-------------------------------------------- Kirby and the Amazing Mirror Platform: GameBoy Advance Release Date: October 18, 2004 Guide by: Tom Farello Email me: nuclearlemons@comcast.net -------------------------------------------- Current Version: Version 0.92 Last Update: 03/24/05 -------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------- Recent News! -------------------------------------------- Hey! Welcome back to existence! I added a few more stuff to my guide (I REALLY hope people read this so that my efforts are not all for naught). Oh, well. I hope you enjoy anyway. By the way, I lost my copy , so I probably won't be able to finish the FAQ anytime soon. This is probably the final version for a while. -------------------------------------------- Table of Contents: Section Name Abbr. Status 1. Introduction [INTRO] a. About the Author [AUTHR] b. Contact Information [CNTCT] c. Glossary [GLSRY] 2. Version History [HSTRY] Updated (Obviously) 3. Game Basics [BASIC] Updated a. Story [STORY] Completed b. Controls [CNTRL] c. Item List [ITEMS] d. Enemy List [ENEMY] e. Mini-Bosses [MINIB] f. Bosses [BOSES] Incomplete g. Copy Abitilies [ABLTY] 4. Walkthrough [GUIDE] Incomplete a. First Things First [AREA0] b. Rainbow Route [AREA1] c. Moonlight Mansion [AREA2] d. Cabbage Cavern [AREA3] e. Mustard Mountain [AREA4] f. Carrot Castle [AREA5] g. Olive Ocean [AREA6] h. Peppermint Palace [AREA7] i. Radish Ruins [AREA8] j. Candy Constellation [AREA9] k. Rainbow Route 2 [AREAX] Incomplete 5. Sub-Games [SUBGM] Completed a. Speed Eaters [EATRS] Completed b. Crackety Hack [CRKHK] Completed c. Kirby Wave Ride [WVRDE] Completed d. Goal Bonus [GLBNS] Completed 6. Conclusion [CNCLS] a. My Review [RVIEW] b. Thank You's [THANX] c. Copyright Info [CPYRT] -------------------------------------------- 1. Introduction [INTRO] -------------------------------------------- This is the place where I say the stuff you're probably not interested in, even though it's important. -------------------------------------------- a. About the Author [AUTHR] Hi! I'm Tom (a.k.a. gravy229), and I'll be your guide through this game. This is my first FAQ ever, so feedback and constructive criticism are always welcome (see "Contact Information" for more details). I have been playing Kirby games for a very long time, even since Kirby's Dream Land first came out! I have already 100%-ed this game three times, so I know what I am doing. My favorite game of the series so far is Kirby's Dream Land 3. [Sigh]...What a classic! I know how to 100% every Kirby game there is, and I could probably whip out a FAQ on every one of them if I had the time and motivation. ...Which brings me to my next point. I am a high school student, and I don't always have a lot of "me time", so when I say "Coming Soon!", that really means "Coming After My Homework is Done!" I will not "date" my next update, I will just update the FAQ whenever I get around to it. Other than that, I really hope my FAQ is very helpful to you in conquering Kirby and the Amazing Mirror! -------------------------------------------- b. Contact Information [CNTCT] My email address is nuclearlemons@comcast.net. Any information I ask for as well as any corrections, questions, or constructive criticism is greatly appreciated. Please do not dump tons of info in my mailbox if I don't ask for it. I don't want my mailbox flooded with facts I was about to get myself. Also, if you are going to criticize my FAQ, make sure that you use constructive criticism only! If you send me an email that says, "You are a moron. You suck at life", I will block your email address. And that wouldn't be good when you actually have a serious question for me and your email gets bounced back to you, now would it? Other than that PLEASE criticize my FAQ. This is my first ever and I would like to know how I have done. When you send me an email, make sure the title bar says: Kirby and the Amazing Mirror - gravy229. If it does not say anything about Kirby or does not have a title, I will not read it. Here is my list of stuff I will be accepting in emails: Comments, questions, corrections, concerns, construcitve criticism -------------------------------------------- c. Glossary [GLSRY] Here is a list of all of the crazy terms I will use in this FAQ that you might not know about. Block Breaker Ability: Any ability that breaks Hard Blocks. Peg Pounder Ability: Any ability that pounds Pegs into the ground. String Slicer Ability: Any ability that cuts Strings that hold up platforms. Tap: Push either right or left on the control pad twice quickly. Hub: The first room you see in Rainbow Route. Press L to go back to the Hub. ^, v, <, and >: Up, down, left, and right on the Control Pad, respectively. -------------------------------------------- 2. Version History [HSTRY] -------------------------------------------- Version 0.92: 03/24/05 Again, it's been a while. Sub-Games: all done. I also added the Story to the Intro. This is probably going to be the final version for a while, so get used to it. Version 0.71: 12/11/04 It's been a while. I created a Recent News section and and updated my Contact Information (since nobody was following it anyway)... What? Were you expecting more? I'm a busy person; get offa my back! Version 0.70: 10/23/04 Finished Radish Ruins, started and finished Candy Constellation, and started Rainbow Route 2. I would have done more if the Boston Red Sox weren't playing tonight... Version 0.65: 10/22/04 Finished Peppermint Palace, briefly started Radish Ruins. I also added Jack to the enemy list. Version 0.62: 10/19/04 Bah, too much homework today. Oh, well, that's life. Continued my Peppermint Palace guide, added Pengy to the Enemy List. And that's about it. Version 0.60: 10/18/04 Release date of the game! Luckily I got this posted before the release date (that was my goal after all...). I completed the Olive Ocean section and started the Peppermint Palace section. I also added a "Goal Bonus" section under Sub-Games. Kewl. Version 0.57: 10/17/04 I started the Olive Ocean section; not much actually got done, though. Version 0.55: 10/17/04 I changed the "Random Stuff" section to actually reflect what I was going to put in it... it is now called Sub-Games. I also did the Thank You's (not many so far) and Copyright Info. I also fixed a margin error. Version 0.40: 10/15/04 Ahhhh... Friday... Such a good day to sit back, relax, and... write FAQs?! Well, anyway, I finished the Cabbage Cavern section, started and finished Mustard Mountain, and started and finished Carrot Castle. I'd say it was a pretty productive day... Version 0.25: 10/14/04 I finished the Moonlight Mansion section of the Walkthrough and started the Cabbage Cavern section. I also worked on the Enemy, Boss, Mini-Boss, and Ability Lists. Version 0.15: 10/13/04 I added the Mini-Bosses and Bosses sections, I also made progress on the Enemies, Copy Abilities, and Walkthrough. I'm hoping I can be done enough to make a post on the 18th! Version 0.10: 10/12/04 I got a great jump on the Enemy List, Ability List, and Walkthrough. I also addad a Glossary in the Introduction section. Version 0.05: 10/11/04 I did all of the sections in the Introduction. I also did the Item List and Controls, and I nicked the surface of the Walkthrough. Version 0.01: 10/10/04 I typed up the Table of Contents and everything above it. Hey, I also typed this! -------------------------------------------- 3. Game Basics [BASIC] -------------------------------------------- Here is everything you would want to know before starting your game and then some. I would HIGHLY recommend reading this if you have never played any Kirby games, and if this is your first time playing this game, I would still read it. If you are very familiar with the game, skip this section. -------------------------------------------- a. Story [STORY] The peaceful world of Dream Land is in great danger. In Dream Land, dreams had always flowed out from the wonderful Fountain of Dreams, which collected the hopes and dreams of all living things. It also provided all the good dreams and rest that come from deep sleep. But one day, everyone in Dream Land lost the ability to dream! Apparently, King DeDeDe had been bathing in the Fountain of Dreams! Not only that, but DeDeDe had taken the Star Rod - the source of power of the Fountain of Dreams - and broken it into pieces, giving one to each of his underlings. Now, Kirby must embark on an adventure to restore peaceful naptimes to all the residents of Dream Land... -------------------------------------------- b. Controls [CNTRL] Do I really need to explain this? When you push the button, stuff happens. Here's a basic list of what happens when you push buttons. Control Pad (+): Moves Kirby left and right (< and >), duck (v), and fly (^). Tap Control Pad: Makes Kirby run left or right. Start: Pauses game, goes to pause menu. Select: Releases current copy ability, switches between pause menus. A: Makes Kirby jump and fly, confirms menu selections. B: Uses your current copy ability, inhales, exhales, cancels menu selections. L: Uses the cell phone to call a Warp Star to bring you back to the Hub. R: Uses the cell phone to call the other Kirbys to assist you. v and B: Slides (breaks Star Blocks and does damage). -------------------------------------------- c. Item List [ITEMS] Here is a list of all of the items and other important stuff in the game. Mirror Shards are the point of the game. Get all 8 to fight Dark Mind. Food: Random Food (i.e. cherries, riceballs) adds 1 health to your health bar. Energy Drinks (red bottles) add 2 health to your health bar. Meat adds 3 health to your health bar. Maxim Tomatoes (tomatoes with "M" on them) fully restore your health bar. Candy makes you invulnerable for a short period of time. (You will flash.) Other Items: Batteries add 1 battery life to your cell phone (maximum of 3). 1-ups add 1 extra Kirby to the number of lives you have. Switches: Big Switches open doors to the Hub, then fully restore your health bar. Small Switches open doors on the screen, but they close fast, so hurry up! Door Switches open doors to another area, but both must be opened first. Treasure Chests: Maps show you a map of the area designated to that map. The Sound Player lets you listen to Music Sheets. Music Sheets (paper with a music note) are listened to on the Sound Player. Spraypaint can be used to color your Kirby in the Collection menu. Extra Vital adds 1 health to your maximum health (maximum of 10). (Food and 1-ups can also be found in treasure chests.) Blocks: Star Blocks are just like enemies: Inhale 'em, exhale 'em. Stone Blocks are really heavy: They move a little bit when you inhale. Big Stone Blocks require at least 3 Kirbys to move. Bomb Blocks blow up some stuff on the screen when hit. Hard Blocks require a Block Breaker Ability to break (see "Copy Abilities"). Pegs require a Peg Pounder Ability to pound in (see "Copy Abilities"). Strings require a String Slicer Ability to break (see "Copy Abilities"). -------------------------------------------- d. Enemy List [ENEMY] Here is a list of all the enemies in the game, what copy abilities they give if any, and how they attack you. Name: Ability My Description Bang-Bang: Missile It will sit there for a while, gathering power, then all of a sudden, BAM! it launches itself toward you. Destroy it before it does this. Batty: - Battys are very annoying. They will home in on you, and they seem to be able to dodge all of your attacks. Hit them with a long-range attack before you get too close. Big Waddle Dee: - Simply a big... Waddle... Dee. The only difference it that they take a little more effort to inhale. Blipper: - In the water, these fish will stalk you, and out of the water, they will sometimes jump and lunge at you. Basically, if you're underwater, try to take them out as quickly as possible. Blockin: - Sure, it LOOKS like an ordinary Star Block, but it isn't. It's a Blockin! Annoying as heck, they can be hiding behind any Star Block. They also have a considerable amount of health. They ALSO cannot be inhaled, making them very dangerous to Kirbys without a Copy Ability. Bomber: Crash These guys will walk around, but if they fall off a platform... KABOOOOOOOOM!!! Everything in a large radius will take damage. Boxin: Fighter Back and forth, back and forth, back an... oh, sorry, Boxin. They jump back and forth and try to punch you. Nothing more, nothing less. Chip: - These furry dudes will try to jump on top of you. You could stick around for a while, but why don't you just inhale it and get it over with? Cookin: Cook These chefs will try to hit you with their frying pan. Defeat it before it can do so. Cupie: Cupid These guys fly around in circles and occasionally shoot arrows at you. Not too hard to defeat. Droppy: - These guys are pretty annoying. If they touch you while you have a copy ability, they will steal it and transform into the enemy that gives you that ability. If it is an ability that has no minor enemies to transform into (i.e. Smash and Master), then it will turn red and run around. Just inhale it to reclaim your ability. Flamer: Burning They will travel in a set path, but you can sometimes change the path by changing the evironment. If you get too close, they will sometimes use Burning on you. Foley: Bomb They will hover in the air, until you go under them, in which case they will drop down and try to explode on your face! Giant Rocky: Stone Basically, just a big Rocky. No new moves, no new abilities, just harder to swallow. Glunk: - These seaworthy critters will stay in one place and shoot beams out of their heads. They are usually placed in spots where they are pretty hard to avoid. Golem: Fighter, Stone, Wheel You can tell what ability they well give you by how they attack you. If one of them tries to punch you , it will give you Fighter. If it tries to jump on your head, it will give you Stone. If it tries to roll into you, it will give you Wheel. Gordo: - They're black, they're spikey, and they're invincible. Only there to get in the way, Gordos are completely protected from any and all of Kirby's attacks. Haley: - They go in a straight line, drilling through anything in their path, including you. Heavy Knight: Sword Simply a larger version of Sword Knight. However, with a bigger knight comes a bigger sword. Don't try many short-range attacks on these guys, it simply won't work. Hot Head: Fire These guys will walk around and then use one of their two attacks. Their first is exactly like Fire. The other attack they have is spitting a fireball directly at you. Jack: - These guys hide out in Cannons until you shoot them out. They will spit stars at you if you don't shoot them soon enough. Laser Ball: Laser These orbs will stalk you, then pause to shoot a laser at you. Then will then run away. It is best to just try to avoid their laser, but it you want Laser, then you'll need to eat one. Leap: - If these things touch you, they will kiss you, and you will be immobile for a few seconds whlie you wipe the lipstick off of your face. This makes it very easy to fall off cliffs, so watch out. Metal Guardian: Laser Here to add to the "giant" collection of enemies is the Metal Guardian. These metal orbs are big Laser Balls. Thereby, they are hard to swallow, and give you Laser. However, they fire three lasers more often, and don't run away afterward. Minny: Mini Basically a tiny Waddle Dee. They are mostly in places where you can't even touch them, so there really isn't much danger of getting hurt by them. Mirra: - These critters guard doors throughout the Mirror World. If you get too close or you spook them with one of your Copy Abilities, they will hide underground along with their door. Noddy: Sleep These guys don't do much, which is not a surprise, considering they give you Sleep... Pengy: Ice They slide around on their bellies and spit ice at you, freezing you instantly. This leaves you open to new attacks, but Pengys don't attack very often. Prank: - These guys think they're really funny, painting your face purple and dropping banana peels all over the place... The paint attack is very similar to Leap's kiss as in you will take a moment to wipe it off your face. The banana peel doesn't damage you, but if you hit it, you will lose your copy ability and become immoble for a second. They may also throw Mario-esque fireballs, frying pans, and bombs at you. Rocky: Stone They will stay still most of the time, but sometimes they will move toward you or try to jump on your head. Roly-Poly: - These blue guys will roll down hills to try to hit you. Easy to destroy, but easier to avoid. Scarfy: - DO NOT TRY TO INHALE THESE. They will turn into cyclopes and chase you until they explode. Other than that, they just hover around. Sometimes, they drop from the top of the screen, so be careful. Shadow Kirby: - Simply damage Shadow Kirby in any way, shape, or form and he will drop a useful item. Watch out, though! He will use some of Kirby's copy abilities to try to stop you from completing your quest. Shooty: - They fly around in circles and shoot purple beams at you if you are in front of them and bombs if you are below them. Their pattern is very predictable, so they are not too hard to avoid. Shotzo: - Along with Gordos, they are the only enemies that cannot be damaged no matter what you do. Unlike Gordos, however, they will shoot cannonballs at you and can sometimes ride on Parasols. Sir Kibble: Cutter These guys will do a little jig and then throw a boomerang cutter at you. Not too hard to avoid, just don't stand right in front of one for too long. Snooter: - These things are docile... until they get hurt! After that they run around rampantly, damaging anything in its path (namely you). If you're gonna take one out, make sure you finish the job quickly. Soarar: - These are a lot like Shootys, except they are faster, a lot less predictable, and they don't drop bombs. They are a lot more annoying, and a lot harder to avoid. Sparky: Spark These little guys will jump around, and occasionally use Spark. However, most of Kirby's attacks are longer than Spark is wide, so the Spark isn't much of a danger to you. Sword Knight: Sword They will lunge at you with their swords. The swords are a lot longer when they attack you than they are when they aren't attacking you. Twister: Tornado These dudes will sit there for a little bit, then they will start spinning out of control. When they are spinning, the only thing that can hurt them is inhaling them. UFO: U.F.O. They might try to follow you, but sometimes they just sit there, waiting to be copied... Waddle Dee: - Mostly harmless; will generally just walk around, but sometimes they will jump. Waddle Doo: Beam Much like Waddle Dees, they will walk around, but unlike Waddle Dees, they will fire an electric beam at you. Wheelie: Wheel These guys will try to ram you at full speed. However, they are still vulnerable when attacking you, so they aren't too much of a problem. -------------------------------------------- e. Mini-Bosses [MINIB] Batafire: Burning One of the more annoying Mini-Bosses. Batafire will try to charge you VERY often (note Burning), and when it flies slowly to the center of the screen, it will explode in a burst of fireballs. You can inhale these fireballs and spit them back at it to do damage. It will eventaully give in, but it may take a while if you don't have a Copy Ability. Bombar: Missile This Mini-Boss has a TON of health. He will charge at you, shoot bombs straight down, and shoot homing missiles at you. The bombs give you Bomb, and the missiles give you Missile. I recommend you pick up Bomb as quickly as you can and toast him with Bomb. Bonkers: Hammer He has two moves and usually follows a specific pattern. He will charge at you with his hammer, then pound you with it, then he will throw an exploding seed at you. Both the stars that appear from the impact of the hammer and the seeds at be inhaled and exhaled back at him. Box Boxer: Fighter He is THE most annoying Mini-Boss in the game. He has several moves. He will charge you, pick you up, and slam you between his ears sending you in the opposite direction than your ability if you had one, charge an energy blast which you can inhale and exhale at him, punch you, and try to jump on you which releases a shock which you can also inhale. Good luck, you'll need it. Boxy: Magic Basically, she has two moves. She will charge at you, and she will spit a present at you. If you leave the present there for a while, it will open revealing either food, an enemy, or a bomb. Or you can use the present as ammo before it opens. Defeating Boxy will give you a unique ability: Magic. Master Hand: Smash Quite similar to the Master Hand in Super Smash Bros., he has four moves. He will shoot you with flaming bullets (eat them for Burining!), he will turn into stone and land on your face, he will try to punch you, and he will try to grab you. When you're done, make sure you leave the room with Smash, it's the best ability in the game! Mr. Flosty: Ice He doesn't have a wide array of moves. Sometimes, he will charge you, then eat you, and spit you out against the wall. Other times, he will throw ice cubes at you. You can inhale these and exhale them back, unless the ice cubes are bigger. You will have to time these perfectly. This is because they take a while to inhale, but you barely have enough energy to suck one in. I recommend that you fly over the big ones and rely on the smaller ones. Or you could just use your Copy Ability. Phan Phan: Throw This guy is pretty easy if you have good reflexes. He will try to charge you, pick you up and throw you, jump on your head, and throw apples at you. You can inhale the apples and exhale them back. -------------------------------------------- f. Bosses [BOSES] ???: If you have fought Meta Night in any of the previous Kirby games, this won't be too different. The only difference is that you aren't required to get sword before the fight. Try to stay in the air until he attacks you, then land a quick combo on him and take to the air again. This is one of the more difficult Boss Battles you will encounter, but with pacience (and lives!), you should succeed. If you don't have a Copy Ability, his jump and pound attack will leave a shock that you can inhale (I don't recommend losing your ability, though...). Master Hand & Crazy Hand: They don't have many more attacks than just plain Master Hand does, except their two combo attacks. The first one is that they clap hands and try to squash you. The second is that they punch each other and try to squash you. Both of these leave a shock that you can inhale and exhale back at them. Gobbler: Try to stay underwater as much as you can while fighting Gobbler. He is a hassle to fight on the two-way platforms because the only time he comes out of the water is to dive on your face, and it is very hard to hit fim in such a short amount of time. He can also send his lackeys to dive at you, so he can actually hurt you without actually coming out of the water. Underwater he only has a few attacks, he will charge you, or he will send the red things to do the same. Hammer and Sword work the best on him because they work underwater. King Golem: This freak is really a Whispy Woods wannabe. Toast him with any Copy Ability. He shouldn't take more than fifteen seconds to beat. If you don't have an ability (shame on you), inhale the rocks that fall from the top of the screen (I told you he was a quasi-Whispy). Occasionally he will spit a Golem at you. TAKE ITS ABILITY IF YOU DON'T ALREADY HAVE ONE! Now you can follow the second sentence of this guide. Kracko: He is easy if you have fought him in the previous Kirby games. He has more moves this time though, but not all of them are very good. He will throw an enemy with a random Copy Ability at you (I have seen Beam, Burning, and Tornado), turn the screen dark and go across the screen with lightning bolt action, rain right on top of your head, perform a Waddle-Doo-style beam, and swoop at you. The rain is easy to avoid, and the enemies give you some pretty good Copy Abilities. Mega Titan: Here's a shocker: None of your attacks can actually hurt the Mega Titan! Instead, try to use your attacks to force him into one of the electric walls in the room. Do the same four times to knock him out. If you have no Copy Ability, use the shocks that come from the impact of his fists on the floor, walls, and cieling. Once you do that, his head will pop off, and you will be fighting the Titan Head. Hit it with your attacks to destroy it. Again, if you don't have an ability, inhale the missiles he shoots at you and exhale them back at him. Moley: He is pretty easy if you are good at Kirby games, but he can be a challenge to those who aren't. Every once in a while he will pop out of a hole and throw stuff at you. If you don't have a Copy Ability, you can inhale the stuff and exhale it back at him. Or you can copy the stuff! Each of the different things he throws at you gives you a different ability. You cannot inhale the large rocks, so don't try. The smaller rocks and screws don't give you anything, the bombs give you Bomb, the wheels give you (...gee, I wonder...) Wheel, the flaming barrels give you Burning, and the buzzsaws give you Cutter. Wiz: Wiz is a lot like Paint Roller from Nightmare in Dreamland. He will fly around the stage, tap his hat, and stuff will pop out! Some of the stuff gives you Copy Abilities, and here they are: The footballs and balloons give you nothing, the clouds give you Spark, the cars give you Wheel, the Bombs give you Bomb, and the poison apples give you Sleep. -------------------------------------------- g. Copy Abilities [ABLTY] Here is a list of all the copy ablilties, what they do, and how useful they are. Name: Score / 10 - Speciaties Quote from game My description Beam: 7 / 10 "This Beam's like a whip! Whaa-pssssshh! Beam it!" If you have played Kirby's Super Star, you might think that Beam comes with more than just the plain old Beam. Well, you thought wrong. Push B to fire a Beam kind of like the Waddle Doos do. The Beam is relativaly weak, but you can get many hits in with one push of the button. Bomb: 8 / 10 "Use B to pull out a bomb, and press B again to throw it. Move the Control Pad to change where to throw it." Hit B to light a bomb, then B again to toss it. Hold ^ to throw it up. Be sure to throw it before it explodes in your hands... You can also put a bomb on the ground with v and B Burning: 9 / 10 - Block Buster "Flaming tackle time! Who's gonna stop me?" Basically, when you push B, you turn into a fireball and charge forward, kind of like in the classic Kirby games. You are invincible in fireball form. Cook: 8 / 10 "Cook your enemies into a nutritious and delicious snack. This trick only works once before going away!" One-time use: Cook every minor enemy on the screen into one piece of Food. Crash: 7 / 10 "Warning! Use only as a last resort!" One-time use: Destroys every enemy on the screen. Cupid: 9 / 10 "Fire a pointy arrow. Press and release B to fire the arrow. Change where you aim with the Control Pad." This pretty much sums it up. One thing they forgot to mention, though: If you hold B for a bit, you will start to flash, and you will fire three arrows that go farther than the single arrow. Cutter: 4 / 10 - String Slicer "Throw the Cutter father by holding B. Aim up or down with the Control Pad." Yes folks, you can aim the Cutter this time. Also, you have to hold B to get maximum range: This is only one of the downsides of Cutter in this game. It takes a long time to use, it leaves you open for attacks, and it is very weak. Fighter: 6 / 10 " " This is a very strong attack, but many of the moves put you in very vulnerable positions. Play around with it, see what kinds of combos you can make up. I might even post yours if it's good enough! Fire: 8 / 10 "Fire!! Hot! So hot! Too hot to touch!" This ability has been made much better since Nightmare in Dreamland. You breathe fire out of your mouth, but you can also aim it up or down, extend its range by pushing the Control Pad away from you, or add attack power by pushing it toward you. Hammer: 9 / 10 "Flatten your foes with these superspecial moves:" You have three moves with this one: The hammer smack (B), the hammer spin (tap and B), and the uppercut (^ and B). All of them do a humungous amount of damage. Ice: 8 / 10 "First I'll freeze 'em, then I'll kick 'em along! Brrrr!" A lot like Fire, Ice is basically ice breath. Freeze your foes with it, then kick them at the rest of your foes! To kick an ice block, simply touch it from the side. Laser: 6 / 10 "-Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation- And it ricochets off hills, too!" This weak ability gives you an edge by bouncing off of hills to areas you normally wouldn't be able to reach. It only bounces a few times, though... Magic: 9 / 10 "No telling what will happen when you use it, but... once you use it, you lose it!" Actually, you can tell. Cherries will turn all enemies into cherries. The sword will call Meta Knight to destroy all the enemies on the screen. Candy gives you temporary invulnerability, 1-up turns all enemies into 1-ups, and the ? does something special... It gives you a random Copy Ability (I have heard it gives Parasol more than others, however). I thank dvitek@frontiernet.net for this tidbit of info. Master: 10 / 10 - Block Breaker - Peg Pounder - String Slicer "..." Appears in the Hub when you beat the game. It is a combination of Sword (just B), Burning (tap and B), and Roy's Fire Stab in Super Smash Bros Melee (^ and B) . It can solve any puzzle. Mini: No Score "Shrink down to tiny size so you can fit through tight passageways." Basically, you get small. You can fit through tight spots. You can't attack of fly. I didn't give this a score because it would be a perfect 10 in some spots, but a 0 in others. You can't leave a room with Mini. Missile: 5 / 10 - Block Breaker "Transform into a missile and fly through the sky. Watch out: you'll blow up if you hit and enemy or a wall." Although when you blow up when you hit an enemy or wall you don't take damage, you will be immobile for a few seconds, leaving you apt to getting hit or falling into oblivion. The missile is also very hard to control. Parasol: 7 / 10 "The sun shines on this Parasol of mine. Where I walk, enemies balk, and I float gently down..." This is really useful for shielding your head against airborne enemies like Foleys. Has a pretty good attack power, but short range. Sleep: 0 / 10 "-DO NOT DISTURB- I need my beauty rest." Basically, you are completely immoble for a few seconds. Copying Sleep is the worst thing you could possibly do to yourself other than jump off a cliff. Smash: 11 / 10 - Block Breaker - Peg Pounder - String Slicer "Attack with... familiar fighting moves. Press B with the Control Pad for different smashing attacks." For all of you that have played Super Smash Bros. Melee, these moves should be quite familiar. v and B is Stone, < or > and B is Hammer, ^ and B is Final Cutter. The one difference is that tapping B in this game is like tapping A in Melee. Spark: 5 / 10 "BZZT! BRRRRZZZT! BRRRZZPPP! ZZZT!" The makers of this game have really downgraded it since Nightmare in Dreamland. Although it has good range, it is very weak, allowing many enemies to walk right through it. Also, long-range attacks can hit you in this form. Stone: 9 / 10 - Block Breaker - Peg Pounder "Turn into and invincible stone block and crush your foes. Roll down slopes to pulverize everyone you hit!" If you are on the ground when you use this ability, you will pop up a little bit allowing foes to walk under you when you hit B. Also, hitting the ground crates a shockwave which damages foes, but you actually need to make contact with the top of a Hard Block to break it with Stone. You can also roll down hills, mashing everything in your path. You are absolutely invincible from anthing except for instant death in rock form. Sword: 9 / 10 - String Slicer "Cut" This is actually a very long-range attack. Tapping B quickly will start a mad barrage of sword swipes, each doing a little damage. ^ and B will perform a "Final Cutter"-type-move that will travel along the ground for a bit. Throw: 3 / 10 "Try throwing your enemies straight! Aim up or down to change the direcion!" It's basically like Normal, except you can aim with ^ and v and you can't move while you have an enemy ready to throw. Tornado: 9 / 10 "Spin spin spin spin spin Spinspinspinspin Spinspinspin AAAAAUGGHH!" Press B to turn into a tornado. Make contact with an enemy to do damage. If you hold B in tornado form, you will fly upward, and if you release B, you will drop downward. You are almost completely invulnerable in tornado form. U.F.O.: 10 / 10 - Block Breaker "Wow! I'm so lucky I copied a UFO! I can do four different moves. It all depends on how long you hold B!" Quickly hit B to launch a stonger version of Beam. Hold it for a little bit to shoot a laser-type-thing that bounces off hills. Hold it until Kirby glows a little to launch a strong spark. Hold it for a while to shoot a Hard-Block- Busting ray that goes through anything, even walls. You cannot return to the Hub with U.F.O. Wheel: 9 / 10 "I ride like the wind! Fast! Too fast!" When you push B, you will transform into a wheel, plowing over anything in your path. A few added features in this game: You can ride on water (well, you could do that before, but it's still cool), and you can jump in wheel form. Watch out because you can get hurt when changing direction! You are mostly invulnerable in wheel form. MIX: Though mix is not really a Copy Ability, I will mention it here. If you inhale two enemies with Copy Abilities, then you will start a chance wheel and get a random ability! This is VERY helpful when there are a lot of Noddys lying around. I must give credit to I_LOVE_VGS for reminding me to put this in my FAQ! -------------------------------------------- 4. Walkthrough [GUIDE] -------------------------------------------- Okay, so now that you know about the game, it's time to play. This walkthrough will tell you the way I went through each individual stage, and may not necessarily match the way that you will go through the stage, but if you go through the stage differently from the way I did it, you may be in a different place than the guide says you should be. So here is my recommendation: Follow the guide exactly; it will be a lot less painful than trying to find out when you went astray from the guide. Without any further ado: The Walkthrough! -------------------------------------------- a. First Things First [AREA0] You will start the game in a cloudy park (KDL3 humor) that is not on the world map. For simplicity, I call this area Area 0. Just go through the first room trying not to get hit by the meager number of ememies there. In the second room, wait for one of the other Kirbys to push the Small Switch, then hit the Bomb Block to go on to the next room. You could use the cell phone to speed up the process. When you come to a Stone Block, inhale and it will eventually fall off of its perch and you may move on. Do the same to the next block if you need the Meat ot the Battery. The third room is a lot like the first. I recommend that you pick up Burning along the way. Open the Big Treasure Chest at the end to get the World Map as well as open the door to Rainbow Route. When you enter the door, you will get a message about using L and R. If you push and hold L anywhere after this (except the room you are about to enter), you will be transported back to the room you are about to enter. The adventure finally begins... -------------------------------------------- b. Rainbow Route [AREA1] Enter the only door that is available to you to start you adventure. This is not much different from Area 0 except that the background is of trees and not clouds. The first room is an area filled with enemies. Don't get hurt. The second room has a Treasure Chest with a 1-up in it. You can't miss it unless you're not looking at the screen. At the end of this room there are two doors. If you want to see all the sights, go through the top door. If you don't care about visiting all the rooms, flip a coin to see which door you should go through. In any case go through one of the doors. Go through this room and the next. Pick up the Maxim Tomato in the fourth room if you need it (and ONLY if you need it), then go through the next door. In the fifth room, you will need to fly upward to get to the door. Damage Shadow Kirby to get an item, then hop onto the Warp Star in this room. When you do so, it will take you to Moonlight Mansion. -------------------------------------------- c. Moonlight Mansion [AREA2] When you pop off the Warp Star, you will be in Moonlight Mansion. Defeat the Golem here and pick up the Moonlight Mansion Map in the Big Treasure Chest. Pick up the Meat if you need it, then go through the door. Hit the Small Switch and go through the door. If you go straight forward, you will see some Hard Blocks. Go through this room the only way you can, break the Bomb Blocks. In the next room, take care of the Mr. Flosty (HINT: Use the Waddle Dees at the bottom of the room), then continue on. Pick up the Maxim Tomato if you need it, then go through the next door. Hit the Big Switch to open a path from your current position to the Hub. However, don't enter the door. Go through the other door with a star on top (on the right side of the room). Go down the ladders, then to the right. Watch out, because this Star Block is really a Blockin. Continue to the right and through the door. If you want an Energy Drink, hit the first TWO Bomb Blocks you come to but leave the third one alone. Drop down below and through the door. Get the Energy Drink and leave. Head right through the room, watching out for the Gordos, then breaking the Bomb Block that contains the next door. Grab the Candy, then run as far as you can as fast as you can. However, when you get to the door, STOP. Break the Bomb Block relealing a door. What do we do to doors? Go through them, of course! You will find this room very familiar if you picked up the Energy Drink a while ago: This time you're in the side with the Maxim Tomato! Pick it up if you need it, then leave. Go through the door that I told you not to go through, then break some Star Blocks. Break the Bomb Block to reveal a path to Meat, a Maxim Tomato, a 1-up, some Golems, and a Big Switch. Hit it to connect Rainbow Route to the Hub, then continue on your way. You will see a Bomb Block. Hit it from the left side. Spikes will appear. But so will a door. Go through the door. Okay, you are about to enter the HARDEST ROOM IN THE GAME!!! Not really, but pick an ability anyway. Anything BUT NORMAL will work. If you have a Copy Ability, the King Golem will be cake, but without one, he will be a challenge. My record for longest time taken on this boss is about ten seconds. Anyway, if you REALLY NEED a detail-less description of how to beat the King Golem, go to the "Bosses" section. Congratulations, your first Mirror Shard! You will now be transported back to the Hub. After you get the first Mirror Shard, go through the brown door with a plant on it to go to a room with a treasure chest. Oooooooo! The Rainbow Route Map! If you look at it, you will see that this area is very big. You will tackle it piece by piece as you take on the other areas. Don't worry, I'll tell you where to go to get all the stuff that you'll need! Anyway, we're going back to Moonlight Mansion, so from the room that you are in, go through the right-side door. Grab Cutter from the Sir Kibble if you don't already have a String Slicer Ability, then cut the platforms down. In one, you'll find a Maxim Tomato. In the other you will find a Heavy Knight and a Bomb Block. Take Sword (because it is better than Cutter), then break the Bomb Block. Go up the ladders and through the door that appears. You've got two choices here, land or water. If you picked water, stay underwater and go to the right. If you picked land, go to the right until you see some brown blocks. Stand on them until they break then go underwater and to the right. Pick up the Music Sheet in the Treasure Chest, then surface to the left. Go through the door, then call your Kirby pals with R. They will all toss their abilities, but you need to make sure they don't get them back accidentally. As each one appears, inhale it, exhale it against the wall. If you have an ability of your own, you will need to do the same. Inhale the Big Stone Block in unison until you can fit through the hole. You will pick up two 1-ups and the Chalk Spraypaint. Next, go back to the last room and take the top-right door. In this room, cut the string to get a 1-up (pick up Cutter from the Sir Kibble if you don't have a String Slicer ability). To get through the stone door, exhale an air puff from the right side of the Gordo then quickly fly through. Go through the door at the end of the room. Then go through the next room. In the NEXT room, pick up Stone from the Giant Rocky, then roll down the hill to the right. Then hit the Peg with Stone to get a 1-up. Stand on the brown blocks to the right of you to drop into the current. Stay underwater, and the current will bring you to the next room, as well as a Maxim Tomato. Grab the Meat, fight the Boxy, then go through the Goal Door (that's the big one). Jump on the Warp Star and you get to play the Goal Bonus Game for 100 seconds! You will then go back to the Hub. Just a few more things to do here. Go through the door with the plant, then the door on the right. This time, go through the door at the top of the room. Grab Burning from the Flamer, then break through the Hard Blocks right above you. Then go through the Star Blocks and a few more Hard Blocks. Defeat the lower Mirra to go to Moonlight Mansion. Go through this room to go back to the room with the Big Stone Block. Take the top-right door until you meet the Giant Rocky again. This time, intead of going through the Star Blocks, use the door right next to them. Go through the next door and break the Hard Blocks there with Burning (If you lost Burning, you will need to start this section again). Break the Bomb Block underneath you and go into the only door you can get to. Exit the same way, then break the Bomb Block from as far to the left as you possibly can. If you gain access to the blocked-off door, then go in. If not, try again. In this room, go down and break the Bomb Block. A whole bunch of electrical things will appear, so don't hit them. Anyway, continue to the right, then up. Break the purple blocks with a slide and activate the Door Switch. You can't go to Olive Ocean yet because you also need to hit a switch there. Leave this room by the door above you. Go back to where the Hard Blocks are, but don't go through them. Go up the spikey path, then through the door. Go through the next room, but before you start the NEXT one, fly straight up. You should see a Bomb Block. Break it to open up a path. Go that way until you reach a door. Go through it to get 2 1-ups and the Orange Spraypaint. Go back to the last room and take the bottom path. Go through the door, then go down through the next room. Go through the door to fight Batafire. You will then see a Goal Door. Go through it to play the Goal Bonus for 150 seconds. Get any Block Buster Ability other than Stone, then call the Warp Star to bring you back to the Hub. This time, go through the purple door to jump straight to Moonlight Mansion. Go through the door on the right, then continue through this room and then next, but DON'T GO THROUGH THE DOOR! If you do, you will need to start over. Instead, fly straight up and through the Hard Blocks, then through the door. Hit the Small Switch, then run through the door. Break the Bomb Block if you want the Meat, but make sure you don't go to the left unless you want to fight a Boxy. Instead, go up and through the door. Break the Bomb Blocks to go up, and grab the Maxim Tomato and 1-up if you can. Go through the door at the top of the room to continue onward. In the next room, do the same thing with the Small Switch, then go up. The first Bomb Block you see on the left will give you a Battery; take it if you need it. The second will lead you to the other half of this room. Break it and go through. You can grab the 1-up on the left if you want to. If you don't have a Block Breaker Ability, break the Bomb Block and the next one to open the door. Grab Burning and leave. Now, break through the Hard Blocks and go down to where the door is, but DO NOT break the Bomb Block. Instead, go further down, and open the chest to get Meat. Now go up, past the first door, to the second door and go in. There are a few fun things in this room. As soon as you enter, you will be pitted against a Metal Guardian. A bit further up is a Giant Rocky, and at the tippety top of the room is a Warp Star, here to take you to Candy Constellation. However, that is the toughest area in the game, so I recommend you get your friendly neighborhood Warp Star to take you back to the Hub. -------------------------------------------- d. Cabbage Cavern [AREA3] To get to Cabbage Cavern, take the door with the plant on it, and then the left door. Grab Wheel from the Wheelie right above you, then continue left through the door. Ride all the way to the left in this room to get a Treasure Chest with a 1-up. Then exit through the door that is underground. Drop down this room on the left side. You're not going to want Wheel, so grab Sword instead. Continue down the left side, hitting all of the Bomb Blocks in your way. Go through the door at the end of the room. Drop all the way down to the bottom of this room, but grab Wheel before going through the door. Wheel all the way to the end of the room, but don't go through the door. Instead, drop down the hole to the right of you to go to Cabbage Cavern. Grab Burning in this room, then break the Bomb Blocks and continue through the door. Go all the way to the bottom of this room, breaking the Bomb Blocks as you go, then go to the left. But, again, don't go through the door. Go up the left side of the room then enter the door at the top. Go through the room, and you will notice a Treasure Chest. To get it, break the Bomb Block with the Gordo next to it, and ready yourself with a puff of air. When the Gordo is to the left of you, exhale the air puff onto the switch to open the door. Then mad dash to the Treasure Chest before the door closes. If you are successful, you will get a Music Sheet. Continue on to the next room. Go all the way to the bottom of the room, and grab Burning if you don't already have it. Then pass the Gordo to the left and go up. Break the Bomb Block on the right for Meat and a Maxim Tomato. Then go further up and break the Bomb Block there to open a path to the Big Treasure Chest. Go ALL THE WAY to the beginning of the room, but instead of going down, go to the left. Voila! Cabbage Cavern's Map! Go down through the grey blocks to get back to where you found the meat, but this time, break the left Bomb Block to go to the Goal. You've got 100 seconds this time. Go back to Cabbage Cavern the EXACT same way you did last time. Go through the first room the same way, but in the second room, use the door at the bottom instead of the top. In this room, go to the bottom, then take a right. Go through the door here. In this room, hit the Big Switch to open a door from Cabbage Cavern to the Hub. Exit this room using the left-most door, then swim to the left in the next room. Go through the door at the left side of the room. Get through the next room by breaking the Bomb Blocks and Star Blocks. When you reach a fork in the road in this room, go right to fight a Box Boxer and down to continue the stage. In the next room, hit the Big Switch to open a door to Rainbow Route. Go through the new door. Hitting the Big Switch in THIS room to open a door to the Hub. Go back to Cabbage Cavern by using the purple door in the room you are in. Take the right-hand door out of this room. In the next room, grab Beam from the Waddle Doo and head to the left. When you reach a Bomb Block that is buried in the ground, hit it with Beam and claim the Chocolate Spraypaint. Then head through the left-most door. In the next room, you will have an intense fight with a Batafire, making sure you grab Burning, then continue upward. I say to grab Burning because Burning can go right through the Gordos blocking your path. Anyway, take the top-left door out of this room. In the next room, carefully float downward, being very wary of the spikes. When you get to a bunch of Star Blocks, break the ones at the bottom of the room to reveal a door. Go through it. Go to the very left side of the room and go through the door there. Go up through the next room, grabbing the Music Sheet along the way. Grab the 1-up and let the current pull you upward. Head up and around this room, then fight the Bonkers in the center, making sure to copy Hammer. You will see a door along the way; DON'T go through it. When you're done with Bonkers, let the current take you to the right, then go through the door. Go all the way to the right in the next room as well. In the next room, use Hammer on the Peg, then drop down the hole. While you're down there, grab U.F.O. and the 1-up, then bust a way out to the right. Go through the door. Go down the shaft, and you should recognize where you are! Go through this room (exit through the left) and the next. When you get to the room where you found the Music Sheet, go down instead of up. When you get to the bottom, go through the door on the left. Hit the switch to open a door to the Hub. Exit the room using the right-hand door, then head to the right in the next room, then go through the door. Go through the room the only way you can, but when you find a Giant Rocky, take Stone. When you find a Peg, don't pound it. You will come back later for that. Instead, go up and hit the Small Switch. Run through the door and break the Bomb Block. It will open a route to another Peg. Hit it. Grab the Sapphire Spraypaint and go up through the one-way platforms to your right. Then hit the Peg I told you not to hit and exit through the door beyond. Break the Bomb Block to get a 1-up. Continue on. Fight the subsequent Bonkers and grab Hammer. Drop down to the next room. Don't worry about abilities; Hammer will serve you well. Fight Moley and grab the Mirror Shard. Only six more to go! -------------------------------------------- e. Mustard Mountain [AREA4] Start your journey to Mustard Mountain by going into the door with the plant. You will be taking the right-hand route this time. Take the upper door out of the first room. In the next room, go through the door outside of the Hard Blocks. In the next room, head all the way to the left, then through the door. In the next room, you will see a door encased in a Bomb Block. Don't break it. Instead, fly straight up and go the the left. Break the Star Blocks in the area and grab the 1-up and the Maxim Tomato. Then go through the door under the Star Blocks. Go through the only other door in the next room, then pass the Treasure Chest in the next room unless you have Stone or Missile, in which case, get it. If you don't go through the door. Break the Bomb Block and go through the door. In the middle of the next room, you will see a door. Go through it to battle Bombar. Be sure to pick up Missile during or after the fight. Then go back to the Treasure Chest. Now that you have Missile, you can break the Hard Blocks and get the Music Sheet. Now go back to the room where you broke all those Star Blocks. Go through the door in the Bomb Block. Go up through the room, and through the door. Go throught the next room, then stop in the middle of the next room. Fly to the top-right side of the room and go through the door. In the next room, you will see a Small Switch for a door that closes very quickly. Call the other Kirbys to your aid. Step on the Small Switch letting the other Kirbys through. They will break a Bomb Block, allowing you to go through as well. Grab the Big Treasure Chest on the other side, then go back through the door. Go to the top-right side of the room, and go through the door. In the next room, go up and grab Bomb. See the Small Switch below you? Well, you have to stand about three-quarters of the way off the platform and use your special v and B move to drop a bomb right next to the Small Switch. Run as fast as you can to the door before the bomb explodes. You should be able to make it pretty easily. Now grab U.F.O. because it's cool, and go through the door above you. Go through the door on the right side of the room. By doing so, you skip a fight with Phan Phan. Now go through the door at the top of the room. Go through this room until you see a Bomb Block with a Minny under it. Copy the Minny, and go through the small area on your right. To get over the Star Block without losing Mini, release Mini, then swallow the Star Block. You should be able to get Mini back. You can now jump over the wall. Skip the first door (unless you were to somehow lose Mini), and jump in the small hole to go to the next room. A little ways up, you will have to fight a Box Boxer. Take him out and continue your ascent. You will see a Warp Star. It will take you to Candy Constellation. You don't want to be in Candy Constellation, so have the Warp Star take you to the Hub. Go through the grey door at the top of the Hub, then take the right-hand door. Enter Mustard Mountain the same way you just did, and go through the first three rooms the same darn way. When you get to the room with the Minny, don't take Mini from the Minny. Instead, just continue to the right. Go through the door at the end of the path. Simply go through the next two rooms, grabbing the 1-up and Cherry Spraypaint in the second. Then fight the Bombar. Afterwards, grab the 1-up and Maxim Tomato if you can. Go through the Goal Door to play a 100-second Goal Bonus. Go through the door with the plant on it, and go to the room where you broke all of those Star Blocks. This time, go through the door behind the Star Blocks. Go to the room where you fought the Bombar, but continue all the way through the room this time. In the next room, simply go up through the Star Blocks and go through the door at the top of the room. Go through the next room, as well. In the next room, hit the Big Switch to open a door to Rainbow Route. Go through this door, and hit the Big Switch to open a door to the Hub. In any case, go back to Mustard Mountain. Exit the room using the left door. Go up through this room, being careful not to get toasted by the jet of flame. Grab Mini from the Minny, and go down two two-way platforms to the very bottom of the room. Go through the door after the jet of flame. Fall down to the bottom of this room, then go through the door. This time, go through the right door. Grab Burning and go through the Hard Blocks. This timw, defeat the top Mirra and go through the door. Simply go through the next room, then pick your prize. If you want a Maxim Tomato, defeat the Foley and fly above where he was and through the door. If you want Candy, continue to the right and enter the door there. In either case, go up the shaft and into the door on the right. Go through the next room being careful not to fall into oblivion in the first part. Then fight a Boxy, and go through the Goal Door. You have 100 seconds to pick up as many items as you can. Go back to the room with two Mirras in it. Take the top door again. In the room with the Maxim Tomato on one side and the Candy on the other, go through the left door at the top of the room. In the next room, go directly left from where you are standing. You should see a Treasure Chest. Break the Bomb Block to claim it. Go through the left door at the top of the room. Continue on your merry way through this room, avoiding the fire as much as you can. The door is in the top-right corner of the room. In the next room, grab Wheel. Speed through the room, and you will see a String to cut. You will also defeat a Sir Kibble. Go to the right until you can see the String, then go back to the left. The Sir Kibble should be back. Copy it. Cut the String. Get the Energy Drink. Continue to the left. In the next room, break the Bomb Block and grab the Treasure Chest. There is a Big Stone Block with a lava stream next to it, but as far as I know, there's nothing behind it but a Pengy, so you can ignore it. Go to the very left side of the room and go through the door. In the next room, you have the same deal with the Big Stone Block and the lava, and Shadow Kirby is waiting for you at the bottom of the room. Damage him for a good item, then continue left through the door. In the next room, go up to fight a Batafire. I recommend getting Burning here, because it is very useful on Kracko. Go up, through the door, and through the next room (Does anyone know how to get to the other side?) to fight Kracko. Defeat him for the third Mirror Shard. -------------------------------------------- f. Carrot Castle [AREA5] To get to Carrot Castle, go through the brown door at the bottom of the room. Take the left door out, then go through the room, collecting anything you want. At the very left side of the room, you will see a large door and a small door. Use the smaller door to continue. Go up in the next room until you see a Star Block. Break the Star Block to reveal a door. Go through it. The Foley at the very beginning of the room hides a secret. Go above where the Foley was to get to an area above ground. Go to the left and go through the door. Open the Treasure Chest to claim the Candy, then go through the door directly to your left. While you are still invulnerable, speed through the room, and enter the door at the end. Go up in the next room by breaking any of the Bomb Blocks. Go through the door at the top of the room. In the next room, go through the visible door on your left. Hit the Big Switch in this room to open a door to Rainbow Route. Go through the new door. Hit the Big Switch in this room to open a door to the Hub. Exit the room you are currently in using the left door. Then defeat the Mirra under you and go through the door. In this room, take the first ladder you see, then climb all the way to a door. In the next room, go all the way to the left being careful not to fall off of the cliff. Use the door behind the blocks at the end of the room. Go back into the room with the Big Switch and exit it through the door on the left. Go past the big door in this room, and hit the Door Switch. You can't go to Radish Ruins yet, there is also a Door Switch to hit there. In any case, go through the big door. Be warned: Many of the "Star Blocks" in Carrot Castle are actually Bolckins, and are highly dangerous. You should always be armed with a Copy Ability, because if you don't when you encounter a Blockin, you will need to run for your life! In this room, go up two ladders, then break the series of Star Blocks to your left. Then climb down two ladders, defeat the Mirra, and go through the door. In the next room, use the Cannons to go left-down, left, up, left, left, down, right, right-down, right-up, and through the door. Get through the next room by JUMPING OVER the Gordos. You would noramally be able to duck under them, but in this case, there is a two-way platform underneath you. If you duck, you will be sent right onto the spikes. Go through the door at the end. Take the Cannon down to get an Extra Vital increasing your maximum health to seven! Go through the door. Left-up on the Cannon will take you to the next room. Use the Cannons here to pick your prize. The upper Cannon will take you to a battery and a Maxim Tomato. The lower Cannon will take you to a Cherry and a 1-up. You will be shot into the next room, where you will fight the Mega Titan. Battle well, and you will recieve your fourth Mirror Shard. You're already halfway there! Use the door with the trees on it, then the purple door to get back to Carrot Castle. Go inside. Grab Beam. Instead of going down, this time go up the ladder where the Big Waddle Dee is. Use Beam on the Bomb Block nearby, then go through the door. Grab the 1-up then leave. Continue your journey upward. Enter the door, then go up and to the right, then down. Grab the Cherries then go back up and through the door in the top-left of the room. Go through the room to the left, and when you are crowded between spikes, a drop, and a Shotzo, commit suicide by falling into... oblivion...?! Grab the Treasure Chest and head through the door. Head through the next door as well. When you get to a room with three drops, pick the right-most one. Get through the subsequent series of rooms, and when you start to see some blue, copy Wheel. Head up, then left, then down to go to the next room. Here, copy Missile. Make your way up the room, and go through the door at the top. Go up the right side of the room then down to find a door. Go through it to nab the Map for this area. Believe it or not, you are almost done with this area. Call the Warp Star to take you home. Go back to the room with three dropping paths in it and take the middle path. Go through the series of rooms until you start to see green. Call the other Kirbys to break the Bomb Block above you, then you break the other to claim the Yellow Spraypaint. You're done here, so call the Warp Star to take you back to the Hub. -------------------------------------------- g. Olive Ocean [AREA6] Your next stop is Olive Ocean, so go into the door in the lower-right corner of the Hub that looks like it has seashells on it. Then go through the door on the right side. Go through to the right side of this room and go through the door. In the next room, you will see a group of six Star Blocks with a Hot Head standing on top. Break the Star Blocks to reveal a door. Enter, collect the Energy Drink, and leave. Then go to the right side of the room and go through the door. In the next room, enter the first door you see. Continue down the path and enter the next door. Continue up and to the right in the next room to get to the door. Go through it. Go down the hole in the next room and grab Mini. Go until you see a Stone Block. Drop down and let the Droppy take Mini, then inhale the Stone Block. After it drops, grab Mini again and grab the Ocean Spraypaint. Go up through the one-way platform and go through the door at the right side of the room. Grab Wheel to speed through this room to the Goal Door to play the Goal Bonus for 100 seconds. Go back to the room where I specifically told you to go through the first door you saw. This time, don't. Go through the door at the very right side of the room. Fight off the Blippers and make your way down, then right. Fight the Boxy after you are out of the water, then go through the door below you. In the next room, make your way to the right, grabbing the Maxim Tomato if you dare... Enter the door at the end. Make your way to the next door passing the Treasure Chest as you go. Enter the door at the end of the room. Hit the Big Switch to open a door to Cabbage Cavern. Now, go through the left door, backtracking toward the Treasure Chest. Open it to find a measly Cherry. Wow. Splendid. Go back to the room with the Big Switch and go through the right door. Go up to the Mirra, but don't defeat it. Instead, drop down the hole right beside it, then enter the door down there. If you have mad skillz, you can pick up a 1-up in the next room. If not, then go through the door knowing that you could have had one more Kirby than you do. Go to the bottom of the shaft, then fight the current to pick up Cherries if you need them. Then continue to the right and go through the door. Break the two side-by-side Bomb Blocks in the next room, then follow the spikey path. You will see Cherries. Releasing them will cause most of the rest of the room to be covered in spikes, so don't get them. When you reach the Cannon, shoot left to get Cherries, Meat, and a Battery. Then continue to the next room. Pass the Peg, then fight Bonkers. Grab Hammer, then pound the Peg to get the Olive Ocean Map. Woot! Now, break the Bomb Block and go through the door, grabbing the Energy Drink on your way. Guess what, the next room is filled with Hard Blcoks and you have Hammer. So break them all and grab all the goodies like the 1-up and Maxim Tomato, then go through the door. Go through the next room, grabbing the Maxim Tomato if you need it and you still have Hammer. If you don't have Hammer, grab Sword right before you leave this room. Sword or Hammer, both are spectacular for the Boss you are about to fight. Enter the Boss Room, fight Gobbler, and claim the fifth Mirror Shard. Go back to Olive Ocean by taking the door with the seashells on it, then the door that looks like the ocean. Then go through the right-hand door. This time, you are going to go past the Mirra, then through the door there. Grab Burning, go through the Hard Blocks, then go up as far as you can. Hit the door switch, then pay a visit to Moonlight Mansion (this will fill in the only room you haven't been to in Moonlight Mansion). Go back to Olive Ocean, then to the bottom of the room. Continue through the Star Blocks this time, and when you get to a Cannon, shoot yourself upward. Go through the door at the end of the room. In the next room, grab the 1-up, then go through the door at the end of the room. In the next room, grab Fire, then go up and defeat Mr. Flosty. You will see the Treasure Chest and the Small Switch. Stand near the door and aim Fire down and to the right, and you should eventually hit the Small Switch. Grab the Music Sheet and go through the Goal Door. You will now play the Goal Bonus for 150 seconds. Go back to the room with the Mirra AGAIN, this time going through the Mirra's door. In the next room, break the Bomb Blocks to send the Shotzos kareening down the mountain. Go through the door at the end of the room. In the next room, inhale the Stone Block so that it sits on top of the Small Switch. This gives you access to another Small Switch, but you'll have to be quick for this one. All your efforts will be paid off when you get an Extra Vital at the end of all this. Break the Bomb Block, then go through the door. Grab Cutter and use it on the first String you see to gain access to 2 1-ups, one on a platform and one in a Treasure Chest. Go through the door above you. You are now offically done with Olive Ocean, so call the Warp Star to take you back to the Hub. -------------------------------------------- h. Peppermint Palace [AREA7] To get to Peppermint Palace, take the door with the trees on it, then the purple door, then the door on the left. At the top of the room you will be in, you will see 4 Star Blocks. Behind them is a door. There will then be a door in plain sight to your left. Go through it, then the door on the very left to go to Peppermint Palace. Go through the room to the left and enter the door. Hit the Big Switch here to open a door elsewhere in Peppermint Palace. Go through the new door then hit the Big Switch to open a door to the Hub. Then go through the door on the right. Go to where there is a ladder, but don't go up it. Instead, go through the one-way platform to the right of it to fight Bonkers. After the battle, grab Hammer then break the Bomb Block and go through the door. Defeat the Mirra in this room and go through the door it guards to get the Snow Spraypaint. Now go through the only door you can and break the Bomb Block to open a path to the Map! But that's not all, folks! Hit the small switch to get a Energy Drink. This three-for-one thing will only happen once, so revel in it for a while before you continue on through the only door you can. Go through the door on your left, then the left-most door. If you lost Hammer, fight Bonkers again, then go up through the one-way platform. If you didn't lose it, go up the ladder. In either case, go through the door at the top of the room. Go up then right, and break the Hard Blocks underneath you. Swim to the door, then grab the Treasure Chest. Go out of the room the only way you can, then grab the Meat and head up the ladder again. Go through the door. Head as far right as you can, then go down the shaft and through the door. In the next room, take the top path which leads to a Music Sheet, an Energy Drink, and a Maxim Tomato. Simply go through the next room, defeating Shadow Kirby to get an item, then go through the Goal Door to play a 100-second Goal Bonus. Go back to Peppermint Palace by using the blue and purple door on the left side of the Hub, then go through the left-most door. Go back to the room with the ladder, and go through the door at the top of the room. Go all the way to the right side of this room, but this time, take the top door. There are a few Treasure Chests in this room that require care and pacience and a lot of lives. But you won't need any of that stuff, because you have this guide! Go up the first ladder and DO NOT BREAK THE BOMB BLOCK! Instead, go to the right and grab Burning. Then break the Bomb Blocks and go as far up as you can without breaking any Bomb Blocks. You will get a 1-up in a Treasure Chest. Now go one ladder below the Mirra and break the Bomb Block. Go through, then down the first ladder you see. Break the Bomb Block blocking your path, then go through. Copy the Sir Kibble there and cut the String to the left of you. Continue down to get Meat. Copy Burning again, and exit the room, using the door in the top-left corner of the room (you will need to use the Small Switch). Grab the first Treasure Chest you see and continue up. At the top, go through the cracked blocks in the left wall and continue down to find some Hard Blocks. Break them to get a 1-up. Now, go back up and through the right wall. At the bottom, you will see a row of cracked blocks that leads into the right ascent. At the top of the shaft is a Treasure Chest containing the Grape Spraypaint. Go through the door at the top of the room. Defeat the Mr. Flosty to gain access to a Warp Star that takes you to... you guessed it, Candy Constellation! Call the Warp Star to take you back to the Hub. This time, go through the door with the trees, then the purple door, then the right-hand door. Go to where you entered Peppermint Palace two paragraphs ago, but this time, use the front door. Go through the door at the top of the room. Go all the way to the right while underwater to grab a Treasure Chest. Go through the door at the top-left side of the room. In the next room, you should be able to see a door to the right of you. Go to it, then through it. Grab the 1-up in the Treasure Chest and the one out of it, then go back through the door. Go up, then to the left of you. You should now be in the room that had the Big Switch in it. Take the left-hand door. Go up and copy the Sword Knight, then go through the one-way platform to the left of the ladder. Fight the Box Boxer and go through the door behind the Bomb Block. You will be next to a Treasure Chest; open it to get a Maxim Tomato. Go through the one-way platform and the hole to your left. You will see a String as you continue to the left; cut it with Sword. You should now be able to get another Treasure Chest containing a 1-up. Break the Bomb Block if you need Food or Batteries, then go back inside through the door at the top of the room. Go to the right and you will see a Peg. Go further to the right and you will see a door. Go through it. Inside this room, there is a Stone you can use to pound the Peg. Get it back to the previous room, then pound the Peg. Go through the door. Inside, you will find a Music Sheet. Go back through the door at the top of this room. This time, go left through this room, then enter the door at the far side. When you get to a waterfall (past the door), inhale some air, and you will float slightly upward in the water. Exhale to begin your descent to the Meat. Go into the next room. If you are in the water, get out, then head to the left. You will see some Bomb Blocks about halfway through the room. Break them and go through a door to fight Bombar. If you have grabbed U.F.O., he will not be a hard fight. Defeat him to get an Energy Drink. Go through the door, then continue left. Go through the door at the end of the room. Go down through the next room and through the door. Grab Stone from the first Giant Rocky you see, then pound the Peg to its left. Continue up the path to get the very worthless Pink Spraypaint. Go back down and head left at the second Giant Rocky, then copy the Twister (it will be very useful in the upcoming fight). Fly straight up to find the door. Go through it. Go through the door in the next room as well. Then, enter the Boss Room and defeat Wiz to claim the sixth Mirror Shard. Only two more to go! Go back to the room with the waterfall, and go through to the next room by getting carried by the current. In the next room, let the current carry you down. Go all the way down in the next room, as well. Go through the door at the bottom of the room. Get Burning by going down the ladder, then going to the left. Go through the door at the bottom. You should see a Burning Trophy in the room. Grab it. Go back through the left door, go up the ladder, then to the left. Go through the door, then go through the next room and through the door. Go left, then up until you see some Hard Blocks. You know what to do! Grab the 1-up inside. Drop Burning and copy the Sir Kibble in front of you. Then, continue down the path, and through the door. Cut the String in the next room and go through the door underneath it. There is a Maxim Tomato at the bottom of the next room if you need it. If not, continue to the left and through the door. In the next room, head toward the left. Fight the Phan Phan to find a Maxim Tomato, then continue to the left and through the Goal Door to play a 150-second Goal Bonus. -------------------------------------------- i. Radish Ruins [AREA8] In the bottom-right corner of the Hub, there is a blue and grey and brown door. Go through it, then the big door on the left side, and you are already in Radish Ruins. In the next room, break the Bomb Block to open the main entrance into the actual ruins. Go inside. In the next room, look out for spikes and Gordos, and when you come to the current, let it take you to the next door. Go through. In the next room, you will see a group of six Star Blocks. Go through the door behind them and grab the Treasure Chest. Go through the door, then the door at the left side of this room. As soon as you do this, turn back into the last room. Go back to the beginning of the room and take the top door. Go through the next door, then up the shaft and through the door. Grab Wheel here and speed to the left, then through the door. Fight the ensuing Bonkers and grab Hammer when you are done. Follow the path and go through the door. Break the Hard Blocks to your left and grab the Maxim Tomato inside. Then, fall down the shaft, and through the door. In the next room, drop down, pound the Peg, and go through the door. Inside is an Extra Vital! You now have nine! Follow the path and go through the door. Go through the top door and follow the path up. Grab Wheel and speed through the next two rooms, but be sure not to go through the Goal Door before picking up the Emerald Spraypaint right underneath it. This time, you get 100 seconds. Go back to Radish Ruins by taking the brown, blue, and grey door, then the grey door in the next room. Go back to the room with 3 doors and take the door behind the Mirra. Hit the Big Switch inside to open a door to Cabbage Cavern. Go through the left door, then go through the door in the next room, then grab Cutter in the NEXT room. After you find the first Sir Kibble, go up a shaft, break the Star Block, hit the Small Switch with Cutter, and go through the door. Inside, hit the Door Switch, then go through the door (It will fill in the final Carrot Castle room). Then, go through the door again. Now go through the room normally until you reach two stone doors. Drop through the two-way platform here to pick up a 1-up. Now, go through the door at the end of the room. Get the Energy Drink at the top of this room if you need it, then go through the door. In the next room, grab Burning, then go through the door at the end. Go through the next room normally, then in the next room, go through a door in the middle of the room. Call the other Kirbys to break the Bomb Block (or you can just use an air bubble to break it), then cross the bridge to get the Radish Ruins Map. Now, exit this room. Grab Burning to break the Hard Blocks, then grab Fire. Blast off the Cannon once to get rid of the Jack inside, then, WHILE NOT LETTING THE CANNON GO OUT OF SIGHT, light the fuse and jump in the Cannon. Go through the next two rooms (you will have to fight a Boxy in the second). Go through the Goal Door to play a 150-second Goal Bonus. Go back to Radish Ruins through the two doors from the Hub, then take the left door. Go through the next two rooms, then go to the bottom of the next room. Go through the door there. Go through the room, and when you fight Master Hand, make sure you get Smash, because it's awesome. Go through the door to your left. Go to the end of this room and you will see four Star Blocks, two on your left and two on your right. The ones on the left contain a door, so go through it. Go to the top of the next room and go through the door. Go through the next room. In the next room, follow the path until you reach a two-way platform, then fly straight up. You will see a Treausre Chest. Now go straight down and through the two-way platform. Follow the path there to nab a Music Sheet. Go through the next two doors to fight ???. Grab the Mirror Shard at the end of the fight. Next stop... you guessed it! Candy Constellation! -------------------------------------------- j. Candy Constellation [AREA9] Go to Candy Constellation by using the Warp Star in Moonlight Mansion. When you arrive at Candy Constellation, head right and through the door. In the next room, you gan grab the Treasure Chest by knocking the Small Switch down, then hitting it. After doing this, you get the Red Spraypaint. Then, look for a Small Switch at the left side of the screen. Run straight to the right (just tap then hold >, don't push any other button) and go through the door to get a Maxim Tomato. Then, exit the room and go through the door above you. Go all the way through the next room, then head back into the room. Grab Bomb along the way. When you see a Small Switch on a Bomb Block, don't break the Bomb Block. Instead, walk to the stone door, then throw a bomb at the Bomb Block. The stone door will open, and a door will appear in the area beyond. Hop in to get the Carbon Spraypaint. Exit, then go back through the door on the right. Go through the next room and, again, go back through the door. Go up and then through the next door. Hit the Big Switch in the next room to open a door to the Hub as well as a room in the Hub with all of the Copy Abilities (except single-use abilities) in it! Go to that room and get Smash, Hammer, or Stone, then come back to Candy Constellation by using the top-right door with balloons on it. Go through the left door. In the next room, go back through the door to your right, then continue right until you see a Peg. Pound it, then go down the shaft and through the door. This will bag you the Sound Player. Go back through the door, then continue up and then to the left, then right to get to the door. Go through it. Go through the next room to be back in the room you started in! Now, go back to the Hub, grab Smash, then return to Candy Constellation through the balloon-door. This time, go through the door on the right. Go up then left, then pound the Peg to open a door. Go through it, then head through the next room until you reach a door. Fight the Phan Phan in this room to gain access to an Extra Vital to reach your maximum maximum of ten! Now, leave the same way you came in. This time, go up. Get to the next door, then go through. You will be in the room you started in, so go to the right this time. In the next room, grab the Treasure Chest. Then go through the only door you can. Go through the next two rooms (you will fight a Box Boxer in the second) to reach a Goal Door. Yay! You get to play the Goal Bonus for 150 seconds! Go back to Candy Constellation and take the door on the right. Then go up and to the right, and go through the door there. Go through the next room until you see two Bomb Blocks. Break the bottom one this time, and continue on from there. Go through the door at the end of the room. In the next room, go down, down, right, down, left, down, right, down, left, right, right, up, right, up, right, right, down, left, down, left (grab the Treasure Chest), right, right, and through the door. You need Beam to get the aforementioned Treasure Chest. In the next room, grab Burning and go through the Hard Blocks to get a Maxim Tomato. Go through the door at the end of the room. In the next room, you will need to quickly hit the Small Switches to get to the other side of the Bomb Block, leading to the Candy Constellation Map. Go through the door, fight the Bonkers, and go through the Goal Door to play a 150-second Goal Bonus. Go back to the room where I gave you very vauge instructions on getting to the door and go down, down, right, down, right, up, up, left, up, right, right, down, down, right, right, up, left, up, right, and through the door. Go through the next two rooms to reach a Warp Star. It will take you further into Candy Constellation. Fight Master Hand, get Smash, and continue on your way. Go through the door at the end of the room. In the next room, grab Laser. In the middle of the room is a Star Block that hides a door. Go through it. From where you are standing, shoot the Bomb Block, then run to the Treasure Chest before you get locked out. Inside is the final Music Sheet. Go through the door. Go through the door at the end of the room. In the next room, grab Wheel and speed to the end. In the next room, grab U.F.O. and make your way toward the end of the room. Go up the next room, grabbing any items you may want. Go through the door at the top. Any of the trophies in the next room are decent for fighting Master Hand & Crazy Hand, but my least favorite for fighting this duo is Cupid. But, you can pick whatever you want to. Anyway, just fight Master Hand & Crazy Hand and pick up the last Mirror Shard. -------------------------------------------- k. Rainbow Route 2 [AREAX] I know you're probably itching to go fight the boss, but there are a few loose ends to tie up in Rainbow Route. Start by going through the door with the plant on it in the right side of the room, then go through the left door. Go through the next room, then take the first door you see in the next room. Go to the bottom of this room and take the door on the right side. Go through the next three rooms, then go down a ladder and fight Master Hand in the next. Go to the left when you are done, and break the Hard Blocks to grab a Maxim Tomato. Go through the Goal Door at the end of the room to play a 50-second Goal Bonus. I know it's shorter than you're used to, but that's because you're in Area 1! When you get back to the Hub, go through the brown door at the bottom, then go through the door on the right. Fly straight up and you should see a hole in the ceiling with a door in it. Go through the door, then through the door in the next room. Use Fire in the next room to light the fuse, and take the Cannon to the next room. In the next room, head to the right. Go through the door at the far right, then go back into the room. You should easily be able to pick up the Meat in the Treasure Chest. Go through the door to your left. Go through the next two rooms, taking the top door in the second. In the next room, you will see two Bomb Blocks very close to each other: Break the bottom one without touching the right-hand one to aquire the Green Spraypaint. Then, head through this room and the next. In the next room, pick up Fighter after fighting the Box Boxer, then charge a shot so that it hits the Small Swtich behind the stone door, then pick up the 1-up. Go through the Goal Door to play a 50-second Goal Bonus. Back in the Hub, go through the brown door again. This time, use the left door. Go through the next two rooms, using the only VISIBLE door in the second room. Go through the NEXT two rooms, then in the next room, use the door that is not being guarded by the Mirra. Then, go through the right-hand door. Then go through the next room. You may make the trip to the Goal Door if you want, but if you don't, call the Warp Star to take you back to the Hub. Go once more through the brown door once you return to the Hub. Go through the next room per last paragraph, but use the door behind the Star Block in the next room. Go through the bottom door in the next room, then go through the small door at the bottom of the NEXT room. In the next room, fight Batafire at the bottom, then pick up Burning after the fight. Look to your right to find some Hard Blocks and a Treasure Chest. Get the Energy Drink in the Chest, then exit through the Goal Door at the top of the room to play a 50-second Goal Bonus. Get ready for a major fight... Rest Coming Soon! -------------------------------------------- 5. Sub-Games [SUBGM] -------------------------------------------- a. Speed Eaters [EATRS] This is basically a reflex game. When you see the "!!", press A to eat the apples. If two people hit A at reletively the same time, the apples will get split between the two people (though the one who hits A first will get more). When the meter above your Kirby fills up, you win! However, watch out for bombs, because if you eat one of those, you will lose a turn! Also, if you hit A too early, you will lose a turn. -------------------------------------------- b. Crackety Hack [CRKHK] The idea here is to hit A at the top of the power bar to build up power. You will have ten seconds to build up power. After that, you will try to align the crosshairs as well as you can to the target. The person who did the best job (a.k.a. punches the ground the hardest) will win. -------------------------------------------- c. Kirby's Wave Ride [WVRDE] This is very similar to Kirby's Air Grind in Nightmare in Dreamland. If a race to the finish, and you're riding on the ocean on a Warp Star. In order to get to the goal faster than anyone else, you will have to jump off the tips of waves to gain speed (press A). If you do it well, you will see "Excellent!", "Great!", or "Good!" and will gain speed (obviously, you will pick up more speed if you get "Excellent!" than if you get "Great!"). First one to the end wins! -------------------------------------------- d. Goal Bonus [GLBNS] If you go through a Goal Door in the main mode, you will jump on a Warp Star and play a Goal Bonus Game. In this game, you can move the Warp Star around while trying to collect things like Energy Drinks, Batteries, Food, and 1-Ups, while dodging Stone Blocks. If you hit a Stone Block, you will be temporarily immobilized and will pass THROUGH items, so watch out for that. -------------------------------------------- 6. Concusion [CNCLS] -------------------------------------------- a. My Review [RVIEW] This is a very good addition to the long line of Kirby games previous to it. It breaks the borders of stage 1, stage 2, stage 3, and puts you directly into a world that you can explore at your own leisure. There is a lot to do if you want to beat it fully, yet getting to the end is not much of a challenge, making the game an instant hit for all ability levels. Kirby still has all of his classic moves, and you must use some of them to progress. There is one thing about the game that is negative. The bosses are insanely easy (excluding the final boss). This makes getting through the skeleton of the game way too easy; the basic game needs a bit more of a challenge. However, in the long run, this is definitely a great game to add to your collection! Classic Kirby with a non-linear twist! -------------------------------------------- b. Thank You's [THANX] A big thank you to: Nintendo, HAL, and Flagship for making the game. Game FAQs for posting this FAQ. dvitek@frontiernet.net for info about the ? under "Magic" NOTE: The above was not the only contributor, but the first. Sorry to all other contributors. I_LOVE_VGS for reminding me to stick MIX into this FAQ. -------------------------------------------- c. Copyright Info [CPYRT] Copyright Tom Farello, 2004 This guide is for personal use only. It may be recommended to others, however it may not be distributed or used in any way to make a profit. If you see this guide on any other site except the following, please contact me: www.gamefaqs.com See "Contact Information" for more information. NOTE: The review of this guide may be posted in "The Reg" at Algonquin Regional High School.