*********************************************************************** Klonoa **Empire of Dreams** FAQ/Walkthrough Version 0.1 Written by Andy Wilson (a.k.a. Andy787) Contact the author at: Andy78787@hotmail.com *********************************************************************** ======================================================================= ******************************CONTENTS********************************* ======================================================================= 1. o LEGAL 2. o WHAT IS KLONOA: EMPIRE OF DREAMS? 3. o STORY: EMPIRE OF DREAMS 4. o MEET THE CHARACTERS AND THE ENEMIES 5. o CONTROLLING KLONOA 6. o ITEMS AND WHAT THEY DO 7. o PUZZLE ITEMS AND HOW TO USE THEM 8. o WALKTHROUGH a. Ghazzaland: The Fighting City b. Priamill: The Opera Town 9. o BEATING THE BOSSES 10. o VERSION HISTORY 11. o CREDITS ======================================================================= ******************************1.LEGAL********************************** ======================================================================= This FAQ and all of its contents are Copyright (C) 2001 Andy Wilson. This FAQ may not be sold, distributed, or reproduced without my concent. This FAQ can be used on other websites, but I MUST be told before hand AND approve of such. If you want to use this FAQ on your website please email me at Andy78787@hotmail.com. If this FAQ is used without permission legal action may be taken. This FAQ can be used or printed by anyone for PERSONAL use. All contributions are used with permission and are Copyright (C) 2001 Andy Wilson and their original owners. ======================================================================= ******************2.WHAT IS KLONOA: EMPIRE OF DREAMS?****************** ======================================================================= Klonoa: Empire of Dreams is a video game for Gameboy Advance. It's made by Namco (you may know them from many of their other titles, such as Tekken and Soul Calibur) and features their beloved mascot -Klonoa. This is Klonoa's third game to come over to the United States (The first being Klonoa: The Door to Phantomile for Playstation, and the second being Klonoa 2: Lunatea's Veil for Playstation 2), and his first portable outing. If you've played either of first Klonoas, you should be right at home here since despite the portable proportions, the gameplay is almost completely unchanged. ======================================================================= **********************3.STORY: EMPIRE OF DREAMS************************ ======================================================================= The following is taken directly from the Klonoa: Empire of Dreams instruction manual: "Where did I come from? Where the blue winds blow... Where am I going? Where the white clouds flow... So if I dream, I'm sure to wake... Klonoa and his best friend Huepow are always dreaming about adventure. But they never expected their daydreams to lead them astray in a strange land. Now they've been brought before the Emperor, and it's beginning to sound like they're in big trouble! The Emperor is afflicted with an illness that prevents him from sleeping. He's unreasonable forbidden his subjects to dream, since he himself is denied that pleasure. To Klonoa's surprise, he discovers he's been arrested for the crime of dreaming! 'Why is it so wrong to dream?' he asks. Minister Bagoo is horrified. No one talks that way to Emperor Jillius! For Klonoa's impudence, and for the 'crime' of dreaming, Minister Bagoo prepares to lead the boy away to be executed. He agrees to release Klonoa on one condition. If Klonoa can defeat the four monsters that are ravaging the Empire, then his execution will be canceled. But only if... Klonoa and Huepow are released to begin their quest. 'Looks like we're in trouble now,' Huepow says. 'Where IS this place?' wonders Klonoa. 'Let's take a look around. Maybe we'll find a clue,' 'You're right. Let's go!' If only Klonoa and Huepow knew what dangers lay ahead..." Well that about says it, it's not the most ingenious story ever, but I took it straight from the manual because it surely told it better than I could have :) ======================================================================= *******************4.MEET THE CHARACTERS AND ENEMIES******************* ======================================================================= ======================================================================= --------------------------------Klonoa--------------------------------- ======================================================================= Our hero and main character his aptly titled game, Klonoa is the always adventurous, always dreaming, cute little....thing...that we know and love! Now just what kind of _thing_ he is, is another question :) Anyway, this is the character you're going to be playing as through-out the game, so get used to his abilities and learn his nuances, because you're going to need them! As Klonoa would say, let's-a-go! ======================================================================= --------------------------------Huepow--------------------------------- ======================================================================= Huepow is Klonoa's best friend and travels with Klonoa inside of his ring (Klonoa's past adventures also had friends tagging along in Klonoa's ring... don't ask me why ^_^). The game says that Huepow is an imp, but he looks nothing of the sort, other than him being green. He looks more like a balloon with hands and a face really. He's definitely a cute little bugger (like most characters in this game), but he really doesn't provide Klonoa with anything important other than comic relief. ======================================================================= ----------------------------Emperor Jillius---------------------------- ======================================================================= Emperor Jillius rules over the Empire of Dreams. He has for some reason come over with insomnia and thus cannot dream. Insomnia has also made him cranky and unreasonable, so because of this, he has made the unreasonable law and forbidden people in the kingdom from dreaming, persecutable by execution! ======================================================================= ---------------------------------Bagoo--------------------------------- ======================================================================= Bagoo is Emperor Jillius' crafty Minister. He is the one who started your quest, sparing your life if you agreed to defeat the four monsters of the Empire of Dreams. ======================================================================= ---------------------------------Moo----------------------------------- ======================================================================= These cute little creatures that somewhat resemble a fat rabbit/cat hybrid are the most common enemy in the game. They waddle around back and forth, obliviously and slowly, so don't be worried about these critters catching you off your guard. ======================================================================= ------------------------------Flying Moo------------------------------- ======================================================================= It probably sounds self-explanitary, but well, these are Moos.... that fly! Oh, and they're green too. That's basically it. Honest! Oh, and they fly just as dumb as normal Moos walk, up and down, up and down, up and down... I think you get it :) ======================================================================= --------------------------------Spiker--------------------------------- ======================================================================= These guys are indestructible. They're basically just a big, black, multi-spiked thumb tack :) They can float in place or move in a set pattern, and are mostly used in the game to aid the game's puzzles by blocking or adding elements to a puzzle. If you throw a block on a Spiker it will slowly fall to the ground. ======================================================================= --------------------------------Teton---------------------------------- ======================================================================= Not really sure why this is considered an enemy (I guess because it has a face ^_^), but that's what the instruction manual says, so that's where I'm putting it. Anyway, this thing is basically like a Flying Moo, floating in place, up and down, up and down, up and down, waiting for you to take advantage of it. Use a wind bullet on this little guy and he'll carry you upwards for a few seconds. ======================================================================= *************************5.CONTROLLING KLONOA************************** ======================================================================= ======================================================================= -----------------------------The Buttons------------------------------- ======================================================================= D-Pad: The D-Pad, like most games, is how you control Klonoa's movements. Press left to have Klonoa run left, right to have Klonoa run right. Up and Down aren't regularly used, save for climbing up and down ropes, ladders, and the like. B Button: Press the B Button to use Klonoa's wind-shot. The wind-shot is what you use to pick up and throw enemies, boxes and various other things. The wind-shot also has many other uses. A Button: Pressing the A Button allows Klonoa to jump. Klonoa can jump left or right, depending how hard you press the corresponding direction on the D-Pad. L Button: Rotate map on the vision select screen. R Button: Also allows Klonoa to use the wind-shot. Rotate map on vision select screen. Start Button: Skip story segments. Display pause menu. Select Button: Not used. ======================================================================= --------------------------Advanced Techniques-------------------------- ======================================================================= Double Jump: The most important technique through out the game, you must learn and master this to be successful. Simply use the wind-shot to grab an enemy or object. Then press jump, then press jump again while mid-air are you will be propelled much higher than a normal jump. You can also perform a two or more double jumps in a row by repeating the process on another enemy mid-air. Float: Also very important, Klonoa has the ability to use his huge, over- sized ears as wings, making him float in mid-air for a few short seconds. Throw: To throw an enemy, use the wind-shot to grab him, then press which direction you wish to throw the enemy and the B or R button. ======================================================================= ***********************6.ITEMS AND WHAT THEY DO************************ ======================================================================= ======================================================================= -------------------------------Hearts---------------------------------- ======================================================================= Hearts are your basic platformer health pick-up. Each heart you collect replenishes one heart one Klonoa's life meter. ======================================================================= -----------------------------Dream Stones------------------------------ ======================================================================= Dream Stones are Klonoa's version of coins or rings. Each level has a set number of Dream Stones (most are 30, some have 100). Dream Stones are used for, other than replay purposes, unlocking secrets (more on that later). ======================================================================= -------------------------Dream Stones (Large)-------------------------- ======================================================================= These are basically the same thing as normal Dream Stones, except instead of one Dream Stone, these are worth five. These look different as well, they're larger than normal Dream Stones and are blue in color (normal Dream Stones are green). ======================================================================= --------------------------------Stars---------------------------------- ======================================================================= Stars are like your key out of each level. By collecting three stars in a level, you unlock the Moon Door which lets you finish and exit the level. ======================================================================= --------------------------------1-Ups---------------------------------- ======================================================================= These work just like your 1-Ups of hundreds of other games, you collect a 1-Up and your life count is raised by one. 1-Ups are shaped as gold coins with Klonoa on them. ======================================================================= --------------------------------Keys----------------------------------- ======================================================================= There are two types of keys, expressed as circle and triangle shapes. Each key can open a door of the shape the key represents. Keys are a very important part of many levels. ======================================================================= ******************7.PUZZLE ITEMS AND HOW TO USE THEM******************* ======================================================================= ======================================================================= --------------------------------Boxes---------------------------------- ======================================================================= Boxes are very common. They can be used to do anything a Moo can do, except they don't die. There are a few other uses they pose, such as useing them as a step, to weigh down a Spiker, or covering a wind tower to block the wind, among many other things. ======================================================================= -----------------------------Bomb Boxes-------------------------------- ======================================================================= Boomies trigger these boxes, which set off an explosion in the dirrection of the arrow on the box. They can also be lined up as stepping stones. ======================================================================= ----------------------------Magnet Boxes------------------------------- ======================================================================= Like the other boxes, but can also be used to stick to walls of the same pattern as the box. ======================================================================= ------------------------------Waterfalls------------------------------- ======================================================================= Since Klonoa can't swim, waterfalls are used to block him from certain areas unless you use another item to stop them. ======================================================================= ------------------------------Switches--------------------------------- ======================================================================= Simple really, switches are just used to trigger certain events. Use the wind-shot or an enemy to trigger switches and see what happens! ======================================================================= --------------------------Pressure Switches---------------------------- ======================================================================= Like a normal switch, pressing a pressure switch triggers and event. You must stay standing on it or whatever the switch did will go back to normal. Use a block to stay on top of the pressure switch or you won't be able to get off. ======================================================================= ****************************8.WALKTHROUGH****************************** ======================================================================= *********************************************************************** --------------------a.Ghazzaland: The Fighting City-------------------- *********************************************************************** ======================================================================= ------------------------------Vision 1-1------------------------------- ======================================================================= DREAM STONES: 30 ENEMIES: Moo, Flying Moo DIFFICULTY: 1/5 The first level of the game is quite the easy one. Start off by jumping over the first Moo you see and continue to the right. Jump up the steps and grab the next Moo you see. Take him to the right a little further and use him to double jump to the high platform while picking up the two Dream Stones. Grab the heart if you've taken any damage and continue to the right. Grab the next Moo you see and use him to jump on the wooden platform. Collect the three Dream Stones on top of the platform, then go back under and collect the two you left on the bottom before the another Moo comes. Go to the right and grab the Flying Moo, use him to jump to the next platform, grab the large blue Dream Stone and head to the next area. Run to the right and hop up the wooden stairs. On the top platform, grab the Flying Moo to the right and use him to double jump and collect the three Dream Stones and the first Star. Wait for another Flying Moo to appear and use him to collect the blue Dream Stone at the end of the area. Continue to the next area. Walk down the two platforms and grab the first Moo. Take him to the right and use him to jump on top of the wooden platform while collecting the three Dream Stones there. Grab the second star and jump down, continue to the right. Grab the Flying Moo and use him to get the heart if you need it. Continue right and grab the next Flying Moo. Use him to jump onto the wooden platform, then wait for another Flying Moo to appear and use him to get the three Dream Stones you missed. Get back on the wooden platform and wait for yet another Flying Moo. Take him to the right, jumping over the spike pits (don't use the Flying Moo yet, just use Klonoa's normal jump) while collecting the four Dream Stones. At the end of the platform, use the Flying Moo to jump on the hill and take the final star of the level (and a heart if you need it). Run back past the spike pits and follow the path below the platform to the Moon Door, which is now unlocked. Congrats, you've beaten the first level of the game! ======================================================================= ------------------------------Vision 1-2------------------------------- ======================================================================= DREAM STONES: 30 ENEMIES: Moo DIFFICULTY: 1/5 Start off the level by walking backwards, grab the Moo, and continue left a bit until you grab the first three Dream Stones. Go back to the right and double jump to where you started. Jump down to the lowered area and use the box to get the two Dream Stones in the air. Bring the box to the right and use it to jump to the higher platform. Continue right, take the box and throw it to the hill on further right. Grab the Moo and carry it to the top of the hill (use the box to get on top of the hill, not the Moo). Use the Moo on the top of the hill to get the first Star and two Dream Stones. Get the heart as well if needed. Continue to the next area. From the entrance, run all the way to the right. Collect the three Dream Stones in the air here. Run back to the left a bit and use the box to jump to the platform above the Dream Stones you collected. The second star and another heart is here for the taking. Now go back down and grab the box again. Take the box to the highest step and use it to get to the highest platform to the upper left. Continue up the steps, grab the Moo on your way and use it to jump the gap to the next Set of steps. Jump and float to the large blue Dream Stone to the left and get back on the steps you jumped from. Continue right, jump and float to get the three Dream Stones in the air. Grab the Moo and use him in combination with being on top of the box to get to the high platform. Grab the heart if you need it and continue to the next area. Run down the steps collecting the six Dream Stones and continue running right. Grab the box and use it to collect the final star and a Dream Stone. Use the box again to get to the platform to the right. Grab a Moo and use him to get the large Dream Stone right above where the star was. Go back and wait for another Moo to appear, use him to get to the platform further left where the Moon Door awaits. ======================================================================= ----------------------------Vision 1-3--------------------------------- ======================================================================= DREAM STONES: 30 ENEMIES: Moo, Flying Moo DIFFICULTY: 1/5 Start off by running to the right, jumping up the steps. Go under the platform to the right and pick up the first two Dream Stones. Now go back to the left and pick up the box, use it to get on top of the platform. From the top of the platform, use the Moo to get to the three Dream Stones in the air. Wait for another Moo to appear and take it to the right, use it to get the circle key on top of the hill. Use the circle key to unlock the door right beneath where you stand and continue to the next area. Run to the right and grab the Flying Moo when it gets low enough. Take it back to the left and use it to get the higher platform. Pick up the two Dream Stones and first star here and run back to the Flying Moo. Grab another Flying Moo when it appears and use it to get to the platform on the right above the triangle door. Grab yet another Flying Moo and use it to get the large Dream Stone and 1-Up to the left. Grab ANOTHER Flying Moo and use it to get to the hill above. Grab the heart if needed and run through the circle door to the next area. Use the box at the entrance to get to the triangle key on top of the wooden platform. Go back down and grab the box, throw it to the right beneath the wooden platform. Run to the right where the box stoped and pick it up again, grab the two Dream Stones then use the box to get the the raised hill. Grab the two Dream Stones and the second star, then run back to the last area. Now that you have the triangle key you can get past the door. Do so and run right to the next area. Jump up the steps and down the other side grabbing the five Dream Stones on the way. Continue right to the next area, just ignore the door for now since you still need one more star. Run to the right and grab the Flying Moo. Take it further right and grab the two Dream Stones at the end. Use the Flying Moo to get to the wooden platform to the left. Run to the left and jump over the gap, keep running until the end where the large Dream Stone is. Now run back to the gap and jump down, picking up the last star and final Dream Stones on your decent. Run back to the last area and use the Moo to get to the Moon Door. ======================================================================= -----------------------------Vision 1-4-------------------------------- ======================================================================= DREAM STONES: 100 ENEMIES: Flying Moo DIFFICULTY: N/A SURFING LEVEL -Walkthrough not finished for this level. ======================================================================= -----------------------------Vision 1-5-------------------------------- ======================================================================= DREAM STONES: 30 ENEMIES: DIFFICULTY: -Walkthrough not finished for this level. ======================================================================= -----------------------------Vision 1-6-------------------------------- ======================================================================= DREAM STONES: 100 ENEMIES: Flying Moo DIFFICULTY: N/A SCROLLING LEVEL -Walkthrough not finished for this level. ======================================================================= -----------------------------Vision 1-7-------------------------------- ======================================================================= DREAM STONES: 30 ENEMIES: DIFFICULTY: -Walkthrough not finished for this level. *********************************************************************** -----------------------b.Priamill: The Opera Town---------------------- *********************************************************************** ======================================================================= *************************9.BEATING THE BOSSES************************** ======================================================================= ======================================================================= ---------------------------Ghazzaland Boss----------------------------- ======================================================================= HITS TO DEFEAT: 3 DIFFICULTY: 1/5 This boss is quite the ugly fellow. A weird shaped head, round body, short legs, and disproportioned arms with spiked balls attached make up the first boss. He's really pretty easy, but as with all of the bosses, you need to know the process to beat him. First thing's first, his attacks consist of simply trying to jump on you. A Moo always appears behind him, and that's your only offence here, so when he jumps just make sure you're always in the direction opposite of the Moo (he always jumps in your direction). That way, when he's in the air, you can just run right underneath him and grab the Moo. When he lands just throw the Moo at his underside. You can only hurt him from his backside, so you've always got to make sure he jumps opposite of the Moo. Every time you hit him he gets angry and does a high jump, just watch his shadow and you'll be ok. Always make sure you're on the side of the Moo before he lands though, because once he lands an earthquake will occure and you'll need to use the Moo to jump over the fire wave. After his high jump he will go back to normal and the next jump wont set off an earthquake. Repeat the process two more times and you'll have conquered this monstrosity :) ======================================================================= **************************10.VERSION HISTORY*************************** ======================================================================= 0.2 - Finished Story and Puzzle Items sections. Finished walkthrough for vision 1-2, 1-3 and the Ghazzaland boss. 0.1 - Added all sections. Finished Legal, What Is, Items, Controlling Klonoa, and Credits sections. Worked on Meet the Characters section. Finished walkthrough for vision 1-1 ======================================================================= *****************************11.CREDITS******************************** ======================================================================= I'd like to thank CJayC for making the incredibly awesome site that is GameFAQs, that gives me the oportunity of writing this. Namco for making Klonoa. All my GameFAQs peeps, if for no other reason then giving a shout out :) And of course, my mad writin' skillz :P ======================================================================= Fin!------------------------------------------------------------------- =======================================================================