()===========================================================================() || || || L E M O N Y S N I C K E T ' S || || 'A Series Of Unfortunate Events' || || for the GBA || || || || Copyright 2005-6 Graham Holden || || (aka 'cthrag yaska' on GameFAQs) || || www.AldursLair.com/faqs || || Version 1.1 June 2006 || || || ()===========================================================================() ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Overview ............................................................................... This document will of course contain spoilers for the game. However, I have tried to organise it so you can find the information you need to get past a particular sticking point without seeing too much else, but the way puzzles are interrelated will sometimes make this difficult to avoid. In common with many Walkthroughs I have seen, the Table of Contents below lists short codes or "tags" against entries (e.g. "TEST") -- these can be used to search the document and get directly to the relevant section. Following a trick I saw in one person's FAQ (unfortunately I cannot remember who), references TO a section will be enclosed in braces: "{TEST} " while the tag that MARKS the section will be enclosed in square brackets: "[B4SF]". This way, if you search for "[B4SF]" you will only find the section itself and not find the references to it (of which there may be more than one). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Press "Ctrl-F" in most browsers or text viewers to search . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . o Introductory sections include a "Solving Adventure Games" -- a few notes that may help a first-time player. These briefly mention the first puzzle of the main but don't really give too much away. The Introduction also includes a FAQs section contains Frequently Asked Questions -- the ones that seem to catch the most people out. o The main part of the document is a Walkthrough for the main part of the game. Throughout the game, you have to collect various items to solve puzzles; these puzzles pretty much define the order you have to do things, although some variation is possible. o The next part is an "after game" walkthrough: During the main game you collect certain items (Butterflies, Book Pages); not all of these will be available the first time through. After you've finished the main game, you can carry on looking for things you've missed or couldn't get. o Reference sections follow listing puzzle dependencies (what you need to do or get to solve puzzles); locations of all Book Pages; and a listing of all Quest Points (the measure of how much of the main game you've completed). o The final section, "Odds and Sods", contains acknowledgments, revision history and any other interesting things I've found about the game. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Contents ............................................................................... Lemony Snicket's 'A Series Of Unfortunate Events' Overview Contents Legal Notices About this Walkthrough Solving Adventure Games {SAGA} Frequently Asked Questions {FAQS} WALKTHROUGH {LSWT} Introduction Briney Beach {B1BR} Ocean's Edge {B1OE} Book 1 -- Count Olaf {B1CO} Orphan's Room {B1OR} Crawlspace {B1CR} Upstairs Hall {B1UH} Downstairs Hall {B1DH} Chimney {B1CH} Kitchen {B1KI} Cold Storage {B1CS} Actor's Wing {B1AW} Dressing Room {B1DR} Dressing Room Crawlspace {B1DC} Chimney Vent {B1CV} Courtyard {B1CY} Rooftop {B1RT} Doldrum Drive {B1DD} Doldrum Drive West {B1DW} Doldrum Detour {B1DT} Epilogue (Downstairs Hall) {B1EP} Boss Battle (Stage) {B1BB} Book 2 -- Uncle Monty {B2UM} Montgomery Halls Downstairs {B2MD} Guest Room {B2GR} Montgomery Halls Upstairs {B2MU} Writing Room {B2WR} Gustav's Room {B2GV} Reptile Room {B2RR} Sample Storage {B2SS} Inky Newt Nook {B2IN} Newt Room {B2NR} Printing Room {B2PR} Front Garden {B2FG} Back Garden {B2BG} Evergreen Montgomery Forest {B2EF} Forest Clearing {B2FC} Alaskan Cow Lizard {B2AC} Epilogue (Reptile Room) {B2EP} Boss Battle (Inky Newt Nook) {B2BB} Book 3 -- Aunt Josephine {B3AJ} Cloudy Cliffs Court {B3CC} Captain Sam's {B3CS} Cloudy Cliffs Court East {B3CE} Captain Sam's Yard {B3SY} Lachrymose Lane {B3LL} Library {B3LI} This Room is Not Intended for Burglars{B3NB} Bottom Hall {B3BH} Fortune Teller {B3FT} Ike's Secret Room {B3IR} Lake Lachrymose {B3LK} Curdled Cave {B3CA} Tower {B3TO} Epilogue (Ocular Tower) {B3EP} Boss Battle (Ocular Tower) {B3BB} After the Game ... All Butterflies {AGAB} Book 1 -- Count Olaf {AGCO} Book 2 -- Uncle Montgomery {AGUM} Book 3 -- Aunt Josephine {AGAJ} REFERENCE SECTION {REFS} Object and Puzzle Dependencies {OAPD} Books: Page Locations and Use {BPLU} Quest Points {QPTS} Butterfly Distribution {BFLY} Odds and Sods {ODDS} Acknowledgements Interesting Things Revision History Sections in this document are marked by a TAG enclosed in square brackets; references TO those sections use the same tag enclosed in braces. Thus there may be several references "{TEST} " to a section that begins with the tag "[TEST]". If you search by swapping the "{} " for "[]", you will only find the destination section, and not any references to it. In many browsers and text-editors, press "Ctrl-F" to begin a search. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Legal Notices ............................................................................... General ------- This entire Work is Copyright 2005-2006 Graham Holden, and all rights are reserved except as specifically permitted in this section or authorised in writing by the Author. The moral right of Graham Holden to be identified as the Author of this Work has been asserted by him in accordance with the United Kingdom Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988. Nobody is permitted to make derivative Works based on this Work, nor to incorporate this Work into any other Work, not to create compilations including this Work. Personal Use ------------ Everybody is permitted to view, download and print copies of this Work, in whole or in part, for their own personal use. Nobody is allowed to charge you to view or download such copies. Other than minor reformatting to aid readability of locally stored or printed copies, no changes may be made to this Work. Physical Distribution --------------------- Providing NO CHARGE of any kind is made (including any Postage, Packing or Handling fee), you may pass unmodified printed copies of this Work to others. Personal Electronic Distribution -------------------------------- Individuals may pass individual electronic copies of this Work to others through direct contact (for instance via floppy disk, USB Memory Stick). Any form of mass distribution to any potentially unknown recipients is strictly prohibited. Hosting ------- Without prior written permission of the Author, nobody may make this Work available to others through any other means, electronic or physical, including (but not limited to) hosting the Work on a Website or FTP Server, uploading the Work to a Website or FTP Server, or by posting the Work to a Usenet Newsgroup. Anybody wishing to host this work on a Website or FTP Server MUST ask first. 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Permitted Hosts --------------- Currently, the following Websites are allowed to host this Work: My Website This is the official home and will always contain the latest version. www.AldursLair.com GameFAQs This is the only Game Site I normally visit and should also always contain the latest version: www.gamefaqs.com Other Sites The following sites have been granted permission to host my work, but I don't routinely visit them: 1up.com www.supercheats.com www.ign.com www.gamerstemple.com www.neoseeker.com www.cheats.de (in German) If you wish to direct visitors of your site to this Work, the following links may be used: http://www.AldursLair.com/faqs http://www.gamefaqs.com/features/recognition/41989.html providing it is obvious that the content is not part of your own website. Any other Website, FTP Server or other facility hosting this Work, or any Website providing direct links to this Work, is doing so in violation of the terms of my copyright. I would appreciate notice of any such infringements (see "About This Walkthrough" below). All Trade Marks and Registered Marks within this Work are the property of their respective owner(s). This Work is not endorsed by Nintendo, Activision, Paramount Pictures, DreamWorks nor anyone else connected with the game. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- About this Walkthrough ............................................................................... "Lemony Snicket's 'A Series of Unfortunate Events'" is my second Walkthrough/FAQ (after "Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time", both for the GameBoy Advance). I'd probably do more, but nearly every game I play already has at least one excellent Walthrough already written, so there doesn't seem much point! You can contact me via my website (www.AldursLair.com/faqs) or by email (use "faqs" and "AldursLair.com", joined by the "@" sign; please put "Lemony Snicket", "Unfortunate Events" or similar in the subject line so that it doesn't get lost amongst the junk). I normally read and reply to all messages, but please bear the following points in mind: o Corrections to facts are welcome, as are specific suggestions for improvements. o Critical comments are fine, but just saying "it sucks" isn't very helpful; please keep criticism polite and positive. o Incomprehensible messages (i.e. those with appalling grammar or in "leet speak") are likely to be sent to the trash folder. I keep all GameFAQs Boards for which I've written Guides on my "Favourites" list, so I should spot (and usually reply to) any messages within a day or so. For "Lemony Snicket", the board is: http://boards.gamefaqs.com/gfaqs/gentopic.php?board=920540 All contributions used in future versions will be suitably acknowledged (unless you want them to be anonymous). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solving Adventure Games [SAGA] ............................................................................... Once you get the Introduction out of the way (during which Lemony Snicket pretty much tells you exactly what to do), the first puzzle of the "game proper" is opening a locked door. Again, you're guided pretty closely as what you have to do, and the puzzle is nicely "self-contained" -- there are no real "distractions" to solving it. However, once you get through the door, the puzzles become more intertwined -- something you need to solve one puzzle will only be available when you solve a second; to solve the second, you might need something else and so on. Although none of this gets TOO complicated, here are a few tips to make all this easier: o When you find an object, often, one of the children, or Lemony, will often say a few words about it. o For an object, try to interact with it (using the "R" button) as much as possible: examine it, open it, push/pull it, tinker with it or try using something else you are carrying on it. o When you meet a person, don't just talk to them: remember to use DISCUSS and TEASE. Also offer anything you might be carrying. In all the responses you get from trying the actions above, watch out for words in RED (I show these in UPPER CASE) -- these will often give you a clue as to what you need to solve the puzzle, or what you might get to be able to solve further puzzles. To illustrate this advice, I will give a completely made-up example. Example Game ------------ Early in a game, you come across a Small Boy sat on a stool inside the front door of a house. The first thing to do is to talk to the boy: PERSON Small Boy ------ --------- Talk I've been told to sit on this STOOL until the POST arrives. Then I have to take the POST to the master of the house. To get more information, you might use the DISCUSS and TEASE interactions; in the example, these give: Discuss I hope the POST arrives soon; I've not had my breakfast yet! Talk You can't take the STOOL; I'd have nowhere to sit until the POST arrives. The words STOOL and POST are highlighted in RED throughout, so that's a clue that they are significant objects in the game. However, at the moment, you don't have too much to go on. For now, you might want to just make a note as follows: PUZZLE Small Boy (Ground Floor) ------ ------------------------ ??? STOOL and POST Suppose a little later in this example game you are exploring the Basement of the house and you find a High Shelf. You try to interact with this (as you should all objects you find), but get the message: OBJECT High Shelf ------ ---------- Examine The shelf is too high. Perhaps you could reach it if you had a STOOL? The clue might not be as explicit as this; a harder clue might be "The shelf is too high. You'd need something to STAND ON to reach it.". In either case, reaching the shelf is obviously a new puzzle. Whenever you find a new puzzle, you should get into the habit of reviewing the notes you've made to see if anything you already know about will help. In this case, it looks like you could use the STOOL the Small Boy is sitting on to reach the HIGH SHELF. You can now update your notes as follows: PUZZLE High Shelf (Basement) ------ --------------------- Need Stool Gives ??? PUZZLE Small Boy (Ground Floor) ------ ------------------------ Need Post? Gives Stool This tells you that you need the Stool to get to the High Shelf (but you don't know what you will find there) and that you'll probably get the Stool from the Small Boy, once something to do with the Post happens. Later, when exploring outside the house, you find a postman's sack left by the side of the road. Examining the sack, you find it contains some POST for the house. It doesn't look like it'll get delivered by the postman, so you pick up the Post and push it through the front door of the house. Back inside the house, you find that the Small Boy has disappeared (with the Post) leaving the Stool behind. Since the Small Boy has left, you can take the Stool and use it to reach whatever is lying on the High Shelf! The important points to remember are (a) interact with everything; (b) take anything that's not nailed down; and (c) whenever you find something new, think back to any unsolved problems to see if it might help (and keep notes about problems if it helps). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Frequently Asked Questions [FAQS] ............................................................................... Here I will list any questions (and their answers!) that I think crop up often enough to warrant special mention. If you think of any additional questions that should be included, please let me know. Obviously, if you read through these BEFORE you're stuck, you're likely to find things out before you've had a chance to work them out for yourself -- things like this are called SPOILERS because they can spoil the game if you're playing normally. A couple of tips to avoid seeing more than you want: o The best way is to ask someone else (who's not playing the game) to look through these answers to see if there's something that will help. It doesn't matter if THEY see too much -- provided they're not a blabber- mouth! o If you have to look through yourself, try focusing only on the questions and not the answers. o One method I've found useful is to shrink the browser or editor window that you're viewing this document in so that only a couple of lines are visible. Then search for a KEYWORD to do with your problem (e.g. HANDBAG, HOOK). Because you can only see a couple of lines of text, you are less likely to see other answers. What do I have to do with the Skipping Stones? ---------------------------------------------- Nothing really... I don't think it matters what score you get. How do I deal with a White-Faced Woman throwing Powder Bombs? ------------------------------------------------------------- Getting rid of her is quite simple -- a few Apple Cores or a couple of solid blasts of Water will do (I prefer water). The main thing is to deal with her as quickly as possible, as you can't (safely) hang around think what to do next while she's active. How do I deal with a White-Faced Woman throwing her Handbag (Purse/Pocketbook)? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This one is trickier, as she can only be hurt at certain times. The clue to beating her is in her challenge the first time you meet: Why you! I'll swat you like a fly, and DON'T YOU DARE AVOID ME! Doing the opposite of what an enemy tells you sounds like a good idea, so AVOID her (or, at least, her handbag)! She'll alternate between throwing it high or low -- either duck or jump as appropriate. After about three misses she'll get in a bit of a tizzy and stomp her feet for a bit. This is the only time she's vulnerable to your attacks so either throw Apple Cores (Violet), squirt Water (Klaus) or roll over her (Sunny). I personally favour Sunny, since she's small enough to avoid the high throws without having to duck -- you only have to jump and roll. You will probably need about three attacks to get rid of her. How do I deal with the Hook Handed Man (as an enemy)? ----------------------------------------------------- Much nastier... not only can he only be harmed at certain times; he can also damage you (i.e. your Misery Meter will rise) if you attack at other times! Again the clue to beating him is in his challenge when you first meet: So you kids think you're pretty smart, huh? Well, I bet you won't get the JUMP on me! In this case, you have to JUMP over him and attack from behind. However, there's a slight complication in that you MUST NOT TAKE DAMAGE as you jump over him (i.e. your character mustn't flash white). If you do this successfully, his head will droop -- this indicates that it is safe to attack. Some tips: o Every now and then, he bends down and sparks a hook on the floor before throwing it at you -- this is obviously the best time to try jumping over him (although it CAN be done when he's standing). o I generally found Klaus the best to use when dealing with a Hook Handed Man (he doesn't seem to be AS affected if you attack at the wrong time). o The first time you meet him, I found practising as Violet helps -- if you attack with Apple Cores when you didn't get the jump right (i.e. when he won't take damage) you can see them bounce back towards you much more easily. If they don't bounce back, you did the jump right and he's taking damage. Once you have the "rhythm" for jumping OK, I would switch to Klaus from then on. What do I do with the Signals by the Train Tracks? -------------------------------------------------- There are ten signals arranged around the two train tracks. Every now and them one or two arms rise on one of the signals and you must break it (or them) by moving the sights over the "paddle" and pressing "B" before it/they descend. If two arms are raised, you MUST break both of them. If you miss a signal, you lose a "life" (shown in the top-left corner of the screen) -- lose them all and you have to start again! The secret here is that the order in which they're raised doesn't vary, so it's possible to learn the order and anticipate where the next one will be. The order is CERTAINLY constant for any given game, and I THINK it's the same for every game, in which case the following will help: (6)|__|(4)\__\(5) (8) (2) |__| \__\ (1) |__| (9) \__\(7) (3) If this DOESN'T work for your game, just note down the order they DO appear in for your game. ()===========================================================================() || || || W A L K T H R O U G H || || [LSWT] || || || ()===========================================================================() After a short introduction, designed as a tutorial on the most common controls, the game is divided into three BOOKS -- one for each of the guardians with which the children are placed. This Walkthrough is similarly subdivided. Within each Book, the Walkthrough is divided into a number of ROOMS (when indoors) or AREAS (when outdoors); e.g. LIBRARY, LACHRYMOSE LANE etc. Each room or area has a separate section in the walkthrough -- often several sections as you have to visit many of them more than once. Except for trivial cases where you're just passing through a room on the way to another, all these sections begin with a heading that lists the number of BUTTERFLIES, QUEST POINTS and BOOK PAGES you can get during this visit to the room or area. At the end of a section, I give a CHECKPOINT that shows what it is possible to have got by now. Don't worry if you don't know what Butterflies, Quest Points and Book Pages are yet; they will be introduced properly as you meet them in the game/walkthrough. The one thing you DO need to know is that -- with a few exceptions -- collecting Butterflies and Book Pages -- while helpful -- is not ABSOLUTELY necessary to complete the game. It is therefore possible that the number of each that you have does not match what I got at each checkpoint. The goal of this Walkthrough is to show how you can collect the maximum possible number of each as soon as they are available. In any case, after the "main" part of the game, you can roam freely to collect any Butterflies or Book Pages that you have missed (and there are a number of each that you CANNOT get until after you have completed the main game). With a couple of exceptions, Quest Points are not optional. You can vary the order you achieve some of them, but sooner or later you're going to have to get them all to progress in the game. The two known exceptions are discussed in the section "Quest Points" {QPTS} towards the end of this document. ()===========================================================================() || || || Introduction || || || ()===========================================================================() The game starts with a pretty-much scripted introduction section -- Lemony Snicket will pop-up frequently to tell you what you need to do and how to do it. This is really just a chance to get the used to most of the controls of the game. Lemony Snicket Welcome, dear players. My name is LEMONY SNICKET and I have created this game to chronicle the unfortunate lives of the Baudelaire children. It began on a day like any other. VIOLET, KLAUS, and SUNNY were spending an afternoon at the beach. Each had their own agenda. Violet enjoyed INVENTIONS, Klaus preferred to READ, and SUNNY the baby? Well, she just liked to bite on anything she could. Little did they know that some terribly UNFORTUNATE news was just around the corner. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Briny Beach Butterflies -- [B1BR] Quest +4% ............................................................................... You begin the game as Violet, the eldest of the three Baudelaire children. There's nothing to the left, so set of walking to the right... you'll soon come to a small wooden building in your way -- press the "A" Button (together with LEFT) to jump on to the top. Drop down the other side and jump over a second, taller, building the same way. (Ignore the birds that fly off as you approach... at this stage -- but not for long -- the creatures you meet are not a threat!) Beyond is a third building that's just too tall to jump on to the top of... instead, return to the top of the second building and jump straight across to the top of the third. Drop down on the right and carry on to the right where you'll find a closed gate blocking your path. As you approach: Lemony Snicket Allow me to offer some help here. To use items in the world TAP the Object Interaction Button ("R" BUTTON). You will need OBJECT INTERACTION to OPEN that GATE. Move closer to the gate and an "eye" icon will appear bobbing up and down in the middle of the screen -- this indicates that there is an OBJECT (or, later, a PERSON) that you can INTERACT with. At the same time, the name of the object (or person) is displayed at the bottom of the screen. Whenever you see this "eye" icon, press the Right Shoulder Button ("R") to interact with the object or person. For objects, the choices -- from top-to- bottom on the left, then on the right -- are: EXAMINE Describe the object in more detail. OPEN Attempt to open a door, cupboard or other suitable object. PUSH/PULL Attempt to push, pull, or otherwise manipulate the object in some suitable manner. TINKER Fiddle about with an object in some (usually) fruitless manner. TAKE Pick the object up and carry it with you. Generally, you should take anything you CAN pick up with you -- you never know when it might be useful! USE Use some other object (that you are already carrying) on the object under the "eye". Random use of one object on another rarely produces an interesting response, but certain combinations WILL have a useful effect. For people, the options are: TALK Have a general chat with the person. DISCUSS This often provides more detail than just TALKing to them. TEASE Tease, or joke with the person. As in real life, this doesn't always give a favourable response. GIVE Give some object (that you are already carrying) to the person. As with USE, giving random objects to random people is unlikely to help, but some people you meet will need certain objects. Some notes: o Not all options are "active" for every object or person. For example, it would not make sense to try to OPEN a Sofa, so that option wouldn't be shown. o For some objects, the only sensible thing to do is to pick them up -- if this is the case, pressing "R" will not show any options but add it straight to your inventory. o Many of the options above -- even when active -- won't DO anything interesting for many objects or people. Instead, you will see a response or comment either explaining why something cannot be done or the attempted action does not make sense. READ THESE CAREFULLY -- they will give you the clues as to what WILL work with the object, or what the person wants. Pay particular attention to words in RED (I show these in UPPER CASE). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The most important point to remember is that RESPONSES CAN CHANGE, particularly with people, when certain things happen. Make a habit of returning to objects and especially people if you solved one puzzle, picked up a new object etc. -- you may well find that you'll get a different response that will help you get further through the game. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . In this Walkthrough, whenever you come across an object or person, I'll show all the Interaction responses like this: OBJECT Picket Fence Gate ------ ----------------- Examine {LS} This gate is closed. If you want to open it try HOLDING DOWN the R BUTTON and selecting OPEN. Tinker {V} We don't need to TINKER with it, we need to open it! Open [the gate opens] |NOTE In the above, the initials of character that gives the response | is shown in front of the text. Here, "{LS} " and "{V} " | indicate Lemony Snicket and Violet. Similarly, "{K} " means | Klaus and "{S} " means Sunny. Sometimes a character you meet | might give a response -- suitable initials will be used. When an Interaction only generates an action, without anybody saying anything, then this is shown in square brackets as above. Now we have the gate open, walk through and carry on to the right. As you do, Lemony Snicket starts again: Lemony Snicket Excellent... or should I say horrible, considering where you are leading these children. That doesn't sound hopeful, but we don't have much choice so carry on, climbing the hill to the right. Near the top, Violet spots something on the ground: Violet A perfect SKIPPING STONE! A stone this perfect could skip for miles. Let's find some more so we can have a CONTEST! When you get to the stone, another Interaction Icon is show. Just for fun, ignore the stone and carry on down the other side of the hill... at the bottom: Lemony Snicket Now, now player. You've gotten yourself into this, you must continue to the end. Go back and use the OBJECT INTERACTION BUTTON (R BUTTON) to TAKE that STONE. You can carry on after this admonishment, but you can't get far, so we may as well deal with the stone: OBJECT Stone ------ ----- Examine {V} A perfect skipping stone. I've calculated the curves of all the surfaces, and this one is perfect. Push/Pull {K} It's a STONE. We can't PULL it or USE it, we may as well just PICK IT UP. Take [pick up stone] {+1%} The "{+1%} " at the end of the last response indicates that we've gained a QUEST POINT. You started on 0% and as you progress through the game this will steadily rise towards 100% at the end of the game. You can check your current QUEST SCORE (and check that you've really picked up the stone) by looking at the INVENTORY SCREEN -- press START then "R" to see this. |NOTE This screen also shows the number of BUTTERFLIES you have | collected, both for the current area of the game and in total. | You will learn about these shortly after the introduction is | over... for now, just get into the habit of checking the | Inventory Screen frequently to check your progress. Carry on down the right-hand side of the hill and Violet spots another Stone: Violet There's another SKIPPING STONE under that BOARDWALK! Klaus The entrance is too SMALL for me to fit through. Lemony Snicket Ah, perhaps I should add here that if you ever want to change the Baudelaire Child that you are controlling, simply press SELECT and use the + CONTROL PAD and the A BUTTON to make your choice. Violet You could fit in there easily, Sunny. Would you get that SKIPPING STONE for us? Do as suggested and switch to Sunny (SELECT, UP to choose then "A"). Walk under the boardwalk so you can reach the stone: OBJECT Stone {+1%} ------ ------------ Examine A perfect skipping stone. With the wind blowing from the south, this one should skip even better than the last. Push/Pull {K} It's a STONE. We can't PULL it or USE it, we may as well just PICK IT UP. |NOTE Because picking an object is one of the most common ways to gain | Quest Points, and because very often there is no comment when | you do so, I will usually simplify an object block as above -- | putting the Quest Point on the first line and omitting the TAKE | option altogether. Once you have the second stone, carry on heading right and you'll see one Boardwalk with a Key on it and another with a Ladder leading to it. Since we don't have any use for a Key, just carry on and we'll come to another gate: OBJECT Locked Gate ------ ----------- Examine {K} This looks a lot like the other gate, but this one is LOCKED. The lock isn't like any others I've read about. It almost looks like a SEASHELL. Open {LS} This gate is locked. Try all you want, you won't get through without some sort of KEY. Tinker {LS} Nope, no room to TINKER here; I'm afraid a KEY is the only way. So, maybe we DO need that key after all. Return to the ladder and try to climb. Assuming you're still playing as Sunny from before, you'll get: Sunny Pollawa. (My hands can't reach.) And Klaus fares little better: Klaus It's up to you to climb the LADDER, Violet. I'm fearful of heights. So switch back to Violet and have her climb the ladder. |NOTE For all ladders (and sets of rungs, vines etc.) you meet in the | future, you will have to switch to Violet to be able to climb | them. When circumstances permit, you can jump across to a | ladder, and provided you have UP or DOWN pressed, Violet will be | able to cling on to it. For now, climb to the top and jump left across to the platform where you can see the key: OBJECT Key-Shaped Conch Shell {+1%} ------ ----------------------------- Examine {V} It's shaped like a KEY. When you hold it up to your ear, you can hear the sound of doors opening. Tinker {S} Jujama! (Do we need to TINKER with this? It seems useful to me already.) So use the TAKE option to pick it up (getting another Quest Point) and return to the Locked Gate. As you approach: Violet I wonder if we could USE our SHELL to unlock the gate... We might as well try! Press the Interaction button ("R") again and select USE -- you will be shown the Inventory Screen. Select the item you wish to use on the Locked Gate (i.e. the key) with the + Pad and press "A". The gate will open and you gain another Quest Point: OBJECT Locked Gate ------ ----------- Use [Key-Shaped Conch Shell] {+1%} |NOTE In "real-life" you normally only bother carrying around things | you know you're going to need; with Adventure Games, it's nearly | always the other way around... the motto is: "If it's not | nailed down, pick it up and carry it around just in case you | might find a use for it". Seasoned Adventure Game players will nearly always have picked up the key as soon as they saw it even if they don't know what it's for yet... when they later come across a locked gate, they don't need to go back for the key. As you walk through the gate, the words "OCEAN'S EDGE" appear at the bottom of the screen (NOTE -- there is NO Interaction Icon shown). Whenever you see this, it means you can move from the current area of the game (in this case "Briny Beach") to a new one (here, "Ocean's Edge"). These transition points tend to occur at the end of a scrolling area, or where there is a door or window in the current area that leads to someplace else. Here, we have little choice but to visit Ocean's Edge... ............................................................................... : Butterflies Area 0/0 Total 0/250 Quest 4% : ............................................................................... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ocean's Edge Butterflies -- [B1OE] Quest -- ............................................................................... Violet Let's see if I can get 10 SKIPS with these stones. Lemony Snicket Tap the A BUTTON and B BUTTON quickly to power your throw. Press + CONTROL PAD UP or + CONTROL PAD DOWN to aim your throw. If you now quickly alternate between tapping the "A" and "B" buttons, you will see the POWER METER in the bottom-left corner of the screen begin to rise. At the same time, pressing UP or DOWN will alter the ANGLE at which you throw the stone (the arrow to the left of the Power Meter). This is complicated by the fact that while you adjust the angle, you will lose power, and while you tap "A" and "B", the angle will gradually drop to horizontal. As you're doing this, Violet will be swinging her arm around in circles -- after a while she will release the stone. The two numbers in the top-left of the screen show the number of BOUNCES the stone makes, and the total DISTANCE covered for the current stone. The two numbers in the top-right show the same information for your BEST stone. In total, you have five attempts to try and get the most bounces or longest distance (the counter in the bottom-right corner initially shows that there are four more stones besides the one in your hand). Despite what Violet implies, you don't have to beat 10 bounces; just throw the stone five times and you will be returned to the Briny Beach. |NOTE Having played the Skipping Mini-Game here, you will be able to | access it in the future through the "EYE" Icon on the game's | main (New/Load/Credits) screen. |NOTE You don't actually have to have collected any of the stones to | play the Skipping Mini-Game! ............................................................................... : Butterflies Area 0/0 Total 0/250 Quest 4% : ............................................................................... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Briny Beach Butterflies -- [B1BR] Quest +2% ............................................................................... You return to the beach where you left -- just past the gate. Jump up the wooden structures to the right and you will find a third stone: OBJECT Stone {+1%} ------ ------------ Examine {S} Hydrop! (This stone looks pretty good for skipping, but I think I'll just bite it!) Push/Pull {K} It's a STONE. We can't PULL it or USE it, we may as well just PICK IT UP. If you try to ignore the stone, Lemony will pop-up with the same message as before about needing to go back and collect it. Once you have all three stones, carry on walking to the right and a gentleman will appear from the right and announce himself: Gentleman Let me have those stones. Stones are dangerous playthings, children. This seems a bit abrupt, as we don't yet know who he is. As with any new object or person, approach and use the Interaction Button ("R") when the "eye" icon appears. Like with objects, The name of the person is shown at the bottom of the screen. PERSON Mr. Poe ------ ------- Talk I'm afraid I have some heavy news for you children. Discuss Stones are no playthings for children, before you hear what I have to say, you'll have to hand them over. He seems pretty insistent about those stones... and as not much else is going to happen until you comply, you may as well hand them over: PERSON Mr. Poe ------ ------- Give [Stones] {+1%} |NOTE Normally I would show this response with the Talk/Discuss | responses; it's only separate because of my waffle in between. Unlike an object interaction, virtually all responses are given by the person you're talking to, so there's no need to use "{} ". I only use these if someone else makes the response. Having satisfied his desire for stones, Mr. Poe now gives you his grave news: Mr. Poe Children, I'm here on behalf of your parents. They'd be here on their own behalf, but they're quite dead. Klaus Dead! What happened? Mr. Poe There was a terrible fire... not that there are many nice ones... and they couldn't escape. Your house burned to the ground. Violet But what's to become of us? Where will we live? Mr. Poe You are to live with a distant relative, Count Olaf. Violet Count Olaf? How is he related to us? Mr. Poe He is either a third cousin four times removed or a fourth cousin three times removed. He's an actor by trade. Lemony Snicket [over film stills] But Mr. Poe's story about the Baudelaire children's parents turned out to be an amusing misunderstanding and they all had a hearty chuckle about it later on. Oh, if only that were true. For indeed, Mr. Poe escorted the dejected orphans to the ramshackle residence of their new guardian, Count Olaf. Being an actor by trade, Count Olaf made a grand entrance to greet his new wards; it will be somewhat harder to ever make him exit again. After a brief exchange of pleasantries, the orphans were sent to their room, Mr. Poe was shooed out the door, and Count Olaf was left alone with his evil schemes and monstrous designs... ............................................................................... : Butterflies Area 0/0 Total 0/250 Quest 6% : ............................................................................... ()===========================================================================() || || || Book One -- Count Olaf || || [B1CO] || || || ()===========================================================================() ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Orphan's Room Butterflies -- [B1OR] Quest +1% Book Pages -- ............................................................................... Violet We're locked in. This Olaf doesn't make a good first impression. Klaus Bad first impression?! This house is a depressing pigsty. Sunny Zibble! (Did you see that eye tattoo on his ankle? Creepy!) Violet Well I think we should try to give him the benefit of the doubt. [walks to one side] Aha! See, there are three SWITCHES up there. I'll bet they open the door. Count Olaf probably forgot how small children were, and thought we'd be tall enough to reach them. Klaus So then we're just as stuck, even if our first impression is wrong. Violet I've got an idea. There might be enough junk around here for me to build something to flip those switches. Root around and see if we can find a SOUP CAN, an ICE CREAM SCOOPER, and some sort of HAND-CRANKED DEVICE. INVENTION Apple-Chucker --------- ------------- Components Soup Can Ice Cream Scooper Hand-Cranked Device There are BATS to the left, so avoid! (At the moment, only Sunny CAN harm them, and then it's not easy; for the moment, they're best avoided). Head right and you'll find a Cardboard Box; press the Interaction Button (Right Shoulder Button) to open it, revealing an empty SOUP CAN. Press the Interaction Button ("R") again to pick it up -- this will increase your QUEST SCORE by one percent. COMPONENT Soup Can {+1%} --------- --------------- Take {K} Yuck. Thank goodness it's empty. Carry on to the right and you'll see lots of APPLE CORES that have spilled out of a TOY BOX: Violet APPLE CORES! That's perfect! My device can chuck APPLE CORES at those SWITCHES! Let's COLLECT as many as we can for ammunition. As you walk over these, they will be kicked up to the top-right of the screen where they increase your AMMUNITION METER. At this stage, you can carry a maximum of fifty. Where they were, you find a Sign: OBJECT Sign ------ ---- Examine {V} The sign says 'Toys', but it's a bowl of apple cores. Does Count Olaf play with his food? Push/Pull No matter how hard you try to play with them, these are still apple cores and not toys. Tinker {K} Come now, do we need to break such a nonsensical sign? |NOTE There are Apple Cores dotted all around this level for you to | collect. The pile in front of the Toy Box will reappear every | now and then, so you should have no trouble filling your supply. You won't be able to do anything WITH the Apple Cores until you've built the Apple-Chucker, but it's worth collecting them as you walk around. Jump up onto the dresser and jump up and to the left onto a ledge. Continue up and to the left, jumping gaps and passing over the three switches. In the top-left corner of the area you will see an entrance to the CRAWLSPACE. You'll need to switch to SUNNY to enter. On the way to the Crawlspace, you'll pass a window that's been painted shut: OBJECT Window (Painted Shut) ------ --------------------- Examine {V} The world on the other side looks wonderful. Too bad we're on this side of the glass. Open {K} It's PAINTED shut. We could open it if only we had something to REMOVE the PAINT. Tinker {V} Temper. Temper. ............................................................................... : Butterflies Area 0/1 Total 0/250 Quest 7% : ............................................................................... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Crawlspace Butterflies +2 [B1CR] Quest +1% Book Pages -- ............................................................................... You find yourself in a confined space. As you proceed, Klaus notices something: Klaus Look Violet, a BUTTERFLY. I've always been interested in LEPIDOPTERA. Sunny Kadiddlehopper? (Stop using such big words Klaus and tell us what it means.) Klaus That's a scientific term that means BUTTERFLIES and MOTHS. I've just started researching butterflies, and I am trying to study as many as I can. If we can get CLOSE to it, I can add its data to my COLLECTION. |NOTE Collecting Butterflies will open up new items that you can buy | in the ATTIC screen (press START then "L"). Initially, you can | only buy items from the top row; as you collect more | Butterflies, the other rows will become available. The items available range from the "interesting" (concept art work, stills from the film) to the useful (upgrades to make the Inventions that Violet dreams up better). Each item in the Attic costs a certain number of PHOTOGRAPHS -- you will learn more about these, and how to use the Attic Screen shortly. Follow the Butterfly down a couple of vertical shafts ahead -- you may need to make use of a MOVING PLATFORM to climb back up and to the right. Just time your jump to land on the platform, then jump from it as it moves to the right. |TIP When jumping to the platform (and to ledges), you can often | stand below the ledge or platform and jump THROUGH them to end | up on top. You will soon come to a stone wall blocking your path. As you near it: Lemony Snicket Sunny is not your average child. Press the B BUTTON to ROLL. Do as instructed, and Sunny will smash through the wall and fall down a shaft beyond (probably catching the Butterfly Klaus wants). |NOTE As well as smashing through walls, Sunny's ROLL attack is the | only way you've got at the moment for hurting enemies... and | you're about to start meeting a few! Simply sit near an enemy, | facing them, and press "B" to Roll over them. One Roll will be | enough to dispatch most enemies at the moment. Be careful though! After a Roll, Sunny needs to pause and get her breath back. A gauge in the top-right corner of the screen next to Sunny's face is initially full, and shows GREEN -- this means she can perform a Roll. As soon as she does, the gauge will empty and begin refilling in RED -- Sunny cannot Roll while the gauge is red. Once full, it will turn back green and she's ready for anything! Be careful at the bottom, as there are Spiders around -- if you get hit by these, your MISERY METER (shown in the top-left corner of the screen) will rise. |NOTE The Misery Meter rises whenever you are hit by a Spider, a Bat, | or any one of the numerous other creatures that will attack you | as progress through the game. If the Misery Meter gets all the | way to the top, you collapse with exhaustion and will have to | start the current room or area from the beginning again. You | keep any Butterflies or other special objects you have | collected, but most "baddies" will have returned. Sunny's ROLL attack ("B") CAN be used to attack enemies, but for the moment, it's probably best just to avoid them. Make your way to the floor and head left to find a small crate blocking your way; as you approach: Sunny El-Buttah! (This CRATE looks incredibly pleasing to BITE [L BUTTON]). Crawl up to it and press the "L" shoulder button -- the Crate shatters and you can pass through the gap to the left. Beyond, you will find a Water Pipe -- these are appear throughout the game, but as you don't have any use for them yet, ignore it. Climb up the ledges and head to the right where you'll enter a pipe in which you'll find this area's second Butterfly. To the right there are a number of Spiders ready to pounce. |TIP You can either ROLL into them as Sunny ("B") or, if you time it | right, you can just head straight through. Jump into another pipe on the right to find the HAND-CRANKED DEVICE (press the Right Shoulder Button to pick it up). COMPONENT Hand-Cranked Device {+1%} --------- -------------------------- Carry on to the right and you will see an exit that leads back to the Orphan's Room. ............................................................................... : Butterflies Area 2/2 Total 2/250 Quest 8% : ............................................................................... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Orphan's Room Butterflies +1 [B1OR] Quest +1% Book Pages -- ............................................................................... As you emerge back into the Orphan's Room, look to your left and you'll see the only Butterfly for this area, flapping around a chandelier. You won't have been able to reach this from the ledge below, so now's the time to jump left and collect it. Staying as Sunny, drop down and to the right; in the far right-hand corner, you'll see a hole in the floor: Although you can drop into it as any of the children, only Sunny is small enough to explore under the floor. Head left and you'll see the ICE CREAM SCOOPER. As before, press the Right Shoulder Button ("R") and you'll pick it up. COMPONENT Ice Cream Scoop {+1%} --------- ---------------------- If you've been following the Walkthrough, this should give you all the parts you need for Violet's first invention: the Apple-Chucker. You'll be taken to the INVENTION screen where you'll be forced to build it. The directions from Lemony should be straight forward. Of the three positions for the Ice Cream Scoop, you need the upper one. INVENTION Apple-Chucker --------- ------------- Use Providing Violet is carrying some Apple Cores (see the counter in the upper-right corner of the screen), pressing "B" will throw them. Keeping "B" pressed will throw them continuously, although it's probably quicker to tap the button several times. There are a number of ways that Violet can chuck Apple Cores: o Standing normally, Apple Cores will be chucked almost horizontally, travelling quite away in the direction she's facing before coming to the ground -- this is best for tall enemies directly in front of Violet. o If she crouches down (keep DOWN pressed), then they will not travel anywhere as far -- this is best for smaller enemies at her feet. o If you keep UP pressed, she will raise the Apple-Chucker to nearly vertical. When thrown, the Apple Cores will describe a high, thin trajectory and land quite close. This is useful for hitting things above her head, or for getting an Apple Core over a nearby wall. o Finally, Violet can jump ("A") and throw Apple Cores while in mid-air. This can be useful if the target is otherwise out of reach. Apart from chucking Apple Cores the various enemies the children meet, you will come across many APPLE CORE SWITCHES -- you've already seen three of these surrounding the door out of the Orphan's Room. The effect when these are hit varies, but often will either open doors or activate a Moving Platform. Initially, the Apple-Chucker can carry 50 Apple Cores, but the capacity can be increased with INVENTION UPGRADES -- these are "add-ons" to a basic Invention that enhance performance. You will soon get your first Upgrade. When you've built the Apple-Chucker, return to the locked door in the middle of the room -- you'll be able to chuck Apple Cores at the Switches and open it (you need to hit all three switches). To hit the middle switch, stand to one side and just press "B" (the switch will drop a green arm when triggered). For the other two, stand under the first switch and press UP on the D-Pad before throwing an Apple Core (with "B" again). This will throw the Apple Cores at an angle so you can hit the switches. It's probably wise to save the game now. If you restore the game now, or enter and return from the Crawlspace, you will find the place has been overrun with enemies (and some Photographs hanging in mid-air). |NOTE Killing enemies with Apple Cores can give Photographs (allows | you to buy things in the Attic), Full Heart Lockets (lowers your | Misery Meter by a lot), Broken Heart Lockets (lowers your Misery | Meter by a bit), or more Apple Cores. |TIP Photographs reappear when you re-enter a screen. A good place | to collect them is from the Orphan's Room: leave to the Upstairs | Hall (keep UP pressed, and you'll return straightaway). Do this | as Sunny, and head right (jump for one photo; roll over a | spider; collect apples; jump over the bed; drop into the hole; | roll left over another spider and three photos). Repeat as | required. |NOTE You can collect photographs in the Orphan's Room before you are | told about them in the Upstairs Hall (see below). By using the | trick above, you can buy all the top row of items (assuming | you've at least one butterfly), EXCEPT the very right-hand item | (an extra Ice Cream Scoop to increase the rate of fire). You may not want to bother with the Concept Art or the Film Stills, but it is worth collecting enough Photographs for the first upgrade. UPGRADE Apple-Chucker ------- ------------- Cost 150 (Level 1) Purpose This Large Can will let you to [sic] carry 70 apples. When you've collected as many Photographs as you can be bothered to, switch to Violet and enter the Upstairs Hall. ............................................................................... : Butterflies Area 1/1 Total 3/250 Quest 9% : ............................................................................... : Inventions Apple-Chucker Upgrades 1/5 Capacity (x1, 70) : ............................................................................... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Upstairs Hall Butterflies +1 [B1UH] Quest -- Book Pages +1 ............................................................................... As you enter, there's this area's sole Butterfly to the right. Collect this then head left to find a note from Olaf: OBJECT Olaf's Note ------ ----------- Examine Orphans, come see me in the KITCHEN. It is DOWN the stairs and to the RIGHT. Your Loving Parental Substitute, Olaf. Head further left and you'll see a STAGE HAND -- a nasty piece of work who'll cause you Misery unless you're careful. Switch to Violet if necessary and take him out with Apple Cores. Further to the left you'll see what may be your first Photographs: walk into these; Klaus will want to collect them and Lemony will tell you about them: Klaus Photographs of burned buildings! Very curious. I'm going to hold onto these to see if I can piece together some clues. Lemony Snicket [over The Attic screen] Dearest Player, I feel a responsibility here to step in and explain. Photographs let you unlock pictures and upgrades. The left column [two columns] unlocks concept art from the Lemony Snicket game! The middle section [six columns] unlocks movie scenes! Among the more valuable things you can buy are upgrades for Violet's Inventions. Invention upgrades are in the right section [two columns]. Klaus's Butterfly Collection makes a difference! The more butterflies you collect, the more items will become available for purchase. Select the button on the right end of the row and press the A Button to purchase an Ice Cream Scoop upgrade for the Apple-Chucker. You are now forced to buy a second Ice Cream Scoop for Violet's Apple-Chucker. UPGRADE Apple-Chucker ------- ------------- Cost 10 (Level 1) Purpose This Ice Cream Scoop will allow you to chuck apples faster. |NOTE Even if you haven't collected any photographs at this point, you | are given the ten you need to buy the Upgrade. Along the floor of the Upstairs Hall you will find a couple more STAGE HANDS to deal with, as well as a Bat and a couple of Spiders. Deal with these as you see fit. At the left-hand edge, you will find stairs leading down to the Downstairs Hall. However, before you descend to look for the kitchen, you should explore the upper levels of the hall. On a ledge above the middle of the room you will find a strange man who has been tied up: PERSON Hook Handed Man ------ --------------- Talk When I complete this exercise, OLAF will MARK my PROGRESS REPORT! Oh, how I want to be as skilled an actor as Olaf! Discuss Olaf tied me with this ROPE to teach me how to act 'restrained'. I'm itching to see if it works. Tease If I used my hooks to cut myself free of this ROPE then I wouldn't learn anything, would I? There doesn't seem to be much else you can do with him at the moment, so we'll move on. Off to the right, slightly above the ledge the man is on, you should see a page from a book floating in mid-air. Jump up and to the right to reach this. Once you've collected it, you can turn to the "Library Screen" (START and "R" twice) to see it listed. ............................................................................... : Book "Chimbley Sweep" by Colin December -[2]- - - - : ............................................................................... |NOTE Throughout the game, you will find pages from various Books. | Each Book has six Pages; when you have all six of them, you can | follow the instructions to gain access to new parts of the game, | extra Butterflies, or other goodies. ............................................................................... : Butterflies Area 1/1 Total 4/250 Quest 9% : ............................................................................... : Books "Chimbley Sweep" by Colin December - 2 - - - - : ............................................................................... : Inventions Apple-Chucker Upgrades 2/5 Capacity (x1, 70), Speed (x1) : ............................................................................... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Downstairs Hall Butterflies -- [B1DH] Quest -- Book Pages +2 ............................................................................... Dropping down to the floor below where you enter and heading right, you'll find a door to Doldrum Drive, an entrance to a Chimney, and a door to the Kitchen (as well as assorted baddies). Over to the left is a door to the Actor's Wing. |FOR LATER Trying to go to Doldrum Drive or the Actor's Wing gives: Violet Olaf's note said to meet him in the KITCHEN. He's probably not as bad as he seems, let's see what he has to say. In the very top left- and right-hand corners of the room are two more Book Pages to be found. ............................................................................... : Books "Chimbley Sweep" by Colin December - 2 - -[5]- : : "Up the Down Way" by Upton Dawn - -[3]- - - : ............................................................................... |NOTE To climb up the left-hand side of the room, you need to jump on | to the chandelier above the door to the Actor's Wing. |NOTE To return to the Upstairs Hall you need to throw an Apple Core | at both the Switches near the middle of the room. Hit the upper- | right switch to lower a Moving Platform; stand on that and hit | the lower-left switch to raise it so that you can reach the | ledge leading to the stairs. ............................................................................... : Butterflies Area 0/0 Total 4/250 Quest 9% : ............................................................................... : Books "Chimbley Sweep" by Colin December - 2 - - 5 - : : "Up the Down Way" by Upton Dawn - - 3 - - - : ............................................................................... : Inventions Apple-Chucker Upgrades 2/5 Capacity (x1, 70), Speed (x1) : ............................................................................... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chimney Butterflies -- [B1CH] Quest -- Book Pages -- ............................................................................... |FOR LATER You don't really need to visit here yet, since you can't do | anything other than learn you need the ROPE and access to the | ROOF. In the chimney there's a Patch of Soot on the left -- you won't be able to do anything to this for a bit. Above a central ledge you'll find some Platform Gears, which you should examine: OBJECT Platform Gear ------ ------------- Examine {V} This platform seems to use a PULLEY system. From the looks of this, I'd deduce that there used to be a ROPE tied to the GEARS. Push/Pull {K} I'll bet we need to tie a ROPE somewhere on that ROOFTOP, where the chimney juts out of the house. Tinker {V} This isn't going to work. Could we get to the ROOF through a WIINDOW? There was one in OUR ROOM, and I thought I saw one in the KITCHEN. ............................................................................... : Butterflies Area 0/2 Total 4/250 Quest 9% : ............................................................................... : Books "Chimbley Sweep" by Colin December - 2 - - 5 - : : "Up the Down Way" by Upton Dawn - - 3 - - - : ............................................................................... : Inventions Apple-Chucker Upgrades 2/5 Capacity (x1, 70), Speed (x1) : ............................................................................... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kitchen Butterflies +4 [B1KI] Quest +1% Book Pages -- ............................................................................... Olaf There you are, finally! I have a chore for you, the first of many to follow. This WINDOW is BROKEN. I threw a rock through it because I thought I saw an orphan... I mean, an orangutan misbehaving outside. Sunny Wufka! (There he goes about monkeys again!) Olaf Find some BRICKS and cement and FIX IT up like the others. Klaus But we don't have any TOOLS. Olaf That's not my problem, I didn't break the WINDOW. Klaus You just said you did! Olaf Echoing is rude unless one is in a valley, when it can't be helped. Now get to work, get to work, get to work! At which point you gain control. If you try leaving back to the Downstairs Hall: Olaf Windows don't fix themselves. Why don't you listen to your sister and FIND PIECES for your INVENTION. PERSON Olaf ------ ---- Talk First you'll have to add WATER to those bricks, then USE them to patch up the window. Discuss I am your parent now, you must do as I say. And I saw FIX THAT WINDOW! Tease You'd best hold your tongue, lest you wake up without it. To the right, you'll find the door back to the Downstairs Hall (which you can't use yet) and the Broken Window: OBJECT Broken Window ------ ------------- Examine {V} Olaf threw a rock out this window and broke it. Tinker {V} We'll need some BRICKS and some WATER to fix this. There's one of this room's six Butterflies above the window, but there doesn't seem to be any way of reaching it. However, the crate right in the corner (bite it as Sunny) contains a Broken Heart and a Butterfly. Heading to the left you pass Olaf and find a pile of BRICKS: OBJECT Pile of Bricks ------ -------------- Examine {V} A pile of bricks and cement. Push/Pull {V} If we found the right PARTS I could build a WATER PUMP for you Klaus. Then we could spray these bricks, and FIX that WINDOW. Let's look around. Take {V} We need WATER. Let's look around for COMPONENTS to my INVENTION! Further to the left, you'll find a small, Sunny-sized passage leading to Cold Storage and to the right, a whole collections of Photographs. Further to the right, and up, you'll see a jar on a shelf. As you land on the shelf it sits on: Klaus So we've found something you might be able to use. What do you have in mind, Violet? Violet Given what we're likely to find around the house, I've come up with a simple design for a WATER PUMP. If we could find a BELLOWS, a GASKET, a JAM JAR and a SHOWER HEAD, we'd be in business. INVENTION Water Pump --------- ---------- Components Bellows Gasket Jam Jar Shower Head COMPONENT Empty Plastic Tub of Jelly {+1%} --------- --------------------------------- Take {K} A COMPONENT for my water pump. Just above the Tub (which serves as the Jam Jar), you'll see two more Butterflies (you can jump on to the chandeliers to reach these). Carrying on up, but to the left, you'll find the Kitchen Window (Painted Shut): OBJECT Kitchen Window (Painted Shut) ------ ----------------------------- Examine Somehow this window escaped Olaf's rockful wrath. A LARGE DEAD TREE can be seen in the courtyard outside. Open {K} Hmph... It's painted shut. I bet we could use a PAINT SCRAPER to open it. Tinker {V} There are enough broken windows in here. We don't need any more. Return down towards the right; if you stand on the cupboard just above Olaf, you'll see a fourth Butterfly going around in a circle. Time your jump to collect it. Now head over to the Cold Storage entrance and switch to Sunny to enter. ............................................................................... : Butterflies Area 4/6 Total 8/250 Quest 10% : ............................................................................... : Books "Chimbley Sweep" by Colin December - 2 - - 5 - : : "Up the Down Way" by Upton Dawn - - 3 - - - : ............................................................................... : Inventions Apple-Chucker Upgrades 2/5 Capacity (x1, 70), Speed (x1) : : Water Pump Parts 1/4 Jam Jar : ............................................................................... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cold Storage Butterflies +3 [B1CS] Quest +1% Book Pages -- ............................................................................... There are a number of Apple Cores just inside, which is good, since there's another Stage Hand around. It's probably best to switch back to Violet. On the left, you'll see a Lever: throwing an Apple Core at this will drop down a flap that you can stand on to climb higher. You'll see several more on the way up. Part way up, on the left, there's a Butterfly fluttering around near a pair of fans. When you get near the top on the left, you might think you can't get any further: although not obvious, the vertical blue "thing" is really a ladder, which Violet can climb. |NOTE The drop-down flap to the right of the second ladder (that | emerges from the top of some boxes) releases some Bats, so be | alert! There's another Butterfly to the left of the flap with the Bats; grab it then jump from the flap to another ladder. |TIP When jumping to a ladder, you need to have UP (or DOWN) pressed | as you pass, otherwise you won't grab hold of it. Continue climbing and jumping to more ladders to reach the top-left corner of the room. The drop-down flap here also contains some Bats, so be careful! Jump from the flap over the obstacle on the right and you'll find a Gasket that will help Violet make the Water Pump. COMPONENT Gasket {+1%} --------- ------------- To the right of the Gasket is an inaccessible area containing another switch. Have Violet stand up against the right-hand wall and throw an Apple Core over (you'll need to keep UP pressed as you do this). The trap-door on the right will open, and the area's third Butterfly will be released. When you've caught it, head back down to the floor (pausing below the trap-door to collect some Photographs) and return to the Kitchen. ............................................................................... : Butterflies Area 3/3 Total 11/250 Quest 11% : ............................................................................... : Books "Chimbley Sweep" by Colin December - 2 - - 5 - : : "Up the Down Way" by Upton Dawn - - 3 - - - : ............................................................................... : Inventions Apple-Chucker Upgrades 2/5 Capacity (x1, 70), Speed (x1) : : Water Pump Parts 2/4 Jam Jar, Gasket : ............................................................................... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kitchen ............................................................................... If you return to the Kitchen having picked up the Gasket, then as you approach Olaf, he starts talking: Olaf You crawl well. Get used to doing it. Now, I have an important engagement -- an INVITATION-ONLY ACTING WORKSHOP. Naturally, I'll be the centre of attention. I really must dash; my eager public awaits. This window had better be fixed good and proper when I return. At which point he walks off, dropping the Actor's Workshop Invitation by the door. As you pick it up: Klaus Who'd want to INVITE Olaf anywhere? OBJECT Actor's Workshop Invitation ------ --------------------------- Examine An invitation to a private acting workshop. Olaf dropped this in his rush to leave. There's nothing new in the Kitchen, so make use of the fact that Olaf left the door open and head back to the Downstairs Hall. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Downstairs Hall ............................................................................... Trying to leave via Doldrum Drive now gives: Violet As much as I'd like to leave this house, I wouldn't want to see Olaf when he's angry. Now that you've met Olaf in the Kitchen, you can go and explore the Actor's Wing. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Actor's Wing Butterflies +5 [B1AW] Quest +1% Book Pages +6 ............................................................................... Don't bother with the ground floor, there's nothing to do yet. Instead, head up to the top-right corner of the room where you will find the first of five Butterflies. Head across to the left for the second, then approach some more Book Pages: Klaus Look at this, Violet... A stray BOOK PAGE. I wonder what it says... Olaf [written] Dearest Troupe, I have hidden away the BELLOWS in the closet atop the Actor's Wing. Use the following combination to retrieve it. Klaus Look, there's a CODE written on the pages! If we can find all of them, we'll be able to OPEN that door. ............................................................................... : Book "The Wind in the Bellows" by Saul Herzog [1]- - -[5]- : ............................................................................... |NOTE Once you've found the first page, you cannot return to the | Downstairs Hall until you've found them all and opened the door. Carrying along at this level, to the left, you can see three more Butterflies and another Book Page. However, some will be out of reach. At the far left end, you will find a Platform near an Apple Core Switch (ignore the hole in the floor and the group of three other switches for now). Hitting the Switch with an Apple Core will set the platform in motion, allowing you to get the Butterflies (that's all of them for this room) and the Book Page. ............................................................................... : Book "The Wind in the Bellows" by Saul Herzog 1[2]- - 5 - : ............................................................................... Drop down the hole in the floor and switch to Sunny. Head right, through the small passages and avoiding the Spiders to get another page, then return to the hole and head left where you'll find the remaining two pages for the book. ............................................................................... : Book "The Wind in the Bellows" by Saul Herzog 1 2[3-4]5[6] : ............................................................................... Return to the Trigger Point by the door and press the Right Shoulder Button to use the book. BOOK USE "The Wind in the Bellows" -------- ------------------------- Book Text I have hidden away the BELLOWS in the closet atop the Actor's Wing. Use the following combination to retrieve it. To activate the combination, find the LIBRARY ICON in the ACTOR'S WING then press the R BUTTON. Code "R", UP, "L", RIGHT Effect The door will open and the Bellows will appear. COMPONENT Bellows {+1%} --------- -------------- Take {K} This is perfect for powering my water pump! Anything else we need, Violet? Head back to the left; below the Moving Platform is a group of three switches above a door (like the exit from the Orphan's Room); hit them all with Apple Cores to get to the Dressing Room (they have to be hit in the right order -- middle, left, right). ............................................................................... : Butterflies Area 5/5 Total 16/250 Quest 12% : ............................................................................... : Books "Chimbley Sweep" by Colin December - 2 - - 5 - : : "Up the Down Way" by Upton Dawn - - 3 - - - : : "The Wind in the Bellows" by Saul Herzog Used : ............................................................................... : Inventions Apple-Chucker Upgrades 2/5 Capacity (x1, 70), Speed (x1) : : Water Pump Parts 3/4 Jam Jar, Gasket, Bellows : ............................................................................... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dressing Room Butterflies +5 [B1DR] Quest +3% Book Pages +1 ............................................................................... In the centre of the room you will find the White-Faced Woman: PERSON White-Faced Woman ------ ----------------- Talk All these questions could ruin your complexion. Discuss Fascinating. You're just like an adult only smaller and more useless. Tease Am I a bad actress because I wasn't INVITED to ACTING CLASS? Surely my INVITATION was lost in the mail. If you climb and head left, you'll find a bath tub with a Shower Head... just what we want to complete the Water Pump. Unfortunately: COMPONENT Shower Head --------- ----------- Examine {K} A SHOWER HEAD. Not something Count Olaf would have much use for. Tinker {LS} 'If I can't have it no one can' is a selfish attitude, and demonstrates poor upbringing. Take {WFW} Hands off! That's a beauty tool, not a toy. It doesn't look like we can get the Shower Head while the woman's here. But she seems to want an invitation, and we have the one that Olaf dropped... so: PERSON White-Faced Woman ------ ----------------- Give {Invitation} An INVITATION! I knew I was good enough to get invited. I'd better run if I'm going to make it. {+1%} She leaves, allowing you free to pick up the Shower Head: COMPONENT Shower Head {+1%} --------- ------------------ And you are taken to the Inventions Screen to complete it: INVENTION Water Pump --------- ---------- Use When charged with water, Klaus can fire his Water Pump to attack enemies by pressing "B" -- either tap the button for a single shot, or hold it down for a sustained burst. Like Violet, he can fire it from standing for taller enemies, or crouch and fire (hold DOWN) for enemies on the ground. All around the game you will see WATER PIPES sticking out from the wall, pouring water; Klaus can stand under these to refill his Water Pump. Initially, it has a capacity of 30 units of water, but -- as with Violet's Apple-Chucker -- this can be upgraded in the future. Drop down to the left of the room to find a Wardrobe: OBJECT Wardrobe ------ -------- Examine {LS} In another story wonderful things might be found on the other side of this wardrobe. This, however, is no such story. Tinker {K} Before going to extremes why don't we just try OPENING it. It seems to be unlocked. Open Butterflies escape. {+1%} There are three Butterflies inside the Wardrobe, but you may find you catch one as the doors open, so you don't notice it (other than the count going up). There's a fourth Butterfly above the mirror to the right of the bath, and the last is on the far right-hand side of the room. |NOTE The Quest Point for opening the Wardrobe is one of two optional | Quest Points in the game. You can complete the game without | getting this Quest Point. See the notes in section "Quest | Points" {QPTS} for more details. Before you leave the Dressing Room, head to the far bottom-left corner (just past the Wardrobe). As Sunny, you can bite your way through the dividing wall and drop down to the area below the Dressing Room where you can find the first Page of a new Book: ............................................................................... : Book "Kid on a Hot Thin Roof" by Kansas Bills - - - - -[6] : ............................................................................... Carry on further to the left and you'll enter the Dressing Room Crawlspace. ............................................................................... : Butterflies Area 5/5 Total 21/250 Quest 15% : ............................................................................... : Books "Chimbley Sweep" by Colin December - 2 - - 5 - : : "Up the Down Way" by Upton Dawn - - 3 - - - : : "The Wind in the Bellows" by Saul Herzog Used : : "Kid on a Hot Thin Roof" by Kansas Bills - - - - - 6 : ............................................................................... : Inventions Apple-Chucker Upgrades 2/5 Capacity (x1, 70), Speed (x1) : : Water Pump Upgrades -- : ............................................................................... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dressing Room Crawlspace Butterflies +8 [B1DC] Quest -- Book Pages -- ............................................................................... Use the Moving Platform to jump up and to the left. Watching out for a squad of Formation Bats, drop through a hole in the floor to find the first of eleven Butterflies. Back on the "main floor" of the crawlspace, head left (above where the Butterfly was). There are three moving platforms that will take you to the top of a long vertical shaft (watch out for three Bats along the way). There's a second Butterfly in the middle at the top -- you'll probably have to jump for it, drop down and make your way up again. Back at the top, exit to the right into another passage with more Spiders. Past these is a long, long drop through several screens that will eventually drop you back in the Dressing Room. As you fall, watch out for Apple Cores and, especially, Butterflies. You won't get them all on the first go (or the second or third, probably), but you can keep on trying as often as you like. |NOTE Two of the eleven Butterflies in this area CANNOT be caught | until after you've completed the main game and return here with | extra abilities. There's a third Butterfly that I never managed | to catch on my first visit -- despite many attempts -- that I | believe COULD be caught at this stage. If anybody DOES manage to get nine out of the eleven BEFORE completing the game, I'd be grateful if you could let me know so that I can update this Walkthrough (my aim in this main part of the Walkthrough is to describe catching all Butterflies that CAN be caught; I THINK this is the only doubtful one). When you're bored trying, head back to the Actor's Wing as there's more to explore. ............................................................................... : Butterflies Area 8/11 Total 29/250 Quest 15% : ............................................................................... : Books "Chimbley Sweep" by Colin December - 2 - - 5 - : : "Up the Down Way" by Upton Dawn - - 3 - - - : : "The Wind in the Bellows" by Saul Herzog Used : : "Kid on a Hot Thin Roof" by Kansas Bills - - - - - 6 : ............................................................................... : Inventions Apple-Chucker Upgrades 2/5 Capacity (x1, 70), Speed (x1) : : Water Pump Upgrades -- : ............................................................................... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Actor's Wing Butterflies -- [B1AW] Quest +1% Book Pages -- ............................................................................... From the Dressing Room, head back to the right and drop halfway down to where there's a switch in front of a pair of gates. Hit the switch with an Apple Core and the gates will open, allowing you to access a report card: OBJECT Olaf's Report Card ------ ------------------ Examine All of the boxes are marked 'A+'. Written in Olaf's own handwriting it reads, 'Barrymore and Olivier have nothing on you, you handsome brilliant man.' You can't seem to do anything with it, so move on to the left. Drop down the gap and you'll see a Lever on the floor. Stand over it and press "R" to pull the Lever and start a moving platform, which will allow you back up to the previous ledge. To the left and right you will find two more report cards, hung on the wall: OBJECT White-Faced Women's Report Card ------ ------------------------------- Examine An Actor's Report Card for the White-Faced Women. "Acting not very colourful. Suggest private tutoring." -- Olaf. OBJECT Report Card ------ ----------- Examine Another Report Card from Olaf's Troupe. Strange... there's no name, and under 'Gender', they've written 'Indeterminate'. Carry along the floor to the left where activating a second Lever will start another Moving Platform. This will allow you to get to another report card: OBJECT Bald Headed Man's Report Card ------ ----------------------------- Examine He has Fs in all categories but 'Acting Like a Tree', in which he was awarded C- To the right are another pair of gates; the Switch to open them being between the two. Have Violet stand just to the left of the first gate and throw an Apple Core up and over to hit the Switch. This leads you to yet another report card. However, unlike the others, this one can be taken: Klaus Now all we have to do is get OLAF to MARK it. OBJECT Hook Handed Man's Report Card {+1%} ------ ------------------------------------ Examine It is the Acting Report Card for the Hook Handed Man. Looks like he's got top marks in 'Villainry'. Olaf's not around, but now we've made the Water Pump, we can at least use it on the Pile of Bricks and mend the window, so head back to the Kitchen through the Downstairs Hall. ............................................................................... : Butterflies Area 5/5 Total 29/250 Quest 16% : ............................................................................... : Books "Chimbley Sweep" by Colin December - 2 - - 5 - : : "Up the Down Way" by Upton Dawn - - 3 - - - : : "The Wind in the Bellows" by Saul Herzog Used : : "Kid on a Hot Thin Roof" by Kansas Bills - - - - - 6 : ............................................................................... : Inventions Apple-Chucker Upgrades 2/5 Capacity (x1, 70), Speed (x1) : : Water Pump Upgrades -- : ............................................................................... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kitchen Butterflies +1 [B1KI] Quest +2% Book Pages -- ............................................................................... Use Klaus's Water Pump on the Pile of Bricks to wet them, then pick them up: OBJECT Wet Pile of Bricks {+1%} ------ ------------------------- Examine A wet pile of bricks and cement. We'd better hurry up and use these before they dry. Take them to the Broken Window and use the bricks to fix it {+1%} . As you do, a Butterfly is released (but you might catch it before you see it, unless you stand to one side). ............................................................................... : Butterflies Area 5/6 Total 30/250 Quest 18% : ............................................................................... : Books "Chimbley Sweep" by Colin December - 2 - - 5 - : : "Up the Down Way" by Upton Dawn - - 3 - - - : : "The Wind in the Bellows" by Saul Herzog Used : : "Kid on a Hot Thin Roof" by Kansas Bills - - - - - 6 : ............................................................................... : Inventions Apple-Chucker Upgrades 2/5 Capacity (x1, 70), Speed (x1) : : Water Pump Upgrades -- : ............................................................................... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Downstairs Hall Butterflies -- [B1DH] Quest +1% Book Pages -- ............................................................................... Returning to the Downstairs Hall, Olaf's returned and has a new chore for you Olaf I am back sooner than I expected. I seem to have LOST my INVITATION... unless one of you made off with it. Now I want to rest my feet by the FIREPLACE and take the chill off. So it falls to you to CLEAN the CHIMNEY. Make it sparkle before I tire of making you work. PERSON Olaf ------ ---- Talk That CHIMNEY is FILTHY. How do you expect me to warm myself by such a filthy chimney? Discuss Don't argue. There should be a large platform TIED with a ROPE to carry you up and down the chimney. Or... wait...? Did I already use that ROPE for SOMETHING? Give [Hook Handed Man's Report Card] Ah yes, how could I forget. Hmm, now let's see, how long has he been up there? OBJECT Hook Handed Man's Report Card (filled in) {+1%} ------ ------------------------------------------------ Examine The Hook Handed Man's report has a fresh check mark next to 'Restraint'. PERSON Olaf ------ ---- Talk I meant to teach him RESTRAINT, not starvation; that's next week. Give that REPORT back to the HOOK HANDED MAN toute de suite. Tease Toute de suite. It's French. It means now, or else! He's tied up in the UPSTAIRS HALL. We'd better do as he says... toute de suite! ............................................................................... : Butterflies Area 0/0 Total 30/250 Quest 19% : ............................................................................... : Books "Chimbley Sweep" by Colin December - 2 - - 5 - : : "Up the Down Way" by Upton Dawn - - 3 - - - : : "The Wind in the Bellows" by Saul Herzog Used : : "Kid on a Hot Thin Roof" by Kansas Bills - - - - - 6 : ............................................................................... : Inventions Apple-Chucker Upgrades 2/5 Capacity (x1, 70), Speed (x1) : : Water Pump Upgrades -- : ............................................................................... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Upstairs Hall Butterflies -- [B1UH] Quest +2% Book Pages -- ............................................................................... Give the Report Card to the Hook Handed Man: {+1%} Hook Handed Man Olaf sees I've learned RESTRAINT. Time to CELEBRATE! I'm going to get a MANICURE! Lemony Snicket Manicure here meaning 'something a man with HOOKS for HANDS doesn't really need, but will splurge on nonetheless'. Sunny Runko! (At least he left his rope!) As well as leaving the rope... OBJECT Long Rope {+1%} ------ ---------------- Examine A huge coil of rope. It looks to be about fifty feet long. ...the departure of the Hook Handed Man reveals a Chimney Vent that can be entered as Sunny. ............................................................................... : Butterflies Area 1/1 Total 30/250 Quest 21% : ............................................................................... : Books "Chimbley Sweep" by Colin December - 2 - - 5 - : : "Up the Down Way" by Upton Dawn - - 3 - - - : : "The Wind in the Bellows" by Saul Herzog Used : : "Kid on a Hot Thin Roof" by Kansas Bills - - - - - 6 : ............................................................................... : Inventions Apple-Chucker Upgrades 2/5 Capacity (x1, 70), Speed (x1) : : Water Pump Upgrades -- : ............................................................................... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chimney Vent Butterflies +1 [B1CV] Quest -- Book Pages +1 ............................................................................... Head right, ignoring the first Moving Platform, and use the second to reach a ledge where you'll find this area's only Butterfly. Carry on to the right and switch to Violet so you can throw an Apple Core at a Switch. Use the Moving Platform to get to the ledge above and head back to the left to find another Book Page. |NOTE Watch out for a lot of diagonally-swooping Bats in this area! ............................................................................... : Book "The Grapple Speed Record" by Tres Vito -[2]- - - - : ............................................................................... Carry on to the left and you'll need to jump up and into a vertical shaft. Ignore the Lever at the bottom (you'll use it on the return journey), switch back to Sunny and head left; you'll enter a side-area of the Chimney. ............................................................................... : Butterflies Area 1/1 Total 31/250 Quest 21% : ............................................................................... : Books "Chimbley Sweep" by Colin December - 2 - - 5 - : : "Up the Down Way" by Upton Dawn - - 3 - - - : : "The Wind in the Bellows" by Saul Herzog Used : : "Kid on a Hot Thin Roof" by Kansas Bills - - - - - 6 : : "The Grapple Speed Record" by Tres Vito - 2 - - - - : ............................................................................... : Inventions Apple-Chucker Upgrades 2/5 Capacity (x1, 70), Speed (x1) : : Water Pump Upgrades -- : ............................................................................... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chimney Butterflies +1 [B1CH] Quest +1% Book Pages -- ............................................................................... As well as the first of the Chimney's two Butterflies, you'll find the Paint Scraper: OBJECT Paint Scraper {+1%} ------ -------------------- Examine A paint scraper. This should be useful for clearing paint off of windows. Return, via the Chimney Vent to the Upstairs Hall, then head back to the Orphan's Room. ............................................................................... : Butterflies Area 1/2 Total 32/250 Quest 22% : ............................................................................... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Orphan's Room Butterflies -- [B1OR] Quest +1% Book Pages -- ............................................................................... Now you have the Paint Scraper, head to the upper-left corner and use it to open the window. {+1%} You can now go through the window to get to the Courtyard. |NOTE As Violet observed a while back, there are two painted-shut | windows that lead into the Courtyard; one here and one in the | Kitchen. You get a Quest Point for scraping the paint of each | of them. However, it is possible to complete the game by only | opening one of them. See the notes in section "Quest Points" | {QPTS} for more details. ............................................................................... : Butterflies Area 1/1 Total 32/250 Quest 23% : ............................................................................... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Courtyard Butterflies +1 [B1CY] Quest -- Book Pages -- ............................................................................... We'll be visiting the Courtyard again later, so for now we'll just pass through. Jump across to the right from the window and climb the ladder you find. Head left and you should pick up one of the seven Butterflies here before getting to the Rooftop. ............................................................................... : Butterflies Area 1/7 Total 33/250 Quest 23% : ............................................................................... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rooftop Butterflies +8 [B1RT] Quest +1% Book Pages +3 ............................................................................... As you enter, immediately head left to catch the Butterfly in the middle of the screen before it flies off. Down to the right is a small ledge with a second Butterfly. |NOTE On the Rooftop, it's possible to "fall of the bottom" of the | screen. This doesn't seem to cause any hardship, other than | having to start from the beginning of the area. |TIP If the first Butterfly does fly off, either drop off the bottom | of the screen to restart the area, or leave and return. Head back left, past a ladder, and jump across to some wooden platforms to the left to get the second page of one of your books: ............................................................................... : Book "Kid on a Hot Thin Roof" by Kansas Bills - -[3]- - 6 : ............................................................................... Return to the ladder and climb to collect a third Butterfly near a TV aerial. Head up the roof to the right for another two Butterflies (for five so far). Return to the aerial and climb on top to jump to the roof on the left. Carry on to the left and jump on to a couple of Moving Platforms, watching out for another Butterfly at the top. Jump left on to another ladder and descend; there's another Book Page to the left. ............................................................................... : Book "Kid on a Hot Thin Roof" by Kansas Bills -[2]3 - - 6 : ............................................................................... Carry on left over an arched window to collect the seventh Butterfly. It's probably best to head back right to the ladder, climb it and carry on to the left at the higher level. Jump across to the left and you'll see the first page of the current book on a small platform. |TIP There are a couple of Spiders on these platforms; you can take | them out by crouching down (hold DOWN) and firing. Alter your | distance from the edge to aim. ............................................................................... : Book "Kid on a Hot Thin Roof" by Kansas Bills [1]2 3 - - 6 : ............................................................................... Above the next platform across is the eighth Butterfly. To the left are two vertical Moving Platforms, followed by a (roughly) horizontal one. Time your jumps with care and you should be able to get across to the top of the Chimney where you'll find the PULLEY SYSTEM. If you do fall, you may land on a platform below; head right past the window where you found Butterfly number seven and try again. OBJECT Pulley System ------ ------------- Examine {V} A Pulley System. Looks like it used to have a ROPE TIED to it, controlling some sort of PLATFORM within the chimney itself. Push/Pull {S} Veetah! (I can't pull a pulley without a rope attached, now can I?) Use [Rope] {V} I should get back to the FIREPLACE in the DOWNSTAIRS HALL. {+1%} At which point you are taken back to the beginning of the Rooftop area, where you should follow Violet's advice and head right, back through the Courtyard, the Orphan's Room and the Upstairs Hall to the Downstairs Hall where you should enter the Chimney (as Sunny, of course). |FOR LATER The remaining six Butterflies for the Rooftop area cannot be | reached until you've completed the main game (they're beyond | some Photographs you can just see off to the left of the | Chimney). ............................................................................... : Butterflies Area 8/14 Total 41/250 Quest 24% : ............................................................................... : Books "Chimbley Sweep" by Colin December - 2 - - 5 - : : "Up the Down Way" by Upton Dawn - - 3 - - - : : "The Wind in the Bellows" by Saul Herzog Used : : "Kid on a Hot Thin Roof" by Kansas Bills 1 2 3 - - 6 : : "The Grapple Speed Record" by Tres Vito - 2 - - - - : ............................................................................... : Inventions Apple-Chucker Upgrades 2/5 Capacity (x1, 70), Speed (x1) : : Water Pump Upgrades -- : ............................................................................... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chimney Butterflies -- [B1CH] Quest -- Book Pages +3 ............................................................................... Now that you've attached the Rope to the Pulley System on the Rooftop, there's a vertical Moving Platform that ascends to the top of the Chimney. Dotted around the Chimney are a number of SOOT PATCHES (thirteen in all) -- the first is at ground level on the left. To get rid of these, you need to switch to Klaus and use his Water Pump. A good solid squirt, or several smaller ones, will get rid of the soot. |TIP As well as the main shaft, there are a number of side-openings | with more Soot Patches and Book Pages inside. I think it's best | to make your way up the main shaft first, pausing often to take | out Spiders and Bats (both can be done with a good squirt of the | Pump), and then deal with the side-openings. There are several Water Pipes as you rise, so Klaus can keep his water level topped up. On the way up, you will be able to collect a Book Page: ............................................................................... : Book "Chimbley Sweep" by Colin December - 2 -[4]5 - : ............................................................................... At the very top (when the Platform disappears to the left) you will need to jump to an opening on the right. You should by now have five Soot Patches left to find -- don't worry if you've missed some, as you'll be able to get these in a moment as we check for side-passages. In the right-hand opening, you'll find another Soot Patch. Work your way through the passage and you'll come out above the shaft, to the Trigger Point for "Chimbley Sweep". We won't get all the pages until much later, so ignore it for now. Just up and to the left is another vent that leads back to the Upstairs Hall. |TIP It could be worthwhile popping through and back again and | saving. You will then restart the game (either if you die or | quit) from here, rather than the bottom of the shaft. If you | need it, you can also spend some time in the Hall looking for | Heart Lockets to reduce your Misery Meter. Now, return to the main shaft and head down the right-hand side of the shaft; Sunny is good for this, as some of the openings are small. Just keep dropping off platforms and hugging the right-hand side. The first entrance "wraps- back" and comes out back onto the main shaft; it contains two Soot Patches and the third page of the book. The next opening down (once you rejoin the main shaft) contains the final two Soot Patches and page six of the book. ............................................................................... : Book "Chimbley Sweep" by Colin December - 2[3]4 5[6] : ............................................................................... As you clean off the last patch of Soot: Klaus That's the LAST of them. Maybe Olaf will go a little easier on us now that we've done some chores. Sunny Ronich! (Fat chance of that, Klaus, but let's GO SEE OLAF anyway). Once you've cleaned the Chimney, return (via the bottom entrance) to the Downstairs Hall. ............................................................................... : Butterflies Area 1/2 Total 41/250 Quest 24% : ............................................................................... : Books "Chimbley Sweep" by Colin December - 2 3 4 5 6 : : "Up the Down Way" by Upton Dawn - - 3 - - - : : "The Wind in the Bellows" by Saul Herzog Used : : "Kid on a Hot Thin Roof" by Kansas Bills 1 2 3 - - 6 : : "The Grapple Speed Record" by Tres Vito - 2 - - - - : ............................................................................... : Inventions Apple-Chucker Upgrades 2/5 Capacity (x1, 70), Speed (x1) : : Water Pump Upgrades -- : ............................................................................... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Downstairs Hall ............................................................................... As you approach Olaf, you encounter another example of his "charm": Olaf Well, the Chimney is clean enough, but your pet monkey is rather sooty. Klaus Sunny isn't a monkey! Sunny Dubdud! (I haven't even had a banana in days!) Olaf That would be arguable if I allowed you to argue with me. But I don't, so why don't you fetch some WOOD for the fireplace. There should be an old TREE in the COURTYARD. Klaus But the fireplace is boarded up!!! Olaf Then I'll use the WOOD to re-board it. Just fetch me SEVEN branches. Shoo. PERSON Olaf ------ ---- Talk I need SEVEN BRANCHES from the tree in the COURTYARD. You'll have to use a WINDOW to get out there. I returned the door to the manufacturer, because I didn't like the colour. Discuss Is SEVEN too many? Well, then you have at least three too many toes. Perhaps I can do something about those. Head to the Courtyard; this time -- for the sake of a change (and to get another Quest point) -- use the window in the Kitchen. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kitchen Butterflies -- [B1KI] Quest +1% Book Pages -- ............................................................................... Head up to the top-left to the Kitchen Window (Painted Shut) and open it with the Paint Scraper. {+1%} . Head out into the Courtyard. |NOTE This is the second of the two windows leading to the Courtyard; | scraping the paint off both is optional -- please see the note | in the Orhpan's Room {B1OR} for details. See the notes in | section "Quest Points" {QPTS} for more details. ............................................................................... : Butterflies Area 5/6 Total 41/250 Quest 25% : ............................................................................... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Courtyard Butterflies +5 [B1CY] Quest +6% Book Pages -- ............................................................................... In the Courtyard, you need to collect seven Branches; there are also six Butterflies left over from our earlier brief visit. Because these ones tend to fly away as you approach, we'll need to follow a slightly circuitous route to catch them! |TIP Don't worry if you miss some of the Butterflies -- if you leave | and re-enter the Courtyard (either through the Kitchen Window, | or to and from the Rooftop), the Butterflies will "reset" | themselves to their starting positions and you can try again. You may prefer to ignore the Butterflies until after you've found all the seven Branches. Starting as Violet, drop from the Window and head right past a ladder until you reach a tree with some ledges. Climb to the third ledge (it's a sloping one) and jump up to a platform on the right, then back left to another sloping ledge above. Jump up and left to the white patch on the tree. |TIP When climbing the trees here in the Courtyard, the WHITE BOUGHS | or bits of tree -- like the one you're standing on -- can be | walked on and jumped to. The darker grey bits will not support | you. Jump to another white bit of tree to the left (with a Spider on it) then walk off the left-hand side. You should drop on to the Bough below near the top of a ladder. Start to descend the ladder, then immediately climb back up again. Some Butterflies will begin to disperse, but you should be able to jump and catch the two nearest ones. Follow the third along the white Bough to the left (it will probably be just below the Bough). Part way along you'll approach a Branch and Violet will speak up: Violet SUNNY'S TEETH could bite through that BRANCH in no time. Ignore this for now, and you should be able to catch the third Butterfly at the end of the Bough (jump to the left if necessary). A fourth Butterfly from the group will almost certainly have got away. Never mind; return to the Kitchen window (further to the left) and pop in and out through it so the Butterfly returns to its starting position. Now head right again, but jump up the couple of ledges near the end of the house. From the ledge with the Water Pipe above it, jump right to a swing with a cluster of Apple Cores -- this should once again disturb the remaining Butterfly from the tree stump. It should be straightforward to jump and catch it as it flies roughly towards you. Now we've got a few under our wing (pun intended), we'll concentrate on the Branches we need to collect. Head right back to the far tree and climb as before. This time, carry on up higher, and you should see a Branch on a white bit of tree next to the adjacent house. If you haven't done so already, switch to Sunny and bite through the Branch (press "L"). Press "R" to pick it up -- the counter in the bottom-left corner should change to "6". OBJECT Chopped Wood (x7) {+6%} ** ------ --------------------------- Examine A piece of wood. One can make out four tiny teeth marks if looking close enough. |** NOTE You get one Quest Point {+1%} for every piece of Chopped Wood | you pick up EXCEPT the first! Carry on up the tree; collect another Branch in a similar position just above. Jump up and left to a Bough that rises and falls steeply as you move left. At its end is your third Branch. Return right towards the main trunk; walk off to the right and you should land where the second Branch was. Walk off the left edge and you should land where you can jump to a Photograph and hence to the fourth Branch. Jump back right and up to the Bough above, where you'll find the fifth Branch. Carry on to the left; at the end of the Bough, drop off, falling slightly to the right to land on the Bough below. Drop off the left and you should land next to the sixth Branch and near the fifth Butterfly of this session (the sixth in total for the Courtyard). Catch the Butterfly and gather the Branch. Head back to the right and drop down to the top of the ladder again. Head left and collect the last Branch (the one passed when chasing Butterflies). Violet Let's take this last BRANCH and get back to OLAF in the DOWNSTAIRS HALL. Return through the Kitchen to give the Chopped Wood to Olaf. ............................................................................... : Butterflies Area 6/7 Total 46/250 Quest 31% : ............................................................................... : Books "Chimbley Sweep" by Colin December - 2 3 4 5 6 : : "Up the Down Way" by Upton Dawn - - 3 - - - : : "The Wind in the Bellows" by Saul Herzog Used : : "Kid on a Hot Thin Roof" by Kansas Bills 1 2 3 - - 6 : : "The Grapple Speed Record" by Tres Vito - 2 - - - - : ............................................................................... : Inventions Apple-Chucker Upgrades 2/5 Capacity (x1, 70), Speed (x1) : : Water Pump Upgrades -- : ............................................................................... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Downstairs Hall ............................................................................... Olaf What a poor excuse for FIREWOOD! I wouldn't put these trifling TWIGS in my chimney after I worked so hard to CLEAN it. Klaus We CLEANED the chimney! And it wasn't easy, either! Olaf What's this?! My PAINT SCRAPER... it's a family heirloom! How DARE you use my tools! And for the wrong purpose to boot! Klaus But there was no other way we could open the windows! Olaf Excuses are like monkeys: hairy, ill mannered, and often sooty! I AM TAKING BACK MY PAINT SCRAPER. Go to bed without your dinner, NOW! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Orphan's Room ............................................................................... You can wander around your room, but there's nothing much you can do. When you wander over to the left-hand side... Olaf Wh-What?! What are you Orphans doing lounging about?! Violet You told us to go to our room! Olaf I did no such thing. You are trying to avoid your responsibilities. A group of my ACTING STUDENTS are coming over and we expect to be SERVED a full DINNER. Klaus Cook? We don't know how to cook! Sunny Gummagumma! (I'm not even on solid food yet!) Olaf I'm sorry, I can't hear you over my stomach grumbling. But I'm pretty sure the monkey agrees with me. Now Go! Violet I suppose we could go into town for ingredients. It would be nice to get out of the house for a bit. Olaf My house would be more than happy to get rid of you, as well. Vamoos! And you are transported to Doldrum Drive. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Doldrum Drive Butterflies +11 [B1DD] Quest +3% Book Pages +5 ............................................................................... Ok; we have to cook a meal, but we don't know what, and we can't cook anyway! Luckily, help is at hand. Head left and you'll meet a new character: PERSON Justice Strauss ------ --------------- Talk He wants you to cook him dinner? I left my COOKBOOK on the patio. BRING it to me and we'll pick out a recipe. Seems strange to give such responsibility to children as young as yourselves. [pans to show you the COOKBOOK] Discuss Once we pick out a recipe, I'll give you COUPONS for the GROCER. There's no point heading up the building behind the Justice because (a) you can't reach the patio from it and (b) one of the Book Pages that can be found won't appear until after you've got the Cookbook. Instead, explore to the left: there's an elevator: OBJECT Private Elevator ------ ---------------- Examine {LS} A private apartment elevator. To keep it private, the residents have made it KEY ACTIVATED. Push/Pull {K} Looks like it needs a KEY. and a tomato-spattered man: PERSON Tomato Stained Man ------ ------------------ Talk The next thing I knew BLAMMO! I was pummelled by TOMATOES. It's been one unfortunate event after another. Discuss Who cares if the TOMATO in my hands is STILL WHOLE! My SUIT is RUINED! Tease How will I ever make that interview at Mulctuary Money Management now? Mum was right, I should have been a kitch children's book author. Both of these will be dealt with later. For now, jump up a series of windowsills just past the man: there's the first of this area's fourteen Butterflies at the top. Head right across more windowsills; just before the Private Elevator there's the first page of a new book: ............................................................................... : Book "Street Detective" by Paul P. Wickson - -[3]- - - : ............................................................................... Just above this is a second Butterfly. Jump up and right, then climb the ladder on top of the Private Elevator shaft. Head all the way along to the left of the ledge you're on and you should see two Butterflies and another Book Page (one of the Butterflies is right at the top of the screen; you'll need to jump to catch it). ............................................................................... : Book "Street Detective" by Paul P. Wickson - - 3[4]- - : ............................................................................... |NOTE I'm almost certain that you can get these two Butterflies and | the Book Page a little later, which would cut-out the need to re- | climb the building. However, as it doesn't waste much time, | I'll leave them here for now. You'll land back on the ground; make your way back up to the top of the ladder and jump to the second ledge above (next to an advertising hoarding). Wait a moment, and you should see the fifth Butterfly circling -- try to jump so that you catch it and land back on the ledge. Finally, from the edge jump up and to the right (passing through some Apple Cores) to land on the Patio where you can pick up the Cookbook: OBJECT Cookbook {+1%} ------ --------------- Examine 'Many Ways to Prepare Tasty Treats', by A. Steiman. A cookbook. From the patio, jump up on to the roof of the house and head to the right. The sixth Butterfly is at the top, then there's another Book Page: ............................................................................... : Book "Street Detective" by Paul P. Wickson [1]- 3 4 - - : ............................................................................... Drop down on the right and there are two more Butterflies to catch. Return over the roof to the patio. Below, there are three Butterflies in the gap between the two buildings; but one is reachable from Justice Strauss's house, so we'll ignore it for now. For the first, look to the left: you should see a thin black line running down the centre of the side of the building. Try to jump so that you fall on, or just to the right of, the line and you should catch the ninth Butterfly on the way down. The tenth is slightly back from the edge of the patio. You MIGHT be able to get both in one drop, but it's probably easiest just to climb back to the patio again: just move a little to the right after you drop from the edge and you should catch it. Back at ground level, head left give the Cookbook to Justice Strauss: {+1%} Justice Strauss Splendid, now let's see... I used to be quite the amateur chef. How about a Hollandaise Sauce? Violet Um... We don't really know that much about cooking. That sounds complicated. Justice Strauss How about roast beef? Actors love a good roast beef... Klaus That might take too long, we need to have the whole dinner ready in a half-hour. Justice Strauss Well, good food can't be rushed. Violet Hey, how about this? Pasta Puttanesca. It only takes a few ingredients, and it says it goes from pot to plate in 15 minutes! Sunny Yumagu! (Sounds delicious, better than he deserves.) Justice Strauss Olives, Capers, Pasta, Garlic, Tomatoes. Here are COUPONS for all of the ingredients you'll need. Lying on the ground you'll now find some Food Coupons: OBJECT Food Coupons {+1%} ------ ------------------- Examine A stack of coupons for groceries ranging from capers to spaghetti. PERSON Justice Strauss ------ --------------- Talk Those COUPONS should be all you need. Give them to the GROCER. Discuss It's not that windy out. Just zipper your coats. Before we go and use the coupons, there are a couple of Book Pages and a Butterfly to be collected from Justice Strauss's house. Start from the left- hand window and cross to the right-hand one, then head up and right to the long ledge that runs the width of the house. Between the two pairs of windows above are two Book Pages: ............................................................................... : Book "Kid on a Hot Thin Roof" by Kansas Bills 1 2 3[4]- 6 : : "Street Detective" by Paul P. Wickson 1[2]3 4 - - : ............................................................................... Back on the full-width ledge, head to the left-hand edge. The eleventh Butterfly is roughly in line with the right-hand edge of the arm of the telegraph pole. Just before we go to use the Coupons, since we should now have 50 or more Butterflies, another line of Concept Art, Movie Scenes and Invention Upgrades is available in The Attic. Unless you've been avoiding Photographs like the plague, you should have more than enough to upgrade both Violet's and Klaus's inventions: UPGRADE Water Pump ------- ---------- Cost 200 (Level 2) Purpose This Fish Bowl will let Klaus carry 70 water. UPGRADE Apple-Chucker ------- ------------- Cost 200 (Level 2) Purpose This Ice Cream Scoop will allow you to chuck apples faster. When you've bought and applied these upgrades, head left to Doldrum Drive West. |NOTE If you've not been trying to catch every Butterfly you can, you | may not have enough to access the second line. This doesn't | really matter -- although the extra capacity, in particular, is | very helpful -- just keep an eye on your total Butterfly count | and buy the upgrades when you can. ............................................................................... : Butterflies Area 11/14 Total 57/250 Quest 34% : ............................................................................... : Books "Chimbley Sweep" by Colin December - 2 3 4 5 6 : : "Up the Down Way" by Upton Dawn - - 3 - - - : : "The Wind in the Bellows" by Saul Herzog Used : : "Kid on a Hot Thin Roof" by Kansas Bills 1 2 3 4 - 6 : : "The Grapple Speed Record" by Tres Vito - 2 - - - - : : "Street Detective" by Paul P. Wickson 1 2 3 4 - - : ............................................................................... : Inventions Apple-Chucker Upgrades 3/5 Capacity (x1, 70), Speed (x2) : : Water Pump Upgrades 1/3 Capacity (x1, 70) : ............................................................................... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Doldrum Drive West Butterflies +1 [B1DW] Quest +3% Book Pages -- ............................................................................... As you walk along, you'll come across a Washing Machine on an odd-looking platform: OBJECT Washing Machine ------ --------------- Examine A Diamond Spa brand WASHING MACHINE. Not strictly necessary, but so you know what's going on, jump up the small platforms to the left of the Washing Machine and you will see another person: PERSON Lionel Ricky ------ ------------ Talk Beautiful, innit? I had to wash that SUIT by hand. That takes a long time when you're missing two fingers like I am. Discuss Lost 'em in a fire. Tease I ordered a WASHING MACHINE to make my cleaning easier, but it still hasn't arrived. Jump up a couple more ledges and on top of a rail from which some clothes hang: OBJECT Clean Business Suit ------ ------------------- Examine A crisp BUSINESS SUIT hangs on a clothesline. The tag reads 'dry clean only'. It appears both dry and clean. Tinker {K} I think we should find a way to HELP the man instead. He doesn't seem to want to part with that SUIT. Take {LR} People like you are driving this neighbourhood to the gutter. Please leave my washables alone. Drop back down and look to the right: the platform that the Washing Machine is on appears to be part of a "lift" system made of gears and chains. If you could land on the upper platform (to the right), that would probably raise the Washing Machine so Lionel Ricky can collect it. However, try as we might, we cannot jump to it from here. We'll have to pass on until an opportunity presents itself. Drop back to ground level and continue to the left and you'll soon come to a grocer's stall. Before speaking to the grocer, there's the first Butterfly of this area just above the stall. It's only just within reach, so it might take a couple of attempts to catch it. PERSON Vegetable Vendor ------ ---------------- Talk May I suggest the roast beef? It's quite delicious. Discuss I've got OLIVES, CAPERS, ANCHOVIES and PASTA, but I'm fresh out of TOMATOES. Tease Don't make me put you on my irate customers list. Quite what a Vegetable Vendor is doing selling, or even suggesting roast beef is a bit of a mystery! Anyway, give him the Food Coupons: {+1%} Violet We're making pasta with puttanesca sauce. Here's a list of ingredients... and we have COUPONS. Vegetable Vendor This is a popular recipe so I have the ingredients right here. ...Except for the TOMATOES. I sold all I had to ANOTHER CUSTOMER. She took the TOMATOES but forgot all her other GROCERIES. If you would DELIVER this other BAG for her, she might be willing to part with a TOMATO in return. She lives in an apartment building to the right, on the THIRD FLOOR. COME BACK and see me if this goes well. I'll have plenty of other DELIVERIES for you to make! [Abandoned Groceries appear] Come to think of it, you might need this KEY to get up the ELEVATOR. [Apartment Elevator Key appears] Pick up both the key and the groceries: OBJECT Apartment Elevator Key {+1%} ------ ----------------------------- Examine A Key to an Apartment Elevator. OBJECT Abandoned Groceries {+1%} ------ -------------------------- Examine This bag is chock full of groceries: Peppermints, Thousand Island Dressing, Rhubarb... With these, head back to Doldrum Drive. ............................................................................... : Butterflies Area 1/9 Total 58/250 Quest 37% : ............................................................................... : Books "Chimbley Sweep" by Colin December - 2 3 4 5 6 : : "Up the Down Way" by Upton Dawn - - 3 - - - : : "The Wind in the Bellows" by Saul Herzog Used : : "Kid on a Hot Thin Roof" by Kansas Bills 1 2 3 4 - 6 : : "The Grapple Speed Record" by Tres Vito - 2 - - - - : : "Street Detective" by Paul P. Wickson 1 2 3 4 - - : ............................................................................... : Inventions Apple-Chucker Upgrades 3/5 Capacity (x1, 70), Speed (x2) : : Water Pump Upgrades 1/3 Capacity (x1, 70) : ............................................................................... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Doldrum Drive Butterflies +1 [B1DD] Quest +1% Book Pages -- ............................................................................... Go to the Private Elevator and use the Apartment Elevator Key to get to the third floor. Head left, and you'll see the cause of the Tomato Stained Man's problems: OBJECT Overturned Grocery Bag ------ ---------------------- Examine {LS} An OVERTURNED grocery bag, blown over by the WIND. Further left you'll see the customer who got the last tomatoes: PERSON Lily Lomata ------ ----------- Talk I didn't mean to! The TOMATOES were ripening on the sill, and the wind carried them over. Discuss Rude and ruder! How can I give you tomatoes if my entire bag full fell off the ledge? If you give her the Abandoned Groceries {+1%} , then: Lily Lomata Oh, you've brought my GROCERIES. Sorry for my rudeness earlier. I'd give you a TOMATO but the wind has PILFERED them all from me. 'PILFERED' meaning 'knocked off the ledge when my back was turned'. Klaus We know what 'Pilfered' means. It means Stolen. Lily Lomata Yes, that too. But if you're looking for TOMATOES, I have none left. Try my NEIGHBOUR to the WEST. At which point a "drawbridge" lowers to the left from which you will be able to jump to the upper platform of the "lift" that the Washing Machine is sitting on. PERSON Lily Lomata ------ ----------- Talk That LEDGE out there? You can get there from the roof. Discuss I'd give you a TOMATO but the wind has PILFERED them all from me. 'PILFERED' meaning 'knocked off the ledge when my back was turned'. Tease Try my neighbour to the WEST. I saw a truck delivering his WASHING MACHINE today, so he might be busy. Head back to the elevator, which will take you back to the pavement. |NOTE Lily will now appear in the gap to the right of the Elevator; | basically to repeat the conversations above, should you have | missed them. Head up the building as you did earlier (head left along the long ledge after climbing the ladder) and drop down on to the ledge that Lily opened, collecting the twelfth Butterfly as you do. |NOTE This is the point where the two Butterflies and Book Page from | your first visit to Doldrum Drive are probably more easily | collected. Walk towards the left-hand edge and you will cross to Doldrum Drive West. ............................................................................... : Butterflies Area 12/14 Total 59/250 Quest 38% : ............................................................................... : Books "Chimbley Sweep" by Colin December - 2 3 4 5 6 : : "Up the Down Way" by Upton Dawn - - 3 - - - : : "The Wind in the Bellows" by Saul Herzog Used : : "Kid on a Hot Thin Roof" by Kansas Bills 1 2 3 4 - 6 : : "The Grapple Speed Record" by Tres Vito - 2 - - - - : : "Street Detective" by Paul P. Wickson 1 2 3 4 - - : ............................................................................... : Inventions Apple-Chucker Upgrades 3/5 Capacity (x1, 70), Speed (x2) : : Water Pump Upgrades 1/3 Capacity (x1, 70) : ............................................................................... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Doldrum Drive West Butterflies +8 [B1DW] Quest +1% Book Pages +2 ............................................................................... Walk off the ledge to the left to land on the upper platform of the lift; as you descend, the Washing machine will rise and Lionel will thank you: Lionel Ricky Finally, my washboard days are over. Thank you, children. Violet Sir, considering the circumstances, would it be inopportune to ask for a reward? Lionel Ricky Inopportune? Klaus It means 'a bad time to ask for something you really need'. Lionel Ricky Not at all. Take this SUIT, a memento of the last stitch I'll ever clean by hand. Make your way back up to Lionel; where you can collect the Suit: OBJECT Clean Business Suit {+1%} ------ -------------------------- Examine A crisp business suit hangs drying on a clothesline. The tag reads 'dry clean only'. It appears both dry and clean. ... and have a chat with him: PERSON Lionel Ricky ------ ------------ Talk I'm reading a wonderful mystery story these days called 'Street Detective'. Have you read it? ... and collect the last page of a book: ............................................................................... : Book "Kid on a Hot Thin Roof" by Kansas Bills 1 2 3 4[5]6 : ............................................................................... If you now jump up the small ledges to the right of Lionel, you should see that one of them -- the one that led to the clothesline -- is now moving. Jump on to it, and when it gets to the top of its travel, jump off to the right where you should find another Book Page: ............................................................................... : Book "Street Detective" by Paul P. Wickson 1 2 3 4[5]- : ............................................................................... If you jump left from the ledge below where the page was, you should make it back to Lionel; if not, climb back up. Get back onto the moving platform, and this time, jump to the left on to another smaller platform, where you will find the Trigger Point for a book: BOOK USE "Kid on a Hot Thin Roof" -------- ------------------------ Book Text Can you find where to enter the code on DOLDRUM DRIVE WEST for a surprise? Code LEFT, "L", "L", DOWN, DOWN Effect Activates Moving Platform giving Butterflies (x8), Photographs and Apple Cores. This will make a larger platform appear beneath your feet, which will shortly start moving on a long circuitous route through the sky. Along the way are many Photographs, the eight remaining Butterflies, a few clusters of Apple Cores and LOTS of Bats! |TIP Don't be too bothered about collecting Photographs, as there are | plenty of other places where you can get these (I'm not saying | you should avoid them, just don't try risky jumps to get any). |TIP Don't forget that both Violet and Klaus can shoot straight up | (hold UP as you press "B"); this can be very useful when there | are lots of Bats around. You will find that you pass over the first three Butterflies and collect them automatically; however, for the fourth, fifth and sixth you will have to jump to reach them. Don't worry if you miss landing on the platform, as you'll just fall to the ground -- you can go around as often as you like (or have to!) |TIP It may even be useful to break the circuit, as it will give you | a chance to refill your Apple Cores and/or Water, and to look | for Heart Lockets to reduce your Misery Meter (there are LOTS of | bats/birds trying to hurt you). If you leave and re-enter the area, the two enemies that wander around the pavement will return and often give Heart Lockets, especially if your Misery Meter is high. The seventh and eighth Butterflies are both on the roof at the end of the circuit and are easy enough to get -- at the end you should have all nine. Before we take the Clean Business Suit to the Tomato Stained Man, head to the left to Doldrum Detour, where we can pick up the last page of "Street Detective". ............................................................................... : Butterflies Area 9/9 Total 67/250 Quest 39% : ............................................................................... : Books "Chimbley Sweep" by Colin December - 2 3 4 5 6 : : "Up the Down Way" by Upton Dawn - - 3 - - - : : "The Wind in the Bellows" by Saul Herzog Used : : "Kid on a Hot Thin Roof" by Kansas Bills Used : : "The Grapple Speed Record" by Tres Vito - 2 - - - - : : "Street Detective" by Paul P. Wickson 1 2 3 4 5 - : ............................................................................... : Inventions Apple-Chucker Upgrades 3/5 Capacity (x1, 70), Speed (x2) : : Water Pump Upgrades 1/3 Capacity (x1, 70) : ............................................................................... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Doldrum Detour Butterflies +1 [B1DT] Quest -- Book Pages +1 ............................................................................... Head past the first building to a red-brick one with a white entrance. Jump to the ledges from the ground, then up and left three narrow ledges until you get to a Lever -- pull this (with the Right Shoulder Button). This will release a Moving Platform between the two buildings, as well as releasing the only Butterfly in the area. |TIP You'll have to jump to catch the Butterfly before it flies off. | If you miss, leave the area, re-enter and re-activate the Lever. Head back right to the first building and climb the ledges to the right, then head left. Jump on to the platform between the two buildings and then to the ledge of a narrow window. Jump to a second window, then walk off to the left to find yourself above the last page of "Street Detective". Walk off the edge and immediately back to drop to the ledge below to collect it. ............................................................................... : Book "Street Detective" by Paul P. Wickson 1 2 3 4 5[6] : ............................................................................... Once you have it, head back through Doldrum Drive West to Doldrum Drive. ............................................................................... : Butterflies Area 1/1 Total 68/250 Quest 39% : ............................................................................... : Books "Chimbley Sweep" by Colin December - 2 3 4 5 6 : : "Up the Down Way" by Upton Dawn - - 3 - - - : : "The Wind in the Bellows" by Saul Herzog Used : : "Kid on a Hot Thin Roof" by Kansas Bills Used : : "The Grapple Speed Record" by Tres Vito - 2 - - - - : : "Street Detective" by Paul P. Wickson All : ............................................................................... : Inventions Apple-Chucker Upgrades 3/5 Capacity (x1, 70), Speed (x2) : : Water Pump Upgrades 1/3 Capacity (x1, 70) : ............................................................................... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Doldrum Drive Butterflies +2 [B1DD] Quest +2% Book Pages -- ............................................................................... The first thing to do is to give the Clean Business Suit to the Tomato Stained Man: {+1%} Tomato Stained Man A new SUIT! Good work, children. And mother thought I wasn't up for middle management. I'd better get going or I'll be LATE for my INTERVIEW. He leaves behind the Tomato: OBJECT Tomato {+1%} ------ ------------- Examine Survived the fall by fortuity, meaning, 'luck that it didn't splat all over the man'. Once you have the Tomato, head back up the ledges of the building behind you. From the building-wide ledge, jump up the two ledges on the right-hand side (where you jumped to Justice Strauss's Patio). This time, jump of the left- hand side of the upper ledge to reach a ledge in the middle where you'll find another Trigger Point: BOOK USE "Street Detective" -------- ------------------ Book Text This is the tale of a Very Fine Detective. When the CODE is entered, many photographs will be revealed around DOLDRUM DRIVE. The Detective who patrols DOLDRUM DRIVE and collects all the PHOTOS will be REWARDED. Code "A", "L", "R" Effect Collect all Photographs to get Butterflies (x2). To complete the challenge, you have to collect a number of Photographs. First, jump across to the Patio and walk over the top of the roof and down the other side to find the first Photograph. There are three more in the windows of Justice Strauss's house (drop back to the ground and climb up behind her); the remaining six Photographs are in the windows of the house to the left -- jump up as though you were heading back to the Trigger Point. When you collect all of the required Photographs, the view will shift to show two Butterflies appear by the Trigger Point. Climb back up and collect what should be the last of this area's fourteen Butterflies. Before returning to the Downstairs Hall, it might be a good idea to make sure that both Violet and Klaus are fully stocked with Apple Cores and Water respectively. Save when you're ready and go and see if the meal will be good enough... ............................................................................... : Butterflies Area 14/14 Total 70/250 Quest 41% : ............................................................................... : Books "Chimbley Sweep" by Colin December - 2 3 4 5 6 : : "Up the Down Way" by Upton Dawn - - 3 - - - : : "The Wind in the Bellows" by Saul Herzog Used : : "Kid on a Hot Thin Roof" by Kansas Bills Used : : "The Grapple Speed Record" by Tres Vito - 2 - - - - : : "Street Detective" by Paul P. Wickson Used : ............................................................................... : Inventions Apple-Chucker Upgrades 3/5 Capacity (x1, 70), Speed (x2) : : Water Pump Upgrades 1/3 Capacity (x1, 70) : ............................................................................... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Downstairs Hall Book 1 [B1EP] Epilogue ............................................................................... Children Dinner is server! It's Pasta puttanesca. Olaf When a group of actors finish their scenes they deserve something better than some foreign sounding swill. They deserve roast beef. Children But you didn't have the ingredients for roast beef! Olaf ENOUGH! You know, I'm not the only one who has a bone to pick with you two brats and your hideous monkey. Ladies? Somehow, you just knew it wasn't going to be that easy, didn't you! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stage Book 1 [B1BB] Boss Battle ............................................................................... You find yourself on the Stage, where the first of two White-Faced Women challenges you: White-Faced Woman Nothing like a little powder to take the glare off that nasty, healthy complexion! She will throw Powder Bombs at you from on-high. Make your way across the stage, dodging the powder and other nasties. At the end of each crossing, use the door to get up to the next level. When you reach the third level, head left and take out the first White-Faced Woman. Once gone, her companion will step into the fray: White-Faced Woman Why you! I'll swat you like a fly, and DON'T YOU DARE AVOID ME! She will stalk after you and, when you're in range, will throw out her handbag as though on elastic. This may be at either head level or ground level. I find that Sunny is the best to deal with the White-Faced Woman, since Sunny's naturally small enough for the head-high throw to miss (and also, if you're forced too far into a corner, her Roll Attack is the best for getting to the other side). The secret of dealing with the White-Faced Woman, as her challenge suggests, is to "simply" avoid her attacks! After a couple of goes, you should be able to predict whether she's going to throw high or low; simply sit-out the high attacks and jump over the low ones. After a few misses, she gets into a bit of a hissing-fit and starts stamping her feet. Use this opportunity to attack with Sunny's Roll Attack -- a few of these should be the end of her. |NOTE It might take several attempts to "get the rhythm" of her | attacks; if you're having problems, just keep on trying -- if | you fill your Misery Meter you restart from the top level of the | stage and only have to battle the handbag-throwing lady again. As far as I can tell, having to restart the battle doesn't seem to have any harmful effects -- not even a "death counter" as in Zelda. Once you've despatched the White-Faced Woman, walk out through the left-hand stage door where you will be met by Olaf, who seems to have had a change of heart: Olaf Dear, dear darlings, let us not fight anymore. Let me make amends. How would you like to go out for some sodas? [Cut to car parked over a level-crossing] Olaf Ah, here we are. You just wait in the car until I return. By the way, do you have the time? Klaus It's 12:13. Why? Um.. is that a TRAIN TIMETABLE? Violet Oh, No! The doors to the car are LOCKED and there's a TRAIN coming! Quick, help me rig this stuff together and maybe we can DIVERT the TRAIN! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Train Mini-Game ............................................................................... Olaf leaves you stuck in the car with a train approaching. Your only hope rests with a Ball-Throwing Clown that Violet has cobbled together. In front of you are a two train tracks and a number of signals. Every now and then, one of these will raise one or two arms with a red circle on the end. You have to aim the circular cursor and throw balls with the "B" button to break off these arms before the arms descend again. If you don't break of the arm (or arms) in time, you will lose one "life" (see the signals in the top-left corner of the screen). If you lose all three "lives", you will have to start the Mini-Game from the begining. |TIP Luckily, there are a couple of things to help you. First, if a | signal raises its arms, a small arrow will appear from the | aiming-cursor to show you in which direction it lies (left or | right). Second, the order in which the signals activate seems to be fixed. For me, this order is shown in the diagram below: (6)|__|(4)\__\(5) (8) (2) |__| \__\ (1) |__| (9) \__\(7) (3) I don't know whether the signals are ALWAYS in this order for every game -- different games might have a different order of raising the signals -- but the order always seems to stay the same once you've started playing (in other words, you can LEARN what your order is and anticipate where the signals are going to be raised). If TWO arms are raised, you need to hit BOTH of them for it to count. Once you have survived, as well as unlocking the Mini-Game from the "Eye" on the main menu, you will be rescued by Mr. Poe: Mr. Poe I'm sorry, Count Olaf. Allowing a child Sunny's age to drive a car is simply not good parenting. Klaus He's an evil, evil man! He tried to leave us trapped on the tracks! Mr. Poe Let's not exaggerate, Klaus. The car wasn't even in gear. Olaf [running off] No matter where you go, no matter what you do, I'll find you. This isn't over! ............................................................................... : Butterflies Area -- Total 70/250 Quest 41% : ............................................................................... : Books "Chimbley Sweep" by Colin December - 2 3 4 5 6 : : "Up the Down Way" by Upton Dawn - - 3 - - - : : "The Wind in the Bellows" by Saul Herzog Used : : "Kid on a Hot Thin Roof" by Kansas Bills Used : : "The Grapple Speed Record" by Tres Vito - 2 - - - - : : "Street Detective" by Paul P. Wickson Used : ............................................................................... : Inventions Apple-Chucker Upgrades 3/5 Capacity (x1, 70), Speed (x2) : : Water Pump Upgrades 1/3 Capacity (x1, 70) : ............................................................................... ()===========================================================================() || || || Book Two -- Uncle Monty || || [B2UM] || || || ()===========================================================================() Mr. Poe Children, this is the home of your new guardian, Montgomery Montgomery. Violet He's bound to be better than Count Olaf. Sunny Wagto. (I'll be fine as long as he doesn't call me a monkey.) Uncle Monty I have good news. In a few days we are leaving for a nature expedition to Peru. Mr. Poe Jolly good! Well, it seems as though you are in capable hands. I'm needed at the bank. And please let's not have any more talk of Count Olaf. Uncle Monty We have much to do to PREPARE for our trip to Peru. [pans to Butterfly overhead] Klaus, Mr. Poe tells me you appreciate BUTTERFLIES. Well, there is a lovely butterfly on that LANDING up there, but it is TOO HIGH for me to reach! [pans back] And Sunny, Mr. Poe also tells me that you like to BITE things, is that so? Sunny Chom palla gu. (Biting things gives my life meaning and purpose.) [pans to metal crate] Uncle Monty Could you BITE INTO THAT CRATE and PUSH it under the LEDGE so that Klaus can reach the butterfly? [fade] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Montgomery Halls Downstairs Butterflies +4 [B2MD] Quest -- Book Pages +1 ............................................................................... Once you have control, go and have a chat with Uncle Monty: PERSON Uncle Monty ------ ----------- Talk Just walk up to the crate and PRESS and HOLD the BITE BUTTON. You'll be able to SLIDE it wherever you want! Discuss I like inquisitive minds almost as much as I hate answering questions. Tease If you are interested in BUTTERFLIES could you pick THAT ONE up for me? If you try and leave this central area, without sliding the Metal Crate: Uncle Monty Come, come, surely BITING that crate and PUSHING it in place is not too much to ask for your new uncle? As Sunny, jump to the left hand side of the Metal Crate and hold down the Left Shoulder Button as though you were going to chomp it. Being metal, you don't destroy it -- instead, you can use LEFT and RIGHT to move it where you want. |TIP Sunny can both PUSH and PULL these Metal Crates (and some other | items). If you cannot get to the far side of a Crate, you can | pull it from the near side. In this case, move the Crate under the central ledge with Butterfly then use it to catch the Butterfly. As you do, Uncle Monty continues: Uncle Monty Splendid. You seem good at INVENTING THINGS. Klaus needs an extension to his water-pump that would let it ABSORB things. [cut to lizard on a shelf] See that lizard over there? That's an INKGUANA. The INK they SPIT can stain a shirt for generations. Violet If we can find some PLASTIC TUBING for intake, I could upgrade Klaus's WATER-PUMP to be able to ABSORB the ink. Uncle Monty Feel free to take the PLASTIC TUBING from my fishtank, if you first find SOMEWHERE ELSE to put my fish. Having another chat with Uncle Monty gives: PERSON Uncle Monty ------ ----------- Talk Usually my assistant GUSTAV would let you into HIS ROOM to get supplies. For some reason he is LATE. Discuss Gustav usually CALLS ME on the PHONE when he is late. The inkguanas sometimes hit the phone switch and turn it off. Could you make sure that the PHONE is WORKING? [pan to PHONE SWITCH and back] Tease Take the TUBE on the fishbowl to upgrade your WATER PUMP. Just put my fish, Durward, somewhere safe first. There's a door to the Reptile Room under where you caught the Butterfly, but it's locked at the moment by an INK SWITCH -- the curious thing to the right of the door with a number on its base and a purple snake's head sticking out. We'll learn about these later. We may as well head off and see if we can find something to put the fish in and to check on the 'phone switch. First, head left and have a closer look at Uncle Monty's fish: OBJECT Goldfish Bowl Tubing System ------ --------------------------- Examine {V} The FISH is being given purified water through a complex system of TUBING. Push/Pull {V} A push in either direction could be disastrous, at least for the fish. Let's not. Tinker {S} Feebdes! (But there's a poor defenseless fish in there! Perhaps we can find bring him another place to live). Take {UM} Hold on now children, don't take the TUBING without putting the fish SOMEWHERE ELSE. Let's go exploring the downstairs halls. This is probably best done as Klaus, since (a) his Water-Pump is probably the most useful, and (b) although there's no water here, there will be in the next room. To the left of the Goldfish Bowl is the Trigger Point for the as yet unseen book "Reptile Hopscotch". |NOTE The "squiggles" on the wall around the Hall (lamp brackets of | some kind?) can be stood on (though they are harder to jump | between, being narrower). Carrying on to the left, in the middle of the second semi-circular window is the Hall's second Butterfly. Just past the third such window is another Ink Switch that prevents us getting through the locked door to the Front Garden. This pretty much brings you to the end of the Hall. Above the locked door to the Garden you will find a third Butterfly, above which are some ledges and brackets. It's easy to get to these from a little further right, but there's a long ledge above them that is still just out of reach (you will be able to get here later when you've found more Book Pages). If you return back towards the right, the steps just behind the Goldfish Bowl allow easy access to the first Book Page of a new book: ............................................................................... : Book "The Basic Nine" by Danny Handy [1]- - - - - : ............................................................................... At the top of the steps you will find your Uncle's telephone: OBJECT Antique Telephone ------ ----------------- Examine {LS} An antique phone sits quietly on the nightstand. Push/Pull {V} Hmm... There's no dial tone. Carry on down the other side of the steps and on to the right-hand half of the hall. Keeping to the floor, there's nothing much (apart from a few nasties) until you get to the end of the hall, where there's another Ink Switch, which we'll just have to ignore for the moment. |NOTE There's a ledge above the switch with another Book Page on it -- | you won't be able to get this until you learn how to operate Ink | Switches a little later in the game. Return left and go up the first steps you come to. Above a door to the Guest Room you will see the fourth Butterfly. To the left of the Guest Room Door is a Large Snake. If you get too close, it will swallow you up and your Misery Meter will start to rise. Press "A" rapidly to get yourself spat out. It isn't affected by any of your current attacks, so you'll just have to give it a wide berth for now. Up and to the right of the door is another set of steps that lead to the upstairs part of the hall. Before we head upstairs, though, let's check out the Guest Room. ............................................................................... : Butterflies Area 4/5 Total 74/250 Quest 41% : ............................................................................... : Books "Chimbley Sweep" by Colin December - 2 3 4 5 6 : : "Up the Down Way" by Upton Dawn - - 3 - - - : : "The Wind in the Bellows" by Saul Herzog Used : : "Kid on a Hot Thin Roof" by Kansas Bills Used : : "The Grapple Speed Record" by Tres Vito - 2 - - - - : : "Street Detective" by Paul P. Wickson Used : : "The Basic Nine" by Danny Handy 1 - - - - - : ............................................................................... : Inventions Apple-Chucker Upgrades 3/5 Capacity (x1, 70), Speed (x2) : : Water Pump Upgrades 1/3 Capacity (x1, 70) : ............................................................................... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Guest Room Butterflies +2 [B2GR] Quest +1% Book Pages +2 ............................................................................... Once inside, you'll find the door locks behind you. You're stood on a raised platform; the drops to either side are too high to jump back from unassisted, but luckily on either side is a Metal Crate (or a DRUM that serves the same purpose) -- Sunny can bite into these and drag them closer to the raised area so that you can jump up and return to the door. If Klaus needs some water to refill his pump, head right: you'll need to get Sunny to first move the drum so you can reach the Water Pipe; then move it back to get back to the door. Above the door is a ledge with the bottom of a ladder rising from it. As Violet, you can just jump to this and climb up. If you get "stuck" clinging to the bottom of the ladder, JUMP should free you. From the top, jump to the ledges on the right to collect another Book Page: ............................................................................... : Book "Up the Down Way" by Upton Dawn [1]- 3 - - - : ............................................................................... Drop off the right of the ledge with the Book Page then head back left to the door, collecting some Apple Cores. |NOTE You can jump left from the top of the ladder, but it's probably | easier (and safer) by coming from below. Drop to the left of the door and use Sunny to push the Metal Crate over towards the left-hand side of the room. As before, Klaus is probably best for the next bit, since you can always refil his water to the right of the door. Use the crate to jump to the top of a bookcase, then carry on up the left-hand side of the room until you get to a ledge with a ladder rising from it (you'll need to switch to Violet to climb this). At the top, there's a grey platform to the right... this is the first of a number of SINKING PLATFORMS that are linked by the weight on them. As you land on the first, it will start to sink and cause the next one to the right to rise. By jumping correctly, you can use these to reach otherwise inaccessible parts of the room. There are four of these platforms stretching to the right, with the first two Butterflies for the room below the second and fourth platforms -- you should be able to catch these by staying on the platforms until they sink to the bottom of their travel. |TIP The secret with these platforms is not to get rushed -- the fact | that they sink makes you feel you need to jump off as soon as | possible, and that is going to lead to errors. If you stay on one platform too long, you won't be able to jump to the next, but you will ALWAYS be able to jump back to the preceding one. A few seconds there should allow the first to rise enough to allow you to jump from it to the third. Above these four sinking platforms you will see another platform moving horizontally; jump to this and then to another moving platform that moves diagonally in and out of range. Jump to this when you can and when it's at its peak, jump left to a platform with another drum. To the left are two more Sinking Platforms; jump on the first and let it sink all the way, then jump left to the second and off again to the top-left corner of the room where you should get page two of "Up the Down Way": ............................................................................... : Book "Up the Down Way" by Upton Dawn 1[2]3 - - - : ............................................................................... Head right and use the platforms to get to the ledge above the drum. This terminates in one of those walls that Sunny can roll through. As you roll through, you might see another Butterfly above you -- unfortunately it's out of reach, so just drop down the shaft. At the bottom is the trigger area for "Up the Down Way", but as we only have three pages at the moment, carry on down the next shaft to get to the bathroom area. Here you'll find a sink: OBJECT Bathroom Faucet ------ --------------- Examine {LS} The tap water coming from this faucet is cloudy. Definitely NOT SUITABLE for FISH. Further to the right you will find a glass that you can pick up: OBJECT Empty Drinking Glass {+1%) ------ -------------------------- Examine An empty drinking glass. By empty I mean 'not suitable for a fish to live in'. And finally, there's a switch to the far right that when hit with an Apple Core will open both the bathroom door and the main door back to the hall. |NOTE If you come back to the Guest Room in the future (e.g. to | recharge Klaus's Water-Pump), the door will remain unlocked. |FOR LATER The unreachable Butterfly (and another you cannot see) will only | be accessible once we have all pages of "Up the Down Way", and | that won't be until we finish the main story. Return to the Montgomery Halls Downstairs and head up the stairs to the right of the Guest Room to get to the Montgomery Halls Upstairs. ............................................................................... : Butterflies Area 2/4 Total 76/250 Quest 42% : ............................................................................... : Books "Chimbley Sweep" by Colin December - 2 3 4 5 6 : : "Up the Down Way" by Upton Dawn 1 2 3 - - - : : "The Wind in the Bellows" by Saul Herzog Used : : "Kid on a Hot Thin Roof" by Kansas Bills Used : : "The Grapple Speed Record" by Tres Vito - 2 - - - - : : "Street Detective" by Paul P. Wickson Used : : "The Basic Nine" by Danny Handy 1 - - - - - : ............................................................................... : Inventions Apple-Chucker Upgrades 3/5 Capacity (x1, 70), Speed (x2) : : Water Pump Upgrades 1/3 Capacity (x1, 70) : ............................................................................... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Montgomery Halls Upstairs Butterflies +1 [B2MU] Quest -- Book Pages -- ............................................................................... The first thing to do here is jump up the series of small ledges against the right-hand wall for the area's first Butterfly. Drop back down and jump to the ledges to the left of where you start: you'll see the switch you need to make the Telephone work -- unfortunately, it's under the floor. Jump to the floor above the switch and duck straight through the first door you come to. ............................................................................... : Butterflies Area 1/6 Total 77/250 Quest 42% : ............................................................................... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Writing Room Butterflies +2 [M2WR] Quest -- Book Pages -- ............................................................................... Jump up above the door and you'll see the first of three Butterflies flitting around the chandelier. You'll also see a Spyglass. OBJECT Spyglass ------ -------- Push/Pull A SPYGLASS. I wonder where it's POINTED. [pans to show upper part of room] There doesn't seem to be anything else to do with it, so head right. Just past a crate you'll see a snake -- unlike most, this one isn't an enemy, so talk to it: CREATURE Virginian Wolfsnake -------- ------------------- Talk Are you aware that I am, perhaps, the most discussed animal in the universe? Discuss Please do not disturb me. I am writing. Tease So you want to GET that LADDER PIECE? Well I want my own PRINTING PRESS. Now we're both needy. Well, we DIDN'T know we wanted to get a bit of ladder, but you'll find it just to the right: OBJECT Ladder Piece ------ ------------ Examine A short section of ladder leans up against the wall. Monty was saving this for repairs. Push/Pull {S} No effect. Tinker {S} Bolick! (It already looks BROKEN. It's only a piece of a ladder.) Take {VW} Please don't make such a racket. I'm trying to write. So it looks like we'll need to find a Printing Press to pacify the snake before we can get the ladder. Just past the Ladder you'll see a note: OBJECT Note from Uncle Monty ------ --------------------- Examine Bambini, the LADDER in the BACK GARDEN is broken. Do you think you could fix it? Take {LS} No, I'm afraid this note stays here. Perhaps I should add that 'Bambini' here is an Italian word meaning 'Orphans under my loving care'. Well, at least we now have a reason for wanting the Ladder! Until we find a Printing Press, head back left to the crate and bite it to bits as Sunny. Drop down into the crawlspace below and head right for a second Butterfly (watching out for a REAL snake). Head left, past the hole in the floor, and you'll see a vent that leads back to the Upstairs Hall. Nip through, as this is the only way to reach the Telephone Switch. ............................................................................... : Butterflies Area 2/3 Total 79/250 Quest 42% : ............................................................................... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Montgomery Halls Upstairs (in crawlspace) Butterfly +1 [B2MU] Quest -- Book Pages -- ............................................................................... Head right and activate the switch; the telephone rings and Uncle Monty answers: Uncle Monty Hello? Caller Hello. Achoo! This is Gustav. Sorry, no able to come to Peru. Very very sick... cough, cough, COUGH. But I have found handsome replacement. Uncle Monty Gustav, are you all right? You sound... strange. Head left past the vent; at the very end of the crawlspace will be the hall's second Butterfly. Return to the vent, back through the Writing Room and into the main part of the Montgomery Halls Upstairs area. Head left and drop back into the Downstairs part. ............................................................................... : Butterflies Area 2/6 Total 80/250 Quest 42% : ............................................................................... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Montgomery Halls Downstairs Butterflies -- [B2MD] Quest +1% Book Pages -- ............................................................................... Head across to the left, back to Uncle Monty and the Antique Phone. As you approach, he'll tell you about the end of the conversation: Uncle Monty He hung up. Violet Who was that, Uncle Monty? Uncle Monty My assistant. He says he's sick, can't make it to Peru, but that he's sending a... handsome... replacement? Anyway, Gustav was always an accurate judge of beauty. Let's just hope this new bloke is capable. Here is a KEY to GUSTAV'S ROOM. Just check to make sure everything's in order for his replacement. Pick up the key he drops: OBJECT Key to Gustav's Room {+1%} ------ --------------------------- Examine The key to Gustav's Room And have another chat with your Uncle: PERSON Uncle Monty ------ ----------- Talk Gustav should have a PURE WATER FOUNTAIN in his room. Discuss My FISH, Durward, loves the PURE WATER in GUSTAV'S ROOM. And if you try to use the 'phone, now it's been switched on: OBJECT Antique Phone ------ ------------- Push/Pull We should look for somewhere to put Monty's FISH instead of making social calls. Now we have Gustav's key, return to Montgomery Halls Upstairs (up the stairs at the right-hand side of the room). ............................................................................... : Butterflies Area 4/5 Total 80/250 Quest 43% : ............................................................................... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Montgomery Halls Upstairs Butterflies +4 [B2MU] Quest -- Book Pages +1 ............................................................................... Head left past the Writing Room door (above the crawlspace with the switch in it) and you'll come to a Water Pipe that you can use to recharge Klaus's pump. While you're doing this, you'll probably see some Powder Bombs dropping... a White-Faced Woman must be at large! Head to the left; just past a crate stuck in a gap in the floor you'll see a small ledge slightly above the floor. If you stand just to the left of the ledge and shoot straight up (slightly jumping may help), you should be able to take out the White-Faced Woman without having to clamber all the way up to her. Now that you've neutralised her, return to the crate and have Sunny bite into it and drop into the crawlspace below. Head left and you'll emerge into a larger space where there's the third Butterfly of the area (it's probably best to switch back to Klaus so he can deal with all the nasties here). Switch back to Sunny and head right in the lower crawlspace to get the fourth Butterfly. Return to the open space and use Sunny's Roll Attack to break through the wall on the left; beyond this is the fifth Butterfly. Leave the crawlspace and head left; jump up the ledges when you can and return right to where the White-Faced Woman was to collect the final Butterfly of the area. Head left using the ledges and on a ledge against the left-hand wall you will find the first page of a new book: ............................................................................... : Book "Reptile Hopscotch" by Julitoad Cortázar -[2]- - - - : ............................................................................... Drop down to the floor and you should see the door to Gustav's room. Use the key (press "R") to unlock it and then enter. |TIP You may want to nip back to the Water Pipe first and refill | Klaus's Water Pump if you're low. ............................................................................... : Butterflies Area 6/6 Total 84/250 Quest 43% : ............................................................................... : Books "Chimbley Sweep" by Colin December - 2 3 4 5 6 : : "Up the Down Way" by Upton Dawn 1 2 3 - - - : : "The Wind in the Bellows" by Saul Herzog Used : : "Kid on a Hot Thin Roof" by Kansas Bills Used : : "The Grapple Speed Record" by Tres Vito - 2 - - - - : : "Street Detective" by Paul P. Wickson Used : : "The Basic Nine" by Danny Handy 1 - - - - - : : "Reptile Hopscotch" by Julitoad Cortázar - 2 - - - - : ............................................................................... : Inventions Apple-Chucker Upgrades 3/5 Capacity (x1, 70), Speed (x2) : : Water Pump Upgrades 1/3 Capacity (x1, 70) : ............................................................................... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gustav's Room Butterflies +13 [B2GV] Quest +2% Book Pages +2 ............................................................................... First, switch to Sunny and head right. There's a crate in the corner of the room that she can bite through to reveal the first of fourteen Butterflies to be found in Gustav's Room. Return, past the door, to the centre of the room. There's a series of platforms to climb (with assorted nasties on them), and a White-Faced Woman on a long platform near the top. |TIP Once again, for the ordinary enemies, using Klaus is probably | the best. A useful tactic is shooting upwards from the ledge | below. The White-Faced Woman is of the handbag-throwing variety, so switch to Sunny and dodge her attacks; roll through her when she starts stamping her foot. As she dies, a second Butterfly will be released from near the small ledge where she was. (There's another Butterfly above this ledge, but you won't be able to get it until after you've finished the main game.) Head right on the long ledge and use a small moving platform to get next to a carving of a serpent's head with a large, red eye. Switch to Violet and throw an Apple Core at the eye: the eye will shut and a long vine will appear from the serpent's mouth surrounded by Butterflies (a vine from a similar carving on the left-hand side of the room also appears). Drop down to the floor, very slightly to the left of the vine, and you should collect some of the Butterflies; climb back up to catch the remainder -- there are six to collect, for eight in total. At the top, jump to the right to collect a Book Page. Use the moving platform to jump back over the serpent's head to another page from the same book: ............................................................................... : Book "The Basic Nine" by Danny Handy 1[2]- -[5]- : ............................................................................... Switch to Sunny and head back to the right to the ledge between the (closed) eye and the right-hand wall. Move off the right-hand edge, keeping RIGHT pressed -- there's an alcove half-way down that contains two more Butterflies. Collect them, then drop to the main floor and cross to the left-hand side of the room. Climb the vine on that side of the room for another three Butterflies. At the top, jump to the ledge between the second serpent's eye and the left-hand wall. Throw an Apple Core at this eye and the cage on the left will open, revealing the source of pure water that Uncle Monty mentioned: OBJECT Purified Water Spigot ------ --------------------- Use [Empty Drinking Glass] The glass is filled with water. {+1%} Pick up the now-full glass: OBJECT Glass Full of Water {+1%} ------ -------------------------- Examine A glass filled with water. By filled I mean, enough water to sustain a single fish. Return through the Montgomery Halls Upstairs to the downstairs, so we can use the glass to hold the fish. ............................................................................... : Butterflies Area 13/14 Total 97/250 Quest 45% : ............................................................................... : Books "Chimbley Sweep" by Colin December - 2 3 4 5 6 : : "Up the Down Way" by Upton Dawn 1 2 3 - - - : : "The Wind in the Bellows" by Saul Herzog Used : : "Kid on a Hot Thin Roof" by Kansas Bills Used : : "The Grapple Speed Record" by Tres Vito - 2 - - - - : : "Street Detective" by Paul P. Wickson Used : : "The Basic Nine" by Danny Handy 1 2 - - 5 - : : "Reptile Hopscotch" by Julitoad Cortázar - 2 - - - - : ............................................................................... : Inventions Apple-Chucker Upgrades 3/5 Capacity (x1, 70), Speed (x2) : : Water Pump Upgrades 1/3 Capacity (x1, 70) : ............................................................................... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Montgomery Halls Downstairs Butterflies -- [B2MD] Quest +1% Book Pages +1 ............................................................................... Head over to the left to the Goldfish Bowl: OBJECT Goldfish Bowl Tubing System ------ --------------------------- Use [Glass Full of Water] Gives the Tubing System {+1%} UPGRADE Water Pump ------- ---------- Cost Tubing System Purpose Allows you to absorb Inkguana Ink (and collect Flies). As you drop back into the "well" where Uncle Monty is standing: Lemony Snicket To get into the REPTILE ROOM you will nee to use KLAUS'S WATER PUMP. Hold the L BUTTON to ABSORB ink (and other things, too). Give it a try. If you talk with Uncle Monty, he will fill you in with more details: PERSON Uncle Monty ------ ----------- Talk Press the L BUTTON to ABSORB the inkguana's INK. Discuss Those SNAKE HEADS are special SWITCHES I designed! If you spray enough INK into their MOUTHS they activate! Tease Not working? The INK SWITCHES will only activate if you spray them with the right COLOUR. Make sure you absorb the right COLOUR. |NOTE The way the INK SWITCHES work is as follows: o The colour of the snake's head indicates the colour of the INK required to activate them. o The NUMBER in the base indicates the number of UNITS of Ink that are required. The amount in the Water-Pump will go down accordingly. o The colour of the FIN on the back of INKGUANAS is the colour of the Ink you get from them. o You don't need to empty the pump before collecting a different colour. Just absorbing one dose will change all that's in the pump. To check you understand how all this works, head to the right-hand corner of the hall. There you will find an Ink Switch that needs FIVE shots of PURPLE Ink to activate. You should see a suitable INKGUANA just to the left: approach it and hold the "L" Shoulder Button down as it spits Ink at you -- you may need to crouch (hold DOWN) to absorb them. So long as your tank in the top-right corner of the screen shows five or more, turn around and shoot this at the switch (hold down "B" to shoot, as you would for water). INK SWITCH Purple x5 ---------- --------- Effect Activates Moving Platform, giving access to Book Page. If you've got it right, the moving platform to the left of the switch will activate, allowing you to get another Book Page: ............................................................................... : Book "Up the Down Way" by Upton Dawn 1 2 3 - -[6] : ............................................................................... |NOTE You can still use your Water Pump to attack enemies as normal -- | it doesn't matter if the pump contains water or any colour Ink. |TIP When the Water Pump contains water, the tank meter in the top- | right corner of the screen shows a smooth, rain-drop-like drop | of water; when it contains Ink, it shows a "splatter" of the | appropriate colour. |NOTE Once you have switched to INK from WATER, you cannot use the | Water Pipes anymore to top up your pump... at least until the | tank is completely empty. This is a bit of a shame, as filling | up from the Water Pipes is much easier than absorbing Ink. |NOTE If you PARTIALLY activate an Ink Switch (e.g. reduce the count | from 10 to 5) and then leave the area/room, then the count will | be reset when you return. In other words: never begin to | activate an Ink Switch unless you are able to do so fully. Now we know all about Ink Switches, there are two more we can activate: One at the left-hand end of the hall leading to the Front Garden, and one in the middle leading to the Reptile Room. We'll chose the latter. INK SWITCH Purple x3 ---------- --------- Effect Opens door to Reptile Room ............................................................................... : Butterflies Area 4/5 Total 97/250 Quest 46% : ............................................................................... : Books "Chimbley Sweep" by Colin December - 2 3 4 5 6 : : "Up the Down Way" by Upton Dawn 1 2 3 - - 6 : : "The Wind in the Bellows" by Saul Herzog Used : : "Kid on a Hot Thin Roof" by Kansas Bills Used : : "The Grapple Speed Record" by Tres Vito - 2 - - - - : : "Street Detective" by Paul P. Wickson Used : : "The Basic Nine" by Danny Handy 1 2 - - 5 - : : "Reptile Hopscotch" by Julitoad Cortázar - 2 - - - - : ............................................................................... : Inventions Apple-Chucker Upgrades 3/5 Capacity (x1, 70), Speed (x2) : : Water Pump Upgrades 2/3 Capacity (x1, 70), Absorb : ............................................................................... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Reptile Room Butterflies -- [B2RR] Quest -- Book Pages -- ............................................................................... You start at the left-hand end of the room, so head right. After clambering over some junk, you'll come to a large snake's head: OBJECT Snake Eye Socket ------ ---------------- Examine An ornamental Snake's Head. One of the [eye] sockets is EMPTY. Tamper Nope, there's nothing I can do here. I wonder why one of the EYE-SOCKETS is EMPTY? We'll find out later. Heading right over more junk, you bump into Uncle Monty again: Uncle Monty I'd like you to meet the Incredibly Deadly Viper. Klaus I hope he lives in an Incredibly Safe Container. Uncle Monty Don't be misled by his name. It's a joke to get back at all the scientists who've made fun of my name over the years. He's really quite harmless, and rather loveable in his slithering, scaly, fork-tongued way. Sunny Igga dooga hugga! (Harmless and loveable my eye! That's the most terrifying thing I've ever seen!) Uncle Monty Oh, dear, Sunny seems scared of it. Truly there's no reason to be. Nothing will hurt you here if you are sufficiently prepared. Least of all the Incredibly Deadly Viper. Violet, you've already shown yourself to be quite the inventor. Could you HELP FIND some pieces for traps I'm building? He doesn't exactly tell you WHAT he wants though; talking to him doesn't throw an awful lot more light on things: PERSON Uncle Monty ------ ----------- Talk Don't know where to find EVERGREEN PLANKS? Why in the EVERGREEN FOREST of course! It's out BEHIND the BACK GARDEN. Discuss If you need TOOLS, try looking in the SHED in the BACK GARDEN. Tease I think I left the PILLOWS up in my BEDROOM loft. Snakes love goose-down pillows. Little known fact. Further to the right is a door leading to Sample Storage. Now's as good a time as ever, so let's pop in. ............................................................................... : Butterflies Area 0/4 Total 97/250 Quest 46% : ............................................................................... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sample Storage Butterflies +9 [B2SS] Quest -- Book Pages +2 ............................................................................... In the far left of the room is a door to the Inky Newt Nook, but unfortunately it's locked. In the middle of the room a ladder leads upwards to a series of platforms that contain several Ink Switches, one red, one green and one purple. Activate whichever one matches the Ink in Klaus's Water Pump -- you'll probably need to return through the Reptile Room to the Montgomery Halls Downstairs to find Inkguanas of the other two colours. |NOTE Remember: If you only partially activate an Ink Switch (i.e. | reduce it from 20 to 5) and then leave the room, it will have | "forgotten" what you did earlier, and you will have to start | from the beginning again (e.g. from 20). DON'T START AN INK SWITCH UNLESS YOU HAVE ENOUGH INK TO FINISH THE JOB! |TIP If you haven't bought the capacity upgrade for Klaus's Water | Pump yet, you really should -- it makes this room MUCH easier! INK SWITCH Green x25 (above the door to the Reptile Room) ---------- ---------------------------------------------- Effect Three Butterflies INK SWITCH Purple x30 (above the ladder) ---------- ----------------------------- Effect Three Butterflies + Book Page INK SWITCH Red x20 (above the door to the Inky Newt Nook) ---------- ---------------------------------------------- Effect Book Page The two Book Pages are one of a new Book (the Purple Switch) and one of an existing Book (the Red Switch): ............................................................................... : Books "The Persnickety Platform" by Skye McCloud - - - - -[6] : : "The Basic Nine" by Danny Handy 1 2 - - 5[6] : ............................................................................... Activating any one of the Ink Switches will unlock the door to the Inky Newt Nook, but you may as well complete all switches before entering. The last switch to be activated also produces "VFD" spelt out in photographs across the top of the screen, the final three Butterflies (one in the middle of each letter), and two moving platforms to let you get at it all! Having got all these Butterflies, you should now be able to access the next two invention upgrades: UPGRADE Water Pump ------- ---------- Cost 400 (Level 3) Purpose This Crystal Bowl will let Klaus carry 99 water! UPGRADE Apple-Chucker ------- ------------- Cost 400 (Level 3) Purpose This Giant Oil will let Violet carry 99 apples! Now head through the left-hand door to the Inky Newt Nook. ............................................................................... : Butterflies Area 9/9 Total 106/250 Quest 46% : ............................................................................... : Books "Chimbley Sweep" by Colin December - 2 3 4 5 6 : : "Up the Down Way" by Upton Dawn 1 2 3 - - 6 : : "The Wind in the Bellows" by Saul Herzog Used : : "Kid on a Hot Thin Roof" by Kansas Bills Used : : "The Grapple Speed Record" by Tres Vito - 2 - - - - : : "Street Detective" by Paul P. Wickson Used : : "The Basic Nine" by Danny Handy 1 2 - - 5 6 : : "Reptile Hopscotch" by Julitoad Cortázar - 2 - - - - : : "The Persnickety Platform" by Skye McCloud - - - - - 6 : ............................................................................... : Inventions Apple-Chucker Upgrades 4/5 Capacity (x2, 99), Speed (x2) : : Water Pump Upgrades All Capacity (x2, 99), Absorb : ............................................................................... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Inky Newt Nook Butterflies +11 [B2IN] Quest +1% Book Pages -- ............................................................................... There's another Ink Switch (Green x3) in here, so make sure Klaus has enough shots of the right colour (there should be a Green Inkguana roaming the floor if not). Cross the floor to the right, and you will see some rungs sticking out from the wall. As Violet, jump to and climb these; at the top is the area's first Butterfly (you'll have to jump to catch it). Jump to the left, on to a small platform, and then to the top of a lamp on the wall between two sets of vertical bars. From there, jump across to a platform with the Ink Switch. Use Klaus to activate this, and a stream of three Butterflies will appear from the top-left. INK SWITCH Green x3 ---------- -------- Effect Three Butterflies. Change back to Violet and return to the ladder, jumping to the right from the top to land on a small platform. From here, jump to the raised floor to the right (this is too high to jump to from the main floor). DON'T dawdle under the Water Pipe, since you'll need Klaus's Water Pump to be empty soon. Just past the pipe is a Metal Crate -- have Sunny push this to the right, underneath a wooden platform. Change back to Violet and use the crate to jump to the platform. Above the platform are four Apple Core Switches. When hit, each one releases a Butterfly, and when all four have been triggered, a moving platform to the right will start to move. However, there's a catch -- they must be hit in the right order, otherwise the switches will reset, a snake will drop to the platform and you'll have to start again. |NOTE I don't know if the correct order is random or not, but for me | the order was: 2nd switch (from the left), 3rd, 1st and 4th. | If this doesn't work, it shouldn't take too long to work out the | correct sequence; just watch out for the falling snakes! |TIP Apart from collecting Butterflies, activating all switches is | important because the moving platforms allow you to by-pass a | snake-infested pit to the right. You really want to avoid that | if at all possible. Once you've got all the Butterflies (you should have eight so far) jump right on to the Moving Platform and move off on to the next. Another Apple Core Switch will start this second one moving, allowing you to completely by-pass the snake-pit below. On the far side of the snake-pit you will see a Large Snake, with a Spyglass in front of it. Look through the Spyglass (press "R"): Klaus Look, it's an Inky Newt! But how do we get past the snake? I wonder if there's some way I could FEED it...? And indeed there is... fluttering around to the left you should see a small FLY. If Klaus empties his Water Pump, then he will be able to suck the fly into it instead of Ink (using "L", as before, to absorb). |NOTE Klaus can only hold one FLY at a time, and you can only collect | one when your tank is empty. Head to the right, and as you draw near to the snake press "B" to release the FLY. The Snake will swallow the fly, and -- for a short time -- it will not bother with you. Above the pit to the right are two more Butterflies -- try to catch them by jumping, but there's a Drum you can use should you miss. Also in the pit you will find the aforementioned Inky Newt: OBJECT Inky Newt {+1%} ------ ---------------- Examine This newt looks different. It is jet black and its ink is of superb quality. Now we need to get back past the Large Snake... luckily, there's another fly here that Klaus can use to feed the snake so we can pass in safety. Have Sunny drag the Drum nearer to the left-hand wall, then have Klaus jump up and release the fly. Once the snake has it in its neck, use the Drum to jump back up and head past the snake. Over on the left-hand side you'll find a crate; have Sunny bite into this and you will see a Lever inside. Pull this and a platform will rise which will take you back across the Snake Pit and -- most importantly -- allow you to collect the final Butterfly of the room. Return, through Sample Storage, back to the Reptile Room. ............................................................................... : Butterflies Area 11/11 Total 117/250 Quest 47% : ............................................................................... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Reptile Room Butterflies +1 [B2RR] Quest -- Book Pages -- ............................................................................... Back in the Reptile Room, head right and you'll find a lever that triggers a Vertical Moving Platform into the upper area of the room. |NOTE The platform's movement is "single-shot" -- pulling the lever | makes it rise and fall once only. Make sure you jump on to the | platform as it rises, otherwise you'll have to pull the lever | again. The platform lets you catch the first of the room's four Butterflies, and also to jump to a platform that gives access to the Newt Room. |TIP Returning here from the Newt Room produces a quite a few | Photographs in the Reptile Room, so popping into and out from | there is a handy way of accumulating them. Also, just inside the Newt room are two bunches of Apple Cores, so if Violet's running low, pop back and forth between the two rooms. ............................................................................... : Butterflies Area 1/4 Total 118/250 Quest 47% : ............................................................................... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Newt Room Butterflies +3 [B2NR] Quest -- Book Pages +2 ............................................................................... |There's a Book Page above the entrance, but you won't be able to reach it for | a while. Head left; there's a drop that you cannot jump directly back from (although there's a Horizontal Moving Platform that you can use to do so). A Lever here starts a Horizontal Moving Platform just above the tops of some "pens" -- there are ten of these stretching away to the left. Pull the lever to start the platform moving. The first "pen" contains the Trigger Point for the book "The Basic Nine" (which we'll be using before too long); number five contains a currently inactive Lever; and the last contains a Butterfly. The remaining pens (nos. 2, 3, 4 and 6 through to 9) each contain an Inkguana and a Switch. Drop into the first pen, and have Violet throw a couple of Apple Cores over the wall to get rid of the Inkguana (press UP when throwing). Jump over the wall into the next pen and flip the switch with another Apple Core. Continue in this way for all the pens, ignoring the inactive lever for now. When you flip the last switch, the scene will pan back to show the inactive lever being activated. Head back right to it; pulling the newly-activated lever will open a door leading to the Printing Room (to be found to the left of the pens). Head back left and collect the Butterfly in the last pen. Now, jump out of the pen to the left-hand side and nip into and straight back out from the Printing Room. This will refill the pens with switches (and Inkguanas). This might seem counterproductive, but it's necessary to be able to get all the Butterflies. Clean out the pens as before, only this time you're heading left-to-right. When you flip the last switch, the lever in the middle will once again become active. This time, when you pull it, you will see a horizontal platform begin to move. To finish the room, we need to investigate the area above the pens. Standing on one of the pen walls, wait for a Horizontal Moving Platform to appear and jump on to it. From here, you should be able to get to the wooden platform in the middle of the room (above the pen where the lever is). On the platform you will see another Book Page: ............................................................................... : Book "Reptile Hopscotch" by Julitoad Cortázar [1]2 - - - - : ............................................................................... The next bit is going to involve some tricky jumping between moving platforms -- you'll be doing a lot of jumping, a lot of falling back into the pens and a lot of cursing before you're finished! Wait for a for a horizontal platform to move across (at about head-height for Violet) and jump on to it. This crosses almost the whole width of the room, passing below three other moving platforms -- the left and right ones move diagonally; the middle one moves vertically. It will be jumping to these that proves tricky. Luckily, we only really need to worry about the upper-right area -- there's nothing of any real importance in the upper-left or upper-middle areas of the room (although the middle platform does provide an alternative route to the upper-right area, if you jump to the right at the very top of its travel). Get to the right-hand area and you will find another Handbag-Throwing White- Faced Woman -- as before, dodge her attacks and hit her while she's stamping her foot; as before, I prefer to use Sunny. Once you've got rid of her, a second Butterfly will drift down from above. Catch it, then walk over to the right-hand edge -- if you've pulled the lever in the middle pen for the second time, you should see a Horizontally Moving Platform. Jump on it and you will pass close to the third (and final) Butterfly and also to the Book Page above the original entrance. ............................................................................... : Book "The Basic Nine" by Danny Handy 1 2 -[4]5 6 : ............................................................................... Return to the left-hand side of the room and let's have a look in the Printing Room. ............................................................................... : Butterflies Area 3/3 Total 121/250 Quest 47% : ............................................................................... : Books "Chimbley Sweep" by Colin December - 2 3 4 5 6 : : "Up the Down Way" by Upton Dawn 1 2 3 - - 6 : : "The Wind in the Bellows" by Saul Herzog Used : : "Kid on a Hot Thin Roof" by Kansas Bills Used : : "The Grapple Speed Record" by Tres Vito - 2 - - - - : : "Street Detective" by Paul P. Wickson Used : : "The Basic Nine" by Danny Handy 1 2 - 4 5 6 : : "Reptile Hopscotch" by Julitoad Cortázar 1 2 - - - - : : "The Persnickety Platform" by Skye McCloud - - - - - 6 : ............................................................................... : Inventions Apple-Chucker Upgrades 4/5 Capacity (x2, 99), Speed (x2) : : Water Pump Upgrades All Capacity (x2, 99), Absorb : ............................................................................... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Printing Room Butterflies +3 [B2PR] Quest +2% Book Pages +2 ............................................................................... This room is a little tricky -- there's a Powder Bomb-throwing White-Faced Woman up above the entrance, which means you can't really stop to look around and get a feel for the place. To make matters worse, it's a bit of a trek to get close enough to get rid of her. So, the first priority is to get to the White-Faced Woman: head right and jump up to a raised floor where you'll find the bottom of a "lift" -- a vertical moving platform between a couple of side-walls. Because of the walls, you can't jump across to the platform; you'll need to stand directly below and jump straight up. On the way up, change to Sunny. At the top, jump to the left and duck under a low barrier, then bite through a crate. Switch to Klaus, jump down to the left to one ledge, then again to another ledge with the White-Faced Woman -- let loose with Klaus's Water-Pump. Once she's gone, you can relax slightly. If you've not already caught it, the first of three Butterflies should be around the ledge you're on. Jump back to the upper-right platform and switch to Violet. Above you are some short pieces of ladder; use them to jump to the top-left of the room where you find the last page of a book: ............................................................................... : Book "The Basic Nine" by Danny Handy 1 2[3]4 5 6 : ............................................................................... Return to the platform where the White-Faced Woman was; below the ledge you will see the second Butterfly. To get there, stand at the right-hand edge and keep DOWN pressed -- the view should pan down to show a moving platform. Drop on to this and collect the Butterfly. To the right of the moving platform is a ledge with another Ink Switch on it: INK SWITCH Green x2 ---------- -------- Effect Releases moving platform |NOTE If Klaus isn't loaded with Green Ink, you can drop down and head | right to the raised floor -- there's a Green Inkguana there. On | the other hand, the platform's only of marginal use, so you | might want to just ignore it. Either using the new moving platform or the original lift, get back to the top and this time jump to the right, dropping on to a wooden platform. Fall off to the left, dropping just right of the "lift" -- you should catch the third Butterfly on the way down. Return once again to the top of the lift and get to the platform on the right again. As Violet, jump across some more small sections of ladder to the right to reach a ledge with a Printing Press on it. |WARNING Unfortunately, this manoeuvre is complicated by a pair of Giant | Snakes below the ladders -- these have a habit of swallowing you | up and spitting you out. Unfortunately, once you get to the Printing Press, you find it's too big to carry as it is: OBJECT Printing Press ------ -------------- Examine {LS} A large printing press. It is inky and impressive. Take {K} It's too BIG to carry like this. Violet, maybe if you TOOK IT APART... So have Violet take it to pieces first: OBJECT Printing Press ------ -------------- Tinker [Violet takes it apart] {+1%} This leaves behind: OBJECT Disassembled Printing Press {+1%} ------ ---------------------------------- Examine A printing press dismantled into small and easy to carry pieces. Below the Printing Press you'll see another Book Page: ............................................................................... : Book "The Grapple Speed Record" by Tres Vito -2[3]- - - : ............................................................................... Return to the Newt Room and we can put the recently completed book, "The Basic Nine", to good use. ............................................................................... : Butterflies Area 3/3 Total 124/250 Quest 49% : ............................................................................... : Books "Chimbley Sweep" by Colin December - 2 3 4 5 6 : : "Up the Down Way" by Upton Dawn 1 2 3 - - 6 : : "The Wind in the Bellows" by Saul Herzog Used : : "Kid on a Hot Thin Roof" by Kansas Bills Used : : "The Grapple Speed Record" by Tres Vito - 2 3 - - - : : "Street Detective" by Paul P. Wickson Used : : "The Basic Nine" by Danny Handy All : : "Reptile Hopscotch" by Julitoad Cortázar 1 2 - - - - : : "The Persnickety Platform" by Skye McCloud - - - - - 6 : ............................................................................... : Inventions Apple-Chucker Upgrades 4/5 Capacity (x2, 99), Speed (x2) : : Water Pump Upgrades All Capacity (x2, 99), Absorb : ............................................................................... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Newt Room Butterflies -- [B2NR] Quest -- Book Pages +1 ............................................................................... Head across to the far right-hand pen where you will find the Trigger Point for "The Basic Nine". |TIP You may want to clear out the Inkguanas from the pits as you | head across to the Trigger Point, just in case you fall in. BOOK USE "The Basic Nine" -------- ---------------- Book Text In the Newt Room there are nine pits wherein the Inkguanas are kept. Stand in the first to activate this book. You will have 9 seconds to jump from pit-to-pit and collect 9 photos. If you fall in a pit, the scenario will end. Nine is a significant number. Trust us. Look it up. Code "B", "A", "L" Effect Cross pits in nine seconds for Book Page. You now have nine seconds to jump across the tops of the pens, collecting photographs, to get to the far left-hand side where you will find another Book Page and a few more photographs. If you run out of time, or drop into one of the pits, you will have to start again from the beginning. ............................................................................... : Book "The Persnickety Platform" by Skye McCloud - - - -[5]6 : ............................................................................... Head back left past the Printing Room door and there's a set of rungs leading back to the Reptile Room, which will allow us to finish that room. ............................................................................... : Butterflies Area 3/3 Total 124/250 Quest 49% : ............................................................................... : Books "Chimbley Sweep" by Colin December - 2 3 4 5 6 : : "Up the Down Way" by Upton Dawn 1 2 3 - - 6 : : "The Wind in the Bellows" by Saul Herzog Used : : "Kid on a Hot Thin Roof" by Kansas Bills Used : : "The Grapple Speed Record" by Tres Vito - 2 3 - - - : : "Street Detective" by Paul P. Wickson Used : : "The Basic Nine" by Danny Handy Used : : "Reptile Hopscotch" by Julitoad Cortázar 1 2 - - - - : : "The Persnickety Platform" by Skye McCloud - - - - 5 6 : ............................................................................... : Inventions Apple-Chucker Upgrades 4/5 Capacity (x2, 99), Speed (x2) : : Water Pump Upgrades All Capacity (x2, 99), Absorb : ............................................................................... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Reptile Room Butterflies +3 [B2RR] Quest -- Book Pages +1 ............................................................................... There are two Butterflies either side of the wooden platform, which will take the room's total to three. Below these, a pair of Inkguanas lie in wait. |TIP The easiest way of taking them out is to stand on the lower lamp | on one side, crouch and chuck a couple of Apple Cores at the | Inkguana on the other side. Repeat from the other side. Drop down on to the platform below and you'll find a Lever that will start a platform moving to the right -- however, don't flip it yet -- along it's route is another Large Snake. So switch to Klaus, empty his Water Tank and drop to the main floor below, where you should find a Fly for Klaus to suck up. Use the platform on the far left of the room to get back to the Lever and Moving Platform. Pull the Lever and quickly jump on to the Moving Platform. When you get near the Large Snake, shoot out the Fly and, while the snake is feeding, drop down to collect the Book Page in front of the snake. With luck, you will be able to jump up and get back on to the moving platform before it gets out of reach. ............................................................................... : Book "Reptile Hopscotch" by Julitoad Cortázar 1 2[3]- - - : ............................................................................... |NOTE If you don't manage to get back on the platform, just head back | to the left and try again. Remember to stock up with another | Fly to keep the Large Snake occupied while you pass (there's no | need to get off the platform once you've got the Book Page). |TIP If you need to make another attempt, rather than wait for the | platform to get all the way across to the right and then come | back, nip to the Montgomery Halls Downstairs and back -- this | will reset it much more quickly. When the platform gets to the right-hand side of the room, jump to a small platform above another Inkguana. As the ceiling further on is low, it's probably best to switch to Sunny before jumping to the right and running up a slope to get the fourth and final Butterfly of the Reptile Room. We've finished in here for a while, so head back left to the Montgomery Halls Downstairs door. On the way, we can check to see if either of the objects we're carrying are of interest to Uncle Monty: PERSON Uncle Monty ------ ----------- Talk Don't know where to find EVERGREEN PLANKS? Why in the EVERGREEN FOREST of course! It's out BEHIND the BACK GARDEN. Discuss If you need TOOLS, try looking in the SHED in the BACK GARDEN. Tease I think I left the PILLOWS up in my BEDROOM loft. Snakes love goose-down pillows. Little known fact. Give [either] Wonderful! But before anything I'll need those PLIERS to put it together. He's not really saying WHY, but it looks like he wants a pair of PLIERS as well as the EVERGREEN PLANKS and the PILLOWS. He mentions the Back Garden twice, so the Front Garden might be a sensible place to explore soon. Before we do though, there are a couple of lose ends to tie-up. If necessary, empty Klaus's Water Pump and collect one of the Flies that's hovering around the Reptile Room before returning to the Montgomery Halls Downstairs. ............................................................................... : Butterflies Area 4/4 Total 127/250 Quest 49% : ............................................................................... : Books "Chimbley Sweep" by Colin December - 2 3 4 5 6 : : "Up the Down Way" by Upton Dawn 1 2 3 - - 6 : : "The Wind in the Bellows" by Saul Herzog Used : : "Kid on a Hot Thin Roof" by Kansas Bills Used : : "The Grapple Speed Record" by Tres Vito - 2 3 - - - : : "Street Detective" by Paul P. Wickson Used : : "The Basic Nine" by Danny Handy Used : : "Reptile Hopscotch" by Julitoad Cortázar 1 2 3 - - - : : "The Persnickety Platform" by Skye McCloud - - - - 5 6 : ............................................................................... : Inventions Apple-Chucker Upgrades 4/5 Capacity (x2, 99), Speed (x2) : : Water Pump Upgrades All Capacity (x2, 99), Absorb : ............................................................................... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Montgomery Halls Downstairs Butterflies +1 [B2MD] Quest -- Book Pages -- ............................................................................... Head right, jump up and carry on up the steps toward the door to the Guest Room. Use the ledges to its right to jump up above the door and head back left. If you remember, the first Large Snake we saw is here, so have Klaus release the captured Fly so that we can pass safely. On the ledge to the left of the snake we will find the fifth and final Butterfly for the area. The other lose end was the Virginian Wolfsnake in the Writing Room which, if you remember, wanted a Printing Press. Since we've recently found one, we may as well go and deliver it: head right, up the steps to the Montgomery Halls Upstairs and then back left to through the door to the Writing Room. ............................................................................... : Butterflies Area 5/5 Total 128/250 Quest 49% : ............................................................................... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Writing Room Butterflies -- [B2WR] Quest +1% Book Pages -- ............................................................................... Approach the Virginian Wolfsnake and hand over the Printing Press: {+1%} Virginian Wolfsnake Lovely! If you need me, I will be sunbathing on a rock in the EVERGREEN MONTGOMERY FOREST. Virginian Wolfsnake [Typed Note] Thank you for the printing press. I will be in the EVERGREEN MONTGOMERY FOREST if you need me. Having helped the Virginian Wolfsnake, we are now free to pick up the bit of ladder to the right: OBJECT Ladder Piece ------ ------------ Examine A short section of ladder. Monty was saving this for repairs. We can now head back to the far left-hand end of the Montgomery Halls Downstairs and through the door to the Front Garden. INK SWITCH Red x3 ---------- ------ Effect Opens door to Front Garden. |TIP It would be well to stock up Klaus's Water Pump, and to ensure | he has Red Ink as there's a Red Ink Switch early in the garden. ............................................................................... : Butterflies Area 2/3 Total 128/250 Quest 50% : ............................................................................... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Front Garden Butterflies +7 [B2FG] Quest +2 Book Pages -- ............................................................................... Drop down to the left of the porch and walk right along the ground. Just beyond an Ink Switch (Red x10) you'll find a Milk Delivery Box: OBJECT Milk Delivery Box ------ ----------------- Examine {LS} In some places, milk comes via delivery, and not in cardboard cartons. Open {LS} I'm afraid it's not that easy. It's locked. Tinker {V} I don't think it's right breaking into Monty's milkcrate. There must be another way. The way to unlock the crate, as you may have guessed from the tip earlier, is to use the Ink Switch: INK SWITCH Red x10 ---------- ------- Effect Unlocks the Milk Delivery Box {+1%} Unlocking the Milk Delivery Box reveals some Fresh Milk: OBJECT Fresh Milk {+1%} ------ ----------------- Examine A bottle of fresh milk, suitable for crying babies, cats, and cold cream soups. Head right to where there's an undulating hedge in front of a couple of square- cut hedges. Jump up to the first square-cut hedge where you will find an Ink Switch (Purple x25) and the bottom of a swing. Just in reach above the swing will be the first of twelve Butterflies gracing the garden. Jump across to the next square-cut hedge where there's another Butterfly. Use one of the Green Inkguanas to change the colour of Klaus's shots and drop down to the right where there's a gate protected by an Ink Switch (Green x3). Activate the switch and head through to collect the third Butterfly. INK SWITCH Green x3 ---------- -------- Effect Opens garden gate |NOTE Unlike most Ink Switches, this one does not "remember" that it | has been triggered; every time you enter the garden (or your | Misery Meter reaches maximum and you restart), you will have to | use another three shots of Ink to open the gate. However, we | will shortly be able to bypass the gate, so this doesn't matter | too much. If you are returning from the right-hand side (after leaving the Front Garden), you will find the gate locked and the Ink Switch on the far side. Although it looks inaccessible, you can still activate the switch from the right-hand side. You can also climb over the gate and the hedge above it, either using the Bramble Ladder or a series of steps to the right. Find yourself a Purple Inkguana and absorb some of its ink to change the colour in Klaus's Water Pump. Return through the gate, jump to the left-hand square-cut hedge and activate the Ink Switch. INK SWITCH Purple x25 ---------- ---------- Effect Releases Moving Platform Jump on to the platform, jumping off onto the swing at the upper-right. As well as some Flies, which we won't need for a while, we'll find a fourth Butterfly off the right-hand side of the swing. |TIP Now that the platform is active, we don't need to use the garden | gate anymore: from this side, jumping from this swing will allow | you to clear the top of the hedge above the gate; from the other | side, there is a series of steps that allow you to jump back. |FOR LATER On the left of the moving platform is a ledge that comes out | from the eaves of the house; this leads to a Large Snake | guarding another Butterfly. Since Klaus's Water Pump needs to | be empty to collect the Fly that will let us past the snake, | we'll deal with this later. Also on the left, from the swing under that ledge, you can almost -- but not quite -- jump to another ledge below the upper windows. This is where the area's "missing" Butterflies are, but we won't be able to get there until we've completed the main part of the game. If you're still on the swing where you got the last Butterfly, jump over the hedge to the right -- you can actually land on it if you're careful! If you do, jump to the right to a series of descending steps, the first of which holds a fifth Butterfly. Otherwise, from just to the right of the garden gate, have Violet climb to the top of the Bramble Ladder and do the same. At the bottom of the steps you will see a tall, thin bush formed from five "blobs" of leaves on top of each other. Jump on to the top of this and then to a long swing above where you'll find another Butterfly (your sixth). Drop off to the right and walk to the end of the Front Garden. Just before it turns into the Back Garden, there is a row of three bushy trees, the last lower than the others. Jump on to this, up to a platform above, and left to a longish swing. A smaller swing above and to the left holds the seventh Butterfly. Drop back to the ground and head right to the Back Garden. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . WARNING You might want to consider saving BEFORE you enter the Back Garden (or, even safer, not saving at all) -- See the warning below for more details. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............................................................................... : Butterflies Area 7/12 Total 135/250 Quest 52% : ............................................................................... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Back Garden Butterflies -- [B2BG] Quest +2% Book Pages -- ............................................................................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . WARNING There appears to be a "glitch" in the game (or, at least in my copy) which allowed you to collect QUEST POINTS at the wrong time. I could trigger this by saving in the Back Garden and then returning to the Front Garden. In fact, you can get all the way to 100% by doing this repeatedly! This doesn't seem to cause a problem, other than you Quest Score will be wrong. If you want to avoid this, the best approach is to do the WHOLE of the Front and Back Gardens without saving (up to the point where you get past the Large Snake in the Front Garden). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ignore everything above the ground for now; head right along the ground and you'll find another Garden Gate protected by an Ink Switch (Green x5). Collect some green ink if needed and open it. INK SWITCH Green x5 ---------- -------- Effect Opens garden gate Head through and climb the brown snake statue. In front of its head is a Wooden Crate -- have Sunny bite into this and a Lever is revealed. Pull this, and the scene will pan to show a trapdoor in the Shed to the right opening. Head across there, drop into the hole, and you will be able to collect the Pliers that Uncle Monty wants: OBJECT Pliers {+1%} ------ ------------- Examine A pair of pliers. Jump out to the right, drop to the ground and carry on to the right where you'll find some more of the house. Past the steps you will find a Broken Ladder against the wall: OBJECT Broken Ladder ------ ------------- Examine The ladder is missing its bottom half, and doesn't reach the ground. The ladder leads to an upper-story window. Push/Pull {V} I can't even reach it. Tinker {S} Doppa! (It's already broken!) Use [Ladder Piece] -- mends the ladder. {+1%} Now that the ladder has been repaired, have Violet climb to the top and head left. There's an open window that leads back to the Writing Room. ............................................................................... : Butterflies Area 0/2 Total 135/250 Quest 54% : ............................................................................... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Writing Room Butterflies +1 [B2WR] Quest +1% Book Pages -- ............................................................................... You find your self in the upper part of the Writing Room -- the part you could only see before by looking through the Spyglass. To the right, you will find some Pillows: OBJECT Plush Pillows {+1%} ------ -------------------- Examine Some plush pillows. These would keep the snakes very comfortable. Push/Pull {S} Hwzx. (Playing with pillows is fun, but we have better things to do with them.) To the left of the Pillows you will find a brand new Moving Platform that allows you to get to the upper-area from the floor in future. At the top of its travel, jump to the left to a ledge with the "missing" third Butterfly for the room. Return through the window to the Back Garden. ............................................................................... : Butterflies Area 3/3 Total 136/250 Quest 55% : ............................................................................... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Back Garden Butterflies +2 [B2BG] Quest -- Book Pages -- ............................................................................... Descend from the house (unfortunately, you cannot just fall off the left-hand side). Head left and climb the Snake Statue so that you can clamber back across the garden shed. Along the way, collect some ink from a Red Inkguana. Towards the left-hand end of the Back Garden you'll see a hedge rising to the left where -- in its "mouth" -- you will see an Ink Switch (Red x5). To reach it, you'll have to walk left off the top of its "head" and immediately press RIGHT to land on its lower "jaw". Activating the switch releases a Moving Platform and a Butterfly -- although you may catch it before you see it. INK SWITCH Red x5 ---------- ------ Effect Releases Moving Platform and Butterfly That's the last of the Ink Switches we'll meet for a bit, and as we have a couple of Large Snakes to deal with, have Klaus empty his Water Pump and go and absorb a Fly (there should be one around the "neck"; under the newly- moving platform). Once Klaus is carrying a Fly, jump to the moving platform and across right to a small swing. Jump right to the next -- longer -- swing, where you'll see a Large Snake. Release the Fly and pass safely, jumping right to a third swing with the Back Garden's second and final Butterfly. Drop back to the floor and head left back to the Front Garden. ............................................................................... : Butterflies Area 2/2 Total 138/250 Quest 55% : ............................................................................... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Front Garden Butterflies +1 [B2FG] Quest -- Book Pages -- ............................................................................... Head left through the garden; before you get to the garden gate, jump up the series of platforms (marked with distances in feet) so that you can jump over the top of the gate and the hedge rising from it. Drop down on the far side and climb back up to where the Purple Ink Switch is -- the platform it released earlier should still be moving, so jump on to it. Jump to the swing on the right where there are some more Flies and absorb one in Klaus's pump. Jump back to the platform and jump left at the top of its travel to land on a ledge that extends from the eaves of the roof. Walk left and you'll find another Large Snake. Pacify it with the Fly and carry on past to get the eighth Butterfly from the Front Garden. We could take the Pillows and Pliers back to Uncle Monty, but we'll only need to come back this way again later for the Planks, so there's not much point. Return past the Snake to the Moving Platform and jump back to the right so that we can jump over the fence and gate once again. Head all the way right through both the Front and Back Gardens, and you'll eventually come to the Montgomery Evergreen Forest. ............................................................................... : Butterflies Area 8/12 Total 139/250 Quest 55% : ............................................................................... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Evergreen Montgomery Forest Butterflies -- [B2EF] Quest -- Book Pages +5 ............................................................................... Shortly after you enter the forest, you will see our old friend, the Virginian Wolfsnake: CREATURE Virginian Wolfsnake -------- ------------------- Talk If you need to find your way through the forest, FOLLOW the LADYBUGS. They'll lead you to the FOREST CLEARING where I work. Discuss You have a give [gift?] for argument. I would try to get that refunded. A cut-scene will then show a Ladybug fluttering down to above your head. When you regain control, it will begin to move off, showing you the way to go. |NOTE To see the "Discuss" response above, do it before you "Talk" to | the snake, as it disappears after the Ladybug appears. If you leave the forest and return, the Virginian Wolfsnake will be back and you will have to talk again to get the Ladybug to appear. |NOTE The Ladybug will lead you around the forest and pause at a | TRANSFER POINT -- these act like the doorways/windows you've | seen throughout the game, but just take you to different parts | of the forest, not to new rooms. Once you follow her through one Transfer Point, she will lead to another and so on. This will happen several five times before you get to the Forest Clearing. Although you can follow some of the route she shows you without her being summoned, the Transfer Points will not be active, so you cannot get far. First Bit --------- Jump right across the tombstone-like blocks until you reach a hole in the tree at the right-hand side of the area. If you drop to the ground, carry on; you can jump to the last stone from the mound under the hole. Second Bit ---------- Jump to the right and then up some tree branches to collect the first page of a new Book. Continue up the branches (switching from left to right); you should see two more pages and the next Transfer Point. ............................................................................... : Book "The Voyage Outside" by the Virginian Wolfsnake [1-2]- -[5]- : ............................................................................... Third Bit --------- There's another Book Page just above the Inkguana to the right. ............................................................................... : Book "The Voyage Outside" by the Virginian Wolfsnake 1 2[3]- 5 - : ............................................................................... Jump up to the small ledge above then left to the branch. Head left for the next Transfer Point. Fourth Bit ---------- Head right past a dip in the branch and a tree trunk. Near the end of the next branch, there's what looks like a small tree trunk growing in mid air with leaves twined around it. This acts as a Ladder, so switch to Violet if necessary and climb it. At the top, head right, then jump back to a higher branch on the left. Jump up to the branch above this and head right to find the next Transfer Point. Fifth Bit --------- Follow much the same route as for the Fourth Bit; climbing up the same leaf- entwined tree. This time at the top, head left, jumping to a ledge that wasn't there before. At its end, jump up to a small swing. The final Transfer Point is to the left, but there's another Book Page in reach to the right: ............................................................................... : Book "The Voyage Outside" by the Virginian Wolfsnake 1 2 3[4]5 - : ............................................................................... |FOR LATER If you were drop back to the ground below, the Trigger Point for | "The Voyage Outside" can be found on the second rock. We'll use | this shortly when we get the final page. ............................................................................... : Butterflies Area 0/4 Total 139/250 Quest 55% : ............................................................................... : Books "Chimbley Sweep" by Colin December - 2 3 4 5 6 : : "Up the Down Way" by Upton Dawn 1 2 3 - - 6 : : "The Wind in the Bellows" by Saul Herzog Used : : "Kid on a Hot Thin Roof" by Kansas Bills Used : : "The Grapple Speed Record" by Tres Vito - 2 3 - - - : : "Street Detective" by Paul P. Wickson Used : : "The Basic Nine" by Danny Handy Used : : "Reptile Hopscotch" by Julitoad Cortázar 1 2 3 - - - : : "The Persnickety Platform" by Skye McCloud - - - - 5 6 : : "The Voyage Outside" by the Virginian Wolfsnake 1 2 3 4 5 - : ............................................................................... : Inventions Apple-Chucker Upgrades 4/5 Capacity (x2, 99), Speed (x2) : : Water Pump Upgrades All Capacity (x2, 99), Absorb : ............................................................................... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Forest Clearing Butterflies +5 [B2FC] Quest +2% Book Pages +2 ............................................................................... If you drop down to the floor and head a little right, you will see a Sign and a Large Snake -- luckily, the snake is facing away from you, so won't attack (but DON'T walk into it!) OBJECT Sign ------ ---- Examine {VW} Thank you for the PRINTING PRESS. Just run the TREADMILL and hit the SWITCH to OPEN the DOOR. Be careful not to disturb the snake, he's there to deter visitors. Head back left of the standing stone and jump up back to where you came in. Carry on up the branches, and over to the right you will see the first of the five Butterflies that are in the clearing. To catch it, walk right off the branch above it (so you fall between the two branches) -- keep RIGHT pressed as you do and you should drop on to branch below. From the upper-left end of this, you should be able to jump to the Butterfly. Return back to the branch above where the Butterfly was and jump across to a branch with a number of photographs leading down. Jump through these and you'll land on the TREADMILL mentioned by the sign. This moves you to the left into the clutches of the Large Snake we saw earlier, so keep moving to the right. If you do get caught by the snake, then after being spat back out, a man in the building to the right pipes up: Forester We are private people here. If you disturb the snake, you'll probably disturb us, too. Please go away. A platform then rises up and transports you back to the left-hand side of the Large Snake and you have to clamber your way back through trees! At the right-hand end of the Treadmill is an Apple Core Switch controlling a gate into a building. Have Violet throw an apple at the switch so that you can get off the treadmill and have a rest. Inside, you can talk to the Forester: PERSON Forester ------ -------- Talk No, I'm afraid I work too hard to give away EVERGREEN PLANKS for free. Discuss I suppose I could give you a PLANK if you could help me put together this PRINTING PRESS Tease I am a writer. I know how to feed the PRINTING PRESS but not how to assemble it. And sure enough, up ahead you find the disassembled printing press, the Virginian Wolfsnake you gave it to earlier, and -- on a shelf -- a plank of wood: OBJECT Disassembled Printing Press ------ --------------------------- Examine {LS} The PRINTING PRESS lies disassembled on the ground. You took it apart, so presumably you'd know how to put it BACK TOGETHER. Take {VW} We had an agreement. To give and then to take away is a betrayal. CREATURE Virginian Wolfsnake -------- ------------------- Discuss Sometimes the peaceful countryside is exactly what I need, but sometimes it's a prison. OBJECT Evergreen Plank ------ --------------- Examine An Evergreen Plank. It is green and fresh-smelling. Take {F} I chopped that WOOD with my own two hands. And I refuse you access to them with two words, NO WAY. Or, at least, not without doing me a favour first... Have Violet reassemble the Printing Press: {+1%} Violet I've missed building things. Thanks for the chance. How exotic it must be to be an author. Forester You are quite deft with machinery. But to use the press I'll still need INK. You'd think with all of the INKGUANAS racing around that we would have plenty. But I CAN'T USE that ink... like its source, it tends to run. This leaves behind the reassembled Printing Press, though the Forester still won't let you take the wood: OBJECT Printing Press ------ -------------- Examine {LS} A large printing press. It is inky and impressive. PERSON Forester ------ -------- Talk A Forester, a Printing Press, and a snake prone to moods. We're not the happiest bunch, I know. Discuss The INK I need comes from an INKY NEWT that Montgomery keeps in a special room off of the REPTILE ROOM. Luckily, we can help: Give [Inky Newt] Now we can start publishing again! Sorry if I needled you. Help yourself to those PLANKS you were eyeing earlier. Talk Thanks a lot! Of course you can help yourself to an EVERGREEN PLANK. Tease MONTGOMERY uses only the finest EVERGREEN PLANKS for his reptile traps. Aren't you supposed to be delivering one to him? And the Virginian Wolfsnake has changed its mood again: CREATURE Virginian Wolfsnake -------- ------------------- Talk It's always nice to meet a s-s-satisfied reader. I've run out of INK for the new book I'm writing. Just fill the PURPLE INK POT in back of the cabin. So, another job to do, but at least we can now collect the plank: OBJECT Evergreen Plank {+1%} ------ ---------------------- Examine An Evergreen Plank. Monty needs this to build traps. Jump up from where you collected the plank and carry on up to the top of some cages on the right. If you jump into the "cabin" on the left, you'll need to switch to Sunny to bite through a crate that blocks your way and then back to Violet to climb a ladder. This lets you get on the roof of the building -- to the left is a series of Sinking Platforms and access to a number of Butterflies. |TIP To reach the Butterfly you can see from the top of the building, | stand on the right-hand Sinking Platform until it has dropped as | low as it goes. Jump a couple of times "on the spot" to allow | it to rise slightly, so that you can jump to the next platform | (the one directly under the Butterfly). If you jump as soon as | you land, you should be able to catch it. There are two more in the area below the platforms -- you'll fall down around the Treadmill area, and may need a couple of attempts, but shouldn't be too hard to get. Once you've done (you should now have four Butterflies), climb back up inside the building to the top of the cages. If Klaus has 25 or more shots of Purple Ink, then head left and back onto the roof. Jump from the right-hand end on to a Hanging Platform (this might be easier as Sunny); the second contains an Ink Switch (Purple x25) -- this is what the Virginian Wolfsnake wants you to fill. If Klaus doesn't have enough Ink, or it's the wrong colour (as will probably be the case), then you'll need to drop off the right of the cages. The ledges and ground below contain a mixture of Red and Purple Inkguanas which you can use to restock and change colour. BUT: |NOTE Unfortunately, you cannot jump back out of this area, so you | have two choices: o You can let your Misery Meter go over the maximum -- you will reappear at the entrance on the left-hand side where you can climb the trees and enter the building again, or: o There's an Ink Switch (Red x25) which releases a pair of vertical moving platforms that will allow you to get back to the top. Whichever way you use to get back, make sure you have at least 25 shots of Purple Ink before you do so! |FOR LATER The bottom-right of the Forest Clearing leads to Cloudy Cliffs | Court, but Violet says "I don't think we're ready for this yet." | -- you won't actually be ready until after the main part of the | game! By one route or another, get to the Hanging Platform and trigger the Purple Ink Switch. INK SWITCH Purple x25 ---------- ---------- Effect Two Book Pages Virginian Wolfsnake You are very helpful for children. Please take these PAGES, one from my newest work. I had more pages printed up, but they BLEW AWAY in the wind when I was at LACHRYMOSE LAKE. To get the fifth and final Butterfly, jump right to another Hanging Platform and then onwards to the branches of a tree. When you have it, head back and descend inside the building to collect the pages that the Virginian Wolfsnake has dropped for us: ............................................................................... : Books "The Persnickety Platform" by Skye McCloud -[2]- - 5 6 : : "The Voyage Outside" by the Virginian Wolfsnake 1 2 3 4 5[6] : ............................................................................... Virginian Wolfsnake There were more pages printed up, but they BLEW AWAY in the wind around LACHRYMOSE LAKE. As we don't know where the Lake is yet, we cannot do much about these other pages. Instead, we've got several items to deliver back at the house, plus all the pages of "The Voyage Outside" to make use of. Head back to the entrance to the Evergreen Montgomery Forest on the left. ............................................................................... : Butterflies Area 5/5 Total 144/250 Quest 57% : ............................................................................... : Books "Chimbley Sweep" by Colin December - 2 3 4 5 6 : : "Up the Down Way" by Upton Dawn 1 2 3 - - 6 : : "The Wind in the Bellows" by Saul Herzog Used : : "Kid on a Hot Thin Roof" by Kansas Bills Used : : "The Grapple Speed Record" by Tres Vito - 2 3 - - - : : "Street Detective" by Paul P. Wickson Used : : "The Basic Nine" by Danny Handy Used : : "Reptile Hopscotch" by Julitoad Cortázar 1 2 3 - - - : : "The Persnickety Platform" by Skye McCloud - 2 - - 5 6 : : "The Voyage Outside" by the Virginian Wolfsnake All : ............................................................................... : Inventions Apple-Chucker Upgrades 4/5 Capacity (x2, 99), Speed (x2) : : Water Pump Upgrades All Capacity (x2, 99), Absorb : ............................................................................... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Evergreen Montgomery Forest Butterflies +4 [B2EF] Quest -- Book Pages -- ............................................................................... Drop down to the ground by any route you prefer; on the floor at the left, near the exit to the Back Garden is a flat slab of stone with a Trigger Point on top of it. BOOK USE "The Voyage Outside" -------- -------------------- Book Text Those who think that there is only one path through the EVERGREEN MONTGOMERY FOREST are very very wrong. Enter this code to get a LADYBUG GUIDE who will LEAD along a secret path through the forest maze. Code "A", DOWN, "L", "B" Effect Follow Ladybug for Butterflies (x4). This will cause another Ladybug to appear to lead you down a "secret path". It actually takes you up close to the exit back to the Forest Clearing and ends up hovering just up and to the right of the swing near there. |NOTE A Horizontal Moving Platform is also released that can take you | to the Ladybug from the trees to the right; however, you don't | really need to use this. Just make your way back up to the exit | to the Forest Clearing and the swing next to it. Jump towards the Ladybug and the four Butterflies that are in the Evergreen Montgomery Forest will be released. They tend to spread out a bit, but you should be able to catch them all without too many problems, even if you end up dropping lower and having to make your way back up. Once you have caught all the Butterflies, make your way left to the Back Garden. You can either come in through the window to the Writing Room or carry on through the Front Garden. Either way, you will want to head to the Reptile Room from the Montgomery Halls Downstairs to meet up again with Uncle Monty. |TIP If you've saved the game since your first visit to the Front | Garden, and want to minimise the chance of the Quest Score | glitch I mentioned earlier, it's probably best to return via the | Writing Room. ............................................................................... : Butterflies Area 4/4 Total 148/250 Quest 57% : ............................................................................... : Books "Chimbley Sweep" by Colin December - 2 3 4 5 6 : : "Up the Down Way" by Upton Dawn 1 2 3 - - 6 : : "The Wind in the Bellows" by Saul Herzog Used : : "Kid on a Hot Thin Roof" by Kansas Bills Used : : "The Grapple Speed Record" by Tres Vito - 2 3 - - - : : "Street Detective" by Paul P. Wickson Used : : "The Basic Nine" by Danny Handy Used : : "Reptile Hopscotch" by Julitoad Cortázar 1 2 3 - - - : : "The Persnickety Platform" by Skye McCloud - 2 - - 5 6 : : "The Voyage Outside" by the Virginian Wolfsnake Used : ............................................................................... : Inventions Apple-Chucker Upgrades 4/5 Capacity (x2, 99), Speed (x2) : : Water Pump Upgrades All Capacity (x2, 99), Absorb : ............................................................................... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Reptile Room Butterflies -- [B2RR] Quest +5% Book Pages +3 ............................................................................... Return to Uncle Monty and start handing over the items you've collected; quest points are awarded and Book Pages appear as you do. First, the Pliers: {+1%} Uncle Monty Ah, thank you so much. Do you happen to have those PILLOWS yet? Next, the Plush Pillows: {+1%} Uncle Monty Splendid! The snakes will be very comfortable on the trip back. All I need now is that EVERGREEN PLANK. And finally the Evergreen Plank: {+1%} Uncle Monty Gripping! Now the last thing I need for these traps is ROPE. Ah, and you might be needing this... [Green Gem appears] Now that COW LIZARD gets cranky when he's tired. I think it's about time for his bottle. Let's get some more details form Uncle: PERSON Uncle Monty ------ ----------- Talk The last thing I need for these traps is ROPE. There's some in the Alaskan Cow Lizard's tank. Discuss Like any baby COW LIZARD, that one likes MILK for his bottle. Tease Very ingenious that COW LIZARD TANK. The door to the ROPE storage WON'T OPEN if the baby cow lizard is crying. Sound activated! And now we can pick up the gem: OBJECT Green Gem {+1%} ------ ---------------- Examine A glittering Green Gem. It sort of looks like an eye. Which should give you a clue to use it in the Snake Eye Socket over to the left. Before we do though, there are some Book Pages to collect, the last three of "Reptile Hopscotch": ............................................................................... : Book "Reptile Hopscotch" by Julitoad Cortázar 1 2 3[4-5-6] : ............................................................................... Finally, putting the Green Gem in the Snake Eye Socket opens the door to the Alaskan Cow Lizard. {+1%} |NOTE Now is probably the best time to nip back to the Montgomery | Halls Downstairs and use "Reptile Hopscotch" -- the Trigger | Point, if you remember, was to the left of the Goldfish Bowl. | It's not essential (you only get Photographs), but if you don't | do it now, you won't be able to use it until after you've | finished the main part of the game. BOOK USE "Reptile Hopscotch" -------- ------------------- Book Text In MONTY'S HALLS enter this code and HIPPIOTY-HOP across the gaps WITHOUT FALING to collect your prize. Code RIGHT, "L", "L", RIGHT, "A" Effect Follow Ladybug for Photographs. A Ladybug will appear and show you what you need to do: hop across the wall brackets and small ledges to the left. The trick is that you mustn't miss and fall to the floor, or you'll have to start over. Luckily though, there doesn't appear to be a time limit. If you make it to the left-hand end of the hall, you are taken to the ledge above and are surrounded by a lot of Photographs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . WARNING! Once you complete Alaskan Cow Lizard, you will automatically trigger the ending of Book 2. If you have any "mopping up" to do, do it BEFORE you enter (or at least, before you collect all four pieces of Rope). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............................................................................... : Butterflies Area 4/4 Total 148/250 Quest 62% : ............................................................................... : Books "Chimbley Sweep" by Colin December - 2 3 4 5 6 : : "Up the Down Way" by Upton Dawn 1 2 3 - - 6 : : "The Wind in the Bellows" by Saul Herzog Used : : "Kid on a Hot Thin Roof" by Kansas Bills Used : : "The Grapple Speed Record" by Tres Vito - 2 3 - - - : : "Street Detective" by Paul P. Wickson Used : : "The Basic Nine" by Danny Handy Used : : "Reptile Hopscotch" by Julitoad Cortázar Used : : "The Persnickety Platform" by Skye McCloud - 2 - - 5 6 : : "The Voyage Outside" by the Virginian Wolfsnake Used : ............................................................................... : Inventions Apple-Chucker Upgrades 4/5 Capacity (x2, 99), Speed (x2) : : Water Pump Upgrades All Capacity (x2, 99), Absorb : ............................................................................... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Alaskan Cow Lizard Butterflies +10 [B2AC] Quest +4% Book Pages +1 ............................................................................... Inside, there's another Treadmill to the right. As you approach (after dealing with the Inkguana) a squadron of Mosquitoes begins to circle, so be alert. When you've dispatched them, have Violet throw a couple of Apple Cores at the switches above the Treadmill -- the platform between them will begin to move allowing you to reach the ledge above the door. Jump up the ledges to the left of the door and you will see the first of eleven Butterflies (switching to Sunny will help to catch it, as the others bang their heads on the bottom of the floor above). |FOR LATER There's a ledge bottom-right that we can't jump to, even with | the Wooden Crate nearby. Don't worry about this for now -- we | will emerge from there later. Head to the upper-right side of the room and turn to the left. There's a Butterfly in front of you, trapped behind the first of a series of Apple Core Switches. As you release one switch, the Butterfly will fly to the next and so on. Continue hitting the switches until you get over to the left-hand side of the room and can catch the Butterfly. If you take to long trying to hit one switch, the Butterfly drifts back to the right and you will have to start again. Just below is a Wooden Crate; have Sunny bite in to it to get a third Butterfly. Hitting all the switches also releases a couple of moving platforms. The right-hand one leads to a platform with a Water Pipe; the presence of this makes using Klaus to attack enemies a good idea, since he can easily refuel. |NOTE As you first land by the Water Pipe, another squadron of | Mosquitoes will be released, so stay alert! Above the switches are something new: a number of Stars hang in the air. Somewhat surprisingly, you can walk on the tops of these -- use the Moving Platforms in the middle of the room to get there. Cross the first Stars, starting at the left and rising to the right and you'll be able to collect the fourth Butterfly. |NOTE As you begin to rise among the Stars, a White-Faced Woman will | begin throwing Powder Bomb down upon you, so don't dawdle for | too long as you climb. At the end of the first climb, use a sloping ledge that's part of a planet to jump next to a Wooden Crate. Jump across at this level to a moving platform that will allow you to rise higher. |TIP There's a fifth Butterfly hiding behind the star just by this | platform; make sure you have collected it (possibly AFTER you've | got rid of the White-Faced Woman!) Jumping to the left from the platform allows you to reach another Wooden Crate -- first jump up from this for the sixth Butterfly, then have Sunny bite in to it for the seventh. Go back to the moving platform and jump to a ledge on the right, left to the Star, and right across more stars to a ledge on the right- hand wall for the eighth Butterfly. Use the Stars to cross to the left, rising further as you do. On the far left, you will see the White-Faced Woman; take her out and you can breathe a little more easily. Head up and right across a few more Stars and you'll arrive at the top of the room -- long strings of coloured balls decorate the place, and on a ledge on the right you'll find the Baby Alaskan Cow Lizard, with a wall beyond blocking further exploration: CREATURE Baby Alaskan Cow Lizard -------- ----------------------- Talk {S} Boobah! (I know that when I'm crying, it's usually for a reason, and I don't like answering questions.) Tease {S} Brum-bril! (If he's like most babies I know, he might just want a milk bottle.) Give [Fresh Milk] The wall rises, allowing you to pass. Just beyond the wall you find the rope Monty wanted: OBJECT Braided Rope ------ ------------ Examine {LS} A braided rope. Monty wanted this cut up for his expedition. Take {V} It's attached to the wall. SUNNY, could you bite it free? You will also notice the number "4" next to a rope icon in the lower-left corner of the screen. Switching to Sunny and biting through the rope as Violet suggests produces a Rope Segment which you can collect, reducing the number to a "3" as you do: OBJECT Rope Segment (x4) {+4%} ------ ------------------------ Examine A section of the braided rope. It is dappled with saliva. To the right, the platform ends with a drop past some photographs. |TIP The three remaining Butterflies are down here; to catch two of | them, hold LEFT as soon as you begin to fall -- there isn't time | to reach the first Butterfly, but if you drop a little way off | the left-hand wall you should catch the other two. (You'll get | the last Butterfly after you complete the main part of the game). |NOTE There's also a Book Page here -- if you drop down roughly the | middle of the shaft you should be able to collect it: ............................................................................... : Book "The Grapple Speed Record" by Tres Vito [1]2 3 - - - : ............................................................................... |TIP It's easy enough to climb back up to the top of the room and try | again, so don't worry if you miss the Butterflies at first. At the bottom of the drop, you'll land on the ledge that we saw earlier but couldn't get to. Within easy reach are three more Braided Ropes which, with Sunny's help, should soon become three more Rope Segments. Once you have these (and the Butterflies and the Book Page) head back to Uncle Monty. ............................................................................... : Butterflies Area 10/11 Total 158/250 Quest 66% : ............................................................................... : Books "Chimbley Sweep" by Colin December - 2 3 4 5 6 : : "Up the Down Way" by Upton Dawn 1 2 3 - - 6 : : "The Wind in the Bellows" by Saul Herzog Used : : "Kid on a Hot Thin Roof" by Kansas Bills Used : : "The Grapple Speed Record" by Tres Vito 1 2 3 - - - : : "Street Detective" by Paul P. Wickson Used : : "The Basic Nine" by Danny Handy Used : : "Reptile Hopscotch" by Julitoad Cortázar Used : : "The Persnickety Platform" by Skye McCloud - 2 - - 5 6 : : "The Voyage Outside" by the Virginian Wolfsnake Used : ............................................................................... : Inventions Apple-Chucker Upgrades 4/5 Capacity (x2, 99), Speed (x2) : : Water Pump Upgrades All Capacity (x2, 99), Absorb : ............................................................................... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Reptile Room Book 2 [B2EP] Epilogue ............................................................................... Stefano I had the kipper in my mouth, see... But how could I expect the Moray eel to drag my face into a cave? Uncle Monty Ah, look, here they come now. Bambini, I'd like to introduce you to Stefano, my new assistant. Stefano How do you do, orphans. I am Stefano, the replacement for Gustav. Peru is a wonderful place! The beaches, the people, the relaxed guardianship laws... Klaus Hang on a second... you seem very familiar... Sunny Yook? (Isn't Stefano Italian for Olaf?) Stefano Lotsa people think they know me. I just got one of those faces. Violet Well, you look very much like Count Olaf to me! Stefano You must be mistaken, please. My name is Stefano, expert snaketology expert. I am here to assist Dr. Montgomery in Peru. I assume you are midgets and monkey who work as servants in the home. Uncle Monty Enough small talk. I'm sure Stefano is tired from his trip. Let's allow him to get settled. [Stefano leaves] Uncle Monty Children, I think there is something strange about Stefano. Klaus That's what we're trying to tell you! He's Count O... Uncle Monty I think he's a spy from the Reptile Society trying to steal my Incredible Deadly Viper! Meet me in the INKY NEWT ROOM tomorrow morning and we'll leave for Peru without him. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Inky Newt Room Book 2 [B2BB] Boss Battle ............................................................................... You find yourself in a seemingly deserted Inky Newt Room. As you head along the floor of what once was the snake pit, you find an Unfortunate Event has taken place in the armchair... Violet Uncle Monty! Oh no... [over film stills] Stefano / Count Olaf I should have -- how you say? -- warned him. Incredibly Deadly Viper is most deadly snake in world. Violet and Klaus He's lying! The name is just a trick Monty was going to play! The snake isn't deadly at all, it's totally harmless. Sunny Phob-ya! (At first glance he appears frightening; but as you can see, I'm in no danger at all). Stefano / Count Olaf So you are not believing me...? Alas, then it is time for me to flee the scene; but before I do, let me introduce you to my cohort... Hook Handed Man So you kids think you're pretty smart, huh? Well, I bet you won't get the JUMP on me! The Hook Handed Man will advance towards you, crouch down and spark his hooks together on the floor before throwing one at you. Periodically, he'll spin around with his arms outstretched. During all of this, he's invulnerable to any of the children's attacks. Which is Unfortunate... The secret is in his words of challenge: "...you won't get the JUMP on me!". If you manage to jump over the Hook Handed Man as he crouches down, WITHOUT getting hit as you do so (i.e., making sure you don't flash), then for a brief moment you can attack him from behind -- he will freeze in place and his head will flop down as though loose. After about four successful attacks in this manner, he will drop. |TIP At first, it's quite difficult to tell when your attacks are | having any effect, and therefore whether you're doing the "right | thing". Playing as Violet may be helpful here: when he's | invulnerable, her Apple Cores will bounce back towards her; when | you successfully jump over, they will not bounce back. Once you have tried this, it may be better to play as Klaus, as although his water still has no effect when the Hook Handed Man is invulnerable, it doesn't seem to harm Klaus as much. Violet's Apple Cores, on the other hand, WILL do damage if they bounce back and hit her. Once you've got rid of him, a full Heart Locket will appear, although you probably won't have time to walk over and make use of it before: Violet I'll really miss Uncle Monty... I wonder where Mr. Poe will take us to stay next. ............................................................................... : Butterflies Area -- Total 158/250 Quest 66% : ............................................................................... : Books "Chimbley Sweep" by Colin December - 2 3 4 5 6 : : "Up the Down Way" by Upton Dawn 1 2 3 - - 6 : : "The Wind in the Bellows" by Saul Herzog Used : : "Kid on a Hot Thin Roof" by Kansas Bills Used : : "The Grapple Speed Record" by Tres Vito 1 2 3 - - - : : "Street Detective" by Paul P. Wickson Used : : "The Basic Nine" by Danny Handy Used : : "Reptile Hopscotch" by Julitoad Cortázar Used : : "The Persnickety Platform" by Skye McCloud - 2 - - 5 6 : : "The Voyage Outside" by the Virginian Wolfsnake Used : ............................................................................... : Inventions Apple-Chucker Upgrades 4/5 Capacity (x2, 99), Speed (x2) : : Water Pump Upgrades All Capacity (x2, 99), Absorb : ............................................................................... ()===========================================================================() || || || Book Three -- Aunt Josephine || || [B3AJ] || || || ()===========================================================================() You start at Cloudy Cliffs Court with a lost-looking Mr. Poe: Mr. Poe Hello, children. It is me again, Mr. Poe, eager to take you to your exciting and rewarding new life with your Aunt Josephine. [looks around as though lost] Unfortunately, I'm hopelessly lost. Haven't a clue where to take you. Perhaps a MAP would help. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cloudy Cliffs Court Butterflies +1 [B3CC] Quest -- Book Pages +1 ............................................................................... Have a word with him to see if there are any more clues: PERSON Mr. Poe ------ ------- Talk Curse and blast it! I've lost that MAP again. Well, we won't be able to go to your AUNT JOSEPHINE'S if we can't FIND OUR WAY. Discuss In regards to her house, Josephine said I couldn't miss it, but apparently I can. Tease Hear that? Must be a storm brewing. Don't forget to button your jackets. If you try heading left, presumably back to the Forest Clearing, Mr. Poe remarks: Mr. Poe Now now Children. Trust me, I'm FAIRLY sure the house is not up that way. If you can't trust adults, who can you trust? -Cough- As going back doesn't seem an option, head to the right where you will shortly see a broken-down taxi. |TIP There's a new enemy on these screens -- a seething mass of | LACHRYMOSE LEECHES. They'll go down quickly enough (Klaus's | water is probably easiest), but watch out for a loose Leech or | two that always seems to escape. The loose Leeches have an annoying trait: when hit, they curl up and appear to have died, but will start moving again shortly. Make sure they're really dead before moving on! |FOR LATER On one of the thick, wooden poles here -- just before the taxi -- | there's a Book Page, but we cannot quite reach it. Just past the taxi is its driver: PERSON Taxi Driver ------ ----------- Talk I'm afraid I can't take you anywhere, there's something STUCK in my engine. Discuss You could stand there arguing, or you could help me out and get a WRENCH. Tease A PARROT ruined my taxi! It swooped down and dropped an EARRING in my engine. Pretty good aim, for a parrot. Ok, we're now looking for a MAP and a WRENCH. Before we press on to the right, jump on to the taxi and run up its bonnet (hood in the US) so that you can jump to a curved branch. Above, you will see this area's sole Butterfly, but it flutters away before you can catch it -- jump right to land on an anchor and then back to the left and you should be able to catch it. To the right of the anchors you will see the first page of a new Book: ............................................................................... : Book "Fudging the Future" by Madame Lulu [1]- - - - - : ............................................................................... Further to the right you can see what appears to be a beached boat; however, you cannot reach the deck. Instead, drop to the ground and you will see that someone has built a shack on the side of it. Might as well look inside... ............................................................................... : Butterflies Area 1/1 Total 159/250 Quest 66% : ............................................................................... : Books "Chimbley Sweep" by Colin December - 2 3 4 5 6 : : "Up the Down Way" by Upton Dawn 1 2 3 - - 6 : : "The Wind in the Bellows" by Saul Herzog Used : : "Kid on a Hot Thin Roof" by Kansas Bills Used : : "The Grapple Speed Record" by Tres Vito 1 2 3 - - - : : "Street Detective" by Paul P. Wickson Used : : "The Basic Nine" by Danny Handy Used : : "Reptile Hopscotch" by Julitoad Cortázar Used : : "The Persnickety Platform" by Skye McCloud - 2 - - 5 6 : : "The Voyage Outside" by the Virginian Wolfsnake Used : : "Fudging the Future" by Madame Lulu 1 - - - - - : ............................................................................... : Inventions Apple-Chucker Upgrades 4/5 Capacity (x2, 99), Speed (x2) : : Water Pump Upgrades All Capacity (x2, 99), Absorb : ............................................................................... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Captain Sam's Butterflies +6 [B3CS] Quest +1% Book Pages +1 ............................................................................... Inside, just to the left, you will find the eponymous Captain Sam: PERSON Captain Sam ------ ----------- Talk That MAP belonged to Josephine's father. It was the only thing he rescued from the Great Anwhistle Fire of 1872. I would have chosen Mrs. Anwhistle; but still, it's a nice MAP. Discuss Any more jabber like that and it's the brig for ye scalliwags, or perhaps the bilge. Tease You're right, without my EARRING I'm only half a captain. Arr, I'd give ANYTHING to get it back. But the darn BIRD took it and hid it somewhere. The scene cuts to show a parrot (and a Butterfly) in a cage, high in the room. Over to the left, above a raised platform, is the aforementioned map. But if you try to get it: Captain Sam Not a chance, ye lubbers. That MAP looks good right where it is. Jump up a couple of small platforms above the Captain's head and on to a Moving Platform. To the right is a platform with a Water Pipe you can use to top up Klaus's tank and a Wooden Crate that Sunny can bite into for a number of Photographs. As Violet, return to the Moving Platform and jump to the first of a series of ladders. Jump left, climb to the top of the middle ladder and wait for a Diagonally-Moving Platform to appear. Jump on this to get to the top-right of the room, passing through a line of Photographs on the way. Stand on the platform in the middle and throw an Apple Core at the switch to start moving. Immediately jump to the small ledge on the right and up to collect another Book Page: ............................................................................... : Book "The Grapple Speed Record" by Tres Vito 1 2 3 - -[6] : ............................................................................... Have Sunny bite through the Wooden Crate below to release the first of seven Butterflies in the area. Drop back down, get back on to the platform and throw an Apple Core at the switch; this time jump to the platform on the left and then to a smaller one beyond that. To the left is the second Butterfly, and above is a series of three small Moving Platforms that follow each other in a circuit -- jump on to one of these and jump off in the middle of the room to land at the top of a mast by a Lever. |TIP There's what looks like a large rip in the wallpaper at the | right point; you can also see the tops of a couple of Louvered | Shutters. Pull the Lever and the Louvered Shutters will open, revealing the third Butterfly (and provide access to one side of Captain Sam's Yard -- more on this later). Also, a number of ledges will spring into existence. From the upper ledge on the left jump across to the next window where you'll find the fourth Butterfly and the entrance to Captain Sam's Yard. To the left is another Lever that will release a Moving Platform that rises from the floor to below the second window -- in the future, this saves you having to follow the circuitous route we've just taken. |TIP To make it even easier, nip into and out of Captain Sam's Yard; | you will restart/reload from the window. Further to the left is a long ladder -- climb it as Violet; part way up, on the left, is the fifth Butterfly. At the top, head right along the ledge and drop on to a small Moving Platform. You'll drop through a series of Photographs to just above the bird cage we saw earlier and then rise again. To the right is a second series of Photographs and the sixth Butterfly. Jump across to catch this; angling back to the left to land on the cage. If you miss, just use the long ladder and try again. The seventh Butterfly is visible, but is inside the cage and you cannot catch it. Instead, examine both the parrot and the cage: |WARNING Don't OPEN the birdcage (middle icon on the left) until last if | you want to see all the responses. CREATURE Parrot -------- ------ Talk OPEN up! Chirp. OPEN Up! Discuss Mango wants OUTSIDE! Tease Squuuuaaaak! Mango will peck you for that! OBJECT Bird Cage ------ --------- Examine Inside the birdcage, an exotic PARROT holds a wrench in its BEAK. Open [see below] Push/Pull {CS} Keep your fingers out of the cage, lest they be bitten, or WRENCHED. Tinker {V} If we broke the cage, we could hurt or anger the bird. And he has a WRENCH. Take {CS} Avast there, matey! That bird already has an owner. There doesn't look like we have any option but to OPEN the cage: {+1%} Mango Mango is free! Free as a bored locksmith in a minimum security prison. [Mango flies through the window] Mango's a pretty bird... a busy bird... and all this beauty and work make Mango HUNGRY BIRD! As you do, the last Butterfly manages to evade us -- we'll have to catch it later. |FOR LATER The Butterfly can't be caught, even if you pass over it, and | flies up towards the top of the room -- where it's inaccessible | until after the main part of the game. |NOTE If you want to follow the story "properly" you could follow | Mango the Parrot through the window and talk to him. However, | the "Hungry Bird" bit above should be sufficient clue that he | wants something to eat, and that we're unlikely to get the | Wrench from him until we feed him! However, it's quicker to ignore the yard for the moment and carry on along Cloudy Cliffs Court. If you want to do it "the right way", see the section ahead on Captain Sam's Yard until you meet the Parrot. For the "quick way", leave Captain Sam's and head right; you will pass the Trigger Point for the Book "The Persnickety Platform", but we don't have all the pages, so carry on to Cloudy Cliffs Court East. If you chat to the Captain on the way out: PERSON Captain Sam ------ ----------- Talk Ah, so ye've come back now? You didn't happen to order a TAXI? He's been out there all day... ............................................................................... : Butterflies Area 6/7 Total 165/250 Quest 67% : ............................................................................... : Books "Chimbley Sweep" by Colin December - 2 3 4 5 6 : : "Up the Down Way" by Upton Dawn 1 2 3 - - 6 : : "The Wind in the Bellows" by Saul Herzog Used : : "Kid on a Hot Thin Roof" by Kansas Bills Used : : "The Grapple Speed Record" by Tres Vito 1 2 3 - - 6 : : "Street Detective" by Paul P. Wickson Used : : "The Basic Nine" by Danny Handy Used : : "Reptile Hopscotch" by Julitoad Cortázar Used : : "The Persnickety Platform" by Skye McCloud - 2 - - 5 6 : : "The Voyage Outside" by the Virginian Wolfsnake Used : : "Fudging the Future" by Madame Lulu 1 - - - - - : ............................................................................... : Inventions Apple-Chucker Upgrades 4/5 Capacity (x2, 99), Speed (x2) : : Water Pump Upgrades All Capacity (x2, 99), Absorb : ............................................................................... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cloudy Cliffs Court East Butterflies -- [B3CE] Quest +1% Book Pages -- ............................................................................... Head right along the ground and you'll come to a house of a Fortune Teller. Just before the door is a ledge with the Trigger Point for "Fudging the Future", but since we only have one page so far, this isn't of much use. Trying to enter the house gives: Fortune Teller We're closed! Though I predict you will COME BACK LATER. |NOTE Soon after you enter the area, there are a number of branches | that you can jump up should you want to. These allow you to get | to the roof of the Fortune Teller's house where there's another | Hook Handed Man. However, apart from the satisfaction of taking | out a Hook Handed Man, there's nothing to gain at the moment | from doing this. Stick to the ground! Carry on to the right and you will find a Vegetarian standing outside a Realtor Office; the door to the latter being locked. PERSON Vegetarian ------ ---------- Talk Yes, this burger is VEGETARIAN. And it's organic! And it's mine. Hands off. Discuss This BURGER is chock full of good stuff like NUTS and GRAINS. WHAT do you mean I eat like a bird? Tease And another thing... Wait... do you hear something... Oh my stars, what's that?! At which point a whole load of Lachrymose Leeches appear, and he continues: Vegetarian Ack! It's the LACHRYMOSE LEECHES! They must be attracted to the FOOD I'm eating! Help me DEFEAT THEM and I'll do anything! Simply get rid of all of the Leeches from the ledge to the left of the Vegetarian and above the door. When done, the Vegetarian will thank you: Vegetarian With these leeches around, it's impossible to eat in peace! Here, you can have it. And he drops the burger which you can now pick up: OBJECT Veggie Burger {+1%} ------ -------------------- Examine This veggie burger is chock full of grains and seeds and all sorts of things birds eat. Exploring further to the right you find a boy standing in front of a video game console: PERSON Johnny Boy ------ ---------- Talk Not now kid, I'm going for a high-score. Discuss In the videogame I'm playing now, I've got to collect 200 BUTTERFLIES, and I can unlock a SECRET! It's pretty tough, though. Tease There's nothing wrong with a grown man loving VIDEO GAMES... or toys... or bendy action figures. Next to Johhny, is another video game machine that's unoccupied -- "Handsome Man". |NOTE You can play the game if you want, although it serves no | practical purpose in the main game. At this stage, you can only | play two rounds, although towards the end of the game you will | be able to buy an item in the attic that will let you play form | the New/Load/Credits Screen's "EYE" icon. When playing like | that, you carry on playing as long as you survive. Use the D-Pad to move and "A" to jump; "B" will fire a shot. An EYE icon pops up randomly and will give you extra shots when you touch it. Shooting the "sad" faces will turn them happy, but they will then begin radiating hearts; you lose a life if you're hit by one of these. Change all the faces to "happy" to clear the level. If you wait long enough on a level, a rain cloud appears that wipes the smile off the happy faces and turns them back to sad. You can build up quite a lot of points by waiting for the cloud to appear and so that you have a constant supply of sad faces (but watch out -- if you touch the cloud, you'll lose a life). There are also other icons that pop up randomly for extra points. My main criticism of this and the Skipping Mini Game is that they don't keep the high-score across sessions, which removes most of the fun of playing. And beyond that is another (or the same?) Grocer in front of his stall: PERSON Grocer ------ ------ Talk Hmm, nope, sorry, I don't sell BIRD FOOD. Tease I do sell VEGGIE BURGERS, and they have lots of nuts and grains that BIRDS LOVE. Except I just sold the last BURGER to that guy over there. So even if we had met him before we met the Vegetarian (which I think would have given a better story), he wouldn't have been of much use! For now, it looks like the Veggie Burger might be what we need to assuage the Parrot's hunger, and hopefully get the Wrench... Go back to the left to Cloudy Cliffs Court, into Captain Sam's shack, and through the window where the Parrot went to Captain Sam's Yard (head left along the floor and use the Moving Platform we released earlier). |FOR LATER There's a Book Page above the Grocer's Cart, but it's out of | reach for a while. Also, there are four Butterflies that are | conspicuous by their absence. ............................................................................... : Butterflies Area 0/4 Total 165/250 Quest 68% : ............................................................................... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Captain Sam's Yard Butterflies +9 [B3SY] Quest +1% Book Pages +2 ............................................................................... |NOTE There are two halves to Captain Sam's Yard that are divided by a | tall wooden mast. The left-hand side (where you should be now) | is accessed through the window the Parrot flew through; the | right-hand side is accessed through the window to its right | (where you originally pulled the Lever to open the Shutters). To get between the two sides, you have to travel back to Captain Sam's shack and use the other window. As you emerge, you will see the Parrot fly off to the left and then upwards. Follow it, and past a few thick poles in the ground you will find a Drum. First, use it to catch a Butterfly to the left, then have Sunny move it to the right, a little past the last pole (under a branch). Use the drum to jump to the branch above (watch out for a Slew of Leeches); jump right across another branch to a horizontal one (and more Leeches). There's a second Butterfly to catch as you land. At the right-hand end of the branch is another Drum -- use it to catch the three Butterflies above. |TIP Leave the Butterfly to the right of the Drum to last, since you | may miss the branch trying to land after you've caught it. If | you do, just circle around to the left again. Once you have all three Butterflies, have Sunny drag the Drum close to the left-hand end of the branch and use it to get to another branch above and to the left, where you'll find the sixth Butterfly. As you jump across to the next branch on the left (where there's a Photograph) get ready: two Butterflies will emerge from a hole in the rock, one flying to the left, one to the right -- concentrate on catching the one that flies left, but don't worry if you miss, since we can catch it later. Jump back to the long branch on the right (where the Drum is) to get the Butterfly that flew right. The next bit can be a little tricky, and it may take a few attempts before you get it right. There are three poles to the left, each taller than the previous; the first two have Drums on top of them that you need to use to get to the next pole. On the last pole you will find the Parrot -- Mango -- that flew off from the cage. Also, from above the first pole you should collect another Book Page: ............................................................................... : Book "The Persnickety Platform" by Skye McCloud [1]2 - - 5 6 : ............................................................................... When you finally get there, have a word with the Mango: CREATURE Parrot (Mango) -------- -------------- Talk Squuaaaak. This makes Mango sad. Mango is emotionally complex. Tease Mango wants a VEGGIE BURGER. Give [Veggie Burger] Mango has a happy beak. Yum Yum. Brawwk. At which point he flies off, leaving the Wrench behind: OBJECT Wrench {+1%} ------ ------------- Examine A standard mechanic's wrench. It has motor oil all over it. Someone must have been working on a car. If you didn't catch the left-flying Butterfly earlier, jump left from Mango's pole "into" the rock face -- you'll land on a ledge halfway down with a branch sticking out. The Butterfly will be fluttering at its end. You should now have eight of the ten Butterflies. For the ninth, we'll need to switch to the right-hand half of Captain Sam's Yard, so nip back through the window and come back out of the one to the right. On the right of where you re-emerge is what looks like a pair of trapdoors and a sign: OBJECT Lachrymose-Lake-By-Air-Tours Sign ------ --------------------------------- Examine See the lovely Lachrymose Lake by air, through our innovative MOVING PLATFORM TOURS. Hours of Operation: Sporadic. At the moment, "sporadic" means "not now", so head to the left and jump up some fixed ledges. Above these are four Sinking Platforms stretching to the right, leading to a Butterfly. Jump on the first and let it sink almost all way then jump to the second and almost immediately to the third. Let this one sink until you can only just make the jump to the fourth platform (we need it to be as high as possible when you land on it). If you jump too soon, the fourth platform will be too low to let you reach the Butterfly; if you jump too late, you won't be able to reach the fourth platform and will have to try again. If you get it right, jump immediately to catch the Butterfly, trying to land back on the fourth platform. There's also another Book Page we can collect: start from the fourth (right- most) platform and face left. Let it sink all the way, then jump left back to the third platform and carry on to a new platform above and to the left of it. You should see the Book Page above you; let the new platform sink for a bit then jump left to another platform and jump back for the Book Page: ............................................................................... : Book "The Persnickety Platform" by Skye McCloud 1 2[3]- 5 6 : ............................................................................... |FOR LATER The tenth Butterfly, and the Lake Tour, will only be available | after we've completed the main part of the game. For now, head back through the Captain's shack to Cloudy Cliffs Court and see what we can do with the Wrench. ............................................................................... : Butterflies Area 9/10 Total 174/250 Quest 69% : ............................................................................... : Books "Chimbley Sweep" by Colin December - 2 3 4 5 6 : : "Up the Down Way" by Upton Dawn 1 2 3 - - 6 : : "The Wind in the Bellows" by Saul Herzog Used : : "Kid on a Hot Thin Roof" by Kansas Bills Used : : "The Grapple Speed Record" by Tres Vito 1 2 3 - - 6 : : "Street Detective" by Paul P. Wickson Used : : "The Basic Nine" by Danny Handy Used : : "Reptile Hopscotch" by Julitoad Cortázar Used : : "The Persnickety Platform" by Skye McCloud 1 2 3 - 5 6 : : "The Voyage Outside" by the Virginian Wolfsnake Used : : "Fudging the Future" by Madame Lulu 1 - - - - - : ............................................................................... : Inventions Apple-Chucker Upgrades 4/5 Capacity (x2, 99), Speed (x2) : : Water Pump Upgrades All Capacity (x2, 99), Absorb : ............................................................................... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cloudy Cliffs Court Butterflies -- [B3CC] Quest +2% Book Pages -- ............................................................................... Head left back to the Taxi Driver and give him the Wrench: PERSON Taxi Driver ------ ----------- Give [Wrench] Bingo. All fixed! Here's the problem. {+1%} At which point a Gold Earring appears above the engine of the Taxi: OBJECT Gold Earring {+1%} ------ ------------------- Examine A gold hoop earring. This would be perfect for a pirate. So grab it and head back to Captain Sam's to return his earring. ............................................................................... : Butterflies Area 1/1 Total 174/250 Quest 71% : ............................................................................... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Captain Sam's Butterflies -- [B3CS] Quest +2% Book Pages -- ............................................................................... Return to the Captain and return his earring: PERSON Captain Sam ------ ----------- Give [Gold Earring] {+1%} Well I'll be a keelhauled scurvy dog, my EARRING! Alright, you can take my MAP if it means that much to ye. Talk Thank ye little ones. You can take my MAP if it means that much to ye. Now you can head to the left-hand side of the room and collect the map: OBJECT Antique Map {+1%} ------ ------------------ Examine An antique map of the city. You can clearly see Lake Lachrymose, the Lavender Lighthouse, and Josephine's house up on the hill. ............................................................................... : Butterflies Area 6/7 Total 174/250 Quest 73% : ............................................................................... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cloudy Cliffs Court Butterflies -- [B3CC] Quest +1% Book Pages -- ............................................................................... Head back left to Mr. Poe and give him the map: {+1%} Violet We found a MAP, Mr. Poe. Mr. Poe Well, just the thing! Hrmm... JOSEPHINE'S house should be to the WEST at the end of LACHRYMOSE LANE. PERSON Mr. Poe ------ ------- Talk According to the map, Josephine's house is at the end of LACHRYMOSE LANE. Discuss Ah, it appears I was wrong. LACHRYMOSE LANE is directly WEST from here. Tease Everyone makes mistakes. But it takes a true adult to ignore them. Don't dawdle, JOSEPHINE is expecting you. ............................................................................... : Butterflies Area 1/1 Total 174/250 Quest 74% : ............................................................................... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lachrymose Lane Butterflies -- [B3LL] Quest -- Book Pages +1 ............................................................................... Shortly after entering the lane you will encounter another Hook Handed Man -- deal with him as before by having Klaus jump over him as he ducks and squirting from behind. He's probably slightly easier than the "Boss" one you met at the end of Book Two. Just past him are some branches; although not strictly necessary, we'll climb these to gather some information for later. Follow these upwards, roughly to the left, and you should reach a long Wooden Platform at the top where you'll find a man stood next to a Weathervane: PERSON Victor F. Daggerly ------ ------------------ Talk Victor F. Daggerly, weatherman at your service. Discuss According to my readings, HURRICANE HERMAN should be a fluffy little kitten of a storm, hardly a hurricane at all! Tease My readings, however, are not completely accurate. There is a GLARE from the WINDOW over there that keeps me from reading all of my INSTRUMENTS. At which point the view pans to the left (past a fairly inaccessible-looking Book Page) to the window of what is presumably Aunt Josephine's house). Examining the Weathervane gives: OBJECT Weathervane ------ ----------- Examine {K} A beautiful WEATHERVANE with iron scoops for catching the wind. It is turning briskly. Push/Pull {K} The wind is doing a fine job at pulling this around without our help. Take {VFD} Please step away from the WEATHERVANE, children. You're interrupting the wind-flow. We can be pretty sure we're going to need the Weathervane at some point, so it looks like we might need to do a spot of window-cleaning somewhere down the line! To the right of the platform is a smaller one with a Book Page above it. You cannot jump to the platform itself, but you can get the page: ............................................................................... : Book "Tree-Hopping for Dunces" by Mssr. Lulu -[2]- - - - : ............................................................................... (It looks like it might have been written by the husband of "Fudging the Future"'s author). |FOR LATER There's another Book Page on the ledge above Victor, and a | suspicious "whirling" pattern above a small ledge off the left- | hand edge of Victor's platform -- we'll see more of these a | little later. There's nothing more we can do here, so drop back to the ground and carry on left towards Aunt Josephine's house. Before you get to the door you will find another Milk Box: OBJECT Milk Delivery Box ------ ----------------- Examine {LS} The milk-box is LOCKED. On it there is a note from Josephine: "To the thieves: please stay away from my milk." Open {K} It's locked. Tinker {V} It's locked fast. We'll need a KEY. A little further left, your Aunt will greet you and take you into her house. ............................................................................... : Butterflies Area 0/7 Total 174/250 Quest 74% : ............................................................................... : Books "Chimbley Sweep" by Colin December - 2 3 4 5 6 : : "Up the Down Way" by Upton Dawn 1 2 3 - - 6 : : "The Wind in the Bellows" by Saul Herzog Used : : "Kid on a Hot Thin Roof" by Kansas Bills Used : : "The Grapple Speed Record" by Tres Vito 1 2 3 - - 6 : : "Street Detective" by Paul P. Wickson Used : : "The Basic Nine" by Danny Handy Used : : "Reptile Hopscotch" by Julitoad Cortázar Used : : "The Persnickety Platform" by Skye McCloud 1 2 3 - 5 6 : : "The Voyage Outside" by the Virginian Wolfsnake Used : : "Fudging the Future" by Madame Lulu 1 - - - - - : : "Tree-Hopping for Dunces" by Mssr. Lulu - 2 - - - - : ............................................................................... : Inventions Apple-Chucker Upgrades 4/5 Capacity (x2, 99), Speed (x2) : : Water Pump Upgrades All Capacity (x2, 99), Absorb : ............................................................................... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Library Butterflies -- [B3LI] Quest +1% Book Pages -- ............................................................................... Aunt Josephine [over film stills] Hello? Oh dear, children! Please come in before you're mauled by a bear! Klaus Bear? Are there bears in this area? Aunt Josephine Not that I know of. But that could just be part of their plan! Please come up to the library. I am so glad to finally have someone with whom to share my passion for GRAMMAR. [cuts to Library] Welcome to your first GRAMMAR lesson, children. Violet Yes, what a... treat. Klaus We never got to have these at Count Olaf's. He neglected us so! Violet Excuse me, Aunt Josephine, but why is one of the SHELVES EMPTY? Aunt Josephine [cut to shot of empty bookcase] Oh, that goes back to when I lost my dear husband Ike. Klaus What happened to him? Was he burned? Aunt Josephine No, it happened on the shores of LAKE LACHRYMOSE. Oh, how we used to love the lake! We knew every inch of it. But Ike was interested in a lot of things. He was VORACIOUS FOR DETECTIVE work. But I CAN'T SAY what he was investigating near the end. Anyway, Ike went into the LAKE too soon after EATING. The LACHRYMOSE LEECHES smelled the food, and that was that for my sweet Ikey-wikey. STRANGE, since he KNEW so much about the lake. IKE'S COLLECTION OF BOOKS about Lake Lachrymose were on that SHELF. I HID them away after he was gone. They were too painful to look at. [cut back to library floor] Now, back to GRAMMAR. The BOOK I want to read from is on that SHELF. But I can't quite reach it. Violet [pans to book on overhead shelf] I have an idea for a new INVENTION that SUNNY could use to reach that shelf! [pans back to by floor] With some YARN, a PARASOL, and a WEATHERVANE, I could build a PARASOL GLIDER, and SUNNY could just FLOAT down to that shelf from a higher one! So; that's what we want the Weathervane for: INVENTION Parasol Glider --------- -------------- Components Yarn Parasol Weathervane Despite her long rambling talk just now, let's have another chat with our Aunt: PERSON Aunt Josephine ------ -------------- Talk No, no. It's MAY we study grammar. And yes you may. BRING that GRAMMAR BOOK on the SHELF ABOVE the DOORWAY. Discuss A BEAR?! Where?! While the grammar in that last remark was respectable, the content was awful. Tease I wonder if my MILK KEY is safe? Burglars may sneak in the WINDOW in the front of the house, and snatch it while I am not vigilantly alert. Time to go exploring... Klaus's Water Pump is probably the most use here, so head left and use the Drum you find to jump to a ledge under a window. Jump to the ledge over the window and then a long jump left to land on the raised floor. There's a Spyglass here that just shows you the Grammar Book that we're to collect. Cross the raised floor and jump off the left-hand end to a slightly higher ledge under some books, then up and right to a second ledge. Carry on up and right to a third ledge (with a couple of Leeches and an Apple Core) and more- or-less walk off the right-hand end to ledge just below. Jump up and right to another ledge below a window (there are four photographs around the empty bookshelf to the right if you want). Jump to the window's higher ledge and then up and left to ledge below some books. Cross two similar ledges to the left (below a large triangular window) and then on to another Window Ledge. Double back to the right to the middle of the large window and you'll find the first component for Sunny's Glider: COMPONENT Parasol {+1%} --------- -------------- Head down to the lower-left corner of the room, where there's a Water Pipe Klaus can use to refill his Pump. Back slightly to the right and climb up the first of two sets of four Window Ledges on top of each other. Jump left to a tall Book Shelf, and then on to a ledge below the almost-circular Library Window: OBJECT Library Window ------ -------------- Examine {LS} A beautiful maritime-styled window. You can see a LEDGE outside the window. Push/Pull {K} Oof. Why are we pulling this again? Open Creates exit to Lachrymose Lane. ............................................................................... : Butterflies Area 0/0 Total 174/250 Quest 75% : ............................................................................... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lachrymose Lane ............................................................................... There's a rough Wooden Platform to the left of the window you emerge through; jump onto this and have Violet jump and throw an Apple Core at the adjacent switch -- the platform will take you across to a similar window leading to the improbably named "This Room is Not Intended for Burglars". Since we're not a burglar (even if we have been taking everything that's not nailed down), we'll enter. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This Room is Not Intended for Burglars Butterflies +1 [B3NB] Quest +2% Book Pages +1 ............................................................................... Drop to the floor and you'll find a note from Josephine: OBJECT Note from Josephine ------ ------------------- Examine Shame on you, robbers, for sneaking in through the window. Well, you'll never get past the SECURITY SYSTEM. We'll soon see about that! There's a Horizontal Moving Platform just above the small ledges; jump to this and you'll pass below a series of five Apple Core Switches. As you pass back and forth, one switch at a time will activate (the red handle will rise). You need to get Violet hit the active switch with an Apple Core to release a Vertical Moving Platform to the left (the view pans across when you're successful). Use the new platform to reach a ledge with a Wooden Crate. Have Sunny bite through this to reveal a Drum that can be used to jump to a ledge above; from there jump to a Walkway below a series of windows. Walk right along here and you'll find a cat on its back playing with a ball of wool: CREATURE Cat -------- --- Talk Meowr... Discuss {V} She scratched me! How are we going to get at that BALL OF YARN? Well, we have nothing we can use at the moment, so carry on to the right where a pair of Sinking Platforms lead to the first Butterfly and a Book Page. For the Butterfly, let the first platform sink a fair way then jump to the second and up to catch the Butterfly to the right; reverse this (i.e. let the second platform sink) to get the Book Page to the left. ............................................................................... : Book "Tree-Hopping for Dunces" by Mssr. Lulu - 2 - - -[6] : ............................................................................... Jump to the right on to another Walkway where you'll be able to top Klaus's Water Pump up before coming across another Milk Crate With Note: OBJECT Milk Crate With Note {+1%} ------ --------------------------- Open {AJ} "You are pretty smart for a robber to have gotten past my security. But maybe this TRAP will keep you from stealing my MILK." Not a hope! Suddenly, a whole bunch of assorted nasties drops to the ground. As with the Vegetarian earlier, get rid of them all to complete the task. When you do, a key appears: OBJECT Key to Josephine's Milk Delivery Box {+1%} ------ ------------------------------------------- Get {S} Lactoglub! (Locking up your milk seems a little extreme to me.) Examine They [sic] key is spotless. Josephine must only be willing to handle it with gloves on. Further right there's a door to the Bottom Hall (but it's locked) and the Trigger Point for "Fudging the Future" (but we only have one page), so they're not much use now. BUT... we have the key to a milk box and a cat that won't let go of some yarn, so... walk left and drop to the floor and go back through the window to Lachrymose Lane... ............................................................................... : Butterflies Area 1/7 Total 175/250 Quest 77% : ............................................................................... : Books "Chimbley Sweep" by Colin December - 2 3 4 5 6 : : "Up the Down Way" by Upton Dawn 1 2 3 - - 6 : : "The Wind in the Bellows" by Saul Herzog Used : : "Kid on a Hot Thin Roof" by Kansas Bills Used : : "The Grapple Speed Record" by Tres Vito 1 2 3 - - 6 : : "Street Detective" by Paul P. Wickson Used : : "The Basic Nine" by Danny Handy Used : : "Reptile Hopscotch" by Julitoad Cortázar Used : : "The Persnickety Platform" by Skye McCloud 1 2 3 - 5 6 : : "The Voyage Outside" by the Virginian Wolfsnake Used : : "Fudging the Future" by Madame Lulu 1 - - - - - : : "Tree-Hopping for Dunces" by Mssr. Lulu - 2 - - - 6 : ............................................................................... : Inventions Apple-Chucker Upgrades 4/5 Capacity (x2, 99), Speed (x2) : : Water Pump Upgrades All Capacity (x2, 99), Absorb : ............................................................................... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lachrymose Lane Butterflies +2 [B3LL] Quest +3% Book Pages +1 ............................................................................... Head right along the ground to the Milk Delivery Box and use the key to open it {+1%} , revealing the Milk: OBJECT Milk {+1%} ------ ----------- Examine A fresh bottle of milk. I lament the slow extinction of the milkman. Before we take the milk back to the cat, we can do a bit more here first. There's a Moving Platform that travels diagonally down from the left-hand window, to the front door (which is locked), and then on up to the right-hand window. Use it to get back on to the Moving Platform next to the right-hand window. Have Violet throw an Apple Core at the switch to start it moving: in the middle, above the front door, there's another (inactive) switch with a couple of bats flying close to it -- get rid of the bats and the switch will activate. (If you don't get them all on the first pass right-to-left, hit the switch by the left-hand window to try again). Once activated, hitting the middle switch will cause the platform you're on to rise vertically, pause, and descend again (it's a one-shot action; hit the switch again to repeat). At the top of its travel, jump to collect the Lane's first Butterfly and then jump to the ledge on the left. Climb up a couple of ledges on the left, then head back right (below a triangular window) and jump on to another Horizontal Moving Platform. Above this is another inactive Apple Core Switch with some Bats around it. As before, take out all the bats to activate the switch. Hitting it will release yet another Moving Platform that will allow you to get to the window that is causing glare to the weatherman (Victor); in passing, you'll be able to catch the second Butterfly, and below the window is another Book Page: ............................................................................... : Book "Tree-Hopping for Dunces" by Mssr. Lulu - 2 -[4]- 6 : ............................................................................... OBJECT Sun-Drenched Library Window ------ --------------------------- Examine {V} How about we try OPENING it first, before reverting drastic measures. [Probably should be "resorting to drastic".] Take {V} Now that's just silly. Why would I need a window in my pocket? Open the window {+1%} and the scene cuts to the weatherman: Victor F. Daggerly Finally, with the SUN out of my eyes, now I can finally read my INSTRUMENTS. Hmm... that's interesting... Before we pop over to see if we can now grab the Weathervane, nip back to This Room is Not Intended for Burglars to get the Yarn we need. |NOTE You can pop back into the Library from this window, but there's | really no point at the moment. From now on, a Moving Platform | in the Library goes from above the window we used earlier to | this one. ............................................................................... : Butterflies Area 2/7 Total 177/250 Quest 80% : ............................................................................... : Books "Chimbley Sweep" by Colin December - 2 3 4 5 6 : : "Up the Down Way" by Upton Dawn 1 2 3 - - 6 : : "The Wind in the Bellows" by Saul Herzog Used : : "Kid on a Hot Thin Roof" by Kansas Bills Used : : "The Grapple Speed Record" by Tres Vito 1 2 3 - - 6 : : "Street Detective" by Paul P. Wickson Used : : "The Basic Nine" by Danny Handy Used : : "Reptile Hopscotch" by Julitoad Cortázar Used : : "The Persnickety Platform" by Skye McCloud 1 2 3 - 5 6 : : "The Voyage Outside" by the Virginian Wolfsnake Used : : "Fudging the Future" by Madame Lulu 1 - - - - - : : "Tree-Hopping for Dunces" by Mssr. Lulu - 2 - 4 - 6 : ............................................................................... : Inventions Apple-Chucker Upgrades 4/5 Capacity (x2, 99), Speed (x2) : : Water Pump Upgrades All Capacity (x2, 99), Absorb : ............................................................................... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This Room is Not Intended for Burglars Butterflies -- [B3NB] Quest +1% Book Pages -- ............................................................................... The Vertical Moving Platform in the left-hand half of the room is still active, so use it to make your way back to the cat: CREATURE Cat -------- --- Give [Milk] Purrrr... {+1%} Happy with the milk, he discards the ball of yarn: COMPONENT Ball of Yarn --------- ------------ Nothing else to do here -- head back to Lachrymose Lane for the Weathervane. ............................................................................... : Butterflies Area 1/7 Total 177/250 Quest 81% : ............................................................................... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lachrymose Lane Butterflies +2 [B3LL] Quest +2% Book Pages +4 ............................................................................... Head right and use the branches to clamber back up towards Victor: PERSON Victor F. Daggerly ------ ------------------ Talk I'm still Victor F. Daggerly, and I'm still at your service. Discuss According to my readings, HURRICANE HERMAN should be a fluffy little kitten of a storm, hardly a hurricane at all. But now that you've closed the window I can take a better look... [checks instruments] Oh dear! I was VERY wrong! Herman's going to be the BIGGEST STORM this town has ever seen! I'm getting out of here. At which point he leaves {+1%} , leaving you clear to pick up the Weathervane: Sunny Flootgar! (Another COMPONENT for my PARASOL GLIDER!) COMPONENT Weathervane --------- ----------- INVENTION Parasol Glider {+1%} --------- --------------------- |USE As Sunny, use the "A" button to jump as normal, but quickly | release and press it again (keeping it pressed) to open the | Parasol Glider. Sunny can now drift left and right for much | longer distances than before. Usually, you'll want to briefly | release the "A" button when you're at the highest point of the | jump. In certain places you will see a THERMAL LIFT -- a swirling spiral of blue/white that looks a bit like water vapour from a kettle. If Sunny drifts over these using the Parasol Glider, she will gain extra height (you can "jiggle" between LEFT and RIGHT to stay above the Thermal Lift for maximum height gain). We can now put the Parasol Glider to use. Switch to Sunny and crawl toward the left-hand edge of the ledge. Further left you should see a small ledge with a swirling Thermal Lift just above it. Use Sunny's "glide" to reach the small ledge. |TIP This IS reachable, but only just -- start from a little bit back | from the edge and hold LEFT; at the very last moment, press and | hold "A" to jump. At the highest point, release "A" and | immediately press and hold it again -- Sunny's Parasol Glider | should activate and you will drift across. If you don't "bump land" on the ledge, but drop through, keep "A" pressed but switch to RIGHT -- you will drift back to the branches below the Weathervane and can climb back up for another attempt. The ledge you land on has a Thermal Lift rising from it. To see this in action, hold "A" to make Sunny jump and release-and-hold once you're high enough. The "lift" should take over, and you will find yourself hovering in mid-air. |TIP Because you jumped straight up, it's quite easy to "hover" in | this way (providing you don't nudge LEFT or RIGHT). However, if | you "drift sideways" into a Thermal Lift, then it's much harder | to get into a hover, because you tend to drift off to the right | or left. Once you've got the hang of this, hold LEFT to drift down and to the left where you'll see an isolated platform with a Book Page on it (we saw this when Victor told us about the glare). ............................................................................... : Book "Tree-Hopping for Dunces" by Mssr. Lulu [1]2 - 4 - 6 : ............................................................................... Jump up and use the Glider to drift back to the right -- you should land on the branches below the Weathervane, so clamber back up. Jump off the left- hand end, as before, and hove above the platform -- this time drift off to the right and you'll see another Book Page above a small branch. ............................................................................... : Book "Tree-Hopping for Dunces" by Mssr. Lulu 1 2[3]4 - 6 : ............................................................................... Jump up and glide further to the right to land on the small platform above where Victor stood, and collect what should be the final page of the book: ............................................................................... : Book "Tree-Hopping for Dunces" by Mssr. Lulu 1 2 3 4[5]6 : ............................................................................... Jump and glide again to the right, to land on another small platform just right of the main ledge (there was another Book Page here, but -- if you've been following my directions -- we've collected it already). Have a quick breather and Jump-and-Glide right to land on the final small ledge which contains a Trigger Point (you will probably pass slightly above, and may have to drift back left to land on it). BOOK USE "Tree-Hopping for Dunces" -------- ------------------------- Book Text Dear Reader, I hope you will never know the misery of being married to one who can read the future. My lot in life lead me to this peculiar past-time of tree- hopping. I hope you will enjoy it as much as I. Just grab a PARASOL, a hang glider, or a parachute, and enjoy the wind through your toes. Code UP, "B", UP Effect Butterflies (x2) and Book Page. When activated, above you will appear two Butterflies and another Book Page: ............................................................................... : Book "Fudging the Future" by Madame Lulu 1 - - -[5]- : ............................................................................... Now that you have Sunny's new-found ability to glide, it is possible to gather some more Butterflies and Book Pages around the Cloudy Cliffs Court area, but we'll be heading that way in a little while, so it's probably not worth it at the moment. Instead, head back to Aunt Josephine's house and re-enter the Library. ............................................................................... : Butterflies Area 4/7 Total 179/250 Quest 83% : ............................................................................... : Books "Chimbley Sweep" by Colin December - 2 3 4 5 6 : : "Up the Down Way" by Upton Dawn 1 2 3 - - 6 : : "The Wind in the Bellows" by Saul Herzog Used : : "Kid on a Hot Thin Roof" by Kansas Bills Used : : "The Grapple Speed Record" by Tres Vito 1 2 3 - - 6 : : "Street Detective" by Paul P. Wickson Used : : "The Basic Nine" by Danny Handy Used : : "Reptile Hopscotch" by Julitoad Cortázar Used : : "The Persnickety Platform" by Skye McCloud 1 2 3 - 5 6 : : "The Voyage Outside" by the Virginian Wolfsnake Used : : "Fudging the Future" by Madame Lulu 1 - - - 5 - : : "Tree-Hopping for Dunces" by Mssr. Lulu Used : ............................................................................... : Inventions Apple-Chucker Upgrades 4/5 Capacity (x2, 99), Speed (x2) : : Water Pump Upgrades All Capacity (x2, 99), Absorb : : Parasol Glider Upgrades -- : ............................................................................... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Library Butterflies -- [B3LI] Quest +2% Book Pages -- ............................................................................... We cannot put it off much longer -- it's time to grab that book on grammar, and have our lesson with Aunt Josephine! Make your way to the ledge below the triangular window in the middle of the room (where you found the Parasol) and switch to Sunny. If you jump from the right-hand end of the ledge (not the sloping part), and then deploy the Parasol Glider, you should drift down nicely to the right and land on the shelf where the book is: OBJECT Grammar Girl's Book of Words {+1%} ------ ----------------------------------- Examine This textbook finds use as a doorstop when owners realize the author's favourite word is 'word'. Drop down to the floor and give the book to your aunt. {+1%} Aunt Josephine Delicious! Excellent choice, children. Gather round... [fade] Lemony Snicket Forty-Five mind-numbingly-boring minutes later... Aunt Josephine ...And therefore, to indicate possession, end a singular noun with an apostrophe followed by an 's'. Otherwise, the noun's form seems plural. That's enough for today. Please follow me to the hall where we'll prepare for a TRIP TO TOWN. [cuts to Bottom Hall] ............................................................................... : Butterflies Area 0/0 Total 179/250 Quest 85% : ............................................................................... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bottom Hall Butterflies +9 [B3BH] Quest +5% Book Pages +1 ............................................................................... Aunt Josephine We need to make a TRIP to TOWN now, children. There is a ritual I perform BEFORE LEAVING the house, and I was hoping you could HELP me. [pans to cupboard] Please OPEN up all of my THIRTEEN CUPBOARDS to make sure there are no robbers, thieves, vandals, ninjas, or pirates hidden inside of them. [cuts to another cupboard] One of my cupboards is LOCKED. I personally won't touch the KEY, it's got such sharp teeth. If you try to leave the room before having opened all the cupboards, Aunt Josephine repeats her instructions about opening all thirteen cupboards first. PERSON Aunt Josephine ------ -------------- Talk You haven't OPENED all of the CUPBOARDS yet. How do I know there aren't pirates inside? Discuss Well, if there are LEECHES in the CUPBOARDS then you should thank me that I haven't fed you dinner yet, lest you become it. The first thing you'll notice is that there are Powder Bombs raining down, so number one priority is to take out the White-Faced Woman as quickly as possible. Luckily, she's just down the steps to the right. The next task is to deal with another Hook Handed Man -- he starts to Josephine's left, but is probably on his way toward you by the time you've dealt with the White-Faced Woman. Have Klaus jump over him and soak him from behind as usual. With those two pests out of the way, we can concentrate on the Cupboards. To the right of where the White-Faced Woman was is a Butterfly (the first of nine) and a top-up for Klaus's Water Pump. Descend the stairs halfway and jump to the Cupboard to the left. Be careful as you open it (with "R") -- three bats fly out! You should see a "13" appear in the bottom-left of the screen and change to "12" -- only another twelve Cupboards to open! Jump up and left to a small platform and then across to a larger one. Switch to Sunny as most of the next bit will need her Parasol Glider. Jump and glide across more platforms to the left, all at the same height (i.e. don't drop to any lower platforms you may see). The third platform you get to has a key on it, so pick it up: OBJECT Cupboard Key {+1%} ------ ------------------- Examine One wonders why Aunt Josephine has exactly thirteen cupboards. Carry on jump-and-gliding to the left and you will come to another Cupboard to open. On the second platform beyond this, you'll find another Book Page: ............................................................................... : Book "Fudging the Future" by Madame Lulu 1 - - - 5[6] : ............................................................................... Just below this platform (the leftmost one) you will see another Butterfly. Drop off the edge and reverse to catch it (you can get it without the Parasol, but using it might help). |NOTE If you miss the Butterfly, or any of the earlier platforms, | you'll have to head right along the floor back to the stairs and | start again; you cannot reach these upper platforms from the | ground. Head back right along the floor and you'll soon come to a door: OBJECT Closet Door ------ ----------- Examine {K} The door to the hall closet seems normal, but there's something missing... Open {K} I can't open it, there's no doorknob! I'm sure we'll find one somewhere... carry on to the right; we pass the front door to Lachrymose Lane, but Aunt Josephine won't let us leave yet. Just past your aunt is a dining table with two more Cupboards to open -- be careful, as the first releases a couple of leeches. Have Sunny Jump-and-Glide to the right to reach the last downstairs Cupboard (you should have eight left to open). Climb back up the stairs and head left; above a sideboard and chest of drawers is the first upstairs Cupboard. Jump up and open it, revealing a Drum that allows you to jump to a slightly different looking cupboard above-right: OBJECT Kitchen Cupboard ------ ---------------- Examine {LS} This one has a note attached: DANGEROUS MATERIALS INSIDE, DO NOT OPEN. Open {K} Strange, this one's locked. Wonder what's inside THIS ONE that scared Aunt Josephine into locking it? {+1%} Use [Cupboard Key] Unlocks the Cupboard and reveals some Doorknobs. OBJECT Doorknobs ------ --------- Get {K} Doorknobs? She's afraid of doorknobs?! Examine They don't look threatening, just knobby. There's also a pair of Butterflies to catch, one either side of the Cupboard. Have Sunny Jump-and-Glide across to the Cupboard on the left and open it. |WARNING There's a whole Clew**of Leeches inside this Cupboard, so don't | hang around once you've opened it. There's a Butterfly off to | the left so Jump-and-Glide to catch it if you can. |** NOTE I couldn't find the collective noun for leeches; the nearest I | could find was a "Clew of Worms", so I'll use that. |TIP Don't worry if you don't catch the Butterfly, we can use a | Moving Platform later. Head left past the door and down the stairs on the left. If you've not already dealt with him, there's a Hook Handed Man roaming the floor -- get rid of him now to save "dropping in" on him later! Towards the left-hand side of the room is another Cupboard (the only one you can reach from the floor). Jump up, open it, and pull the Lever that is inside. Walk back to the right, and you'll see a Horizontal Moving Platform going from the top of the stairs back to the left-hand side of the room. Jump on to it, and off again at the next Cupboard. |WARNING Switch to Sunny BEFORE opening this Cupboard; it releases a Clew | of Leeches, and you'll need Sunny's Parasol Glider to get to the | next Cupboard. Open the Cupboard and Jump-and-Glide to the next Cupboard on the left. This, when opened, will free three Butterflies for you to catch. Jump-and-glide to the next (which, thankfully, is Leech-free) and again to the thirteenth and final Cupboard. On opening it, Sunny gurgles: Sunny PiraGoob! (That's all the cupboards, let's go see Josephine!) |NOTE There's a Lever inside this Cupboard that releases a second | Horizontal Moving Platform on the right-hand side of the room. | Unless you missed the Butterfly to the left of the first | Cupboard you found that released a whole Clew of Leeches, it's | of little use. There's a Butterfly just below the Cupboard; use Sunny's Parasol Glider to catch it. Unless you missed the one mentioned above, this should be the ninth and final one for the room, so head back to the right-hand side of the room, top-up Klaus's Water Pump in passing and head down the stairs to rejoin Aunt Josephine. |NOTE If you did miss the earlier Butterfly, jump back on to the | Cupboard with the Drum on it, and from there to the newly- | released Moving Platform. This will pass underneath the | Cupboard that's swarming with Leeches: have Klaus or Violet get | rid of them, and then jump up and jump left for the Butterfly. As you approach Aunt Josephine, she begins: Aunt Josephine Are you sure there were no BANDITS in the cupboards? Klaus Nothing but a few bears. Aunt Josephine Bears! Violet Klaus! I'm sorry Aunt Josephine, he meant to say 'nothing but a few hairs.' Aunt Josephine Oh dear, well they can be dangerous too if they get in your eye. I hope you're all ok. Sunny Retinga. (You're the one who's not ok if you're afraid of hair.) Aunt Josephine Well, if the cupboards are clear, could you children GIVE me my GALOSHES. Puddles can be very dangerous. I put them in the CLOSET. Of course, I've REMOVED all of the DOORKNOBS and HIDDEN them away. Then I deliberately forgot where they were so I wouldn't find them and get scared. Well, we know all about closets with missing doorknobs, and as we've found some doorknobs, head left to the Closet Door and USE them to open it {+1%} . OBJECT Galoshes {+1%} ------ --------------- Examine A pair of heavy rubber galoshes. What left bite marks on the toes? Alligators? Take the Galoshes back to your Aunt {+1%} , and you're ready to leave the house: Aunt Josephine I'll go on AHEAD of you. I'm afraid of walking alongside children. They're so clumsy. Meet me IN FRONT OF THE ANXIOUS CLOWN VEGETABLE STAND. She leaves you alone in the Bottom Hall. To the left, just to the right of the door into Lachrymose Lane, is a note from your Aunt: OBJECT Note from Josephine ------ ------------------- Examine It is a note from Josephine: Gone into town. Please meet me in front of the ANXIOUS CLOWN VEGETABLE STAND. Unless you've got any Butterflies still to collect, leave the house, head right along Lachrymose Lane and return to Cloudy Cliffs Court. ............................................................................... : Butterflies Area 9/9 Total 188/250 Quest 90% : ............................................................................... : Books "Chimbley Sweep" by Colin December - 2 3 4 5 6 : : "Up the Down Way" by Upton Dawn 1 2 3 - - 6 : : "The Wind in the Bellows" by Saul Herzog Used : : "Kid on a Hot Thin Roof" by Kansas Bills Used : : "The Grapple Speed Record" by Tres Vito 1 2 3 - - 6 : : "Street Detective" by Paul P. Wickson Used : : "The Basic Nine" by Danny Handy Used : : "Reptile Hopscotch" by Julitoad Cortázar Used : : "The Persnickety Platform" by Skye McCloud 1 2 3 - 5 6 : : "The Voyage Outside" by the Virginian Wolfsnake Used : : "Fudging the Future" by Madame Lulu 1 - - - 5 6 : : "Tree-Hopping for Dunces" by Mssr. Lulu Used : ............................................................................... : Inventions Apple-Chucker Upgrades 4/5 Capacity (x2, 99), Speed (x2) : : Water Pump Upgrades All Capacity (x2, 99), Absorb : : Parasol Glider Upgrades -- : ............................................................................... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cloudy Cliffs Court Butterflies -- [B3CC] Quest -- Book Pages +1 ............................................................................... You may remember that there was a Book Page on top of one of the poles here that we couldn't reach. However, now we have Sunny's Parasol Glider, getting it is no problem: jump to the platfrom where Mr. Poe was waiting, then jump up right, left and right and finally Jump-and-Glide right. ............................................................................... : Book "Fudging the Future" by Madame Lulu 1 - -[4]5 6 : ............................................................................... Head further right and enter Captain Sam's shack. ............................................................................... : Butterflies Area 1/1 Total 188/250 Quest 90% : ............................................................................... : Books "Chimbley Sweep" by Colin December - 2 3 4 5 6 : : "Up the Down Way" by Upton Dawn 1 2 3 - - 6 : : "The Wind in the Bellows" by Saul Herzog Used : : "Kid on a Hot Thin Roof" by Kansas Bills Used : : "The Grapple Speed Record" by Tres Vito 1 2 3 - - 6 : : "Street Detective" by Paul P. Wickson Used : : "The Basic Nine" by Danny Handy Used : : "Reptile Hopscotch" by Julitoad Cortázar Used : : "The Persnickety Platform" by Skye McCloud 1 2 3 - 5 6 : : "The Voyage Outside" by the Virginian Wolfsnake Used : : "Fudging the Future" by Madame Lulu 1 - - 4 5 6 : : "Tree-Hopping for Dunces" by Mssr. Lulu Used : ............................................................................... : Inventions Apple-Chucker Upgrades 4/5 Capacity (x2, 99), Speed (x2) : : Water Pump Upgrades All Capacity (x2, 99), Absorb : : Parasol Glider Upgrades -- : ............................................................................... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Captain Sam's Butterflies +1 [B3CS] Quest -- Book Pages +1 ............................................................................... Although Captain Sam has disappeared, you can now collect the final Butterfly here. Head over to the left, use the Vertical Moving Platform and the window ledge to the yard to get back to the long ladder on the far left-hand side of the room. Climb to the top and head right on the walkway at the top. Switch to Sunny and Jump-and-Glide down to the right where you'll land on another cage with the missing Butterfly and another Book Page: ............................................................................... : Book "Up the Down Way" by Upton Dawn 1 2 3[4]- 6 : ............................................................................... Return to Cloudy Cliffs Court. ............................................................................... : Butterflies Area 7/7 Total 189/250 Quest 90% : ............................................................................... : Books "Chimbley Sweep" by Colin December - 2 3 4 5 6 : : "Up the Down Way" by Upton Dawn 1 2 3 4 - 6 : : "The Wind in the Bellows" by Saul Herzog Used : : "Kid on a Hot Thin Roof" by Kansas Bills Used : : "The Grapple Speed Record" by Tres Vito 1 2 3 - - 6 : : "Street Detective" by Paul P. Wickson Used : : "The Basic Nine" by Danny Handy Used : : "Reptile Hopscotch" by Julitoad Cortázar Used : : "The Persnickety Platform" by Skye McCloud 1 2 3 - 5 6 : : "The Voyage Outside" by the Virginian Wolfsnake Used : : "Fudging the Future" by Madame Lulu 1 - - 4 5 6 : : "Tree-Hopping for Dunces" by Mssr. Lulu Used : ............................................................................... : Inventions Apple-Chucker Upgrades 4/5 Capacity (x2, 99), Speed (x2) : : Water Pump Upgrades All Capacity (x2, 99), Absorb : : Parasol Glider Upgrades -- : ............................................................................... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cloudy Cliffs Court ............................................................................... Head right past the end of the ship built into Captain Sam's shack and jump on to the first branch you see. Jump up to the one above, and you should see some rungs hanging down the side of the ship. As Sunny, if you Jump-and-Glide from the right-hand (upper) end of this branch, you should be able to land on the bottom rung. Climb up to the deck of the ship. To the left, on top of a couple of funnels, are two piles of Photographs; collect them if you wish. Next, head right, and you will come to the ship's bowsprit: jump on to a branch above this and exit down the branch to Cloudy Cliffs Court East. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cloudy Cliffs Court East Butterflies +1 [B3CE] Quest -- Book Pages -- ............................................................................... As you descend the branch you entered by, you will see the first Butterfly of the area. Carry on to the right, dropping to the ground when you can. Carry on past the Fortune Teller's door and you'll see your Aunt between it and the Realtor's Office: PERSON Aunt Josephine ------ -------------- Talk I just can't cross past that REALTOR'S OFFICE until I've had a FORTUNE from the FORTUNE TELLER telling me it's safe. Discuss There's a REALTOR'S OFFICE right there! I'm frightened! It's not safe. So, it looks like it might be time to have our fortune told, so enter the Fortune Teller. ............................................................................... : Butterflies Area 1/4 Total 190/250 Quest 90% : ............................................................................... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fortune Teller Butterflies -- [B3FT] Quest +2% Book Pages +2 ............................................................................... First, for some reason you start over to the left of the room, by a Water Pipe -- the door is over to the right. Head right and you'll find the Fortune Teller: PERSON Fortune Teller ------ -------------- Tease I sense a mouth full of soap in your future. Talk If you can find all of the MATCHING PAIRS, I will give you your FORTUNE. Once you've talked to her, a number of Moving Platforms above become active. These allow access to sixteen ledges, arranged in a 4x4 grid, each one containing a giant playing card and a Lever. When you pull the Lever, the card turns over, revealing one of eight designs (each of which occurs twice among the sixteen cards). To solve the Fortune Teller's challenge, you have to find all eight pairs of cards. The "challenge" part is that you can turn any card over first, but when you turn the second over, if its design doesn't match the first, both cards are turned back "face down". Since you are unlikely to turn pairs over to start with, you'll have to remember where each design is. When you DO find a matching pair, both cards are left with the design showing (and the Levers disappear). |TIP I don't know whether where each design is found is random or | not, but below I'll show you the layout that I found. If your | layout isn't the same as mine (or you want to solve it | yourself), see the next tips. | Obviously the easiest way of solving this is to write down which | design is behind each card as you find them, although this could | be thought of as "cheating" in the purest sense of the game | (originally called Pelmanism, you were meant to rely on memory | alone). | Always turn over a new pair of cards each time; e.g. the bottom- | left pair on the first go, the bottom-right pair on the second | go, the pair above this on the third and so on. This way you | get as much new information as possible each time. | If you turn over a design you've seen before as the FIRST card | of a pair, then for the second card of the pair try to go back | and turn over the card where you saw the design before. | If you turn over a design you've seen before as the SECOND card | of a pair, then for your next go, try to find the matching card | first (i.e. where you first saw the design), since you KNOW | where the second one is and will remember its position more | easily. |NOTE There are two hazards to be aware of when finding pairs: o Some of the platforms have Leeches/Spiders etc. on them; watch out because they re-spawn quickly so they're a constant danger. o If, because of the above, you allow your Misery Meter to get to its maximum, you will find that any pairs you've already found will be turned back "face down", and you will have to start from the beginning. One consolation is that the pairs will still be in the same place. ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- Twisting Twisting Magnifying Plank of Snakes Snakes Glass Wood ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- Tree Suitcase Lightning Whirlwind Strike ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- Potion Lightning Tree Magnifying Bottle Strike Glass ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- Suitcase Whirlwind Plank of Potion Wood Bottle ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- When you have found all the pairs {+1%} , the scene cuts back to the Fortune Teller: Fortune Teller You children are smart. But you should protect your youth before it's gone. From the sad looks on your faces, it's already halfway there. But look how I prattle when what you really want is this... Head down to the bottom of the room and you will see she has left you a Fortune: OBJECT Fortune {+1%} ------ -------------- Examine "A terror from your past will soon return, but you are perfectly safe from realtors." and another Book Page: ............................................................................... : Book "Fudging the Future" by Madame Lulu 1 -[3]4 5 6 : ............................................................................... Before you take the Fortune to your Aunt, leave and re-enter the Fortune Teller's house; if you talk to her again, she says: Fortune Teller So you've returned? Feel free to consult the cards again. Complete the pair-matching exercise a second time (the positions haven't changed): you will be rewarded with a whole bunch of Photographs and the final Page for "Up the Down Way": ............................................................................... : Book "Up the Down Way" by Upton Dawn 1 2 3 4[5]6 : ............................................................................... You can carry on completing the puzzle as often as you like, but it looks like you only get Photographs after this. There's nothing else to do here, so head out and give the Fortune to your Aunt. ............................................................................... : Butterflies Area 0/0 Total 190/250 Quest 92% : ............................................................................... : Books "Chimbley Sweep" by Colin December - 2 3 4 5 6 : : "Up the Down Way" by Upton Dawn All : : "The Wind in the Bellows" by Saul Herzog Used : : "Kid on a Hot Thin Roof" by Kansas Bills Used : : "The Grapple Speed Record" by Tres Vito 1 2 3 - - 6 : : "Street Detective" by Paul P. Wickson Used : : "The Basic Nine" by Danny Handy Used : : "Reptile Hopscotch" by Julitoad Cortázar Used : : "The Persnickety Platform" by Skye McCloud 1 2 3 - 5 6 : : "The Voyage Outside" by the Virginian Wolfsnake Used : : "Fudging the Future" by Madame Lulu 1 - 3 4 5 6 : : "Tree-Hopping for Dunces" by Mssr. Lulu Used : ............................................................................... : Inventions Apple-Chucker Upgrades 4/5 Capacity (x2, 99), Speed (x2) : : Water Pump Upgrades All Capacity (x2, 99), Absorb : : Parasol Glider Upgrades -- : ............................................................................... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cloudy Cliffs Court East Butterflies +3 [B3CE] Quest -- Book Pages +1 ............................................................................... Actually, we won't give the Fortune to your Aunt straight away -- there are a few things to do first. Jump to the platform outside the Realtor's Office (where the Water Pipe is), on to the platform above the door, and then to the top of the sign on the right. Switch to Sunny and Jump-and-Glide to the right to land on top of the first of the Video Machines we saw earlier. Jump to collect the area's second Butterfly above it, then glide to the second Video Machine -- don't dawdle, as there's a Leech; instead, Jump-and-Glide to the right to land on the Grocer's barrow and complete "Fudging the Future": ............................................................................... : Book "Fudging the Future" by Madame Lulu 1[2]3 4 5 6 : ............................................................................... Drop down from the Grocer's stand and have a chat: PERSON Grocer ------ ------ Talk I've got all the ingredients for COLD CUCUMBER SOUP ...except CUCUMBERS. Discuss Have you seen Captain Sam anywhere? He just disappeared... Tease Your AUNTIE JOSEPHINE is a very fragile and sensitive woman. What are you doing leaving her alone over THERE, especially in this weather [pans to show Aunt between Fortune Teller and Realtor's Office]. Despite the Grocer's urging we STILL won't deal with Aunt Josephine yet! Carry on past her back to the Fortune Teller's house and jump to the ledge past the door where there's another Trigger Point: BOOK USE "Fudging the Future" -------- -------------------- Book Text Some people are so afraid of the past they'll HIDE things from BURGLARS in picture-frames. Code UP, RIGHT, DOWN, LEFT, UP Effect Activates Moving Platform giving Butterflies (x2) and Photographs. To the left, a Moving Platform will appear -- jump aboard and shortly it will take you on a journey past a few Photographs to find the last two Butterflies for the area. |NOTE I'm going to take us on a bit of a detour now. If you remember | when we explored "This Room is Not Intended for Burglars", there | was another Trigger Point for "Fudging the Future", so since we | have collected the whole book, let's use it now. The reasons? o Mainly because we CAN (I like to get things as soon as they're available); o If we take the Fortune to Aunt Josephine first, we won't be able to access the Trigger Point for quite a while (although we WILL be able to do it later). So, head all the way back to Aunt Josephine's house and enter through the lower-left window. ............................................................................... : Butterflies Area 4/4 Total 193/250 Quest 92% : ............................................................................... : Books "Chimbley Sweep" by Colin December - 2 3 4 5 6 : : "Up the Down Way" by Upton Dawn All : : "The Wind in the Bellows" by Saul Herzog Used : : "Kid on a Hot Thin Roof" by Kansas Bills Used : : "The Grapple Speed Record" by Tres Vito 1 2 3 - - 6 : : "Street Detective" by Paul P. Wickson Used : : "The Basic Nine" by Danny Handy Used : : "Reptile Hopscotch" by Julitoad Cortázar Used : : "The Persnickety Platform" by Skye McCloud 1 2 3 - 5 6 : : "The Voyage Outside" by the Virginian Wolfsnake Used : : "Fudging the Future" by Madame Lulu Used : : "Tree-Hopping for Dunces" by Mssr. Lulu Used : ............................................................................... : Inventions Apple-Chucker Upgrades 4/5 Capacity (x2, 99), Speed (x2) : : Water Pump Upgrades All Capacity (x2, 99), Absorb : : Parasol Glider Upgrades -- : ............................................................................... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This Room is Not Intended for Burglars Butterflies +6 [B3NB] Quest -- Book Pages -- ............................................................................... Make your way to the top-right corner of the room where the Trigger Point is (head left, use the Vertical Moving Platform, bite the Crate to reveal the Drum, jump up and then head right). BOOK USE "Fudging the Future" -------- -------------------- Book Text Some people are so afraid of the past they'll HIDE things from BURGLARS in picture-frames. Code UP, RIGHT, DOWN, LEFT, UP Effect Butterflies (x6) Watch Out! A whole slew of beasties will drop to the floor, so be ready to attack (Klaus is probably best). To the left of the door is the first of six new Butterflies you can find. Head left and drop off the edge of the floor -- with luck, you'll collect two more Butterflies as you land (making a total of four for the room). Along to the left are the three remaining Butterflies and a whole collection of Photographs. Once you have all the Butterflies, leave through the window at the bottom and head right all the way back to your Aunt. ............................................................................... : Butterflies Area 7/7 Total 199/250 Quest 92% : ............................................................................... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cloudy Cliffs Court East Butterflies -- [B3CE] Quest +1% Book Pages -- ............................................................................... Head right back to your Aunt and -- at last -- hand over the Fortune {+1%} : Aunt Josephine Ah, a clean bill of the future. Let's proceed. [pans to follow your aunt as she walks left and bumps into a seafarer] Captain Sham Hello, Josephine, my little bilge pump. My, what bonny waifs! Aunt Josephine Children, I'd like you to meet Captain Sham. Captain Sham Ahoy. Avast. Arr. Violet That's Count Olaf! Aunt Josephine Where? Behind Captain Sham? Klaus Count Olaf IS Captain Sham! Aunt Josephine Oh no, you're mistaken. It says "Sham" on his business cards so it must be true. He's been Captain Sham as long as I've known him, which is several days at least. Captain Sham Count Olaf? Never heard of him. But what a beautiful, beautiful name. It's like music. Speaking of beautiful, I don't s'pose you'd like to have dinner together tonight, Josephine? Aunt Josephine Why yes I would, Captain. You children meet us back at the house. The scene cuts back to the front door of Aunt Josephine's house. ............................................................................... : Butterflies Area 4/4 Total 199/250 Quest 93% : ............................................................................... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lachrymose Lane ............................................................................... Sunny Brrr-aba! (Well that was NOT a pleasant walk home. The Hurricane is really starting to gust!) Violet I can't believe how Aunt Josephine has been fooled! Klaus Captain Sham is obviously Count Olaf! Sunny Blix! (For an actor, he's certainly bad with makeup and costumes.) Klaus What's even stranger is all the windows have been closed... [pans to show lower windows closed] Except that one leading to the LIBRARY! Let's head up there! [pans to show upper-right window is open] If you were to leave the Lane and head back over to the Grocer, he gives the following: PERSON Grocer ------ ------ Talk If you're looking for your Aunt Josephine, I saw her heading up to her house on LACHRYMOSE LANE with a pirate looking fella. Tease I thought I heard your Aunt say she'd meet you kids up at the house. What are you doing dawdling, then? You won't be able to enter the house through the Front Door, nor through either of the lower windows, as they're all locked. Instead, you'll have to have Violet activate the Moving Platforms that allow you to get to the upper window (that was originally causing the glare). ............................................................................... : Butterflies Area 4/7 Total 199/250 Quest 93% : ............................................................................... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Library Butterflies -- [B3LI] Quest -- Book Pages +6 ............................................................................... Violet Phew... Glad to be inside and out of that storm. [house shakes] Klaus The wind, it's shaking the house apart! [house shakes; cuts to show Thermal Lifts above broken windows] Violet Auntie Josephine? [pans to show large, triangular window broken] Klaus Look, the window is shattered! Violet Hurricanes have so little respect for property rights! Wait a minute... is that a note? [pans back to children] Klaus It says "My heart is cold as ike and I find life inbearable. I know your children may not understand the sad life of a dowadger or what would have leaded me to this desparate akt. Love, Aunt Josephine." I think this is a code! Ike should be 'iCe', with a C, inbearable should have a U,... an R should go here, a D there, and... Aunt Josephine was trying to send us a message! She's at CURDLED CAVE! Sunny Curdaba! (Curdled Cave! But how do we find it? Josephine HID away all of her books about LACHRYMOSE LAKE.) Violet The storm has blown lots of books off their shelves. There are TORN BOOK PAGES everywhere. Maybe there's still a BOOK around that can help us. And you finally have control back! To the right, you can examine her note again: OBJECT Josephine's Note ------ ---------------- Examine It's a note from Josephine. Her spelling makes one think she has a phobia of dictionaries. If you try to go back through the window: Sunny Windoowagga! (There's a hurricane out there! I would recommend we stay indoors). and if you try to go to the Bottom Hall: Violet Hunfh! The roof must have collapsed and BLOCKED the DOOR from the other side! We'll have to FIND ANOTHER WAY. Like the previous books we've been finding, there are six Book Pages dotted around the room (there's also a counter in the lower-left corner of the screen that shows the number of ages to be found). To get the first, drop down to the Window Ledge below, and then to the bottom of a large bookcase. When you collect the first page: Klaus "MY SECRET SELF: A Vital Fireman's Diary", by Ike Anwhisle. Do you know what that means!? This is IKE'S DIARY! If anyone knew how to get to CURDLED CAVE, he would have. Looks like there are SIX PAGES missing. Let's FIND the others. ............................................................................... : Book "A Vital Fireman's Diary" by Ike Anwhisle [1]- - - - - : ............................................................................... Head across the two columns of Window Ledges to the right: on the raised floor in the middle of the room is a pair of bookcases and the Trigger Point for the new book. |TIP If you're having problems finding any of the pages, head to the | middle of the room where -- if you remember -- there is the | Spyglass. Looking through this will show you one of the Book | Pages still to be collected. Head left and jump up the shelves to travel back across above the raised floor to find another Book Page in a small broken window to the left of the large empty bookcase (this is roughly the same route we used when we first visited the Library): ............................................................................... : Book "A Vital Fireman's Diary" by Ike Anwhisle 1 -[3]- - - : ............................................................................... Jump above the broken window and then head left underneath the (broken) triangular window. Off to the left of this window are two more small broken windows; the second has a Thermal Lift above it. Jump to the upper ledge of this and have Sunny use the Parasol Glider to gain enough height to land on the Book Page to the right. ............................................................................... : Book "A Vital Fireman's Diary" by Ike Anwhisle 1[2]3 - - - : ............................................................................... Jump to the upper ledge of this window and jump again to a long platform. Head left and Jump-and-Glide across an Apple Core-filled gap to get another page: ............................................................................... : Book "A Vital Fireman's Diary" by Ike Anwhisle 1 2 3 - -[6] : ............................................................................... Head back right, the way you came and carry on across at the same level (you'll be passing above the triangular window). From the second bookcase you come to (that has a Red Spider on it) Jump-and-Glide all the way down to the right -- you should meet another Thermal Lift in one small window that allows you to get to a second window above and right with yet another Book Page: ............................................................................... : Book "A Vital Fireman's Diary" by Ike Anwhisle 1 2 3 -[5]6 : ............................................................................... The last page is in the same place as the Grammar Book was earlier. From the ledge above, you can reach this by dropping off the right-hand side and gliding a little further to the right. |TIP If you miss the platform, then use the same method you used to | get the Grammar Book: Jump-and-Glide from the right-hand edge | of the triangular window. ............................................................................... : Book "A Vital Fireman's Diary" by Ike Anwhisle 1 2 3[4]5 6 : ............................................................................... When you get the last page: Klaus That's all of them. Let's head back down to IKE'S BOOKCASE. Do as he suggests (it's down to the left) and open the secret door: BOOK USE "A Vital Fireman's Diary" -------- ------------------------- Book Text Dearest Reader. I have HIDDEN all of my research away so that evil hands can't reach it. Stand in front of my bookcase in the LIBRARY to enter the code and gain access. Code "L", "R", "B", "A", "A" Effect Gives access to Ike's Secret Room. As it would be a bit pointless collecting all the pages without using them, enter Ike's Secret Room. ............................................................................... : Butterflies Area 0/0 Total 199/250 Quest 93% : ............................................................................... : Books "Chimbley Sweep" by Colin December - 2 3 4 5 6 : : "Up the Down Way" by Upton Dawn All : : "The Wind in the Bellows" by Saul Herzog Used : : "Kid on a Hot Thin Roof" by Kansas Bills Used : : "The Grapple Speed Record" by Tres Vito 1 2 3 - - 6 : : "Street Detective" by Paul P. Wickson Used : : "The Basic Nine" by Danny Handy Used : : "Reptile Hopscotch" by Julitoad Cortázar Used : : "The Persnickety Platform" by Skye McCloud 1 2 3 - 5 6 : : "The Voyage Outside" by the Virginian Wolfsnake Used : : "Fudging the Future" by Madame Lulu Used : : "Tree-Hopping for Dunces" by Mssr. Lulu Used : : "A Vital Fireman's Diary" by Ike Anwhisle Used : ............................................................................... : Inventions Apple-Chucker Upgrades 4/5 Capacity (x2, 99), Speed (x2) : : Water Pump Upgrades All Capacity (x2, 99), Absorb : : Parasol Glider Upgrades -- : ............................................................................... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ike's Secret Room Butterflies +7 [B2IR] Quest -- Book Pages +1 ............................................................................... If you try returning to the Library: Violet Not back that way! We're so close to finding Aunt Josephine. Instead, head across to the left-hand side of the room and have Violet jump up and climb the ladder there. At the top, switch to Sunny and have her Jump-and- Glide across to the right -- a Thermal Lift will allow her to reach a platform (partly hidden behind all the junk hung across the room) where there's another Book Page: ............................................................................... : Book "The Grapple Speed Record" by Tres Vito 1 2 3 -[5]6 : ............................................................................... Jump-and-Glide back to the left, pick up another Thermal Lift and land on a small platform underneath a Water Pipe. Switch to Klaus to take out the Clew of Leeches to the left. Jump to the platform where they were, and take out a second Clew on the right -- as you do, the scene will pan across to the top- right of the room to show six Butterflies coalescing into a rough group. Jump to the where this second Clew was and switch back to Sunny. Jump-and- Glide across to the left and make use of a Thermal Lift to catch the first Butterfly of the room. Drift back to the platform, cross to its right-hand side and Jump-and-Glide across to the right, landing on a platform below a window leading to Lachrymose Lake. Before going through, jump straight up and use the Thermal Lift above the window: if you just keep UP pressed, you should rise among the Butterflies and, after a short while, catch them all (you shouldn't need to drift left or right; they'll come to you!) If you tot-up your Butterfly count, you should find that you now have over 200 Butterflies, and the next level of Sketches, Stills and Upgrades will have become available: UPGRADE Apple-Chucker ------- ------------- Cost 500 (Level 4) Purpose This Ice Cream Scoop will allow you to chuck apples faster. UPGRADE Unlock ???? ------- ----------- Cost 3,000 (Level 4) Purpose Unlocks the "Handsome Man" arcade game under the "Eye" option of the title screen. ............................................................................... : Butterflies Area 7/7 Total 206/250 Quest 93% : ............................................................................... : Books "Chimbley Sweep" by Colin December - 2 3 4 5 6 : : "Up the Down Way" by Upton Dawn All : : "The Wind in the Bellows" by Saul Herzog Used : : "Kid on a Hot Thin Roof" by Kansas Bills Used : : "The Grapple Speed Record" by Tres Vito 1 2 3 - 5 6 : : "Street Detective" by Paul P. Wickson Used : : "The Basic Nine" by Danny Handy Used : : "Reptile Hopscotch" by Julitoad Cortázar Used : : "The Persnickety Platform" by Skye McCloud 1 2 3 - 5 6 : : "The Voyage Outside" by the Virginian Wolfsnake Used : : "Fudging the Future" by Madame Lulu Used : : "Tree-Hopping for Dunces" by Mssr. Lulu Used : : "A Vital Fireman's Diary" by Ike Anwhisle Used : ............................................................................... : Inventions Apple-Chucker Upgrades All Capacity (x2, 99), Speed (x3) : : Water Pump Upgrades All Capacity (x2, 99), Absorb : : Parasol Glider Upgrades -- : ............................................................................... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lake Lachrymose Butterflies +1 [B3LK] Quest -- Book Pages -- ............................................................................... You emerge on the Lake in a boat heading east (to the right). |NOTE Despite what the laws of physics may say, you CAN walk on the | water here, BUT your Misery Meter will be rising constantly as | you do, so it's not recommended! Unlike the rest of the game, it IS possible to get stranded here -- if you leave the boat or make the wrong jump/glide you can land in the water with no practical way of getting back on course (you can rarely walk far enough before your Misery Meter maxes out). Be prepared to restart this section a few times! Jump on to the second ledge above the boat, and from there to the landing stage for a Lighthouse. Climb the steps, avoiding the Leeches, and from the platform at the top, have Sunny Jump-and-Glide down to the right -- you should land on the steps of a second Lighthouse. Climb these and at the top you will find another Trigger Point: BOOK USE "The Voyage Outside" -------- -------------------- Book Text Those who think that there is only one path through the EVERGREEN MONTGOMERY FOREST are very very wrong. Enter this code to get a LADYBUG GUIDE who will LEAD along a secret path through the forest maze. Code "A", DOWN, "L", "B" Effect Butterfly (x1) and lights Lighthouse. Jump-and-Glide off the right-hand side of the platform and you should drift down back to the boat. A short jump will take you to a slope that leads to Curdled Cave. ............................................................................... : Butterflies Area 1/9 Total 207/250 Quest 93% : ............................................................................... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Curdled Cave Butterflies +4 [B3CA] Quest +2% Book Pages +1 ............................................................................... Head up the slope away from the sea and you will see the Curdled Caves ahead: these are formed from lots of separate areas, linked by small openings (that you can only pass through as Sunny). Entrance -------- Halfway up the slope is a Sign: OBJECT For Sale Sign ------ ------------- Examine {K} A "For Sale" sign? That means realtors will be coming here. I bet I could really put a SCARE into AUNT JOSEPHINE with this SIGN. Push/Pull {K} It's stuck fast. Tinker {K} If that sign can survive the tides, the elements, and a hurricane, I don't think I'll be able to break it! Take {V} It's stuck too deep into the ground. We'd need a TOOL to get it out. As we can't do anything with it yet, pass by and dive into the first hole (A). Cave 1 ------ This brings you out above a Water Pipe. Refil, drop down, take out the Leeches and head through the hole at the bottom (B). Cave 2 ------ You come out below your Aunt: PERSON Aunt Josephine ------ -------------- Talk Leave? I'm not going anywhere. You know, in the old days, miners used this cave. Ike and I once found a pick, a SHOVEL, a miner's hat, and a diamond, all in one afternoon. Discuss I'm too afraid. There are bears, and leeches, and REALTORS out there. She doesn't want to budge! Collect the couple of Butterflies here (one in the top-left corner) and head through the first opening above her (C). Cave 3 ------ Drop down on to the ledge below and head through the opening (D). Cave 4 ------ Use Sunny's ROLL to take out a couple of leeches, then head up the slope and through the opening (F). Cave 5 ------ There are the last two Butterflies, the missing Book Page of "The Persnickety Platform" here: ............................................................................... : Book "The Persnickety Platform" by Skye McCloud 1 2 3[4]5 6 : ............................................................................... Return the way you came (via F and D) to Cave 4 and then drop to the floor and go through the new opening (E). Cave 6 ------ Cross to the right-hand end and duck through the opening (G). Cave 7 ------ Use Sunny's ROLL attack to take out a trio of Red Spiders here, then carry on to the end to find the Shovel: OBJECT Shovel ------ ------ Examine A rusty old shovel. This must have been left by miners. This will do to get that sign, so return to the entrance (G, E, C, B, A). Entrance -------- USE the Shovel on the For Sale Sign, collecting the latter: OBJECT For Sale Sign {+1%} ------ -------------------- Examine A "For Sale" sign? That means realtors will be coming here. I bet I could really put a scare into Aunt Josephine with this sign. Return to your Aunt (A, B)... Cave 2 ------ ...and give her the sign: {+1%} Aunt Josephine Realtors?! Coming here?! Oh my... We had better leave. The screen fades, and you reappear in the boat on Lachrymose Lake heading back west (to the left). However, we haven't cleared out the Lake area yet, so quickly jump to the right -- with a glide, Sunny should make it back to the sloping shore if you're quick enough. Crawl back up and into the Curdled Cave. Return to Cave 2 where Aunt Josephine was standing (A, B) and head through the TOP exit that leads to Lachrymose Lake. ............................................................................... : Butterflies Area 4/4 Total 211/250 Quest 95% : ............................................................................... : Books "Chimbley Sweep" by Colin December - 2 3 4 5 6 : : "Up the Down Way" by Upton Dawn All : : "The Wind in the Bellows" by Saul Herzog Used : : "Kid on a Hot Thin Roof" by Kansas Bills Used : : "The Grapple Speed Record" by Tres Vito 1 2 3 - 5 6 : : "Street Detective" by Paul P. Wickson Used : : "The Basic Nine" by Danny Handy Used : : "Reptile Hopscotch" by Julitoad Cortázar Used : : "The Persnickety Platform" by Skye McCloud All : : "The Voyage Outside" by the Virginian Wolfsnake Used : : "Fudging the Future" by Madame Lulu Used : : "Tree-Hopping for Dunces" by Mssr. Lulu Used : : "A Vital Fireman's Diary" by Ike Anwhisle Used : ............................................................................... : Inventions Apple-Chucker Upgrades All Capacity (x2, 99), Speed (x3) : : Water Pump Upgrades All Capacity (x2, 99), Absorb : : Parasol Glider Upgrades -- : ............................................................................... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lachrymose Lake Butterflies +8 [B3LK] Quest -- Book Pages +1 ............................................................................... You emerge in a cave set in the cliff walls, where a stream of six Butterflies flies in and out. Just jump slightly to collect them all as you move left to the exit. Don't worry if you miss a couple, as they'll fly back in again shortly. As Sunny, Jump-and-Glide from the entrance down and to the left. You should land on a platform with the final page of "The Grapple Speed Record": ............................................................................... : Book "The Grapple Speed Record" by Tres Vito 1 2 3[4]5 6 : ............................................................................... Jump-and-glide to the left again; as soon as the Lighthouse comes into view, double-back and drift to the right; you should see another Butterfly (the Lake's eighth) above a ledge. You'll have to drift back-and-forth a little to land on it. Jump-and-glide (again) to the left and you should land on a platform with a Water Pipe, below the main stairs of the Lighthouse. Jump to the stairs and climb to the top of the Lighthouse... You'll never guess what you need to do from the top of the Lighthouse... that's right, Jump-and-Glide to the left! As before, as soon as the next Lighthouse comes into view double-back and drift down-and-right and you should see the last Butterfly above a ledge. |WARNING This ledge normally has a Clew of Leeches on it, so be quick | switching to Klaus to get rid of them. How you do the next bit depends on where Josephine is with the boat -- if you can see it, jump into the boat as it drifts back to the left. If not, jump to a platform down and to the left of where the Butterfly was, then Jump-and- Glide as far to the left as possible as Sunny... you may have to walk on water for a little bit, but as you approach the left-hand side of the Lake, the view should pan across to show Count Olaf: Count Olaf Hello, my dear little ones! You look like you could use some assistance. Klaus You're going to need some assistance when we get back to town! We'll tell everything and you'll go to jail! Count Olaf Who'll believe two urchins and a monkey, confused by their tragic ordeal, and without any evidence? [fades; shows children aboard Olaf's boat] Violet They'll believe Aunt Josephine! Count Olaf Only if they find her... Your stunt at the window proved you hadn't been a trustworthy person. On the other hand I could show mercy... [pans to Aunt Josephine in boat] Aunt Josephine Haven't, not hadn't. Count Olaf What? Aunt Josephine That's bad grammar. You should have said "you haven't been a very trustworthy person". [pans back to Olaf's boat] Count Olaf Thank you for correcting me. Bye, now. [pans back to Aunt Josephine's boat, disappearing east; pans left to show Mr. Poe halfway up a third Lighthouse] Mr. Poe Children! Thank goodness you're safe. Come ashore at once! [fades] ............................................................................... : Butterflies Area 8/8 Total 219/250 Quest 95% : ............................................................................... : Books "Chimbley Sweep" by Colin December - 2 3 4 5 6 : : "Up the Down Way" by Upton Dawn All : : "The Wind in the Bellows" by Saul Herzog Used : : "Kid on a Hot Thin Roof" by Kansas Bills Used : : "The Grapple Speed Record" by Tres Vito All : : "Street Detective" by Paul P. Wickson Used : : "The Basic Nine" by Danny Handy Used : : "Reptile Hopscotch" by Julitoad Cortázar Used : : "The Persnickety Platform" by Skye McCloud All : : "The Voyage Outside" by the Virginian Wolfsnake Used : : "Fudging the Future" by Madame Lulu Used : : "Tree-Hopping for Dunces" by Mssr. Lulu Used : : "A Vital Fireman's Diary" by Ike Anwhisle Used : ............................................................................... : Inventions Apple-Chucker Upgrades All Capacity (x2, 99), Speed (x3) : : Water Pump Upgrades All Capacity (x2, 99), Absorb : : Parasol Glider Upgrades -- : ............................................................................... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cloudy Cliffs Court ............................................................................... [original platform on Cloudy Cliffs Court] Count Olaf When I heard the children were in danger, I had to come [to] their rescue. Even if I'm not fit to be their guardian... Mr. Poe Oh, but you are, Count Olaf. I fear I have gravely misjudged you... Violet No you haven't! He's even worse than you thought! Count Olaf Pipe down, I'm not finished yet. Even the MASSIVE INHERITANCE would be a constant reminder of my heartache... Mr. Poe Oh, you WOULDN'T inherit the Baudelaire FORTUNE. That only applies to blood relatives and MARRIED couples. Count Olaf MARRIED COUPLES, you say... hmm, I believe I have a new ending for my PLAY. I shall celebrate the children's return with the debut. The entire town shall be invited! Mr. Poe Lovely! I always enjoy an evening at the theatre. Sunny Bokkoo! (This isn't theatre, it's farce!) Mr. Poe Listen to her gurgle with delight! Now I know I've made the right choice. |STORY NOTE The game isn't particularly good at telling the full story of | what happens here... if you've not read the books nor seen the | film before (as I hadn't when I first played), you're not | totally sure what's happened. After I finished the game, I have | managed to see the film, so can fill in some more details: Count Olaf realises that the only way to get his hands on the Baudelaire fortune is by marriage -- to Violet! The only way he can achieve this is by (a) dangling Sunny in a basket from the top of the Tower, to force Violet to comply; and (b) to disguise the ceremony within a play, so Mr. Poe can't object -- his secret is casting Justice Strauss in the play, so that the marriage is legal! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tower Butterflies +7 [B3TO] Quest +3% Book Pages -- ............................................................................... Klaus I've got to get Sunny out of that tower... then Count Olaf will have no hold on Violet. If Violet were here she'd figure out an invention to get Sunny out of the tower. Think... what would Violet do... what would Violet do... [pans across three objects lying on the floor] I've got it! I can unroll that SPIRAL carpet, attach those SHOWER CURTAIN RINGS, and a PARASOL SKELETON, and make a GRAPPLING HOOK! INVENTION Grappling Hook --------- -------------- Components Spiral Carpet Shower Curtain Rings Parasol Skeleton And you once more have control, but of course without the help of Violet or Sunny. Head right (you don't have much option!) and collect the three parts you saw during the cut-scene along the way: COMPONENT Parasol Skeleton {+1%} --------- ----------------------- COMPONENT Shower Curtain Rings {+1%} --------- --------------------------- COMPONENT Spiral Carpet {+1%} --------- -------------------- When you pick up the third, you are taken to the Invention screen to put them all together: INVENTION Grappling Hook --------- -------------- Use Allows Klaus to throw out a Grappling Hook to cling to the bottom of ledges, platforms, stairs etc. He can then swing and jump to get to new areas. |NOTE After jumping ("A"), press "A" again to send out your Grappling | Hook. If the Hook catches the underside of a ledge, floor, | stairs etc., AND you keep "A" pressed, Klaus will swing back and | forth. You can increase his swing by alternating LEFT and RIGHT on the D-Pad (all while keeping "A" pressed). UP and DOWN on the D-Pad will shorten or lengthen the swing -- if the swing is too long, you may hit a neighbouring platform when you release the Hook and bump into it instead of landing on it. If the swing is too short, you may not reach where you want to land. When you release "A", Klaus will sail off in the direction he's swinging, much as though he had jumped. For best results, release the button at the left or right extent of the swing. |TIP Normally, the Hook will be thrown in the direction of the jump | (i.e. jumping left and pressing "A" will fire the Hook | diagonally towards the top-left). Pressing UP as you press "A" | will throw the Hook straight up. |TIP You can "hop" along a ceiling by repeated use of the Grappling | Hook: release "A" at one side of the swing and press (and hold) | it again almost straight away -- you should catch hold a little | further along. For best results, don't let the rope get too | long, otherwise it won't be able to reach the next hook-point | (press UP occasionally before you release to shorten the swing). |NOTE It will take some practice at first, but I found getting the | hang of how the Grappling Hook works wasn't too bad (and I'm not | the world's best platformer by any means). However, it's much harder to be able to do every jump and swing consistently well! There are many hook-jumps needed to get up the Tower, and mistiming one can drop you back quite a way: expect to do a lot of backtracking! (Also, there are lots of Bats flying around in awkward places, so it's all too easy to do the hook-jumps correctly, but have to start over from the beginning because your Misery Meter is full!) Luckily, for this journey climbing the tower, there's no time limit -- you can take as long as you need, so long as you get there! As you climb the steps on the right-hand side of the Tower, Lemony Snicket pops up with basic instructions on the Grappling Hook: Lemony Snicket Nice Grappling Hook you've got. PRESS and HOLD the A BUTTON in the air to use the grappling HOOK. |TIP Since the Tower can prove quite hard, now is probably a very | good time to save your game! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . WARNING I would doubly-recommend saving after you've built the Grappling Hook since the Tower seems to be particularly subject to GLITCHES which can FREEZE YOUR GAME and force you to switch your GameBoy off and on again. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Your first test of your Grappling Hook prowess happens immediately: there's a wooden platform overhead, and another -- out of normal jumping range -- back to the left. This latter is the one we want to get to. |TIP Start from part-way up the stairs. Hold UP (so Klaus is looking | straight up) and tap "A" to make him jump. Press and hold "A" | again, and he should catch the bottom of the platform above. Keeping "A" pressed all the while, experiment with the D-Pad: shorten and lengthen the rope with UP and DOWN; control the amount of swing by pressing LEFT and RIGHT. When you're happy, set the length so that you don't clip your feet on the platform to the left, get a good swing going, and release "A" at the furthest-left point of the swing -- you should land nicely on the Platform. |NOTE If you spend too long playing around, you may find a Hook Handed | Man has ambled to the edge of the platform you're trying to jump | to -- this isn't a good position to meet him! I would suggest having a "play around" to get the hang of the Grappling Hook and, if the Hook Handed Man appears, reloading (assuming you saved as I suggested above). Head left and you'll soon meet the Hook Handed Man mentioned above. Take him out in the normal way -- have Klaus jump over him when he ducks and squirt him from behind. |NOTE Although it's easy to do, don't be tempted to just jump over the | Hook Handed Man and carry on -- if you don't get rid of him, | there's a large wall ahead that will block your path. It's of | the type that Sunny could ROLL through, but as Sunny isn't | available, you're going to have to deal with the Hook Handed Man! |GLITCH It IS possible to get past the wall ahead without taking out the | Hook Handed Man! It may take several attempts, but it's just | possible to get the Grappling Hook to attach to the ceiling | beyond the wall, which will allow you to swing "through" the | wall. This could be particularly useful if Klaus runs out of water, as there's no supply this side of the wall. Many thanks to "Yacob147" on GameFAQs for finding the above and letting me describe it here. To the left there's a gap in the floor where you'll have to Grapple-Hook onto the platform above to get across. Climb the steps at the left-hand side of the tower and start heading right. There are three gaps where you'll need to Grapple-Hook across the ceiling before getting to the right-hand side (try to watch out for Bats as you go). |TIP You can get across this stretch by one continuous Grapple-Hook | run across the ceiling -- just by briefly releasing and re- | pressing "A" as you make your way across. Climb part-way up the steps on the right then jump and Grapple-Hook to the platform above -- swing to land on the floor to the left and use a Moving Platform so that you can jump out on the left-hand side to where two Hanging Spiders are waiting. Across to the left the floor drops away: the destination platform is across to the left, and the ceiling above allows you to Grapple-Hook across. |NOTE There's an optional bit here: if you drop down instead of | Grappling across, you can pick up a full Heart Locket (although | unless you're very close to filling your meter, it might be best | to do the next little bit first). At the bottom, there's an inactive Moving Platform. Walk left and jump up straight and Grapple-Hook the ceiling to swing left out of the pit. Carry on to the left and drop into a narrow pit -- the Full Heart Locket is at the bottom. Use the small (fixed) platform to jump back out, then jump and Grapple-Hook the ceiling to swing over left next to a Lever. Pull the Lever to activate the Moving Platform back at the right- hand side where you came in -- head back and use this to escape. Grapple-Hook across the gap as above and continue your journey. Carry on to the left, up some stairs, and jump up a small wall to get to a Water Pipe, where you may want to recharge Klaus's pump before Grapple-Hooking along the ceiling back to the right. |WARNING As you climb the steps, several Bats are released; more are | released when you get to the Water Pipe -- be ready for these if | you don't want your Misery Meter to rise too far. If you didn't collect it before, you might want to go back for the Full Heart Locket described above. Grapple-Hook across the ceiling until the ceiling lowers slightly -- drop at this point and you will be in a small pit with another Hook Handed Man. He's no more difficult than usual, but the confined space makes the battle slightly harder than normal. As before, you can't just ignore him, as there's a wall ahead that only disappears once he's defeated. |TIP Because of the constricted space, he will often crowd you | against one of the pit's walls. You will probably need to | perfect jumping over him while he's standing. |NOTE Unlike the wall from first Hook Handed Man, it DOESN'T look | likely that you can "glitch" your way past this one, so you WILL | have to deal with him. If anyone HAS got past, please let me | know. To get out of the pit, you will need to jump straight up and throw the Grappling Hook at the ceiling and then swing and jump to the right (you need to do this slightly back from the right-hand wall of the pit, as the ceiling rises at this point). To the right of the pit a couple of large steps lead down to an area with a few Spiders running around the floor. You don't NEED to go down here, but it may be wise to get rid of the Spiders now, as you may be dropping in unexpectedly in a moment, and you don't want to land on them! (There's also another Water Pipe at the right-hand end.) After you've cleared the area below (or if you don't want to bother), start from the highest level on the left and Grapple-Hook your way across the ceiling to land on a series of stacked platforms sticking out from the right- hand wall, decreasing in size as they go up. |TIP The ceiling platform stops a little way from the first of these | platforms, so you'll have to swing to make the last bit. It's | also easy for your Grappling Hook to try to "hook" beyond the | end of the ceiling. If this happens, you'll drop to the area | below and will have to try again -- try varying the length of | the rope as you swing across the ceiling. Make your way to the upper (smallest) platform then swing across to the left. Jump up the large steps and on the left there's a third Hook Handed Man to get rid of. Watch out for several Bats in this area that make things more Miserable. |CHEAT? Unlike the first two Hook Handed Men, this one does NOT cause a | wall to disappear when you beat him. Instead, it activates a | Vertical Moving Platform. However, it's relatively easy to get | to where the Platform leads by Grapple Hooking. Drop down into a well to the left of the Hook Handed Man to collect a probably much-needed Full Heart Locket. Climb back out and Grapple-Jump across the gap to the left and a Moving Platform will take up to the next level. |NOTE If you bypassed the Hook Handed Man, the Platform won't be | moving. Instead, head up the ledge to the left and Grapple Hook | back across the ceiling. Grapple-jump across several gaps to the right to land on a ledge with a small (non-moving) platform on it that lets you set off back left again! |WARNING Watch out for the Red Spiders around here -- they can be | annoying. Jump to another small platform -- this one is a Sinking one -- so quickly jump up to the ledge on the left. Grapple-Swing across to the left and perform a normal (non-Grapple) jump off the ledge you land on. You should land near the Trigger Point for "The Grapple Speed Record" (or by some steps that lead left to it). Beyond this is the door out of the Tower. For the "Grapple Speed Record", you start at the bottom of the tower and have to Grapple your way to the top in 125 seconds or less! You may wish to offer up a silent prayer of thanks to any Deities you may believe in that the Hook Handed Men are not present during the speed-run -- although there may still be a few Bats dotted around. |WARNING You have to decide whether you want to attempt the Grapple Speed | Record now or later. Here are my "pros & cons": o If you go through the door from the Tower, you enter the final phase of the game. You won't be able to return to the Tower until the main part of the game is over. o If you attempt the Grapple Speed Record and take too long, nothing bad happens, you just have to finish climbing back up before you can either try again or go through the door. o If your Misery Meter reaches maximum while attempting the Grapple Speed Record, you WILL "die" as normal and have to restart the WHOLE Tower from the bottom, INCLUDING having to face the Hook Handed Men again! o Even if you save at the top, because the last door you passed through was the one at the bottom of the Tower, if you restart you will ALSO start from the bottom and have to face the Hook Handed Men again! o The reward you get from completing Grapple Speed Record (other than pure satisfaction) WON'T help you in the final stages. On balance, you may want to leave the Grapple Speed Record until after you complete the main game. Unless, like me, you're aiming to get as much as it is possible to collect at every point in the game. If you've had a hard time doing the Tower the first time, and haven't been going for the maximum number of Butterflies, leaving it for later is probably best. |TIP The 125 seconds you are given is not TOO difficult a target to | meet, providing you remember the basic route and don't make too | many mistakes in getting to the top. Despite this, it will | probably take a few attempts before you succeed. The reward when you get back to the top within the allowed time is quite substantial -- all seven Butterflies for the Tower and a large collection of Photographs. |NOTE If you have found all Quest Points (that I know of), you will | have 98% going into the final encounter, although it is possible | to have as few as 96%. Please see the note at the end of the | "Quest Points" {QPTS} section at the end of this document for | more discussion of this. ............................................................................... : Butterflies Area 7/7 Total 226/250 Quest 98% : ............................................................................... : Books "Chimbley Sweep" by Colin December - 2 3 4 5 6 : : "Up the Down Way" by Upton Dawn All : : "The Wind in the Bellows" by Saul Herzog Used : : "Kid on a Hot Thin Roof" by Kansas Bills Used : : "The Grapple Speed Record" by Tres Vito Used : : "Street Detective" by Paul P. Wickson Used : : "The Basic Nine" by Danny Handy Used : : "Reptile Hopscotch" by Julitoad Cortázar Used : : "The Persnickety Platform" by Skye McCloud All : : "The Voyage Outside" by the Virginian Wolfsnake Used : : "Fudging the Future" by Madame Lulu Used : : "Tree-Hopping for Dunces" by Mssr. Lulu Used : : "A Vital Fireman's Diary" by Ike Anwhisle Used : ............................................................................... : Inventions Apple-Chucker Upgrades All Capacity (x2, 99), Speed (x3) : : Water Pump Upgrades All Capacity (x2, 99), Absorb : : Parasol Glider Upgrades -- : : Grappling-Hook Upgrades -- : ............................................................................... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ocular Tower Book 3 [B3EP] Epilogue ............................................................................... Klaus [over film stills] The Ocular Device is ready to operate! I have to aim at the marriage license to burn it. I'd better be watchful. Persons of the hench persuasion may be on their way here right now to stop me! The Ocular Device could slow them down. |STORY NOTE Again, the game doesn't seem to do a very good job of explaining | what's happening if you haven't seen the film or (presumably) | read the books. I guess the excuse is that most players would | have read or seen one or the other, or probably both! If you | neither seen the film nor read the books, a little clarification: Klaus has reached the top of the Tower, and brought Sunny to safety. However, he was too late to stop the ceremony, and the Marriage License has already been signed! His (and his two sisters') only hope is to destroy the Marriage License. The problem is, Olaf has the License down on the stage, while Klaus is stuck at the top of the Tower! At the top of the Tower, Klaus finds the OCULAR DEVICE -- this focuses sunlight through a large lens to produce an intense beam of heat and light that can be focused at will -- THIS was what Count Olaf used on the children's parent's house to burn it to the ground and make them orphans in the first place (as well as using it for several other unexplained fires). In a satisfyingly apt twist of fate for Count Olaf, Klaus must now make use of the Ocular Device to burn the Marriage License that Olaf is brandishing gloatingly on stage. At the same time, he must also use it delay the "persons of the hench persuasion" that are making their way across the stage to reach him in the Tower. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ocular Tower Book 3 [B3BB] Boss Battle Quest +2 ............................................................................... You regain control, overlooking the stage with control of a set of "gun sights" -- the Ocular Device of which Klaus spoke. You control it using the D- Pad to manoeuvre the sight around the screen to the desired point and press "B" to fire. You can either TAP "B" for a short shot, or hold it down for longer bursts of heat. Unfortunately, the sky is rather overcast, so the number of shots, or the length of the bursts is limited. The amount of "power" available is shown by eight lights arranged above the "eye" in the upper-middle of the screen. Over time, when the Ocular Device isn't being used, these will light up, starting with the left and working right. As you draw upon the Device's power, they begin to go back out again. In the top-left corner of the screen are three "henchman" faces -- these represent your "lives" in this final mini-game. If all three of these are "crossed off" (see below) you will lose and have to start again. The top-right corner shows the state of the Marriage License -- it starts of whole, but as you manage to burn arts of it away, it will shrink. You will have defeated Count Olaf when you reduce it to nothing. On stage, you will see Count Olaf proudly strutting around, pumped up with his own importance; periodically he will unfurl the Marriage License to gloat over the success of his plan -- your main task is to wipe the gloat from his face by destroying the Marriage License. |TIP It will take at least four good bursts from the Ocular Device to | fully burn the License away -- I think "burst mode" is best for | this -- hold "B" down whenever you get the Ocular Device's sight | over the License. You can, of course, only burn the License | while Olaf is brandishing it. However, things aren't quite that simple... At Olaf's urging, groups of two or three Henchmen will cross the three levels of the stage -- left-to-right on the middle walkway (where Olaf is); through the door at the end to the level above, then right-to-left on the upper level. If they make it to the door on the left-hand side of the upper-level, one of the three faces in the top-left corner of the screen will be crossed out. If all three are crossed out, you will have to start again. |TIP Concentrate mainly on Count Olaf -- follow him as he strides | back and forth along the middle walkway, ready to hit the | Marriage License with a good burst from the Ocular Device | whenever you can. When you see some Henchmen approaching, switch focus to them. Use "single shots" (i.e. just tap "B"); aiming at the leading edge (or even very slightly in front) of the Henchmen. Each shot will make them stumble and pause briefly. Around three or four shots should be sufficient to fell them. Always try to go for the front Henchman each time, to delay their overall progress across the stage as much as possible. If a Henchman (or men) make it to the right-hand end of the middle level and go through the door to the upper level, move the sight DIAGONALLY up and left as he/they will be almost halfway across by the time you get there. If you just go straight up, you're liable to not have enough time. I didn't bother focusing on the lower level of the stage, since time spent looking for Henchmen there means missed opportunities to burn the Marriage License. When you eventually burn away the whole of the Marriage License: {+2%} Count Olaf [over film stills] You think you've won? You think it's over? It's not. This world is a far more frightening place than you could ever imagine and you're just little children, alone in it. And now... I must make my escape. Mr. Poe Don't worry children, I'm sure the authorities will catch Count Olaf soon. You must be feeling hopeful about your next guardian, so perhaps we should be on our way. Lemony Snicket Though what my investigation has uncovered so far has been bleak, I fear it does not describe the worst of what will occur to the Baudelaire children. It saddens me to predict that their lives will continue unhappily, and will be filled with danger, adventure, terrible guardians, villainous scoundrels and worse. You are then prompted to overwrite the current save slot... do this, and you will be able to load the game after the credits and continue to search throughout all three areas for missing Book Pages and Butterflies. |NOTE With the possible exception of one Butterfly (one of the ones | during the long drop from the Dressing Room Crawlspace), I'm | _fairly_ confident this is the most Butterflies and Book Pages | that can have been collected before playing in "free" mode. If | anybody can confirm that you CAN get an extra Butterfly in the | long drop, or verifiably do better, I'd love to hear from you! ............................................................................... : Butterflies Area -- Total 226/250 Quest 100% : ............................................................................... : Books "Chimbley Sweep" by Colin December - 2 3 4 5 6 : : "Up the Down Way" by Upton Dawn All : : "The Wind in the Bellows" by Saul Herzog Used : : "Kid on a Hot Thin Roof" by Kansas Bills Used : : "The Grapple Speed Record" by Tres Vito Used : : "Street Detective" by Paul P. Wickson Used : : "The Basic Nine" by Danny Handy Used : : "Reptile Hopscotch" by Julitoad Cortázar Used : : "The Persnickety Platform" by Skye McCloud All : : "The Voyage Outside" by the Virginian Wolfsnake Used : : "Fudging the Future" by Madame Lulu Used : : "Tree-Hopping for Dunces" by Mssr. Lulu Used : : "A Vital Fireman's Diary" by Ike Anwhisle Used : ............................................................................... : Inventions Apple-Chucker Upgrades All Capacity (x2, 99), Speed (x3) : : Water Pump Upgrades All Capacity (x2, 99), Absorb : : Parasol Glider Upgrades -- : : Grappling-Hook Upgrades -- : ............................................................................... ()===========================================================================() || || || After the Game ... All Butterflies || || [AGAB] || || || ()===========================================================================() Assuming you saved after burning the Marriage License, you can play again by loading from the Save Slot. You will then be able to move freely among all areas of the game, to catch any Butterflies that you had either missed before, or weren't accessible before (e.g. because you didn't have Sunny's Parasol Glider). A few changes or additions have been made to allow you to pass between the three "Books " of the main game: o You once again start on the Briny Beach, though now the right-hand end leads to Doldrum Detour (via an enforced stop at Ocean's Edge to play the skipping game). o You can return along Doldrum Drive into Count Olaf's house; the door at the top of the Stage now leads to Uncle Montgomery's Front Garden. o The right-hand side of the Forest Clearing, now leads to outside Aunt Josephine's House in Lachrymose Lane. o The sign near the Grocer at Cloudy Cliffs Court East now leads to Lachrymose Lake. o The window in Ike's Secret Room that triggered the trip on Lachrymose Lake now leads to a high window on the outside of the house. The sections that follow describe my trip back through the three Books to collect that which couldn't be reached before. Generally, the descriptions are briefer, and where I pass through several rooms without collecting anything, they have been lumped together in one section. If you've not been collecting all Butterflies, keep checking the Inventory Screen to see in which rooms you are missing some. Refer to entries for that room in the main part of the Walkthrough in addition to the notes here. Where additional Butterflies can be caught (i.e. ones that weren't available the first time through) this is shown as in the main part of the Walkthrough (e.g. "+2"). For Book Pages, if you've been diligent, you should only have one page to complete your entire Library (page 1 of "Chimbley Sweep", to be found in the Downstairs Hall of Olaf's house). You also get to use the three unused books -- the above, plus "Up the Down Way" and "The Persnickety Platform" (twice). If you're missing any other pages, see section "Books: Page Locations and USE" {BPLU} where I list the locations of all pages. I ignore Quest Points in this section, since you always start this "after game" on 100%, no matter what score you were on when you went into the final encounter with Olaf. Please see the note at the end of the "Quest Points" {QPTS} section at the end of this document for more discussion of this. Rooms where "something happens" (i.e., we're not just passing through) are labelled in a similar manner to the main walkthrough, although where before I had "B1xx" (for "Book 1 xxx"), I now have "A1xx" etc. (for "After-game Book 1 xxx"). ()===========================================================================() || || || Book One -- Count Olaf || || [A1CO] || || || ()===========================================================================() ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Briny Beach Ocean's Edge Doldrum Detour Doldrum Drive West Doldrum Drive Downstairs Hall ............................................................................... All Butterflies were available on the first visit, so there shouldn't be anything to do unless you missed some. Just head east (right) to re-enter the Downstairs Hall. Head right past the Chimney and enter the Kitchen again. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kitchen Butterflies +1 [A1KI] Book Pages +1 ............................................................................... There was one Butterfly we couldn't get in the Kitchen, although we could see it above the Broken Window. To get it, head left from the door and climb up the cupboards and shelves around the first window you get to. From the lower- right of the two chandeliers at the top of the room, use Sunny's Parasol Glider to drift down to the right where you should land on the final Butterfly. To the right is a Thermal Lift that will allow you to get to the final page of the final Book: ............................................................................... : Book "Chimbley Sweep" by Colin December [1]2 3 4 5 6 : ............................................................................... Now glide back to the left, climb back up and head to the window leading to the Courtyard. |NOTE Even if you hadn't opened this window with the Paint Scraper | during the main game, you will now find that it is open. The | same is true of the window in the Orphan's Room. ............................................................................... : Butterflies Area 6/6 Total 227/250 Quest 100% : ............................................................................... : Books "Chimbley Sweep" by Colin December All : : "Up the Down Way" by Upton Dawn All : : "The Wind in the Bellows" by Saul Herzog Used : : "Kid on a Hot Thin Roof" by Kansas Bills Used : : "The Grapple Speed Record" by Tres Vito Used : : "Street Detective" by Paul P. Wickson Used : : "The Basic Nine" by Danny Handy Used : : "Reptile Hopscotch" by Julitoad Cortázar Used : : "The Persnickety Platform" by Skye McCloud All : : "The Voyage Outside" by the Virginian Wolfsnake Used : : "Fudging the Future" by Madame Lulu Used : : "Tree-Hopping for Dunces" by Mssr. Lulu Used : : "A Vital Fireman's Diary" by Ike Anwhisle Used : ............................................................................... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Courtyard Butterflies +1 [A1CY] Book Pages -- ............................................................................... If you wish to retry the Grappling-Hook (or -- perhaps wisely -- you didn't attempt it the first time), the door to the Tower is now open. However, to get the Courtyard's missing Butterfly, head across to the far- right and climb to the top of the tree next to the side of the house. Jump to the branch on the left that rises steeply -- at it's peak, have Sunny Jump-and- Glide to the right and you should land on the roof of the house. There's a bit of branch above the roof that you can JUST Jump-and-Glide to from the top of the roof; once you do, hop up a series of small branches to get to the missing Butterfly. |NOTE You can Jump-and-Glide from the very top branch to land on a | much longer branch extending to the left of the tree. You'll | meet a Hook Handed Man here, but he shouldn't be too hard to get | rid off -- a couple of shots should do it. |TIP He didn't seem too keen to duck and throw hooks at you -- at | various points along the branch, you can use natural height | advantages to help jump over him and drench him from behind. |NOTE This branch feels like it's here for a reason, but although you | can Jump-and-Glide into the Rooftop area to the left, it doesn't | seem to get you anywhere you can't get normally. Anybody know | better? One way or another, head left back to the Rooftop. ............................................................................... : Butterflies Area 7/7 Total 228/250 Quest 100% : ............................................................................... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rooftop Butterflies +6 [A1RT] Book Pages -- ............................................................................... Make your way back to the top of the Chimney (where you fixed the Pulley System -- see entry in main Walkthrough if you need help) -- have Sunny Jump- and-Glide to the left. Using two sets of Thermal Lifts to help her on her way you should land on another rooftop. There are four Butterflies (of the six remaining to be caught) above the roof and around the aerial. The fifth is above another aerial over on the left-hand side of the roof, and the sixth is accessible from the two small Moving Platforms. When you have all the Butterflies, pull the Lever at the top of the roof and jump aboard the Moving Platform that appears -- it will give you a ride back to the top of the Chimney. Make your way the rest of the way back to the Courtyard. ............................................................................... : Butterflies Area 14/14 Total 234/250 Quest 100% : ............................................................................... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Courtyard Orphan's Room Upstairs Hall ............................................................................... Descend the ladder and jump across to the window back to the Orphan's Room. Drop down to the door and return to the Upstairs Hall. Head across to the left and use the Moving Platform to get the top ledge where there's the vent to the upper part of the Chimney. |NOTE You could have dropped down to the ground in the Courtyard and | gone back to the Downstairs Hall and directly to the Chimney | from there, but then you would have had to climb all the way up | to the top of the Chimney. |NOTE Even if you hadn't opened the window to the Orphan's Room with | the Paint Scraper during the main game, you will now find that | it is open. The same is true of the window in the Kitchen. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chimney Butterflies +1 [A1CH] Book Pages -- ............................................................................... Drop down to the large ledge below the vent and activate the Trigger Point: BOOK USE "Chimbley Sweep" -------- ---------------- Book Text Enter the code at the top of the CHIMNEY. Float carefully down and your fortune's made. Code DOWN, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT, DOWN Effect Butterfly (x1) and Photographs. Once entered, a whole load of Photographs appear down the Chimney and the missing Butterfly will be found at the bottom. As far as I can tell, you don't need to be either particularly careful, or actually float! Return to the Downstairs Hall once you have the Butterfly. ............................................................................... : Butterflies Area 2/2 Total 235/250 Quest 100% : ............................................................................... : Books "Chimbley Sweep" by Colin December Used : : "Up the Down Way" by Upton Dawn All : : "The Wind in the Bellows" by Saul Herzog Used : : "Kid on a Hot Thin Roof" by Kansas Bills Used : : "The Grapple Speed Record" by Tres Vito Used : : "Street Detective" by Paul P. Wickson Used : : "The Basic Nine" by Danny Handy Used : : "Reptile Hopscotch" by Julitoad Cortázar Used : : "The Persnickety Platform" by Skye McCloud All : : "The Voyage Outside" by the Virginian Wolfsnake Used : : "Fudging the Future" by Madame Lulu Used : : "Tree-Hopping for Dunces" by Mssr. Lulu Used : : "A Vital Fireman's Diary" by Ike Anwhisle Used : ............................................................................... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Downstairs Hall Actor's Wing Dressing Room ............................................................................... Head across to the left-hand end of the hall and re-enter the Actor's Wing. Climb up the right-hand side of the room then head across left back to the door to the Dressing Room. Head across to the left, switch to Sunny to crawl through the hole and return to the Dressing Room Crawlspace. |NOTE Opening the Wardrobe in the Dressing Room awards a Quest Point | during the main game, but can be skipped. If you wait until now | to open it, your score DOESN'T go to 101%! (But you will get the | Butterflies left inside). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dressing Room Crawlspace Butterflies +3 [A1DC] Book Pages -- ............................................................................... Head left, climb back up the long vertical shaft and Jump-and-Glide into the long drop -- the Parasol will give you time to reach the three Butterflies that you couldn't get to the first time through. |TIP Head over to the right for the first "missing" Butterfly; there | should be none in the second screen; in the third screen head | initially to the left and then across to the right. |TIP Keep the "A" button pressed as you transition from one screen to | the other -- at the top of each section it will take a fraction | of a second before Sunny opens her Parasol. If you give in to | the temptation to re-press the button, you'll spend the rest of | the screen dropping normally (i.e., like a brick). |NOTE Now I know where all three Butterflies that I originally missed | are, I'm pretty confident that the first two could NOT have been | caught without the Parasol Glider, but I suspect that the third | one (on the right in the third screen) COULD have been caught. | If anyone can confirm this (or has managed to catch either of | the first two), please could you let me know. |NOTE Given the hit-and-miss nature of this area the first time | through, this is the room that even a dedicated Butterfly | Collector is most likely to have missed Butterflies in -- now | that you have the Parasol Glider, finishing it shouldn't be a | problem. ............................................................................... : Butterflies Area 11/11 Total 238/250 Quest 100% : ............................................................................... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dressing Room Actor's Wing Downstairs Hall Upstairs Hall Stage ............................................................................... Head back right, drop to the floor and return to the Actor's Wing. Head right again and drop down to the door back to the Downstairs Hall. Head right once more and use the two Apple Core Switches to get back to the stairs leading to the Upstairs Hall (shoot the upper one to bring the Moving Platform down; stand on it and use the lower switch to send it up to the stairs). In the Upstairs Hall, jump and go left for the door to the stage. Finally cross the Stage's three levels (right-to-left; left-to-right; right-to-left). The only complication is a Powder-Bomb-throwing White-Faced Woman on the highest level. The door at the left of the upper level now leads to Uncle Montgomery's Front Garden. ()===========================================================================() || || || Book Two -- Uncle Montgomery || || [AGUM] || || || ()===========================================================================() ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Front Garden Montgomery Halls Downstairs Reptile Room ............................................................................... You emerge in Uncle Monty's Front Garden; a new Sign directs you back to Count Olaf's House on the left. Although there are some missing Butterflies to collect in the Front Garden, we won't get them now, as we'll be coming back this way later. |NOTE In tidying up this Walkthrough, I've just realised there's | probably a quicker route than the one I describe below. I've | not tested this, but it should work! If you want to try it, collect the four missing Butterflies from the Front Garden before going back in the house (they're on the window ledge above; see the section below for full details). Instead, head slightly right then jump left to the steps that take you up to the door back to Montgomery Halls Downstairs. Cross the hall to the right, back to the middle where you originally started Book 2 and the entrance to the Reptile Room. Re-enter the Reptile Room and head right to the Snake Statue and the door to the Alaskan Cow Lizard. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Alaskan Cow Lizard Butterflies +1 [A2AC] Book Pages -- ............................................................................... Make your way right back to the top where the Alaskan Cow Lizard was -- as you start to climb up the stars, the White-Faced Woman will begin to throw Powder Bombs again, so don't dawdle in taking her out. Refer to the earlier notes if you need help getting to the top. Head right as before to the long drop back down and switch to Sunny -- her Parasol Glider will enable you to move to the left in time to catch the missing Butterfly before dropping back to the entrance. ............................................................................... : Butterflies Area 11/11 Total 239/250 Quest 100% : ............................................................................... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Reptile Room Montgomery Halls Downstairs ............................................................................... Return to the Reptile room and head left back to the Montgomery Halls Downstairs; head out of the "pit" to the right and up the first set of steps to return to the Guest Room. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Guest Room Butterflies +2 [A2GR] Book Pages -- ............................................................................... Head to the left-hand side of the room and make your way up to the top of the room using the Ladder and Sinking Platforms, much as you did before. Switch to Sunny to break through the wall and drop down the shaft to get to the Trigger Point for "Up the Down Way", which we can now use: BOOK USE "Up the Down Way" -------- ----------------- Book Text For an UPWARDS ride, go to Monty's GUEST ROOM, and ENTER the following CODE. Did I mention you'll need a PARASOL GLIDER? Code "L", "A", "R", RIGHT, DOWN Effect Activates Thermal Lifts giving Butterflies (x2). Once activated, several Thermal Lifts will appear in the shaft you've just dropped down; ride these with Sunny's Parasol Glider and you will collect the two missing Butterflies. Drop back down the shaft and return through the bathroom area to the door back to the Downstairs Hall. ............................................................................... : Butterflies Area 4/4 Total 241/250 Quest 100% : ............................................................................... : Books "Chimbley Sweep" by Colin December Used : : "Up the Down Way" by Upton Dawn Used : : "The Wind in the Bellows" by Saul Herzog Used : : "Kid on a Hot Thin Roof" by Kansas Bills Used : : "The Grapple Speed Record" by Tres Vito Used : : "Street Detective" by Paul P. Wickson Used : : "The Basic Nine" by Danny Handy Used : : "Reptile Hopscotch" by Julitoad Cortázar Used : : "The Persnickety Platform" by Skye McCloud All : : "The Voyage Outside" by the Virginian Wolfsnake Used : : "Fudging the Future" by Madame Lulu Used : : "Tree-Hopping for Dunces" by Mssr. Lulu Used : : "A Vital Fireman's Diary" by Ike Anwhisle Used : ............................................................................... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Montgomery Halls Downstairs Montgomery Halls Upstairs ............................................................................... Head right to the Upstairs Hall and make your way past the Writing Room across to Gustav's Room (watch out for another White-Faced Woman as you go). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gustav's Room Butterflies +1 [A2GR] Book Pages -- ............................................................................... The Handbag-Throwing White-Faced Woman from your first visit is back, but assuming you only have the one "missing" Butterfly to collect, you don't need to worry about her. Switch to Violet and have her climb the vine to the right of the door. At the top, jump to the ledge on the right, then back left using the small ledge to get to the longer ledge above the snake's head. Switch to Sunny and have her Jump-and-Glide down to the left and you should land on a small platform to catch the last Butterfly. Jump down to the right and go back out the door. |NOTE If you're trying my alternate route, head into the Writing Room | as you return from Gustav's Room; there should be a Moving | Platform that takes you to the upper area of the room and lets | you go through the window to the far right end of the Back | Garden. Skip forward in this Walkthrough to the Evergreen | Montgomery Forest and continue from there. ............................................................................... : Butterflies Area 14/14 Total 242/250 Quest 100% : ............................................................................... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Montgomery Halls Upstairs Montgomery Halls Downstairs ............................................................................... Head back left across the Upstairs Hall -- taking out the Powder-Bomb-throwing White-Faced Woman in passing -- and descend to the Downstairs Hall. Head left all the way across the floor and leave back into the Front Garden. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Front Garden Butterflies +4 [A2FG] Book Pages -- ............................................................................... Head right past the end of the house and jump up the hedges to get next to the Ink Switch (Purple x25). The Moving Platform that this activated last time should still be going (though it might take a while to come into view), so jump on to it. Jump off to the left on to the swing below the extended eaves of the house. As Sunny, Jump-and-Glide off the left-hand side to drift down on to a ledge below the upper-storey windows. Along to the left you will find a few Photographs and the four remaining Butterflies. Return to the Moving Platform and jump off on to the swing on the right, and from there jump over the thin hedge (the gate at the bottom will be locked again). Carry on right to return to the Back Garden. |NOTE If you're trying my alternate route, after collecting the | Butterflies return to the house: use the door to the left to | enter Montgomery Halls Downstairs. ............................................................................... : Butterflies Area 12/12 Total 246/250 Quest 100% : ............................................................................... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Back Garden Evergreen Montgomery Forest Forest Clearing ............................................................................... Head right all the way through the garden until you get to the tree before Uncle Monty's Shed. Climb this to get to the far side of the shed, then carry on past the Ladder you repaired to get back to the Evergreen Montgomery Forest. |NOTE Those following my alternate route will rejoin us at the ladder | -- welcome back! Although the Virginian Wolfsnake is no longer here, the Ladybug IS here and will lead you through the Transfer Points to the Forest Clearing (refer to the earlier description if you need help following it). Once you reach the Forest Cleaing, make your way up the trees -- as before -- to drop down on the Treadmill and so get into the Virginian Wolfsnake's hut. Climb up and head right above the cages, drop down to the floor and you can now head right past the sign to get to Lachrymose Lane. |NOTE Although the Sign directs you to "Cloudy Cliffs Court", you | actually appear in Lachrymose Lane, in front of Aunt Josephine's | House! ()===========================================================================() || || || Book Three -- Aunt Josephine || || [AGAJ] || || || ()===========================================================================() ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lachrymose Lane Library Ike's Secret Room [A3SR] ............................................................................... A new sign to the left of the house directs you back to the "Evergreen Montgomery Forest" -- although it actually takes you back to the "Forest Clearing"! Before we can collect the three Butterfly missing in Lachrymose Lane, we'll have to return to Aunt Josephine's house: Wait by the front door for the Diagonally-Moving Platform to come into view and jump aboard to get to the lower-right window leading back to the Library. Once there, head to the left and get back on to the raised floor with the secret door to Ike's Secret Room. Use "A Vital Fireman's Diary" again to open the door and enter. BOOK USE "A Vital Fireman's Diary" -------- ------------------------- Book Text Dearest Reader. I have HIDDEN all of my research away so that evil hands can't reach it. Stand in front of my bookcase in the LIBRARY to enter the code and gain access. Code "L", "R", "B", "A", "A" Effect Gives access to Ike's Secret Room. Inside the secret room, head to the left and climb the Ladder as before. Have Sunny use the Thermal Lifts to eventually make her way across to the window on the right-hand side of the room. |NOTE Originally, this led to Lachrymose LAKE -- now it leads to | Lachrymose LANE, albeit to a window at the top-right of the | house that you couldn't reach before (you might just have seen | this when around the window that was causing Victor the glare. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lachrymose Lane Butterflies +3 [A3LL] Book Pages -- ............................................................................... You emerge on a small ledge outside a small, round window. Have Sunny Jump- and-Glide slightly to the right to pass through the three missing Butterflies for the area (I don't think these were even present before). When you have them, head right to Cloudy Cliffs Court. ............................................................................... : Butterflies Area 7/7 Total 249/250 Quest 100% : ............................................................................... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cloudy Cliffs Court [A3CC] ............................................................................... Head right, past Captain Sam's, whose Yard, if you remember, still has an uncollected Butterfly -- the final one we need. However, we can't get it directly. Instead you may have noticed that we still have one unused Book -- "The Persnickety Platform". The Trigger Point for this is just past the end of the ship that Captain Sam's is built into. BOOK USE "The Persnickety Platform" -------- -------------------------- Book Text Dear Customer, Please Enjoy this TOUR BY AIR of the lovely Lachrymose Lake and its environs. Code UP, "L", DOWN, UP Effect Opens crawlway into underground portion of Captain Sam's Yard. Once you enter the code, nothing obvious happens -- however, on closer inspection, the hole behind the Trigger Point (from which Bats occasionally emerge) has become an entrance to Captain Sam's Yard... where the final missing Butterfly is! Let's enter. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Captain Sam's Yard Butterflies +1 [A3SY] Book Pages -- ............................................................................... You emerge inside a small space -- a little judicious jumping will reveal that you're below, and to the left of, the "hatch" you saw earlier in the right- hand side of Captain Sam's Yard; to the right is another small space containing a Lever that's directly below the hatch. I guess that's what we need to aim for. Drop down the gap in the floor -- there's a passage right at the bottom, but you cannot get into the area with the Lever. Instead, head left and more-or- less follow the passage along the only way you can go. You'll pass through a larger cavern, where you'll find the 250th -- and final -- Butterfly. Just beyond this you disappear behind some rock -- carry on going left until you can go no further (the screen will probably "shake") then head back right; you should drop into the cavern below and be able to continue your journey. At the end of the tunnel heading right you will find a Moving Platform that will take you up to where the Lever is. |TIP For nearly all this journey, you can only travel as Sunny. As | there are numerous beasties along the way, you will need to | perfect her "roll" attack -- this involves watching the meter in | the top-right corner and timing successive rolls only when it | has returned to green. Pull the lever when you get to it, and the Moving Platform below will rise, taking you through the "trap doors" out in to the open-air part of Captain Sam's Yard. You are left sitting on the platform with another Trigger Point for "The Persnickety Platform". BOOK USE "The Persnickety Platform" -------- -------------------------- Book Text Dear Customer, Please Enjoy this TOUR BY AIR of the lovely Lachrymose Lake and its environs. Code UP, "L", DOWN, UP Effect Activates Moving Platform. Activating this Trigger Point will launch the platform on a long ride, supposedly above Lachrymose Lake, although you never actually see any of it. You will be fairly swamped with Bats, and a couple of Slews of Leeches, so keep Klaus's Water Pump at the ready! Luckily, they seem to yield an above average of Heart Lockets. |TIP A slightly "cheating" way of handling this is to press SELECT to | bring up the Character Selection Screen. While this is shown, | movement on Platforms continues (and you can even collect some | of the Apple Cores along the way) but you won't increase your | Misery Meter. If you do this, you will end your journey surrounded by Bats -- highlight Klaus, press "A" to clear the screen, then jump to the left to begin taking them out. Once you have cleared all the beasties, you will notice a couple of Flies buzzing around; to the right is a Large Snake guarding a second, smaller, Platform. Use up any remaining water in Klaus's Pump and press "L" to suck up one of the Flies. Approach the Snake and release the Fly -- spend a few moments replenishing Klaus's water supply before passing the Snake and jumping on to the Platform. This will take you on a second journey where Large Birds are the main attackers. It ends next to a cluster of Heart Lockets and Apple Cores where the Platform waits for a few seconds. You then begin a long plummet that drops you back on to the Trap Door of Captain Sam's Yard. |NOTE I was slightly disappointed by the Lake Tour -- I was hoping for | something more "dramatic" to "celebrate" getting the last | Butterfly. I guess the problem is that while the Tour naturally follows the last Butterfly if you got all possible Butterflies during the main part of the game, if you missed a lot earlier, and are wandering around in "free mode" looking for what you've missed, you could easily take the tour before having got the last Butterfly. |NOTE You can ride the Lake Tour as often as you like, but you have to | return to the hole to the right of the boat, re-enter the | tunnels and pull the Lever each time. |NOTE If you save the game having got all 250 Butterflies, the next | time you view the New Game/Load Game/Credits screen, you will | see streams of Butterflies fly past while you wait. ............................................................................... : Butterflies Area 10/10 Total 250/250 Quest 100% : ............................................................................... : Books "Chimbley Sweep" by Colin December Used : : "Up the Down Way" by Upton Dawn Used : : "The Wind in the Bellows" by Saul Herzog Used : : "Kid on a Hot Thin Roof" by Kansas Bills Used : : "The Grapple Speed Record" by Tres Vito Used : : "Street Detective" by Paul P. Wickson Used : : "The Basic Nine" by Danny Handy Used : : "Reptile Hopscotch" by Julitoad Cortázar Used : : "The Persnickety Platform" by Skye McCloud Used : : "The Voyage Outside" by the Virginian Wolfsnake Used : : "Fudging the Future" by Madame Lulu Used : : "Tree-Hopping for Dunces" by Mssr. Lulu Used : : "A Vital Fireman's Diary" by Ike Anwhisle Used : ............................................................................... : Inventions Apple-Chucker Upgrades All Capacity (x2, 99), Speed (x3) : : Water Pump Upgrades All Capacity (x2, 99), Absorb : : Parasol Glider Upgrades -- : : Grappling-Hook Upgrades -- : ............................................................................... ()===========================================================================() || || || R E F E R E N C E S E C T I O N || || [REFS] || || || ()===========================================================================() Here I collect together various facts and figures about the game. The first section lists the main object and puzzle dependencies... i.e. which sub-tasks must you complete before being able to solve a given task. The layout isn't great, but it will have to do for now. The second section lists where all Book Pages are found, where you use them, and other pertinent notes (e.g. you need to do XXX before getting a page). The third section lists all the Quest Points you can get in the game, with brief where-and-how notes. The fourth section lists Butterfly distribution, both for the main game and the "after game". ()===========================================================================() || || || Object and Puzzle Dependencies || || [OAPD] || || || ()===========================================================================() This section tries to list all the main dependencies in the game; it tries to answer questions such as "to do THIS, what do I have to have done first?". The layout could probably be improved; at present, for each section of the game it lists the principal tasks at the highest (leftmost) level, with dependent tasks (i.e. things that have to be done before the principal task can be completed) indented below. These in turn can have subsidiary conditions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . WARNING It's very hard to present this information in a way that won't contain "spoilers" for the other parts of the game when you're trying to find help with one specific part. The biggest danger is accidentally seeing a reference to some act or object that you've not yet encountered. Overall, the order puzzles are presented is roughly as you meet them when playing normally, and as the game is fairly linear, there's not a lot of room to deviate from this order. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . |TIP To minimise the chance of accidental spoilers, I would suggest | using one of two methods: o Have someone else look for you! If that person knows what items you've got and what the current puzzle to be solved is, they can see what else you need and/or what you can do with what you've got. With a little bit of thought, they can guide you without passing on too much other information. o Reduce the height of the Browser or Text Editor window you're using to view this Walkthrough, ideally so you can only see one or two lines at a time. Search for keywords relevant to where you're stuck and read a few lines above or below to get help. This isn't as good as getting someone else to read, but can be better than reading full-screen. If anybody has suggestions for a better way of presenting this information, I'd love to hear from you. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Introduction ............................................................................... Leave Briny Beach Open gates Key Collect Skipping Stones Give Stones to Mr. Poe ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Book One -- Count Olaf ............................................................................... Leave Orphan's Room Apple-Chucker Soup Can Cardboard Box Orphan's Room Ice Cream Scoop Orphan's Room Hand-Cranked Device Crawlspace Clean Chimney Platform Gear Rope Hook Handed Man (must Leave) Completed Progress Report Blank Progress Card Actor's Wing Olaf (must sign card) Fix Window Upstairs Hall Rooftop Courtyard Window (Orphan's Room OR Kitchen) Paint Scraper Chimney Chimney Vent Hook Handed Man (must Leave) Fix Window Bricks Kitchen Water Water Pump Bellows Actor's Wing "The Wind in the Bellows" Gasket Cold Storage Jam Jar Kitchen Shower Head Dressing Room White Faced Woman (must leave) Dressing Room Invitation Olaf (must leave Kitchen) Gasket Kitchen (returning from Cold Storage with Gasket, Olaf leaves) Invitation Kitchen Olaf (must leave Kitchen) Actor's Wing Olaf (must leave Kitchen) Collect Branches Clean Chimney Courtyard Cook Supper Doldrum Drive Collect Branches Tomato Tomato-Stained Man Clean Business Suit Lionel Ricky Deliver Washing Machine Platform Lowered (between D.Drive & D.Drive West) Deliver Groceries Abandoned Groceries Grocer Coupons Justice Strauss Cookbook Doldrum Drive Private Elevator Elevator Key Grocer Doldrum Drive Doldrum Drive West Doldrum Drive Downstairs Hall ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Book Two -- Uncle Monty ............................................................................... Absorb Upgrade (for Klaus) Plastic Tubing Goldfish Bowl Tubing System Glass Full of Water Empty Drinking Glass Guest Room Purified Water Spigot Gustav's Room Montgomery Halls Downstairs Gustav's Room Key to Gustav's Room Repair Antique Telephone Activate Switch Montgomery Halls Upstairs (in crawlspace) Writing Room Montgomery Halls (see Uncle Monty) Reptile Room Absorb Upgrade Front Garden Absorb Upgrade Reptile Trap Stage 1 Pliers Back Garden Ink Switch Evergreen Planks Forest Clearing Reassemble Printing Press Printing Press Inky Newt Inky Newt Room Plush Pillows Writing Room (upper part) Ladder Piece Printing Press Printing Room Cross Pens in Newt Room Writing Room (give Printing Press to Virginian Wolfsnake) Reptile Room (give Pliers, Pillow, Plank to Uncle Monty) Stage 2 Rope Segment (x4) Alaskan Cow Lizard Green Gem Stage 1 Reptile Room (put Gem in Snake Eye Socket) Fresh Milk Front Garden Milk Delivery Box Ink Switch Baby Alaskan Cow Lizard (give Milk to) Reptile Room (give Rope to Uncle Monty) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Book Three -- Aunt Josephine ............................................................................... Aunt Josephine's House Map Earring Wrench Captain Sam's Open Bird Cage (Parrot flies off) Veggie Burger Cloudy Cliffs Court East Kill Leeches for Vegetarian Captain Sam's Yard (feed Parrot) Cloudy Cliffs Court (fix Taxi) Captain Sam's (return Earring) Cloudy Cliffs Court (give to Mr. Poe) Grammar Girl's Book of Words Parasol Glider Yarn Milk Key to Josephine's Milk Delivery Box This Room is Not Intended for Burglars Open Milk Crate With Note and kill enemies Lachrymose Lane (unlock box) This Room is Not Intended for Burglars (give Milk to Cat) Parasol Library (triangular window at top-middle) Weathervane Lachrymose Lane (upper-left window) Open Sun-Drenched Library Window Lachrymose Lane (speak to Victor) Library (give book to Aunt) Prepare for Town Open All 13 Cupboards incl. Kitchen Cupboard Cupboard Key (lower part of hall) Bottom Hall (return to your Aunt) Galoshes Closet Door Doorknobs Kitchen Cupboard Bottom Hall (give them to your Aunt) Won't Pass Realtor's Office Fortune Fortune Teller Prepare for Town Solve Pelmanism Game Cloudy Cliffs Court East (give Fortune to Aunt) Hurricane Won't Pass Realtor's Office Return through upper Library Window Getting Aunt Josephine to Leave Cave Sign (Curdled Cave, Entrance) Shovel (Curdled Cave, #7) Show Sign to Aunt (Curdled Cave, #2) Grappling Hook Parasol Skeleton Shower Curtain Rings Spiral Carpet ()===========================================================================() || || || Books: Page Locations and Use || || [BPLU] || || || ()===========================================================================() This section lists the location of all the Book Pages within the game. For a few, I'll note special requirements (i.e. only appears after another book has been read), but mostly I'll just list the location (including section reference) where you can find each page and where and when you use the completed book. Some books can be used in more than one location (or need to be used more than once). For more details on how to get the pages, see the referred-to section of the main (or After-Game walkthrough). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Chimbley Sweep" ............................................................................... Page Section Location Notes ---- ------- -------- ----- 1 {A1CH} Kitchen 2 {B1UH} Upstairs Hall 3 {B1CH} Chimney Need to activate Platform Gear 4 {B1CH} Chimney Need to activate Platform Gear 5 {B1CH} Downstairs Hall 6 {B1CH} Chimney Need to activate Platform Gear Use {A1CH} Chimney --> Butterfly (x1) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Up the Down Way" ............................................................................... Page Section Location Notes ---- ------- -------- ----- 1 {B2GR} Guest Room 2 {B2GR} Guest Room 3 {B1DH} Downstairs Hall 4 {B3CS} Captain Sam's (in second birdcage) Need Parasol Glider. 5 {B3FT} Fortune Teller Solve Pelmanism Game for 2nd time. 6 {B2MD} Montgomery Halls Downstairs Need Absorb upgrade. Use {A2GR} Guest Room --> Butterflies (x2) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "The Wind in the Bellows" ............................................................................... Page Section Location Notes ---- ------- -------- ----- 1 {B1AW} Actor's Wing 2 {B1AW} Actor's Wing 3 {B1AW} Actor's Wing (under floor) 4 {B1AW} Actor's Wing (under floor) 5 {B1AW} Actor's Wing 6 {B1AW} Actor's Wing (under floor) Use {B1AW} Actor's Wing --> Bellows ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Kid on a Hot Thin Roof" ............................................................................... Page Section Location Notes ---- ------- -------- ----- 1 {B1RT} Rooftop 2 {B1RT} Rooftop 3 {B1RT} Rooftop 4 {B1DD} Doldrum Drive (up Justice Strauss's house) 5 {B1DW} Doldrum Drive West (above Lionel Ricky) 6 {B1DR} Dressing Room (under floor; have Sunny bite wall on left) Use {B1DW} Doldrum Drive West (left of platform above Lionel Ricky) --> Butterflies (x8) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "The Grapple Speed Record" ............................................................................... Page Section Location Notes ---- ------- -------- ----- 1 {B2AC} Alaskan Cow Lizard 2 {B1CV} Chimney Vent 3 {B2PR} Printing Room 4 {B3LK} Lachrymose Lake (glide from upper cave) 5 {B3IR} Ike's Secret Room 6 {B3CS} Captain Sam's Use {B3TO} Tower --> Butterflies (x7) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Street Detective" ............................................................................... Page Section Location Notes ---- ------- -------- ----- 1 {B1DD} Doldrum Drive (on top of Justice Strauss's house) 2 {B1DD} Doldrum Drive (up Justice Strauss's house) Need Cookbook. 3 {B1DD} Doldrum Drive (between buildings) 4 {B1DD} Doldrum Drive (between buildings) 5 {B1DW} Doldrum Drive West (right of platform above Lionel Ricky) 6 {B1DT} Doldrum Detour Use {B1DD} Doldrum Drive (top of left-hand building) Collect all photos --> Butterflies (x2) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "The Basic Nine" ............................................................................... Page Section Location Notes ---- ------- -------- ----- 1 {B2MD} Montgomery Halls Downstairs 2 {B2GV} Gustav's Room 3 {B2PR} Printing Room 4 {B2NR} Newt Room Need to activate Lever in Pens twice. 5 {B2GV} Gustav's Room 6 {B2SS} Sample Storage Use {B2NR} Newt Room --> "The Persnickety Platform" (page 5) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Reptile Hopscotch" ............................................................................... Page Section Location Notes ---- ------- -------- ----- 1 {B2NR} Newt Room 2 {B2MU} Montgomery Halls Upstairs 3 {B2RR} Reptile Room After Newt Room 4 {B2RR} Reptile Room After giving Pliers to Monty 5 {B2RR} Reptile Room After giving Plush Pillow to Monty 6 {B2RR} Reptile Room After giving Evergreen Plank to Monty Use {B2MD} Montgomery Halls Downstairs --> Photographs ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "The Persnickety Platform" ............................................................................... Page Section Location Notes ---- ------- -------- ----- 1 {B3SY} Captain Sam's Yard (Left-Hand Side) 2 {B2FC} Forest Clearing 3 {B3SY} Captain Sam's Yard (Right-Hand Side) 4 {B3CA} Curdled Cave (Cave 5) 5 {B2NR} Newt Room Use "The Basic Nine" 6 {B2SS} Sample Storage Use {A3CC} Cloudy Cliffs Court --> Access to underground Captain Sam's Yard {A3SY} Captain Sam's Yard --> Aerial Tour ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "The Voyage Outside" ............................................................................... Page Section Location Notes ---- ------- -------- ----- 1 {B2EF} Evergreen Montgomery Forest 2 {B2EF} Evergreen Montgomery Forest 3 {B2EF} Evergreen Montgomery Forest 4 {B2EF} Evergreen Montgomery Forest 5 {B2EF} Evergreen Montgomery Forest 6 {B2FC} Forest Clearing Use {B2EF} Evergreen Montgomery Forest --> Butterflies (x4) {B3LK} Lake Lachrymose --> Butterfly (x1) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Fudging the Future" ............................................................................... Page Section Location Notes ---- ------- -------- ----- 1 {B3CC} Cloudy Cliffs Court 2 {B3CE} Cloudy Cliffs Court East Need Parasol Glider. 3 {B3FT} Fortune Teller Solve Pelmanism Game. 4 {B3CC} Cloudy Cliffs Court (left of Taxi) Need Parasol Glider. 5 {B3LL} Lachrymose Lane Use "Tree-Hopping for Dunces" 6 {B3BH} Bottom Hall (lower part) Use {B3CE} Cloudy Cliffs Court East --> Butterflies (x2) {B3NB} Not Intended for Burglars --> Butterflies (x6) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Tree-Hopping for Dunces" ............................................................................... Page Section Location Notes ---- ------- -------- ----- 1 {B3LL} Lachrymose Lane (around Weathervane platform) Need Parasol Glider. 2 {B3LL} Lachrymose Lane (near Weathervane) 3 {B3LL} Lachrymose Lane (around Weathervane platform) Need Parasol Glider. 4 {B3LL} Lachrymose Lane (by upper-left window) 5 {B3LL} Lachrymose Lane (around Weathervane platform) Need Parasol Glider. 6 {B3NB} Not Intended for Burglars (up past Cat) Use {B3LL} Lachrymose Lane (around from Weathervane platform) --> "Fudging the Future" (page 5) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "A Vital Fireman's Diary" ............................................................................... Page Section Location Notes ---- ------- -------- ----- 1 {B3LI} Library After Hurricane 2 {B3LI} Library After Hurricane 3 {B3LI} Library After Hurricane 4 {B3LI} Library After Hurricane 5 {B3LI} Library After Hurricane 6 {B3LI} Library After Hurricane Use {B3LI} Library --> Access to Ike's Secret Room. {A3LI} Library --> Access to Ike's Secret Room. ()===========================================================================() || || || Quest Points || || [QPTS] || || || ()===========================================================================() Listed below are all the Quest Points you can get during the game. For each, I show the location and what you need to do. Where just an object name is given, you get the point for picking it up. A few remarks about the way Quest Points are awarded that I think worth noting are given at the end of the list (just in case they give anything away!) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Introduction ............................................................................... QPs Location What To Do or Get --- -------- ----------------- +3% Briny Beach Skipping Stone (x3) +1% Key-Shaped Conch Shell +1% Unlock gate. +1% Give Skipping Stones to Mr. Poe. 6% TOTAL -- ----- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Book One -- Count Olaf ............................................................................... QPs Location What To Do or Get --- -------- ----------------- +1% Orphan's Room Soup Can +1% Crawlspace Hand-Cranked Device +1% Orhpan's Room Ice Cream Scoop +1% Kitchen Empty Plastic Tub of Jelly +1% Cold Storage Gasket +1% Actor's Wing Bellows +1% Dressing Room Give Invitation to White-Faced Woman. +1% Shower Head * +1% Open Wardrobe. +1% Actor's Wing Hook Handed Man's Report Card +1% Kitchen Wet Pile of Bricks +1% Use Wet Pile of Bricks to fix Kitchen Window. +1% Downstairs Hall Hook Handed Man's Report Card (filled in) +1% Upstairs Hall Give Report Card to Hook Handed Man. +1% Long Rope +1% Chimney Paint Scraper * +1% Orphan's Room Use Paint Scraper to open the Window (Painted Shut). +1% Rooftop Use Long Rope to repair Pulley System. * +1% Kitchen Use Paint Scraper to open the Kitchen Window (Painted Shut). = 25% +6% Courtyard Chopped Wood (x7) +1% Doldrum Drive Cookbook +1% Give Cookbook to Justice Strauss. +1% Food Coupons +1% Doldrum Drive West Give Food Coupons to Vegetable Vendor. +1% Apartment Elevator Key +1% Abandoned Groceries +1% Doldrum Drive Give Abandoned Groceries to Lily Lomata. +1% Doldrum Drive West Clean Business Suit +1% Doldrum Drive Give the Clean Business Suit to the Tomato Stained Man. +1% Tomato 41% TOTAL --- ----- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Book Two -- Uncle Monty ............................................................................... QPs Location What To Do or Get --- -------- ----------------- +1% Guest Room Empty Drinking Glass +1% Montgomery Halls Downstairs Key to Gustav's Room +1% Gustav's Room Fill Empty Drinking Glass from Purified Water Spigot. +1% Glass Full of Water +1% Montgomery Halls Downstairs Use Glass Full of Water on Goldfish Bowl Tubing System. +1% Inky Newt Nook Inky Newt +1% Printing Room Disassemble Printing Press. +1% Disassembled Printing Press +1% Writing Room Give Disassembled Printing Press to Virginian Wolfsnake. = 50% +1% Front Garden Use Ink Switch (Red x10) to unlock Milk Delivery Box. +1% Fresh Milk +1% Back Garden Pliers +1% Use Ladder Piece to mend Broken Ladder. +1% Writing Room Plush Pillows +1% Forest Clearing Reassemble Disassembled Printing Press. +1% Evergreen Plank +1% Reptile Room Give Pliers to Uncle Monty. +1% Give Plush Pillows to Uncle Monty. +1% Give Evergreen Plank to Uncle Monty. +1% Green Gem +1% Use Green Gem to access Alaskan Cow Lizard. +4% Alaskan Cow Lizard Rope Segment (x4) 66% TOTAL --- ----- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Book Three -- Aunt Josephine ............................................................................... QPs Location What To Do or Get --- -------- ----------------- +1% Captain Sam's Open Bird Cage. +1% Cloudy Cliffs Court East Veggie Burger +1% Captain Sam's Yard Wrench +1% Cloudy Cliffs Court Give Wrench to Taxi Driver. +1% Gold Earring +1% Captain Sam's Give Gold Earring to Captain Sam. +1% Antique Map +1% Cloudy Cliffs Court Give Antique Map to Mr. Poe. +1% Library Parasol = 75% +1% Not Intended for Burglars Open Milk Crate With Note. +1% Key to Josephine's Milk Delivery Box +1% Lachrymose Lane Open Milk Delivery Box. +1% Milk +1% Open Sun-Drenched Library Window. +1% Not Intended for Burglars Give Milk to Cat. +1% Lachrymose Lane Talking to Victor F. Daggerly so he leaves. +1% Making the Parasol Glider. +1% Library Grammar Girl's Book of Words +1% Give Grammar Girl's Book of Words to Aunt Josephine. = 85% +1% Bottom Hall Cupboard Key +1% Use Kitchen Cupboard to open Kitchen Cupboard. +1% Use Doorknobs to open Closet Door. +1% Galoshes +1% Give Galoshes to Aunt Josephine. +1% Fortune Teller Find all pairs of cards. +1% Fortune +1% Cloudy Cliffs Court East Give the Fortune to Aunt Josephine. +1% Curdled Cave For Sale Sign +1% Give For Sale Sign to Aunt Josephine. = 95% +1% Tower Parasol Skeleton +1% Shower Curtain Rings +1% Spiral Carpet = 98% +2% Ocular Tower Beating Count Olaf. 100% FINISHED! ---- --------- Notes ----- o The Quest Point for opening the Wardrobe in the Dressing Room is optional. o There is a Quest Point each for using the Paint Scraper to open the windows from the Orphan's Room and the Kitchen into the Courtyard. As far as I can tell, you should only need to open one of the windows to complete the game. o Other than the Wardrobe and the Windows, it appears that all Quest Points must be earned to complete the game. o Although some variation is possible, because the game is fairly linear (solving one puzzle usually leads directly to another and so on), the order you earn Quest Points is mostly fixed. o You only get six Quest Points for collecting the seven pieces of Chopped Wood in the Courtyard (you don't get one for the first). ()===========================================================================() || || || Butterfly Distribution || || [BFLY] || || || ()===========================================================================() For each of the three sections of the game, the number of Butterflies to be found in each location is given below. The first column gives the maximum number of Butterflies that CAN be found during the MAIN part of the game; the second column the number that can only be accessed AFTER the game. The third column gives the total numbers. The "Totals (so far)" for the "After" column include all Butterflies from the main part of the game. See the NOTE at the end of the table for one Butterfly that you might be able to get earlier. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Book One -- Count Olaf ............................................................................... Location Main After Total ------------------------------------------------ Briny Beach -- -- -- Ocean's Edge -- -- -- Orphan's Room 1 -- 1 Crawlspace 2 -- 2 Upstairs Hall 1 -- 1 Downstairs Hall -- -- -- Chimney 1 1 2 Kitchen 5 1 6 Cold Storage 3 -- 3 Actor's Wing 5 -- 5 Dressing Room 5 -- 5 Dressing Room Crawlspace ** 8 ** 3 11 Chimney Vent 1 -- 1 Courtyard 6 1 7 Rooftop 8 6 14 Doldrum Drive 14 -- 14 Doldrum Drive West 9 -- 9 Doldrum Detour 1 -- 1 Stage -- -- -- Totals (Book 1) 70 12 82 ------------------------------------------------ Totals (so far) 70 238 ---------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Book Two -- Uncle Monty ............................................................................... Location Main After Total ------------------------------------------------ Montgomery Halls Downstairs 5 -- 5 Guest Room 2 2 4 Montgomery Halls Upstairs 6 -- 6 Writing Room 3 -- 3 Gustav's Room 13 1 14 Reptile Room 4 -- 4 Sample Storage 9 -- 9 Inky Newt Nook 11 -- 11 Newt Room 3 -- 3 Printing Room 3 -- 3 Front Garden 8 4 12 Back Garden 2 -- 2 Evergreen Montgomery Forest 4 -- 4 Forest Clearing 5 -- 5 Alaskan Cow Lizard 10 1 11 Totals (Book 2) 88 8 96 ------------------------------------------------ Totals (so far) 158 246 ---------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Book Three -- Aunt Josephine ............................................................................... Location Main After Total ------------------------------------------------ Cloudy Cliffs Court 1 -- 1 Captain Sam's 7 -- 7 Cloudy Cliffs Court East 4 -- 4 Captain Sam's Yard 9 1 10 Lachrymose Lane 4 3 7 Library -- -- -- Not Intended for Burglars 7 -- 7 Bottom Hall 9 -- 9 Fortune Teller -- -- -- Ike's Secret Room 7 -- 7 Lake Lachrymose 9 -- 9 Curdled Cave 4 -- 4 Tower 7 -- 7 Ocular Tower -- -- -- Totals (Book 3) 68 4 72 ------------------------------------------------ Grand Totals 226 250 ---------------------------------------- Note ---- o I think there is only ONE Butterfly (marked **) from the Dressing Room Crawlspace that I got after the main game that COULD have been captured DURING the main game. If any one can confirm this, or provide evidence of other Butterflies that could have been got earlier, I'd be most grateful. If true, this would make the total for the main part of the game 227. ()===========================================================================() || || || ODDS and SODS || || [ODDS] || || || ()===========================================================================() ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Acknowledgements ............................................................................... The following have provided, or been the source of, information used in producing this Walkthrough. My thanks to: o "Namma_of_1" confirmed that there are some bits you cannot get on the first pass and that you can roam freely later in the game. o "Kschwanert" helped to confirm that the "Handsome Man" game doesn't have a point. o Again for hints for getting past the handbag-throwing White-Faced Woman. o "Yacob147" for finding the glitch in the Tower if you run out of water. Thanks also to CJayC and all behind GameFAQs for making it the place it is. Finally, thanks to Nintendo for the GBA-SP, and Activision and all concerned for making "Lemony Snicket's 'A Series of Unfortunate Events'". ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Interesting Things ............................................................................... A collection of any weird and wonderful things I've encountered while writing the Walkthrough -- some might be bugs or glitches in the game; others could just be something I think others might find interesting. o In the Chimney, Violet "thought I saw one [a window] in the Kitchen" even if you've not been in the Kitchen yet. o From the Downstairs Hall, the refusal to go to Doldrum Drive or the Actor's Wing refers to Olaf's note, even if you've not read it. o The refusal to leave the Kitchen implores you to "listen to your sister and FIND PIECES for your INVENTION." even before Violet's thought of inventing something. o After you open the Sun-Drenched Library Window to remove the glare, Victor then says "But now that you've CLOSED the window". o After you leave the house with Aunt Josephine, if you then return to the Library and try to leave, you still get a message about needing the Grammar Book first. o After Aunt Josephine meets Captain Sham, if you return to where the Weathervane was, it and Victor have returned, and he again thinks the hurricane will only be a "kitten". If anybody else has spotted anything that they think should be added, please email me. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Revision History ............................................................................... Version 1.1, 28th June 2006 --------------------------- o Updated my Legal section after deciding to allow more places to host the guide. Version 1.0, 29th June 2005 --------------------------- o Initial released version. ()===========================================================================() || || || The End || || || ()===========================================================================()