Inuyasha Translation   All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders --- V .01 This is the first release it currently translates and describes 69/104 items. --- I know very little japanese so bear with me. If you see mistakes, have suggestions, or want to help just post it on the message board. And if you do use this information somewhere (webpages, other faqs, etc.) just give me some credit okay. This will also eventyually have menu translations and stage names aswell. --- The format will go like this --- Name : in japanese kanji (romanji) Meaning : what the japanese means Who : who can use the item (entrys without this can be used by anyone) Effect : what the item does --- 飛刃血爪 (hijinketsusou) Flying blades of blood 犬夜叉 (Inuyasha) Attack + 2 --- 散魂鉄爪 (sankontetsusou) Soul shattering iron claw 犬夜叉 (Inuyasha) Attack + 6 --- 風の傷 (kaze no kizu) wind Scar 犬夜叉 (Inuyasha) Attack + 13 --- 爆流破 (bakuryuuha) ?? 犬夜叉 (Inuyasha) Counter for 1.5 times damage --- 清めの矢 (seime no shi) Purifying arrow かごめ、桔梗 (Kagome, Kikyou) Attack + 5 --- 破魔の矢 (hama no shi) Demon destroying arrow かごめ、桔梗 (Kagome, Kikyou) Attack + 9 --- 破魔の札 (hama no fuda) Demon destroying scroll かごめ、弥勒、桔梗 (Kagome, Miroku, Kikyou) Attack + 4 --- 風穴 弱 (kazaana jaku) Wind void - weak 弥勒 (Miroku) Attack + 7 --- 風穴 強 (kazaana kyou) Wind void - strong 弥勒 (Miroku) Attack + 12 --- 雲母 (kirara) Kirara 珊瑚 (Sango) Attack + 3 --- 飛来骨 (hiraikotsu) Flying bone boomerang 珊瑚 (Sango) Attack + 10 --- 狐火 (kitsunebi) Fox fire 七宝 (Shippou) Attack + 2 --- 爆雷筒 (bakuraitou) ?? 七宝 (Shippou) Attack + 5 --- つぶし独楽 (tsubushigoma) Smashing top 七宝 (Shippou) Attack + 9 --- 鬼火髪 (onibikami) Demon's fire hair 逆髪の結羅 (Yura of the hair) Attack+ 6 --- 大雷? (tairai?) Large thunder ? 飛天、満天 (Hiten, Manten) Attack + 4 --- 短刀 (tantou) Small sword Attack + 1 --- 太刀 (taitou) Broad sword Attack + 3 --- 妙法村正 (myohousonsei) ?? Attack + 5 --- 八握剣 (hachiakuken) ?? Attack + 8 --- 竹の盾 (take no jun) Bamboo shield Defence + 4 --- 皮の盾 (kare no jun) Leather shield Defence + 7 --- 木の盾 (boku no jun) Wood shield Defence + 10 --- 鉄の盾 (tetsu no jun) Iron shield Defence + 15 --- 薬草 (yakusou) Medicinal plants HP + 20 --- 仙薬 (sanyaku) Panacea HP + 40 --- 自転車 (jitensha) Bicycle かごめ、弥勒 (Kagome, Miroku) Move spinner will land on 4,5,6 only --- 韋駄天の札 (idaten no fuda) ?? Your move spin + 4 --- 早足の足袋 (sousoku no sokufukuro) Quick paced shoe Your move spin + 1 --- 疾風の足袋 (shitsukaze no sokufukuro) Gale shoe Your move spin +2 --- 神速の足袋 (kamisoku no sokufukuro) God speed shoe Your move spin +3 --- 玄武の枷 (genbu no kase) Mysterious shackles Enemy move spinner will land on 1,2,3 only --- 石地蔵 (ishochizou) Stone earth recepticle ?? --- 迷いの風 (mei no kaze) Confusian gas ?? --- 一のわらじ (ichi no waraji) One straw sandle Movement = 1 --- 二のわらじ (ni no waraji) Two straw sandle Movement = 2 --- 三のわらじ (san no waraji) Three straw sandle Movement = 3 --- 四のわらじ (shi no waraji) Four straw sandle Movement = 4 --- 五のわらじ (go no waraji ) Five straw sandle Movement = 5 --- 六のわらじ (roku no waraji) Six straw sandle Movement = 6 --- 七のわらじ (shichi no waraji) Seven straw sandle Movement = 7 --- 八のわらじ (hachi no waraji) Eight straw sandle Movement = 8 --- 九のわらじ (kyuu no waraji) Nine straw sandle Movement = 9 --- 十のわらじ (juu no waraji) Ten straw sandle Movement = 10 --- 方違えの札 (houie no fuda) ?? scroll ?? --- 転移の札 (ten i no fuda) Scroll of transferance ?? --- 撹拌の札 (kakuhan no fuda) ?? scroll Shuffles all characters --- 封印の札 (fuuin no fuda) Scroll of sealing Stops the use of items --- 破壊の札 (hakai no fuda) Scroll of destruction destroys an enemy's item --- 調伏の札 (choubuku no fuda) Scroll of cursing ?? --- 金縛りの札 (kanashibari no fuda) Scroll of paralysis Stops enemy's movement for 1 turn --- 衷弱の札 (choujaku no fuda) Scroll of mind-weakening ?? --- 道返玉 (douhentama) ?? jewel ?? --- 休みの罠 (kyuumi no wana) Sleep trap ?? --- 転移の罠 (ten i no wana) Transfer trap ?? --- 弱化の罠 (jakuka no wana) Weakness trap ?? --- 分身 (bunshin) ?? ?? --- 煙玉 (engyoku) Smoke ball ?? --- 今昔物語集 (konsekibutsugoshuu) History book Intelligence + 2 --- 身軽の札 (migaru no fuda) Agility scroll Agility + 2 --- 開運の石 (kaiun no ishi) Good luck stone Luck + 2 --- 水晶の数珠 (suishou no juzu) Crystal rosary Virtue + 4 --- 日本?異記 (nihon ? kotoki) ?? Intelligence + 4 --- 迅速の札 (jinsoku no fuda) Scroll of swiftness Agility + 4 --- 開運の水晶 (kaiun no suishou) Good luck crystal Luck + 4 --- 天女の羽衣 (tennyo no hagoromo) Celestial raiment Agility + 6 --- 開運の勾玉 (kaiun no magatama) good luck magatama Luck + 6 --- 文殊菩薩? ?? Intelligence + 8 --- 孔雀明王? ?? Agility + 8 --- 并才天? ?? Luck + 8 --- That's it for now Copyright 3/6/03 Daniel Lambert