Updated 1/24/2003 Version Final Born 7/13/2003 kenb215 Kenny Barney kenbarney@optonline.net S T O R Y G U I D E In-depth guide ------------ Lara Croft Tomb Raider The Prophecy ------------ Gameboy Advance This guide is copyright Kenny Barney 2003-2004. =============================================================================== Table of Contents =============================================================================== Note: To use the search code, press Ctrl. + F, enter the code, then press enter. You will be taken to the section that you want. Search Code 1.00..........Introduction 2.00..........Story 3.00..........Story Explanation 4.00..........Copyright 5.00..........Conclusion =============================================================================== 1.00 Introduction =============================================================================== Greetings, and welcome to my Story Guide for Tomb Raider: The Prophecy. This is a guide explaining the simple, yet interesting story to The Prophecy. It was made to go along with my other guide, which, as always, can be found in their most current form at www.gamefaqs.com. If you have any input, contact me at kenbarney@optonline.net, and you will be given credit. You can also use the gamefaqs message boards. Brace yourself, because here comes the story to Tomb Raider. =============================================================================== 2.00 Story =============================================================================== __________________________ /The beginning of the story\ \__________________________/ "REAL MAGIC" These words resound in Lara's head as she contemplates the might Swedish mountain above her. Magic, means supernatural, great, power. It existed as many legends of different cultures and ages describe it. As soon as Lara started deciphering the forgotten Tome of Ezekiel, written by a mysterious medieval scholar, she immediately found herself knee deep in the legend. And so she's here. Looking for the Black Stone which lies somewhere in the icy heart of what was called the Wolf's Fang Peak, by the 13th century's scholar. She's looking for the stone that will reveal what Magic was, or still is. _______________________________________________________ /After defeating the first magician of the Teg-Du-Bhorez\ \_______________________________________________________/ The symbols Lara found in King's Heort tomb led her to further investigation of the Tome of Ezekiel. Apparently the Viking king had secretly used the stone's to rule his kingdom. Translation of the symbols proves to be a hard task, but finally Lara discovered her new objective. According to the newly deciphered chapter of the book there are two other magic stones, and one is hidden in the temples region of Angkor Wat in Cambodia Without further delay, Lara heads to Cambodia to search for the stone. ____________________________________________________________ /After defeating the red magician, and getting the red stone.\ \____________________________________________________________/ Lara spent many hours deciphering the Tomb of Ezekiel, aided by her recent discoveries. She understood that the Tomb describes a prophecy, the Prophecy of Magic. The Prophecy tells that the three magic stones helped the great conquerors Heort the Viking, Surya Varman II of Cambodia, and Marcus Aurelios, emperor of Rome. Not having time to completely decipher the whole prophecy, Lara rushed to the Laconia Island in Southern Italy, where the last stone should be. ______________________________________________________ /After defeating magicians, and getting the grey stone.\ \______________________________________________________/ Lara goes back to her library in a desperate attempt to discover where the Teg-Du-Bhorez headquarters were located. She finally deciphers the whole Prophecy. 'The First Union gave humans Life. The Second Union gave humans Salvation. The Third Union will give humans Conclusion' For centuries the Magic stones have been protected by the ancient Secret Society of the Teg-Du-Bhorez. According to the Prophecy of the Tomb of Ezekiel the Teg-Du-Bhorez would reawaken their master, the Great Grey One and the Apocalypse would begin. ____________________________________________ /Upon beating the game, and saving the world.\ \____________________________________________/ Defeating the Great Grey One and the Teg-Du-Bhorez Secret Society, Lara Croft once again saved the world. The Prophecy of the Tome of Ezekiel ended telling of how a mysterious Lady saved the world from a premature and unwanted conclusion. =============================================================================== 3.00 Story Explanation =============================================================================== Overall, this story has a very simple nature, but it might be easier for some people to understand it if they had a simpler explanation. That explanation comes here. First, Lara believes that the black stone, which is the only one that she knows of, is the sole source of power and magic. She goes to the Swedish mountains, where she believes the stone is, in order to acquire it, and learn about magic. Later, she finds out the stone is not there, and is instead in Angor Wat, in Cambodia. The acquirers the stone there, then keeps looking for the red stone. When she gets it, she translates the text at the Tomb of Ezekiel to learn of the other two stones. She uses the knowledge that she gains to go to Laconia Island in Southern Italy, where the last stone was. After getting that, she realized that she had to destroy all of the Teg-Du-Bhorez, the evil society that was using the stones, or they would destroy the world. She uses all of her abilities, and finally discovers their headquarters. Upon defeating them, she summons, and kills the Great Grey One. By doing that, she fulfilled the final part of the prophecy, telling that a mysterious lady would save the world from utter destruction. =============================================================================== 4.00 Copyright =============================================================================== This walkthrough was created by kenb215 (Kenneth W. Barney). It may be freely saved to your hard drive or printed, as long as it is not used for monetary purposes. You may post it on your website provided that I am informed of this, that I retain credit for creating the guide, and that no part of it is altered in any way. I reserve the right to require any website hosting this guide to remove it at my choosing, for any reason, or for no reason at all. All copyrights and trademarks are copyright and trademark by their respective owners. By breaking this copyright, you are in violation of copyright law under Title 17 Chapter 5 Section 506(d) of US Copyright Law you can be fined for up to $2,500. =============================================================================== 5.00 Conclusion =============================================================================== Here in ends by guide, to the story for thine eye. For your knowledge it was best, to have read this, unlike the rest. I hope it has given you understanding, of this story's non-complex standing. For my help, all you need, is to contact kenbarney@optonline.net, indeed. EOF (End Of FAQ)