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WalkThrough WATH 5. Frequently Asked Questions FAQ! 6. Special Thanks SPTH 7. Copyright Information CPIN ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Introduction and Version History INVH This Guide was created to help those who might need help with this fairly linear game. It is my first attempt to create a Guide, so it may not be up to par with some of the other guides you have seen. With that in mind I will strive to bring you all the information I possibly can, in the most accurate and concise matter possible. This Guide currently covers all material to walk a person through the entire game collecting 90% of the items. As more information is discovered the guide will be updated to reflect the changes. In the same light, if any end user has information they wish to be added to the guide, please feel free to contact me via the email provided above, and I'll incorporate the data (provided it's accurate, and helpful) as soon as possible. I want to thank you in advanced for reading my guide, and I hope it is of use. Thanks for your time. --- Version 0.10 - Initial Version ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. Email Guidelines EMGL Please feel free to contact me asking questions regarding the game. I would highly appreciate any help with the guide. Any corrections, clarification, and additional information is greatly welcomed, and credit will be given. If you have a question regarding the game, please consult the guide first. If the answer isn't found, feel free to contact me, and I'll try to help you to the best of my ability. If you find this guide anywhere OTHER then GameFaqs please contact me and let me know. If you want to host this guide elsewhere, or use this guide for any reasons for distribution, contact me first for permission. If you want to know where to download the game, don't bother contacting me, as I'll just ignore you. Those are the email guidelines, please respect them. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. Gameplay (Controls) GAPL Gameplay is pretty simple. First off, you play as "Frogger" whose an adventure loving frog. In this installment, Frogger goes to Kabohti to help his grandfather solve the mystery of an archeological dig site. While at the dig site you obtain an OPART, which is a special tool that allows Frogger to do several things above and beyond his normal abilities. As the game progresses various enhancements can be made to the OPART to create even new abilities, and to enhance older ones. There are two basic type of controls, one when you're in town, and in areas where you cannot use your OPART, and the second when you're on a map where you can use your OPART. Basic Controls: Directional Keys Moves Frogger about on the various maps. A Allows Frogger to use the ability in slot A B Allows Frogger to use the ability in slot B L Turns Frogger to his Left R Turns Frogger to his Right Select Brings up the toolbox, where you can change the selected abilities, and read memos from Froggers Grandfather. Start Brings up a menu which allows you to quit/restart stage. The A, B and Start buttons are only active when you're in a map that allows you to use your OPART. The directional keys while in town will allow you to press and hold down for continuous movement. While you're on an active map however you will have to press the directional keys each time you want to move. As Frogger progresses through the game he will collect various Relics, which can be appended to the OPART to gain additional abilities. The abilities are as follows: Long Jump: Use this to jump over holes. Flashlight: Equip this, and it will light up the area around you. Claw/Grappling Hook: Use this to switch triggers, and to grab objects. The claw upgrades to the grappling hook which allows you to hook onto objects, pulling you towards them Rock Buster: Use this to break down obstacles. Time Stop: Use this to stop enemies, sand and other objects. Move to recharge faster. Push Blocks: Use this to push certain objects. Scuba Gear: Equip this to explore underwater Shield: Use this shield to deflect projectile attacks. The Inventory Screen: Pressing Select will bring up the inventory where you can select which ability is currently active, as well as reading memos from your Grandfather. L & R switch between event items, and the OPART listing. Directional keys switch between memos and OPART abilities. A & B assign the selected ability to that key. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. WalkThrough WATH It starts! --------------- The game starts off with Frogger getting tired of resting during his summer break, wishing for some kind of adventure. Luckily for him Griffith shows up and delivers a letter from Frogger's Grandfather telling him to head up to Kabohti to help with an archeological mystery. Once you gain control of Frogger's feel free to talk to everybody at the docks. You can try to leave town if you wish through the left or right side of the city gates, but without a destination, you wont get very far. Once you are ready, talk to the guards blocking the entrance to the city and they'll let you through. Once in the city you'll notice several places of interest: Rudy's Pub to the immediate west is where you go to save your game. Leona's House to the immediate east is where you'll go to see Leona, your Grandfather's assistant. Finnius' House just north of Leona's House. Finnius is your Grandfather, and that's where he lives. The Dig Site all the way at the west side of town, which is where Finnius has made his discovery. The Shop due north of the dig site, which is where you'll find Mohan the merchant to buy wares from. The Library due east of the shop, where you can get clues about your upcoming map. Dusty's House at the very north of town, where you go to upgrade your OPART. There are a few other houses in the city that contain villagers you can talk to. Well now that you're in town, you have to find your Grandfather. Go around town talking to people. When you talk to Leona, she'll give you two items, the first being the KeyStone, and the second being a memo from your Grandfather. To read the memo press select to bring up the Inventory. Once you have read the memo, talk to Leona again and she'll tell you she's worried about your Grandfather as he's been gone for two days. She tells you to explore the Dig Site, but in order to gain access you'll need a Pass which you have to find. Search the drawer beside the table to find it. Once you've found the pass, make your way to the west of town, and talk to the guard. If you get lost on the way, ask any of the helpful town folk and they will direct you. Talk to the guard and he'll ask you if you have a pass, show it to him and he'll let you by. Upon entering the path to the dig site you'll pass a fairly large tree. There is a semi-hidden entrance on the right side of the tree, which will lead you to a clearing. In the clearing is a banjo playing bear who will let you play a mini game for money. Since you have no money to start with you can't really play, but if you want you can play a game for free. MINI GAME ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Basically the game consists of fish swimming up the bottom of the screen towards to the top. You control a shadow on the top of the screen, and when the fish pass overtop, you catch them. You can only catch them if the fish and the shadow line up and are facing the same way. The fish change direction, so you have to be quick to change as well to catch them. The more accurate you catch them, the more you win. I am unsure just yet how the game pays out, but I'll get back to you on that. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Once you're done playing the game, head back out the secret entrance, and head west towards the digsite. The Dig site is fairly linear, head up the ramp, and follow the path to the left and down. Make your way up the left, and towards the gate. A little cut scene will introduce you to Eric von Viesel. After he leaves, the keystone will activate, and you'll collect the round relic. Frogger insists he should show it to Leona, so head back along the path and back into town. Once you talk to the townsfolk, head over to Leona's and she'll tell you that you've found an OPART! But it seems to be broken. She directs you to go to Dusty's place, in hopes of getting it fixed. Head north, and go to Dusty's place. Talk to Dusty, and he'll fix the OPART for you for 20 curio (curio is the currency in this game btw), however since you're broke, he'll settle if you do a job for him. Dusty wants you go get his tool box from his basement, so head left, and enter the door. The basement is the first time you actually use your OPART, and Dusty is kind enough to give you the basics of how things work. First start off by going into the lower area of his basement via the ladder to your right. Here you'll see some of the various items you can get throughout the game. As you pass over an item, Dusty will give you a description about it. First the curio on the lower left. Collect it, and Dusty will tell you that it's worth 1 curio. He'll even let you keep it. Next is the bouncing blue ball. It turns out it was poison and you lost some health. But now you know to avoid them in the future. Next is the Banana, which regains all your health. The pear which cures status abnormalities, and then the apple which regains 1 heart. Once you are done collecting the items head back up the ladder. head over to the question mark, and Dusty will explain how to jump. First you must assign the 'Jump' ability to either the A or B keys. Once you have assigned the ability, press select to exit back to the map. Now press the button that you've assigned the ability to, and you'll jump over the gap to the next ledge. Continue along the path until you get to the next question mark, where Dusty will explain how to turn. Press the R button to turn right and jump over to the next ledge. Head down, turn so you are facing the right and jump onto the final ledge. Now before you go off to collect the toolbox, while you are still facing the right, jump through the secret passage to collect the life up. Once you're done, head back, collect the toolbox, and head back out of the basement. Give the toolbox to Dusty, and head back to town. Once you are done talking to the townsfolk, head over to Leona's house, and she'll inform you that now that you have your new jump power, you should check out the caves to see if you can find your Grandfather. Head south out of town, and exit the city by going either east or west on the docks. Once out on the world map, you'll be taken to the first adventure map to see if you can find your Grandfather. ---- The Cave! --------------- Coming soon.. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Frequently Asked Questions FAQ! Section to be built as questions are asked. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6. Special Thanks SPTH Thanks to Konami for releasing this game. Thanks to Nintendo for licensing it. Thanks to You for reading this guide. Thanks to GameFaqs for hosting it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7. Copyright Information CPIN This document is protected by US and Canadian Copyright Law. It is meant soley for private use. This document may not be referenced or altered without my permission. This document is currently a GameFaqs exclusive, and may not be hosted elsewhere. "Frogger", and all related characters and names are property of Konami All copyrights and trademarks are acknowledged and respected that are not specifically mentioned herein. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------