******************************************************************************* ~~~ ~~~ |*| ~~~~ /*/(*) |*| |**| /*/ ~~~ ~~~~ ___ |*| ~~~ ~~~ |**|/*/ |*| |**|/*_*||*|^^^^,, |*| /*/ |** * \ |*| |** /^ |*| * ^^ |*| ^*/ |** ^ **\|*| |**|^ |*|** ** ^^ |*|/*/ |**| \ **|*| |**| |*| * * ^^ |* */ |**| \ *~~~ ~~~~ ~~~ ^^^^ /* / ~~~~ ~~~~~^ /* / /* / /^^/ ~~~~~ N I G H T M A R E I N D R E A M L A N D for GameBoy Advance ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ******************************************************************************* An unofficial guide/walkthrough by Astrogamer49 (Cody Hunt) Copyright 2003 Cody Hunt E-mail: drumthis87@yahoo.com Version 1.05 April 15, 2003 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= *Table of Contents* =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= I. - Legal Stuff and E-mail Policy [LS] II. - Version History [VS] III. - Introduction [INT] IV. - Before You Begin... [BFB] A.-Story B.-Controls C.-Items and Abilities D.-Sub-Games E.-Multi-player options F.-Sound Test G.-The Goal Game V. - Walkthrough [WLK] VI. - FAQ [FQ] VII. - Credits and Thank You's [CRD] =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= I. - Legal Stuff and E-mail Policy [LS] =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Let's get this done with and out of the way very first. This guide may not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. Now for my E-mail Policy:) Please feel free to write me at my e-mail address (drumthis87@yahoo.com). If you have any suggestions, error corrections, or any additional info you would like to submit then please drop me a line. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= II. - Version History [VS] =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Version 1.05- Just needed to fix a few errors. (April 16th, 2003) Version 1.0- Yay! The FAQ is complete (April 15th, 2003)! I'm sure I'll be adding stuff, maybe a mini-boss section too. Version O.8- Well, I'm on the last level. I'm almost done with my FAQ. I plan on submitting it to GameFaqs tomorrow. Version 0.6- Wow, almost half-way done with my FAQ. It's taking a long time though because I'm spending a lot of time playing Zelda Wind Waker! Version 0.1- Just started my FAQ today (April 7th, 2003). I'm excited to write this guide and can't wait to finish it and submit it to GameFaqs. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= III. - Introduction [INT] =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= This is the first FAQ I've written, and I hope I will do a good job in helping you beat this game. First, I'd like to say that Kirby is a great game. Nightmare in Dream Land is a remake of Kirby's Adventures which was for the NES. Some very nice additions have been made to the game such as COLOR! There aren't too many noticeable changes from the NES version. Also the sound check is pretty cool, the sub-games and also the multi-player adventure mode. Well I don't have much more to say except enjoy my FAQ! NOTE: If you want to skip to a certain location in my guide without the hassle of the scroll bar then push Ctrl+F and type in corresponding letters that are inside [ ]. Example: Pushing Ctrl+F and typing in [WLK], will bring you to the walkthrough. The letters representing each section of my guide can be found at the Table of Contents for this guide. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= IV. - Before You Begin... [BFB] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A lot of this section is taken from the Instruction Booklet, but not all of it;). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A.- Story ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The peaceful world of Dream Land is in great danger. In Dream Land, dreams had always flowed out from the wonderful Fountain of Dreams, which collected the hopes and dreams of all living things. It also provided all the good dreams and rest that come from deep sleep. But one day, everyone in Dream Land lost the ability to dream! Apparently, King DeDeDe had been bathing in the Fountain of Dreams! Not only that, but DeDeDe had taken the Star Rod - the source of power of the Fountain of Dreams - and broken it into pieces, giving one to each of his underlings. Now, Kirby must embark on an adventure to restore peaceful naptimes to all the residents of Dream Land... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- B.- Controls ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -=-Controls-=- *Control Pad*- Move Kirby; tap twice to make Kirby run; push Up to enter doors *Start*- Pause, View explanations *Select*- Throw away a copied ability *A Button*- Jump, Float *B Button*- Inhale/Exhale; Attack with a copied ability -=-=Moves-=-= Duck- Push down on Control Pad Slide- Down on Control Pad and either A or B Jump- A Float- Up on Control Pad or A Exhale Air Puffs- B Squirt Water- Push B when Kirby is underwater Inhale- B, push B again to Exhale, or Down to swallow *Reset game while playing by pressing Start, Select, A, and B* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- C.- Items and Abilities ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -=-Items-=- Peppy Tonic- Kirby recovers two vitality points when he drinks this refreshing soda. Maxim Tomato- Eating one of these fills Kirby's vitality meter to the max. Candy- This special makes Kirby invincible...for a little while. 1-UP- Should be self-explanatory;)! Cannon- This will blast Kirby to another part of the stage if he lights the fuse. Switch- This will open the secret doors to the warp rooms. Warp Star- This will jet you to another part of the stage. Star Rod- You get a part of this when you defeat a boss at the end of each level. There are 7 parts, therefore, 7 bosses. -=-Abilities-=- *Here are all the abilities in this game.* Back Drop- Whoo-HAAH! Once I grab a foe, throw him with (control pad)! Ball- Change form and Hold the A Button! BOUNCE! BOING! BONK! Beam- This Beam's like a whip! Whaa-pssssshh! Beam it! Burning- Flaming tack time! Who's gonna stop me? Crash- Warning! Use only as a last resort! Cutter- The cutter boomerang is coming right back at ya! Fire- Fire!! Hot! So hot!! Too hot to touch! Freeze- Stop! Come no closer! I'll freeze you to the bone! Hammer- Pound 'em to the ground! Pound pegs and break open new areas. Hi-Jump- Big jump=BIG TACKLE! Ice- First I'll freeze 'em then I'll kick 'em along! Laser- Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation. And it richochets off hills too! Light- Brighten those dark corners. *Can only be used once* Mike- Uwaaahhh! Oooooh Yeahhhh! Un-hunhhh! Baaaaaaaaaby! Rock on!! *Can only be used 3 times* Needle- Hands off! Here: pointy spikes! There: pokey spikes! Parasol- The sun shines down on the Parasol of mine. Where I walk, enemies balk, and I float gently down... Sleep- Do Not Disturb- I need my beauty rest. Spark- BZZT! BRRRRZZZT! BRRRZZPPP! ZZZT! Stone- No one can hurt me! Look out below! Sword-I can't lose with this sword! If they zig, I cut 'em. If they zag I cut 'em too! Throw- Try throwing enemies straight! Press Up or Down to change direction. Tornado- Spin spin spin spin spin Spinspinspin Spinspinspinspin AAAAUGH!!! Wheel- I ride like the wind! Fast! Too Fast! UFO- Wow! I'm so lucky I copied a UFO! I can do four different moves. It all depends on how long you hold B! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- D.- Sub-Games ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- There are 3 sub-games and 1 bonus game you get if you beat the actual adventure mode. You win 1-UP's depending on how well you place. -=-Quick Draw-=- This is a fun game. It's kinda like a showdown you see in Western Movies. All you have to do is press the A button when the ! appears. -=-Bomb Rally-=- This game is like Hot Potato...except with Bombs!!! You just push A to smack the bomb to someone else. -=-Kirby's Air Grind-=- This is my favorite one! You hold A to grind on the rails, but you can't grind on the black ones. -=-Boss Endurance-=- You get this special sub-game if you beat the adventure mode. It's very hard and very frustrating. You have to beat all 8 bosses and you have no extra lives. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- E.- Multi-player Options ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Not much to say here except that this game has the ability to link up with other GameBoy Advances to play the Sub-Games and Adventure Mode. To play the Sub-Games only ONE player needs to have a game pak. However, for Multi-player adventure mode, ALL players playing need a game pak. Special Rules for Multi-Player Adventure, via the instruction booklet. 1- The game starts on the highest level that all four players have completed. For example, if three players have cleared level five, but one player has only cleared level two, then you all start from level two. 2- All players automatically enter the first door any of the players enters. 3- No one can enter a doorway unless all players are grouped near the doorway. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- F.- Sound Check ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This features pretty cool. It allows you to listen to 43 different Kirby Tunes! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- G.- The Goal Game ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- When Kirby reaches the lowest point press A to shoot him up. The higher up you go the more points you get. All the way up earns you a 1-UP! Here is a breakdown of the points you earn: 1- 1-UP 2- 5,000 Points 3- 2,000 Points 4- 800 Points 5- 300 Points 6- 100 Points 7- Nothing... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= V. - Walkthrough [WLK] =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Well here comes the main part of my FAQ. I'll represent the level and stage like this: 1-1 or 3-7, the first number is the level, second is the stage. Also, another thing you need to know; if a door to a stage is yellow then there are no secrets left to find. If it is red then there is still an alternate route or secret left to find. Levels 1 and 2 don't have red doors. Also, I'm not quite sure on the names of all the enemies, so if anyone would like to let me know what they are I would appreciate it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Level 1- Vegetable Valley ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1-1 This level has 3 steps, or areas of the stage separated by doorways. First, you'll start out in a meadow type environment, walk forward until you see the first baddie which carries the Beam ability. Swallow him and push down on the control pad to copy the ability. Continue forward and beam all the enemies in sight, except for the ones in the air (because they won't hurt you as long as you don't float up). After awhile you'll come to a doorway, enter it and you'll come to the second step of the level. Now you'll be in a mountainous region, keep walking forward until you come to a waterfall, and then float over it, and continue to the next doorway. Just keep continuing forward and when you come to a waterfall there will be a Maxim Tomato at the bottom. Get the tomato, keep going forward, and in a little bit there will be the final doorway. After you go in it you'll have a chance for points or an extra-life, as you do at the end of every level. For more info on the Goal Game see section IV of this guide. 1-2 You'll start out in a meadow again. Walk forward a little bit and watch out for the spiked enemy which cannot be destroyed. Continue forward until you come to a cannon that shoots balls at you. This cannot be destroyed either so you'll just have to avoid it's bullets. Fly at the top of the screen over the Sir Kible or you can copy it for it's cutter ability if you want to. Then go and hop on the warp star. It'll take you to another step with lots of flying baddies. You can destroy them with an ability or suck them in. Continue and you'll come to your first mini-boss, Poppy Bros. Sr., he's really easy if you have an ability. If you don't then suck in his bombs and shoot them at him. After you kill him you can copy his ability for the Crash ability. This is a cool ability that can only be used once before it goes away, but it kills all enemies in sight. Next you'll come to a fire type cave, continue forward killing all the enemies and you'll come to a bunch of steps. Don't climb them yet, walk under them, kill the Spark baddie and get the Maxim tomato. Now you can go back and climb the steps to the doorway. Fly over the spikes, kill the baddie, then climb the ladder. Keep going up and there will be only a few more enemies before you get to the final doorway for this stage. 1-3 My favorite strategy right here is to fly at the top of the screen all the way to the next doorway, since there aren't any flying baddies. Watch out for the cannon guns though, they will shoot at you. Enter the doorway, and suck in the burning ability. Use it on all the baddies at the next stage until you come to waterfalls, then you can fly at the top of the screen if you want, it's kinda cheap but it works;)! Enter the next doorway and you'll come to a snowy region. Keep going down until you come to water. You'll have to squirt the baddies by pushing B. Then hop out of the water and enter the doorway. Keep going straight and kill all baddies in your way. Keep going and grab the Maxim tomato before you enter the final doorway. 1-4 In this stage you start out in a forest. Kill the spark enemy and climb up the ladder. You don't have to kill the Sir Kible enemy if you don't want to, his weapon can't reach the ladder. At the top of the ladder is Mr. Freezy. You can use any power on him, or suck up his ice cubes and spit them back at him. Enter the doorway and keep going, and watch out for the flying baddies too. In a little while you'll see a Peppy Tonic bottle. You can get it if you need it and keep going to the next doorway. Now you'll be inside a tree. I strongly suggest getting the spike ability from that first baddie you see. It's very useful for the rest of this stage and for the boss of this level. Keep going up the tree until you get to 2 blocks, destroy them and enter the doorway. This next part is REALLY easy. You only have to kill one enemy and then you can eat the candy!!! Now you are invincible and you should be able to make it all the way to the next doorway if you are fast. Don't forget the 1-UP though. BOSS: Whispy Woods This is easy too. If you still have the needle then go up next to the tree, push B, hold, and that's it! If you don't have any ability then suck in his apples and hit him with them! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Level 2- Ice Cream Island ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2-1 You'll start this stage out near the seashore. Keep going until you see some explosive coconuts. I recommend flying over them, or you can suck them in if you like, or even destroy them with an ability. Enter the doorway you see after a few coconut trees to get a Peppy Tonic. After that fly over more coconut trees until you come to the next doorway. WARNING!: do not attempt to suck up the enemy next to the door. It won't work, and he will just chase you. Either leave him alone because he won't move to attack you, or kill him with an ability. Enter the door and just keep walking along the sand and wipe out all the baddies and enter the door. You might want to copy the tornado ability at this next part of the stage. Use it all the way to the end where the final door is. 2-2 You start out in a tree with 2 baddies and the door right above you. Enter it and you'll come to the next part where you need to ignite the bomb block. If you have an item you can use that, or you can push up on the control pad to fill Kirby with air and blow that on the block. Watch out for the Needle baddie on the other side, then enter the door. Next you jump on the warp star. You can have your choice three ability's at this next part. Pick whatever one you want and move on to the mini-boss, which is a tire. Destroy him and copy his wheel ability if you want. Enter the door. This next part just use your wheel and you'll get very far! It's fun, and you'll go over a Peppy Tonic on your way too. When you stop go up. Grab the Peppy Tonic and blow up the Bomb. Don't go in the final doorway yet, because on the left side is a 1-UP! 2-3 Suck in the parasol and enter the door. Keep going until you've gone down two ladders. Go left and whack the bomb block with your parasol. Enter the door and copy the UFO ability. Destroy the next bomb block and go to the next door. Now go through the water and kill all the baddies and enter the door. Go up the ladder and keep going up the hit the bomb block to earn a 1-UP! Continue on destroying the bomb blocks until you come to the next door. Now you get to fight the mini-boss Meta-Knight. Just kill all of the minions that are all over the place and you'll win. Now you'll start out by the ocean again, go forward and dive into the water for a Peppy Tonic. Go forward and exit the stage. 2-4 Go forward until you come to a doorway. There's a 1-UP inside. Exit the door and you'll be where you entered the first doorway. Keep going forward and don't forget the Maxim Tomato. Now you have to fight a mini-boss. A clock, but first you can choose an ability from the 3 baddies. After you defeat him swallow and copy the Mike ability. Enter the door, and use your Mike ability if you want on this next part. Enter the door and copy the laser ability. Bounce it off the hills to get all the special items. Do that all the way and enter the next door. You'll start on the beach again, enter the first door for a Peppy Tonic. Now simply continue and kill all enemies in your way until you come to the final doorway for this stage. 2-5 You'll start out in a forest area. Continue forward but watch out for the black cannons. Keep going until you see the door, but don't go in yet. When you get close to the door a Peppy Tonic falls on the ground a little bit past the door! Now you'll be in on a beach. Go forward and copy the wheel. Fly past the half-pipe full of wheels and Press B. Keep rolling to the next doorway. Now you'll be in a mountain region. At the bottom there are a ton of 1-UP's. Use your wheel to destroy the gray blocks. Keep going forward and then up to reach the next door. Now you'll want to copy the Hi-Jump ability. Use it until you get to the next door, but don't forget the Peppy Tonic and also the Crash ability if you would like to copy that. Now enter the door, and you can suck in a Maxim tomato that a Poppy Bros. Jr. is riding on. Continue forward watching out for Poppy Bros. Jr.'s and flying enemies. BOSS: Paint Roller He'll roll around painting pictures. Either suck them up to spit at him, or copy their abilities. You can get the Ball, Wheel, or Mike. Watch out for the thunderclouds that will shoot lighting at you. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Level 3- Butter Building ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3-1 Go forward and you'll encounter only a few enemies, including the Sword and Crash enemies, before you'll reach the door. Now go blow up the bomb block but watch out for falling Stone enemies! Now enter the door and you'll encounter Mr. Tick Tock or whatever his name is again. Use abilities or suck in his music notes. Swallow him for the Mike ability. Enter the door, keep going forward, and enter another door. Above, you'll see a switch. But you can't get it yet. Go down and enter a door, then explode the bomb block, and enter the other door. It'll take you to the switch! Step on it. Then enter the door. Now go forward to exit the level. 3-2 Climb the ladder, and go all the way to the top. Swallow the Maxim tomato and enter the door. Keep going up and grab the Peppy Tonic if you need it. Continue going up, all the way to the next doorway. Now keep going up, but watch out for falling stones on the sides. Then keep going up and enter the door. If you have an ability then blow up the bomb behind you and enter for a fight with the Wheel mini-boss. The wheel comes in handy right here. Just use it all the way to the next door. Now you need to kill the two Freeze enemies, if your fast you can grab a Maxim Tomato and a 1-UP! Enter the door for a mini-boss fight with Bugzy. You can copy him for the Back Drop ability which he unfortunately uses on you quite a bit if you get close enough to him! Use the Back Drop all the way to the final doorway. 3-3 Start by going up the ladder, and then down the next one. Copy the Hi-Jump and then enter the doorway. Now, just kill the burning and enter the doorway. Now, this part gets confusing because there is a million doors it seems like. Go in the door closest to you. Now climb up the ladder and enter the door there. Now go up where the Needle baddie is rolling around and enter that door. Hit the bomb block but watch out for the spikes below, and get the 1-UP. Now enter the door, then go up to where the bomb block is and go past it and go past the next door, and suck in the star blocks and enter that door. Then enter the final doorway. Lol, what a mouthful! 3-4 To start this stage out we get to go for a ride on a warp star! Now enter the doorway. Now for a fight with Meta-Knight, just suck up and kill all of the baddies. After you fight him enter the door and suck in the Parasol. Enter the next doorway, and fly to the top grabbing Peppy Tonics, 1-UP's, and Maxim Tomato's. At the top will be the stage exit. 3-5 Start out by grabbing the candy and entering the door. Now fly all the way to the top and suck in the Peppy Tonic if you need it. Enter the next door. Keep going and enter the next door and you'll have a mini-boss fight with Bonkers. After he smacks the ground with his hammer a star will appear. Swallow that and spit it at him. Also, when he throws out coconuts he jumps right after. So after you suck them in wait awhile before spitting them out. Or, if you want to defeat him with ability's then do that. You copy the Hammer ability from him after you defeat him. Now in the next room hit all the star blocks and then pound the peg for a 1-UP and a Maxim Tomato, then enter the final doorway for this stage. 3-6 Start out by copying the laser then enter the door. You'll start out the next room by being chased by a black spikey ball. Keep going forward and to get the Peppy Tonic shoot the laser straight ahead and it will ricochet 3 times and blow up the block. (Pretty Tricky)! Keep going forward and enter the next door. Now climb up the ladder, get the Maxim Tomato, climb up the ladder again, and enter the next door. Now fly over the shooting cannon and get the Peppy Tonic, then fly up and over until the door appears and then enter it. Now go up until you reach the star blocks, and then go in the door. You'll have to be fast after you blow up the bomb block to reach the Peppy Tonic. Enter the door and step on the switch. Now go up until you reach the next door. It'll be dark, but you can still see the 1-UP shining. Copy a ghosts ability to get Light. And use it to light up the room. Now keep going until you reach the next door. Here, copy the Hi-Jump ability and use it. On the right side is a Peppy Tonic, and then up a little farther on the right is a 1-UP, but on the left is a Maxim Tomato. Now you can enter the final doorway to this stage. BOSS: Mr. Shine (moon) and Mr. Bright (sun) Well here you are, your 3rd boss already, but, this is hardest part of the game so far. To win you have to kill both the Moon and the Sun. If the Sun is down then the first thing he will do is charge at you, so be prepared to float up. Then stars will fall from the sky, so suck those up and shoot them at the sun. Or, you can always use abilities on them. When the moon is down then the sun is up, so watch out for the sun's beams. Next to the beams stars will come out. So suck those up and shoot at the moon. After you kill both of them you get the Star Rod piece No. 3! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Level 4- Grape Garden ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4-1 Well here goes starting a whole new level...excited? Me too! Well to start out this stage you'll be on clouds. Keep going and you'll reach a fire baddie, you can copy his ability if you want to. Continue to the next door, with an eye out for falling baddies from the clouds above you. At this next part there will be layers and layers of clouds. You just need to get to the top of them without dying first from all the baddies walking on them. Once you get to the top enter the door. Now you'll be in space walking on clouds. The first thing that will come to you is a UFO. Copy it! Now! UFO's just flat out rock. Keep going forward and watch out for the one other UFO that comes at you and then enter the door. Now you'll need to make your way across this next part of the stage with your UFO and it gets tricky. Watch out for lots of flying enemies and flying spiky balls. Near the end where the door is there is a bunch of star blocks that are in a different arrangement that all the others. Destroy those and you'll see a red switch. Press Up on the Control Pad and you'll enter the room with a switch! Now step on it and exit and enter the door. Now you'll be in the blue sky on clouds again. First thing, if you don't have your UFO still then copy the Tornado. Use your abilities until you reach the stage exit. 4-2 Go forward until you are on top of the big house. Copy the Spark ability from the baddie coming from your left. Go down and blow up the Bomb Block with the Spark. Then enter the door. Now go up the ladder and enter the next door. Go forward, then down, then to your left and into the water. Keep going forward and when you come out of the water there is a door on your right that is covered by Star Blocks. Enter it but watch out for the jumping Octopuses, and get your Maxim Tomato. Now exit again and go up to the next door. Now go forward and at the fork either go up or down. Up has a Peppy Tonic but it's hard to get it and you might waste more life that way. Keep going until you reach the next door. Now you have the wonderful opportunity to fight two Poppy Bros. Sr.'s which I think is easier than just one. Just stand in the middle when they jump over you and you won't get hurt. But when they shoot bombs at you don't stand in the middle, go over to one side. After you defeat them you can copy their ability for Crash and then you are done with this stage. 4-3 You'll start out in a mountainous region, go forward and copy the flame ability. Light the fuse then hop in the cannon. It'll blast you to a cloud and you'll receive a 1-UP! Then enter the door and you'll come right back to the cannon. Now enter the door and you'll be on some blimps. Keep on the top of the screen and keep going (watch out for Parasol enemies) until you come to the end of the screen. Go down and enter the first door, and press the switch. Then go past that door you came in and go to the second door. Make your way down the wind tunnel and hop on the warp star. Now make your way up the cloud steps to the exit doorway. 4-4 This time you start out in a cave. You can swallow the ball or any other abilities to help you through to the end of the cave. Once you do get to the end of the cave enter the doorway, and you'll be in the treetops. Keep going (watch out for birds) until you get to the next doorway and enter it. Now go up and copy the wheel ability. Go down the ramps and try to do it as fast as you can because if you want the 1-UP at the end you have to beat the explosions to the end. Now enter the door. Go forward and copy the beam ability. Now you'll come to the elephant mini-boss. Just use the beam ability on it. But watch out for when it rolls and don't get too close or it will grab you and throw you. When you defeat it copy the throw ability. Now use your ability all the way through the rest of the level. 4-5 Get the candy so you'll be invincible and keep going forward. Make sure you hit the bomb block if you want a Maxim Tomato. Keep going until you get to the next doorway. Now go forward and enter the next doorway which places you in a mini-boss fight with Meta-Knight. After you defeat him then enter the door and copy the Burning ability. Use that all the way to the next doorway. Now copy the Burning ability if you lost it and go forward. Go forward and at the fork stay to the bottom. Use the burning ability to get past the enemies, and soon you'll come to the final doorway. 4-6 Start out by exploding both bomb blocks. Now keep going and swim through the water. When you get out of the water there are two more bomb blocks. The one on the right holds a Peppy Tonic. Get it, and then blow up the other bomb block and continue to the next door. Now you have a mini-boss fight with the clock. Use your ability or suck in it's music notes to destroy it. Copy his ability and get the Mike! Now you'll be in a dark room. The Mike ability comes in handy here. When you find a ghost copy it's ability so you can find the hidden room which is dark. Go in and press the switch. Now keep going until you reach the next doorway. Now destroy the bomb block and enter the next door. Now copy the stone ability and stomp the first peg, then the THIRD, and then the second to get the 1-UP, then enter the door. Now climb up the ladder, all the way to the final doorway. BOSS: Kracko First you'll want to copy the Hi-Jump ability and jump up the clouds to the top. Once you reach the top you will actually fight the boss. Watch out for when it turns spiky, because then it will shoot out lightning. All you have to do on this boss is use the Hi-Jump ability. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Level 5- Yogurt Yard ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5-1 Go forward but watch out for all of the cannon guns. Once you pass a few of the cannon guns go underneath the cloud they are sitting on and enter the secret door which is half covered by a cloud. Get the 1-UP and enter the door. Now you will be in a free fall. Go all the way down until you reach some star blocks and then go below them and destroy some of the blocks directly below the doorway. A doorway will appear which will take you to a switch. Next you'll be in a place with a ton of waterfalls. Continue forward and soon you'll reach the final doorway. 5-2 Go forward and down the ladder and enter the doorway. Next you'll be in a cave and keep going until you pass 3 doorways overhead and then still keep going. Keep on going until you get to the end of the cave and a doorway will be there. Now go left and enter the doorway but watch out for falling balls. Now keep going left until you get to the next doorway. Now go left again and avoid the cannon gun. Now go up, and then down until you get to the next doorway. Now go right and into the next doorway. Now go in the first doorway and get the 1-UP and then climb up the ladder and enter the next doorway. Now you'll fight the mini-boss Bonkers. After you defeat him enter the doorway, then go left all the way until the end of the stage. 5-3 Here go up and copy the Hi-Jump ability. Watch out for cannon guns and enter the doorway at the top. Now let the updraft carry you all the way to the top and then go right and enter the doorway. Now copy a wheel ability and use it for awhile, but watch out for a pit full of spikes, and past this pit is the next doorway. Now go forward and copy the Laser ability, then enter the next doorway. Now go down but watch out for the spikes that alternate every other side. On the right is a Peppy Tonic, get it and enter the doorway. 5-4 You'll start off in a cave. Continue forward flying a bunch pits full of spikes. When you get to a fork go down for a 1-UP, or up for nothing.(The bottom path is harder). Then keep going until the next doorway. Now you'll be in a mini-boss fight with Meta-Knight. After you win enter the next doorway and climb the ladder. Keep flying past the waterfalls until you see a secret doorway with water coming out. First go into the door on the right and hit the switch. The go up for the Maxim tomato and suck the 1-UP out of the wall. Next you'll freefall down a waterfall, lol, I made a rhyme;), and then the final doorway will be at the bottom. 5-5 Start out by avoiding the first cannon gun, and then continue through the forest. After a while there will be a door at the bottom of the screen. After you enter it copy the flame ability. Light the fuse and quickly abandon your ability and get the Hi-Jump ability. Be really fast and jump through the star blocks and land in the Cannon. It'll blast you to a switch. Hit it and enter the door. Now continue avoiding the Cutters until you come to the next doorway, which has a Maxim Tomato under it. Now go forward and hop on the warp star. Now enter the doorway. Go down the maze and now you get to fight a Flame Lion mini-boss. Every time it pounces and lands on its face a star will come out. You can suck those and shoot them at him. Just stay away from him at all other times. As always, you can use an ability on him too. If you'd like copy the burning ability from him when you defeat him and then enter the doorway. Now continue on the forest floor until you get to the final doorway. *If you want to get 100% in the game you'll have to go to the Arena which is on this level(5) and battle Bonkers for the Hammer ability. If you don't care about getting 100% and just want to be the game then you don't necessarily need to do this part* 5-6 This level is by the ocean and at first is filled with a bunch of wheel enemies. Make your way to the next doorway and if you lose your Hammer ability then make sure to copy it again. Now go forward and hit the bomb block. Watch out for all the stones that fall, and keep going until you reach the next doorway. Now keep going until you get to the next doorway and then enter it. You'll be underwater and you will need to hit the gray blocks in the middle. Then destroy all the star blocks and enter the door. You'll hit a switch, then you can get a 1-UP and a Maxim Tomato too. Now exit the door, and then exit the door on the left. Now keep going until the end of the screen. BOSS: Heavy Mole If you still have your Hammer then use it for this boss, also you will need it for the next 1st stage on Level 6(if you want to get all the secrets). Make sure you don't get hit by the bullets this guy shoots out behind him and also watch out for his 2 hand type things that move back and forth. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Level 6- Orange Ocean ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6-1 Well, this is an underwater stage. Go forward until you reach a door, enter it for a mini-boss fight with the elephant. Use your Hammer on it, or squirt it with water if you lost your Hammer. Now keep going until you get to the grey blocks under the doorway. Destroy those, get the 1-UP and enter the door. Now keep avoiding the burnings, and go to the next doorway. Inside, is a Maxim Tomato and a 1-UP. Use your Hammer to destroy the gray block and enter the doorway. Hit the switch and enter the doorway above. Now keep going, once again keeping an eye out for the Burnings. Now enter the next door. On this part you have to watch out for flying fish and birds. Make your way past all of these baddies until you come to the final doorway. 6-2 Make your way past all of the enemies until you come to the bomb block. Make sure you're quick so you can grab the Peppy Tonic before it falls. Then go up and enter the secret doorway where the Peppy Tonic was. Get the 1-UP and copy the Stone ability. Now go to the next doorway. Now go up the clouds, down again, and up to the next doorway. Use your Stone to hit the peg and enter the doorway. Hit the switch and enter either door you want. Now enter the doorway again. And you'll be back to the 2nd step of this stage. Go down copy the Hi-Jump if you want and go back up and enter the doorway. Here you can either copy the Burning or Tornado to help you through down to the bottom, where there is a UFO and a door for you to enter. Use your UFO on this next part and you'll reach the end soon. 6-3 Yay! You get to be on a ship for this level! Go forward and fly at top of screen until you reach a ladder. Go down it and get the Peppy Tonic. Now keep going and enter the door. It's time to fight Bonkers. After you defeat him copy the Hammer, then go up the ladder and destroy the gray block. Now go down, and get the Peppy Tonic and break the bomb block. Now go in where the bomb block used to be and you'll be inside the ship. Kill the sword enemy and discard of your Hammer. Now enter the door, and copy the Laser. Now go in the water and enter the hidden door which is a dark spot. Now go to the door on the left. This part is kinda hard. Hit the laser in the upper-right hand corner of the screen, and hop in the cannon really fast and it'll blast you to a switch. Press it and enter the doorway. Now enter the doorway right next to you. Continue upward until you get to a warp star. Hop on it. Continue forward but watch out for falling baddies at the end. 6-4 Go forward and watch out for coconuts until you come to a fork. Go down, and keep going until you come to a doorway. Destroy the bomb block there and enter it. Now go forward over 2 holes and go down the 3rd one to copy the Beam ability. Go up and get the Peppy Tonic, and destroy all of the bomb blocks in the upper half of this part. The middle bomb block has 3 1-UP's at the bottom. After you get those go down and kill the 2 baddies and destroy the next bomb block. Enter the water and enter the dark spot at the bottom right hand corner. Hit the switch and enter the door. Now go up all the ladders to the next door. Here you will want to copy a Parasol to make life much easier. Fly up using your Parasol as a shield and enter the next door. Now dodge birds and falling coconuts all the way to the end. 6-5 First, just keep going all the way to the doorway. Now you'll fly to the top but watch out for all the baddies, now go forward and get the Maxim tomato past the doorway, then go back and enter the doorway. Now go down, in the water, then up again and enter the doorway. Now go forward and copy the flame. Now destroy the 1st bomb block and go past it and destroy the 2nd bomb block. Now go down the hole from the 1st bomb block, and light the fuse. Now run, really fast down the hole from the 2nd bomb block and hop in the ol' cannon! Now hit the switch, and enter the door. Now enter the final doorway. 6-6 First go all the way to the doorway. Now copy the UFO and go back through the doorway. Now go down the hole and go left. Destroy the gray blocks and hit the switch. Now go back up through the door. You are probably thinking that this next part is easy because you have a UFO. Well your wrong if that's what you thought because this next part is hard. There are a ton of UFO's flying at you really really fast!!! Try to avoid them or shoot them and enter the next door. Now destroy the bomb block and enter the top door. If you enter the bottom door it's harder because you have to fight 2 Walruses. Now it's time for:.... a mini-boss fight with Poppy Bros. Sr! After you kill one of them, copy the crash ability and use it on the other one. Now exit, and before you go to the next door get the candy. Run really fast and enter the next level, but get the 1-UP first. Now it's time to fight Meta-Knight mini-boss. Defeat them and that's all for this stage. BOSS: Meta-Knight This is my favorite Boss! First you grab the sword and ENGUARDE! My strategy which usually works is just to keep slicing him with the sword. I usually lose about 2 Vitality Points but I rarely die. After that get the Star Piece and watch the Kirby's dance!!! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Level 7- Rainbow Resort ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7-1 Your getting close to the end of the game! First copy the laser. Basically just fire on all the sloped angles and you'll get by just fine. Watch out for the ground though, it's slick and you'll slide. Keep doing that to the next doorway. Now keep going until you see the Beam baddie and copy his ability. Now keep going until you see 3 baddies walking on the star blocks. Only destroy one of the blocks they are walking on because you need to stand on the blocks to use your Beam ability to hit the blue blocks. Once you destroy the blue blocks go get the Burning ability so you can break through the gray blocks and enter the door. Now hit the switch and enter the door. Now go down and enter the next doorway. Now fly at the top of the screen all the way to the final doorway. 7-2 This level is made up of mini-bosses and it's one of my favorite levels! First, enter the door. It's Poppy Bros. Sr.! After he throws a bomb at you suck it in and shoot it back at him. Then go the the left corner of the screen so he won't hit you when he jumps. After you defeat him copy the Crash ability and enter the door. Now go up and enter the door for a fight with a clock. First use your Crash ability to bring his life down a bunch. Then suck up the music notes and shoot them back at him. Now copy the Mike from him and enter the door. Now just like last time you have to go up and enter the door. Now it's time to open up a can on Mr. Freezy! First use the Mike all three times, and that's all! He'll die and you can copy the Freeze ability and move on to the next boss. Now it's Bonkers, if you are skilled with the Freeze you can use that on him. Or you can push select to make it into a star and suck that in and shoot it at Bonkers to give you a head start. Now suck in the stars that come up when he pounds the ground and suck in the nuts he throws at you. The next boss is my least favorite Mini-Boss in all of Kirby...the elephant! He's hard, and you can use the Hammer that you got from Bonkers, or be like me and turn it into a star to shoot at the elephant. After you defeat the elephant copy the Throw, you won't be able to use this ability on mini-bosses but you can turn it into a star with select and hit them with that. Now the next boss is Bugzy(I think that is his name). Anyway, he's kinda like the elephant, just watch out for when they try and grab you. Other than that just suck in his bugs he releases and shoot them back at him. The next boss is Fire Lion. This guy isn't really that hard. Just watch out for when he pounces, and when he does pounce a star will come up that you can hit him with. You have to watch out for his Burning ability too (it resembles what Kirby does when he has the Burning ability) and he'll shoot at you. After you defeat him just fly up to the warp star, go forward, grab the Maxim Tomato and exit the level. (Whew, that was a looooong stage!) 7-3 To start off just fly over all the Sleep enemies and enter the door that has one measly Sword baddie guarding it. Now it gets harder though so don't worry. You'll start off by being chased by flying enemies. Plus there are some Cutter enemies scattered throughout this ice place. So make your way to the top, grab the delicious Maxim Tomato on the left and enter the doorway on the right. Now it gets easy again. Go forward and grab the candy and run really fast to the next doorway. At this next part you'll have to avoid flying fish and other enemies. Next you can just go to the end if you want, but if you want some extra goodies then hit the blocks. It'll release the nasty cannon guns, but if you are good then you can pull off getting all of the stuff without getting hit. Now exit the level. 7-4 The first part of this stage is easy! Just copy the ball, hold B and hold A until Kirby gets bouncing really fast and is sparkly and stuff. Now press forward and you won't get hurt at all. Kirby is invincible now, and the only thing that really hurts him is falling the screen, but there isn't any way you can do that because there are no cliffs! Once you enter the doorway you will be in a room with 2 tornado enemies and 2 ball enemies. If I was you I would copy the ball, but it depends on personal preference of abilities. Now enter the door and you'll be in a room with 4 more baddies. Use the Ball to take them out. Now you'll be in another room with 4 more baddies. Same thing as the last room almost, take them all out and enter the next doorway. Now you'll be in another room with 4 Burning enemies. Same thing again, wipe them out and enter the doorway. Well, now it gets a little harder, avoid all the black balls which can't be killed and hit the bomb block and copy the Spark ability. Now after you hit the other bomb blocks you can use the Spark to kill any enemies that will fall. After all of this keep going and enter the doorway. You're probably wondering when this level ends, but you're almost there! Now hit the bomb block but watch out for the Crash enemy. Now fly up to the top and hit the bomb block. You can go back for the 1-UP if you want. Now go forward to the other side of the screen and go down to the bottom. Here hit the bomb block and jump into the updraft. Now you'll be at the final doorway. 7-5 Fly over all of the Crash abilities, and if you can copy a Crash from one of them. After you enter the doorway it'll be a mini-boss fight with the Wheel. Use the Crash and then swallow and spit out the wheels he shoots out. Now you will have to fly through updrafts and downdrafts, while avoiding enemies. The Burning enemies are a pain! Keep going until you get to the next doorway. Now keep going until you come to a fuse. Copy the Burning ability and get to the right side of the fuse so the flames coming from the back of you will ignite it. Now jump and use it, then run fast and hop in the cannon. It may seem hard at first, but trust me, it is possible! Now gather the 5 1-UPs, and enter the doorway. 7-6 This level is AWESOME! This stage is taken from the GameBoy Kirby and it's fun. Continue forward killing the enemies and enter the doorway. Now keep going forward destroying all enemies again until you come to the door. Now keep going forward again until you come to the next door. Really, this stage isn't that hard, you would expect it to be since it is the last stage of the game and all, but it's more of a bonus type thing I think. Now go forward again and grab the 1-UP and Maxim Tomato and enter the door. Now you'll be at an ocean, watch out for flying Octopus. Go forward until you come to the door and enter it. Now you'll be in a cave. Here there is a Peppy Tonic and a Maxim Tomato you should grab before entering the next doorway. Now you'll be in some clouds! Make your way past the many flying enemies and enter the next door. Now make your way out of the maze type thing and destroy all the star blocks and fly up. But don't exit the level yet. Go up to the half-moon and enter the secret door that is there. Fall down and hit the switch, gather the Maxim Tomato and 1-UP and enter the doorway. Now enter the final doorway. BOSS: King DeDeDe Before you go in, get an ability. Probably the one you feel most comfortable using. I like to use Hi-Jump sometimes but my all time favorite ability to use on him is the Ball. The Ball ability rocks! Well, anyway, if you use any of those ability's this guy shouldn't be hard. After you defeat him though, things get tougher! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Level 8- The Fountain of Dreams ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is probably where most of you need help, so I'll try and help you the best I can. For this first part you'll have to fight a blue ball. Nightmare Ball is what I call it, but I'm not sure on what it's real name is. Anyway, you have to fight this thing. You fly through the air automatically and push B to shoot stars at it. Just avoid it's blue things it shoots at you. Pretty soon you will learn the pattern of how they come out. I'll attempt to draw the patterns of the things he shoots out below: + is the Blue Star - is the path of the Blue Star First, he will shoot out 3 blue stars depending on where you are on the screen and they will be pretty close together with one on top, one on bottom, and one in the middle. Just stay away from wherever he is shooting them. +---------- (Diagram 1) +--------- +-------- Next he'll shoot out 3 blue stars again but they are spread out. They are slanted too, one goes right through the middle, so don't be caught in the middle and the other 2 slope up, and down. +- (Diagram 2) - - - +- - - - - - - - - - - - - - +- Next he'll shoot just 2 blue stars and where they are shot at depends on where you are. Just stay in the middle of these. And remember, always be pressing B, the whole time! +- - - - - - - - - (Diagram 3) +- - - - - - - - - Next he'll shoot 4 blue stars. The first time he does it they go straight, but after that I think they twist but I'm not sure. Anyways, the first time at least they go straight so stay in the middle of these. +- - - - - - (Diagram 4) +- - - - - - +- - - - - - +- - - - - - Now he'll shoot three blue stars again, depending on where Kirby is.(to see a diagram, look at the first diagram. Now he'll shoot out blue things(the look like a slice of a blue apple) He'll shoot them at the top of the screen and the bottom of the screen, then the upper-half, then lower-half, then in the middle. I won't try to draw a diagram for this one, it would be too confusing;)! Just try to avoid the slices. Now he'll shoot the 3 stars again as in Diagram 2. Now he'll shoot 2 blue stars as in Diagram 3. And after that he pretty much repeats a bunch of these diagrams. You should pretty much have him dead at this point anyway. THE FINAL BOSS: Nightmare or N.M.E. as he's called in the show. Well, here you are! Your final battle!!! The first time I played this boss I thought he was impossible. But he's actually not that hard. Just remember these tips I'll give you. Stay at the bottom-right hand of the corner and just stand there. Don't fly! You'll die if you fly because the genie is always appearing and reappearing. There is however 2 circumstances in which you should leave your safe little corner and fly up: When his tornado cape thing turns white(instead of purple which is what it usually is) and then you should fly up and shoot stars at it. The other time is when you can see the white tornado behind his purple cape. You won't be able to hurt him but he'll shoot stars at your corner so fly up. Also, the only times you can harm him is when his tornado cape thing is white. Near the end he'll fly upside down when his cape is white, making it a little bit harder to hit him. Well, with those pointers you should be well on your way to beating this game! And if you followed my FAQ you will also have 100%! If you do get 100% you will unlock the Extra mode. It gives you the option of playing with half of your Vitality Points, and if you beat that with 100%, you unlock the ability to play as Meta-Knight. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= VI. - FAQ [FQ] =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= It's time for some Frequently Asked Questions! If you have a question then please e-mail it to me at drumthis87@yahoo.com! Q: How do I save my game? A: You don't have to! The game does it for you, which is pretty cool. Q: How do I get Extra Mode? A: You have to beat the game with 100%. Don't know how? Read my Guide and it will give you a description on how to get everything in this game. What does Extra Mode do? It gives you the option to play with half of your Vitality Points, if you beat the game 100% on Extra Mode you unlock the ability to play as Meta-Knight. Q: Is King DeDeDe really bad? (I added this because of my brother, Spoilers) A: No, he's not. He was just trying to protect Dream Land from the Nightmares by splitting the Star Rod into 7 pieces. Q: Where did my UFO ability go after I beat the stage? A: Sadly, you can't carry the UFO ability to the next stage. Well that's all I have for now, I'm sure I'll update this as soon as I get some more questions asked. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= VII. - Credits and Thank You's [CRD] =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= First, I'd like to thank Hal Laboratory, Inc. and Nintendo for making this game. Thanks to Ixion598 for names on a bunch of the enemies! I would like to thank GameFaqs especially for accepting my FAQ. I would like to thank my girlfriend for letting me make this FAQ, and not making me spend all my time with her! This FAQ/Guide/Walkthrough is Copyright 2003 Cody Hunt THE END