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Do NOT post this guide on your site without asking my permission. This guide may ONLY be hosted by GameFAQS.com This guide is my own work and as such is the sole intellectual property of LinkTheValiant. ****************************************************************************** ****************************************************************************** Welcome to the Golden Sun Boss FAQ. This guide is specific to answering boss- related questions about Golden Sun. Please realize that I do not refrain from spoilers in this guide. If you need to find something specific in the guide, press Control-F to search for what you need. If you have searched the FAQ for a boss-related (NOT general) topic and can't find it, feel free to e-mail me at the address given below in the section "Contacting Me". Put "Golden Sun" in the topic, or your message may be deleted before I see it. This guide was created using Notepad with a width of 79 characters and 12 point Courier New font at a resolution of 1024 by 768. If the formatting is messed up, it's probably your computer, not me. =) @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ i Version Information @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ You can always find the latest version of this guide at GameFAQS and nowhere else. If you find this somewhere else, please notify me. Version 1.0 (5/12/04) The first version of the guide is complete. All the fights have been covered, and my personal strategies are all recorded. As yet I have not covered most mixed classes, which will be put in at a later time. Version 1.01 (6-2-04) Just a few minor things. Fixed the duplicate email addresses. Added the summon rush to the Deadbeard fight as per KK's suggestion. Also added a few credits. Version 1.02 (6-28-04) Minor updates. Added the fact that the Kraken has the psynergy attack Drench. Version 1.03 (1-26-05) After 7 months of stagnation, I finally get my lazy rear end to the computer and update again. Minor things as usual, with a new Deadbeard tactic added. Tret's HP have been fixed. I also got the version number at the top fixed. Version 1.04 (1-5-06) Yes, I'm lazy. More minor things, and I got some really cool ASCII art. To all those who e-mailed me during this time, I think I got all of your input placed If you feel that I rejected your input in error, please e-mail me and I'll either apologize for overlooking it or explain why I didn't place it. ###################### Table of contents ###################### i Version Information 1. General tips 2. Boss Guide Definitions of terms A. The Bandits B. Tret Tree C. Saturos D. The Killer Ape E. The Hydros Statue F. The Manticore G. The Kraken H. The Colloso Fighters I. Toadonpa J. The Storm Lizard K. DeadBeard L. The Tempest Lizard M. Saturos and Menardi N. The Fusion Dragon 3. Frequently Asked Questions 4. Credits 5. "Wanted" section. 6. Contacting me 7. Legal information ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1. General tips ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ This section is simply a collection of useful ideas and hints that can be helpful in the boss fights. 1. Use power boosts: One of the character statistics that plays a large role in the damage and effectiveness of character psynergy and summons is the Elemental Power of the character. The higher the elemental power, the more damage/effectiveness that character's psynergy and summons will have. In battle, you can increase your characters' power by having them summon. If you are fighting in base classes, you should have everyone summon in his own class type. This way, each character will receive a power boost when he summons. This will help not only with psynergy but it will also power up any other summons of that element that that character performs afterward. 2. Tying in with number 1, use support psynergy on your party. A fully powered -up character can withstand much more than a charcter at base power. 3. Try not to have your characters downed at any time. You may think that this goes without saying, but it is important. If you allow a character to be downed, he will lose all status enhancements he's gained up to this point. (Attack, resistance, power, etc.) This can be a significant factor in the outcome of battles. Also, if a character is down at the end of a battle, he will not receive any of the experience gained from the battle. 4. (Thanks to Hyrulian Jedi for bringing this to my attention, even if he does not know that he did =)) Use status ailments on the bosses that can be affected by them. This can be a key to the win. Cause the Manticore to sleep for two rounds, or infect the Storm Lizard with deadly poison, and the win will come quickly. ============================================================================== 2. Boss Guide ============================================================================== Quick note: Most fights will be in base classes as most of the available classes are useless in the early part of the game. If not otherwise noted, the fight is in base classes [each character has his elemental djinn (Venus for Isaac, Mars for Garet, etc.)] Also, unless otherwise noted in the strategy section, all djinn are assumed to be on set. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Definitions of terms ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ HP: Abbreviation of Hit Points PP: Abbreviation of Psy Points Physical attack: An attack that does not use PP Base classes: Each character has his elemental djinn (Venus for Isaac, Mars for Garet, etc.) Status ailment: A condition such as sleep, delusion, stun, or poison. Usually these ailments can be cleared up with in-battle psynergy. Turn: A complete round of attacks. (I.E, when the pre-battle screen comes up.) Unless otherwise noted, psynergy that the bosses use is attack psynergy. ______________________________________________________________________________ Boss fight A: The Bandits ______________________________________________________________________________ You meet the bandits in the loft of the Vault inn. They do not possess any truly devastating attacks, but there are three of them. They are weak against all elements. This is not a "boss fight" if you want to be technical about it, but I still consider it to be one in much the same way that I consider the Mace Knight in Hyrule Castle in LoZ:LttP to be one. HP: Thief1:~100 Bandit:~260 Thief2:~100 PP: No Strategy: Have Ivan use psynergy on the bandits each turn, focusing on the one in the middle. Have Isaac unleash and then summon with Flint, or heal if some- one needs it. Garet can attack or use psynergy as you see fit. The bandits have herbs which they will use on one another as the battle pro- gresses, and and they have a habit of using smoke bombs. They will also unleash critical hits of their own from time to time. When you defeat them you will be rewarded with 50 some experience and the Bandit's sword, which unleashes Rapid Smash. ______________________________________________________________________________ Boss fight B: Tret Tree ______________________________________________________________________________ You find Tret in the base of the tree. He will say a few words about being in the heart of his power, and then you will go to the battle screen. But what's this? The music is different! Uh-oh, that means he's super-powerful, right? Wrong! He has 710 hit points and no powerful attacks HP: ~710 PP: Yes Attacks: Normal attack. Targets one party member. Thorn. A Venus psynergy that targets three party members. Growth. A Venus psynergy that targets one party member. Quake. A Venus psynergy that targets three party members. Sleep Star. A physical attack that targets three party members. Does no damage, but has the possibility of sleeping the targets. Weakness: Mars Recommended level: 7 Class setup: Base classes. To start the battle have Ivan's Djinn on set to increase his HP and PP. He can unleash or use psynergy as you see fit. Have Isaac and Garet start the battle with their Djinn on standby so that they can summon right off. After this, have all characters use psynergy on Tret. If you wish, you can attack with Isaac and Garet's Djinn again, and then summon. Or, if you wish to have higher stats, simply attack and use psynergy. Tret will go down easily in the first few turns. You will be rewarded with 226 experience, 700 coins, and a psy crystal. ______________________________________________________________________________ Boss fight C. Saturos ______________________________________________________________________________ You find Saturos on top of Mercury Lighthouse. He defeated you once before in the game, so you know he's tough. Luckily, this is Mercury Lighthouse, so his "power is bound by the light of Mercury." (Quoted from the game.) This means that he does not have access to the level 3 Mars psynergies for this battle. Don't let this make you think that he's a pushover, however. He is far more difficult than Tret was. HP: ~1,200 PP: Yes Attacks: Normal attack. Targets 1 party member. Fireball. Level 2 Mars psynergy that targets five party members. Eruption. Level 2 Mars psynergy that targets three party members. Heat flash. Physical attack that targets one party member. Carries with it the chance of deluding the target. Weakness: Mercury Recommended level: 10 Class setup: Base classes Special: Saturos is a human adept. He is invulnerable to status ailments. Before the battle, have Isaac and Garet put their non attacking djinn on standby. Ivan should have his djinn set to boost his stats, and Mia should have her djinn set for unleashing. Isaac and Garet each unleash their attacking djinn, and then use level 2 summons. Ivan can unleash Gust and then summon, but he is the weak link, and conservative players will simply use his psynergy. Mia is crucial, as she is the healer. At the start of battle, she can use an attacking psy, which, being Mercury, will be strong against the fire enemy. After this, she will most probably be healing each turn. Isaac may have to help here, too. After the summons, have the characters use psynergy while waiting for their djinn to be reset. Depending on how well you stood up to the first few attacks, you may or may not want to continue with Isaac and Garet unleashing/summoning djinn. If you really need a moment's peace, use Granite, which will halve damage that you take on that turn. You will be rewarded with about 531 experience and 750 coins in addition to a psy crystal. ______________________________________________________________________________ Boss fight D. The Killer Ape ______________________________________________________________________________ You find the killer ape in Mogall Forest, after following his tiny counterpart through the woods. He is what I like to call a "dumb" boss, as status ailments can affect him easily. HP: ~1,500 PP: Yes, although it's very rudimentary. Attacks: Normal attack. Targets one party member. Debilitate. Mars psynergy that has a possibility of lowering defense. It targets three party members and does no damage. Ransack. Physical attack. Does greater damage than normal attack. It targets one party member. Douse. Level 1 Mercury psynergy that targets three party members. Bind. Jupiter Psynergy that has the possibility of blocking the psynergy of the target but does no damage. Targets one party member. War cry. Physical attack that has the possibility of disabling the the target for that turn, The target can act again the next turn. Targets one party member. Weakness: Mars Recommended level: 13 Class setup: Base classes. Special: This boss is incredibly agile. To start the battle, have two of every character's djinn on standby and one set. The one on set should be an attack djinn. Unleash the djinn, and then summon. After the summons, use elemental psynergy, as it will be powered up by the summons. When the djinn are set, do it again. Use Mia to heal when necessary. She won't be doing much attacking anyway as her psynergy is weak against this boss. Especially try to inflict some sort of status ailment on the creature, as it will make him that much easier to defeat. You will receive the Douse Drop after the battle. ______________________________________________________________________________ Boss fight E. The Hydros statue ______________________________________________________________________________ You find the Hydros Statue in the bottom level of the Altin Peak mine. He is basically a souped-up version of the Living Statues that you have already defeated. HP: ~1,250 PP: Yes Attacks: Normal attack. Targets one party member. Water Blessing (The word "blessing" is a translation error. It is better translated "breath.") Mercury elemental physical attack that targets three party members. Ice Horn. Level 2 Mercury psynergy that targets three party members. Tundra. Level 2 Mercury psynergy that targets three party members. Froth Sphere. Level 2 Mercury psynergy that targets three party members. Weakness: Mars Class setup: Base classes. Recommended level: 16 To start the battle, have all of Mia's djinn set. She will be the healer, for the same reasons as the killer ape fight. Ivan should have all but one of his djinn on standby, and Isaac and Garet should have all but two. The set djinn should be attacking djinn. Have the men unleash their djinn. Mia should attack. The Hydros Statue will be unable to down you this turn. Have Mia heal next turn if necessary. Have the two fighters unleash their remaining djinn, and have Ivan summon. The two fighters summon next turn, Mia heals or attacks, and Ivan uses psynergy. When the djinn start setting again, unleash again and summon. The statue will be so weak that he cannot stand up to a second round of summons. You will receive 496 experience, 2,400 coins, and a lucky medal. You will also be able to reach the chest behind the statue that contains the Lift Gem. ______________________________________________________________________________ Boss Fight F. The Manticore ______________________________________________________________________________ You meet the Manticore at the end of the Lamakan Desert. He's an "Intelligent" boss, so status ailments won't work very well against him. Be very careful, for he has two actions per turn. Go into this fight with plenty of antidotes and healing items. The Unicorn ring and Healing ring wouldn't hurt either. This, by the way, happens to be my favorite of the boss fights. HP: ~2,000 PP: Yes Attacks: Normal attack. Targets one party member. Poison tail. Has a possibility of infecting the target with deadly poison. Targets one party member. Delude. Non-damaging Jupiter psynergy that targets three party members and has a possibility of deluding the targets. Mad Blast. Level 3 Mars psynergy that targets three party members. Curse. Can inflict the "Curse" status ailment, which downs the party member affected in seven turns. Cure with Elixer or Restore, Nova. Level 2 Mars Psynergy that targets five party members. Impair. Non-damaging Mars Psynergy that has the possibility of lower- ing the target's defense. Targets one party member. Weakness: Mercury Class setup: Isaac and Ivan in base classes, and switch Garet and Mia's djinn. Special: Two actions per turn. Also is an "intelligent" boss Recommended level: Level 18 To start the battle have Isaac, Garet, and Ivan unleash, while Mia uses water attacking psynergy. She will have her djinn set the entire battle so that she can continue to heal. Continue unleashing until the summons are ready. Pull them off, but have Mia summon Boreas, as the power boost will guarantee her ability as a healer. Be sure to cure the status ailments, as there are sure to be plenty that need healing. Watch out for Ivan, as he has a tendency to go down easily when his djinn are all on standby. When the summons are done, cure status, and then attack with anything you have. The Manticore should go down quickly. You will receive 590 experience, 3,400 coins, and a psy crystal as a reward for defeating the Manticore. ______________________________________________________________________________ Boss Fight G. The Kraken ______________________________________________________________________________ You meet the Kraken on the Tolbi-bound ship. Before you go up the stairs, set your djinn the way you want them. Once you go up the stairs, you will go directly to the boss fight without pausing on the middle deck. He is a "dumb" boss, so status ailments easily affect him. Use them well. HP: ~2,450 PP: Yes Attacks: Normal attack. Targets one party member. Spinning beat. Physical attack that targets one party member for more damage than a normal attack. Poison beat. An attack like Spinning beat except with the possibility of poisoning the target. Targets one party member. Water Blessing. (Actually supposed to be Water Breath.) Elemental physical attack that targets three party members. Dark Blessing (Breath). Same as Water Breath with a possibility of deluding the target. Targets three party members. Drench. Mercury psynergy that targets three party members. Froth Sphere. Mercury Psynergy that targets five party members. Recommended level: Level 19 Weakness: Mars Classes: Base classes for all. Special: Two actions per turn. Knows the psynergies Ply and Ply well. Have Isaac's Quartz on standby. Have the men unleash attacking Djinn, except for Garet, who unleashes Forge. Have Mia attack. On the next turn, Mia heals or cures poison as necessary. The men continue to unleash until the level 3 or 4 summons are available. Each summons in his own element. Once the summons are done, have Isaac help with healing, have Garet use Mars psynergy, and have Ivan cast Sleep. He should do this until the Kraken falls asleep, at which point he uses his psynergy to attack as well. If the blessings are too much for you, have Ivan unleash Breeze or cast Resist. This will strenghthen the party against them. You will receive 711 experience, 5,200 coins, and a water of life. ______________________________________________________________________________ Boss Fight H. The Colloso Fighters ______________________________________________________________________________ Note: The Colloso fighters are fought with only one character, so I won't go into great detail as to how to fight them. I also will not bother finding their stats. If someone out there is willing to let me have the stats, I will put them in, and you will receive credit. There is really not much in the way of strategy to fighting the gladiators. All I can say is be careful and do not let your HP slip below about 80. Unleash your djinn as usual, but always leave one on set to keep your HP above 160. After the summon, use Ragnarok, stopping to heal as necessary. The power boost from the summon will help with psynergy use. Also, when doing the racing portion of Colloso, do NOT let the opposition take the better item. If you let them do this, the remaining fights will be much, much harder. ______________________________________________________________________________ Optional: Boss Fight I. Toadonpa ______________________________________________________________________________ You find Toadonpa in the heart of Lunpa Fortress. Dodonpa [notice the "Dodo"? :^)] will say a few words about becoming monster fodder, and will then pull a switch that lets Toadonpa into the room. Never mind him, he's the easiest boss in the game. He's also the dumbest boss in the game. It's hard for status psynergy not to work on him. HP:~2,900 PP: No. Attacks: Normal attack. Targets one party member. Thrash. Physical attack that has the possibility of reducing the target's HP to one. Targets one party member. Dark Blessing.(Breath) Elemental physical attack that has the possibility of lowering the target's defenses. Targets three party members. Rotten Blood. Physical attack that has the possibility of lowering the target's defense. Targets one party member. Sticky Poison. Physical attack that has the possibility of poisoning the target. Targets one party member. Weakness: Mars Classes: Base classes Recommended level: Level 21 Special: Recovers 80 HP at the end of each turn. Start with two of Isaac and Ivan's djinn on standby (non-attacking ones.) Garet has one on standby. (Either Corona or Ember.) Isaac and Ivan unleash an attacker, Garet unleashes Forge, and Mia unleashes Mist. (Hopefully he will fall asleep due to this attack.) On the next turn, the men unleash any attackers they have left and Mia heals or attacks as necessary. She should always have at least four djinn set so that she has the Wish psynergy. The men summon, and Mia attacks or heals. Toadonpa should be so weak at this point that a couple of rounds of attacking psynergy should do him in. You will receive 999 experience, 3,200 coins, and a psy crystal. ALTERNATIVE STRATEGY. Go into the fight with Assassin's blades on Isaac and Garet. Critical-boosting items (Hyper boots, for example) will make this easier. Simply attack him each round, using sleep with Ivan if you like, and hope that a blade drains him. Success with this method is not guaranteed, but Toadonpa has such wimpy attack power (thrash excepted, but he rarely uses it) that you should be in no danger of being downed. If any character's HP start to fall, have Mia heal him. ______________________________________________________________________________ Optional:Boss Fight J. The Storm Lizard ______________________________________________________________________________ You are chased by a giant tornado when you get onto the flats of Suhalla. When you douse it, you will find a giant version of the tornado lizards that you faced earlier. He is no more intelligent than they are. This boss is actually optional. It is possible to outrun him if you are quick about it. HP: ~3,000 PP: Yes Attacks: Normal Attack. Targets one party member. Wing Stroke. Physical attack that targets three party members. Sonic Slash. Level 3 Jupiter psynergy that targets 5. Tempest. Level 3 Jupiter psynergy that targets 5. Storm Ray. Level 2 Jupiter psynergy that targets 3. Other Psynergy (he uses this on himself): Impact. Jupiter Psynergy that increases attack. Ward. Jupiter Psynergy that increases resistance. Classes: Base classes. Recommended level: Level 23 Special: Two actions per turn. To start the battle, Isaac attacks, Garet unleashes Forge, Ivan unleashes Squall, and Mia unleashes Sleet. Next turn, Isaac unleashes Flint, Garet unleashes Scorch, Ivan unleashes Smog, and Mia summons, or heals if you need to. Continue until Ivan has four djinn on standby, then summon. The fighters summon as soon as their level four summons become available. After the summons, the fighters use their strong psynergy, Ivan casts Resist or High Impact, and Mia heals as necessary. When the djinn start setting again, have the men unleash and then summon again The Storm Lizard will go down quickly. ALTERNATIVE STRATEGY. Go into the fight with Assasin's blades on Isaac and Garet. Critical-boosting items (Hyper boots, for example) will make this easier. Simply attack him each round, using Sleep with Ivan if you like, and hope that a blade drains him. If any character's HP start to fall, have Mia heal him. _____________________________________________________________________________ Optional:Boss Fight K. DeadBeard ______________________________________________________________________________ Ah, yes, the BIG one. Deadbeard is found in the bottom of Crossbone Isle cave. He is the hardest boss in the game, even though he is not the final one. It's best to fight him when someone has the psynergy Break, as he has a habit of using stat boosting psynergy on himself. HP: ~6,000 PP: Yes Attacks: Normal attack. Targets one party member. Inferno. Level 3 Mars psynergy that targets 5. Freeze Prism. Level 3 Mercury Psynergy that targets 5. Spark Plasma. Level 3 Jupiter psynergy. Targets 5 party members. Break. Mercury Psynergy that nullifies all stat boosting effects in current play. Other Psynergy (He uses this on himself): Guard. Mars Psynergy that increases defense. Ward. Jupiter psynergy that increases resistance. Impact. Jupiter psynergy that increases attack. Classes: Base classes. Weakness: Venus. Special: Two actions per turn. Immune to status ailments, except for psy seal. Recommended level: At least level 30. (So the Break psynergy is available.) SLOWEST STRATEGY: (For those who are desperate.) This strategy is nothing more than unleashing Granite on one turn and setting it the next. On turns where Granite is being set, unleash Flash. Have the re- maining two party members heal and aid as necessary. This strategy takes a long time, but is practically infallible. SUMMON RUSH STRATEGY: (Thanks to KK for suggesting that I put this in here.) This consists of putting four of each player's djinn on standby before the fight begins and summoning right off. Continue by using the strong psynergy for each character and healing as necessary. NEW SUMMON RUSH "First, make sure you have trained up to at least level 28 or 30. Also, you must have all the Djinn. Now, before you start the battle, put all your Djinn on standby and save the game. Now, turn your gameboy off and on(a HARD RESET). Enter the battle and have everyone summon their respective level 4 summons. Lots of damage(blahblahblah).Do not be worried about dying in one hit. Deadbeard will just cast Impact for his two turns. On turn 2, have everyone summon their remaining respective level 3 summons. The elemental boost from the previous summons will greatly increase the power of the summons on turn 2 Once again, Deadbeard will stand there like an idiot and get hit. After everyone summons, he should die. If he doesn't, try gaining a level or two. So, for summary, this is how it should go: TURN 1 Ivan summons Thor DEADBEARD casts Impact Issac summons Judgement Mia summons Boreas Garet summons Meteor DEADBEARD casts Impact TURN 2 Ivan summons Procne DEADBEARD casts Ward Issac summons Cybele Mia summons Neptune Garet summons Tiamat DEADBEARD is Felled!!! To reiterate: a. Must have ALL Djinn b. Be level 29 or higher c. Must HARD RESET after putting all 28 Djinn on standby and saving on the Pirate Ship" (The above strategy was given to me by Jman2050. It is not my work, and I am not the originator thereof. EASIEST STRATEGY: (Recommended for first-timers who are reasonably confident in their abilities.) Go into the fight with everyone's djinn set in base classes. Have Isaac attack , Garet unleashes Forge, Ivan unleashes Luff, and Mia unleashes Sleet. Have Isaac and Garet continue to unleash, have Ivan alternate between unleashing and setting Luff, and have Mia unleash once more or heal. When a turn arrives in which Mia can summon without needing to heal, have her do so. (The purpose of this is to boost her water power, so that she will be a more effective hea- ler.) When the Isaac and Garet have 3 or 4 djinn on standby, have them summon. Next turn, have each of them use their strong psynergy. (Ragnarok and Heat Wave.) Continue to do this until Isaac has one djinni left to recover. At this point have Garet unleash Forge again, and repeat the whole strategy (with the exception that Mia heals continuously instead of unleashing. Deadbeard will go down on the second round of summons. The point of this strategy is that Deadbeard possesses no non-psynergy special attacks, so all he has left is his physical attack, which makes the battle easy. EXPERT'S STRATEGY: (Recommended for those very confident in their abilities.) This strategy relies on being good more than anything else. Start by having Isaac and Garet unleash attackers, Ivan cast Resist, and Mia attack. Deadbeard will probably use some sort of boost on himself, but don't worry about it unless it's Impact. If it is, Break him immediately. Otherwise, just continue. Next, unleash again, and have Ivan do so as well. Ivan unleashes until he has three on standby. (Never four, as he is then too weak to stand up to two attacks.) The fighters unleash until they have four on standby, then summon. Mia is healing throughout. Deadbeard will probably Break you after the summons, so simply attack with the fighters. Ivan uses psynergy after the summons. Also, if Deadbeard has done two or three status effects on himself by now, it's probably time to Break him. Remember, always Break him immediately if he uses Impact. Continue until the djinn start setting, at which point you should start unleashing again. After the second round of summons, Deadbeard should go down. You will receive 8,000 experience NEW. blazin elf at the Golden Sun message board has said that he managed to kill Deadbeard with an Assassin Blade unleash. If anyone can confirm this for me, I would appreciate it. ______________________________________________________________________________ Optional: Boss Fight L. The Tempest Lizard ______________________________________________________________________________ You find the Tempest Lizard after you douse the pink tornado. He is just about exactly the same as the Storm Lizard you most probably fought earlier. He is also completely optional just as the Storm Lizard was. HP: ~3,000 PP: Yes Attacks: Normal Attack. Targets one party member. Wing Stroke. Physical attack that targets three party members. Sonic Slash. Jupiter psynergy that targets 5. Tempest. Level 3 Jupiter psynergy that targets 5. Storm Ray. Level 2 Jupiter psynergy that targets 3. Other Psynergy (he uses this on himself): Impact. Jupiter Psynergy that increases attack. Ward. Jupiter Psynergy that increases resistance. Classes: Base classes. Recommended level: Level 23 Special: Two actions per turn. Isaac attacks, Garet unleashes Forge, Ivan unleashes Squall, and Mia unleashes Sleet. Next turn, Isaac unleashes Flint, Garet unleashes Scorch, Ivan unleashes Smog, and Mia summons, or heals if you need to. Continue until Ivan has four djinn on standby, then summon. The fighters summon as soon as their level four summons become available. After the summons, the fighters use their strong psynergy, Ivan casts Resist or High Impact, and Mia heals as necessary. When the djinn start setting again, have the men unleash and then summon again The Storm Lizard will go down quickly. ALTERNATIVE STRATEGY. Go into the fight with Assasin's blades on Isaac and Garet. Critical-boosting items (Hyper boots, for example) will make this easier. Simply attack him each round, using sleep with Ivan if you like, and hope that a blade drains him. If any character's HP start to fall, have Mia heal him. CONTRIBUTED STRATEGY This was sent in by Ryzure: "Isaac's Djinn must be set as: Flint - Set, Granite - Set, Quartz - Standby, Vine - Standby, Sap - Set, Ground - Standby, Bane - Set. Ivan's Djinn: Gust - Set, Breeze - Standby, Zephyr - Standby, Smog - Set, Kite - Standby, Squall - Set, Luff - Set. Mia's Djinn: Fizz - Standby, Sleet - Set, Mist - Set, Spritz - Standby, Hail - Set, Tonic - Standby, Dew - Set. Garet's Djinn: Forge - Standby, Fever - Set, Corona - Standby, Scorch - Set, Ember - Standby, Flash - Set, Torch - Set. "Round 1: Isaac unleashes Granite, Ivan unleashes Squall(or Luff, your choice), Mia unleashes Hail, Garet unleashes Flash Round 2: Isaac summons Judgment, Ivan summons Thor, Mia summons Boreas, Garet summons Meteor. "There shouldn't be a Round 3, but if there is just attack = P" FUN STRATEGY The Tempest Lizard is weak to poison. Use Bane or attack with the Wicked Mace/ Demon Axe, sit back, and enjoy the fun. You receive 1360 experience and 6,400 coins, plus a Potion. ______________________________________________________________________________ Boss Fight M. Saturos and Menardi ______________________________________________________________________________ You find Saturos and Menardi on top of Venus Lighthouse, and this time you get there BEFORE they light the beacon for a change. Before you jump over to them, set your classes, as you go directly into the fight from the second cutscene. Saturos HP: ~3,000 PP: Yes Attacks: Normal attack. Targets one party member. Heat Flash. Physical attack that has the possibility of deluding the target. Targets one party member. Inferno. Level 3 Mars psynergy. Targets five. Pyroclasm. Level 3 Mars psynergy. Targets five. Break. Mercury psynergy. Resets boosted stats to normal. Targets all. Haunt. Non-damaging Jupiter psynergy that has the possibility of haunt- ing the targets. Targets three. Other psynergy. (Uses this on his party.) Protect. Increases the defense of party. Targets all. Potent Cure. Venus psynergy that heals 300 hp. Targets one. Menardi HP: ~2,000 PP: Yes Attacks: Normal attack. Targets one. Death Size (better translated as Death Scythe). Physical attack that has the possibility of instantly downing the target. Targets one. Flare Storm. Mars psynergy. Targets three. Supernova. Mars psynergy. Targets seven. Other psynergy (Uses this on her party.) High Impact. Boosts party's attack. Wish. Heals party HP. Resist. Increases party resistance. Recommended level: Level 32 (They can be beaten with levels as low as 25) Special: Incredibly intelligent, invulnerable to status ailments (save for Psy seal.) While fighting, keep in mind that you will be going directly from this fight to the Fusion Dragon, so when this fight begins winding down, attempt to set your djinn the way you like so that you begin the fight with the Fusion Dragon on the right foot. Begin with all djinn set. Isaac unleashes Flint, Garet unleashes Fever, Ivan casts Impact on Issac or Garet, and Mia unleashes Sleet. (The purpose of her unleashes is to boost her Mercury power. She will be healing just about every turn in this battle, so it is crucial that her power be boosted.) Isaac continues to unleash attackers, and then unleashes Vine to slow Saturos and Menardi. Garet unleashes his attackers and then summons. Ivan unleashes Squall, Smog, and Breeze, and then summons. Mia summons at her first opportunity and thereafter heals. All summons are focused on Menardi. After the summons, have each character attack Menardi if she is not already down. Once she is down, have the men attack Saturos until he goes down. You receive 6,000 experience and 7,800 coins from this battle. ______________________________________________________________________________ Boss Fight N. The Fusion Dragon ______________________________________________________________________________ Welcome to the almost BIG boss. This is the Final Fight, so enjoy it. Attacks: Normal attack. Targets one party member. Break. Mercury Psynergy that nullifies all stat boosting effects in play. Targets all party members. Outer Space. Physical attack that is much like the Meteor summon in looks and in power. Targets all party members. Dragon Driver. Physical attack much like the Tiamat summon in looks and power. Targets all party members. Evil Blessing (Breath). Breath that has the possibility of haunting the targets. Targets three party members. Drain Fang. Physical attack that drains the target's HP into the boss Targets one party member. Deadly Gas. Breath that has the possibility of infecting the targets with venom. Targets three party members. Severe Blow. Physical attack that has the possibility of reducing the target's HP to one. Targets one. Recommended level: Level 32. (You can beat him with levels as low as 20.) Special: Two actions per turn. Is also semi-intelligent. Status ailments can be inflicted on him, but it is hard to do so. All right. Hopefully you were preparing for this fight in the last few rounds of fighting Saturos and Menardi. If you do not have all djinn set, simply attack until they are. Whenever one of the fighters gets all of his djinn on set, have Ivan cast Impact on him and then have him (the fighter) unleash till four are on standby , then summon. He should then simply attack, waiting until such time as all but one are back on set. He then uses his strong psynergy and then begins unleashing again. Ivan, meanwhile, is casting Resist as often as he gets a breathing space. He does this four times until the party's resistance in maxed out. He then begins his own unleashes. When he gets three on standby, summon. Mia is healing throughout. I would recommend, though, that if you are strong enough, have her unleash one or two djinn and summon at the start, so that her power is boosted and her healing is more effective. There will probably come a point where one or more party members are infected with venom. At this point you will want to use Granite or Flash while Mia fixes the problem. Always keep either Flash or Granite available in case the Fusion Dragon uses two Outer Spaces in a row. This can (at low levels) make your party vulnerable in the next turn. If you are unlucky enough (as I have been once or twice) to have him repeat this the next turn, you can say goodbye if you have not been preparing for it. ****************************************************************************** Frequently Asked Questions ****************************************************************************** 1. Where do I find (insert name of boss)? A. See a walkthrough if the brief description I've given with each boss is not sufficient. I would recommend the guide by ikillkenny. You can find it on the Golden Sun FAQ page where you found this FAQ. (If you can't find it there, another website is using my guide without permission. Email me to tell me of any violations of this rule.Remember that this may be found only on GameFAQS.com. ) Please note that I do not intend for my guide to tell exactly where to find every boss, but how to defeat each one. Don't email me asking where a boss is. The email will be deleted. 2. What do you mean by an "intelligent" or "stupid" boss? A. It should be obvious, but an intelligent boss is one upon whom it is hard to inflict status ailments. In some cases it is next to impossible. A stupid boss is one that is susceptible to status ailments. (Think Toadonpa, the best example of a stupid boss.) Also, the intelligent bosses have better AI than the stupid ones. ****************************************************************************** 4.Credits ****************************************************************************** First, thanks to God for His help in sustaining me from day to day and making a world where video games and technology exist. Thanks to NoA, for releasing this great game. Thanks to GameFAQS, for hosting this FAQ. Thanks to my cousin, who introduced me to this game. Thanks to my little brother, who gave some small input. Thanks to gameman250, whose walkthrough for LoZ:LTTP inspired me to write my own FAQ. Thanks to the members of the Golden Sun message board, whose input really helped in the making of this guide. Thanks to Hyrulian Jedi for reminding me that Menardi possesses the psynergy attack Supernova. (Also for reminding me that most bosses are vulnerable to status ailments.) Thanks to KK for suggesting that I put the summon rush "strategy" in the Dead- beard fight. Thanks to Killer Turtle for pointing out that the Fusion Dragon has the attack Severe Blow. Thanks to vegeta4756@hotmail.com for giving me the information (from Prima's strategy guide) that Tret has 710 HP, not 450. Thanks to Jman2050 for sending me the summon rush order for Deadbeard. Thanks to Clark Beyer for pointing out that the Kraken has the Psynergy attack Drench, and the healing Psynergy Ply. Thanks to Jeffrey for pointing out that the Killer Ape drops the Douse Drop, NOT the Frost Gem. (What was I on when I wrote that . . . ?) Thanks to Dylan Haight for the ASCII art you see at the top. Thanks to Steve Smith for telling me the reward for defeating S&M. Thanks to Anarki FX and Ryzure for reminding me that the Storm Lizard uses Ward. Thanks also to Ryzure for telling me the rewards for the Tempest Lizard and for sending in the order for a quick kill on him. Thanks to Sir Omega for reminding me to put in the Tempest Lizard's weakness to poison. ______________________________________________________________________________ ) ( ) 5."Wanted" section ( )____________________________________________________________________________( This section is where I call on you, the readers, to help me. I still need information, which need I will post here as I think of it. If you know the answer, send me an email. You will receive credit for it. 1. I have tried to make this guide as complete as possible, but I have most likely missed some boss attacks or small detail of the fights. Let me know. 2. I would like to know the exact HP of each boss. I have rough approximations of the HP from recording each attack in battle, but I would like exact figures if possible. Are the exact numbers known, and if so what are they? 3. While going through the game to think of what to put in this guide, I neglected to note what the reward for the Killer Ape battle is. (Besides the Frost Gem.) Can someone tell me what the Exp reward and the coin reward are? Also, do you receive any other items from the battle? 4. And, of course, I have probably made some typograaphical (just checking to make sure you're still awake. =) ) errors. Let me know. I want to fix them. Again, please e-mail me if you know the answer to any of these. You will be given credit in the next version of the guide. `````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````` Contacting Me `````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````` You can email me with questions, comments, or suggestions. My email is: LinkTheValiant [at] juno [dot] com Before asking me a question, be absolutely certain that I have not covered it in this FAQ or stated that I do not cover the topic. If I get one of these I will simply delete it. Please note that I have done my best to make this guide easy to read (grammar, spelling, and the like.) I would GREATLY appreciate it if you would extend the same courtesy to me when contacting me. When emailing, be sure to put the phrase "Golden Sun" in the subject. My inbox is too full of spam, and I will no longer accept mail that I do not trust. If your email does not originate from an email that I know, and does not have the phrase "Golden Sun" in the subject line, It WILL BE DELETED. One of these conditions must be met if I am to see your message. Note that I will not do the deleting. I have my inbox set to delete all such mail. Please include a name by which you want to be credited. It makes me sleep more easily knowing that nobody can call me out complaining of being ripped off or shorted. Do not ask me for permission to translate, HTMLize, format, or otherwise alter this document. I will simply delete all such emails. The same goes for requests to host it on your website. Only GameFAQs may host this guide. NO exceptions. I may not reply to you for a while after you send your message. My e-mail checking is spotty, as real life has caught up with me. I DO read it, so your message isn't going into oblivion. If I don't reply it most likely means you either didn't follow the directions or the input isn't worth it. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Legal Information ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This guide may not appear anywhere other than GameFAQS. DO NOT email me asking for permission to host this guide. You will NOT receive it. You may reproduce this guide for your own personal use as long as you do not profit by such use. You may store portions or the entirety on your computer's hard drive, as long as it remains absolutely unchanged. You may also print it to show a friend or help him. The bottom line is: You may not derive any profit from use of this guide. This guide is (C)2003-2004 to LinkTheValiant and is the sole property of LinkTheValiant. This guide may not be reproduced, in whole or in part, for the purpose of sale or publication without my explicit consent.