Frogger's Journey, The Forgotten Relic Walkthrough FAQ Copyright (c) Jeremy Jusek 2004 Version .21 This FAQ was last updated by DarkFury3827 June 23rd., 2004. If you'd like to contact me about this FAQ for any reason, I can be reached at Any support for the FAQ, ideas, or grammatical/spelling errors is much appreciated. Sending junk mail or asking questions like how to turn the game on, are not. Thanks very much and I hope that this FAQ is helpful! ----------------------------------------------------------------- Table of Contents ----------------------------------------------------------------- A. Introduction B. Controls C. Walkthrough I.) Beginning II.) Search for Dr. Finn III.) River IV.) The Cave Revisited V.) Kabohti's Crisis VI.) River Again D. Abilities/Items E. Mini Games F. Legal Information G. Update Information H. Special Thanks ----------------------------------------------------------------- A: Introduction ----------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to Frogger's Journey, the Forgotten Relic! It is an adventure game for the Gameboy Advance, relatively new and relatively sweet. Instead of the simple crossing the road games or jumping through trees with a time limit, Frogger actually gets his own adventure. This FAQ is set up pretty simple. Everything you should need to find is in here, or will be if it isn't already. This is a working process, and I've never done a FAQ for an adventure game so bear with me. The mini games are separate from the FAQ just to make the guide a bit more linear; it'd just make things messy. Trust me, I tried breaking up the FAQ several different ways and in the end it just worked better. I would like to apologize for this not being finished as of right now, but I can only play the game so fast and spend so much time playing/writing up on Frogger. I'm constantly busy, and finding time on the side to do this can be a little challenging. Thanks to those who have had patience enough to wait it out, and I hope I have helped all those that have had questions so far. Finally, about the Walkthrough. It comes in sections, making it easier to split up a game with so much to do. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to email me. On with the show! ----------------------------------------------------------------- B: Controls ----------------------------------------------------------------- Controls for this game are simple. Here they are as follows: Control Pad - Moves Frogger around A - Conform button, and used for abilities when assigned B - Cancel button, and used for abilities when assigned Start - Brings a menu up that let's you quit the current level Select - Opens your inventory menu where you can assign abilities and view messages. L and R buttons - Turns Frogger Turning is used for when Frogger is on a single spaced ledge and he cannot walk around. The listed abilities are in the ability section, if you're curious. None of this is really that complicated, but I guess it is good to know if you're gonna play the game right? :P Anyways, to select an ability, when you have it, press select to open your menu and when you put the cursor over one you want, press either A or B to assign it to that respective button. You can only use Opart abilities in Opart parts of the game. ----------------------------------------------------------------- C: Walkthrough ----------------------------------------------------------------- I.) ** Beginning ** Ahh... who'd thought Frogger, the second-greatest frog hero of all time would star in his own adventure game? Well here we find our hero, stretched out lazily on his front lawn wishing for adventure. As that happens, Griffith the bird parks his airplane gracefully on your front lawn, and gives you a message from your grandfather, Dr. Finn. It tells of an important discovery that he has made, and that he wants to you come check it out, as long as you have the free time. There's always free time in the gaming world. So you leave and land in Kabohti, a small port town with its own digging site. Griffith tells you that he doesn't know where your grandfather is, and that you should ask around a bit first. Head north to where some merchants are trying to get past three guards blocking the pass to town. Talk to them and they'll let you pass. Once in town, note a few areas. The most important is Rudy's pub on your immediate left. Here you can save. To the direct right of the pub is Leona's house, a helper for your grandpa. She tells you that he left something for you in case he wasn't there, and apparently he isn't. She gives you a keystone and a memo, the latter of which you need to look at in your inventory. After you do, she tells you that Dr. Finn has been missing for two days. The memo says that the keystone has mystical hidden powers, and linked to something called Opart. Then she says the pass to the site is around the house somewhere, and she needs your help looking for it. In other words, she's too lazy to look through the four pieces of furniture throughout the house to find it, two of which are dressers. In the table to her right is the site pass. Get it, and head out of the door. Above her house is your grandfather's house, which is locked. Above that is the Town House, which a guy inside tells you that your grandfather is still at the dig site. North of the town square you are in now is Dusty's house, a guy who fixes old relics. To the left is the library, which serves no real purpose. Left of that is the shop which you can spend some hard earned money, and finally, to its left, is the dig site. To give you a better visual of the town, here is this: =================== ================= [ A ] [ ] [ G H I ] [ ] F [ ] [ ] [ E D ] [ ] [ B C ] =================== ================= A - To Dusty's Shop B - Rudy's Pub C - Leona's House D - Finnius' House E - The Fami Family F - To the Dig Site G - Store H - Library I - Town House Talk to the guard blocking your pass and show him the ticket through. On your way down the path you'll find a "hidden" path to your north. Behind it is a bear playing a banjo. He'll ask you to play a mini game. Check the mini game section for details. Continue left to the next screen, across a path that twists and turns and always ends you up at one direction... a door to an underground something. Don't bother doing any extra exploration here, there's nothing to be found. Anyways, when you get close enough to the door, a cutscene ensues where a rat comes up and threatens Frogger. Apparently he is a collector of some sort, and warns you of the dangers of trying to go any further. After he leaves, the Keystone reacts with the left statue, and a round relic falls out of it. Head back to Leona to show her the find. Once back at her house she tells you that you have found an Opart, what your grandfather had been looking for. She advises you to go to Dusty's shop to get it fixed. Go to Dusty's house. He will fix the Opart for you, which is long jump. This let's you jump over one space, clearing small holes in the floor. His asking price for his work is 20 curios, which you don't have. In order to pay him back you need to go into the basement to get his toolbox for him. He explains everything pretty well down there, and you can even get a frog head. Falling into a pit will grant you a tutorial on fruit, and 1 curio. (Kind of cheap considering you're down here because you can't pay him) Anyways, bring his box back to him, and with a hearty thanks and promise of a discount, you're off to Leona's house. Equipped with your sweet super jumping power, it is off to save grandpa! Save your game and leave town, searching the nearby caves for your lost relative. Go back to the docks and leave from either the left or right side of the town, and you're true adventure begins. II.) ** Search for Dr. Finn ** To your direct left are four coins. Go up along the path collecting coins along the way. Cross the two pits that follow with your long jump ability. Don't fall in! If you do, you'll wind up in a small maze filled with armadillos moving back and forth. Hitting one takes down a heart. They move in patterns, so just wait for one to go before moving onwards. There's nothing down there with the little guys, so you aren't missing out on anything. When you escape the maze you wind up back at the beginning. Past the pits are a coin and an apple, assuming you fell into a pit and got hit by one of the animals. If not, leave it until you actually need it. Head down and right from the apple, cross another pit, then go up getting coins and crossing more pits. Eventually you come to a platform with a hedgehog and a checkerboard square. Step on the square, it is a save point for if you fall into a pit. Next time you do, that's where you'll wind up. Don't get close to the hedgehog, it sprays out spines. Get the coin in the top right corner. Heading left, you'll come to a grayed-out square. Jump across it if you wish, but if you run across it instead it will crumble, so don't go slowly. When you do go across, the block will reappear, so do not worry about destroying it permanently either. On the other side of the pit is an armadillo, just wait until it isn't moving to cross its path. Above it is an apple, below it is a coin. Head up and right across two more gray stones. When you reach the end of the path, press "L" to face the other side and jump. Don't run, or you're incredibly intelligent frog will run right into the pit. Head right, across more crumbling blocks, across a pit moving up and another two going left, all the while using L and R to turn your frog in preparation to jump across. Past the second pit going left is another checkpoint. Jump up, right, and right again. Getting used to it? Well now the cave decides to throw in a nice little twist. On the platform you are standing on now, you are accompanied by another apple at the top right corner. Also, there is a space to jump upwards. However, you are going to have to run off of the platform, onto a gray block, jump, land on a gray block, and run off of that in time. Make sure you aren't pressing up when you land on the second gray block, because Frogger will keep jumping right into the pit below. Run to your left and jump up. A bat is flying around next to an apple and another checkpoint. Avoid the bat and hit the point, and prepare to do some more gray-block hopping. Jump up off of a gray block, run and jump right onto a gray block, and do a turn jump onto a platform with another apple on it. Jump down, move down a square, turn left to face the single floating gray platform, and get prepared for one heck of a run. Be careful! While running around and jumping like this, it may be pretty easy, but don't get careless. Pressing over too many times can be a fatal mistake, because it'll send you careening into the armadillo pits. Alright, this looks more complicated than it really is. Across the single floating gray platform are sets of six platforms in a checkered pattern, but instead of black and white it is brown and gray. Brown doesn't crumble, gray obviously does. So jump across the one gray block and land on the brown one on the edge of one of the checkered platforms. Analyze where you are at. Above you are another set of six platforms, and then back on solid ground again. Be warned! Don't think that you can run from the platforms straight onto the ground, there are pits in the way, you need to jump. (I fell my first time...) Once on the purple dirt, and safety, hit the checkpoint and run left getting coins and the apple. Now head back to the checkpoint, and prepare to go up. Jump across the pit back onto the brown dirt. Head upwards, jump the pit, turn left across the gray square, jump another pit, move down jumping another pit, then left hopping across more pits and gray squares. The path will wind up, then right again past more crumbling blocks. Finally you'll come to a moving reddish-pink platform. Either hopping or running off/on the platform works, just make sure it's close enough to you that you don't fall. I would suggest NOT jumping off of it, that part got me frustrated just from trying to go through it quickly. After that particular pit the path winds up, left, and the end of your destination! Yayy! Go into the cave you find at the end of the path. This part couldn't get much more obvious. There are two doors in this room, but taking the one with the light streaming in (which obviously leads outside) just forces Frogger to comment on there being clues somewhere in the room, and going up leads you to a room so dark that Frogger chickens out and goes back. Pick up the memo on the floor and go back to Leona. When she gets it, she says the memo is written in an ancient language. She needs time to decode it, and during the time you have to ask around the village to see if anyone has seen Dr. Finn in the meantime. Go talk to the merchant at the town's store, and he'll ask you to find him a crest. He also hints at your grandpa having gone to the river outside of town. Going back to Leona, she says that the memo told of the doctor going to the river to look for a relic. She said to go to the docks and talk to Atiniui who can help take you find the crazy lost frog. III.) ** River ** Go down to the docks to the beaver-looking animal, Atiniui. He tells you that it is 5 curios to go downstream. Once there he leaves you. You're now on your own. This area is choked with trees, dancing mushrooms, and a number of other things. So collect the few coins in your area and move right collecting more. The areas here are blocked off in squares. That is, you are surrounded by trees, and the middle part of each "grove" has four trees in a square too. Above your area is another one with two mushrooms dancing around the middle trees. Follow their path and avoid getting hit by them, and go left when you get the opportunity to. Grab more coins, then go left for two more. Below you is a square with more mushrooms. Run with them again, go to the left to the final square on this side of this river with mushrooms on it. Move up to get more coins, then cross the river. In this field you'll see a row of mushrooms on the top and bottom end blocking you from the river. Then there are a few purple mushrooms moving back and forth. Avoid these, and keep on going, grabbing coins the whole way. At the far right end of the narrow field, jump across the first half of the river and land on the log at the far end of it. The next part is true old school Frogger. You have to dodge bees while moving your way across to the left side of the field. The first two rows of bees closest to you are moving right, the third row is moving left, the fourth is moving right and the fifth is moving left. Get into either the third or fifth row and make your way to the left end, hopping across the river again to the log and the other side of it. The next field is a variation of what you just left. Bees are coming two and fro, about eight rows of them. Splitting the rows in half is a row of trees. Between the trees and hidden by bushes right above the columns of swarming bees are coins, and at the top right end of this field is an apple. Get the apple if you dare, but be warned the top row of bees is moving left, so if you hop out from the cover and a bee appears, there is no way that you'll be able to see it coming. Timing is the key, don't get hasty. When you've drained the field of its coin, head to the top middle part of the field where it opens to a checkpoint and safety, both. The path splits left and right, purple mushrooms buzzing around. Take the right path, it has less mushrooms. You wind up at the same spot, where the path splits yet again. You can go either left or up... I say go left, because you can get about ten coins that way, and where the path splits going down and right, go down and past the apple, and make the loop that turns right and up again. It may be a bit longer, but it has coins, coins that you need. Now you will be heading across an extremely simple path, it'll take you past a couple of purple mushrooms moving back and forth. When you get to the left end, it loops up and then right again, and you have to do it once more. At the right end of this path, the path moves upwards, and bees are coming at you. Two rows of bees this time, first a bee on the top row, then one on the bottom. You have to make your way left in a zigzag pattern dodging the bees the whole way. At the left end the path curves upwards. Go up it, and you'll be back at the river. Time to use those mad jumping skills again. Watch out for the puffer fish... the fish jump up onto the land and puff up, then hop back in the water. When they're submerged once more you can cross. Don't forget that when you come to an area that forces you to jump IN the water, use L and R to turn! Avoid falling in the water, it sets you back a ways and takes away a heart. Jump to your right and get the coin, then turn back to where you came and jump back on the original platform. Move to where the apple is. If you don't need it, don't waste your time waiting for the fish to cross. Once you're ready jump to the top left platform and move to the next screen. Get the gold coin and jump up across the river to the cache of four gold coins. Now, don't pass this next puffer fish just yet. Above the fish directly in front of you is a space wide enough for two frogs to walk on, but coincidentally two puffer fish are traveling all the way across it. You have to time this carefully. When the second bottom fish passes you, then you have to make a run for it because out of the two fish, the top fish starts moving before the bottom one, giving you some time to go. Also, if you have two hearts, just run straight across and get hit by on of them, because a bunch of bananas wait for you on the other side. Okay, cross the river to the north past the set of two fish. Run on the paths left, timing it to avoid the other fish rolling around on it. Getting to your far left end, logs are moving back and forth across the river. Look familiar? Remember while you are crossing these logs, you can use your long jump which will jump you across one log and let you land on the next one. However, because the logs are moving in the river, don't try to jump on the end of a log because by the time you jump to it, the log will have gone further down the river and you'll fall in the water. Try to think of it like a knight on a chessboard, you move in an L shape... two up and one over. Notice also that all the logs basically come in pairs. The first log is moving to the left, and it will have another log behind it. Then it is a few moments before another pair come moving on the same path in the same direction. That's how it is for all of the logs. Not only that, but the logs move in the same direction for every other row. The first row is going right, then left, then right, etc. So, if you look where you are at, you'll see that the first set of logs that are moving right are one space away, perfect for your long jump. This "set" of two logs is spaced out a bit more than the others. Wait for the second log of that set to appear. Now, use your long jump three times in a row. You should be standing at the other side of this set of logs, on the green grass. That's because the second set (third row of logs) of logs moving to the right is lined up with the second log of the first set moving right. Since everything is spaced one apart, you can just hop to the other side. Now you're on the grass again, about to go across another part of the river. This section is horribly easy, but there aren't any tricks to it. Just good old fashion Frogger strategies. On the other side of this part of the river are three islands. They are spaced neatly apart, and it is the middle one you want to land on. The middle holds a checkpoint and two bunches of bananas. If you really need it, there are bananas on the left and right islands too, but I doubt you'll fall in the river enough to resort to them. Alright we're halfway done. I personally think that the next part is the hardest, but none of these are that difficult. There should be a small log moving left. This is the first log that doesn't come in a set of two. Hop on it, and just keep jumping up because all of the logs are lined up perfectly. If you let them fall apart you will have a difficult time getting across. Except for the part near the end, that is. The last few sets of logs are all messed up. The last three rows are out of character, there are TWO sets moving left, and the final row is moving to the right. So when you get to the first set that is moving left, there will be no other logs there for you to jump onto. Don't hesitate, just use your long jump and you will land on the set moving to the right. If you do hesitate, you will be in trouble and you'll have to backtrack some before you can make it back to this point. On the other side of the river, and you're almost finished. You've even got some bananas with you if you need it. Now, you have to use your long jump here, because there is no first row of logs. But there's another easy trick to getting across. When the first log of the first set that is moving right comes within view, use your long jump to jump on the MIDDLE part of the log. Then keep on pressing the long jump button for all you are worth and you'll hop across all the logs to safe, dry ground on the other side. Getting your placement right on the first log is the key. If you are on the right end, you'll fall in the river on your second jump. If you are on the left end, you'll fall in the river on your last jump. If you land in the middle though, you can just long jump to the finish. Once you are on the ground again, cross the bridge, grab the coins, and get the bananas on the left side of the ground after you cross the bridge. Trust me, we're almost there. Run all the way to the left edge. Turn to your left. Long jump across and move up and then to the left end. This part looks confusing at first, but it really isn't that bad. Long jump once, turn right. Long jump two more times, turn to your right, and jump two last times. You're back on land, but it isn't over yet. Move Frogger up and position him so he is facing down towards the only square that is close enough to jump to off of the bottom side of the top strip of land. (I'm sorry, but that is the easiest way to explain it. Just move and prepare to jump on the other block that you can reach I guess) Jump down twice. Turn right, jump, turn left, jump, turn right, and jump two more times. Now move down and run to the left edge of the screen, turn right and jump to the cave's entrance. When you go inside Frogger announces how mysterious the cave is. Move to the pedestal in the top part of the room and take the relic. Go back to town and talk to Leona. She tells you that it is a piece of Opart and to go see Dusty. For 15 curios he will install the piece for you, which gives you Flashlight. Go back and talk to Leona again and she will tell you that it let's you explore the dark parts of caves. (No way!) Time to head back to the cave... IV.) ** The Cave Revisited ** Okay, once in the room Frogger will tell you that this was the room where you picked up Grandpa's memo. And unless you've got amnesia, I'm sure you remember the event too. Equip the flashlight and the long jump. It's time to go spelunking. When you're all set, head through the northern entrance. This cave is long, very boring, and very straightforward. I'll give you the general course to follow, but you'll have an easy time I'm sure. Just remember to go slowly around the enemies. There are porcupines here, watch out for their needles, armadillos, and bats. They all just move in a path so use that to your advantage while passing them. Even if I bust through here and run into the enemies it is almost impossible to die with the fruit... unless I try to. Let me hand you a final piece of advice: This cave is quite poor in raking in coins and such. I only get coins out of here that happen to be in my way towards the end. Don't worry about going off the beaten path and finding rewards, because none of it is worth it! If you ever find yourself short on money, head back to the river instead. Run to the right past the porcupine, and make your way around the winding path until it breaks off again. Go down past the armadillo, and then right again. You'll pass an apple and more porcupines, and just to make sure you are on the right trail; right after the two porcupines there should be a single coin. The trail goes a ways more, and then you get another fork in the road. Go right instead of up, and it'll turn downwards into a room full of bats. A bunch of bananas lie there, right next to the door to the next area. Get the coin on your left and then run right. Hug the northern wall and make your way left when you come to a room with a couple more hedgehogs. Stay near that wall, and follow it until it loops downward. You should have run past two armadillos, and found a fork in the road which breaks off to the right or keeps going down. If you go right you'll find an empty room with one coin. Get that if you must, then keep going down. Follow this path to the end. There will be some bananas, and then a bunch of bats milling around, guarding the exit of this room. Right before the exit of the cave is a path that breaks off north and leads to a door with a rock blocking it... but you cannot get in there now. For now, go through the first door. Running into the room grants you with another of your pappy's memos. He comments on bringing it back to Leona, and then the ground starts shaking. It automatically sends you back to town, and just in case you have bad memory, Frogger announces that he wants to see Leona again. V.) ** Kabohti's Crisis ** You can't leave the town now; the guard won't let you pass him. Talking to Leona isn't much of a help, because she has absolutely no idea what is going on. However, you need to give her the memo to decode what it says. And when you do, she needs time to decode it, and asks you to go talk to people in the town to see if you can find out what is going on. Go to the bar and talk to the guys sitting by the counter. They'll inform you that they saw a big pair of evil-looking red eyes down by the caves, and then the earthquakes started after they saw them. Interesting. Head back to Leona. She tells you that you are the town's only hope, (of course) and that you have to get back to the caves ASAP. What your grandpa wrote in the memo basically says that there is a hibernating bear with a huge club by the caves. (How long has the bear been hibernating there if it hasn't ever been awake and causing problems until now?) ----------------------------------------------------------------- First End Boss, Hibernating Bear This bear cannot be hurt by you... in fact he winds up killing himself. (Maybe not killing in a game like this, probably being, "hurt a lot.") Anyways, he has three basic attacks, and he does them in order. The first one is to call out some bats. Then he drops icicles from the ceiling. Finally, he slams the ground with his club and makes holes appear. Let's do this. He does all of his attacks three times. That's because on the third time he slams his club on the ground, and breaks open a hole underneath him. The first wave of bats covers exactly one half of the map. The bottom right and top left corner become swarming with bats, in a neat little square too. (I'm not quite sure if they always appear in those corners, or whether it differs every time. However, I do believe that that is the case. Someone please let me know if I am wrong.) Pay attention to which corners the bats appear from, because it will switch the second time around. The third time the bats appear, they are all over the place. The second move he has, dropping stalagmites on your head, is always the same. They follow you from wherever you were standing last. So all you need to do is run in circles. When the holes start appearing, I would recommend running slowly, and jumping a space very carefully. You can jump as soon as the needle behind you hits, and go one at a time. It will lower your risk a great deal of running into a pit, and keep you safe. The first two times he hits the ground with his club, all it will do is make some holes appear that you have to run around. Bats are far more annoying with lots of holes everywhere. My advice for the third wave of bats is: Don't get hit until the third wave. Since you have four hearts, you can get hit three times. Find a place in the crowd where you can run back and forth, and only get hit every so often. If you have all your hearts full, it is not that difficult at all to survive this. Then survive the falling icicles, and you're done! He hits the ground again and a million holes appear everywhere, (Wouldn't a last round be terrible?) but underneath himself also. For beating him you get another relic which you can take back to Dusty to fix. - If you fall into a pit, you'll start back at the beginning of the fight. The rock formation will change in the room, but usually, in my experience, it is a much easier formation to work with. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Go back and talk to Leona. She has unlocked your grandfather's place, although it has absolutely nothing in it. (That is YOUR job, see the side quest section) However, she has obtained another memo from your grandfather, and needs you to talk to more people until she is done decoding whatever it says. Head over to the item shop and talk to the penguin, which has so far, been no use to you as far as selling items goes. He tells you about his wanting the Crest of Poseidon. He says it is also at the river, but further upstream. Looks like we've got to make trip number two huh? Now go over to the library. Talk to the clerk on the left side of it. She gives you a book that says that the upper river used to be a training ground for the ancients until it was flooded. Now a bunch of treasures have gathered there. One last stop! At Dusty's you can give him the relic the bear was holding. All installation completed for a sweet 20 curios. This gives you the Mega Claw. In my opinion, this is the first useful Opart you get, but hey that's just me. I don't like walking those extra few spaces to pick up those coins, this does it for you. Head back to Leona, and she tells you that your granddad is going towards the pyramids. But you can't follow him, because you can't get across the desert. Now you need to go back to the shop and beg the shopkeep for his camel. Since he wants the Poseidon Crest, you can see where this is going. He tells you exactly that... you get a free ride to the desert if you get the crest. Go down to the docks and ask Atiniui for another ride, who will give you one for 20 curios. Once there, equip your mega claw and long jump, and prepare for another long journey upstream. VI.) ** River Again ** *To be continued in the next FAQ update* ----------------------------------------------------------------- D: Abilities/Items ----------------------------------------------------------------- Abilities: The abilities in this game are reusable as many times as you see fit. None of them attack enemies, and help you get through levels. Equip them by opening your inventory menu and pressing either A or B to assign them accordingly, and then when you are walking around the levels you can use them with that button. Finally, Opart abilities cannot be used in the town. Long Jump - Hops you over one square, to jump you over small holes. Flashlight - Let's you see in dark places. Mega Claw - This one is cool. It grabs items from far away, and allows you to pull certain platforms closer to you. Rock Buster - Breaks down large obstacles. Time Stop - Stops time around you. Moving around will recharge the ability faster. (The rest of the abilities will be updated as I get them) Items: Items can be picked up throughout the game, and their uses are pretty basic. Rotten Fruit - Is poisonous, it takes away a heart. Pears - Cures Hyper Hop which can be inflicted by enemies. Bananas - Refills your health all the way. Apple - Cures a single heart. Frog Heads - Brings your maximum health up by a heart. Coins - Are used to buy things and services within the game. Bags of Coins - Worth 20 coins. Treasure Chest - Has your grandfather's furniture in them. ----------------------------------------------------------------- B: Side Quests/Mini Games ----------------------------------------------------------------- Wow, an adventure game with only one of each! I never thought I'd see the day when this happened in a fairly new game. Regardless, there still are some. Side Quest - Finding Dr. Finn's Furniture I have not completed this side quest, because not only am I not at the end of the game, but I don't have all of the pieces of Opart. (I'm really sorry to all of you people who have to work with an in-progress FAQ.) Anyways, this becomes available once Leona unlocks your grandfather's house. And what an empty house it is. Apparently he has taken to roaming the world and stashing his furniture in treasure boxes. Finding these will not be fun by any means, and quite frankly, as of right now I'm not sure what you get for doing it. I'll have more items in this section up in the next update or two of the FAQ, because so far the only item I've found is the lamp. Give me time Frogger gamers... Mini Games - Banjo Bear's Fish Catching Game This game is pretty simple. You can pay out a certain amount of money, the scale is as follows: 0 curio 5 curios 10 curios 20 curios 50 curios If you pay nothing, you will get nothing in return for winning. Fish will float up to the top of the screen, and pass a shadow of a fish that you control. Your fish is stationary, so you can only pick which direction it is facing. It has to be facing the same direction as the fish that floats up towards it. Fish moving horizontally don't count. When you get a fish lined up, press A to catch it. You get a rating system based on how well you catch the fish, and how many. For all you DDR players, the system almost identical. It bases it off of how close the fish is lined up with its shadow. They are as follows: Marvelous Perfect Great Good Almost Boo Depending on how much you bet in the beginning, it depends how much each one shells out to you. (Is it possible to be better than perfect? Just wondering...) So here are the listings: 0 curio *You can't get money* 5 curios Marvelous - 2 Perfect - 1 Great - 0 Good - 0 Almost - 0 Boo - 0 10 curios Marvelous - *Not Sure* Perfect - 1 Great - 0 Good - 0 Almost - 0 Boo - 0 20 curios Marvelous - 5 Perfect - 3 Great - 1 Good - 0 Almost - 0 Boo - 0 50 curios Marvelous - *Not Sure* Perfect - *Not Sure* Great - *Not Sure* Good - *Not Sure* Almost - *Not Sure* Boo - *Not Sure* Take a mental note that it is easier to gain money in the higher stakes games. Paying out five or ten means you only get a few chances to get a few coins. But if you play 20, even when I first started playing this game I always wound up with a positive amount. Not only that, but you get more fish the higher up you go. This section will more than likely be completed on the next FAQ update. ----------------------------------------------------------------- E: Legal Information ----------------------------------------------------------------- This FAQ was written by me and is owned by the same person. You are not allowed to under any circumstances use this for anything else except your own personal use at your home to help guide you through the game. Stealing information or taking this FAQ without notifying me and asking my permission first is punishable by law. I work hard on these FAQ's, so please ask if you really want to take this information and use it. And please give credit for my work. So far the only websites with permission to host my FAQ are as follows: - - - ----------------------------------------------------------------- F: Update Information ----------------------------------------------------------------- Version .14 - Built the beginning foundation of the FAQ, and completed the start of the game. Version .21 - Finished another portion of the game, (up to and through the first boss) some grammatical errors, the banjo bear mini game, and organized and updated the ability/item section. ----------------------------------------------------------------- G: Special Thanks ----------------------------------------------------------------- I guess all I have to say is hats off to Atari, because if they had never made a game as messed up as a frog crossing the road I'd have never played this game. And also special thanks goes to CJayC for posting the original FAQ, for you wouldn't be reading this if it weren't for him.