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A solid line (underscores) means that the competitor has advanced to the indicated round. _______________________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TABLE OF CONTENTS: I. INTRO (INTR) II. QUALIFIER - WESTERN JUNGLE (WJGL) III. ROUND 1 - NORTHERN EXPRESS (XPRS) IV. ROUND 2 - EASTERN DESERT (DSRT) V. SEMI-FINAL - SOUTHERN RESORT (SRST) VI. FINAL - GARLEN'S CASTLE (GCST) VII. GARLEN - ENDING CUTSCENE (GEND) Note: To skip to a particular section, just copy the code, press Ctrl+F and paste it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - LEGAL AGREEMENTS [L3GAL] - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This document may not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. Websites that are currently allowed to host this guide are: GameFAQs · http://www.gamefaqs.com PwnGuide · http://pwnguide.com/index.php ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - I. INTRO (INTR) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Invitation reads: Dream Champ Tournament! Calling all world-roving adventurers! Let's see who the greatest hero is! Grand prize, 100,000 dorees! See you there! Klonoa: Wha...? Klonoa: Wha...what's this? ???: Klonoa! Klonoa: Lolo! Popka! Lolo: It really is you, Klonoa. What a relief! Popka: Hey! How've you been? Klonoa: Long time no see! What are you doing here? Lolo: I was about to ask you the same thing! Popka: We were on an errand when suddenly we landed here. Klonoa: Me too! Garlen: Welcome, adventurers from Dreamworld! Garlen: I am Garlen, the sponsor of this tournament. You all have your tickets, I presume? All of you here are famous heroes. But what I want to know is, who is the greatest? Who is Number 1 in Dreamworld? Klonoa: Number 1? Garlen: I hereby open the Dream Champ Tournament! Let's find the greatest hero once and for all! Klonoa: Wow, the greatest hero... Garlen: Of course there is a huge prize for the winner. Well, brave heroes! If you want to join, hold up your tickets! Announce yourselves for Hero Champion! Popka: Well? How about it? Klonoa: Sounds like fun! Lolo: Um... I'm not so sure... Gantz: Move it! Klonoa: Hey! That hurt! Watch it! Gantz: If you aren't up for it, get out of my way, brats. Klonoa: What! Gantz: You heard me. Hey, isn't that...The Golden Killer? Golden Killer Gantz? Really? They say it's dangerous to mess with him... Gantz: Impudent brats! Klonoa: Who does he think he is?! Popka: This guy bugs me! Let's take him on! Lolo: Hey, Popka! Wait! Klonoa: That's the spirit! Let's all give it a go! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - II. QUALIFIER - WESTERN JUNGLE (WJGL) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------- - INTRO - ------------- Garlen: Welcome, brave heroes. I'd like to begin the tournament now... but it seems to me that maybe there are too many participants. First we will test your abilities in the Western Jungle stage I created. Show me what you're made of! Can you make it through? Off you go, in order. Make it to the end to qualify. Popka: This'll be a cakewalk. Klonoa: This will be a good warm up for me. Lolo: Popka! Klonoa: Are you OK, Lolo? Want to come with me? Lolo: Thanks, but now I'm a little stronger than I used to be. I'll do my best! Klonoa: Good for you! Popka: We're off! Let's go, Lolo! Klonoa: Good luck! Well, I guess I'd better show them what I can do! ----------------------- - NAGAPOKO'S HINT - ----------------------- Nagagaga... I am Nagapoko. I'm a robot that Garlen made. I'm not your enemy! I'll give you various hints and messages along the way. Press Up on the +Control Pad to talk to me. Naga! Nagagaga... Hold in the R Button and use the +Control Pad to move the camera and see what's around. Naga. <3 Nagagaga... Use a wind bullet... to catch enemies, and use them to double jump. Nagaga! Nagagaga... This item is a Sun Stone. There is one in each stage. Collect all the Sun Stones for a nice surprise. Naga *music note* Nagaga... Three Moon Stones are required to open the Moon Door. Keep an eye out for Moon Stones! Naga! Nagagaga... You can break Crates with a Moo or a Box. Naga! Nagagaga... Unlike a Moo or Flying Moo, you can use a Box over and over. Naga *music note* Nagagaga... A Key is required to open locked doors. The Key is hidden somewhere. Look for it! Naga... Nagagaga... These red things are Goomis! Grab hold of them with a wind bullet. Naga! ---------------------- - LOLO'S MESSAGE - ---------------------- How are you doing? I'm doing well too. See you at the goal! - Lolo ----------------------- - NAGAPOKO'S HINT - ----------------------- Nagagaga... You can climb up ropes and ladders quickly if you jump. Try it when you're in a hurry. Naga! ----------------------- - POPKA'S MESSAGE - ----------------------- Hey there! Looks like you'll be going down the river on a Float Board next. Don't drown! - Popka ----------------------- - NAGAPOKO'S HINT - ----------------------- Nagagaga... Time to float away on a Float Board! can you collect all the Dream Stones and reach the goal? Nagaga! ------------------------- - CHIPPLE'S MESSAGE - ------------------------- Klonoa, are you coming? I'll do my best to see you at the goal! - Chipple ----------------------- - NAGAPOKO'S HINT - ----------------------- Nagagaga... Moos and Boxes can be carried into the next room. Naga! Nagagaga... The flower pot with the Moo sign is too heavy to lift, but you can push it. Naga! Nagagaga... It's a flower pot, so why not try planting a Moo? Naga! Nagagaga... This stage scrolls ahead on its own. Be careful not to fall! Naga! Nagagaga... There is a boss named Balboa in the Western Jungle. He might be waiting at the end of the jungle, or he might not... Naga... Nagagaga... The Jungle Boss is ahead. He'll freeze if you hit him with a Moo. Don't let the Boss catch you, and go for the goal! Naga *music note* ------------------------------ - FINAL QUALIFIER - BOSS - ------------------------------ Klonoa: Looks like this is the final checkpoint. OK, I'm off! ------------------------------------ - FINAL QUALIFIER - BOSS CLEAR - ------------------------------------ Garlen: Here comes the last participant. Congratulations! We have a total of 10 heroes participating! Klonoa: Wahoo! Lolo: Congratulations, Klonoa! Klonoa: Lolo! You made it too! Good for you! Lolo: Do you think better of me now? Popka: What?! I was helping you out the whole time! Klonoa: Haha. You did really well, Lolo. I underestimated you. Chipple: Hey, Klonoa! Klonoa: Chipple! You're here too! Chipple: I'm thrilled to be in the same competition as you! Klonoa: Hahaha! Gantz: Friends of yours, eh? I think I can use them... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - III. ROUND 1 - NORTHERN EXPRESS (XPRS) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------- - INTRO - ------------- Garlen: Well then, let's find out the first pairings! Lolo (Apprentice Priestess) -----| |-----| Zweegle (Vampire) ---------------| |---| Diglo (Hired thug) --------------------| | |---| Gantz (Gold digger) -------------------| | | |---| | Chipple (Boxer) -----------------------| | |--- Anemon (Bandit) -----------------------| | |---| | Suiryu (Knight) -----------------------| | | |---| Gomeroth (Fisherman) ------------------| | Klonoa (Adventurer) -------------| |---| |-----| Joka (Clown) --------------------| Popka: Huh? We have one extra. Lolo: So does Klonoa, right? Klonoa: Hmmm... Well no, matter! More fun for us! Chipple: Positive thinking! I admire that! Garlen: Now, would each pair of competitors please work your way through the specified visions in order. First is a warmup! Make it through all the visions, to progress to the final battle! The first contestant to finish the last vision is the winner! Chipple: Man, this is tough on the nerves! Popka: So, to compete with Klonoa, I need to make it to the end. Klonoa: Heh heh. We'll both need good luck, I guess! Let's see, my opponent is... Joka: What?! I'm competing against you? Maybe you'd better just give up now, and save yourself the embarassment of a defeat. Klonoa: You just worry about yourself! Be careful not to get lost! Joka: Oh, that does it! This is my chance to shut that big mouth of yours! Garlen: For the first round, I would like you to board my Northern Express. Can you make it to the front of the train? Now then, in you go, in order! ---------------------- - JOKA'S MESSAGE - ---------------------- If you see any Conductor Moos please be kind to them. <3 They are my cute pets *music note* Haha! - Joka ----------------------- - NAGAPOKO'S HINT - ----------------------- Nagagaga... Block wind from below with a box. Anything heavy will do! Naga! Nagagaga... If the shutters are closed, press the switch. You'll find one somewhere. Naga! Nagagaga... If you get stuck in a puzzle, don't worry! Just press START and select Retry. Naga! Nagagaga... Double jump using an Erbil and you can jump really, really high. Nagaga! Nagagaga... The Conveyor Belt is like moving ground. Reverse its direction by pressing the switch. Nagaga! ----------------------- - POPKA'S MESSAGE - ----------------------- Hey! What's with this train? Where's it going? You'd better watch out too! - Popka ----------------------- - NAGAPOKO'S HINT - ----------------------- Nagagaga...ga There may be more than one shutter switch. Some shutters won't open unless you press lots of switches in a hurry. So, hurry up when you press them. Moga <3 ------------------------ - DRIVER'S MESSAGE - ------------------------ To the sponsor and competitors. Joka is buying off Moos. Be careful. - Driver ------------------------ - GARLEN'S MESSAGE - ------------------------ Joka's buying off of Moos is part of his strength. I will allow it. Competitors! Good luck! - Garlen ----------------------- - NAGAPOKO'S HINT - ----------------------- Nagagaga... On the Northern Express, a Bingobingo may try to block your path! The Bingobingo seems to be made up of several parts. Naga! ---------------------- - LOLO'S MESSAGE - ---------------------- Good news! *music note* Our opponent, Zweegle, retired because he is anemic. I'll wait for you at the goal. - Lolo ----------------------- - NAGAPOKO'S MEMO - ----------------------- The monsters stuck onto the Bingobingo are called Tomprika, Tetrateka, Seprasep and Tripol. It seems that one of them may have a Sun Stone! Naga! ----------------------- - NAGAPOKO'S HINT - ----------------------- Nagagaga... Compete against your Rival, who has taken another route. Get rid of all the Monsters in your path as you head towards the goal! Naga! --------------------------- - ROUND ONE - VS JOKA - --------------------------- Joka: No way! You made it?! I paid those guys a lot of money. What were they doing? Klonoa: Hey! You can't buy an adventure with money! Joka: Impudent brat! I guess I'll just have to buy out all the monsters from now on! Klonoa: Hey, he left first! No fair! Garlen: Now, STOP! Klonoa: Oooh! Garlen: Now then, we'll begin the race between Joka and Klonoa. The rules are easy! The first one to reach the goal is the winner. However! The monsters that I have prepared will make things difficult. Both of you take care not to go down together. Klonoa: Monsters, eh? Right, I'm ready! --------------------------------- - ROUND ONE - VS JOKA CLEAR - --------------------------------- Garlen: The winner of the race is...Klonoa! Klonoa: Wahoo! Joka: Aaargh! And I told those Moos to make trouble for Klonoa! I paid them a lot of moeny, too! Gantz: The monsters around here are pretty rich. They accepted your money anyways! Joka: Aaargh! Give me my money back! Gantz: How much would I get for beating you? Joka: Uh...well, I give up! I'm sorry! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - IV. ROUND 2 - EASTERN DESERT (DSRT) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------- - INTRO - ------------- Chipple: You won too, Klonoa! Klonoa: Of course! I'm going to keep going till I'm the champ! Chipple: Terrific! I've gotta do my best to keep up. Garlen: The second round takes place in the sands and oases of the Eastern Desert! Off we go! _____ Lolo (Apprentice Priestess) |_____ | | Zweegle (Vampire) ---------------| |---| Diglo (Hired thug) --------------------| | |---| Gantz (Gold digger) -------------------| | | |---| | Chipple (Boxer) -----------------------| | |--- Anemon (Bandit) -----------------------| | |---| | Suiryu (Knight) -----------------------| | | |---| Gomeroth (Fisherman) ------------------| | _____________ | | Klonoa (Adventurer) |_____|---| | | Joka (Clown) --------------------| Chipple: Yeah! Let's go! Gantz: So, you call yourself Klonoa, do you? Klonoa: Huh? That's right. Gantz: Hmff. I see. Weaklings always hang out in groups. Klonoa: What did you say?! Gantz: Easy, easy! The game is about to start. Klonoa: Hey... Hold on a minute! Oooh...That guy really gets on my nerves. ----------------------- - NAGAPOKO'S HINT - ----------------------- Nagagaga... Boomies will explode shortly after they are picked up! They have a short life! Naga... Nagagaga... Use Boomies to explode boulders that are blocking your path! Naga! Nagagaga... Use Boomies to explode boxes with arrows on them to make them fly a great distance. Naga! Magagaga... Some Blocks can be made bigger or smaller by using the Switch. The Blocks in all rooms will change size at the same time, so be careful. Naga! Nagagaga... This is a Floor Switch! The shutter will open while you are stepping on it, when a Moo walks on it, or if you place a Box on it. Naga... ---------------------- - CHIPPLE'S MSG. - ---------------------- Hey Klonoa, Thanks for teaching me how to solve puzzles! I'll do my best! - Chipple ----------------------- - NAGAPOKO'S HINT - ----------------------- Nagagaga... This is a Likuri. If you throw one at a monster, it will absorb the monster and come back to you. Nagaga! Nagagaga...ga Each time a Likuri absorbs a monster, it turns yellow, then blue, then red! It can break a Boulder of the same color. Naga! Nagagaga... Watch out for Blocks that disappear as soon as you get on! Naga *music note* ---------------------- - CHIPPLE'S MSG. - ---------------------- Klonoa, thanks for the shortcut tips. I'll do my best. - Chipple ----------------------- - NAGAPOKO'S HINT - ----------------------- Nagaga...ga Glibz come out shooting! Watch out when one is in front of you! Naga! ----------------------- - GOMEROTH'S MSG. - ----------------------- On my honor as a fisherman, I will never be beaten by the likes of you! Ha! - Gomeroth -------------------- - POPKA'S MSG. - -------------------- Hey, the Nagapokos were just talking about a strange called "Five-something-or-other," somewhere in the world. Have you found it? - Popka ----------------------- - NAGAPOKO'S HINT - ----------------------- Nagagaga...ga This is an Arrow Panel. If you throw a Moo or a Box at the Panle, it will travel in the direction of the arrow. Nagaga! Nagagaga... This is a Blue Arrow Panel. Change its direction by shooting it with a Wind Bullet. You can catch the Moos and Boxes that come back. Naga *Music note* ---------------------- - CHIPPLE'S MSG. - ---------------------- Klonoa, I couldn't find that shortcut. I'll keep trying! - Chipple ------------------- - LOLO'S MSG. - ------------------- Oh, dear! This sure is a nasty setup! Uh oh... - Lolo -------------------- - POPKA'S MSG. - -------------------- How's it goin'? My Rival can't get through any of the traps. Haha! Looks like I'll do OK. I'll wait for you at the goal! - Popka ----------------------- - NAGAPOKO'S HINT - ----------------------- Nagaga...ga The next stage is a race. Try to hold off your Rival with Cannons, and beat him through the ruins to the goal. Naga! Nagagaga... This is a maze of ruins. Make it through before your rival. Use the Cannons to slow him down and beat him to the goal! To advance, you must look for the Jewel Key! Naga! ------------------------------- - ROUND TWO - VS GOMEROTH - ------------------------------- Klonoa: Uh, so, you're my opponent this time, right? Haha! I guess I'm winning so far. Gomeroth: Drats! The real test begins now! Klonoa: Hey! He started early! ------------------------------------- - ROUND TWO - VS GOMEROTH CLEAR - ------------------------------------- Garlen: Klonoa wins! Klonoa: Wahoo! Gomeroth: Double drats! Garlen: Defeated competitors exit that way. Klonoa: How did you all do? Lolo: I won too! Popka: Only because the other guy messed up. Klonoa: Luck is a strength too, you know! What about you Chipple? Don't tell me...You didn't make it? Chipple: I got lots of great hints from you, Klonoa. But...I'm so ashamed. Klonoa: Hints? Chipple: The shortcuts, the puzzle solutions, nothing worked for me. I've lost all my confidence. Klonoa: Hey, hold on! What are you talking about? Chipple: Huh? You know... All those messages... Klonoa...? Gantz: I hate lukewarm friendships, man. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - V. SEMI-FINAL - SOUTHERN RESORT (SRST) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------- - INTRO - ------------- Garlen: Now then, the semi-finals! _____ Lolo (Apprentice Priestess) |_____ | |___ Zweegle (Vampire) ---------------| | | Diglo (Hired thug) --------------------| | ___________________ |---| Gantz (Gold digger) |___| | | | | Chipple (Boxer) -----------------------| | |--- Anemon (Bandit) -----------------------|___ | | | | Suiryu (Knight) _______________________| | | |---| Gomeroth (Fisherman) ------------------| | _____________ |___| Klonoa (Adventurer) |_____| | | | Joka (Clown) --------------------| Lola: You're Gantz, right? Nice to meet you. Gantz: Yeah, whatever. Popka: There's no need to be so rude! Gantz: Why should I waste my breath on losers? Lolo: Jerk! Popka: He makes me so mad! Garlen: The next stage is the ocean, at my Southern Resort. Let's see you all swim! Klonoa: Right! ...er, hang on... Stop! I can't swim! I said I can't swim! Suiryu: Hmm... I guess I win this one. Klonoa: Aaaw... Come on, isn't there some way around this? Garlen: This won't do... I suppose I'll have to loan you a special swimming suit. Really!? OK, OK! Now I can do it! Suiryu: ...... Garlen: Alright then! Everyone, start! ----------------------- - NAGAPOKO'S HINT - ----------------------- Nagagaga... When wearing the Swimming Suit, water resistance makes it hard to move. You can't move as fast as you do on land, so be careful! Nagaga-- Magagaga...ga Raise or lower the water level with the switch. Find the switch! Naga! Nagaga..ge If you don't like the water, use a Moo to pass through waterfalls. Try using different objects to block the water. Gabi! ---------------------- - LOLO'S MESSAGE - ---------------------- Oh no! Popka's disappeared! This is awful! - Lolo ------------------------ - SIURYU'S MESSAGE - ------------------------ Here's some advice. You had better not trust that guy, Garlen. - Suiryu ----------------------- - POPKA'S MESSAGE - ----------------------- Sorry I worried you. I'm OK. Watch out for that guy Gantz... - Popka ----------------------- - NAGAPOKO'S HINT - ----------------------- Nagagaga... Race against your Rival, and try to reach the goal. first. The monster's weak point is its stomach! Also, watch out for homing missles. Gaga...ga -------------------------------- - SEMI FINAL - VS SUIRYU - -------------------------------- Suiryu: To come this far, and be unable to swim... You've got class, kid. Klonoa: Thanks! The real test starts now! I'm not going to lose! Suiryu: I'd let you win if I could, but... there's a reason I must win. Do you know what happens to the loser? Klonoa: Eh?.. What happens to the loser? Suiryu: If you win, just watch what happens to me. Klonoa: What? Hey, wait! What was that all about? ------------------------------------- - SEMI FINAL - VS SUIRYU CLEAR - ------------------------------------- Garlen: Klonoa wins! Klonoa: Wahoo! Now I go to the finals! Suiryu: This...this is the end for me... Garlen: As for the losers, away you go. Quickly please! Klonoa: Wait! What's going on? Garlen: Oh dear, you've seen this, haven't you. Those that manage to get this far make great gears. The color and luster are top class. Klonoa: You...You can't have turned them all into gears! Garlen: Well, you know, the best ones make the best gears. They are perfect as the parts for my Mechanical Empire. Klonoa: Parts! So that's why you held this tournament! Garlen: Relax, will you? The winner won't become a gear. And I will award the prize, like I promised. Gantz: That's a relief! I'm happy as long as I get the money. Klonoa: You...?! What about Lolo?! Gantz: What do I care about losers? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - VI. FINAL - GARLEN'S CASTLE (GCST) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------- - INTRO - ------------- Garlen: Now, it's time for the finals! This should speed things up. If you win Klonoa, I'll spare the girl. If not...you both become gears. Klonoa: Hey...that's playing dirty! Garlen: I thought I was being generous... Popka: Klonoa! Klonoa: Popka! Popka: Be careful! Gantz shot at me, and trapped Lolo! Klonoa: What?! Popka: If only I had protected her... Klonoa: Popka! Gantz: I warned them. I do what I set out to do. Klonoa: ......! Gantz: Hey, cool down. The weaklings are out of the game, that's all. Klonoa: Shut up! I'm not going to lose to someone like you! No way buddy! I'll show you! Gantz: This is more like it. I'll get rid of you, easy. Klonoa: I'm going to defeat you, and then go after Garlen! Let's settle this! Garlen: The stage for the final is the center of my Mechanical Empire, Garlen Castle! Off you go, to the last stage! ---------------------- - LOLO'S MESSAGE - ---------------------- I'm sorry I was so careless...But don't worry about me! Klonoa, you must try to win for your own sake! I'm sure you can do it! - Lolo ------------------------ - FINAL - VS GANTZ - ------------------------ Gantz: Well, so far, so good. Klonoa: You trust Garlen, don't you? You fool. Gantz: Huh? Klonoa: You really think he's the type to just hand over the prize money? Gantz: Hmm. If he doesn't, I'll just take it from him by force. Klonoa: But, why not... Gantz: Hey. I made deals with no-one. Klonoa: ...... Gantz: I trust only myself. I don't care if you think I'm a pig-headed, dirty player. Klonoa: OK... Klonoa: The winner goes after Garlen! OK? Gantz: I'll do as I like. Time to start soon. Just give me some kind of challenge, will you? ------------------------------- - FINAL - VS GANTZ CLEAR - ------------------------------- Klonoa: Oh yes! I'm going to win this! Gantz: ...... Klonoa: ...Hey you... Gantz: You'd better watch out. Wha-! ... No! Drats! I'll be made into a gear! Klonoa: Gantz! Garlen: Terrific! Congratulations, Klonoa! Gantz did well too! Klonoa: Garlen! Your promise! Free Lolo! No, free everyone! Garlen: Hmm, that's right. Klonoa: Hey! That's not what you promised! Garlen: I said I wouldn't change them into gears... You are so talented! I would like you to become my empire's electronic brain. Klonoa: Garlen! Garlen: Hahaha! You'll be the backbone of my empire! Such an honor! Gantz: Klonoa becomes the electronic brain, and I'm a gear. This kind of thing really bugs me. Klonoa: Gantz! Gantz: Don't get the wrong idea. There's something I want you to do. Garlen: None of your lip! I'll show you what real strength is! Gantz: Hey, you don't mind cleaing up a little, do you? Mr. Champion. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - VII. GARLEN - ENDING CUTSCENE (GEND) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Klonoa: Lolo, are you OK? Lolo: Thank you, Klonoa! Chipple: Klonoa!! Klonoa: Chipple! I'm glad you're OK. You had a hard time, huh? Chipple: It looks like everyone has changed back from being gears. I thought we were done for. Klonoa: Anything's possible, as long as you don't give up! Garlen: Aaah, my, my empire... Suiryu: Garlen! Suiryu: You can't talk your way out of this! Garlen! You are under arrest for fraud, kidnapping, mayhem, and other crimes! Garlen: Wha-a-at?! Klonoa: Hey, Suiryu. I didn't realize you were a cop... Suiryu: He's been a hard one to catch, so I thought I'd infiltrate his operation... Thanks for your help, Klonoa. Klonoa: Well, I... Chipple: Wow, Klonoa, you're the best! Klonoa: Hahaha, it was nothing... By the way, what about Gantz? Klonoa: Hey! Gantz: I saved him. So I'll just take the prize money. Popka: Hey!! Stop, thief! Gantz: So? Adios amigos. This is just junk. You can have it. Klonoa: Wahoo! Thanks, Gantz! Gantz: ...Yeah, Well ...whatever! +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | (c) Christopher Tweten 2008 | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+