Lady Sia Game Script by White_Wing Version 1.0 Started on June 09, 2016 Complete on August 29, 2016 ***** Contents I. Introduction II. Notes on the script III. Main Script 1. Prologue 2. Athorre, The Human Kingdom 2.1. The Castle 2.2. The Village: Algambiade 2.3. The City: Merrion 2.4. The T'soa Airport 2.5. Pelican 3. The Peripheral Realms 3.1. The Water Kingdom 3.2. The Fire Realm 3.3. The Air Kingdom 3.4. The Snowy Mountain 3.5. The Walrus 4. Myriade, Sia's Own Kingdom 4.1. The Elven Forest 4.2. The Gremlins Machine 4.4. The Library 4.4. Sia's Palace 4.5. The Fox Lady 5. Callyge, The T'soa continent 5.1. The Turtle village 5.2. The Seaport 5.3. The T'soa Camp 5.4. The Fortifications 5.5. Onimen 6. Ending IV. Unused script V. Closing words VI. Credits VII. Legal notice ***** I. Introduction Lady Sia is a plaformer released in 2001 for Game Boy Advance. In this game you assume the role of a reckless demi-human princess Sia, fighting to protect her kingdom from a horde of beastmen led by a fiendish sorcerer. The highlights of Lady Sia are its charming visual style and a brilliant dialogue. In order to fully appreciate the latter, a complete transcript is given here. The game is available to play in six languages: English, French, German, Italian, Swedish and Dutch. The transcript pertains to the English version. As far as I can tell there are no major differences between scripts except for some stylistic changes. ***** II. Notes on the script First of all, the script includes every plot-related bit of dialogue, so be warned when playing the game for the first time. The script is divided by sets of levels and levels proper as seen in the game. A brief description of the scene is given in round brackets where relevant. Each line is preceded by the name of the speaker as referred to in the game. Notably, no name is ever given to Sia's sister or the person who helps Sia in the beginning. However, by looking into the game data I discovered that they are referred to as Cheyenne and Mysterious Man, respectively. These names are used in this document as well. A chunk of text exists among game data which is never used in-game. This text explains some of the game's events as well as allows an insight into early ideas for the game. Unused dialogue is considered in section IV. For each unused line, a short discussion of its possible use is given in round brackets. ***** III. Main Script 1. Prologue It is an ancient time, when magic still flies freely and kingdoms are being formed. However, a terrible threat looms ahead: a violent race of beastmen who know neither fear nor pity, led by the cruel sorcerer Onimen. In just days, his minions have swept across the human kingdom of Athorre, enslaving its people, and they continue a relentless attack on the magical realm. Caught off-guard, the rulers of the magical kingdoms don't know how to react. Alliance? Counter-attack? Defense? Divided, they each look after their own interests. However, the princess of the magical kingdom Myriad, Lady Sia, offers to form an army together and wipe out the aggressive threat at its source. Our story begins as her guests take their seats in the meeting room... (A soldier stands on guard by the conference room, dozing. He wakes up with a start upon hearing Sia shout). Lady Sia: I WON'T TOLERATE THIS! (Scene changes to a view of the conference room. Poseidon, Rafooza and Cheyenne are seated around the table facing Sia, who is shaking with anger.) Lady Sia: If you can't understand NOW that the T'soas are a threat to you, then you'll all end up their slaves. Poseidon: You are over-reacting. They're still very far away, and I'm sure we can negotiate with them when they come. Lady Sia: ENOUGH! I don't want to hear about negotiating! (The royal advisor approaches Sia.) Lady Sia: WHAT IS IT, advisor Barthes? Advisor Barthes: I'm afraid I carry bad news, princess... a horde of T'soas is camping just outside the palace! Lady Sia: If you'll excuse me.... I have your job to do. (Sia runs out of the room and past the abashed guard. She stops atop the castle wall, looking around.) Lady Sia: Hmm... where can they be? (Two armed T'soa appear behind Sia, knocking her out with a club.) The T'soa: Right behind you! ***** 2. Athorre, The Human Kingdom 2.1. The Castle (Sia is lying on the floor, locked in an unlit prison cell. The door bursts open suddenly, letting bright torchlight in. A cloaked figure is standing in the doorway.) Lady Sia: Thanks! But who are you? Mysterious Man: ... (After leaving the cell.) Mysterious Man: Follow me, Sia! (A T'soa is sleeping a short way from the prison cell.) Mysterious Man: Sleeping on the job? Tsk, tsk... I'm sure his commander would love to see that. No point in waking him; walk past quietly by pressing [L Button]. (After progressing, the princess reaches a switch.) Mysterious Man: See that lever? Pull it (by pressing [Control Pad Up]), and the door will open. Push it back to close the door again. Mysterious Man: The T'soas have stolen your sword and ring. You can get them back from the Algambiade village and the city of Merrion. Until then, keep that sword. As for your magic, I'm afraid you'll have to make do with what you can muster on your own. (Sia reaches the dungeon exit and walks out to the battlements). Lady Sia: Wait... hmph. He didn't even give me his name! (As Sia traverses the castle wall, she receives several pieces of advice from the mysterious man.) Mysterious Man: Try to grab this ledge! Jump toward it (press [A Button] to jump). Mysterious Man: There's a ladder. Climb it by pressing [Control Pad Up] or [Control Pad Down]. Mysterious Man: There! A prisoner! Cut his bonds and free him (press [B Button]). Mysterious Man: Look before you leap... but you don't need me to spout old sayings in your ear. To look in a direction, press that direction on the Control Pad. Mysterious Man: To go through such small passages, you can crawl by pressing [Control Pad Down] in addition to [Control Pad Left] or [Control Pad Right]. Mysterious Man: To get across, you will need to catch that hook and hold it (Jump to reach the hook and you'll automatically grab it). Mysterious Man: Don't let something as flimsy as a door get in your way. Shoot it down! (To fire, press and hold [B Button]). Mysterious Man: Beware! The barrel is explosive, so stand back when you strike it. (At the top of the wall Sia encounters the cloaked figure once again.) Mysterious Man: Here we must part, Sia. You will have to continue on your own. By the way, if you want your equipment back, your jade sword is in the village of Algambiade and your family ring is in the city of Merrion. (After some walking Sia comes to a perch with a man-sized white bird chained to it.) Lady Sia: Why is this bird chained? Oh no... don't tell me they mean to eat you! Bird: ... (Sia cuts the lock down.) Lady Sia: There! You're free to go. Bird: ... Lady Sia: What? Why don't you fly away? Bird: ... Lady Sia: You want to come along? All right! But let's shake a wing! 2.2. The Village: Algambiade Lady Sia: So, this is the village of Algambiade... Now where did those creeps hide my sword? (After going through the village, Sia finds her sword plunged into a stone.) Lady Sia: This lovely thing has been in my family for generations! It's so well balanced, I can use my special forms again. 2.3. The City: Merrion Lady Sia: A city! I hate human cities! I'll find the ring and get out of here! (Upon reaching the town square, Sia finds an ornate pedestal covered with red cloth. The royal ring is lying below a small glass dome.) Lady Sia: My family ring! As long as anyone can remember, it's been the symbol of the shapeshifter leaders. That's not its only power, though! With the ring, I can focus my magical energy again! 2.4. The T'soa Airport Lady Sia: What's this, an airport? Well, it may have brought 'em in the first time, but I'll make sure it won't anymore! 2.5. Pelican (A T'soa warship is hovering in the air, as Sia approaches it on her bird.) Pelican: Oh no! She's here, she's here! (After capturing the Pelican.) Pelican: Please! Please! Please! I surrender! Leave me alone! Lady Sia: You got that right, bird. You're mine now. ***** 3. The Peripheral Realms 3.1. The Water Kingdom Lady Sia: Poseidon, here I come... again! (After finding Poseidon.) Poseidon: Sia! How nice of you to pay me a visit! I suppose you came to apologize? Lady Sia: You've got some nerve asking ME to apologize! Traitor! Poseidon: I am no traitor, Sia. Lady Sia: Then what do you have to say about the T'soas I saw on the way in? Poseidon: I believe you would call that an occupation army. After you left us so... suddenly, your advisor, Barthes told us our alliances no longer meant anything to you, and that you refused to hear from us again. Lady Sia: I doubt Barthes ever said that. I would be a fool to break our alliance, especially now. The world needs your army. Poseidon: After the T'soas, again, I see... Lady Sia: That's right. You have to understand, this is a threat like no other... Poseidon: Do not lecture me again, please. Lady Sia: Ah... forgive me. A teacher once told me to never give up. Poseidon: Ahahahaha! A wise man, no doubt. In his honor, I shall give you another chance. If you can reach my belt three times with your magic, we'll be allies once more. I might even accept you as a student again. Lady Sia: *sighs* You always deal in formalities... (After defeating Poseidon.) Poseidon: Very well. I grant you the power to call upon the seas again, Sia! 3.2. The Fire Realm Lady Sia: Let's see if I can't tame that old man, Rafooza! (After finding Rafooza.) Rafooza: How dare you show your face here after that tantrum you threw! Lady Sia: Who are you to talk, a traitor who allied with the T'soas? Rafooza: They told me they took you prisoner. Is that true? Lady Sia: As if you didn't already know, after you betrayed me to them! Rafooza: HOW DARE YOU? Lady Sia: Who's throwing a tantrum now? Rafooza: !!! Lady Sia: Do you still respect strength? Rafooza: If the T'soas had to rely on betrayal to capture you they might not be so strong as I once believed. If you can prove your strength to me, we will be allies once more. Lady Sia: Consider it done. (After defeating Rafooza.) Rafooza: Not bad for a youngster. My wrath is yours once again, Sia! 3.3. The Air Kingdom Lady Sia: So... let's see what my old 'friend' has to say in her defense! (After reaching Sia's sister.) Cheyenne: Sia! My sister! I see you can now ride the winds too! Lady Sia: Sister? How dare you call me that, after your betrayal? Cheyenne: Betrayal? Lady Sia: To the T'soas! Cheyenne: Oh... them. I don't like them much. Lady Sia: Don't like them much? Then why... Ugh. Never mind. Cheyenne: So, what did you want to talk about again? Lady Sia: ... Cheyenne: I'll tell you what! Let's race! Lady Sia: Wait! (After racing Cheyenne.) Cheyenne: That was fun! We should do that more often! Lady Sia: What about our alliance? What about the T'soas? Cheyenne: Oh... that again? You know I'll always come to help my friends! (Sia gains Cheyenne's magic power.) Lady Sia: ...and your army? Cheyenne: What army? Lady Sia: Forget it... 3.4. The Snowy Mountain Lady Sia: Okay... Now to cross the mountain and take care of home. I bet it needs a good cleaning. 3.5. The Walrus Walrus: What a pleasant surprise! My lunch! Lady Sia: I'll give you one chance. Step aside. Walrus: You're quite arrogant for a snack. Lady Sia: That's it. You're a dead walrus! ***** 4. Myriade, Sia's Own Kingdom 4.1. The Elven Forest Lady Sia: Just like I feared...our magicians have been captured. I'd better free them quickly. 4.2. The Gremlins Machine Lady Sia: This machine is far too powerful to be left in such ugly hands. Let's find the control room. 4.3. The Library Lady Sia: I hope I'm not too late to save this place. There's far too much ancient wisdom here to let them rip it all apart. 4.4. Sia's Palace Lady Sia: Heh heh... Always handy to know a secret passage or two. (If Sia reaches the secret passage before turning the lever.) Lady Sia: Hmm... the door's closed. (After entering the palace.) Lady Sia: Home sweet home. 4.5. The Fox Lady Lady Sia: You'll pay for your daring, fox! Fox Lady: Hmm? You're alive? I thought Onimen had crushed you like he did your advisor. Lady Sia: Onimen did WHAT? Fox Lady: How else could he have masqueraded as Barthes? Lady Sia: I'll make him pay. Fox Lady: I doubt it. Lady Sia: Do you? Fox Lady: Your journey ends with me! Lady Sia: We'll just see... ***** 5. Callyge, The T'soa continent 5.1. The Turtle village Lady Sia: They rode TURTLES? How the...? Well, if it worked for them, it'll work for us. I'll need to free the turtles first, though... (If the pier is reached before the gates are unlocked.) Lady Sia: I need to free the turtles first. 5.2. The Seaport Lady Sia: The turtles are waiting. Before they can move in, though, I need to sabotage those underwater machines. 5.3. The T'soa Camp Lady Sia: How come every time I go camping, it rains on me? *sighs* I'd better focus on the goal: open up the way for the army. 5.4. The Fortifications Lady Sia: Okay. Last stop before the mean old man and I have a little talk. Up a wall and through the window? I've done this trick before. Let's break some more stuff on the way in! 5.5. Onimen Onimen: So... you finally made it here. I didn't expect as much. See what happens when you trust underlings. I should have killed you myself. Lady Sia: Well... Care to take a shot now? Onimen: Ahahahahahah.... Your overconfidence will be your demise! You have no idea what powers I've discovered in these forsaken chambers! Lady Sia: We'll just see if your hocus pocus can defeat a thousand years of shapeshifter magic. Onimen: You will die an ugly teddy bear, girl. ***** 6. Ending (After defeating Onimen.) Lady Sia: It's been a long road... Don't know about you, but it's time for me to go home. (Later that night, the princess is shown standing on her balcony addressing the people below.) Lady Sia: ... I know that you will always support me in all I do, and I will always protect your freedom. Today, with the T'soas gone, peace is yours again! (The scene shifts to the conference room, where the rulers of peripheral realms are gathered.) Lady Sia: ... I know we've fought them to the last man, but you have to understand that it was Onimen we were fighting, not the T'soas. Rafooza: No, Sia, YOU don't understand. They attacked us once, and they'll do it again. Mysterious Man: Let me make this easier for you all... I'll take the T'soas and govern them for you. Lady Sia: You again! Poseidon: You have met this man, Lady Sia? Lady Sia: Yes... he helped me escape from Onimen's prison! Cheyenne: Did you see those great fireworks tonight? Mysterious Man: The offer stands, ladies and gentlemen. Rafooza: I won't let anything go without my supervision, too... Poseidon: Perhaps this is an opportunity to deal equitably with the T'soas. Nevertheless, I agree that we must all oversee them together. Lady Sia: Well, I'm willing to give the man a try... after all, he did help me out of the T'soa dungeon. Mysterious Man: Always a pleasure, Lady Sia. Poseidon: Then may our alliance be blessed. (If all of the levels were completed with a perfect rating, an extra scene will play.) Lady Sia: Well, now... not a bad day's work. ***** IV. Unused Script 2.1. The Castle You can enter this door (press [Control Pad Up]). (This part of controls doesn't come into use until Callyge, by which time it is intuitive.) 2.4. The T'soa Airport (It seems that Pelican was supposed to appear several times in the level, running away upon seeing Sia. Considering the odd three-stage structure of the level, it is likely that the flying scenes originally involved chasing the Pelican. This also explains the heavy opposition met by Sia while flying. On a related note, the dialogue seen upon defeating the Pelican makes perfect sense in view of these lines.) Pelican: Oh no! She found me! Lady Sia: ??? Lady Sia: You again! Pelican: She's after me, she's after me! Lady Sia: Who in the world is that pelican? Pelican: By Onimen! Doesn't she ever give up? 2.5. Pelican (The following lines are grouped with the ones related to the Pelican fight. Judging from the tone, the mysterious man was supposed to appear aboard the warship, inciting panic among the crew. Alternatively, pleas for help may be coming from soldiers held in bird's claws.) Lady Sia: YOU! T'soa: Help! Help! Help! Mysterious Man: Drop the monster now! ?: Monster? Monster? Thanks for the reminder! Die, Sia! (The final line is hard to attribute owing to its ambiguity. More likely than not, it was meant to be two separate lines merged due to a coding mistake. If so, the first would be Sia's response to the mysterious man, while the second would announce Pelican's arrival.) 3. The Peripheral Realms Lady Sia: Ahhhh... Hate to say it, but I can't defeat the T'soas on my own. These traitors of the peripheral realms WILL help me, even if I have to drag them by their ears! (An extra line that would appear after unlocking the Peripheral Realms. It would have been an excellent way to set the mood for the following events.) 4. Myriade, Sia's Own Kingdom Lady Sia: Home sweet home... I can't stand the thought of those T'soas enslaving my people. I must free them! (An extra line that would be seen by entering Myriade.) 4.1. The Elven Forest You still have XX elves to free. You cannot escape until they've all been freed. (Remnants of an unused objective. Saving the magicians is optional in the final game.) 4.2. The Gremlins Machine Lady Sia: Wish the Gremlins had a better sense of organization. (A comment on Sia's part, likely to be seen at the end of the level.) 4.3. The Library Lady Sia: Hey... what's this book? Hmm... it seems to be a spell I don't know... teleportation. (Another use for spellbooks which was never implemented.) 5. Callyge, The T'soa continent Lady Sia: Hmm. I wonder how they made it over here. Well, however they did, it's bound to be a two-way street. (An extra line for the final set of levels. Definitely meant to precede the starting dialogue of Turtle Village.) 5.1. The Turtle village Lady Sia: There we go... our very own, turtle mounted army. With luck, the T'soas will believe it's their army returning. They never did look like the brightest fellows, anyway. (Likely an ending line for the level. It would add well to the overall atmosphere of the final battles.) 5.2. The Seaport You still have XX submarines to sabotage. (Only one submarine must be entered in order to proceed.) 5.3. The T'soa Camp You still have XX war machines to sabotage. (Likewise, the catapults are optional targets.) 5.5. Onimen Onimen The Demon: You served me well by freeing me from this frail body. As a reward, I'll bring you to my realm and devour your soul. Lady Sia: I killed you once, I'll do it again! Onimen The Demon: Then, I was trapped in a weakling form. This time, you will die! Lady Sia: Talk is cheap. Bring it on! (These lines are found after the dialogue seen before the fight with Onimen. It appears that Onimen was meant to be fought in his true fiend form instead of merely running away.) Congratulations! Your heroism will be remembered! (Unmarked dialogue that might have been intended for the perfect ending.) ***** V. Closing words I hope that reading this was as informative as it was fun to compile. If you have any suggestions, extra information or feedback, you may contact me by way of Lady Sia message board. ***** VI. Credits I would like to thank the following people: - The GameFAQs staff for their great work on the site; - The staff of RFX Interactive and TDK Mediactive for producing this excellent game; - My friend B. for introducing me to old console classics, including Lady Sia. ***** VII. Legal notice All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders. This document may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. This document is copyright 2016 White_Wing (c).