to tell you not to fight her. If it isn't, then this should be enough: she will join your team later on! Chapter 25/27: Pale Flower of Darkness (Kenneth) Object: Seize Throne New Member: Karel, level 8 Swordmaster How to unlock: Your magic people must be at a higher level than your fighter people. After the battle, Lyn tells you guys to follow the Black Fang's trails. Do so and you'll find yourself at their secret hideout. Vaida apologizes to Sonia that she had failed. She begs her to give her another chance. Unfortunately, Sonia refuses and asks her to leave. She then warns Ursula not to be a fool like Vaida. Sonia then leaves and places Kenneth in charge. Kenneth will then spot you and will send out his army. Now, this is a really unfair battle because for the first four or five turns, it is snowing and your party is going nowhere because of the snow. Shouldn't this slow the enemies down too? Yes, but the problem is that there are some enemies with long range attacks that can kill your best unit and the worst part is you can't fight back because it's long range. Now, beat up all the enemies you can, especially the ones with long ranged attacks. After awhile, the snow will stop. But then, it will snow again. When it does, Karel will appear. Any one of your lords can convince him to join your party. He is a sword master, and he's my favorite one. Be sure to steal the Blue Gem and the Talisman from the chests before leaving! Boss: Kenneth, level 13 Bishop Kenneth can be a huge pain if you don't know what you are doing. He has an Aura spell, which is a very powerful Light magic. I once had my level 4 Wallace charge in to him, and Wallace misses, Kenneth kills him in two moves. Then, I just decided to use Hawkeye and his Killer Axe and he performed a critical and Kenneth died in one hit. Chapter 25/27: Pale Flower of Darkness (Jerme) Object: Kill all enemies New Members: Harken, level 8 Hero How to unlock: Your fighter people must be at a higher level than your magic people. Storyline is the same, except Sonia leaves Jerme in charge. Now, for this battle, there are a lot of buildings with locked doors. Thieves and lock picks are extremely helpful. Be careful though, as once you unlock the door, the enemies in the room will rush out and attack you. Back your Thief with your best guys, as there is no way to tell what enemies hide inside a building until you open the door. Some of the enemies drop keys, which you should use to save your lock picks. There are even some chests! Open them for cool stuff! In one of the room hides Jerme, the boss. Boss: Jerme, level 13 Assassin He has a Light Brand, which is a long range sword. You want to attack him from a distance, as his Light Brand can perform a one hit KO on any one of your guys. Afterwards, you will find the Fire Emblem. This is just what you need! Now, head back to Bern! SPOILER ALERT! SPOILER ALERT! Meanwhile, Sonia gives Nino a very important job: assassinate Prince Zephiel. Sonia also warned Nino about the consequences if she fails. Nino understands, but before she goes on the mission, she asks if Sonia would hold her hand like a real mother would. Sonia promised Nino that if she makes it back alive, she will treat Nino the way a mother is suppose to treat her own daughter. When Nino leaves, Sonia tells Jaffar to accompany Nino. But she also told Jaffar to kill Nino once she's done. Jaffar, a man without emotions, was stunned when he heard this. He argued back that Nino was her daughter. But Sonia just kept on saying what a worthless daughter Nino always had been. Jaffar had no choice but to accept the mission. Chapter 26/28: The Battle Before Dawn Object: Save Zephiel for 15 turns New Member: Nino, level 5 Mage The two assassins from the Black Fang, Nino and Jaffar, heads towards the Bern castle. When they reached the castle, the halls were quiet and defenseless. Nino and Jaffar listened to Zephiel's coming of age prayer. When Zephiel was finished, Jaffar kicked the door down and knocks Zephiel into unconsciousness. Nino tried to finish the job but she couldn't. She said that Zephiel just wanted to be loved by both of his parents, just like Nino herself. Nino then tells Jaffar how her mother Sonia never loved or cared for her. No matter how many times she had succeeded, Sonia always sees her as a failure. Jaffar was touched by her words and together, they fled the castle and the Black Fang. Ooops! Too bad for them because right when they tried to cower out, they were caught by Ursula and her army. Ursula orders her army to kill Nino, Jaffar, and Prince Zephiel. That's when you come in! This is yet another fog of war, so be very careful. Also, there are significant differences between Eliwood's and Hector's Story, so read your part! Eliwood's Send your strongest and fastest unit to the western entrance. I call this Team A. Make sure one of them has a door key or a thief with a lock pick. Open the door and kill the Heroes with magic for safety and everyone else with everyone else. Jaffar can do a decent job of defending himself, so don't worry too much about him. In my game, Jaffar even killed Maxime, the sub-boss for me! For the troops on the eastern side, make sure you have either Lyn or Eliwood, as that is the only way to convert Nino. This is Team B. You don't need a door key because one of the guards will hear your footsteps and will unlock the door to see what's going on. When he does, bonk the fool on the head! Watch out for one of the fighters; he has a Swordslayer, so don't use swords on him! Team A should have a paladin rescue Jaffar and you should send your falcoknights and other gruesomely strong units south to beat up Ursula. Team B should convert Nino and protect Zephiel from any oncoming foes. When Ursula is dead, drop off Jaffar close to Nino and have Nino talk to him. You will now unlock a side quest and you will get Jaffar in the next chapter! Hector's Have your best units and lords head east, as there are tons of enemies there (Ursula is also there). This is Team A. Send your weaker units and a thief with a lock pick to the west. This is Team B. Team A's priority is to beat up all of Ursula's main and toughest reinforcements, save Zephiel, and of course, to convert Nino. Lyn should do well with the assignment. Team B should rescue Jaffar and bring him to Team A or Nino. Have Nino talk to Jaffar to unlock a side quest! Boss: Ursula, level 15 Valkyrie Ursula's location change depends on whether you are playing Eliwood's or Hector's Story. In Eliwood's Story, she is on the southern side of the map. In Hector's, she's on the southeastern side of the map. If you are playing Eliwood's Story and you want to unlock the side quest or to get Jaffar, this could be a huge pain in the neck if you don't know what you're doing. In Hector's Story, you don't really need to fight her unless you want experience. First off, in both stories, she has Bolting. If you remember the previous chapter, Bolting has an extremely long aim. What's worse, because she is a high level boss, her attacks are really accurate, meaning that she will almost always hit and will almost always do massive damage to your allies while her reinforcements finish you off. Her up-close attack, Elfire, isn't any much better. It is just as powerful and accurate, except she has a probability of attacking twice! It took me several tries to kill her. A lot of times my attacks misses. Finally, I just send in a level 13 Florina (falcoknight) armed with a Silver Lance and it killed Ursula in two hits. After 15 turns, whether you've killed Ursula or not, the lights will be back on and Zephiel's reinforcements will come to save you. If you've killed Ursula, Limstella will find her body and takes her quintessence. If not, then Limstella kills Ursula and then takes her quintessence. Either way, Ursula dies. After the battle, a lot of stuff will happen. I'm too lazy to explain it, but like I said before, I'm here to help you beat the game, not revealing every part of this story. Chapter 26x/28x: Night of Farewells Object: Seize the throne New Member: Jaffar, level 13 Assassin How to unlock: Get Nino on your team and reunite her with Jaffar SPOILER ALERT! SPOILER ALERT! At about midnight the next evening, Nino heads out to find her mother. Jaffar warns Nino that Sonia is not a safe woman to be around with. Nino insists that she speaks with Sonia. Jaffar decides to accompany her to ensure her safety. The three lords were eavesdropping and they decide to help them out. Well, except for Hector. He could not forgive Jaffar for killing Leila and other friends that he once had, but in the end, he decides to help out. At Sonia's hideout, Sonia was talking to Limstella when Brendan Reed steps in. Sonia told Brendan the truth about why she married him. It was all a conspiracy so that Nergal can seize power! Brendan tried to kill Sonia, but failed. Limstella takes his quintessence and leaves. Just then, "Uncle Jan" saw everything and tried to flee. He met Nino on the way out. Nino asks if she could see her mother. Uncle Jan tells Nino to get as far away as possible from Sonia. Just then, Sonia warps in and Uncle Jan fled in terror. Sonia began to insult Nino about how worthless she had always been. She also revealed that had she known that Nino was so worthless, she would have sent her off with her REAL parents. She then tells her about how she had killed Nino's parents and stuff. When Jaffar heard all this, he vowed to kill Sonia. However, Sonia only laughed at how foolish Jaffar and Nino are. Just then, Eliwood and friends step in! Sonia, seeing that she is greatly outnumbered, flees and called out her army. IT IS SAFE TO READ This battle is harder than it sounds, mainly because there are platforms appearing and disappearing every so often. If you move too slowly, then you will be stuck on an island. If you move too quickly, then you will run yourself into torrents of reinforcements. When you first start, you should see some platforms. These platforms are the bridge to the next island. However, it will disappear after awhile, and when it does, it won't reappear after a long time. Who should you bring, then? Your best flying units and Pirates/Berserkers are a must for this level. If you get stuck, your flying units can rescue them back onto shore. Your Berserkers can go and fend off Snipers in ballistae in the distance. If you haven't figured it out yet, Berserkers and Pirates can walk on water. In Eliwood's Story, send a falcoknight to kill the magician on the southern isle who has the long range Bolting spell. There are also a lot of reinforcements in this chapter, and if you're stuck on an island, be aware whether it has reinforcements or not. If it does, be sure to knock them out before they reach your weak units! The northeastern isle has two chests with two very valuable items: A Fenrir spell and a Thor's Ire. Your Berserkers should go and take out the snipers, as it is too risky for your flyers to go and retrieve it. Once they're gone, open the chest with chest keys or with a thief with lock picks. Boss: Sonia, level 17 Sage Sonia has the infamous Bolting spell at her range. Use a unit with the highest resistance to lure her into using her spell. When the unit is injured badly, leave her range and heal, then come back into wasting her spell. When she used up her Bolting spell, charge in with a Silver or Killer weapon and back him/her up with Hawkeye and his Killer Axe. When all has been settled, you will leave and Nino will say good-bye to Uncle Jan and she will continue to travel with your party. Jaffar will join, too! He's an assassin, meaning he can perform one of those moves which I prefer to call it An Assassin's Blow. When he does perform such move, your enemies die in one hit! Back at the hide out, Limstella comes and takes Sonia's quintessence. If you didn't unlock the side quest, then Nergal will take her quintessence. Chapter 27/29: Cog of Destiny Object: Kill all enemies New Member: Vaida, level 9 Wyvern Lord Only one of the Four Fang is still alive, and he is either Lloyd or Linus. If you've killed Lloyd before, then Linus will be waiting for revenge, or vice versa. Lloyd or Linus will send out his best army to take you down. Believe me, he has an enormous army! The fist thing you want to do is to move your entire army west, killing enemies as you go. Be careful, every time you cross a bridge, you will trigger tons of reinforcements for several turns! Have your falcoknight cross the mountains to reach a house where you'll get a Warp Staff. Now, steer your party into the directions of the armory and vendor. Have them stock up on weapons here. Now head north and when you head north enough, then Vaida will appear from where you had started. If she's there, then she will fly towards your party. Have your main lord talk to her and she will join your party! Now, dispatch the other Wyvern Riders. Boss: Lloyd, level 18 Swordmaster He has a Light Brand as a weapon, and it is long range too. Have your high level magic users wear him down. If Pent is at a very high level, then he wouldn't even get hurt! Boss: Linus, level 18 Hero He's even easier than Lloyd! You can kill him with the same tactics! Oh yeah, both of them have an Iron Rune, which means you can't perform criticals on them! Yeah, it might take awhile, but you'll eventually kill him. After the battle, Athos will greet you, and will take you to the Shrine of Seals, where you meet Brimimond, another one of the Eight Legends. He will remove the seal and you can get your legendary weapons! What happens next is a spoiler and I'm not going to spoil it. Chapter 28: Valorous Roland (Eliwood's Story ONLY) Object: Step on a tile You may take only 5 people with you to retrieve a weapon, and Eliwood must be one of them. Pick your best and brightest ones, as this dungeon's boss is insanely difficult. Don't step on the red tiles, or else you will get burned! Well, I don't know how to explain how to beat this level other than kill all the enemies and get ready to confront the super hard boss! Your units to the east and west of you can break the walls down to help! Boss: Georg, level 15 Berserker He has a Tomahawk as a weapon, and that's really bad because a Tomahawk is like a hand axe except stronger and has an extremely high critical rating! Have Eliwood hold the Iron Rune and charge in with a Rapier, Killing Edge, or Silver Sword to kill him. If he's too tough for the prince, then break the two walls so that your other units can help. When he's finished, go and step on the tile. Chapter 30: The Berserker (Hector's Story ONLY) Object: Step on the tile where Kaim was standing You are allowed to pick only three (!) units for this chapter, and Hector must be included. Anyways, this chapter is easier than the one in Eliwood's Story. There are a few things you should be aware of. One: Watch out for the thieves. They will steal your items, so eliminate them as soon as possible. Two: Watch out for openings in the wall. This is where noxious fumes will spill out. They will damage you and poison you. Boss: Kaim, level 16 Hero Have a strong sword user kill him. He's easier than Georg, by the way. In other words, you can kill him the same way as you did with Georg in Eliwood's Story. Afterwards, the shocker part of the story will happen. This is the biggest plot twist in the entire game! I'm betting you are eager to know what happens, right? I will spoil only the predictable part! And that is Athos challenged Nergal to a duel and Nergal turned out to have superior power while Athos is this old weakling. That's all I will say, and no more! Chapter 29/31: Sands of Time Object: Survive for 11 turns Athos will tell you the story about he and Nergal met, while the castle is being ambushed! Now there are a lot of archers and snipers in this chapter, but there are two Druids with two especially nasty staves. The one in the south can cast your allies to fall into deep slumber while the enemies around you beat you up! The one to the east knows the Silence spell, which will make you numb for a long time. Eliminate them immediately! Also, if you kill the boss, reinforcements will stop pouring, so try to kill him as early as possible! If you want to level up your guys, then corner him and he won't be a problem. When the boss is dead (or not), head towards the western side and have a thief unlock the chests for goodies! Boss: Denning, level 19 Sniper Loser alert! Loser alert! Denning has only bows as his weapons, so you can corner him on all four sides and Denning will be helpless to do anything! Simply corner him and kill him. Easy, eh? After the battle, your party will discuss how creepy morphs are! It turns out Denning is a morph created by Nergal! Now that you have received his message "I await you on the Dread Isle", get going! Chapter 29x/31x: Battle Preparations Object: Stock up! How to unlock: Automatically unlocks for you You will 30,000 G to start your shopping madness! There are no enemies here, and the only way to can possibly die is by the arena! The armory closest to you holds every kind of swords, the next one contains lances, and the eastern most one holds axes. The southern one has bows of all kinds. The vendor to the west sells magic while the one to the east sells elixirs (get as much as you can!) and dozens of staves! Now, if Bartre is a high level Warrior, a woman will appear out of the Arena. Have Bartre talk to her and she will challenge your Bartre. If your Bartre is good enough, he will survive her attack, and she will join your team. Be sure Bartre has the Iron Rune equipped before fighting her. Remember, you only have 5 turns! Now, in the Dragon's Gate, only two members of the Black Fang are still alive. One is Nergal and the other one is Limstella. Nergal tells Limstella to steal Eliwood's quintessence and give to him and he will summon the dragons! He also calls Limstella his masterpiece. Chapter 30/32: Victory or Death Object: Seize gate New Member: Renault level 18 Bishop This is it! The great battle with Limstella, the great quintessence taker. You can tell I'm getting excited! Now, be very careful because this is another level where there are a lot of reinforcements! Head north as early as possible to reach an ancient ruins house. Inside, you will get Renault, a bishop. Now, he really isn't that good, but he does have a nice Fortify Staff. Be sure to get there as soon as possible or else he will flee. There is nothing more for me to say other than head east to where Limstella is waiting! Boss: Limstella, level 20 Sage Eliwood's Story Nergal calls this his masterpiece? This is so easy. Send your best unit in and she will die in like one or two hits. Hector's Story Nergal wasn't jesting when he called Limstella his masterpiece! Yes, she is that tough! She's another boss who has that annoying Bolting spell. Her Bolting is very accurate and yes, it does major damage if it hits you! Her Fimbulvetr Magic is even worse! It is more accurate and it does more damage! What I do is to have Canas as a Druid and a healer out of range to back him up. First, any high resistance user should trick her into wasting her Bolting. Then, charge in with Canas and cast Luna. She will be in big trouble if you do! Her Fimbulvetr Magic is still nasty, though. That's why I said bring a healer and heal if necessary! It might take awhile, but you should triumph! Chapter 32x: The Value of Life (Hector's Story ONLY) Object: Kill Kishuna How to get: Beat Chapter 32 in 20 turns or less Yet, another scene with Kishuna. Anyways, you are allowed to take only 5 units with you. Think carefully, as there are a lot of enemies with powerful weapons. Once again, don't bring magic users or else Kishuna will block them all off. Once you reach Kishuna, watch out for his pile load of reinforcement. Final Chapter: Light Object: Kill your greatest foe Athos brings you the legendary items and Merlinus will leave your group. This is your last chance to trade with Merlinus! Now, it is time. Nergal warps into the battlefield and calls out his elite morph units. This looks really bad, as you must kill them all in order for you to fight Nergal. Boss: Uhai, level 20 Nomad Trooper Okay, first lure him out and then surround him on all four sides and tackle him. He is really tough as he has a powerful weapon, great agility, and great movement. Once you've finished him, take his Rienfleche to your Sniper. Then, kill the rest of his Snipers. Boss: Kenneth, level 20 Bishop Have Athos equip the Aureola and attack the Sage. Once the Sage is dead, Kenneth will challenge you. When he's gone, a Druid will challenge you and will drop a Gespent spell. Boss: Brendan, level 20 Warrior Attack him from a distance with arrows or magic. If it isn't enough to kill him, then send in your best sword user to finish him off. Give his Basilikos to your best axe man. You can simply kill the other Warrior with anyone. Boss: Darin, level 20 General Attack with the Basilikos and magic from a distance. If you have another axe man, have him throw the Tomahawk to help. Kill the other General with anyone. Give the Rex Hasta to your best lance user. Boss: Ursula, level 20 Valkyrie Use Gespenst to kill her and back Athos up with someone else if she doesn't die. Give the Excalibur to your best Anima user. Boss: Jerme, level 20 Assassin Don't worry about his Assassin's Blow, as he can't perform a critical. He does have a long range attack, though. I used Athos and Jerme did no damage to him! But a lance user with the Rex Hasta will do just as well. He drops nothing. Boss: Lloyd and Linus This is very difficult. Kill Lloyd with the Rex Hasta and really powerful magic and then dispatch Linus with the same strategy. Like I said, it's harder than it sounds because if Lloyd performs a critical, you're in BIG trouble! Lloyd drops Regal Blade, so give it to your best sword user. After all the morphs are dead, kill all the reinforcements. Be especially careful of the Druid with the Berserk Staff. If any of your unit went berserk, then cure it with a restore staff. Now, heal and trade and get ready to take on Nergal. Boss: Nergal, level 20 Dark Druid Have Athos rush in with Aureola and cast it Nergal. Nergal should die in three hits. I don't recommend attacking him with anyone else as he is very powerful and he might kill them in one hit. Now, congratulations, you've finally killed Nergal! It's finally over! Or is it? Nergal, with his last breath, calls out the dragons! I won't spoil the next part for you! There are reinforcements in this final battle but you can't kill them unless you have long range weapons. You should be able to dodge them all. Final Boss: Dragon, level 20 Dragon Oh my gosh! This is no doubt the hardest battle in the entire game! I attacked him with my best guys and they did either very little damage or no damage at all. The Dragon uses Flametongue as his weapon, and it ignores your defense and will always do 37 damage and it never misses! Send Athos in and cast Luna. Now, either rescue him with flying units or heal him with a Physic Staff twice. Anyways, always make sure he is completely healed before fighting him at anytime! I will not spoil the ending of this game! Besides, the ending changes depend on your support level. Enjoy! ^_^ Section 3 Promoting a Character This section talks about promoting a character, what good are they when they are promoted, stuff like that. Now, you may be wondering what so good about a promoted unit. Well, generally they are better, and certain units get to use additional weapons or acquire additional skills. For example, a nomad can use only a bow, but a nomad trooper can use both bows and swords. When a unit evolves, a lot of its skills get increased by at least one. It can go as high as a five. It sounds tempting to simply promote a character at level 10, but it's a total waste, if you ask me. Ten levels of experience wasted right there. It is better to wait till level 20 so you can max everything out. Here, I will list all the items necessary to promote a certain unit. 1. Archers and Nomads: Orion's Bolt/Earth Seal 2. All types of magicians, Valkyries, and Clerics: Guiding Ring/Earth Seal 3. Cavaliers and Knights: Knight Crest/Earth Seal 4. Mercenary, Myrmidons, and Fighters: Hero Crest/Earth Seal 5. Peg Knights and Wyvern Riders: Elysian Whip/Earth Seal 6. Pirates: Ocean Seal 7. Lords: Heaven Seal 8. Thieves: Fell Contract If I forgot something, email me and I will put your name in the Special Thanks section! Section 4: What I think of the Characters Here, I will say how I feel about each character and how much I like them on a scale of 1 to 10. 1 being the lowest and 10 being the highest. Also, I have not unlocked everything, so it is possible that I miss someone. Of course, you can have totally different opinion on a certain character. Athos Class: Archsage Rank: 8/10 He joins in the last chapter, and personally, and I don't think he is that good. His HP is too low, but I like the idea of how he can use all different types of magic. Bartre Class: Fighter-Warrior Rank: 7/10 A decent axe man. He's pretty good if you level him up to a Warrior. Canas Class: Shaman-Druid Rank: 9/10 The only Dark magician who will join your team; he is very powerful when you upgrade him at level 20 and he becomes a Druid. His Luna attack is the best! Dart Class: Pirate-Berserker Rank: 7/10 I like the fact that he can walk across water. He's also pretty decent, if he would only hit more. Dorcas Class: Fighter-Warrior Rank: 4/10 I don't really like using him, as he is too easy to be killed. Erk Class: Mage-Sage Rank: 9/10 A good magician, he is the best one in your early travels. Farina Class: Peg Knight-Falcoknight Rank: 8/10 She joins only in Hector's Story. She's good, but in my game, all the axe users and arrow users team up against her and she always gets slaughter. Fiora Class: Peg Knight-Falcoknight Rank 7/10 I never really use her, but she is pretty good when I did use her. Florina Class: Peg Knight Rank: 9/10 She's really weak in the beginning, but with patience, she could be one of your best units. I call her my "Magic Slayer". Geitz Class: Warrior Rank: 7/10 He's an okay guy, but Bartre is better as a Warrior. Guy Class: Myrmidon-Swordmaster Rank: 7/10 He has low defense, but I like his criticals. Harken Class: Hero Rank: 8/10 He's another good unit, but not as good as Karel. Hawkeye Class: Berserker Rank: 10/10 Yeah, I love using him. Second best axe man in the game. Heath Class: Wyvern Rider-Wyvern Lord Rank: 5/10 Many people say he's good but, I never really use him. Isadora Class: Paladin Rank: 4/10 Slightly better than Marcus, although she joins late at such a low level, meaning she dies too easily. Jaffar Class: Assassin Rank: 10/10 Jaffar can perform the awesome Assassin Blow, which can kill an enemy in one hit. Hope that's enough. Karel Class: Swordmaster Rank: 10/10 Great guy who performs a lot of criticals. Karla Class: Swordmaster Rank: 6/10 Not as good as her brother, Karel. Oh well. Kent Class: Cavalier-Paladin Rank: 6/10 Nice guy, just don't use him a lot. Legault Class: Thief-Assassin Rank: 8/10 Too bad he sucks at fighting, or else I would've given him a higher score. He's my primary thief. Louise Class: Sniper Rank: 8/10 Pretty good, actually. Unfortunately, she is a promoted unit, which takes up a lot of experience. Lowen Class: Cavalier-Paladin Rank: 7/10 Lowen is a little bit tough to level up at first, but once he is, he's pretty powerful. Lucius Class: Monk-Bishop Rank: 7/10 He's good but he has terrible defense, so he is practically useless when fighting against a fighter-type guy. Marcus Class: Paladin Rank: 3/10 Ha ha ha! He may be an upgraded unit and joins at the very beginning, but he's what I call a credit hog. Yes, he's a good choice to take down early tough bosses, but he's practically useless later on. I use him only for bait. Matthew Class: Thief-Assassin Rank: 6/10 The only thief you can get early in the game. He's good, but once Legault joins, you won't use Matthew that much. Nils/Ninian Class: Bard/Dancer Rank: 8/10 They are identical in many ways, except that Nils is a Bard and Ninian is a Dancer. They both can't be promoted, and they also can't attack. However, with their special ability, they can make your allies move again. Nino Class: Mage-Sage Rank: 8/10 I know that a lot of Nino fans will be steamed to see this, so let me tell you why I gave her this score: I never really had time to turn her into a really good Sage. I'm sorry! She joins so late and she's just a level 5 Mage! I'm playing it again so that I can train her and see her true power! Oswin Class: Knight-General Rank: 10/10 He beats Wallace by a mile, alright. He may be slow in the beginning, but train him to a General and he can wipe out an entire army by himself! Pent Class: Sage Rank: 9/10 Nice magic user. Too bad he's just as bad as an experience hog like Marcus. Priscilla Class: Troubadour-Valkyrie Rank: 9/10 Too bad a Troubadour can't attack. Priscilla as a Valkyrie is AWESOME. The only bad thing is because she starts off as a Troubadour, she can't attack, and she can only heal. Because of that, it is extremely hard to raise her up to level 20 before the game ends. Rath Class: Nomad-Nomad Trooper Rank: 8/10 He's the only Nomad/Nomad Trooper in the game. Yes, he starts out awesome and he stays awesome. Raven Class: Mercenary-Hero Rank: 8/10 Love him. He can kill any axe user he wants. End of story. Rebecca Class: Archer-Sniper Rank: 8/10 Rebecca is good, but it's a little frustrating in the beginning because she has such incredibly low defense and HP, but afterwards, she is really good! Renault Class: Bishop Rank: 3/10 He joins at the semi-final chapter, and he is the worst magic user in the game. The only thing I like about him is his Fortify Staff. Sain Class: Cavalier-Paladin Rank: 8/10 There's not much for me to say other than he's just plain good. Serra Class: Cleric-Bishop Rank: 7/10 Good healer, but dies too easily. Vaida Class: Wyvern Lord Rank: 9/10 I like to give her a Killer Lance and watch her kill all those pathetic sword-users. Wallace Class: General Rank: 2/10 Why does the game force you to upgrade him at level 12? He's so worthless as a General this way. Wil Class: Archer-Sniper Rank: 7/10 Wil, you are nice and stuff, but I think Rebecca is a better archer. Section 5 Special Thanks 1. Me, for writing this guide 2. You, for reading it 3. Nintendo, for publishing one of the best games ever! And telling me that Nini's Grace Trick! 4. Ephideliscool!, for telling how to get to Legault in time in Hector's Story! 5., for being the best site to talk about Fire Emblem and other games. I will thank more people once they've emailed me with your helpful tips! Your name could add on to the list! Don't forget to read my email policy before you start! ^_^ Section 6 Legal Stuff First off, I wrote this guide, not you! This guide currently is only supposed to be posted on and If you want to post this on your web site, then please email me first. If I give you permission to, then you may and you must give me all the credit and not change anything, and update it when I update it. You may not plagiarize my guide in any way. You may not profit from my guide in any way. You may not change my guide in any way. Violate any one of these and I have the right to sue. This guide is written by me, Kang-Lin Cheng. Copyright 2004. All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are own by their respective trademark and copyright holders.