Gegege no Kitarou - Kikiippatsu Youkai Rettou Gegege Kitarou - Demon Island Crisis Written by x_comp Version 1.11 December 2003 ============= Contents ======== 1. Introduction 2. Version History 3. Controls 4. Starting The Game 5. Menus 6. Walkthrough 7. Credits, Conclusion & Contact Info =============== 1. Introduction =============== "Gegege no Kitarou" is a classic Manga series which was serialised in the Monthly Shounen Magazine originally done by Mizuki Shigeru. As with all popular works in Japan, the Manga was made into an Anime series. The very first Anime series dates as far back as 1968 and was shown on Fuji TV, spanning a total of 65 episodes. Later, 3 more series were also made right up to the year 1996 spanning a massive 274 episodes. The story is based on Kitarou, a boy who's Youkai (demon) parents died and now travels with an elderly one-eyed Youkai named Medama. Long ago, the Youkai had lived together in harmony on earth until humans were born. Afterwards, the humans forced the Youkai to go into hiding. As time passes, some remained peaceful and lived through their days quietly. But, some were not content with the way things were and decided to get vengence on human kind. It is here that we follow the adventures of Kitarou as he settles matters with his other Youkai friends. This game celebrates Mizuki Shigeru's 60th anniversary and is an RPG / platform game. A lot of people have compared it to Castlevania so if you liked that you may like this game. I've also heard people describing it as a mix of that along with Shining Soul and Metroid. Developer: Konami Release Date: 11th Dec 2003 Price: 4980 Yen ================== 2. Version History ================== 22/12 - v1.10 ------------- - Completed walkthrough. - Added load file info to Menus. - Added list of items you could buy at the shop to Menus. - Added list of items you can equip to Menus. 23/1 - v1.11 ------------ - Note about Konami site update added to walkthrough. =========== 3. Controls =========== D-Pad Moving about menus and moving around maps. Start Go to the main menu. Select View map. A Jump, double-jump, selecting something from menus. B Canceling actions, primary attack. L Change secondary attack, moving through menus. R Secondard attack, moving through menus. ==================== 4. Starting The Game ==================== After pressing Start at the title screen, you will come to the file selection screen. Here, starting a new game will allow you to choose 2 different modes. If you already have a saved file, choosing it will give you 2 options: Continue playing Erase data Copy data ======== 5. Menus ======== Before starting a level, you will be allowed to prepare yourself before the start of each level through the following menus: +-----------------------------------------------------------+ | [Leave The House] [Save] | | [Buy Items] [Sell Items] | | [Status] [View Youkai Encyclopaedia] | +-----------------------------------------------------------+ LEAVE THE HOUSE --------------- Takes you to a world map. Navigate to the flashing place using Kitarou's transport and press A to start the level. Pressing A at other places will ask if you wish to return to the forest. Note that you can re-visit places once you have completed them. BUY ITEMS / SELL ITEMS ---------------------- Here you'll have 2 numbers to the top-right hand corner of the screen. The first one nearest the left is the quantity of the item that's currently highlighted. The second one shows how much money you have. Finally, the bottom of the screen shows a description of items you highlight. Items you can buy are the following: Newt's Tail 1000 - Recover small amount of YP. Bat's Wing 2000 - Recover medium amount of YP. Snake's Skin 4000 - Recover large amount of YP. Frog's Eyeballs 4000 - Recover 250 HP and 100 YP. Antidote 200 - Cure poison. Wake-up Potion 5000 - Cure drowsiness. Anti-Numbness Paste 500 - Cures numbness to let you attack again. Immortal Bird's Wing 5000 - Allows escape back home. Flaming Talisman 2000 - A flame will surround and protect you. Ice Talisman 1500 - Icicles flying in 8 directions. Flea 9800 - Call friends for one crow's wing. Mask 1500 - Half the damage from Nezumi's gas. Reikai Handbook 12800 - Gain more experience. King Enma's Letter 1000 - Revive with full HP/YP after death once. For King Enma's Letter, the Flea and the Mask to work, you must equip them. STATUS ------ This will also appear whenever you press Start during gameplay. Here you'll have the following stats listed on "paper": Status HP YP (Youkai Power) Attack Power / Defence Power Movement Money EXP Next Level To the right you'll see which allies you have available to summon for help in the green circles. The number next to them indicates how many crows you need to summon them. Likewise, in the blue circles are the secondary weapons that you possess and the number incidates how much YP you need to use them. Throughout the game, you'll be able to collect more of thse weapons as you find Kitarou's friends scattered throughout the levels. Pressing R will take you to the Items screen where you can use items you picked up or bought. Pressing R again will take you to the equipping screen. It's hard to tell you what is what without using pictures so, here's a partial list of items you can equip with descriptions: Note of Kannon-sama - Increases defense. Looks like yellow shaped house. Note of Better Luck - Increase luck. Looks like a wooden shaped house. Rosary Beads of Life - Increase HP to maximum. Necklace of beads with a larger one at the bottom center. Charm Stone - Roughly halves the YP you use. A white ball on a red pillow(?). Snow Country's Fan - Lowers the damage on fire based attacks. Blue fan. Southern Country Cloth - Lowers the damage on ice based attacks. Looks like dress made of grass. Youkai Glasses - See invicible things. VIEW YOUKAI ENCYCLOPAEDIA ------------------------- Name says it all. View descriptions of all the enemy Youkai (demons) you defeat in the game and any of Kitarou's friends you save. Kitarou and Medama Oyaji will be there at the start. ============== 6. Walkthrough ============== I will mark all the dialogue parts of the game with [Story] and the actual game walkthrough parts with [Game]. If you wish to skip the story sections altogether, press the Start button. Whenever you lose in the game, you will be given 3 options: Restart from the last place saved. Go back home. End game. And finally, after you complete each level, you will also get a report of the following to show how well you done: Rank Time Total Damage Total YP Used Map Exploration Rate Hidden Youkai Discovered So, lets begin the game! * Konami is now adding maps to their site! Visit it here and select the * available stages by clicking the numbered links. * * [Story] The 1930 period in Tokyo, in a certain street of buildings... ...An employee at a blood bank. The story starts with a man named Mizuki who is ordered to investigate a mysterious incident. A patient had become a demon after he had a blood transfusion using the blood from the blood bank! Mizuki visited the patient. Mizuki: Go- Good evening. Patient: Welcome... How about some tea? Mizuki: N- No, thank you... I'll come again another time. According to a doctor's diagnosis, the patient is now a dead person with no pulse, has a low body temperature and doesn't eat. ...But the patient is... alive! Mizuki rushed back to his office and checked the documents to see who else had shared the same blood. In the documents, he found an address without a name and it was the same as his! Mizuki: This can't be!! Prologue: The Birth of Kitarou Mizuki went to investigate a nearby place where he lived and just as the records say... There was an abandoned old temple there. Mizuki went to the old temple. Mizuki: Go- Go- Good evening... Female Demon: Welcome. It's rare for us to have guests. Since you came all the way, please have some frog eyeballs I got. Mizuki: No thanks. I uh... er... just remembered I have something to do so... P- Please excuse me. As Mizuki was just about to rush home, he bumped into a huge man who suddenly appeared. Male Demon: Sorry about this. ...I'm the female demon's husband. The truth is, there's something I'd like to talk to you about. The two demons were of the demon tribe that lived on earth before the birth of human beings. The demon tribe had lived in peace but after humans were born... They were pursued and they migrated to deep within forests and caves. It was also because of that, they had no food anymore. Their comrades died of starvation and now... Only this couple who survived remains. The husband caught an illness and the wife was selling her blood... To get the money. The husband was going to go to the bank to complain how he wanted the bank to wait until... The child in her wife was born. Mizuki listened to his complaint in horror. 8 months later... What Mizuki saw at the old temple was now... the dead bodies of the couple. Mizuki: Now that I think about it, what poor people they were. I'll make a grave or something for them. And so, the wife was buried but the husband's body was rotting badly so... It couldn't be moved to his grave. 3 months later... A baby was born from the wife's grave!! Mizuki: This child's a monster. We don't know what disasters will occur if we let it live... But I can't kill it... Run. So, what had become of the father's body... Medama Oyaji: (Old Man Eyeball) My son's born. I must hurry. What kind of strange incident is happening here? Is this the vengeance of the father... Who's protecting his kind until the end, or is it his kind trying to understand humans and adapt to their nature? In any case, the fact is the eyeball's alive! [Game] Walk over to the baby. Medama Oyaji: Hey, Kitarou! Get a hold of yourself! You're going to die at this rate! Follow me! From the moment you were born, you were going to go through hardship... Walk half way and Kitarou will try to turn around. Go back and walk slowly so that he can follow you towards the far right of the screen. [Story] The hidden child was lead back home safely. Wishing for the child to be nurtured... Medama Oyaji decided to leave Kitarou in Mizuki's care while he watched over him from the shadows. Medama Oyaji: Kitarou. I'm going to leave you at this home for a while. Kitarou: Ogyaa. Mizuki: Ah! It's the baby I left at the cemetery! Kitarou: Babu Babu. Mizuki: I see... You're being left in my care huh. Come to think of it, what a poor kid. Alright, I'll look after you. Medama Oyaji: Now I can finally rest assured... 6 years later... Kitarou grew up quick but somehow, some part of his appearance was different from humans so... He had no one to play with. At often at night, he would leave his house and go to "The World of The Dead" with Medama Oyaji... To the cemetery to play. Mizuki: Kitarou! I don't know what you're doing but please stop going to the cemetery at night. If you must go to the cemetery no matter what the leave! Kitarou: ... That night... Medama Oyaji: Kitarou. Lets leave this place of no freedom. Outside we have lots of friends... Who understand whether you're a dead person, monster or insect. Kitarou: I understand, father. And so, Kitarou and his father set off wandering on a journey with no end. Years later... Meanwhile, Nezumi Otoko (mouse man) who loved all things strange wandered to the woodlands of Fuji... And discovered a strange stone. On the stone was written in a secret ancient script that here a Demon Fortress was sealed. Knowing that, the Nezumi's interest was aroused. Nezumi Otoko: This is a big discovery! I just need to pull that rope. # Baon With that sound, the Youkai Stone changed into the shape of the Demon Fortress. Nezumi Otoko: That gave me a fright!! You have to be more courteous than this. Someone came towards him... ???: I don't know who you are but, I must say my thanks for breaking the seal... Hmmm?! Aren't you one of Kitarou's friends? Nezumi Otoko: I- I'm not his friend! I'm here... To lend my masters my power to break the seal. ???: Is that so. ???: Is it OK to trust a guy like this so easily? ???: It's fine... From now on, you will work as one of our henchmen. Nezumi Otoko: Haha, I thank you. ???: Is Kitarou still alive? Nezumi Otoko: Yes, he is coinciding with the humans and he is a hero among them. ???: Fool... Kitarou! We will show you long years that it's been! Hahahahahaha! This is the place that hasn't been linked to the news reports of the latest strange incidents that have been occuring all over Japan. Newscaster: Today, Hokkaido registers a temperature of -36. This is cold wave has been the coldest in recorded history and an enquiry is being made into it by the meteorological agency... Kitarou: Father, it's Hokkaido this time. I can't believe the climate would fall this low. Medama Oyaji: Humans are on the peak of their growth. They're destroying nature here and there and now they're paying the price. Oh yeah, Nezumi sent a message for you by crow... Just a while ago. Kitarou: Father, it seems like Nezumi wants to give us some... Fresh seafood. Medama Oyaji: Oh? That's rare. We've only been having fish bones lately so we haven't had a satifying meal. Kitarou: It's somewhere in Chuugoku. Come on, lets go. NOTE: 'Chuugoku' means China in Japanese but here it's it's referring to SW region of Honshu in Japan. [Game] So, leave the house and move SW to find Chuugoku. Press A and choose the first option to answer yes and land. [Story] Episode 1: Curse of the Ox Spirit! Kitarou: Father, I can feel a strong presence of Youkai here. Resident: Ah, Kitarou-kun. Kitarou: What's wrong? Are you troubled with something? Resident: The truth is, a monster has appeared in the village nearby and is causing an uproar. Medama Oyaji: There's no doubt a Youkai appeared here. Lets hurry. [Game] Make your way to the end of the screen to the east then again to reach a mailbox. [Story] Kitarou: Aren't you Neko-ko (Cat Girl)? What's wrong? Neko-ko: Kitarou-san, it's terrible. Sunakake Obaasan (Old Sand Lady), Konaki Jiisan (Crying Old Man)... And Nurikabe is gone from Gegege Forest! Kitarou: What did you say! Everyone's suddenly disappeared... Medama Oyaji: Kitarou! It's more important to settle the Youkai incident in the nearby village for now. Neko-ko: Then I'll go investigate a little about everyone's disappearance. If you need help, just call me. And when you want to save, go in front of the Youkai Post like the one here. Press Up and you'll be able to save! [Game] Now Neko-ko will become one of your allies. Now move onto the area and make your way upwards to where the moving platform is. Use it to go to the east and then move to the next area to the east. Continue east until you reach a sign and a barrier. Make sure your Geta (Japanese wooden shoes) are selected and hit R. Press R again just when it's above the switch below the sign so that it keeps the switch pressed down. Go east and once you've passed the barrier, press R to retrieve your Geta. Move east until you reach a dead end then press down + A to fall downwards. Go east to find a post to save and continue into the cave. Move east and use the ladder to go down. Go to the east side of the area and move to the next area using the ladder there. If you like, you can go upwards here to find a friend of Kitarou's. Once you're done return to this area. Climb the ladder all the way down then jump up the platforms. Break through the rocks and go to where there's a floating handle. Jump and hold up to hold on to it. Use it to get across to the other side and make your way to the next area. Watch out for the stalactite above your head. Now just follow the path to get out of the cave to a save post. Go east into the next area and then to where the sign is. Use the same technique you used for the button to kill those Kaibouzus. Now continue east until you reach the first boss. [Story] Medama Oyaji: Woah! This is... Gyuuki!! (Ox Demon) Kitarou! Be-!! Gyuuki: Roar!! Medama Oyaji: Aaaah! Gyuuki: Roar! Kitarou: Father! How dare you!! [Game] Easy boss to start off with. Basically just shoot him in the face to inflict damage. It won't work if you hit him in the horns. Watch out for his jump attacks that'll cause earthquakes. Jump when he's about to land to avoid being hurt. Watch out for his claws too when he's below you. [Story] Medama Oyaji: What the... You defeated Gyuuki... Kitarou: What do you mean by that? Now the village will be peaceful. Ar- Ar... Ahhhh!!! Gyuuki: Roar!!! Resident: Ki- Kitarou-kun's... Turned into a- a Gyuuki!! Medama Oyaji: ...The one who defeats the Gyuuki... Becomes a Gyuuki too... I warned him too late... Haha... Nezumi Otoko: I'm here for a feast. This won't do at all! Medama Oyaji: Hey!! Don't you have at least a bit of sympathy!! Nezumi Otoko: Times have changed! From now on... It's the times when one with brains who will rule the world! Bye! Medama Oyaji: Ah~ I can't believe this... At that time, the feelings that Medama Oyaji had for his son... Got through and a god appeared from a small shrine in a village. ???: There's no need to be sad, old one. Medama Oyaji: Ah, you're... you're one of the 28 guards who protected the Thousand Hand Buddha... Karura-sama, am I right?! Karura: I saw the bravery in the actions that happened. Medama Oyaji: Karura-sama, please... Return my son... Back to his original form. Karura: Very well. I will help your son with the power that I possess. *Chanting* Gyuuki: Roar!! Kitarou: Huh? Father? What am I doing here? Medama Oyaji: You were cursed by the Gyuuki you defeated a while ago. This person helped you. Kitarou: That's what happened. Thank you. Karura: There is no need to thank me. Now that I have sealed the spirit of the Gyuuki... He will be of no trouble anymore. However, the evil aura remains drifts around Japan. Don't be careless. With that, Karura returned to his original shrine. Resident: Kitarou-kun. Thank you. Kitarou: I didn't do much this time. You should give your thanks to Karura. With that, Kitarou left the fisherman village of Chuugoku with the sound of insects singing. Kitarou: Father, about what Kirura said before he departed... Medama Oyaji: You're right. I'm concerned... about what Kirura-sama said. And it seems Nezumi Otoko is up to something too... Newscaster: Sorry to interrupt this programme but news has just come in that... A second moon has... Appeared above Shikoku. Currently, orders have been issued to the residents to take refuge. It seems that residents will be experiencing a worrisome night. The government has just opened an emergency conference... Kitarou: Father, this is?! Medama Oyaji: I don't know either. It's the first time I've seen anything like it. Looks like there's the need to head to Shikoku to investigate. [Game] Leave the house, head to where Chuugoku was and land in the green area. [Story] Episode 2: Conquest Japan! Eight Hundred and Eight Racoons! Kitarou: Father! Look!! There's so many racoons!! Medama Oyaji: That's eight hundred and eight racoons! I'm sure they were sealed deep underground. This second moon must have been their work too. Kitarou! We must stop the racoons! Kitarou: I understand, father! [Game] Make your way east until you get into the caves. Continue east and climb the ladder there. You'll find a sign that tells you to use Kitarou's garment to defeat the racoon on the other side. So, switch to his garment using L and then R to throw it. Use the D-pad to control it and kill the racoon. Smash through the wall and make your way to the next area. In this area you can either run up the slope to get to the next area or make use of the platforms there. Or just use both ways to gain more experience. Once you're in the next area, make your way up the slope. Watch out for the Tantanbou coming down where the sign is. That's what the sign is warning you about. Smash your way through the stone wall using Kitarou's hair and his Geta by using the same technique as before. Go into the next area and climb up the ladder. Watch out for the hidden Kamaitachi Youkai there and move on into the area to the west. Climb up the ladders there until you come to a pyramid of rocks. Smash through them and jump across the platforms to make your way west. Continue west until you get to a ladder going up. If you go west here you'll find a save post. Now make your way up the ladders until you get to another wooden warning sign again. Go east from here and of course, watch out for big Tantanbou! Go into the next area to the east to find a ceiling that comes down. Head east to the next area timing your moves so that you don't get crushed. Defeat the big racoon to take the lift down. [Story] Medama Oyaji: Ha! Isn't that sheet Ittan Momen?! (1/10 Hectare Cotton Sheet) Ittan Momen: Man, they caught me in a bad moment. I was resting up here in the mountains. Suddenly these raccons appeared and were making cotton out of me. While they were doing that, I heard they were working together... With other Youkais. Kitarou: And they're the Youkais causing the Racoons to go on a rampage? Medama Oyaji: ...I'm sure their boss Gyoubudanuki is ahead. First of all, lets go to where Gyoubudanuki is and hear his story. Now Ittan Momen will be another one of your allies. [Game] Press down in the lift to go down. The sign says "Entry Forbidden" here so we must be in the right place. Go left to find a save post then go east once you're done. Now make your way east, following the path until you find a key then make your way back to this point. On your way, you'll also find one of Kitarou's friends who will give you the "Honoo no Geta" (Flaming Getas) near the key where one of those warning signs are. Climb down the ladder here and make your way down until you find another ladder at the very bottom. Climb the ladder down and fall all the way down again. Now fall under water. If you follow the path west from here, you'll find a save post just after you get out of the water to your right. If you find the Youkai hard to beat here, use Kitarou's garment. They may seem hard to hit at first but when they're above your head, keep shooting upwards. They seem stupid enough to run into your attack. Make your way east towards a spring then go upwards. Go through the glowing door here to meet the racoon's boss. [Story] Gyoubudanuki: You done well to get here. Kitarou: So you're Groubudanuki huh. Go back to where you came from... With your other racoons. If you don't... Nihongami Rac.: (Racoon with Japanese hairstyle) Woah, not so fast. Can't you see these guys? Medama Oyaji: Ah! That's the prime minister! Minister: On my way to the conference, I was taken here along with my car. Hat Racoon: Gyoubu-sama wishes for Japan to quickly surrender. Minister: No!! I can't hand over Japan... And allow the people to become slaves! Gyoubudanuki: You don't seem to understand what power I possess. And within that second moon, the Youkai beast Kouryuu is waiting. Kitarou: Minister, how about if we talk with these things? Minister: Kitarou-kun, it's too late. The truth is... I've ordered a missile to be fired at the second moon. Nihongami Rac.: What did you do?! Hat Racoon: Now the Kouryuu will come out of there. Gyoubudanuki: We were trying to avoid voilence and resolve this peacefully but... Humans are such futile things. I can't believe you have chosen to destroy yourselves. Come, let us enjoy the spectacle. Minister: Kitarou-kun, please! Do something!! Kitarou: I understand! I'll try to do something! [Game] Another easy boss. Main things to watch out for are the falling rocks and his beam. The beam will turn you into stone and freeze you for a few seconds. Presuming you have enough YP, all you have to do is use Kitarou's garment and control it so that it's flying around its face. You'll beat him in no time. [Story] Medama Oyaji: Alright, now we just have to place a talisman on this shrine... And we'll be able to seal the racoons. # Baon With an onimous sound, the eight hundred and eight racoons were sealed. Gyoubudanuki: Damn you, Kitarou! One day our time for victory will come~~! Raccon Gyoubu's yell of bitterness echoed. Kitarou: Now those things can't get out to the surface anymore huh. Minister: Thank you, Kitarou-kun!! I'd like to give you a medal. Kitarou: I'm not interested so please use it to help the people in need. With the songs of the insects, Kitarou left leaving Shikoku in the mountains. Apart from the strange weather which couldn't be explained, showers were hitting the mountains in Kyushu. There, large cliffs collapsed and a huge key appeared on ancient grounds. ???: Isn't this the key for reviving Daidarabocchi?! ???: This is the key huh... So far... Kitarou has been getting in the way of all our plans! This time we'll... Put a stop to Kitarou's son! Hey, Nezumi Otoko!! Nezumi Otoko: Yes! What is it, master?! ???: Hurry and make preparations. Meanwhile at Gegege Forest, Kitarou and Neko-ko were searching for their missing friends. Kitarou: Where on earth could Sunakake and Konaki have gone to? Neko-ko: Yobiko and even Zashikiwarashi has disappeared. Ittan Momen: Hey, Kitarou-don! We've got trouble!! Kitarou: Ittan Momen, what's wrong?! Ittan Momen: This is bad. On my way here... I saw Nezumi Otoko with some black clothed people moving a huge key. And from the direction of where the key was pointing... A horrifying and huge eyeball appeared and is flying towards Kyushu! Neko-ko: That Nezumi Otoko! He's as sly as ever!! Medama: I didn't think that man would go this far but... Lets head to Kyushu before this gets out of hand. [Game] So, lets head to Kyushu in the far SW of Japan. [Story] Episode 3: The huge Youkai, Daidarabocchi. NOTE: Daidarabocchi is a folklore being. A huge giant believed to create nature such as mountains, trees, flowers etc. The idea and image of this being was also portrayed in the movie, Princess Mononoke. Medama Oyaji: Somehow, I don't think it's just that Nezumi Otoko... That's the only one that's planning the revival of Daidarabocchi... Kitarou: Daidarabocchi? Medama Oyaji: He's a huge Youkai who's body is as big as a mountain so, in order to revive him... They need to insert a key into the places where parts of his body is sealed. In any case, it seems his face has been revived. All that's left is the 3 keys known as "The Key of Hand", "The Key of Legs" and "The Key of Body". Those who worship Daidarabocchi are also targetting the keys. In any case, we must find those 3 keys before they do and prevent his revival! [Game] Follow the path all the way to the top of the volcanoe and fall down the hole. Take the first path to the east and continue making your way east until you reach a large patch of rock. Just above you is a switch so you must break these rocks in a way so that you can reach it. Once you've pressed it, return back to the first sealed door you passed by when you first entered the volcanoe. Go in to get the first key. Go all the way down until you can't go down any further then go east past the jumping fireballs. In the next area, you'll find a save post to the east. Climb down the 2 ladders and go west. Climb the ladder above you and head west. You'll find one of Kitaro's friends here. Make your way into the area to the west and make your way down then pass the jumping firewall into the next area. Continue your way east past the platforms and into the next area. Go down to find a green switch. Jump on it to activate it. Now make your way back to where the 2 ladders were. Go east past the area with the platforms then go upwards. You'll find a door here where the seal has now been broken. Go in to find the second key. Once you have the key, leave the place and continue upwards until you find a path going east. Go through the next area, drop down and go east then make your way past the area of jumping fireballs. Jump up the platforms and then make you way down the other side. Climb down the 2 ladders and then up the one to your right. Use the button to lower the pillar and jump on top of the pillar. When it rises again, make your way up to find the next switch. Make your way back up the ladders until you can go east to an area with a wooden sign. Again, watch out above. Jump up the platforms and make your way east. Follow the path until you reach the far east to find the door you unlocked. Go in to find the last key then go east to find Konaki. [Story] Shinja: So you're Kitarou huh. I can't guarantee this guy's life if you resist. Konaki Jijii: Sorry, Kitarou... Kitarou: Konaki Jijii! What's wrong?! What are you doing here?! Konaki Jijii: The truth is, I don't know myself but... When I was going to play chess with the old lady, we were sealed by a powerful force... When I came to, here I was. Kitarou: Obaba isn't here? Konaki Ojijii: Just like me, she's probably taken to a different place. It's probably the same for Nurikabe and Yobiko who were at Gegege Forest. Kitarou: What's happening?! Shinja: Now is the time when the great Daidarabocchi-sama is going to be revived. We are the believers of the Bocchi who will serve Daidarabocchi-sama! Come now, we will swap this old man in exchange for the keys you gathered. Medama Oyaji: Grrrr... Guess we don't have a choice. We'll have to do as they say for now. Kitarou: I understand... Shinja: It's nearly time for Daidarabocchi-sama's revival! You too should bow before Daidarabocchi-sama! Hahahahaha!! Medama Oyaji: Kitarou! After them with Ittan Momen! [Game] Konaki is now added to your allies. Keep attacking Daidarabocchi until Kitarou realises they can't defeat it. [Story] Kitarou: We can't defeat this thing at all! Medama Oyaji: His brains probably aren't inside his head. If we don't destroy his brain then we can't defeat him. Lets retreat from here and find his brain! [Game] Fly your way through to the end of the passage to find his brain then shoot it a few times. [Story] Kitarou: It's Daidarabocchi's brain! If we knock this out then... Nezumi Otoko: Hold it. I'll be in trouble if I let you interfere, Kitarou-chan. Kitarou: Nezumi Otoko! Get away from there! Nezumi Otoko: You guys don't know what a wonderful Youkai world... Awaits us, do you? [Game] Nezumi's a little tougher than the last 2 boss. He'll start off by shooting a big cloud of gas. Afterwards, he'll shoot a series of smaller ones and sometimes just one big one. Make sure you have plenty of room to move around for dodging his attacks whenever he comes running back to attack you. Keep shooting at the brain and try as you might but Nezumi can't seem to killed first. [Story] Daidarabocchi: Roar!! At the same time as Kitarou destroyed the brain, Daidarabocchi was also defeated. Nezumi Otoko: Damn it!! You'll regret what you done just now! Farewell! Kitarou: Wait, Nezumi Otoko!! Medama Oyaji: Kitarou! Lets just get out of here now! Ittan Momen: If you don't hurry, the volcanoe will erupt!! [Game] Plan well ahead here as Ittan and Kitarou make their escape as there's a few pillars to break through. [Story] Ittan Momen: We managed to escape safely somehow... Kitarou: But who on earth are the ones who were planning this sort of thing...? Singing along with the insects, Kitarou left Kyushu and Okinawa behind. Medama Oyaji: We can only think of the areas where we don't understand as... A big shadow moving around. Konaki Jijii: It doesn't make sense just saying the huge showers and unusual weather... Are all just abnormal weather. Medama Oyaji: If we don't hurry, it'll be too late. Kitarou: But we don't know the enemy's true identity so we can't do anything. Neko-ko: Kitarou-san. Kitarou: What's wrong, Neko-ko? Neko-ko: Kitarou-san, a letter arrived in the Youkai Post. Kitarou: Lets see... It seems lots of people are freezing to death because of a cold wave in Hokkaido! Medama Oyaji: This must be the work of the "shadow" Youkai too. Kitarou, lets head to Hokkaido immediately. [Game] Head to the north of Japan to Hokkaido. [Story] Episode 4: Huge Cold Wave! The Freezing Cold Youkai Yukinko's Trap! Child: Kitarou-san!! You're here. Kitarou: It was you, wasn't it? You're Senkichi-kun, the one who wrote the letter. Just what has happened here? Senkichi: Youkai appeared in this village lately... And after a while, this area became extremely cold. The Youkai that came from over the huge mountain with snow took everyone away so... The adults went together to go investigate the mountain but no one's returned. My grandpa and my brother too. Kitarou: I understand. I'll help everyone so you can rest assured. [Game] Go all the way east until you come to some platforms that's arranged like stairs. Jump up them then climb the ladder upwards. Make your way east past a ladder and into the next area. Watch out for the sudden change in weather which can blow you off the platforms. Use the platforms here to get to the far end to find a key then make your way back to the ladder. Climb up the ladder and go east past the tracks into the next area. Continue east past the post into the next area and then make your way up the platforms and tracks. Use the floating rock to get across then climb the ladders up. Save here if you need to. Go east through the stone door. Climb the first ladder up and use the spring to get to the left side where there's a switch. Use Kitarou's hair attack to switch it on. Climb back down and go east until you find a ladder going down. Climb down the ladder onto the tracks and crouch to avoid the spikes. After falling off the tracks, turn the switch back on. Go east to find another ladder going down into another area. Make your way down the ladders to find a green button then return to the save post you past earlier. Go down the ladder then make your way east. Make your way down until you come across a path going east next to a track. Go east to find Nerukabe frozen solid. [Story] Kitarou: Aaah! That's... Nerukabe!! Medama Oyaji: He's completely frozen. With our power, we just can't... Defeat the Youkai who froze him. Child: ... Kitarou: Are you one of the children from the village? Child: ... Kitarou: It's dangerous being here. Child: ... Kitarou: Wait! Medama Oyaji: Hmmm... It feels like I've met the child... From somewhere... I just can't remember. Kitarou: Anyway, lets hurry ahead. [Game] If you go on ahead, you'll find a door with 3 seals on it. We've already broken one so now to find the other 2. Make your way back to where the track was and then go down until you reach a ladder going into a new area. Climb down it. Again make your way down into the next area pass the bat. Go east from here to find a stone door. Go through it into the next area. Go upwards and climb up 2 ladders to reach a second green button. Climb back down the ladder and use the moving platforms to your right to get to a key. Now make your way down until you find a path going east. You'll find it just under the big slope to the east. Go through the stone door in the next area, up the slope then up the ladder. You'll find a save post here. Climb up the ladder into the next area then make your way upwards using the tracks to get to another ladder. Before climbing up, go west to find a key and also the third green button. Return to the place where you got your key and make your way upwards. Jump platforms until you find a ladder going up. Keep going upwards and you will reach another stone door. Go through to find the last green button. Now, return to the sealed door. If you forgot where it was, press Select to look at the map. The red spot in the center is where the door is. Once through the door, fight your way through the Youkai to the next boss. [Story] Yuki Onna: (Snow Woman) Oh? Kitarou's finally here. Kitarou: You're Yuki Onna! Child: This guy's interfering with our plans. Kitarou: You're that child from back then! Medama Oyaji: I remember now! This is the Youkai Yukinko who... Steals human souls and turn them into ice candy! Yuki Otoko: (Snow Man {Yes, I know :D}) That is right! We are working together to create a world that is easier for us to live in. What's wrong with dealing with the humans who're interfering with us?! Kitarou: And that's the reason why you're gathering all the Ice Youkais in the world. Child: Humans think nothing but about themselves and the way they live. They then raise the climate. This originally belonged to us and where we lived. If the temperature continues to rise like this, we'll die! Kitarou: It's true that humans have areas where they are wrong. But isn't it something that can be understood if we talked together about it?! Yuki Onna: You're a Youkai yourself and you're siding with the humans. We don't like you. Yuki Otoko: We'll turn your soul into ice candy too!! [Game] Quite a tough one this with 3 bosses to deal with at once. But, their energy bars are combined to produce the big long one you see below. What I done was take out jumping jack (Yuki Otoko) first so that it's easier to use the platforms. Right at the start, stand in the middle between the platforms. Now when Yuki Otoko jumps, run under him then attack him when he lands. It seems it's a good idea to stay in the middle while repeating this and dodging the snowballs and icicles. Afterwards, the other 2 are no problem. Once you've defeated them, they'll merge to form a bigger snow being. That means of course, he has all 3 of their powers combined but easier to handle. Defeat him and let the story move on. [Story] ???: Failed again... ???: What useless Youkais... Village Chief: Thanks to you, all the villagers that disappeared are now back. Senkichi: Thank you, Kitarou-san! Kitarou: It's nothing. I'm glad Nurikabe's safe. Nurikabe: (Name literally means a wall to paint on.) Nurikabe~ And he joins you. Kitarou: Well, we're going back now. But we may have done something bad to Yukinko and the others. It's true that humans are the ones who are making it hard to live for Youkais... Medama Oyaji: It's true that humans think nothing but about themselves and think nothing of the other living things that are living on the same surface. But it's not an excuse in making those who are innocent... Kitarou: A hard story to get to grips with huh... Medama Oyaji: The ones we should hate this time are those who are involving making use of humans and Youkai... To cause the innocent to suffer!! With the snow falling heavily, Kitarou left Hokkaido behind him as the insects watched him leave. Nezumi Otoko: ...Hear me!! There's a huge cold wave sweeping Hokkaido but... Here, we have little drinking water every year! It's the abnormal weather that's affecting Japan! If it's not punishment from the heavens, I don't know what to call it! But! Even in an age like this, there is a God! He will save the ones... Who believes and will follows me!! Businessman: You for real? If it's true, I'm going! Housewife: I- I'm going too! I can't stand this kind of life anymore! Nezumi Otoko: Heheheh. Allow me to guide you two! Kitarou: Look at this news article, father. Medama Oyaji: Hmmm... Disappearances continue... I can smell something bad again. Where is it that it's occurring? Kitarou: Touhoku. Medama Oyaji: Alright, lets hurry over to Touhoku! [Game] So, leave the house and go to Touhoku. [Story] Episode 5: Youkai Zekizetsu (Red Tongue)! The Battle at Ozoresan! [Game] Go all the way east, pass the big wooden sign then through the stone wall. Continue on until you reach a ladder going up. Climb up and go west to find a door. Enter it then go west again and through another door. Fall down where the bridge collapses above the sign. Fall down again onto the next bridge and you'll find a switch to the west. Turn it on and fall all the way down until you reach the tracks. Throw your Geta onto the tracks so that it activates the button then go through to find Obaba. [Story] Kitarou: Obaba! You're safe!! Sunakake Obaba: Of course, Kitarou... I've lived longer than you! This sort of thing is nothing to me. Medama Oyaji: Anyway, it's more important that you're safe. Sunakake Obaba: I was careless. I can't believe... That I was sealed in an instant... Kitarou: Just who on earth did this? Sunakake Obaba: The culprit responsible for the disappearances this time round. Zekizetsu. Kitarou: Zekizetsu?! You mean the Zekizetsu who can control water at his own will? But he's a well behaved monster. Sunakake Obaba: He's probably under the control of someone powerful. Kitarou: It seems like this is becoming something big. Sunakake Obaba: Kitarou, you shouldn't get careless too. [Game] Obaba now joins your team. Continue east and fall into the water. Fall down on the right hand side then make your way pass the spears. Go up the ladder and the platforms then hit the switch there. Remember the stone door to the east here. You'll be coming back to it. Go across to the ladder and climb up. Now there are 3 platforms in the area here. Use the one to the far right to go up to the ceiling. Jump up to a new area with Gaigotsus (those skeleton things) and climb up the ladder. Go west minding the gaps until you find a switch. Turn it on and then return to the area where you just came out of the water. Take the path east and go through the second door you come across. There will be a lot of poison gas here that will drain your HP quick but it won't kill you. I've looked all over the place but I can't seem to find anything to get rid of it. You could use the Genwaku no Fun which will render you temporary invincible but it's pointless. Won't last long enough. Anyway, go east and climb the ladder down. Use the tracks to cross over to the other end and go through the door. Now you can use an healing item to restore your health. There's 3 items which you can use to do this: Youkai Senbei - Looks like a biscuit and will store a little of your health. Youkai Dango - 3 balls on a skewer. Restores some of your health. Youkai Manjuu - A pyramid of 3 buns. Restores a lot of health. Now go west avoiding the big gap to find a key. Afterwards, you can drop down the gap and make your way back to the locked stone door you passed earlier. Go east, jumping on the pillars along the way until you reach a ladder. It might take a few tries with the "Kurage no Hi no Tama" (Flaming Eyeballs of The Jellyfish) floating around so it might be a good idea taking them out first. Climb up the ladder and you'll find another of Kitarou's friends sealed away. Save him to gain an electric attack. Continue up the ladder and go through the door. Now drop down to find Nezumi Otoko. [Story] Nezumi Otoko: Hello, Kitarou! You're STILL alive?! Kitarou: You again, Nezumi Otoko?! Kotsu Onna: (Bone Woman) You're Kitarou right? Rumour has it that you're siding with the humans and it's hard to believe. Kitarou: You're Kotsu Onna! Where did you take the humans?! Kotsu Onna: You're a Youkai yourself and you're worrying about humans. Just as the rumours have it... Nezumi Otoko: It's too late, Kitarou-chan. The humans have already been fed to Zekizetsu-sama... For us, for the brilliant future of us, Youkais. Kitarou: What have you done?! Kotsu Onna: Come now! Zekizetsu-sama is here. Zekizetsu: You're Kitarou huh. Why do you side with the humans? They're throwing trash into our treasured river and continue to pollute it. They've stolen our homes!! Kitarou: I'll let the humans know how you feel so stop this. Kotsu Onna: You don't understand, do you? Right now, a new ruler is about to be born. Zekizetsu-sama is working together with someone to revive the Japan that's been laid to waste by the humans. It's a revolution in the making of a Japan for us Youkais to live in. Zekizetsu: That's enough. It's pointless just talking to him. If he's going to persist on siding with the humans... I will absorb his liquid too! [Game] Hit and run. You'll have to double-tap the right key to run or you won't be able to get away from Zekizetsu quick enough. Hit him with all you've got when he stops then run. Use a weapon that will hit him and return to you like the spinning Geta. He'll be finished in no time. [Story] Kotsu Onna: Remember this! You won't stop our plans just like this! Nezumi Otoko: Kitarou, come to your senses a little will you?! If you don't understand what we're trying to do, we won't be able to live in this world. Kitarou: That Nezumi Otoko... But Youkais are affecting human lives... Going this far, father... Medama Oyaji: You're right. Now there's no doubt that there are other Youkais... Lending their powers to assist with the plan. With a bit of worry, the insects sang together as Kitarou... Left the Touhoku area behind him. ???: Arrrgh! They're ALL useless!! At this rate, Kitarou will ruin our plans! ???: There's no need to get so upset. We can make use of Kitarou... After all... ???: Then what do you suggest? ???: Hahaha... Use your head. Momon Jijii!! Momon Jijii: I'm here. ???: You're Momon Jijii huh. ...What do you mean when you said use your head? Momon Jijii: Amongst the Youkai, there are those who do not favour Kitarou. If you go in alliance with them... We'll be able to come up with a plan... I've actually knocked up a horrifying plan. ???: Hahahaha! Interesting! Momon Jijii, you will take lead and... Slay that Kitarou! ???: What will we do with that Nezumi Otoko? ???: After we've used him as much as we can, we'll get rid of him along with Kitarou. Newscaster: To everyone who is watching this show! Please listen! This is the first international announcement! It's a secret party of Youkais!! Youkais exist!! This special material is all possible thanks to Kitarou's help. Kitarou: Father!! We've got trouble!! Youkais are being... Broadcasted on a TV programme! ...And my name is on it too! Medama Oyaji: Wh- What did you say?! What's this about?! Kitarou: I don't know either but... Oh? Someone's here. Youkai Police: You're Kitarou right? I arrest you under the... Violation of uncovering our existence! Kitarou: What?! I don't know anything! I'm innocent!! Medama Oyaji: Kitarou! We can't stay here! Run!! Youkai Police: Ah!! Hey, hold it!! [Game] Leave the house and land in Kantou. [Story] Episode 6: Kitarou's Death Sentence! The Great Youkai Trial! [Game] Go east until you come to a place where there's rock under your feet. Smash through it and climb down the ladder. Go all the way west and enter the tunnel. Go east past the spears and into the next tunnel. If you go west from here and enter the tunnel at te end, you'll find a save post. Once you're done, return to this tunnel and break through the rock to your right. Head right and into the next tunnel. Go all the way west to the very last tunnel and enter. Proceed to the next area to find the Youkai Police waiting for you. [Story] Youkai Police: That's as far as you go, Kitarou! Kitarou: I can't get caught here...! Medama Oyaji: Wait, Kitarou. At this rate, we won't solve anything. If we go on trial now, I'm sure we can proof your innocence. Kitarou: ...I understand... Youkai Police: Alright! We will take Kitarou to the Youkai Court. And so, Kitarou was taken to the Youkai Court by the Youkai Police. Once Kitarou had arrived at Youkai Court, the great trial started... Silently... Daitengu: (Big Goblin) So, let us start the great trial! Send forward the prosecuting witness! Momon Jijii: The accused, Kitarou, assisted humans in revealing our secret party... This breaks the Youkai Law! He has also killed our comrades and is siding with the humans. This is proof enough! Kitarou: You're lying!! Daitengu: Silence!! Send forward the defendant's witness, Sunakake Babaa. Sunakake Babaa: Kitarou isn't killing Youkais because he likes to. The Youkais done bad things so it's just right. Momon Jijii: Right? Hahahaha! Don't make me laugh!! That's not what the Youkai that have gathered here are saying about the accused! Youkais: That's right! Sunakake Babaa: I guess we have no choice. Nezumi Otoko! Tell them how well Kitarou... Usually treats you. Nezumi Otoko: Cough. I don't want to speak ill of my close friend but... It pains me so! But I can't lie in court so... I'll tell you this! The accused has done wrong but he's Kitarou!! Daitengu: This is the verdict of the judge. Due to the testimony of Nezumi Otoko, Kitarou is guilty as charged... And will be sentenced to 500 years imprisonment!! Kitarou: You can't be serious!! I'll catch the real culprit!! Daitengu: Hold it, Kitarou!! What are you doing?! Get him!! Youkai Police: Yes sir! Nezumi Otoko: How was that, Momon Jijii? It seems we've dealt with Kitarou thanks to me. Momon Jijii: Ah yes... Well done. But we have no use for you anymore. We have orders to do this once we had gotten rid of him. Nezumi Otoko: Wh- What?! Yo- You're joking!! R- Right, everyone? *Staring seriouly* Nezumi Otoko: Ahhhh! Help! I'll remember this!! [Game] Break your way out by bashing the rocks below you. Go down and go through the tunnel to the west. Destroy the rocks in the next area and deal with the Youkai Police. Use the switch and get out. Return to the area were you were arrested earlier and make your way to the surface. Go east passing 2 areas to enter an old school. Continue east until you get to lift and go up. You can only kill the Shirimes (Butt Eye) when their eye appears by the way. Go west until you reach another lift and head up. Go east and do the same. If you go west here and take the lift up, you'll find one of Kitarou's friends who will give you the Youkai Atom weapon. When you're done, go east to another lift. If you need to save, take it downwards to find a save post. Otherwise continue east to find a lift and take it up. Go west from here to find a key at the far end. Now make your way back down all the way to level one of the school and go east through a stone door ready to face Momon Jijii. [Story] Kitarou: So you're the culprit, Momon Jijii?! Momon Jijii: That's right! But what about it?! You're going to die here! [Game] A pretty simple boss. Momon will jump about and try to whack you with his staff. He'll also fire red spears at you for long range attacks. Sometimes he'll shoot small bubbles that will grow in size and float around. Nothing much to say. Just stay close to a tree or the platform so that you can dodge his series of red spears. Once you've lowered his HP to about a quarter, he may produce a fake double of himself. [Story] Daitengu: What?! The real culprit was you, Momon Jijii?! Momon Jijii: I've done a really bad thing. I was the one who caused the TV incident. Daitengu: ...Taking into account that you have really reflected on your crime... We will sentence you to jail for 3 years. ???: Aaarrghh! Momon Jijii was useless too! We have no choice... Kitarou: Father... I've had a really bad time this time. Medama Oyaji: But next time we may not only have to deal with bad Youkais but... Maybe bad humans too. Kitarou: They'll hate the Youkai... For the crimes they have done huh... With the insects congratulating Kitarou for his innocence, Kitarou left the court behind. ???: Well, Chi (No, not Chobits :)) Are you confident in defeating Kitarou? Chi: Of course. With this pill, any Youkai will... Change and instantly become dry goods. It'll be the same with Kitarou. By the way, there's no mistake about what you're saying... How there's a mansion for Chinese Youkais right? ...Nurarihyon. Nurarihyon: Of course... On the dawn of your success, I can give you as much of the land of Japan as you want. Hahahahaha!!! Nezumi Otoko: Hey, Kitarou!! Kitarou: Ah! Nezumi Otoko!! How dare you tried to frame me back then! Nezumi Otoko: Ki- Kitarou-chan. You misunderstand me. I didn't say that of my own will. Th- That time... I was forced to work with Nurarihyon and Jakotsu Baba (Old Lady Snake Bone) so I didn't have a choice! Medama Oyaji: Wh- What did you say?! Nurarihyon?!! Kitarou: I'm sure they were sealed by a Youkai Stone inside a forest. Medama Oyaji: Who on earth broke the seal?!! Nezumi Otoko: W- Well... I don't know as much as that... A- Anyway... They're trying to use Japanese Youkai to get rid of you. Kitarou: I see. So Nurarihyon was in the shadows, behind the series of events that occurred... Neko-ko: Kitarou-san, it's terrible! The Youkai in Gegege Forest are all turning into fabric! Medama Oyaji: This is probably another one of Nurarihyon's plans! Nezumi Otoko, we'll go into the details later. First, we must save the Youkais who've been turned into fabric! Kitarou: Understood, father! [Game] Nezumi is now added to allies. Fly to Konoe (Can't really read that). [Story] Episode 7: Dry Good Youkais! The Chinese Youkai's Counterattack! [Game] Fly through and land. Make your way all the way east until you get to a key. Now go back to the ladder you passed by earlier and climb up it. Going all the way west will get you to a save post. Go east from the ladder and go through the stone door (watch out for the spears). Climb up the ladder then go into the east area. Drop your way down and go east to find a ladder. Climb up and press the switch there. Jump on it then jump onto the lowered pillar. Now use your Geta to press the other switch and double-jump onto the other pillar. Retrieve your pillar and you will ascend upwards. Climb up the ladder then go west jumping and climbing 2 more ladders. Use the spring to get up and go east to another ladder. Go up and go west pass the area with jumping fireballs then go to the far western end. Drop down the platforms and climb your way down using the ladders. Go west until you find a ladder going upwards. There's a save point in the west area here. Climb up the ladder and jump up the platforms until you reach a lift. Go up the two lifts you come across then go west. Kill the red Chinese Inu Yasha and jump up the platform. Go into the next area west and drop down. Go east from here to find a green button. Now go back west until you find a switch. Leave your Geta on it then climb up the ladder here and make your way back to the lifts. Go east from the lift. Kill the Inu Yasha there then jump up the platform and continue east. Make your way down until you reach a large door. Enter it and go to the far end to find a key. Now return to the lifts and take only the first lift down. Go east and you'll find a locked stone door. Go through the door and head east until you come to a steel door. There's a save post to the right of it. Go inside and make your way west until the story continues. [Story] Kitarou: Ah, this is the Youkais that were changed into fabric! Are you alright, everyone?! Youkai Fabric: We're alright! More importantly, the enemy Youkai isn't a Japanese Youkai. It's a Chinese Youkai. Be careful! Chi: You did well to come here, Kitarou. Kitarou: Who are you?! Chi: My name is Chi. I was invited all the way from China by Nurarihyon. He promised that if I beat you, we Chinese Youkais... Will be granted a mansion in Japan. Kitarou: He's talking rubbish!! Chi: I can't believe a kid like you caused Nurarihyon so much trouble. You will get turned into fabric just like the other Youkais here!! [Game] A fairly tough boss as Chi summons up to around 5 flying Youkais and hurls his axe at you. There's also the jumping fireballs to avoid. I can't think of any tips here. When things get too crowded I go to one side so that I can take care of all the Youkai while watching out for Chi's axe. Then I go back after him. [Story] Chi: Why you! I'll remember this! Kitarou: Hold it!! Medama Oyaji: Hurry after him! [Game] Go east into the steel door. If you've lost a lot of HP/YP fighting Chi the first time, prepare yourself before continuing east. Climb up the ladder to find Chi. [Story] Kitarou: This is as far as you get, Chi!! Give up and surrender!! Chi: You think you've won just like this? I'll be showing you my true power... Now! Kitarou: Woah! Chi: This is my true form! Medama Oyaji: Th- This is... Kyuubi no Kitsu's (9 Tailed Fox) younger brother! The one who crossed over to Japan 700 years ago and got defeated!! Chi: That's right! If I defeat Kitarou, I will be able to get my revenge on the Japanese. Meaning two birds with one stone! Hahahaha! I won't let you interfere my vengeance for my sister!! [Game] Chi does two attacks. One he turns into liquid form and rushes from side to side. You can avoid this easily by staying on the far ends of the roof. His second attack is a flame attack that will split into smaller flames and home in on you if you are near when it bursts. All you have to do is time your movement to dodge these smaller flames quickly to close in on Chi. Then you can either jump back to the edges when he's thrashing about madly, or you can jump over him. [Story] ???: Hahahaha!! Kitarou: Who is it?! Jakotsu Baba: You can fight pretty well... Kitarou! Nurarihyon: Being able to defeat even Chi, you are quite an adversary, Kitarou... Kitarou: Nurarihyon and Jakotsu Baba!! Why are you two doing this?! Nurarihyon: "Why?" you ask? We were sealed for 300 years in that Youkai Stone... By the humans!! Can you understand the pain?! Kitarou: That's probably because you two made the humans suffer! Jakotsu Baba: As usual, you're an allie of justice huh. Nurarihyon: Well, that's enough... Our plan is proceeding into the final stage. Even you can't stop it! Hahahaha!! Kitarou: Hold it, Nararihyon!! Medama Oyaji: Kitarou, wait! We can't go after them now! We'll go back to Nezumi Otoko for now and find out more about them. Kitarou: I understand, father. Nezumi Otoko: ... And so. Instead of the Youkai Stone, Nurarihyon and Jakotsu Baba appeared in the Youkai Fortress. As someone who loves weird and wonderful things, I don't think it's something I need to apologise for. Kitarou: What did you do?! Nezumi Otoko: S- S- Sorry! That's why I'm apologizing like this. Medama Oyaji: Calm down! It won't help blaming Nezumi Otoko now! We must first know what the enemies' plan is!! Nezumi Otoko: Just what to expect from your father. He understands things. The truth is, I don't really know either but... They said something about wanting to try a plan for all the Youkai in the world. So, to start off, we have Gegege no Kitarou, the ally of justice who is interfering... And so, getting rid of you was the first step of the plan. Kitarou: They sure do as they please! Nezumi Otoko: It seems they found a way to manipulate the climate so first... They decided to mess up Japan's climate and destroy it until the land is suitable for Youkais to live in. ...They made the Youkai believe that and... That's the reason why they attacked the humans. Medama Oyaji: So the abnormal weather was their work huh! What a terrible thing to do!! Nezumi Otoko: And because you were siding with the humans, they made the Youkai believe... That you're the enemy and made them attack you. Kitarou: Where... Where is their base?! Nezumi Otoko: They're base, the Youkai Fortress, is in the heart of Japan in Fuji forest somewhere. [Game] Leave for Chuubu. [Story] Episode 8: Demon Island Crisis!! Kitarou: Father!! I can feel a great Youkai presence here!! Medama Oyaji: There's no doubt about it. Youkai Fortress is just ahead!! [Game] There's only one way you can go in this level so I don't have to write anything here. You'll come across one of Kitarou's friends who will give you a Charm Stone. Equipping this will half the YP you use for your weapons. It's a white ball sitting on a red layer. Now, lets go meet Nurarihyon. [Story] Nurarihyon: Hahaha... You're finally here, Kitarou!! Kitarou: Nurarihyon! Just what are you going to do to Japan by... Making humans and Youkais go against one another?! Nurarihyon: Haha... I'll tell you before I send you to hell. We are going to take back the corrupted Japan from humans and establish the greatest Youkai kingdom! Then we will form a Japanese Youkai army and the world will become mine. All humans will be made into slaves and I will rule the world as king!! Kitarou: What?! I won't let you get away with this!! Nurarihyon: Then let me ask you this. What do you think of the Japan that you see now? Humans about expanding, destroying forests, releasing poisonous gases into the air... And polluting the sea and rivers with chemicals! Isn't that to force us Youkais, who have been living in peace... Into a dead end?! Kitarou: W- Well... Nurarihyon: Humans are a disease to us Youkai! Humans should just be under the command of us Youkais! Kitarou: B- But, I'm sure humans will come to understand if we speak with them! Jakotsu Baba: Heh, you're so naive. It's useless talking with this fool. We'll get rid of you! Kitarou: Wait! [Game] Watch out for Jakotsu Baba's beam. When she's about to fire, just jump behind her if you can and attack her. Otherwise, double jump to avoid it. Take her out first so that you have more room to jump about to deal with Nurarihyon. [Story] Nurarihyon: Hahahaha! You can fight, Kitarou. But this is the end for you. Kitarou: What do you mean?! Nurarihyon: What purpose do you think this soil has? This place is the base of sacred Mount Fuji. Now "Miyama no Nushi" will absorb the Reiryoku (Spiritual Power)... And be revived. Everything I've done was to stall for time for this moment. Hahahahaha! Medama Oyaji: Wh- What?!! Miyama no Nushi?! Nurariyhon, what have you done?! Kitarou: Father, just what is this "Miyama no Nushi"? Medama Oyaji: Miyama no Nushi is a god who can control everything of nature like... Rain and lightning, earthquakes, volcanoes erupting. Originally, he slept quietly within a forest but it's said when his slumber is disturbed... Horrifying disasters will occur. Kitarou: So- So, Nurarihyon has made that Miyama no Nushi as one of his allies? Nurarihyon: That's right. He has been persuaded by me!! Go, Miyama no Nushi!! Now you, this country and everything will be gone!! Medama Oyaji: Kitarou! After him! Kitarou: I understand, father! Miyama no Nushi:Roar!!! Kitarou: He- He's so huge!! Please! Listen to me, Miyama no Nushi!! You've been fooled by Nurarihyon!! Miyama no Nushi:H- Humans... have... disturbed my slumber... Kill... humans... Medama Oyaji: Th- This is no good. He's absorbed too much of Fuji's Reiryoku... He's too powerful and has lost his ego! Kitarou, we must stop him! You must stop him going berserk with your power!! Kitarou: I understand, father! I'll try!! Ittan Momen: Hey, Kitarou-don! That's quite a big adversary you got there. Get on my back and we'll fight him! Kitarou: Thanks, Ittan Momen! Father! Hold on tight! Nurariyhon: They're going for Miyama no Nushi!! Hahaha... Now the world will be mine!! [Game] There's 3 parts to Miyama no Nushi. Take out the 3 snakes first at the bottom by shooting at their heads. Then go up to the top to take out the tree trunk. Again, you have to hit the eye. Watch out for the fruit that falls off and bursts into pieces. You can destroy them before they burst though. For the final part, go for the eyes again. Watch out for his arm and his eye beams. The purple gases are easy enough to avoid. Once you've defeated him, enjoy the ending! ...The first one that is. [Story] Nurarihyon: Ca- Can't be... Miyama no Nushi... lost... Jakotsu Baba: What are you doing? Hurry and run!! Youkai Police: Hold it!! You two are Nurarihyon and Jakotsu Baba right? You two are charged by the Youkai Anti-Crime Division. Come with me. Nura & Jakotsu: How can this happen... Miyama no Nushi:Wh- What did I do... Kitarou: You're back to yourself again. You were fooled and being controlled by Nurarihyon and Jakotsu Baba. Miyama no Nushi:Now that you mention it, when I awakened, Nurarihyon appeared... And said that humans are destroying Japan... I've always been thinking about it but... Long ago, no matter what disasters arised, humans always... Dealt with it and have lived together with nature. Now they are forgetting their feelings towards nature... And even controlling that nature with their own hands. With those feelings in mind and Nurarihyon's words... It seemed my anger... Got to me. Because of me, everyone's made so much trouble. Medama Oyaji: So that's how it was... But what you say maybe right. Humans have done too much of their own will. They must know that in Japan... A lot of other things are living here too. Kitarou: Mitama no Nushi, we Youkai will work you so that humans know how value of nature. Then Youkais and humans can live together. It may take some time but, I promise you that Japan will return to... The great and beautiful place is used to be long ago. Miyami no Nushi:Hearing that, I can rest assured. ...I'm tired. Let me rest for a while. With that, Miyama no Nushi fell into deep slumber once again. Neko-ko: Kitarou-san!! Kitarou-san, good work! Ittan Momen: All the Youkai who were turned into fabric by Chi have returned to their original form... Thanks to Wizard Ido. Konaji Jijii: It seems all the abnormal weather in Japan have calmed down. Now all the Japanese Youkai will also calm down. Sunakake Baba: Come on, lets gather everyone so that we can... Have a party at Gegege Forest. Nurikabe: Nurikabe~ Kitarou: Everyone... Thank you!! Medama Oyaji: Come on, we haven't had much fun for a while! And so, peace fell upon Japan once again. Kitarou made his way back to Gegege Forest to join the party. As the frogs, insects sang together, Kitarou left Fuji behind. As a verdict of the court, Nurarihyon and Jakotsu Baba were sentenced to be sealed... For 1000 years. [Game] At the end of the credits, there will be a number. That's the number of "Hair Needle" shots you used during the game. Save your game by choosing the first option to say yes and then go to the loading screen. Choose the file you were playing and choose the first option to continue the game and play the final episode. [Story] Having shattered the evil ambitions, Kitarou was taking a break in Gegege Forest... That he hadn't had for a long time. Newscaster: ...It's a reunion with his mother after 30 years! Now the son and his mother are embracing each other who... They have not seen for a long time... Kitarou: Crying. Medama Oyaji: What's wrong, Kitarou? Kitarou: Father... Everyone has a mother... Why don't I have a mother... Medama Oyaji: You too... Have come to that age huh... You... Have a mother too... Kitarou: Really, father?! Medama Oyaji: Really. Kitarou: Where... Where on earth is mother?! Medama Oyaji: Your mother is... in hell... [Game] Go west to find an island named "Hell". [Story] Final Episode: A Trip to Hell in Search of Mum Kitarou: No way! I can't believe I have a mother in hell!! Medama Oyaji: I'm sorry I've kept quiet about it until now... Here in hell, we must first get first get a permit from King Enma-sama. Kitarou: Mother... [Game] Go east into the building. [Story] Kitarou and Medama Oyaji arrived at King Enma's office. Enma: Aren't you Medama Oyaji? Just what is wrong? Medama Oyaji: King Enma-sama, my son wishes to see his mother so... I was wondering if you could give us a permit. Enma: But the body of the deceased passed through hell long ago. To allow a Youkai to go means... Medama Oyaji: I understand that but, please to something about that. Kitarou: King Enma-sama! Please! Enma: Hmmm... Very well. If you're going as far as that. I'll make an exception and grant you a permit. I'm sure that... Kitarou's mother is living quietly at the Hyakuchuukan (Hundred Insect Center)... Watching over the insects. Medama Oyaji: Thank you, King Enma-sama! Enma: But the road ahead to Hyakuchuukan is dangerous. Kitarou: If it's to see mother then I'm fine with that. [Game] Go into the next area to the east and go up the platforms. You'll find a tall stack of rock here. You'll have to destroy them carefully so that you can jump all the way up to the top and reach the switch to the left. Once you get to the switch, shoot your Geta upwards by holding Up then R. Press R again and walk away quickly so that it lands on the switch. Make your way back down and go east. Don't worry about the lava here. You'll just fall through into another area where there's plenty of Youkai to take care of. Fall down through the lava and go into the door. Head west to find the green button you saw earlier. Go back west and jump up the small red platforms. Go in the door here then double-jump your way west until you come to an area with a cold platform on the left. Get your garment ready for the Hideri God that will fly up to you. Kill him before continuing west to find a key. Now return to where the area with the green button. The best way would be going back east where you killed the Hideru God. Double-jump here and drop down towards the right to another red platform. Continue east past the door until you come by the small red platforms you jumped up earlier. Go back down them this time and go east. Continue east fighting your way through the Nururibous (red grinning, jelly things) until you arrive at some small platforms above the sea of blood heading upwards. Double-jump all the way up until you get to a bridge. DON'T step foot on it until you kill the Youkai on it or you'll end up breaking the bridge. Then you'll have to jump all the way up again. If you drop eastwards now past the sign, you come up against a huge skeleton. You can only hurt it when it's mouth is open. Watch out for the yellow globe he shoots out that can freeze you for a while. Once you've defeated him, go east past the sign "Mount Needle" and continue east until you reach a door. WATCH OUT for the Kubi (the small things that bite and cling onto you) and the Kumo Otoko (Spidermen) and can send you back all the way down! Use your garment to get rid of them before jumping onto the next platform. Go through the door and continue east until the story continues. [Story] Kitarou: Where on earth could this be? Medama Oyaji: This is a place that is the most terrifying place in hell... Known as Gakido! (Passage of Starving Demons) NOTE: In the feudal age, when the death sentence was common, people used to feed the ones who were sentenced before they die so that they don't become starved spirits. Starved spirits have the need to feed, thus the name. Some were believed only to feed on incence while the more desperate ones would attack humans or other spirits. There are also other factors such as whether they had remorse or regret before they die that decide whether one becomes a Gaki. Gaki: Fool. Once you're in Gakido, you can't get out. Just like us, you'll have to live as a Gaki. Kitarou: No way!! I must get to Hyakuchuukan! Gaki: There's one way you can do that. Kitarou: Tell me! What should I do... ???: That is to defeat me. Medama Oyaji: Ah! It's Yagyou-san!! (Literally means "working in the night") He is the most horrifying Youkai in hell who controls the Gaki here. Kitarou: Yagyou-san! Let me through, please! Yagyou: I can't. You too will become a Gaki here. [Game] You'll have to defeat this guy twice. Right at the start, run quickly to the left and jump up the platforms to avoid his melee attack. Afterwards hit him and avoid his jump attack. Jump back up the platforms avoid his melee attack again. For the second fight, it's best to take out the Youkai he summons first by summoning your own friends if you have enough crows. Then you can deal with Yagyou. You can pretty much jump over both his attacks. Defeat him and enjoy the real ending! Again, after the credits it'll state how many Hair Needle shots you used in the game. You will also get the opportunity to save your game so that you can now start a new game in EX Mode. No idea what the difference is between this and the normal mode yet but I'll update this part when I find out. Loading your old file will allow you to play through all the episodes again. [Story] At the same time as Yagyou-san got defeated, his tower collapsed... And a large hole appeared leading to Hyakuchuukan. Kitarou and Medama Oyaji went deep into the hole. Kitarou: This is the Hyakuchuukan where mother is. ???: ...Tarou. Kitarou... Kitarou: Ah! Mother!! Mother: Kitarouuuu!! Kitarou: But what are you doing here, mother? Mother: Long ago, Youkais and humans were not allowed to marry but... Without knowing that I was a Youkai, your father and I married. So as punishment, I was sent to hell to watch over insects. Kitarou: So that's how it was. In any case, we can't have a nice talk here. Lets go home together. Mother: I'd like to do that but... But I made up my mind long ago. Kitarou: What?! Then you're not coming back with us?! Medama Oyaji: Ah... Then could you guide us to the boundary between the living world and hell? Mother: Well, lets go... ...Before long, Kitarou and the others reached the boundary between the living world and hell but... Kitarou's mother carelessly went into the living world! Mother: Ah!! Kitarouuuu!! Kitarou: Ah! Mother's turning into ashes! Medama Oyaji: Passing into the living world will turn them into ashes... It's fate... But Kitarou, don't be pessimistic. Your mother's not dead. She has only turned into ashes. Kitarou: Then, mother is still alive right?! Medama Oyaji: That's right. The ashes will be together with you... And they will help you. Kitarou: Mother... And so, father and son left hell behind them, together with their mother who is now in ashes. The insects of the Hyakuchuukan sang a sad song as they watched father and son go. ===================================== 7. Credits, Conclusion & Contact Info ===================================== The artwork in this game might put players off at first but you'll get used to it eventually. All in all, it was quite an easy game to finish although the last level was pretty annoying with all the double-jumps you had to do. One small slip meant you had to start all over again which I thought was a bit harsh. It was also surprising that you couldn't buy any healing items at the shop. Just items to restore your status and YP replenishing items. Official Konami Kitarou Site: If anyone wants to use this FAQ on their own site or for any other purposes, please leave everything in this guide intact. And if anyone wants to contact me, feel free to do so by sending an e-mail to kaworu_sangaku(at)