Adventure Island IV Complete Walkthrough - V 1.0 Spark Pristine - ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. Contents ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Contents 2. Version History 3. Introduction 4. Walkthrough 5. Thanks and Comrades ^.^ 6. Copyright Information ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2. Version History ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- V 1.0 3/08/03 - Initial walkthrough started, giving strategy through the entire game. ^.^;; Good luck! *Bang!* V 2.0 ?/??/03 - I'll get to this one day, though all it will include is items and things in tabular form and, if anyone wants to give it to me, where to find the last half piece of heart. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 3. Introduction ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Howdy! ^.^ Another bounty hunter walkthrough. Gotta love it. ^.^ Well, this game is about Master Higgins and his wanting to rescue his friends, the dinosaurs, from the big mouth that munches them. ^.^;; Not much of a story, I know, but a fun game, nonetheless. Note, this walkthrough will contain spoilers all around too. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 4. Walkthrough ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Higgins' House and Area 1 This is where it all begins. The big, evil face composed of three stars appears before Higgins and his girlfriend, munching on all of his friends. After this little scene, you get control, so wander around a little in this area to get used to things. A is to jump and B throws your initial weapon, an endless supply of bones. Start takes you to the items/weapons screen, Select takes you to the map, and the directional buttons move you around (up allowing you to go into doorways when in front of them). Now that you're ready, let's move on out to the right. First off, jump over the pit and go into the doorway on the other side, an old Pterodactyl mumbling about how the good old days were and then he gives you and egg which he says you can use as a teleport. Can't use it yet, so head on over and go down the ladder. Big stone to the left, so can't go that way; then, we're going right. Hit the snail with a bone and get the fruit from it, just casually heading to the right (It's an easy level to start off with, what do you expect? ^.^;;). Avoid the monkey throwing bananas and hit it with bones, collecting any fruit that may pop up above the trees and also destroying the crab floating in the air, heading down under the cliff and destroying the snail, then falling off. Fruit helps you gain hearts back. Look to the left at the apple and the eight dots. Once all of the dots are red, you regain a heart, thus keeping you alive. Another good item is the star, which provides invincibility, but these are rare and getting off topic. Down here is a dark cavern. Spooky! Watch out for the stupid bat flying around. You have to jump when you throw to hit it. To the left beyond the water dripping is an egg with some meat in it, but you probably don't need that now. So, jump over the lava pit and up into the hole, landing on the ledge with the door. This door leads to one of the many minigames of this island. However, you need a hammer for it, so argh to the mole. I wouldn't enter it if I were you. Jump over to the ledge opposite the door and climb up the tree, making sure to watch out for the little fly coming from the left here. To the left is a movable log, some enemies, and some fruit, but all of that is unnecessary at the moment. So, head to the right, killing or avoiding the crow, and go into the door, where we have a minigame, whee! A racing one at that. If you don't want to play, though I don't see why not, than skip this part. You need to have seven of the eight dots filled and rapidly tap A to get to the top before the monkey, so if you don't have that many, then I'd recommend getting some. It's easier with seven at least (I've beat it with four and lots of tapping). ^.^ You get the compass this first time, this item telling you which way you should head in a level. You can get some more fruit and return, getting an extra heart that is a special item (not one that you gain instantly, but that you can use later), a vial of red stuff (another item that you can use later that refills a heart), and a little ticket that takes you back to your hut when you use it. Climb down the tree past the minigame door and head into this new door to the bottom left. A miniboss, a giant bat, awaits. Just hit it with bones, avoid and kill the bats it sends after you, and duck whenever it flies over the platform and you'll beat it with ease. You get a hammer for this one! This things is slower and doesn't have as good of range as the bone, but it can crush rocks and things. ^.^; Stick with the bone as primary weapon now. Now you can appease that mole and go play the minigame back a few screens if you like. I do like, so that's what I'm going to explain here. Again, I used seven fruits to play this game, so just mind that fact. You have to get 20 moles to get this guy's Fairy. An annoying task even when I played it. My best advice is to swing while you're heading towards the mole you need to bash, seeing as how the hammer swings so slow. Some of the moles pop up fully, while others come up halfway, thus making them vanish quicker. You can get about 16 or so easily, but need to be really fast to get all of them. No extra items after winning this one either. This fairy that you win completes the special item list and resurrects Higgins one time after his hearts run out. A grand item! ^.^ Now, return to the area where the door to the giant bat was, heading to the right and destroying the small rock in your way. Avoid the bug, bounce up to the ledge, then up again to the ledge under the log, killing the four moles that pop up one after the other here. I gotta say, though, I don't get why the bomb is here, so any help would be welcome. Anyways, keep on heading right from here (fall off the cliff if you really wanna), destroying enemies all the while. Watch out for the running thing as you keep on going. Fall down the cliff, killing the bat and avoiding the drop of water and the fire. Make sure you destroy all the enemies as you traverse the cavern. When you make it to the end, hold Down and crawl through the small passage, going into the door. Kill the bat, then jump and press the button. Climb the blocks and get the egg, getting an extra heart added to your life! Now, if you want, can collect fruit to get your life to full, or continue on. If you're just lacking one heart, I'd just ignore collecting now. Climb back under the passage, then jump up to the ledges, bouncing on the left where the music changes at the top. Dun, dun, dun, the boss! However, before facing it, bounce to the right ledge, then up the two blocks to the higher ledge, making sure to do it quickly as the blocks fall down. Pick up this block, fall down to the main area, jump over the pit, then throw the block down a little before the floating block to the right. Jump on it, on the block, then to the high ledge, finally jumping over to the egg and cracking it, getting the meat. Now, jump down at head to the right, where the boss awaits. This boss isn't so tough, being a big stone head that throws a boulder at you. Jump onto the ledge right in front of it, pelting its eyes with bones. When the boulder returns, run back to the left as fast as you can, especially if it knocked down a rock and the boulder will bounce once before it returns to the head. Once it explodes, the whole stage explodes and you get your red dino pal (Spade) back, yay. ^.^ Your pal also gives you a torch, which you'll need in the next area. Dark place, isn't it? First thing, equip the torch and head to the left, bouncing up and lighting the brazier here. However, be wary, because the flame dies down after ten seconds or so. Jump across the platforms to the left before this happens, though I'm sure you already knew that. Go through the door on the other side and you appear... at your hut? Eerie cavern. Well, anyways, time to take a rest, so go inside the hut and press up on the left bed, getting the password for having saved Spade: J15H-9C-3G. You also get all of your health restored here as well. ^.^ Area 2 Now, head to the right and down the ladder. GASP! The rock has been smashed on the path to the left here. And it's happened at such a convenient time too. Well, let's take advantage of this and go the path. I would suggest, however, that you re-equip the bone for going down this path, the flame doing little against snails and, like the hammer, being a close-range weapon. Destroy all the enemies along the way, the two blocks in this next screen leading to some crystal in the ceiling, but you can't do anything here yet, so just ignore it. Keep on heading left, jumping over the pit and into the next screen. Here is a good screen! It is, as best as I can figure, the dinos' resting place. You can go into any of the doors and there is a fruit on the stand, your buddy that you just rescued in the Spade door. Jump on him, collect up to seven fruit if you need to, then head back out to the right. Be careful when riding, though, as one hit and your buddy will go poof! Fall down the pit and head to the left, watching out for fireballs from the lava and destroying enemies. You don't have to worry about falling in the lava, seeing as how you have a big dinosaur to protect your bottom side. Fall down the pit over here and head to the right, jumping over a hidden magma pool by following the glowing rocks in your jump. Light the brazier here, then head into the doorway that you can now see. Mini-boss time! It shouldn't really be all that hard. Just shoot it with fireballs and use its little gaia crusher move to gain enough altitude to jump over it, should it get too close. Once vanquishing it, you get the water gun. Once you have this, you can (this is optional, mind you; skip on if you want) head back up to where you originally fell from the upper world and go to the right, equipping the water gun and going to play a minigame where you shoot targets. My only advice on this is to wait until the targets are midscreen before shooting. However, the prize for this game is a fairy, which you shouldn't need if you haven't died. So, if you don't need it, just ignore the latter part of this paragraph. Jump back up to the first cavern screen nonetheless and water the droopy bouncy grass here. While bouncing on it, use your bones to kill the lobster. After doing this, hop over to the ledge that it was just protecting, standing here and using your bones to kill the flying bat in the little passage way to the left. Once this has been accomplished, hop down and go in the door. Hit the button here, then plan it so you can jump on the moving block. The egg at the top gives you another heart to use in your journey, bringing your health up to four. Now, head back, water the plant, destroying the bat and the lobster, then fall down the pit from whence you came. Now, light the brazier here and water the plant, bouncing up to the ledge, then bringing out your dino pal again. Just ignore the flaming platform, your being able to walk on the lava after all, kill the flame bird, and head all the way to the left, bouncing up to the left. Unless you need a heart, water the plant here and bounce up to the platform, then up to the top. Here, you can use the water gun to kill the worm, but watch out for the exploding volcanoes as flames come into the foreground. Bring out the dino again and keep on heading left, killing anything in your path. Watch out for the worm on the small uprising near the middle as it spits a fireball that can easily hit you. Fall down the pit, kill the lobster, and start trekking to the left. Kill everything and ignore the doorway you see, but also watch out for armadillo thing near it, because it takes two fireballs to kill. When you get to the flaming platforms, revert to your water gun and spray them, jumping on the first to spray the second, then jumping on the edge of the cliff, extinguishing the fire. Keep on to the right, jumping over the armadillo thing here, then up to the right at the hole. Boss time!! Head to the right up here, jumping over the two pits while avoiding the fireballs, going into the next screen. I'd just keep your dino pal here. Walk to the edge of the pool, then back away as the boss forms, a big magma ball. Just jump and start pounding it with fireballs, running to the back to avoid the fireballs it spits at you, then returning. It's pretty easy, really. Once you kill the big one, two smaller ones form. This is a little tougher. When they stop, start pounding the bottom one with fireballs until it's destroyed, then jump and start shooting the top one as it is frozen for a few seconds. After this time, four tiny magma balls come about, starting to spin just like its predecessors. This is tricky. Fall into the lava pool, with dino of course, and wait until they pass overhead, then turn to where they spin around the platform and fire as many times as you can, falling back into the pool when they come back to spin over it. Do this about three times and you shall be victor. You now have freed Heart, a blue dinosaur that hits enemies with its tail and sparks that emerge from its swinging. It also gives you a snowboard, which is good, though makes you wonder why it had the snowboard in the first place. Equip the snowboard to move across the ice until reach the other side, again, this door leading you back to your hut. The password for completing this area is as follows: ?H5H-9V-3? Now it's time to continue on your journey in Area 3! Area 3 Before heading to Area 3, go back over to the dino park and get Heart, then head back to the right. Keep on going past the snails and monkey and spiders, falling down the pit. Kill the bat, then fall down the new pit formed by the receding lava. Interesting how this all ties in together, isn't it? Down here, fall down and equip the snowboard. Slide down and the snowman will jump over you, then equip the bone and head in the doorway. The mini-boss is working over-time to be here already. Be careful about the pit because you'll have to start all over again if you fall. Just throw bones at it and jump over it whenever it gets too close. Also, be wary that it moves faster as its life is drained. Once you get rid of this guy, you'll get the spear. Another close range weapon.... Now, head back out of the doorway, quickly stab the snowman, then jump over the head and climb to the top, jumping to the upper screen. Here is where the spear really shines: jump under the log and hold up while pressing the attack button and the spear will get stuck in the wood. Go across the gap with the log, then drop down by pressing the jump button again, avoiding the icicles and pit and killing the penguin. If you need some health, you can bend down where the blocks are different and crawl in to the egg to get some food. Crawl back out or move on if you don't need any food, avoiding the icicle at the end of the cavern and go down the second tube. Kill the penguin, then equip the snowboard and move on out, though watch out again for the icicle at the bottom of the first down hill. Keep on going and jump over the pits, jump up on the ledge, board under the clear blocks (stop before the end because of an icicle), climb to the top of the hill on the right, then board down and jump up to the clear blocks, sliding over and hopping to the right into the hole above. Avoid the snowman here, unequip the snowboard for the bone, and jump on the bouncy grass, heading to the left. Destroy the bunny, then go into the door on the far left. An actually required mini-game, double gasp! This one is for the P-Power and requires you to knock the penguin off the ice block by repeatedly pressing A (big surprise). So, come in with seven fruits and press A as fast as you can and you'll get the prize. Now that you have this, destroy the penguin outside again and jump to the other door, going in. You needed the power to get past the penguin in this door, which he now allows you to do. Keep on heading right, destroying the seagull and penguin, then take a frosty bath, jumping into the hole in the ice and heading down. Avoid the spikes and all, heading left and down the hole, the egg under the ice cubes in this screen as you head toward the hole holding some meat. Watch out for the spiky thing going up and down as you fall to the floor below, going to the left and up the two ledges, then equipping the snowboard at the top ledge and jumping up the hole to the right. This is another hard part. You have to jump across shattering platforms to get to a button. The first larger one reappears, which makes it easier if you actually reach the button. The middle one, however, doesn't, so you have to be careful. Once you hit the button, return to the door, then jump to the larger one, finally to the moving smaller one, up to the egg and getting half a heart. Now to find the other half, hmm? Now, head back the way you came and out of the water onto the ice. Head right once you're on the snowy land, killing things, then equipping the snowboard again to jump up to the ledge. Board down the edge and fall into the pit, unequipping the snowboard when you land. Head to the right, avoiding the icicle, then heading down the tube. Head to the right from here, crawling under the thin ice passage on the small ledge, then falling down the pit, heading to the left and into the door from here. Another tricky part. At least both of these blocks return. Equip the snowboard, board over to the right, jump on the block that can fall, then up to the switch, hitting it. Now, return to the door, heading to the very end of the ledge here, jumping up to the movable block, then jumping to the left when it is as low as it can go. Congratulations, another heart! Head back out, destroying the mink and penguin, then water the plant and jump up to the left with its help. Crawl back under the thin passage, then jump up to the higher ledge and keep on heading right. Just kill or ignore the enemies, keeping on all the way until you get to the end, equipping the snowboard and jumping up to the ice cubes, equipping the watergun to water the plant, then bouncing up to the left. Watch out for the penguin and icicle here, jumping up to the ledge, picking up the block, and putting it near the ledge on the right to jump up and into the hole. Boss time already. These things just seem to come so quickly, don't they? If you don't have full health, I'd recommend getting it now by collecting fruit. In this stage before the boss, avoid the mini and big snowmen, heading to the right. When you head into the boss room, you will see a big frozen head at the top and ice cubes directly under it. The frozen head will come flying down, pick up one of the ice cubes, and start carrying it, dropping it whenever its over you. The best time to attack it is when it is getting a new ice cube. To avoid the ice cubes, run around and get as far away as you can when it drops it, the cube bouncing three times before it disappears and it gets a new one. Warning, also, that it gets faster when its low on life is in order as well. For this victory, you get Club, the pterodactyl, as a new ally. Along with that, you get an umbrella as a weapon, which is very odd indeed. You need it to get home, however. When you get to the top of the ledges here, equip the umbrella, then jump and hold the attack button to float over to the platform. Do it again for the next two, then head into the doorway. Get some rest at your hut, the password being Y15H-91-35. You can't use the umbrella for much more than floating, sadly. Now, though, you have a set of wings, being able to go get Club from the dino park. To get it to fly, you hold down A, pressing B in flight allowing you to drop rocks. Avoid or kill the enemies as you get out of that area, flying as high as you can to avoid everything, all the way up to the clouds. Along the way, you get stopped by the clouds and have to fly down a screen. In this area, inside the door, is a balloon popping mini-game that you can play to win a fairy, should you need one. I would suggest going to one of the other games to get a new one, though, as this one is really hard. You have to jump and hit balloons with the spear, doing the up-B motion. I really wouldn't suggest playing this one myself. Only advice I can give is stay near the middle and once you see a balloon, quickly head in that direction and try to jump, hitting it at the top of the arch. Anyways, continue on with Club past here to the next screen, flying up to the clouds and heading right until you can no longer go. Fly back down, switch to a weapon (touching the water here with Club will cause it to vanish; I'd suggest the bone), and dive on in to the next area. Area 4 One really wonders how Higgins can hold his breath for this long. Anyways, head on to the right, killing the fish that's swimming with the bone, stopping for a moment and killing the jellyfish when it comes at you. Keep on going right, killing the fish if you want, until you get to the door, going inside. Again, the mini-bosses are getting a little pushy, this giant jellyfish being the one you face here. This things acts somewhat like a smaller jellyfish, going criss-cross twice. However, when it reaches the bottom after criss-crossing the second time, it starts to float across the ground, which means you need to swim to the ceiling by holding A until it passes under you twice, then go back down. It will start criss-crossing again. Killing it gets you the blue hammer, whee! Now, head back out, swim up to the ledge and to the right to the next screen above. Up here, kill the crab, then bounce up to the dry land, keeping on heading to the right. Kill the spiders along the way, then when you encounter the crystal, equip the blue hammer and shatter it, moving on to the next screen. Re-equip the bone and bounce up to the uprising, watching out for the dragonfly and jumping over its flying towards you, doing your best at killing it. The other dragonflies that come in from above you, you can just duck and they'll miss and fly in a weird pattern away, thus making them easy targets. Now, you can either take the long path and jump down and then back up, keeping on to the right, or you can equip Club and fly to the heavens. Be wary, though, that at the end of the screen when you are forced to go down there's a dragonfly waiting to attack you, so you should re-equip the bone and just fall down to the lower screen. Kill all the enemies, collect fruit, etc. Make sure you only have seven though. Jump over the gap inside the little cavern after avoiding the boulder, then equip Club and fly up to the left. Once you can land on the ledge, re-equip the bone, kill the spiky snail and the dragonfly, bouncing over and entering the door to the far left. Another secret chamber. Well, not that secret, but you get the idea. This one will be a whole lot easier, however. Just walk all the way to the left, equip Club, and fly up to get the half of heart. Much easier, indeed. Now, re-equip the bone and head back out, falling down the pit to the next screen, heading back left, and falling down the pit you jumped earlier. Kill the bat with the bone, then equip Club, flying to the right as far as you can, avoiding the falling crystal shards. When you get to the end, re-equip the bone and jump up the hole to the left, jumping over the rock and killing the enemies, then going in the doorway to the far left. Another mini-game. Rabbit racing, this should be fun. All you have to do is have the seven fruits in your possession just like every other mini-game, hitting B to jump over a hurdle, and you'll get to the end in no time. You get the J-Power from winning. Now, head to the right after killing the two enemies, falling down the hole, then falling down the first hole in this screen. Go into the doorway and allow the bunny to let you pass. Now, watch out for the worms in these caverns, because they can spit crystals at you. If you need help, fly as close to the ledge to the left up two screens and go in the door, flying up and getting the meat from the egg. After getting the meat, re-equip the bone and fall back down the two screens, heading right. Walk carefully here as spinning snails, bats, and crystal shards can appear out of nowhere ahead of you. Moles, for some reason, now can throw crystals at you too. At the end, fall down the hole. Head to the left, watching out for the worm near the middle and killing it with the bone. Once you get to the lower level, it's much easier to avoid the falling crystal and bats. However, when you come to the ledges, watch out for the worm spitting crystal on top of the hill. Duck when it spits, then quickly climb up and hit it with a bone. Equip Club and fly up to the right as far as you can go both directions. Re-equip the bone and fall down the pit, waiting for the worm to jump, ducking down and hitting it in mid-jump. Keep on going, destroying everything in your way, then bounce up after destroying the mole and head to the right. Boss music already! Watch out for the falling crystals here as they really blend in and also for the crystal spitting worm down the road past the snail, heading into the next screen after making sure you have full health or at least four hearts. This boss is a spider looking thing like the last one, except it's on the ground this time. First thing you want to do is jump on the platform closest to you, as the spider crawls to the left side of the screen. When it pops its top, start pelting the little round thing with bones, running away before the crystal it makes appear on the ceiling falls. Do this, being careful that it gets faster and shoots two crystals out sometimes later in the battle. It goes in a pattern, really. Goes to the left, shooting a crystal to the ceiling, to the right, shooting a crystal, then to the middle, shooting two crystals. The only time you should worry is in the middle. If you need to heal, use the heart of the vial of red stuff, but I didn't need to, just so you know. For defeating this enemy, you rescue Diamond, the water dinosaur pal. Along with it, you get the surfboard. Once you get to the next screen, jump up to the ledges, then jump in the water, equipping the surfboard beforehand. This really makes water travel much faster. ^.^ Surf all the way to the other side and go in the door. Go inside your hut and get some rest, the password now being P15H-T1-3M. Few places left to go adventure in, isn't there? Well, there's a few more. Go over to the dino park and get another Club, re-equipping your bone to save your pal from harm. Then head back to the screen before that and hop up the two blocks through the hole, heading to the left. Kill the mole and crow here, heading to the left more and bouncing up to the clouds and to the new area. Area 5 First off, duck down and avoid the cloud, killing it as it flies off. Jump up and hit the spinning snail twice, then bounce over the fire, heading to the left. Hit the egg and watch out for the enemies for a few seconds, letting the bomb take care of these if you want or just attacking them yourself. When you get to the springy grass on the left cliff, bounce over a little to make sure the cloud is gone (it appears whenever you return to this screen from below). So, to make sure, fall down to the lower screen then bounce back up and it'll fly away and not bother you again. Now, jump over to the cloud (make sure you're on the very end of the ledge when you bounce over on the grass or you'll get whacked by a second cloud), then to the next, finally up to the stable cloud in the upper screen. Up here, watch out for the spinning snails and the clouds, heading all the way to the left after jumping the pit and going in the door after making sure you have seven fruits. Just hit A really, really fast in this mini-game and you'll win the D-power. Now, fall down the pit, heading to the left and killing all the fish along the way, though I suggest this only to collect fruit. Once you get to the platform, kill the crab, bouncing up to the two ledges, then up to the next screen heading left all the way. Go in the door and let the fox allow you to pass, keeping on heading left. Bounce up the two ledges, kill the spinning snail, and then fall down into the abyss. I'm going to describe how to normally do this so you can save Club for later. Keep on heading left across the sand, killing the scorpions and buzzards and avoiding the pincers sticking up at the bottom of the hills. Jump a lot to get out of quicksand and watch out for the mini-twister before jumping over the pit near the middle. When you get to the other side, use the water gun to extinguish the fire, then keep on going, finally falling down the pit at the end. Do a medium jump to avoid the mini-twister, then head to the left, jumping up and to the left here to the next screen. Go forward a little, killing the scorpion and buzzard, then returning some and grabbing the stone, throwing it on the buzzard as you head left if it reappears. Watch out for the closer block of the next two as a mouse is hidden under it and also avoid the mini-twister coming your way. Throw the block onto the one without a creature under it, then jump up to the ledge. Kill the scorpion, then run past the buzzard and go into the pyramid. This is a fun place..., not. First thing you should do is kill the mummy bat, then equip Club, flying up and climbing the ladder with bone re-equipped. Once the screen changes, climb down the ladder a tiny bit so you miss getting hit by the face. Go into the doorway, bring out Club again, flying up and getting the heart, then going back through the doorway. Fall back down, go out the door, watch out for the face above the ladder, and head on back down. Kill the mummy bat again, then go over and pick up the block, watching out for the ghost as you bounce up to the left ledge. Head on to the left, avoiding the stone face fire, then down through the semi-transparent blocks, equipping Club and flying up in the middle, then jumping up to the next screen. Keep on to the left past the transparent blocks here, bringing out Club again or using it if you still have it equipped and flying up to the ledge, then climbing up the ladder. Jump up to the bouncy grass, then up to then next screen to the left there. Jump up and over the face, going on and equipping Club, flying up, then watering the bouncy grass here with the watergun. If any of the flames followed you, then extinguish them with the watergun too. Bounce up and to the left, looking over and putting out the fire over there, then bringing out Club and flying up and over, destroying the red thing. Equip the bone and head inside the door. A giant mummy bat... original. This is a lot like the first giant bat you faced. Just get down in the middle pit, standing on the same side as the bat as it shoots out smaller bats, killing them as they come around. Then, hit the bigger bat as it goes to the opposite side, moving to the same side in the pit as it shoots out bats. From this battle, you get your new favorite weapon (mine, at least), the boomerang. This nifty little things seems to hit harder and is also used to hit buttons. Considering your probably lost some health, go outside and kill the red thing, then hit the button with the boomerang, getting the meat from the egg. Get acquainted with the boomerang, then head back the way you came until you get to the first screen, falling down from the transparent blocks and heading farther left, jumping and hitting the switch here with your new weapon. Jump up on the stone face, down to the platform, then to the next stone face, extinguishing the fire with the watergun, next platform, watering the plant, then bouncing up and to the left to the new screen. Equip Club, flying over everything and then into the transparent blocks at the end, flying up the two ladders, then re-equipping the boomerang. Head down the ladder on the right, then up the next ladder, killing the red thing and mummy bat and falling down the hole on the left. Jump over the first stone head here, climbing down the ladder and heading through the transparent blocks in the next screen. After falling down the hole, head left again and making the loop through the transparent blocks here, jumping over and heading down the ladder. Head left at the bottom of these, falling down the hole. Climb down the middle ladder, heading right, then jumping up the first two stone faces to the next screen, landing on the third stone face on the far left. Bounce up the fourth and the ledge, putting up the transport egg by pressing up on the little pedestal and using your ticket home to get some rest and things if you want, or you can go around the temple and collect fruit. Jump up to the right of the hole, boss music playing. Kill the enemies, then head on right, watching out for the ghost. This one has got to be the toughest yet. It's an eye and some hands. O.O Eerie. I really think you're gonna have to use something here, most likely the vial of red stuff as it refills you completely. It starts in the center, opening its eye and trying to whack you with its hands. Run across the screen to avoid them, waiting for it to go to the left. Now, when it's to the left, jump up in the middle and throw your boomerang at it to hit it, avoiding it again as it returns to the middle. Then it'll move to the right, doing the same thing as you did with the left here. You can get two hits off the left time if you're lucky. Once it turns pink, it starts shooting three simultaneous bullets at you, then pauses for a moment, repeating the action. Just avoid the bullets as best as you can and hit the eye four or five times and it will all be over. For defeating this evil apparition, you rescue your final pal, Star, the Triceratops. Tri-Star, heh heh. >.> Along with it, you get the skateboard, the land version of the other two boards. Sadly, I am not so coordinated on it to make all the jumps as you make your way to the door to your hut. So, the adventure's over, hmm? Not hardly. The big, evil face reappears once you are home, stealing your girlfriend from your embrace. This thing doesn't lay off, does it? Well, go in the hut, resting and getting the password: B15H-51-32. Now, head out the hut and go to the dino park, getting Star and equipping the boomerang, returning to your hut and heading past it to the left. Of course, you can go back to the crab tree climbing game and get back any of the healing stuff again, should you need it before you go, and I'd really suggest getting a new ticket home. Area 6 Well, this is pretty simple. Giant evil-looking temple and a hole in the ground. Fall down the hole, down and down each screen, then go in the door. Now, head left and left and even farther left, killing any enemy in your path. Head down the second or third ladder, then the left ladder from here. Watch out for the skull worm's fireballs and the skull bat and head down this ladder. Heading left here until you get to the bouncy grass, bouncing up, killing the skull bat, then jumping to the right into the hole at the end of the passage. Now, head right all the way until you get to a door, entering when you arrive. Now, jump up and hit the switch, then bounce down, picking up the block and carrying it over to the left and dropping it, jumping on it to get to the moving block and finally to the egg which contains the last heart of the game. Now, head back out and to the left, falling down the pit. Watch out for all the rampaging skeletons around or they can drain your life pretty quickly. Keep on heading left, under where you had jumped up to get before and over the boulder, heading up the ledges to the left and up into the next screen. Here, jump on the bouncy grass and to the platform on the right, avoiding the water and killing the bat, then going up the ladder. Jump on the grass here, watching out for the charging triceratops skeleton, heading to the right and climbing up this ladder. Now, climb to the top of the ladder, hit the skeleton so it will charge and jump over it so it will charge into the hole. Then, kill the porcupine, heading up the ledges and to the left, just jumping on the platforms above the spikes as you progress, watching out for the triceratops skeleton over here, then jumping down the hole. Kill the skeleton bat, then jump over the spikes and jump down this new hole. A giant quicksand place. Lovely. Well, jump to the platform, then the next, doing a medium jump to go under the spikes, but landing on the platform to the left to continue. Jump on the movable spikes, letting them lift you as high as they can, then moving on to the next platform. Kill the two enemies on the opposite platform, then hop into the quicksand for a moment, quickly hopping back up to the next platform. Keep on heading left, jumping on the platforms as best as you can and watching out for the skull worm in the sand. Once you arrive at the door, head inside. It's the last mini-boss of the game! Aren't you proud? Well, it's a giant skull worm that jumps around. All this takes is some quick reflexes, running away when it jumps before it lands on you. That's about the best advice I can give. Don't fall in the quicksand either. You get a stone axe for the victory and you better equip it, because it's the best weapon you will get. Head on out, watching out for the boulder that rumbles your way, and bouncing up to the ledge where the boulder was. Hop on the moving platform, letting it take you close enough to jump to the other side. Jump over the spike pit here, kill the skull worm on the other side of the wall, then hit the switch with your weapon. Jump at the very end of the ledge to avoid this spike pit, jumping on the bouncy grass and heading down the hole. Jump on the boulder, slowly heading to the left by facing to the right, Higgins running on it causing it to move. Turn left if you see one of the water drops about to fall on you, this making Higgins back up before it strikes. When you get to the end, ignore the skull beetle and hop on to the ledge, heading left and avoiding the boulder, finally climbing up the ladder. Jump from the top of the ladder to the platform and quickly to the ledge opposite it. Now, this is tricky. You have to press the jump button with just enough power to get you over the bottom spikes, but to avoid the top. I just skipped it, considering there was a teleport egg right there. Press up on the pedestal to place the egg, then use the ticket home and get some rest in the hut, getting the password if you want (No, I'm not giving that one unless enough people ask me). Use the teleport egg to return, then jump up to the right of the hole. Boss music again! Head to the right, killing the enemies with the the stone axe, then readying for the final battle with the evil mouth, whatever its form may be. A giant eggplant.... >.> <.< I really didn't see that one coming. Anyways, this is easier than the past couple of boss battles, at least to me. All you have to do is get on the middle platform and throw axes at its eyes, watching out for the bullets it shoots and the eggplant it makes form on the ground with the first bullet. Just jump a lot and dodge too, keeping on with the hits. When it turns red, you know it'll be dead soon. Use healing items if you want, considering they won't do any good after this battle. Your prize for this battle is your girly, tied in a bag... in the evil eggplant's throneroom... with its crest on banners. If that doesn't make you laugh, then something's wrong with you. GASP!! The castle begins to explode. Thankfully, Club comes to the rescue, taking you and your girl to an island. Club flies away and you both take a nice walk on the beach while the music plays and the credits roll. Congrats!! You beat the game! Isn't it just grand? ^.^ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 5. Thanks and Comrades ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Hudson Soft for producing this great game. ^.^ AIM buddies for listenin to me whine while I took breaks during it. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 6. Copyright Information ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Higgins, the dinosaurs, and this entire game is copyrighted to Hudson Soft. This walkthrough is solely my property, trademarked and copyrighted to this user, Spark Pristine. Please don’t steal this walkthrough. If you want to use it, E-mail me and I’ll probably let you. However, if you do, you must give me credit and alter nothing. I mean it! >:?| If anyone wants to talk about Adventure Island IV or games in general, or if you need help, IM me at SparkPris on AIM or my MSN name is the same as my hotmail account. Thank you for reading!! :?) See you next time, FAQ reader!