KONAMI COLLECTOR'S SERIES: ARCADE ADVANCED Codes and Hints for all six games Written by: Gregory Polander (SoulBlazer). (gpolander@hotmail.com) Copyrighted 2002, all rights reserved. Version 1.0, first edition, April 10 2002 Please do not post anywhere else besides GameFAQ's (www.gamefaq.com) without my consent permission. Also, do not take anything out of this to use in your guide or document without my permission. Konami Collector's Series: Arcade Advanced (KCSAA) is copyrighted 2002 by Konami, all rights reserved. THE PLEA – since I have not used any help in compiling the differences between the original and enhanced games, I very well may have missed things. PLEASE e-mail me at the e- mail above, clearly putting KCSAA in the subject, to let me know of things I can change or add, and I will credit you. And if you use the guide at all, please e-mail me if you want to, so I know I did not waste my time writing it. ? CREDITS: Credit goes to Kuma243, who posted in the Codes section of the game on GameFAQ's about the Konami code working in the first place and some rough (but not detailed) information on what the code does. Once I knew the code worked in the pack, I then figured all the changes out myself. CONTENTS: 1) Intro 2) The Konami Code 3) Frogger 4) Gyruss 5) Ye Air Kung-Fu 6) Time Pilot 7) Rush'n Attack 8) Scramble 1) INTRODUCTION Greetings! Although I was a little young to play these arcade games when they first came out, it did not take me long to discover them in the arcades and most of the games in the KCSAA are old time favorites of me. They hark back to the golden age of arcade playing in the 1980's, when the games were simple, but yet fun and quite addictive. Now Konami has taken six of their best arcade games from the early 1980's and made them portable with the GBA. Each game can be played in two modes – original or enhanced. You get to each game's enhanced mode by entering a code, which I will get to in a bit. Four games also offer multi-player hookup – both with your friend having a game of his own or without – for added fun. I am aware of a couple sites and FAQ places that mention some of the codes, but none of them include everything, or the differences. I will endeavor to do so here – and make this the final guide for the codes. I'll also mention some general comments about the ports of the games, and some tips in doing well in them. Please note that there is no battery feature, so your high scores will be lost once you turn your GBA off. 2) THE KONAMI CODE To unlock the enhanced mode of any game, you need to enter the classic Konami code on the main menu (starting screen) of EACH game. I learned this code back when I first got my NES in the late 1980's, and the code was heavily used in the NES and SNES days. It still shows up now and then (Gradius 3+4 for the PS2, and Gradius Galaxies for the GBA come to mind), but the code dates back to the early days when games were simple and needed boosts to help keep players coming back. The code is: Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A You know the code is correct because you will hear a tone (the coin inserted tone for Frogger). The code stays in effect for that game till you go back to the game pack main menu (from where you pick your game). 3) FROGGER Frogger was a fun game for me – not my favorite on the pack, but enjoyable to spend a little time with. The game is very simple – you are a frog who wants to get back home, and to do so, you need to cross a busy highway, avoiding cars, then get across a river on the backs of turtles, crocs, and logs. The game is a single screen, and is very easy to see on your GBA – nice and bright. You have five homes, and you stay on the same stage until you get each frog into a home. Once you finish all five, you can go on to the next (harder) stage. There is no 'ending' and no MP mode. ORIGINAL VERSION: Very faithful port here. Easy controls – just use the pad to move the frog. The music sounds just as good as the arcade version, and the graphics and sound effects are perfectly duplicated also. Please note this is the original version here, not the other versions that have show up during the years. Hints: 1) Take your time. You earn more points the faster they go, but don't rush unless you really feel confident about a part. 2) Try to pick up the lady frogs and/or flies in the homes for extra points. 3) You can hop on the gators, just avoid the mouths! 4) Later in the game, you will find dogs in the river that can eat you from the edges. Stay in the center to avoid them. 5) You can stay on a vanishing creature (gators and turtles) until the very last bit of it goes back in the water. ENHANCED VERSION: Whoa! What a difference! The game gets a major graphical and sound face lift, looking just as sharp and crisp as a current GBA game. The stages and gameplay are the exact same, but the graphics are very good looking, and the music was remixed to use the GBA's sound capabilities. I find the game a little easier to play in this mode because its sharper looking. 4) GYRUSS Gyruss was one of the reasons I bought this game – I adored this as a kid, and also had the (very different) version for the NES. You play the role of an advanced fighter pilot who is stationed on Pluto when the solar system is invaded by a mysterious empire. You have to fight your way back to Earth. In each stage, you deal with dozens of enemies flying in to attack them. The game has a very unique circular viewpoint, like you're flying down and in, and the ship stays on the edge and rotates around with the directional pad. After you destroy all the enemies, you go on to the next stage. After every planet, there is a bonus stage where you can rack up extra points. A very fun shooter. ORIGINAL VERSION: On a single screen, it can be hard to see everything, but a little practice and you can recognize the bullets. Being played in space, the game is kind of dark, so this one really needs some light. I strongly suspect that the difficulty of this game was toned down a little from the original arcade version. At first moving the ship around in a circle can be difficult, but it becomes second nature after a bit. The great classical music from the original arcade version is here, but it doesn't sound quite as good for some reason – maybe the GBA can't quite fully duplicate the music. Despite these small drawbacks, this is still a wonderful port of the arcade game. There is a short ending, and then the game repeats, much harder. There is no MP mode. Hints: 1) All of the enemies always appear at the same spots. Remember these and you can nail most of the enemies when they first fly in, especially in the bonus stages. 2) Having said that, be careful after a few stages in shooting the enemies as soon as they come in. They start shooting and dive bombing you. 3) In the last stage (Earth), it's easiest just to stay on the opposite site of the screen when the enemies come in due to all the shooting and dive bombing. 4) Fly around in a circle when shooting down into the center – it the easiest way to avoid all the stuff that can kill you. 5) The first pair of satellites you see will have a globe in the center. Shoot that first to get double guns instead of your single, and then shoot the satellites, as they shoot at you. In later stages, take these out as soon as you can. ENHANCED VERSION: Right away, you'll notice a difference – you start the game in a 'Black Hole' stage, called Stage X by the game. The reward for playing an extra three stages before the regular game starts? The double gun that you get in Stage X will stay with you the ENTIRE game – even when you die, you come back with double guns. This really helps in the rest of the game. You also get five ships instead of three. Stage X has nice graphics, and the game gets a slight graphical touch up – the ships look a little bigger and better, and the backgrounds are more defined. 6) YE AIR KUNG-FU This was the only game on the pack I didn't recognize. I did not remember playing it and wasn't sure I wanted it, but one bad game out of six is no reason not to buy the pack. But I did remember the game now that I played it. It's a nice king fu fighting game, where you take your character through a tournament with 11 opponents, each one having special abilities and weapons. You can kick, punch, and jump in all directions. The game repeats after the ending, and there is a MP mode for this game. Think of this as an early version of Street Fighter II. ORIGINAL VERSION The game plays on a single screen, and is nice and bright – easy to see. There's music, which is good, and good sound effects. The game is simple to play – a refreshing change from the complicated fighting games of the present, with their tons of moves. It takes a bit to get used to playing this on a pad as opposed to a stick, but careful moving of your thumb will help. You can punch or kick in all directions, and also jump a large distance and attack from the air as well. I don't recall the arcade version, but this looks like a great port. Hints: 1) Against the first guy, don't jump – stay on the ground and jump up in the air once, and then keep low kicking to keep him out of his range. He goes down easily. 2) Against many of the other foes you face, jumping can really help. Jump in the air, get behind them, and unleash a full series of kicks or punches. Then jump over to the other side and repeat. 3) Often you can unleash many hits in the time it takes your foe to land one. If you get hit, counter attack right away and then fall back. 4) Learn the patterns of attacks on your difficult enemies – they each have one – and you can then handle them effectively. 5) There's no special moves – so master which kick or punch attack you like the most, and use it. ENHANCED VERSION: This is the game where the Konami Code doesn't do very much to help. I haven't found anything that this changes in the one player game. In Vs. mode, though, it opens up ALL of the fighters in the game (12 in all) for the players to pick from. (I have heard that using the enhanced version and beating the game in single player mode will open up all the fighters, but I have not finished the game yet, so I cannot confirm this. Please contact me if you can confirm or deny this, or know anything else the code changes.) 6) TIME PILOT This game is another reason why I bought the pack – a favorite game of mine, one I could play for hours. You control a ship that always stays in the center of the screen – it scrolls as you fly in the direction. You travel through tine, shooting down enemy planes. There is a certain amount you have to destroy in each stage in order to meet the boss. Destroy it, and go on to the next stage. The game has no ending, just repeats, and there is a MP mode. ORIGINAL VERSION: A faithful port of the arcade version, hurt only by the small size of the enemy planes and especially their weapons. You'll need a lot of light and practice to get good in this game. The pad is easy to use with the game, and the controls are very simple – a single button to shoot your gun, which can shoot rapid fire for a few seconds. What sounds and music the game has (not much) sounds just as good here. The game starts in 1910 (biplanes), then goes to 1940 (monowings), 1970 (helicopters), 1982 (Jets), and then 20XX (alien craft). Hints: 1) Don't be afraid to fly right at an enemy plane or planes to shoot them down – the enemy is slow in shooting bullets and missiles, and you can often nail them in time. Be more careful in later stages, though. 2) Any planes you don't shoot down will try to stay behind you and shoot at you. When you can, pull a tight loop to get behind them, and then shoot. 3) Shoot down enemy squadrons, pick up parachutes, and shoot down mini bosses for extra points – but not if you expose yourself to too much danger doing so. 4) When a boss shows up, clear the screen as much as possible, then pull around behind the boss and shoot rapidly. He'll go down in a matter of seconds. 5) Be very careful in the future stage – those alien craft are VERY quick and love to shoot rapidly. Weaving may be your best bet to survive. ENHANCED VERSION: There are two nice things about the enhanced version – one so helpful, you'll probably always play the game in it. What's this godsend, you ask? Rapid fire! Now, you just hold down the button and shoot till your hearts content. Not only does it save wear and tear on your hand, but it makes the game easier. The second enhancement is a new stage – you play it after the future stage of the original version, before the game repeats. 6) RUSH'N ATTACK I never played this in the arcades, but it was the only game out of the six on the pack that had a NES version, and I loved that one. Known by different names in other parts of the world (Rush'n attack is a play on Russian, as the game came out during the height of the Cold War), it's a side scrolling action game. You are a commander armed with a knife infiltrating a Soviet base to rescue POW's. Running through each stage, you can pick up weapons to help you, especially with the boss of every stage. There are four stages. This game does have a proper ending, and has a MP mode. ORIGINAL VERSION: I would guess this is an exact port of the arcade version – it looks and plays the same as the NES port did also. The game is bright, graphics are clear (and quite good, for the time), and sound effects are here. The only change that bothered me was the music – there really isn't much of it to speak off, just a simple tune that is used in all the stages. The NES version had full proper songs for each stage. I guess since this is a port of the arcade version, the same 'music' was in that one also. Controls are very easy to get – once you remember this is the only game in the pack to use the R button, which shoots your special weapon (flame thrower, rocket launcher, or grenades). Hints: 1) You can only jump straight up or a little to the side – you can spin in mid air to face the other side, but you cannot control your jump at all! Remember that. 2) Any part of your knife that touches any part of an enemy is enough to kill him. Be warned, the same applies to you as well. 3) Once you learn the stage and where the special weapon guys are, don't be afraid to use your special weapons – just try to hold on to a full one for the boss. 4) Mines can be blown up with your special weapons ONLY. You CAN jump over each mine if need be, but be careful! 5) There's no time limit, so take your time, unless you are in a position where you are being attacked from all sides. ENHANCED VERSION: Again, two differences here. One is that you start each game with six lives instead of four. As there is no continue (none of the games here have one), this helps. The second difference is the addition of two new stages at the end of the game – now you have six to go through as opposed to four. The difficulty stays about the same, then. 6) SCRAMBLE I never played this much in the arcades, but friends of mine have told me this is best described as 'early Gradius'. In fact, in the 'hall of history' that opens Gradius Galaxies, where all the games are mentioned, the first entry IS Scramble. Having played this a lot, I have since found the comparison is pretty true, and it is a fun and addictive game. It's a standard side scrolling ship shoot em up, with the major change being your fuel tank. To get more fuel to avoid crashing, you need to bomb fuel tanks on the ground while shooting down missiles and other enemies with your main gun. There is no ending – after destroying the boss at the end of the game, it repeats with your fuel tank going down faster. There is a MP mode. ORIGINAL VERSION: The graphics are dated, but are not that bad. Despite being in space, enough colors are used – and your ship, weapons, and enemies as well – that you can see everything without being in bright light. The controls handle well, the game is easy to learn, and there is open music to start the game, as well as sound effects for each stage. There are six stages, and at the end stage six is a 'base' you need to destroy – it's just as hard as bombing anything else on the ground, which is not that hard. Looks like a great port of the arcade version. Hints: 1) You can only drop two bombs at a time, and no more till they hit. Be careful in bombing. 2) Watch your fuel supply! If it means probably getting hit or blowing up a few fuel tanks on the ground, then don't bomb, but otherwise, bomb as much as you can. 3) Be careful about missiles that suddenly shoot up – you never know which ones will come over and which ones will not. 4) To deal with the hard to hit enemies that 'weave' up and down, shoot as fast as you can while hugging the top or bottom edge of the screen, and be ready to dodge at the last second. 5) An easier way to play the game is to just 'skim' the surface, shooting everything, including tanks, with your gun. ENHANCED VERSION: Just like Frogger, the game gets a MAJOR graphical and sound boost. The stages and gameplay stay the same, but the graphics are just as good as a modern GBA game – you can see background images (one for each stage) as well as more defined tops and bottom of the screen, along with enemies. There's also full music for the entire game. In addition, you can pick from three ships in both solo and MP mode – although I have not noticed any differences between them. I hope this guide was of help to those of you thinking about buying the game, getting the most out of it, and enjoying yourself. At $30, this pack is well worth it. Please e-mail me at gpolander@hotmail.com for any comments, suggestions, additions, or anything else. Thank you!