Matantei Loki, Raganarok: Gensou no Labyrinths The Mythical Detective Loki Ragnarok - The Labyrinths of Illusion Written by x_comp Version 1.00 October 2003 ============ Contents ======== 1. Introduction 2. Version History 3. Characters 4. The Menu 5. Battles 6. Prologue, Chapter 1 - The Mansion of Horror 7. Chapter 2 - The Rose Baron's Mansion 8. Credits, Conclusion & Contact Info =============== 1. Introduction =============== Matantei Loki was originally a serialised Manga done by Kinoshita Sakura. An Anime series was also shown by TV Tokyo consisting of 26 episodes. The head of Enjaku Detective Agency is the young man Detective Loki. His real identity was the Norse God of Mischief who was banished from the world of gods. He was sent away by the greatest god Odin who also took away his power, making Loki take the form of a young man. In order to return to his original form, Loki travels the human world to gather scattered "Akuki (Evil Aura)" but, Narukami (a Toll God) also follows him. Frey and Heimdall was given the command to eliminate him. In this game, the tricky Heimdall (AKA Higashiyama Kazumi) has asked Freya who possesses great power, to create a mysterious amusement world "Mystery Town". Loki gets taken there by Mayura because of her curiosity without knowing that it was Heimdal's trap. The RPG features: - Walk around on maps and gather hints by talking to people to solve all sorts of mysteries. - Enjoy an original story which involves all the characters from the popular Manga and Anime. - Solve the incidents that happen in Mystery Town. With each case, it appears Heimdal's powers is growing. Go on a journey to solve the mystery. Developer: J Wings Release Date: 16th October 2003 Price: 5800 Yen ================== 2. Version History ================== None. ============= 3. Characters ============= Characters in the order of appearance during the game. LOKI ---- A young detective who established the Enjaku Detective Agency. His real identity is that he the banished God of Mischief and is now solving cases that involve Akuki. DAIDOUJI MAYURA --------------- A natural girl who likes mysteries and is always cheerful. Curiosity is a great part of her and so she ends up with strange cases up to her neck. YAMINO RYUUSUKE --------------- Someone who is also poking his nose around at Loki's Enjaku Detective Agency. He likes cooking and he is a kind hearted young man. OOSHIMA REIYA ------------- An elementary school girl who adores Loki. Lives with her butler, Mino. NARUKAMI -------- In the same class as Mayura. Has a straight and enthusiastic personality. HEIMDALL (AKA, HIGASHIYAMA KAZUMI) ---------------------------------- The Norsen god, Heimdal in the form of a child. FREY ---- The Norsen god of good harvest. Also the older brother of the goddess of love and good harvest, Freya. =========== 4. The Menu =========== Pressing Start will give you the options: Save Restart chapter Choosing either option will ask you Yes/No. ========== 5. Battles ========== Battles take place using the game of Rock, Scissors and Paper (or Janken for short in Japanese). What happens is each side takes either offensive or defensive positions. During defensive position (blue Kanji appears above): Win - High damage. Draw - Medium damage. Lose - Low damage. During offensive position (red Kanji appears above): Win - Little damage. Draw - Medium damage. Lose - High damage. ============================================== 6. Prologue, Chapter 1 - The Mansion of Horror ============================================== Loki: Hey, I'm the head of the Enjaku Detective Agency, Loki. It's the first time I've met you huh? It's a secret but, the truth is, I'm the Norsen God of Mischief, Loki. Various things happened in the world of gods so I'm working as a detective in the human world. Right now, my powers have fallen so I'm in the form of a child... I'm really a nice looking guy like this who uses Lune Magic. In the form of a child, I feel kind of weird but... Well, thanks to strange events happening at this Engaku Detective Agency so.. I'm thinking I won't get bored... Mayura: Loki-kun! Loki-kun! Loki: Looks like Mayura's come with a case. I hope it's not a boring one. Mayura: Loki-kun, look look! These leaflets came through into my home. Loki: Mayura, I've got lots of those leaflets too. All over the house too. Mayura: What?! All over the house~? ...That's odd. Well, doesn't matter. This will be quick then. Leaflets: If you solve the mysteries of Mystery Town then your dream will come true! It's your greatest chance! Mayura: Wonderful!! It's a mystery. A mystery! Loki-kun, lets go together! Loki: No, I'm not really interested in those sort of things. Right, Yamino-kun... Yamino-kun? Ryuusuke: ...Loki-sama. This may.. Provide the top class ingredients for your meals. You'll be able to eat as much as you want. I think it's a chance to make your dreams come true... Mayura: See. Yamino-kun thinks so too. You have to go! ...Or are you not confident that you can solve the case? Loki: !? Not confident? There's no mystery that I can't solve. Mayura: Then it's decided! Loki: ...Now look here... Mayura: Lets go~ Loki: Ah, hey Mayura. Quit tugging me. Reiya: Hello. It's Reiya! Huh? Is Loki-sama going out? Mayura: Reiya-chan! Lets go to Mystery Town together! Reiya: OK! If Loki-sama's going, I'm going too! Ecchan: Punya~n (Ecchan's going too!) Ryuusuke: Looks like it'll turn out to be a nice holiday. Narukami: Hey, Loki. Listen and be surprised! There's something strange around here. Ryuusuke: Ah, Narukami-san... You're here too... Narukami: Loki. It says how our dreams will come true if the mystery is solved. I want a live where I can eat as much as I want. With this, I can say farewell to this poor life of mine. Hey, you listening to me, Loki? WHERE are you going? Loki: Narukami-kun, I'm going to that Mystery Town. Hey Mayura, I said quit tugging me. Narukami: Wait, Loki. I'm going too! Chapter 1 - The Mansion of Horror Heimdal: Hey, Furei. Is this really alright? Is Loki coming? Furei: Hahaha, there won't be any problems. He'll definitely come to this mysterious labyrinth without hesitating. Heimdal: Without hesitating? You mean Loki's girl? (In Japanese, the subject is often not used. Furei didn't use a subject so he wasn't really specific about who he was talking about.) Hey, Loki's the one I want to call here! Not Mayura! Ah, Loki will get brought here too huh. Furei: Hahaha, there won't be any problems. Heimdal: Hahaha, Loki... This time I'll make you lose. I look forward to making you suffer. Furei: Hahaha. Ahahahaha! Heimdal: Hahaha. Wahahahaha! Loki: Look, we're lost now because you kept dragging me, Mayura! Huh? Mayura~? Where are you? Hmmm? Everyone's gone? Mayura: Loki-kun, I can't find the exit in this mansion. I'll go look for it so you look for it too. Well, I'm off~ Talk to the guy outside the door. Guy: Hmmm? You're a detective aren't you? Haha. You were dragged along here too? Loki: Since you're saying that, it means you too huh. Guy: Well, I wouldn't normally come out when I get called by a cute girl. Loki: Yeah, you're right. Guy: Hey, you're working as a detective right? It seems this place is called the Mansion of Horror. Loki: Mansion of Horro? Guy: Yeah. I don't know what's so scary about it but maybe it's hard to find the exit. Loki: Can't find the exit? Nothing big to be scared about. Guy: That's right, detective. Well, lets take it easy and look for it. Loki: You're right. Guy: Ask the people around here to find the exit. Go into the room to your right with the yellow door and talk to the guy there. Loki: Oh, it's you Masumi-chan! Masumi: You again. I cam here for work. Not because I came to play and got lost. Loki: Wow. So you mean this case involves the police? What kind of case? Masumi: Uh. Nothing. A job's a job. The incident will happen afterwards! Loki: OK OK. Well, do your best and find the exit. It's work after all. Leave the room and go to the room to your left with the brown door. Talk to the girl with the blonde hair. Girl: Males have to be good looking after all. I don't want males with glasses coming from the room with the white door. Loki: Male with glasses? Means Narukami-kun huh. He's going to get a shock again if he heard that. He is a Toll God after all... Girl: Loki-sama, please come with me. Uldo Nee-san is waiting. Loki: Uldo huh... If you guys are involved then it won't be something good. Girl: Loki-sama, please don't say that. I'm a fan of Loki-sama. Loki: I know... You said a room with a white door was it? Girl: Yes. Uldo Nee-san is in the room with the white door. Leave from the corridor to the west. You'll find Furei there. Talk to him. Furei: I'm just passing by. Loki: You're thinking of something as usual... There's the white door, go into it and talk to Uldo. Girl: Loki-sama, please talk to everyone in this mansion first please. You haven't talked to everyone yet. Enter the right room with the purple door and talk to Heimdall. Heimdall: You're bored right? Why not play a game with me? Loki: !? Heimdall? I see. This is you and Frey's doing huh? Heimdall: Who knows... I not going to say anything about it. Loki: My my. You're ways of doing things never change. Leave through the corridor to the right. Talk to the guy there. Guy: Have you found the inspector? Loki: You mean Masumi-chan? What's wrong? Guy: He just got lost right away... And he's the one who said he'll go search himself. Now he's gone. Loki: It's hard being a subordinate huh. Do you best. Go into the red door and talk to the girl. Veldandy: Loki-sama. If you want to talk to me.. Talk to Uldo Nee-san please. Loki: Veldandy, you're always over emphasizing things huh. Veldandy: Oh, what do you mean? Hohohohoho. Leave and go to the room with the brown door. Talk to Reiya there. Reiya: Loki-sama. I'm coming with you. Loki: Yeah. But I have to find the exit first. Reiya: OK. Leave by the west corridor then go into the room with the blue door. Talk to the guy there. Guy: Hey, don't get Mayura into weird things. Loki: Mayura's papa came too? Aren't you tired today? Guy: Hmm? I can sense something bad... Oh no, I feel dizzy. Loki: Wouldn't it be better if you went home quickly? Guy: Yes yes, you're right. Leave room and enter the room with the purple door. Speak to Ecchan. Ecchan: Loki-tan, Loki-tan. Loki: You're looking too? Thanks. You're the best~ Ecchan: Punya~n. Leave by the east corridor and then go into the white door room to talk to Uldo again. Leave by the west corridor past Frey. Go into the green door room and speak to Mayura. Mayura: Loki-kun, it's hard to find the exit huh. But I'll try finding it somehow. Leave it to me, Mayura-chan! Loki: Mayura, you don't have to push yourself. More importantly, don't go to strange places. It'll be a lot of work finding you afterwards. Leave the room and talk to Narukami. Narukami: Hey, Loki. You just have to talk to everyone. Isn't that simple? Loki: Narukami-kun, please don't do anything stupid. Narukami: I said I know. Go into the room to the right to find Ryuusuke and talk to him. Ryuusuke: Thanks for working hard, Loki-sama. I've asked people too but... Loki: Thanks, Yamino-kun. Just take it easy and look. Ryuusuke: Saying that makes me impressed. Leave by the east corridor. Go into the red door room and talk to Veldandy. Veldandy: Loki-sama, you've talked to Uldo Nee-san haven't you? Then... I'll give you a hint... Please try going to the room where Skuld is. Loki: Skuld? Where is she I wonder. Veldandy: Who knows? I wonder now. Hohohohoho. Loki: Veldandy. Can't you do anything about that personality? Veldandy: OK. If you say that then I'll give you another hint. There's a different girl where Skuld was. This is enough right? Leave by the west corridor. Then go back through it 4 times. Go into the white room door and talk to Uldo. Uldo: You've talked to everyone now, haven't you. ...The minds of people are things that change easily... With time, people's minds will change... If their minds change, their words will change... Leave by the west corridor then go back 4 times. Enter the room with the brown door and talk to the girl there. Girl: You know, the key to the exit is in a room somewhere. Just ask Koutarou. Loki: I see. You're the girl that's dating with Kou-chan huh. Ask Kou-chan huh. OK, thanks. Leave the room and talk to Koutarou. Koutarou: Hey, detective. Hmm? The room with the key? You can just go ask that girl that's with you all the time. Loki: Mayura? Thanks, Kou-chan. Leave through the west corridor and go back twice. Go into the green door room and talk to Mayura. Mayura: Loki-kun, listen, listen! I've finally solved it. I'm amazing huh. Maybe I'm a famous detective high school girl after all? There's an exit in the room with the red door. That's what the girl with the long hair said. Loki: Red door? Long hair girl? ...Veldandy huh. Just as I thought. Veldandy was hiding it. Leave by the east corridor and go to the red door room. Talk to Veldandy. Heimdall: Hey, Frey. Is this really alright? It seems that Loki's solved the case already. Frey: Hahaha, really... Just as I thought... The desert after the meal seems to be Taiyaki. Lets finish the game with a battle! I'll explain! This battle is where you knock each other out. If the enemy's point drops to 0, you win! The water colour gauge are the points. If you win in Janken, the gauge will lower. (Janken - Rock, Scissors, Paper) That's it for the explanation. Do you best. After you win you complete chapter 1. ======================================= 7. Chapter 2 - The Rose Baron's Mansion ======================================= Mayura: We finally got out. I wonder what's next? Ryuusuke: Lets see, everyone's scared huh. Oh? It seems only Narukami-kun's not here... Narukami: Hey, Megane. I'm here. (Megane - Common name used to refer to people with glasses) Ryuusuke: !! Ah, I see. You're here... Reiya: Looks like something will begin. Walking into a place... Old man: Welcome, the ones who will be heroes. I am the rose baron of this mansion. I've hidden an article "The Ring That Creates Feelings" somewhere in my mansion. I will give you that ring as a present if you find it. The ring will open the door to te next path for you. But there are a lot of tricks in my mansion. Just keep your mind at it, ones to be heroes. Come now. Into the Labyrinth of Illusion. Wahahahahaha. Loki: A treasure hunt after the mansion with no exit huh... Man, what is that Heimdall thinking... Mayura: Seems fun. Right, Roki-kun? Loki: ...I envy you, Mayura. You can take everything so well. Mayura: But it's more fun if you think that it's fun isn't it? Loki: Well, you're right... So, that's something I'll learn from Mayura then. Ryuusuke: You're cool, Loki-sama. Reiya: You're wonderful, Loki-sama! Ecchan: Punya~n! Narukami: So, what shall we do first, Loki? Loki: What we have to do is simple. If there's people around, ask them. If there's a place that's seems suspicious, check it. Narukami: Alright~ Wait for me, treasure!! Go into the room with the brown door to the far west where there's a guy walking about. If you talk to the guy there, he'll say that he hasn't found anything yet but the first clue should be here. If you check the clock, it's pointing to 12 o'clock. Check the bookcase with the grey books to get the red key. So, now you have the red key, go to the red door room. If you talk to the man with the hat, he'll say the clock is suspicious but he doesn't know what it is even if he examines it. Go to the clock and you'll find it's also pointing to 12 o'clock. Go to the fireplace to find the blue key. Go to the blue room now. Go to the grandfather clock to find it pointing to 8'clock. Reiya: Loki-sama. It's only this clock that has a different time. Loki: Reiya, you noticed it well. Narukami: Lets make it the same as the other clocks. Alright Megane, fix the handle. Ryuusuke: !! OK! Lets see... ...I've fixed it to 12 o'clock. Mayura: Ah, the door opened. We done it! If you go into the new room, you'll find a red door but it's locked. Leave and return to the main hall. Leave the mansion and make your way to the statue in the center. You'll find a black key there. Go through the exit in the southwest of the maze at the bottom. Go into the room to the far west first and open the box in the room. You'll find piece 4 of a small statue in it. Leave the room and then go into the next room to the right. Talk to the guy and he'll say there seems to be a door hidden here. But, no matter how many times he checks the walls and bookcases, it can't seem to find it. Return to the maze and make your way through the exit to the east. Go in and go to the black door room to the far west. Go in to find piece 5 in the box. Leave the room and go to the next room to your right. You'll find piece 1 of the statue there. Piece 2 in the center room and the the last piece in the next. Now go to the far east room and use the stand in the middle to put the pieces together to make a complete statue. Go back to the far east room and go through the white door to the north, you'll find Relief piece no. 2 near the painting. To be continued... ===================================== 6. Credits, Conclusion & Contact Info ===================================== If anyone wants to use this FAQ on their own site or for any other purposes, please leave everything in this guide intact. And if anyone wants to contact me, feel free to do so by sending an e-mail to kaworu_sangaku(at)