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[Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories] [Enemy Heartless FAQ] [Written By:]d3smond (Desmond Cheng) darketernal36 (Zachary Tay) [Date Started]22-12-2004 [Document created with NotePad] _______________________________________________________________________________ -{[Table of contents]}- To look up a specific section press [Ctrl+F] & type in '#' + topic number. 01-Introduction The Heartless 02-Shadow 03-Soldier 04-Large Body 05-Red Nocturne 06-Blue Rhapsody 07-Green Requiem 08-Yellow Opera 09-Powerwild 10-Bouncywild 11-Air Soldier 12-Bandit 13-Fat Bandit 14-Barrel Spider 15-Search Ghost 16-Sea Neon 17-Screwdiver 18-Aquatank 19-Wight Knight 20-Gargoyle 21-Pirate 22-Air Pirate 23-Darkball 24-Defender 25-Wyvern 26-Wizard 27-Neoshadow 28-White Mushroom 29-Black Fungus 30-Creeper Plant 31-Tornado Step 32-Cresecendo 33-Past Revisions 34-Legal Notice 35-Credits 36-Contact _______________________________________________________________________________ -[Introduction]- [#01] Let's make things clear. This FAQ only talks about normal enemy Heartless. It does not contain strategies for boss Heartless. I apologise for that harsh introduction, but it had to be done. Anyway, welcome all the people reading this. _______________________________________________________________________________ THE HEARTLESS -[Shadow]- [#02] In-game description: A heartless that pops up in all kinds of places. The shadow ambles around and attacks without warning. It is completely invulnerable while hiding within the darkness. Location: Almost everywhere. Attacks: 1. Slide kick. 2. The shadow jumps and attempts to claw you. 3. The shadow hides in the ground. When doing this it looks like it a flattened pancake. The shadow is immune to all attacks when in this position. Dropped card: Incrementor Effect: Increases values of cards by 1. Duration: 2 reloads. CP: 25 _______________________________________________________________________________ -[Soldier]- [#03] In-game description: A swift moving Heartless that attacks its prey with a spin kick. Its whimsical nature makes the soldier a less than tenacious foe. Location: Traverse Town, Wonderland, Twilight Town and anywhere that has Crescendos. Attacks: 1. Hurricane kick, like those of street fighter. 2. Headbutt Dropped card: Combo Plus Effect: Adds an extra hit to combos. Duration: 3 reloads CP: 20 _______________________________________________________________________________ -[Large Body]- [#04] In-game description: A rotund Heartless. The Large Body repels frontal attacks with its jiggly belly. Sometimes it throws its weight around and shakes the ground, so jumping is the key. Location: Wonderland, Olympus Coliseum, Monstro Attacks: 1. The large body lunges forward. 2. The large body jumps. When it lands, it creates an earthquake that affects the entire field. To avoid this attack, jump when the large body is about to land. Notes: If you attack the front of the large body, it has no effect. To damage it, dodge roll behind it and attack. It can be hit from the front by magic and non-physical keyblade cards (eg. metal chocobo, lionheart). Dropped card: Guard Effect: Nullifies frontal physical attacks. Duration: 1 reload CP: 40 _______________________________________________________________________________ -[Red Nocturne]- [#05] In-game description: A magic-wielding Heartless that drifts through the air. It's flighty and hard to hit. The Red Nocturne attacks with Fire from a distance, and absorbs Fire damage. Location: Traverse town, Olympus Coliseum, Wonderland, Castle Oblivion Attacks: 1. Casts Fire. Note: The Red Nocturne absorbs fire damage. Dropped card: Fire Boost Effect: Increases fire damage. Duration: 1 reload CP: 20 _______________________________________________________________________________ -[Blue Rhapsody]- [#06] In-game description: A magic-wielding Heartless that drifts through the air. The Blue Rhapsody attacks with Blizzard once it's close enough, and absorbs Blizzard damage. Location: Traverse town, Olympus Coliseum, Castle Oblivion Attacks: 1. Casts Blizzard. Note: The Blue Rhapsody absorbs ice damage. Dropped card: Blizzard Boost Effect: Increases ice damage. Duration: 1 reload CP: 20 _______________________________________________________________________________ -[Yellow Opera]- [#07] In-game description: A magic-wielding Heartless that drifts through the air. The Yellow Opera hurls itself at enemies or attacks with Thunder. It absorbs all Thunder damage. Location: Agrabah, Monstro, Castle Oblivion Attacks: 1. Casts Thunder. 2. Jumps at you in a rolling thunder ball fashion. Note: The Yellow Opera absorbs thunder damage. Dropped card: Thunder Boost Effect: Increases thunder damage. Duration: 1 reload CP: 20 _______________________________________________________________________________ -[Green Requiem]- [#08] In-game description: A magic-wielding Heartless that drifts through the air. It doesn't attack, but it can cast Cure to heal other Heartless. The Green Requiem is slow, but its immunity to magic attacks make it tough to squash. Location: Agrabah, Monstro, Castle Oblivion Attacks: 1. Heals an ally. Note: The Green Requiem absorbs fire, ice and thunder damage. Dropped card: Cure Boost Effect: Increases cure potency. Duration: 1 reload CP: 20 _______________________________________________________________________________ -[Powerwild]- [#09] In-game description: A simian Heartless that excels at jumping. It has destructive instincts and attacks with punches and sliding kicks. Location: Olympus Coliseum Attacks: 1. The powerwild jumps and attempts to claw you. 2. Slide kick. Dropped card: Retrogade Effect: Reverses card values (eg. 9=1, 8=2, 7=3 etc.) Duration: 1 reload CP: 40 _______________________________________________________________________________ -[Bouncywild]- [#10] In-game description: A simian Heartless. It teases its enemies and throws banana peels from far away. Be careful not to slip! Location: Olympus Colisuem Attacks: 1. Shoots yellow pellets at you with a slingshot. 2.Throws a banana skin on the ground. If you step on it you will slip. The effect of slipping is the same as being stunned or suffering a card break. Dropped card: Draw Effect: Attract fallen cards and items for easy retrieval Duration: 5 reloads CP: 10 _______________________________________________________________________________ -[Air Soldier]- [#11] In-game description: A winged Heartless. It swoops down onto its opponent's head, or slams into them when they let their guard down. The Air Soldier is swift, resilient, and not easy to ground. Location: Agrabah, Monstro, Twilight town Attacks: 1. Swoops down at you. 2. Comes down to the ground and does an uppercut. Dropped card: Reload Kinesis Effect: Allows movement while charging up reload counter. Duration: 3 reloads CP: 30 _______________________________________________________________________________ -[Bandit]- [#12] In-game description: A Heartless that mainly appears in Agrabah. The Bandit deftly wields the scimitar it carries, and should be approached cautiously. Location: Agrabah Attacks: 1. Slices you with sword. 2. Does a spinning attack. Ranged. Dropped card: Combo Finish Effect: Make any normal attacks as strong as a finishing blow Duration: 1 reload CP: 30 _______________________________________________________________________________ -[Fat Bandit]- [#13] In-game description: A Heartless that mainly appears in Agrabah. The Fat Bandit repels frontal attacks with its jiggly belly and spits fireballs. Location: Agrabah Attacks: 1. Spits a fireball. 2. Jumps in the air and lands heavily. Jump or dodge roll to avoid the impact. 3. Walks forward while swinging its arms which can damage you. Notes: If you attack the front of the Fat Bandit, it has no effect. To damage it, dodge roll behind it and attack. It can be hit from the front by magic and non-physical keyblade cards (eg. metal chocobo, lionheart). Dropped card: Back Attack Effect: Can cause greater damage by attacking an enemy from behind. Duration: 2 reloads CP: 40 _______________________________________________________________________________ -[Barrel Spider]- [#14] In-game description: A gunpowder-packed barrel transformed by the darkness into a Heartless. The Barrel Spider sets upon anyone foolish enough to think it's an ordinary barrel. Location: Appears anywhere that has barrels. Attacks: 1. Runs towards you. When its close to you, it will fall over and explode. Dropped card: Quick Reload Effect: Reload cards instantly Duration: 3 reloads CP: 30 _______________________________________________________________________________ -[Search Ghost]- [#15] In-game description: A spooky Heartless. The Search Ghost can warp out of harm's way and absorb its enemies' HP, making it a tough opponent. Location: Halloween town, Monstro, Atlantica Attacks: 1. Reaches out and try's to grab you with its hands. If this attack is successful, it will restore a little of its hp. 2. The search ghost teleports to another position on the field. Will only do this after suffering an attack. Dropped card: Drain Effect: Absorb enemy HP when striking with attack cards, but enemies will drop fewer items. Duration: 1 reload CP: 35 _______________________________________________________________________________ -[Sea Neon]- [#16] In-game description: A jellyfish-life Heartless. It may look laid back, but the Sea Neon's long tentacles can propel it toward enemies for a ferocious attack. Location: Atlantica Attacks: 1. Swims towards you. 2. Spins towards you. Homing and fast. Dropped card: Random Values Effect: Card values are randomly selected. Duration: 1 reload CP: 20 _______________________________________________________________________________ -[Screw Driver]- [#17] In-game description: A Heartless that likes to team up with the Aquatank. It attacks with a spear or charges its enemies. Location: Atlantica Attacks: 1. Jumps up and lunges at you with its spear. 2. Stabs at you with its spear. Dropped card: Decrementor Effect: Card values drop by 1. Duration: 1 reload CP: 15 _______________________________________________________________________________ -[Aquatank]- [#18] In-game description: A fish-like Heartless that lazily wanders the sea. The Aquatank attacks with Thunder or by whirling its sizable body about. Location: Atlantica Attacks: 1. Casts Thundara. 2. Spins towards you. Slow. Dropped card: Auto-reload Effect: Reload cards automatically once they run out Duration: 1 reload CP: 30 _______________________________________________________________________________ -[Wight Knight]- [#19] In-game description: A Heartless that calls Halloween Town its main haunt. The Wight Knight's long appendages make it dangerous to approach. Location: Halloween town Attacks: 1. Launches an uppercut with both hands. 2. Takes a step forward and swing its arms round itself. Dropped card: Levitate Effect: Jumping height increases. Duration: 3 reloads CP: 15 _______________________________________________________________________________ -[Gargoyle]- [#20] In-game description: A winged Heartless that mainly appears in Halloween town. It pelts its stunned opponents with fireballs. Location: Halloween town Attacks: 1. Shoots fireball. 2. Uses its wings to pierce you. Dropped card: Vanish Effect: Become invisible and reduce your chances of being hit. Duration: 1 reload CP: 30 _______________________________________________________________________________ -[Pirate]- [#21] In-game description: A Heartless that mostly sticks to Never Land. A skilled swordsman, the Pirate can knock its enemies out cold and then finish them off with a viscous combo. If its sword flashes, watch out! Location: Neverland Attacks: 1. Raises its sword which flashes red then strikes at you. Stuns you if you get hit. 2. Unleashes a three-hit sword combo. Dropped card: All Zeros Effect: All card values turn to 0. Duration: 1 reload CP: 30 _______________________________________________________________________________ -[Air Pirate]- [#22] In-game description: A winged Heartless that mostly sticks to Never Land. It's not armed, but it doesn't need to be. The Air Pirate deals a brutal punch right after its fist flashes. Location: Neverland Attacks: 1. Does an uppercut. 2. Punches downward at you. Dropped card: Item bracer Effect: Stops enemies from breaking items cards you use. Duration: 3 reloads CP: 30 _______________________________________________________________________________ -[Dark Ball]- [#23] In-game description: A Heartless made from the very shadows of darkness. The Darkball mostly just bobs through the air, but its random weaving and biting are a nuisance. Location: Atlantica, Neverland, Hollow Bastion, Destiny island, Castle Oblivion Halloween town Attacks: 1. Sinks toward ground level and attacks back and forth continuously. 2. Flies all the way in front. Dropped card: Cardblind Effect: Hide the cards you hold from hostile eyes. Duration: 3 reloads CP: 25 _______________________________________________________________________________ -[Defender]- [#24] In-game description: A Heartless that primarily resides in Hallow Bastion. It stops head-on physical and magical attacks, and can launch fireballs. The Defender is also a skilled card user, and will break the cards of unprepared opponents. Location: Hollow Bastion, Castle Oblivion Attacks: 1. Launches a fireball from its shield. 2. Unleashes a punch with its shield. Dropped card: Protect Effect: Decrease damage taken from physical attacks. Duration: 1 reload CP: 25 _______________________________________________________________________________ -[Wyvern]- [#25] In-game description: An enormous Heartless that hunts its enemies from the skies. The Wyvern is agile despite its size. Upon sighting its prey, it rushes forward and attacks with a flurry of kicks. Location: Hollow Bastion, Castle Oblivion Attacks: 1. Moves towards you and unleashes a flurry of kicks. 2. Swoops across the whole field, like Ariel. Dropped card: Reload Lock Effect: Reload without increasing the reload counter. Duration: 3 reloads CP: 25 _______________________________________________________________________________ -[Wizard]- [#26] In-game description: A Heartless proficient in magic. The Wizard is a formidable opponent that attacks with high-level Fire, Blizzard, and Thunder spells. Location: Hollow Bastion, Castle Oblivion Attacks: 1. Casts Thundara 2. Casts Fire. 3. Casts Blizzard. Note: The Wizard absorbs fire, ice and thunder damage. Dropped card: Magic Boost Effect: Forfeit summon cards to power up magic cards. Duration: 1 reload CP: 30 _______________________________________________________________________________ -[Neoshadow]- [#27] In-game description: A nimble Heartless that swims through the shadows. Location: Castle Oblivion Attacks: 1. Hides in the ground and swims around. During this period, the Neoshadow is completely invulnerable. 2. Spins in the air toward you. Usually does this after 'attack' 1. Dropped card: Bio Effect: Causes the HP of enemies to drop slowly. Duration: CP: 25 _______________________________________________________________________________ -[White Mushroom]- [#28] In-game description: A Heartless with an unusual affinity for people. The White Mushroom never attacks, and may even reward someone who comes to its aid. Location: White Mushroom appears when a white room card is used on a door. Attacks: The white mushroom does not attack. However, it cannot be defeated normally. When it shivers, use a fire attack. When it fans itself, use an ice attack. When a light bulb appears above its head, use a lightning attack. If you do not attack it accordingly, it will run away from the battle. Dropped card: Hyper Healing Effect: Restore HP everytime a friend card is used. Duration: 3 reloads CP: 25 _______________________________________________________________________________ -[Black Fungus]- [#29] In-game description: An aggressive, poisonous Heartless, not to be confused with the White Mushroom. The Black Fungus likes to paralyze its foes and toy with them. It's tough to beat, but victory doesn't go unrewarded... Location: Black Fungus appears when a black room card is used on a door. Attacks: 1. This is not really an attack but we'll just state it anyway. The Black Fungus coats itself with something like armour, during which you cannot damage him. 2. The Black Fungus emits poisonous gas on its left and right sides. Dropped card: Random Flush Effect: Activate a random enemy card effect Duration: 1 reload CP: 20 _______________________________________________________________________________ -[Creeper Plant]- [#30] In-game description: A flower-like Heartless. It's rooted in one place, but staying far away isn't enough, since it can spit seeds or attack from below with its sharp roots. Location: Halloween town, Wonderland, Destiny island Attacks: 1. A tentacle pops up from the ground and stabs you. 2. Shoots out several seed-like stuff a few times. Dropped card: Leaf Bracer Effect: Prevents enemies from breaking healing cards. Duration: 1 reload CP: 35 _______________________________________________________________________________ -[Tornado Step]- [#31] In-game description: A Heartless that flies about using its arms like propeller blades. Whether moving or attacking, it's always spin, spin, spinning - but never seems to get dizzy. Location: Monstro, Atlantica, Hollow Bastion, Destiny Island Attacks: 1. Jumps up and lunges toward you. 2. Similar to attack 1 but without the jumping. Dropped card: Reload Haste Effect: Subtracts 2 from the reload counter Duration: 1 reload CP: 25 _______________________________________________________________________________ -[Crescendo]- [#32] In-game description: A hopping, horn-like Heartless. It's a bothersome foe that can honk and call other Heartless. Location: Wonderland, Neverland, Destiny Island Attacks: 1: Attacks with its nose/trumpet in an upward direction. 2. Blows its trumpet and summons a soldier. 3. Heals an ally. Dropped card: Summon Boost Effect: Forfeit magic cards to power up summon cards. Duration: 1 reload CP: 20 _______________________________________________________________________________ -[Past Revisions]- [#33] [2-20-05] -Initial release _______________________________________________________________________________ -[Legal Notice]- [#34] This FAQ is only to be posted on gamefaqs. If this FAQ is found on any other site without the permission of either darketernal36 or d3smond, legal action can, and will be taken against the webmaster of that particular site. _______________________________________________________________________________ -[Credits]- [#35] Square Enix- For creating this game CJayc - For creating Gamefaqs akade1, essentialism, d3v1ls_blood - For helping out _______________________________________________________________________________ -[Contact]- [#36] darketernal36- eisenmeteor36@hotmail.com d3smond- d3smond@hotmail.com _______________________________________________________________________________ -[END]-