JACKIE CHAN ADVENTURES - LEGEND OF THE DARK HAND UNOFFICIAL GUIDE v0.4 for the GameBoy Advance by Lim Tou Chien This guide is copyright Lim Tou Chien. All rights reserved. This guide is available for free and can be found at: (i) My website (http://home.dal.net/matsuno) (ii) GameFaqs (http://www.gamefaqs.com) No part of this guide may be reproduced or/and distributed without the written permission by the author. Please do not ask permission to host or distribute this guide - the answer is no regardless how many site hits you have, how beautiful your site is, etc. Sorry to sound rude and selfish. Also, this guide may be used only for personal use and no other. Jackie Chan Adventure - Legend of the Dark Hand and related material are belong to Torus Games/Activision. I do not claim any ownership over them. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. INTRODUCTION ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.1 WHAT GAME IS THIS? ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Jackie Chan Adventures - Legend of the Dark Hand is a fighting side- stroller for the GameBoy Advance. According to the developer website of the game at http://www.torus.com.au, the game is based on the popular animation, Jackie Chan Adventures. Well I mean, any animation or even a movie with the name Jackie Chan, how can it not be popular? Back to our topic, the game is similar to Final Fight by Konami but with better graphics (my own opinion) and boast more moves and slightly better game play. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.2 WHO IS JACKIE CHAN? ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Well, Jackie Chan is the world famous Chinese actor who always does his amazing stunts that really make you watch with awe, wondering how he done it. For example, just watch Rush Hour 2 - the scene where Jackie managed to gp through the counter window sill(!). Anyway, for more information on the legend, you may want to look elsewhere where there will be more comprehensive information on him. Besides, the question really is out of the scope of this guide anyway. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.3 SHOULD I BUY THIS GAME? ----------------------------------------------------------------------- In this guide, I assumed that you have the game. But if you do not but you have a GameBoy Advance, I suggest you do yourself a favor by getting this. The game is great with great graphics and proven game play. Please note though that there are some bugs in the game which are minor anyway and should not prevent you from enjoying the game. In fact, it's better some other fighting stroller games out there including Final Fight (Note : This is just my own opinion, so please do not send me mails arguing which game is better). I have received mails that the game will not respond to the keypad right after loading a save game. I seriously have no idea on how can that happen. I suggest you contact the publisher for help on this matter and not me, as I have not encountered this problem before myself. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.4 WHAT THE GAME IS ALL ABOUT? ----------------------------------------------------------------------- The game is all about Jackie, an archeologist who must find the eight ancient scrolls that contain ancient kung fu powers before Dark Hand, an evil demon, does. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.5 HOW MANY STAGES IS THERE IN THE GAME? ----------------------------------------------------------------------- There are ten stages in total though some has no boss battle. The following is a list of the stages (in order) : San Francisco Section 13 Training Area Mayan Temple Bermuda Mt. Fuji Forbidden City Great Wall of China Victoria Harbor Siberia Alcatraz ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. BASIC MOVELIST ----------------------------------------------------------------------- UP - MOVE UP DOWN - MOVE DOWN LEFT - MOVE LEFT RIGHT - MOVE RIGHT [A] - PUNCH ATTACK [B] - FRONT KICK ATTACK [L] - BLOCK [R] - JUMP [A] + [A] - TWO PUNCH ATTACK [B] + [B] - TWO KICK ATTACK [R] + [B] - FLYING KICK ATTACK [DOWN] + [B] + [R] - SPINNING ROUNDHOUSE KICK ATTACK* * contributed by KoreanNamja777 [UP] / [DOWN] x 2 - SIDE STEP [LEFT] / [RIGHT] x 2 (TOWARDS THE ENEMY) - ROLL ATTACK [LEFT] / [RIGHT] x 2 (AWAY FROM THE ENEMY) - BACKFLIP ATTACK [LEFT] / [RIGHT] (TOWARDS THE ENEMY) + [A] - SLAP PUNCH ATTACK [LEFT] / [RIGHT] (TOWARDS THE ENEMY) + [B] - THRUST KICK ATTACK [LEFT] / [RIGHT] (TOWARDS THE ENEMY BEHIND - BACK PUNCH ATTACK OF YOU) + [A] [LEFT] / [RIGHT] (TOWARDS THE ENEMY BEHIND - BACK KICK ATTACK OF YOU) + [B] HOLD [L] + [R] - PICK UP WEAPON / PROJECTILES WHEN HOLDING A WEAPON [A] - WEAPON ATTACK / DOUBLE WEAPON ATTACK (if hit enemy at each side of the weapon) WHEN HOLDING A WEAPON / PROJECTILES [A] / [B] - OBJECT THROW / ENEMY THROW ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. ADDITIONAL MOVELIST ----------------------------------------------------------------------- * Notes : The following move may be only be performed after you get the ancient scroll (there are eight in all). There is one scroll at each stage except Section 13 Training Area and Alcatraz. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. YIN SCROLL (SAN FRANCISCO) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- [A] + [A] + [A] - YIN SCROLL ATTACK - Triple punch combo. - Rating : ***1/2 - Comments : A great but slow punch combo. I suggest you use the Wu Scroll Attack instead as it's much faster and has a longer attacking range. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. WU SCROLL (MAYAN TEMPLE) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- [B] + [B] + [B] - WU SCROLL ATTACK - Triple kick combo. - Rating : ***** - Comments : A superb leg combo. Expect yourself to use this move often. Great against a crowd. Go ahead, spoil yourself... ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. MAO SCROLL (BERMUDA) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- [UP] + [A] - MAO SCROLL ATTACK - Flurry punch. - Rating : **** - Comments : A nice fast multiple punches. Great for close range attack against a crowd. However it has a shorter attacking range so be aware. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. XU SCROLL (MT.FUJI) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- [UP] + [B] - XU SCROLL ATTACK - Handspring kick. - Rating : **1/2 - Comments : One of the moves you will not use in your regular bouts. Slow, though it has a longer range than the Mao Scroll Attack. Use it for your combos instead. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. FU SCROLL (FORBIDDEN CITY) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- [A] + [B] - FU SCROLL ATTACK - Scissors kick. - Rating : ** - Comments : An extremely slow move that enables you to jump and kick at two directions (left and right) at the same time. Use it only if there are enemies at both side of you and you have the time to perform this move. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 6. SHEN SCROLL (GREAT WALL OF CHINA) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- [UP] + [R] + [B] - SHEN SCROLL ATTACK - Jump backwards off a wall. - Rating : * - Comments : A rubbish move that lets you jump backwards off a wall. While you in the air, press [B] for a flying kick attack. Note : Thanks to The Rolnicks for reminding me the name. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 7. ZI SCROLL (VICTORIA HARBOUR) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- [R] - ZI SCROLL (JUMP HIGH) - Jump real high. - Rating : **** - Comments : This move is great. It allows you to jump to the other side of the screen which really makes it easier to escape from been beaten up by those thugs. Now, your flying kick attack has a longer attacking range too. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 8. CHOU SCROLL (SIBERIA) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- [A] + [R] + [RIGHT] - CHOU SCROLL ATTACK - Charge at enemies. - Rating : ***1/2 - Comments : Use this move to charge at enemies. Good for escaping from dangerous crowd and deals some damage to them at the same time - talking about killing two birds with one stone. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. WEAPON / PROJECTILES ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.1 WEAPON ----------------------------------------------------------------------- The following is a list of weapons that you will be able find and use : Umbrella Broom Belt Rope Plank Fish ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.2 PROJECTILES ----------------------------------------------------------------------- The following is a list of objects which you can use as projectiles : Box Crate Vase Chair Water dispenser (!) Statue (!!) Stone / Carved stone Vein of a plant (is this right?) Chest Briefcase Chinese type of table Enemy (except enemies of great size and boss) Basket of fishes All weapons listed in the above WEAPON section * Notes : While you are carrying a projectiles (except the ones which you can use as a weapon), you will not be able to jump. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. STRATEGIES ----------------------------------------------------------------------- * Notes : The following strategies is what I used and they may not be good or effective. You may want to mail me on your strategies and if it's good, I will add it to this section. ** There is some other strategies, which is not in this guide, and can be found at other sites. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 5.1 WHEN YOU'RE CLOSES TO THE ENEMY(IES) : ----------------------------------------------------------------------- If there's only one, you may want to lift him and throw him to the void (save you the hassle of fighting) or use him as a projectile. Otherwise, if there's a crowd coming your way, you will not want them to be at the front and the back of you at the same time. Just side step, roll, blackflip or jump away, etc. till all of them (if possible) are at one side. This is so that your enemies will not attack your back while you're busy punching and kicking the heart out of your enemies. Tip #1 If the enemies block your attack, you may want to retreat or block to anticipate their next move and make yours accordingly. Tip #2 Mash that kick button repeatly for the Wu Scroll Attack if the baddies is about to reach you. Mao Scroll Attack works well too, but you will need to time the move properly so that whoever eats 'em receives as many hits as possible. Tip #3 Time your projectile so that it will hit as many opponents as possible. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 5.2 WHEN YOU'RE FARWAY FROM THE ENEMY(IES) : ----------------------------------------------------------------------- You will them to be in your attacking range at most times. But there are times when you will encounter strong opponent. Just try to anticipate their attack and make yours accordingly. Tip #1 Use projectiles against tough opponents. Tip #2 At some points of the game, you can try to knock tough opponents to the bottemless pit. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 5.3 USE THE ENVIRONMENT : ----------------------------------------------------------------------- You many not realize this but you can use the environment to your advantage. You may prevent yourself from being attack by using an object as a shield, kick your enemy to the bottomless pit and so on. This strategy is very useful for some certain boss. For example, for the boss battle in San Francisco (first stage), you may want to just stand near the van's windscreen and continuously doing your flying kick attack on the spot, kicking those at the front of the van. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 6. COMBOS ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. SLAP PUNCH ATTACK -> TWO PUNCH ATTACK / YIN SCROLL ATTACK 2. THRUST KICK ATTACK -> TWO KICK ATTACK / WU SCROLL ATTACK 3. PUNCH ATTACK / FRONT KICK ATTACK x infinity* 4. PUNCH ATTACK / FRONT KICK ATTACK x ?? -> MAO SCROLL ATTACK / XU SCROLL ATTACK LEGEND : ?? - Any number of times. * Note : This move is not a really a combo but I include it anyway as it's really does connect and is great against a crowd. Careful not to abuse it however as an enemy would normally be knockdown after three successful consecutive hits. Also, this move is not suitable against boss most of the time. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 7. CREDITS ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Torus for creating this game. The Rolnicks for reminding me the name of the Shen Scroll. KoreanNamja777 for the Spinning Roundhouse Kick Attack move. You, for reading this guide and me, for writting it. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 8. CONTACT / FEEDBACK ----------------------------------------------------------------------- For any feedbacks, corrections, etc. you may send them to me by e-mail. My e-mail is at peterltc@hotmail.com, including "Jackie Chan Adventure" as the subject. This is important as those mail with no such subject will be ignored. Again, please do not mail me for permission to host/ distribute this guide. This guide is simply meant for GameFaqs and my website. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 9. HISTORY ----------------------------------------------------------------------- v0.4 - Minor spelling and grammar corrections. - Redone the STRATEGIES section. - Other minor changes, not worth mentioning here. v0.3 - Minor game story corrections. - Some movelist names correction. - Some spelling and grammer corrections. - Spinning Roundhouse Kick Attack move added. v0.2 - Some spelling and grammar corrections. - WEAPON / PROJECTILES, COMBO section added. v0.1 - The guide is first written.