tRsCCCCCCCCcCRt RScCCCCCCCCCCCCccR ScCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCRt RcSsCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCcR Rt SCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC tR cSCCCCCCCCCCCCCcS SS sCCCCCCCCCCCCCCR SS sCCCCCCCCCCCCCR CS scCCCCCCCCCCCsSRRS R cSSCCCssCCCCCCCCCCCCCcRs S S CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCsRt RR CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCSR tCcCtt R sCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCsSRSCCccccCCSRs s tsCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCcRS CS tt CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCct S tRRRRRRS CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCSS tR RRRRc SRt tCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCcRt Rt S R cR CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCcsR C S R tsCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCR S Rt t SR tRS tCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCcR R c ttSRRRRRRS CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCcsSSsSSSCcCCsS RRRRRR sCCsSSSScCCCCCCCCRt SSCSC tsRtccCSt cRS SRScCCCCCsSs ssS S tRS RRcCCCCCRt SS S RCt RR RRRCCCCC RRC t S RRR cRRRCCCCCc tRR s RRRRRRRRtRRsCCCCCCCSRRS s cS cR RRR tRCR tCsCCCCCCR St tCRCCS RR RRt tCCCCcRt R tCsSt tcRt Rc tCI cSt sC Csct sRt CR tCs sS R tS t tRC st SC tsR C CCSC t C CSS tt C ss S c sR S Scst tS St CC ttttct St Rt S t S C tt C ttc tt C tRt tRC cS tt S Rt Ss R tR Ss CCS s CSs S CC S sCttc tCsSCtt ttcsSRRRRRRSC cSCS SRRRRRSs cCRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRssSRRC stsRst cSSRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRSSRRRR ========================================================================== Hamtaro: Ham Ham Heartbreak FAQ/Walkthrough For the Game Boy Advance Handheld Video Game System By KirbyRockz Last Updated: 04/14/04 @ 11:55 A.M. Version 3.75 This document is Copyright 2003 A. H. ========================================================================== Table of Contents 1. Story 2. Updates 3. Main Characters 4. Walkthrough 4.1 Sunny Peak Part I 4.2 Sandy Bay Part I 4.3 Fun Land Part I 4.4 Boo Manor Part I 4.5 Sandy Bay Part II 4.6 Boo Manor Part II 4.7 Fun Land Part II 4.8 Wild Woods Part I 4.9 Sunny Peak Part II 4.10 Wild Woods Part II 4.11 Spat Tower 4.12 Sandy Bay Part III 4.13 Other Things To Accomplish 5. Ham-Chat List 6. Gem List 7. Accessories List 8. Ham-Jam Songs List 9. Tips/Tricks 10. FAQ 11. Contact 12. Acknowledgements 13. Legal ========================================================================== 1. Story ========================================================================== It was sunny and perfect for a nap! While sleeping, Hamtaro had a terrible dream. He dreamed that a hamster dressed in a devil costume appeared and caused all of his friends to start fighting. This hamster promised to ruin love everywhere! Hamtaro woke to hear Boss calling for him. When Boss came upstairs, Hamtaro told Boss about his dream and what the hamster in the costume promised to do. Boss wondered if Hamtaro's dream contained a secret message about the future. But without another word about the dream, Boss said he needed Hamtaro to do him a favor and wanted to talk about it downstairs. On the way downstairs, Hamtaro slipped and fell into a bucket of water, soaking his Ham-Ham Dictionary. Most of his Ham-Chat words were washed away! With very little sympathy, Boss told Hamtaro to learn from his mistakes. Then he said that Bijou had wandered off somewhere and he needed Hamtaro to go look for her. Where is Bijou and how will Hamtaro find her? Who was that hamster in the devil costume and why did he want to ruin everyone's love for each other? What was the meaning of Hamtaro's dream? ========================================================================== 2. Updates ========================================================================== 04/20/03: Up and running! I've got the TOC up, as well as some other tidbits. 04/23/03: The BIG update. I have most of the walkthrough done now. 04/25/03: Minor update. I finished the Walkthrough 100%, but I still have to do the lists. Also have some FAQs up. 04/29/03: Yet another minor update. The Gem List is now up, and the Ham-Chat list is coming soon. 04/30/03: Major update. I got 60 or so of the accessories done, and I added the Ham-Chat list. 05/01/03: Ham-Jams are up. So are some accessories, and some FAQs. I'll be adding small updates here and there for now. 11/04/03: Just some little things here and there. I switched the Secrets to a user-submitted Tips/Tricks area. 01/8/04: I was thinking about what to add to expand this FAQ, and I thought maps! Well, right now, I've only made about half of the Sunny Peak map, but more will come eventually. 03/2/04: I'm going to take a break on this FAQ (the maps anyway) to work on my new FAQ, so don't expect any new updates for awhile, except for Tips/Tricks. 04/17/04: Okay, I did some clarification on the whole Ham Ranger thing. ========================================================================== 3. Main Characters ========================================================================== Hamtaro: Hamtaro is the character you will control throughout the game. Hamtaro is a cute little hamster owned by a girl named Laura. He is part of a club called the Ham-Ham Gang, who meet in The Clubhouse. Bijou: Bijou is a French hamster, whom you will be able to control after you rescue her in Wild Woods. She is a Ham-Ham also. She will teach you a couple of Ham-Chat words in the game too. Boss: Boss is the owner of The Clubhouse. He's a wild hamster who is also the leader of the Ham-Ham Club (hence the name Boss). Spat: Spat is the so-called "Bad Guy" in this game. You can recognize him by the devil costume and the "Phfpt!" when he talks. His hatred for love led him to steal all hamster's love. He has the ability to change into different costumes to take on the look of different hamsters, so beware! Harmony: Harmony is the do-gooder, who is always looking to help Hamtaro and Bijou save love and defeat Spat. She spends most of her time on the second floor in the Clubhouse. Snoozer: Snoozer can play a big part in completing this game. He gives you valuable hints when you talk to him. ========================================================================== 4. Walkthrough ========================================================================== Time to start the walkthroughs! Whenever you reach a dead-end, try talking to Snoozer or Harmony in the Clubhouse. When you get started, it will ask if you want to change the names of Hamtaro and Bijou. You can leave them like they are, or you can change them. When you are finished, press OK and confirm. After the opening movie, head downstairs to where Boss is waiting. Hamtaro will slip and fall into a pail of water, and in the process lose all your Ham-Chat words in your soaking wet Ham-Ham Dictionary. You will lose all but some words. Boss will then lead you into the Ham-Jam room and teach you the four basic words: Hamha, Tack-Q, Hifhif, and Digdig. After the tutorial, Boss will ask you to get Bijou for him at Sunny Peak. Exit and Reenter the stage and talk to Snoozer. He will teach you "Zuzuzuzu". Now go to Sunny Peak. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 4.1 Sunny Peak Part I =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Map of Sunny Peak -------------------------------------------------------------------------- +-------------------+-------------------+------------------+------------------+ | Oxnard | ham tree | Seedric | cave | | Heyhoo | boutique | (hot springs) | entrance | | podium | | | | | | hamster's | | feather| | | item | Digdig | | | | | spot | | | | | | v | | | | | i | +-------------------+-------------------+------------------+-----------n------+ |___________________| e |___________________| s v |___________________| t i |___________________| e n |___________________| p +-----------e------+ |___________________| s | v | |___________________| | Pepper i | |___________________| |(on leaf) n | | steps | | e | +-------------------+ | exit | | sunflower| | hole | | hamster | | | | couple | | | | | | v | | | +-----------i------+ | | n | | e | | v | | i +-------------------+-------------------+------------------+-----------n------+ | | OOO | OOO | e | | | OOO | OOO | | |~~~| |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|___|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|___|~~~~ | | |___ O O dock dock | | |___ | O O O (boat starting | | | | O O ___ point) | |~~~~~~~| |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | battery | dock OOO | | | | OOO | | +-------------------+-------------------+------------------+------------------+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | enter/exit | | hole | Hot Springs +-------------------+ +------------------+ | +--------------+ | | | | | | | spring | | |-+~~~~~~~~~~~~~~+-| | | | | | | | | +------------------+ Upon entering Sunny Peak, go forward. you will see Bijou walk off the screen, then seconds later she screams. Hifhif the seeds, then head over the river. See the moving bushes? Stickie them. A hamster will jump out and teach you "Blushie", then run off. Go right to see Bijou crying. Hifhif the seeds, then go back. Go forward to see two hams. You can't help them yet, so jump up the logs behind them. Hamha Oxnard. You will find that him and Pepper had a disagreement, and you will learn "Bluhoo". Then stand on the tree trunk to learn "Heyhoo". Head right. Stand on the blanket to learn "Gogo". Go left then right again. Stand on the newspaper. The hamster will return and take the newspaper away. Go left and back again. Stand on the strap. The hamster will give you the strap this time. Tack-Q the tree near by for an acorn. Go left. Hifhif the hamster in the bushes. He will offer 20 sunflower seeds for the acorn. You can do this anytime you need extra sunflower seeds. Digdig to get some sunflower seeds. Go right. Hamha on the feather to get the song "Condor's Wings". Go down the vine, then go down the next vine. Go left. Lookie near the hamster named Arnie to learn "Pakapaka". Go right again. Get in the boat and use Pakapaka on the rope. When you stop moving, you will be near the beginning of the level. Hamha the orange hamster and answer Yep-P. He'll teach you "Putput". Go left. You will see a swan floating in the water. Heyhoo it. It's actually Seamore from the Photo Shop. He will teach you "Offdoff". Offdoff the swan from his shell. He will thank you. Go over the battery bridge next to you and use Offdoff on it. You're going to do some running here. Go forward, up the logs, to the right, right again, right yet again, go down the vine, and digdig through the hole. Reenter the stage to find that where the battery was is now replaced with a log. Go right and get in the boat again. Putput the battery inside. Ride up to where Bijou is. Congratulate yourself, you just saved Bijou! She will teach you "Mega-Q". Get in the boat again and go to where the orange hamster is, right below you. Get out of the boat, go left, then forward. Heyhoo the two hamsters to learn "Hamlift". Go back to boat and climb in again. Go to the leftmost dock, and go left. Hamha Arnie. He will ask you to help him find a training seat for his brother. Go back to the left and go up the vine. Use Hamlift on the dead leaves. Tell her Yep-P when she asks you to listen. She will climb down the leaf. Tell her Bluhoo. She will teach you "Oopsie". Go back to where Oxnard was. Him and Pepper will teach you "Gossip-P". You saved Oxnard and Pepper's love! Head down to see Spat for the first time. Bijou will teach you "Smoochie" when he leaves. You go back to the Clubhouse automatically. You will meet Harmony in the next talking sequence. After you talk to Boss and Harmony, it will make you leave. Go back anyway. Go left and enter the Photo Shop. Say Lookie near Seamore, and he will give you the training seat. Go back to Sunny Peak. Remember the way to Arnie? Go back to him. Tell him Yep-P. Follow him up to where the bird feather was. Arnie will give the training seat to his brother. They will teach you "Sesam-E". Sesam-E the door and go inside. | | +-----+ +-----+-----------------+ TRACK END B | rock | rope mine| +--+ | cave | (to bridge) cart| | | | | +---+ +-----+--+-----+ +------+ | | | mine| | | +---+ | Digdig +--+ | +---+ | | | hamsters | (goes to | | | | | | +--+TRACK END | | | | | | cart| A) | | | | | +--------------+ | | +---------------+-----------------+ | | | +---------------------------------------+ | Legendary | | tunnel (you automatically walk through)| | Spoon | +---------------------------------------+ | +--------------+ | | +----------------+ +-----+ +-----+ +--------------+ | | | ham | | | |+-+ +--+ +-+| | swap | | | ||-| O| |O |-|| --+ +-+ +------+ || | +--+ | || maze | |+-+ +-+| --+ +-+ +---+ | |Arnie and his | | | | | | | |brother's house | | | | | | | +------+ +------+ +-----+ +-----+ +--------------+ | | | | | | | | | | maze | | | | TRACK END A | | +--+ | | | | | | +--+ | | +------------+--+--+ | | | __/ | |/__\ | |switch | | | | exit | | hole | +-+ +-------------+ | | Once inside the cave, go in the door. Go left, Hifhif the acorn, Digdig in the floor for some seeds, then go forward through the opening. Arnie's little brother and Bijou will mix up, and the little brother will be following you. Head right, and he will recognize that you aren't Arnie and will start to cry. Go right and talk to the Ham-Swap hamster. Say No-P when he asks if you're buying, and he will lower the price. Then say Yep-P. Buy the bananas. Go left. Give the bananas to the monkey. Go right, then go left again. Hifhif the letter. Then slip on the banana peel to make him stop crying. Go left again into the cave. The hamster will tell you where his house is. Follow where he says. Go left, down, left, up, then up again. Then Sesam-E the door. Once you're inside the room, walk around the room, then turn to leave. Arnie and Bijou will come in the door. Arnie and his bro will teach you "Hamigos". Another love is saved! Leave the room, and go left. Talk to Ham-Swap. Say No-P again, and then say Yep-P. Buy the oilcan. Go forward through the door. Go right, and Putput the oilcan into the minecart. Gogo the minecart. Putput the oilcan into the switch and change the direction on it. Leave the cave and go back to where you learned Hamlift from the two hamsters. You will learn that one of them is missing. Go back to the cave, and go back to the minecart and Gogo it. You will land where two hamsters are. They will teach you "Rubrub". Gogo in the minecart there. Go through the cave entrance again, and go back to the minecart right of where the monkey was. Instead of riding it, though go up the ladder. Spat will be there. Say Hamigos twice to Spat. He will fall off the bridge. Pakapaka the ropes binding the hamster he was holding hostage. She will teach you "Libert-T". When you get back to where her friend waits, they will teach you "Lovedove". You saved another love! 18 more loves to save in the game! Go down, then go back. The hams will be stuffed. Hamha the one on the left to learn "Bloat-T". Before you leave, though, talk to the orange hamster next to the first dock again to learn "Bestest". Now go back to the Clubhouse to see a movie in which Seamore finds a love letter written by a hamster named Broski. It's actually a trick created by Spat. Talk to Boss after the short sequence to gain access to... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 4.2 Sandy Bay Part I =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Leave the Clubhouse, and come to the newly-opened Sandy Bay. Upon entering, you will see Spat taking Barrette somewhere. You'll have to save her. Here's a map of the main beach in Sandy Bay: 1 2 3 +--------------------+-------------------------+---------------------+ |beach club | | | | | celebrity big rock | Start | | | | | | | R= Mi | | A | R= Re R= Fa | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +--------------------+-------------------------+---------------------+ | | | | | | +----+ | +-------------+ | | | |pail| | | | | | R= So | | | | | pineapple | | B | | +----+ | | soccer court| | | | | | | | | R= Do | swim training hams | | | | Broski | | +-------------+ | +-+ | | | +--+ |< dock | | | +------+----+--------+-------------------------+---------------------+ R= Indicates that there is a music rock. Next to it is the music note it plays if you Tack-Q it. Head right to area A2. Lookie the hamster celebrity. Now go to area A1. Tack-Q the tanning hamster to learn "Bizzaroo", Then use Lookie next to him. Hamha the hamster in from of the beach club to learn "Blanko", then once again use Lookie next to her. Go down to area B1. Hamha then Lookie Broski. Go left to B2. Hamha the hamsters, and they will teach you Fussfuss. They will also do alot of talking! ^_^ After that, Digdig under the pail to get a Blue Marble. You won't need this for awhile, but it's nice to get it now so you don't have to come back for it. Go right to area B3 and Hamha the bigger hamster. Regardless of what you say to him after that, he'll make you play Pineapple Soccer with them. But first, you will have to find a Pineapple! Go up to A3 again. Hamha the two hamsters to learn "Tinglie", then use Lookie. Go back to where Broski is (B1). Hamha him. He will let you past to where Barrette and Spat are. (Barrette will not be there if you don't use Lookie next to all the hams except the soccer players.) A short movie will play. Barrette will teach you "Gasp- P." Now go back to the clubhouse. Use Gasp-P on Seamore (he is next to Boss), and he will go to rescue her. Go back to Sandy Beach and head to where Barrette was at. Another short movie will play, and their love will be saved! They will also teach you "Fend-D". After they leave, Hifhif the board and the bottle. The bottle will tell you the music code: "Mi-Do-Mi-Re-Fa-Fa-Re-Mi-So-Do". Now here's where the map will come in handy! Use the places where the rocks are on the map to help you solve this riddle. When you finish, head over to area A2. The boulder would have moved. Use Tack-Q on the boulder first, then Hifhif the musical note. You will get the Ham-Jam song "Hidden Riches". Now Digdig under the hole, and you will be on Treasure Island (how ironic :P) Hamha the blue hamster. Now use Fussfuss on him. He will leave to the dock. You can Hifhif the rocks if you want :). Go to the dock in area B1. Hamha him again at the dock. Tell him Yep-P. He'll take you to Hula Island. (I don't know if that's the real name, but a lot of it has to do with hula dancing, so that's what I'll call it.) Go up the ladder. You will see a cutscene where "Pashmina" is trying to steal Penelope's blanket. Go left. You'll see "Penelope" is jumping on Pasmina's scarf. Hifhif the scarf and give it to Pashmina. After speaking to her, go forward, into the building.Hamha the blue hamster. He'll give the Ham-Jam song "Dizzy For You", ahula song which will soon be needed. Leave the building now, and go left. You will see another cutscene where a hamster goes into the building. Hamha the hamster blocking the entrance. Once you are inside, get near "Pashmina" and use Tack-Q, Stickie, then Scrit-T on "her". It's actually Spat! Follow her out the door, to the left, to the left again, then up the ladder. A short sequence will show the Pashminas arguing over poor Penelope, go back down, then left, then in through the door. Heyhoo the sleeping hamster (his real name's Elderham). When he falls asleep, Heyhoo him again. He'll teach you "Tuggie". Go back to the arguing Pashminas. Tell them to Tuggie Penelope. The true Pashmina will be revealed! Penelope will push Spat off the cliff! ^_^ You saved Pashmina and Penelope's friendship! They'll teach you "Snorklie". Go back down, then go all the way left again, and go in the building where you scruffed up the fake Pashmina. You're going to have to enter the Class C Hula Contest. Before you start, go up to the mirror and edit the songs a bit. Here's some tips on creating dances: 1. The combination you start with will not win the contest. Remember that. 2. On the Class C dance, I won with this combination: Note: - means leave that space blank. Gasp-P Yep-P Offdoff - Gossip-P - Lovedove Putput Hamha Offdoff - After you have your combo made, Hamha the red hamster in the upper-right corner. Say Yep-P. The contest will begin. If you win, you get the Orange Hibiscus, which is what the boat captain wants to give to his wife. Make your way back to the dock, and Hamha the captain. You can't give him the flower just yet, because we have some things to do at the main island still. Say Yep-P to him and he will bring you back to the main area. Digdig in the hole again to go to Treasure Island. Hifhif near the celebrity again. Then say Tinglie, and she will give you the pineapple. Now use Bestest on her. She'll teach you "Dazzlie". Go back to the soccer court. Hamha the coach, and you will play Pineapple Soccer. Here's how you play: Right before the pineapple hits Hamtaro or Bijou's head, press A to send it airborne. The first thing goal is to get 6 hits in a row. When you complete it, go up towards the exit, but don't leave. Instead, Hamha the blue and white hamster under the tree. Say Yep-P when she asks for a favor. She'll teach you "Ta-dah" and she'll give you a love note to give to the soccer player with the blue tail. You can't give it just yet, because you need to learn Thump-P from Boo Manor. Go to the dock and Heyhoo, then Ta-Dah the orange hibiscus to the Cap'n. A short sequence will result, when which you reunite the husband's and the wife's love! They will also teach you "Hambond". Exit the level now and go back to the Clubhouse. Harmony will tell you that Spat is at Fun Land! Leave and go back to the Clubhouse and talk to Boss and Harmony to learn "Passchat". Now you can go to Fun Land. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 4.3 Fun Land Part I =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Upon entering Fun Land, you will be greeted by the Ham-O-Matic robot. Hamha the apparent owner of the robot and watch his performance. You will learn "Scrub-E". Go right, and Tack-Q the balloon stand. The hamster inside will teach you "Koochi-Q". Go up until you reach the ferris wheel. Hamha the operator, then go to the control room (it's in the same area as the balloon stand, in the very lower-right corner of the area). You'll see Spat. Pakapaka the ropes on the hamster in the corner first, then Hamha him after he is knocked to the corner. Now you'll need to Heyhoo to the Ham-O-Matic owner. He will rush to the control room. Follow him, but before you go back into the control room, listen to what the upset hamster near the balloons has to say to learn "Chukchuk". Once you get inside the control room, a small chitchat will occur where the Ham-O-Matic... well... you'll see this yourself. Well, it seems that the Ham-O-Matic can only Scrub-E. Go back to the entrance, where the HOM (Ham-O-Matic) was formerly located. Tack-Q the garbage can, and Hifhif the trash that comes out. Go back to the Control Room. Get next to Spat and Chukchuk the trash on him. Then run over to the HOM and tell him to Scrub-E the trash. He will take Spat and fly away. When the bot returns, the HOM owner will teach you "Tiptop". The love between hamster and machine is forged! That's another love saved! Leave the Control Room and go left again. Go up at the main gate, and use Tack-Q on the red hamster to learn "Blash-T". Go back to the gate, go right, then up, then make a left at the Ferris Wheel. Gasp-P Sandy and Stan (the two hamsters facing each other). They'll teach you "Hamteam" and ask for your help getting Maxwell's attention. Say Yep-P to them. Now go left twice. Use Offdoff on Maxwell (he's sitting near the roller coaster entrance). It apparently didn't work. Tell Stan about it. He'll tell you to use Heyhoo on him this time. Do it twice, then go back to Stan and tell him that it didn't work again. He'll ask you what word you should try. Tell him Blash-T. Now use it on Maxwell twice. You end up getting a big lecture from him. It's rather funny ^_^. Now go back to Stan again. Deja Vu. But this time he'll give you another word to use on him--"Minglie". Use it on Maxwell now. It worked! (Finally... :p) You'll reunite their love and learn "Twirlie"! You should have 8 loves saved now. Go to the very lower left-hand corner of Fun Land. A little movie will play. Go over to the green hamster and say Hamha. He'll teach you "Lost-T". We can't help him just yet, though. Go right, then up, then go in the entrance that says "Stickie Note" over the top. Hamha the hamster there and play the game Stickie Note. He'll teach you the rules of the game. You'll need to make 600-790 points to get what we're here for-- the green marble. I've got one hint for this game: Stickie the round marble things when they fall for some extra time. When you get the marble, go out, then go into the entrance entitled Tic-Tack-Q. You're gonna need a perfect score to win this one, but you get a song--the "Flower Waltz". Talk to the hamster to get the lowdown. Remember to choose to be Hamtaro (you can't control Bijou). If you're having trouble, don't think you are alone. I won just by luck. You don't have to get this now, but it'd be nice so that you won't have to come back. When you finish, leave the room and enter the Digdig-It room. Say Hamteam near the Prizes board to learn "Goodgo". You can't do anything else here, so go ahead and go back to the Clubhouse. Harmony will tell you that Spat is at Boo Manor now. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 4.4 Boo Manor Part I =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- When you first enter Boo Manor, go forward to see a movie with Spat in it. After that, Hamha the hamster blocking the entrance to learn you need an ID card. Go back and hifhif the flyer that fell from up high, then Digdig through the tube to be at the Ham-Swap. Here's the order to need to talk to him in order to drop the ID card price 90%: Blash-T Blash-T No-P Yep-P ID Card Time to feel bad for the poor sap... just kidding :P. But seriously, he'll give it to you for 5 sunflower seeds. Digdig under the tunnel again and go back to the hamster at the entrance, then Ta-Dah the ID card to him. Once you're inside, Heyhoo the old hamster at the front desk to learn "Thump-P", then use Ta-dah on him. He'll give you the Bronze key card. Go all the way left, down the stairs, and then to the right. Now use Thump-P on the blue hamster to learn "Go-P". Enter the door right there. Watch the little ghost talk to you, then exit the door. Go back to the left, and use Tack-Q on the wall near the stairs to open a cave. Now you'll need to go back up the stairs, then all the way to the right. Press the A button in from of the keycard swiper to gain access to the locked door. Once inside, Hifhif the paper on the floor, then go to the back wall. There are 4 mirrors lined up. Use Go-P on the 2nd one from the left (the one without Bijou's reflection) to expose the fake Hamtaro, then follow him. Yes, that's right. THROUGH the mirror. Now you'll need to beat a "boss". Just stand near one of the different panels on the floor and use Stickie when his face is covered. If you hit him 3 times, you'll get the Silver ID card. Now to get out of here. Hifhif the board and Putput it over the cliff. Climb over and use Offdoff to take it with you. Go up to where the front desk is. Use Hamlift next to the main elevator door to activate it. Get inside to go the the 2nd floor. When you get there, you'll see Dexter and Howdy fighting over... something. Use Hamha to them, then use Blash-T. You'll learn Hamspar. They'll take off, but before you go following them, go left and go through the door. Use Hamspar on the fireplace, then Hamha the ghosts to learn "Nopookie". Now you can follow them to the left up the stairs. There's a ghost blocking the door. Say Hamha, then Tack-Q, then Hamspar on him. Now go through the door. Walk forward, and Hamtaro will fall into a trapdoor! You can't help it, but you can get him out of it. Go back to where you learned Nopookie (the room with the fireplace) Use Hamspar again, then Tack-Q the hamsters that appear. The one on the left will teach you "Pushie" and the other on the right will give you "Noknok". Now go up where Dexter is again. Hamha him, and he will go looking for a rope. Go down the stairs, then left. This seemingly empty room holds a secret. Use Noknok then Pushie on the wall. A secret path! Go in to see where Howdy and Hamtaro fell to. Use Heyhoo on Howdy to have him wake up Hamtaro. Go up the steps again and keep going right until you see two hamsters trying to open an elevator by forcing it. Use Libert-T near them. Now go back to where Hamtaro is stuck in the cage (remember to Pushie on the wall). Use Libert-t on the green hamster again. He'll pull the cage open you'll get Hamtaro back again! Yay! And also, for some reason, you reunite the green and red hamster's love. Well, at least that's a good thing. You'll learn "Flipflop" from the couple. Go back out, then up the stairs, and go to the right from where Dexter is. A "ghost" will walk through the door. Follow him. Inside, there's a Scrub-E contest. Here's the rules: Pushie the crates to keep the ghosts from coming out of the red zone. While you're doing that, you also have to clean up the four floor tiles. Got it? Good. When and if you complete it, you get the Gold Card! Once you are out of the room, go to the right to see the couple trying to open the elevator. Hamha the green one. They'll leave. Hamlift up the the slot and open it up. Go left to where the room with the music playing is. Thump-P in front of the hamster there. She will teach you "Perksie". Now, before we can finish this, we'll need to go to Sandy Bay. Head through the exit door to the right. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 4.5 Sandy Bay Part II =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- We still have to complete Boo Manor, so let's make this quick. Go directly to the soccer court. Stand on the striped towel there and use Thump-P. Use Ta-dah on the one with the blue tail. Another love is created! You'll learn "Jamout". Now go back to Boo Manor. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 4.6 Boo Manor Part II =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Alright, now that we have Jamout, we can finish the level. Get back up to the top level. Go to the area with the music playing again. Use Noknok then Pushie on the wall. Jamout on the piano. A "ghost" will appear and agree to teach Bijou to play piano if you answer certain questions. Here's some of the possible questions he will ask and there answers: Q. What is this song entitled? A. Moonlight Q. Who plays this song? A. Beethoven Q. Including this one, how many questions have I asked durnig the test? A. Depends Q. In that Jamout, which instrument is playing? A. Piano He will ask three questions. If you get them correct, you will get the song "Moonlight" to Ham-Jam to. If you get one wrong, just simply jamout on the piano again. Anyway, when you are finished go down the elevator. Go right all the way and enter the door. Use Lookie on the painting in the back, then Perksie. She'll tell you about her son. We'll need her help later. Go all the way left, then down the stairs again, then all the way to the right. Go through the door to see Howdy. Jamout on the piano, and the coffin Dexter is stuck in will open, and Howdy and Dexter's friendship is saved! They'll also teach ya "Stead-E". Now go up to the top floor AGAIN. Sorry if you are getting tired of doing this ^_^. Once up, go all the way to the left. Tack-Q the wall twice to open it up. Stand on the squares inside the room (do you see Spat yet? he's in amongst the dolls. You can find him because his eyes are different). You made it to the final test! Now, you'll need to answer some VERY simple questions about what a sunflower is. If you know what a sunflower looks like, you will ace this. Hehe, pretty hard, huh?. After you finish it, Spat will come out and start poking the poor ham with his pitchfork. To save him, first use Flipflop on the panel. It won't work, so use Nopookie. He will turn into a cat and scare Spat away! The hamster will give you 5 rocks as a thank you for saving him. Now we need to save the last love in Boo Manor. Go to the 2nd again, go left once, and Pushie through the wall. Look familiar? Look for the rope in the upper-right corner. Use Hamlift to reach it and pull it. Go through the mirror that opens. You'll enter a game where you have to save a girl that is stuck in a dresser. Watch for which one she's in and use Noknok on it. When you find her, you'll be thrown out. But at least you saved the last love here and got the last Ham-Chat word at Boo Manor-- "Dingding". Now exit the level and go to the Clubhouse where Harmony is waiting for you. She'll give you access to Wild Woods, but we're still not done yet. You'll need to come back here really quick while trying to find the Ham Rangers in this next part at Fun Land. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 4.7 Fun Land Part II =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Let's get down to business. You still want to beat the game, right? Okay, go right, then all the way up to where the Ferris Wheel is. Go into the bathrooms to the right. Use Noknok on the door with someone inside. Hamha him, then use Hamteam. He will ask for your help with what to say. Here's what I said: Gossip-P, Koochi-Q, then Smoochie. Only certain combinations work, so use this because it's been tested and it works. Anyway, you unite their love! They'll teach you Luck-E. Now go all the way left, then down once. Use Hamha then Dingding on the greenish-brownish hamster there. Now head over to the Roller Coaster and ride with him. After the ride, go down the stairs and use Lost-T on him. Now go all the way right, then down. Use Dingding on him here now, and a butterfly will come down. Use Hamha near it, and the hamster will find his wallet. Now go back to where his family is (the lower left corner of the Park) and Hamha him, and he'll teach you "Trust-T". Another love is saved! Go up to where the showroom is (it's right of the roller coaster). Hamha the hamster blocking the entrance to find out that some of the Ham Rangers are missing. Here's where they are (the ones you have to find are random): (Note: Fussfuss the Ham Ranger when you find them) Ham Ranger: Next to the "concert" entrance, sleeping near a water fountain. Tack-Q the fountain to wake him up. Green Ham Ranger: One "acre" down from the Roller Coaster. His back is turned away from the screen. Blue Ham Ranger: At the Stickie Note game. Pink Ham Ranger: In the balloon stand. Stickie the balloons After you get all but one, go over into the bathrooms. Use Fussfuss next to the door, but Ham Red won't come out. Now we're going to need another Ham Red. Take a quick trip back to Boo Manor and use Gasp-P on the crying portrait at the 3rd floor again. She's actually another Ham Red! You'll be taken back to Fun Land to see the Ham Rangers show. After the show, "Ham Red" will be reunited with her son. That's yet another love! You'll learn "Hardihar" from them. Now Hamha the hamster guarding the door again, and go left to hear a bulletin. Go back to the Ham Ranger thing again. Hamha him again. This time the Ham Rangers you have to find are different ones. Get near the water fountain in the same area as the Ham Ranger show, then use Fussfuss on him. There's another one. Get the green one again (he's in the same area), and then go to where the balloon stand is (lower-right corner) and Tack-Q, then Fussfuss. Now go back to the performance area and watch the play again. After it, you'll get the song, "Go Ham Rangers". Now to get the last word here in Fun Land. Remember where the game Tic Tack-Q is? Go there and use Stickie on the hamster there to learn "Delin-Q". Now go back to the clubhouse and talk to Harmony to learn some new words: "Tran-Q" and "Gofor". Now go ahead and go to Wild Woods. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 4.8 Wild Woods Part I =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- When you first enter Wild Woods, go straight down, then right, then down again to see Spat and Cappy. Cappy has gone bad! AHHH! JK. Use Hamha then Bizzaroo on him. He'll teach you "Hampact". We're getting closer to the big 86 Ham-Chats now! ^_^ Go back to the level entrance now and go to Sunny Peak. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 4.9 Sunny Peak Part II =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Do you remember where Seedric, the acorn hamster, is? Go to him. If you don't know where he is, follow these directions: up, up, up the steps, right, and right. Get near that cave in the bushes there. Spat will come out. Digdig under the bushes to find Seedric hatless. Hamha him, then get in the water stuff near the back of the room. Use Digdig twice to get a Hot Spring Egg (you'll need this later) and a song, "Great Springs". Leave Sunny Peak and go back to Wild Woods and talk to Cappy. Tell him Lovedove, and he will get mad and run away. Follow him. He will go in a circuit around the woods. When you reach a certain spot, though, a hamster named Bog will drop a cage onto you, not knowing that you are fellow hamsters. After talking to him, say Hamteam to ask him to help you catch a thief. He will agree. Follow Cappy around again until you come back to where Bog is. Bog will catch Cappy in the cage. Say Bluhoo to Cappy, and he will agree to give the hat back. After Bog releases him, you will be taken to Sunny Peak. Cappy and the Acorn Ham will have a bond to each other because of their love for hats. Kind of weird, but at least you get another love! You'll also learn "Hamboree". =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 4.10 Wild Woods Part II =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Go back to Wild Woods to see Bog near the entrance. Ta-dah the egg to Bog. In return, he'll teach you "Clingie". Go right now, and Hamha the pacing hamster to learn "Wait-Q". Now go left, then down, then right. Stand on the platform and use Clingie. (Pretty good music playing, huh?) It's Jingle, one of my personal favorite hamsters! Use Wait-Q on him. He'll teach you "Thank-Q". Now follow Jingle's actions and use Clingie on the vine. Go up and right again to see Jingle talking to the elderly hamster. You'll automatically get to watch the wedding take place. (but Hamtaro and Bijou could at least move out of the way! They're right in the middle of everything! :p) Their tradition is to place the red marble on the pedestal, but Spat comes and ruins everything. Leave the village after the short movie that precedes to be hit by a slingshot-bearing hamster. You'll have to stop him, but first you'll need a slingshot. Now go left twice, then down once to see Spat. Stand on the dirt circle and use Heyhoo. He'll throw a stick over, perfect for a slingshot. Hifhif it, and go back to the village. Once inside the village, go left. We'll get a couple of Ham-Chats while we're here to save time. Hamha the yellow hamster, then use Minglie on the crying one. A tag scene show after that, and you will learn "Bye-Q". Now go into the house on the left at the back wall to see a hamster cleaning something. Hamha her to learn "Hulahula". Now exit the house and go into the other one. It's the pushy Ham-Swap! Talk to him. Choose No-P when he asks if you're buying, then say Yep-P to buy the rubber band for 4 seeds. Now exit the village and go right, into the inventors home. Tell him Putput, and he'll take the pieces you have and turn them into the slingshot. Go back into the village and go right this time. After the little scene, go back out of the village to see the slingshot shooter again. He'll teach you "Hamscope", which allowes you to use the slingshot. Now you're going to hit him back! After he hits you again, press A and choose the only option: Hamscope. Aim the targeter onto him and press A to fire. You won't be seeing anymore of him! Now go back to where Spat is. Stand on the dirt circle again and use Hamscope. Hit the bee nest above Spat to make the bees angry at him. He'll jump into the water to save himself, but there's a crocodile in the river! He'll scare Spat out of Wild Woods! Hifhif the red marble. Now we need to get back to the wedding. Head back to the village and Hamha the elderly hamster again. The wedding will commence again. Another love is created! You'll learn "Vast-T". 78/86 Ham-Chats! After the ceremony, Hamha the elderly hamster (he's got a freaky dance 0_o). He'll let you have the Red Marble. You have all three marbles now! I'll explain their uses in a bit. Now leave the village and go to where Spat was. Go down once, and Hamha Bog, then Tack-Q the monkey on the floor. I guess you'll have to find some medicine for the monkey (after all, it's Hamtaro's fault!) Bog will take the place of Bijou, who decides to stay and care for the monkey. Go up 3 times. See the fruit on the stick? Get up next to it. A bunch of birds will come down and take the fruit. You're gonna need some accuracy skills here! You have to shoot the bird in the middle 2 times to make it drop the fruit. If you lose, just go back in and repeat it again. When you get the fruit, go back to the monkey and Bijou. The monkey will feel better, and somehow you give them their love for each other! They'll teach you "Might-T". 18/21 loves! Now, here's where the marbles are going to come in handy. You need to go to Sunny Peak. Climb up to the top again, where theminecart is. Gogo the minecart. You should be at the area with the two hamsters again when you stop. If you aren't, press the switch nearby and ride it again. Nevertheless, head south when you reach there. See the "sword" (Zelda anyone?) and the trio of spherical-shaped holes in front of it? Putput all three marbles in them. Now go up the steps and Tuggie on the "sword". It's actually a spoon! Now go back to Wild Woods. Go back to the inventor's house. Give him a Hamha, then talk to his wife. Say Yep-P. After she finishes talking, Ta-dah the spoon to her. She will give it to her husband. He'll complete the Hamapault 2, which you will need very soon. You save their love and learn "Wake-Q"! Now exit the level. You completed Wild Woods! Go back to the clubhouse. Harmony will tell you where Spat is: He's at his tower. Spat Tower, to be precise. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 4.11 Spat Tower =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Some running around will take place in this level. First, stand on the leaves and use Lookie, Heyhoo, Sesam-E, and Stickie on the door. It can't be opened, so go back to Wild Woods. Talk to the inventor, and he will lend you the Hamapault. You'll be taken to Spat Tower. Gogo into the Hamapault, then use Stickie, and you will be sent flying into the castle. You're going to need to solve the sliding puzzle, so that the door will open. Stand on the button and use Gogo. This puzzle could take awhile (I never was good at those things :( ), so don't hesitate to save and quit when you need a break. When you finally finish it, the main gate will open. After it opens, go through the opening in the upper-right corner of the level. You'll hear someone asking for help. Get near the locked door and use Perksie. Now go out of the cave, and use Passchat on the guard hamster, then say Libert-T. Agree to helping him, and he will let you in to Spat. Spat will pull out his Haminator 3000! Use Hamscope and hit the bot in the face, but it doesn't work. You need Love Shots from Harmony, so go back to the Clubhouse and talk to her on the 2nd floor. Use Chukchuk then the last word on the list on her (it changes), and she will give you the Love Shot. Now go back to Spat Tower, and go in to Spat again. Use Hamscope, and hit him in the middle. He will get mad and start to hit you with either tornados or lasers. Avoid him when he turns red and Hamscope him when you get the chance. You can only hit him when his mouth is open. When you sink one into his mouth, the Haminator 3000 will be defeated and Spat will turn into an angel. Congratulations! You've completed the main portion of the game! You'll learn "Pooie" from Spat. Watch the end credits roll. If you go back to the Clubhouse, you can now enter the Accessories Shop. Now, to save the last 2 loves... this is where the running around takes place. Go to Wild Woods and go into the village. Go right, and enter the guarded door there. Say Pooie in front of her, and she will tell you about the Pooie Earrings, and will ask you to make a pair for her in exchange for a Star Key. This is what you need to save the next love. Then she'll give you the recipe for it. Here's the recipe: 1 Ammonite 1 Banana Stone 2 Glass Beads You can get all 3 at Sunny Peak, so go there. They are actually hidden in rocks. Hifhif any rock you see here. Here's some places you will always find a rock: Near the beginning of the level, 2nd dock on the bottom At the Ham-Swap In the cave behind where the monkey was (to get the ones up high, Tack-Q the hill.) Some extra notes: None of the gems you need take more than one Rubrub to polish all the way. Also, if you are having trouble finding the Ammonite, you may want to look at Sandy Bay. When you have alot of rocks, take them to the Rubrub room in the Clubhouse and Rubrub them all. If you don't get what you need, go back and do it again. When you find all the pieces, take them to the Accessory Shop. Choose to make the Pooie Earrings. It costs 20 sunflower seeds. When you get it, Ta- dah it to the rich lady in the village at Wild Woods. She'll give you the Star Key. Now you need to go to Spat Tower again. Go through the cave again and open the door. It's not her screaming, it's actually the TV! Nevertheless, another love is saved! Yay! You learn "Swellie". You'll be taken to the Clubhouse, where you talk to Harmony. After the ending movie, you'll find out who the last love is: Hamtaro and Bijou! Now your love meter is completely filled! Whenever you Rubrub rocks, it only takes one rub now! That's the best part of it. But before you do your victory dance, we've still got some more Ham-Chats to get and some areas to finish. Go downstairs to where Harmony is waiting, and she'll teach you a new word, "Lalalala". Now exit the level and go back in. Talk to Boss to recieve another board from him. Now go to Sunny Peak. Once you get there, head straight up to where Spat was (up the rope near the minecart). It's Panda. Hamha him, then talk to him again to give him the stuff he needs. Now go down and ride the minecart to the cave entrance, and you'll hear Panda Heyhoo for you. Go back up to him and use Hamha. He'll teach you "Hamtast". Now cross the bridge and Tack-Q the mountain. Hifhif the Rainbow Key. You'll need it later. Now exit the level. You've now found all the Ham-Chats in 6 out of 7 levels, way to go! Now to finish Sandy Bay. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 4.12 Sandy Bay Part III =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Head on over to Hula Island in Sandy Bay and go up to the mirror in the green room to edit your dance again. Use the same combination as last the Class C, but add the word "Hulahula" instead of Gasp-P at the beginning. Now enter the contest again. You should win it, and you get a rock as a prize. Now exit the Green Room and go right. Talk to the green hamster in front of the door to learn "Greatchu". 1 more Ham-Chat to go! Now go back to the Green Room and edit your dance again. Put in these dance steps: Greatchu Delin-Q Zuzuzu Hamtast Bye-Q Goodgo Bloat-T Blushie Hamtast Dazzlie Lalala Now enter the Class A Hula Contest. Don't worry, this dance code will work. After the contest (given of course that you won) you will get another rock. When you leave the stage, Harmony and Boss will be there, and they'll teach you the final Ham-Chat word, "Hamcheer". (Poor Boss, getting smacked by a fan. ^_^) Now you have them all! Watch yet another different credits sequence, and do your happy dance! Now go back to the Clubhouse. You've still got to find all the gems, create some accessories, and get all the outfits, but those things aren't mandatory. Check out below for how to get those things. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 4.13 Other Things To Accomplish =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- You still have to: Find all the gems Make accessories and outfits And get all the keys before you complete the game 100%. The keys are there to open the locked doors in the caves. Here's a list of where they are: Location..........Key..........How to Get Sunny Peak.......Rainbow Key...Across the bridge at Sunny Peak Sandy Bay........Wave Key......In the Ham-Chat Contest Fun Land.........Ice Key.......In the Ham-Chat Contest Boo Manor........Moon Key......In the Ham-Chat Contest Wild Woods.......Sun Key.......In the Ham-Chat Contest Spat Tower.......Star Key......From the rich lady in Wild Woods Cave Locations: Sunny Peak Cave: Behind where the monkey was at the top of the area. Sandy Bay Cave: After you solve the riddle, the rock will move. Digdig into the hole underneath. Fun Land Cave: You'll have to learn Nok-nok first. Use Nok-nok on the bathroom door that says "Closed". Boo Manor Cave: On the first floor, go down the steps to the left. See the crack in the wall? Tack-Q the crack to open the entrance. Wild Woods Cave: In the cave north of Jingle. You need Clingie to get to him. Spat Tower Cave: In the entrance behind the the lady hamster watching TV after you save the last love. When you get all the Ham-Chats from Harmony, talk to Postie in the Clubhouse. He will tell you about the Ham-Chat Contest. Now use Lookie on the paper near the couch and choose all 4 words. Now give it to the mailham. Exit the level and return, and talk to him again. He'll give you 4 of the keys. As for the rest of the things you have to do, look below at the different lists. ========================================================================== 5. Ham-Chat List ========================================================================== In order from A to Z: Bestest Fantastic Bizzaroo Strange Blanko Forget Blash-T Angry Bloat-T Bloated Bluhoo Sad Blushie Embarrass Bye-Q Good-bye Chukchuk Give up Clingie Hang Dazzlie Beautiful Delin-Q Bad Digdig Dig Dingding Realize Fend-D Defend Flipflop Switch Fussfuss Worry Gasp-P Oh no! Gofor Goal Gogo Ride Goodgo Good luck Go-P Bathroom Gossip-P Small talk Greatchu Great Hambond Bond Hamboree Party Hamcheer Congrats Hamha Greeting Hamigos Best pals Hamlift Piggyback Hampact Promise Hamscope Aim Hamspar Rival Hamtast Perfect Hamteam Cooperate Hardihar Laugh Heyhoo Call out Hif-hif Sniff Hulahula Lollygag Jamout Play music Koochi-Q Pretty Lalalala Sing Libert-T Freedom Lookie See Lost-T Lose Lovedove Cherished Luck-E Lucky Mega-Q Big Might-T Strong Minglie Play Nok-nok Knock No-P No Nopookie Dislike Offdoff Remove Oopsie Sorry Pakapaka Bite Passchat Tell Perksie Listen Pooie Uncool Pushie Shove Putput Put Rubrub Polish Scoochie Climb Scrit-T Scratch Scrub-E Clean Sesam-E Open Smoochie Love Snorklie Deep Stead-E Solid Stickie Poke Swellie It's OK Tack-Q Roll Ta-dah Show Thank-Q Thank you Thump-P Startle Tinglie Tingle Tiptop Excellent Tran-Q Peace Trust-T Reliable Tuggie Tug Twirlie Twirl Vast-T Wide Wait-Q Wait Wake-Q Wake up Yep-P Yes Zuzuzu Sleep ========================================================================== 6. Gem List ========================================================================== Here's a list of them all: Name: Uni-Star Rarity:***** The unique Uni-Star makes dreams come true. Location(s): Spat Tower Name: Peace Moon Rarity: ***** Unique moon-like, crescent-shaped stone. Location(s) Boo Manor Name: Sun Stone Rarity:***** A unique flame looms inside, but it's not hot! Location(s) Wild Woods Name: Wave Stone Rarity:***** This unique stone has waves imitating the sea. Location(s) Sandy Bay Name: Ice Stone Rarity:***** Crystals sthine playfully in this unique stone. Location(s) Fun Land Name: Rainbow Stone Rarity: ***** A unique stone that's as colorful as a rainbow. Location(s) Sunny Peak Name: Garnet Rarity:** This stone has the power to heal. January gem. Location(s) Boo Manor Sandy Bay Name: Amethyst Rarity:** For instincts and true love. February gem. Location(s) Sunny Peak Boo Manor Name: Aquamarine Rarity:*** Soothing stone that can resore youth. March gem. Location(s) Boo Manor Sandy Bay Fun Land Name: Diamond Rarity:**** The most desired of all gems. April gem. Location(s) Wild Woods Spat Tower Fun Land Name: Emerald Rarity:**** Deep green, it soothes souls. May gem. Location(s) Spat Tower Wild Woods Sunny Peak Name: Pearl Rarity:*** Milky in color, it evokes charm. June gem. Location(s) Spat Tower Sunny Peak Sandy Bay Name: Ruby Rarity:**** The red color earned its name as the queen. July gem. Location(s) Wild Woods Sunny Peak Name: Peridot Rarity:** Green stone lifts one's spirits. August gem. Location(s) Spat Tower Wild Woods Sunny Peak Name: Sapphire Rarity:**** Blue stone opens the mind and soul. September gem. Location(s) Spat Tower Sunny Peak Boo Manor Sandy Bay Name: Opal Rarity:*** Lustrous stone unlocks Cupid's powers of love. October gem. Location(s) Sandy Bay Fun Land Sunny Peak Name: Topaz Rarity:*** Increases the bearer's love and fortune. November gem. Location(s) Boo Manor Name: Turquoise Rarity:*** Courage stone keeps bearer from danger. December gem. Location(s) Spat Tower Sandy Bay Name: Cube Stone Rarity:*** Small in size, this stone is very powerful. Look familiar? Location(s) Fun Land Boo Manor Spat Tower Sunny Peak Name: Cheese Stone Rarity:*** It will cause a stomachache if eaten. Look familiar? Location(s) Spat Tower Wild Woods Sandy Bay Fun Land Name: Storm Stone Rarity:** It shines like a lightning bolt. Look familiar? Location(s) Spat Tower Boo Manor Name: Ham Stone Rarity:** This stone makes strong friendships. Look familiar? Location(s) Fun Land Sunny Peak Boo Manor Name: Banana Stone Rarity:* This stone brings health to the bearer. Look familiar? Location(s) Wild Woods Fun Land Name: Berry Stone Rarity:** This stone is recognizable by its shape. Look familiar? Location(s) Spat Tower Wild Woods Name: Sweet Stone Rarity:** Sweet and sour, much like love itself. Look familiar? Location(s) Wild Woods Fun Land Sunny Peak Name: Feather Stone Rarity:** This old stone gives happiness to its bearer. Location(s) Fun Land Spat Tower Name: Ammonite Rarity:* A fossil of the Ammonite. Location(s) Sandy Bay Sunny Peak Boo Manor Name: Dino Fossil Rarity:* Old dinosaur bones buried deep underground. Location(s) Sunny Peak Wild Woods Boo Manor Sandy Bay Name: Glass Bead Rarity:* Humans have worn this old stone since long ago. Location(s) Wild Woods Sunny Peak Fun Land Name: Crystal Rarity:* A clear stone of many colors, it can be found all over! Location(s) Wild Woods Sunny Peak Fun Land Boo Manor Sandy Bay ========================================================================== 7. Accessories List ========================================================================== (NOTE: There is a *huge* amount of accessories in this game. This is probably only some of them. If you notice one missing, email me the name and the gems needed. Also, the numbers are just there for listing purposes. There is not Accessory number.) 1. Cobra Crown 5 Emeralds 2 Garnets 2 Dino Fossils 2. Rose Choker 2 Ammonites 3 Garnets 5 Pearls 3. Rose Pin 2 Garnets 2 Crystals 4. Grape Pin 4 Amethysts 2 Emeralds 2 Glass Beads 5. Butterfly Pin 1 Amethyst 6 Opals 6. Silver Key 2 Amethysts 7. Heart Tiara 2 Aquamarines 2 Banana Stones 1 Ruby 8. Dinosaur Bracelet 1 Aquamarine 1 Dino Fossil 9. Wing Pin 1 Aquamarine 1 Crystal 1 Feather Stone 10. Amber Pin 2 Diamonds 5 Dino Fossils 11. Heart Earrings 2 Diamonds 12. Cube Ring 1 Dino Fossil 3 Diamonds 2 Cube Stones 13. Cobra Necklace 2 Ammonites 1 Emerald 14. Gem Box 1 Emerald 1 Crystal 2 Cube Stones 15. Bijou's Ribbon 5 Aquamarines 1 Sapphire 10 Pearls 16. Rose Tiara 3 Garnets 8 Pearls 2 Glass Beads 17. Emerald Pin 2 Emeralds 1 Pearl 2 Peridots 18. Ice Earrings 2 Dino Fossils 2 Turquoises 2 Rubies 19. Ancient Pin 4 Ammonites 4 Dino Fossils 1 Ruby 20. Emerald Ring 1 Peridot 21. Mount Fuji 3 Opals 2 Dino Fossils 2 Peridots 22. HM Earrings 2 Sapphires 23. Crystal Heart Pin 2 Crystals 1 Sapphire 24. Fairy Earrings 2 Opals 25. Storm Ring 1 Sapphire 3 Storm Stone 1 Topaz 26. Sweet Earrings 4 Ammonites 2 Sweet Stones 2 Topazes 27. Topaz Ring 1 Topaz 28. Mystic Pin 2 Turquoises 1 Crystal 1 Cube Stone 29. Courage Seal 2 Garnets 2 Turquoises 2 Feather Stones 30. Leopard Bow 1 Cheese Stone 31. Delichu Anklet 1 Ham Stone 2 Crystals 1 Cheese Stone 32. Cheese Earrings 2 Cheese Stones 3 Sweet Stones 33. Elemental 3 Storm Stones 2 Glass Beads 1 Ruby 34. Storm Charm 1 Storm Stone 3 Ammonites 35. Antique Crown 5 Crystals 1 Ham Stone 36. Ham Bonbon 2 Crystals 2 Ham Stones 37. Hamhorn 3 Crystals 1 Dino Fossil 1 Ham Stone 38. Banana Pin 1 Crystal 1 Banana Stone 39. Fruit Basket 2 Berry Stones 2 Sweet Stones 1 Banana Stone 40. Ham Pendant 1 Topaz 2 Banana Stones 1 Ham Stone 41. Wind Bracelet 1 Sapphire 4 Feather Stones 42. Romantic Pin 2 Ammonites 1 Crystal 4 Dino Fossil 43. Ocean Helmet 2 Ammonites 1 Dino Fossil 2 Turquoises 44. Dotted Tiara 3 Crystals 45. Goku's Tiara 2 Glass Beads 46. Goku's Bracelet 1 Garnet 1 Glass Bead 47. Romantic Bonbon 1 Ammonite 1 Crystal 2 Dino Fossils 48. Clover Ring 1 Garnet 1 Crystal 4 Peridots 49. Tear Earrings 2 Aquamarines 2 Crystals 50. Ocean Necklace 5 Sapphires 5 Diamonds 5 Pearls 51. Topaz Pendant 1 Topaz 52. Smoochie Anklet 2 Ham Stones 53. Feather Earrings 2 Ammonites 2 Dino Fossils 54. Pooie Earrings 1 Ammonite 1 Banana Stone 2 Glass Beads 55. Royal Heart 6 Crystals 3 Dino Fossils 56. Berry Anklet 2 Berry Stones 4 Glass Beads 57. Fang Anklet 2 Ammonites 2 Dino Fossils 58. Ice Crown 2 Crystals 3 Sapphires 59. Diamond Bracelet 1 Diamond 60. Ice Anklet 2 Aquamarines 5 Crystals 1 Ruby 61. Antique Necklace 5 Crystals 2 Ham Stones 62. Clear Bonbon 2 Crystals 63. Shell Earrings 2 Pearls 2 Dino Fossils 64. Monkey Anklet 1 Ammonite 1 Crystal 65. Dotted Earrings 2 Crystals 2 Dino Fossil 66. Berry Earrings 2 Berry Stones 2 Crystals 67. Fang Earrings 2 Ammonites 2 Dino Fossils 68. Crystal Monarch 6 Ammonites 3 Crystals 69. Rainbow Wings 2 Feather Stones 3 Rubies 1 Rainbow Stone 70. Star Bracelet 6 Diamonds 3 Pearls 1 Uni-Star 71. Storm Tiara 6 Amethysts 1 Dino Fossil 1 Peace Moon 72. Fire Crown 1 Dino Fossil 1 Sun Stone 4 Feather Stones 73. Wave Pendant 2 Ammonites 1 Wave Stone 74. Ice Crystal 1 Ice Stone 3 Diamonds 5 Feather Stones 75. Ocean Belt 1 Wave Stone 2 Pearls 3 Banana Stones 76. Hamwood Star 3 Sapphires 1 Uni-Star 3 Rubies 77. Rainbow Road 1 Rainbow Stone 1 Cube Stone 5 Pearls 78. Sun Pin 1 Sun Stone 79. Frozen Heart 1 Ice Stone 3 Aquamarine 80. Galactic Anklet 1 Sapphire 1 Peace Moon ========================================================================== 8. Ham-Jam Songs List ========================================================================== This list will be easier to understand if you have completed the game. 1. Hamtaro Time How to Get: NA 2. Condor's Wings How to Get: This one's easy. Remember the feather in Sunny Peak next to where Arnie's little brother was waiting? Use Hamha on it, and a bird will drop the song on you. 3. Great Springs How to Get: It's in Sunny Peak also. Use Digdig in the spring water where Seedric is. (remember to Digdig under the bushes for it!) 4. Hidden Riches How to Get: When you solve the music puzzle at Sandy Bay, use Tack-Q on the big rock next to the hole that leads to Treasure Island. Hifhif the note to get this one. 5. Dizzy For You How to Get: You'll get this one in Sandy Bay on Hula Island. You get it from the hamster near the stage when you are attempting to get in the Hula Contest. 6. Go Ham Rangers How to Get: Remember the Ham-Ranger show in Fun Land? Go back to it, and Hamha the hamster at the entrance. Now go left, and hear the bulletin. Go back to the Ham Ranger area again. Hamha him again. This time the Ham Rangers you have to find are different ones. Get near the water fountain in the same area as the Ham Ranger show, then use Fussfuss on him. There's another one. Get the green one again (he's in the same area), and then go to where the balloon stand is (lower-right corner) and Tack-Q, then Fussfuss. Now go back to the performance area and watch the play again. Afterwards, the hamster at the entrance will give you the song. 7. Flower Waltz How to Get: Go back to Fun Land, and go into the game entrance entitled Tic-Tack-Q. You're gonna need a perfect score to win this one. Talk to the hamster to get the lowdown. Remember to choose to be Hamtaro (you can't control Bijou). If you're having trouble, don't think you are alone. I won pretty much by luck, but here's a tip: Let the other players speed the thing up, so you can hit more balloons, and try to get the 1-Up. 8. Moonlight How to Get: Go back to Boo Manor, and get back up to the top level. Go to the area with the music playing again. Use Noknok then Pushie on the wall. Jamout on the piano. A "ghost" will appear and agree to teach Bijou to play piano if you answer certain questions. Here's some of the possible questions he will ask and their answers: Q. What is this song entitled? A. Moonlight Q. Who plays this song? A. Beethoven Q. Including this one, how many questions have I asked durnig the test? A. Depends Q. In that Jamout, which instrument is playing? A. Piano He'll ask you three questions. When you are finished, he will give you Moonlight. 9. Monkey Salsa How to Get: After you complete the game, head back to Wild Woods and find Bog and the Monkey. Talk to Bog to find out that the Hot Spring Egg hatched. Choose a name for the duck (or whatever it is). I called it Ducktaro, because it sounds cool. After you choose the name, he'll give you Monkey Salsa. 10. Hamour How to Get: After you complete the game, talk to the reporter in Spat Tower that looks like a rabbit. Then talk to the hamster with a parasol outside the room to get this one. ========================================================================== 9. Tips/Tricks ========================================================================== PLEASE REMEMBER: These tips are all user-submitted. If you have a tip that's not here, send it to me. See "12. Contact". "When you have collected all the Ham-Chat words, the little sunflower starts to rotate on the map. if the sunflower is not rotating then you have some Ham-Chat words to find there. -rainyjean" "If you go back to Boo Manor after you've completed the game and go to the room on the second floor where there is a piano and a big coffin, and you Jamout on the piano, the coffin opens and there is an acorn inside." -helen.beeston "At Fun Land, on your way in the roller coaster, before you go up the stairs, go left and Digdig on the dirt and you'll get 50 sunflower seeds." -smileygirl213 "In Sunny Peak, Hamlift under that sunflower that the two hamsters stuffed themselves on to get 20 Sunflower Seeds. Tack-Q the tree next to Boutique Ham to get an acorn. Scoochie on the humongous sunflower to get 5 Sunflower Seeds. In Sandy Bay, do 12 headers with the soccer hams to get 20 Sunflower Seeds. You can do it again for more, too. After winning the Class A Hula Competition, go dance again and get 10 sunflower seeds. In Fun Land, get 50 rocks before you enter, and then go to the Tic-Tack-Q game and get a perfect game, and instead of getting 5 rocks you get 50 sunflower seeds. In Wildwoods, Tack-Q the tree next to the entrance and get an acorn. If you go challenge the parakeets (after getting the medicine fruit) Hif-hif the acorn, and they'll steal it, and then shoot the green one twice and grab the acorn. You can do it again after that for another acorn. If you Tack-Q the mushrooms, some will make you cough, some will make you giggle, others will spit out Sunflower Seeds. In Spat Tower, after defeating Spat, with the news hams there, Stickie the rubbish on both sides of the throne for a combined number of 50 sunflower seeds.If you Tack-Q the dresser in the holding cell where the girlfriend and boyfriend are, sunflower seeds will come out. " -Anonymous ========================================================================== 10. FAQ ========================================================================== Q. Why can't I change the name of my Ham-Jam? A. You can't. The title will always be your name. Q. I found a picture at Boo Manor. What do I do with it? A. Nothing. The picture is just something to help you get across that gap in the floor after you give the board to Panda. Q. What's underneath the rug in Boo Manor? A. Sunflower Seeds. Stand at the top of the rug and use Tuggie. Q. The old hamster at the Accessory Shop messed up when he was making my Accessories. Do I lose my gems I put into it? A. Yes. I know, it's unfair. Completely unfair. ;) The following was given by violet_yoshi: Q. I used a unique five-star rarity gem in the Accessory Shop. How do I get another one? A. What you need to do is throw out the piece of jewelry that was made with the particular 5-star Rarity gem you want back. Then go back to the cave that the gem was from, and the big rock it comes from will have reappeared. Q:what are the acorns for? what use do they have? what are they there for? A. The acorns you collect in the game you can sell to Seedric, the hamster that's always in Sunny Peak searching for acorns two screens right from Oxnard. If you Hif-hif him, you can sell the acorns to him for 20 Sunflower Seeds each. The questions below are ones that I get asked a lot. Q. Where are the three boards for Panda? A. 1. After you save Barrette in Sandy Bay, hifhif the board she was on. 2. At Boo Manor, after you get the Silver Card Key, next to the cliff. 3. From Boss after you get rid of Spat in Spat Tower. Q. Where do you get Bizzaroo? A. Tack-Q the tanning hamster in Sandy Bay. If you have a good question to ask, contact me. I might just put it here. See below for more information. ========================================================================== 11. Contact ========================================================================== If you have any questions or you know something that I missed, contact me at Some things you can contact me about: 1. Something I might have missed in the Walkthrough 2. A good question that this didn't help with (I may put it in the FAQ) 3. CONSTRUCTIVE Criticism 4. Reporting people in plaigerizing my FAQ/Walkthrough or anything in it without giving credit Some things you CANNOT contact me about: 1. Rude/Obscene letters 2. Flaming/Spamming 3. Non-Video Game related talk 4. Anything that contains inappropriateness 5. Nonsense emails (such as typing something over and over and over) 6. Game questions that have already been answered in my FAQ/Walkthrough ANYTIME I get messages like these, I will delete them without even opening them. Make sure you add something in the subject liner to let me know what game it is, and what site you are seeing it at. Example: "Question: Hamtaro: Ham Ham Heartbreak FAQ on GameFAQs". ========================================================================== 12. Acknowledgements ========================================================================== Thanks go to: Nintendo: For a terrific game. Shogakukan Productions: For such an AWESOME show. GameFAQs: For publishing this walkthrough. LightningStaff: For helping me complete the game the first time I played it. Sailorminimoon: For also helping me complete the game. Snowdrift: For reminding me to make the Ham-Jam list. Violet_Yoshi: For giving the method of how to get the 5-star Rarity gems back after you use them. Matthew Vrba: For giving me the info for Gem # 79. Frozen Heart. ugoalgirl: For letting me know about my error in Sunny Peak. >_< Pikachuwach: For giving me the info for Gem # 80. Galactic Anklet. Anybody who uses this guide for what it was meant for: You're the reason I made this. Anybody else that may have helped, Thanks! ========================================================================== 13. Legal ========================================================================== This document Copyright (C) A.H., 2003. This document may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly. These are the only places that are hereby permitted to use this guide and all my others: These are the only sites that I trust to use my FAQs as of now. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. REMEMBER, you can always find the newest version of this FAQ at these sites. All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders. Copyright (C) A.H. 2003