================================================ Nakayoshi Pet Advance: Series 3 - Kawaii Koneko a.k.a Best Friend Pet Advance: Series 3 - Cute Kittens for Game Boy Advance (JP) Translation and FAQ Game (c) 2002 MTO The original portions of this FAQ are (c) 2002 Frank Provo Version 1.1 (10/07/2002) E-mail: frank@frankprovo.com ================================================ FAQ sites may reprint this guide without permission, provided no portion of it is altered. Other publications, print and online, should ask permission first. The current version of this guide is available in text format at: http://www.gamefaqs.com/ ================= Table of Contents ================= A. Introduction B. The Basics C. Game Menu Translations D. Menu Option Explanations E. Strategy F. Closing =============== A. INTRODUCTION =============== Nakayoshi Pet Advance is actually a series of three virtual pet simulators for the Game Boy Advance. This FAQ concerns the third volume, Kawaii Koneko, which means "Cute Kittens." I don't know a word of Japanese, but I've done my best to translate the menus and offer strategies that will help you to successfully play the game. It's actually not that difficult to play and it's somewhat entertaining. The inclusion of Iams and Eukanuba food products is a nice touch. =============== B. THE BASICS =============== Your role in Kawaii Koneko is to care for a kitten for two full weeks. Why only two weeks? I have no idea. After you turn on the game, you'll be asked to input your gender and name. The next few screens introduce your parents and family members. Once they're introduced, you'll visit a pet store to adopt a kitten. Choose the one you like and give it a name. Most actions take place inside the house. The main area is a sitting room, which includes a couch, the LITTER BOX, and whatever optional items you purchase. This is where you'll FEED your kitten and where it will sleep. Attached to the sitting room is your bedroom, where you'll PLAY with your kitten or watch as it ventures out onto the patio. You also SLEEP here and TAKE NAPS with the kitten from time to time. The day begins roughly at 6AM (or 6:30 AM if stayed up too late) and ends when you go to sleep for the night. If you haven't hit the sack by midnight, your parents will make you go to bed. Generally, it's a good idea to go to sleep by 10 PM. On weekdays, you have to leave for school after 7 AM and you return home after 9 hours, which is roughly around 4 PM. You can save the game at the beginning of the next day. As you monitor the status of your kitten, your job is to attend to its needs and play with it. Check the status menu frequently to see that its fed and observe the environment in order to quickly notice and clean up messes. If you want, you can also PET, PLAY WITH, and BRUSH your cat. Any interaction with the kitten will reward you with BEHAVIOR POINTS in four areas (see the menu descriptions on Section D). At the beginning of each day, you earn 300 CAT POINTS to spend on items at the PET SHOP. The cheaper items are generally for a younger kitten, although more expensive items tend to reward greater BEHAVIOR POINTS when used. Although you only care for each cat for a mere two weeks, you'll actually unlock an even wider array of kittens to adopt for each one you successfully raise. In all, there are 22 different kittens! ===================================== C. GAME MENUS - Press 'A' to bring up ===================================== There are five in-game menus and they appear in the order below: [Pet] [Feeding] [Clean Up] [Care] [Misc] [Pet Menu] STATUS AWARDS [Feeding Menu] FULL MEAL WATER SNACK ITEM [Clean Up Menu] CHANGE LITTER CLEAN UP MESS [Care Menu] PLAY PET / GIVE ATTENTION BRUSH/HYGIENE PICK UP & MOVE [Miscellaneous] PATIO DOOR PET SHOP GO TO SLEEP TAKE A NAP There is no "save" menu. You get the chance to save your progress after you GO TO SLEEP for the day. =============================== D. EXPLANATIONS OF MENU OPTIONS =============================== [Pet Menu] STATUS ------ This is where you check up on the state of your pet. The left portion of the screen tells you the number of days you've had your pet, what day it is, and your cat's name and breed. The large number in the middle-left of the screen is your CAT POINTS. You earn 300 CP each day you take care of the cat. You can spend them at the PET SHOP. The bar on the bottom left represents your cat's nutrition. As it empties, it will go from a rainbow color to a dull green. Give your cat food and water to increase the bar. The bar on the bottom right is your cat's general disposition and contentment with the surroundings. This is a "catch all" for a variety of situations. If there's a mess onscreen, clean it up. If you haven't interacted with your kitten in awhile, pet or play with it. If all else fails, brush its coat. The four groups of numbers on the right side of the screen are your cat's BEHAVIOR LEVELS. There are four categories. From top to bottom, these are: Pleasance Intimacy (with you) Energy/Playfulness Appearance/Health The low number is the number of BEHAVIOR POINTS you actually have, while the high number is what your cat needs to reach the next level. AWARDS ------ If you care for your cat for two full weeks, you'll earn one of these six awards. The requirements vary, but generally just take care of each kitten a little differently and you'll get them all. [Feeding Menu] FULL MEAL (top-left) -------------------- Use this to feed your cat a bowl of dry or wet cat food. You will replenish anywhere between three and four points of nutrition. Some foods offer more of one type of BP than others, but it's generally best not to feed the cat until its nutrition meter is down to one or two blocks. This command uses 50 minutes of clock time. WATER (top-right) ----------------- Select this to give your cat a nice bowl of water. It doesn't refill any nutrition points, but it can influence disposition. It's a good idea to give your cat some water at least once a day. This command uses 30 minutes of clock time. SNACK (bottom-left) ------------------- This option only improves nutrition a little, but it can also influence disposition. Like the WATER command, it too uses 30 minutes of clock time. [Clean Up Menu] CHANGE LITTER (top-left) ------------------------ You only need to use this every so often to clean up your cat's feces. It uses 40 minutes of clock time. CLEAN UP MESS (top-right) ------------------------- If your cat knocks something over or urinates on the floor, you should use this option to clean up. Make sure to move the towel over the mess before you push the buttom to confirm. It consumes 30 minutes of clock time (That's some mess). [Care Menu] PLAY (top-left) --------------- Use this option to expose your cat to various toys. It uses 1 hour and 20 minutes of clock time. PET (top-right) --------------- This selection lets you give your cat various forms of physical attention. The downward cupped hand rubs the kitten's head. The upturned finger tickles it's cheek. The downward open hand pets its back (and the kitten falls asleep). All of these options consume 1 hour and 10 minutes of clock time. BRUSH/HYGIENE (bottom-left) --------------------------- This command takes a lot of time off the clock -- a whopping 1 hour and 30 minutes. The various items you buy in the PET SHOP will allow you to brush the cat's fur, give it a flea bath, and trim its claws. PICK UP (bottom-right) ---------------------- With this command, you can pick up and move your kitten to a different part of the room or a different room entirely. It takes awhile to master this ability, however, since early attempts will fail. This skill consumes 20 minutes of clock time. [Miscellaneous] PATIO DOOR (top-left) --------------------- Select this to open and close the patio door, so your cat can play outside. PET SHOP (top-right) -------------------- Spend your CP here. The knife and fork symbol is for food items. The fish symbol is for snack items. The fuzzy stick symbol is for toys. The hand symbol is for care items. Most items in each department are identifiable by their appearance. One that may not be so obvious, however, is the scratching station in the care department, which looks like a big purple box. GO TO SLEEP (bottom-left) ------------------------- This option appears between 9 PM and 12 midnight. Select it to go to bed for the evening. TAKE A NAP (bottom-right) ------------------------- This option only appears on Sundays. Select it to take a nap. Your cat will probably join you and the reward will be massive amounts of BP in categories of . Unfortunately, a drop in ENERGY LEVEL also occurs. This option uses a full 5 HOURS of clock time. =========== E. STRATEGY =========== Spend the entire first day attempting to PET and FEED your cat. You'll net some easy behavior points and you'll be better able to interact with the kitten later on. Now is a good time to practice the PICK UP & MOVE command too -- at least if you want to keep your vase intact. FEED and WATER your cat when its appetite status is low. You'll earn more behavior points this way and your cat won't get fat. Shut the PATIO DOOR at night and open it in the morning. This will keep your cat warm at night and allow it to make friends during the day. GO TO BED early. You get a full hour of time in the morning if you hit the sack on or before 10 PM. On weekday mornings, use the time to FEED your cat and give it WATER. You really don't have that much time before you have to head off to school. As soon as you can, head to the PET SHOP and purchase the blue bag of food with the purple strip on the left that costs 800 CP. It'll give you tons of BP. If you're wondering, this is Eukanuba Kitten Chicken & Rice Formula. TAKE A NAP with your cat on Sundays. This option wastes 5 hours of clock time and slashes ENERGY LEVEL but rewards mammoth increases in PLEASANCE, INTIMACY, and HEALTH. If your kitten breaks the vase, your parents will replace it when the next week starts. Ironically, your cat's contentment seems to remain higher with it in the room. ========== F. CLOSING ========== Nakayoshi Pet Advance: Series 3 - Kawaii Koneko is a cute game. The graphics aren't that spectacular, but they're drawn in a heartwarming style. All 22 of the kittens are simply gorgeous. It's neat how it takes time for your kitten to trust you. Unfortunately, while there are 22 kittens to adopt, you don't get to care for them very long. This is quite the contrast from the other two games in the series, where you take care of your pets for a long time. Also, it's kind of disappointing that you can't redecorate your home as you can the cage in Kawaii Hamster, and that you can't participate in cat shows like the dog shows in Kawaii Koinu. Kawaii Koneko is definitely the cutest and most lovable game in the series, but the other two games better capture the spirit of raising "their" specific animals. Ratings: Series 1 Series 2 Series 3 Hamster Puppy Kitten Cuteness A B A++ Graphics 4 7 6 Sound 4 6 6 Gameplay 8 9 7 Value 8 8 6 Tilt 8 7 6 Overall 7.0 7.7 6.3