Love Hina Advance Walkthrough (C) (VERSION 0.3) CONTENTS Notes Cast Controls Title Screen Layout Walkthrough NOTES OF WALKTHROUGH PRODUCTION I have used a translation patch to make some sense of the game. There were two versions of the patch, ".1" and ".2". Its the same text just in different font! I know I'm using illegal stuff, and I'm deeply sorry to all publishers of this game. But this is why we have to resort to this behavior. Most good games are only released in Japan. Think about the US and Europe for crying out loud! \_/ For those of you with the japanese version. I'll label the choices 1- whatever. I'll also list the consiquences. THIS WALKTHROUGH CONTAINS A LOT OF SPOILERS, DON'T READ ON IF YOU DON'T WANT TO KNOW WHAT HAPPENS! V0.3: Huge error on who made it. Also some other things were missed out V0.2: Small Additions V0.1: Made the whole thing, please don't steal my work! ^_^ CAST OF LOVE HINA Urashima Keitaro: The main Character, clumsy little man. Gets his ass kicked by women all the time. Dreams of one day meeting up with his girl in Tokyo U. Naru Narusegawa: The first girl you see in the game. She's a rather butch person at the beginning, decking you when she feels like it. She falls for you as you progress Shinobu Maehara: The schoolgirl who you draw. Pretty and gifted little thing. She sees you like a big brother. Kaolla Su: Probably the smallest and most mysterious of the lot. The only one with tanned skin, (not being racist, it suits her!) Motoko Aoyama: You want a decking, she'll give you it for free and do it better than anyone else. Trains in a martial art over 1000 years old. Tradition lives on then. It works well against Keitaro. Only has one weakness... Turtles! heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh! Mitsume Konno: Otherwise known as Kitsume. (not a spelling mistake!) She's the one with the closed eyes (like Brock of that stupid Pokémon... grrr! -_-) She looks like a man at first, but it does become obvious that she ain't later on... Mutsumi Otohime: You actually see her quite early on... In her childhood form. She's the girl of your past. Now she's a girl who faints loads and is about as dumb as Keitaro. Sara MacDogal: Another tiny character, daughter of an archeologist ya know. Whislt she decks you, she likes you better. Have lots of HP when around her! Now on with the show! Controls The D-PAD highlights what choice you want to select or controls your character when you have to do so and A either talks to a person or selects a choice. When you have a choice, there is a little circular window with a clock like function. Select or highlight the choice you want before it runs out. Pressing the wrong one may prove costly. Title screen layout New Game - Its the first Choice you see. Pretty obvious what it does! Continue - Press down and there we have it. The save menu is split into 5 saves. (should be one for every ending! More on that later!) Replay - When you have completed the game at least once, then you can view your progress with that character up to the point when it ends. Like a movie! Pictures - Unlocked when you complete the game at least once, select a picture and it will be displayed. Press "A" to play their sound effects. (Motoko's ones are put in an order that sounds like a fighting move! ^_^) Press "B" to get out. (B cancels things. but not in the game itself. Remember that!) Game course (The walkthrough) (I am not crazy enough to write out the whole story! That would give the game away! Instead I'm just going to list the choices and the outcomes. Some are good and others are VERY bad. Be careful!) CHAPTER 1 Choice 1: Time Rating: Very Slow 1. +1 Narusegawa Rep, then -1 HP due to some decking! 2. Just the decking! -1 HP Choice 2: Time Rating: Slow 1. +1 Shinobu Rep 2. -1 HP (Ouch! She thinks your a pervert!) 3. -1 HP Choice 3: Time Rating: Slow 1. Goes to choice 4 2. See Event 1 Choice 4: Time Rating: Same as last 1. Goes to choice 5 2. See Event 1 Choice 5: Time rating: Same as last 1. Lose 1 HP counter! What a blow! Skip 1HP Automatically taken off. (Bit with "*") 2. See Event 1 EVENT 1 +1 HP Choice 6: Time Rating: Medium 1. -1 HP 2. -1 Narusegawa Rep, then a uppercut! OUCHIE! (-1HP) 3. -1 Narusegawa Rep, no punches though (YAY!) Choice 7: Time Rating: Medium 1. +1 Kitsume Rep, then -1HP following a punch from Narusegawa. Skip to choice 9 2. -1HP from Narusegawa 3. -1HP from Narusegawa 4. +1 Su Rep, -1HP from her tank squad. (Toy tanks, silly) then 8.1 happens. Choice 8: Time Rating: Medium 1. Nothing worth noting happens 2. See choice 7, selection 4. (7.4), *-1HP Automatically. Haruka-San hates being called Aunt. Ouch...* Choice 9: Time Rating: Slow 1. Nothing... (Maybe thats a good thing...) 2. +1 Kitsume Rep, then a punch from Narusegawa (honestly she does it less often later...) (-1HP) 3. +1 Su Rep, following from a kick from her. Harsh! (-1HP) 4. -1HP from a punch. Down girl! 5. * *END OF GAME. Haruka-San Ending not the worst ending following from the translation. But not a good one!** Recover 2HP (diary save time or DST) Choice 10: Time Rating: Slow 1. Skip to choice 13 2. +1HP after your daydream! Choice 11: Time Rating: Slow 1. +1 Kitsume Rep 2. Nothing 3. -1 Kitsume Rep, skip to choice 13 Choice 12: Time Rating: Slow 1. +1 Kitsume Rep, then Narusegawa walks in and decks ya. Nosy Girl! (-1HP) 2. Narusegawa walks in and punches you (-1HP) Choice 13: Time Rating: Super Fast! (Probably the fastest in the game!) 1. -1HP Skip to next save 2. +1 Narusegawa Rep Choice 14: Time Rating: Fast 1. She decks ya. 2. She decks ya. (You can't win...) +2HP & +1HP counter (you don't recover that counter, you'll see why later!), (DST) Narusegawa then punches you. "How the heck did that punch connect?!" heh heh heh. This is a freebie cause you didn't recover 1HP when it got increased. Its a saviour! CHAPTER 2 Choice 15: Time Rating: Medium 1. Su hurts you. Thinks you are blaming her or something. Always gets mixed up Su... (-1HP) 2. +1 Narusegawa Rep, +1 Kitsume Rep Choice 16: Time Rating: Slow 1. -1 Kitsume Rep, -1HP due to a slap... 2. -1 Su Rep, -1HP after a flying kick (how long are her legs?!) (DST) Choice 17: Time Rating: Medium 1. Repeats this Choice unless selected 3 times, then +1 Shinobu Rep 2. Advances the game! Choice 18: Time Rating: Medium 1. Does nothing unless selected twice in a row. Then its +1 Narusegawa Rep and -1 Kitsume Rep. If you select this one again afterwards, Narusegawa will then deck you. (-1HP) 2. If selected twice in a row, +1 Kitsume Rep and -1 Narusegawa Rep. Narusegawa then decks you. (-1HP) 3. Advances game Choice 19: Time Rating: Medium 1. +1 Narusegawa Rep 2. +1 Kitsume Rep 3. Nothing, but Su feels insulted. Choice 20: Time Rating: Medium 1. Nothing 2. +1 Shinobu Rep 3. +1 Shinobu Rep 4. Nothing Choice 21: Time Rating: Medium 1. Nothing 2. -1 Narusegawa Rep 3. -1 Kitsume Rep 4. Shinobu, Kitsume and Narusegawa: -1 Rep, but Su finds it funny, +1 Su Rep 5. Shinobu, Kitsume and Narusegawa: -1 Rep, but Su finds it funny, +1 Su Rep (ok...) Choice 22: Time Rating: Medium 1. Remember! Mind your manners! Especially for those outside! By the way, Narusegawa decks you. (-1HP) 2. Nothing If you selected either 4 or 5, Shinobu, Kitsume Narusegawa and Su gain +1 Rep! How nice... Choice 23: Time Rating: Fast 1. Nothing 2. You slip up and grab her skirt to stop falling. PERVERT! (Narusegawa punishes you bad boy! -1HP) Choice 24: Time Rating: Medium 1. Nothing 2. Haruka-San doesn't seem to agree with you. (-1HP) Choice 25: Time Rating: Slow 1. +1 Shinobu Rep 2. -1 Shinobu Rep +1 Narusegawa Rep. She likes your instinct to care for her. Aww... Choice 26: Time Rating: Slow 1. Nothing 2. Later on, you start to eat them (+1HP) and you congratulate her for her efforts. (+1 Shinobu Rep) Choice 27: Time Rating: Slow 1. +1 Shinobu and Narusegawa Rep. You also get ANOTHER HP counter! Well done! 2. +1 Kitsume and Su Rep, but -1 Narusegawa Rep (She thinks you are taking advantage of her...) +2HP, (DST) CHAPTER 3 (The one you'll probably get decked in the most! Be careful!) Choice 28: Time Rating: Slow 1. You don't get hit 2. She hits you cause you're a perv... (-1HP) Choice 29: Time Rating: Medium 1. She accepts your apology and lets you off... 2. Upon choking, you grab her in a perculiar place, then she decks you (probably for assault...) +1 Motoko Rep, -1HP) 3. She doesn't believe you... (-1HP) Choice 30: Time Rating: Medium 1. She thinks you lie... (-1HP) 2. +1 Shinobu Rep, but she's too late to help you... (1HP) 3. You try to escape into Narusegawa's room, but she thinks you are intruding... (-1HP) 4. +1 Kitsume Rep 5. She thinks it' a game! Heh heh heh (-1HP) Choice 31: Time Rating: Medium 1. Don't push your luck mate! (-1HP) 2. +1 Shinobu Rep, but Motoko is unconvinced... (-1HP) 3. +1 Kitsume Rep, but Motoko doesn't feel the same way... (-1HP) (This one and the next one are translated wrong. They should be the other way round...) 4. +1 Su Rep and again you get a decking from Motoko (-1HP) 5. +1 Narusegawa Rep, no hits! YAY! +1HP rest... (DST) Control Area (This is where you have to talk to people, talk to anyone you like how often you like. But to end it, talk to Motoko.) (The next bit tells you where everyone is. Ground Floor: Kitsume Kitsume 1: Nothing Kitsume 2: Nothing Kitsume 3: +1 Kitsume Rep Kitsume 4: Nothing First Floor: (Your current position) Shinobu Shinobu 1: She knows nothing, but if you have her cookies on the roof, she's made a new batch for you! How sweet. (1HP and +1 Shinobu Rep) Shinobu 2: Nothing Second Floor: Narusegawa & Su Su 1: -1HP cause you fall, but +1 Su Rep because she thinks you care for her. Aww... Su 2: Nothing Narusegawa 1: Nothing Narusegawa 2: +1 Narusegawa Rep Narusegawa 3: Nothing To access Motoko, go to the third floor and head left above the dorm Narusegawa lives in. Choice 32: Time Rating: Fast 1. -1 Motoko Rep which is quickly recovered. Then you lose 1HP. Confusing?! 2. -1HP, which is regained cause she's nice like that, only for her rep to go up (+1 Motoko Rep) and her to hit you again. Not easy being a bloke here is it? Choice 33: Time Rating: Very Fast (careful here, Motoko can deck you if you are not careful!) 1. She thinks you are the biggest scum she's ever met! (-3HP! OUCHIES) X_X 2. She hates your guts (-2HP... Ouch!) 3. She can't forgive you (-1HP) +2HP, +1HP & HP counter (if not 8HP already. 8HP is your maximum. If it is then its 3HP)(I find the next scene hilarious! You'll see why, heh heh heh) (DST) CHAPTER 4.1 Choice 34: Time Rating: Medium 1. It doesn't matter which one... 2. It doesn't matter which one... 3. It doesn't matter which one... 4. It doesn't matter which one... 5. It doesn't matter which one... Choice 35: Time Rating: Medium (Who wakes you up varies, if Shinobu's Rep is higher than Narusegawa's she wakes you up and visa versa.) Shinobu 1. Nothing (Skip to Choice 37) 2. Skip to Chapter 5 3. -1 Shinobu Rep Skip to Event 2 Narusegawa 1. Nothing (Skip to Choice 37 2. Skip to Chapter 5 3. -1 Narusegawa Skip to Event 2 Event 2: Choice 36: Time Rating: Fast 1. **END OF GAME: Haruka Ending, Wrong move buddy!** 2. Skip to Chapter 6 3. Skip to Chapter 4.2 Choice 37: Time Rating: Fast 1. Advances Game! 2. Repeats over and over! Choice 38: Time Rating: Fast 1. +1 Mutsumi Rep (thats who the girl is) 2. Nothing, but she isn't involved anymore in the game. Too Bad! CHAPTER 4.2 -1HP, you can't prevent it! Damn... (If you helped Mutsumi, she appears here.) Choice 39: Time Rating: Fast 1. Advances Game 2. BAD BAD Move! -3HP for your BAD BAD Move! 3. -1 Mutsumi and Narusegawa Rep. Damn! Choice 40: Time Rating: Fast 1. Nothing 2. Nothing +2 HP (DST) CHAPTER 5 Choice 41: Time Rating: Fast 1. -2HP (Ouch) 2. -1HP 3. -1HP (feisty little brute!) Choice 42: Time Rating: Fast 1. She likes your "Your Dad is nice" approach (+1 Sara Rep) Have an apple for your troubles, (+1HP) only to have it and another HP taken off you but these are play punches... (-2HP) so let me put that into english. (-1HP, +2 Sara Rep This is the final count) 2. No Apple, just punches. Choice 43: Time Rating: Medium 1. Skip to CHAPTER 6. He thinks you're RUDE! What a *******! 2. Advance Game 3. +1 Sara Rep MINI GAME! Sara will try to smash your Pots. You have to defend them! The outcome varies your relationship with her. A 2-1 victory to her won't do! You recover 1HP everytime you dodge. Here's the solution to a 2-1 victory! Round one: Right Round two: Left Round three: N/A This is the effect afterwards... 0-3: +1 Sara Rep 1-2: Nothing 2-1: He takes you out to dinner and you get +1HP! +2HP (DST) CHAPTER 6 You have to choose a date! The more relationship points the girl has, the better chance of getting their ending! Beware, mess up too much and you'll get either Haruka's ending or the dreaded two guys ending. (brrr...) Girl Locations: Ground Floor: Motoko, (in kitchen) Sara and Mutsumi (Lobby) First Floor: Kitsume and Shinobu Second Floor: Su (Balcony) Narusegawa (Dorm) If you go back to your dorm: 1st. You listen to a song made by Su 2nd. SOUND TEST! YAY! 3rd and onwards. Nothing useful Date With Narusegawa: Choice 44: Time Rating: Fast 1. -1HP, depressing isn't it! 2. Nothing Choice 45: Time Rating: Fast 1. -1HP, -1 Narusegawa Rep, -1 Shinobu Rep, +2 Narusegawa Rep 2. -1 Shinobu Rep, +2 Narusegawa Rep. Date With Su -3HP right from the start! Are you going to survive this?! Choice 46: Time Rating: Fast 1. -1HP 2. -1HP Choice 47: Time Rating: Fast 1. Narusegawa is annoyed. (-1HP)but then something amazing happens, Su gets both of you in a hold and its really amusing! (+1 Narusegawa Rep)then Shinobu and Kitsume walk in (-1 Shinobu Rep) and eventually, Motoko kicks your ass. (-1HP) 2. Motoko comes, but not to rescue, more to kick your ass! (-1HP) +1 Su Rep. She likes you very much! Choice 48: Time Rating: Fast 1. -1HP only you get an explaination about her brother. 2. -1HP, feisty little devil ain't she! +2HP (DST) -1 Narusegawa Rep Choice 49: Time Rating: Fast 1. -1 Narusegawa Rep 2. Nothing 3. -1 Narusegawa Rep and -1HP. Medical Power?! What a fool! Choice 50: Time Rating: Fast 1. +1 Su Rep, -1 Narusegawa Rep 2. -1 Su Rep Choice 51: Time Rating: Fast 1. -1 Su Rep, that approach never works. Trust me! 2. +1 Su Rep -2HP! What did you do to deserve that! **END OF GAME, If Su has under 7 Rep points, you get the Haruka Ending, 7 or 8 and you get Su's ending. Ooo that tribal feeling! ^_^** Date with Shinobu Choice 52: Time Rating: 1. Skip to next choice 2. +2HP (DST) You recieve thet Tokyo U prep book. It recovers 2HP! How sweet! This is a path through her diary, a good reason to use the prep book. Everytime she says something, you sorta get depressed. Everytime that happens, it's -1HP. When you first meet her: -1HP, she said it's horrible. The Farewell Party: -1HP due to some decking from Narusegawa. Damn! Motoko's Return: Shinobu was too late to save you. -1HP Shinobu's Laundry mess up: -1HP, Narusegawa doesn't like cross-dressers! >=) Choice 53: Time Rating: Medium 1. Use Prep Book 2. Don't! Your Job with that Archeologist: -1HP for breaking pots! The boat trip: -1HP for wrecking boats. Stupid boy! **END OF GAME: I Think if you survive this ordeal, then you get Shinobu's Ending!** Test with Kitsume Not a date but a quiz! Hope you were following! If not here are the answers Choice 54: Time Rating: Medium 1. +1 Kitsume Rep 2. **END OF GAME: Haruka Ending, what were you thinking!** Q.1: How many floors in Dorm? 1. One: -1HP (count again) 2. Two: -1HP (dumbass) 3. Three: +1 Kitsume Rep 4. Four: -1HP (its not a hotel anymore!) Q.2: In this Game, I was a... 1. Princess: Doesn't take pretty roles! (-1HP and -1 Kitsume Rep) 2. Catfighter: Thats Su (-1HP and -1 Kitsume Rep 3. Summoner: Well Done (+1 Kitsume Rep) 4. Bunnygirl: I've never heard of this game, but nmo bunnys here! (-1HP and -1 Kitsume Rep) Q.3: When you were on vacation with Naru, you took a picture, what was she wearing on her head? 1. A Hat: Correct 2. A Ribbon: Not that fancy! (-1HP) 3. Nothing: Not that trampy! (-1HP) Q.4: Who made this food? 1. Narusegawa: -1HP and -1 Su Rep. It was her cooking! 2. Shinobu: How insulting! -1HP and -1 Su Rep 3. Su: Nothing (DST) Q.5: What question were we on? 1. Four: -1 Kitsume Rep (Count again) 2. Five: Correct +1 Kitsume Rep 3. Six: Too many -1 Kitsume Rep Q.6: Who is Mokoto most afraid of? 1. Suu: Foolish! -1HP 2. Tori: Foolish! -1HP 3. Kame: Foolish! -1HP 4. Tama: Correct, even if the answer isn't obvious! (unless you watch the cartoon or know Japanese, its the turtle!) 5. Baka: Foolish! -1HP Q.7: Who's Skirt are you pulling here (not in a perverted way mind you!) 1. Narusegawa: Nope and thats a punch for you! (-1HP) 2. Motoko: Nope and she's mad! (-1HP) 3. Kitsume: -1 Kitsume Rep and she orders her troop (Su) to attack (-1HP) 4. Shinobu: -1 Shinobu Rep, but it's the correct answer. Good one! Q.8: What was for lunch? 1. How am I supposed to know?!: Clever, but wrong. +1 Kitsume Rep and -1 Shinobu Rep, also -1HP 2. Fish: -1 Shinobu Rep and -1HP for your wrong judgement of food. 3. Curry Rice: Right on! But you still get a decking from Su. +1 Su Rep, -1HP Choice 55: Time Rating: Medium 1. -1 Kitsume Rep 2. +1 Kitsume Rep **END OF GAME: Right then, if she has 6+ Hearts you get her ending, if not, you get the two guys ending (brrr....)** Date with Motoko (OK, your gonna get plummeled, but by whom?!) Choice 56: Time Rating: Fast 1. -1HP (She hates being a lady. Touchy!) 2. +1 Motoko Rep and -1HP Choice 57: Time Rating: Fast 1. -1HP and -1 Narusegawa Rep. Ouchies! 2. -1HP Choice 58: Time Rating: Fast 1. Nothing, Skip to Choice 60 2. -1 Kitsume Rep, -1 Su Rep 3. +1 Motoko Rep, -1 Shinobu Rep, Skip to Choice 60 Choice 59: Time Rating: Fast 1. -1HP, Back to Choice 58 2. -1HP, Back to Choice 58, is she a posh lady or what?! 3. -1HP don't dive into people's history! Back to Choice 58 Choice 60: Time Rating: Fast 1. Skip to Choice 62 2. -1 Narusegawa Rep Choice 61: Time Rating: Fast 1. +1 Shinobu Rep 2. -1HP, +1 Kitsume Rep, 3. -1HP, +1 Su Rep, Almost a total K.O with her Mecha-Tama's! DAMN! 4. -1HP (DST) Choice 62: Time Rating: Medium 1. +2 Motoko Rep! How Nice of you!, but the offer is daft. -1HP and -1 Narusegawa Rep. 2. +1 Motoko Rep, not that kind but kind enough. Still, you get decked and Narusegawa still hates you. (-1HP and -1 Narusegawa Rep) 3. Same as the last but without the Motoko Reps. Damn! (-1HP and -1 Narusegawa Rep) **END OF GAME: Cause You care for her, its an automatic Mokoto ending! Well done! That is if its over 4 Rep Hearts. If not it's the two blokes ending.** Date with Mutsumi (I can't help you here as I ran out of saves, but your aim with this ending is to get it so that Mutsumi has more hearts than Narusegawa. If Narusegawa has more hearts, you get her ending. Not the desired effect as you might think. Date with Sara You're actually babysitting her for a while. I can't help you with the first bit, but the control character bit i can. Controled bit Locations of Girls: Ground Floor: Shinobu (Kitchen) (Talk to once, nothing happens) Sara (Lobby) (After you talk to everyone at least twice) First Floor: Kitsume (Talk once, -1 Kitsume Rep, Talk twice nothing. Why -1 K rep? Sara broke her priceless Atari! ARGH!) Second Floor: Motoko (Talk once, You find Sara has broken her ancient scrolls Talk twice nothing) Narusegawa (Talk once, -1HP for accused intruding, Talk twice nothing) Su (Nothing) **END OF GAME, You need a lot of Rep hearts from her. 7 or 8 to be precise, Any lower and its Haruka's ending for you** MAXIMUM HEART LEVELS OK, Not everyone can get the 8 Heart wonder, but most can. The only one who in fact can't is Mokoto. Everyone else can get 8 although Narusegawa and Shinobu are the easiest, Kitsume isn't that difficult Sara and Su are probably the hardest to get to eight as it is needed to get their endings. Mutsumi isn't that hard but you have to be careful of Narusegawa's rep level. By the way, the maximum Mokoto can get is 6 Hearts. but 4 Hearts guarrenties her ending. 6 is like her 8... SPECIAL THANKS TO... Whoever made the Cartoon: For the inspiration on this game. I never saw the cartoon but it might be ok. LHA Project - for making those patches! I needed them badly cause otherwise I'd be missing out on a good game! (P.S I'm sorry i got mixed up on who made it. Also had some problems with several technical issues. I hope you guys are relieved now!) Darkstalker - For posting the patch onto where I got it. GBAETC Forums - For allowing people to put links on forums. The rom and the patch. If you have any questions please email me at the address below, also suggestions for my next FAQ are welcome (Dreamcast or GBA only.). I usually email you back within two days. If anyone has found something I haven't or if anything is wrong here, please email to clarify it with me. Much appriciated! A lot of people have asked for the PATCH URL. Here it is, copy and paste into your browser! This FAQ should only be found on the following sites. Any others are not being given permission Latest always on GAMEFAQS!: FAQ BY ZERO.EXE (It is also (C) Zero.EXE.) (