***************************************************************************** **********Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets: GCN-GBA Link FAQ********** ***************************************************************************** Technical stuff I gotta do: Final Version Date: 2003 Author: SIMSteven This FAQ is for free distribution anywhere. This FAQ is more of a self-help guide for connecting the GameCube and GameBoy Advance together. It's a short walkthrough on what you need to do and what you'll get. When I did it myself, it was a very painstaking process, and since most people don't have a GBA Link Cable, I figured that I'd make this FAQ to help out everyone and tell what you get by linking these two games together. This guide is especially meant to help those of you who don't have an instruction manual, since you'll be pulling out your hair trying to get this thing to work. So that means SPOILERS!!!! This FAQ is best viewed in MS Word, Courier New, size 10 font, with 1 inch margins around the document. Apparently, when I change the margins in Word to 1 inch all around, it resets the left and right margins to .92 inches. Just to let you know. Test: |-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-| ***************************************************************************** ********************************E-Mail Policy******************************** ***************************************************************************** As mentioned above, I will not give anyone my FAQ's so don't ask for them. Also, I do NOT like dumb questions. Please do NOT ask me about anything that is already covered in the FAQ. In some of my FAQ's, I included a FAQ section for the most Frequently Asked Questions. Please look there, and look at the content of the main FAQ, and if you still don't understand, ask the message board. Personally, I do NOT like questions, period. Also, do NOT ask me anything about sequels, other games in a series, or anything within those lines. If you HAVE to ask me a question, keep it within the game I made a FAQ for. Praise is also accepted, but don't ask for a response, because I won't give you one. Honestly, I get enough junk mail day after day, and I am sick of it. I check my e-mail every day, but I would rather keep my inbox as small as possible. Also, don't try to sell my anything, as your e-mail will be deleted the moment I see it. Thank you, and good day. ************************************* **********Table of Contents********** ************************************* 1) Setting up 2) Unlocking the first area 3) Searching the first area 4) Unlocking the second area 5) Gringotts and helpful hints 6) The Puzzle Mini-Game 7) Ending and Credits ********************************* **********1) Setting Up********** ********************************* First of all, you need a link cable so you can link both games together. I got mine at www.nintendo.com for $10. It's cheap, so for the little kids, convince your mommy or daddy to buy it for you. Next, once you get the cable, turn off the power to both the GameCube and GameBoy Advance. Make sure that the cable is plugged into the Gameboy Advance and the second controller port on you GameCube. (Make sure both HPATCOS games are in each console. :P) Then turn the power of both consoles on. ************************************************ **********2) Unlocking the first area ********** ************************************************ In the GameBoy Advance, select your language and push Start on the startup screen. On the main menu, select "Connectivity." On the GameCube, go to the Main Menu and at the bottom of the screen, underneath the Options Menu is a link to "Game Boy (R) Advance Link." Click on that. On that screen, select "Open up Secret Area." This opens up a new area on the Hogwarts Grounds in the GameBoy Advance Version. To find it, look around the upper-left area for a Remeberall. There should be a vine that you can climb just a little further up. *********************************************** **********3) Searching the first area********** *********************************************** After climbing the vine, you'll be in a forest area with lots of giant, ghostly white dogs (Gythrash). You can kill them with two fully-charged Skurge spells, but they're easy to avoid so you don't have to kill them unless you want to. In this area, go up and try to keep heading left. There is a box on the ground with a Famous Witches and Wizards Card in it. Here's the description: #99: Daisy Dodderidge (1467-1555) - First Landlady of the Leaky Cauldron. I haven't played through all of HPATCOS for the GBA, but I've heard that you can only get this card via the game link method. Anyways, collect this card and then collect all of the other cards in the set (Godric Griffindor, Salazar Slytherin, Rowena Ravenclaw, and Helga Hufflepuff) and save the game. That's all you get in the GBA version? Yup. Pretty sad. ************************************************ **********4) Unlocking the second area********** ************************************************ Turn off the power to your GBA, then turn it back on. Hook up the GCN to the GBA again, if you haven't already. Follow the same route that you did to unlock the area in the GBA (GBA = Connectivity. GCN = GBA Link -> Unlock Secret Area). Now that that's done, go to the side room near the save point in the Entrance Hall. Open the portrait and you'll be in Gringotts Bank. ************************************************* **********5) Gingotts and helpful hints********** ************************************************* Inside Gringotts, there are four chests. Inside of them are Wizard and Witches Cards. You can get cards at the end of the game from Fred and George if you don't have a link cable, though so don't worry if you don't have one. There is also a Chocolate Frog in the middle of the room for a BIG health recovery. #58 - Glover Hipworth: Diffindo Chest #77 - Norvel Twonk: Alohomora Chest #59 - Gregory the Smarmy: Skurge Chest # - : Incendio Chest I've also decided to include quotes on this section of the game as most people won't be able to get to hear them. Password for the Portrait: Harry: "Open! That's got it!" Griphook #1: "This place really hasn't been the same since the break-in last year." Griphook #2: "Feel free to examine any of the literature you see in the bank. Otherwise, clear off." Griphook #3: "Why don't you peruse the information located throughout the bank. Either that, or get lost." Griphook #4: "Terrible business last year with the break-in. I wonder how they did it?" Griphook #5: "Ah, Mr. Potter - Vault 713 if I recall." (On the left side of the bank) Generic Quote #1: "Leave me alone, boy. Can't you see I'm busy?" Generic Quote #2: "If you're not here to make a deposit, kindly make a withdrawal and refrain from disturbing me." Generic Quote #3: "Galleons, Sickles, and Knuts. Much simpler than that decimal system." Generic Quote #4: "A couple of kids set off a dung bomb in here earlier - stank to high heaven. I hope you're not thinking of doing the same, boy." Generic Quote #5: "Be on your way, then. I'm very busy." Generic Quote #6: "Making a deposit today, Mr. Potter?" Generic Qutoe #7: "Mr. Potter, will you be making a withdrawal today? (On the right side of the bank) Generic Quote #8: "The books in the bank can assist second year students at Hogwarts." Generic Quote #9: "There's a book over there that may help young students like you." Generic Quote #10: "Doesn't Griphook deal with your account, Mr. Potter?" Generic Quote #11: "Have you looked through our literature, yet? It may help you at Hogwarts." Generic Quote #12: "Buzz off. I'm busy." There are also hint books in the Gringotts Bank. They change as you play the game. Each page is the last of a certain story, so they read out like they've been continued from the pervious page. However, you can't turn the page back to see what was written before that. Here's what they say: Hint Book #1: ...will emit a cloud of noxious green gas. Throwing Stink Pellets in public paces is not an activity confined solely to the young. On April 1st, 1979, Caractacus Phelps, a forty-two year old wizard from Staines exploded no less than eight hundred Stink Pellets by dropping them en-masse from the roof of the Daily Prophet building in Diagon Alley. The resultant gas cloud caused untold discomfort throughout London and approximately 500 cases of 'stinkitus' were reported. The non-magical authorities explained the stinking cloud away as an unpleasant emission from a nearby factory. The stench of a single pellet will only stun those in range, however, and the effects only last for a brief period of time. Hint Book #2: ...because Madam Hooch has always encouraged the pupils at Hogwarts to return to her flying lessons. Hooch can often be seen on the school's flying area coaxing her students through some of the intricacies of broomflight. Hint Book #3: ...was covered in splinters that took several days to remove. When swerving a broom at high velocities, a certain loss of control may be experienced. Many inexperienced wizards and witches have fallen foul of non-magical 'pylons' when out practicing. A small reduction in speed when entering tighter turns reduces the chances of hitting any obstructions. Hint Book #4: ...with a rather long spine sticking out from his nether regions. Following this experience, the young wizard soon learned the hierological technique for grasping and pulling Horklumps. This technique involves utilizing the Flipendo Knockback Jinx to stun the creature long enough to pick it up. Unlike Puffapod, Horklumps do not explode when hit with Flipendo. Hint Book #5: ...from the top of his leg down to his ankle. The Diffindo Severing Charm can also be used on large pieces of material, such as tapestries. Simply cast the spell at a tapestry and it will be severed and its connections and fall to the ground. Hint Book #6: ...and extemely swollen to the point of freakishness. But Wizard Dueling is not about deformation. Wizard Dueling can be a satisfying and rewarding art. The best technique is to return the opponent's spells with the Expelliarmus dueling charm; yet this in itself is not enough. When dueling, stance and posture is also important. A quick sidestep every now and again helps immensely when timing one's attacks and defending against an opponent's spellcasts. Pick your moment, because a well-timed cast can score more points. Hint Book #7: ...as well as a ruptured spleen. Some of the more skilled broomstick racers swear by the gradual introduction of speed when cornering. Flying too fast when attempting to corner can lead to a crash and a great deal of time can be lost recovering from impact. Hint Book #8: ...and every item of clothing was torn from his body. As a warning then, keeping a careful watch on the surrounding environment is vital when moving into situations requiring stealth. Pushing oneself against a wall can help, but there is also much to be said for a darting run from one place to another. Hint Book #9: ...wobbling like a large green jelly. Apart from the comedic qualities of ectoplasm, this gooey substance can block access to areas or even prevent the function of certain kinds of machinery. The best solution to both of these situations is a well-aimed cast of the Skurge spell. Hint Book #10: ...only to discover that you have been momentarily blinded. Duelists find that the environment is as much their enemy as the opposition. Spells that veer off course can often cause an adverse effect on the caster. Forcing the enemy into the path of you returned spells will often pay large dividends. Hint Book #11: ...which soon ballooned to a monstrous size on the side of his face. This and other ailments may be cured through the speedy imbibing of some Wiggenweld potion. I always carry several vials of this stamina replenishing substance around with me, just in case. Hint Book #12: ...ended up literally spitting feathers. Nowadays, of course, the Avifors transfiguration charm is the most popular solution. Avifors is useful for adding weight where weight is required, or obviously, for removing the downward pressure of certain smaller objects. Hint Book #13: ...often resulting in a nasty rash. During my days at Hogwarts, I well remember scanning the common room notice board for extra tasks in order to increase the number of House Points I might gain. I often found myself searching high and low for something and getting a large reward of House Points when I found it. Hint Book #14: ...with numerous painful ruptures. If a distraction is required, one need only release a Luminous Balloon into a room and watch the occupants make a beeline for the noisily intrusive object. Hint Book #15: The Polyjuice potion has become a favorite with those seeking to change their appearance (usually for nefarious reasons). I well recall a certain Hufflepuff boy (who will remain nameless) managed to transform himself into the Arithmancy teacher and awarded himself a passing mark in each one of his Arithmancy examinations. Hint Book #16: ...leaving with an ordinary protuberance. Ordinarily, she would have used the Alohomora unlocking charm to open the padlocked door, but in this particular case, her wand was snapped and unusable. Hint Book #17: ...causing one of the largest mid-air collisions I have ever seen. There are many ways of avoiding incidents like this; one way is to exercise proper control of the broom. Slowing down when there is an obstacle in the way is better than attempting a wild maneuver in order to avoid it. This advise should definitely be followed when playing Quiddich. Hint Book #18: ...flailing around on its back. However, this also turns out to be the best way to deal with the fiery little creatures. As the Fire Crab turns to attack, use the Knockback Jinx to flip it onto its back and then cast Incendio to incapacitate it. Hint Book #19: ...taking care to make it as excruciating as possible. The Incendio charm will assist in keeping everything in the house free of those sticky spider's webs, especially if one finds one's way blocked by a particularly capacious specimen. Hint Book #20: ...pursued by a large monkey, surreally brandishing several enormous mackerel. But it is to the banishment of spiders that we now must turn our attention. Once again, that old wizard's stalwart, Flipendo jinx, comes in handy. Simply cast this at the tiny pests and they soon scuttle away. Hint Book #21: ...only to discover that her leg had mysteriously had gone missing. If she had used Incendio on the balled-up spider's webs in the house, she may have found her missing limb, along with an abundant collection of Famous Witches and Wizards Cards. Which would have been most gratifying in the extreme. ******************************************* **********6) The Puzzle Mini-Game********** ******************************************* There is also a bonus puzzle mini-game that you can play by using the GBA-GCN Link Cable. You get it by taking the cartridge out of the GBA. Then, you link the two consoles together and select "Download Game" from the GCN's link from the main menu. This is one of those old-fashioned slider games with eight squares and one missing square. You slide the pieces of the puzzle together to make a picture. I have not gotten past the first puzzle, so this part of the FAQ is incomplete. I do know that the first picture is the scene in Knockturn Alley where Harry encounters the witch selling fingernails. ***************************************** **********7) Ending and Credits********** ***************************************** That's all there is to this FAQ. I hope you enjoyed it. Credits go to GameFAQs for being the best ****ing site on the Web. And of course, to me for writing this FAQ.