******************************************************************************* __ __ ____ __ __ / / / /___ _____________ __ / __ \____ / /_/ /____ _____ / /_/ / __ `/ ___/ ___/ / / / / /_/ / __ \/ __/ __/ _ \/ ___/ / __ / /_/ / / / / / /_/ / / ____/ /_/ / /_/ /_/ __/ / /_/ /_/\__,_/_/ /_/ \__, / /_/ \____/\__/\__/\___/_/ /____/ __ ________ ____ _____ ____/ / /_ __/ /_ ___ / __ `/ __ \/ __ / / / / __ \/ _ \ / /_/ / / / / /_/ / / / / / / / __/ \__,_/_/ /_/\__,_/ /_/ /_/ /_/\___/ ____ _ ____ / __ \_____(_)________ ____ ___ _____ ____ / __/ / /_/ / ___/ / ___/ __ \/ __ \/ _ \/ ___/ / __ \/ /_ / ____/ / / (__ ) /_/ / / / / __/ / / /_/ / __/ /_/ /_/ /_/____/\____/_/ /_/\___/_/ \____/_/ ___ __ __ / |____ / /______ _/ /_ ____ _____ / /| /_ / / //_/ __ `/ __ \/ __ `/ __ \ / ___ |/ /_/ ,< / /_/ / /_/ / /_/ / / / / /_/ |_/___/_/|_|\__,_/_.___/\__,_/_/ /_/ A Guide For The Gameboy Advance. ******************************************************************************* Copyright 2004 Naomi Frosdick (hyper ni) This guide may not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal or private use. It may not be placed on any web site, sold or otherwise distributed publicly without my permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. All trademarks/copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark/copyright holders. You can contact me at hyper_ni@yahoo.co.uk concerning the guide and send your own suggestions/additions if you want to and I will consider adding them, but DONT bother to send spam or waste my time. Also please put gamefaqs in the title or Harry Potter if you dont want me to auto delete the emails! Lastly, enjoy the guide and i hope its of help to at least one person! Thank you! :) ******************************************************************************* ********************************** Contents *********************************** ******************************************************************************* 1. Updates/Version History 2. Introduction to Walkthrough 3. Walkthrough 4. Characters and their Specials 5. Classroom Locations/Hogwarts Layout 6. Collector Card Locations 7. Card Combinations 8. Credits/Thankyou's ******************************************************************************* ************************* 1. Updates/Version History ************************** ******************************************************************************* *** March 2005 This is the first version of my first ever guide so there are still a lot of things to be sorted out! I've listed the main sections to be completed but may add others or change them as I go along. I've written the whole of the game Walkthrough though. Will be adding updates as soon as can I type them! ******************************************************************************* *********************** 2. Introduction to walkthrough ************************ ******************************************************************************* *** The walkthrough is split into the different game goals each with a separate heading so you can skip to the one you need and find your place easily. Some goals will be very short as they only require you to go to a certain location or talk to someone specific but I have tried to list them all anyway. *** Abbreviations used are as follows: CC, Famous Witches and Wizards Collector Card MBOM, Monster Book of Monsters DATDA, Defence Against The Dark Arts WWP, Wiggenweld Potion GWWP, Grand Wiggenweld Potion ATCP, Antidote to Common Poisons PUP, Pepperup Potion GPUP, Grand Pepperup Potion APP, Anti-Paralysis Potion *** The game does give you "hints" on how to approach certain situations but I have chosen not to include them so they do not disrupt the flow of the Walkthrough and just explained what to do in my own words. *** Also for completeing certain tasks etc, you will gain extra exp points that will boost to your total making it easier to reach the higer levels. *** You will encounter blue smoke blobs as you first start playing the game which are actually a type of enemy you haven’t identified yet. Once you fight them and use Informus to see their stats the smoke disappears and you can see what type of enemy it is. *** Where you see text contained in < and > this explains a cut scene you will encounter whilst playing the game. ******************************************************************************* ********************************* 3. Walkthrough ****************************** ******************************************************************************* *** (Please read section 3. above if you haven't already as it explains the Walkthrough and things you should know before starting to play. Thanks) *** ~~~~~ Talk to Cornelius Fudge ~~~~~ This is your first goal and is very simple. Just walk upwards and Fudge will begin talking to you. He tells you to follow him and he will escort you to your room so you don’t get lost. Walk to the right and downwards to see the stairs you need to go up. Once upstairs follow the corridor upwards and talk to Fudge again who gives you three CC's (see section 5). You will then walk into your room and see a birthday present on the bed from Hagrid, it’s the MBOM, which then attacks you! It's a pretty easy battle and the best spell to use is Incendio. After defeating the book you will receive some sickles and a black school robe. You then decide it’s late and you should go to bed. ~~~~~ Greet the Weasleys ~~~~~ When you wake up in the morning you can equip your school robe and open the chest for another CC. Leave your room and go back downstairs. Walk upwards and the Weasleys begin speaking to you. They take you to Ron who is worried about his rat Scabbers, so you suggest giving it some Rat Tonic but Ron doesn't have any so you suggest asking Tom the Innkeeper if he has some. ~~~~~ Find the Rat tonic ~~~~~ You must now speak to Tom who is standing behind the bar wearing a black top, and it looks like he's bald. He tells you he thinks there is some Rat Tonic in the cellar if you don’t mind getting it yourself. You can also open the chest below Ron which holds another CC. The way to the cellar is in the top left corner of the main room, through a doorway and around the edge of the main room and the stairs are at the bottom of the passageway. Go down the stairs into the cellar and once inside walk to the gap, use Lumos to light the way, and walk over the green path that appears to gain a level up. Approach the barrels and cast Flipendo to smash them, and walking past them gains you 5 exp points. Keep walking through the cellar and get the GWWP from the chest in a gap above you, follow the path round to the stairs and go down both sets. There is a crate at the bottom of the screen which you have to push left with Flipendo, which gains you another 5 exp points. This allows you to go back up the small set of stairs and walk along the platform and over the crate. Walk up and open the chest for another CC before going up the stairs. Use Lumos to some reveal more green path to walk over. Head left and go up through a door in the pathway to get back onto proper floor again. Keep going up as far as you can to a chest with an ATCP and then go right and see a rat eat too much rat tonic and grow into a giant! Fighting the rat is pretty easy and all the spells work ok. Defeat it and you will pick up the rat tonic. Now walk to the right of another crate and push it left with Flipendo to get to the stairs back up to the main room of the inn. ~~~~~ Deliver the Rat Tonic to Ron ~~~~~ When you go back upstairs you overhear the Weasleys secretly talking about you. You tell Ron about this and give him the rat tonic. Then Hermione appears with her new pet, Crookshanks the cat. Crookshanks chases Scabbers and he runs off to the cellar, its now up to you as Harry to decide who you want to accompany as Ron and Hermione set off to retrieve their pets. You must head back to the cellar and watch as the pets run through a door. You must use Lumos to cross the gap again and follow them through the door. ~~~~~ Ron and Harry/Find Scabbers When you enter there is a set of stairs to your right but they are broken and so with no way of fixing them you walk on and come to a locked gate. Ron can use Alohomora to open it and pass through. Follow the path ahead and open the nearby chest for a CC, keep going and you will enter a dark patch of ground. Lumos will guide you round (go left, down, left, up, right, and up again) until you run into a crate blocking your path. This can be knocked out of your way using Flipendo. As you continue to walk upwards Hermione appears and walks over the crate you just moved and carries on along the upper path she is on. The path goes left now and as you walk you will see Scabbers sitting at the top on a table. The chest beside you holds another CC. Go up the stairs to your left and use Alohomora again to open the gate at the top. You are now reunited with Hermione and Crookshanks and you all leave the Cellar together and come out upstairs on the landing of the Inn. ~~~~~ Hermione and Harry/Find Crookshanks When you enter you see a locked gate and a broken set of stairs to your right. You cannot unlock the gate but Hermione can use Reparo on the stairs to fix them. Follow the path up and then go right to see a chest with a CC inside, walk back and go up another set of stairs. Harry must now use Lumos so you can cross the gap and gain 5 exp. Follow the path until you see a cut scene with Ron moving a crate which fills a gap in the path you are on allowing you to walk over it. As the path widens out you see a chest with a CC inside and as you walk upwards Crookshanks is sitting nearby, you will gain 20 exp for recovering her. Use Reparo to fix the stairs to your left and walk up them to reunite with Ron and Scabbers, you all then leave the Cellar together and come out upstairs on the landing of the Inn. ~~~~~ Speak to/Greet the Weasleys ~~~~~ When you all reunite in the Cellar your goal is to speak to the Weasleys but when you are on the landing it will change to greet the Weasleys. As you walk towards them Mrs. Weasley will say that you have to hurry up and leave the Inn as you must get to the station right away so you don’t miss the Hogwarts Express. ~~~~~ Find your seat ~~~~~ You are now on the train and Hermione says you must hurry and find seats. You can use this opppourtunity to roam the train if you wish as there is a CC and PUP to be found in tresure chests. Back in the passenger car you started in is a semi empty compartment. The only occupant is a sleeping man who Hermione notices is Prof. Lupin. As you are about to take your seats the train slows to a stop and Neville Longbottom appears. He tells you he has lost his toad Trevor and Harry says you will try and find him. Neville says that he was last seen a baggage car and that he will wait for you at your compartment. ~~~~~ Find Trevor ~~~~~ As you walk through the next passenger car the lights go out. Harry spots Trevor when you enter the baggage car but just then a Dementor floats past and Harry collapses. The Dementor starts to shake the door trying to break it and as Ron or Hermione you must use Flippendo to release the bars to secure them. The bars are on the right side of the doors and will flash white when you need to hit them, you gain an extra 10 exp each for securing each door. However even this cannot stop the Dementor and it finally breaks the door open just as Prof. Lupin appears. ~~~~~ Ron: Find chocolate for Harry If you choose Ron you must go to the right, through the next baggage car and into the buffet car to buy the chocolate. There is a chest containing a CC in the baggage car and on the other side is a giant snake enemy. The snake and his spider partner should be easy to defeat if you have been fighting lots of battles and leveled up a few times. The best spell to use on the snake is in my opinion Verdimillious and also use the Wizard Cracker move to get a powerful hit. The spiders weakness is Flipendo and you should only have to use it twice to defeat it. Walk right into the Buffet car and buy the chocolate for 1 sickle and open the chest containing the PUP if you haven't already got it. ~~~~~ Hermione: Find the Train Conductor If you choose Hermione you need to head back into the passenger car you started in. On your way you will see lots of small enemies, fight them if you wish but if you stay close to the base wall of the carriages you can dodge past them. The Conductor is standing near where you left Neville on the far side of the carriage. Hermione asks him if he can please get the train moving and he says of course. He tells you that you will shortly be arriving in Hogsmeade and that you should return to your seat. *** Return to Lupin *** After completeing your task you must back track your way into the baggage car, Lupin revives Harry with the chocolate and the train starts to move again. ### AT HOGWARTS SCHOOL OF WITCHCRAfT AND WIZARDRY ### Now you are at the school you can roam around a bit before carrying on with your goals if you fancy it, there are various CC and Potions to be found in treasure chests on most floors and you can always familiarise yourself with the classroom locations too. *** Find the Gryffindor Common Room *** You start out in the school entrance hall and as you walk you will run into Malfoy, Crabbe and Goyle who try and tease you but Harry says to ignore them and that you should get to the common room. There are two ways to do this, the most obvious is using the grand staircase in front of you but this can take some time so the quickest way is via the portrait room in the top right hand corner of the entrance hall. The room is filled with pictures and most will lead you along a secret passage to different floors of the school. However sometimes you may not be able to use them as the room may be locked or the pictures have gone so you have to use the staircase. The picture that leads you to floor 7 where the common room is located is the figure in red in the bottom right picture. When you arrive at floor 7 the entrance to the common room is through the portrait of The Fat Lady in the bottom left hand corner. Inside the common room Professor McGonagall makes some announcements and speaks to Hermione secretly and then you go to bed. *** Go to Transfiguration class *** The Transfiguration classroom is on the first floor, so use the portrait on floor 7 to get back to the portrait room. Leave and go up the main stairs and to the left to enter the classroom. McGonagall tells you todays lesson is about Animagi and turns herself into her 'Cat' form and asks Harry and Hermione to negotiate a maze and locate her in it. *** Find McGonagall *** You will enter the maze automatically and once inside go up and to the right. You will see two barrels, two crates and two pressure pads. Smash the barrels with Flipendo, and then standing in the cleared space, use the same spell to move the crates onto the pressure pads and open the door, gaining 5 exp each. The path before you now splits into two. Take the right side first and follow it up and right until you reach a dead end and a chest with a CC in it. Backtrack and keep walking left. You will see a chest in the lower left corner that holds another CC. From here walk up and round to the left. There is a row of three crates here that you need to move onto pressure pads (use Flipendo); stand under the left crate and push it up twice and left once, the middle crate goes up three times and right five times, and the right crate goes down once and then right twice, the doors open and you gain 5 exp again for doing this. Follow and branch off to the right and you run into Crabbe and Goyle, Malfoys buddies. They are at level 10 and 12 and you should be at about that too, if you need to level up fight as many enemies as possible using Hermiones Good Study Habits lecture to boost your exp gained and then fight them. They are pretty easy and probably the best spell is Incendio. When they are defeated you gain 10 exp each, a Black Pointed Hat and some Quidditch boots. Walk down into a room full of crates. Push the one to your left against the wall, weave down and push the next one to the right, open the chest in the top right corner for a GWWP, then push the last crate to the left onto a pressure pad to open the doors and retrieve McGonagall and gain another 10 exp each. Head back into the classroom and gain another 25 exp each and also the Petrificus Totalus spellbook from McGonagall and the class ends. *** Go to Care of Magical Creatures class *** Leave the classroom and go down the stairs and out the front doors of the school. Go over the bridge and onto the cobbled path and you will walk to Hagrids hut. *** Find the five escaped books *** Once inside the garden take the exit on the bottom of the screen and hop onto the raft at the edge of the stream, when it stops a chest is nearby with a CC inside. You need to go to the edge of the stream and cast Glacius to freeze the water (you will all gain 10 EXP) and walk over the ice block to a battle with the first escaped MBOM. Incendio is still a good spell to use, and also Diffino and Glacius are good too. Once you have defeated the book walk up and use Diffindo to sever the cobwebs blocking your path (gain another 10 EXP each). Walk up and take the left hand path following it round and severing all cobwebs on the way. At the end of the path is a pad that you must use Spongify on (and gain another 10 EXP each) to enable you to bounce over to the next area where a chest containing a GWWP and another MBOM are waiting. After defating the book use Lumos to walk right, over the gap, and Spongify to bounce over the stream. Diffindo the cobwebs and follow the path down to the third MBOM. Walk to the right and use Glacius to cross the stream to an island with another MBOM. The chest also on the island contains a GPUP and once you have that use Glacius to freeze the stream above you to move to another piece of land and then Glacius the water to the left to cross back into the main garden. Use Flippendo on the large square stone to your left and it will slot into a gap in the wall (gain 10 EXP each). Spongify the pad just below where the block was and bounce up to a higher level. Open the chest for a CC and walk over the top of the stone block to the last MBOM. Hoorah! *** Go to Care of Magical Creatures class *** Once you defeat the last book walk upwards to find a Venemous Tentacula blocking your path. You should use your highest level spells against it, good ones to use are Incendio, Diffindo and Glacius. You should receive Potions Gloves for defeating it and then if you walk up into the darkness you arrive back at Hagrids hut. ******* Note: You are now free to roam the grounds before going to potions class. Walk up until you find a bridge and cross it to find the school Greenhouses. Follow the path here to the right and when it branches up you will find a chest with a Common Welsh Green Dragon-hide Belt inside it. Go back to the path and walk right to another chest, this one has a CC in it. Follow the path down to the Boathouses and use Alohomora to open the locked gate on the way. At the bottom of the stairs you will find a chest with a Longhorn Dragon-hide Cloak inside. Backtrack to Hagrids hut and then head down where you will find the lake, walk around the bottom edge of it and opent the chest for some Common Welsh Green Dragon-hide Gloves. Now head back to the school to continue. ******* *** Go to Potions class *** Walk down and get back onto the path and go back to the school. From the Entrance Hall take the upper left hand door into the Dungeons and then the first door on your left into the potions classroom where an APP is in a chest in the bottom right hand corner. Walk up to see Prof. Snape enter the room. *** Find the five potion ingredients *** Choose either Harry and Hermione or Ron and Hermione. You must collect: daisy roots, shrivelfig, rat spleen, dead catterpillar and leech juice. ~~~~~ Harry and Hermione Walk into the potions classroom maze and use Diffindo on the cobweb on the left side to progress. Lumos over the gap and get the Shrivelfig from the chest, follow the path all the way to the left and open both chests to receive a CC and the daisy roots. Backtrack to the pool of water and Glacius over it to get a WWP from the chest. Put out the fire using Glacuis too and follow the path to another fire and cobweb, deal with both of these and carry on along the path to a chest with another WWP inside. When you have opened the chest walk through it and up the steps to another chest with the leech juice inside. Keep walking up and use Glacius to cross the water and you will run into a River Troll. Glacuis and Incendio seem to work well here and it is best to them at Duo if you can. It is also good to be at around level 20 by now as battles will keep getting harder. Defeat the River Troll for the dead catterpillar and a chest lies behind him with the rat spleen inside it which is the last ingredient (gain 10 EXP for collecting all five). ~~~~~ Return the ingredients to Snape Now you have to go back to class, backtrack your way over the water, down the steps and through the chest. Go left and follow the path back round to the other pool, walk across the ice and go down. Lumos back over the gap again and follow the path back to the classroom. ~~~~~ Ron and Hermione Walk into the potions classroom maze and use Alohomora on the locked gate to your right then follow the path. Use spongify on the pad to bounce over the gap and open the chest for a CC. Go up and open the chest you see to your right for another CC. Keep going right along the path and a chest is in the bottom right corner with the daisy roots inside. Go back to the other chest and then go up and through the gap in the top wall. Ignore the Spongify pads and head right along the path to find two chests, one has a CC inside and the other has the Shrivelfig. Go to the Spongify pads now and bounce into the middle, walk up slightly and Spongify the middle pad to bounce over to the far left side. Go down and Alohomora the gate, open the treasure chest for a WWP and walk through it and up the steps to another chest with the leech juice inside. Keep walking up and use Glacius to cross the water and you will run into a River Troll. Glacuis and Incendio seem to work well here and it is best to have them at Duo if you can. It is also good to be at level 20 by now as battles will keep getting harder. Defeat the River Troll for the dead catterpillar and a chest lies behind him with the rat spleen inside it which is the last ingredient (gain 10 EXP for collecting all five). ~~~~~ Return the ingredients to Snape Now you have to go back to class, backtrack your way over the water, down the steps and through the chest. Go right and up and Spongify the pad near you. It will bounce you right over the gap so head down now and Spongify over the other gap and follow the path back round to the classroom. *** Go to the staff room *** Leave the Dungeons and go back into the Entrance Hall, the staff room is the door to your immediate left. *** Go to the Gryffindor common room *** Go to the portrait room and use the secret staircase behind the man in red to quickly get to the seventh floor. Go through the Fat Lady portrait into the common room where Crookshanks and Scabbers are fighting again. *** Find Scabbers *** Harry says he will help Ron cathch Scabbers so set off and leave the common room. Walk out of the common room and walk any direction to where Scabbers is sitting, and catch him again (gain 10 EXP each). ~~~~~ Find the Fat Lady ~~~~~ Leave the seventh floor and head down the staircase asking portraits on your way to find out that Sir Cadogan is on the second floor. Go down to the second floor and both Sir Cadogan and the Fat Lady are just below you when you enter. ~~~~~ Go to the Gryffindor common room ~~~~~ Back track to the seventh floor where Sir Cadogan is in the Fat Lady's place and Harry is waiting for you in the common room. ~~~~~ Go to the Library ~~~~~ Enter the library on the right hand side of the third floor and go down the spiral staircase in the middle of the room. *** Return to DATDA class *** You can do this anyway you like, the DATDA classroom is in the top left of the third floor. I normally go back up the stairs in the library and out the exit on the left wall into the main corridors of floor 3. DATDA is located in the top left corner of the floor, walk into the room and Hermione appears behind you. *** Go to the Gryffindor Common Room *** Clas is over and you must now go back to the common room. The portrait room route is probably easiest and quickest again. Exit the classroom and use the red picture nearby to get back into the portrait room and then use the other red picture in the portrait room to get back to the seventh floor. The common room is located on the lower left hand side. *** Go to Hagrid's Hut *** Leave the common room and use the red portrait to get back to the portrait room Leave the room using the door on the left and walk through the entrance hall and down to go out the main doors. Go over the bridge and follow the faint path to the hut. *** Go to the Library *** Ron and Harry must now go back to the Library to try and find a book that will be of help. Enter the school building again and go up the staircase to the second floor. Enter the Library on the right hand side of the screen and talk to Madam Prince. She tells you to check the legal section on the South side of the Library. Walk down and to the right and as you pass into the leagal section you will gain 10 EXP. The book is on a shelf on the right hand side, collect it and then you will decide to go and speak to Hermione as it does not look good for Buckbeak's case. *** Find Hermione *** Exit the Library on the left hand side again and walk around to the left hand side of the second floor. *** Go to the Great Hall *** Walk to the top of the second floor and use the portrait secret passage to get to the portrait room, from there walk down and out the bottom door into the Great Hall. *** Go to Professor Lupins Office *** The quickest way to get to Lupins office is probably via the portrait room yet again. You need to take the red one on the top row to get to the third floor. The office is located below the DATDA clasroom on the left hand side of the floor. *** Go to the Gryffindor Common Room *** Again its up to you which route you want to take as you should know your way around pretty well by now. Either take the stairs or go via the portrait room and up to the seventh floor that way. The Common Room is still located in the bottom left corner of the floor! *** Go to the Gryffindor Boys dormitory *** Walk out of the Comomn Room using the door on the North wall and you enter the dormitory and go to bed. *** Go to the Gryffindor Common Room *** *** Go to the Gryffindor Boys dormitory *** *** Find Ron and Hermioine *** When you wake up in the morning you see a note from Hagrid saying that Buckbeak lost the trial. You head to the Common Room and talk to Ron and Hermione.