逆転裁判2 【ぎゃくてんさいばんつう】 ゲームボーイアドバンスト 【GBA】 Reversal Judgment 2 (gyakuten' saiban' 2) Gameboy Advanced FAQ/Walkthrough Japanese EUC Encoding By: Aryuze RV E-mail: Version 1.00 Last Up: 11/23/02 +-=-=qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm`1234567890-=[]\;',./~!@#$%^&*()_+{}|:"<>?=-=-+ <-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 78characters -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-> _/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/ 目次 Contents _/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/ 1. Basic Knowledge Part 1a. Overview 1b. Menus 2. Episode 1 The Lost Reversal 3. Episode 2 The Reunion, and then the Reversal 3a. Detective Part, Day 1 3b. Courtroom Part, Day 1 3c. Detective Part, Day 2 3d. Courtroom Part, Day 2 4. Episode 3 Reversal Circus 4a. Detective Part, Day 1 4b. Courtroom Part, Day 1 4c. Detective Part, Day 2 4d. Courtroom Part, Day 2 5. Episode 4 Farewell, Reversal 5a. Detective Part, Day 1 5b. Courtroom Part, Day 1 5c. Detective Part, Day 2 5d. Courtroom Part, Day 2 6. Story Summary 6a. Episode 1 6b. Episode 2 6c. Episode 3 6d. Episode 4, Day 1 6e. Episode 4, Day 2 #. Update History _/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/ 基礎知識編 1. Basic Knowledge Part _/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/ 1a. Overview Recommended Viewing. JWPce: a Japanese Word Processing Program Character Set: EUC-JP Display and ASCII Font: MS Mincho Font Size: 16 pixels Line Width: Fixed, Size 37 A year has passed after the debut of the Lawyer Ryuuichi Naruhodou. More new cases have popped up. Get ready for a new adventure as you play the role of Ryuuichi Naruhodou once again. If you are familiar with the first game in the series, then this game becomes even more fun. What has changed since the last game: The detective part's difficulty has increased with the introduction of the Psycho Lock. Some secrets are locked away inside a witness. By the second episode you will learn how to unlock this new feature. Another thing is that your life is now represented by a green life bar instead of the five exclamation points of the last game. Your life is now carried over between the detective part and the courtroom part. You lose life for showing the wrong evidence during the court and Psycho Lock parts. The only way to recover lost life is to successfully unlocking a Psycho Lock. 1b. Menus この章のはじめから From the beginning of the chapter 中断したところから From the last save point ゆさぶる Shake a witness つきつける Show a piece of evidence 話す Talk 移動する Move Controls: Control Pad: Move the cursor. A button: Enter button. B button: Cancel button. L button: Shake witness. R button: Show witness evidence, or view court records. Select button: Not used Start button: Quick Save. 成歩堂 龍一 【なるほどう りゅういち】 25歳 裁判長 【さいばんちょう】 年齢不明 記号の意味 ◎:最善の選択 △:罰なしの選択 ×:罰ありの選択 →:探偵では次に行く、法廷では「くらえ、異議あり!」 尋問の時、証言を全部ゆさぶるのは基本です。 _/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/ 第一挿話 失われた逆転 2. Episode 1 The Lost Reversal _/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/ 探偵編なし 法廷編 第一回 法廷前編 9月 8日 午前 9時 8分 地方裁判所 被告人第1控え室 1。成歩堂は裁判長の裁きの謎の夢を見る。 2。実は成歩堂は何者のよって記憶喪失だったんだ。 3。今回の依頼人は須々木 マコという婦人警官。 同日 午前10時 地方裁判所 第2法廷 4。で、どうなんですか? できていますか、準備の方は? ◎ はい △ いいえ 5。証拠品「現場写真・1」を入手。 6。被害者の死体の下から発見された 証拠とは、なんですかな? △ サイフ (亜内「異議あり!」) ◎ メガネ △ 警察手帳 (適当な事言うな!) 7。証拠品「現場写真・2」を法廷記録にファイルする。 8。糸鋸に尋問 〜決定的な証拠〜 「死体の下から見つけたメガネより さらに強力な証拠があるッス。 被害者はデート中、ベンチのあたり から突き落とされたッスが‥‥、 その際、犯人の名前を地面に 書き残していたッス。 ハッキリと被告の名前が “鈴木”と書かれていたッス。→つきつける:人物ファイル「須々木 マコ」 この証拠とメガネをあわせて、 彼女を容疑者として逮捕したッス。」 9。糸鋸の尋問 〜被害者と被告人の関係〜 「町尾巡査とマコ巡査は、半年ほど つきあっているはずッス。 “ケッコン”の話も、ボチボチ 出ていたみたいッス‥‥。 事件があった日は、被害者の 誕生日だったッス。 マコクン‥‥マコ巡査は、 プレゼントを用意して‥‥ そのプレゼントは、2ヶ月も前から ジュンビしていたッス。→ゆさぶる  (グローブ‥‥ねえ‥‥。   どうなんだろう?) ◎ もっとゆさぶる △ やめておく ‥‥自分が相談を受けたから 知ってるッス。」 10。その特注のグローブとやらが、 何か関係あるのですかな? ◎ もちろん関係ある △ もちろん関係ない 11。証拠品「グローブ」入手。 12。糸鋸に尋問 〜被害者が残した文字について〜 「ワレワレはまず、残された文字の 筆跡を調べてみたッス。 ザンネンながら、被害者が書いたと 断定はできなかったッス。 次にワレワレは、 被害者の人さし指を調べたッス。 ツメの間に、砂のツブがはさまって いるのが発見されたッス。 人さし指のハラにも、 文字を書いた際のスリ傷が。 以上のことから、被害者は右手で あの字を書いたと断定できるッス!」→つきつける:証拠品「グローブ」 13。休憩をとって、次の証人の話も聞く。 第一回 法廷前編の終わり 第一回 法廷後編 9月 8日 午前11時43分 地方裁判所 被告人第1控え室 14。証拠品「成歩堂の名刺」ゲット。 15。綾里 真宵が参上する。証拠品「リスト」を入手。 16。諸平野に尋問 〜事件当日、目撃したこと〜 「午後はずっと、公園で 思索にふけっていましたね。 時間はよくおぼえてないけど‥‥ 夕方の6時すぎのコトでしたか。 いきなり目の前に 警官が転げ落ちてきたんですよ。 思わず見上げると、真っ青なカオを した女と目が合いましたね。 もちろんおぼえています。 被告席の彼女でしたねあれは。 他に現場で変わったことといえば、 バナナが落ちていましたね。」→つきつける:証拠品「グローブ」 17。つまり、この証人は‥‥ △ バナナが大好き (苺の方が好き) ◎ 目が悪い △ 野球を知らない (中学時代のピッチャーか) 18。諸平野に尋問 〜事件を目撃してからのこと〜 「遊歩道の女は、ボクに気づくと、 サッと逃げていきましたね。 そのあと、ボクはすぐに警察に 通報しました。→つきつける:証拠品「町尾 守の解剖記録」 警察に電話が入ったのは、 6時45分だったみたいですね。 きっとヒマだったのでしょう。 10分もしないで駆けつけてきた。」 19。(とんでもないことになってきた! ‥‥どうする?) ◎ さらにつっこむ △ やめておく (考えを直せ) 20。どうですか? 弁護人。 これで問題ありませんね? △ 問題ない (真宵「ちゃんと法廷記録見ろ!」) ◎ それはおかしい 21。証人が、公衆電話を探していた はずがないという証拠を!→証拠品「現場写真・1」 22。空白の15分のあいだ、 この証人が何をしていたか‥‥? ◎ 考えはある △ 考えはない 23。“証人はなぜ、警察にすぐ 通報しなかったか‥‥?”→証拠品「メガネ」 24。(アイツに、被告人の名前を 知るチャンスはなかったのか?) △ チャンスはなかった ◎ チャンスはあった 25。この証人が、どうやって 被告の名前を知ることができたか?→証拠品「携帯電話」 26。では、提示してもらいましょう。 この証人の“動機”を示す証拠を!→証拠品「リスト」 27。決まってるじゃないですか! モロヘイヤは‥‥ × そのグループを調べていた × そのグループの被害者 ◎ そのグループの一員 28。現場で見た、マズイもの。 ‥‥なんですか? それは。→人物ファイル「町尾 守」 29。(何か‥‥! 何か見落としを しているはずだ!) △ 登録されている番号を調べる ◎ 携帯電話の指紋を調べる 30。(‥‥どうする! このままでいいのか‥‥?) △ ようすを見る ◎ 異議を申し立てる 31。あなたの考えをすべて証明する 証拠品を1つ。‥‥お見せなさい!→証拠品「成歩堂の名刺」 32。証拠品「裁判長の名刺」を入手。 33。その名刺のどこが重要なのか? それは‥‥ × 名刺に書かれた名前 ◎ 名刺のウラ面 須々木 マコの判決:無罪 真犯人:諸平野 貴雅 成歩堂の記憶が戻る。 証拠品ファイル 【弁護士バッジ】 ぼくの身分を 証明してくれる、 大切なバッジだ。 【携帯電話】 キオクにはないけど、 ぼくのポケットに 入っていたもの。  更新後  マコが公園で拾ったもの。  落とし主の連絡があった  が、現れなかった。 【町尾 守の解剖記録】 死亡推定時刻は9月6日 午後6時28分。死因は 全身の打撲とクビの骨折。 【メガネ】 死体の下から発見された。 付近に、近視用のレンズ のカケラも落ちていた。 【現場写真・1】 被害者は、上の遊歩道 から転落した。Lボタン で見ることができる。 【現場写真・2】 被害者の手もとを撮影 したもの。Lボタンで 見ることができる。 【グローブ】 マコが被害者の誕生日に プレゼントしたもの。 特注品らしい。 【成歩堂の名刺】 ぼくの名刺だ。ウラ面に ぼくの携帯電話の番号が 手書きで記されている。 【リスト】 見知らぬ名前と電話番号 が並んでいる。詐欺団の 容疑者らしいが‥‥。  更新後  詐欺団の名前と  電話番号。マコが拾った  携帯電話に登録。 【裁判長の名刺】 草書というのだろうか。 墨痕アザヤカに名前が 書かれてるが、読めない。 人物ファイル 須々木 マコ 【すずき まこ】 22歳 ぼくの依頼人。 婦人警官という他は、 なにも思い出せない。 町尾 守 【まちお まもる】 30歳 巡査で、事件の被害者。 被告の須々木 マコとは 恋愛関係にあったらしい。 亜内 武文 【あうち たけふみ】 53歳 この事件の担当検事。 押しが弱く、なんとなく パッとしない男。 糸鋸 圭介 【いとのこぎり けいすけ】 31歳 所轄署の刑事。 殺人の初動捜査を担当。 通称イトノコ刑事。 マヨイ 【まよい】 年齢不明 まったくおぼえがない のだが、どうやら 知り合いらしい。  更新後  綾里 真宵 【あやさと まよい】 18歳  1年前まで、ぼくの助手  をしてくれていた。  霊媒師として修行中。 諸平野 貴雅 【もろへいや たかまさ】 22歳 自称、一流の浪人生。 自分に合う大学を 探しているとか。 第一挿話 失われた逆転のおわり _/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/ 第二挿話 再会、そして逆転 3. Episode 2 The Reunion, and then the Reversal _/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/ 探偵編 第一回 探偵 3a. Detective Part, Day 1 6月16日 午後 3時34分 成歩堂法律事務所 1。霧崎 哲郎の話を聞く。 6月19日 午後 1時25分 倉院の里 2。真宵に話す→「今日の依頼」、「倉院の里」と「さっきの女の子」。 3。移動する→「修験者の間」。証拠品「上面図(綾里家)」を貰う。 4。霧崎に話す→「今日の依頼」と「真宵のこと」。移動する→「対面の間」。 キミ子に話す→「真宵のこと」、「今日の依頼」と「対面の間について」。 5。移動する→「修験者の間」→「わたりろうか」。調べる→青い壷。移動する →「控えの間」。調べる→布団。移動する→「わたりろうか」。 6。え、ええと、たしかあなたは‥‥。 △ ジャネットさん ◎ ナツミさん △ だれでしたっけ? 7。移動する→「修験者の間」。 8。(な‥‥中には真宵ちゃんが!) ◎ 《対面の間》に入る △ キミ子に聞いてみる 9。ナツミに話す→「目撃したこと」と「霧崎医師のこと」。移動する→ 「修験者の間」→「対面の部屋」。糸鋸に話す→「真宵のこと」と 「被害者の死因」。 10。移動する→「修験者の間」→「わたりろうか」→「控えの間」。 のどかに話す→「のどかのこと」と「事件について」。「被害者のこと」も 聞く。 11。移動する→「わたりろうか」。春美に話すとすぐ逃げちゃうから今 は無視してもいい。調べる→青い壷。ヒビが入っているが今は興味がない。 移動する→「修験者の間」→「倉院の里」。 12。ナツミに話す→「気づいたこと」。移動する→「修験者の間」。 6月20日 午前 8時 2分 綾里家・修験者の間 13。真宵に話す→「霊媒について」と「事件について」。「“夢”」の 話も聞く。証拠品「真宵の勾玉」を貰う。 14。移動する→「倉院の里」→「修験者の間」→「対面の間」。キミ子に 話す→「事件について」、「対面の間について」と「春美のこと」。調べる→ 屏風(ビョウブ)。証拠品「ビョウブ」を入手。 15。移動する→「修験者の間」→「わたりろうか」→「控えの間」。のどか に話す→「のどかのこと」、「事件について」と「被害者のこと」。調べる→ 大きい箱。 16。移動する→「わたりろうか」。春美につきつける→証拠品「真宵の勾玉」 話す→「春美のこと」と「手に持ってるもの」。 17。あ。ほしいのでしたら、 さしあげますけど‥‥? ◎ もらっておく △ エンリョしておく 18。証拠品「黒いカギ」を貰う。真宵の勾玉もパワーアップしてサイコ・ ロックをできる。移動する→「控えの間」。のどかに話す→「被害者のこと」 錠がかかている。心理錠(サイコ・ロック)を解除する必要。今はまだ証拠品 がたりないから心理錠はまたあとで。 19。移動する→「わたりろうか」→「修験者の間」。糸鋸に話す→ 「真宵の容疑」、「被害者のこと」と「審理について」。そのあと 「2代目」も聞く。 20。移動する→「倉院の里」→「成歩堂法律事務所」。証拠品「新聞記事・1」 を入手。移動する→「留置所」→「倉院の里」→「修験者の間」糸鋸に つきつける:証拠品「新聞記事・1」。証拠品「新聞記事・2」を貰う。 21。移動する→「わたりろうか」→「控えの間」。のどかにつきつける→ 「真宵の勾玉」心理錠開始。 22。のどかの心理錠 〜被害者のこと〜 (葉中 のどかと霧崎先生に、 何か接点があった可能性‥‥)→つきつける:証拠品「新聞記事・2」 解除成功(サイコ・ロックの解除を成功すると、同時に体力も大幅回復する) 23。話す→「被害者のこと」。移動する→「わたりろうか」→「修験者の間」 →「倉院の里」→「留置所」。 24。千尋と話す→「“完全無罪”」と「明日の手がかり」。つきつける→ 証拠品「黒いカギ」。 25。千尋も心理錠を持っている!だがあとで解除するから今は気にしないで。 第一回 探偵の終わり 第一回 法廷前編 3b. Courtroom Part, Day 1 6月21日 午前9時48分 地方裁判所 被告人第3控え室 1。春美は一人で法廷に来た。御剣検事もいない。真宵にダブルショック。 当日 午前10時 地方裁判所 第2法廷 2。完全無罪と主張する。 3。証拠品「上面図(事件現場)」を入手。 4。証拠品「霧崎 哲郎の解剖記録」を入手。 5。糸鋸に尋問 〜被害者の死因について〜 「直接の死因は、コメカミに 撃ちこまれたピストルの弾丸ッス。→ゆさぶる 弾丸は、かなり至近距離から 撃たれているッス。→ゆさぶる ただ、被害者は撃たれる前に、 ムネを刺されているッス。→ゆさぶる 傷は、かなりヒドかったッスが、 即死にはいたらなかったッス。→ゆさぶる 犯人は、トドメを刺すために ピストルを使ったッス。」→ゆさぶる:裁判長「そこまで!」 6。証拠品「ピストル」と「ナイフ」のデータを記録する。 7。(‥‥この決断は大きい‥‥ よく考えるんだ!) △ 正当防衛を主張 (千尋の言葉で考えを直せ) ◎ 完全無罪を主張 8。証拠品「真宵の装束」を貰う。 9。糸鋸の尋問 〜真宵の犯行を立証する証拠〜 「ザンネンながら、さらに強力な 証拠があるッス。 被告が現場て着ていた 装束を見てほしいッス。 見てのとおり、血痕が 付着しているッス。→ゆさぶる  (ヘタに食いさがるのも   キケンだけど‥‥どうする!)  ◎ さらに追求する  △ やめておく 被告は、明らかに無抵抗の 被害者を殺害したッス。」 10。(くそっ! 時間切れか。 この装束には‥‥) △ モンダイはない (またやり直し) ◎ モンダイがある 11。この装束がはらんでいる “問題点”とは!→服の右下のたもとにある弾痕 12。証拠品「真宵の装束」のデータを更新させる。 13。まだ糸鋸の尋問を続く。 「被告は、明らかに無抵抗の 被害者を殺害したッス」→つきつける:証拠品「真宵の装束」 (更新後の装束) 14。糸鋸に尋問 〜推測される事件の再現〜 「被告は霊媒中、被害者のスキを見て ナイフでムネを刺したッス。 被害者は当然、最後の力を ふりしぼって、抵抗したッス。 2人はもみ合って、被害者は ピストルを取り出したッス。 被害者は発砲したッスが、 距離が近すぎて、はずしたッス。→つきつける:証拠品「真宵の装束」 そのスキに被告はピストルを 奪って、トドメを‥‥。」 15。(ジックリ急いて考えるんだ!) × スジはとおり ◎ ムジュンしている 16。(‥‥この説明にムジュンする 証拠品は、ズバリ!)→「ビョウブ」 17。その瞬間‥‥、被告は このあたりにいたはずです。→右側のビョウブの穴の前を示す。 18。しかし、被告の状況は 変わらないと思いますが‥‥? △ たしか変わらない ◎ まっかく変わる 19。5分の休憩 第一回 法廷前編の終わり 第一回 法廷後編 20。証拠品「ナツミの写真」を入手。 21。ナツミに尋問 〜事件当日について〜 「《対面の間》には、被告人と 霧崎センセだけが入ったんや。→ゆさぶる で、扉の前で待っとったら、 バアン! 銃声が聞こえたワケや!→ゆさぶる ナルホドーが扉をコワして、 いっしょに現場に踏みこむと!→ゆさぶる 殺された被害者と、ピストルを ぶらさげた被告がいたワケや。→ゆさぶる  (ナツミさん、   自信マンマンだな‥‥) ◎ もっとつっこんでみる △ やめておく 部屋の中には、その2人しか おらんかったで!」→ゆさぶる (本当にだれにもいなかったのか?) ◎ ビョウブのウラは?→裁判長が「もう、けっこうです」と言うまでゆさぶる △ 扉のかげは? △ タタミの下は? 22。(“写ってるのが真宵ちゃん じゃない”と証明できるのか?) × 証拠品を提出 (たぶん全部駄目と思う) ◎ 今は証拠がない 23。千尋が春美に憑依する。 24。ナツミに尋問 〜事件当日について・2〜 「あの部屋に入って、まず目に 入ったのは、真宵はんやったわ。 死体のほうは‥‥コワくてな。 ちゃんと見てないねん。 血ィとか、オバケとか、 ニガテやねんな、ウチ。 で、カメラを真宵はんに向けて、 シャッターを押したワケや。」→ゆさぶる 25。(証拠をインメツしようと したんだ‥‥!) △ 狩魔を訴える ◎ 裁判長にまかせる 26。証拠品「ナツミの写真・2」を貰う。 27。(この写真の人物が“真宵ちゃん じゃない”と主張するか?) ◎ やめておく △ 主張する 28。(これが真宵ちゃんじゃない 可能性を立証できるのか‥‥?) × 立証はできない ◎ 立証できる 29。いったい、この写真のどこが オカシイと言うの?→装束の右たもとが弾痕がないところを示す。 30。この写真が意味するのは ただ1つ! × この写真は、インチキ × 弾痕は、この後にできた ◎ 発砲したのは、別人 31。‥‥ぼくたちが現場に踏みこむ までに、《対面の間》では‥‥ × 第3者が部屋に入った ◎ 真宵が部屋から出た △ 今のところ証明はムリ 32。事件発生から逮捕までのあいだ、 被告が部屋のそとに出た証拠を!→証拠品「黒いカギ」 第一回 法廷後編の終わり 第二回 探偵 3c. Detective Part, Day 2 6月21日 午後3時24分 倉院の里 1。春美と話す→「今日の裁判」と「犯人について」。そして「検事」 と「春美のアリバイ」の話も聞く。「春美のアリバイ」は心理錠をかかている。 2。移動する→「修験者の間」→「対面の間」。キミ子と話す→ 「事件について」、「修験者の修行」、と「家元のこと」。 3。移動する→「修験者の間」→「わたりろうか」→「控えの間」。調べる→ 衣装箱と布団。なにもないけど。 4。移動する→「わたりろうか」→「修験者の間」→「倉院の里」→「留置所」 →「成歩堂法律事務所」→「倉院の里」。春美につきつける→証拠品「黒いカギ」 5。移動する→「修験者の間」→「わたりろうか」。のどかに話す→「ツボのこと」 と「事件について」。あと「交通事故」も聞くがこれも心理錠状態。 6。調べる→焼却炉と青い壷。証拠品「布きれ」と「倉院の壷」を入手。 移動する→「修験者の間」→「倉院の里」→「留置所」。 7。真宵と話す→「今日の裁判」、「“完全無罪”」と「春美のアリバイ」。 あと「マリ」の話も聞く。 8。移動する→「倉院の里」→「修験者の間」→「わたりろうか」→ 「控えの間」。調べる→青い鞠。証拠品「春美のマリ」を入手。調べる→ 衣装箱。ナツミが箱から飛び出す。証拠品「衣装ばこ」を入手。 9。移動する→「わたりろうか」→「修験者の間」。春美につきつける→ 証拠品「真宵の勾玉」。 10。春美の心理錠 〜春美のアリバイ〜 事件があったとき、 春美ちゃんはここにいたんでしょ?→「わたりろうか」 あのとき、わたりろうかで 春美ちゃんは何をしていたか?→つきつける:証拠品「春美のマリ」 マリであそんでいたとき‥‥ いったい、何が起こったか?→つきつける:証拠品「倉院のツボ」 あのツボが一度割れたって、 どうしてわかるのですか!→つきつける:人物ファイル「アヤサト キョウコ」 解除成功 11。春美と話す→「春美のアリバイ」。そのあと「ツボのこと」も聞く。 証拠品「倉院のツボ」のデータを更新される。移動する→「対面の間」→ 「修験者の間」→「倉院の里」。 12。ナツミに話す→「今日の裁判」と「犯人について」 ユルしてくれへんの? ウチのこと‥‥ ◎ ユルしてあげる △ ユルせない 13。ナツミにつきつける→人物「葉中 のどか」。そのあと「のどかの情報」 を聞く。移動する→「堀田クリニック」 14。堀田に話す→「堀田クリニック」と「のどかのこと」。堀田に つきつける→証拠品「弁護士バッジ」。話す→もう一度「のどこのこと」。 そのあと「手術について」と「事故について」の話を聞く。証拠品 「免許用の写真」と「新聞記事・2」ゲット。 15。移動する→「倉院の里」。ナツミと話す→「キミ子のこと」と 「のどかのこと」。そのあと「家元の座」。移動する→「修験者の間」→ 「わたりろうか」。のどかにつきつける→証拠品「真宵の勾玉」。 16。のどかの心理錠 〜交通事故〜 別のヒトの‥‥交通事故。 いったい、だれの事故ですかあ?→つきつける:人物ファイル「葉中 のどか」 証拠でもあるんですかあ? 私が交通事故にあった、っていう。→つきつける:証拠品「新聞記事・2」 証拠でもあるんですかあ? この私が入院していた、っていう。→つきつける:証拠品「免許用の写真」 交通事故で死亡した女性とは、 この人物だったのでは‥‥?→つきつける:人物ファイル「葉中 未実」 解除成功 17。のどかに話す→「交通事故」。そのあと「霧崎医師のこと」。移動する→ 「修験者の間」→「倉院の里」。春美と話す→「キミ子のこと」と「真宵のこと」 移動する→「留置所」。千尋と話す→「犯人について」、「明日の裁判」と 「倉院流霊媒道」。千尋につきつける→「真宵の勾玉」。 18。千尋の心理錠 〜犯人について〜 聞かせて。私は、だれのことを かくしているのかしら?→つきつける:人物ファイル「綾里 キミ子」 それならば、見せて。 おばさまがアヤシイという証拠を。→つきつける:証拠品「布きれ」 その布きれが、真宵の装束だという 証拠はないのかしら‥‥?→つきつける:証拠品「黒いカギ」 おばさまが、霧崎先生を殺害する ために必要だったのは‥‥?→つきつける:人物ファイル「葉中 のどか」 解除成功 19。千尋と話す→「犯人について」。 第二回 探偵の終わり 第二回 法廷前編 3d. Courtroom Part, Day 2 6月22日 午前9時51分 地方裁判所 被告人第3控え室 1。真宵の話を聞く。 当日 午前10時 地方裁判所 第2法廷 2。狩魔 冥「‥‥バカな服を着たバカに ふさわしいバカなカンちがいね。」 3。キミ子に尋問 〜真宵を逃がしたこと〜 「銃声が聞こえて、おふたりが 扉をこわして現場に入られました。 アタクシ、成歩堂さんたちに警察を 呼ぶようおねがいしました。→ゆさぶる  (‥‥少しワザとらしく   口ごもったみたいだけど‥‥)  ◎ さらにゆさぶる  △ やめておく 真宵さまはピストルをぶら下げて 放心しておられたのですが‥‥→ゆさぶる  (真宵ちゃんを‥‥かばうため?)  ◎ さらにゆさぶる  △ やめておく いきなりアタクシをつきとばして、 部屋を出てしまわれたのです。 すごいイキオイで首スジを たたかれて、少し気絶して‥‥ 真宵さまがどこへ行かれたかは、 存じません。」→ゆさぶる  (‥‥どうしよう‥‥?)  ◎ さらにゆさぶる  △ やめておく 4。のどかに尋問 〜事件の直後、目撃したこと〜 「霊媒が始まったとき、私、 “控えの間”で寝ていましたあ。 しばらくしたら、急にだれかが 部屋に入ってきたんですう。 ‥‥それは‥‥ お、お姉さんだったんです! 私、なつかしくってえ‥‥、 うれしかったんですう。でも。→ゆさぶる  (この証言‥‥   どうなんだろう‥‥?)  ◎ さらにゆさぶる  △ やめておく  ‥‥それが  そんなに重要なのですか?  △ そうでもない  ◎ もちろん重要→証言を訂正される  訂正後  「こわくはなかったです。装束にも  あやしくところはなかったし。」→つきつける:証拠品「真宵の装束」 お姉さん‥‥私に、 おそろしいことを話したんです。」 5。のどかに尋問 〜事件の直後、目撃したこと・2〜 「“控えの間”って、ちょっと 暗かったんですよお。 あの装束、ムラサキだったし、 血が見えなかったんですう。 私、お姉さんを説得したんですう。 こんなことしちゃダメ、って。→ゆさぶる  い、いつ、って‥‥  △ “控えの間”にいたとき  ◎ 現場に向かう途中  △ 現場についたとき  (あっさりかわされた‥‥   どうしよう‥‥)  ◎ さらにゆさぶる  △ やめておく  それが、重要なことなのですか?  ◎ もちろん、重要→証言が加える  △ そうでもない そして‥‥“対面の間”へ、 お姉さんをつれて行きましたあ。」 加える後 「“対面の間”へ行く途中は、 だれにも会いませんでしたあ。」→つきつける:人物ファイル「綾里 春美」 6。わたりろうかを通って、春美ちゃん を見かけないハズがないんです!→証拠品「倉院のツボ」。 7。(‥‥“控えの間”で寝ていた! 本当にそうなのか‥‥?) △ 問題ないと思う ◎ ムジュンしている 8。ムジュン‥‥! いったい、 何とムジュンしているんですか! ◎ さっきの証言 △ 法廷記録 △ 助けて千尋さん! 9。事件が発生したとき、 証人はどこにいたのか‥‥?→「対面の間」を示す。 10。どこに! 現場のどこに かくれるところがあったのよッ!→ビョウブの後ろの所を示す。 11。証人は、ビョウブのウラに かくれていた。‥‥これを使って!→証拠品「衣装ばこ」 12。事件の際、その衣装ばこが どこにあったか、証明できますか? × 証明はムリ ◎ 証拠を提示する 13。事件の際、衣装ばこが 殺人現場にあった、という証拠を!→証拠品「ビョウブ」 14。‥‥たった1人でそんなコト、 不可能に決まってるでしょう! ◎ たしかに不可能 △ じゅうぶん可能 15。‥‥あなたには、 共犯者がいたんですよ!→人物ファイル「綾里 キミ子」 16。あなたが霧崎先生を殺害した 理由は‥‥ッ!→証拠品「新聞記事・2」か人物ファイル「葉中 未実」 どっちでもいい。 17。(‥‥このぼくに‥‥ できるのか‥‥?) ◎ もちろんできる △ もちろんムリ 18。5分休憩をとる。 第二回 法廷前編の終わり 第二回 法廷後編 19。のどかに尋問 〜1年前の交通事故〜 「あれは‥‥、 1年前の5月のことでしたあ。 お姉さんの病院は当時、 タイヘンなコトになっていて‥‥。 その夜も、運転中のお姉さん、 つかれきっていましたあ。→ゆさぶる  じゃあ、交通事故を起こしても  フシギではなかったわけですね。  ◎ さらにゆさぶる→証言を加える  △ やめておく 私もつい、 助手席で眠っちゃって‥‥ スゴい衝撃で目がさめたら、 まわりはもう、火の海でぇ。 ドアを開けて逃げるのが やっとでしたあ。」 加える後 「私、免許を持ってないから、運転を かわってあげられなかったんです。」→つきつける:証拠品「免許用の写真」 20。のどかに尋問 〜運転をかわらなかった理由〜 「あのころ、私、もうちょっとで 免許をもらえるところでしたぁ。→ゆさぶる。冥「‥‥無知にはムチを。」 お姉さん、クルマをものすごく ダイジにしてたんですう。→ゆさぶる  (それなら、そもそも   車庫から出さなけりゃいいのに)  ◎ さらにゆさぶる  △ やめておく とどいたばかりの新車でしたぁ。 まっ赤なスポーツカー。→ゆさぶる  (クルマ好きには   たまらない話題なんだろうな)  ◎ さらにゆさぶる→証言を加える  △ やめておく  加える後  「お姉さんの車、アメリカ製で  特別仕様の新車だったんですう。」→ゆさぶる  (クルマのことなんて、   聞くことがないぞ‥‥)  ◎ ムリヤリ聞く  △ やめておく 「新人ドライバーには運転させて あげないよ」‥‥って。 だから、あの夜も、私、 助手席に乗ってましたぁ。」→つきつける:証拠品「新聞の記事・2」 21。問題は! 姉と妹‥‥ どちらが運転席にいたのか? △ 妹ののどか ◎ 姉の未実 22。‥‥この証人の名前は!→人物ファイル「葉中 未実」 23。(葉中 未実が自分を 消そうとした理由は‥‥)→証拠品「新聞記事・1」 綾里 真宵の判決:無罪 真犯人:葉中 未実と綾里 キミ子の共犯 (キミ子さんが、葉中 未実に 手を貸した理由‥‥それは‥‥)→人物ファイル「綾里 春美」 証拠品ファイル 【弁護士バッジ】 ぼくの身分を 証明してくれる、 大切なバッジだ。 【上面図(綾里家)】 綾里家の見取り図。 Lボタンで詳細を 見ることができる。 【真宵の勾玉】 にぶく透きとおっている。 小さいけど、ずっしりと 重みを感じる。  更新後  にぶく透きとおっている。  フシギな光を放っている  ように見える。 (サイコ・ロック外しを開始するためには必要品) 【ビョウブ】 足もとから20cmほど の高さに、弾痕のような 穴があいている。 【黒いカギ】 古い鋼鉄製のカギ。 真ん中に、緑色の宝石が はめこまれている。 【新聞記事・1】 1年前の5月2日、 霧崎外科医で医療ミス。 14人が死亡した。 【新聞記事・2】 霧崎外科医院の看護婦が 居眠り運転で車を大破。 死亡者は、葉中 未実  更新後  交通事故の記事。  Lボタンで詳細を  読むことができる。 ●悪夢のハイウェイ● 5月24日深夜、2人乗りの乗用車 が高速道路ワキのカベに衝突して、 女性1人が逃げ遅れ、焼死した。 警察では、生存者の話などから、 居眠り運転のよる事故とみて、 捜査を進めている。 ●生存者・葉中のどかさんの談話● 私、すっかり眠りこんでいました。 突然、すごい衝撃で目がさめて。 あたり一面、もう火の海でした。 夢中で左のドアを開けて、車から 転がり出たんです。 そのあとは‥‥おぼえてません。 ●事件のカゲに外科医?● のどかさんの話のよれば、運転を していたのは、姉の葉中未実さん。 今、世間をさわがせている 『14人薬物投与ミス』のあった 霧崎外科医院の看護婦だという。 ‥‥これは果たして、偶然なのか? 【上面図(事件現場)】 《対面の間》の見取り図。 Lボタンで詳細を 見ることができる。 【霧崎 哲郎の解剖記録】 ムネを刺されたあと、 至近距離からコメカミを ピストルで撃たれている。 【ピストル】 凶器で、霧崎医師のもの。 2発、発砲されており、 真宵と霧崎の指紋が付着。 【ナイフ】 凶器。小型の果物ナイフ。 綾里家のもので、真宵の 指紋が付着している。 【真宵の装束】 事件現場で真宵が 着ていた装束。 血痕が付着している。  更新後  真宵が着ていた装束。  Lボタンで詳細を  見ることができる。 【ナツミの写真】 殺人現場で撮影された。 Lボタンで詳細を 見ることができる。 【ナツミの写真・2】 殺人現場で撮影された 2枚目の写真。Lボタン で詳細を見られる。 【布きれ】 庭の焼却炉で燃え残って いた。わずかに血痕が 付着している。 【倉院のツボ】 アヤサト キョウコの 魂が封じこめられている。 ヒビとスキ間だらけ。 (子供と書いている)  更新後  事件直前、春美が割った  が、警察の到着時までに、  春美がろうかにて修理。 【春美のマリ】 事件があったころ、 あそんでいたらしい。 春美ちゃんのお気に入り。 【衣装ばこ】 足もとから20cmほど の高さに、弾痕のような 穴があいている。 【免許用の写真】 のどかが、免許証用に 用意した写真。 堀田医師の宝物。 人物ファイル 綾里 真宵 【あやさと まよい】 18歳 1年前まで、ぼくの助手 をしてくれていた。 霊媒師として修行中。  更新後  霊媒中に殺人事件が発生、  その容疑者として逮捕  された。今回の依頼人。 霧崎 哲郎 【きりさき てつろう】 35歳 医療ミス事件があった、 霧崎外科医院の 院長先生。  更新後  医療ミス事件があった、  霧崎外科医院の院長先生。  霊媒中に殺害された。 綾里 春美 【あやさと はるみ】 8歳 ぼくを見て逃げていった。 真宵ちゃんのイトコに あたる女の子。  更新後  真宵ちゃんのイトコで  霊媒師のタマゴ。  天才的霊力の持ち主。 綾里 キミ子 【あやさと きみこ】 年齢不明 真宵ちゃんのおばさん にあたる。 妙なハクリョクがある。  更新後  真宵ちゃんのおばさん。  綾里の分家の人間で  春美ちゃんの母親。 大沢木 ナツミ 【おおさわぎ なつみ】 23歳 自称のフリーカメラマン。 スクープ写真の撮影に イノチをかけいる。 糸鋸 圭介 【いとのこぎり けいすけ】 31歳 所轄署の刑事。 殺人の初動捜査を担当。 通称イトノコ刑事。 葉中 のどか 【はなか のどか】 21歳 大学生。超心理学を 研究をしている。 オカルトマニア。  更新後  大学生。超心理学を研究  している。交通事故死  した葉中 未実の妹。 葉中 未実 【はなか みみ】 故人 1年前に交通事故死。 のどかの姉で、霧崎外科 医院の看護婦だった。 綾里 千尋 【あやさと ちひろ】 故人 真宵ちゃんのお姉さんで、 一流の弁護士。 ぼくの永遠の師匠だ。 狩魔 冥 【かるま めい】 18歳 アメリカにて、13才で 検事になる。以来、負け 知らずの天才。 綾里 供子 【あやさと きょうこ】 故人 倉院流霊媒道の創始者。 その魂はツボに封じこめ られている(らしい)。 堀田院長(自称) 【ほったいんちょう】 年齢不明 自ら堀田を名乗る、 ナゾの患者。きわめて ケンコウそうに見える。 第二挿話 再会、そして逆転の終わり _/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/ 第三挿話 逆転サーカス 4. Episode 3 Reversal Circus _/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/ 第一回 探偵 4a. Detective Part, Day 1 12月26日 午後 8時12分 タチミ・サーカス テント前 1。真宵から携帯電話が来る。サーカス殺人事件の容疑者はあの魔術師、 マックス ギャラクティカ。 2。移動する→「留置所」。マックスと話す→「マックスのこと」、 「タチミ・サーカス」と「事件について」。そのあと「団長と会ったこと」も 聞く。心理錠が現れる。マックスにつきつける→「弁護士バッジ」。 3。移動する→「サーカス・正門前」→「宿舎前・広場」。糸鋸に話す→ 「明日の裁判」と「事件について」。そのあと「奇妙な点」。証拠品 「現場写真」を入手。 4。糸鋸につきつける→人物ファイル「マックス」。証拠品「シルクハット」 を入手。あと話す→「目撃者」を聞く。移動する→「トミーの部屋」。 5。留守から移動する→「宿舎前・広場」→「サーカス・正門前」→ 「サーカス・テント内」。ミリカと話す→「事件について」と「ミリカのこと」 ミリカのつきつける→人物ファイル「マックス」。あとは話す→「“悩みゴト”」 つきつける→人物ファイル「立見 七百人」。 6。移動する→「テント内・団長室」。調べる→机の上にある封筒。証拠品 「団長の書類」を入手。調べる→壁のポスター。証拠品「マックスのポスター」 ゲット。 7。移動する→「サーカス・テント内」→「サーカス・正門前」。勉は今無視 してもいい。移動する→「宿舎前・広場」→「トミーの部屋」。トミーに話す→ 「タチミ・サーカス」と「事件について」。そのあと、「団長のこと」と 「目撃したこと」も聞く。トミーのつきつける→人物ファイル「マックス」。 証拠品「サーカスの見取り図」を貰う。 8。移動する→「宿舎前・広場」→「サーカス・正門前」→「サーカス・ テント内」→「テント内・食堂」。調べる→床にある割れた瓶。証拠品 「割れたビン」を入手。 9。移動する→「サーカス・テント内」→「サーカス・正門前」→「留置所」。 マックスに話す→「マックスのこと」と「事件について」。つきつける→証拠品 「現場の写真」、「シルクハット」、「団長の書類」、「マックスのポスター」 そのあと「真宵の勾玉」。 10。マックスの心理錠 〜団長に会ったこと〜 ボクがゆうべ、ギャラの交渉を しなかった証拠でもあるのかい?→つきつける:証拠品「団長の書類」 団長に呼び出されたのは、 この件じゃないですか?→つきつける:証拠品「割れたビン」 落として割れたんじゃない。 あなたは、このビンを使って‥‥→つきつける:人物ファイル「ベン」 解除成功 11。話す→「団長い会ったこと」。そのあと「“ダマらせた”」。 移動する→「サーカス・正門前」→「サーカス・テント内」→ 「テント内・団長室」。調べる→左側のトロフィーケース。証拠品 「リロ」を入手。 12。移動する→「サーカス・テント内」→「テント内・食堂」。勉に つきつける→証拠品「リロ」。リロと話す→「事件について」と 「タチミ・サーカス」。そのあと「キザなヤロー」と「ケッコン」の 聞く。 13。移動する→「サーカス・テント内」。弁護士バッジは猿が盗まれる。 ミリカと話す→「ルーサー」、「ベンとリロ」、と「プロポーズ」。 頭が痛くなる電波の嵐が来るから注意。 14。移動する→「サーカス・正門前」→「宿舎前・広場」→「トミーの部屋」 トミーと話す→「ミリカのこと」と「ルーサー」。 (他に、トミさんに 聞いておくことはないかな?) ◎ 連れていってもらう △ あとにする 15。証拠品「ルーサー」を入手。調べる→ピカピカ物。「弁護士バッジ」を 取り戻す。「ゆびわ」もゲット。 第一回 探偵の終わり 第一回 法廷前編 4b. Courtroom Part, Day 1 12月29日 午前9時43分 地方裁判所 被告人第5控え室 1。マックスの話を聞く。 同日 午前10時 地方裁判所 第2法廷 2。証拠品「立見 七百人の解剖記録」を貰う。 3。糸鋸に尋問 〜事件の流れについて〜 「事件当夜は、9時40分まで雪が ふって、とてもサムかったッス。 あの夜は、全員がテントに集まって 演技の練習をしていたッス。 練習は午後10時に終わり、 カイサンになったッス。 事件は10時15分、 宿舎前の広場で起こったッス。 被害者は、大きな木箱の上に 突っぷして死んでいたッス。→ゆさぶる。証拠品「木箱」ゲット  (せっかくだから、なんか   聞いてみるか‥‥)  △ 木箱について  △ カギについて  ◎ 中身について→証拠品「調味料の小ビン」を入手 死因は、強く殴られた際の クビの骨折ッス。」→ゆさぶる 4。リロに尋問 〜事件の当夜、目撃したこと〜 「練習が終わって、あのピエロと テントを出たんだよ。 宿舎前でアイツとわかれて、その あとは広場の入り口にいたんだ。 そしたらさ。目の前をマックスが 通って、広場へ向かったんだよ。 通ったのはアイツだけだぜ。 これで犯人はキマリだよな!→ゆさぶる  (裁判長がナットクしている‥‥   クチでもつけてみるか?)  △ モンダイなし  △ マックスだという証拠はない  ◎ 1人しか見てないのはヘン  この証人が、被告人以外のだれを  見てるはずだと言うのですか!→人物ファイル「立見 七百人」 そのうち、警察が来てさ。 それでオレも、事件を知ったワケ。」→ゆさぶる  この証人が正門前で、だれを  待っていたというのですか?→人物ファイル「ミリカ」 5。リロに尋問 〜プロポーズのこと〜 「なんでそんなにサワぐかねェ、 プロポーズぐらいのコトで。 オレ、ミリカにわたすモノが あったんだよ。→ゆさぶる  (キツい一発カクゴしても、   ここはこだわるべきか‥‥?)  △ イタいのはイヤだ  ◎ それでもゆさぶる→証言を訂正される  訂正後  「ミリカにさ。エンゲージ・リングを  わたすつもりだったんだ、オレ。 ここんとこ、ずっとポッケに入れて チャンスを待ってたんだぜ。 当然、あの晩も持っていたわけだ。 ‥‥プレゼントをさ。 ケッキョクわたせなかったから、 今もまだ持っているケドな。」→つきつける:証拠品「ゆびわ」 6。しょ‥‥証明されたこと‥‥? な、何よそれはッ! × 証人は運動不足である ◎ 証言にムジュンがある 7。リロに尋問 〜マックスを目撃したこと〜 「ミリカのコト待ってたのは 認めてやるぜ。 でも、まちがいなく ヤツは広場に入っていったんだ。 あそこに行ってから、 5分ほど待ってたころだったぜ。 こんばんは、ってアイサツしたのに アイツ、ムシしやがって!→ゆさぶる、あと→つきつける:証拠品「割れたビン」  (この証言‥‥なんか、   おかしなところはないか?)  △ 特になし  ◎ リロのアイサツ  △ ベンのツッコミ とにかくアイツ、あのマックス だったんだよ。まちがいねえや! キザなシンボル3点セットを、 オレはまちがいなく見たしな!」 8。この証人の“被告を見た”という 証言を、どう考えますか? × だれも見ていない × 被告を見た ◎ 別のだれかを見た 9。証人が“アイサツ”した人物‥‥ それは、だれだったのですか?→人物ファイル「立見 七百人」 10。10分休憩をとる。 第一回 法廷前編の終わり 第一回 法廷後編 11。トミーに尋問 〜事件の当夜、目撃したこと〜 「わかってるんです。オレっちの ギャクセンス、イマイチだって。 ここ10年、客を心から笑わせた コトなんて、ありゃしない! ナニを言っても、返ってくるのは ウツロなジャパニーズ・スマイル。 ダレも笑わないから、自分で笑う のが、クセになっちまった。 でもね! オレっちだって、 努力をしてないワケじゃない! 笑いのとれないピエロなんて! オレっち‥‥いらない人間なのか? 今日だってそうだ! とびっきりの ネタを用意してきたのに! ‥‥このフンイキにのまれて、 ナニも思い出せないときたもんだ! みなさん。どうなんですか! オレっちは!」 ‥‥ってこれは事件を目撃した証言じゃないですけど。(激しく笑った) 12。トミーに尋問 〜事件の当夜、目撃したこと〜 (本物です) 「事件の夜は、練習が終わってすぐ、 宿舎の部屋のもどったんです。→ゆさぶる  ‥‥聞く?聞く?せっかくだし  8時だったことにしてさ。  ◎ やめておく  × 聞きたい その日はね。 スゴくつかれていたんですよ。→ゆさぶるをしない方がいい 寝ようかと思って、フト なんの気なしに窓のそとを見ると。→ゆさぶる  (どうする‥‥? もう一歩、   踏みこんでみるか‥‥)  △ やめておく  ◎ あえて踏みこむ→証言を訂正される  訂正後  「窓のそとで大きな音がしたんで、  そっちを見たんですよ‥‥。」 2人の人影が見えたんです! ちょっと、遠かったけど。 団長と、マントをつけた マックスでした! 見ていると‥‥いきなり マックスが団長を殴ったんです!」→ゆさぶる  証人が犯行の瞬間を見ていない  という、明確のコンキョはあるの?  × もちろんない (思ったより罰は少ない)  ◎ もちろんある 13。トミーに尋問 〜目撃した“人影”について〜 「ちょうとキョリはあったけど、 あれはたしかに、マックスでした! だって、キザなシンボルがハッキリ 見えましたからね。 シルクハットに、黒いマント。 ゼンブそろってるだろ、シンボル。→つきつける:証拠品「マックスのポスター」 カオのシルエットもね。 まちがいなくあの男でしたよ。 マントがヒラヒラしてたから、 何を持ってるか見えませんでした。」 14。トミーに尋問 〜目撃した“人影”について・2〜(ゆさぶりは禁止) 「まちがいない! ヤッパリ、 白いバラはつけてませんでした! でも、他のシンボルに関しては まちがいないと思います。 特にシルクハットのかざりには、 見おぼえがありました! 現場から立ち去るまで、 ちゃんとかぶってましたよ!」→つきつける:証拠品「シルクハット」 15。“犯人が現場を立ち去らなかった” という証拠でも、あるのですか?→証拠品「現場の写真」 16。トミーに尋問 〜“ホントのコト”〜 「さあ、“トミーさんは見た!” のコーナーでぇす! 今までの証言は、みーんな ホントのことだったんだ! オレっちが見たとき、団長が 倒れていて、マックスが立ってた! 白いバラはつけてなかったし、 シルクハットをかぶってたんだ! それで‥‥オレっちが見ていたら ‥‥あ、アイツは‥‥ アイツは‥‥飛んだんだ! 空を向かって、ふわああ‥‥って! ‥‥そのまま、ヤミの中へ 消えッちまったんだあ!」 17。この証人の目撃‥‥ どう思いますか? 弁護人。 △ 見まちがい ◎ 証言は真実 △ 夢を見ていた 第一回 法廷後編の終わり 第二回 探偵 4c. Detective Part, Day 2 12月29日 午後3時 3分 成歩堂法律事務所 1。真宵と話す→「相談する」と「気づいたこと」。移動する→「留置所」。 マックスに話す→「事件当夜のこと」と「今日の法廷」。あと「グランプリ」 も聞く。証拠品「グランプリの写真」。 2。マックスにつきつける→証拠品「グランプリの写真」。移動する→ 「サーカス・正門前」。リロと話す→「今日の法廷」、「婚約について」、 「腹話術について」。 3。移動する→「宿舎前・広場」→「トミーの部屋」。トミーは留守。 移動する→「宿舎前・広場」→「サーカス・正門前」→「サーカス・テント内」 →「テント内・団長室」→「サーカス・テント内」→「テント内・食堂」。 4。トミーと話す→「今日の法廷」、と「目撃したこと」。トミーにつきつける→ 証拠品「グランプリの写真」。あと話す→「マックスの胸像」。証拠品 「マックスの胸像」を貰う。話す→「変わったコト」。証拠品「張り紙」 をゲット。 5。移動する→「サーカス・テント内」→「サーカス・正門前」→ 「留置所」。マックスにつきつける→証拠品「張り紙」。あと移動する→ 「サーカス・正門前」→「サーカス・テント内」→「テント内・団長室」。 6。調べる→団長の黒い衣装。証拠品「張り紙」のデータを更新される。 移動する→「サーカス・テント内」→「テント内・食堂」。トミーはまた留守。 7。移動する→「サーカス・テント内」→「サーカス・正門前」→ 「宿舎前・広場」。冥に話す→「明日の法廷」と「“復讐”」の話。そのあと 「御剣怜侍」も聞く。「御剣の死」を聞く。 8。移動する→「アクロの部屋」。アクロに話す→「タチミ・サーカス」、 「車イスのこと」(心理錠)と「事件について」。あと「目撃したこと」も 聞く。アクロにつきつける→人物ファイル「ミリカ」。 9。移動する→「宿舎前・広場」→「サーカス・正門前」→ 「サーカス・テント内」。ミリカと話す→「団長のこと」と「ルーサー」。 ミリカのダイジなもの。‥‥ね? △ よろこんで! △ もちろん! ◎ まかせて! ミリカにつきつける→証拠品「張り紙」。証拠品「張り紙」が再び更新される。 10。移動する→「サーカス・正門前」→「宿舎前・広場」→「トミーの部屋」 (‥‥よし! 弁護士として  サルと勝負だ‥‥!) △ 「返せコラ!」 △ 「ステイ!」 ◎ 「ウキャーッ」 証拠品「ステージ衣装」を入手。 11。移動する→「宿舎前・広場」→「サーカス・正門前」→ 「サーカス・テント内」。ミリカにつきつける→証拠品「ステージ衣装」。 ミリカと話す→「レオン」。証拠品「レオン」を貰う。 12。移動する→「テント内・食堂」。トミーに話す→「タチミ・サーカス」。 「“あのコト”とは」も聞く。トミーにつきつける→「真宵の勾玉」 13。トミーの心理錠 〜“あのコト”とは〜 その事故の原因‥‥ もしかして、これでは‥‥?→つきつける:証拠品「レオン」 トミーさん。あなたに口止めを たのんだのは、この人では‥‥?→つきつける:人物ファイル「アクロ」 解除成功 14。話す→「“あのコト”とは」。そのあと「アクロの弟」も聞く。 移動する→「サーカス・テント内」→「サーカス・正門前」→「留置所」→ 「サーカス・正門前」→「宿舎前・広場」→「アクロの部屋」。アクロに つきつける→「真宵の勾玉」。 15。アクロの心理錠 〜車イスのこと〜 アクロさん。あなたのケガ、 本当はこれが原因なのでは‥‥?→つきつける:証拠品「レオン」 あなたは、戦わなければ ならなかった。この人物のために。→つきつける:人物ファイル「バット」 アクロさんの、この人物に 対する“悪意”のようなものを‥‥→つきつける:人物ファイル「ミリカ」 ‥‥あなたがミリカさんに 悪意を持っていた証拠は‥‥!→つきつける:証拠品「張り紙」 解除成功 16。話す→「車イスのこと」。そのあと「ミリカとバット」の話を聞く。 第二回 探偵の終わり 第二回 法廷前編 4d. Courtroom Part, Day 2 12月30日 午前 9時41分 地方裁判所 被告人第5控え室 1。アクロに尋問 〜目撃したこと〜 「午後10時をすぎていました。 オレ、ベットで休んでいました。 そのとき、窓の下で“ドカッ”て 大きな音がしたんです。 しばらくすると‥‥窓のそとを、 人間が‥‥通りすぎていきました。 マックス・ギャラクティカ‥‥ うしろ姿だけど、そう見えました。→ゆさぶる  (今の発言は‥‥どうだ?)  △ モンダイなし  ◎ ムジュンしている そのときは、ユメだ、って 思ってたんですけどね‥‥」 2。今の発言にムジュンする 証拠とは、なんですか?→証拠品「シルクハット」 3。この証人がウソをつく理由は なんですか‥‥? △ マックスにウラミがある △ アクロは夢を見ていた ◎ アクロは真犯人 4。どうなんですか弁護人! この犯行には、共犯者が‥‥? × もちろん、いる ◎ もちろん、いない 5。事件が起こったとき、 アクロさんは、どこにいたのか?→「アクロ(3階)」の所を示す。 6。では、アクロ氏の犯行の方法を 示してください! ◎ 証拠品を提出する × 今はまだムリ 7。アクロ氏は、何を使って 被害者を殺害したのですか?→証拠品「マックスの胸像」 8。アクロに尋問 〜アクロの身体能力〜 「たしかに、胸像ぐらいでしたら、 持ち上げられると思いますよ。 オレ、上半身はきたえてあるし、 ケガもしてませんからね。 ただ‥‥胸像を持って、窓から 身を乗り出すのはムリですね。 オレの下半身は、今はチカラを 入れることができないんですよ。 団長のアタマの位置を知ることは 不可能だったわけです。→つきつける:証拠品「木箱」 オレに胸像を落とすのはムリだ、 って、わかってもらえるでしょう?」 9。モチロン、それは‥‥ ◎ 木箱の大きさ (重さもいい) △ 木箱の重さ (大きさもいい) △ 木箱の中身 (冥「なな、なぜそこで言葉に詰まるッ!」) 10。‥‥成歩堂さん。この胸像が どこにあったか、ご存じですか? ◎ 知っている △ 忘れた (真宵「成歩堂くん!まさかまた、記憶喪失!真宵・キック!」 11。胸像はどうやって、食堂から 証人の部屋へ移動したのですか?→証拠品「ルーサー」 12。ピエロが見た、犯人の人影はッ! いったい、だれだったと言うの!→証拠品「マックスの胸像」 13。“胸像にマントを着せた”‥‥ その人物はいったい、だれですか!→人物ファイル「立見 七百人」 14。大魔術の“タネ明かし”が “真実”であった証拠を‥‥!→証拠品「シルクハット」 15。10分休憩をとる。 第二回 法廷前編の終わり 第二回 法廷後編 12月30日 午後 2時17分 地方裁判所 被告人第5控え室 16。糸鋸から証拠品「スカーフ」を貰う。 17。(まだわかってないのなら、 これが最後のチャンス、か) △ もちろん、尋問する ◎ もちろん、尋問しない 18。アクロに尋問 〜被害者・立見団長について〜 (尋問する場合) 「小さいころ、オレたち 両親に捨てられたんです。→ゆさぶる それで、立見団長のサーカスに 引き取られることに。→ゆさぶる アクロバットは、 9才のころからやっています。→ゆさぶる ‥‥団長に、恩返しがしたかった。 そのために生きていたのに‥‥。」→ゆさぶる 19。アクロ氏が立見団長を殺害した ‥‥その動機を! × もちろん、できる (冥「今年のNG大賞、かしら?」) ◎ もちろん、できない 20。いったい、だれだったと言うのッ! アクロ氏が殺害しようとしたのは!→人物ファイル「ミリカ」 21。アクロ氏が、その少女に殺意を 抱いていたという証拠を!→証拠品「張り紙」 22。(半年前の“事件”‥‥) △ そんなの知らない ◎ もちろん知っている 23。半年前の“事件”。メモに書かれた “決定的な証拠”とは‥‥→証拠品「調味料の小ビン」 24。立見 里香の手によって ギセイになったのは、だれ?→人物ファイル「バット」 25。ねえ! ホントに事故だったの? ‥‥バットさんのこと‥‥! △ ただの事故だった ◎ ただの事故ではなかった 26。ライオンがかみついた原因は、 ミリカさんが作ったのです!→証拠品「スカーフ」 27。(これが、最後の1歩だ‥‥ 正しく踏み出せれば、勝てる!) ◎ ようすを見る (予想通り、冥はすでに家宅捜査をした。) △ 家宅捜査を要求 28。凶器‥‥マックスの胸像は、 今、どこのあるのッ! × 宿舎内のどこか × サーカステント内のどこか ◎ 法廷内のどこか 29。もっとハッキリ言うならば ズバリ、ここです! × 裁判長席 (双罰で体力が九割減るぞ!) × 検事席 (冥のフルコース鞭地獄が来るぞ!) ◎ 証人席 マックス・ギャラクティカの判決:無罪 真犯人:木下 大作 (アクロ) ミリカにフクシュウしようと しているんでしょ! △ それはしかたがない ◎ それはちがう アクロがあんなコトを言った、 本心を教えてよう!→人物ファイル「バット」 証拠品ファイル 【弁護士のバッジ】 ぼくの身分を 証明してくれる、 大切なバッジだ。 【真宵の勾玉】 にぶく透きとおっている。 フシギな光を放っている ように見える。 【現場の写真】 立見団長が倒れている。 Lボタンで詳細を 見ることができる。 【シルクハット】 マックスのシンボルの 1つで、特注品。 殺人現場で発見された。 【団長の書類】 マックスのギャラ交渉 のための書類。1週間前、 大はばにアップしている。 【マックスのポスター】 3つのシンボルが写って いる。Lボタンで詳細を 見ることができる。 【サーカスの見取り図】 タチミ・サーカスの施設。 Lボタンで詳細を 見ることができる。 【割れたビン】 食堂に落ちていた、 オレンジジュースの ボトル。 【リロ】 腹話術の人形。 ベンさんのあいぼうで、 テノール歌手らしい。 【ルーサー】 アクロが世話をしている サル。光るものを集める クセがあるようだ。 【ゆびわ】 ブキミなほどピカピカ 光る安物。“RからMへ” と刻みこまれている。 【立見 七百人の解剖記録】 死亡推定時刻は、午後 10時15分。平たい 鈍器で後頭部を殴打。 【木箱】 被害者が突っぷしていた。 重量は10キロ。小さな カギがかかっていた。 【調味料の小ビン】 被害者が突っぷしていた 木箱に入っていた。 中身はコショウ。 【グランプリの写真】 マックスの授賞式の写真。 Lボタンで詳細を 見ることができる。 【マックスの胸像】 ブロンズ製。食堂から 事件の3日前紛失。 Lボタンで詳細を見る。 【張り紙】 事件当日の朝、食堂に 張られ、破かれていた。 冒頭に“殺人者に告ぐ”。  更新後  事件当日の朝、団長が  破き、ポケットに入れた。  Lボタンで詳細を見る。  ●殺人者に告ぐ!  半年前のあの事件を  忘れてはいないだろう。  私は、決定的な証拠を  あずかっている。  今夜10時、  宿舎前の広場に来られたし。  さらに更新後  事件当日の朝、ミリカの  ポケットに入っていた。  Lボタンで詳細を見る。 【ステージ衣装】 スパンコールがキラめく ベスト。真宵ちゃんの サイズには合わない。 【レオン】 猛獣ショーのライオン。 芸の練習に失敗して、 半年前、団長により射殺。 【スカーフ】 事故の際、バットが着用。 本人の血痕のほか、少量 のコショウを検出。 人物ファイル 綾里 真宵 【あやさと まよい】 18歳 ぼくの助手。 倉院流霊媒道の使い手。 今もなお修行中。 マックス 【まっくす】 21歳 本名:山田 耕平 【やまだ こうへい】 ゴージャスな魔術師で、 今回の依頼人。空中飛行 のマジックで大人気。 糸鋸 圭介 【いとのこぎり けいすけ】 31歳 所轄署の刑事。 殺人の初動捜査を担当。 通称イトノコ刑事。 狩魔 冥 【かるま めい】 18歳 アメリカにて、13才で 検事になる。ぼくを倒す ために日本へきたとか。 ミリカ 【みりか】 16歳 本名:立見 里香 【たちみ りか】 本名・立見 里香。 団長のムスメで猛獣使い。 サーカスのアイドル。 立見 七百人 【たちみ なおと】 52歳 タチミ・サーカスの団長。 この事件の被害者で、 ミリカの父親。 ベン 【べん】 31歳 本名:木住 勉 【きずみ べん】 本名・木住 勉。 腹話術師。話をすると とてもつかれる。  更新後  人形・リロがいないと、  まともに話せない。 トミー 【とみー】 46歳 本名:富田 松夫 【とみた まつお】 本名・富田 松夫。 団長の古くからの友人で、 とてもユカイのピエロ。 アクロ 【あくろ】 26歳 本名:木下 大作 【きのした だいさく】 本名・木下 大作。 アクロバットのスター。 リハビリテーション中。  更新後  半年前、練習中の事故で  両足マヒの大ケガを負う。 バット 【ばっと】 22歳 本名:木下 一平 【きのした いっぺい】 本名・木下 一平。 半年前、レオンに頭部を かまれ、現在も意識不明。 第三挿話 逆転サーカスの終わり _/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/ 第四挿話 さらば、逆転 5. Episode 4 Farewell, Reversal _/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/ 第一回 探偵前編 5a. Detective Part, Day 1 3月20日 午後 7時42分 ホテル・バンドー すみれの間 1。荷星に話す→「荷星のこと」と「トノサマン丙!」。そのあと 「忍者ナンジャ」も聞く。移動する→「控え室前・ろうか」。調べる→左と 右の扉。 2。移動する→「すみれの間」。荷星から証拠品「記者会見の整理券」を貰う。 移動する→「ホテル・ロビー」。オバチャンに話す→「オバチャンのこと」と 「何があったか?」。 3。移動する→「すみれの間」→「控え室前・ろうか」。糸鋸に話す→ 「事件について」と「ナツミのこと」。そのあと「被害者のこと」も聞く。 糸鋸につきつける→人物ファイル「王都楼 真悟」。あと話す→「緊急逮捕」。 4。移動する→「すみれの間」→「ホテル・ロビー」。荷星から証拠品 「トランシーバー」を貰う。荷星に話す→「王都楼と藤見野」と「記者会見」。 5。春美に話す→「相談する」と「真宵のこと」。移動する→「留置所」。 王都楼に話す→「王都楼のこと」と「事件について」。つきつける→証拠品 「弁護士バッジ」、「記者会見の整理券」、「トランシーバー」。 6。再び話す→「王都楼のこと」と「事件について」。そのあと「被害者のこと」 と「殺人容疑」の話を聞く。 第一回 探偵前編の終わり 第一回 探偵後編 7。春美と話す→「相談する」と「気づいたこと」。移動する→ 「ホテル・ロビー」。オバチャンと話す→「被害者のこと」と「事件について」。 そのあと「目撃したこと」。心理錠が現れる。 8。移動する→「すみれの間」→「控え室前・ろうか」。ナツミに話す→ 「カメラ」と「事件について」。証拠品「ナツミのカメラ」ゲット。あと 「スクープ」の話すも聞く。また心理錠が現れる。 9。移動する→「王都楼の控え室」。霧緒と話す→「事件当夜のこと」と 「王都楼との関係」。霧緒につきつける→人物ファイル「藤見野 イサオ」。 あと「殺人の動機」を聞く。またまた心理錠が現れる。 10。移動する→「控え室前・ろうか」→「藤見野の控え室」。糸鋸から証拠品 「ホテルの見取り図」を貰う。糸鋸に話す→「被害者の死因」と「逮捕した理由」 証拠品「現場写真」をゲット。 11。Lボタン押して、調べる→床にある開いたケース。証拠品 「ギターケース」を入手する。調べる→鏡台にあるワイングラス。証拠品 証拠品「グラス」を入手。 12。糸鋸につきつける→「グラス」。調べる→テーブルの上にあるサイン。 証拠品「サイン色紙」を入手。移動する→「控え室前・ろうか」→ 「すみれの間」。 13。荷星に話す→「トノサマン丙!」と「忍者ナンジャ」。荷星につきつける→ 人物ファイル「華宮 霧緒」。あと話す→「霧緒のウワサ」。証拠品 「雑誌の記事」を貰う。 14。移動する→「ホテル・ロビー」。オバチャンにつきつける→証拠品 「真宵の勾玉」。 15。オバチャンの心理錠 〜目撃したこと〜 しかたない。オバチャンが ほしがりそうなものは‥‥→つきつける:証拠品「サイン色紙」 解除成功 (一気に四つの心理錠が解くところで激しく笑った) 16。話す→「目撃したこと」。そのあと「王都楼のしたこと」も聞く。 移動する→「すみれの間」→「控え室前・ろうか」。ナツミにつきつける→ 「真宵の勾玉」。 17。ナツミの心理錠 〜スクープ〜 被害者のイサオさんと、この人物の スキャンダルだったのでは?→つきつける:人物ファイル「華宮 霧緒」 イサオと華宮 霧緒がアヤしい っていうコンキョ、見せてみィ!→つきつける:証拠品「雑誌の記事」 解除成功 18。話す→「スクープ」。証拠品「ナツミのカメラ」のデータを書き直す。 移動する→「すみれの間」→「ホテル・ロビー」→「警察署・刑事課」。 19。糸鋸と話す→「カンペキな証拠」と「カンペキな証言」。糸鋸に つきつける→証拠品「雑誌の記事」。あと話す→「天野由利恵」。 御剣と話す→「明日の法廷」と「“狩魔の証”」。「法廷に立つ理由」。 20。御剣につきつける→人物ファイル「天野 由利恵」。そのあと話す→ 「消えた遺書」。証拠品「自殺の報告書」。御剣につきつける→ 「自殺の報告書」。あと話す→「“依存”」。証拠品「自殺未遂の報告書」を 貰う。 21。移動する→「留置所」。王都楼に話す→「事件について」と 「被害者のこと」。移動する→「成歩堂法律事務所」→「ホテル・ロビー」 →「すみれの間」→「控え室前・ろうか」→「王都楼の控え室」。 霧緒につきつける→「真宵の勾玉」。 22。霧緒の心理錠 〜殺害された理由は〜 あなたが、他人とは親しくならない ‥‥本当にそうなのでしょうか。→つきつける:証拠品「雑誌の記事」 あなたは、この人物のために、 イサオさんに近づいたのでは‥‥?→つきつける:人物ファイル「天野 由利恵」 由利恵さんの自殺に‥‥あなたは ナットクできたハズがない!→つきつける:証拠品「自殺の報告書」 天野 由利恵さんが、あなたに とって特別だったという証拠が‥‥→つきつける:証拠品「自殺未遂の報告書」 解除成功 23。霧緒と話す→「殺人の動機」。移動する→「控え室前・ろうか」→ 「すみれの間」→「ホテル・ロビー」→「成歩堂法律事務所」。 24。千尋に話す→「真宵のこと」と「誘拐犯のこと」。 25。真宵を使って調べる→床にあるカード。あと調べる→扉。 第一回探偵後編の終わり 第一回 法廷前編 5b. Courtroom Part, Day 1 3月22日 午前 9時47分 地方裁判所 被告人第3控え室 1。王都楼と千尋の話すを聞く。あとコロシヤから伝言が来る。 同日 午前10時 地方裁判所 第3法廷 2。なんと狩魔 冥は狙撃されました!かわりに御剣 怜侍が新しい検事になる。 3。糸鋸に尋問 〜事件のポイント〜 「事件は、ヒーロー・オブ・ヒーロー 授賞式のあと、発生したッス。 被害者の藤見野 イサオは 控え室で、死体で見つかったッス。 死因の特定に時間がかかったッスが 他殺なのはまちがいないッス。→ゆさぶる:「藤見野 イサオ解剖記録」入手 当初、カラのギターケースが 不審な点と考えられていたッス。→ゆさぶる:「ギターケース」のデータ更新 その後、ギターケースは、事件とは 関係ないことがわかったッス。」→ゆさぶる:御剣「そんな所で十分。」 4。証拠品「ナイフ」と「忍者ナンジャのボタン」を入手。 5。糸鋸に尋問 〜王都楼を逮捕した理由〜 「王都楼と被害者の藤見野 イサオは ライバルの関係だったッス。 たがい存在がジャマだった‥‥ それが、動機ッス。 そして、証拠。‥‥まず、 忍者ナンジャのボタンがあるッス。 衣装からちぎれたボタンが、王都楼 のハカマから発見されたッス。 さらに、凶器のナイフには、被告の 指紋がハッキリ残っていたッス。 被告は、ナイフを買って準備して いた‥‥これは、計画殺人ッス!」→つきつける:証拠品「ナイフ」 6。弁護人。審理を必要とする重要な 証拠品、何か提出できますかな? ◎ もちろん提出する △ あえて提出しない 7。さらに審理を必要とする 重要な証拠品とは、なんですか?→証拠品「グラス」 (ここで間違えると、 ゲームオーバーですよ。) 8。(あのグラス‥‥華宮 霧緒が 思わず置いたのか‥‥?) △ そうかもしれない ◎ そんなはずはない 9。証拠品「グラス」のデータを更新される。 10。オバチャンに尋問 〜目撃したこと〜 「とにかく、授賞式のあとも 控え室の前をウロついてたワケ。 ‥‥ちょっとオバチャン、 気になるコトもあったしネェ。 ま。シゴトもあったから、ずーっと 見てるワケにも行かなかったケド。 ひとりだけ、いたのョ! イサオ ちゃんの控え室から出てきた男。 王都楼だョ、王都楼 真悟。 アイツが、コソコソ出てきたんだ!」→ゆさぶる  (‥‥目撃した人物について   もっと細かく聞いておくか‥‥)  △ その人物のカオ    ┗そ、そうですね‥‥     ┣△ もちろんムダ     ┗◎ もちろん重要 (御剣「異議あり!」)  △ その人物の持ち物    ┗そ、そうですね‥‥     ┣△ もちろんムダ     ┗◎ もちろん重要 (御剣「異議あり!」)  ◎ その人物の服装    ┗そ、そうですね‥‥     ┣△ もちろんムダ     ┗◎ もちろん重要→証言を加える  証言を加える後  「なんか、キザなバイクスーツでサ。  ホント、カッコだけはつけてたネ。」→つきつける:証拠品  「忍者ナンジャのボタン」 11。オバチャンに尋問 〜目撃した人物について〜 「王都楼、王都楼‥‥あっ! オバチャン、思い出したョ! トノサマンだョ、トノサマン。 たしかにそうだったワ! 犯行のときも、着ぐるみのほうが ツゴウがいいだろうしネェ。 そのあとすぐ、受賞記念のショーも あったワケだから。 イサオちゃんを刺したときから 着てたんだョ、トノサマンの衣装。」→つきつける:証拠品「ナイフ」 12。(この‥‥主張、今までの御剣の 立証とムジュンしてないか?) △ 問題ない ◎ ムジュンしている △ もう一度考える 13。“犯人が控え室を訪れたとき、 殺意がなかった”はずがない!→証拠品「ナイフ」 14。いったい‥‥犯人は なんのために、そんなことをッ! × 犯行方法をごまかすため ◎ 王都楼に罪を着せるため 15。あなたは、この人物が出てくるのを 待っていたのではないですか?→人物ファイル「華宮 霧緒」 16。オバチャンに尋問 〜ゴクヒの情報〜 「そこのオートロったらサ、 ひでェオトコなんだョ! イサオちゃんを、スキャンダルで ダメにしよう、なんて考えてサ! そのために、自分のマネージャーを イサオちゃんにくっつけたんだョ! ここはひとつ、オバチャンが 立ち上がるしかないでショ! ‥‥あ。この話、ゴクヒだョ。 まだ、だれも知らないんだからネ。」→ゆさぶる  (オバチャンが、あの情報を   どこから入手したのか‥‥?)  △ さらにゆさぶる  ◎ 証拠品をつきつける  △ ようすを見る 17。‥‥あなたは、コイツで 情報を知ったのです!→証拠品「ナツミのカメラ」 18。(このへんで カンベンしておくか?) ◎ さらにシメ上げる △ カンベンしておく 19。あなたが盗んだのは、 メモだけではないはずです!→証拠品「ナツミのカメラ」 20。証拠品「ナツミの写真」を入手。 21。‥‥ナツミさんが撮った、 この写真には‥‥ △ 特に問題なし ◎ 特に異議あり 22。この写真がはらんでいる、 決定的なムジュン点とは‥‥!→袴の足元 (ここで間違えると、ゲーム オーバーですよ。) 23。この写真に写っているのは、 いったい‥‥だれなのですか?→人物ファイル「華宮 霧緒」 24。(ど‥‥どうする! 審理が終わっちまうぞ‥‥!) △ ようすを見る ◎ 異議を申し立てる 25。10分休憩をとる。 第一回 法廷前編の終わり 第一回 法廷後編 26。霧緒に尋問 〜事件を発見したときのこと〜 「ショーの時間になったので、控え室 の王都楼を呼びに行きました。 そのついでに、藤見野の控え室のも 行ってみたんです。 藤見野は、死んでいました。 私、もうショックで‥‥ そのとき私が見たのはモチロン、 現場写真とまったく同じ光景です。 気絶しそうになったので、 グラスにジュースをそそぎました。」→ゆさぶる  (何を言うかけたんだ‥‥?)  ◎ もっとゆさぶる→証言を加える  △ やめておく  証言加える後  「花ビンを割ったのは、私です。  ギターケースの上に落として‥‥」→つきつける:証拠品「ギターケース」 27。どうですか? ギターケースに ついて、詳しい証言は必要ですか? ◎ 証言させる △ やめておく 28。霧緒に尋問 〜ギターケースについて〜 「私も、動揺していましたから。 キオクがハッキリしないんです。 ケースは、私が開けたのでしょう。 ‥‥花ビンを割ったあとに。 たいした問題ではないでしょう。 ケースはカラだったのですから。→つきつける:証拠品「ギターケース」 なぜ、ケースを開けたか‥‥ 自分でも、よくわかりません。」 29。どうですか? 弁護人。証人は 現場で、手袋をしていたそうです。 △ モンダイはない ◎ そんなはずはない 30。私が現場で、手袋を していなかった証拠でも‥‥?→証拠品「グラス」 31。事件のあったとき、このケースには いったい、何が入っていたか!→証拠品「ナツミの写真」か「トノサマン・丙!」 どちらでもいい。 32。ギターケースの中のトノサマン ‥‥この着ぐるみは、いったい? × 王都楼のものを盗んだ (御剣「弁護人!貴様がこの場から裸で出て行け!」 ◎ 別の着ぐるみを用意した 33。被害者がトノサマンの着ぐるみを 会場に持ちこんだ、その理由は‥‥→証拠品「記者会見の整理券」 34。霧緒に尋問 〜王都楼をかばったこと〜 「現場を見た瞬間から、王都楼が 犯人だと感じました。 王都楼は、なんとしても藤見野を 殺害しなければならなかった。→ゆさぶる:証言を訂正される  証言訂正後  「その動機も知っています。  ‥‥確証はありませんけど。」 それに、彼には犯行時刻の アイバイもありません。 決定的と言えば、やはり証拠品。 あの、ボタンやナイフ‥‥→ゆさぶる:証言を訂正される  証言訂正後  「あのボタンは、王都楼が被害者と  格闘中にむしり取ったものです。」→つきつける:証拠品  「藤見野 イサオ解剖記録」 私、王都楼のマネージャーだから ‥‥彼を守らなければ、と思って。」 35。あなたには、わかるのですか! 犯人の‥‥“目的”が! × 犯行の記念 (裁判長「あなたはもう来なくていいです。」) ◎ 罪を着せる × 証拠いん滅 (裁判長「そのうち、あなた自身が隠滅されますぞ!」) 36。オートロさんに罪を着せようと たくらんだ、真犯人は‥‥!→人物ファイル「華宮 霧緒」 37。霧緒に尋問 〜死体を発見したときのこと〜 「あのジュース‥‥自分のために 用意したわけじゃないんです。 あの部屋に入ったとき、部屋が 荒らされていてビックリしました。 そしてあの人‥‥藤見野が、 部屋のすみでぐったりしていて。 それを見て、まさか死んでるなんて 思わなかったんです。→つきつける:証拠品「現場写真」 てっきり、気絶していると思ったの。 それで‥‥彼のためにジュースを。 彼が死んでることがわかって‥‥ 花ビンを割ってしまったんです。」 38。さあ! キサマの結論は‥‥ どうなんだ! 成歩堂 龍一! △ 無罪判決を要求する ◎ 霧緒に証言を強要する 39。霧緒に尋問 〜霧緒の“罪”とは〜 「彼を見たとき‥‥キゼツしていると 思った。‥‥ホントです。→ゆさぶる 彼を死んでいるとわかって‥‥ ふと、計画を思いついたんです。→ゆさぶる ろうかに人影がないのをたしかめて いったん楽屋にもどったわ。→ゆさぶる そして‥‥ナイフを死体に刺して、 ボタンをむしり取ったの。→ゆさぶる すべてが終わって、帰ろうとしたら ‥‥困ったことになった。→ゆさぶる それで‥‥トノサマンの着ぐるみを 使わせてもらったの。」→ゆさぶる 40。今日の法廷の終わり、判決はまだ取れないぼのまま。御剣はサザエの カードを見て、驚くする。 第一回 法廷後編の終わり 第二回 探偵前編 5c. Detective Part, Day 2 3月22日 午後5時24分 成歩堂法律事務所 1。糸鋸に話す→「これからのこと」と「御剣検事」。そのあと「狩魔検事」も 聞く。移動する→「堀田クリニック」。 2。冥と話す→「狙撃」と「取り引き」。あと御剣と話す→「今日の法廷」と 「霧緒のカード」。証拠品「カード」を入手。話す→「殺し屋」と「真宵のこと」 証拠品「御剣の紹介状」を貰う。 3。真宵を操作して、移動する→「????」。調べる→机の上にある写真→ ソファにあるぬいぐるみ→パソコンも調べる→奥にある扉→アンテナ。 4。移動する→「成歩堂法律事務所」→「留置所」。証拠品「王都楼のメモ」を 入手。移動する→「警察署・刑事課」→「ホテル・ロビー」→ 「王都楼邸・応接間」。 5。執事の田中と話す→「王都楼のこと」、「田中のこと」と「シュウのこと」。 移動する→「ホテル・ロビー」。オバチャンにつきつける→証拠品 「御剣の紹介状」。 6。移動する→「すみれの間」→「控え室前・ろうか」。ナツミに話す→ 「事件当夜のこと」、「スキャンダル」と「カメラ」。移動する→ 「藤見野の控え室」。 7。オバチャンと話す→「事件当夜のこと」と「被害者の思い出」。そのあと 「プレゼント」も聞く。移動する→「控え室前・ろうか」→「すみれの間」→ 「ホテル・ロビー」→「成歩堂法律事務所」。 8。糸鋸につきつける→証拠品「トランシーバー」。あと話す→「電波障害」の ことを聞く。移動する→「ホテル・ロビー」→「すみれの間」→ 「控え室前・ろうか」→「藤見野の控え室」。 9。電波探知機を操作して、Lボタンを押す。一番大きいの熊の目のところを示す。 10。糸鋸に話す→「カメラ」、「トランスミッター」と「ぬいぐるみ」のことを 聞く。証拠品「盗撮カメラ」、「トランスミッター」と「ぬいぐるみ」を入手。 第二回 探偵前編の終わり 第二回 探偵後編 11。春美に話す→「真犯人」と「殺し屋の依頼人」。あと「王都楼なのか?」も 聞く。「気になること」も聞く。 12。移動する→「控え室前・ろうか」→「すみれの間」。オバチャンと話す→ 「電波探知機」と「藤見野と霧緒」を聞く。そのあと「由利恵の自殺」も聞く。 13。移動する→「ホテル・ロビー」→「王都楼邸・応接間」→ 「ホテル・ロビー」→「成歩堂法律事務所」→「留置所」→「警察署・刑事課」 14。課長の話を聞いたあと、移動する→「留置所」。 (‥‥さて。どちらの話を聞かせてもらおうかな?) ◎ 王都楼 真悟 △ 華宮 霧緒 15。王都楼に話す→「王都楼のヒミツ」(心理錠)と「藤見野と霧緒」。 移動する→「警察署・刑事課」。 16。荷星に話す→「明日の証言」、「王都楼のこと」と「ウワサ話」。 そのあと「由利恵の自殺」も聞く。移動する→「留置所」。 17。華宮 霧緒の話を聞く。話す→「王都楼のこと」と「天野由利恵」。 そのあと「罪を着せた理由」(心理錠)。 18。移動する→「成歩堂法律事務所」。糸鋸に話す→「ぬいぐるみ」と 「盗撮カメラ」。証拠品「クレジットカードの伝票」ゲット、 「盗撮カメラ」を再びファイルする。移動する→「留置所」。王都楼に つきつける→:証拠品「真宵の勾玉」。 19。王都楼の心理錠 〜王都楼のヒミツ〜 あなたはいつも、イサオさんを気に していた。授賞式の夜は特に‥‥→つきつける:証拠品「盗撮カメラ」 へえ。‥‥いったい、どこに そんなカメラがあったんですか?→つきつける:証拠品「ぬいぐるみ」 このぬいぐるみを イサオさんにおくったのは‥‥→つきつける:人物ファイル「王都楼 真悟」 あなたがカメラをしかけた証拠。 それは‥‥→つきつける:証拠品「クレジットカードの伝票」 あなたがイサオさんの部屋を 盗撮した、その理由は‥‥→つきつける:人物ファイル「華宮 霧緒」 あなたがイサオさんの控え室に カメラを仕掛けた理由は‥‥→つきつける:証拠品「カード」 ‥‥あなたがなぜ、虎狼死家を 知っているのか‥‥? × 正義の味方だから ◎ 依頼人だから × スターだから 解除成功 20。王都楼に話す→「王都楼のヒミツ」と「殺人の動機」。 21。御剣と話す→「王都楼のこと」と「真宵のこと」。そのあと 「戦う理由」。 22。なんと真宵は王都楼の邸にいる!移動する→「ホテル・ロビー」→ 「王都楼邸・応接間」。調べる→扉の前にあるぬいぐるみ。証拠品 「アクセサリー」を入手。 23。移動する→「王都楼邸・ワイン庫」。調べる→階段の近くにある 写真。証拠品「由利恵の写真」を入手。自動的に留置所に来る。霧緒に つきつける→「真宵の勾玉」。 24。霧緒の心理錠 〜罪を着せた理由〜 (そんな彼女に復讐を 決意させた事件がある‥‥)→つきつける:証拠品「自殺の報告書」 その‥‥つながりを証明できるの? 由利恵さんと‥‥王都楼の!→つきつける:証拠品「由利恵の写真」 解除成功 25。話す→「罪を着せた理由」。そのあと「復讐」を聞く。 第二回 探偵後編の終わり 第二回 法廷前編 5d. Courtroom Part, Day 2 1。またあの裁判長の裁きの夢を見る。 3月23日 午前 9時43分 地方裁判所 被告人第3控え室 2。王都楼、千尋と糸鋸の話を聞く 3月23日 午前10時 地方裁判所 第3法廷 3。荷星に尋問 〜控え室をたずねたこと〜 「授賞式が終わってから、1人で 控え室へ行ったんです。→ゆさぶる 控え室の前に、オートロくんが。 トノサマンの衣装を着てましたね。→ゆさぶる だれかと話していたんです。 最初は‥‥ボーイかと思いました。→二回ゆさぶる:証言訂正  訂正後  「オートロくん、ボーイさんに  チップをあげていたんですよ。」→ゆさぶる  (どっちのビックリについて   聞いてみようか‥‥?)  △ ボーイのカオ  ◎ 王都楼のチップ しばらく2人を見ていましたケド、 あきらめて帰りました。→ゆさぶる ボクにも、連れがあったので‥‥ 待たせるワケにもいかなくて。」→ゆさぶる 4。(裁判長、ウタガイのマナコで こっちを見てるぞ‥‥) ◎ 異議を申し立てる (御剣「お盆を運んで札束が貰えるのならば‥‥!    誰が検事などやるものかッ!」) △ ようすを見る 5。荷星に尋問 〜二度目の目撃〜 「今度はトイレに行きたくなって、 あのろうかへ行ったんですよ! そうしたら‥‥さっきのボーイが 控え室から出てきたんですよ! もちろん、藤見野 イサオくんの 控え室からですよ! 今、思えばあのボーイさん、 やっぱり不自然でしたよ!→ゆさぶる  (どうする? 荷星さんの証言、   そのまま認めるべきか‥‥?)  △ そのまま認める  ◎ クチをつける→証言を訂正される  訂正後  「お客の部屋から手ぶらで出てくる  なんて、おかしいですよね!」→つきつける:証拠品「現場写真」 そうですよ! アイツ、 殺し屋だったんです、きっと! だって‥‥」 6。荷星に尋問 〜被告とボーイ、二度目の接触〜 「ボーイは、そのままオートロくんの 控え室のドアをノックしたんです。 そして、部屋の中のヒトに、 何やら手わたしたんですよ。→二回ゆさぶる  (荷星さんのアタマは、同時に   2つのコトは処理できない!)  ◎ “中のヒト”について聞く (両方を聞く)  ◎ “何やら”について聞く (両方を聞く)→証言加える  △ 何も聞かない  加える後  「もう一度見ればハッキリしますけど  ‥‥木製の置物みたいでしたね。」→つきつける:証拠品「アクセサリー」 おジイさん、そのまま部屋には 入らず、帰っていきました。 それで、ボクもトイレへ 行ってから、席へもどりました。」 7。アヤシイ点。‥‥それは いったい、どこですか? × 荷星の証言がアヤシイ ◎ 受けとった人物がアヤシイ (両方を選ぶ) ◎ クマがアヤシイ (両方を選ぶ) 8。(‥‥どうなんだ? “よろしい”のか‥‥?) △ 判決を受け入れる ◎ 異議を申し立てる 9。あなたの言う“真犯人”‥‥ いったい、だれなのですか?→人物ファイル「華宮 霧緒」 10。10分休憩をとる。 11。霧緒に尋問 〜クマのアクセサリー〜 「じつはそれ、精巧なパズルに なっているんです。→ゆさぶる 正しい順序でパーツをいじると、 バラバラにすることができるの。→ゆさぶる 中は空洞になっていて、小物を 入れることができるんです。→ゆさぶる かなり精巧だから‥‥やり方を 知らなければ、開けられません。→ゆさぶる 見た目だけで“小物入れ”とは わかりませんしね。」→ゆさぶる:証拠品「アクセサリー」のデータ更新。 12。証拠品「由利恵の遺書」を入手。 13。(遺書か! アクセサリーか! ‥‥アヤシイのはどっちだ‥‥) ◎ 由利恵の遺書 △ アクセサリー 14。(このぼくに 指摘できるのか‥‥?) ◎ 証拠品を提出する △ 異議はない 15。当然するべき“検査”を、きみは できなかった。‥‥この証拠品に!→証拠品「由利恵の遺書」 16。30分休憩に入る。 17。(彼の現在位置を、カクジツに 知る方法‥‥か!) ◎ もちろん、ある △ もちろん、ない 18。イトノコ刑事の現在位置‥‥ コイツが教えてくれるはずだ!→人物ファイル「狩魔 冥」 第二回 法廷前編の終わり 第二回 法廷後編 19。(この主張‥‥ちょっと ムジュンしてないか?) ◎ 証拠品を提出する △ やめておく 20。王都楼 真悟は、遺書がニセモンで あることを知っていたはずです!→証拠品「盗撮カメラ」 21。虎狼死家に尋問 〜“依頼人”について〜 「最初に1つ、申し上げて おきたいことがございます。→ゆさぶる 殺し屋という商売は、依頼人との 信頼関係が、最も大切なのです。→二回ゆさぶる:証言を訂正 だからこそ、私はこうして証言台に 立っているのでございます。→ゆさぶる ‥‥名前を申し上げる前に、 それをごリカイいただけますか。」→ゆさぶる  訂正後  「では、そろそろ‥‥依頼人の名前を  証言させていただきましょうか。」→ゆさぶる 22。(‥‥どうする!) △ 判決を要求する ◎ 審理を要求する 22。虎狼死家に尋問 〜“依頼人”について・2〜 「何度も言いますが、依頼人は カミヤ キリオさまでございます。 私がユルせないのは、現場に 細工なさったことなのです。 ご自分の罪を、他人に なすりつけようとなさるとは。 なんでも、発見者のフリをして 現場に訪れたそうですが‥‥ カミヤさまは最初から知っていた! 藤見野さまが死んでいることを。→つきつける:証拠品「グラス」 その上で、ナイフやボタンなどの 証拠をでっち上げて‥‥ それは仁義にはずれた行為と 言わねばなりません。」 23。虎狼死家に尋問 〜依頼を受けたこと〜 「依頼をお受けしたのは‥‥そう、 1週間ほど前でしたか。 どうしても、授賞式の夜に シゴトをしてほしいということで。 そこで、とあるバーでお会いして、 ご相談をしたワケでございます。→ゆさぶる  (なんだ? 今、ちょっと   口ごもったような‥‥)  ◎ さらにゆさぶる  △ やめておく  どうですか、弁護人。  今の証言は、重要ですか?  △ もちろん重要  ◎ 重要ではない  ‥‥いかがですか、弁護人。  この証言は、重要ですか?  ◎ もちろん重要→証言を加える  △ 重要ではない  証言加える後  「“この依頼人は信頼できる”  ‥‥彼を見て、そう思いました。」→つきつける:人物ファイル「華宮 霧緒」 ええもう、キオクちがいと いうことは、あり得ません。」 24。虎狼死家に尋問 〜依頼を受けたこと・2〜 「‥‥さよう。依頼は 手紙によって受けました。 依頼人と会わないで契約することも ございますもので。 藤見野 イサオの殺害と、2、3の 細かいシゴトを依頼されました。→ゆさぶる  (ヘタにシゲキして、   怒らせてもマスいけど‥‥)  ◎ もっとゆさぶる  △ やめておく  (本当に重要なコトでないかぎり、   深追いはキケンだぞ‥‥)  ◎ もっとゆさぶる→証言を加える  △ やめておく  証言加える後  「クマのアクセサリーを探して、  カミヤさまにわたしました。」→つきつける:証拠品「アクセサリー」 お名前を見て“男性なのだ”と 思いこんでしまったのでしょうな。」 25。‥‥ぼくの依頼人は‥‥ 王都楼 真悟は‥‥ ◎ 有罪 △ 無罪 26。(虎狼死家のピストルか。 事件に関係あるのか‥‥?) ◎ 詳しい情報を求める→証拠品「ピストル」を貰う。 △ 情報は必要はない 27。(おさらく‥‥王都楼の屋敷から 持ち出されたものだろう‥‥) ◎ 詳しい情報を求める→証拠品「ビデオテープ」入手。 △ 情報は必要はない 28。(あれは‥‥ホテル・バンドーで 見た制服か‥‥) ◎ 詳しい情報を求める→証拠品「ボーイの制服」ゲット △ 情報は必要はない 29。どなたに証拠品を つきつけるつもりですか?→人物ファイル「虎狼死家 左々右エ門」 30。その人物に つきつけるべき証拠品を→証拠品「ビデオテープ」 31。(「虎狼死家とビデオテープ」以外の組み合わせでバッドエンドになる。 王都楼が無罪に霧緒が有罪になる。そのあと成歩堂はコートを着て、真宵と 連絡を取らないまま、街を去る。) 32。あなたの“依頼人”が犯行を 盗撮した理由は、ただ1つ。 × 死のザマを見たかった (バッドエンドになる) ◎ 弱みをにぎろうとした × ウデを信用してなかった (バッドエンドになる) 33。‥‥わかりました。 △ 無罪を要求 (王都楼は自ら有罪を求める) ◎ 有罪を要求 王都楼 真悟の判決:有罪 34。証拠品「ムチ」を貰う。 35。(何か、わたしておくべき ものは、ないかな‥‥?)→証拠品「ムチ」 36。4つ目の遺留品は真宵が成歩堂の顔を虎狼死家のカードに落書した。 そのカードは狩魔 冥が次に会う日まで預かった。 証拠品 【弁護士バッジ】 ぼくの身分を 証明してくれる、 大切なバッジだ。 【真宵の勾玉】 にぶく透きとおっている。 フシギな光を放っている ように見える。 【トノサマン・丙!】 真宵ちゃんから押しつけ られたブロマイド。 Lボタンで詳細を見る。 【記者会見の整理券】 受賞記念のショーのあと、 トノサマンが何か告白 する予定らしい。 【トランシーバー】 ボーイからわたされた。 かなり遠距離まで電波が とどくタイプ。  更新後  真宵を誘拐した犯人  “コロシヤ”と名乗る  人物からわたされた。 【ナツミのカメラ】 定価16万円の最高級品。 事件のあったころ、何者 かに盗まれた。  更新後  事件当夜、盗まれた。  被害者のゴシップ記事が  ケースに入っていた。 【ホテルの見取り図】 ホテル・バントー、 現場付近の見取り図。 Lボタンで詳細を見る。 【現場写真】 藤見野 イサオ殺害現場 の写真。Lボタンで詳細 を見ることができる。 【ギターケース】 死体のそばで発見された。 中はカラッポで、フタの 部分だけ水でぬれていた。  更新後  中はカラッポで、フタの  部分だけ水でぬれていた。  被害者の指紋のみ付着。 【グラス】 死体のそばで発見された。 中身はトマトジュース。 飲まれたあとは、ない。  更新後  死体のそばで発見された。  中身はトマトジュース。  華宮 霧緒の指紋が付着。 【サイン色紙】 藤見野 イサオのサイン。 “カオルちゃんへ” と書かれている。 【雑誌の記事】 雑誌“ゴシップランド” の記事。Lボタンで 詳細を読むことができる。  ■忍者ナンジャ、深夜の密会!?■  超大物スターの、超メガトン級  超熱愛スキャンダルをスクープ!?  とあるスジからの情報のよれば、  藤見野 イサオ(21)に接近中の  ナゾの美女は、あの、マネージャー  のK.K嬢(23)だった!? 【自殺の報告書】 死亡者:天野 由利恵。 発見者:藤見野 イサオ。 遺書を破棄した疑いアリ。 【自殺未遂の報告書】 未遂者:華宮 霧緒。 理 由:天野 由利恵の 自殺のよる、ショック。 【藤見野 イサオ解剖記録】 死亡推定時刻は、午後 8時15分。マフラーで 絞殺後、ナイフで刺される。 【ナイフ】 被害者の血痕と王都楼の 指紋が付着。“バンドー” と柄に刻印されている。 【忍者ナンジャのボタン】 衣装からむしり取られた。 彼の血痕が付着、被告の ハカマの挟まっていた。 【ナツミの写真】 事件の直後、控え室の ろうかで撮影された。 Lボタンで詳細を見る。 【カード】 事件の発見時、死体の そばに置かれていた。 霧緒が持っていたもの。 【御剣の紹介状】 ホテル・バンドーで これをわたせば、自由に 調査ができるはずだ。 【王都楼のメモ】 “ネコのシュウにエサを あげてください。家は ホテルの先にあります” 【盗撮カメラ】 毎晩午後8時から1時間、 被害者の控え室を撮影。 犯行当時も作動していた。 【トランスミッター】 盗撮カメラがとらえた 映像を、電波に変えて 送信する装置。 【ぬいぐるみ】 右目に、盗撮カメラが セットされていた。 被害者の控え室で発見。 【クレジットカードの伝票】 38万円の伝票。王都楼 が証拠と同じぬいぐるみ を買ったことを証明する。 【アクセサリー】 クマの形をした、木製の 置物。細かい切れ目が いっぱい入っている。  更新後  木製パズルで小物入れ。  開け方は、藤見野と霧緒  しか知らない。 【由利恵の写真】 王都楼の屋敷より発見。 “愛をこめて‥‥ユリエ” と書かれている。 【由利恵の遺書】 クマのアクセサリーより 発見。王都楼のヒトい 仕打ちを告発する内容。 【ピストル】 虎狼死家が、狩魔の狙撃 に使用したと思われる、 小口径のピストル。 【ビデオテープ】 遺留品の1つ。虎狼死家 が死守しようとして失敗。 内容は不明。 【ボーイの制服】 犯行当夜、虎狼死家が 着用。変わった形の ボタンが1つ、紛失。 【ムチ】 狩魔 冥が投げ捨てて いったもの。フシギな なつかしさを感じる。 人物ファイル 綾里 真宵 【あやさと まよい】 18歳 ぼくの助手。 倉院流霊媒道の使い手。 今もなお修行中。 綾里 春美 【あやさと はるみ】 8歳 真宵ちゃんのイトコで、 霊媒師のタマゴ。 天才的霊力の持ち主。 荷星 三郎 【にぼし さぶろう】 24歳 初代トノサマン役者。 カオがコワいため、 メジャーになれない。 オバチャン 【おばちゃん】 年齢不明 本名:大場 カオル 【おおば かおる】 ホテルの警備員。 たしか本名は、 大場 カオルだったはず。 大沢木 ナツミ 【おおさわぎ なつみ】 23歳 自称フリーカメラマン。 最近、イヤラシイ 芸能カメラマンに転向。 糸鋸 圭介 【いとのこぎり けいすけ】 31歳 所轄署の刑事。 殺人の初動捜査を担当。 通称イトノコ刑事。 藤見野 イサオ 【ふじみの いさお】 21歳 被害者。忍者ナンジャ役 の、これでも若手スター。 王都楼と仲が悪かった。 王都楼 真悟 【おうとろう しんご】 21歳 トノサマン・丙! で大人気の若手スター。 忍者ナンジャがライバル。  更新後  今回の依頼人。  トノサマン役の大スター。  忍者ナンジャがライバル。 華宮 霧緒 【かみや きりお】 23歳 王都楼のマネージャー。 とてもしっかりした、 アタマのよさそうな女性。 狩魔 冥 【かるま めい】 18歳 アメリカにて、13才で 検事になる。ぼくを倒す ために日本へきたとか。 天野 由利恵 【あまの ゆりえ】 故人 霧緒の先輩で、藤見野 イサオのマネージャー。 2年前に自殺。 御剣 怜侍 【みつるぎ れいじ】 25歳 検事局きっての天才検事。 1年前、突然そのすがた を消した。 田中 太郎 【たなか たろう】 年齢不明 王都楼の家につかえる 執事さん。‥‥どこかで 会ったような気もする。 虎狼死家 左々右エ門 【ころしや さざえもん】 年齢不明 プロの殺し屋。被害者の 死体のそばに、かならず サザエのカードを置く。 第四挿話 さらば、逆転の終わり _/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/ 物語粗筋 6. Story Summary _/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/ 6a. Episode 1 Defendant: Mako Suzuki Victim: Mamoru Machio Prosecutor: Takefumi Auchi Date: 09/08/17 The Lost Reversal. The story opens with you (as Naruhodou) having a nightmare. It is one with the Judge punishing you by declaring you are not worthy of being a lawyer. He slams the hammer down as you wake up. This is a preview of the fourth episode, so don't worry about that for now. After waking up, you listen to the melody on your cellular phone. Somebody comes up from behind and hits you on the head with a fire extinguisher. A few moments later, you wake up with amnesia. Then a policewoman greets you. She is Mako Suzuki, your client for this case. She is accused of murdering Mamoru Machio, also a police officer. You promised her that you will get the not guilty verdict, but it seems like you forgotten that promise. In the courtroom, your first opponent once again is Takefumi Auchi. The first witness called to the stand is Detective Keisuke Itonokogiri. He is not too happy, since the defendant was his subordinate. Itonoko gives a general overview of the case. The murder happened in Wanpaku Park, which is nearby the police station. The victim was Officer Mamoru Machio. It looks as though he was pushed off from the bench above. His entire body has bruises and his neck was broken. The victim's wrist watch stopped when he hit the ground, so the estimated time of death was around 6:28 P.M. according to the autopsy record. The prosecutor presents a picture of the murder scene for your records. The Judge will ask some questions to see if you where paying attention. He will ask you what piece of evidence was found under the body of the victim. Use the R button to check the Court Record to find out it was the glasses. It seems that the victim grabbed the criminal's glasses before falling down. It doesn't look good, since the glasses worn by Mako are her spare ones, but she insists the glasses at the scene are not hers. Auchi presents another piece of evidence, one that Itonoko will testify about. Itonoko says a stronger piece of evidence than the glasses were found. On the ground, the victim wrote the name of the criminal, Suzuki with his finger. Show him the profile of Mako Suzuki to point out that the Kanji written on the ground is different that the defendant's name. 須々木(すずき) Suzuki = Defendant's name, which is less common. 鈴木(すずき) Suzuki = Name written on the ground, the more common name. After your first objection, you feel a familiar sense. Your memory is slowly starting to return. Auchi objects in return, saying the defendant didn't know the right name. However, the victim and defendant were close, so that mistaken name cannot be case. Itonoko then testifies about the relationship between the defendant and the victim. He says they have been seeing each other for over half a year. There was even talk about marriage. At the date of the murder, it was the victim's birthday. Officer Mako had a present prepared two months in advance. Itonoko was part of the consultation, so that's how he knew about it. Shake him to find out the present was a baseball glove. It was a specially made glove, hence the two month delay. The Judge decides the two were lovers. So now, did the victim really write that name in the sand? Itonoko continues his testimony. First he searched the handwriting of the victim, but he couldn't find a definitive answer. Then he searched the victim's index finger. Between the nail and finger, some grains of sand were stuck there. Also on the belly of the finger, there were abrasion marks that prove the finger was used to write the name in the sand. Finally, Itonoko concludes the victim's right hand wrote those letters. Show him the evidence, the glove. That glove was specially made for a left hand thrower (although it is possible the victim could throw left and write with the right hand, oh well). Then the question becomes, who left that name in the ground? The Judge is about to hand down the verdict, but Auchi throws an objection, saying he is not finished. There is another witness that saw the moment the victim was pushed off. Plus the witness saw the criminal's face. The Judge orders a short break. Back at the defendant's waiting room, Mako finds out that you lost your memory, so she gives you a card with your name on it. There are some numbers written on the back. It is the phone number to your cellular phone. Mako says that phone had importance when you had your memory. At the day of the murder, around 6 P.M., while waiting for Mamoru, she picked up a cell phone that was laying on the ground. That phone was ringing, so she answered it. She said her name, Suzuki, and the voice on the other end said he dropped that phone. Suzuki agreed to meet him to return the phone. The guy kept asking what her name was. She repeated Suzuki, then she promised to meet at 6 P.M. She waited, but the guy never showed up. That phone should be in your possession, in your pocket. Before you can think, Mayoi Ayasato (the spirit mediator from the first game) shows up. You don't remember, since your memory is still in a haze. She brings a piece of evidence for you to use. It is a list of about 20 people and their cell phone numbers. These people are swindlers and are currently being investigated by the police. Those phone numbers were recorded on the phone that Mako picked up at the park. Back to the courtroom, Auchi brings forth the new witness. The witness is a little tough to communicate with, so be patient. Apparently, he is one of the high class people. He introduces himself as Takamasa Moroheiya, a college student. In his testimony, he says while mediating at the park, around 6 P.M., he saw a body of a policeman on the ground. Looking up, he saw the horror on the face of the defendant. The only other thing he saw was a banana laying on the ground nearby. Show him the evidence, the glove. Moroheiya has mistaken the glove for a banana. This means the witness is near-sighted. Moroheiya says he recently lost his glasses. At the time of the murder, the witness admits to not wearing glasses. The Judge orders the witness to give a more precise testimony. Moroheiya says when the woman noticed him, she ran away. Then he called the police. The call came at 6:45 P.M. Show him the Autopsy Record of Mamoru Machio. The witness says he phoned the police immediately, but the autopsy shows the time of death at 6:28 P.M. However, his call to the police came at 6:45 P.M., a 15 minute difference. What was the witness doing in those 15 minutes? Takamasa says he was searching for a public telephone. He admits he didn't have a cell phone, since he did drop his cell phone somewhere. Could the phone Mako found in the park be Takamasa's phone? You ask him, but the witness does have his cell phone right now. Then you realize Takamasa could not have been looking for a public telephone. The proof is the Crime Scene Photo #1. That picture clearly shows a telephone right there at the murder scene! Why would it take 15 minutes to call, when there is a phone right there in front of him, three steps away? The Judge has to quiet down the excited crowd. What was the witness really doing in those 15 minutes? You have a idea. Show the Judge the glasses. Takamasa admits those are his glasses. Those glasses were found under the body of the victim. Takamasa spent 15 minutes trying to find those glasses, but he couldn't find them. Here's your chance. The real criminal used the victim's right hand to write that Suzuki name in the ground. How did Takamasa know the name Suzuki? Show the Judge the Cellular Phone. That's when he heard the name Suzuki and that's the reason he wrote the wrong letters. He only heard the name, but never had a chance to see the actual Kanji, so he had to guess and pick the more common name. So now what was his motive for killing? Show the Judge the List. That list has the cell phone numbers of a suspected swindler group. Those numbers were on Takamasa's cell phone. He killed trying to get his phone back. Takamasa Moroheiya is a member of that swindler group. Auchi objects and says the witness was promised the return of his phone. Why would he need to kill for that? Takamasa must have seen something to change his mind. He saw the victim, Mamoru Machio. Mamoru was off duty, but he was still wearing his uniform when he went on his date. The police uniform scared Takamasa, so that's why he killed Mamoru. Takamasa then asks if you can prove that the cell phone you are holding is his. You say to search the fingerprints of the phone. However Mako tells you that you were the one who wiped phone clean. Then you ask where did Takamasa eventually find his phone? You remember now. In the waiting room before trial began, you were holding your own phone when someone hit you from behind. You suspect it was the witness, but can't prove it yet. You fell a step short. The questioning is over, but you throw out an objection. The Judge gives you one chance. Show him your own Business Card. The Judge will trade you his card, but the real purpose is the back of the card. Your cell number is written on there. You ask Mayoi to dial that number on her phone. Hearing the Tonosaman' melody from Takamasa's phone, that's the final proof Takamasa stole your cell phone to cover the loss of his own phone. He did it this morning, right before trial started, but Takamasa accidentally took the wrong phone! Takamasa Moroheiya has been arrested for the murder of Mamoru Machio. The verdict for Mako Suzuki: Not Guilty. Back in the waiting room, the defendant thanks you. She admits to being real unlucky in her life. She was the Goddess of Sorrow throughout her school years. In the police academy, she was the Fallen Angel. Now she will look to start a new life. Afterwards, you gain your memory back. Mayoi wants to go to her favorite Ramen shop. With the return of your memory, you think back to the time two months ago. That's the time you reunited with Mayoi. The story of two months ago will the focus of the next episode. Conclusion: The real criminal is Takamasa Moroheiya. 6b. Episode 2 Defendant: Mayoi Ayasato Victim: Tetsurou Kirisaki Prosecutor: Mei Karuma Date: 06/16/17 ~ 06/22/17 The Reunion, and then the Reversal. The episode opens with a car accident. An unknown narrator talks about sleeping pills and revenge. Now you see Mayoi in the detainment cell. Mayoi thinks she did kill someone. It all started on that gloomy day. This episode takes place about two months before the first episode. The flashback begins. A man wearing glasses visits your office. He is complaining about the weather, especially the rain. He is a surgeon named Tetsurou Kirisaki. He shows you a newspaper article that tells a story how 14 people died in an accident during a medical treatment. Tetsurou insists that a nurse made the mistake, but that nurse is already dead. She was involved in a car accident about a year ago. That story made the news, but that nurse's death is still a mystery. Now patients won't come to his institute, so he is troubled. Tetsurou is being accused of the murder of that nurse. He asks for your help, along with Mayoi Ayasato. He wants to communicate with the dead spirit of that nurse. Although this would be Mayoi's first time outside of training, she would do it on the condition that she can meet you once again. So now we go visit Mayoi's hometown, Kurain. Upon arrival, a little girl appears, but she runs away. You reunite with Mayoi. She never thought you would show up, since the train ride is about two hours from your office. Soon you find out the little girl you just saw was Harumi Ayasato, Mayoi's younger cousin. Harumi doesn't know much about the outside world, but she is the treasure of her mother's. In the study room, you meet Tetsurou. He wants a memorandum from the spirit that admits to being the cause of death of the 14 patients. That and the admission of making a mistake for falling asleep at the wheel, causing that car accident. In the meeting room, you meet Kimiko Ayasato, Mayoi's grandmother. You find out Mayoi is the last in the family to have the bloodline of the original Head of the Family. Kimiko is from a separate branch of the Ayasato Family. A branch member cannot become the leader of the house, no matter how powerful their spiritual powers are. The room you are currently in will be used for the spiritual communication. Only the client and the spirit mediator are allowed inside during the ceremony. Harumi is Kimiko's daughter. Visit the Hallway and the Waiting Room. After searching the bed, return to the hallway to meet Natsumi Oosawagi. She is the camera woman with the Kansai Dialect from the last game. She tells you the ceremony is about to begin, so go to the study room. Mayoi will hold the only key to the door. Mayoi and Tetsurou enter the meeting room. A few minutes later, a gunshot is heard from the meeting room. Soon after a second gunshot is heard. Natsumi recognizes that sound as a gunshot. You bust open the door. Inside, you find the corpse of Tetsurou Kirisaki. Natsumi immediately takes a picture of the crime scene. You see an adult looking Mayoi covered in blood. Mayoi says that man killed her, that's why she killed him in return. Natsumi snaps another photo, this time of Mayoi. Kimiko tells you to leave before anymore victims arise. She will take care of the rest. You call the police using the phone at the entrance. Talking with Natsumi, she admits the woman you saw at the scene was not Mayoi. When Mayoi calls forth a spirit, her form changes to one that matches the spirit. Natsumi doubts Mayoi could have killed Dr. Tetsurou. About that doctor, there wasn't many positive reports about him. He was skilled, but his personality was less than favorable. He got angry at patients or nurses that didn't do as he liked. Back at the study room, Kimiko greets you. She removed the spirit that possessed Mayoi, so Mayoi is back to normal. Then Detective Itonoko arrives on the scene. He proceeds to search the crime scene. Follow them into the meeting room. Itonoko says looking at situation, Mayoi has to be criminal. Tetsurou's temple has been shot, but he was also stabbed in the chest with a knife. Visit the waiting room to meet Nodoka Hanaka, a psychology student. Apparently she didn't know about the murder that just occurred here. She was sleeping here the whole time. You ask her if she knows the victim, but she says no. However, you find that strange since the victim said otherwise before he died. You get the sense Nodoka is hiding something from you. Back in the hallway, you meet Harumi once again, but she won't talk to you. Harumi is holding a key in her hand, but before you can ask her about it, she runs away again. At the entrance, meet Natsumi and she will be happy that she got a big scoop by taking those pictures. Kimiko invites you to stay the night. You sleep over for the night. The next day, you meet Mayoi at the detainment cell. She remembers the part when she closed her eyes in that room. That's all she remembers. Mayoi saw a dream of herself dying and being buried in the earth. She is shocked when you offer to be her lawyer. Since court is tomorrow, there isn't much time. Mayoi gives you her jewel. This should make Harumi help you. Back to the scene of the crime, talk to Kimiko. She explains that the folding screen and the Kurain Pot are the village's treasure. As for Harumi, although she is from the branch family, Harumi's powers rival that of the main Ayasato Family. As you search the folding screen that's sitting in the back of the room, you notice there is a small hole about 20 cm off the ground. You record that fact as evidence. Visit the waiting room to meet Nodoka Hanaka again. She denies any knowledge of the victim of the case. You notice a big box in the room that wasn't there yesterday. Back in the hallway, you meet Harumi once again. Show her Mayoi's Jewel and she will agree to help you. Harumi picked up a black key around here yesterday. Harumi gives you that black key as evidence. This key looks a lot like the key Mayoi had yesterday. Afterwards, Harumi powers up Mayoi's Jewel. With this item, you can now read into people's minds to find secrets in the form of the Psycho Lock. Visit Nodoka again and ask about the victim. Now you see a lock appear with chains. This is the Psycho Lock. The other person cannot see it, only you can. The more secrets the person has, the more locks you will see. You must show the person Mayoi's Jewel to begin the Psycho Lock. The unlock process is just like the courtroom battle. You must show evidence to get the person to open up. If you fail in unlocking though, your life will go down, so think carefully. Your green life bar carries over between the detective part and the courtroom part, so try not to make too many errors. The only way to restore lost life is successfully unlocking a person' Psycho Lock. That recovers about 75% of your life. Sometimes you may not have enough evidence to unlock the Psycho Lock, so you will have to come back later after you have enough evidence. That's the case right now, so explore some more. Itonokogiri will explain that all the evidence points to Mayoi. Plus he has bad news and even more bad news. The bad news is that tomorrow's prosecutor is Karuma, but you defeated Gou Karuma in the fourth episode from the first game in the series. The even more bad news is that it is the second generation Karuma. At 13, Karuma's child became a prosecutor and hasn't lost a battle. The second generation was born and raised in America. When you think of the name Karuma, you can't help but think about that case from the first game. The fourth episode that had the DL#6 Case and Reiji Mitsurugi. It seems that Mitsurugi is dead right now, however. Go back to your office to pick up the newspaper article that Tetsurou left behind. Show that article to Itonoko and he will give you another article. The second one describes the car accident of the nurse. The nurse's name was Mimi Hanaka. Now you have some evidence for the Psycho Lock. Visit Nodoka and show her Mayoi's Jewel to begin the Psycho Lock. Show her the Newspaper Article #2 to prove her connection with the victim, Tetsurou. Her sister Mimi Hanaka was a nurse at Kirisaki Surgical Institute. Psycho Lock unlock successful. Nodoka says Kirisaki was kind of rough. She believes Tetsurou was responsible for the death of those 14 patients. Before you can leave the village, Harumi will tell you she has to stay in this village. Meet Mayoi back at the detainment cell. Instead, you find Chihiro Ayasato has taken over Mayoi's body. Chihiro died in episode two of the last game, but she has being using Mayoi as a way to keep in contact with you. Chihiro believes Mayoi is completely innocent. A spirit mediator can't see dreams. During a spiritual calling, the user loses consciousness. Mayoi was caught in a trap. Show Chihiro the black key. She points out the contradiction. Why do you have the key? Mayoi had that key before the murder happened. Harumi gave this key to you. The biggest surprise of the day is that Chihiro has three Psycho Locks attached. You will open those later on so don't worry about it for now. For now, just prepare for the battle that will come tomorrow. The next day in court, you find out that the second generation Karuma is a she. Her name is Mei Karuma and she wields a mean whip. She left America to come to Japan for one reason and that's revenge. She found out her father, Gou Karuma, lost to you. The Karuma family is about perfection. She will prove the guilt of the defendant, Mayoi Ayasato. Mei will ask if you are going to insist the defendant killed in self-defense, or will you insist that the defendant is completely innocent. You chose completely innocent, since self-defense will be same as admitting to the killing. Mei calls you a fool as she calls her first witness, Detective Itonoko. He will give a general description of the murder. The meeting room had no windows and the door was locked. Only the victim and the defendant were inside when the murder occurred. The defendant was calling a spirit. Shortly afterwards, two gunshots were heard. Naruhodou busted open the door, but the victim was already dead. Itonoko testifies that the direct cause of death was a bullet that pierced the victim's temple area. The bullet was shot at point-blank range. However, before being shot, the victim was also stabbed in the chest with a knife. That stab wasn't instant death, so Itonoko believes the pistol shot was the finishing blow. Shake him to find out that the pistol had Tetsurou's and Mayoi's fingerprints on it. Point-blank range was about 30~50 cm. The stabbing weapon was a fruit knife with Mayoi's fingerprints on it. The Judge says that's enough. The estimated time of death was 3:15 P.M. on the 19th of this month. All the evidence points to Mayoi as the killer. Mei asks the Judge to throw down the hammer right now with the Guilty verdict. The Judge asks if you still believe in the completely innocent path. Mei's prediction of you changing your mind within ten minutes is coming true. Yet, you still stick with the completely innocent path. Mei whips you and asks Itonoko to give the final testimony. Itonoko testifies of an even stronger piece of evidence. The clothes Mayoi was wearing has bloodstains on them. Shake Itonoko to find that the blood is that from the victim. Inquire further and then your chance comes to show the Judge what's wrong with Mayoi's costume. Point to the hole in the sleeve. Around the hole, there is the scent of gunpowder, so it is a bullet hole. However, Mei Karuma is smiling. She says continue on, but you object, saying that is a big miss. The Judge says you need more solid evidence to prove your case. Itonoko says the victim was killed with no resistance. Show him the updated Mayoi's Costume. The bullet hole proves the victim did show some resistance. Mei says it does seem like the victim did shoot at the defendant. That would make for killed in self-defense. However, you chose completely innocent, so you still haven't proven your case yet. Mei orders, with the whip, Itonoko to re-create the murder scene with the new information uncovered. In the part where he says the victim shot, but missed because of the close range, show him Mayoi's Costume again. If it was shot that close, then why is there no burn marks? This means the defendant was far away from the victim. Mei argues that the victim could have pushed the defendant away. Objection. You explain that's impossible, since the victim was stabbed already. The victim was near death. Mei Karuma is sweating. Then she says the defendant pushed the victim away, then attacked once more, then the victim fired the shot. Show the Folding Screen as evidence. There is a hole in that screen about 20 cm off the floor. This means Mayoi must have been in a crouching position when that bullet fired. Looking at the map, point to the area in front of the folding screen hole to show where the defendant was. This changes the situation. If Mayoi was the criminal, why would she be crouching in front of the folding screen? Mei still looks unimpressed. She calls her next witness, but before that, a five minute break is taken. When court resumes, Natsumi Oosawagi takes the stand. She offers the picture she took at the scene as evidence. She saw Mayoi when she entered the room, but shake her to get her to admit the person didn't look like Mayoi. Natsumi said she made sure no one else was in the room. You can't find anything by shaking the witness. You can't prove the person in the picture isn't Mayoi. Then Chihiro appears inside of Harumi. She tells you to continue questioning the witness. Shake Natsumi when she says talks about taking a picture of Mayoi. She took two pictures, but she offered only one picture as evidence. Natsumi didn't offer the second picture because the Prosecutor stopped her from doing so. Mei is trying to hide some evidence, just like her father. Mei explains that the picture in question doesn't need to be offered as evidence since both pictures show about the same thing. However, the second picture shows the person holding the gun is not Mayoi. Then Mei shows a picture of Chihiro possessing Mayoi's body. The picture is from the detainment cell, but Chihiro reminds Mei that picture is illegal. Mei knows that, so she doesn't plan on using that picture as evidence. However, now that the Judge was seen that picture, he can't erase that from his memory. More underhanded tricks from the Karuma family, but you're used to that by now. There is a way out though. Show the Judge what is wrong with the second picture. On the costume, the sleeve doesn't have a bullet hole! Mei Karuma is sweating again. She explains the police missed the hole in the first place, that's why she didn't know about the hole until now. The meaning of this picture is that someone else did the shooting. Now the question becomes, where did the defendant go? Where did this person come from? A third person must have entered that room, or Mayoi must have left that room. Show the Black Key to prove Mayoi must have left the room. When Mayoi was arrested, she didn't have the key in her possession. Mei is afraid to ask, but she wonders why you have that key. You explain Harumi gave you this key. The Judge decides it's too early for a verdict. Court will resume tomorrow at 10:00 A.M. Mei Karuma vows to get the guilty verdict no matter the cost. Back at the Kurain Village, talk to Harumi. You find out the prosecutor Mitsurugi died while holding on to his foolish pride. You ask about Harumi's alibi, but then two Psycho Locks appear. You don't have enough evidence yet, so we shall come back later. In the meeting room, you find Kimiko talking to herself. More precisely, she is talking to a picture she calls Maiko. About Maiko, her whereabouts are unknown. She disappeared about 16 years ago after a failed attempt in calling a spirit (the DL#6 Case). In four years, Maiko's name will disappear from this village. In the Kurain Village, after 20 years of leaving the place, that person is considered dead. A new head of the family will be born in four years. At this rate Mayoi will be the next leader, but now that this murder case happened, that may not happen. Continue searching the place by visiting the waiting room. Search around, but you won't find anything of significance. Visit Harumi and show her the black key. She claims to have found that key inside the incinerator. The time was about when the spiritual mediation was over. Visit the hallway to meet Nodoka Hanaka. She talks about the pot you see over there. That pot has the spirit of Kyouko Ayasato inside. Kyouko is the founder, or originator of the Kurain Style Spiritual Mediation. About the car accident, that is Psycho Locked, so you will have to come back later. Search the incinerator to find a piece of cloth with a bloodstain on it. Also, search the pot to find that it is cracked. Plus the Kanji for `children' is written on it. How strange. Now visit the detention cell to meet Mayoi. After talking a bit, you think that Mayoi was put to sleep right before the murder. As for Harumi's Alibi, Mayoi says the two were playing with a regular ball. That ball should be in the garment box that's in the waiting room. Visit that place to pick up that ball, then search the garment box. Natsumi will jump out of that hiding place. She wanted to crawl into a hole after her testimony, that's why she hid there. Then you notice something strange. There is a small hole in that box about 20 cm from the floor. That's the same distance as the hole in the folding screen, which was at the crime scene. Now you have a lead in this case, so take down this information as evidence. Go to the training room to meet Harumi. Show her Mayoi's Jewel to begin the Psycho Lock. You say Harumi was at the hallway at the time of the murder. You show her that she was playing with the ball in that hallway. Something terrible happened there. Show her the Kurain Pot. Harumi must have accidentally hit the pot with the ball, causing it to break into pieces. Harumi says that's an old pot, so a few cracks are not out of the ordinary. Show her who the founding person of the Kurain Style Spiritual Mediation is. It is Kyouko Ayasato. 供子(きょうこ) Kyouko 子供(こども) Kodomo (Children) How did those Kanji switch? Harumi is only eight years old, and she admits she can't read Kanji. Unlock successful. Harumi admits to breaking the pot. She didn't want Kimiko or anyone to find out about it. Harumi tried to glue to broken pieces back together, right there in the middle of the hallway. (I still don't know how those letters switch places. Oh well, it's just a game.) This was about the time the spiritual mediation was taking place. She is afraid of being punished, but you say Kyouko must be happy to get out of that cramped space inside the pot. Go back to the entrance to meet Natsumi. She says the criminal could be that occult mania, Nodoka Hanaka, since there is no one else. Show her Nodoka's profile, then Natsumi will tell you what she knows. About a half year ago, Nodoka was hospitalized. Natsumi doesn't know the details, so you have to search that on your own. She gives you the address to that hospital. Next stop is the Hotta Clinic. Here, you meet a strange doctor, who claims to be the head doctor of the place. You ask about Nodoka Hanaka. He says she left the hospital quite a long time ago. This place is a smaller hospital that takes in the overflow of patients from the main hospital. This place does surgical operations, namely plastic surgery. You try to find out what Nodoka was doing here, but the doctor says that private information between the patient and doctor. So show him your Lawyer's Badge and he will say he is really not the head doctor of this place. Hotta tells you about one year ago, she came in here from the main hospital. Nodoka was injured. It required body wrap. He says it was from a car accident. Nodoka's surgical procedure was on her burnt face. Using a picture of hers, the doctor was able to reconstruct her face. The picture was from Nodoka's Driver's License. The doctor then shows the newspaper article that covers the accident. It seems Nodoka was sitting in the passenger side seat at the time of the accident. Nodoka was asleep, but the shock of impact and sea of flames made her wake up. She managed to escape, but her sister didn't make it. After surgery, it took a half year to recover from her wounds. Nodoka left the hospital around December of last year. Now you have enough evidence for Nodoka's Psycho Lock. Return to Kurain Village. Before that though, Natsumi has some news for you. Kimiko has been visited by the police. Natsumi tells you that Kimiko was afraid of someone taking her seat as the head of the family. Right now, Maiko Ayasato is the head of the family, but Kimiko was supposed to be the leader. Normally the eldest daughter of the family inherits the leadership of the family. Kimiko is the older sister of Maiko. However, Kimiko lost to Maiko's powers, and the people of the village teased her for that. If Kimiko had won, Mayoi would have become the branch part of the family instead of Harumi. Now go to the hallway to confront Nodoka. As usual, show her Mayoi's Jewel to begin the Psycho Lock. She will ask, who's accident? Show her none other than herself. Do you have proof? Show her the Newspaper Article #2. She says that's not her, it is a coincidence that they have the same name. Do you have proof Nodoka was hospitalized? Yes, show her the Driver's License Picture. The doctor of Hotta Clinic had this picture. There's one lock gone. Show her Mimi Hanaka, her sister. This shows the relevance of that incident and the current murder case. Success! You have removed the Psycho Lock. Nodoka will admit to being in the car with her sister. She slept in the passenger side. Her sister didn't survive the crash. That crash occurred as a result of sleeping pills given by Dr. Kirisaki. That would give motive for her sister's spirit to kill. Back at the entrance, you find Detective Itonokogiri and Harumi. Itonoko leaves along with Kimiko for questioning. It seems Kimiko will be witness tomorrow in court. Visit Mayoi in the detainment cell. More precisely, Chihiro. Now it is time to challenge her Psycho Lock. Chihiro says there must have been someone inside the meeting room before the murder. Use Mayoi's Jewel to begin the Psycho Lock. Chihiro asks who is the person you think she is hiding? Show her the profile of Kimiko Ayasato. One unlocked. She then asks to show evidence that Kimiko is suspicious. The answer is the Piece of Cloth. That cloth was found in the incinerator and it looks like Mayoi's clothes with a blood stain on it. Kimiko must have switched Mayoi's clothes before Mayoi got arrested. Now, can you prove that cloth is part Mayoi's costume? Yes, show her the Black Key as evidence. Mayoi had that key before the murder, and that key was found in the incinerator afterwards. Only Kimiko had access to Mayoi. The second one unlocked. However, Kimiko does have an alibi. Chihiro asks what did Kimiko need in order to murder Kirisaki? The answer is the person Nodoka Hanaka. So the two needed each other to perform this murder. Psycho Lock removed. Now the question is, what was the motive for killing? The answer is Mayoi's mother, Maiko. You have all the necessary preparations done. Now it's just winning in court tomorrow. The next day in court, the Prosecutor Mei Karuma will tell you to watch tonight news for your defeat. It will be broadcast all over for the world to see. As for the case, the prosecution will admit that the defendant did leave the meeting room sometime between the murder and Mayoi's arrest. Mei says that Mayoi left the room after killing the victim. She calls her first witness, Kimiko Ayasato. As usual, Mei whips the Judge to silence. Kimiko testifies that Mayoi pushed her out of the way and disappeared. You shake her and ask her the reason for sending you and Natsumi to call the police. Kimiko didn't want anymore victims. She covered for the defendant. You can't find anything wrong with Kimiko's testimony. Now Mei says the defendant had a conversation with her next witness. Nodoka Hanaka takes the stand. She says her sister told her that car crash was no accident. That's why her sister took revenge. Shake her to revise her testimony. She says there was nothing out of the ordinary on Mayoi's clothes. Show her Mayoi's costume. It is bloodstained. That's out the ordinary. Continuing with her testimony, shake her to get her to say on the way to the meeting room, there was no one. Show her the profile of Harumi Ayasato. Harumi was there, gluing back the pieces of the broken pot in the middle of the hallway. If Nodoka's testimony is true, then she should have met Harumi on the way to the meeting room, since the hallway is the only way there. Mei objects, but show her the Kurain Pot. Harumi was sitting in the middle of the hallway. There is no way she could have missed that. Nodoka says she was sleeping in the waiting room, but there is a discrepancy. Nodoka says only Kimiko was in the meeting room, but how could she know that if she were sleeping in the waiting room? This means Nodoka went to the meeting room, without passing through the hallway. Mei throws an objection and asks where you think Nodoka was at the time of the murder. Point to the meeting room itself, the place of the murder. Mei responds by saying there was only the victim and the defendant in that room. This means Nodoka was hiding somewhere in that room. Where? Behind the Folding Screen! Mei says that's absurd, yesterday's testimony revealed there was no one back there. You insist Nodoka was back there. Show the Garment Box. It has been proven an adult person can fit inside the box. Natsumi was hiding in this box yesterday. Mei objects and says that box was in the waiting room. Show her the folding screen. Both the screen and the box have a bullet hole 20 cm above the ground. This proves the box was at the crime scene, behind the folding screen. Mei is sweating once again. Nodoka was waiting inside the box for a chance to kill Tetsurou Kirisaki. Mei objects and asks for an explanation for the picture. Is the person in the picture Nodoka? Yes it is. Nodoka was hiding in the box dressed up like Mayoi. Mei claims that's impossible for one person to do. That's right, but Nodoka had an accomplice in Kimiko Ayasato. Kimiko is the only one who could provide Nodoka with the clothes and the box. Kimiko was the one to drive you and Natsumi out of the room. Mei still doesn't give up. She says you are missing one thing. Why would Nodoka go through all this trouble? There is no motive for her to kill the victim. You say the motive is the death of her sister Mimi, but Nodoka says she left the hospital a half year ago. If she had revenge on her mind, she would have done that earlier. The Judge says you don't have a case, but you object anyway, asking for one more minute. After consulting with Chihiro, you will find a motive for Nodoka. The Judge orders a five minute break. When court resumes, Nodoka testifies about the car accident that happened a year ago. Shake her to find out why Nodoka didn't change drivers seeing that her sister looked tired. Nodoka says she didn't have a driver license. However, show her the evidence, the License Photo. She does have a driver license, but she claims that license was delivered after the accident. That's not true, she had the license at the time of the accident. Nodoka says her license was published in November of last year, 6 months after the accident. Continuing with the testimony, she says it was a new car. Shake her a bit to find out the car was a Red Sports Car, that was made in America. It was a limited edition model. She says she was in the passenger's seat. Show her the Newspaper Article #2 to show her contradiction. In that paper, Nodoka said she escaped the vehicle by exiting the left side. But on an American made car, the left side is the driver's side. (In Japan and Europe, the driver side for a car is the right side) Nodoka was in the driver's seat. The Judge brings order in the court after the spectators get excited. Mei says that's absurd, Mimi Hanaka was the driver of that car. That's right, Mimi was the driver, but you just proved Nodoka was the driver of that car. This can mean only thing. The person sitting on the witness stand is Mimi Hanaka! Mei disagrees, but you explain. The witness had a picture of her younger sister, Nodoka. When Mimi, the real survivor of the crash, was taken to the hospital, her face was severely burned. Mimi had Reconstructive Plastic Surgery to look like her younger sister, Nodoka! This means Nodoka was the one who really died in that crash. Mimi, with her new look, still had unfinished business with Dr. Tetsurou Kirisaki. Mimi suspected the doctor fed her sleeping pills, and she believed the doctor was behind the deaths of the 14 patients earlier. That's the motive for killing. The doctor tried to call the dead spirit of Mimi, however, Mimi was really alive, so what would happen? Mayoi probably would have noticed something wrong. Mimi had to put Mayoi to sleep and kill the doctor before that could happen. The witness admits to being Mimi. She almost succeeded in throwing away her past life. Show the newspaper article #1, the one that blamed Mimi for the loss of 14 patients. Mimi wanted to throw away her past and start a new life as her younger sister. Mei Karuma gets pissed off and whips you to unconsciousness. Mayoi's verdict: Not Guilty. Back in the waiting room, Mayoi wonders why Kimiko agreed to this plot with Mimi. Show her the profile of Harumi Ayasato. In 4 years, Mayoi will be the leader of the family. Kimiko wanted Harumi to be the next leader, that's why Kimiko went along with Mimi's plan. Mimi wanted Tetsurou dead, Kimiko wanted to frame Mayoi for the murder. Conclusion: the real criminals are Mimi Hanaka (disguised as Nodoka) and Kimiko Ayasato. 6c. Episode 3 Defendant: Max Galactica (Kouhei Yamada) Victim: Naoto Tachimi Prosecutor: Mei Karuma Date: 12/26/17 ~ 12/30/17 Reversal Circus. Mayoi, Harumi, and you visit the Tachimi Circus the night after Christmas. The highlight of the show was the sky flight of the performer Maximilian Galactica, who is also a great magician. It was getting quite late, so the group rushed to catch the train back. Two days later, at your office, Mayoi calls you on the cell phone telling you to look at the television. There has been a murder at the Tachimi Circus. The suspect of the case is none other than the magician Max Galactica. You agree to meet Mayoi at the detainment cell. Once there, Max gives you a card that you can keep. Max explains he helped make the Tachimi Circus as popular as it is today. He singlehandedly revived that dying franchise. As for the case, it seems like the circus leader was killed. Max was the last person to meet with the leader before his death, so Max is a suspect. Max met inside the leader's room to negotiate Max's salary. Show Max the Lawyer's Badge. You agree to be his lawyer after he begs of you. You find out his real name is Kouhei Yamada. Mayoi is disappointed that's a Japanese name. After that you can visit the scene of the crime. Go to the Lodging Plaza to meet Detective Itonoko. You learn from him that in tomorrow's court hearing, the prosecutor will be Mei Karuma again. Itonoko is envious of you, since he gets whipped more than you. Mayoi asks whatever happened to your rival, Reiji Mitsurugi. Itonoko is sorry to tell the bad news, but Mitsurugi is no longer in this world. As for the murder case, Itonoko says about 10 P.M. last night, the murder occurred. It seems like the victim was hit in the back of the head with a strong blow. There was one weird thing, the only footprints in the snow were the victim's. That, and the fact that the victim was hunched over a wooden box. It is a mystery how the criminal came in and left the scene without leaving footprints behind. Show Itonoko the profile of Max. He will then show you more evidence. There was Max's Silk Hat at the scene of the crime. More bad news, there was also a witness to the crime. Itonoko can't tell you who the witness is, since that is the prosecutor's trump card. He then warns you not to go inside the lodging houses. Since you need evidence, ignore him and enter Tommy's Room. Since there is no one here, go visit the tent area. A tiger rushes toward you, but a voice commands the tiger to stop. You meet the animal trainer, Mirika. She says her father was the victim of the murder. Mirika then talks about the loss of Leon, the Lion. Ever since then, Rato the Tiger has been her only friend. Leon was killed by her father, but she won't say why. Show her Max's profile and she will tell of how she was approached by Max about marriage, but the same day, someone else named Riro did the same thing. This Riro is a tenor singer. Explore the leader's room to find some documents to see Max's salary. Take that document as evidence. This paper was signed a week before the murder. Search the walls to get Max's Poster as evidence. Back at the entrance, you meet Ben, the ventriloquist. However, without his puppet, he won't talk to you. Return to Tommy's room to meet a clown who has bad puns. He laughs at his own puns, but nobody else seems to find them funny. He talks about the history of the circus. It has been around for over 20 years. Tommy is the witness to the murder. That night, Tommy was about to go to bed. When he heard a loud noise, he looked outside and saw Max. Show him Max's Poster and Tommy will reveal on the morning of the murder, Max struck the head of Ben. Go check the cafeteria area of the circus. Search that area to find a broken bottle. With this amount of evidence, it's time to confront Max and his Psycho Lock. It seems Max was negotiating with the leader, Naoto, when Naoto had some business to take of. Max says he waited in the leader's room, but Naoto never came back. Use Mayoi's Jewel to begin the Psycho Lock. Max says he was negotiating pay with the leader that night. Show him the Leader's Documents. The negotiations happened a week ago. One lock broken. Max says the leader called him to meet. Why? Show the Broken Bottle as evidence. Earlier that day, Max used that bottle and smashed it on Ben's head. Another lock broken. Max claims that bottle was dropped, but show him Ben's profile. Max used the bottle as a weapon against Ben. Psycho Lock successfully unlocked. Max explains he and Ben were arguing over Mirika. Max did something to quiet Ben. Max hid Riro, Ben's puppet. Without that puppet, Ben won't talk. Max says he hid that puppet in the leader's room. He asks you to return that doll to Ben. Return to the circus and search the Trophy Case inside the leader's room. You find Riro, the puppet. Visit the cafeteria to meet Ben. Show him Riro, then will begin talking, using the puppet. Riro will appear in court tomorrow. When you are about the leave the place, a monkey appears and steals your badge. Mirika appears and says that's Luther the monkey. The monkey loves shiny objects. Tommy knows more about the monkey. Visit Tommy once more. Get ready for more bad puns. Despite that, he will still take you to Luther's room. It is actually Acro's room. Search the sparkling items on the sofa to find your badge, along with a diamond ring. Now you are ready for court. The next day, as usual, there's Mei with her whip. She doesn't count the last case as a loss. Now she will try to prove your guilt. That's her revenge. Mei calls Detective Itonokogiri as her first witness. Itonoko gives the general details of the murder. The night of the murder, it snowed until about 9:40 P.M. Everyone was at the Tent Area practicing their performances. Practice ended at 10 P.M. and the murder occurred at 10:15 P.M. in front of the lodging area. The victim was slumped over a wooden box and the cause of death was a flat, blunt object that struck the victim in the back of the head. The resulting blow also caused a bone fracture. Shake Itonoko to find out the contents of the wooden box. Inside the box was a small seasoning bottle that contained pepper. Right now, the prosecution is searching for the murder weapon. After that, Mei calls her next witness, Ben the Ventriloquist. More precisely, Riro will do the talking. Riro says he saw Max pass in front of the lodging area after 10 P.M. When you ask what Ben, or Riro was doing there, you guess he was waiting for someone, namely Mirika. However, that's not enough to prove anything, so you say it is strange for Riro to be the only one to see Max. Point to Naoto Tachimi, the victim himself. After both pieces of evidence, you have to prove the witness was waiting for Mirika, but Riro admits to that. Riro testifies about the proposal. Shake him to find out the present was an engagement ring. Riro says he didn't have a chance to give that ring, so he still has it. Show him the ring and tell him that you found this ring in Acro's room. Luther the monkey must have stolen that ring. Riro admits it was stolen that night of the murder. After Max entered the plaza area, Riro chased the monkey, but he couldn't catch the animal. This proves a contradiction in the witness' statement. Riro said he didn't move from his spot at the plaza entrance, be he was chasing the monkey. During that time, there was nobody at the entrance. This gives a chance for someone other than the defendant to commit the murder. Riro continues his testimony. He says he greeted the defendant, but the Max ignored Riro. Riro greeting Max? There is something wrong with that. Show him the broken bottle. Earlier that day, Riro and Max were fighting over Mirika. Not just arguing, but Max hit Ben in the head with a bottle. There is no way Riro would greet Max `Good Evening' after that quarrel. This means Riro saw someone else. Then who did Riro greet? The answer is Naoto Tachimi, the circus leader and victim himself. The prosecution side still believes that the defendant was the one Riro saw. You say it was the victim dressed up like Max. Mei doesn't have proof on her side, but she's unfazed. All she wanted to hear was that night, one person went to the plaza. Mei presents her next witness to prove it was Max Galactica who murdered the leader. The Judge orders a 10 minute recess. When court resumes, Mei calls Tommy the Clown. He is the one who witnessed the murder. Tommy throws out a bunch of puns, but no one finds them funny. Mei has to whip him into shape. Here is the funny part. Tommy is supposed to testify about what he saw at the murder scene. Instead he talks about his life story. Mei says to save that talk for after the court. Mei will make her subordinate detective listen to Tommy's story (poor Itonoko). Itonoko will have to be the laughing role. In Tommy's testimony, he says he heard a loud noise that made him look outside the window. That sound was the murder instant, so by the time he looked outside, the murder was already finished. However, Tommy said he saw Max strike the leader, but that was after he heard the loud sound. Tommy explains when he looked at the window, the victim was already down. He didn't see the instant the victim was struck, but he did see the criminal. The Judge tells Tommy to testify about the person he saw, minus the humor. Tommy says he saw all the symbols of Max, the Silk Hat and Black Cape. Show him Max's Poster. Tommy didn't see all the symbols. He forgot the White Rose. Tommy admits the person he saw didn't have the White Rose. Mei argues that the White Rose could have dropped during the exchange, but you counter that with the fact that only the Silk Hat was found at the murder scene. Riro saw all three symbols, but Tommy only saw two symbols. How do you explain this? The Judge says what the witness saw is 99% the defendant, but there is 1% doubt. The Judge will allow you to question the witness one more time. If you find nothing, then the Judge will hand down the verdict. Tommy says the person he saw wore the silk hat the whole time. Show him the silk hat. That hat was found on the ground at the murder scene. Tommy insists the person he saw left the place wearing the silk hat. How did the criminal leave the scene? Tommy says the criminal walked away. You disagree, and show the Judge the Crime Scene Photo. The picture shows that the only footprints at the scene of the crime are the victim's. Where are the criminal's footprints? You ask again how the criminal left the scene. Tommy says he can't reveal that. Mei told him not to talk about it. Mei is trying to hide something. She says that if you heard how the criminal escaped, then then the Judge would have the same opinion as she does. Mei says don't laugh at it. Tommy says he saw the criminal fly away from the scene of the crime. You can agree that Tommy's testimony is true, but it doesn't matter. The Judge orders further investigation on the case. Court will resume tomorrow. Until then, search the crime scene once more. Back at your office, you discuss your next move. You decide to visit Max at the detainment cell. Max wants you to show the circus people his Grand Prix Picture. This picture shows the award Max received. Show Max that picture back at him, and he will say that you can find a statue of him in the cafeteria of the circus. Back at the circus entrance, you meet Riro. After a short conversation, visit the Lodging Area to meek Itonoko. He says Mei Karuma is here, investigating the third floor area where the acrobat resides. You decide to wait until she's done, so visit the tent area. Look in the cafeteria to find Tommy. Show him that Grand Prix photo and Tommy will talk about the statue of the upper half of Max. That statue was here on that small table, at least it was there five days ago. You see a picture of that statue. The platinum cards it is holding sparkle brightly. You have an idea who could have stolen this statue. There is something else. On the morning of the murder, a memo was posted on the message board. It was ripped up, so you can only read the title, `Announcement of the Murderer". Go visit Max and show him the ripped paper. Max says that morning, the circus leader and Mirika came into the cafeteria. The leader saw that paper posted and got mad. He ripped it off the board and stuffed it in his pocket. Search the leader's room, namely the black suit that you see hanging. The note in the pocket does match the ripped paper. It reads, `Announcing the murderer. I have the definitive evidence. Come tonight at 10 P.M. in the Plaza in front of the Lodging Area." Rewrite your file with this evidence, then go to the lodging area to meet Itonoko once again. Whenever you hear that strange beeping, Mei Karuma always seems to appear. It seems that Mei will be using Acro as her witness tomorrow. About Karuma's revenge, she never said anything about her father. The person Mei is looking for is Reiji Mitsurugi! Mayoi is shocked. Gou Karuma raised Reiji, so Reiji is like a younger brother to Mei. Reiji Mitsurugi is also the reason you became a lawyer. After that DL#6 Case, Mitsurugi died. Mei accuses you of killing him. After that case, Reiji stopped coming to court for a while, then he completely disappeared. He left a memo at the prosecution office. The prosecutor Reiji Mitsurugi chooses death. That happened about a year ago. However, Mei doesn't believe it. She thinks Reiji is still alive somewhere in this world. The `Prosecutor" Reiji is dead because he lost to you. In turn that ruined the face of Karuma. Mei wants to meet Reiji once more, to show him right from wrong. She promises tomorrow will be the final battle and then she leaves. Now visit the third floor area, which is Acro's room. You meet Acro, the acrobat. He used to be a tight-rope walker and swing artist, but now he is in a wheelchair. About the wheelchair, you think it was the result of the acrobatics, but then a Psycho Lock appears. You don't have enough evidence, so you will have to come back later. As for the murder scene, Acro says he saw Max float up past the third floor window. Now go visit Mirika at the Tent Area. She is in trouble, since Luther stole her sparkled dress. She pleas for you to get that dress back. You agree and take her offer. Before going, though, show her the paper post. She says she found that letter inside her pocket. She says she was the one who brought Acro his breakfast. Mirika believes it is a mistake of someone to call her a murderer. She posted that note on the message board in the cafeteria the morning of the murder. Pay a visit to Tommy's room. Here you will find Luther the monkey. He jumps you, but you manage to get Mirika dress back as he passes by. Return to the tent area and give the Stage Costume back to Mirika. You find out that the costume was made for Leon. That lion was killed by Mirika father, the circus leader. The reason was an accident during practice. One of Leon's tricks was to open his mouth and Mirika was to put her head inside that mouth. The crowd would scream at that, but that's the point. Then one day an accident happened. Leon chomped down. Naoto got mad and shot Leon to death. Return to the kitchen area to find Tommy the clown. He mentions something about `That thing". A Psycho Lock appears. Show him Mayoi's Jewel to begin the unlock process. You guess it has something to do with the accident a half year ago. Show him Leon the lion. Tommy says someone forced him into not speaking about it. Who? Show him the profile of Acro. Unlock successful. Tommy reveals that Acro's younger brother was the victim of the lion bite. He was known as Bat, and he had a relationship with Mirika. Tommy remembers that accident. Leon had a funny look on it's face before biting Bat. It seemed like the lion was smiling. Bat is in a hospital now, still unconscious. The next day, the circus leader shot that lion to death with a rifle. Then you find out that Mirika liked to play with pepper, especially with Bat. Go back to the detainment cell. Max isn't there, so go back to challenge Acro's Psycho Lock. Show him Leon as the real cause of Acro's condition. Acro was fighting the lion, for Bat's sake. In rescuing Bat, Acro got those wounds. You suspect Acro was ill will toward Mirika. However, she could not have ordered the lion to do that. Why would she kill someone she was close to? Still, you do have proof Acro had malice toward Mirika. Show him the paper post. Mirika posted that in the cafeteria, and Acro was the one who put that paper in Mirika's pocket. Unlock successful. Bat made a wager. He would perform the lion stunt in place of Mirika. If successful, they would go to the movies together. Acro jumped at the lion when it happened, and now Acro is in a wheelchair. Bat is still unconscious in a hospital bed. Acro then shows you the scarf Bat was wearing. It is blood soaked, and Mirika gave this scarf to Bat as a present. Acro remembers Leon laughing the instant he bit his younger brother. With out warning Mei Karuma busts into the room demanding you hand over that scarf. You have no choice but to comply. The next day in court, as expected, Mei calls Acro as her first witness. Acro says he saw the figure of Max pass by the third floor window. Shake him to get him to say the figure had worn the hat and cape. Show him the silk hat as evidence. That hat was found at the scene of the crime. Why would Acro lie? The answer is, Acro was the real criminal. Acro isn't fazed. He says look at him, he can't get out of the lodging area by himself due to the wheelchair. How could he be the murderer? Mei asks you, do you think there was an accomplice to this murder? You say no, you believe Acro did this by himself. The crowd get excited again. The Judge asks you to point to the area on the map that Acro was at the time of the murder. Point to Acro (third floor), since he can't move from where he lives. That's where Acro was when he murdered the victim. Acro shows no emotion. Mei says you are forgetting something. The defendant was seen at the scene of the crime. So how could Acro perform the crime? Show the Judge the Statue of Max. That statue is pretty heavy. If that thing dropped from the third floor, it would turn into a effective murder weapon. Mei throws an objection, saying controlling that heavy statue in a wheelchair is impossible. You respond by saying the witness was an acrobat, such a statue would be easy for him to carry. Mei wants the witness to testify about his body condition. The Judge rejects your objection. Acro admits he could carry that statue, but it would be impossible for him to know the location of the victim's head. Show him the wooden box. That box was placed ahead of time at the scene of the crime. The box was used to help locate the position of the victim. Who placed the box there? Looking at the picture, it seems the statue struck the victim as he was trying to lift up the box. Acro must have placed it there. All Acro had to do was tie the statue to a rope and drop it at the location of the box. Mei whips you several times and says in lifting the box, the head position could vary. You respond with the box has a special property. The large size and heavy weight would cause someone to squat down to lift it up. Anyone's head position would be near equal! Mei says that's absurd. Acro doesn't seem impressed. Acro says he couldn't have put the box there. Acro asks if you remember where the statue was. Yes, it was in the cafeteria on a table. Acro says how could he have taken that statue? Acro can't get out of his room alone. You said there was no accomplice. The only answer is that statue was brought to Acro's room by Luther the monkey. That monkey loves shiny things. Max's Statue's Cards are shiny. The monkey keeps a stash of shiny stuff in Acro's room, so Acro just happened to find a convenient weapon without having to leave the room. Acro said himself that Luther is capable of carrying heavy objects. The Judge asks where is that statue right now. Mei doesn't know. Her search for the murder weapon came up empty. Mei then tells you that you still are forgetting something. The defendant, Max was spotted at the murder scene. How do you explain that? Who was the person that the clown saw? Show her Max's Statue. Mei whips you and says she is asking who, not a piece of evidence. However, that's the point. The Max that the clown saw was not human, it was the statue of Max! Mei says that's ridiculous. The clown says the figure was wearing a cape. However, the statue could have worn a cape. Who's cape? Naoto Tachimi, the victim himself. You explain what really happened that night. Acro set the wooden box at the scene with rope. Then he used the rope and tied it to Max's Statue. He hung the statue outside the window, right above the box. Meanwhile, the victim left his room, with Max staying behind. The circus leader wore Max's costume before leaving for the lodging area. He wanted to cover up who he really was. He was spotted at the entrance of the lodging area by Ben and Riro. Then Naoto arrived at the scene. He tried to lift up the wooden box. Acro was waiting, and at the right time, he released the rope. Here comes the magic part. When the statue hit the victim, the silk hat fell to the ground, but his cape latched onto the statue! Mei says that's impossible. The resulting sound caused Tommy the clown to look outside the window. What Tommy saw was the statue wearing the cape of the victim. Acro, finished with the murder, needed to recover the murder weapon. At this point, Acro couldn't see the cape or Tommy, since he was sitting in the wheelchair. Acro pulled the rope up. This made it look like Max flew away from the crime scene. That's how the murder occurred. Only Acro could have performed this feat. Acro is unimpressed. Mei asks for proof that's what really happened. Show her the silk hat. That hat was found at the scene of the crime. Yesterday, Tommy testified that he saw the criminal leave the scene wearing the hat, but the hat he saw was the statue's hat! What about the other contradiction? Ben and Riro saw the white rose on the chest of Max. Tommy says there was no rose. When the statue hit the victim, the cape hit the front side of the statue. That caused the white rose swing away to the backside. That's why Tommy didn't see the white rose. Mei is still not impressed. She asks what is the motive for Acro to kill his respected elder? Mei wants to hear the testimony of the relationship between the victim and Acro. The Judge orders a short break. During the break, Max is shocked. Acro was one of the good, honest people at the circus. It seems that Acro accidentally framed Max for the murder. Itonoko appears and hands you the scarf that Acro's younger brother was wearing. He says don't let Mei know about this. The scarf has traces of pepper detected. This could be useful evidence. The next step is to find the motive of Acro. Back in the courtroom, Acro testifies about his relation to the victim. You don't have to question Acro, since you do know Acro doesn't have motive to kill Naoto Tachimi. You believe Acro was aiming for someone else. Acro ended up killing the leader, but that wasn't the intended target. Mei asks, who was Acro trying to kill? Show her the profile of Mirika. Mei asks for proof. Show her the paper posted on the message board. That was found in the victim's costume. Acro wrote that note to Mirika and placed it in her pocket when she come to bring Acro's breakfast. Mirika didn't believe this note was meant for her, so she posted it on the board in the cafeteria. Her father saw that note, ripped it off, and stuffed it in his pocket the morning of the murder. Mirika was supposed to show up at the lodging area at 10 P.M. but her father took her place instead. Acro couldn't see the target, so he thought he killed Mirika, but instead he got the circus leader. Mei says that note talks about some definitive evidence. That means Mirika was a murderer. The leader knew about that case and went to the lodging area instead of his daughter. You know about that case from a half year ago. Does that case have relevance to the current murder case? Yes, that case from a half year ago was the start of it all. Then Mei asks about the definitive evidence. What was it? Show her the seasoning bottle. That bottle contained pepper. That bottle was found inside the wooden box. That box was found at the scene of the crime, just like that memo said. Mei calls that absurd, she asks who was the victim of Mirika's actions? The answer is Bat, Acro's younger brother. Bat isn't dead, but is unconscious. To Acro, that's the same as dead. Mei then says, Bat was attacked by a lion, but that lion was tamed. It was an accident. You don't believe is was accident, however. Show the scarf as evidence. Mirika gave that scarf to Bat. Bat wore that scarf at the time of the so called accident. However, analysis reveals that scarf had Bat's blood, and along with it, traces of pepper. You know what happened. The pepper laced scarf caused the lion to sneeze, causing the lion to chomp down on the head of Bat. That explains the lion smiling. The lion was really sneezing due to the pepper. Acro lost his brother to that silly accident. Acro found out about the pepper laced scarf. That's why Acro plotted to kill Mirika, since she was the one who gave that scarf to Bat. After all this, Acro is still unfazed. There is still one big question remaining. Where is the murder weapon? You claim that the Max Statue was used as the murder weapon, but where is that piece of evidence? Just wait and watch. Mei says the prosecution has already performed a household search of Acro's room yesterday. No murder weapon was found. The whereabouts of the weapon is still unknown. You fell a step short. Wait a second! Mayoi says they can prove where the statue is. You say the murder weapon is somewhere in this very courtroom! More precisely, in the witness' chair! The only place Acro could hide the murder weapon was in his wheelchair. Mei can't believe it. Acro admits to the murder. He burned the cape and trashed it. Mirika takes out the trash in his room every morning. Acro had to quickly hid the statue since Mei Karuma requested a search of the room without warning. The only place he could hide the weapon was under the wheelchair. Now Mei regrets doing that search. Max Galactica's verdict: Not Guilty. As for the circus, Tommy will be the new leader. Max agrees to the plan. They shall make the world's best circus. Mirika is afraid Acro could aim for her again, but show her Bat's profile to calm her down. In the end, you hear Itonoko speaking to Reiji Mitsurugi over the phone. Mitsurugi is at an airport looking at a newspaper article on Mei Karuma. Reiji tells Itonoko that he will be arriving over there shortly. To be continued in the next episode. Conclusion: The real criminal is Acro. 6d. Episode 4, Day 1 Defendant: Shingo Outorou Victim: Isao Fujimino Prosecutor: Mei Karuma (supposed to be) Date: 03/20/18 ~ 03/23/18 Farewell, Reversal. The chapter opens with the Grand Prix of the All Japan Hero of Heroes. The winner of the third annual Grand Prix is Tonosaman' Hei! (the third Tonosaman') His rival, Ninja Nanja failed to win again. You, Mayoi, and Harumi are in the new Bandou Hotel enjoying the festivities. You also see Saburou Niboshi, the former actor of Tonosaman'. Harumi suggests you should have the same interests as your lover (Mayoi is a Tonosaman' fan). Mayoi scolds Harumi for saying that. As for the awards, Niboshi feels sorry for the Ninja Nanja, since the ninja has lost two years straight. Mayoi noticed something strange. The ninja didn't have his trademark red guitar with him. Head to the lobby to hear a confession by the Tonosaman'. You still have 20 minutes, so talk to some of the people to kill time. Niboshi mentions that his Himesaman' safely ended last month. Right now he is doing children's shows. The current actor of Tonosaman' Hei is Shingo Outorou. You learn Tonosaman' Hei and Ninja Nanja are rivals, since they share the same time slot on television. Go to the hallway of the waiting room to kill some more time. Go back to meet Saburou, and the Attraction Show will be starting soon. Saburou will give you a numbered ticket to the press conference. Move to the hotel lobby to see the confession by the Tonosaman'. However, an announcement is made that the show will be canceled due to circumstances. The police request that you stay where you are. Then a person in a space suit shows up and begins the machine gun talk. It is the old woman from the first game. She doesn't know the details, but it looks like we have another case in our hands. Mayoi wants to search out, so you agree. Back to the dinner hall, a Hotel Boy approaches Mayoi and says there is a telephone call for her. Come to the front to receive it. Visit the hallway to find the camera woman Natsumi arguing with Itonoko. As you might have guessed, there has been a murder here. Itonoko forbids passage into the area. He mentions it looks like Tonosaman' was the killer. The actor for Ninja Nanja was the victim. The victim's name is Isao Fujimino. Show Itonoko the profile of Shingo Outorou, and he will say Shingo has been arrested as a suspect in the case. Go back to the hotel lobby to find Saburou. You inform him of the news. Saburou then gives you a transceiver. The hotel boy asked for you to have it. Talking to Saburou, he says Outorou and Fujimino were rivals, but Outorou always seemed to win by the smallest margin. Suddenly your transceiver rings. The voice on the other end has taken Mayoi hostage! The voice demands an exchange for the hostage. Mayoi has been abducted. You ask how much he wants. The voice says his demand is not money. He wants a not guilty verdict. Not for him, but you will be the lawyer for the suspect of the Isao Fujimino murder, the suspect being Shingo Outorou. The voice promises Shingo didn't kill anyone. Shingo was framed. Remember that he has Mayoi in his possession. If you don't follow his orders, Mayoi is dead. You have two days to get that verdict, and you have only one chance to get it. The voice also warns you not to talk to the police. You ask who is speaking, but he cuts off before you get an answer. You and Harumi inform Itonoko about the Mayoi kidnapping. The trade bargain is a not guilty verdict for Shingo Outorou. Itonoko tells you that means Outorou is the real criminal! Why would someone kidnap if the suspect is completely innocent? Itonoko mentions that there is too much evidence at the scene of the crime. That's what makes the crime suspicious. The scene switches to Mayoi's point of view. It seems like she's in a dark wine cellar. Mayoi sees the hit man known as Koroshiya. Mayoi's only hope is you. The next morning, you and Harumi discuss what to do next. You decide to meet the client, Shingo Outorou in the detainment cell. Show him the lawyer's badge, ticket to the press conference and the transceiver. When you mention the name Koroshiya, he allows you to be his lawyer. Shingo says he was sleeping in his room at the time of the murder. He was alone, but his manager was pretty busy too. That's weird, Tonosaman' was supposed to have a confession after the award ceremony, but it seems Shingo doesn't know a thing about it. Shingo has no reason to kill Isao, since his Tonosaman' was victorious over the victim's Ninja Nanja. When Itonoko searched Shingo's body, he found a button of the Ninja Nanja's on Shingo. Harumi asks one last thing. Do you believe the client is completely innocent? Harumi says you can find out by using Mayoi's Jewel. You ask Shingo if he killed Isao. Shingo says he didn't kill Isao or anyone. No Psycho Lock appears, so he isn't hiding anything. You agree to be his lawyer. A few hours later, you return to the Bandou Hotel. At the lobby, you meet the old woman, Kaoru Ooba. She is shocked that the Tonosaman' is the suspect once again. She is a big Isao fan. It seems Kaoru got some information from Natsumi. Kaoru says she witnessed something, but a quadruple Psycho Lock appears. Time to gather more evidence. In the hallway in front of the waiting room, you meet Natsumi. She says she lost her expensive camera last night. You ask what kind of picture she took with that camera, and she says she doesn't remember. It wasn't the scoop she was looking for, however. As for Natsumi, she was wandering around this place before the award ceremony started. She was here until Outorou got arrested. Natsumi was looking for a great picture, but before you know it, a Psycho Lock appears. We'll save this for later. Enter Outorou's room. Here you meet Kirio Kamiya. She says she was having a meal with Outorou in this room before the award ceremony. Afterward, she was in the lobby area preparing the award commemoration show. When time came, she called Outorou. When she peeked into Isao's room, she found his dead body. Kirio then explains she is Outorou's manager, and the victim Isao Fujimino had no manager. Show her Isao's profile and she will act like she knows something about the motive of the killer. Once again the Psycho Lock appears. Is it getting heavy for you? If you have been counting, three people have Psycho Locks right now. Don't worry about Kirio's lock, that will be opened later. We still need more evidence, so visit Fujimino's room. Itonoko will appear and ask, what's the status on Mayoi's kidnapper? You haven't heard from the kidnapper yet. Itonoko will let you search the place, even though he is not supposed to let you. He gives you a map of the hotel as evidence. Talking with him, Itonoko hasn't viewed the official autopsy records, so he doesn't know the cause of death yet. However, looking at the murder scene, it can be guessed. He shows a picture of the victim with a knife stabbed in the chest. That looks like the murder weapon. Right now experts are searching the fingerprints on that knife. It looks to be the suspect Outorou's fingerprints on that knife. Itonoko gives you that picture for you to file. Itonoko arrested Outorou, the reason being the crime scene showed signs of a struggle. There is a broken vase on the floor, scattered cosmetics and an open guitar case. The struggle must have caused Isao's button to tear off. That button was found on the suspect. There's more. There is a witness to the crime. The old woman saw what happened. Itonoko mentions that there was something strange about the murder scene. Look for yourself. There is a guitar case open on the floor. Upon closer inspection, you find only the lid is wet, but the inside is dry. Search the dresser with the mirror to find a wine glass filled with tomato juice. It's strange the flower vase and cosmetics are shattered on the floor, but the wine glass is disturbingly in one piece. Take the glass as evidence and show it to Itonoko. He agrees how strange that glass was fine while everything else was disturbed. Actually it was the prosecutor Karuma who pointed that out. What? Mei Karuma is here? Itonoko says yes. He warns you don't meet up with her if you can help it. Itonoko has been whipped by Mei countless times. Beep beep... Uh-oh. Mei is coming. When this noise is played, Mei always appears. Itonoko tries to run, but Mei whips him down to the floor. She calls you a cheat for trying to steal prosecution evidence. She is saddened by the low morals of the detectives in this country. Itonoko gets a real whipping by Mei this time. Because of you, her perfect history in now covered in mud. You realize Mei always talks about winning against you. Tomorrow, she will put the Karuma Family's pride on the line and finish the battle. Then she throws a signed paper on the table and leaves. The paper is an autograph of Isao. It's addressed to Kaoru chan. With this piece of evidence, you are ready to tackle the first Psycho Lock. Go back to the hotel lobby to meet the old woman. Before that, you meet Saburou in the banquet room. He mentions how the Tonosaman' and Ninja Nanja programs both air every week at 8:00 A.M. Sundays. Show him the profile of Kirio Kamiya. Saburou will tell you about a rumor he heard about her. He shows you a magazine article. It talks about the Ninja Nanja's secret meeting at night. He met the manager K.K. Isao has no manager. K.K. could mean Kirio Kamiya. She is Tonosaman's manager, but she met with Tonosaman's rival. That could be scandalous material. Take that magazine article as evidence, then go to the lobby to meet the old woman. Show her Mayoi's Jewel to begin the Psycho Lock. Here is the most hilarious Psycho Lock in the whole game. Show the old woman want she wants, the colored paper with Isao's signature on it. That paper is addressed to her personally. You give her the signature as all four Psycho Locks break open at once. All she wanted was that signed paper. She tells you she witnessed someone leaving Isao's room 10 minutes before the body was found. Kaoru will probably be a witness tomorrow in court. She claims Outorou knew about the Isao scandal. Outorou used his manager, Kirio to seduce Isao. This would make Isao lose his standing. How does Kaoru know this? Look at next week's magazine that's going to be published. Go back to the waiting room area to find Natsumi. It's time to break her Psycho Lock. You guess Natsumi was waiting in this area for a scoop. The scandal between Isao and who? Kirio Kamiya. Natsumi then says show her the basis for your information. Show her the magazine article. The article mentions a K.K. The initials of Kirio Kamiya. Natsumi saw that article and hoped to get a picture of that scandal. Unlock successful. Talk to her about the scoop. The masses don't want a K.K. They want hard evidence who it really is. That's why she wanted to get a picture to verify it really is Kirio. However, Natsumi's camera got stolen, so she's depressed. Her gossip memo was also in that camera case. Now visit the Police Department, Detective Division. Itonoko just got done with the investigation meeting. He doesn't look too optimistic. The evidence and testimony all point to Outorou as guilty as can be. The two perfect pieces of evidence are the missing button from the victim and the knife that was found in the chest of the victim. That knife has the fingerprints of Shingo Outorou. As for the perfect testimony, the guard, Kaoru. She saw the suspect Outorou leave the crime scene about the estimated time of death. Show Itonoko the magazine article. Itonoko will mention the suicide of one woman two years ago. Her name is Yurie Amano. She was Isao's manager, and she was Kirio's senior manager. Before Itonoko can finish his story, Mei Karuma knocks him out. She tells Itonoko to get lost in 30 minutes, or else it's his head. Mei calls Itonoko a traitor for helping you. If it weren't for that... Then a familiar voice finishes that sentence, `...I wouldn't have lost. That's what you wanted to say?' The voice is Reiji Mitsurugi, the former prosecutor! He says Mei has changed. She is surprised there is no shame for him showing up now. Reiji ruined the Karuma name, on top of that, he ran away with this tail tucked between his legs. Reiji tells Mei she looks to be having a hard time in this country. Mei says this case is hers, she's not giving it away. She wants to show the loser Mitsurugi what victory is all about. Talk to Reiji and he will mention it has been a year since you last met. Mitsurugi has no plans to appear in court as long as Mei is still there. He says you cannot win alone tomorrow in court. What Mitsurugi has that you lack - organization and the skill to dig for the truth. Reiji than says Gou Karuma was his mentor. Perfect victory is the proof of a Karuma. A year ago, the two cases in which Gou couldn't prove Mitsurugi guilt. That why Mitsurugi left the prosecution office. Mitsurugi's perfect victory was lost. It would have been better for him not to come back. Then Reiji asks why do you stand in court? For the benefit of your clients. To save your clients? Mitsurugi says you are misunderstanding something. The time will come when you will know what he is talking about. Show Mitsurugi the profile of Yurie Amano. He will say that's right, she is the key to this case. Her suicide has one mystery remaining. The writings she left behind. Those were never found. The police believe someone hid those writings. On Yurie's right hand, there were ink marks found in traces. The chances she left behind writings are extremely high. Who hide those notes? The police suspect Isao Fujimino hid them. He was the one who found the body of Yurie. He would be the prime candidate for hiding those writings. Mitsurugi gives you the first report on the suicide. Yes, that means there were two suicide attempts. Show him the first report and he will give you the second one. The second attempted suicide failed. The person who attempted it was Kirio Kamiya! Kirio's secret is that she depends on something. Dependence. That's the key word for Kirio Kamiya. Kirio attempted suicide a few days after the suicide of Yurie. Kirio depended on Yurie. With Yurie gone, Kirio lost confidence in life. Kirio attempted suicide, but failed. She was put into counseling. Kirio is searching for a person she can trust from the heart. She blindly obeys by them. Without that, she is unstable. That's her dependence. Her confident attitude is just a facade. All a lie. With this evidence it's time to capture Kirio's Psycho Lock. Go back to Outorou's room in the hotel. You find Mei Karuma here. Mei is giving instructions to Kirio on how to perform in court. Kirio will now depend on Mei. After that, Mei will show you her electro-magnetic wave receiver. She placed a transmitter on Itonoko. With this, she knows the whereabouts of Itonoko at all times. Now show Kirio Mayoi's Jewel to begin the Psycho Lock. Kirio says she isn't intimate with anyone. Show her the magazine article. She says honest people wouldn't believe that third rate gossip magazine. The reason she approached Isao is who? Show her the profile of Yurie Amano. One unlocked. She says there was no mystery to Yurie's suicide, but you show her the suicide report of Yurie. Her writings have never been found. Isao is suspected to have hidden those notes. That's why Kirio approached Isao. The second lock breaks. You have proof Yurie was special to Kirio. Show her the attempted suicide report. Kirio attempted suicide a few days after Yurie's suicide. The person Kirio depended on died. Kirio didn't want to live anymore after that. The third lock is gone. Back to the reason of the Isao murder, Kirio now becomes a suspect. She could have killed Isao in trying to find the writings of Yurie. Psycho Lock unlock successful! She admits to her weakness, her dependence on someone. She didn't want anyone to know. Kirio approached Isao in hopes of finding those writings. However, she says she wouldn't kill for such things. She tells you to keep her suicide attempt a secret between just the two of you. You agree to keep it a secret. Harumi tells you she noticed that Kirio has been flipping around a strange card. Kirio can't remember where she got that card. It's a card of a turban shell. You decide you have enough evidence for court tomorrow. Return to your office. Kirio is a suspect, but before you can think, the transceiver rings. It's the kidnapper. He promises he hasn't touched Mayoi, but she does look to be starved. He suggests you hurry and get that not guilty verdict. Mayoi screams into the transceiver to get the help of her sister. Then Chihiro's spirit overtakes Harumi's body. Chihiro says Mayoi is fine and the kidnapper kept his promise. Mayoi called Chihiro shortly after she was abducted. It looks like he used the hotel phone to lure Mayoi away from you and he used sleeping pills to catch her. All Chihiro knows is that Mayoi is in some dark place. The scene switches to Mayoi's point of view. As Mayoi, search the ground to find a card. It looks strikingly similar to the card Kirio was holding. Naturally, Mayoi doesn't know that. Search the door and Mayoi will use that card to unlock the door. The scene switches back to your point of view. The next day in court, Chihiro appears inside of Harumi to assist you. Then the kidnapper calls you. He says he will help you out by giving you an advantage. He has a present for you. When court begins, you will see what he is talking about. When 10 A.M. rolls around, something is strange. Mei Karuma is not in the prosecutor's seat. The court official informs the Judge that this morning, Mei was taken out with a sniper's bullet. This is the kidnapper's present that will help you win the case. Mei is now in the hospital, ironically with a bullet in her right shoulder, just like her father Gou Karuma! Then Reiji Mitsurugi appears and agrees to be the new prosecutor for the case. Mitsurugi has been briefed on the details, so he's ready. The prosecution will prove the guilt of Shingo Outorou. Mitsurugi tells you about the answer he discovered after traveling for a year. When this case is over, you will know too. Mitsurugi's first witness is Detective Itonoko. When this case is over, Itonoko will resign from the police force. Itonoko will give the overview of the murder scene. The murder happened after the award ceremony. The victim, Isao Fujimino, was found in his room. The cause of death took some time, but it was a murder. The strange part was the open guitar case, but later on he decided that guitar case had nothing to do with the murder. Shake him at the part where the murder took some time. Looking at the picture, a pro will notice the muffler around the neck. The real cause of the murder was strangulation of the neck. Afterwards, the knife was stabbing in the chest. Take the autopsy record as evidence. Shake him at the guitar case part to reveal the fact that only the victim's fingerprints were found on that case. Update your records, then Mitsurugi will recap what happened. The victim was strangled to death with a muffler, then was stabbed with a knife. Next step is, why did the police arrest Outorou? Itonoko testifies that the motive is that the suspect and victim were rivals who got in the way of each other. As for the evidence, Ninja Nanja's button was torn off the victim's costume. That button was found on the suspect's clothes. That and the knife had the suspect's fingerprints on them. Itonoko concludes that the knife was bought in preparation for a planned murder. About the part of the bought knife, show him that knife. On the handle, the name Bandou is engraved. This knife was not bought, but it was from the hotel. It wasn't a planned murder. Mitsurugi isn't impressed. Yes that knife may be from the hotel, but where was that knife found? In Isao's room, but that's not the point. Look at the victim's meal plate. The knife and fork are there. On the other hand, look at the suspect plate in his room. Only the fork is there, but the knife is missing from the meal plate. In searching the fingerprints of the remaining utensils, Outorou's knife was the missing piece. So this murder was planned. Mitsurugi says there is no need for this trial to go any longer, unless the lawyer side has some hard evidence to present. There is one piece of evidence you feel needs to be examined further. The Judge gives you one chance. Pick the wrong evidence, and it's game over. Show him the Glass. The victim and murderer struggled at the scene. The flower vase and cosmetics were scattered on the floor, but the glass was untouched, sitting on the dresser. Mitsurugi says that glass has no meaning. Someone could have put that glass there after the murder. An example would be Kirio Kamiya. You ask to show proof of that statement. Mitsurugi doesn't need to. He searched out the fingerprints of that glass. The prints of the Kirio Kamiya were found on that glass. She was the discoverer of the dead body of Isao. She held that glass, then peeked into the victim's room. Shocked at the sight of the dead body, she put the glass down on the dresser. Mitsurugi says for the past year, he thought real hard about what is a prosecutor? You shall see the answer right now. He now has a new testimony to present. His next witness is Kaoru, the old woman. What is Mitsurugi doing? He has enough evidence to get a guilty verdict. You notice the Mitsurugi standing here now is different than the one you fought one year ago. Since the witness was wearing a helmet, he didn't recognize it was her. Kaoru was the one witness Mitsurugi didn't want to see. Mitsurugi wants to hear what she saw the night of the murder. The old woman says while wandering about near Isao's room, she saw Outorou leave Isao's room. Shake her on what the person was wearing and she will add to her testimony that Outorou was wearing his bike suit. Show the Ninja Nanja's button to her. That button was found on the suspect Outorou's clothes, but he was dressed up in the Tonosaman' suit, not in his bike suit. Continuing with the testimony, she says it was the Tonosaman'. He was wearing that suit the time he stabbed Isao. Show her that knife. It has the suspect's fingerprints on them. If the suspect was wearing the Tonosaman' suit, no fingerprints would be left on that knife. Objection! Mitsurugi says if the person took his gloves off, then there would be prints on that knife. Why would he do that? Mitsurugi says the suspect went to the victim's room wearing the suit. During this time, there was no murderous intentions. They were meeting for the award commemoration. The suspect took off the Tonosaman' suit, then the murder happened. What do you think? You say there a contradiction in that statement. Show him the knife. Outorou used it to eat a meal. If Outorou was the killer, he would have brought that knife over to the crime scene. But Mitsurugi says the suspect didn't have murderous intentions at first. If that's true, then Outorou wouldn't bring the knife over in the first place! If the criminal wore the Tonosaman' suit, glove marks would be on the knife. The knife is a false piece of evidence disguised by the real murderer! The reason for doing so was to place the blame on Outorou. You ask the old woman if she was waiting for Kamiya Kirio to come out of that room. She admits that is secret information. Kaoru talks about that scandal, but no one else knows about it. Shake her and ask where she got that information. You have an idea. Show her Natsumi's Camera. Natsumi lost her camera, an along with it, her memo. Kaoru must have found that memo that explains the scandal between the victim and the suspect's manager. Probe deeper and the old woman will says she only took the memo. Show her the camera once again. She took the camera as well. She pulls out the camera for you to see. The Judge orders the contents of the camera to be checked immediately. The result is one useful picture. It's a picture of Tonosaman' leaving the crime scene. The suspect did say he didn't remove his Tonosaman' suit until the arrest. Mitsurugi says the person in the picture is the suspect. You have an objection. Point to the feet area of the Tonosaman'. The person in the suit cannot be Shingo Outorou! The cuffs are sagged, meaning the person inside is smaller that the suit it was originally designed for. Mitsurugi isn't taking any damage and calmly has his arms crossed and his right index finger tapping on his shoulder. He explains the person in the picture doesn't look to be the suspect, so who is the person in that picture? Show him the profile of Kirio Kamiya. Her height is shorter than the suspect's, and she had the free will to enter and exit the place. It would have been easy for her to get the knife with the suspect's fingerprints on it. The lawyer side declares Kamiya Kirio as a suspect. She was the one framed Outorou. The Judge orders her to take the stand. However, Chihiro reminds you that it could take more day. Remember Mayoi and the kidnapper? His demand to get the not guilty verdict in one day is in jeopardy. You object and ask for court to continue. Mitsurugi allows you to do so. He knew you would indict Kirio, so he has her prepared in the waiting room, ready to take the stand. She was going to be the next witness anyway. The Judge allows court to continue, but first a 10 minute break. When court resumes, Kirio takes the stand. Mitsurugi asks for her testimony of what she did when she found the dead body. When she put the glass down on the dresser, shake her to reveal she accidentally knocked over the flower vase onto the guitar case. Show her that guitar case. Only the lid of that case was wet. If what Kirio says is true, dropping the vase of the guitar case, then the inside of the case should wet also! Look at the picture of the crime scene. The guitar case is open. It what Kirio says is true, then that must mean the guitar case was closed when she dropped the vase onto that case. You ask for a more detailed testimony on that guitar case. She says she opened that case, but there was nothing to be found. Show her the guitar case once more. That case only had the fingerprints of the victim. Kirio explains she had gloves on during that time. That's impossible. If she did wear gloves at the scene, then why are her fingerprints on the glass of tomato juice? In consulting with Chihiro, she wonders if the guitar case was really empty. Chihiro says a red guitar is not the only thing that could fit inside. Mitsurugi objects, and says that's what you always do. Go in the wrong direction not related to the murder case. You disagree and say the guitar case is relevant to the murder. Mitsurugi ask that you explain why that guitar case was opened. You say the guitar case wasn't empty. Show him the Tonosaman' Hei picture or Natsumi's picture. The contents of the guitar case was the Tonosaman' suit. Kirio took the suit, and used it to help escape the scene of the crime. Mitsurugi says the Tonosaman' suit was Shingo Outorou's. Why would that be in the victim's room? You explain another suit was prepared. That means Isao brought a second suit in, but he is the actor for Ninja Nanja. You explain by showing the ticket to the press conference. The Tonosaman' was going to make a confession that night of the murder. Outorou didn't know about that confession. So that means the victim was going to dress in the Tonosaman' suit and make the confession. That's why he prepared a second Tonosaman' suit! Isao was going to talk something about Outorou. Mitsurugi says that's not a confession, that's an indictment! Kirio says you are right, Isao Fujimino did set up that conference. Kirio help make the arrangements, and she prepared the second Tonosaman' suit. If Isao's Ninja Nanja didn't win an award this year, the victim planned to overthrow Outorou in that manner. Isao knew some secret of Outorou that he planned to reveal to the public, but he was killed before he could do so. Kirio doesn't know what that secret was. Only the victim knew. Then Kirio testifies on why she tried to protect Outorou. Shake her a bit to get her to say the button was torn off while Outorou and the victim were fighting hand to hand. Show her the Isao Fujimino Autopsy Report. The cause of death was strangulation by a muffler. The knife was stabbed after he was already dead. The button has the victim's blood on it. That means the button was taken out after being stabbed, not during the fight. Mitsurugi asks, how does that change things? The purpose of pulling the button out after the death of the victim was to pin the crime on someone else, namely Outorou. The person who is the real criminal is Kirio Kamiya. Kirio refuses to testify. Right now she is dependant on Mei. Yesterday, Mei told Kirio if Kirio gets in trouble, then she can refuse testimony. Any testimony that could make you guilty can be refused. Mitsurugi says do you have definitive evidence Kirio killed Isao? Kirio refused testimony, but the Judge says that's the same as admitting guilt. The Judge decides to extend the court session for another day. Court will reconvene tomorrow. The problem is, you don't have tomorrow. The Judge rejects your objections. Then Mitsurugi throws an objection just before the Judge pounds the hammer. Mitsurugi decides to hear a testimony that won't put Kirio as the murderer. When the body was found, Kirio poured juice into the glass. Mitsurugi says that's unnatural. He wants to hear her testimony on that. Chihiro admits she can't read Mitsurugi. Is he a friend of foe? Kirio says when she first saw the body, she didn't think he was dead. She thought he fainted. Show her the crime scene picture. The victim should look dead, especially when there is a knife in the chest! Kirio still insists she didn't kill the victim. You wonder if you really did reach the truth. Kirio still refuses testimony. Before the Judge can hand the verdict, Mitsurugi objects. It's too early for a verdict. The witness still hasn't told the whole truth in her testimony. If she stays silent, Outorou will be not guilty, and she will be guilty for the crime. Kirio says if she talks, Outorou would not be guilty, that's what Mei told her. You decide to extort a testimony from her. This gives Mitsurugi no choice, he has to tell about Kirio's sickness. One that almost cost her life due to the suicide attempt. Kirio tells him to stop. Mitsurugi doesn't care if the witness choose death. He will pull the truth out of her, one way or the other. Kirio decides to talk. She testifies that at first, she really did think the victim just fainted. When she found out he was dead, she had a plan. She returned to the dressing room, making sure there was no one in the hallway. Kirio took the knife, and stabbed it in the corpse. She then pulled the button off the corpse. On the return trip, there was some trouble, so she had to borrow the Tonosaman' suit to make her escape. She did this to pin the crime on someone else, Outorou. Kirio didn't kill, the body was already dead. All she did was pin the crime on Outorou. You question her just be shaking her. The Judge ends court for the day. The not guilty verdict hasn't been read yet. What will happen to Mayoi? You hang your head in your arms. The courtroom is empty except for you, Chihiro, Mitsurugi and Kirio. Mitsurugi asks Kirio about the card she is holding. It's a card of a turban shell. She says she got that card at the crime scene, right next to the body of the victim. Then Mitsurugi's face turns pale. He asks for a closer look at that card. 6e. Episode 4, Day 2 Back at your office, you meet Itonoko. Talk to him to find out he was fired from his job as a police detective. So he wants to help you out. You agree to let him stay here. Itonoko will mention that Mei Karuma was shot this morning. She's in the hospital now, but it's not life threatening. That bullet is probably taken out by now. Itonoko says if you do go see her, take the whip and smack her with it. You decide against that idea, since that's not your style. The place is Hotta Clinic, the same hospital from the second episode. Visit there to meet the doctor. Mitsurugi comes in and asks about Mei's condition. Mei then appears and says she could have been in court today. You confront her on her dealings with Kirio. To get a sure guilty verdict, Mei made Kirio deny testimony. Mei says you are lucky. If she were in court today, the case would already be over. Talk with Mitsurugi to find out that the court is a place for judgment. He stands there with his life on the line. That's what the witness seeks also. As for the card Kirio had, Mitsurugi says it's top secret, classified information. Don't tell anyone about this. The special investigation division has been following this lead for years, but the identity is unknown to most people. The owner of that card is Sazaemon Koroshiya, a Professional Hit Man. Koroshiya comes from a long line of killers. The first one appeared over 100 years ago. Sazaemon is the third generation successor to the Koroshiya name. Sazaemon, that's the reason for the sazae card. That's his trademark card that he leaves behind every killing. Why does he do that? Most likely as an obligation to his clients. When he leaves that card behind, the clients know it was Sazaemon who did the killing. This prevents his clients from being suspects. The Koroshiya family builds trust on his clients. You decide to tell about the Mayoi abduction to Mitsurugi. When you tell him the kidnapper's demands is a not guilty verdict for Outorou, Mitsurugi tells you Sazaemon Koroshiya was the one who killed Isao Fujimino. The one who requested that murder was Shingo Outorou, your client! Mitsurugi gives you a introduction letter. With this, you should be able to enter the hotel to continue your search. Now the scene shifts to Mayoi's point of view. Mayoi has that sazae card, meaning Sazaemon Koroshiya was the one who kidnapped Mayoi. Mayoi opens the door with that card. She finds herself in a dark room. The room has a big screen T.V., a satellite dish, a video deck, a personal computer, a picture, and a small stuffed doll on the sofa. There looks to be a pet door on the opposite side of the room. After searching around for a while, the kidnapper appears and informs her that her lawyer failed today. He is the hit man, dressed in the uniform of the hotel boy. He has one glass over the left eye and stitches down the center of his face. Back to your point of view, you visit the detainment cell. Outorou has a message for you. He wants you to take care of his pet cat, Shuu. He gives you directions to the house. Visit the hotel lobby to find the path to his house. It's more of a mansion. It's dark so you flip the lights on. You find the cat, but then a butler steps in. He has a glass on his left eye and a stitch down the middle of his face. Tarou Tanaka is the name. He says he has been here for over a year. He doesn't say much else. One thing you notice about the room is that there is a pet door on the door on the other side, but it is locked. Back at the hotel, show the old woman the invitation letter pass of Mitsurugi. She will let you pass. She tells you not to go into Outorou's room. The investigation group is using that room for the day. In the area in front of Isao's room, you meet Natsumi once again. After talking a bit, she says she will watch the court hearings tomorrow. Enter the scene of the crime once more. Talk to the old woman there to find out more about Isao. See those presents of stuffed animals? A lot of fans sent that over here. The strange thing is that there are all bears. Suddenly, one of those bears starts ringing. It tells the current time, which is 8 P.M. Wait, 8 P.M., that's the time the award ceremony was ending. Then the transceiver rings. The kidnapper knows about the trial this morning. You plea for one more day. The kidnapper agrees. During the conversation, some static noise interferes with the call. You decide you need to see someone who knows more about machinery. Is this thing broken? Return to your office to consult with Itonoko. Show him the transceiver and explain the static noise you had while speaking with the kidnapper. You turn the transceiver on, but it seems fine right now. Itonoko guesses it is electro-magnetic interference. That's what caused the static noise. It's like when a cell phone rings next to a PC. The display gets distorted. That room you were in, it must be sending some strong electro-magnetic waves, for example, a wiretap! The room was the scene of the crime, Isao's room. Itonoko will attempt to sneak inside the police office to steal a wave detector. Meet at the crime scene. Go back to the hotel and go to the meeting place. Itonoko had to bring his own homemade detector. It was built during his elementary school years, so it's a little ragged. You can't set the frequency, so it's going to pick up all sorts of objects. You will have to find the wiretap hidden somewhere in this room. The detector will beep faster the closer you are to a source of electro- magnetic waves. When you get close, the detector should turn red. Press the A button to search out the origin. Look in the left side of the room. Move the detector on the giant bear's eye and press A. Itonoko will dig out the bear's eye despite Harumi's protest. He finds a miniature camera, probably used to spy on the victim. He also finds the transmitter and timer. This camera is a pinhole type, CCD camera. It is a high powered tiny video camera used for spying. It is battery powered. What about the video tape? The tape recorder must be elsewhere. The transmitter sends the video data from the camera. It's like a wiretap, but a video version. The timer determines when the camera is running. It's set from 8 P.M. to run for one hour. The victim was murdered at 8:15 P.M., so the camera may have caught the actual murder on tape! It looks like it activates every night. The bear was there the time of the murder. The angle of the bear faces the crime scene. The bear doll was sent here as a false gift. Itonoko has no clue who could have sent that doll, but someone recorded the events in this room. The transmission can be received just about anywhere. Itonoko wants to borrow that camera. He will go around all the electronic shops to see if he can find out who bought this camera. You tell him it's almost 9 P.M. He doesn't care, he wants to help out anyway he can. Then Mitsurugi comes in and says he's sorry, but he overheard your conversation. Mitsurugi has prepared the search the search team to find Mayoi, but they don't have a lead yet. Mitsurugi says you're lucky. He knows the brand of that bear. That's an expensive brand made overseas. It's all handmade, and only a few were shipped to Japan. It would be easy to trace the route of the bear. Let Mitsurugi handle this. Mitsurugi tells you to search out who killed Isao by tomorrow. You must find that answer by tonight. It is now just after 9 P.M. Consult with Harumi. The true murderer of Isao was Sazaemon Koroshiya. Then who requested for hit man's services? A person who requests a murder is a murderer themselves. Do you really think Kirio hired that hit man? If she did, why would she stab a knife in the dead body? Then the only logical conclusion is that Shingo Outorou, your client is the one who hired that hit man. That means Outorou is guilty. Outorou said he didn't kill anyone. Although that may be true, if he did hire a hit man, that's conspiracy to kill. Isao knew a secret of Outorou's. One that could ruin Outorou's career. This gives Outorou motive to kill. As you make your way out of the hotel, you see that Mitsurugi has ordered the entire hotel searched for any wiretap. Meet the old woman at the banquet area. She says that Isao's manager, Yurie Amano was going to get married. She killed herself three days after the wedding announcement. Why did she commit suicide? Kaoru thinks Yurie was thrown away by Isao. Three days after the announcement, Isao backed out of the marriage for some reason. That night, Yurie killed herself. Visit the detainment cell to find it empty. Go to the police office and the police chief will inform you they found a witness. Mitsurugi gave a message that you can meet the suspects in the detainment cell, for a special purpose. Go and talk to Shingo Outorou first. About Outorou's secret, that's locked by five Psycho Locks. You don't have enough evidence yet, so go back to the police station. Here you will find Saburou Niboshi. He will be the witness tomorrow in court. He can't tell you what he saw. About Yurie's suicide, Niboshi heard some rumors about that. He believes there was something bad written on those notes she left behind. Yurie consulted someone before her death, and she talked about a bad man. You mean Isao? That's Saburou's only guess. Go back to the detainment cell and talk to Kirio. About Yurie Amano, Kirio heard rumors of the notes Yurie left behind. Kirio did approach Isao. She wanted to get those notes and burn them before they could reach the public eye. She didn't want the world's eye to see those, but she wouldn't kill for those. As for the reason for pinning the crime on Outorou, all she says is revenge and a single Psycho Lock. There is not enough evidence, so go back to your office. Your cell phone rings. Itonoko has some important news for you. He is already here. Itonoko found out who put that camera in the bear. He traced the bear's route, like Mitsurugi suggested. Shingo Outorou was the one who bought it. Itonoko shows you the department store credit card receipt. The bear cost 380,000 yen. The price match with the one Outorou bought. The store clerk even said Outorou bought that bear. Take that as evidence, then ask about the camera. Itonoko says it could have been bought anywhere, so he gives it back to you. With this evidence, it time to tackle Outorou's Psycho Lock. Outorou says he never had Isao in his sights. Show him the peeping camera. He asks where that camera was found. Show him the doll of the bear. One unlocked. He says a fan must have sent that, but you show him the profile of Shingo Outorou himself. You have proof it was him. Show him the Credit Card Sales Slip. The sales clerk can confirm Outorou bought that bear. The second one unlocked. You know the reason for his spying in Isao's room. Show him Kirio Kamiya's profile. He says if there was a scandal, it would be better for him. So the only other possibility is taping the murder. Show the card to him. Outorou was taping the murderer, Sazaemon Koroshiya. Outorou shakes in excitement. The reason he knows who Koroshiya is because Outorou is Koroshiya's client! The real criminal of this case is Shingo Outorou, your very client. The last Psycho Lock breaks and Outorou shows his true form. Under that hair that was blocking the right eye, you see scar marks. He admits to hiring the hit man Sazaemon Koroshiya to do the killing. Outorou doesn't trust Koroshiya. Outorou has the videotape of Koroshiya's killing. With that, he can threaten Koroshiya if need be. That videotape is Outorou's insurance. Outorou had a clean image, so a scandal would be troublesome. He didn't actually kill someone, but he did request a hit man to do it. Outorou is still guilty. However, if you don't get a not guilty verdict by tomorrow, Mayoi's life is in danger. What are you going to do? Mitsurugi appears and says now you have finally reached the case's start line. He will continue the conversation at the police office. It's up to you what to do. One year ago, Mitsurugi himself didn't know what a prosecutor was. That's why he left the prosecutor's office, in search of a new answer. Until the righteous answer was found, he couldn't stand in the courtroom. Now it's your turn. What can you do as a lawyer? That's the answer you have to find by yourself. Up until now you trusted you client's innocence. However, now you know Outorou is guilty. If you can save the suffering, then that's what made you a lawyer. You want to save Mayoi, so you must fight tomorrow. Mitsurugi tells you not to have a misunderstanding. We are not heroes. We're humans. Save someone? That's not a easy thing to do. You are a lawyer, you can't escape from that fact. You must fight. Mitsurugi mentions that you and Mei Karuma used all your powers to defeat Mitsurugi himself. Even if at the end, you reached the vague truth. Mitsurugi can't do that. A clearly guilty person getting free on a false decision. Mei is fighting for herself, a perfect victory. That's the old Mitsurugi too. But now he has realized that a perfect victory has no meaning. You are going to have to find the answer yourself before tomorrow's court. If you don't, then the ending won't change. The kidnapper calls you. You ask why he kidnapped Mayoi. For the benefit of Outorou? He says it is the after care. To make sure his clients are not suspects in a murder case. That's the trust he builds with his clients. That's the Koroshiya's code of ethics. His client got arrested, so that's why he hired you. The kidnapper reveals himself as Sazaemon Koroshiya. He reminds you if you fail tomorrow, you know what's going to happen. He tries to cut off communication before the call can be traced. After that, you hear a cat's meow. It's the cat in Outorou's mansion! The butler you saw there was Sazaemon Koroshiya. That pet door you saw was the same one Mayoi saw. Mayoi is being held in Outorou's mansion! You immediately call the police officers to investigate that place. You meet Mitsurugi at the mansion. Nobody is there. Search the door area to find a small doll of a bear. Take that accessory as evidence. Mitsurugi asks for your help in breaking down the locked door. Inside, it looks to be Outorou's private room. There's a electro-magnetic wave receiver in the antenna. There's also a video deck for recording. The deck is empty, though. Go to the wine cellar to find it empty. Mitsurugi has ordered the blockade of exits out of town. Search the bottom of the stairs to find a picture. It's a portrait of Yurie. Why is her picture here? Take that as evidence. Is your head spinning now, with all this evidence? On the back of the picture, Mayoi was written something there. A letter from her. She's glad you came. Mayoi says you should do everything you can to make Outorou guilty. She won't allow a hideous person like him to be free. She tells Harumi to help you out. You are almost done with gathering evidence except for Kirio's Psycho Lock. Mitsurugi allows you to meet her in the detainment cell. Show her Mayoi's Jewel to begin the unlock process. There was a case that started Kirio's revenge. Show her the suicide report. The suicide of Yurie started her revenge. You have proof to connect Yurie with Outorou. Show her Yurie's picture. This was found in Outorou's Mansion. Psycho Lock unlock successful. Kirio says Yurie was supposed to marry Isao. Isao backed out of the marriage. The reason being Shingo Outorou. Yurie used to be Outorou's manager a long time ago. Back then, Kirio saw the two together a lot. Yurie was chosen by Outorou, then thrown away by that same Outorou. Outorou covered up that part as best he could. Yurie moved to the Kouei Production, where she met Isao. Isao seemed better than Outorou. The two were about to get married, and when Isao backed out, Yurie killed herself. This is Kirio's and Yurie's revenge. The reason Isao backed out of the marriage is because Outorou told him that Yurie was Outorou's ex. Isao's useless pride got hurt. Isao and Shingo were rivals. Outorou waited until the marriage announcement, then spilled the details of their past relationship. Yurie did leave behind writings. It must have talked about Outorou. Isao found the dead body of Yurie. Afterwards he hid the writings. Those writings hold Shingo Outorou's weakness. This secret could damage the image of the `fresh as a spring breeze' Outorou. Isao planned revenge. He was going to present those writings at the press conference, wearing the Tonosaman' suit. Isao was waiting for the best timing, after Outorou won the Hero of Heroes award. Kirio knew about this plan, that's why she approached Isao. When Kirio found Isao's dead body, she knew Outorou did it. Kirio searched frantically for those writings. Before those notes could go public, she wanted to destroy them. She was going to burn those writings with a lighter she prepared, but she couldn't find those notes. Instead, she thought of revenge. She planted enough evidence to show Outorou was guilty. When she put the knife into the corpse, she didn't feel she was committing a crime. Kirio believes Outorou is guilty for killing both Yurie and Isao. Kirio asks if you are still going to defend your client. You have no choice. Afterward, you return to your office and fall asleep from exhaustion. You see that dream again of the Judge pounding the hammer on you. This dream foreshadows what's going to happen in court tomorrow. The next day in the waiting room, Outorou calls you on your cell phone. He reminds you who's life is on the line. Then Chihiro appears inside of Harumi. She doesn't know where Mayoi is. Your phone rings again. You snap at the caller, thinking it's Outorou again, but it was Itonoko. You apologize for your outburst, then Itonoko says he's chasing Koroshiya. The problem is he doesn't have a lead. If he can somehow rescue Mayoi, then Outorou can be guilty. Itonoko asks you to stall for time along with Mitsurugi. Court begins. Mitsurugi says Kirio Kamiya put unfavorable evidence against Outorou. She put the Tonosaman' suit to escape the scene. However, Kirio has nothing to do with the crime. Mitsurugi shows the card of Sazaemon Koroshiya, the professional hit man. Isao Fujimino was murdered by that hit man. The person who hired that hit man was Shingo Outorou. That's what the prosecution is here to prove. Mitsurugi calls his first witness, Saburou Niboshi. He testifies that when he visited Shingo's room, Outorou was talking to someone. He thought it was the hotel boy at first, but Saburou had company to attend to, so he couldn't stay long to watch. Shake him twice on each statement to get him to say Outorou gave the boy some chips. He reveals after more probing that it looked more like banknotes. Mitsurugi says that's a commission fee for killing Isao Fujimino. So that Boy the witness saw was the hit man. The proof is the card left behind at the crime scene. Now Saburou testifies about the second time he saw that boy. When he saw the boy leave the victim's room, he didn't have anything. No wagon, no tray. Saburou thought that was strange. You disagree, making him revise his testimony. Show him the crime scene photo. The tray with the tomato juice is shown in the pictures. A boy without a tray is not suspicious if he left the tray there. Mitsurugi smiles and asks the witness about the boy's hands. Saburou says the boy wore gloves. Dark black leather gloves. Normal boys wouldn't wear such gloves. Mitsurugi asks for the witness to continue on. It's about the second time the boy and defendant met. The boy knocked on Outorou's door and gave something to the occupant. Shake him to find out it was a small item. Shake him again in the same place to find out he couldn't see the face of the occupant, only the arms. Saburou adds if he saw that thing again, he would know. It looked like a wooden ornament. Show him the accessory. That's the bear shaped figure found in Outorou's Mansion. Saburou says that's the one he saw the boy hand over to the person in Outorou's waiting room. Mitsurugi says Koroshiya killed Isao, took the wooden bear, and gave it to Outorou, the requester! This makes it unfavorable for you, but Chihiro says if you didn't present the bear, Mitsurugi would have anyways. The Judge sees no reason to continue trial, but you say the suspicious part is the bear. When Outorou was arrested, he never returned to his mansion. How could the bear move from the hotel to his house? Objection raised by Mitsurugi. He remembers what you muttered at the mansion. The butler was Koroshiya. He was inside Outorou's mansion, so Koroshiya brought the bear accessory back himself. The other part that's suspicious is the person who took the bear. Saburou only saw the arm, but it was the arm of the Tonosaman'. The Judge says that's enough. The person who requested the murder of Isao is Shingo Outorou. You can't beat the truth. Still you throw an objection. This is to stall for time, a real sinful method. You say it could have been set up by someone else. Who? You point to Kirio Kamiya. She could have been the one to take that wooden doll, since she did wear the second Tonosaman' suit. The bear was also planted by her. Mitsurugi says that is a possibility, but the crowd is grumbling. To save Mayoi, you don't care if the world is your enemy, you must keep on fighting. The prosecution accepts the lawyer challenge. If you knew the reason the real killer wanted that bear, everything will become clear to you. Who the real criminal is, that is. Mitsurugi calls Kirio Kamiya as a witness to clear her name. The Judge orders a ten minute break. In the waiting room Outorou is counting on you. You have to restrain yourself. Chihiro disappears and it's back to Harumi. Your cell phone rings. Itonoko checks in with your status. You manage to extend the trial just barely. Itonoko still doesn't have a lead on Mayoi's whereabouts. If he had just one clue. Chihiro shouts out `tent'! A circus tent. Chihiro says Mayoi was put to sleep. Mayoi summoned Chihiro. Mayoi is inside some small room. From the window, she saw a circus tent from about 100 meters away. You relay the information to Itonoko over the phone. He says the only circus in town is the Tachimi Circus, from the third episode. Itonoko rushes to circle the map. Chihiro says she saw a post under the window. That's the hint Itonoko needed. The window is on the third floor of some old office building. Itonoko tells you to hang in there. He tells you to keep the phone on standby. Break time is over, court is about to begin. Kirio takes the stand once more. She knows what the wooden bear is. She testifies that the bear is an exquisite puzzle. If you fiddle with the parts in the correct sequence, you can take it apart. Inside is a hollow cavity. It's a place small objects can fit inside. The design is elaborate, so you couldn't open it unless you knew the order. Just by the looks, you can't tell a small item can fit inside. Shake her to find out only she and Isao knew how to open the puzzle. Mitsurugi says the point of that testimony was to establish that a small item can fit inside that bear. The next step is, what is actually inside that bear? Mitsurugi tells Kirio to open it up. She does so. Then contents of the bear is a memo. You start to realize what it is. It's the writings left behind by Yurie Amano just before her suicide. These notes were hidden inside the bear. Isao found the body and the notes. Even the note is signed Yurie Amano. Kirio knew about it. She heard it from the victim. When she saw the corpse of Isao, she looked for that accessory. She wanted to destroy those notes before they were publicized. She never found the bear. It was already taken away by Koroshiya. Chihiro comments that the trial is moving completely at the Prosecution's pace. The next step would be, what is written on the notes? Mitsurugi asks the Judge to read the notes to the public. It explains how Outorou used Yurie, then how he threw her away. When she was about to get married, Outorou interfered again. In desperation, she chose death. Mitsurugi says the prosecution doesn't plan to attack the character of the defendant, but it does provide motive for killing. The night of the murder, Isao planned to reveal this note to the public, right after the defendant won his award. Outorou had to protect his clean image. That's why he had to stop that note from going public using any means possible. The crowd starts talking amongst themselves. There's a lawyer still defending that trash? Mitsurugi says the person who requested the services of the hit man was looking for those notes. The defendant was the one who needed those notes. Those notes were found in the defendant's mansion. You think that either the accessory or the note is your way out. The defendant couldn't have known the contents of the accessory and couldn't have known the content of the notes. Mitsurugi has another answer prepared. He says you wishing for even more desperation. He shows you a mini spy camera. It's capable of recording video. It's function is suited for spying. That's strange. You have that camera. Why does Mitsurugi have one too? Mitsurugi says Outorou and Isao were rivals. This camera was used to catch the weakness of the opponent. Outorou was watching the private life of Isao. Mitsurugi says the camera he is holding is a different one than the one in Isao's room. This camera was found in Isao's own house. This camera also has Outorou's fingerprints on it. You start to see your slim hopes fading away. Using this and other spy cameras, Outorou knew about the writings of Yurie. The crowd is getting restless. They can't believe you still think the defendant Shingo Outorou is not guilty. Chihiro tells you that Mitsurugi missed one thing. The one piece of evidence he didn't examine carefully. You throw out a soft objection. Mitsurugi says your voice is too soft and he can't hear you. Redo it one more time then show him Yurie's writings. The handwriting on those haven't been examined yet. Kirio can't believe you think the writings are forged. It could have been forged by Kirio, since she did know how to open that bear. The Judge thinks about extending court for another day, but you don't have that kind of time. The crowd protests. Outorou is guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty! Your phone rings. Itonoko reports that the kidnapper escaped again. Itonoko found the hideout of Koroshiya, but no one was inside. Itonoko wonders if you've reached the limit. In the background, Itonoko can hear the chants of guilty. Itonoko tells you to switch over to Mitsurugi. You toss the phone to the prosecutor. Itonoko pleas for a little more time. Mitsurugi says they are in the middle of court and hangs up the phone. The Judge has to extend the court one more day. Objection! Who said that? It's none other than Mitsurugi himself. He asks for 30 minutes. That should be enough time to examine the handwriting on those papers. The Judge grants the wish. The Judge also warns you no more breaks after this one. Back in the waiting room, Mitsurugi asks the status of Mayoi. It looks like they disappeared again. The phone rings. Itonoko says Koroshiya had a close encounter with the police. Koroshiya left behind some evidence. Itonoko will take those lost articles and make his way over to the courtroom. He could make it there in 20 minutes. You hear a crash. Apparently, Itonoko just got into a car accident by speeding. What are you going to do now? If you don't hurry, the police will confiscate those lost articles. There is a way to know Itonoko's current location. Show Mitsurugi the profile of Mei Karuma. She had a transmitter planted on Itonoko. She has a receiver, so she knows where Itonoko is. The problem is, would she help you? Wait and see on that one. You talk with Mitsurugi. You admit your client is guilty. What you are doing is pinning the crime on a innocent witness. The Lawyer Ryuuichi Naruhodou should die. Mitsurugi doesn't want to hear your good for nothing cries. Is your defense right or wrong? You'll know when the verdict is announced. Court resumes. Mitsurugi announces the results of the handwriting analysis. He says it's regrettable, but the writings are forged. Those writing were written by the victim, Isao Fujimino. However, even if these writings are fake, Shingo Outorou wouldn't have known that. Outorou would think those were real and attempt to get them. You say Outorou would know. Show him the peeping camera. If the defendant knew those writings were fake, the motive for killing would disappear. Mitsurugi says Outorou couldn't watch 24 hours a day. The victim could have written those in a place wouldn't know about. You ask to prove when it was written. Mitsurugi doesn't have an answer. He has to resort to a new angle to attack on. Mitsurugi wants to call another witness, but it is a special witness. A perfect witness that can say who requested Koroshiya's services. Who? The person himself, Sazaemon Koroshiya! Mitsurugi asks for a special circumstance for this witness. The lawyer side allows it. A transceiver sits on the witness stand. Koroshiya takes the stand in the form of long distance communication by wireless radio. Sazaemon agreed to testify only on the condition that the call won't be traced. Mitsurugi promises not to trace the call. The Judge asks for proof it really is Koroshiya. He puts Mayoi on the phone. Mayoi is crying due to starvation. You have no objections, the person is Koroshiya. Mitsurugi wants to hear the testimony of the name of the person that requested the killing of Isao. Koroshiya says the most important part is building trust with this clients. As a hit man, he uses polite language, which is most disturbing. This is the first time his client became a suspect in a murder case. No one has betrayed Koroshiya yet. If his client betrays him, the client is dead. He says his client pinned the crime on someone else. People who don't know the meaning of moral code can't be trusted. Koroshiya says Kirio Kamiya was the one who requested the murder of Isao Fujimino. Mitsurugi throws an objection. Mitsurugi says on the phone earlier, he said something else. At this rate you could win with a not guilty verdict for Outorou. However, you know Koroshiya is lying. Kirio says it's not her. Now you will have to choose between getting the not guilty to save Mayoi, or wait for the lost articles to arrive. You realize Mitsurugi had many chance to win, but he didn't take them. You trust Mitsurugi, so you decide to question the testimony of Koroshiya. Even though the hit man's testimony gives you the advantage, you rather find out the truth. That's the lawyer's obligation. Mitsurugi wants to hear the testimony of what the witness knows about his client. On the part where Koroshiya says Kirio knew about the death of Isao beforehand, show him the glass. She thought the victim fainted. If that was planned, why would she leave fingerprints on the glass? If Kirio didn't know about the victim's death, then Kirio was not Koroshiya's client. You better object before Koroshiya suspect something. You do so, but the Judge is kind of puzzled. Mitsurugi wants to know more about the time Koroshiya took the request. He says he took the request about a week ago. He met the client at some bar to consult with. Shake him to get him to hesitate. He says he takes requests by face to face meeting, and not by letters or telephone. Is this important? No it isn't, but the important part is did he really meet the client? Koroshiya revises his statement and says `this client is trustworthy. That's what I thought when I saw him.' Show him the profile of Kirio Kamiya. If Koroshiya really did meet Kirio, wouldn't that be a her, not a him? Kirio could be either male or female. Koroshiya's client was not Kirio. Koroshiya testifies once more. You find out he took the request by letter. Lately he has opened his business to electronic mail. Shake him to find the small other thing he did. You'll decide if it is relevant to the case. The other thing he mentions is the bear accessory. He says he gave that bear to his client. Show that accessory to the witness. Kirio wanted the notes inside. If the witness really did give the bear to Kirio, she would have taken those notes out! This means the real requester did not know how to open the puzzle. The requestor was not Kirio. Koroshiya warns you he doesn't like traitors. Koroshiya says to end the trial now. Mitsurugi says he has no more questions. The Judge is puzzled. If the prosecution rests now, Mitsurugi would lose. If court ends now, Outorou would be not guilty and Kirio would be guilty. Outorou's verdict is... Before you can answer, Mei Karuma appears and hands over the lost articles that were found by Itonoko. She reports that Itonoko's injuries are minor. She brought the evidence wrapped in Itonoko's coat. The evidence is the items Koroshiya left behind. There are three pieces. The first piece is a pistol. No tests have been done on it yet. It probably was the pistol used to shoot Mei. The second piece of evidence is a videotape. The contents are unknown. Koroshiya injured three police officers fighting to get that tape back. The last piece of evidence is a boy's uniform. This was worn during the crime. There were black gloves in the pocket. Also there is one button missing from that uniform. The Judge says the important part is, who is the client of Koroshiya? None of these pieces tell the story. Chihiro tells you there's two ways to get through this situation. One way is to make Outorou want a guilty verdict deep from the heart. If Outorou wants the guilty verdict, then the hostage would be free. The second way is to make Koroshiya end his contract with Outorou. If Outorou is no longer his client, Mayoi would be free. However, the Judge won't take any more evidence. Chihiro says, who is the one who needs the evidence? The lawyer, prosecutor, and Judge have seen the evidence. Who hasn't had a chance to see the evidence? You should know the answer by now. The Judge gives you one chance. Here's where the ending splits. If you choose the wrong combination of evidence and person, then the bad ending occurs. The bad ending is where Outorou is not guilty. Naruhodou dons a coat and leaves town without hearing a word from Mayoi. Koroshiya probably released her as promised, but she probably doesn't want to see you. A few days later, you hear the news about how Kirio was guilty of the murder. A miracle didn't happen. To get the bad ending, show a combination of anything but Sazaemon Koroshiya and the Videotape. To get the good ending, show that combination of Sazaemon Koroshiya and the Videotape. Koroshiya's client warned of him not to play that tape. Koroshiya doesn't know the contents of that tape. You tell him that the tape has Koroshiya himself recorded on there. The scene of the crime had a hidden camera inside the big bear. Koroshiya's crime is recorded on tape. He asks, who's camera is that? Koroshiya's client. The client requested a certain time for the murder, the reason being so the client can record the murder on tape. Koroshiya didn't know about the hidden camera. Why did Koroshiya's client do that? The answer is to seize the weakness of Koroshiya! The hit man's client didn't trust anyone. The tape could be used to threaten the hit man. Sazaemon Koroshiya feels betrayed. If the his client betrays him, then what would happen? Koroshiya says he will terminate the contract with his client at that same moment. The client will then become the next target for Koroshiya to kill. This is the only way you can pull off this great reversal. Koroshiya ends the contract with his client, Shingo Outorou. He's got a new job to do. Hunt down Outorou. Koroshiya agrees to return Mayoi to you. Outorou is sweating now. Even if Outorou gets the not guilty verdict, a pro hit man will appear in front of him in the near future. He should know how swift and deadly the hit man is. It's your choice now, but even if you pick not guilty, Outorou will break down and plead for a guilty verdict. Shingo Outorou's verdict: Guilty. Afterwards, Outorou is being escorted out by Mei Karuma. Outorou is getting the full course whip treatment by now. As for Kirio, she finally breaks her dependence on someone. When she was alone in that detainment cell, that's when she was able to look at herself subjectively. She smiles for the first time. She's glad you and Mitsurugi were the ones in charge of this case. Back in the waiting room, Chihiro congratulates you. In the end, you found out that for a lawyer, something else is more important than a not guilty verdict. Mitsurugi informs you that Mayoi has been delivered to the police office safely. Mayoi is on the way here. Mei Karuma appears. She wonders why you are all smiles. You lost the case! Your undefeated record is now history. Why are you so happy? Karuma wouldn't understand. Mitsurugi agrees. A year ago, Mitsurugi was the same way. Mitsurugi used all possible means to get a guilty verdict back then. However, the lawyer known as Ryuuichi Naruhodou stood in his way. Mitsurugi experienced his first loss. He felt empty. Then Mitsurugi took the defendant's chair on a certain case, the Christmas Eve Case and the DL#6 Case from a year ago. Mitsurugi was saved by his enemy after that shocking case. Mitsurugi couldn't forgive himself. That's why he left the prosecution office. The Prosecutor Reiji Mitsurugi chooses death. However it really wasn't like that. By stepping away from the prosecution bureau, he discovered that the moment he lost, that was the beginning of everything. We attack the defendant with any means. No matter how desperate the situation, someone didn't give up. A tenacious man who kept fighting. That's you, as Ryuuichi Naruhodou. That's when Mitsurugi trusted you. Mei doesn't understand, why would trust your opponent? No matter what dirty tricks are used, the truth will show it's face. All we can do is fight with all our strength. All the mysteries disappear one by one. In the end, the truth is revealed. The one and only truth. That's the reason for the existence of lawyer and prosecutors. Mei says that's worthless, she doesn't want to hear the speech of a loser. She says Mitsurugi is no longer a part of the Karuma family. Mei throws you something and leaves. She throws her wave receiver and whip away. Mayoi arrives on the scene. She heard what happened in court today. Mayoi admits that if she did die, she would have possessed Harumi to spook you. Since Mayoi is starving, let's eat! Not the usual Ramen shop, but this time the group goes to the Bandou Hotel. At the hotel, you meet Itonoko. He has a bandage wrapped around his head, and he is not wearing his coat. Itonoko just crashed into a electric pole, not the accident you were expecting. Natsumi then greets you along with Saburou. When Mitsurugi mentions the three lost articles Itonoko obtained, Itonoko pauses and says there really were four pieces of evidence. It was in his coat pocket. The case is over, but it does leave you wondering what that was. Mayoi mentions that in the two days she was held up, she drew a picture. She lost that picture though. Mitsurugi's receiver goes off. It's ringing even though Itonoko is still here. Mitsurugi has an idea and he leaves the party. Mayoi tells him to stay, but Mitsurugi says he has business left over to deal with. Before he leaves, you give him Mei's whip. You have an idea where Mitsurugi is going. Afterwards, it looks like you will have to pay for this big meal. You shout out a loud Objection! In the end, Itonoko gets his old job back, Mako Suzuki turns a new leaf and becomes a waitress at a restaurant. Max and the circus crew plan to invade America. The old woman continues her machine gun talk. Sazaemon Koroshiya plans to hide out in another country. If you have a murder request, do so at his home page! The scene shifts to an airport. At gate 12, Mitsurugi catches Mei Karuma before she boards the plane. He used the receiver to track down Mei. The transmitter was in Itonoko's coat, which is now in Mei's possession. Mei hears about the fourth article left behind by Koroshiya. She doesn't care about it, since the case is over. Mitsurugi asks if Mei is running away. Mei admits she is not a genius, unlike her father. Mei says she threw away her whip. She is no longer a prosecutor. Mitsurugi invites her back to the prosecution role. They won't fight for honor. Think about what that whip is needed for. Mei says Mitsurugi hasn't changed. He always left her behind to move forward. That's why she hated Mitsurugi. A chance for revenge came. If she could have beaten Ryuuichi Naruhodou, she would have surpassed Mitsurugi. That was her revenge. Mitsurugi reminds her that she depended on her father, Gou Karuma. Mitsurugi says he will continue his path. If Mei won't come along, this is where they part. Then you see Mei Karuma crying. Afterwards, you hear Mei vowing that she will eventually see Ryuuichi Naruhodou in court. Until then, the last piece of evidence that didn't make it is hers to keep. She will return that piece the next meeting. The fourth article left behind was Koroshiya's Card with Mayoi's scribble on it. Mayoi made a face of Ryuuichi Naruhodou using the shell on that card. Conclusion: The real killer is Sazaemon Koroshiya. The person who requested the murder is Shingo Outorou, your client. Ryuuichi Naruhodou's courtroom win-loss record: 7-1. Episode 5 Are you high? There is no Episode 5! _/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/ 更新履歴 #. 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