Advance Wars Unit FAQ Version 2.9 12/22/01 By: PokeMaster1004 E-mail: Home Page: --Contents-- 1. Intro 2. Updates 3. Contact and Copyright Info 4. Land Units 5. Air Units 6. Naval Units 7. Reader Strategies 8. Credits --Intro-- Hi! This FAQ is meant to be just a reference guide to the units in Advance Wars. Should I use my Mid Tank or my Bomber to take out his/her Rocket Launcher? That's what I hope to help with in this FAQ. Please note that this is my personal opinion on each unit. You ready? Then just sit back, relax, and read on! Who knows? You might learn something! --Updates-- 12/22/01-Misc Updates 12/8/01- Added CO Powerup and CO Powerdown ratings. Re-aligned Movement Charts 12/3/01- I beat The Final Battle! New Updates as soon as someone gives me new info. (hint, hint) 12/2/01- Added Reader Strategies. I'm not gonna update 'til I beat The Final Battle 11/27/01- Fixed a couple typos. Added Land and Air Unit Movement Cost Charts. now has permission to post this FAQ. 11/25/01- Added Updates and Credits. Fixed Sub data. --Contact and Copyright Info-- If you want to contact me, just send an e-mail with the subject as "Advance Wars" to the address listed at the top of the page. Please no spamming, viruses, porn, or cussing. Chances are that I'll send'em right back. Also, please DON'T IM me! I don't like it when people that aren't on my Buddy List IM me. Okay? Thanks! This document is, for all intents and purposes, property and copyright of PokeMaster1004. If you copy it for other than the reason of viewing on your PC, I WILL SEE YOU IN COURT. If you wish to put it on your site, just e-mail me following the guidelines above. The only sites that have permission at this time are, (GameFAQs) (Gundam Wing Music Zone) (Neoseeker) Thank you! Advance Wars is Copyright 1990-2001 Nintendo and 2001 Intelligent Systems --Land Units-- -Infantry- Rating: * Cost: 1000 Move: 3 (foot) Vision: 2 Fuel: 99 CO Powerup: Sami, Kanbei CO Powerdown: Grit, Sturm What they look like: Little soldiers with machine guns Uses: Infantry are the backbone of any army. You need them to capture cities, factories, airports, seaports, and most importantly, the enemy HQ. They're really useful in Fog Of War because when they climb into mountains, they're vision increases to five! You can also lodge them up in the mountains and it'll take a while for enemy forces to dislodge them, except if they have a Bomber. If you surround an Artillery or Tank with'em you might be able to take it down. Other then that, they aren't really useful for anything else besides cannon fodder. -Mech- Rating: ** Cost: 3000 Move: 2 (Mech) Vision: 2 Fuel: 70 CO Powerup: Sami, Kanbei CO Powerdown: Grit, Sturm What they look like: Infantry with bazookas Uses: Mechs are like Super Infantry. They have more firepower, more defense, and the ability to take out an Artillery or Rocket Launcher in one shot! They're also potent against Tanks. They do have one drawback and that is that they're really slow. They have all the abilities of Infantry, including Capture and mountain-climb-to-get-better-vision-in-Fog-Of-War. Also, Infantry and Mechs are the only units that can get the defense bonus for fighting in the mountains and are the only units besides Air units that can get into mountains in the first place! -Recon- Rating: ** Cost: 4000 Move: 8 (Tires) Vision: 5 Fuel: 80 CO Powerup: Max, Kanbei CO Powerdown: Sami, Grit, Sturm What they look like: A block with a turret on wheels Uses: Recons are best used for what they're called, Reconnaissance. They can't really stand up to tanks and they don't have a lot of firepower to they're name. They're high Vision and Move ratings mean they're best suited to hopping from forest to forest in Fog Of War. In non-Fog Of War maps I like to use them to quickly inflict some damage on the enemy Infantry early on when he/she hasn't built any heavy firepower. Other then that you could use them to protect an Artillery or Rocket Launcher, I guess. -APC- Rating: *** Cost: 5000 Move: 6 (Treads) Vision: 1 Fuel: 70 CO Powerup: Sami, Kanbei CO Powerdown: N/A What they look like: Kinda like a box on tank treads Uses: You may be wondering why APCs got a higher rating than Recons. The reason is that they make great DECOYS. The CPU will ALWAYS go after a transport over any other unit! You can use them to draw attention away from that Infantry capturing their HQ, or that injured Bomber limping back to base. Besides that, they are great at their main use, moving units. You can move a Mech 3 times it normal Move with an APC. It also supplies whatever is next to it with Fuel and Ammo, even Air and Naval units! You can park it next to a pair of Rocket Launchers that are shelling an enemy position to provide them with unlimited Ammo. They also have many other uses! Once you find them out, you'll see why I love them so much! -Anti-Air- Rating: ***1/2 Cost: 8000 Move: 6 (Treads) Vision: 2 Fuel: 60 CO Powerup: Max, Kanbei CO Powerdown: Sami, Grit, Sturm What they look like: Think right triangle with left slope with a pair of guns pointed diagonally up and to the right on tank treads. Uses: Anti-Airs are meant to destroy the Air units, hence their name. However, they cut through Infantry and Mech units like a blowtorch through butter! Thus, if you're facing Sami, make more of these than Tanks. (Until she makes Tanks) They aren't meant to go against Tanks, but they can finish a wounded Tank off. True to their name, they RULE against Air units. They're cheaper and more mobile then the other Land unit designed to take down Air units, Missiles. One more thing, the CPU loves Anti-Airs, even when there aren't Air units around. Go Figure! -Tank- Rating: **** Cost: 7000 Move: 6 (Treads) Vision: 3 Fuel: 60 CO Powerup: Max, Kanbei CO Powerdown: Sami, Grit, Sturm What they look like: A Tank! Uses: The Tank is the cheapest unit that can do REAL damage. If you're playing a small map, just create a whole lot of these and blitz! They have the same Move rating as an APC, so they can escort it to wherever it's going. Tanks are the cheapest unit that can be counted on to destroy a full power Infantry unit in one turn. They're great against every Land unit except Mid Tanks, which tear through them like a hot knife through butter. Lastly, in Max's hands these turn into super killing machines. Ouch! -Mid Tank- Rating: ***** Cost: 16000 Move: 5 (Treads) Vision: 1 Fuel: 50 CO Powerup: Max, Kanbei CO Powerdown: Sami, Grit, Sturm What they look like: A BIG TANK! Uses: These things are THE BEST DIRECT COMBAT LAND UNIT!!!!!!!! I'm serious! Mid Tanks rip through any ground unit (except another Mid Tank) like a flamethrower through ice!!! The only thing Mid Tanks fear is Naval units, Bombers, and an indirect attack from a Rocket Launcher! The only bad thing about them is their price, 16000. Ouch! -Artillery- Rating: ** Cost: 6000 Move: 5 (Treads) Vision: 1 Fuel: 50 Range: 2-3 spaces CO Powerup: Grit (also increase Range by 1), Kanbei CO Powerdown: Max (also decrease Range by 1), Sturm What they look like: Think big cannon pointed diagonally up left on tank treads. Uses: (Okay the next three units (including this one) are called "indirect combat" units. Which means that these can fire on enemy units as many spaces away as stated in the "Range" rating. They're helpless against any type of attack, direct or indirect. The good thing is they don't get counter attacked during their attack. Got it?) These I don't like. They're only slightly more powerful than a Tank. Their Range stinks compared to a Rocket Launcher's. I say just wait a turn to save up and then spring for the Rocket Launcher. -Rocket Launcher- Rating: ****1/2 Cost: 15000 Move: 5 (Tires) Vision: 1 Fuel: 50 Range: 3-5 spaces CO Powerup: Grit (also increase Range by 1), Kanbei CO Powerdown: Max (also decrease Range by 1), Sturm What they look like: A flatbed with a rectangular box pointed up left. Uses: The BEST INDIRECT COMBAT LAND UNIT! These things rock! Think indirect Mid Tank. Hay! That wouldn't be a bad idea! Surround a Rocket with Mid Tanks! Okay, back to earth. These things have Range that's surpassed only by Battleships. Set them up behind a Mid Tank at a choke point and destroy anything that comes close. The only bad thing about them, besides they're cost, is that they have a relatively large "safe zone" close to them where they can't fire. A Recon or even a Tank could get in there and tear them up! That's why you have to surround indirect combat units (except Battleships) either with units or the geography of the map. -Missile- Rating: *** Cost: 12000 Move: 4 (Tires) Vision: 5 Fuel: 50 Range: 3-5 spaces CO Powerup: Grit (also increase Range by 1), Kanbei CO Powerdown: Max (also decrease Range by 1), Sturm What they look like: Kinda like a pair of missiles on wheels Uses: These are the Rocket Launcher to Air units. Takes out ANY Air unit in one shot. Teamed with Anti-Airs, these are the worst nightmare of Eagle. 'Nuff said. The cons are the same as the Rocket Launcher. -Land Units Movement Cost chart- ----------------plains-rivers-mount.-road-bridge-woods -----Infantry---1-------2-------2-----1-------1----1 ----Mech--------1-------1-------1-----1-------1----1 -----Recon------2-------/-------/-----1-------1----3 ------Tank------1-------/-------/-----1-------1----2 ---MD Tank------1-------/-------/-----1-------1----2 -----APC--------1-------/-------/-----1-------1----2 -------Artilery-1-------/-------/-----1-------1----2 -----Rockets----1-------/-------/-----1-------1----2 ------Anti Air--1-------/-------/-----1-------1----2 -----Missiles---2-------/-------/-----1-------1----3 --Air Units-- From here on I'll be adding the Stat FPT (Fuel used Per Turn). That's because Air and Naval Units use Fuel every turn even if you don't move them. Also, if they run out of Fuel, they'll crash or sink. Also, APCs can supply them. Okay, on to the Air units! -T(ransport) Copter- Rating: **1/2 Cost: 5000 Move: 6 (Air) Vision: 2 Fuel: 99 FPT: 2 CO Powerup: Eagle, Kanbei, Sami CO Powerdown: Drake What they look like: A long helicopter with two rotors Uses: These are supposed to be like APCs for the air. They don't really measure up to APCs. First, they don't supply units, and second, they can't take a shot from other Air units without crashing. (APCs can take a shot from a Tank, remember?) That said, they do a better job of the transporting than APCs due to the fact they can FLY! They're also incredibly resistant to Land units! I've NEVER seen a Mid Tank take out a full-health T-Copter in one shot. Just keep them away from Anti-Airs, Missiles, and Cruisers. -B(attle) Copter- Rating: ***1/2 Cost: 9000 Move: 6 (Air) Vision: 3 Fuel: 99 FPT: 1 CO Powerup: Eagle, Max, Kanbei CO Powerdown: Grit, Drake, Sturm What they look like: Basic helicopter with a big cockpit window and one rotor. Uses: These can be a real nuisance! If there isn't any other Air unit on the map then these will rule, at least until somebody builds and Anti-Air or Missile. These can cut through Infantry like nobody's business. They're also nice against any other Land unit except Anti-Airs. (remember that Missiles can't fire back) Rockets and Artillery fear these and Bombers. One thing that annoys me about them, they can't fire on Fighters or Bombers. Keep T and B-Copters away from Fighters. As with all Air units, keep them away from Anti-Airs, and Cruisers. -Fighter- Rating: ****1/2 Cost: 20000 Move: 9 (Air) Vision: 2 Fuel: 99 FPT: 5 CO Powerup: Eagle, Max, Kanbei CO Powerdown: Grit, Drake, Sturm What they look like: A crude F-16 Uses: Say hello to the ruler of the skies! Fighters are meant to take out anything flying. Their HUGE Move rating means that almost nothing is too far away. They're most often used to take down Bombers or B-Copters. These are Eagle's best friends. One disadvantage is that they can't touch Land units. -Bomber- Rating: ***** Cost: 22000 Move: 7 (Air) Vision: 2 Fuel: 99 FPT: 5 CO Powerup: Eagle, Max, Kanbei CO Powerdown: Grit, Drake, Sturm What they look like: A crude B-52 Uses: Bombers are the most powerful unit in the game! One-shot kills are the trademark of the Bomber. Even the almighty Mid Tank can't survive a Bomber's attack! The only thing I can think of that can survive a full-health Bomber attack is a Battleship! However, while they decimate Land and Naval units, they are completely open to attacks by Fighters, Anti-Airs, Missiles, and Cruisers. -Air Unit Movement Cost chart- ---------plains-rivers-sea-bridge-road-mount.-woods Fighters---1------1-----1-----1-----1----1------1 Bomber-----1------1-----1-----1-----1----1------1 Copters----1------1-----1-----1-----1----1------1 --Naval Units-- -Lander- Rating: ***1/2 Cost: 12000 Move: 6 (Trans) Vision: 1 Fuel: 99 FPT: 1 CO Powerup: Sami, Drake, Kanbei CO Powerdown: Eagle, Sturm What they look like: A ferry Uses: The Naval transport is actually better than an APC! Sure it can't supply units, but it can carry ANY TWO Land Units! That's right! It can transport everything from Infantry to Missiles! It also has MUCH more armor on it than on an APC! I've seen it survive a Mid Tank shot, a Rocket shot, and once a Bomber shot! It's the perfect unit to use as a decoy due to it's durability. Of course, they rule at their main purpose, delivering your massive army to your enemy's front door! -Cruiser- Rating: **1/2 Cost: 18000 Move: 6 (Ship) Vision: 3 Fuel: 99 FPT: 1 CO Powerup: Drake, Max, Kanbei CO Powerdown: Grit, Eagle, Sturm What they look like: A small ship with a machine gun on the front. Uses: I don't really use Cruisers that much. However, when I need them, they perform perfectly. They're main purpose is to destroy Subs and Air Units. They're the only unit other than a Sub that can fire on a Dived Sub. They are also like Naval Anti-Airs in that they can fire on any Air Unit. They can't fire on other Cruisers and Battleships though. They can also carry two Copters at once. You'll have to do that in one of the Campaign missions. -Sub- Rating: ***** Cost: 20000 Move: 5 (Sub) Vision: 5 Fuel: 60 FPT: 1, 5 while dived CO Powerup: Drake, Max, Kanbei CO Powerdown: Grit, Eagle, Sturm What they look like: A submarine! Uses: Coupled with Battleships these are they best Naval units! They can take down a Lander or a Battleship with ease. They can also Dive so that the enemy can't see them unless they move right next to it. However, when Dived, they use 5 times as much fuel. They're also very open to Cruisers. I've actually seen an enemy not move his/her Battleship away from my Dived Sub after I nailed it. You can also park a Dived Sub right in front of an enemy Port and take down everything he/she makes. -B(attle) Ship- Rating: ***** Cost: 28000 Move: 5 Vision: 2 Fuel: 99 FPT: 1 Range: 2-6 CO Powerup: Grit (also increase Range by 1), Drake, Kanbei CO Powerdown: Max (also decrease Range by 1), Eagle, Sturm What they look like: A large ship with cannons front and back Uses: These are THE BEST NAVAL UNIT! They are nearly invincible! Note that they are INDIRECT combat units. They have a larger Range that Rockets and they're stronger too! I love to use these to shell an enemy that I'm getting ready to takeover so that my Landers are in the clear. You can also park these right in enemy Ports and shell them from there! The Port will provide excellent cover and if you can get an APC next to it you'll never run out of ammo! --Reader Strategies-- -From Novasol on GameFAQs Advance Wars Board- On a map with a good balance of airports and bases, I produce WAVE AFTER WAVE of Mechs and T. Copters. The idea is to overwhelm the enemy with cheap firepower before he or she even has a chance to throw together a basic strategy. You'll probably be able to produce too many of these things for the hapless victim to kill in a convenient time frame, and his resources will be swamped scrambling to keep you from capturing his base (works on human opponents well, at least the people I've played, as they don't expect anyone to be that astoundingly stupid and cheap). Incidentially, this will also net you easy wins in NC Rivals and the last two War Room missions if you don't care about rank (except replace "T. Copter" with "Lander" for Ring Islands). Obviously, this strategy is infinitely more annoying if you use Sami, at which point those Mechs actually become a REAL threat. ALWAYS build fighters first if you aren't doing the T. Copter rush. Partly because they obliterate enemy air forces, but mostly because it's fun to sit them on airports, bases, and ports to limit the enemy's production capabilities. Their obscene movement range is ideal for this. --Credits-- Me (PokeMaster1004) - for creating this FAQ You (Person reading this FAQ) - for reading this FAQ CJayC (Webmaster and creator of GameFAQs) - for posting this FAQ on GameFAQs Poisoman (Person on GameFAQs Advance Wars Board) - for telling me that Subs can't deal a lot of damage to Cruisers OnThE fRoNt LiNe ADW (Person on GameFAQs Advance Wars Board) - for creating the Land and Air Unit Movement Cost Charts Wind Mage (Person on GameFAQs Advance Wars Board) - for telling me that a T-Copter uses 2 Fuel units per turn instead of 1 Novasol (Person on GameFAQs Advance Wars Board) - Reader Strategy