GGGGGGGGGGGG lllll d GGGG GGG ll lll dd GGG GG l lll dd GGG G lll dd GGG lll dd GGG GGGGGG ooooo lll dddddddd eeeeee nnn nnnn GGG GGG GG oo oo lll ddd dd ee ee nnn nn GGG GG GG oo oo lll dd dd ee ee nn nn GGG G GG oo oo lll l dd dd eeeeeee nn nn GGGG GGG oo oo lll ll ddd dd ee nn nn GGGGGGGGGGG ooooo lllll ddddddd eeeeee n n =========== ===== ===== ======= ====== == == SSSSSSSSSSS SSS SSSS SSS SSS SSS S SSSSSSSSSS u u nnn nnnn SSSSSS uu uu nnn nn S SS uu uu nn nn The Lost Age SS SS uu uu nn nn === ==== === SSS SSS uu uuu nn nn SSSSSSSSSSS uuuuu uu n n =========== ===== == == == ^ | +-----Horrible ASCII Art brought to you by myself ------------------------------ GOLDEN SUN: THE LOST AGE WALKTHROUGH/FAQ by Darkslime version 0.2 ============================== ------------- Contents ============= I. Introduction II. Version History and Controls III. The Story Up 'till Now IV. Walkthrough 1. THE JOURNEY CONTINUES A. Venus Lighthouse B. Suhalla Gate C. Idejima 2. CONTINENT OF INDRA A. Daili B. Kandorean Temple C. Shrine of the Sea God D. Dehkan Plateau E. Indran Easternland Beach F. Indra Cavern G. Madra H. Madra Catacombs I. Madra Drawbridge J. Osenia Cliffs 3. CONTINENT OF OSENIA A. Mikasalla B. Yampi Desert C. Alhafra D. Alhafran Cave E. Air's Rock F. Garoh G. Osenia Cavern H. Mikasalla again 4. CONTINENT OF INDRA A. Madra again B. Gondowan Cliffs V. INDEXES 1. Character Guide 2. Items, Djinn, and Psynergy Tables A. Items B. Psynergy C. Djinn Guide D. Class Guide 3. The Bestiary 4. Music Test VI. MISCELLANEOUS 1. Manual Errors 2. FAQs 3. Coming Soon 4. Non-Gameshark Cheats 5. Conclusion 6. Legal info and Credits ** If you want to jump to a section, highlight the whole section ** ** name (including the letter/number) and right-click and select ** ** Copy. Then, press Ctrl+F to bring up a search box. Right-click ** ** in the search box and select paste, then click find. I put this ** ** here for people that don't already know how to do this, because ** ** this guide is getting big. ** ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ---------------------|I. Introduction |-O ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hey! This is my Golden Sun: The Lost Age Walkthrough. I wanted to write an FAQ for this game, so I decided to write one before there were a million already. This is my first guide to GameFAQs. So, I hope you enjoy it! Please dont email about mispelled stuff. (<- haha) If you find a real error, or have information I can add, you can. Like if you have ASCII art I can add for some of the titles. There are bound some errors. After all, I'm only human... or am I? My e-mail is at the very bottom of the FAQ, in the Legal Stuff and Credits Section. Please don't ask me where to get roms, because I won't answer. Repeat, DON'T ASK ME FOR ROMS. JUST DON'T. If I say GS:TLA, I'm talking about this game. And if I say GS, I'm referring to Golden Sun. If you just want to print out part of the guide, highlight it and select 'Selection' from the print box. Or you can cut & paste. The legal stuff at the bottom STILL APPLIES, though. A quick forewarner: Some sections may contain spoilers, like where Piers comes from being in the character's section:) Don't worry, though, I don't think there are any spoilers in the walkthrough. Any time it says stuff about scholars and merchants keeping lists and notes about Djinn and items and things, don't worry, I just made that up because I thought it sounded cool. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ---------------------|II. Version History and Controls |-O ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ v.0.2 Well, that's the end of my summer vacation. Now I'll start to work on this more often. I have up to your first entrance into Gondowan. I can't find the summon Flora in Air's Rock, somebody please help... The Class Guide has been beefed up, and now includes the three item classes. The Bestiary is updated too. v.0.15 6/15/03 Walkthrough revision. I've got up to when you finish the conversation with Alhafra's mayor now. Looks like Picard's English name is Piers. I've changed it to that. Both Summons lists are complete. The Djinn Table is finished, too. Items List is 100% Complete! Some of the names are still in Japanese, but I'll fix them as I get them in the cart. Psynergy Section is almost done, too. Added some simple ASCII art too, for the titles. Merged the Djinn Guide into the Skills Guide, it's just the Djinn Guide now. Also put in a music test guide... I was bored... Sorry for the lack of updatedness. I picked up Pokémon Sapphire and have been playing it a lot. It actually turned out to be pretty cool. 4/15/03 This fabulous game finally came out in America!!! I reserved it! v.0.11 1/27/03 This release was mainly to fix the text. It wasn't appearing correctly on my browser. I'm redoing the items too. v.0.1 12/6/02 Walkthrough revision. Got up to Madra Underground Place. That parts incomplete though. Item Guide 99% Completed!!!! The Classes section has been updated. Added in Soul Inlet Shrine... forgot about it... hehehe. Also added the Skills Guide section, then made the section titles look 3D with the equals signs. The Psynergy Guide has been seriously revamped. Djinn Guide has been redone too. v.0.02 10/15/02 Walkthrough revision. Got up to the end of Decan Hill. Beefed up the Characters, Psynergies, Djinn, and Items sections. Also added the ASCII art up there. v.0.01 9/26/02 The first version of this guide. The main outline is here, and I have up to Delli. Controls ========== A Button - Confirms commands, opens the in-game menu, talks to people B Button - Cancels commands, hold while walking to run Select - Opens the in-game menu Start - Opens the Pause menu L Button - Overworld: Zooms out until you let go Not overworld: Uses Psynergy set to L R Button - Overworld: Opens the world map Not overworld: Uses Psynergy set to R On-Off Switch - I have yet to figure out what this does. I haven't stopped playing the game since I got it, if that's what it does. Volume Thing - Haven't used it yet. The volume is on full blast the whole time I was playing it. (Yeah, I know, the music's great, isn't it?) Link cable hole - Used it once. ONCE. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ---------------------|III. The Story Up 'till Now|-O ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Three years ago, a terrible storm hit Vale, the hometown of Isaac, Garet, Jenna, and Felix. Everyone is hurt or drained of Psynergy, their special powers that they must hide from the rest of the world. Felix, Jenna's big brother, fell into a river and grabbed onto a wooden beam and hung on for dear life. Before help could arrive, the Mt. Aleph Boulder fell and crushed Jenna's family, Isaac's dad, and, presumably, Felix. He was actually grabbed by Saturos and Menardi and taken under their wing. Three years after that: Isaac, Garet, Jenna, and scholar Kraden climbed up Mt. Aleph into Sol Sanctum, a shrine honoring the sun. They solve puzzles and eventually reach the innermost part, where the Elemental Stars were held. They retrieved three of the four, but before they could get the fourth, Saturos and Menardi arrived, taking Jenna and Kraden hostage. Then, a mysterious masked character appeared, removed his mask, and it was... Felix! Saturos and Menardi demanded that Isaac and Garet retrieve the fourth star. They did, and the Wise One appeared, and Mt. Aleph erupted, with only Isaac and Garet escaping. The others had already gone. After a debate, Isaac and Garet took on the huge responsibility of saving the world. They had to stop the four Elemental Lighthouses from being lit. They left the next morning. At Vault, they met a child named Ivan, who later joined them because he could not free his master Hammet from theive's hideout Lunpa. The group eventually got to Imil in the winter and met Mia, a healer who unknowingly used Psynergy too. She joined them in an effort to stop Saturos and co. from lighting Mercury Lighthouse, but failed. Mia chose to join them. After some more adventures, they sailed on a boat to Tolbi and fought in Collosso, a warrior's tournament during a big festival in Tolbi. After you won(hopefully), Babi, Tolbi's ruler, wanted the group to search for Lemuria, an island where everyone knew Psynergy. However, Isaac and co. had other duties. They eventually reached Venus Lighthouse and got to the top before Saturos had lit it. However, they were already there. Felix and a girl named Sheba were there with Saturos and Menardi, so Isaac went and whooped Saturos and Menardi's behind. Then they fused into a dragon, but Isaac beat that too. However, their evil deed had been done; the Venus Lighthouse had been lit. Felix ran away, insisting upon lighting the last to lighthouses. Then the foundations of Venus Lighthouse started to crumble. Sheba fell off the top, and Felix jumped after her. They eventually washed up on shore of a stray chunk of land, Idejima, with Jenna, Kraden, and Alex. Isaac and co. searched everywhere but couldn't find them. They finally left Gondowan to search for them in a Lemurian ship, a gift from Babi. And so, the adventure continues, only this time you play as Felix... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ---------------------|IV. Walkthrough|-O ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The walkthrough is taken from Jenna's private journal, which she kept all through her incredible journey. She included solutions and maps of all puzzles and dungeons, hoping that future generations would benefit from the information. Indeed we have, as we have compiled almost a third of the journey into a walkthrough. _________________________ ---------------/\ 1. The Journey Begins /\--------------- ---------------------- A. Venus Lighthouse ====================== Select 'New Game' from the menu. It will tell you to name Felix. When you're done, it will ask you if you want to transfer data from Golden Sun 1. If you are, say yes(left) and choose game link or password. If you don't, choose No and name Isaac. If you don't know how to get the data (link or password) here's how: 1. Go into Golden Sun 1. 2. At the main menu, hold Left, R, and press B. You should still be holding R and Left. The menu disappears for a sec, then when it comes back, the 'Send' option will be there. Select it. *Note: The Send option only appears if you have Clear Data. 3. Now choose the clear data to send data from. 4. Choose either Password or Cable. If you're doing the latter, it will connect and transfer the data. If you're using Password: 5. Choose either Gold, Silver, or Bronze password. Gold has everything: Level, Djinn, Char. Stats, Items, and Coins. Silver has a bit less: Level, Djinn, and Char. Stats. Bronze only has Level and Djinn. Be forewarned, the Gold Password is 260 characters long... 6. Write down the password and enter it into Golden Sun the Lost Age. Also, when you transfer the data, you'll see all your stats, and you also have the option to rename Isaac if you want. (Or the rest, if you put in the LONG renaming cheat. "Ages ago, or so the stories tell, the power of Alchemy ruled over the world of Weyard. Alchemy wrought the base elements of humanity into thriving civilizations, like lead into gold. But in time, man's dreams gave birth to untold strife. Dreams of endless riches, of eternal life, of dominion over all that lived... Dreams of conquest and of war. These dreams would have torn the world apart if not for a few brave and wise men, who sealed away the power of Alchemy deep in Mt. Aleph's Sol Sanctum." Weyard? That's the name of the world. Now, I skipped over the Prologue from Book One by pressing start, but if you never played the original game, I suggest you read it so you know what's going on. After the NICE title screen plays, press start to start the game. When the game starts out, you will see Felix, Jenna, and Kraden standing around by the statue from the Venus Lighthouse (look familiar?). Felix will 'Move' the statue onto the button, making the electric currents disappear. Felix will walk away into the next room. Jenna and Kraden start to walk down toward the exit, but Alex warps in front of them. Jenna is concerned that Felix went back up, and wants to stop him, but Alex insists that they have to leave and get to there regrouping point, where they all, including Saturos and Menardi, have to go to sail to the next continent. Alex, for some reason, looks pleased that Felix went back up the lighthouse. Jenna asks him why, and he says he's finally going to see the beacon lit. He then explains how Alchemy was all over the world, and Kraden says it was the lost age of man. Anyway, Alex says that they need to go now. Okay. They'll all manually walk out the door. From there, go into the door next to you and follow the path around to the bottom exit in the next room. Keep going down and you'll be out. When Jenna steps out, some birds on the ground fly away. Go down and you'll see a bunch of people and Tolbiian soldiers. They've been sent from Lalivero to rescue Sheba. They think you have her, and while they can plainly see you don't, they say that the others are coming soon. One of the soldiers goes to get reinforcements, and a person follows his lead. Alex will get mad and warn the soldiers, as he wants to get back to Lalivero and get all the reinforcements himself. The soldier laughs, but then Alex calls on his Psynergetic powers and sends them flying into the air with geysers. The people see this and run away, with Alex commenting on how one tripped and fell. He turns his attention to the two remaining soldiers and forces them back so he can get through to Lalivero. Kraden tells you to go to the regroup point. As you're going there, you'll run into one of the people who was told to wait for the reinforcements. He'll get scared and then notice Alex isn't with you, then battle you. You can just cast Fume and be over with it. ----------------- B. Suhalla Gate ================= Walk up the stairs. Soon, you'll run into another Ruffian. He'll get scared(again) then realize Alex is not with you (again). Kill him. Do it again just for fun... wait, that won't work. Just keep going. When you climb down the vines, three pop out and ambush you. This battle is harder, obviously; three Ruffians are better than one. Fume them or just attack, I recommend Fume because they'll hurt you three times as much. Once they've been eliminated, walk in the door. Go down the stairs and walk up the path. Suddenly, a Punch Ant drops in on you and attacks! Cast Fume _again_ for a quick finish to a rather unfair battle. Kraden will pop out, and will say something really funny. "My! That was invigorating! He wasn't too strong... I never knew fighting could be so much fun!! Ah... ahem... but we'd better get on to the peninsula now." Then pick up the Psynergy Stone and walk out. Psynergy Stones, in case you didn't know, restore all of all your party's PP. ALL of them. Keep this in mind when you're about to face a boss; first heal everyone fully and THEN get the stone. It's like walking out of an inn. ------------- C. Idejima ============= Kraden will pop out and look for Alex. He's not there yet, so he starts looking for the boat they were supposed to take. He finds it rather quickly, as it looks kind of ridiculous; it started right in front of him. He'll start getting excited, and Jenna says he's just like a child with a new toy. Suddenly he jumps in. After a few moments Jenna gets impatient and tells him to hurry up. Kraden jumps out and reports that you can't sail it by yourself unless you have the 'thingie' that Saturos has, an orb or something. Yup, you guessed it, Saturos and his gang got hold of another Black Orb before first coming to Vale and Mt. Aleph. Anyway, Alex appears, and they wonder why the beacon of the Venus Lighthouse hasn't been lit yet. Then, right on cue, the lighthouse lights up. The ground starts shaking a lot, though, and Alex wonders why the Venus Lighthouse is having a reaction like this while the Mercury Lighthouse didn't. Then Idejima breaks off of Gondowan because of a rift in the mountains! They float out to sea, and all three are knocked unconscious, then the screen fades out. As the screen fades back in, the scene from the very end of Golden Sun plays. Jenna and Kraden are lying on the ground chatting, then Alex walks over and says theres something that they need to see. Jenna and Kraden pop up and walk over to the eastern coast, where... Felix and Sheba lay on the ground!! And better yet... they're alive!! The game fades out, and the title screen does all that stuff. Once it comes back, it shows Jenna, Kraden, and Alex waiting for Felix and Sheba to come around, farther inland. Sheba wakes up and reports that Isaac beat Saturos and Menardi. Alex can hardly believe it, then Sheba says that Felix saved her from drowning by swimming her to Idejima. Felix wakes up, and they talk some more. Then Alex rushes to the beach and smiles and tells them that he sees land and they're floating toward it! Sadly, it just misses... Then they hear a rumbling to the east. Felix is the first one to notice; he hears it and...... SAYS something!!! 1st time Felix Talks: "???" Hahaha... They all panic except for Alex, who insists there is no reason to panic, since there's no way to stop the wave. He actually seems happy... then it hits. You wake up as Felix. Press A and he'll sit up; press it again and he'll stand up. Then the game asks you if you want to check for injuries. First Felix shakes his arms. "Your arms are attached. That's a good start." Then he tests his legs. "Looks like your legs are working, too. Yup, you're fine!" Now go talk to Kraden, Jenna, and Sheba and head to the east. Then everyone pops out and you start talking about how Sheba doesn't have to come on the dangerous journey you're about to undertake. Kraden asks you if you concur, say yes or no. Either way, she's going to end up going with you, because she claims that "it's her destiny." Now, as the four people fuse into one again, you can walk out. Just head south. ______________________ ---------------/\ 2. Indra Continent /\--------------- ----------- A. Daili =========== This town can be really hard to navigate; if you want to exit through the south you'll have to zigzag a lot. The houses look primitive, but the sanctum looks grand. It's at the north end inside this huge building. Hidden Items: Smoke Bomb - all the way south, left of inn in a barrel Herb - Go up a few flights of stairs, in a jar 3 Coins - In barrel in house with old guy lying outside Sleep Bomb - 1st floor of inn, right by door in barrel 12 Coins - In the high house in the east, in barrel Inn: 2 Coins per person Weapons: Long Sword, Short Sword, Mace, Wooden Stick Armor: Cotton Shirt, Traveler's Vest, One-piece, Wooden Shield, Padded Gloves, Leather Cap Items: Herb, Antidote Once you do whatever, leave. On the way out, you'll see two kids, who are apparently waiting for their friends Riki and Tavi. Hmm... You know the story of Rikki-tikki-tavi? That's probably where they got the names from. The two are inside the Shrine of the Sea God, but you can't help them right now. Before going, however, give the Shaman's Rod to Sheba; it's better than that old stick. ---------Overworld---------- When you're outside you'll see a thing flying around. Look familiar? Oh no... you know what's coming. The Venus Djinn will tutor you on how to use Djinn, so sit back. Actually, since this is a sequel, he asks you if you already know how to use Djinn. Say yes if you're a veteran, but if you're new to the game, I highly recommend you listen. Djinn can actually be very complicated, so listen to what he says. Once you finish, the Venus Djinni Echo will join. Quite a cool Djinni; whoever unleashes it will strike twice, doing twice as much damage. Just make sure you set him right away unless you want to see the cool summon. The overworld can be quite confusing; there seems like there are a billion forks in the road. Just do what I say and you'll reach your destination in no time. First go south until you reach a fork in the road. Here, go west(left) and over a bridge. Follow it, and when you see another bridge, just walk past it. You'll eventually get to Kandorean Temple. ------------------- B. Kandorean Temple =================== When you get here, two guards are standing by an orange gate. After talking to them, you'll learn that you're not allowed in, since the monks at the temple are having a little meditation "convention(?)" that they have every so often. So go around to the left and up. You'll see a bush half-covering a cave entrance. Walking up to it, Kraden will pop up and examine it. He'll say that it looks suspicous. Well, duh... Anyway, use Sheba's 'Whirlwind' to get rid of the plant. Kraden pops up again and compliments you on your excellent mind and puzzle-solving skills. Don't believe him, that was absolutely nothing compared to some of the dungeons in this game. Now you can go in. Just remember that whenever you're stuck, look for something you can use Psynergy on. Go in the water and wade over to a barrel with a rope. Climb up the rope to get into the town part of Kandorean Temple. In front of the temple, you'll see three monks meditating with little '...' bubbles over them. Not much here, so go into the temple. When you walk in, you'll walk forward a little. Then the master monk, Master Poi, appears on a ledge to the right, and commands the monk on the left to try to float. He begins to hover, but falls down due to his lack of concentration. Master Poi goes in and appears on a ledge to the right, where the same thing happens. Then he turns to the monk in the middle and commands him to do the same. He floats, and whenever he begins to falter, he quickly recovers. He then sets himself down gently. Then he stands up and asks Master Poi if he did good, and Poi tells him he might actually be able to survive the "trial", but he needs more training. The monk gets angry, then he says of course he's ready. Poi lets him through the door in the middle, then goes back inside. Now that you're back in control, follow the monk through the door into the first dungeon of the game. F1 === When you come in, head straight forward. The chest here is a Mimic, so I recommend you defeat it for experience. It's weak to fire and resistant against wind. It has around 180 HP. At the end it will give you a Game Ticket, too. Go back south and west, follow the southern path up round to the north to get behind the rocks. Go north and follow the path until you can go south or east. Go south, follow the path, and go down the stairs to B1. B1 === Try to get east and talk to the monk who claimed he was ready. He'll admit that Master Poi was right; he hadn't been ready. Ah, oh well... Go up north and go up another ladder. Follow the ledge to the south and when you get to the end, jump onto the pillar. To get to the other side follow the pillars. There's only one fork, go north here. Then follow them around to the north and go through the door. Head north and then west around to the stairs down. B2 === Go down the ladder and go south. Then get into the water and RUN through the twisted pathway. Are the elements _trying_ to stop you or something?? Make your way north all the way up to the deep water. From there go right and then down on land and go through the door. In this room, you'll see a wooden log, and to spouts of water. There's nowhere else to go, so this must be a puzzle, right? Sorta. It's a pretty easy puzzle. If you push or 'Move' the log onto one of the spouts and stand on the other one, you'll get shot up to the big pit in B1. First, we'll want to push the log onto the western spout. Stand on the other one and you'll get shot up to B1. B1 === Jump off and get the treasure chest. It's the Mysterious Card! If you're characters equip this their class will change to 'Pierrot'. More importantly, it gives the Psynergy 'Avoid' once you're level 6. Now, hop back on to the platform and go back down. B2 === Now do the same thing as before, only push the log onto the right spout. B1 === Hop off and go west. Climb up the ladder and then walk across your first tightrope in the game! Hurrah! (It's not like you can fall off anyway...usually.) Then ahead of you... another one! Hur- wait, it looks like there is air being blown onto it. You'll get knocked off... To solve this problem, go north and then east. You'll get to a gap with a log on the other side. Move the log to the right, then just push it 'till it is covering the air hole. NOW cross the rope. Don't bother climbing down the ladder, nothing's down there. Head south on the ledge and hop west and east and west and west again and climb down this ladder. Go through this doorway, and look at that, a Mercury Djinni! Too bad you can't get onto the ledge. There's a peculiar pole sticking out of the ground with rope wrapped around it. On the ledge is a bare pole. Quoting Kraden: "Maybe Psynergy is the answer..." Oh well, save this for later. Go south, up the ladder, and up the stairs to F1. F1 === Walk up the other stairs now. F2 === Walk around to the east and climb up the ladder. The sign here is a note from Master Poi, to go across without feeling pain. Touching it will hurt you, though. Felix is no monk. But you can just Move it out of the way. Walk down the path and you'll see three giant monkeys! They jump and attack! ---------->>>>>>>> BOSS BATTLE <<<<<<<<---------- Chestbeater x3 HP: Around 200 each Weak to Fire Resistant to Wind Before the battle, put Echo on standby. Summon him at your discretion. You should try to get to about level 7 for the battle. For this battle, you'll want Felix to use 'Earthquake' or 'Cure', and Jenna to attack the middle one with Fume. Sheba should use probably Ray. Once the middle one is gone get Jenna to attack a different one. Keep this pattern up and you'll have victory in no time! Congratulations! You've won your first Boss Battle. Now, a ladder will drop from above. What do you do now? How about go back to the start of the dungeon the way you came? Good idea. But go up the ladder anyway. Walk down the path and through the door into a room with Poi. Near him is another one of those pole-rope things. You, Poi, and Kraden will talk. Poi can't believe you suceeded the trial, then checks outside just to make sure that you didn't use the rope outside. When he sees that it hadn't been touched, he'll teach you how to use Lash. It unravels the rope and ties it onto the second pole. He'll climb up. Now you do it. Climb up and try to pick up the crystal. Poi will say some stuff, then you'll pick it up. It's the Lash Pebble! Equipping this will bestow upon you the Psynergy Lash. Pipoi will go back down. Remember that Mercury Djinni? Time to go get it! Go back to where it is, use Lash, and walk up to it. Save, because you're gonna have to battle it. Afterwards, the Mercury Djinni Fog will join! You might not want to set it on anybody, since you don't have a Mercury Adept yet, so you can leave it on standby for it to be summoned if you want. Now you can go out. Just use 'Retreat'. Once you're done, head back to Daili. Finish any business you may have, and don't forget to rest up at the local inn. Once you're done, head east from town. -------------------------- C. Shrine of the Sea God ========================== The Shrine of the Sea God will become very important later in the game, after you've gotten Piers. You should eventually see a cave. Walk in, and up to the water. You'll hear a kid talking. It's Riki and Tavi! One is on a high ledge, the other on a low ledge. Looks like the lower one is trying to get up high by throwing the rope around the pole. When he fails, he goes into another room to try to figure something out. Looks like the perfect time to try out your new Psynergy! Go up the ladder and go north. Let's get to the kid standing there, shall we? Go up to the pole and cast 'Lash'. Kraden pops out and the kid will notice you and try to figure out who did that. He'll climb down, and see you there. He'll ask if you did it, then the other kid walks out and runs to you. They talk about failing to catch a little critter who was scurrying around deeper in the cave. Hmm... Anyway, they thank you and leave. Guess what the little critter was. WITHOUT looking a few lines down on this page, please. Oh well, first go into the room on your right. You'll see a bridge. Walk across and you'll see fancy shmancy walls. You'll also see a torch. You can't do anything here, it's just there to be fancy. Go back to the first room. Climb up the rope, walk a little, and go into another room. More bridges. It's a puzzle. If you go down the ladder, you'll see a Jupiter Djinni. But how in the world do you get it? One of the bridges looks like it might break. You'll use this to your advantage. Begin walking across the bridges. You'll see stairs down, but don't bother with them yet. Gee, there's a nearly broken bridge in front of you. Let's investigate!! ....Yeeouch! That hurts! Climb up the ladder to the Jupiter Djinni. Chase the Jupiter Djinni ======================== It will fly away... Chase Him! It will fly south down the ledge. Walk a bit and you'll get to another staircase, go down. Footprints! Follow them! Walk along the twisty route over to water. Whoops! Didn't have to do that! Get over it. Wade along and you'll see... THREE STAIRCASES???? NO!!! Which one? Well, thats why you're reading this walkthrough. If you walk up the western or northeastern staircase, you'll see the Jupiter Djinni fly under the bridge. Go back down and this time go up the southeastern staircase. Climb down the ladder. Go under the bridge and you'll see the Djinni just sitting there. He'll run up stairs on the wall(??). Before you follow, push the torch into the gap in the northern wall. It will try to run, but is stopped by the torch. Save and prepare for a fight! It doesn't have much more, if any, HP over 200. Once you defeat it, it will join. It's name is Breath. Now go west and you'll see some puddles of water. You're probably thinking: 'Nobody knows Frost! What to do?' Well, nothing. You can search around this cave ALL YOU WANT, it won't matter. You are unable to do anything else. Use 'Retreat' and head back to Daili to recover and buy weapons that you couldn't afford before. ---------Overworld---------- Prepare for a long, pleasant stroll in a large field of DEADLY MONSTERS. All you have to do is follow the path south (east at the T intersection) along its twisted pathway. It takes awhile. You will eventually get to Dehkan Plateau. ------------------- D. Dehkan Plateau =================== Here we go. The second 'dungeon', Dehkan Plateau. As you go up the stairs, you'll see a chest. You can't get there yet, so don't worry about it yet. When you get to the place with the holes, you'll find out that you can't get across without falling in. So, you must fall in. Doesn't matter which hole you fall in, they all lead to the same place. Once you're in, go east. Go out the south door. Go down the vines, and look, it's the chest! It's the Full Metal Vest. Equip it on Felix and go back inside. Go up the north stairs to get past the holes and into the next screen. Now here's a new thing in GS:TLA. See the pillars? If you step on them, they'll crack, and if you step on them again it'll collapse. First, get the northern chest. It's an Elixir. When you try to get back the pillar will collapse so climb up the vines. Now cross over. If you go north, you'll notice this queer looking pole sticking out of the ground. You can't do anything to this yet, so go south instead. The path will get grassy. Follow the cliff around until you get into another holes section. Fall down the northernmost half-cracked hole. Get this treasure someone went through all the trouble to hide. It's a Mint. It increases Agility. Give it to whoever, slide down, go up the vines, and go back to the holes by pushing the log outside. The holes can be tricky, but here's how to get across. Go into the middle, and jump over the hole directly to the right. Now you should be able to keep going. Go north into the next screen. There's a whole bunch of pillars here. There's also a chest to the north. Here's how to get it: 1. From the eastern cliff, jump west over the pillar onto a little thing of land. Then jump west onto the pillar. 2. Jump north. 3. Jump east onto the pillar, back, and jump onto it again. It will collapse. Now climb up the vines and get the Themis' Axe. It unleashes Stone Justice, an attack where the user lifts earth from the ground and hurls it at an enemy. Equip it on Felix(he's the only one who can equip axesright now). Now, go back to the last screen and return in order to reset the pillars. Jump across the first pillar to get to the platform of land, but this time go down. Keep going to reach the western cliff. Go north until rocks block your way. Jump over more pillars to reach the other side of the rocks that seem so small but impossible for Felix to jump or even climb over. Head north some more and the path will get grassy again. Wow, you're at the northernmost part of Dehkan Plateau. See the sky? Ooh... Ahh... After you're done sightseeing, go east then south, and voila! Youre on the other side of that strange pillar. Go east some more. Once you're finished going east, yet another holes section! It'll be pretty easy to get to the other side. You'll also notice a Mars Djinni on the other side of the wall. But you can't go farther than this. So you must drop down one of the holes. Doesn't matter which one, they all lead to the same place. Walk down and go through the door. The path will curve around north. Run up the stairs. Go along the path a little, and there's the Mars Djinni. It will notice you and jump across some holes, then fall down one. Go down the half-broken hole, it's the only one you can drop down. Now, go into the southern door. If you walk north, you'll see the Mars Djinni on the opposite cliff. Go south and climb up the vines to get onto the cliff. I'm using words too many times, aren't I? I need a thesaurus. Anyway, go north the Djinni will run to the east. Go up and push the log over before chasing it. It's standing on a bridge. Get him! Darn, he ran away again. Before chasing it go south and climb down the vines. Go south more and walk across two tightropes. Go north and push the uppern ivy-covered log down the cliff. Now, push the other vine-covered log to the east and climb up it. Jump north and use 'Lash' on the rope. Climb up and get the treasure chest. So, you're standing right next to it. What now? I know! 'Cause I'm special and your not. But I'll let you pick up the treasure chest and continue your chase VERY slowly. No wait, that won't work. OPEN the chest and get the Nut. This will be very useful. Go back to the bridge and jump across it to the other side. The Mars Djinni will see you and go up to another strange pillar and use 'Pound' to, well, pound it into the ground. So that's how... Follow him! Wait, as you can see, it's impossible to get across the holes in front of you. Drop into one of the bottom ones and go back above ground. This isn't working... Go back to where the 'Lash' pole was. Push the northern log west again and climb down. Make your way southeast and climb up the long vines. Go east into another section of Dehkan Plateau. There he is again! He'll jump over the pillar to safety. Then he jumps over another one and jumps down a hole. Climb down the vines and push the log to the right. Climb up and jump east. Go on to the first pillar, jump back, and jump on again to make it collapse. Go north, up and around. 'Move' the log to the west, climb up and make that pillar collapse. Climb up and push the log over till it falls. Go down the vine, up and around and 'Move' it left. Now go BACK up the vines and and jump across. Go down the stairs into another inner part of the mountain. At the t-intersection, go east and into the other room. Oh man, look at this holes section. Go to the west side and walk over and get to the Djinni. It will get kinda angry and 'Press' you down to the next floor. Ouch! Go south up the vines and go back up. Go to the western side, but this time make your way east to another doorway leading down. If you go south you'll see a 'Press' pillar, so go north up some stairs. Light! Go north and you'll get to some more holes. Fall down the eastern one. You'll fall right on the Djinni! A box will pop out and the Djinni will run away. You'll need this box. Get it then follow the Mars Djinni. Note: The box is NOT in the air. I thought it was when I first saw it and went through a lot of work dropping down the hole. Eheheh... It is the 'Press' cube. Now you can pound pillars too. Once you're down the stairs go south through the doorway. Here's where I had the most trouble, because if you chase the djinni right off it will jump over the pillars and be impossible to get. It's really quite simple though. Climb down the vines and 'Pound' the pillar into the ground. No escape! Save it because it will fight you. It has over 200 HP, so be prepared! Defeat it quickly or it will run and you'll have to go all the way out and back in to get. The stubborn little Djinni will finally join you. It's name is Cannon. Now go back down and up the other vines and go out the southern doorway. Go up some stairs, go up some more stairs, and you'll be outside in no time! Go down a whole bunch of steps and get outta there! Dehkan Plateau completed!! ------------Overworld----------- Finally out. You should head south now, until you see a boat that looks like Isaac's. ---------------------------- E. Indran Eastern Beach ============================ When you walk forward, everyone pops out and starts talking. Kraden notes that the boat in front of you can't be activated without the 'thingie'. Remember the 'thingie'? Hahaha.... When they're finished, you can explore a bit, but you can't do anything here. ------------------Overworld----------------- When you go west, you'll see a cave. Inside is... well, I won't spoil it right away. ------------------ F. Indra Cavern ================== When you get in, go north. You'll notice three things. 1. A log. 2. A 'Lash' pole. 3. A strange-looking stone. You want this stone no matter what the cost. 'Move' the log right, cast 'Lash' on the pole and jump over to the stone. You remember Summons, right? When you have some Djinn on standby, you can summon strong spirits to attack and do some heavy damage. Up until now, however, you could only Summon creatures using Djinn from one element. Press A at the stone. Boom! The stone has blown into pieces straight into the screen, forming magical runes. What you have now is called a Combination Rune! These let you summon creatures using different elemental Djinn, such as 2 Mercury and 1 Mars. Wow! This particular Rune lets you summon 1 Venus and 1 Mars Djinni at once to summon Zagan, a fire-covered lion standing up wielding an axe. When summoned, he'll make an entrance and smash the enemy with the axe. Cool! From there keep heading west. Follow the path. When the path forks, go across the bridge and you'll finally get to another town, Madra Village. There's something you might want to do now before you enter. Go across the bridge west of the town, and walk around. Eventually, you'll run into a Venus Djinn. Defeat it with your most powerful attacks and it will join you. It's name is Iron. When used in battle, it will upgrade your party's Defense. Now you can go into Madra. ----------- G. Madra =========== ...oooh...pretty colors... Wow, it's sunlight! That's definitely new. Walk up the stairs, and two guards will notice you. They and Kraden will say some stuff, they'll check you out. Now you can walk in. Walk around, go to the inn and then buy weapons. And armor. Weapons: Long Sword, Short Sword, Battle Axe, Mace New Artifact: Magic Rod Armor: Traveler's Vest, Leather Shield, Leather Gloves, Leather Armlet, Leather Cap, Circlet, Leather Boots Hidden Items: Sleep Bomb, Nurse Cap(get it!), Elixir, 15 Coins, Antidote, Smoke Bomb Hey! In one of the houses is a Mars Djinni! How do you get it?? I don't know. For now leave it alone. Walking around and talking to everybody, you'll discover that the town had been pillaged by pirates who call themselves the Champa. You'll also find out that they threw someone in jail who was thought to be one of them. The town elder, however, sides with the prisoner. He needs the elder to clear his name, but he's out right now trying to find proof. Go to the prison in the southwest. When you go in, you'll see a blue-haired dude in a jail cell being interrogated by a couple guys. His name's Piers. This is the guy who is thought to be a Champa. The two people demand him to say he is one of them, but Piers denies it. The guy on the right gets angry and loses his patience, then Piers warns him that his(Piers's) patience is not lost easily. Calmly, he'll cast Frost on the puddle the guy on the right is standing on, and he runs away that instant. He turns to the other dude, who goes and runs away too. Piers turns back around, and you regain control. If you go up to Piers and try to talk to him, he won't notice. Now read his mind:) Set 'Mind Read' to either L or R and use it. He'll be thinking about Psynergy. Well, this is new. This guy actually knows his powers are called Psynergy, unlike Ivan and Mia. He'll sense someone using Psynergy and turns around to look at you, but apparently decides that you're normal and can't use Psynergy. You can go now. Prisons are boring anyway. As you walk out, two people come along. They ask if he's still in there, and since he is, they'll be happy. Then they ask if you are going to Osenia, to the east. Say yes and they'll grant you permission to cross the Madra Drawbridge. They walk away. Now go to the eastern section of Madra. You'll see a ladder down. Naturally, your exploration instincts are kicking in right now... right? --------------------- H. Madra Catacombs ===================== Climb down the ladder and walk through the doorway. When you walk south, you'll see a guy near a 'Lash' pole on an opposite cliff. But you're on the side with the pole but no rope. Oh well. Instead, head west. Walk up and go through another doorway. Now, you'll see what looks like some kind of underground palace. Let's explore! Wait, there's a door blocking the entrance. Blocking? No, let's say it is the entrance. There is a sign on the wall that says something like: "Only those with the eyes of truth will proceed." Sound familiar? No, not the Lens of Truth. Wrong game. How about 'Reveal'? You don't have it. There is another entrance though. Go to the stairs at the entrance to town. In the middle of the two flights, go east. There is a graveyard and someone paying their respects. Now go up behind the tree and look, there's a ladder leading underground! Go down there. Walk through the doorway and then choose the north door first. Run along and climb down the ladder and go through another door. Wow, it's the palace again! In the first half-destroyed square of walls, climb up the vines. 'Move' the log towards you so it drops down the gap. Go left and climb down more vines. You'll see a door, so go in! Whoa, endless holes. Lucky that everybody in these games can jump stuff perfectly. Jump over the first gap and go down the flight of stairs. Hey, it's a door! Open it and go in. Treasure! What's inside? It's the Tremor Bit. Equipping this bestows the Psynergy 'Tremor'. Equip it on whoever and walk back upstairs. I don't know why, but I like equipping the Psynergy items on whoever is the same element as the Psynergy which the item bestows. You can't do anything more without Reveal right now, so you're gonna have to cast 'Retreat' and exit. You can't do anything else in Madra either, so leave! --------------------- I. Madra Drawbridge ===================== Go north from Madra and you'll get to the drawbridge. When you walk up, the two people will say that they heard from the people in Madra, and let you through. Walk past them across the bridge. Now follow the path to some odd-looking cliffs. -------------------------------------- J. Osenia Cliffs ====================================== When you come in, you'll see some people gawking at a boat tied to the cliff. It obviously crashed. You can climb down into it and jump to the sail with the flag to the other boat part and use 'Lash'. Climb up and go down the vines and get some booty on the shore. It's the Pirate Sword. Equip it on Jenna, cause Felix has a good sword already. Go all the way back to the start and climb up the vines. Jump across the stone spire over to Osenia! __________________________ ---------------/\ 4. Osenia Continent /\--------------- The second continent of the game, Osenia. It took a lot less time to get here than going from Angara to Gondowan, but don't worry, there are MANY more continents to go. ------------------Overworld---------------- As you walk on a path, it will split up, one going north and the other south. The north path leads to a destroyed bridge, so head south. The path will turn east and follow a river. Ahead you see what looks like a desert. As a matter of fact, it's the Yampi Desert. We don't want to go here yet, so head south. The path will curve west and then you'll see a bridge. There's nothing up there but monsters, though, so keep heading south. Oh, no, another fork in the road... Nothing's south, so go east... to another fork. Jeez! Going all the way north will take you on a long road to nowhere, and so will going northeast, so head south. You'll walk over a bridge, and if you go south from here, you'll see a beach. When you're done sightseeing, walk (or run) northeast, and you'll finally see a town. It's the town of Mikasalla. --------------- A. Mikasalla =============== Allright, don't stay here too long for we're just stopping to rest. You can buy stuff, too. But you don't have to do anything here yet, so head back out. ------------------Overworld---------------- Before you go back, head north of Mikasalla, then to the right as far as you can go. Ignore the cavern, you can't do anything there w/out Scoop. Run around and eventually you'll run into a Mercury Djinni raring to go! Defeat it and it'll join you. It's name is Sour. Now, go back towards where you passed the Yampi Desert and go into it. ----------------- B. Yampi Desert ================= Well, this is the first, and unfortunately, the last, desert in the game. It's just as tough as Lamakan (without needing Reveal) and harder than Suhalla (besides the monsters). You'll want to set 'Pound' to R so you'll have an easier time here, because the desert is filled with the Pound pillars. When you walk in, walk striaght ahead. When the path forks, take the southern route. Eventually you'll see a Pound pillar and a treasure chest, so 'Pound' it down. In the chest you'll find a Guardian Ring. It's a ring (duh) that, when equipped, raises your max HP. Go back up. Keep going up and then go into the next screen. There is a group of people here. They are the team sent out from Madra to Alhafra to get Briggs to clear Piers's name. Talk to them and keep going. Walk foward, and when you have to choose north or south, choose south. Now, if you go west, youll see sand in the middle of four rocks. You can't do anything here yet, so go east, then walk into the next screen. When you see a Pound pillar to the north, 'Pound' this one down. Then 'Pound' the northern pillar, and get the treasure here. It's an Antidote. Go back to the last screen then come back. This will reset all the pillars so you can get a Djinni. Now, 'Pound' the same pillar, then go east, bypassing both pillars. Eventually, you'll get to a dead end, and a slide down. But go back then north, and 'Pound' a pillar between two rocks down and go over there. Head a little west and 'Pound' the first pillar you see. There was a ladder behind it! Wow... climb up when you're done admiring this tough puzzle. Now go west, taking caution not to accidently fall down the slide. Jump across the pillar, then go south. Now go east and hop over that pillar. Keep going east a little, then south and hop across two pillars. Go down and over and jump across yet another pillar. Here's the Djinni! Save, then battle it. If(or should I say, WHEN) you beat it, it will join you. This one's name is Blitz. Now go down then all the way east and into the next screen. You'll see a Psynergy Stone here. Heal everyone with Felix, then get it. Then 'Pound' the pillar that's directly above you. Climb up another cleverly concealed ladder and go left, then up into the next screen. When you walk in, you see something crawling around under the sand in a pattern, and one Pound pillar. When you get the chance, 'Pound' it to stop whatever dead in it's tracks. It'll pop up... it's a big red scorpion! It'll run east into the next screen. Follow him! Another one. 'Pound' the pillar and he'll eventually be stopped, then run away to the north. Here's a bigger one with two pillars. 'Pound' the one on the right and it bounce him into a sand pit to the north. Then, save, because here's a boss! ---------->>>>>>>> BOSS BATTLE <<<<<<<<---------- King Scorpion HP: Weak to: Water Strong against: Fire Attacks: Twin Shear and Desert Gasp Allright. Again, before the battle, put all of your Djinn on standby. When you're in the battle, unleash the fury! Zagan and Atlanta and Venus, you should be able to summon. Then, you want to heal your party as soon as they get damaged, with Felix's Cure or nuts and herbs. King Scorpion has a lot of HP, so it'll take awhile. You can use Djinn and Summons(especially Zagan) too, but it still takes awhile. Use your strongest attacks with Jenna and Sheba. Use Jenna's Fume and Sheba's Plasma, unless they have something stronger. Try not to use Flare, because Fume works better against a single enemy. Felix should be healing the whole time. When he uses Twin Shear, use a Nut instead. It hurts... Desert Gasp is annoying, so get everyone to use an Herb on the next turn. Keep up this pattern and eventually he'll go down. After the battle, you'll get the Scoop Gem! Scoop is a Psynergy that lets you dig in the ground! Remember the sand in between the rocks? Not yet. You're probably badly in need of healing. Cast 'Scoop' where you are and ride the water spout back up! Cast Retreat, and if you need to, go back to Madra and rest up. But then go back to the beginning of the Yampi Desert. Then you should to the four rocks. Cast 'Scoop' in the middle and head down yet another cleverly hidden ladder. Follow the only path available until you reach another ladder. Climb back up now. Head out the door, too. Walking out, you'll see a big pool of water. Go east and climb up the two ladders, then head west and climb down another ladder. Go up and around north and walk into the next screen. There are a few patches of sand, but only the one southeast at a dead end has anything in it... it's 315 coins! Now go up north and into another cave. Walk foward, and you'll see streams of sand. This is like Venus Lighthouse. Follow the streams and try to get to the treasure chest first, then keep going. The chest contains a Hard Nut, which ups max HP. Give it to whoever, then go back around and keep going. Make your way north by criss-crossing through the stream, and get inside the three rocks and 'Pound' down the pillar. The chest has a Blow Mace. You'll want to give this to Sheba. Felix already has the Themis' Axe, and Jenna the Pirate's Sword, so Sheba deserves something good, too. Go south, but exit to the east. Climb down the ladder and get outta there. Head over and up, and into the next screen. Here you'll find some sandfalls. I made that word up. Fall down the first one and walk over. Go east at the nine rocks and then up. Head over to nine more rocks. Keep going east, then go up the ladder. Run across both falls, then go up another ladder. At the top of the falls, there is a big sand bubble or something. Head all the way east, then step into the sandfall and run right. The rock should've stopped you. Keep going east, then go south. The sign here says that Alhafra is north and Air's Rock is south. There's no return when you choose to go to Air's Rock. We don't want to go there yet, so go all the way back north. You can go out now, or stay. There's something else here, though. Go left and cross another sandfall. Then cross another one. Don't go up the ladder yet, go west until you reach a Lash pole. Cast 'Lash', then climb up and fall down the sandfall. Go south to a treasure chest containing the Trainer's Whip, which changes your class to Tamer when equipped. A Tamer can summon creatures and use a whip Psynergy called Whiplash. Go back then fall down the sandfall. Then go all the way back and out of the desert. Finally, some fresh air! ------------------Overworld---------------- Go directly north to reach the town of Alhafra. ------------- C. Alhafra ============= This is a nice town, with nice music. It's a great place to shop. When you walk a bit, the team from Madra will arrive! They'll eventually head to the mayor's mansion. Talking to people will reveal that the tidal wave caused by Venus Lighthouse hit them and ruined a couple of houses to the northeast, as well as this boat. You'll also find out that the tidal wave and the quake actually shoved the whole continent of Indra south, and is now lodged in between Gondowan and Osenia. Hmph. If you walk toward the western part of town, you'll see a Champa hiding, and saying how the Madrans must have come for Briggs. He runs off to tell his little friends. We have caught up to them! Well, the first thing you want to do is rest in the inn, then stock up on equipment. Inn - 7 coins per person Weapons - Long Sword(200), Broad Sword(1000), Hunter's Sword(520), Battle Axe(280), Heavy Mace(500) Armor - Leather Armor(240), Travel Vest(50), Travel Robe(200), Wooden Shield(40), Leather Gloves(220), Leather Armlet(180), Open Helm(180), Leather Cap(30), Circlet(120), Leather Boots(270) Items - Herb(10), Antidote(20), Elixir(30), Sacred Feather(70) Hidden Items: Sleep Bomb - Near the door in the wall by the stairs in a jar. Elixir - House with two people in it, in barrel by double beds. 32 Coins - Next to mayor's mansion in a box. Smoke Bomb - In green box at Eastern Alhafra. Once you're done, head to the mayor's mansion in the northwest corner of town. The soldiers there will tell you you're not allowed in. Instead, now go to the eastern part of town. Keep going until you get to Eastern Alhafra, which is a small port with a ruined boat. Walk up onto the boat, and you'll see a group of people trying to fix the mast of the boat. There are three problems, though: A box on the sail, a Pound pillar on the northeast corner, and a big rock on the top of the mast. You can't do anything to help right now, since the people are in the way. If you walk in the boat, you'll "overhear" a conversation between... Briggs and one of his lieutenants. The dude will tell Briggs that the Madrans are here. Great, looks like somethings gonna happen... HOWEVER... they reveal a startling fact! The Champa had adopted Robin Hood's method of stealing from the rich and giving to the poor. Actually, they're stealing from anyone and giving to their village, but only because the people from Champa would starve otherwise! Then Jenna makes a stupid move and blurbs out an insult, causing Briggs to notice you. They'll come over, and Sheba will start talking about Piers and how he was falsely imprisoned because of them. Then Kraden gets mad and challenges them. Then he asks YOU to back him up... You're in the mood for a scrap, right? Say Yes! ---------->>>>>>>> BOSS BATTLE <<<<<<<<---------- Briggs and Pirate Briggs HP: Around 900 Pirate HP: Around 210 Briggs Skills: Data Unknown Pirate Skills: Echo Cut, a decent powerful slash. Heal directly afterwards! These guys are pretty tough. Use the same strategy, and if you don't want to use the Summon Rush technique, just skip that part. The battle gets hard; they tend to use Herbs frequently, so you want to concentrate everything on the Pirate first, then focus on Briggs, while healing when needed. Another very annoying thing is that Briggs can summon more henchmen with just a whistle. If it gets to the point where there are two pirates, use area attacks. They'll also use Smoke Bombs, which will delude you if it works. This makes it imperative to use Psynergy. Also, new battle music! It's pretty cool. Eventually, Briggs'll go down, leaving you to deal with any stupid pirates afterwards. After the battle, you'll see the pirates lying on the ground in much pain. Briggs will agree to go quietly. He'll also agree to clear Piers's name. Then Briggs's wife walks up and tries to convince you to forgive him. Her name is Chaucha. Briggs will beg you to not do anything to her. They'll argue that they have to do something because they have no food whatsoever. Then the mayor of Madra walks up with the mayor of Alhafra. He's a weirdo, and also a fat pig. I mean that in the WORST way possible. He's a moron. He didn't believe that they were pirates. They'll say that they've met before in the past, when the current mayor(of Madra) was just ten years old. Kraden will interrupt and introduce everyone. Eventually, Briggs and his men will give up and let themselves be jailed. He'll also finally clear Piers! Everyone will leave, but not before inviting you to the mayor's mansion before you leave. The mayor of Madra will sense something wrong with Alhafra's leader, though, then thanks you and exits. Kraden will get the idea that if you help with the boat, they'll give you a ride back to Madra. Anyway, you can go and help the boat now. Walk out and onto the deck, and Kraden will make sure you're going to help with the mast. Sheba just wants to give up, but you need to try. So lets go. First of all, walk onto the mast and go all the way down. Turn up and walk the rope up to the bow of the boat. Use 'Lash' on the rope and climb up to the cliff. Walk around and climb down some vines. Down on the ground, use 'Pound' on the pillar. There's one problem solved. Now, go back to the mast. Go down and push the small rock there off of the mast. Then, 'Move' the box down into the water. Two problems solved. Go back to the boat. See the other small rock? 'Move' it all the way down into the water, then push the log after it. Problem #3 of 4 solved. Now go all the way back to the 'Lash' pole, climb up then go down the vines. Jump across all of the odds and ends in the water and get to the other piece of land. Go all the way down and pull the box toward the water using 'Move'. You can't get around the box now, so jump to the log that you pushed and climb up the rope. Then go all the way back to the other side of the box. 'Move' the box into the water and walk up to the big rock. Hmmm.... it has a crack in it. No matter what, you can't do anything about this yet. Walk back and Jenna says she has no idea what to do with the rock. She'll tell you to get going, so go. Making Jenna mad is not something you want to do. Sheba is puzzled at why you gave up, but there's nothing you can do, so Kraden suggests searching for another ship. Before you go, though, go back in the ship. Walk all the way down to a previously unseen pathway. 'Move' the box out of the way, and walk through the door. Looks like there's some bread on top of a box. It looks kind of unstable... That's it! Use 'Tremor' for the first time. It will bring the box, as well as the bread, down to the ground. Pick up the Large Bread and go back into town. Looks like everyone's still working on the ruined houses. But what's this...? A little boy is crying on the stairs. He's starving. Good thing we got the bread! Give it to him and he'll thank you and eat it. He'll tell you about secret caves under the mayor's mansion! Let's go! The guy guarding the entrance happens to be the kid's father, and he'll let you go through now. He'll tell you not to touch the mayor's treasure. Hehe... Enter the cave. ------------------ D. Alhafran Cave ================== When you enter, just walk down the stairs to B1. B1 === There are some things on the first basement floor, but none are reachable right now. Head all the way down and walk through the doorway. You'll see a prison door blocking your way. No matter, just 'Pound' the pillar next to it. Head down and oh no... a broken bridge. Another obstacle. Again, no matter. Climb down the ladder and use 'Lash' on the pole. In the chests, you'll find an Ixion Mail, 123 Coins, and a Lucky Medal. Wait, weren't you supposed to stay away from the mayor's treasure? Too bad. Again, the mayor is evil. There's nothing else here, though. Too bad. You can go talk to the mayor again. Once you talk to him, he'll decide that Alhafra must trade with other towns to prosper. However, he's still worried about pirates. He wants you to help out. Say yes, and he'll say great. But you can leave now... ------------------Overworld---------------- Now then. You definitely want to rest at the inn. You are about to start the longest dungeon in the game. Go back into the Yampi Desert, and head south to that sign. It's a point of no return, but your next destination is in fact Air's Rock, so slide down the sandfall. Going down, you'll see a cave entrance. The exit to the desert is on the other side, so go inside. It's pretty straightfoward, you'll also see a circle of rocks. You can't do anything with them until you get Reveal, so keep going. Get out of the cave and you'll pop back into the overworld. Walk along the path, over a bridge, and into a desert. In the middle you'll see the purple Air' Rock. ---------------- E. Air's Rock ================ Because of the sheer enormity of this dungeon, I have split this part of the walkthrough into 3 parts. Part 1 of 3: The Foot of Air's Rock ------------------------------------------ Well then, let's get on with this crazy dungeon. When you walk foward, you'll see a queer green rock. I'll refer to these as Whirlwind Stones from now on. Why? Cast Whirlwind, and you'll see it fly in the direction you're facing, destroying any sand barriers in its path. Stand at the bottom and shoot a Whirlwind at the stone. Go through the newly revealed path. Walk left then down, and shoot a Whirlwind down from the stone. Walk back, then go north. Eventually, you'll get to a treasure chest. Whoopee! Treasure! .... hahaha! It's a Mimic. Kill it for experience. It's resistant to Wind and weak to Fire. It gives 272 experience and 241 coins, and even a Lucky Medal. Now head south through the right path. Follow it around, and go north, and you'll see a ladder in the stone wall. Climbing up, you'll see that you can't do anything up here. Go back down and head east. Then find your way north to another Whirlwind Stone, and use it to blow away the barrier. Head south from there, all the way south, then use another Whirlwind Stone to blow away this barrier. Go back up and head around all the rocks. Go through where it was, then blow away yet another barrier with Whirlwind. Go back to the rock section, then go up and around until you see the four rocks. Head south from here. Follow the path around and go south again. Then go east all the way, then go south. Go left from here, and look at that, you're on the other side of the first Whirlwind Stone! Blow away the other barrier then head all the way back to the start. Go west and then down to a treasure chest. It's only a Smoke Bomb, but you never know, those things can come in handy in a pinch. Go up to the Whirlwind Stone and blow a Whirlwind north, blowing away another barrier. Head around to where that barrier was, then go through, and all the way north. You'll see a purple Giant Whirlwind Stone, so cast Whirlwind on it and see what happens! A huge cyclone pops up and blows away all the sand, revealing ladders going up! Congrats, you've just completed the shortest of three parts to this dungeon! Part 2 of 3: Climbing Air's Rock -------------------------------------- Now the second part, the climbing up the mountain part. Climb up the ladder into the next screen up. Go left to another ladder, where you'll see a statue blowing wind out of itself. You can't get hit by it, so just climb up. Go to the left again and climb up this ladder. Drop down the ledge, and let the wind blow you to the next ledge. Slide down again and let the wind take you to another platform, afterwards push the log onto the gray spot. Just to be safe. Proceed to the right and push down another log. Just because you have to. Climbing down the two ladders here will put you back in the first part. It's a pretty handy shortcut. Bypass them and walk across the log you just pushed. Go all the way and climb down to the first part, and a treasure chest will greet you at the bottom. Inside is a Storm Brand. Hey, I haven't gotten that in my first game yet! I'll have to go get it. Hehehe... Anyway, climb back up after equipping it on Felix. You have two choices: climb up the ladder on the left, or climb up the ladder on the right. Climb the left one first. Go a little right and go down this ladder, and let yourself be blown to another ledge. If you go all the way to the left, you see a puddle of water and a chest. Don't have Frost, so go back down. Now. There are two slides here. Don't go down either. Go back and go up the ladder this time. Push down the log here. Go back down and slide down the ledge. Go back over to the 'fallen log' and climb up another ladder into the next screen. Wait... as you'll see, this is the wrong one. There's another ladder. How to get to it? Climb back down. As you're climbing, you should see the wind again. You need to get onto the ledge on your right. Head to the lef and go down the ladder. Go to the right, then climb up to the ledge you need to get to. Let the wind blow you to the ladder you need to climb. Climb up.... As you can see, the only thing you can do is go up. However, the wind that the statues are blowing CAN HIT YOU. Timing is crucial; if you get it wrong, you'll fall to the bottom of the ladder again. All four here are rather easy to avoid, though. Once you're up, head to the right. Slide down the lede, and push the log onto the gray square. Another handy shortcut. Now go get that treasure! It's just a Sleep Bomb. But ya never know, those things come in handy sometimes. Let the wind carry you back up and walk to the next screen on the right. This section of the climbing part has lots of going back and forth. It takes a while. Head to the right and climb up the ladder. Take the left part, and 'Move' the left log over. Go back down, and take the right path this time. Slide down the ledge over on the right. Ride the wind up, and go left. 'Move' the log out of the way, jump over to them, and slide down the ledge. You'll be carried up by another whirlwind. Go to the left now, and climb the ladder over onto another ledge. Head into the next screen, and climb the ladder. It's foggy up here... Pull the log into the square. Now we must go all the way back around. Go down to the last screen and go right to the other screen. Go all the way right and slide down the ledge. Go to the left here, get on the ladder, and climb up again. Upupupupupup. Go left into another screen, then climb up the ladder again. Upupupupupupup. Now: Activate the Giant Whirlwind Stone with a 'Whirlwind'. The fog disappears. Here's why: If you had gone up either ladder from here, you would have appeared right at the bottom. Now, you could go up the ladder now, but the other ladder up has a treasure chest. Go all the way back around *again*. It shouldn't be too hard. From the Whirlwind Stone room(now on the right side) climb up the ladder, and a treasure chest greets you at the top. The Fujin Shield inside is VERY good. Equip it on Felix and head all the way back around. **AGAIN**. Back at the Whirlwind Stone room(now on the left side) climb up the ladder. Walk up to the Giant Whirlwind Stone. Woohoo! You've reached the peak! The summit! The zenith!!! Finally! Cast 'Whirlwind'. Lightning stabs down from the sky and opens a passageway leading down into the mountain... WHATT??? (For the convinience of the reader, I shall not put what I thought and said right about now. Just go down.) Part 3 of 3: Descending Inside Air's Rock ---------------------------------------------- Note: The 'levels' inside here, I used the dots on the squares in front of every staircase. You start on level 1, and as you go down you get to level 2, level 3, etc. etc. Level 1 --------- Heal everyone and then get the Psynergy Stone. It's like you just rested at an Inn. 'Cause you're gonna need it. Head down, around, and back up. Walk through the doorway and you'll see a gigantic face, and a little one too. They're lying dormant for the moment. Climb down the ladder and jump to the ledge with the log on it. Pull it one space back. Walk to the left, and bypass the floating platforms, because, if you look closely, you can't do anything yet. Climb up the ladder and go down the stairs to level 2. Level 2 --------- You can see a passage way to your left. There's another over on your right. Go left first. Head up then down the ladder. Push the log onto the square, and get out. Now take the right passageway. Walk around the only path available, climb down a ladder, to a puzzle. This puzzle is tough; it took me a while to figure out. Luckily, you're reading this. Here's the solution: 1. Move the left section's lower log so it's directly under the top one. 2. Pound the pillar on the right, causing the right middle pillar to pop up. 3. Move the right section's log onto the pillar. 4. Jump across! Go over and climb down the ladder. Jump across to the Whirlwind Stone and cast Whirlwind, and there ya go. Get back up and walk through the newly opened passageway. Ascend and cast 'Whirlwind' from the top of the stone, sending the wind down. Go back down and to your left, and make your way to the other new passage. Follow the path around and climb down again. Move the log all the way onto the little square. Go all the way back around and jump across the log. And go down the stairs to level 3. Level 3 --------- Head north until your path is blocked by a geyser. Climb down the ladder (or footholds in the wall) and go right. Follow the path until you see a geyser, and another geyser behind a log. Pushing the log out of the way will deactivate the left geyser, so do it, and go over there. Go up and around to the right and climb down another set of footholds. Walk across to the platform sticking out and jump to where the ladder is. Make sure you're on the left side of the log, then 'Move' it foward. Hop back across. Now, stand behind the hole in the wall, and 'Move' it towards you. You're trapped for now, but who cares. Go up and hop across the log. Follow the path until you get to a Whirlwind Stone. Go down, and climb down, go down some more, and push the log down. Handy little shortcut. Climb up the ladder on the left and follow the path. Push the log fowards, then go back. Go down to the other log. Move it to the middle, where the path leads straight to the Whirlwind Stone. Go over to the left and down back into the main section. Hop across to the other side, and walk through the doorway. Walk up and go down the ladder, to the Whirlwind Stone. There are platforms here that spin around if you Whirlwind them with the Stone. Whirlwind this one from the right side and the platform will swivel around. Go back up the ladder and walk across the platform. Climb down, then up a ladder on the other side. Go straight up and walk across the tightrope. Push the log over the edge. Yet one more handy shortcut, that you actually need. Walk over the rope again and take the path to the left. Go up a little and take the left path around the rocks. Follow the path down to a ladder and another Whirlwind Stone. Nothing else to do, so cast Whirlwind from the top of it. Climb up and go all the way back around to the tightrope, but this time go down and hop onto the platform. Go across, and then brave another rope. Follow the path down and around to stairs leading down to level 4. Level 4 --------- Take the left path to a treasure chest. The first one inside the mountain. Inside is just an Elixir, though. Wait patiently. Go back and this time walk north. Follow the path until the ladder, and climb down. Hop across the odd floating squares in the sky. It's another room with swiveling platforms. Hop down, across another floating platform, and climb up the ladder that's been oh so convieniently(sp?) etched into the wall. Take the path down and hop to the other side. Tightrope or ladder? Ladder. Cast Whirlwind from the bottom of the stone, then walk across the tightrope. Hop across the platform and walk across yet another convieniently placed tightrope. Use Whirlwind from the right side of the stone. Climb the ladder and jump across the platform. Follow the path, and be careful not to slide down the edge. Hop across onto the log and jump onto the tightrope. Follow the path around and walk through the doorway at the bottom to the central inner part of the mountain. Climb up, left, then down ladder. Yes, climb 'left' the ladder. Doesn't make much sense, does it? Anyway, once you get down far enough, you'll see a door to level 6, blocked by some rocks. At the bottom is an unusually thin staircase to go down. Go down. No, wait, walk UP the staircase, which is going down. My mistake. Down(up?) here is a Psynergy Stone. It's a big, reusable one. Heal everybody, use the stone, vice versa, whatever. It's REUSABLE. After you're finished fooling around, go to the right and go up those stairs. You'll come out right by a humungous face. Use the platforms on either side to get down to the giant Whirlwind Stone. Use Whirlwind to activate all the dormant faces in the dungeon. Well, you have two choices. Go up from the small face or go back up yourself. But wait a minute. Did you notice the not-working face on one of the levels? Now that it's activated, we need to go back there. If you don't you'll regret it. Go up with the small face, to a level that's really high. Go up to the giant Whirlwind Stone and... you guessed it, cast Whirlwind on it. Hop over the left platform and move the log into the square. Go down, then to the right. Go up to the Whirlwind Face and let it blow you right to a treasure chest. Inside it is a Vial. VERY helpful, seeing as how it restores 500 HP, probably twice as much as you have now. Walk up and push the log into the square. Go all the way back to the left side and climb up the ladder. Go back to Level 2... and take the left passageway again. Level 2 --------- See, now the faces are blowing Whirlwinds all over the place. Take the first one you see. Go back to the right and hop across the log and through the doorway. The next face can be moved. Move it upupup. Then go over to the thin part and let yourself be blown to some more treasure. It's a Clarity Circlet. It raises Wind power, so obviously equip it on Sheba. Now go back to the head. Push it all the way back down and take it over to the same cliff, only this time below the rocks. Walk through the doorway below you and push the log down. Just one more handy shortcut. If you go down from here, you'll see another pair of geysers, blocking some stairs. Go up and left, and after the path forks, take the path down. Find your way across the platforms, and 'Move' the log out of the geyser's way, disabling the first one. Go all the way back around and head down the stairs. Level 3 --------- Walk over to the tightrope to your right. Tiptoe across the rest of the ropes, this is the swirling platform room. Eventually you'll run across some stairs leading down. Level 4 --------- If you go down, you'll(once again) see a sand mountain blocking your path. Go the other way and cast 'Whirlwind' on the stone, clearing it out of your way. Go back over there and climb down the ladder. Walking down, you'll see, up a ladder, a white square. Ignore this for now, just head across the incredibly thin path. Hmm, left or right? Well, nothing's on the left, so go up the other ladder. Go past the stairs and push the log for another ohso convenient shortcut. Now head down to level 5. Level 5 --------- The path forks here; take the lower one, and go until you see another platform strangely hovering in the air. Jump across and get the treasure! Congratulations, you have found a Vial. At this point, it recovers all your HP(unless you're on the second game). Go up still and you'll see a head blowing wind. This is what was blocking the other path. 'Move' it and then you can head around that way. Then head down the stairs. Level 6 --------- Head out the doorway, and find yourself in a previously unreachable place in the central area. Climb down the ladder and ride the wind to the other side. Climb up both ladders and hop across the floating platforms to the big purple structure in the middle. The door will open if you walk into it. Sacred Chamber: Wind ---------------------- The first of four sacred chambers. I made that name up. As you hop across the platforms, they disappear. Don't worry... Go up to the stone on the platform. 'Weilder of Wind's might... Lay your hands upon this stone. We bestow upon thee the power to see the truth unclouded...' Sound familiar? Sure enough, Sheba steps out and touches the tablet. The tablet begins to float in the air and send Psynergy into Sheba. She has learned Reveal! First, hop across the left platforms to get a Psy Crystal. Well done, once you hop across the right platforms(some are invisible, use Reveal) you are finished! Get out of there with Retreat. **Note: You're not quite finished, as I know there is a combo summon somewhere in there. I can't remember where..could someone help? ------------------Overworld---------------- Allright, that was a pretty long, important, and very annoying detour, no? Anyway, go east to get out of the desert. Over the bridge, go south to get to the town of Garoh. ------------ F. Garoh ============ The entrance to this town is a little complex, and it takes a minute. It's not hard, just move a whole bunch of logs out of the way. Another neat effect is that while you're climbing up to the village is that it gradually turns to night. There are also pictures engraved on the stone; people and wolves and moons. Hmmm... As you walk in, you'll hear an animal howling. You're all confused, then a weird creature steps out and notices you. Sheba yelps and the creature runs away. Kraden seems to know what it is. A... werewolf! Who would've guessed? Well, everyone EXCEPT for those in your party. Well, they're not REALLY werewolves, Kraden says they're called lycanthropes. He says that while Adepts draw on the power of Psynergy, lycanthropes draw on the power of beasts. Kraden seems happy, and Jenna wonders why he's so happy to see the werewolves. Kraden tries to cover it up, but there's no denying it. He's excited. Kraden slips, though, and admits he's excited. Well, you can head into the village now. All the people are awake, and seem to be wearing long concealing robes. They all deny the existenece of werewolves. As you walk upwards, you'll see a big rock. Then, a wolf pops out of an invisible entrance using... Reveal! He quickly retreats back into the boulder. Follow him! Use 'Reveal' and walk in. As you walk in, you'll see the same kid who saw you earlier. He sees you and runs away. Do what Kraden so enthusiastically says and follow him! Hop across the abyss to your and go up to a doorway. Follow the path to a large room. Kraden stops you, because all you see is a big fancy stones surrounded by smaller fancy stones. But then you hear a growl, then the big wolf comes out of the rock with Reveal. There will be a long conversation discussing where you came from and Psynergy. His name is Maha. They decide they can trust you and will stop hiding themselves because you passed the challenge of Air's Rock. You'll stay the night at the inn. Now you can shop for stuff! Woohoo. Inn: 8 coins per person Weapons: Broad Sword, Hunter's Sword, Battle Axe Heavy Mace Armor: Leather Armor, Adept's Clothes, Travel Robe, Bronze Shield, Leather Gloves, Leather Armlet, Open Helm, Wooden Cap, Circlet Items: Herb, Antidote, Elixir, Sacred Feather You'll note that all the buildings are connected by a labyrinth of underground tunnels. Go down one of them, and walk to a circle of platforms. Cast 'Reveal' and hop across. Walk up the stairs, and you'll find yourself on the cliffs surrounding town. In the chest to your south is a Hypnos' Sword. Equip it on Jenna. After finishing whatever business you might have, you're free to go. ------------------Overworld---------------- Allright, follow the path down over the bridge. Head east from there, but at the fork turn north. At the end of the path is a cavern. Go in! ------------------- G. Osenia Cavern =================== There is a short mini-dungeon in here. See the X in the ground? Use 'Scoop' on it to reveal a ladder. The path is straightfoward from here, go up to the tablet and touch it. Yay! Another combo summon. This one is Megaera! Now go to Mikasalla. --------------------- H. Mikasalla again ===================== Inn: 8 Coins per person Weapons: Broad Axe Armor: Psynergy Armor, Armlet, Bronze Helm Items: Herb, Antidote, Elixir, Sacred Feather Well, there's not much to do here. Climb up the first ladder of the wooden thing, the platform in the middle. Jump over to the side and walk up to the next screen for some treasure. Nothing much, just 82 Coins. You should also see a Mars Djinni beneath you. Go to the bottom left corner of town, where the chicken and the sheep are. The sheep doesn't have much to say, but the chicken wants to scratch and dig. So, use 'Scoop' on the dirt in the middle to reveal a ladder going down. Walk up as far as you can, to the ladder. Climb up and go out the door. Head back to the Djinni. It joins you automatically. It's name is Spark. Equip it on Jenna, or whoever you want. Fire usually goes to Jenna though. You've done all you can here; it's time to go back to the Continent of Indra! Head back to Madra. ______________________ ---------------/\ 2. Indra Continent /\--------------- ----------------- A. Madra again ================= Not much to do here, but rest up. Do so then head west. -----------Overworld------------ Follow the path, going south at the first fork, west at the second fork, over the bridge, and there ya go. Gondown Cliffs. --------------------- B. Gondowan Cliffs ===================== As you walk in, you'll notice a dog scratching in the ground. Follow his lead and and cast 'Scoop' to reveal a geyser of water. Ride it up and hop over to the nearby cliff. Slide down once and hop over to another cliff. Walk down, then climb up the vines. Go left, taking note of the red mushroom. Climb up two more sets of vine ladders and go left. Slide down the rightmost slide. Go over to the rope pole, and 'Lash' it to the pole up higher. A handy shortcut. Go back to where you were, but instead slide down the middle one. Go over to the left and 'Move' the log down into the water. Go back to the bottom, and climb down the vines. Hop across all the rocks up to the top, and climb up the vines at the end. Climb up some more vines, then head to the right. Hop to the left part at the bulging part of the land and walk upwards. Climb up some more conveniently placed vines. Walk all the way to the right and grab some treasure, a Sleep Bomb. Go back down to where you were before, climb down the vines, climb up some more vines, climb up past the rope, and head to the right. Go down, and you'll pop up by the Mars Djinni! Save, because he'll battle you. He has around, oh, four hundred HP. After the battle, you'll get the Mars Djinni Kindle. Again, you should give it to Jenna. Go over to the right and climb up the vines, then head right more and climb down. Head all the way to the right, climb down vines, and walk down to grab the Laughing Fungus. Now, go all the way back to that tightrope you saw earlier. Carefully(?) walk across and follow the only path possible, and viola, you're in southern Gondowan! TO BE CONTINUED.... and revised.... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ---------------------|V. Indexes |-O ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ __________________________ ---------------/\ 1. The Character Guide /\--------------- The Character Guide contains history on all of the characters, hero and villian alike, as well as their Psynergy alignment, what weapon types they can equip, and even the color of their hair. Felix/Garcia The main character of the game. Three years ago, he lived in the cozy village of Vale with Isaac, Garet, and his sister Jenna. When the terrible storm conjured by Sol Sanctum thanks to Saturos and Menardi, he fell into a river and managed to grab something to hold on to. Despite efforts by villagers to save him, the boulder fell and killed his family and Isaac's father, and, presumably, took Felix's life as well. In reality, he was saved by Saturos and Menardi and tagged along on their quest to light the four Elemental Lighthouses. However, he developed a rebellious attitude becausethey also captured Jenna and Kraden and was prohibited to fight. Eventually they captured Sheba and Felix felt responsible for her. At the top of the Venus Lighthouse, Saturos and Menardi were defeated by Isaac and co. and the foundations started to collapse. Sheba was hanging from the top of the lighthouse and fell to Idejima. In a heroic effort, Felix jumped after her, and so begins this story. Hair: Brown Alignment: Venus Clan Can Equip: Long Swords, Light Blades, Axes, Maces, Armor, Clothing, Shields, Gloves, Helms, Crowns, Boots, Shirts, Masks Hometown: Vale Jenna/Jasmine Jenna is Felix's sister. She was devastated when Felix was swept away in the storm. Three years later in an exploration of Sol Sanctum with Isaac, Garet, and Kraden, she was captured by Saturos, Menardi, and Alex. Then Felix revealed himself. She was taken along many adventures up to the Venus Lighthouse, then escaped to Idejima. So this story begins. Hair: Fuschia-ish Alignment: Mars Clan Can Equip: Light Blades, Staves, Clothing, Robes, Gloves, Armlets, Crowns, Boots, Masks, Circlets, Shirts, Caps Hometown: Vale Sheba/Sheba Sheba is a girl from Tolbi with 'special powers' that are actually Psynergy. She was captured by Saturos and Menardi because of her Psynergy skills and because she was a Jupiter Adept. That would allow them to enter the Jupiter Lighthouse. Saturos and Menardi's plans were foiled by Isaac and co. and Sheba fell with Felix to Idejima, where Jenna, Kraden, and Alex were. Hair: Blonde Alignment: Jupiter Clan Can Equip: Maces, Staves, Clothing, Robes, Gloves, Armlets, Crowns, Boots, Circlets, Shirts Hometown: Unknown, fell from the sky into Tolbi, Caps Piers/Picard Not much is known about this mysterious adept. Where he comes from is a huge spoiler. Here goes: He's a native of Lemuria. Despite Felix, Jenna and Sheba trying to get him to tell, his age remains unknown. He was washed to sea when the tidal wave caused by Venus Lighthouse being lit crashed into Lemuria. He eventually made his way in a boat to Indra, where he then proceeded to Naribwe, then Kibombo searching for the Black Orb needed to control his ship. Felix finds him, and afterwards, he joins you. Hair: Blue Alignment: Mercury Clan Can Equip: Long Swords, Light Blades, Axes, Maces, Armor, Clothing, Shields, Gloves, Helms, Crowns, Boots, Shirts, Masks Hometown: Lemuria Isaac/Robin The hero of Golden Sun 1. He comes from a village called Vale that protects the Elemental Stars and Sol Sanctum. But Saturos and Menardi came along and unleash a storm that Felix is rumored to be dead in. Three years later, he, Garet, and Jenna explored Sol Sanctum. Isaac and Garet got the Elemental Stars, but lost all but one to Saturos, Menardi, and Alex, who had taken Jenna and Felix prisoner. Isaac, with the aid of Garet, undertook an adventure to prevent Saturos and co. from lighting the four lighthouses. At the Mercury Lighthouse they failed even with the help of Ivan and Mia, two other adepts. When they got to Venus Lighthouse, they succeeded in defeating Saturos and Menardi, but the lighthouse was still lit. The tower collapses, and Isaac and co. embark on another journey to find Felix, Jenna, Sheba, and Kraden. Another note: He had 1 line in Golden Sun. It was '!!!'. I've heard that in this game he blabs away a mile a minute. Isaac must be a worse mess than we thought... Hair: Orange Alignment: Venus Clan Can Equip: Long Swords, Light Blades, Axes, Maces, Armor, Clothing, Shields, Gloves, Helms, Crowns, Boots, Shirts, Masks Hometown: Vale Garet/Gerald Isaac's cousin. He acts tough all the time. He was with Isaac when he witnessed Felix's death and Jenna's capture. He also put his future in Isaac's hands and couldn't believe that he accepted the responsiblity of saving the world. Hair: Red Alignment: Mars Clan Can Equip: Long Swords, Light Blades, Axes, Maces, Armor, Clothing, Shields, Gloves, Helms, Crowns, Boots, Shirts, Masks Hometown: Vale Ivan/? He's a smart kid. Probably 'cause he is a Jupiter Adept. He lives in Kalay and is the apprentice of Master Hammet, a famed merchant. On their travels, they came to the small village of Vault. Ivan 'lost' Hammet's rod, the Shaman's Rod. In reality, it was stolen by a small gang of thieves. When Isaac and Garet came, they helped him look for it. They found the thieves and defeated them and learned that they stole stuff during the eruption of Mt. Aleph. They found out that Hammet had been captured and taken to Lunpa, and soon after, Ivan joined Isaac and Garet on their travels because he failed to get him back. After a while, they freed Hammet and taught the thieves at Lunpa that captured him a lesson. Also, Master Hama at Lama Temple seems somehow to know him, though Ivan said he didn't know her. Hmmm... Hair: Blonde Alignment: Jupiter Clan Can Equip: Light Blades, Staves, Clothing, Robes, Gloves, Armlets, Crowns, Boots, Masks, Circlets, Shirts Hometown: Kalay Mia/Mary The healer of the village of Imil in the north. She called her healing power 'Ply' when she met Isaac, Garet, and Ivan. They told her it was called Psynergy, then the Mercury Lighthouse was lit. She tried to get in, but had trouble. She joined Isaac to get up to the top. There, they had their first confrontation with Saturos. When they failed to stop the lighting, Mia decided to join Isaac on his quest. Hair: Blue Alignment: Mercury Clan Can Equip: Maces, Staves, Clothing, Robes, Gloves, Armlets, Crowns, Boots, Caps, Circlets, Shirts Hometown: Imil Saturos The... SECOND-best Mars Adept hailing from the "northern wilds". He saves Felix during the storm, then captures Kraden and Jenna, and later Sheba. He and his partner, Menardi, and another, Alex, want to light all four lighthouses. Isaac chased him, and defeated him and Menardi, but Alex was nowhere to be found. Hair: Blue Alignment: Mars Clan Hometown: Prox Menardi Saturos's partner, also hailing from the Fire Clan of the North. She is also killed when Isaac and co. defeated the two, even after fusing into a giant dragon with two heads. Hair: Yellow Alignment: Mars Clan Hometown: Prox Alex Alex is probably the most interesting person in the whole story. He knows something that Saturos, Menardi, Agatio, Karst, and ALL the heroes don't know. In fact the only other one who DOES know is the Wise One. That's right, the rock with one eye. Alex got Saturos and Menardi to light the first two lighthouses, without them knowing what it would really do. He also makes Agatio and Karst pressure Felix to light the last two lighthouses. The two Mars adepts didn't know either. Then, he helps Felix by recovering all his HP so they can light Jupiter's beacon. He is sure that Felix and Isaac would suceed in lighting Mars's beacon to save the people of Prox, so he finally reveals his true quest as he stands atop a mountain... Hair: Blue Alignment: Mercury Clan Hometown: Imil Agatio Agatio is the first of two fire Adepts that Alex made to force Felix and co. to light the lighthouses. At the top of Jupiter Lighthouse, they beat Felix and steal the Mars Star. But after getting to the Mars Lightouse, they end up being turned into Flame Dragons and beaten by Felix and Isaac. They give up the Mars Star and tell them to light the beacon. Agatio was Saturos's superior as a Mars Adept. Hair: Blue-grey? Alignment: Mars Clan Hometown: Prox Karst Menardi's sister, Karst has sworn to exact revenge on Isaac for killing her sister. She joins up with Agatio and Alex, not realizing what Alex's true intentions were. Hair: Red Alignment: Mars Clan Hometown: Prox ________________________ ---------------/\ 2. Tables and Lists /\--------------- ----------- A. Items =========== Many, many merchants have formed a group that obtains items, both rare and common, and note what it does as well as how much it will sell for and how much it costs. They have done an excellent job; they have found every item in the known world. There are some, however, whose uses are unknown so far, and some of the buy/sell prices are not known either. Stat Bonus Explanation: ATK=Attack MHP=Maximum HP VP=Earth Power JP=Wind Power DEF=Defense MPP=Maximum PP VR=Earth Resistance JR=Wind Resistance AGL=Agility HPR=HP Recovery MaP=Fire Power MeP=Water Power LUK=Luck PPR=PP Recovery MaR=Fire Resistance MeR=Water Resistance ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Psynergy Items ======================================================================== Burst Brooch Bestows 'Burst' when equipped Carry Stone Bestows 'Carry' when equipped Catch Beads Bestows 'Catch' when equipped Cloak Ball Bestows 'Cloak' when equipped Cyclone Chip Bestows 'Cyclone' when equipped Douse Drop Bestows 'Douse' when equipped Frost Jewel Bestows 'Frost' when equipped Hover Jade Bestows 'Hover' when equipped Grindstone Bestows 'Grind' when equipped Halt Gem Bestows 'Halt' when equipped Lash Pebble Bestows 'Lash' when equipped Lifting Gem Bestows 'Lift' when equipped Orb of Force Bestows 'Force' when equipped Pound Cube Bestows 'Pound' when equipped Scoop Gem Bestows 'Scoop' when equipped Teleport Lapis Bestows 'Teleport' when equipped Tremor Bit Bestows 'Tremor' when equipped ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Items Does: Buy Sell ======================================================================== Mythril Bag Holds the Elemental Stars Mercury Star Venus Star Jupiter Star Mars Star Dancing Idol A sacred idol of unknown power 400 300 Game Ticket Ticket for use in a special game 50 37 Healing Fungus Laughing Fungus A rare and suspicious mushroom 700 525 Lucky Medal Medal used in a special fountain Magma Ball A glowing, red ball of volcanic rock Milk Nutritious, delicious fresh milk Mysterious Card Card: Equip to change your class(Pierrot) 332 249 Pretty Stone A shining stone 300 225 Red Cloth A fancy red scarf Sea God's Tear A jewel from the sea god's eye 300 225 Tomegathericon Book: Equip to change your class(Dark Mage)999 749 Trainer's Whip Whip: Equip to change your class(Tamer) 656 499 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Healing Heals: Buy Sell ======================================================================== Herb 50 HP 10 7 Corn 100 HP 12 9 Nut 200 HP 200 150 Vial 500 HP 500 375 Potion All HP 1000 750 Hermes's Water All HP 2000 1500 Empty Bottle Extracts Hermes's Water 1000 750 Psy Crystal All PP 1500 1125 Antidote Poison 20 15 Elixir Stun, Sleep, Delusion 30 22 Water of Life Downed 3000 2250 Mist Potion 300 HP for all 9000 6750 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Attack Does: Buy Sell ======================================================================== Smoke Bomb Deludes enemies Sleep Bomb Lulls enemies to sleep 60 45 Oil Drop Causes damage with flames 30 22 Weasel's Claw Causes damage with Bramble Seed Causes damage with thorns Crystal Powder Causes damage with ice Dark Crystal ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Material Makes Buy Sell ======================================================================== Tear Stone Glower Staff, Clear Bracelet, Stardust Stardust Ring Sylph Feather Sylph Rapier 700 525 Dragon Skin 1200 900 Salamander Tail Golem Core Mythril Silver Psychic Circlet Dark Matter Darksword, Terra Shield, Fear Helm, Dark Circlet, Stealth Armor Orihalcon Millenium Helm, Big Bang Gloves, Cosmos Shield, Stellar Axe, Nebula Wand, Xylion Armor, Excalibur Right Prong Trident Left Prong Trident Center Prong Trident Rusty Sword(Longsword) Rusty Sword(Lightblade) Rusty Axe Rusty Mace Rusty Staff ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Stat Boosters ======================================================================== Power Bread Increases Max HP Cookie Increases Max PP Power Apple Increases Attack Hard Nut Increases Defense Mint Increases Agility Lucky Pepper Increases Luck ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Long Swords Stats Unleash Buy Sell ======================================================================== Darksword ATK+210, Cs. ??????????????????????????????? -Sol Blade ATK+200 Megiddo 31200 23400 Excalibur ATK+180 ??????????????????????????????? -Flame Brand ATK+176 Purgatory 23400 17550 Leviatan ATK+173 ??????????????????????????????? Robber Blade ATK+162 ??????????????????????????????? -Rune Blade ATK+162 Void Beam 15000 11250 Mythril Blade ATK+160 ??????????????????????????????? -Huge Sword ATK+155 Heavy Divide 14000 10500 -Hestia Blade ATK+145 Crucible Fire 12900 9675 -Soul Brand ATK+141 Soul Shatter -Gaia Blade ATK+135 VP+20 VR+20 Titan Blade 17000 12750 -Lightning Sword ATK+134 Flash Edge 11400 8550 -Cloud Brand ATK+130 Raiden's Wrath 11800 8850 Muramasa ATK+126, Cs. ??????????????????????????????? -Silver Blade ATK+108 Aqua Sock 12000 9000 -Shamshir ATK+99 Acid Bath 10000 7500 -Great Sword ATK+90 None 7000 5250 -Claymore ATK+70 None 4000 3000 Storm Brand ATK+60 ??????????????????????????????? Architect Sword ATK+55 ??????????????????????????????? Broad Sword ATK+40 ??????????????????????????????? -Long Sword ATK+14 None 200 1500 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Light Blades Stats Unleash Buy Sell ======================================================================== Tisiphone Edge ATK+178 Vengeance Masamune ATK+163 Rising Dragon 16400 12300 Burning Sword ATK+157 ??????????????????????????????? Phaeton's Blade ATK+151 Light Surge 13600 10200 Pirate's Sabre ATK+136 Scorpionfish Kikuichimonji ATK+128 Asura 13400 10050 Sylph Rapier ATK+124 Mad Zephyr Mist Sabre ATK+110 Searing Fog 8600 6450 Swift Sword ATK+104, JP+10 Sonic Smash 9400 7050 Ninja Blade ATK+94 Cyclone Slash 8800 6600 Assassin Blade ATK+90 Mortal Danger 7800 5850 Corsair's Edge ATK+90 Lunar Slash 6300 4725 Master Rapier ATK+86 None 6800 5100 Mystery Blade ATK+84 Life Nourish 6400 4800 Battle Rapier ATK+58 None 2900 2175 Hypnos' Sword ATK+49 Moon Air 2900 2175 Elven Rapier ATK+44 Vorpal Slash 2200 1650 Pirate's Sword ATK+34 Dreamtide 2000 1500 Hunter Sword ATK+28 None 520 390 Bandit's Sword ATK+12 Rapid Smash 700 525 Short Sword ATK+8 None 120 90 Machete ATK+ None 30 22 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Axes Stats Unleash Buy Sell ======================================================================== Stellar Axe ATK+171 Super Nova 19700 14775 Gaia Axe ATK+163 Mother Earth Aporon Axe ATK+158 Flare Burst Mighty Axe ATK+142 Heat Shatter 11900 8925 Viking Axe ATK+137 Stun Bolt 11000 8250 Demon Axe ATK+132 Poison Cloud 16000 12000 Tartarus Axe ATK+127 Vein Tap 10800 8100 Giant Axe ATK+114 Meltdown 14000 10500 Dragon Axe ATK+100 Heat Mirage 10300 7725 Captain's Axe ATK+95, raise DEF w.u. None 6800 5100 Burning Axe ATK+84 Broil 7500 5625 Great Axe ATK+80 None 5200 3900 Disk Axe ATK+76 Power Drive 4700 3525 Vulcan Axe ATK+76 Barrage 4600 3650 Broad Axe ATK+50 None 1400 1050 Themis's Axe ATK+30 Stone Justice 1900 1425 Battle Axe ATK+24 None 280 210 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Maces Stats Unleash Buy Sell ======================================================================== Tungsten Mace ATK+159 Hammersphere 14700 11025 Rising Mace ATK+152 High Vitals 13900 10425 Wicked Mace ATK+130, Cursed Poison Death 13800 10350 Blessed Mace ATK+126, HPR+2, replenishes 200 HP w/ used 14500 10875 Thanatos Mace ATK+125 Heart Break (1-H KO)10400 7800 Demon Mace ATK+115 Evil Eye 9200 6900 Righteous Mace ATK+112, HPR+3 Blinding Smog 8400 6300 Hagbone Mace ATK+108 Wyrd Curse 8400 6300 Comet Mace ATK+105 Ice Crash Gravity Mace ATK+88 Earth Attack 7000 5250 War Mace ATK+84 None 6200 4650 Battle Mace ATK+56 None 2600 1950 Blow Mace ATK+45 Boost Hack 2800 2100 Heavy Mace ATK+26 None 500 375 Mace ATK+6 None 80 60 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Staves Stats Unleash Buy Sell ======================================================================== Lachesis' Rule ATK+177 Apocalypse 21700 16275 Atropos Rod ATK+169 Life Shear(1-H KO) Clothos' Distaff ATK+168, Recovers 1000 HP when used 17200 12900 Nebula Wand ATK+165 Rebus Star Salamander Rod ATK+156 Flame Dance Meditation Rod ATK+150 Nirvana 13400 10050 Goblin's Rod ATK+134 Sargasso 9800 7350 Fireman's Pole ATK+130, Use to resist elements 8200 6150 Dracomace ATK+128 Aging Gas 10700 8025 Glower Staff ATK+126 Flash Force 10100 7575 Crystal Rod ATK+106 Drown 13400 10050 Zodiac Wand ATK+102 Shining Star 11400 8550 Cloud Wand ATK+98 Stan Cloud Demonic Staff ATK+92, Cursed Bad Omen 10000 7500 Angelic Ankh ATK+83 Life Leech 6400 4800 Staff of Anubis ATK+83 Sarcophagus 5500 4125 Frost Wand ATK+76 Frost Bite 5400 4050 Psynergy Rod ATK+64 Psnergy Leech 3800 2850 Blessed Ankh ATK+46 Psyphon Seal 1600 1200 Witch's Wand ATK+32 Stun Voltage 860 645 Magic Rod ATK+16 Murk 380 285 Shaman's Rod ATK+10 None Can't sell Wooden Stick ATK+4 None 40 30 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Armor Stats & Effects Buy Sell ======================================================================== Valkyrie Mail DEF+53, Critical Hits increase 25500 19125 Demon Mail DEF+50, JR-10, Cursed 17000 12750 Xylion Armor DEF+50, ATK+12 22500 16875 Stealth Armor DEF+48, VR-10, Cursed 14000 10500 Chronos Mail DEF+47, MHP+20 13100 9825 Dragon Mail DEF+44, Me,MaR+30 17000 12750 Erebus Armor DEF+43, HPR+6 9000 6750 _Ajura no Yosoi DEF+42, ATK+5, HPR+8 15000 11250 Phantasmal Mail DEF+38, LUK+7, Use for some magical luck 5800 4350 Planet Armor DEF+36, All Power+10 4800 3600 Steel Armor DEF+36 4900 3675 Spiked Armor DEF+34, ATK+10, Critical Hits increase 14000 10500 Plate Mail DEF+33 4400 3300 Spirit Armor DEF+32, All Resistance+15 4000 3000 Armor Shell DEF+30 3600 2700 Ixion Mail DEF+26; Me,JP+20 1300 975 Chain Mail DEF+25 2000 1500 Interi Armor DEF+21, MPP+20 Leather Armor DEF+12 240 180 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Clothing Stats & Effects Buy Sell ======================================================================== Triton's Ward DEF+47, MeP+30, MeR+70 16200 12150 Erineys Tunic DEF+45, ATK+5, Critical Hits increase 10400 7800 Festival Happi Coat DEF+28, LUK+10 Floral Dress DEF+38, Puts enemy to sleep when used 6600 4950 Wild Coat DEF+37, AGL+40 Full Metal Vest DEF+21 1100 825 Mythril Clothes DEF+49, Critical Hits increase Faery Vest DEF+38, Recovers 200 HP when used 6900 5175 Ninja Garb DEF+36, AGL+30, JR+10 6900 5175 Kasuri no Kimono DEF+25, MaR+10, AGL+10 Resist Sukuri-n DEF+42; Me,Ma,JR+30 Aqua Jacket DEF+30; Me,MaR+30 3000 2250 Silver Vest DEF+28 3200 2400 Elven Clothes DEF+22, AGLx1.5 1700 1275 Adept's Clothes DEF+18, MPP+8 850 637 Fa-ku-to DEF+16, MeR+20 Traveler's Vest DEF+7 50 37 Cotton Shirt DEF+3 20 15 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Robes Stats & Effects Buy Sell ======================================================================== One-piece Dress DEF+4 24 18 Tabi no Robe DEF+10 200 150 Silk Robe DEF+20 1400 1050 China Dress DEF+19, drops enemy Attack 1600 1200 Ja-ki- Robe DEF+26 2400 1800 Cocktail Dress DEF+29, MPP+15 4000 3000 Blessed Robe DEF+36, HPR+5 7000 5250 Magical Cassock DEF+39, PPR+2 9000 6750 Mysterious Robe DEF+48, HPR+20, PPR+10 36500 27375 Feathered Robe DEF+45, JP+20, JR+30, AGL+30 14000 10500 Otohime no Robe DEF+43, MeR+40, HPR+10 13500 10125 Dragon Robe DEF+42; MeMaR+18 A-da- Robe DEF+42, MaP+20, MaR+40 Muni Robe DEF+39, HPR+10 6300 4725 Aeolian Cassock DEF+46, JP+15, JR+50 Iris Robe DEF+47, LUK+15, MaR+20, EPR+12 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Shields Stats & Effects Buy Sell ======================================================================== Wooden Shield DEF+6 40 30 Bronze Shield DEF+14 500 375 Iron Shield DEF+20 1200 900 Knight's Shield DEF+28 3000 2250 Mirrored Shield DEF+39, Deludes enemies when used 5200 3900 Dragon Scales DEF+26, MaR+30 2400 1800 Earth Shield DEF+31, VR+20, replenishes 150 HP 4100 3075 Luna Shield DEF+33, VR+30 Dragon Shield DEF+42; MeMaR+15 Flame Shield DEF+44, MaR+60 (WOW!) Terra Shield DEF+48, ATK+5, Cursed Cosmos Shield DEF+49, All Elemental Resistance+20 Fujin Shield DEF+23, JR+50 1400 1050 Aegis Shield DEF+41, Critical Hits increase ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Gloves Stats & Effects Buy Sell ======================================================================== Padded Gloves DEF+2 10 7 Leather Gloves DEF+10 220 165 Gauntlet DEF+23 1600 1200 Vambrace DEF+27, ATK+5 1800 1350 Battle Gloves DEF+32, ATK+10 4000 3000 Mystery Gloves DEF+34, All Elemental Power+5 5200 3900 So-n Gloves DEF+26, ATK+8 2100 1575 Aura Gloves DEF+36, Raises Resistance when used 6500 4875 Aerial Gloves DEF+37, AGL+30, JP+20 5400 4050 Titan Gloves DEF+43, MHP+30 Big Bang Gloves DEF+47, MaP+40 Crafted Gloves DEF+35, ATK+5 4600 3450 Riot Gloves DEF+45, ATK+15, Critical Hits inc. Spirit Gloves DEF+40, MPP+20 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Armlets Stats & Effects Buy Sell ======================================================================== Leather Armlet DEF+7 180 135 Armlet DEF+17 900 675 Heavy Armlet DEF+25 2000 1500 Silver Armlet DEF+30 4000 3000 Spirit Armlet DEF+38; V,MeP+10; Cures status ailments? 9000 6750 Light Armlet DEF+35; Ma,JP+10; Recovers 100 HP 7000 5250 God Armlet DEF+27, Raises Defense when used in battle 2600 1950 Mythril Armlet DEF+46, Raises Critical Hits Bone Armlet DEF+30, Use to Haunt a foe 3000 2250 Jester's Armlet DEF+39, MPP+30 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Bracelets Stats & Effects Buy Sell ======================================================================== Clear Bracelet DEF+31, WP+25 3500 2625 Leda's Bracelet DEF+38, JP+30 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Helms Stats & Effects Buy Sell ======================================================================== Open Helm DEF+9 180 135 Bronze Helm DEF+14 600 450 Iron Helm DEF+20 1600 1200 Steel Helm DEF+27 3100 2325 Silver Helm DEF+30 3900 2925 Knight's Helm DEF+33 4600 3450 Mujakafudo DEF+35, VP+10, Critical Hits increase 10000 7500 Adept's Helm DEF+29, MPP+20% 3700 2775 Dragon Helm DEF+42; Me,MaR+20 Mythril Helm DEF+44, Critical Hits increase Fear Helm DEF+48, ATK+10, Cursed Millenium Helm DEF+45, MHP+20 Viking Helm DEF+30, MeR+30 4000 3000 Gloria Helm DEF+49, HPR+10 Minerva Helm DEF+43, MPP+20 Otafuku Mask DEF+31, Use to unleash aqua breath Hiotoko Mask DEF+33, Use to unleash fire breath ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Caps Stats & Effects Buy Sell ======================================================================== Leather Cap DEF+3 30 22 Wood Cap DEF+10 400 300 Kurozukin DEF+28, AGL+20 2800 2100 Yogenja Hat DEF+30, Does something in battle??? 4600 3450 Lure Cap DEF+20, Monster encounters decrease 3000 2250 Fuwawawa Cap DEF+34, AGL+50%, JR+20 Nurse's Cap DEF+18, Use to release healing power 1200 900 Arasuto-ru Hood DEF+47, Does something in battle??? ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Hats Stats & Effects Buy Sell ======================================================================== Mail Cap DEF+10 2000 1500 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Crowns Stats & Effects Buy Sell ======================================================================== Jeweled Crown DEF+35, LUK+5 4000 3000 Shinobi no Hachigane DEF+33, Critical Hits increase, PPR+2 5200 3900 Thunder Crown DEF+40, PPR+4, Cursed 7500 5625 Sun Crown DEF+28, ATK+8 Ma-berasu Crown DEF+40, PPR+8 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Circlets Stats & Effects Buy Sell ======================================================================== Circlet DEF+6 120 90 Silver Circlet DEF+16 1300 975 Protect Circlet DEF+25 3400 2550 Platinum Circlet DEF+29 4200 3150 Mythril Circlet DEF+34, PPR+3 7000 5250 Kirameku Tiara DEF+27, Deludes enemies when used 3600 2700 Pure Circlet DEF+29, MeP+20 3700 2775 Astral Circlet DEF+32, MPP+15 Psychic Circlet DEF+39, PPR+12 Demon Circlet DEF+50, Raises Critical Hits, Cursed Clarity Circlet DEF+21, JP+15 1500 1125 Buririan Circlet DEF+36, LUK+10 Berserker Band DEF+46, ATK+15 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Shirts Stats & Effects Buy Sell ======================================================================== Mythril Shirt DEF+10, MHP+5 Silk Shirt DEF+6, LUK+1 Running Shirt DEF+1, AGL+15 400 300 Angel Kyami DEF+10, LUK+5 Ha-bunitto Shirt DEF+7, Raises Defense when used Gold Shirt DEF+12, MPP+10 Sasurai Band DEF+3, HPR+5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Boots Stats & Effects Buy Sell ======================================================================== Hyper Boots DEF+4, Critical Hits increase Quick Boots DEF+3, AGL+20 2100 1575 Fur Boots DEF+2, MeR+15 Turtle Boots DEF+3, AGL-50% Leather Boots DEF+6 270 202 Dragon Boots DEF+13; VR+10, MeR+10, MaR+10 Safety Boots DEF+12, AGL 0.7 700 525 Knight Guri-bu DEF+8, MHP+5 Shield Guri-bu DEF+11, LUK+4 Thief Boots DEF+5, Critical Hits increase Golden Boots DEF+15, AGL+30 4400 3300 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Rings Stats & Effects Buy Sell ======================================================================== Adept's Ring Recovers 7 PP when used War Ring Raises Attack when used Sleep Ring Lulls enemies to sleep when used Cure Ring Recovers 70 HP when used Unicorn Ring Use to remove poison 1100 825 Fairy Ring Has the same effect as Elixir in battle Cleric Ring Stops a curse's effects in battle Festival Ring Recovers 160 HP when used Stardust Ring Drains enemy's Psynergy? Aroma Ring Recovers 100 HP when used Rainbow Ring Haunts multiple enemies when used Spirit Ring Recovers Ukara in battle Guardian Ring DEF+4, MHP+20 1700 1275 Golden Ring Raises elemental resistance 4000 3000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Special Stats Buy Sell ======================================================================== Trident MeR+20 Can't sell Use the Trident against Posiedon after collecting the three prongs and getting it forged by Obaba. -------------- B. Psynergy ============== A group of the finest Psynergy scholars have prepared a list of all the Psynergy in the known world, as well as the amount of Psynergy required to cast it and descriptions for each one. Earth (Venus) +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Grind 2 Pulverize large objects. Scoop 1 Dig in soft ground. Tremor 1 Shake objects left and right. Catch 1 Grab light objects from afar. Carry 2 Lift and move light objects. Retreat 6 Return to the dungeon's entrance. Sand 2 Melt into sand. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Ragnarok 7 1 enemy Strike with a massive sword. Odessey 18 1 enemy Pierce a foe with a colossal sword. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Helm Splitter 8 1 enemy Paralyze a foe with a mighty blow. Skull Splitter 8 1 enemy Annihilate a foe by crushing its skull. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Demon Night 12 3 enemies Unleash a myriad of monsters. Thorny Grave 24 3 enemies Summon a loathsome fiend. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Quake 4 3 enemies Attack with a powerful quake. Earthquake 7 5 enemies Attack with a mighty tremor. Quake Sphere 15 7 enemies Attack with a massive quake. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Spire 5 1 enemy Attack with earthen spire. Clay Spire 13 3 enemies Attack with earthen spire. Stone Spire 22 3 enemies Attack with earthen spire. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Gaia 7 3 enemies Attack with the earth's might. Mother Gaia 17 5 enemies Attack with the earth's might. Grand Gaia 32 5 enemies Attack with the earth's might. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Growth 4 1 enemy Attack with wild plants. Mad Growth 10 3 enemies Attack with ferocious plants. Wild Growth 19 5 enemies Attack with giant plants. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Thorn 6 3 enemies Attack with stabbing thorns. Briar 11 3 enemies Attack with sharpened briars. Nettle 23 5 enemies Attack with stinging nettles. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Punji 7 3 enemies Attack with a bamboo weapon. Punji Trap 13 3 enemies Attack with a bamboo weapon. Punji Strike 24 5 enemies Attack with a bamboo weapon. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Rockfall 5 3 enemies Attack with a blast of rocks. Rockslide 15 5 enemies Attack with a blast of rocks. Avalanche 30 5 enemies Attack with a blast of rocks. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Haunt 5 3 enemies Haunt a foe with an evil spirit. Curse 6 1 enemy Draw the Spirit of Death to a foe. Condemn 8 1 enemy Disable your enemy with evil power. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Annihilation 18 1 enemy Attempt to annihilate a foe. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Sabre Dance 7 1 enemy Attack with dancing blades. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Bramble Card 22 3 enemies Throw a card of the Thorn suit. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Death Card 8 1 enemy Call the Reaper to claim your foes. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Dinox 3 1 enemy Attack with sharpened fangs. Troll 3 1 enemy Attack with fiendish might. Lich 10 1 ally Revive an ally with the undead's aid. Minotaur 10 1 enemy Attack with a mighty axe. Living Armor 17 1 enemy Attack with an axe. A big one. Grand Golem 22 1 enemy Attack with a fist of stone. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Fire Puppet 7 3 enemies Paralyze your foes with fear. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Call Demon 13 1 enemy Strike with a demon's fury. ======================================================================= Fire (Mars) +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Move 2 Move an object on the ground. Pound 2 Drive objects into the ground. Burst 2 Break cracked objects. Blaze 1 Manipulate flames. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Aura 7 All party Restore 50 HP to the whole party. Healing Aura 11 All party Restore 100 HP to the whole party. Cool Aura 16 All party Restore 200 HP to the whole party. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Heat Wave 6 1 enemy Attack with fiery bolts. Liquifier 17 1 enemy Sieze a foe with the fires of truth. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Planet Diver 7 1 enemy Leap skyward an lunge onto a foe. Planetary 19 1 enemy Strike a foe with fire from the heavens. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Dragon Cloud 6 1 enemy Attack an enemy with Dragon Cloud. Epicenter 33 1 enemy Strike an enemy with Dragon Cloud. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Flare 4 3 enemies Attack with flaring flames. Flare Wall 7 3 enemies Attack with searing flames. Flare Storm 12 3 enemies Attack with incinerating flames. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Fire 6 3 enemies Attack with a scorching fireball. Fireball 12 5 enemies Attack with a scorching fireball. Inferno 23 5 enemies Attack with a scorching fireball. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Volcano 6 1 enemy Attack with volcanic might. Eruption 14 3 enemies Attack with volcanic might. Pyroclasm 29 5 enemies Attack with volcanic might. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Blast 5 3 enemies Attack with an explosive blast. Mad Blast 9 3 enemies Attack with an explosive blast. Fiery Blast 19 5 enemies Attack with an explosive blast. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Blast 7 3 enemies Attack with a massive explosion. Nova 13 5 enemies Attack with a massive explosion. Supernova 31 7 enemies Attack with a massive explosion. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Fire Bomb 5 3 enemies Attack with a bomb blast. Cluster Bomb 11 5 enemies Attack with a bomb blast. Carpet Bomb 29 7 enemies Attack with a bomb blast. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Lava Shower 4 1 enemy Attack with a volcano's might. Molten Bath 12 3 enemies Attack with a volcano's might. Magma Storm 27 5 enemies Attack with a volcano's might. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Fume 6 1 enemy Attack with a plume of flames. Serpent Fume 14 1 enemy Attack with a plume of flames. Dragon Fume 35 1 enemy Attack with a plume of flames. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Beam 7 3 enemies Attack with a searing heat flame. Cycle Beam 14 5 enemies Attack with a searing heat flame. Searing Beam 36 7 enemies Attack with a searing heat flame. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Guard 3 1 ally Boost ally's Defense. Protect 5 All party Boost party's Defense. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Guardian 3 1 ally Boost Defense with divine might. Protector 5 All party Boost Defense with divine might. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Impair 4 1 enemy Drop enemy's Defense. Debilitate 6 3 enemies Drop enemy party's Defense. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Juggle 7 3 enemies Skillfully toss balls of flame. Heat Juggle 13 5 enemies Skillfully toss balls of flame. Fiery Juggle 25 5 enemies Skillfully toss balls of flame. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Fire Breath 13 3 enemies Attack with a sheet of flames. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Flame Card 11 3 enemies Throw a card of the Flame suit. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Sword Card 6 1 enemy Reduce a foe's Attack. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Salamander 7 Call forth a fiery reptile's breath. Cerberus 7 3 enemies Attack with the soul's fire. Chimera 7 3 enemies Attack a foe with a fiery blast. Macetail 7 3 enemies Attack foes with a fiery blast. Phoenix 10 1 ally Revive an ally with the phoenix's fire. Wyvern 17 5 enemies Attack foes with fiery breath. Fire Dragon 17 5 enemies Attack foes with a fiery blast. Manticore 18 All party Restore 300 HP with cleansing flame. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Raging Heat 9 5 enemies Call forth the fires of the pit. Fiery Abyss 18 5 enemies Call forth the fires of the pit. Dire Inferno 32 7 enemies Call forth the fires of the pit. ======================================================================= Wind (Jupiter) +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Mind Read 1 Read someone's mind. Reveal 1 Perceive hidden truths. Halt 2 Stop a moving object. Lash 1 Lift and move very light objects. Cyclone 2 Conjure winds to scatter weeds. Hover 2 Hover in the air. Teleport 3 Teleport at will. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Astral Blast 5 1 enemy Attack with celestial force. Thunder Mine 16 1 enemy Attack with ball lightning. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Death Plunge 14 1 enemy Plunge your weapon into a foe. Death Leap 22 1 enemy Beat a foe with a strange fan. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Shuriken 8 3 enemies Attack with huge throwing knife. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Quick Strike 12 1 enemies Blind an enemy with a rapid strike. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Whirlwind 5 3 enemies Attack with a swirling tornado. Tornado 14 5 enemies Attack with a mighty tornado. Tempest 27 5 enemies Attack with a fearsome windstorm. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Ray 6 3 enemies Attack with a magnetic storm. Storm Ray 10 3 enemies Attack with a magnetic storm. Destruct Ray 21 3 enemies Attack with a magnetic storm. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Plasma 8 3 enemies Attack with a barrage of bolts. Shine Plasma 18 5 enemies Attack with a barrage of bolts. Spark Plasma 37 7 enemies Attack with a barrage of bolts. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Gale 3 3 enemies Attack with the wind's might. Typhoon 12 5 enemies Attack with the wind's might. Hurricane 25 5 enemies Attack with the wind's might. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Bolt 4 Attack with a lightning bolt. Flash Bolt 7 Attack with a lightning bolt. Blue Bolt 14 Attack with a lightning bolt. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Thunderclap 9 3 enemies Attack with the storm's fury. Thunderbolt 19 5 enemies Attack with the storm's fury. Thunderhead 39 7 enemies Attack with the storm's fury. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Slash 4 Attack with a blade of focused air. Wind Slash 9 Attack with a blade of focused air. Sonic Slash 20 Attack with a blade of focused air. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Bind 4 1 enemy Block a foe's Psynergy. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Delude 4 3 enemies Wrap multiple foes in delusion. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Sleep 5 3 enemies Lull multiple foes to sleep. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Mist 4 3 enemies Wrap a foe in a cloud of delusion. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Drain 3 1 enemy Drain enemy's HP into yourself. Psy Drain 0 1 enemy Drain enemy's PP into yourself. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Impact 7 1 ally Boost ally's Attack. High Impact 12 All party Boost party's Attack. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Demon Spear 7 1 ally Boost Attack with a demonic blade. Angel Spear 12 All party Boost Attack with a heavenly blade. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Ward 3 1 ally Boost Resistance. Resist 5 All party Boost Resistance. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Magic Shell 3 1 ally Boost Elemental Resistance. Magic Shield 5 All party Boost Elemental Resistance. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Weaken 4 1 enemy Drop enemy's Resistance. Enfeeble 6 3 enemies Drop enemy party's Resistance. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Backstab 16 1 enemy Attack a foe from behind. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Thunder Card 17 3 enemies Throw a card of the Thunder suit. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Baffle Card 4 3 enemies Envelop foes in an illusion. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Sleep Card 5 3 enemies Put foes to sleep. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Whiplash 6 1 enemy Attack with a whip. Emu 10 1 enemy Call a giant bird to claw a foe. Harpy 10 1 enemy Attack with boosted morale. Gryphon 10 1 enemy Attack with a razor-sharp beak. Ghost Soldier 22 1 enemy Attack with phantom javelins. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Poison Flow 28 Conjure a blast of poisoned wind. ======================================================================= Water/Ice (Mercury) +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Parch 2 Evaporate standing water. Lift 2 Lift an object vertically. Cloak 2 Hide away in shadows. Avoid 5 Encounter fewer monsters. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Ply 4 1 ally Restore 100 HP with faith's power. Ply Well 8 1 ally Restore 200 HP with faith's power. Pure Ply 12 1 ally Restore 1000 HP with faith's power. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Wish 9 All party Restore 80 HP to the whole party. Wish Well 13 All party Restore 160 HP to the whole party. Pure Wish 20 All party Restore 800 HP to the whole party. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Cure Poison 2 Cleanse the body of poison. Restore 3 Remove sleep, stun, and delusion. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Break 5 Eliminate an enemy's bonuses. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Cutting Edge 5 1 enemy Inflict damage with a shock wave. Plume Edge 15 1 enemy Attack with a foaming geyser. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Diamond Dust 6 1 enemy Attack crystalline ice. Diamond Berg 17 1 enemy Freeze and crush a foe. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Frost 5 Attack with frigid blasts. Tundra 8 Attack with frigid blasts. Glacier 15 Attack with frigid blasts. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Ice 5 Attack with spikes of ice. Ice Horn 11 Attack with spikes of ice. Ice Missle 23 Attack with spikes of ice. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Douse 5 Attack with a surge if water. Drench 10 Attack with a torrent of water. Deluge 20 Attack with a deadly flood. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Prism 7 Attack with ice crystals. Hail Prism 16 Attack with ice crystals. Freeze Prism Attack with ice crystals. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Froth Froth Sphere Froth Spiral ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Cool 6 Attack with freezing cold. Supercool 14 Attack with freezing cold. Megacool Attack with freezing cold. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Frost Card 28 3 enemies Throw a card of the Frost suit. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Pixie 5 1 ally Conjure pixies to restore 115 HP. Faery 5 1 ally Conjure faeries to restore 120 HP. Weird Nymph 5 1 enemy Conjure pixies to restore 125 HP. Succubus 9 1 enemy Conjure faeries to restore 250 HP. Elder Wood 14 All party Tap the forests to restore 170 HP. Estre Wood 14 All party Restore 180 HP to all allies. Blue Dragon 17 5 enemies Attack foes with an icy blast. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Call Zombie 5 1 enemy Command a zombie to strike a foe. ======================================================================= No Element +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Wild Wolf 3 1 enemy Call on a feral ally's aid. Orc 3 1 enemy Attack with your body's mass. Roc 22 1 enemy Strike with the sweep of a might wing. ======================================================================= ----------------- C. Djinn Guide ================= A few scholars have turned from their normal studies and became Djinn scholars. One group studied the bonuses a Djinn gives when set, as well as the effects each has if used in battle. They have also compiled a list of summons - both normal and combination -, there locations, Djinn needed, and their effect when summoned. The two lists are right here. Remember, one of these is a Djinni and two or more are Djinn. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Djinn HP+ PP+ ATK DEF AGL LUK Power Venus (Earth) Djinn ======================================================================== Echo +10 +3 +3 --- --- --- Attack with a double strike. Iron +12 --- --- +2 +3 --- Bolster the party's Defense. Steel +12 --- +5 +2 --- +1 Siphon a foe's HP with a kiss. Mud +11 +3 --- --- +5 --- Slow a foe with sticky mud. Flower +13 +3 --- --- --- --- Refresh allies and restore HP. Meld +4 --- --- --- +5 +1 Launch a powerful team strike. Petra +13 --- --- +3 --- --- Turn a foe to stone. Salt +4 +3 --- --- --- +1 Restore allies' status to normal. Geode +13 --- +7 --- --- --- Strike with a clod of earth. Mold +9 --- +5 --- +3 +1 Strike a foe. Crystal +11 +7 --- +2 --- --- Restore HP to all allies. Flint +9 +3 +4 --- --- --- Strike a blow that can cleave stone. Granite +10 --- --- +2 +3 +1 Create a mighty earthen barrier. Quartz +11 +3 --- --- +4 --- Revive a downed ally. Vine +13 +3 --- +3 --- +1 Tangle foes to drop Agility. Sap +11 --- +4 --- --- +1 Attack a foe and steal HP. Ground +10 +3 --- --- +4 --- Use gravity to hold a foe. Bane +13 --- +5 --- --- --- Attack with nature's venom. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Djinn HP+ PP+ ATK DEF AGL LUK Power Mars (Fire) Djinn ======================================================================== Cannon +8 --- +3 --- --- --- Strike with the power of Mars. Spark +8 +7 --- --- --- --- Revive an ally with cheers of support. Kindle +6 --- +5 --- --- +1 Increase all allies' Attack. Char +9 --- +2 --- +3 +1 Paralyze foes with a strong blow. Coal +5 +4 --- --- +5 --- Rally your allies to boost Agility. Reflux +7 --- --- +3 --- +2 Counter an enemy's attack. Core +14 --- +5 +2 --- --- Strike through an enemy's Defense. Tinder +12 +6 --- --- --- --- Revive a downed ally. Shine +4 --- +3 +3 +3 --- Dazzle foes and strike decisively. Fury +15 +5 --- --- --- --- Call forth wandering souls to attack. Fugue +19 +2 --- +2 --- --- Fatigue your foes to drop their PP. Forge +11 --- +2 --- +1 +2 Boost party Attack with flame's fury. Fever +8 --- +3 --- +1 --- Wrap a foe in feverish delusion. Corona +13 +2 --- +3 --- +1 Boost party Defense with a heat aura. Scorch +8 --- +3 --- --- --- Stun a foe with a blast attack. Ember +9 +3 --- +2 +1 --- Restore party PP with passion's flames. Flash +15 +2 --- +2 --- --- Block damage to party with a firewall. Torch +9 --- +3 --- --- +1 Penetrate defense with a melting blast. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Djinn HP+ PP+ ATK DEF AGL LUK Power Jupiter (Wind) Djinn ======================================================================== Breath +6 --- --- +3 +6 --- Restore HP quickly. Blitz +7 +5 +3 --- --- --- Numb a foe with a lightning strike. Ether +5 +5 --- --- +4 +2 Focus will to restore PP. Waft +7 --- +3 --- --- --- Calm a foe with soothing scents. Haze +8 --- --- +2 +4 +2 Hide away to avoid damage. Wheeze +6 +4 +4 --- --- --- Poison a foe as you strike. Aroma +4 --- --- --- +3 +1 Restore everyone's PP. Whorl +12 --- +5 +3 --- --- Take a deep breath, and strike! Gasp +9 +7 --- --- --- --- Call the Grim Reaper on your foes. Lull +8 +9 --- --- --- --- Negotiate a temporary cease-fire. Gale +13 --- --- --- +8 +4 Blast enemies with a wind strike. Gust +7 --- +1 --- +3 --- Attack with mighty wind gusts. Breeze +9 +7 --- +1 --- +2 Boost party Resistance. Zephyr +9 +4 --- --- +3 +2 Boost party Agility with swift wind. Smog +7 --- +2 --- --- --- Veil a foe's vision in smoke. Kite +6 +6 --- --- +4 --- Attack twice next round. Squall +8 --- +4 --- --- --- Paralyze a foe with a storm. Luff +9 +7 --- +1 --- +2 Seal a foe's Psynergy. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Djinn HP+ PP+ ATK DEF AGL LUK Power Mercury (Water) Djinn ======================================================================== Fog +7 --- --- +2 +1 +1 Blind an enemy with fog. Sour +6 +3 +3 --- --- --- Reduce a foe's resistance. Spring +8 +5 --- --- --- --- Restore HP with healing herbs. Shade +7 --- --- +3 --- +3 Create a watery shield. Chill +11 +3 --- +2 --- --- Strike to reduce a foe's defense. Steam +11 --- +5 --- --- --- Increase all allies' Elemental strength. Rime +5 +4 --- --- --- --- Seal a foe's Psynergy. Gel +15 --- +6 --- +2 --- Weaken a foe's Attack. Eddy +13 --- --- --- +3 +2 Speed up Djinn recovery time. Balm +14 +4 --- --- --- --- Revive all downed allies. Serac +13 --- +3 --- --- --- Strike a chilling finishing blow. Fizz +8 +6 --- +3 --- --- Restore HP with calming water. Sleet +11 --- +3 --- --- +1 Drench a foe to drop its Attack. Mist +10 --- +3 --- --- --- Lull a foe into deep sleep. Spritz +7 +6 --- --- +3 --- Restore party HP with soothing mist. Hail +8 --- +3 --- --- +1 Freeze a foe to drop its Defense. Tonic +7 +4 --- +2 --- +3 Heal all party ailments. Dew +11 +6 --- --- +3 --- Revive a downed ally. ======================================================================= SUMMONS ========= You can summon the same 16 creatures as in Golden Sun: 1 Earth: Venus The elemental power of earth. 2 Earth: Ramses Guardian of an immortal pharaoh. 3 Earth: Cybele The great mother of the earth. 4 Earth: Judgment The might of the apocalypse. 1 Fire: Mars The elemental power of fire. 2 Fire: Kirin A mystical beast cloaked in flame. 3 Fire: Tiamat The queen of all dragons. 4 Fire: Meteor A meteorite from deep space. 1 Wind: Jupiter The elemental power of wind. 2 Wind: Atlanta The heavenly huntress. 3 Wind: Procne A goddess in bird form. 4 Wind: Thor The mighty god of thunder. 1 Water: Mercury The elemental power of water. 2 Water: Nereid Princess of the sea spirits. 3 Water: Neptune An incarnation of the sea king. 4 Water: Boreas The god of the north wind. You can also 'combo summon' with Combination Runes. These let you summon spirits using Djinn of different elements on Standby. Here's the complete list: 1 Venus--\ + = Zagan Earth's might enflamed. 1 Mars---/ - Zagan the lion comes and smashes all enemies with an enflamed axe. May drop enemy Defense. User's Earth and Fire power go up by 10. 1 Mars---\ + = Megaera The goddess of vengeance. 1 Jupiter/ - Megaera attacks all enemies with two swords and a tornado. Raises everyone's Attack some. User's Wind power goes up by 10. 1 Venus--\ + = Flora The wind rider, goddess of flowers. 2 Jupiter/ - Flora appears and fires razor leaves at all enemies. User's Earth power goes up 10 and Wind power goes up 30. 1 Jupiter\ + = Moloch The sacred ice monster. 2 Mercury/ - Moloch appears and breathes ice on all enemies. May drop enemy Agility. User's Water power goes up 30 and Wind power goes up 10. 2 Mercury\ + = Ulysses An legendary wandering mage. 2 Mars---/ - Ulysses attacks all enemies with clamping jaws. User's Water and Fire power go up by 30. 3 Venus--\ + = Haures A beast that sunders darkness. 2 Mars---/ 2 Mercury\ + = Eclipse A dragon whose wings span the skies. 3 Jupiter/ - A humungous dragon appears and shoots a huge blast out of it's mouth. 3 Mercury\ + = Coatlicue A goddess bearing the water of life. 3 Jupiter/ - Coatlicue appears and 3 Venus--\ + = Daedalus Master craftsman of ancient times. 4 Mars---/ - A giant robot pops out of the forest and fires a whole bunch of missiles, then a huge one. The small missiles hit, then the big one hits on the next turn. 3 Venus--\ + = Azul An awakened dragon from the deep. 4 Mercury/ 3 Mars---\ + = Catastrophe The embodiment of destruction. 5 Jupiter/ 8 Venus--\ + = Charon The boatsman of the river Styx. 2 Jupiter/ 4 Mercury\ + = Iris Goddess of rainbows, guide of souls. 9 Mars---/ - Incredible! Best summon in the game by far. Beat Dullahan NOW, cuz this is worth it! Iris flings the enemy straight into the sun, then sends them crashing straight back down to Earth. Massive damage! And as if that wasn't enough, Iris will also heal your entire party fully (including the back row) and even revive any dead characters! Nice! ---------------- D. Class Guide ================ The other group of Djinn scholars have been experimenting with Djinn and studying their effects on Felix and his friends. They discovered that assigning different Djinn types to different Adepts produce a change in class, some which are stronger than others. The scholars have put a lot of the classes in a list for each character, including what Djinn they must set in order to get to that class. However, the stat changes are currently unknown, since they need to be exact. Also, some other classes, such as those made by using special items, are still being experimented with. Under each class is the Psynergy learned. In order to save space, we put only the basic skill of the "series" of three skills they usually come in; i.e. if it says Gaia then the class will learn Gaia as well as Mother Gaia and Grand Gaia. Check the Psynergy section to find out which skills are in what series and so on. The levels are taken out, because it's impossible now. My levels are all around 60 right now so it's impossible. Mechanics of the classes: Each character has a base class that is improved by setting Djinn of the characters element, i.e. Felix is an Earth Adept, so set Venus Djinn for his base class. There are five base classes, one of which wasn't reachable in Golden Sun 1 because there weren't enough Djinn. At the fourth class, the single skill they might have(Ragnarok for Felix) is replaced by a more powerful technique (Odyssey). The secondary classes use a related Djinn type. Earth<->Fire and Wind<->Water. I'm going to call them opposite Djinn types... The first class is 1 Djinn, then 2-3, then 4. The fourth class uses any number of Djinn higher than that. The fifth and final secondary class is one Djinn of the character's type and at least 6 of the other. The fifth class also upgrades a single skill they might have. The other two class groups are a bit more complicated. They're the same, so I only have to explain it once. The first three classes are simple(1, 2-3, and 4-5), but the fourth class is final. It uses 6 Djinn of the class type and one of the character's class. It also upgrades a single skill. The other two are alternate classes with different Psynergy, but I kept them in the same class group cause they have the same type of Psynergy. Each character also has four triple-element classes. It would take too long to explain each of them. Just check them out. FELIX AND ISAAC +-------------+ Felix's Natural Psynergy: Move, Retreat, Sand(Gaia Rock) Isaac's Natural Psynergy: Move, Retreat Class VEN MRS JUP MRC --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Base(Earth) Class Squire 0-1 0 0 0 - Ragnarok, Quake, Spire, Cure Knight 2-3 0 0 0 - Squire Skills Gallant 4-5 0 0 0 - Knight Skills, Gaia Lord 6-7 0 0 0 - Odyssey replaces Ragnarok Slayer 8-9 0 0 0 - Lord Skills -----------DUAL ELEMENT CLASSES---------- -- Earth/Fire Class Brute 0 1 0 0 - Planet Diver, Growth, Blast(Nova), Haunt Ruffian 0 2-3 0 0 - Brute Skills Savage 0 4 0 0 - Ruffian Skills, Spire Barbarian 0 5-9 0 0 - Savage Skills Berserker 1 6-8 0 0 - Savage Skills, Planet Diver becomes Planetary -- Earth/Wind Class Apprentice 0 0 1 0 - Astral Blast, Gaia, Weaken, Delude, Sleep, Haunt, Drain Illusionist 0 0 2-3 0 - Apprentice Skills Enchanter 0 0 4-5 0 - Illusionist Skills, Impact, Ward Conjurer 1 0 6 0 - Enchanter Skills, Astral Blast becomes Thunder Mine War Adept 2 0 7 0 - Conjurer Skills -- Earth/Wind Class Type 2 Shaman 0 0 6-9 0 - Bolt, Growth, Cure, Revive, Ward, Bind, Drain Druid 1 0 6-8 0 - Shaman Skills -- Earth/Water Class Swordsman 0 0 0 1 - Cutting Edge, Thorn, Revive, Cure Poison, Break Defender 0 0 0 2-3 - Swordsman Skills, Ply Cavalier 0 0 0 4-5 - Defender Skills, Wish Guardian 1 0 0 6 - Cavalier Skills, Cutting Edge becomes Plume Edge Protector 2 0 0 7 - Guardian Skills -- Earth/Water Class Type 2 Shaman 0 0 0 6-9 - Froth, Growth, Cure, Revive, Wish, Cure Poison, Break Druid 1 0 0 6-8 - Shaman Skills -----------TRIPLE ELEMENT CLASSES---------- -- Earth/Fire/Wind Class Ninja 0 3 3 0 - Death Plunge, Shuriken, Annihilation, Punji, Fire Bomb, Gale, Thunderclap, Mist Disciple 0 4 4 0 - Ninja Skills, Death Plunge becomes Death Leap Master 0 4 5 0 - Disciple Skills -- Earth/Fire/Wind Class Type 2 Samurai 0 4 3 0 - Dragon Cloud, Demon Night, Helm Splitter, Rockfall, Lava Shower, Demon Spear, Guardian, Magic Shell Ronin 0 5 4 0 - Samurai Skills, Dragon Cloud becomes Epicenter, Demon Night becomes Thorny Grave, Helm Splitter becomes Skull Splitter -- Earth/Fire/Water Class Dragoon 0 3 0 3-4 - Cutting Edge, Thorn, Blast(Mad), Ply, Wish, Cure Poison, Avoid Templar 0 4 0 4 - Dragoon Skills, Cutting Edge becomes Plume Edge Paladin 0 4 0 5 - Templar Skills -- Earth/Wind/Water Class Medium 0 0 6 3 - Haunt, Bolt, Froth, Cure, Revive, Drain --------------------------------------------------------------------- JENNA +---+ Jenna's Natural Psynergy: Blaze (Magma Rock) Class VEN MRS JUP MRC ------------------------------------ - Base(Fire) Class [Jenna] Flame User 0 0-1 0 0 - Fume, Flare, Beam, Impair Witch 0 2-3 0 0 - Flame User Skills Hex 0 4-5 0 0 - Witch Skills, Aura Fire Master 0 6-7 0 0 - Hex Skills Justice 0 8-9 0 0 - Fire Master Skills -----------DUAL ELEMENT CLASSES---------- - Fire/Earth Class Brute 1 0 0 0 - Planet Diver, Growth, Blast(Nova), Haunt Ruffian 2-3 0 0 0 - Brute Skills Savage 4 0 0 0 - Ruffian Skills, Spire Barbarian 5-7 0 0 0 - Savage Skills Berserker 6 1 0 0 - Savage Skills, Planet Diver becomes Planetary -- Fire/Water Class Swordsman 0 0 0 1 - Cutting Edge, Blast(Mad),CurePoison, Guard, Break Defender 0 0 0 2-3 - Swordsman Skills, Ply Cavalier 0 0 0 4-5 - Defender Skills, Wish Luminier 0 1 0 6 - Cavalier Skills, Cutting Edge becomes Plume Edge -- Fire/Water Class Type 2 Ascetic 0 0 0 6-9 - Douse, Prism, Volcano, Wish, Cure Poison, Break Water Monk 0 1 0 6-8 - Ascetic Skills - Fire/Wind Class Page 0 0 1 0 - Astral Blast, Volcano, Ward, Weaken, Delude, Sleep, Drain Illusionist 0 0 2-3 0 - Page Skills Enchanter 0 0 4-5 0 - Illusionist Skills, Impact, Guard Conjurer 0 1 6 0 - Enchanter Skills, Astral Blast becomes Thunder Mine War Adept 0 2 7 0 - Conjurer Skills -- Fire/Wind Class Type 2 Ascetic 0 0 6-9 0 - Slash, Plasma, Volcano, Ward, Bind, Drain Fire Monk 0 1 6-8 0 - Ascetic Skills -----------TRIPLE ELEMENT CLASSES---------- -- Fire/Earth/Wind Class Ninja 3 0 3 0 - Death Plunge, Shuriken, Annihilation, Punji, Fire Bomb, Gale, Thunderclap, Mist Disciple 4 0 4 0 - Ninja Skills, Death Plunge becomes Death Leap Master 4 0 5 0 - Disciple Skills -- Fire/Earth/Wind Class Type 2 Samurai 4 0 3 0 - Dragon Cloud, Demon Night, Helm Splitter, Quick Strike, Rockfall, Lava Shower, Demon Spear, Guardian, Magic Shell Ronin 5 0 4 0 - Samurai Skills, Dragon Cloud becomes Epicenter, Demon Night becomes Thorny Grave, Helm Splitter becomes Skull Splitter -- Fire/Earth/Water Class Dragoon 0 3 0 3 - Cutting Edge, Thorn, Blast(Mad), Ply, Wish, Cure Poison, Avoid Templar 0 4 0 4 - Dragoon Skills, Cutting Edge becomes Plume Edge Paladin 0 4 0 5 - Templar Skills -- Fire/Wind/Water Class Ranger 0 0 3 6 - Slash, Douse, Volcano, Ward, Bind, Drain, Break --------------------------------------------------------------------- SHEBA AND IVAN +------------+ Sheba's Natural Psynergy: Mind Read, Reveal(Air's Rock) Ivan's Natural Psynergy: Mind Read, Reveal Class VEN MRS JUP MRC ------------------------------------ -- Base(Wind) Class Wind Seer 0 0 0-1 0 - Ray, Whirlwind, Plasma, Sleep, Bind Magician 0 0 2-3 0 - Wind Seer Skills, Impact Mage 0 0 4-5 0 - Magician Skills, Ward Magister 0 0 6-7 0 - Mage Skills Sorcerer 0 0 8-9 0 - Magister Skills -----------DUAL ELEMENT CLASSES---------- -- Wind/Water Class Hermit 0 0 0 1 - Prism, Plasma, Impact, Bind, Drain, Break Elder 0 0 0 2-3 - Hermit Skills Scholar 0 0 0 4 - Elder Skills, Wish Savant 0 0 0 5-8 - Scholar Skills Sage 0 0 1 6-7 - Savant Skills -- Wind/Earth Class Seer 1 0 0 0 - Bolt, Growth, Cure, Bind, Drain Diviner 2-3 0 0 0 - Seer Skills Shaman 4-5 0 0 0 - Diviner Skills, Revive, Ward Druid 6 0 1 0 - Shaman Skills -- Wind/Earth Class Type 2 Enchanter 6-9 0 0 0 - Astral Blast, Gaia, Impact, Ward, Weaken, Delude, Sleep, Haunt, Drain Druid 7-8 0 1 0 - Enchanter Skills, Astral Blast becomes Thunder Mine -- Wind/Fire Class Pilgrim 0 1 0 0 - Slash, Plasma, Bind, Drain Wanderer 0 2-3 0 0 - Pilgrim Skills Ascetic 0 4-5 0 0 - Wanderer Skills, Volcano, Ward Fire Monk 0 6 1 0 - Ascetic Skills -- Wind/Fire Class Type 2 Enchanter 0 6-9 0 0 - Astral Blast, Volcano, Impact, Guard, Ward, Weaken, Delude, Sleep, Drain Conjurer 0 7-8 1 0 - Enchanter Skills, Astral Blast becomes Thunder Mine -----------TRIPLE ELEMENT CLASSES---------- - Wind/Earth/Water Medium 3 0 0 3 - Haunt, Bolt, Froth, Cure, Revive, Drain Conjurer 4 0 0 4 - Medium Skills Dark Mage 5 0 0 4 - Medium Skills - Wind/Earth/Water Class Type 2 White Mage 3 0 0 4 - Prism, Plasma, Wish, Revive, Cure Poison, Dull, Ward Pure Mage 4 0 0 5 - White Mage - Wind/Fire/Water Ranger 0 3-4 0 3 - Slash, Douse, Volcano, Ward, Bind, Drain, Break Bard 0 4 0 4 - Ranger Skills Warlock 0 5 0 4 - Bard Skills - Wind/Earth/Fire Ninja 6 3 0 0 - Death Plunge, Shuriken, Annihilation, Punji, Fire Bomb, Gale, Thunderclap, Mist ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Piers's Natural Psynergy: Douse, Parch(Aqua Rock) Mia's Natural Psynergy: Douse? Class VEN MRS JUP MRC ------------------------------------ - Base(Water) Class [Piers] Mariner 0 0 0 0-1 - Diamond Dust, Frost, Cool, Ply, Cure Poison, Break Privateer 0 0 0 2-3 - Mariner Skills, Avoid Commander 0 0 0 4-5 - Privateer Skills Captian 0 0 0 6-7 - Commander Skills, Diamond Dust becomes Diamond Berg Admiral 0 0 0 8-9 - Captain Skills - Base(Water) Class [Mia] Water Seer 0 0 0 0-1 - Ply, Cure Poison, Frost, Ice, Break Scribe 0 0 0 2-3 - Water Seer Skills Cleric 0 0 0 4-5 - Scribe Skills, Wish Paragon 0 0 0 6-7 - Cleric Skills Angel 0 0 0 8-9 - Paragon Skills - Secondary(Wind) Class Hermit 0 0 1 0 - Prism, Plasma, Impact, Bind, Drain, Break Elder 0 0 2-3 0 - Hermit Skills Scholar 0 0 4 0 - Elder Skills, Wish Savant 0 0 5-9 0 - Scholar Skills Sage 0 0 6-8 1 - Savant Skills - Earth Class Seer 1 0 0 0 - Froth, Growth, Cure, Cure Poison, Break Diviner 2-3 0 0 0 - Seer Skills Shaman 4-5 0 0 0 - Diviner Skills, Revive, Wish Druid 6 0 0 1 - Shaman Skills Cavalier 6-9 0 0 0 - Cutting Edge, Thorn, Ply, Wish, Revive, Cure Poison, Break, Avoid Guardian 7-8 0 0 1 - Cavalier Skills, Cutting Edge becomes Plume Edge - Fire Class Pilgrim 0 1 0 0 - Douse, Prism, Cure Poison, Break Wanderer 0 2-3 0 0 - Pilgrim Skills Ascetic 0 4-5 0 0 - Wanderer Skills, Volcano, Wish Water Monk 0 6 0 1 - Ascetic Skills Cavalier 0 6-9 0 0 - Cutting Edge, Blast(Mad), Ply, Wish, Cure Poison, Guard, Break, Avoid Luminier 0 7-8 0 1 - Cavalier Skills, Cutting Edge becomes Plume Edge - Medium Class Medium 3 0 3 0 - Haunt, Bolt, Froth, Cure, Revive, Drain Conjurer 4 0 4 0 - Medium Skills - Ranger Class Ranger 0 3-4 3 0 - Slash, Douse, Volcano, Ward, Bind, Drain, Break Bard 0 4 4 0 - Ranger Skills - White Mage Class White Mage 3 0 4 0 - Prism, Plasma, Wish, Revive, Cure Poison, Dull, Ward ------Item Classes To 'level up' the Item Classes, you have to equip a certain amount of Djinn. For the second class, you have to set 1 of each elemental Djinn, but don't equip Djinn of the character's type. For the third, you need 2 of each, and for the fourth, you need 3 of each. For example: Let's say we equip Mysterious Card on Felix. He becomes a Pierrot. Felix is the Venus(Earth) type, so we don't want to equip any Venus Djinn on him. For the second class, Harlequin, set a Fire Djinn, a Wind Djinn, and a Water Djinn. Add one more for each to get to Punchinello, and one more for each to get to Acrobat. *Note: You may equip Djinn of the character's type, but it won't affect what class you are. - Pierrot Class = Equip the Mysterious Card Pierrot No Djinn needed - Avoid, Sabre Dance, Fire Breath, Juggle, Flame Card, Thunder Card, Bramble Card, Frost Card, Baffle Card, Sword Card, Sword Card, Sleep Card, Death Card Harlequin 1 of each - Pierrot skills Punchinello 2 of each - Harlequin skills, Backstab Acrobat 3 of each - Punchinello skills - Tamer Class = Equip the Trainer's Whip Tamer No Djinn needed - Cure Poison, Whiplash, Wild Wolf, Emu, Roc, Salamander, Impact Trainer 1 of each - Cure Poison, Whiplash, Orc, Harpy, Grand Golem, Cerberus, Wyvern, Pixie, Impact Beastkeeper 2 of each - Cure Poison, Whiplash, Dinox, Gryphon, Living Armor, Chimera, Blue Dragon, Faery, Elder Wood, Lich, Impact Beast Lord 3 of each - Cure Poison, Whiplash, Troll, Minotaur, Ghost Soldier, Macetail, Fire Dragon, Weird Nymph, Succubus, Estre Wood, Manticore, Phoenix, Impact - Dark Mage Class = Equip the Tomegathericon Dark Mage No Djinn needed - Revive, Call Zombie, Raging Heat, Poison Flow, Fire Puppet, Curse, Drain Crypt Lord 1 of each - Dark Mage skills Necrolyte 2 of each - Crypt Lord skills, Call Demon Necromage 3 of each - Necrolyte skills, Call Dullahan ___________________ ---------------/\ 3. The Bestiary /\--------------- The Bestiary lists the monsters in alphabetical order. If you want information on a monster, just look it up that way. Split up into 4 parts: 1 - Stats & Skills 2 - Items & Weaknesses 3 - Bosses 4 - Monster Skills Descriptions Part 1: Stats & Skills ---------------------- Name HP ATK DEF AGL EXP Coin Skills ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Aka Manah 343 239 74 109 Curse(P),Human Hunt,Demon Eye Alec Goblin 147 95 24 46 Nut(I), Oil Drop(I) Angle Worm 37 20 5 7 Angle Spike Avimander Blue Dragon Bombander Bone Fighter 122 66 18 26 51 63 Undead Sword Chimera Worm Cruel Dragon Death Head 128 65 16 24 55 73 Slash(P) Dino 53 33 8 26 40 39 Power Bite Dire Wolf 155 93 22 51 Ice Breath, Fatal Fang Doodle Bug 248 195 63 99 Ultrasonic Dread Hound Druj Earth Golem Emu 98 45 11 23 53 51 Claw Slash Fire Bird 225 72 145 Flame Dance, Regen Dance, ATKx2 Fire Dragon Fire Worm 106 25 Fire Breath, Angle Spike Flash Ant 76 60 19 31 61 71 Flash Punch Ghost 56 19 6 6 Ghoul 47 10 8 34 42 Cannibal Fang Giant Bat 32 15 3 11 6 6 Ultrasonic Gillman Lord 322 253 75 97 Hydro Slash, Crystal Powder(I) Grand Chimera Gressil Grave Wight 634 376 136 121 Crusher Grip, Haunt(P) Great Seagull Harpy 105 32 13 23 38 53 Shriek Kobold 77 40 9 24 40 45 Lesser Demon Lich Little Death Living Armor Macetail Mad Demon Vital Moon Mad Vermin 82 11 Magicore Mini-Goblin 62 31 8 13 25 28 Mino Knight Minos Warrior 401 229 97 73 Power Crush, Sack Minotaurus Mole 96 60 11 18 39 60 Momonga 53 33 8 26 29 31 Nightmare Numb Ant 101 86 29 46 Formic Acid, Flash Punch Ocean Dragon Phoenix Pteranadon 242 146 50 83 Banshee Howl, Ice Breath Punch 26 13 4 3 5 6 Puppet Warrior 348 259 97 73 Pyrodra Rat 49 26 14 8 Rat Soldier 69 28 7 10 Red Demon Sand Scorpion Sea Dragon Skeleton 60 23 7 9 10 11 Bone Charge Sky Dragon Slayer 220 150 45 79 Poison Sting, Kill Sting Soul Army Talon Runner 228 152 44 80 Mega Slash Troll 111 37 8 7 30 34 Brute Force Turtle Dragon Undead 14 Smell of Decay Wargold 209 152 39 91 Doublestep, Shriek Wild Gryphon Wild Wolf 45 17 4 7 7 7 Fatal Fang Winged Lizard Wise Gryphon Wolfkin 213 165 55 87 Ur Flash Wolfkin Cub 115 68 16 40 82 95 Ur Flash Wonder Bird Wood Walker 107 38 Mad Growth(P) Wyvern Wyvern Chick 124 64 18 38 83 76 Fire Breath Part 2: Monster Items and Weaknesses ------------------------------------ The way to tell what a monster's weakness is: (ex):Rat Soldier takes 11 damage. "." means the attack wasn't very effective. Rat Soldier takes 33 damage! "!" means the attack worked in neither of your favor. Rat Soldier takes 81 damage!!! "!!!" means the attack was very effective. Each monster is weak to one thing and strong against one thing, just like your party. Earth<->Wind and Fire<->Water. If you kill a monster with a Djinni of the monster's weakness, it'll flash and die, if your elemental strengths are high enough. If you do that then you get more EXP and coins at the end of the battle. This is known as the Dark Panther method, and is VERY useful(in fact, essential) in RNG methods. Monster Weakness Resistance Items --------------------------------------------------------------------- Aka Manah Mars Mercury Gloria Helm Blue Dragon Mars Mercury Rising Mace Bombander Mercury Mars Golem Core Chimera Worm Mars Mercury Water of Life Cruel Dragon Mars Mercury Tisiphone Edge Dread Hound Mercury Mars Prophet's Hat Druj Mars Mercury Berserker Band Earth Golem Jupiter Venus Giant Axe Fire Bird Mercury Mars Water of Life Fire Dragon Mercury Mars Atropos' Rod Gillman Lord Mars Mercury Tear Stone Grand Chimera Mercury Mars Mist Potion Grave Wight Jupiter Venus Psy Crystal Great Seagull Jupiter Venus Sylph Feather Gressil Jupiter Venus Otafuku Mask Lesser Demon Jupiter Venus Rune Blade Lich Jupiter Venus Psy Crystal Little Death Jupiter Venus Hiotoko Mask Living Armor Jupiter Venus Water of Life Macetail Mercury Mars Mist Potion Mad Demon Jupiter Venus Lachesis' Rule Magicore Mercury Mars Aura Gloves Minos Knight Jupiter Venus Riot Gloves Minos Warrior Jupiter Venus Clotho's Distaff Minotaurus Jupiter Venus Tartarus Axe Nightmare Venus Jupiter Healing Ring Ocean Dragon Mars Mercury Triton's Ward Phoenix Mercury Mars Water of Life Pyrodra Mars Mercury Salamander Tail Red Demon Jupiter Venus Staff of Anubis Sand Scorpion Mars Mercury Stardust Sea Dragon Mars Mercury Unicorn Ring Sky Dragon Jupiter Venus Orihalcon Soul Army Jupiter Venus Mythril Silver Turtle Dragon Mars Mercury Blessed Mace Wild Gryphon Jupiter Venus Feathered Robe Winged Lizard Jupiter Venus Dragon Skin Wise Gryphon Jupiter Venus Psy Crystal Wonder Bird Mercury Mars Dark Matter Wyvern Jupiter Venus Aeolian Cassock Part 4: Monster Skills Descriptions ----------------------------------- Banshee Howl - 1 - Chance of stunning enemy with a howl (Pteranadon) Cannibal Fang - 1 - Drains enemy's HP by biting them (Ghoul) Claw Slash - 1 - Hits an enemy with a powerful slash (Emu) Crusher Grip - 1 - Grabs an enemy and may stun (Grave Wight) Doublestep - 1 - Hits 1-2 times quickly with a sword (Wargold) Fire Breath - 3 - Hits three enemies with a blast of fire (Wyvern Chick) Flame Dance - 1 - Calls swirling flames to hit a foe (Fire Bird) Flash Punch - 1 - Chance of deluding enemy with a punch (Flash Ant) Ice Breath - 3 - Hits three enemies with a blast of ice (Pteranadon) Kill Sting - 1 - Chance of one-hit KO (Slayer) Mega Slash - 1 - Hits an enemy with a very powerful slash (Talon Runner) Poison Sting - 1 - Chance of poisoning enemy with a sting (Slayer) Regen Dance - 1 - Revives an ally to full HP (Fire Bird, Phoenix, Wonder Bird) Shriek - 1 - Causes damage with a loud shriek (Wargold) Ultrasonic - 1 - Emits ultrasonic waves. (Doodle Bug, Giant Bat) Undead Sword - 1 - Powerful (Bone Fighter) Ur Flash - 1 - Hits 1-3 times quickly with claws (Wolfkin, Wolfkin Cub) _________________ ---------------/\ 4. Music Test /\--------------- I listed all the music in the Music Test. Duh. If you dont know how to get to it look in the cheats section. Help me out with this. 0 - Battle Arena, Lemuria Fountain, Tolbi Springs 1 - Prologue Theme, GS1 Credits 2 - Main Menu 3 - Outside of Venus Lighthouse 4 - Djinn Tutorial 5 - Alhafra 6 - Kandorean Temple 7 - Daili 8 - Apojii Islands 9 - Izumo Party Music 10 - Magma Rock 11 - Sad music 12 - Inner Kandorean Temple 13 - Kibomba and Naribwe 14 - Praying to the Gobomba Statue 15 - Lemuria 16 - Towns 17 - SE Angara Islet, Hesperia Settlement 18 - Garoh 19 - Yallam 20 - Kids' Song 21 - Kids' Song (no drum backgound) 22 - Air's Rock 23 - Aqua Rock 24 - Islet Cave 25 - Dungeons 26 - Gaia Rock 27 - Gobomba Statue 28 - Jupiter Lighthouse 29 - Magma Rock 30 - Mars Lighthouse 31 - Tundaria Tower 32 - Evil-sounding music 33 - Ankohl Ruins 34 - Evil-sounding music 35 - Djinn tutorial? 36 - Evil theme 37 - Towns 38 - Creepy music... 39 - Crisis 40 - Title Screen 41 - Boat Theme 42 - Overworld Theme 43 - Overworld Theme(After reunion) 44 - Credits Theme 45 - Link Battle Theme 46 - Colosso Battle 47 - Jenna's Battle Theme 48 - Felix's Battle Theme 49 - Human Boss Theme 50 - Monster Boss Theme 51 - Ship Battle 52 - Battle with Agatio and Karst 53 - Battle with Flame Dragons 54 - Doom Dragon Battle 55 - Win Battle 56 - Lose Battle 57 - Contigo 58 - Tidal Wave!! 59 - Sheba's Falling 60 - Fusion!! 61 - After the final battle 62 - 63 - Original Title Theme 64 - Remix of original title theme 65 - After the Battle 66 - Remix of original title theme 67 - Where did Vale go... 68 - To Be Continued... 69 - GS1 Vale & Vault Music 70 - GS1 Town Music 71 - GS1 Town Music 72 - Palace Music 73 - GS1 Altin 74 - GS1 Xian Music 75 - GS1 Kalay and Tolbi Music 76 - Colosso Course 77 - Crowd Help 78 - GS1 Tolbi Festival Music 79 - GS1 Cave Music 80 - GS1 Town Music 81 - Lighthouse Aerie 82 - GS1 Cave Music 83 - Quiet dungeon 84 - Desert Music 85 - GS1 Town Music 86 - Dungeon 87 - Babi Lighthouse 88 - ?? 89 - GS1 Ship Theme 90 - GS1 Overworld Theme 91 - Venus Lighthouse 92 - Isaac's Battle Theme 93 - Star Magician Theme, Saturos battle at Mercury Lighthouse 94 - GS1 Boss Theme 95 - Saturos and Menardi Battle Theme 96 - Fusion Dragon Theme My favorite? #93, then #8 comes in with a close second. #46 takes third place. ------------------ ---------------------|VI. Miscellaneous |-O ------------------ ____________________ ---------------/\ 1. Manual Errors /\--------------- A bunch of Djinn still have the Japanese names, and one has a wrong description. On page 56, quite a big error: Under the title, "Entering the Arena", the description is the one on page 50 for... summoned spirits. Hehehe... ___________ ---------------/\ 2. FAQs /\--------------- Q. Why did you write this?? A. Because I like 'sharing' my knowledge of games I like. I also like to write. Q. Which Djinn are used for transportation? A. None of them. That was just a rumor. There is a Psynergy though. Q. You have Mercury, Venus, Mars, and Jupiter Djinn, but what about Light, Dark, and Psy Djinn? A. Those new types of Djinn were also just rumors. Q. Do you the get characters from GS on your team? A. Yes, shortly after lighting the beacon for Jupiter Lighthouse. Q. Is the Mars Lighthouse in this game? A. Yes it is. You can't see it on the map though, but don't worry, it is there somewhere. Q. Can you really travel through time? A. No. It was rumored that Light Djinn could do that, but they were... a rumor. The 'Lost Age' refers to the Lost Age of mankind, where everyone had alchemy and stuff. The lighthouses were built and everything became primitive again. Q. What is the transfer option really for? A. When you transfer the data, when you get the original characters they'll be exactly the same. Also, some side quests you do in GS1 effect some of the events in the game. Q. Do you know what those events are? A. 1. Whether or not you saved Master Hsu 2. If you went back to Vault and discovered that the thieves had escaped 3. If you won Colosso Q. Where do I find ? A. Sometime I'll put up item locations, sometime in the future. Q. How do I beat ? A. Check in the walkthru. If I didn't get there yet, sit tight. Q. I'm tired of sailing around the world. I'm in Prox, then discovered that I'm missing something on Apojii Island! A. In Mars Lighthouse, there is something that helps you... It's not too far in, either. Q. What's the most commonly used Psynergy in the first game? A. Move. Q. What's the most commonly used Psynergy in the second game? A. Move. Q. What's the most commonly used Psynergy in both games? A. Move. Q. How much music is in GS:TLA? A. 96 songs (in the sound test); 40 or so are new, including about 7 new battle themes. Q. Is Alex good or bad? A. Play the game and find out. Q. Do you even know? A. Shuddup. Q. Ha! You don't know, do you? A. You wouldn't think I would spoil that anyway, would you? Q. Why is Felix's hair brown? A. He used dye. You don't really think brown is a natural hair color, do you? Q. __________________ ---------------/\ 3. Coming Soon /\--------------- 1. A more complete Bestiary, and maybe the item locations. 2. More of the walkthrough. (Duh) 3. Maybe sometime I'll figure out how to figure out the % upgrades the classes give you. Don't know if you should count the Djinn upgrades, or not, or only count them for the second class, or whatever. If someone can help me with that I'd be grateful. ___________________________ ---------------/\ 4. Non-Gameshark Cheats /\--------------- The renaming cheats are the same as Golden Sun: Select x3: Rename Jenna, Sheba, and Piers Up Down Up Down Left Right Left Right Up Right Down Left Up Select: Rename Garet, Ivan, and Mia Sound Test: Go up to the lady in the battle room in the left corner and hold R and talk to her. I think that the only music you can listen to is music that you've heard in the game already. Start from the Sanctum last visited: Hold L R and Start when you load the game. _________________ ---------------/\ 4. Conclusion /\--------------- I hope you enjoyed the walkthrough. I work on this literally every day, so keep checking back to see if I updated. ______________________________ ---------------/\ 5. Legal Stuff and Credits /\--------------- Got any comments? Questions? Little tiny details that I forgot to put in here, or just something you don't understand? E-mail me at I'll fix it for the next version. Thanks to Nintendo and Camelot for making this great sequel to a great game! A couple tidbits of info also came from GS Realm and GS Anonymous, so thanks to them too. Thanks to Richard Spenceley for giving me info on the Venus Djinn I missed in my impatience (Iron). Thanks to God... for the patience and reminders that this was still here on my computer. And thanks to all you people who are reading this. It makes it all worthwile! You may not put this FAQ, or any part of it, on your site without permission. The sites with permission are: (.net?) You also can not, by any means, make profit off of this guide. It is for private use only. So don't delete this section. Copyright 2002-2003 Andrew Prowse (